Ordinance No. 109• ORDINANCE NO. 109 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT NO LICENSE FEE SHALL BE REQUIRED OF ANY PRODUCER OR LESSEE UPON THE RE- WORKING OF ANY OIL OR GAS WELL WITHIN THE CITY OF BAYTOWN IF SAID REWORKING BEGINS WITHIN SIX (6 ) MONTHS OF THE ORIGINAL DRILLING OPERATIONS AND, PROVIDED-FURTHER, THAT A LICENSE FEE HAS BEEN PAID FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF SAID ORIGINAL DRILLING OPERA- TIONS; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: Section 1. No License Fee Required. THAT no license fee shall be required of any producer or lessee, for the privilege of reworking any oil or gas well within the City of Baytown if said reworking begins within six (6) months of the original operations and, provided further, that a license fee has been paid for 0 the privilege of said original drilling operations. Section 2. Definition. THAT the term "producer or lessee" shall mean and include any subsequent producer, lessee assignee, or grantee; provided that the six (6) months' period that is provided for in Section 11 supra, shall not be extended. Section 3. Right of Council. THAT the City Council of the City of Baytown shall have the right to determine what constitutes "reworking" of a well and, also, what constitutes "drilling operations." Section 4. Repealing Clause. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsist- ent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided, however, that • such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency, and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect immediately after an affirmative vote by the majority of the city council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown on this the 25th day of January, 1951. LLL 4�_2_ J. A. ard, Mayor ATTEST: • ;~'dfa Oliver, City Clerk 0 1I 11 u COUNTY OF HARRIS STATE OF TEXAS Befor e, he undersigned authority, on this date personally came and ap- peared _____ _j_S _I__ _ ___ ____, duly recognized agent of The Daily Sun, a daily newspaper published in se Cre Harris County, Texas, and who after being duly sworn, says that the attached notice was published in The Daily Sun of ______ _ _ _�'Jt__1 q5--1 _______________ _________ ----------- ---- ---- •------ -- - - - - -. . Sworn and subscribed r before me this ................. :7:- day .__•__ .................. A. D. 194 J._�__ - -- U -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Notary Public, Barris County, Texas BEULAH MAE JACKSON Notary public, in and for Harris County, Texas ORDER AND NOTICE OF ELECTION i THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF IIARRIS ' CITY OF 13A YTOWN ELECTION ORDER 1. J. A. Ward, rlayor of the City of { Baytown. Texas by virtue of the power ceded in me by law and Pursuant to the i ordima ace duly passed by the city council on the .15th day of January, 1951, to i hereby order that tilt election be held in ' the City Of D.3YtOwll. On April 3. 1961. 't icing 111 fl['91 T ie.Sciny itlereof for the pu rPose of electing the followlag officers of scad city: j 1 rlayor from the City at Isrf=e it OneCOUncflman from District No. 2 One Councilman from District NO. 3. Onc Cou ncil111:1 It from District No. G i and. thnl .1a ltd election shall be held at the follotcing places in said city, ann the follotrMng named persons me hereby aPPOinted nfflcials thereof, to."-it: PTTCi11CL No, J9 Polling Place— Franta %rotor Company. officials: Year, Cash_ ` river, Judge antl Presiding Officer: :tits. C. J- Bailey. Assistant .fudge; Mrs. Sam -, erbert, Assistant Judge. Precinct \O. too. Polling Place—ll'ill:en- fchl's furniture CO. Officials: dies. C. J. - 'arstey'. Judge and Presiding Officer; j ..irs. J. C. Levers, Assistant .lunge; Mrs. d :wale Lansford Ass13tant .lodge. j Prccniuct NO. 1.01, ,Polling Place —City 11x11. Officials: \1rs. J. W. Riggs, Judge :nut Presiding Offleer; -Mrs. E. 1,1. SIal;te- A:;sfstant Judge; Mrs. Frank Moore, , \s• i Shtatlt Judge, Precinct No. 102 PO1ldnR Place— dlesi_ c, Recreation liall. Officials: Nat Pace„ I ,ledge and presiding Officer: S. P. Lark - Ins. Assistant Judge; R. R. Baines, 'As- Sdslant Judge, i Precinct. -NO. 1,19, Polling Place —San • lacinto F lementar'y' School. Officials: J. :: odder Read, Judge and Presiding Officer: Charles 1. Jones, Assistant Judge; J. Ii. Henderson Assistant Judge. ? CLECTION NOTICE 'rite Chief of Pollee is hereby directed 'Ind Instructed to post a properly executed -DY of this order and nol[cc of clec- [fon at the folto,ving public places where this election will he held. Salrl notir.e shall 1 I:e Posted thirty (30) days beforO the dale of caid election. Fran t:t Motor Company Wfll:enfeld's Furniture Company City Hall Mcxica, Recreation hall M San Jacinto Elementary School Signed and executed this the 261h day Of Janu. ].051 - j J. A. IVArl), Mayor. ATTEST: EDNA OLIVER —City Clerk I Jan. 29 -2-