Ordinance No. 98� ORDINANCE NO4 AN ORDINANCB PMVIDING FOR FIRE LIIMITS9 AND REGUTATIONS GOVERNING THE CONSTRUCTIONS, ALTERATIONS, BQUIPIOR AND REMOVAL OF DU1t INGS AIM STRUCTURES WITHIN THE CITY LIMS OF BAYr07.Ny TEXAS; REMLING ORDINANCES INCON- SISTENT HMZ=Hj CU11Pi'AININO A PMAI.TY CIAOSES FRDVII2�* ING YOR A SA,VINOS CLAUSE AND THE EFFECTIVE DATE 1000FO BE jr ORDADW BY TM CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HAYTOWNs Section 1: 8 so No building or structure shall hereafter be cons muted$ altered# or removed9 nor sb311 the equipment for the operation of a buildi.ngg struo- tore or premises be constructed# installed, altered or removed9 except in conformity with the provisions of this 02dinanceo Section 2; Outside Fire Limit Area or Zone Noo l and Fire Limit/Area or Zone Noe 22, one family dwellings and one and two apartment dwellinvs# used exelusive3y for residences# are hereby exempted from this ordinance mind its provisions kept as fol3,m s No frame residential building or garage may be built less than five (5) feet from a side or rear property line with these exceptionas (1) If at least a ten .foot (100) easement has been granted in a rear or side property line# this restriction shall not apply to the property line adjacent theretoo (2) A garage located not less than ten feet (10 v) from a residence may be located not less than two feet (2 S) from a side or rear property linen (3) residence and garage are attached so as to be fte buildings the unit thus conaidered must be not less than five feet (5e) ®` from rear or side, property lines (4) AU separate_ frame buildings located on the same property vhieh are used as residential property must be not less than ten feet (10 e) apart. c 5eetiork 31 Fire Limits of the Cite of Mom; The fire limits of the City of Bsytwn shall be Fire .Limit Area or Z= Noo 1 and Fire Limit Area or Zone Non 2 as defined In that certain Ordinance Noe n adopted by the City Council on the 19th day of January; 1950a reference to which is hero made4 Section 42 Buiidj 0ffiaialo L Appointment, D(a)o Tho office of building official is hereby created and 'the executive official in charge shall be known as the building officialo I* • 10 We The building official shall be appointed by the City Manager$ subject to approval b7 the City Counailo f (s); During teVorary absence or disabillty of the building official the City Ibn$ger shall designate an acting building officialo 20. Dutiesa It shall be the duty of the building official to enforce all I= relating to the constructions alterations removal and demolition of bui34ings and stpotbreso 30 Rule90 (a)o The building official shall prdmlgato irulesp subject to apparorl� val by the City Councils as prescribed in this ordinance and consistent thesearith9 It being the Intent of requirement that the provisiona of this ordinance shall serve as a guide in fixing the minimnm rules of practice under this ordinanbeo (b)a. For the purpose of securing for the public the benefits of new developments in the building industry and yet insuring public safetye the build ing official shah- make or cause to be made investigationep or may accept duly authenticated reports from ?recognised eva.raeap of new materials or modes of. constructions inter4ed for use in the construction of buildizge or structures in the municipality #icb are.- not provided,,j* ,ia this ordinance# and shall 7rcmIgate.rules setting ftth the conditions under which such materials or modes of eonstruation may be used, any such rules shaii be subject to approval. by tho City Ccuncilo (0)4 No rule of the building official shall become effective until approved by the City Council and passed according to the requirements of Article lip Section 29s of the City Chartero WO, Rules promulgated as herein provided.shall have the same force and effect as provisions of this ordinanceo (e) 4y.-rule may be amended or repealed by the same lrocedure pr°esoribed for the adoption of new rules a Soot ion 5j Pe�it s A rnaggl iora .A_ and_ Post ink_ of L ve � loads b .. re+enw�i rnr.�.� rrrw __. - - f (s,); No building or structure shall hereafter be built: enlarged p altered or moved without a permit from the building officialq who may require a plan of the ,proposed 70k4 together with a statement of the materials to be usede (b)b The buildingzeial shall inspect all buildings or structures darL ­:" tronstruction to see that the .provisions of law -airs eomplied with and that OrIII,,V,truction is prosecuted. safelye. ,- never in his opWo% by reason of defective or illegal work in violation of a provision .of this ordinance the continuance of a building operation 1s contrary to public welfare# he may order a.11 further work to be stopped and may requift suspension of work until the condition in violation has been remediedo (a)o The live load for which each floors or part of a.92oors of a business building: or storage building is designed and approved shall be zonspieucus3y posted in that part of the story to which it a4liesv (d)o Any persons firm or corporation -to whom a building permit Is issuedg. before said 'permit is issueds shall pay to the City o.4.Baytown as a building perAt fee the:. sum 'of One ($2.00) Dollar for each One ,Thousand ($110000o00) Dollars worth of improvements., or portion thereofs to be constracted under the terms of the permit] provideds however, that any institutions that are exempt from City taxes; mhsl3s, upon applications have any and all such fees refundedo Section da Unsafe. Buildings. W o A building or structure declared unsafe by duly constituted authority set up by the municipality may be restored to safe condition] provided that if the damage or cost of reconstruction our restoration is in excess of 50% of the value of the building or structures exclusive of foundations such building or structures if reconstructed or restoreds shall be made to conform with respect to materials and type of eonstiuctionq to the requirements for buildings and structures hereafter erected; but no change of use or occupancy shall be compelled by reason of such re= construction or restorations The term unsafe building shall include buildings strue- turallry unsafes unstable or unsanitary; inadequately provided with exit facilitiesp constituting a fire hazard] unsuitable or improper for the use or occupancy to which they -are puts constituting a hazard to health of safety because of inadequate maim tenance9 dilapidation# obsoleseense or"abandonmentf or otherwise dangerous to life or propertyo Section 7s Definit ions a Alterati.ong as applied to a building or structures means a change or rearrange- merit in the structural parts or in the exit facilities; or an enlargements whether by extending on a side or by increawing in heighty eat-the moving from one location or position to another$ the term "alterO in tte various moods and tenses and its particim pial fo*wj, refers to the making of an alteratioao Am sewnt device means a mechanically operated device Which is used to convey persons Li any direction as a form °ot amusement o Mdmsnt means a roams Or a suite of two or more roams, in a residence building 01.;=:apied as the how or residence of -an indivfduala family or household s -i-3- A ved as applied to a imterials device or ride of conatzuetione meana -approv°- ed by the bii1ding official. under the proylsions of this oWInaaoeq or by other- euth°° ority designated by law try give aWoaal 4h the matter in guestiono Area as applied to the dfmmxsions of ,a bi�ildiinga means the masinnam horizontal projected area of the bui7rlfng at grade* Aut omat ie fire alarm 2W .em meaty a syst em which Out omat ieal.ly detect a a fire con - dition and actuates a fire gdswl- devices Ham mew a story with floor Jowl 2 febt or more below finished gradoo Brick means a solid masonry unit having a shape approximating a rectangular primmg not larger than 12 by 4 by 4 lnoheso' A brick may be made of burned clay or shale® of Jim and sandq of cement and suitable aggregateag or of fire clay or other approved materialso Bum means a combination of materials to form a construction that ie wife and stable$ and adapted to permmumt or continuous occupancy for publics institutional# residences busineso or storage purpoeeal the term "but1ding" small be construed as it followed by the words "or part thereofo" For the purposes of this ordinances each portion of a building separated from other portions by a fire wall shall be considered as a separate bui3dineq Brill kS .- official means the officer or aefter designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of this ordimnceo or his duly authorized repro dentative6 Corporatlon Counsel.mehne the City Attorney of the City of Baytowni Dwelling means a building occupied exclusive3,y for residence purposes and having. • not more than two apartmenteg or as a boarding or rooming house serving not more than 15 persons with meals or sleeping accommodations or botN E?3re resistance rat ink means the time in hours that the material or con.st rust ion .a rdn Withstand exposure to fireb Fire retardant ceil.inG means a ceiling construction which has been proved by tea as satinfectoty for use as ceiling protection for a floor,or roof construction which hag. a firre resistance rating of not Less than one hours Fire retardant treated 3nmber trans lumber` which 'has been treated by a pressure impregnation process to give a flame spread c]assification of 50 or less according to `k the method for the "Fire ward Classification of Building %terials" of Undercriters9 I6boratorSoa,q Tncoa and which is shown to be so classified by a certificate or kbel •Issued Ey. Underwriters' laboratorieso' Gage mans a buildings shed or enclosures or a part thereafq in which a motor vorhiclecontainin# a flammable fludd in its fuel storage tqnk9 is stored# housed$ kept -4- { a -rith reference to a buildingg means ften the curb level has been ostab* lisheda the roman . elation of the crib level oppW1te those galls that are located on$, 03+ par6llal with and within 35 feet of street lines# ore when the curb level has not been estabiisbedy or all the walls of the building are more than 15 feet from street linosg agrade° means the mean elevation of the aground adjoining the building on aU sides &bitable r000u means a room occupied by one or more persone for lfvingo eating or ,sl.eepingp and includes kitchens, serving Oartments or individual honeeho]dte but does vi not include bathroomso toilet compartments- laundriase serving and Storage pant34egg cor*dorss basement and other spaces that' are trot, used frequently or during =tended periodeo. Ehe� as applied to a buildup means the vertical distance from grade to the highest finished roof ourface in the rase of flat roofas. or to a point at the aVqrage • helght of roofs having a pitch or more than one foot in 4 feet) Dheighto of a bul2i4� ing in stories does not include basementss, except that ini,sahaol buildings of ordinarye Z noncombustible or -good frame constructions, the basement shall be deemed a story Wh9n used for purposes other than storage or hoatlMo Bea as applied to a vrall.s,. means the veitical distance to the top measured from th6'16nndation wa3.%9 or from a gW'er or_othOr inmuediate support of auah wall., HolloW msso gpA means a mas=7 unit Vrhose net ereaemseetional area in aqq plane parallel to the bearing surface is less than 75 per cent of its grade OMOS,* sectional area measured in the same Plano* Lot mans a poAUn or parcel of land considered as a units devoted to a OaAain • use:or occupied by a building or a group of buildings that are Waited by a commob tereat -or rises, and the customary accessories and open spaces belonging to the c o.. Lot line means a line dividing one lot from anotherg or from a street or other public space* &Lm2Z means bricks, stones plain "tas. hollow blocks solid block or other slmtlar building units or .materials or combinations of theme bonded together v3th mo tare Reinforced concrete is not a assed as masonryu l►bltifam4ly house means .a building occupied as tho home or residence of Wivi6 duos families or households laving independently► of each others of vlAch three or Wre are doing 000king within their apaxtmenteJ including tenement houses apartment hdu643g �8ti c •IAo Gieiiiler the City Oil toim0 ace o8 assemb ► means a room or space in vhiirh piovis" Is made for tho Seat ►.ng of one hundred or more persons for rel gimu p recreational& educationa4 politiaalp social or amusemaht purposes or for the consumption of food or drink. Such room or space shall inolude any ocaupiled connecting room or space in the same story8,or in a story or stories above or ' belovil where , ent rape i.o comtori to the rooms or spaces d. I2gg bricated aeons composed of sections -qtr panels fabricated prior to erection on. t he building f oundat ion; means a vertical opening or passage through two or more floors of a build- ing or through floors and roof o Soles, so,n�ry means masonry consisting pt solid masonry unit 'a Uld contigafts y with the joints between the units: filled with mortars, or oonsisting of plain conereteo Solid masonry Wit means a masonry unit who &e net cross- seotional area in every Plane .parallel to the bearing surface is 75 per cent or more of its gross cross sectional area measured is the sa planeo sprinslered means equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler 'system properar • maintained Street y means any public thoroughfares atreete avenue$ boulevatd8 parkp lanes terraces concourse or apace 20 feet or more in width whieb has been dedicated or deeded to the public for public use* tggring vm ll means a nail which supports any vertical load in addition to its own Weightl cavitZ..Mll means a wall built of masonry units or of plain concretes or a com- bination of these materialeg so arranged as to provide an air space within the wallss " and in which the inner and outer parts of the Ball are tied, together with metal tied • faced wall means a wall in which the masonry faoAng and backing are so bonded as to exert common action under loads firee* ition means a partition constructed in accordance with ejection 258 for the purpose of restricting the spread of fire or to provide an area of refuge# but not necessarily continuous through all stories nor extended through the roof o fire ill meana a wall: constructed in accordance wdth section 238 for the pur- pose of subdividing a building or separating buildings to restrict the spread of Mve and which starts at the foundation and extends continuously through all stories to and above the roofe except where the roof is fireproof or semifireproof and the wall is carried up tightly against the under- side of the roof slab& foubdation 'Mn means a wen below the first f1wr extending below the adjacent • grou&- bevel and serving as support for s wan, pier, cola= or other structural part of a buildingl CM hollow. wall, of rnss=7 Means ra wan built of masonry as is so arrntei as to provide an air space within the vmUp and in which the inner and outer parts of the wall are bonded together with masonry nnitsg • n Baring wan nuns a van which supports no load other than its ovm weighty gLml _MM meana a bearing wall. built between .columns or piers and wholly supported at euoh stores Party wan means a vrall used or adapted for joint service between two buildings) veneered wall means a wan having a facing which is not7 attached and bonded to the backing so as to form an integral part of the wall for purposes of load bearing and stabi.l,ity o Section $1 CUssineat ion of . Qc6panoies b L Classes desighatede' Pbr the p ses of this ordinance, buildings are clas- aifiedo with respect to occupancy and` usep as pnblio buildings, institutional build,* ingsp residence buildi.ngea busyness builddings - and storage buildings* (a)IO Publics building means a building in which persone congregate for oivI4 politicalp edueationalp religious* social or recreational purposes) inclu4W awng others, arwriesp assembly hallsp auditoriuma, bath houseap bowUng alleyag ohurahesp city hallep 192ab rotes, CO218gesp court bousesp tbmce halls) qxhibition buildingsp grandstands* gpwalumsb lecture hallep librariesa Lodge roomap motion picture theaterep masers, passenger stations, recreation piers,. restaurants* schoolep skating rioksp -st04iuma and thsatarso (b)o `Tastitutional building means a building in thick persons are harbored to receive medical, charitable or other care or trwtmentp or in mhich persons are held or detained by reason of Public-or civic duty, or for correctional purposes$ in* Oluding among otbar9 esy2=jq homes for, the agedb hospitals* houses of correction infirmarias.b Sailer mmoriaa, orphaaagesp pencil institutions, reformatories ard. sanitar�a (o)a Realdence building* except when classed ae an institutional build,* ing§ means a building in which sleeping accommodations are providedi including among athers9 apartments club houses, convents, do rmitoriesq dwellings 9 hotels, lodging YmnaesA multi - family houses, studios and -tenements (d)I6: Business building means s building occupied for the transaction of busihdss� for the rendoAng of professional eetvicesp for the dispUy or sale of gOodab wares or n erohandiseg or for the performanoe of wm* or labori Including among others,* ba.keriesp. bankep bgrber eehops➢ tshemiaal laboratories* creameries g 0100tK -0 subat .tionsp factoriesi gafollne service 4ations8 ice plants, laboratoriesp luutd4b rige..3 markcetsp. office buildinges open air "'stores$ power plants# radio stations, smoke tr�usese storeeg telephone azebangese television stations and work ehgpad t • 0 (a)a .Storage building means a building for the housing' except for purely display purposes, of,ai:rpl*so automabilass railway cars or tither vehicles of tran$� portation, for the sheltering of hormp Uve stock or other animals# or exc3usively for the storage of goods9 Wares oar- merchandises, not excluding in any case offices incidental to such uses] including aMng others# baraaD cold Storages, freight depatss, garageso .gaaolins bulk sta ones grain elevatarep hangars and storage warehouseso 2e Mixed Occupancy. Where a minor portUn of a building is used for offices study, studio or other simglar purposes, the buimiftg Shan be classified as to oem— panty -on' the basis of the ma�ar used !U other cases where a binding is occupied for i two or more purposes Minot Iineluded in 'ogle alasse the' provisions of this code .apps to each alsss'of occupancy shan appv- to such parts of the building as come within that classi aind.if t�here should be conrUoting provisionse the requirements securing the greater Safety shall applya 3o Doubtful classi.ficationa Sri case a building is not specifically provided fors or chore there is any uncertainty aele its classifications, its status shall be fixed by a duly promulgated rule giving due regard to safetyo Section 98 Classification cif Constructiono .a Apes designatede For the purposes of this ordinance, construction as used in buildings shell be classified as follaws a (a)a Fireproof COnstritatibno (b)o Semifireproof Constructiono (e )O Heavy Timber Constrvctiona (d)o OW nary Constraotiono (e)a Mir- Combustible Constraatioino (f)o Wood Frame Construction* (g). frotected ?metal Construvtiono` Section 101 Restrictions on Construction vdthin the Fire Limits-o 1* Gen ral restrictionso Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5 of this sections, no building or atructure of good frame construction or of unprotected ustal awmtruartion Shall be orected within the limits established by lavr as the Fire Umiteo o Alt eration$o (a)o Within the fire limits no building or structure of woad Prams cons- traction or of unprotected metal aonstruation shall be hereafter increased- in haiBM6 (3)a Within the fire litito no building or structure of food frame cons-* • truatl,;�n or of unprotected metal construction shall be hereafter a tWded on WW sid$g tciiL -ss the construction of such extenslon oonforms to the requiremahts of this ordio name for now con$truotiono • • Wo within the Fire limits no other building or 'structure shall be here- after extended on any side by wood frame, construction or unprotected metal eonstmetiona (d)a Nothing in this section shall prohibit other alterations within the 0 Plan limits$ provided there is no change of occupancy to a class of occupancy Other* wise prohibited* 30 Moving buildingso No building of Wood frame rtonstruction. or unprotected metal construction shall hereafter be moved from without to within the fire limits or within the fire l.imitso i, 4. 10ubtful loo bolo A babdin or structure shall. be deBIDsid to be within the fire Limits if one- third or mare of the area -of such building or structure 18 located thereino 50 &eeptionsb Nothing in this section shall prohibit within the fire limits and subdgoct to the specifies limitations- the erection of now buildings or structures9 nor'the extension or enlargement of heretofore erected buildings or struaturesp of wood fray construction or unprotected metal .constructionp -as follow (a)o A building of wood fume construction or of unprotected metal conb strnetion occupied ezc2usively as a private garage or stable# not more than one story in height nor more than 500 square feet in areaq located on the same lot with a dwellingi provided that such building shall be placed at least 3 feet from the lot . lines of adjoining propertyo (b)a Oreenhouses not more than 15 feet in height erected on the same lot with an accessory to a dwelling or a storao (e).o Builder-s' shanties for use only in connection with a duly authorized • building aperstion and located on the same lot with such building.operationp an a lot immediately adjoini.ng9 on an upper floor of the building under aonstructionj or on a sidewalk Wwd a (d)e Piazzas or balconies on dweliingap not exceeding 10 feet in width nor extending more than 3 feat above the second'stary f1mr bead provided that; no such structure el-all be located nearer than 3 feet to an adjoining lot line or be joined to a similar structure of another buildingga (e)a Fences not exceeding 10 feet in heighto (f)o Display signs as provided in section -12-8 (a) and section 3$b Section lla Special_Oacupancy Rwmircd s f g..Con .ion* la Institutional buildingeo (a)o Institutional buildings for occupants involuntarily detained or bedridden shall be of fireproof construction or semifireproof eonstxuetiono 0 40 s 1 }e Institutional. buildings for occupants which art not inv'6UMAirily detained or bedriddens, what of other than fireproof construction or semifireproof constructions, oball not exceed 2 atoxtea in height and ' shall have floorsand Par-— titions with fire resistance ratings of no less than one hour and r#ith fare re, tardant ceilings under roofs# and if of wood frame cowltauction sh93. 1 not exaead 1 story In height nor 25030 square feet in area) pmvfded that buildings converted from mother oo,cnpanoy to such occupancy shall be exempt from these restrictions if sprinkler-ado 20 Theatree and motion picture theatres o (a)o Theaatres-w -A motion picture theatres Shall, be of fireproof construes ti on or semifireproof construction# except that portions of such buildings not-Over 1 story or over 45 feet in height may nave aodWtible roof construction if protected- by fire retardant ceilingso (b); No theatre or motion picture theatre shall: be located within or attached to a buildings of other occupancy uraess it is separated from such othW occupancies by galls and floors of nonoombustible construction having fire resistance ratings of not less than 3 hPIWs o 30 achoole# colleges# asseinbly hallaa dance halleg bowling alleysg and audit- toriums, over one story in height# shall have floors of not less than one -hour fire resistance* 6 wan and ceiling finish- In .public buildings and institutional buildings# and in all places of assembly aril exit m W.e therefrom# no combustible material shall be used as interior wall or ceiling finish which is of such a mature that n me mill spread over its surface more rapidly than over one -imh wood boards covered with ordinary paint or varmisho 1 r_- So Business and residence separation- In buildings of diher than fireproof or semifireproof construction portions classified -as of business occupancy shall be separated from portions classified as of residence occupancy by partitions having a fire resistance ratite of not lose than one hour and by fire retardant 4eilinga9 unless 'the business portion is eprinkleredo 6. Separation of dmellingso Ville or partitions separating 2 or mare dwel- lingo of other than fireproof or semifireproof construction shall consist of s form of construction having a--fire resistance ra ting of not less than ]. houl'o 70 ftKitions in multifamily houses* In multifamily houses partitions sepa- rating; apartMate or apartments from hallways or apartments from other occupancies ,and partitions separating stores from hallways or other ocaupancies shall have a _1006 fire resistance rating of not less than one hour# with openings equipped with QP- proved fire doors of With substantial metal or metal covered doors or solid wooden doom of the flush type of nominal thickness not less than l A inch* Section 12$ Hei ht Restrictfonso l.o Bea buildingso Jkcept as my be otherwise provided in subsection 8 of this section® no building hereafter erected shal2 exceed in height the limits fixed in this sectiono 2; Alterationao No building stall hereafter be altered so as to exceed the the limits of height fixed by this sectiono 30 Pablic buildingso For public buildings semlf'ireproof construction stal not exceed 75 feet9 except that public baildings which have an aocuPanoy of le8b than 100 persona above the 75—fact %rel may be unlimited in height] heavy timber construction$- 4 stories nor 55 feetq ordinary construction and non-0,0otbustible a+D • struction 3 stories nor 35 feet* kept that churches of such construction mfr be 45 feet but not.more than 2 storiesa, and that. schools of such construction shall be not, more than 2 stories highs, Ego, Institutional buil,dingse For institutional buildings semifireproof Con- at ion shall not exceed 75 feet; ordinary constructions heavy timber construction and noncombustible construction shall not exceed 2 stories nor 35 feetd 58 Residence buildings* For residence buildings* heavy timber construction shall not exceed 75 feet$ ordinary construction and nonocombustible construction shall not exceed 3-stories. nor 45 feet; provided that when the floors immediately over basements are of noncombustible construction having a fire resistance rating of not less than 2 hours$- ordinary construction may exceed these heights but shan - not exceed 4 stories nor feed and when in additiono in multifamily houses Whiah are subdivided by fine partitions into floor areas not exceeding 31-500 SgUft feet all other floors have a fire resistance rating of not less than one hoar$ ordinary ,epnetruction may bed, but shall tat exceedD 5 stories nor 65 feet Wood frame CWY-O struction and unprotected metal construction shall not exceed 2 stories nor 35 feet$ exceprt that dwellings other than prefabricated dwellings, shall not exceed 3 stOrieso 6e Bas.iness 'buildings,' Fbr business buildings semifireproof construction and heavy timer conatitwtion ahal- I nat exceed 25 feet except that for office buildings semifireproof construction shall be unlimited) ordinary construction and noneombus- tible 'aonstruAion 'shall- not qZ .4 stories nor 50 feet* 76 Storage buildings* For storaIe buildings semiftreproof construction shall not eaaedd 50 feed-- .q;dinary eonstxuatione heavy timber construction and noncabus- 4-,U- • -` • tible construction shall -not egdsed 95 feet* prided that in buildings which AM . sprinklered# semifireproof and heavy timber construction shall not exceed 75 feA . and ordinary construction and noncombustible construction. shall not exceed 50 feet* 8o *ceptionso (06 For the purpose of this section, the follavdng appurtenances shall not be deemed pmts of buildingea Church spireso tanks and their supportsa roof strnntureae chirimeysa signs attached to the building, radio masts, water *ling towers for air aonditioh1hg or other apparatus, and parapets that do not extend more than 4 feet abbve ttis_ roof surface at their point of contacto (b) a O tWd thw fire. limit 99 public buildings business buildings, of storage buildings mays, in t4e discretion of the governing body of the municipality# be erected to greats: heights than fixed by this sectiono 306t ion 131 __Men- Rest riot Sons o io:. Nov buildings* Except as, otherwise provided in sabsection u of this sew tion, tho building area Permitted without suitable subdivisions by fire Walls shall be l.imitod as follcmsa (a)o For fireproof construction and semififtproof construction, unlimited@ (b)o For heavy tioer constructions ;)!is area of buildings shall not ex- coed 6,9500 square feet :if fronting on one street,# nor 88000 square feet on tuo streets# nor 14aOW square feet If fronting on three or more streetso. (ova For ordinary construction,9 and for noncombustible constructions the am of one story buildings shall not exceed 69000 square feet if fronting on Wo atreeto 7 #500 square feet if fronting on 2 streetsg 9 #M square feet if f1tt- . ing on 3 streets and 10a500 square feet if fronting on h stree'tsl provided that cut-side the fire limits the area -of -one -story buildings ,of noncombustible consttue- tion shall riot. be restri*ted a The permitted areas for .buildings exceeding one story. shall not mooed 5s000a 680009 79500,9 and 98000 square fetes when fronting on one# 2# 3 and 4 streetsg respeotivelvo (d).6 For wood frame construction the area of buildings shall, not exceed 5AR00 square feet o (e)a For unprotected metal construction the area, of one-story buildings is not restricted.; buildings exceeding one story shall riot exceed. the area limita specified for ncmoitustibU dtbmttuctiono 2a greet o Under this section a street shall be deed to include any avemste9 • boul wt,,4 :� `,1 # atreet a alley or lane #. 20 feet or greater in vldtha �6r any iourt # pare %,* 4a or yard# with direct Connection to a street.a and not .less than ,20 feet w1doo court# parking space`cw yard shal l be thb. property of the c mer of the buildo �12� shall net be enolosed or roofed ottero 36' Alteratitcie no buiUing shall be hereafter altered so as to exceed in area In any story the limits fixed in this sec3ti.ono 46 Area medificationo (a)o The smiting iting areas fixed in this section may be increased by 100 per cent vrhen the building is sprinkieredo' and by 200 per cent when the building is s3prinklered and does not exceed one story nor an average of 25 feet in height to the roof9 or to a fire retardant ceiling through which there shall be no openings except openings into shafts or ducts# the enaiosing valls of which are of eonslru" tion equivalent to the ceilinge r Wo Outside the fire limits the area of oneostory buildings of heavy timber construction# orditlFi 7 construction and wood fi, u= construction mfr be in- creased 33 1/3 per cent above the areas otherwise fixed iii this section, Whey all wood structural members# including colunna# wall and partition studs and sheatirg 9 and floor and roof construction# arc of approved fire retardant treated lumber as defined in SeetAon $e Wo Ovtsoe the congested areas of the manieipalityj when a hazardous condition is not created thereby# the area of a-public building# a business build- Y ing or a storage buildings, not over two stories highs, may be increased in gwwa of the *me-: by this seat to the discretion of the go efning body of to mnnicipality4 provides that a bul:ULM of coobinetible aetupanoy# or involving con- siderable combustible - material in its structural parts# shall be sprinklered$ and a3zo eurtain boards �Gr draft stops shall bei installed.,ae -squired by the buiUW • official; section 149 of EWE o 14 Application of aectione Building$ hereafter erected; except dwellings shall be provided with exit facillt1W in accCzddWe with the requiremmts of this sectiow No building shall: be altered Sao as to reduce the =tdber or capacity of exits to less than required for, new buildings* 20 tit wq defi.nedo (a) 6 owt TM741 the exit, do* y or docreaysi or suh doorwWs together With acting balbWa or staireayee either iateri.or or exterior# or fine Via# 'by mesas of q' hm s. go= or space to a gtreet Pir to an open space tivhteh prC+uldem safe access .06 a street b Skit • fror 64y mcm mar lend tbrax& other , the sue' $moo W�& TM me, . AW.;.. =a the sum ectrider or hallo .wal pravj .tom cr- g--ia-- by and xefi IV= adt e� stairs and direr► paAs of tho building by partitions having a fire resistance rating of not less then one hourb ® 36., limber of occupants- (a),. The dimensions and capacity of exit gays shall be proportioned to the number of pemiis. to be accommodated o . (b)o Shen the namber of persons to be accommodated by the exit way is not stated in the application for a permit or is not othernUe fixed- it shall be decided on the basis of the gross area of the space devoted to a particular pur°' pose and shall be assumed to be as fa]lCwss Lose Arm Occupancy Per Person Dance halls lodge room,. or place of 8sse blYd•o o o o a - e 0 01,5 NO. Vt o. cs � Store street floor and sales ba 8emerit o o 0 o o o 0 o o e C o 0.a o o a other floorsOb•o -OOile 0000- ogoo00ao0 •C000.000bboo.00.00.000.oii0 Spade used fet odcupanoies not listed above$ a blicoobo o- obb000000n00000da000ao- 000000000.00.00000tt� q p Inatitut:w woo' oa• aooaod4000000o0000000000000a0ao -JSO a k k $ i7. kfencoOpfS4b00aoOD000 -0b 6 40060000b6�0 0 00 00 000.00 '0 6 d + 4[ fi�g�4Obv00d• dtl0o00oo• obbOOO '.00dOOO40o.epG000oO.o0o01� R' � G�a W 4 St or alg@ oOo 000000be oaoob e000d0000d000000OGOOob00000 , Ile umber of Ex tsa �Q)tl Fr= rcom8o Every room having an area exceeding 19000 square feet or copied Uy =ore than 100 persons shall have at least tMO exit rrsyao (b), F�om st aries o Rvery story shall have at - least one exit way and orrery story that exceeds 29500 square. feet in area shall have at least two sew • rate exit wayso (a), Apartmqft- s o Th. multifamily, houses exceeding two stc es above tho basements, and in overt' twoottory maltifamUv house haves more than b agartments using a common exit ways every apartment that has not direct exit to a street ar to a sow opwning on a streetq shall have access to at 1Qast one additional exit 4V prt3i ►ted from aryl indepdadent of the irnteAcr stairmy or fire t q Pi°iffi 5d location of exit, doorwayso )wit doorways shell be ea Imated that no point in a floor araa8 r06 or space somed by them is more than 100 feet distant fr= an exit doarr,'ayp measured along the line of tsavelg except that when a flow f' ilr:s; to sutdIvided into. -bia13er arcasp such as rooms in hotelasp maltifamily houses$ • and baildingsp the distance fr6m the door of eny roomy along an unobetr wtsd he '.x <�•:zy'a to an .exit doomys shall be not more than 125 feet o except that hallways ,lose the first ptM7 shall not extend beyvnd an exit as a d.ivrd end more than 50 9 feet, Where the building is of fireproof construction or semifireproof construe% tivng or the building is sprinklerede the above distances may be increased 50 per cent .0, . do Emus res of interior stairways. (a)o All interior stairways in buildings connecting two or more storiesg whether required as exits or note shall be enolosede except as otherwise provided in paragraph (d ) o (b). In unsprinklered puildinp which exceed 30 feet to the floor of the topmost story. or are occupied by more than 75 persons above, or 40 persons belong the first story above grade, not counting those in the first storyg and in rniltimfamily hcases 4 stories or more In heights, interior required stairways shall be enclosed with fire partitior*9 (o)o In other buildings interior stairways shall be enclosed in parti- 9 tions having a fire resistance rating of not less than one hour. In* buildings of fireproof construction and semifireproof construction such partitions shall be non- combustibloo (d)o An enclosure shall not be required fors (1)o A flight of stairs Prom the main entrance floor to the flog next above when such stairs are-not a part of a required stairwayo (2)b A flight of stairs in a building of fireproof Qonstruetiong semifimproof constructions or a sprinklered building of heavy timber con- struction or ordinary construction or noncombustible constructions when such stairs connect only one story with one other story immediately above or below • its In such case the upper and of the stairway shall not connect to a hall- may serving as an exit Except through a fire docro (3)o A flight of stairs from a balcony or mezzanine having an area not exceeding 25 per cent of that of the floor immediately belowo (e) o 0penir4s o No openings except the necessary doermaya9 and windows opening to the extmior -of the buildings cha21 be permitted in a stair enclosure required by this sectiono Such doorways shall be equipped with approved self-closing Fire dooreg except that when, fire partitions are not required for the enelosure9 substantial self- closing metal or metal hovered doors or solid wooden doors of the flush type of nominal thickness not less than 1 3A inches .may be usedo In sohyool buUdingsa daoors on openings in otair enclosures may have wired glass panels; the • area tea' such glass in any one door shall not exceed 720 stpare incheso 7o Width of interior stairwayso The minimum unobstructed width of a stair- -:fuy serving as a required exit shall be not less than 44 inches$ provided that in ate- - .1 • Now mMifamily houses and storage bui2dings.p and in other - buildings occupied by a single tenant and 1-izited An occupancy to .46 persons:8 such width may be 36 inehaso Uo uUth of staift shall be measuared • between hand rails except mere haM rails project not more than 35 inches, into such widtho 8o Treads and Iris o (a)o Tr�ads and' risers of-required stairs shall. be so proportioned that the product of the width of, treads wolusive of noeings and the height of risers in incheae shall bo not less 'tban 70 nor more tbm 758 but risers shall not exceed.'' 7 3/4 inches in height # and treadsp exclusi to be accomnadateda No exit doozr serving as an exit for more tf'a 40 persons shall have a clear width of less than 34 inohes (nominal 36-inch door)* 13o Hinging of dome (a)e The doors of required doorways shall be so ling and arranged that when fully opened they gill not in any way dismminislk or' obstruct the required width of hallway$ stairs or other means of exit* (b)o Doorways opening ento a street or to a court or open apace commis eating with a street #:- and serving as a required exit way for more than 40 poremns shall have the doors$ including the doors of vestibules :so hung as to 'string open in that direction of exit travell but this requirement shall not be construed to prohibit the use of sliding doors In stab;es s garageaq or shipping and receiving rooms of business buildings and storage buWingse. (c)o All exit doors in rooms occupied by 40 or more persons and all exit doors in exit =We from places of assemmmbly shall . be hung to voing open in the di-- rention of exit tv avelo (d)o No exit door ahall open Immediately on a flight of stairs$ but a landing the length and uldth of which are not less than the width of such door# sha]1 be provided between such door and such stairs* (e) o inhere the size of the; exit `doorway requires two doors iu the- openings the doors shall be so hung as to require no center post in the opening for the doors to close againate 14* iWingo Required stairways$ hallways and other means of exit, itr e1nding exterior open spaces to or through Welch exits leadq shall be kept adequate2y- . lighted at all times that the building served tR_ereby is occupied. Section 151 Firepraoty Semifireproof a Heat/ i Timber Con$tivatic::o FireprW# semifireproof and heavy timber construction shall conform to generally accepted good practice. Section lbs. Ordinary Construction* 10 Definition. Ordinary construction$ as applied to buildinges means that in which exterior walls and bearing galls are.of masonry or of reinforced doncretei and in which the structural memberes including columns floors and roof construction# are wholly or partly of wood of smaller dimensions than required for heavy timber constructions or of steel or iron not protected as requited for oemifireproof co- structiono (a)e Exterior =11s and aU bearing walls shall be of masonry or of rein- forced concrete* 41-171i► __ . (b)o Exterior stalls which are within 3 feet of a rat line along An ad- y Joining area which is or may bo built upon or Rich are within 6 feet of another building of. other than fimproof or semifireproof consttuction on the same 206 shall have a fire restatancse rating of not less than hours; except that where the •total area of the bui3ding does not exceed 1j times the allowable area for any ono of the bui&tingo considered such fire resistanee rating shall not be req ireda 3. Beamag girders and joiste6 (a)o Wooden beams and joistso except• hoadere and tail joistsa and ex- dept for bearings at joints limited within the allowable stresses provided in this code9 shall have bearings of at least 3 ircbse In le:th6 (b)a Wondon trimmers., headers, and tail joists over 6 feet in lengthq unless supported on walls or girders$ shall be hung In approved metal stirrups or hangerso If vmod givdera am set flush with the floor Joiste9 the joists shall\ ! rest in approved metal stirrups or hangerso The ends of joists against the girders skull be securely nailed to the girders, (Oo &aept in the case of pitched roofaq wooden t1aor and roof joists having Spam in excess of 6 feet shall be rigiAV braced with cor#inuous rows of bridging at intemale not exceeding 8 feet o (06 Jbiate eho-U be doubled under partitions which tun over and pal- 1M: to. the joistne or shall. be designed for the loads (e), The ends of wooden beams and Joists resting on masonry shall be cut to a level of 3 inobes in their- deptho (f)o Wooden Joistep beams, and girders resting on opposite sides of a • masonry call shall be separated fi°oat one another by at least; 6 inches of solid masonryo (g)c, Vhwn a wooden girder rests on masonry an air space of j inches shall be provided .on the sides and erd of such gamer for vent i2at ion j and each wall bearing end of a girder shall be cut on'a brio 6 Anchorageo (a) o An trimar6 hrd at Least one beam or joist in every sic feet resting on masonry wallsa shell be secured to such v&11s bar approved metal anchors attaghed at or near the bottom in a manner to be self-releasing,. Mach end of a trimmers beam.ar Jcdat that is supported by a girderi, shall be Woured or tied in an app vW manner to such girder or to a trimmerp beam or joist Correspondingly • suppn3tted from the Opposite Aide of such girders 4nchors and ties shall be-so arir. anged as to form continuous ties between opposite masonry wa3s•o WO, o Where floor or root joists or beam ran parallel to vAsonry vraUs such walls sball be aecurrd to 4 or more joists of the floor or roof construction by approved instal anchors at rmismrm intervals Of "8 feet for dwellings$ and 6 feet i in other buildingso (c)o Wall. plates and roof convtruct-ion shall be anchored to the walls at least every 6 feet. (d)d Widen girders shall be anchored to the walls and fastened to each - other with suitable steel straps placed near the bottom of the girdero 5o lead-bearing partitionso (a). Load - bearing partitions shall be the equivalent of 2 a 4 inch studsa nominal dimeneione9 spaced not to exceed 26 Imbes on centers with the larger di- mension perpendicular'to the vallo All openings shall have studs doubled on each ' side and if more than 3 feet and 6 Inches wide they shall be trussed over or shall have lintels of sufficient size to carry the lbado (b)o leadmbearing stud partitions shall have top plates not smaller than double 2 x b inch$ nominal dimensionsO and shall be set over girders or other par - t3tioris belor$ tth the space between the - `ceiling and the floor above fire - stopped w1th solid 2 inch$ nominal thickness plankD or with noncombustible materialb 6o Wooden columnso (a)o Wooden columns is the several stories of a build.lago shall be set directly above one another, on top of the column belor o (b)o , The lode on wooden columns shall be transmitted to the column belird through reinforced concrete or metal. Caps with brackets' or through metal craps and bases vrith pintle tsonneati,ons or other approved column connectional prom vided that wooden bolsters may be used to suppoA roof gitderso . < -- (c)o Wooden columns shall, not rest directly on floor joistso (d)o When supported by mason yo, suitable stope .or metal bases shall be set between the column and the masornyo 7o Firestopping o (a)o Ohen the walla are furrvda the space created by the furring shall be fireetopped with noncombustible material at floorso ceilings and roofso The firestopping shall be tha full thickness of the fnrring and extend from the cell- ins to the underside of the flooring or roofs (b)n Amm joisto ran pam- Llel to th® van the space between the wall any neareat jaiot ahall be not less than 1 inch and .shall be solidly filled with . imeonny, or approved noncombustible materialo (a)a Interior stud partitions ohall be firestopped at the floors and ~ailing of each story by a 2 inch nominal dtm= sion9 wood plates the width of the 0 El 0 � -0 grtud# or the equivtlento (d) ,O Win. eliding doors aim pookoted in partitions # such pockets sb&U be con pletely- finastopped at the top A bottom and ends# with noncombustible mater or with goad not less than 2 inches. in thickness nominal dimensions (e)e Joists shall be firestopped at the ends and over supports for the full depth of 'the Sots with noncombustible material or with 'wood not less than 2 inohes in thid1 ese #' nominal dimene ono (f)'a fit�estopping `shall be covered or concealed until inspected by the building offinialo $o Bay windws and' show windcusa Pay windcua and slid 'windows that extend beyond exterior walls shall be ooaAncted of noncombustible materialai except that show windows that do not extend oboee the '8eoond story 'floor level,and bay windows on dwellings may be constricted of "J, 'when such bay windows of wood are more than 10 fact in vi,dth they shall be�:cavered on the exterior 'surfaces. with .metal or Other approved noncombustible# 'weatherproof materialso 90 Mansard roofs* ,Nhnsard or other slanting woofs having a pitch of more than .%09 from the hWilobtalp hereafter placed on-e building over 40 feet in height# shall be of fireproof constrwtUz or semifi.reproof eonetructiono loo eft stops in attic spaceso Attic spaces shall be divided into arm. of 39000 square feet or less by tight draft stops3 these shall be of 2 .thick neibes of Z inch lumber with Joints broken or the equivalent# with access doors of similar Construction* Section 173 Noncombustible Construction* I* Definition* Noncombustible construction, as applied to buildings# Ona that in which all'struCtural members, including flcore, roots and their supports# are of steel, iron# concretes or of other noncombustible materials, and in which the exterior walls are of noncorbustible eautruation having a fire resistance rating of not less than two hourso 24 1h.149 Fhaerior enclaoure falls shall provide a durable and stable weatherproof. exterioro 3, Structural mem(berso All ltr11 Aural members shall be of stems# irony rein- forced conorete# or of other approved noncombustible materialao 4o Part - t Low (a) o If coubust ible materiel enters into the c onst sect ion of part i® tions$ they shall be built to have a fire resistance rating of not less than one hour$ but this shall not prohibit ,the use of wooden doore# door Casings, framesy jambs and bucker windCv and transom femmes and Casings, unless the partitions arc "quired to be fine pa titionso (b)o Ebthing in this section shall prevent the erection of temporary partitions of Wood and gl aos' or of metal and g3ass within the rooms or spaces occupied by a single tenanto (c)d. All perinnent partitions shall rest on noncombustible materialso Section 18a Wood Frame Constructions to Definitiono Wood frame constructions as applied to buildinesp means that In Which Walls and interior oonstruction are wholly or partly of woodo 20 Walls(o (a)o waning for exterior calls shall be constructed to develop a strength and rigidity equivalent to Wooden studding$ not less than 2 by b incheap nominal dimensionsp spaced 16 inohes on centers vrfth tho larger dimendion perpen- dicular to the walla, and braced with_ sheathing or diagonal bracing at the corners to secure t1m. necessary* rfgidityl except that in one -story buildings studs not over 10 feet in langth may be spaced not to exceed 24 inches on centerso (b)o In buildings except private garagesp an exterior wall which is less than 3 feet distant from the lot line along an adjoining area Which is or may be built, upon shad be of noncombustible construction having a fire resistance rating.of not less than two hours; except that the material of the weather surface may be similar to that of other exterior walls of the buildingo '(a) o An exterior wall Which is less than 6 feet distant from the wall of another building of wood frame construction on the same l.at, shall be of non- combustible construction having a fire resistance rating of not less Haan two hours; except that the maaterial of the Weather surface may be similar to that of other Exterior calls of the building] and except that When the aggregate area of the two buildings does not exceed lJ times the limiting area fused by this code for either building$ such fire resistance rating shall not be requiredo 4 o Anchorage c. (a)o In all buildings 20 feet or more in width where joists run :at right angles to the rafteras the rafters shall be tied to the ceiling joists with wood or metal ties nailed to the foe, of alternate rafters and extending across 4 joists well nailed to each . joist o (b)o All joists WOO be well Sapped and nailed across the building to ford =ties between outsid0 rall,se, 0 � Be=g girders and joists shall conform to the requirements of section 1:6-3s paragraphs (a) to (d) inclusiveo Mli�ere ledger or ribbon boards are used to oupport joistsa such boards shall be not less than l x 4 inchp nominal dimensions# shall be out into the studs.. securely -nailed with not less than 2 temporary ard nails to each. stud# and the Joists Olv ill be spiked to the atudeo ' . 6e lead - bearing part it ions shall conform to the requirements of section o 7a Wooden columns shall conform to the requiremente of section 26'6, 8o Firestoppingo' (e)o' Exterior walls of wood frame construction shall be property fire-' stopped at.eaeh floor leve19'at the top story ceiling level# at the roof level in the case of fiat roofsg'and at the foot of roof rafters in the case of sloping roofne (b)o' Joists shall be-firestopped at the ends and over supports for the ilun depths of the joists*` (0)6'" Interior stud pari tiorie' shall be firestopped at the floor and ceiling of each story bye 2 inah� nominal -dimensioYis vrood plate# the width of the studs, or the equionlent d` • (d)o Mn sliding doors are pocketed in partitions# such pockets sha11 be complete],y firestopped at the tops bottom and endso (e)4 Firestopping shall be of noncombustible material or of good not less than 2 inches in th aknesse nominal, dimeneiono- ho f restopping shal-1 be covered or concealed until inspected by. the building officialo� 9. Draft stops in attic spaceso� Draft stops shall be provided in attics spaces as required by section 16-100 Section 19s Unprotected Letal Construction* Unprotected mewl conntrvation as app1W to buildinge9 meane'that in Which the structural supports are unprotected metal and in v&ioh floors and roofs are of noncombustible constructions and the ex- terror walls are of noncoaIDu$tible construction having a fire resistance rating of less ' t han 2 hour$ o Section 201 Workmanship and haterialso All burning materUle shall be of good qu€clityo Workmanship in the- fabrication i preparation and installation of materials shall conform to generally accepted good practiced Section 21' .9h8o to Constructions (a) o Pxcept when carried independently by girders at each floors no wall shall be built up more than 25 feet At in height in advance of other galls of the building e' Wo) uhsouty WglU that meet or intersect shall be adequately bonded or • anoho cdd Piers having less than W square feet of oross- sectional area When located at an intersection 'with a w&U eban be bonded into and built as part of that aa],1, (c)o Ekcept for cri,ndo neled backs and permissible Chases and recesses# X22'" walla shall not vary.in thiokaees.between their literal supportso When a change in thickness#. due to min.� t.hloknese requirements# occurs between .floor leveleg the greater thickness shall be carried up to the higbor floor levelo (d )'d isolated piers or post a on the interior of buildings shall not be built of etomle The unsupported height of piers shall not exceed 10 times their least C3.imnsiono Hollow masonry units shall not be used for isolated piers to support. beams and girders unless solidly filled with concrete or Type A mortar in trt .A case the alUnable load may be increased 25 per cento (e)o Door arid wirx;ow openings in walls shall be spartned by wolf but - Lr-eusdd archeay or by lintels having bearings proportioned to their loads but not less than 4 incheso (f)o No masonryp except for interior partitions# shall be supported on wooden girders or other fovm of.wood construotiono (g)o No timber other than nailing blocks not exceeding 2 by 4 by 8 inches in size,9 shall be plaood in masonry walisi except that in. buildings of ordinary constructionp timer lintels may be placed over openings' on the inside of the wall,, resting at each end.nct­mDre than two inches on the wally and chamfered or out to serve as centers for masonry $robes; and with the further exception that timer members used for decorative purWee ma, be set against the mssonryg or may be set into the masonry where the wail exceeds 8 inches in thloknesso {h)- During Motion# walls shall be adequately braced and archon tem- porarily supportedo 20 ., lilo�aro . • (A)o Mbrter used in masonryy construction shall be proportioned in eccovd- ance with the following tsb3as NMAR FWFORf IONS Proportions by Volume Mortar type � A ted measured in Cement Lim danp and loose Platy corbdition A 1 (Pbirt3and) 0 to Not over 3 parts B 1 (Portland) 1 to 2 Not over 6 parts B 2 (aeon27 0 �- Not over 3 parts C! (Pcrt nil) '2 to 21 Not over 9 parts • c, i (Masonry - 0 tit over 3 part Type, i�) A 0 to 0 1 to li Not over 3 parts *As defined in Federal. Specification SS-C-181 b8 Masonry Cement -23- (b)o of mortar requiredo Vhsonry shall be laid in Type As Type B or Type 0 mortars except as follawst Type A mortar shall be used In foundation wells of hollow masonry unite# end in nominal 10 inch cavity =1.lso Type A or Type B mortar shall be used in footings# foundation walls of solid masonry unites isolated piereq. load bearing w exterior Walls of hollow masonry units# hollow walls and cavity galls exceeding 10 inch nominal thickusso Type D mortar may be used in solid masonry walls# other than parapet walls or rubble stone galls# not in contact with the soil and not less than 12 inches thick nor more than 35 feet in heights provided the walls are laterally supported at intervals not exceeding 12 times the van t hic knees o gypsum partition Lilo and block shall be laid in gypsum mortar. Non- bearing partitions and fireproofing of structural clay the may be laird in gypsum mortar* Fire brick shall be laid in fire clay mortar* 3o Solid masonry wallep except stone wallsa (a) o Thickness of Bearing Walls o (1). Px6ept as otherwise provided in paragraphs (2) to (6) below$ the miniimim thickness of solid masonry bearing walls other than fire walls and party walls shall be not less than 12 inches for the upperost 35 feet of their height.# and shall be inoreased 4 inches for each successive 35 feet or fraction thereof measured downward from the top of the wall., (2)0 There solid masonry bearing walls are stiffened at distances not greater than 12 feet apart by arose walls, or by internal or- external offsets • or returns at least 2 feet deep# or 12 feet vertically by reinforced concrete floors or roofs they may be 12 inches thick for the uppermosrt 70 feets measured dowtiard from the top of the wall# and shall be increased b inches in thickness for each successive 70 feet or fraction thereof* (3)0 Outside # viM (1) in residential buildings not more than 3 stories in he9.ght# solid masonry bearing walls =q be 8 iaehes thick when not over 35 feet In heighto (4)a Outside Fire Limit Area or Zane No* la solid masonry bearing walls of business buildings not more than one story high# and not over 22 feet in height#- may be 8 inches thick# provided they are reinforced at intervals not exceed- ink! 16 fees: p by 12 inch by 16 inch reinforced eoncrote or bricks piers or pilasterso (5)o Outside of tho fire limit area or Zone Noo 1, solid masonry be-iring walls 8 Inches thicka may be used for buildings not exceeding 30 feet nor 2 stories in height, the walls of which# under this ordinance# could be of wood ­2h- ft=6 conatraation; pi" ded they do not exceed � 50 feet in length between cross walls9 . pierssr or • buttresseso Solid Ma,so' W bearing walls abm -roof lever 22 feet or Leos in height# 'encla�sing peuthbus� or `-etr& stares maybe 8 inches thick and my be considered -aa, neither increasing the height nor requiring any increase in the thickness of the van belinis provided the 'requirements for allowable stresses era met (b)o Thickness of Dkwbearing Bzterior 1h].Uo ' Outside Fire Ludt Area or Zone Noo lg. thicknnese of nonbearing exterior Tmllsa except fire nalle and party wallop shall be not less than 8 inches .for the .uppermost 22 feet# and shall increase 4 inches in thickness for each successive 35 feet9 or fraction thereof9 measured downn ard from the top of the w4lo (c)o Lateral %pporto Solid masonry, walls shall be supported at right • angles to the vrall.' face at intervals not ozoeeding 20 times the nominal gall thief ness if laid in Type Ap H or 0 mortar9 and not exceeding 12 times the nominal wall thickness if Jaid .in Type D.mort -sto . Such lateral support shall conform to subsw- Lion 10 of this seoticao (d) o o The facing and backing of solid masonry bearing wale shall be bonded so that not less than 4 per cent of the.wall surface is composed of full lehgt.h headerso The distance between adjacent full length headers shall not exceed 24 inks either vertically or horizontally, In solid brick walls more than 22 inches thick the lowest joints of header courses shall be covered with another header course which shall. b ,� joints vrith the course belor o The facing and backing of • solid mas=7 nan*bearing ,tulle shall be bonded as requited dbove for bearing walla or oball be bonded frith corrosiumvesistant metal ties spaced not farther apart than 16 inches vertically and,24 iinchas horizortallyo x (e) t, Other Requiremants o (1)o Under- burned clay bricks shall not be used in any part of "a Wilding or etraature ftere exposed to the treather9 not in isolated piereq not in such part of a bearing vaU above which the wall 4xtends mare than 40 feet o (2) u Clay or shale brick laid in Type A or Type B mortar shall be wat Immediately before being laf,d9 except that very hard or nitrified 'brick need not be wetted o_ (3)v Horizontal and vertical joints in brick masonry shall be filled with - Iortarc Wo Wept in dwellings interior bearing enlls that are `lose than 12 inohes in thickness cad sapport won den floor or roof joists# shall be corbeled • 4 • not less than 3 inches to receive such joists# unless approved metal joist hangers are usedo ® (f)o tyre a building not exceeding'1500 square feet in area and loasted not lees than 10 feet from an adjoining lot li•ney faces on 2 streetse the pier oar Partition tails of such building designed to carry the roof load may be constructed with v*Ua of solid masonry wrt less than 8 inches in thickness# providedp howmerg that no euch building shall exceed a total height of more than 16 feet and the soma coal be constructed With 12 inch by 16 inch reinfom9d concrete or brick piers or Pilasters not more than 16 feet apar'to 4a StO= W4180 W o Thf cknes s o (1)Q The minim thickness of wall.e of stone ashlar shall be not lose than that required Liar solid masonry walls in subsection 3 of this sectiono (2) o Rabble stone =shah shall be h inches thicker than is spired for solid masonry vral.ls in subsection 3 or this section, but shall not be leas than 16 inches thiokg and shall not exceed 40 feet in height o Ma lateral supporto Sione walls shall conform to the requirements for lateral support of other solid masonry walls in subsection 3 of this sectiono (c) p Fond o (1) o In ashlar masonry, bond stones uniformly distributed shall be provided to the extent of not less than 10 per cent of the area and having not leer than is inches of bond into the backing masonr-yo (2)6' Bubble stone masonry 24 inches or less in thickness shall • have bond stones with a maximum 6pacing of 3 feet vertically and horiaontally, , and if the masonry is of greaten thickness than 24 inches shall have one bond stone for each 6 square•feet of Wail surface on both sides and no header stone , shall be less than 12 inches long measured at right angles to the face of the masoarya (d ) o 116tural. Bed so An stones shoring pronm=ed cleavage shall: be laid on their natural beds except for cornices and other projecting members which shall have the grain or bedding planes vertical and at right angles to the face of the amsonr7o• 5a Walle of hollow masonry units, • (a), Thickness and heighto (l)o The miniimm thickness of Walls of hollow masonry units shall be not leas than that required for solid masonry walls in subsection 3 of this 3ectiOno -�,26w Wo Valk of hollw masonry units sho11 not exceed 50 feet in height a' Q 9 . r X.t MX%1 Wopato Walla of hollow ms sonny units shall be eupport ed at right angJlEa to the im11 face at intervals not exceeding 18 times the nominal wall Chic% sso Such lateral 'tappmt shall conform to subsection 10 of this section. (1) o Hollow maao.mT units shall have full mortar coverage of the a ;Hells in both the h0riaontaM mod vatleal joints, (2)- Where tim or more hollm unite are used ,to make up the thiekb near of a wane the inner and outer courses shall be bonded at vertical intervaleg not exceeding 3 feetg by lapping at Imat 4 inches over the unit belm or by lap- ping with snits at least 50 per cent grater in thiclwwa than the unit belaar at vertical intervals not xeceeding ,1i imbeso (3)o Brick facing or liming (which does not include veneering) when used in hollow block galls shall. bb. bonded to the backing in accordance math parat- Y . graph (d) of subsection 3 of this i otionq cub %here =no of _halls masonry units are decreased in thick- rams9•, a course of solid masonry shall be' interposed between the wall below and the thinner vmn aboveg or the hollov units in the top course of the thicker wall shall be Pilled solidly 'nth mortar or masonryo (d)„ Bearings In vnD and piers of hollow masonry unitsg suitable prom vision shall be made .tor proper bearing at the ends of ,aU beams and at points of Load couaentrati=a 60 Cavity ware earl, hollow ', (a) o Hd4ft and thickness o W o Cavity =no and I hoar vraus . ehall net exceed 35 feet in gbta Cav3tq Use ezolaoivo of thy:. qty;. -.Sna ISM- waUa�ohn11, be not lees In thickness than required for solid maaoauy walls in subsection 3 of this section - (P)o In cavity valaop neither the facing nor- backing shall be Zass than 3 A inches in nominal thiolaess and the cavity aball be w* Use than 2 In- ches nor more 'than 3 inches in widtho (b)o Interal supporto 'Cavity malls shall be supported at right angles to the wall fact at intervals not exceeding V& times9 and hollov walls at intervals not exceedring 19 times the Maitaal wall thicknessa Such 2ateral support shall ean- form "W1, subsection 10 of this section, (a) o Bond o' (1)- In hol3AW galls the parts of some shall be connected by bonds • • of briak9 stone or the material of the vmn, placed not more than 24 inches apart in either direetioni bat the parts shall to be deemed to act together in the supper of loathe uttxlsse such bonds are of a size and design to fully develop the strength of either parto (2) a ID cavity walls the fdoing ad backing shall be securely tied together with suit-able banding ties of adequate strengtho . A 3% inch dim titer feel rod or' metal tie of equivalent stiffness coated with a •noncorroding 'm- WA or other approvod protective costing shall be used lot. each 3 square feet of . all 1"urfaceo Where hollow masonry whits are ;lsld with the cells, verticalp roc w—. alar ties shall be used in other wile the ends of ties •shall be bent to 90 gege angles to provide hooks-not less that 2 i.nohes lmngo Ties shall be emr bedded is horizontal J%tas of facing and backingo Additional bounding ties stall be provided at all openingsa OPQWA not mare than 3 feet 4PMK. Wound the Pori' meter and within 22 inched of t hs openingo Cavity walls of plain concrete .shall be "inforeed as providad for solid walls of plain concrete in subsection 9 of this sectiono (d) o Ekmringo (1)o In hollm walls or cavity walls suitable provisions shall be made at each line of floor beams and wherever lead concentrations occur# to L-isure proper bearingo (2)o Then cavity walla or holim valles in which the cells of hcllon unite are laid verticalp tyre decreased in thiokness, the units in the top acurse of the thicker wall shall be filled solidly with mortar or masonry or the • exposed openings in such top course shall be covered with slabs -of hard burned the or c©nare'th 'bt least one inch in thickness or the openings may be stopped In =4 others approvd =nnero 'Wo Drainage* ]h cavity walls the cavity shall be kept 01"r of amrw ter dropp4Mb during constructions Approved flashing shall be installed % and ads°° quete drainage provided to•keep dampness say from the backing* 7$ Faced walls* W* Materialo thterials used for facing shall be not less than 21 Inches thick.g and in no ease less in thitknesa than IA the height of the unit, (b)o AlImble stressaso Where bonded to the backing as prescribed belse9 the Pall corae section of both the facing and the backing may be considered ® in a*.Vating the stresseso (c)o Thicknesso Faced walls shall be not less in thickness than is ° regnired for masonry walls of either of the types forming the facing and the �d8� • • baoking6 Whore bonded Io the backing as prescribed below# the facing may be con- sidered a part of the rra12 thickness *, (d') o °0r4i (I)o Brick facing shall be bonded to the backing as prescribed for solid masonry vralle in subsection 3 (d).of this section* (2)e ashlar facing of either natural or cast stone shall have at least r7,0 per cent of the s4441641 1 area. extending not less than k inches into thi., 'backing to form bonny stonesy which .shah]. be uniformly distributed throughout the VIRI o (3)0' When walls of holl w masonry unite are faced with hollow unitsg the facing (mite. shall be bonded to the Imoking ae required for wane of ha3 masonry units s.M bubaection 5" (a) of this seatiorno 8d Atte4hMO, of otOle facLng,e, E-OPery pr tLng stoneg ands except VdM altermate courses are flail bond courses$ every stone not a bond atone shall be securely anchored to tim- banking with corrosion resistant metal anchors with a cftsa section of not lose than Oo2 square incho There "mhall be at least 1 anchor to each stone and not less than 2 anchors for eaesh stone ttP;,,eAb:an 2 feet in lens *pt and 3 square feet in supoficial area* Facing stogies not over 12 square feet. In area shall have at least 1 anchor to each 4 square feet of superficial face ereao $; S611d vralls of 'plain cortret e o (ah Thickness* The minimum thickness of va11s of plain concrete main be 2 inches less than that required *r solid masonry wallee but not less than 8 inchea§ except that 6 Loch =Ua may be used where specifically permitted by sub- section 3 (a") '(3) of this soationa (b)o iat.Ml sdppo> a Solid malls of plain' 'ewwrete shall be supported at right angles to the gall fgbe at intervals not exceeding 20 times the noamdnal wall thick ri+esoa. Bach lateral support shall conform to subsection 10 of this sectiono (o)e kkoinforement aid openiaga6 Rein% aymstrically disposed In the thic ss of the wall shall be placed not Legg than I Lack above and 2 inches balm openings and extend not legs than Zia incites each side of such" openings or be Of equivalent l:erieEh, vrfth hooksb The reinflarcement both above and below shall eon_ ai.st of one 518 inch round rod for each 6 inches in wall thickness of fraction thereof& 106, Ieter�ii €epporZo The lateral support required by subsection 3s its 50- 6 and 51 ,pg this seat ion shin 11; be either vertical or horiaomtal"o It may be obtained ')yollog piety or buttasesg .vrhetl the limiting distance is measured horisoaa tally$ or by More and roofs when the limftIM distance is measured varticallyo 9, , . .1 .. - � 0 .... sufficient bonding or 61166rage ali i:l• tie pied -tyerttden the taalle and the cup- ports to resist the ash wind forces acting either inward or outuardo Piero or buttresses relied upon for lateral support shall have sufficient strength and eta' bility to trwiafer the tad forcep eeting in eithdr diftdtitz to the groundo ftm walls are dependent upon floors or roofs for their lateral supportp provisions shall be i> do in the building to -transfer the ]atoms fok sib � to the pound. Section 221 Roinforced Conorateo Avera g' a concrete for reinforced aoncrete' shall consist of 1 put pm,tlaid C and not more than 6 pates aggmgatep by vow. measured dryp and not mwe than• ?J gallons of 'Dater per sWkg 94 poundep of dammt o The figgregate shall be mixed in an approzAmste ratio c" 2J yeAe fine aggngete' and 3b parte coarse aggregate* section 23s Fire valid and. Phd wanso • Zo Censtractione (a) o Fire walls and party wa U of mason,'y shall be laid in Type A or Type 8 mrtar. W o Fim walls and paarty -galls shall be constructed of solid masonry units$ or of hol'Lon Masonry units faced on each sid-O with br cko or of reinforced ,,,.. (o) o Where etructural members project into hone* masonry unitb the holy •apace shall' be, fined with noncombuatible material the full thickness of the wall and 4 inches or more abovae between and belew such members o 2e Thickness of solid esasonny w8I18 except panel wallso • (00' For busitsess builldings dW storage buildings# fire walls and party gills of solid maaomry units ill be not less than 16 inches thick, for the upperdb most 50 feet and increase 4 inches in'thlokftees foi each additional 35 feet or fraction thereof measutvd do rani bom the top of tha vranl feept that there the walls are non0bearing or a re. beams or girdora are supported on %be vaU by ap,;n^oved metal hangs and do ,not enter the gan the mid thickness away be 1:6 inches for the uppermost 70 ft *'O (b)o For either buildinges flue galls and party malls of solid maeonry units ehaU be acct less than 12 inohse thick, for the nppermst 35 feet and in- treasa 4 inches in thickneso for -each additional 35 feet or fraction thereof ured dwward from the top of the *an, Thickness. of brick*aosd holler was3onry wallsio , Fire walls and party ' �_:J,u of holly' masOVOY MAU faced on daoh side with at least 4 inches of brick taW-1 havo a total thickness incl=uding the facing not Use than 4 Inches greator s 0 � 0 V than ON.ified W,014 0tion i'abo" for solid toasonry MIU, alb ; Thidit WOO, of ` °sinfamed' conveQe ta1]B mdept parka ft., 3 0 or inees 'balldinge and storage bti 3 ingap `fire valU and patty Valle of reitifv d ooncrete shall be not lees than 11 inches thic k' fur the upPM° most •35 ft6t and:. rea'se 2 i>mhss An thickheM for, each etedeseive' 35 fed or fraftIft the of zioa6�rsd d lft' m t6 top Of thO 118110 {b) ► ottfsr' bull ingov fig. v ilg ;ad 'p*ty walla. of reinforced cosy A9, shall be tat lase than 9 Indbw thicla Or tae upFert , 35 feet and- increase 2 imohes in theca for each sadcesslva 35" &A +fir- - fractionIhbrsof measured dC and -ftom tb6 UP. Of the valle 5e ftceptioa,to thickness requIrements for panel vhIXUb i➢here fire VaLle or party gall$.: er0. Con"racted as paj�i walla in a frmamrork 'of. ao2mime and gird pft, tefted as reed fog firep"Or 'conetraotion' acid no . panel has tf height betwem sttppoK-e grater than 22 feet o' they MV. be of aoWi ' masonry .sot lose than 12 inches thick or of t lsif cortarete not lead than 6 :J=hes thlcko 6o To be 'oarried to at above -the roofe fie ,gills and putty walls Mali extend at least 3 .feet .above the roofs eaasgt where the roof " ie of fireproof or samifireproof cow.tructioa In which Caen `tho fire waM .and' party walls Wmll be died up tlg t ly► against the underside of the roof elebst 7n $ice and.:p�taction of openingeo . {ado ftaeA.,la sptiWared bui3dingep no opening in s fire wall ehtalt exceed 120 sgtiimi Feet in az-ea with no dimetbion greater than 32 feet and the aggregate width of all opcinga' at arq level shall not ameed 25 per cent of the length, of the hallo We" � h apenIA9 in a required fire VI= 'shall b6 protected on each side of the va31 VItI h aw approved autcWtio or coping -i'll's door; provided that ftm a firs aau a 02M as a hm4kontal 'oXit it Shall have no openinge 4*her thm door openimo not meadUg 48 again feat In :arse atad one of the fire 600re at wch.openlM.aha2l be a seIrwoUsing fire door* +936h 2h I 'et9 0 Wa Mmyt as listed belao# pdrape a shall be pr vIW on all fire wall ep' parV iialbs and 'o derlor walls of maeo=7 or ' relaPoreed 4.0nm ate o Parapets dre not rid onb (1)b calls emecting with roafe of fireproof eanatrmoticn or semift Piren~�f ooh -A waU Of a biti2ding ttre roof of-which is at lei thine feet lovtw t� thy: rte. of$ or ate' it►g Ma 8cl as o* buildbw ftne 3 0 0 0 %Ualaolbg on- 'a Areet bavlft,, a .11fth of 30 f6et of mbei bilildins ftift, is 30 f", or - Mft d1atant In &U (5)-v WhIU.vfabuI2d*- ftfthU30:feA- ear mvft- distant In-.aU dIrMUMS, Pm pjVpeft Uneo'but 3WO. than :30 feet diatant - to we ;r mwe WL2d,,* 1W on the area of the baiIii4ge within 30 feet of oa" other dool a not memA Ij timse. the allftable a rhm f0r,'WW. - =0 of the build,* Itce'-, aansideradi :. %Ue. of a dataofxA dmUIng# or of a buiULng aft amedlag .10000 $Qum t 10 area s. I WhLU of a buildt ig vhere the roof has an Am6e of ammre than 20 with the i m Mm &mUlav AM IS buildiage In which 6 Imb wall an vendAted# mob put"te ab&U be tot Isio than 8 inches thick and cwrW at lew* two tftb aba" the reatio I We - Aa an of baildinp ath. putpotb Oh&U be nd less than 22 br* ebw thlak-' &W eta ndo!" - UM than - 3 ftst _- abt*e thO Mto .. (d)* Via. el l coped t tb mcuoeomMstibleS I7e6tI*rprW mteilal,wid flaeW *Ith, th► flashing extending throagh tbd parapet wall m3der IW�ftpLngo : AU Oarne.re of all parapet Walls shaU be reLnftrMA with at met fte,j..Iwh 'round bar In evwy tblvd, 36lutg eantimbus armad, the corner and mtemd� ing into ,the MWOW7 at'least 3 fed from the e ft- baLtL�n le t>�acrtQ Five. POASticao Shau have fl" roaiawwe ratings of at least taro hou" TbW_ehiU tie omMmicted of mu*=T cir -r"nf*rcW,vo=w�49p. ,or .*UW apps rmm. of. ConstraotUm of- naWoftAQU amtm*JaU* Vim partitions .twed Am Toad bftrIM qWI OonftVm to the 6nrta for bft via g =,.I- 1w saitim, 20 .ate 24io 10 24"tum. to mmAim: tbe. -reqW to of this smime 'Fir* PulUbw aWl be supported In diah story on comArdetIm baving A fire :rMdatemo re'Ong of zotloa thm- 2 hamf provIAed that -vdm,thW &Igp,-4aV- . :b raga the VAPPOtL43 COUStau4tift GhanbaveAk z4:19"i tho 4 have. in *me the buiWiag is of firepmof ponot-rW*j= or, vaAf§."apzqiof, eonArmetUnp aW -not less thaw 3. hom in am of other comt1w.0 titer bf f1ft pa�rtitf nut tim" its, tow ihickneds w9ase Saftably ftiftfofted m3d m9im-ed4t flm* atd 032tbi caning or uaUsa lnbatantielW eawred to voatioal supports at intervals of not over IS times the thLakaesao ® (d),6 Fire psrtitions sba.11 be demed continuauep even though the sever+ a. al.parts are no? directly Wer one another in suacessive.siories if the intervening parta of t}Jg floora at the 1e "2e Where offsets 000ur$' .ale 'WV1eMed aW of fizz proof oonstruotion or semif repmf oonstruotimn and all: parts not supported directly an the.foundations are carried on fireproof construotiono 26 Openings o (a) wired fire partitions shall have no openings other than required door openings' or properly protected duct epeningso (b)o Ewh opening in a regnUed Are partition shall be equipped with an approved fire dftr eet , In an approved door framan (c)0 khah opening in a tin partition servifig as a horizontal exit aim be protected by an approved self - closing fire door* Section 26s oaf: e M . iM8O wry building., except derellingsm charchee# buildings of wood frame ofmstrae► tion and of unprotected metal donstracstiona and open air parking garages shall gave approved fire windows or other approved proteciivesD in OM7 opening in the et_ terior walls when such opening faces on a stresrt and is'less than 30 feet from the opposite building`linep or when such opening is less than"3Q feet distant in a direct unobetruoted line from an opening:in another building# or when such opening is above and not more than 30 feet distant from ar7.gaA of a neighboring root of combustible construction# or any roof having openings within this distan") provided that such protection shaU ,not be required ,for show windows faoiclg on a street eh iah do not extend above the first full std above grade; and. provided fuAhGr that saeh protection shan not be required when the opening'to be pretectec3 and the opening against which it is to be protected are situated in walls in tho same plane or in parallel planes and are facing in the same direotiono ..4ctJLon 2 73 AaMse 1, Pfttd. tion requirecltl (a) e Evers ssries of openings.above one another in two'ar more successive floors# or floors and roofs, hereafter placed or conrstracted In a► building or here* after enlarged or a4mvid to atmuged the use of the Shtit shall be so .protected as to proven& `mire in .-WW stm frM c ommmicating to air other. stor7i provided that in .ba,i.ldings of heavy timber construction there s2a11 be no floor opening that Is sot protected as prescribed in this section or in some other. apprevW mainnero 0 0 • a. � j hpoly (b)o Tbd"*;&�i 4Wi4aftl6� hAft to' -�n- 6hatto itsied f6�' ventilation, Ughtp elmator' jApo*: dir othdr' putpo6di didoot etairwaysq air ftfAs-S, Iminerstov e I si - f:6eeQ shafts' . " ", buildifto' of =W Imm C oh6truationg I shafts -in givallingo .61361% sartges wre*ted by motion, 3446* � Owlesuret'v" Wills of Wait o' residence butUingo of ordiwry oo Ch'. or"' 1b2d toimtrdatloli'ar hnAtctefted metal *6n.* e-ruation shall'bave a. fire resistance rating of not less thm I hmra, Tha etwlosing vralls.of shafts in other buildings shall be of noncombustible eanstrued- tion havbW a fin resistanm ratiig or not less than 2 bours'.0 3c, OpmIngeo eft owlasma. oball hm ro openiop other than, those WOOSsary for the PWPOSO Of the W11ftig pMided that In blentor shafts there shall be at least .ons 4oar in bVety 36"rest of the.. or, mob Ghana such openings shall be.pratected with ►ppmed fire doorep approved fin sl=tters or approved fire windesso 4C, andlotaire at t6po (a)* ftft'onclostires Utending thrW& the r6bf Whiah are to be enft closed at the top, shall be proVidod with a skyligbt t-of at least 10 per cent of the area of the shhft in the top M%7 wd gUmA w1th plain glass 1/8 Inob in thicknesal xvWod that the ftUgbt mfr be replaced by a vdwaw or plain glAss of equivalent area ip the aide of the ahjM' If the a!U of MWh vind0v is not less than 2 feet above the reof aW the - Winder doosi, not 1*600 a lot IiI14 Within 10.feOt 0 or )my W ;"placed by appvocd weia g of Ventil atich., A shaft- that doe4 not extod- thm9b the ftof shall have the top enclosed vith a foia'of constrattion havipg a -fire resistawo rating equal to that of the walU of the shaftV 56, &WVVM at 4WSa 'A daft that does not afteAd. to the battca of the building shal I be -en0awd at its lawfft POU* with a MW Constriction of the saw type no that required ror the 2amet tuor to or through which it PaSOOSO Lett caah shaft floor emistrwAlon shall have a fire resistance MUng of not less than OW hour6 66 MO"tOr'MehiWV7 **q;iAMMA6 CWP1AMVftb aemtsining wadhlMry for operating elovatwo- shall be separated from the 01Mtor shafts by nomon"ible ,struotion having. a aria resistance "tug of not leis than 2 ham# wltl%., dow AMMArw OVIPPW Vith" approvad door,#, 6 70 airl)6r of elevators in shaft N­eeAfter in tine dbafto, S"tion 289 NOt MWG than 3 be 91"W 0 0 • 140 (a)o Every roof h°ereafterfplaeW on a building shawl be covered with an :approved roofing of bu cks, aoncretep 1,11ee slates, metals, aebestorsp prepared asphalt asbestors -felt shingleaa or of built-up roofing finished with asphalt.g slag or gmvel5 providedg hevevers thats, outside the fire limits# dwellings* private �s ges and barns separated by at least 10 feet from other buildings may .be.. roofed witb.- apprioved wrooden shingl$so (b)o kept where roofing is of it character permitting ettaehment direct to i`tweworks -it shall be applied -to a , solid or closely ,fitted decko 1 (c)* The use of corks fiber bo* or, other approved insulation is perms mitted on top of the roof dec* provided �uch lnsi_lation is covered with an approved type of fire,resistive roof covering applied directly thereto*. Section 298 -RMII&tOo (a), Skylights placed over shaftes,, vent shafte and stain enclosures shall be glazed with plain glass not more than ],/6 of an inch in thicknesso F (b)o Skylights other than as spebified above9 which are inclined Less than 6016 from the horisontals, hereafter pied on a building shall have the sachee and frames thereof constructed of vstal, and 'glared with wired glass) except that slWlights in foundries or buildings whore aeld fumes are presents may be of wood by special.permission of the buildIng dfficialo (c)o Wery skyl.ltt in which plain glass•is usgd shall be protected by a substantial wire s"n with wire not lighter than m=ber 12 gauge and having a mesh not. less than 3/4 of an inch nor 3,argar than 1 inaha placed not less than is inches nor more than 10 inches, above the glazed potion of the skylight at an . points, ouch screen shall exterd boymo the glazing on all sides a distance not ; less than the height of the screen abm the. gl zingo (d When a skylight is Located over, a at-airway' pubic hallway or a pl.nee of assembly9 a similar screen stall also be _p1m3od 13e the skylights unle8a there is an intermediate ceiling .lighto Section 308 Basement Ceilingeo In buildings except dwellings and Mme -atory buildings outside of the fire l,imitag the ceiling over basements shall be fire ietardant ceiUngs unless such basements are spr• inklerad o Section 318 Chimn=L Fames and tso to Flue connections requiredo Every heating apparatus or heat producing apnl.iiinae requiring a flue connection shall be connected with a flue conforming to the provisions of this section or of section 32o This shall not include oleo` trio applianceq gas appiianeesg except as specifically roquired in section 329 95m I mar oil fired. applies especially designed ter use rrlthoA flue aonnectiono 20 ConstruOtlon8 • (a)o GiMWS Sball azteW at test 3 feet abOve tip higheat point were they pars through: the nof ,df tba bni7.dihg ard -at 2 feet higber than axW ridge *11bin 10 feet of such ahtMoya (b)o Ro chlow shan be_-aOzt9IW gVeii a ill wre tban 6 inahesi steal t a chimny be corbelad from a wall ''hive In 2MG than 22 1whse in thiakness .It- a It pets equally on asM s e of the walls pmidgd that in the second 6tory of 2*6tat dwal inge awbelling of chimneye on the eaterier of the enolosing yam may equal -t" =11 thicknesoo In everj Cana the oerbeling shall not exceed one inch projection foss each -sage oe Wick yvvjectoda (,*)a He mange in the adze or chap* of .a eh mr W9 were the OUMV paeseo ttraugh the q. sbal2 tact v1ah� e� die of 6 inmhse above or belay the roof joists or rafterso 30 chimla for heating appliaMeag I= heat industrial appliames and portable type IMIn terso (a) o ftl=w" for etaveso eovkL g rawag wam air# hot water and )AV presaare steam heating. furnaftog fUleyUcesp and lam► beat industrial appliances# other than chimneys for inciftu;Mors of nimble type# shall be comAru0ted Of 80W Wspnrq u is ar of reinforeed eonereteo The wa. lb. smell be properiq bonded or tied with corroalon resiato t motal anohoreo In dwellinga and build- inge of like heating requirewnts the thickness of tho chimney wal3s shan be rot less than.. 8 i nches9 except that rubble stone masonry eM11 be not lase than 22. inches thlako (b) o BWOVY eu0h ahitmmy hereafter created cr aller ed shall be lined with a Bale liming conforming to the requiremant s bdowo (o), Flue linings Mall be =do of We cry or other reYraotory ctar which will -withstand the action of Me . gases and moist withadt softening or eraakingv the temperatures to ahloh they will be subjeoteds but not lesa than 200" Rt- enheits. OV, of coast irk of spp9rmsd quaitn fom and 001stractiono, (d)O Reefed Clay flue linings eha.11'be not lose tiM 516 of an ima thick for the aimaller 81aas and wing in thick es for the larger Moo* (e)p. nee 3adho nth bo WtOled Ahead of the CDhdMdtiOn of the chicbriocz it is aarrW ups omhW bedded . 0= on the .other in type As typo � Or fire olay near with close flitting joints left broth on the inside, (f) o tae linings shaI4 start fpm a point not -less than 8 wee b&Uw the intake$ Drs, In the caoa of p aesfl from the. tit of the fireplaceo They i • l shall cmctendp as nearly vertically as possiblep for the•cmtire height of the chim- S , ney aril be extended 4 inches above the top or dV of the chimney* We Cleanaots for flues or fireplaces shall be equipped with oast iron doors and frames arranged to remain tightly closed when not in used (h) o When taro or more flues are contained in the same chimneys at least 04,m-�P" thi.rc3 fine shall be separated by masonry at least 4 inches thick bonded into thL ja awwy call of the chimeyo ire flue linings are not so separated,, the ,jo 1A1,8 of adjacent flue, linings shall be staggered at least 7 inches? ho Use of tinesa Chimneys or flues installed for the use of gas appliances C rtclJch are not ,suitable for solid or liquid fuelsy shall be plainly and per ° rwriently' labeled "THIS FLUE IS FOR THE USE OF GAS BURNING APPLIANCES ONLYo" The label shall be attached at a point near where the vent pipe enters the ahimneyp or with a type B gas vent used in place of a chimneys at a point near where the • tM B gas vent entere a walls, floor or ceilingo Section 32! Flues and Vents for. Gas Applianceso _ asoaerrw�s��ros to "Flue connections requiredo Every gas appliance shall be connected to an effective flue - extending to the outer air and conforming to the provisions 9$ sub- section 2 of this section,, if it is included in any of the following alassifica- tiohs$ provided that such connections shall not be required for industrial appli areas of such size or character that the absence of a connection does not consti- gate a hazard tai the occupantes (a)p Domestics appliances with input rating in excess of 50➢000 Btu per hours except domestic gas rangreso • (b)o Automatically controlled appliances with input rating in excess -+sf 5,9000 Btu per hourp except automatic instantaneous water heaters of the single faunat type$ where the single faucet is attached to and made a part of the appliances (o)o Automatically controlled appliances with input rating less than 58000 Btu per hours. unless equipped with an automati,o device to prevent the escape • -)s' ranbn r°ned gas at the main burner or burners* The rerun 'automatically controlled appliances" used in paragrapim (b) said (o) refora to appliances to which the gas supply is automatically turned On a d cuff in acrordance with the demand for heats but does not include appliances equipped with diwvices or controls governing the supply Of gas to the main burner or krame'r. . whielb, cannot automatically reduce the gag supply below 30 per cent of ® tke rating* i (d)* Appliances installed in the same roomp which if not venter mould Zk o the "total input rating of invented gas appliancesp not inolud ing domestic gas. I raugess,..as great as 30 Btu per'hour per'cubic,foa of room content (e)a tater heaters instAlled in bath roomso bed rooms.& or any'occrupli ' • room norza2iy kept closeda (f)o Space.. seaters in alesping quarters,- for use of - transientso ( ) a All house heating. eam and hot meter boil and Vrarm..air incluftiz floor furnacm; 2.5 Types of flea o (a)'a Type A flutes s Chimneys or metal sm' okestdcka�' T=a A flueasi are renuirek fox's (1) all in.oineraterey (E) all applianoes which may be converted readily to the use of solid or liquid fueli (3) ija bollers and furnaces, other than attic furnaeesg eacept whom specific appxoval is, obtained fkcm the building J official for the use of tM B gas vental (4) all other appliances except approved appliances *hich produce flue gas temperatures not its excess of 55do F. at the outlet of the draft hood when burning gas at the manufacturerIB input rating,, (ib) o Type ,B : has vents $ Approved vent 'piping of none ombu et ible s corrosion- resistaft -material of adequate strength and heat insulating values, and having bell and spigot or other acceptable joints, Type B gas vents shall. be used only with approved gas appliances which are not required by paragraph (a) above to be vented to type A fluesg except that they may be used ashen extended through an existing wl-uaed ohiweyq vhether the chimney is lined or. not lined6 (o)o Type gas.ventss. Vent pipes of sheet copper of not lees than - Bo S, gauge or of galvanized iron of not less than 20 Uo Sd gauge or of other ap° proved corrosion - resistant materials may be used for runs directly form the spa40 • in Which the appliance.is located through a roof or exterior wall to the outer air* 3iwh vent pipes shall not pass through any attic or concealed space-nor through ow Macro This shall not be construed as prmhibiting the use of suoh vdnt pipes to vent attic furnaces inetallsd in accordance y+i.th the provisions of this ordirt meo Installation With reference to clearance from combustible material and passage +.'rb Baugh wall or roof ,shall eomp27 Ydth the provisions of subsection 4 of this seotJ= 34 In$tai atlon' of t ype B gas verIt s * (a)o Type B gas vents shall be trade. up. Vdth tight Jointso (b)o Type B gas VW*8 shall be installed vrith a clearanee to combustible materiel or obnotraction whether ,plaatered or unplasteseds of not .less . than one imho PrOV:Wed that for vents of floor furnaces such cUumnae shall be not less ® than 3 inches for a distance of not less than 3 feet from the outlet of the draft hN :b, measured along the center line of the vent pipiug,6 (0)o' Suitab3.e provisions shall be made td.prevent mechanical injury to • • type B.-gas vents where they extend through Walley floors or roofs* (d)a Type B gas vents shall not be used with solid or liquid fuel. burn°° • ing applianceso 4* Installation of gas vents other than type Ba (a ) o teas appliance vent piping other than. approved type B gas vents shall not pads through any attic or concealed space nor through MW combustible floor# and shall not puss through any combustible roof except as specified in subsection 2(0o. Where passing through combustible roofs in accordance with subsection 2(a) they shall be guarded at. the point of passage as specified for passage through oombnstible walls or partitions in paragraph (b) belwo Vent piping may extend through any existing chimney whether the chimney is lined or note (b) o Bas applh=e vent piping_ other than approved type B gas vents r haU not pass through combustible walla or partitions unless they are guarded at the poi t of pagbage (1) by petal: ventilated thimbles not Less than 6 inches larger in dieter than the pIpey -or (2) by metal thimbles not less than 4 inches larger in dthmater than the pipe with the annular space ,filled with mineral wool or other approved noncombustible insulating materialy or in lieti of such protection a.0 oombustible:.material in the trall, or partition shall be cut array from.tha vent pipe a sufficient distance to provide the clearance required'from such vent pipe to c cbueti�le' material# -+any material uses to close up such opening shall be noncom bust ible b (o)o Clearances from combustible material to gas appliance vent piping other than approved type B gas vents shall be in accordance with standard practice . for safe installation and use as required by Section 29* 5A Flue mortWe All flue mortar for- flues or vent pipes from gae- burniag appliances shall be acid resisting* & Draft hoods* LWrp flue connected appliance Isdept an incineratorp unless its construction serves the same purpoeep shall be equipped with am effective draft hood with either (1) has been approved as part of the appliance or (2) complies with nationally recognized standards for draft hoods* That draft hood shall be attached to the flue dollar of the appliance or as near to the appliance as cones ditions permit and in a position for which it is designed with reference to hori� 3ontal and vertical planeso The draft hood doll be so located that the relief opening is not obstructed by any part of the appliance or adjacent constructionb • 7. Interconnection of ventse No vent- pipe from a gas appliance shall be ,tuter- connected with any other vent pipe# smoke pipe,, or flnep unless such gas appliance is dquipped with an automatic device to prevent the escape of unburned c°39.* gas at the. min burner or burnerso mere a gas apple vent pipe Is joined with a smoke pipe from an appliance burning some other type of fuel# for connection into a single flaw openingq they chall be joined • by a Y -fitting located as close as practicable to tho chitne5r6 With liquefied petroleum gases the automatic devioo to prevent th4, escape of unburned gas shall,' stmt off the pilot light as well as' the main burner or burnerso 500tion. 331 He c!M& ApAiiancesA _ Heating: Ventilating g Air Condition- . -i�:DIOver-and &haust J�stewo 30 Installation Standardeo Seat producing appliances and systems Uncludn- Ing 1winerators) hereafter installed shall be inataned in adoordanee with stan- dard practices' for 'safe installhtion and use without, danger of overheating comp bpstible matoirial..or construe tiona Ventilatingg air oonditioningg blower and -exhaust system hereafter installed sha11 be installed in accordance with standard • practices for safe installation w d use with all features presenting a -possibility of starting or spreading a f1re safeguarded to a reasonable degrees 20 Boiler and ice Rooms* (a )b floating boiler and furmce rooms in public buildingsp institutional buildingeg places of aosemb],ya hotels# - and ma tiftmi4 houses shall be separated #from other parts of the building by construction having a' 'fire' resistance of • hot Usa than one houro (b} Boiler roams housing one or mare steam boilerre carrying more thdrl 15 pounds pressure Edith a: rating of more than 10 bonier horsepmerg in other than faotoriesg shall, be separated from the rest of the building by noncombustible con- • struetion having a fire resistance gating of not less than 7 hours# with door openings protected by appiroved fire doorso section 349 me6. to Garages combined with other occupencieso Ito garage shall be attached to or form a part of a building of other oacupanoy except as provided in this sectionp 2a Garages not exceeding 1500 squm feet in areao (a)o A garage not exceeding 1500 square feet in area may be attached to or form a part-of a residence building or a business building if separated from other occupancies by wallsa partitions and ceilings of materials to restrict the pawage of -gaoesp Moke and odor from the garage to other parts of the buildingo WO o Openin s from the bu ld i ng into garage shawl be restricted to a • sih,71q, door -nay; such opening shall be provided with a metals metal covered or solid vmoden door of not legs than 1 314 inches nomiml thickness equipped with an approved self - closing devices Q40* • 3n Garages not exceeding 3x000 square feet in area. A garage not e=eeding 3,000 square feet in area may be .attached to or form a part of drq building proms • vided separation. from other occupancies shaU be by walls arrd,floor and coiling1 comtructions of at least one -hour fire resistances and with all connecting openings provided with aelf- closing fire doors* Floors shall be .without pits cr 0 9 dept+essions o a -Garages exceeding 3#000 square feet in- area * r (a,)6 i g garage 'exceeding 3#ooD square feet fn " masr be 'located within or ,attached to a building occupied for arjV other purpose provided it is separated from vubk, other - OcaupaWy by missonry Ovalle having a fire resistance rating of not 'less than 3'hours arnd by fl,00rp and coUings of fireproof construction or semid-. fireproof oonstruatione ` b),o .4allem,,.f1ppre and ceilings which 'affe t suoh separation shall be QoinurJuq .and urad by openings of artyindg provided that door openings ksipped width : self"lWing tire doors leading to salesrooms or offices that are operated in connection with such garages shall not be prohibited$ and provided also that- the use of.! I el6vatars and stairsays to other stories accessible only by vestibules -oar, -A3conies# constructed and arranged as required for fire tawereg . shall be permitted, 5A. Truck loading of unloading areao 9 truck loading or wiUading area within a buibdi©g occupied as a store shall be separated from other parts of the building by construction having a fire resistance rating of not less than one hour.$ and MW load bearing part of the building within the loading area shall also, have a I fift resistance rating of not less than one hours 6o Ramps# Ramps connectireg floors of garaages# which are sat considered to required exit ways under section 24e need not be enclosed in sprinklersd garageap nor In oPon air. .'parking garagese 7p Floorso (gage flogs of other than earth aonstruotion which dra$,n to suoum or storm drains sh n be provided vdth an oil: separator or trapo ire moor- areas -are <mtewivea a series of such, drains shall be provided The conlb testa of oil peparatora or traps shall be collected at frequent Intervals and remmved from the premiseso, Floors in repair sections shall be concrete or other materials that may be readily oleanede 3eetten 351. Dis anal of Waste During 0onstruotion rationso sto material and rubbish shall not be stored nor. allowed to accamiate 0. "I.hin the building or in the Immediate vicinity# but shall; be removed from the. , premises as rapidly as practioableo Combustible waste, and rubbish shall be ,*41dp at least daily. No raterial shall be disposed of by burning on the premises or In the immediate vicinityo. Dry material or rubbish shall be wetted down# if neceso • sary# to-lay dust or prevent being blown about* .\ section 36s MAwAtorso Mwina. StaUyan- mid, Awsement Deviceso (a), Riamtorso moving. stairways and amusement .devices, hereafter# erected, or.AnstalIM,p or hereafter altered shall be constructed installed and maintained In afdntmtance vitb voles duly promulgated by the building official* (b)a, it shall be unlawful for the owner to operate or permit the open tion or use of a passenger. 824vators freight elevators moving stalrW or amusement device# hereafter installed or constructed, until a certificate shall have been obtained from tho building officlalo (c)o The building official shall make or cause to be made an 1nspeatibn of every passenger elevator at 'lawt onee in mxy three mouths$ and of every freight elmtoro moving 4almay, and every amusement device at ' Usst once in every six months o Section 379 +arinkler Fquipments'o to Sprinklws required, In buildings hereafter Veatedg or altered to izV- crease the area ar .heights approved automatic sprinkler evi.pmeots shall be instate and maintained as specified In the following' paragraphso The areas specified ahan be the area enclosed by exterior walls or fire walls or a cw® imtion thereof# except that in buildings of fireproof construction or semifireproof construction the arse shall be that enclosed by exterior walls# fire walls or fire partitions or a coot' bination thereof, • , (a)o Buildings over 2 stories in height used for the manufactures eala or storage of combustible goods or merctutWe (not'ineluding,garages) and exceedo- ing in area 10#000 square feet men of fireproof construction orzbemifirepmof constructiono (b)o Buildings over 2 stories in height used for the mmufactureo ease or atorage of combustible goods or merchandise (not incluUng garages) and exceed iog in area 7 #500 square feet when of types of construction other than firepro" construbtion and semifireproof conetructiono (c)9 Buildings exceeding 2 stories in height or- in =080 of 2 #000 square feet in area an any floor above the fiat or g=ad floor# hereafter erocted or altomdp so that suitable access# as defined belom i' to each story abrnre the • basellent is not provided on at least one We of the buildings Suitable access shall be deemed as arequizing a usable opening through the wall at each story, at least 32 inches raids* 38 inches high and ulth the sill not more than 32 inches 442 1 f above the•floori the openings sha]1 be so spaced that there will be cane opening for each 50 feet of frontagO, (d) o Oai'14ges e�aeeding stories in height o • T q_ (e)8 Garages gor storage of loaded comma JAI tftekep exc6eding 2'000 square feat. in area and of other- than fireproof canstruotione (f)a; Bus garages exceeding,? stories in height. (g)o Ba&ement garages housing more than 3 motor vehicles'* (h}a Garages located in buildingq in which one or more stories or paste thereof above such garages are occupied for other purposes when ouch garages have ` a capacity of 20 or more passenger automobiles➢ or are used as bus terminals fCW 3 or more busesp or are used for the storage and loading of 2 or amore truekso (i)* Basements having an area exceeding 3500 square Pests when used for the manufactures sale or storage of eombustible goods or••.morahandise# kept that i in public bui]dirige# institutional buildings and residence buildings. the Automatic sprinkler equipments will be required only in such portions as are used for storage purposes or as work shops* (j)n In buildings occupied as a place of assembly and having a stage arranged for theatricals operatic or similar purposed# approved automatic sprinkler equipments shall be provided under the roof of the atagev underAfie gridirons the rigging loft and fly and tie galleries# under the stage-# in dressing roomsy scene docks9 work Whops and storage rooms* (k)e When adequate heat is not provided and in the opinion of;the huild-6 ing official the hazard is nor severop such sprinkler system may be replaced by a system having approved gutomatic sprinklers# but with supply only from a fire dery partment connection on the building front,# or with an approved protective device with fire department connection on the building froat�p by Which water can be applied .to or directed at the fire by suitable control equipment from outside the building; ,,there being in eaeh,oase an approved automatic fire alam system connected to en a 'Gutalde gang or to the central station of /supervising companyq. Section 383 Suns and Oatdoor,Disp]ay Stracturesa (a), No display sign, shall 'hereafter be erected•$ or attached tap suspended from or supported on s building or structure until a permit for the -same has been issued by the fiailding official,o No permit for a display sign shall be issued uz- til the reVirad bond has been filed.,,, (b)o The owner or persons in control of a display alp suspended over a otreot or extending into a street more than 15 inches beyond the building line shall a cecute • a bond in a sum to be fixed by the offinia2 having control over *S3m 0 0 streets9 tvrith aunties approved by such offlciel� Indemnifying the - municipality against an lose# costs damage or expense incurred or sustained by or recovered against the municipality by mason of the construction or mintmance of such dis& play signs (06 The provisions of 'this seations, except as to safety# shall not app3y to a a4ga not more than 10 egtm%o feet in area@ an=nOingg without displays or ell'': srations, only the name of the proprietor and the stature of his bueinesej noiz to a wall sign not exceeding one square toot of display surfaces, on a real - de=e building stating merely the name and profession of an coeuparit; nor to a sign} riot mxceeding 10 square feet of display surfaces, on a public building giving the name and nature of the occupancy and information as to the conditions of ueo or admission; nor to a wan sign not exceeding 21 square foot of diepaay surfaces nor a ground sIgn9 advertising in either case the salo or rental of the premises upon which it is maintained; nor to street signs erected by the municipality; nor to temporary signs or banners legally authorfaeda Section 399 EepeaI nZ Cl Cl,auseo All ordinances or part.of ordinances ine*zi- - sistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed) provided# howmrO that such repeal 'shall be only to the extent of such inconsistencyp and in all other respects this didinanoe shall be c=lative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinanceo Section 403 Pena Any person who shall: violate any provisions of thia ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and conviction shall be punished by a Pine of not more than One Hundred Dollars (0100;00) a Each daysa violation . shalt constitute a separate offenses Section 411 SavlM.Glause. If any provision, exception$ sections subsections, paragraphs, sentences, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances shall for arty reason be held unoonstitutionalg voids or invalids, such invalidity shall not effect tha validity of the remaining . "iaians of this ordinance or their applioat #on to other persons or sets of dirm =mztances and to this end# aU provisions of this olimnee are declared to be aeferableo Section 1022 Rfreative Dates This ordinance shall take effect from and after ten (10) clays from its passage by the City Councils The City Clerk is hereby di- rooted tc give notice hereof causing the caption of this ordimnce to be published in Vid official newspaper of the City of Baytown at'Least twice within ten (10) dk,, s after the passage of this ordinanceo 4c° • f rNTB=CED, RFAD, and PASSM by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of tho.Dity of Baytmn.on the 30th Sep of sober$, 1950o. • ATTEST: A/ Enna olives 1U...fa Oliverp Pity U10A 0 • -45- lA%_ do -Ao_ Ward. do Ao. q Mayor - - -