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Ordinance No. 91
ORDINANCE NO. 91 • AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO FILE AN APPLICATION WITH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR AN ADVANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADVANCE PLANNING OF NON - FEDERAL PUBLIC VkRKS UNDER THE TERMS OF PUBLIC LATH 352, 81ST CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATE4 APPROVED OCTOBER 13, 1949. WHEREAS, The City of Baytown, Texas, herein called the "applicant," after thorough consideration of the various aspects of the problem and study of availa- ble data has hereby determined that the construction of certain public works, generally described as Water Works Improvements is desirable and in the public interest and to that end it is necessary that action preliminary to the construc- tion of said works to be taken immediately; and WHEREAS, under the terms of Public Law 352, 81st Congress, approved October 13, 1949, the United States of America has authorized the making of advances to public bodies to aid in defraying the cost of architectural, engineering, and economic investigations and studies, surveys, designs, plans, working drawings, specifica- tions, procedures, and other action preliminary to the construction of public works (exclusive of housing); and WHEREAS, the applicant has examined and duly considered such act and the appli- cant considers it to be in the public interest and to its benefit to file an appli- cation under said act and to authorize other action in connection therewith; NOSY, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, THE GOVERNING BODY OF SAID APPLICANT, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the _construction of said public works is essential to and is to the best interests of the applicant, and to the end that such public works may be pro- vided as promptly as practicable it is desirable that action preliminary to the construction thereof be undertaken immediately; 2. That Mr. J. A. Ward, Mayor, be hereby authorized to file in behalf of the applicant an application (in form required by the United States and in conformity with said act) for an advance to be made by the United States to the applicant to aid in defraying the planning cost preliminary to the construction of such public works, which shall consist generally of Waterworks Improvements divided into Units. Unit I 700 G.P.M. Well and Pump, High Service lump House with 2 600 G.P.M. Pumps and gas driven electric generator, one 250,000 gallon steel surface storage tank and one 300,000 gallon steel surface storage tank at an estimated Project cost of 1* $$89,740.00. Unit II - 2 - 400,000 gallon steel elevated storage tanks at an esti- mated Project cost of $160,987.00. Unit III - Distribution Mains including 5850 Lin.ft. 8" Cast Iron Pipe, 49500 Lin.ft. 6" C.I. Pipe, 10 -811 Valves and Boxes, 60 -611 Valves and Boxes; 45 fire hydrants and appurtenances at an estimated project cost of $177)673-00. 3. That if such advance be made the applicant shall provide or make necessary arrangements to provide such funds, in addition to the advance, as may be required to defray the cost of such action preliminary to the construction of the public works; 4. The said representative is hereby authorized to furnish such information and take such other action as may be necessary to enable the applicant to qualify for the advance; 5. That the officer designated in the preceding paragraph is hereby designated as the authorized representative of the applicant for the purpose of furnishing to the United States such information, data, and documents pertaining to the application for an advance as may be required; and otherwise to. act as the authorized representative of the applicant in connection with this application. 6. That certified copies of this ordinance be included as part of the applica- 0 tion for an advance to be submitted to the United States. 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately after an affirmative vote by the majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown on this 26th day of September, A. D., 1950• ATTEST r. /s/ Inez Mendenhall Inez Mendenhall, Acting City Clerk I, INEZ MENDENHALL, the duly appointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Baytown, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 91, duly passed by the City Council of Baytown. /s/ Inez Mendenhall Acting City Clerk ( SEA L) F, L GSA Form? "' APPLICATION DATA— ADVANCE'PLANNING PROGRAM (Continued) 6. WHAT IS -THE' PRESENT-STATUS, OF PLAN PREPARATION- -FOR - WHICH - THIS ADVANCE .IS REQUESTED ? -- - - . 7. ARE PLANS TO BE PREPARED UNDER CONTRACT? . ?, ,' BY APPLICANT'S FORCES? Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes C3 No 8. PLAN PREPARATION WILj: eA STARTED IN _.. _.. _.___ ;. CALENDAR DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF THE INITIAL PAYMENT OF THE .ADVANCE AND WILL BE COMPLETED WITHIN ... :...... CALENDAR DAYS THEREAFTER, 9. ESTIMATED COST OF PROPOSED PUBLIC WORK: ',n 10. PROPOSED FINANCING OF PLAN PREPARATION: n tut 33000 0Q Preliminary expense 3 - - - = -- - - - - - - -- - ---- - -- - -• • �b00�4b 00 , Q�04 Previously by Land and rights -of -way .....:................ ... . .. expended applicant s_.._ :_.: _::_.::._:_.......... Cons ruction 396600.00 • - •-••- •-......'-•-•-.......... To be expended from applicant's 594740 ,..r..�.,.,. Equipment ,. . i �� funds ' . _ :. _ !, . •. Plan preparation, .._._ 793Q +00 69 -- -•00' p truciion �{•�j ...... Supervision of cons Advance requested ` - ---•-- 7bi...... Legal and administrative :. . Miscellaneous . .. , _: . . . : - - - -- -- TOTAL P 1 T COST OF PLAN REPARA- yl 89'5 a Qfl S • [ ip• TOTAL a:.: = ----•-- 'PION 3 11. DOES THE ADVANCE REQUESTED INCLUDE -FW3$ .(a) To reimburse the applicant for any disbursement made'or to defray any costs, incurred To defray. into be into by prior to date of the application? �❑ Yes' .•p'No. (b) the cost.Of any contract entered or to entered the applicant prior to approy�I of the application, if in such contract the applicant has agreed or agrees to finance the plan preparation from F9 other funds? ❑ Yes No 12. ATTACH A STATEMENT FROM, THE APPROPRIATE STATE, LOCAL, OR REGIONAL OVER -ALL PLANNING AGENCY INDICATING WHETHER THE PRO- POSED PUBLIC WORK CONFORMS TO AN OVER -ALL PLAN. 13. DATE APPLICANT PLANS TO INITIATE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PUBLIC WORK np3. U - 1951-- : 14. CHECK PRESENT STATUS OF THE SITE AC�ISITION OF THIS PROPOSED UBLIC WOILK under SEO expl=Ltim attached ❑ Selected ❑ Placed option Acquired 15. DOES THB AP ?LICANT.HAVE THE BASIC AUTHORITY TO PLAN,' CONSTRUCT, FINANCE, MAINTAIN, AND OPERATE THE.PROPOSED'PUBLIC WORK? [ Yes ❑- No, Give itations of basic legal authority. City Chaftor Civil Statutes �.: State of mesas Article, 1.175-) 16. ABILITY. OF APPLICANT TO FINANCE THE PROPOSED PUBLIC WORK: Ke _ J A. Will applicant have the financial ability to Construct the proposed public work? ... ....................... ..... --..» - -- B. Attach copy of,latest financial statement of applicant. C. Statement 'indicating the presently contemplated sources of funds and amount from each source to finance the construction of this proposed public work. (1) Anticipated cash* j------- -- ------ - ----- ....... (2) (a) General obligation bonds authorized . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._ _ 0.` _ ------ $�� (b) General obligation bonds to be authorized (3)..(4) Revenue bonds authorized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................ (b) Revenue bonds to be authorized . . . . ... . . . . . . . . , ..................... (4) (a) Assessment or improvement bonds authorized. . . . . . . . . . . –______________---.•_.---.--- (b) Assessment or improvement bonds to be authorized _____ (5) .Other sources (Specify): ( °) ° -•-------------------•---------- (b) -------------------------------------------------------------- - . - TOTAL (1) THROUGH (5) . . . . . . . . . . . ... .., �........2__.._..!..... -- *State sources of anticipated cash (i. e., building fund, etc.) .... . . . . . .. ............... -•-- --- ......-- -- --.... ...... . •. ... .. D. 50 19a$7 e13PresPe Total Percent Total assessed valuation, �._.__ assessed valuation 1) assessed (1) ( anon to actual valuation_ ____________% 2. 50 eat tax limit a (2) Present tax rate per, 100, a .........:........ g per 5100,* . . . . . . . . . S ---------- UCMC....._.___.. (3) General obligation legal debt limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;_. 9(3'7; -W; 03-'-•--• -- (4) Outstanding present gross general obligation debt . . . . . . . . . . . .. . s______ 5;�•- 0622- ,. # (5) Allowable__ deductions (Sinking fund, self - supporting bonds, etc.) . . . . . . . , . . . . ,- ...... 49 .......... (6) Net present general obligation debt' ((4) less (5)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3__Q -' -'7 - - - - - -- (7) Amount of general pbligation debt capacity not used ((3) less (6)) . . . ., . . . . s ........:.... ------------ (8) If project is a new revenue-producing project and is to be financed in whole or in part through project revenues, attach a statement of anticipated gross revenues and maintenance and operation expense. If the project is an extension•or addition to a presently owned - revenue - producing project, attach a copy of latest financial statement of such system or facility. (9) State whether any defaults exist in the payment of principal or interest on. any obligations of the applicant: ❑ Yes t No. If default exists give -details oa att cli lent, n� n ' ^ 46 17. POPULATION 1940 CENSUS ----- - - --...... ---`..F. "_ _ ....._.. PRESENT POPULATION (Estimated) a 1 CERTIFY that the information supplied on the above form, and in the atta a exhibits an s atements is true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. /- / ---------- ---------- -------------- - - -- -- - 1' (ADDlicant'e iz evresentatiye) oro 15__W601_1 PAGE i E OF T do I Boyd - r- �o9o4 -•-c� xaom onand Q3SOdO11d AO NOLLY30-1 'S aopu'stz94=dds ptm fsquvjpAq ©.nj 9V, f6exp q ptzv .90A & ;,g =0g 'gaxog pun: SaAlae jig - OT 'GdTd 'I'0 «9 41-Purl 009'6V, dodTd "VO u8'g3'M'I 0585 IM 9'T% mymo, 02=049 palt APTe 10040 U01TV9 00000Ti. -r '2 Iz 4TTM o2pro4s- aosajlnv Tee4P UDtTV2 000`002. _ T 1'�4 92U404b vaaj=9 T0040 UOTI"03 000609a - T '.zoq.a.xau92 oT,z40e10 QaAY.xp II82 pun' add m39 009 Z T 4TA OM1011 &VU ooTAJOS q3T$ T. f� p= TTsAk T - 14TUR 3Q �uT4szaQnq V: QU=OADJdn "JOLUa4 • (Fmp sagJ0 so 'rdaw 'ragilafr 'rlaodai CJv11rw/laa4 IQ Xdoa a gw11v 'algvllvav F1) xuom x-iand Q3sodOld ao Not.Ldraos3Q 'p i9 � ,.Tg r aoP p Iagamu 0=3T G- 3=JasUJ � O aaaxrsN3 ao 1.3alJH3UV sLNV,nddv 3o ary V N i '£ Amy . uro .zo p lad •v *p 0110H SsaJppe pus a111. 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