Ordinance No. 90AH ORDIRANCD,AUTAORIZ IlQG THB_ MYOfi TO FILE'AY:AI'FLICATIOB ATTE •THE '• UNITED '3TA1E5 9E' .AFRICA,' FOR A1J ,ADVAI3CE TO . YROVIDE• FCR TFlEr 11DVAACE - PIW,p— E`DERAt AfmiC..'vt AKS IIND ER, M... TERM. OFD FUBL•IC, 81ST' CG',i1GRES$. OF. THE.: UII'i'ID `ST11 TES ., APFR0ilED: OCTOBER` 13. 199 -, - ®t C$� ' -The Ci ty of 3aytovm, Texas, herein ',called. the - s'aPplicazit, n actor thorough .00naidora iati of tiio various aspocts oT;; the pi'oblem••and. �ttudy. -of •availaVleidata tiaa hors << , - 1 by ~clotorinined t$n .the oons.truct3on o certain publ�arors; generall:.doscribed _as �. Sanitary.Scrrer- Im}�ravemebits is desliable anti in tho �nzblic` 1intarast'anii to' :hat end —it is necessaxy than action profimi�y.ta ;tlie construction of .maid *6rkg _to be takes . 'ii�iod.iatiely; 1 ;RBAB,.`undor' th'e torms' oP' Riblio`,th- •.$b2, 81ot 'Congrosa, `apprpved October, 1 , , } . o the miY to pbli1949 the United -o f Aaeric o e° �.as 'aut S bodies to eici' in daFrayiiig'•the ' cq't of- arohitectiirAl, eng3 oeriz ; and.o_.conomxo in va%ti�;atjans`.-dad -ba udies;' aizrvayo;.; dQai�iG •:plans i�or i � drFivr ngm;,:'epoa ficati''ons; procedure "s, .'find other action prolim7naryi to.stho 'conatruafrari jpi;g rrorka , (cxolusiva ` •s. Q '':hOus=11g) , Z7 El�S;= the appl baaat, has exiu�ined ens -duly cone3'dered such act: and tho applicant considers, it 't`o be''in h io. puhiiQ` 'interest• 0n& to it - bonofit to i'i3o an application' under ` r .z a o f her as On-" it : o�onnaction therewith; . L said a'ct' and t "o authori ICON, - ThHR$F',OR_ P ' DR IT QRL1A19ED BY ThQ' City `Coiuicil the .govorning body bf s d ; l: Thgt,,the aoxistructi.on of ,maid pulilicworks is +vaso tial, to enO.'io to'thv bap�t r:. ixst ©costs of .the `applicant, and to tho, end' that suah pub] ic' zaor s' nny ;bct gFavided as` _ r `- t p`romgtly ~as• 'practicable it is desirable °that aatiozi preliminary . "to the cons,�ruction ' t r - - i thereof. bo ivadertakfln immec V 1, _ t• . Y ' •i !� � ,. � _ a ,F A F f . . 'That r.J. A yard''Y �or,�li`e he ro vby'a2 uthoriz6dlto filo in-•behalf.,of' the , •' 1,. ' ,- t applicant.an a'pplacation• in `forn;-requ'ired; by thq ,IInited <Stmtog Viand in' e.anformity.`v ith Quid act) for an advaace to be made by tho Ui�itod,Statec to the upplicant'to aid in de ' `'. • r L fraying ttho .planning' cost grolimiury ^.toltho, construction ,off such public works; :rrhi'cn shail Q ons ist. eiiorally:% of : Sanit;ary Sm+er ImpiovOmeats`' divided into units. Unit" I, r _ .capacity, Activated. SSludge °Treatment• Pic�nt' i,xr .tho south ond'of: rho �CityAncar 1 the east !bank= of. Goode Creek, 'St reami .Re'oxrangemezi.t tof ,the gir Dif'funxon Ayst9na` erici Filter Medii3 � .n existing .Bush Terrace 'and '�srrell Park : Plante,a at ,au oatim�ztecl + k Proe.cty.Cast '.ofi52,b70 "00. -- ; Unit II, sotimge :collocti'oW lined including 800 Lin.ft., ax ' 8" Vt.G, Pipo,, 700,Uii -ift. 10," V.C. }Pipo, ,3485 ;l Di..t6 X12" VX_ Pips, 3ab Lin.ft. 15 "zV..C. , y S i Wipe, 60 8 L .i't. 18; `V,.C. :'Pipo, x$450:- LinOTt., 24" y,C Pape, 1000 Liri. t. Ton pipo and apputenancpc s;uclr as manholoe.; cicanout$, fittarigs, etc at an ostted'° • c:' Project Cost of X149,930.00. " . t 3.: T2laV zf Isuch- advanco bs' made the applicant' eha.1� �provrdo or a necessE ar�+ omcntrs "`to rovi& such° f` indi in - addi`tion to tho c dvFan,ce as ma ' he re rte. p _ , _ , ,. Y qu to' defray the, cost�.af s�ich action 'preliminary to 'the Constructicn of they public: w rib 4. VThe sgid;`representatve ie hornby 'au+thorized.to flu7ii3h'such information fir. r and• take euch-'othor act3cn as may .bo naceaeary, to enable the applicant to cimlio for e 1. the''advance� t r- 5.: Tii©t_:the off'ic'er desig ted;in the. prac'pding `•garag ip is horaby ctc�ignnted r ;• ! ^ = as tho author.izod`•repre'sentativa of th©` apBl3cantrfr :thv purpoBe of'L furnichin3;to t f Ii e., United States such inf'ormati'on, and documents per.;aining to tho a.ppZiaa� ion: r �, M1w J �• .` ♦R.� tic, �i � S °`' ,e." .. -• for_ fan advance as; gay b4 raguiro'�iz;� a'nd 'bthe�rwise Ito "act �aa' the tiuthor zedrvpres,snta z ` tine Hof ;the apl3cant in conneotion with thisr a`ppacatlan. rt , r _ 6,: That ceY�t`�ifierl ''copios of phis }ordii ancv be in611idedR aoi rt' 6T_._, 't$e., applicat.ion, for'azi .advaiico 't'o be au�imatted tb -atho [Fnitod: S,tate's: ;y I" ' ,T> 7. Effaativo -Date -, Thi s Qrdinancoahallt� talcs effect mniedatcly of tdr do ti af' irmmtivo vote by the ma jor'ity_ "of tha City. Council of thoit ,,' o ."Pt►yt&V& , tr. Irt' RODUC D,: ,I D' :PASSED by the af'firiiii t vo vote of�.a,'m��oilty' of Ni.he CYty', ®, ij •e Y ' J S � 5 /J {-^ r. P , ; ' 3.31 . J . 4 2 -Council of -the City of • taytmm -on ,this, '2dth doy of 06 ptember, ° A D. 1950.. ATTESTr 1 1. - - ,` r • . .. -J .:• l��ar. ; Mayor , Iziez dei hail, A ' oting, City' Clark Ii]ALLJ tho diiiY appointed,::qualified and-'acting City Clark of . the; ' City of.• 4trnvn,1 do , heroby certify, that the = abovo. oing is a true,* an correct' ` copy of.;Ordinonce, loo: ' io, , -�dljl y. pIiij . iy the, City Council of Baytcmm. tj . Aat Ci 'C orlc'.. _ ` , 6. _ t, + YI l .r �• ` 4•e,.-T i Ji 'y+,' 1 ` ; � i` v i t ' 'yr+ - .Y a `:5 t - ..e -. ',`t.:a. t. •� , �.� �` �• z � c1. ;{ •rte +s-r 'L• t - �.IS ".i � ;/,• , Budget Bureau No. 29-11008. A.Jnj�4;: r GSA Form 3 OFFICE OF A03AI1VISTRATOR To Be Filled In by DW en Office (11-22-49) M, t APPLICATMN NO, COMMUNITY FACILITIES SERVICE SECOND ADVANCE PLANNING PROGRAM COUNTY APPLICATION FOR ADVANCE FOR PLAN PREPARATION FOR CITY NON-FEDERAL PUBLIC WORKS TYPE DATE APPLICATION AMOUNT OF ADVANCE APPLIED FOR, --- ............°._°_._°___.__._._ .__._ °_-.._._-..- .._.__._.._... 4230-000 IRECE[VED The applicant hereinbelow designated makes application to the United States of America for *in advance,,undeF the provisions of th6 act to provide for the advance planning of non-Federal -public works, Public Law 352,,.81st Congress, approved Octobei 13, 1949, to aid in defraying -planning costs'preliminary to the construction of the proposed publit'work described in item 4 under application data below. The "applicant represents that it will make every possible effort to have available when needed sufficient funds to defray the cost of constructing such public works; that the data in support of this application for an advance are true, correct, and complete; that the filing of this application has-been duly i authorized by the appropriate governing body of said applicant; that the - undersigned officer has been duly authorized by formal action of said governing body of said applicant to file this application for and in behalf of said applicant, to' provide to the United States such additional information `4[18,doc&qehts as may be required'and. otherwise to act as the authorized representative of the applicant in connection with this application; and that a certified Copy of the instrument evidencing such authorization is hereby made a part of this application. In Wilnerf Whereof the applicant has caused this application to be duly executed in its name by its undersigned officer and its official seal (if one has been selected) -to be hereunto affixed and attested by its-proper officer on this ...................... day 50i '01-ty- 01 rwtmm of........... ; ............... _ ................... 119 ........ in ................. ....................................................................... .................. Countyof .............. ......................... ...... ...... State of ... * ................................................ (SEAL) City os BDZrt= ............................. ......... . ........... ..................... A ST: (Legal corporate name of appileant) ................. ................ of .. . .. ....... .... ...... . . ................ .............. ................................... By._ zA, (Signature of attesting officer) (Signature of au th9riscd officer) C, t v .......... ... .......................................................... ­ ..................... ... ­ ..................................... — – ----------- --------------- (Title of attesting 13MCeT) (Officer's title) APPLICATION DATA NOTE.—Is is important that the applicants read carefmtly the- "Information for Applicanif'• before filling out the application form and give, -special attention to she part designated "Preparation of Application." I 1. AVV�rbf N.,�*.A6WDR-M (Give -legal corporate name) City 0 t W—U. 2. NAME OF PPLICANT S AUTHORtZED REPRESENTATIVE Title and address A# V=U 13hil, i 0 s Tmof 3. NAME O APPLICANTS ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER 611i 1=Ur= QgA Q =ddess State Ii , cense number 1?( Wt Cortbo T 4. D3scjupTase at cX�Z of preliminary repor1r, ske1cher,'mapj, or other data) Vmdt I—MWO CaXclty Activat6d 310,G0 SMpo Ttdbit=rat. atuxt., P-06061ca and, _U0o=* otmidtion. (W 4$x, 4urflualbn ldytt'=- o4d io mtwft pIdto cirrmign-=nt's in t=0 0:iiatu ccatarlt Aafttlm Tno, oamvp plent0e 8 Beys. . " 0'. Trcut=t t�alt 11 .*W00 L11kat. elp g* 'f. Ertl .0. yd � 100-Unw..ft. J Vi C 0, Fimp %e� Unof% lan 146ip 1261-1 -V *0j pipoo 0008 *,ft J$#.� VIjID74 P114t $4 j;jnjtt-_ 249, V.D. F CIO . A Im. 100, ZAU�fto, 10" C*tt XV-00 *#0.* �=d W drtW=10� bUdh i1a S. *U LOCATION OF PROPOSED PUBLIC WORK X�*totzl# Tb=b PAGE I OF 3 —4— Q d0 i SJVd Adbk Adbk 1- 10909 -01 ado (aAl,B7uatsa az paxf- s s,�ae I�aaV� . J, Tag pu3 a9poj&ou3j .Iw jo lsaq aq) o, a,afdwoa pus �»zzoa a �S!Tsjuat2jl pus slrgr p gz31,e ay, Ur pus 'urzoj anoge ay, uO pa!Tddns uorlewzojur 241 lsy, ,t4es8a9 I -- •----- -•--- --------------- pamraw,7) Nolivindod XNMUd -- -•-- ---- •-- - --••- ---- - -- - -- snsN9:),0y6i NoLLY -indoj LI• 0 JUawgA o' _ 1ap• aA18 slsrxo lfn3jap ' jj "ON D -A ❑ :1us�rldde ay, jo suope8rfgo 6De uo lsazalu! zo Izdr�D!zd jo 1uatuArd ay, ur lsrxa s,Tnepp bus zatpaq- 04313 (6) A.,ITnej so malsAs vans jo luawale,s 1e1:1U0 sal3f jo Ado:) s Lpgjs '1�aford Subnpozd- anuanas - paarAo Apuasazd a of uoprppe zo.uo!sup,xa us. sr laa(ozd ay, jI . •asuadxa UOr1er 0 M a.)Deoa,uleal pue Sanuanaz. ssozS p2l3drarlus JO 1Uawa131S a LPe113 'sanUanaz ,aafozd y8nozy, ,Jed ur zo afoyA u! palueug aq o, n pus laaford 8u!inpozd- anu4na1 AM a s1 laafoid j1 (g) ........... = ..................... $ •. .� ( (9) ssal (£)) Pam IOU dln3dsz lgap uo!1a8!Ig0 Twauag jo lunouV (L) ............................... ((S) ssaf (b)) ,gap UopeBrlgo Tszaua8,uasazd 1aN (9) - i $ (•Jta'rpuaq 8uris0ddnr- jJar'pu><f 8u!furs) suoponpap afgebolIV (S) m _ -- -- -•• '�9.. ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )gap DopsBrfgo I3zaaaS sso181uasazd 8u!pusls,n0 (h) 6cr:t OWL 106 —.1 . . . . . . . ... . . ., .- . . . . . . . 1runT lgap T38a1 uopeBrfgO fszauaJ (£) ......... 6 =3______________$ 1001$ zad ,IUITT xvi j39aI 1U3SiId ------ _----------- $ 1001$ Iad aleI X31 1UaSDId (Z) �CS�sS• .11MITA PaTSaSST 1Ua7lad ------- -- - - - - -S 'uonunfeA passim ?viol .(J) 0/0 ur+77 LLii - --- -- ' UOpen f� f 3 01 UOT ' 0 , al-Yal 61 :e18p Jv!1U3U13 •(I _......_••-• .. .............. . .• .............................................................. ----------------- --.-_. ................................................................... ......... ---•-- •---- - --- -• •---------•--._.._._..-•--•-°-•=---•--•-•--•----------------•_.-......-•----•-••--•--•-•--•-----•----------•-•--•----------------- --- •---- _.......•-•- -- ••-•• -. Bu, •r) ysea pa,sdopuz jo saamos alelS +.. ....... :......... • --------- .. '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (S) HOno11H1 (1) •IViO.L ... . . . . . . . . . . . . - •- ••------ • .. .......... .• - -•. ............... - ••••- •• - - - -- .............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- ---._..- ..._._.._._.......•.... - •--•---- °--- ----------- (v) :(kiyadS) sa:)inos Iay1p' (S) . ...............:............... . . . . . . . • pazpoylns aq Ol spUOq 1Ua1Uanozdwi zO lua,UssassV (q) . _______________________________ . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pazrzoylne TU09 IUawaAOZdun zo lulwssassV (v) (y) ................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pozrzoylne aq o, spuoq anuaAad (q) azrzo ne v annpAa v -------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P Y1 sp Og O (£) --- =-- --------- ••- - - - - -- . . . . . . .: . . . . pazrzoylna 0q o1 spuog Dop3Silgo Twou2!D (q) ' ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . paz!zoylns spDOq vo!,e8!Igo IszauaE) (v) (Z) .......................... $ fyse3 pa4ed0tjUV (1) •>floA aifgnd pasodozd s!y1 JO UopPnzlSUO:) ayl QXrVUg o, awnos gala woij lunowa pus Spunj jo saamos palsfdulaluo:) Apuasazd oyl Supexpur mawale,S •lusa!fdde jo 1uavlalels fenueug lsalel jo Adw ype11y •g --- — - ---------- ---........... •........................................ tjroa aggnd pasodozd ayl lanllsuo:) of 14!I!ge IsnUSUg 0y1 ansy'1v30rTdds IP.M -V cb4 :XUO& Ml9fld a3SOdOUd aH1 HONVNId 01 INNV7I1ddV -d0 [.LIT19V •91 Z�INOd� JIIHRd,aHSOd011d HH1 HLVNsd0 aNv 'NIVINIVlq 'H7NVNIId `LOn11iSNQ,NV1d of AIRIOHinv msys aH1 -aAVH -iNvw*tgdV HMI SM '91 pazrnbiV p uorjdo zapun pa:erd ❑ pa1�aI0S '❑ xvom orzend a3SOdONd SIH.L d0 NOLLr6rL aOV HISS HFi1 d0 Sruvis iNHSH11d 7IOHH) •171 • • • „y XVOm 31.19nd a3SOdOHd dH,L d0 moLizi IYLSNo7 am um ox SNV•Id .LNV:)MdV H,LVQ •£I ► 'NV'Id ITV-H3AO NV 01 SWHOAN07 Yd PA :X19nd aHSOd -OV,r HH1 WHIM& 9Nuvpj �� i�V `�IJNi V��HQ�Oy'�?l�OI`�Hll HO '1V001 `H1VI.S H1VRId0NddV HH1 310113.LNEIRE11V_ IS. V HDVIIV 'ZI ON ❑ S2A ❑ sAunj zaylo Jo 'UOrlsa!Tdd3. wozj Dorpendwd uvld ay, a�ueug o, saaz8e paaz8e ssq 1USarfdds ayl laszlyoa g5ns or j! aq1 JO�enozdde o, zo. IUWTIdds ay1 6q onn pazaloa aq of zo o1U! pazalua laszluoa bus jo Isoa ay, Aezjap of (q) *ON [] saA C], <uopewldda aql jo a13p al zo!Id' paYmaUr slso.) Aue ,iezjap o, jo apo w l ua. w s mgs!p fne zoj IU!Idds aq1 asmgwraz o1 (v) S p gnd an mb.n ansana311 9�Nvnav HHi SaOQ •11 --------------------------- . . . . . NOLL ...... - ............ = . . . . . 1ViOj $ �-,,[� VdVd3Hd NV1d d0 ISOO 1V.LO,j '`Ytf•. . - - — w+r ar_. snoauelTaasryy ' ....__. w.�.. anrisllsrmrDpe pus feBaZ .. •� . W'naz+aiitB'{py -.�f �,U iF -: - - -- . . . . oorunzlsuoa JO aorsr,uadnS - - - - -- • . . . uojlezedaid uefa :..:. spunj, } '�- - - - - -- - --im Z-t ya 1naDtdrnbg s,lue�!Idde wozj papuadxa aq of � $_ -- - - -- a}r.. .elc nor4nzlsu0, ----- ::_ -_ -. -; luei!idde 6q papuadxa AIsno!Aazd -JO- 11g8lz PUS pun ---- asuadxa Szsurwl aI $ I :NOLLV9Vd3Vd. NV1d 40 ONONVNId aHSOdO11d •OI ' :xxom DMInd a3sodoud do IsOD aa.LVNLLsg •6 •dH.Ldva,I3Hi SAVa 11VaN3tVJ -- ----- ----- NIH.IJ& aai3ldlgoD ae 1;ILn UNV H7NVAaV HH1 40 IN4MAVd 1VLLINi $Hi d0 idI D3V vaiAv SAVa 11VaNa1V7 -------------- NI a3i11V]S 1IdA NOLLVavdavd Nv1d 'g 'ON ❑ sa.0 ❑ a ON ❑ SaA ❑ jSH0ir6d S LNV:)rlddk Ag i13V9.LN07 WgAn a3xvdaxd 311. 1aeSN..M allV 'L - �aHisana38 s1 HONVAaV SIH.L HXHA& 1104 NOI•r•VWdaUd NV1d d0 SR, ;4;5` ii�S IHFrY�S .H� '9 (P- MI-09) WVH!DOHd 5NINNV'1d.30NVAGV =V.LV0 NOIIV *IlddV '. stuzarlVS9