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Ordinance No. 89
. - t _ ,. • - QRDi1�AY�C��•ITQ.• '4' / ,. r AN, QRD,Ii t AUTIIOBI7; �}C THE f%YOR TO FILE AIT' Al PtICAT�I{J1-1 1 +Iii THE .i} °IT STATES OP.'AtMICA 10 AN "VANC2 TO TAU. e 11IDI; FOR ,SAE A V�1dCE FLAh1tid O UMT -•;� EDUAL FfTMI - WORU (fir, VgBtIO LAW 352, _ 815T'GGY�R�B � C�' tit t• � UIi Y ' D: 3TA,TtS , ,A:PRR0 OC TOS54 13; 1q #9 r�II ty4AS•;.11s16 'C�ty 'of ytc�rm', YTexac, heroin,. 'cAl18d .the "mpplici l:," meter:.; -' thoto h coxicido tioli of : tha various: as}�ectu o the;'probl it dnd 3tadjr of dv� fable _ rata b B Nora Wy dctor:ained •that the cons-truction of certain public works:,, giorally - ,. -depctibed1 as 3 t r ,So►�dr improvo*nontp is c osirAblo and' it :the utlio iutgte6•t and that and it f3• ,hedoe,eary that -ac-t i Tx -gro3imj r!ar,{' ,to the 'conatru0tion ,.a.:. 'caid 'trorko to be, takcn' jzTz cdia.-tolyt; and I� GAS, '�tnde3l- the �er�s: of .Publio Larr'.332,...81s t Cpng zcsos,. approired' October 13, 1949, -the3 ilz�itec? 5tate�s.:`bf ,A.merica, Tian authorised .ths ,raking, of a @vanc3c' to public boiea to, slid - in c lofraying t}io colt; of: �xrchitoctura,l,, - engnocr3x3, aaci egoncio in70Qtigg6ti(c Ia °annd •studies, ourveyc, docibip, plFa--w, working drdw a',,- speCific"a:tionc, � . pracedureo, .aid o sn-ar action, prelim nary to 'f�ha 'conai rLiat� oi� oi' p�b1iG firorkr� (oxclus vo ' of 'hope i;i�F) ; ,.ai,d.; - •' , ' ' • - • - 4 - , • �ho _Upplio�t hct� czaMine uiid duly corsiderad s,uoh a' ot and rho tippli- cant' coa&lc ord, it td` t:•o ih' the public• htoroa -t'aua to its _vobof�; 'ta f'i3o'-an appli4 ca *ioz under- ,said act to atit horizo , othe r' actimi, iii' Onto otion thorgrrith; ORDAIUL'p 8X •.T}�c 'Sit,J Ccuno3l tiro ove�`ni g haciy of .'said '. . �pplca�et, tia;•follvr•'ar -• . 1..' 21int -tho Bons ruction. OF.'3ag . rubl�c :�orkc ig'essontia7., tu',�axsd.io to, the beat• AhtEr6ato of tho a SPl ancT to; the c�aid that• each public orl;'s zoxy ire: 15rovid- ec1 ac•faro ptly na practicable i�t'ia dosir.vb a.,that`:aatiou. prolimin. ry .o t}tr c.ariatrua- t36n thdreof bo un.de'rtalcen- ammediatv3y;.- 2 • Shat. ;. :. J; „�, k7ard; mayor,: ho. hereby authorised to f9.le jn..behal.f of tha - applicant. application (; :_form, required }y,t��e.il�zited 8tatsr - and•in_eonf'or ityr , o:ifl ado)., for` an ;4-v nOb t-o bo �aL*6 1�natafi ;S�ates';to. Ehe' appl�.c�at` tv i p. i� con pre_Wingr -y to tha. construction o£• ouch: publio aic iix dofrayin trye� lann w6riva`,. rhich.' oh�iil 'ooGac iqt 'QUOra1.1y of : Stoirm .v6r.zapra'dcinta divided, ,into units. _ knit, I to 'iemedy fio•odi .conditions 'at Mmeabtci raid `Colorado -AVe eO zd' r.#,bt •and Lobit 5trootp 'ina "lading 288 Lizi.lt. ld" 'Reinf'. Cone.' Pike' 136 Lin.Pt. '1B" 1..G.,P.;• 3 &5'0 I,fi�.1t.'2 " it.C,F,j 820 Lin:`ft '30'-' P C,p•�_lU2A Lin.1t: 3G" :R,C.;F.g 1.780 Lin.Ifts ilx:4 Lii.ft, 48"-' g4CJ -#,j '772 Lit. ft. WI- 9.C.P. ;? 1860. Lin.ft.'6D" _ inletg1 n4ri�olos; "and, appu{.tonEnt aofi6truction at aIa est ated .projact coat, of , I 1S5 ,3S8:00. Unit IT to r idy f11b.. conditio2sa. at PriiaLtt an �tor],�g; ir"iret, f . anri Te:caa; Roodlarm !}dditi4 i;, and +Fourth. d 'J sicQ 'including' 120 L.ix .ft. ]?" 'R": .; ld ";,R.C.: ?. # 750 Lixi:ft: 24" i :C:p. -; - 870 1i ft. 3'0" : $6 R.C.P 1Q90 i,iri. t. 42:' R :C:P:; 1180 Lin.ft: 48 .-- R:E.P.; �750,Liu.ft:. iuloti�; zrazt;olsg3Y and appi�rteadnt donotruction. at an ,cstimatod proje ct aos± of. ,. .0i29,fi2400. , •1hA if ' uch`ad*anav bo � d:o"tho applicant. 'S ha - pr-gvido or makQ nvco i,sa y ar-mngamonts to provide' such funds:,, - in addition _• to ', iho ddvgnnge : as - rxdy ba'• roquired to 'dofray the Boat of "duela notion prof ►iriarjr to tho, construction of. tro.pu> >lic .uorks3' .4. ,Tht.f said ;repzos�,ttativo' �horoby;authoirizdd -to 'r47i dh .aueh: infortntion. and aka ouch othor action' soy be nccas:aary .to enable th© applicant .to 'qualit'y for' 5.. That the, officer dQaY tvd in the rccad�n ranki'�v hors doAi tad, p g. Pa rtx. e. as . %o authori;Q4 repreggritative• of the applicant fo "r/ tho pur�ego� of fur'nishi�n�to °tho united: taioe auah information,'data, "ancT doc ants po to sa ng to tho :application ,for an acTVango. as 'ciao lye roquired; and othort�iao: to sat a 'the: uuthorizod,.repr'eaentt- " tiv© of. the: applicant connection with this application. $'. That'�cortified-6opiea of : - :this aord.inan'ce�. be 9no d'dd a'a part of the -'appli�- cation for-an advanco- to be-, oW mi.tted..to, tho United ,Stains: - 7. OGt 4© IiatO. ` This-. Qrdis inco pkia] 1, tike -off e&t. i=Qdiataly aft er -:on eifPirr� ire rots: by the ma arity `gf''tro 'City Council, of thb City ,of Bayyto0n. i tTFip iUC D, 'Ab; ;d30; FQ95LA tr9� thv ai`fir ativo.,Vibty° of a Majority of r the City • E x, , Council of . the, City' of • Baytown- on. thin- 26th, day af-' Soptc=bor,. A.:-' 0: 1950. ATTM.T f r ; � Inez. donhn I Aa tirg YC i tY• C e . . - DM, tHALL the. duly' aA}apinto au andrahti "C�.ty C1er: ' -cf• thix City' of.8a ,yto�m, coo° horo3iy oortify thzit-_t}ivtiabove ;and fotogojng :ioa a tru ©,;and Corse t copy of - Ordinance; tto: �� du] y '�socc3 � tho `City G.o,�n� it a£ nayta x?, - . — 7 ., 1 � - L T�•i ,,( "' r ♦. •lq `, tai #_; . Act c itf Clerk ` • - 1 • ' . • - • - y tit , r• - - - `1i t - , Budget Bureau No. 29 -R008. Approval expires October 18. 1951. OiF.fCE O' To BaFUled In by Dhan ORloe GSA2or? 3 2_40 APPLICATION NO. COMTAUNITY FACILITIES SERVICEY'� SECOND ADVANCE PLANNING PROGRAM COUNTY APPLICATION FOR ADVANCE -FOR PLAN PREPARATION FOR CITY NON - FEDERAL PUBLIC WORKS TYPE 1 DATE APPLICATION •� / AMOUNT`OF ADVANCE APPLIED FOR, Slt= -_- - =_ aAq........................................................ RECEIVED 4 The applicant hereinbelow designated makes application to the United States of America for 'an advance under the provisions of the act to provide for the advance planning of non - Federal public works, Public Law 352, 81st Congress, approved October 13, 1949, to aid in defraying planning costs preliminary to the construction of the proposed public work described in item 4 under application data below. The applicant represents that it will make every possible effort to have available when needed sufficient funds to defray the cost of constructing such public works; that the data in support of this application for an advance are true, correct, and complete; that the filing of this application has been duly authorized by the appropriate governing body of said applicant; that the undersigned officer has been duly authorized by formal action of said governing body of said applicant to, file this application for and in behalf of said applicant, to'provide to the United States such additional information and documents as may be required and otherwise to act as the authorized representative of the applicant in connection with this application; and that a certified copy of the instrument evidencing such authorization is hereby made a part of this application. In Witness Whereof the applicant has caused this application to be duly executed in its name by its undersigned officer and its official seal (if one has been selected) to be hereunto affixed and attested by its proper officer -on this ------ '---------- .. .... day of .uQ t�' :'�`' .........................1 19.59.., in .RP. 7_0, �... L^: ........? . 4 -..........................--- -------------------- County of zES_'_ �7 .................... ......................... . . . . .. State of tY i3 ....................................... (SEAL) ATTE T: J / ........... .... ... . - ......................................... . ._.......---------- ._.......... . (Signature of attesting officer) Lib- t9'!k; C'a:t r 1'l.z :...................... ... .................. . ......................... (Title or attesting officer) ........... .' ' ` --------- ............. .. .......... (Legal oorpo 0 name of applicant) J (Signature of authorised�ar) , r, (Officer's title) APPLICATION DATA NOTE. It is important that the applicanu read carefdlly the "Information for Applicants" befoie %fling oat the application form and give. special attention to The part designated "Preparation of Application." 1, APPLICANTS NAME AND ADDRESS (Give legal corporate -name) ty or town City of ?'c?y'tA ,� ft��y trr� it :., , 2. NAME OF APPLICANT'S UTHORIZED REPRE4 SENTATIVE Title and address j 22i tb o + j. NAME OF APPLICANTS ARCHITECT OR ENG[NEERJ�3Z, ♦? (�, �t�.�#Y w+.' y�4�!� �iddreSS St/a�t1ellicease number J-00 i3 • a� s3 C� '' 2 !' C� =. 'l r�T QIkLKJ V ! A DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PUBLI WORK (If v Iable, ati h a ropy of preliminary reports, sketcher, maps, or other.dota)' Unit 1�-- �`,:�3 41"Iflt. 15`,. lza . Cone. ?ao- •ft: 'a n. n-^ :# 1650 woo. R.0.1341' 16ZO un...rt# .3f?F _ %C--?- j IOZO Zin-4ft4 35tl 'Rec" F ;.. 1` co laxfts. 4 tl n.t. P. j 1114 -LL_1 ft� e:s" 2: C,+ i?. a' vr? `l. �'1�2. . C� �. .,� Ulvo Lin. ^* * t��� Tssi�tt 3.,,A���t.,;: Tnz 1n2Q1' X23; �. �. tr7�..' �C����4�P ,yrt�>,{1,��t. G1�1iYv�aC�ir211���+����.�, �y t+�:.11t ai "'0.123 Liudte .i.s iFttl ,i a; 100. �ir.J.« ,fti Ltzr S:;`���'.�: f -w �a•.la.ii�.�wa. VVI A46P -4.1 $rio .$t. 300, i- C-t?t nzo, !of't.* Crl R.C.P's lip' lain. .. 427 uoope j ��E�0 'iv .£t* 5r t C,p' 3 760 LilalfQ4 ��'� R.c.�'rx etio h'pI.,'f =d pp S. LOCATION O PROPOSED PUB IC WORK ' 16- 6001-I PAGE 1 OF 3 S do r HOVd Amok J t- 10004 —Gt oro ., (aArl ardar pazuotl, ,luuarlddV) RP - ................. •------ ���r� aT ue a8 a mo dw o isa a 1 .I� P P[ u'1 J q gj of aja[dwoa pug `jaarroa `aruj Sr Sq ejS pve sj! a atf�e ae aq1 nr pus w1o; anoge aqj uo pa![ddns uogewjo;u! aqj jegj ,jdl.L?I3.') I ..► - r - "-- - -- (P,n'Za?Ir3) NOLLVlndOd J.NHSHHd --- ..- ..---- •----- -- -- f_ --_ -- SIISN37 Op6L NOLCV'Indod 'Li --- - - -... -- �7 •jUautgPmjjU UO Sj!ejap•bAls sjsrxa Ifne;ap ff -ON (2 sa)L ❑ :jupaljddm lip ;o suoljmSggo due uo jsaralul Jo (edT:)ulJd ;o juawded ayj u! jsrxa sjjne;ap bus Jag30ym ajmjS (6) djljlre; Jo wajsds Lpns ;o juawajmjs Me Ut'vg jsajmj ;o ddw m tpBllu'13a[o]d sulJnpord-anUaAaJ paumo d(jaasard m of Uoq!ppv Jo.uorsvajxa Lre sl joa[oJd agj ;f . 'asuadxa uotjvr o prig aaugvajuruw put: Sa11u3A3J.ssoJS palvdix4try ;o juawajejs a yJejje'sanuaear jJaford tonolLp jred m Jo ajoyb to pa:)uvug aq of si par pa[ord-StionpoJd- anuaAw mau v ST Paford ;I (g) -� .. (0) ssal (£)) Pam iou djnvdm:).jgap aoljmsljgo jwauas ;o junoutV (L) ssal (ti)) jgap uone8ljgo [erauas mosard iaN (9) :►.,:i. •Ts - - - -- r1a'r uo 8uriroddnr ar 'pun/ 8ur ur suoTjon a a emo .. (' P 9 {! S) P P i9 lIV (S) , - -•._._._ jgap aoljmsljgo (eraua8 ssoJS jvasard Swpuejsjno (y) U0q►�t/��kf••-�-y-9 IDG� - ..I . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . � ap IsSalJad .-- .... - -- -- t�ciS3 -- - --- - - - --- Jad jswr xaj 99a jvasaJ ----- _- -lrunf am xejf juasald +y_• s `OOjs f I I d �,;� `OOii d (Z} "__'_.V._._ "'r "' 'uoTjen 'uoljmn (1) o a rtpU 0j Uapen A a55aSSe jUaJJa en assaSSe eI0 !a" � im ie Te P d T fizz GT. 1 P t i :ejmp feratnu. •Q •- -------- ----- --------- •- -• ---- ---'•---••-•----------......•-•--------. ...............-- ••-- •-_- ---'•• ----------•----•-.---_....._....-•--•-----•-........................-- ......................................... ......... ------------------------------------------------ (-;,a 'punt $urptrnq '•a •r) gsna pajvdnrjuv ;o saamos ajejg+ - - ---• : ,ti�rl u t°a' .: . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . (S) HJnOHH.L (I) 1V.LO.L ��.� :7 - _•__ . . . . . . ._.-----•-' .................•--_--•...._......--_---......••-•---- ................................ . . .. . . . . . . . . •----'--'-•--•----••--_-......--- ---......---- ••......-• - -"•-- (v) :(Lfrrads) saJJnos ragio (s) •-•---......... . . . . . • . . . . Pazrrotpnv aq of spUOq juawaAOJdwi Jo juawssasSV (q) .............................._ . . . . . . . . . paztrogme SpuOq jUawaAOJdtt11 r0 juawssassV (v) (t) ----- ------- ----- •-- ....._'• -_•- ... . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . pazrrogjne aq of spuoq anw"-g (4) ----------- ------••.-t --- - -• -_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - P az o gj nv spuoq anaana -d Oa ' (£) ... - - -- . . . . . � Q-•• -• -••• paZtrOlfjRe ag Oj spuoq UOIjE81jg0 fEJOUag — pazrrotpnv spuoq UOTILSI jmuao (n) (z) _ .............................._ . . . . . . . ... . . *q— pajednRUV ([ ) lion at(gnd os ipea war; wnov ptiv Spun; ;o saomos pajuldwajuoa Apuasaid atp Supexpur juut pasodord slgj ;o uoilDrujsum ayj aausug of arm w aajejs •D •4um3ljdde ;o juawalms lelnuvuy jsajvj' ;o Ado:) tpvnV 'g – – ----------- ................... . .....•"•""'•......�'..."' �>irom 3ggnd pasodord ayj janJjsmoi of djljrge jslaUgug agj ansy jumildde fl!h& -V :xmA oilan+td a3SOdOUd HH.L H7NTVNNId 01 1NV7rlddV.dO AI-11aV '91. •_ ��%04.�! L��:}�.�,� •=J��v � �r`�Y�'���+'� =t�r� T M'7 -^L nt�.),j - .,.t'�;.Z LY�c'�i }aJ� •djlJogjnv jvsal xseq ;o suopuw ; A!O -011 El sax .+: �xHOA 3113nd,aHSOd011d HHI 31V lHd0 aNV 'NIVINIVN 'bNVNId 'J.On'dISNQO.'NVld O.L A.LIHOH.LnV OISYH 3HI HAVH LNV)Iludy 3Hi SHOQ 'Sl partn6.3V & uopdo spun paDvjd• G'-.:paualaS 0 mom 7rl3nd a3sodoud siH1 30 NO1.I.Ismbw H1JS HH.L d0 SrUY.LS LNHS3Ed Mim:) 'yT .f z;j ' Tk.i1Er xaom onand aasodo3d aH1 do NOI.I,OrIT1uNOO aIVIJJNI OL°SNVTd iNVJIIddV HIVQ '£1 ' 'NVId llV-U3AO NV 01 SKHOdN07 xHom 7insnd aHSOd -ONd 3HI HHHIM& omu"IaNI AONHJV 9NINNVld-llV-NHA0 IYNOI93II -do '1"O'l 'H.LVIS HIVIHdOIiddV HHI WO11d ].NHWHIVIS -V HJVI.LV 'ZI ON 0,. saA ❑ C spun; Jagjo wor; uoljvrvdard avid aqj aaueug of saar8v ro paaJSu seq juv.)ljddv aqj pvrjuoJ gins ur p 'uoljwgdde, atp ;o [enOrdde of To!Jd j=!jdds agj dq ojtn pwajua aq of To ojat pwaiuo pvnuo� dim ;o isoa aqi Awjap o.L (q) •ON B saX p, �uoijmgddv ayj ;o ojep of Jorrd' dam parrrl)u! sjsoa A= dmrlap of ro apses jaawasmgsrp Jo; jumilddv aqj asmgwp,��r-.,,.tj�Lo•L srSaNna HamDmi aHls3nbzv 30NVAaV HH.L SHOCI _ .._.._ .._. ..................... • _ ;__._ NOII /..(tap) ....... V'Learcl�'�JLic:. i - -.. .. IVIO.L .'. - VlrVdH-dd NVld d0 JSOJ 1V10•j• .-- -�� -+;�i : - - - -- ryry- - - -- -- snoauejla]srW .�•T e. w :.: • 7 -------- G-� ..�G k °gam ------------ - -- -- san6aJ aoueA {�Cf 4 Wj PV G ar- ------- . . . . UOtj "Suo� ;o UOIsINadnS` 1'i �� aop mdard 086'. b °�d ............................... �a spun;_ sjua!fdde wor; papuadxa aq oL wa..+. +.i..�.,,....c - jvawdm g UO 5110 i .........,...... ...... t • : jasallddv dg papuadxa djsnolnard ---------- dm= ;o- sjtjW!r. pule PSI .. - -- -- i. }r; ------ . . . . . asaadxa dlmulwrjard :NOLLVUVdH'!Id MVld 90 9Nr,)NVNIH aHSOdO11d y]1, :YHOA1 7nand aHSOdOUd 410 ISO] 031V1YIIsd 'E 'saiavamagi SAVa UVaN3lV7 "'• "•' - - -- NIHIja a31HldWOD H3 _._... - -. - -- -dd '$ 11ld� aNV HONVAUV HHI d0 LNiIK)LVd 1VLLINT 3H1 d0 .LdrH�HH HHIdV SAva IIVQNHIV> NI aH.L71S H� NOLLVIIVd3 NVld ON. OL SaA ❑ ONO SaA �SH7H03 S,.LNV71lddV Ag jIJVUINO7 NHaNn 03- dYdEpl -dd Ere oy1 sNVld aEv 'L �aHISH[IbRV SI HJNVAQV SIHI HXH& H03 NOLLVeVd3ttd NVid dO SniV.LS INEIMd HHI Sl IVHA& '9 CP"10-9) wva!008d 5NINNV-ld.33NVAGV- -VJLVG NOIIV011ddV cU,O,ayss D 0