Ordinance No. 54-AORDINANCE NO. 54 (a ) AN ORDINANCE CONTAINING CERTAIN FACT FIlOI14GS OF THE CITY COUNCIL WITH REFERENCE TO ORDINANCE N0.'54 INTRO- DUCED ON THE 4TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1949 AIM BEING "AN OR- DINkNCE ENIARGING AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIHITS OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWNJ .TEXAS, AND ANNEXING ADDITIONAL ADJACENT TERRITORY TO SAID CITY, ALL OF WHICH IS DE- SCRIBED IN THE ORDINANCE; CONTAINING SAVINGS CLAUSE AMID PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION APHID PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE . IN THE CAI NER PROVIDED IN ARTICLE I, SECTION 9 OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF BAYTORlN11';. PROVIDING FOR THE AI'rtEND16ENT OF SAID ORDINANCE NO, 54 54 WITH . RE- SPECT TO THE TERRITORY TO BE.ANNEXED AND FOR THE FINAL PASSAGE OF SAID ORDINANCE IN AMEAIDED FORM PURSUANT TO SECTION 9, ARTICLE I OF THE CHARTER.OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Baytown hereby makes the following findings of fact: • (a) That pursuant to Section 9 of Article I of the Charter of said city, Ordinance No. 54 was introduced in the City Council meeting on the 4th day of August, A. D. 1949, said ordinance providing for the extension of the boundary limits of said city and the annexation of additional territory lying adjacent thereto; (b) That said ordinance was published in the official newspaper in Baytown one time, to--vrit, in the "Baytown Sun" on the 8th day of August, 1949;: (c) That written petitions were filed by General Tire and Rubber Company and other property miners or citizens of the territory to be annexed evidenc- ing their desire to contest said annexation, said written petitions stating their reasons for said contest; ,, (d) Than, on the first day of September, 1949, the .City Council ordered by motion that the General Tire and Rubber Company and all others desiring to contest annexation Ordinance No. 54, passed August 4, 1949, should have the opportunity to be heard at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Baytown on September 15, 1949 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall in Baytown; (e) That written notices of said meeting were addressed and mailed to General • Tire and Rubber Company and others filing a written petition with the City Council, and likewise pride publicity was given to the holding of said meeting by the local press; (f) That at said meeting representatives of General Tire and Rubber Company, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Humble Oil and Refining Company, the Busch Estate and other property miners and citizens of the territory to be annexed and of the City of Baytown appeared before the City Council protesting the said ordinance, all of such property ovmers and citizens being given an opportunity to be heard at the said hearing; (g) That the City Council has carefully considered said protests and as a result thereof in its judgment has determined that said Ordinance No. 54 should be amended with respect to the territory to be annexed; (h) That it is the intention and purpose of this ordinance to have the effect of finally passing said Ordinance No. 54 in amended form in accordance with the provisions and meaning of Section 9 of Article I of the Charter of the City of Bayt own; (i) That this ordinance, being Ordinance No. 54 in amended form is being acted • upon after more than thirty (30) days have elapsed since the first publication of said Ordinance No. 54 as provided in the City Charter. SECTION 2. That pursuant to Section 9, Article I of the City Charter, said Ordi- nance No. 54 introduced in the City Council of the City of Baytown on the 4th day of August, A. D. 1949 shall be amended and as so amended shall read as follows: "ORDINANCE NO. 54 AN ORDINANCE ENLARGING AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BAYTOVJI\T, TEXAS, .AND ANNEXING ADDITIONAL ADJACENT TERRITORY TO SAID CITY, ALL, OF WHICH IS DESCRIBED IN THE ORDINANCE; _ CONTAINING SAVINGS CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING.FOR THE PUBLICATION AND PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE IN THE MANNER PRO-_ VIDED IN ARTICLE I, SECTION 9 OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: SECTION 1. Intent and Purpose of the Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Baytown, acting pursuant to Section 9 of Article I of the Charter of said city, hereby declares that it is necessary that the hereinafter.de- scribed territory lying adjacent to the city be annexed and the existing boundary limits of the city be extended to include such territory. The pur- pose and intent of this extension of the boundary limits of the City.of Bay - town is to take care of said city's present needs for additional territory and the reasonably anticipated future growth and expansion.of the city. SECTION 2. That the boundary limits of the City of Baytown, Texas, be enlarged and extended as hereinafter set out so as to include within the boundary limits of said city all that territory lying adjacent to said city within the following described lines, to .1 BEGII1\jING at a point in the west line of I&in Street in the City of Bay- town, Im. Scott Upper League, Harris County, Texas, said point of beginning being further described as situated south 32 degrees 19t west a distance of 49.5 feet from the point of intersection of the aforesaid street vest line and the north line of Dayton Street, and said point of intersection of said streets described as lying north 20 degrees 281 west a distance of 71.6 ft. from the northwest corner of Block One in Airhart Addition, Ift. Scott Upper League, Harris County, Texas, and said point of intersection of aforesaid street property lines being known,as point thirty five in the city limits of Baytown, formerly Pelly, as adopted by the City Council by ordinance dated April 17, 1947; THENCE south 32 degrees 191 west along the present city limits line, be- ing the west line of Main Street to a point situated north 32 degrees 19t east a distance of 110 feet from the point of intersection of the west line of Main Street and the north line of Market Street Road; _ THENCE north 53 degrees 39t west parallel to the north line of Market Street Road but north 32 degrees 191 east a distance of 110 feet therefrom, a distance of 231-54 ft. to corner; THENCE south 32 degrees 191 west 110 ft. to the north line of Market Street Road; THENCE north 54 degrees 031 west along the north line of Market Street Road to the point of intersection of said north line of Market Street Road and the west line of Market Street Road formerly known as Avenue A; THENCE south 53 degrees 001 west along the western right - of-way of afore- said 11Avenue Atl, now i,trket Street Road, approximately 80 feet to the point for and marking the place of beginning of the tract of land deeded by Humble Oil & Refining Company to the United States Government for a post office site; THENCE north 46 degrees 561 west 190 ft. to the most northerly corner of post office site; THENCE south 53 degrees 001 west with the west line of post office site passing at 232.23 ft. the most northerly corner or north westerly corner of an 0.86 acre tract owned by the Baytown Mutual Benefit Association, to total distance of 312.23 ft. to an iron pipe being the corner of an 0.21 acre water well site deeded to Harris County Water Control and Improvement District No. 7; THENCE north 37 degrees 001 west 78 feet to an iron pipe marking the most northerly corner of aforementioned water well site; -1- THENCE south 53 degrees OOt west along the most northerly property line of said water well tract a distance of 120 feet to a,point, an iron pipe mark- ing the. most westerly corner of the water well site; THE0CE south 37 degrees east .at 781 the'most western corner of Mutual Benefit Association tract, to total distance of 265,02 ft. to the most west- erly or northwesterly right-of-way of .Avenue A or Market Street Road;. THENCE south 53 degrees OOt west along the westerly or northwesterly right- of.way of said Avenue A or Market Street Road a distance of 428 ft., more or less to a two inch iron pipe cornerpost of a woven wire fence for corner; THENCE north 83 degrees OOt west along said woven wire fence approximately 81 ft..to a point, an interior fence post, and corner; THENCE north 37 degrees 001 west along the aforementioned woven wire fence,82 feet to a point, a fence corner marking the most northwesterly corner of tract owned by the Humble Oil & Refining Co. Sales Dept.; THENCE south 53 degrees OOt west along said -woven wire fence 110 ft. more or less to the north line of Market Street Road; THENCE north 53 degrees OOt -east with the projection of the north line of Market Street Road to its point of intersection with the westerly line of Nevada Street projected northerly; THENCE south 8 degrees 421 west with the west line of Nevada Street to the point of intersection of said west line of Nevada Street and the south line of i ft. alley which extends along the south side of Block 16, East Baytown Subdivision in the Wm. Scott Upper League, Harris County, Texas; THENCE south 81 degrees 13t east along the south line of said 14 ft. alley.583.1 ft, to corner being the northwest corner of First Methodist Church of Baytown tract; THENCE south 08 degrees 05t west along the west line of First Methodist Church..tract 354 ft, to the southwest corner of First Methodist Church Tract; THENCE south 81 degrees 13, east along the south line of First Methodist Church -of Baytown Tract 339.20 ft. to the west line of Oklahoma: Street in the East Baytown Subdivision, 4m. Scott Upper League, Harris County, Texas; THENCE south 08 degrees o5t west along the west line of Oklahoma Street to its point of intersection with the north line of Black Duck Bay,<:,said north line of Black Duck Bay being the mean high tide line.of said Bay; THENCE westerly with the mean high tide line of Black Duck Bay to the point.of intersection of said northerly line of Black.Duck Bay and a line projected perpendicular a distance of 2500 ft. from the center line of San Jacinto River being the Houston Ship Channel; THENCE westerly with the line formed by the arc, whose central angle is 89 degrees 26t described by the center line of Houston Ship Channel, said line being 2500 ft. distant from said center line of Houston Ship Channel to its point of intersection with the southerly right -of -way of Market Street Road; THENCE continuing with aforesaid arc of radius of 6000 ft..over and across Market.Street Road to its point of junction with the north right-of-way Market Street Road; THENCE continuing along the aforesaid arc of radius of 6000 ft. over and across.h,larket Street Road past the southerly right -of -way of Market Street Road and continuing-to the point of intersection of said are with the northerly line of Scott Bay; THENCE with the meanders of the north line of Scott Bay in a northerly and westerly direction to the point of intersection of said northerly line of Scott Bay and the easterly line of Bay Villa Subdivision; THENCE north 31 degrees 46, east along the southerly line of Bay Villa Subdivision 460,9 ft. to the south westerly line of Market Street Road; -2= --,:- L-1l r- c o THENCE with the southerly line of Market Street Road along the north easterly line of Bay Villa Subdivision north 13 degrees 101 west 100.1 ft; north 17 degrees 081 west 100 ft.; north 21 degrees 281 west 100.2 -ft.; north 26 degrees 201 west-.99.7 ft.; north 29 degrees 38t west 611.9 ft.; north 29 degrees 43t west 342.9 feet; north 33 degrees 041-west 156,,9 feet; north 34 degrees 471 west 100 ft,; north 36 degrees 061 west.100 ft.;. north 38 degrees 011 westllla6 ft. to point, being the point of intersection of west line of Humble Oil & Refining Company property and the southwesterly line of Market Street Road; THENCE north 20 degrees 44, east across Market Street Road 114.4 ft. to northeasterly line of Market Street Road; THENCE north 21 degrees 031 east along the west line of Humble Oil & Refining Co. over and across Cedar Bayou VTooster Road, for a distance of 536.9 ft. to the north line of said Cedar.Bayou- Wooster Road, being southeast corner of Sweeney Subdivision; THENCE north 21 degrees 07t east along the east line of Sweeney Subdivision 2660 ft. to corner, being the southwesterly corner of Steinman Tract, now known as C. A. Fortner 38 acre tract; THENCE south 88 degrees 591 east along south line of Steinman Tract 201 *43 ft. to,the southeasterly corner,-of Steinman Tract; _ THENCE with the east line of Steinman Tract north 21 degrees lot east 1080.;1 -ft.; north 00 degrees 401 west 1583.92 ft. the northeast corner of Steinman Tract, being the north-line of Wm. Scott Upper League; THENCE north 89 degrees 281 east along the north line of Wm. Scott Upper League.over and across the Houston North Shore Railroad right-of-way to a distance of 2577.4 ft. a point; THENCE north 89 degrees 291 east along north line of Humble Oil & Refining Company to a distance of 1835,2-feet to point9 THENCE east along the north line of Wm. Scott Upper League over and across Decker.Drive to a total distance of 4118 feet to the southwesterly bank of Goose Creek Stream- and continuing over and across said stream to its easterly banks; THENCE southerly and easterly with the meanders of the northerly or north - easterly, bank of Goose Creek Stream to its point of intersection with the south right-of-way line of Decker Drive; THENCE north 29 degrees 57t west along the south line of Decker Drive to a point of curvature to the left of said south line of Decker Drive; THENCE with the curve to the left as described by the south line of Decker -Drive 911.65 ft. to the point of tangentcy of said curve; THENCE north 58 degrees 111 west with the south line of Decker Drive 3373.24 ft. to the point of curvature to the right described by the south line of Decker Drive; THENCE with the curve to the right as.described by the south line of Decker Drive 919.78 ft. -to the point of tangentcy of said curve; THENCE north 40 degrees 101 west along the south line of Decker Drive 1059.8 ft._said point situated south 100 ft. from the north line of Am. Scott Upper League; THENCE westerly parallel to the north line of Wm.. Scott Upper League but southerly and perpendicular 100 ft. distance therefrom.to.i_po gt;'csaid point being situated south 00 degrees 40t east 100 ft. and north 89 degrees 28t east 100 ft. from the point of intersection of the north line of Wm. Scott Upper League and the east line of Steinman Tract; THENCE south 00 degrees 101 east parallel to the east line of the Steinman Tract, but perpendicular 1:00 ft.- distance therefrom, continuing south 21 degrees lot west parallel to but easterly 100 ft. perpendicular to the east line of Steinman Tract to the northwest corner of Defense Plant Corporation 47081 acre tract occupied by General Tire and Rubber Qompany; THENCE with the west line of said 47.81 acre tract south 21 degrees 101 west 551.92 ft. to corner of 47.81 acre tract; _ .THENCE north 88 degrees 591 west along a north line of,the 47.81 acre tract.201.13.ft. to corner of the 47.81 acre tract; THENCE south 20 degrees 561 west 710.92 ft.rperpendicular 100 ft. distant from east line of Sweeney Subdivision, the west line of the 47.81 acre tract to the southwest corner of said 47.81 acre tract, said corner being situated easterly 100 ft, from the east line of Sweeney Addition; . THENCE southwesterly over and across a 100 "ft. strip owned by Humble Oil and Refining Co. to the northwest corner of Defense Plant Corporation 81.34 acre tract; THENCE south 20 degrees 561 west with the,west line of Defense Plant Corporation 81.34 acre tract 1741.61 ft. to the southwest corner 81.34 acre tract, being situated in the north line of Cedar Bayou- Uooster Road and per- pendicular 40 feet from the east line of Sweeney "Subdivision; THENCE southerly over and across Cedar Bayou Wooster Road to the north- west corner of Defense Plant Corporation 58.299 acre tract; THENCE south 20 degrees 521west with the west line of Defense Plant Corporation 58.299 acre tract at 491.91 ft. the most western corner of the Defense Plant Corporation Tract and continuing on said line to the point of intersection of west line of Defense Plant Corporation 58.299 acre tract projected south 20 degrees 5 21 west and the northeasterly line of Market Street Road; _ THENCE southerly with the northeasterly line of Market Street Road to the point, of intersection of the northeasterly line of Market Street Road and the south line of the Defense Plant Corporation 58.299 acre tract projected north 87 degrees 441 west;, THENCE south 87 degrees 441 east past the southwesterly corner of the Defense Plant Corporation 58.299 acre tract, continuing south 87 degrees 441 east 1733.75 ft, the southeast corner of the Defense Plant Corporation 58.299 acre tract to the west line of.the Houston North Shore Railroad; THENCE south 11 degrees 431 west with the west line of Houston North Shore Railroad to a point, said point,..fur.ther described as lying north 32 degrees 191 east 715 ft, from the north line of.Houston North Shore Railroad -8.8 acre ease- ment projected north"57 degrees 411 west; x THENCE over and across Houston North Shore right -of -way, whose center line is situated_ south 32 degrees.191 east 854.64'ft., north 57 degrees 411 west 68854;5 ft., north 32 degrees 191-east 619.62 ft., north 11 degrees 431-east 13399 ft. from the northeast corner of Houston Light & Power Company_Tract, to the west line of Humble Oil & Refining Co. continuing on a line situated north 32 degrees 191.east 715 ft. from the north line of Houston North Shore Railroad 8.8 acre easement to the point of intersection with the north line of Houston Light & Power Company Tract; THENCE south 73 degrees 561 east with the north line of Houston.Light & Power.Company Tract to the point of beginning. SECTION 3. That the above described additional territory and area so annexed shall be a part of the City of Baytown, and the property so added to said city shall bear its pro rata part of the taxes levied by the City of Bay- town and the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all the rights and privi- leges of all the citizens and shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions, regulations and provisions of the Charter of the City of Baytown„ SECTION 4. That if any portion or portions of the above described territory is validly included within the territorial limits of another city or town, then such portion or portions of the above described territory is hereby excluded and the remaining territory is hereby annexed to the City of Baytown, and the boundary limits of said city are hereby amended to conform to the boundary limits of such other city or town or such other cities or towns along the area of the conflict* -4- SECTION 5. That if any portion or portions of the above described terri- tory legally may become included within the limits of another city or town, by reason of a valid annexation ordinance heretofore introduced before the council, commission or other governing body of such city or town, then such portion or portions of the above described territory is hereby excluded from the limits of the City of Baytown and the remaining territory is hereby annexed to the City of Baytown and the boundary limits of said City of Baytown are hereby a- mended to conform to the boundary limits of such other city or.town or such other cities or towns along the area of the.conflict. SECTION 6. That if any legal impediment exists preventing the valid an- nexation.of any portion of the above described territory to the City of Bay- town, then such portion of the above described territory is hereby excluded and the remaining territory is hereby annexed to the City of Baytown and the boundary limits of said City of Baytown are hereby amended to. conform to the territory so annexed. SECTION 7. If any provision, exception, section, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances or to any particular tract or parcel of land, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances or to other tracts or parcels of land included in the territory hereinabove described in Section 2 of this ordinance. SECTION 8. That this ordinance upon and after its introduction shall be published, and finally acted upon in the manner provided in Article I, Section 9 of the Charter of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSER by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown on this the 4th day of August, A. D. 1949. /sl J. A. Ward J. A. Ward, Mayor" ATTEST; /s/ Edna Oliver .. Edna.Oliver, City. Clerk SECTION 3e That this ordinance, being Ordinance No, 54 in amended form, shall take effect from and after the date of its passage, INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the i City 'of Baytown on this the Z C7 day of December, A. D. 1949. ATTEST: Olt., Edna Oliver, City-Clerk . A. Wdrd., May M