Ordinance No. 54v' See Ordinance No. 54(a) adopted December 20, 1949 ORDINANCE N0. 54 AN ORDINANCE ENLARGING AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AND ANNEXING ADDITIONAL ADJACENT TERRITORY TO SAID CITY, ALL OF WHICH IS DESCRIBED IN THE ORDINANCE; CONTAINING SAVINGS CLAUSE, AbID.PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE IN THE MANNER PRO - VIDED IN ARTICLE I, SECTION 9 OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF BAYTOPIN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOYdN: SECTION 1: Intent and Purpose of the Ordinance: The City Council of the City of Baytown, acting pursuant to Section 9 of Article I of the Charter of said city, hereby declares that it is necessary that the hereinafter described ter- ritory lying adjacent to the city "be annexed and the existing boundary limits of the city be extended to include such territory. The purpose and intent of this extension of the boundary limits of the City of Baytown is to take care of said city's present needs for additional territory and the reasonably anticipated future growth and ex- pansion of the city. SECTION 2: That the boundary limits of the City of Baytown, Texas be en- larged and extended as hereinafter set out so as to include within the boundary limits of said city all that territory lying adjacent to said city within the following de- scribed lines, to -wit: BEGINNING at point number 26 in the present boundary limits in the City of Baytown said point being the point of intersection of the north line of the J. G. and Annie Schilling Tract of land with the east bank of Goose Creek Stream, said point number 26.being referred to in Ordinance No. 1 passed by the City Commission of the former City of Pelly, now Baytown, on the 17th day of April, 1947, reference to which is hereby made for all necessary purposes; THENCE in a northerly and up stream direction with the meanders of the east bank of Goose Creek Stream to the point of-intersection of said line with the south right -of -way line of the County Road, known as the Baker Road, for corner; THENCE in a Vesterly direction crossing Goose Creek Stream along the south right -of -way line of Baker Road and continuing along said south line of said road with its meanders, crossing Decker Drive, and continuing along said south right -of- way line of Baker Road to the east right -of -.way line of Market Street Road; THENCE continuing in a westerly direction along a line which is a straight line extension of the south right -of -way line of Baker Road to its point of inter- section with a line 50 feet westerly from and parallel to the center line of Market Street Road; R THENCE in a southerly direction along said line 50 feet westerly from and parallel to the center of Market Street Road to its intersection with the north line of the Town of Wooster and of Block 1 of Wooster Heights; THENCE westerly along the north line of the Town of Wooster and Block 1 of Wooster Heights, and continuing with said line extended to the east bank of Fresh Water Bayou; THENCE southwesterly in a down stream direction along the east bank of Fresh Water Bayou to the point of confluence of said line with the southerly shore line of Burnett Bay at mean high tide; THENCE westerly along said southerly shore of Burnett Bay at mean high tide to the northwest corner of Block B of Brownwood Subdivision of the Town of Wooster;; THENCE in a southwesterly direction along the west line of Block B of Brownwood Subdivision of the Town of Wooster to the southwest corner of Block AA of Brownwood Subdivision of the Town of Wooster, which point is also located on the northerly shore of Crystal Bay; THENCE in an easterly direction along the northerly shore line of Crystal Bay.to the northwest corner of Block A of Brownwood Subdivision of the Town of Wooster; THENCE continuing in a southerly direction along the easterly shore of Crystal Bay to a line which is 2500 feet `easterly at right angles from and parallel to the center line of the Houston Ship Channel; THENCE in a southeasterly direction along a line which is 2500'feet easterly, at right angles from and parallel to the center line of the Houston Ship Channel to the intersection of said line with the south line,::o r an extension thereof, of Block K of the Town of Wooster;; THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the south line of Block K to the southeast corner of Lot 9 in said Block K; THENCE southeasterly along the west line of Lot 10, Block K, Town of Wooster to the southwest corner of said Lot 10 which point is located on the north - erly shore of Scott Bay at mean high tide; THENCE in a generally easterly direction along the northerly shore line of Scott Bay at its mean high tide to the intersection of said line with the west line of the James Strange Survey;. THENCE continuing in a generally southeasterly direction along the eastern shore of Scott Bay to the southwest corner of Lot 1 of Bay Villa Subdivision; THENCE in a southerly and southeasterly direction along the easterly.shore of Scott Bay at mean high tide to its point of intersection with a line which is 2500 feet northerly at right angles from and parallel to the center line of the.Houston Ship Channel; THENCE in a southeasterly direction along a line which is 2500 feet north- erly, at right angles from and parallel to the center line of the Houston Ship Channel to the northerly shoreline of Black Duck Bay; THENCE in an easterly direction along the shore line of Black Duck Bay at mean high tide to its point of intersection with'a southerly extension of the.west right-of-way line of Oklahoma Street in the City of Baytown, being a corner in the present city boundary limits of said city; THENCE north 8 degrees 05' east along the said extended west line of Okla- homa Street and continuing along the west right -of -way line of said Street, a dis- tance of 2032.2 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of said west right - of -way line of Oklahoma Street with the south boundary line of an alley behind - Block 16, East Baytown Subdivision; THENCE north 31 degrees 13' west a distance of 951.5 feet, more or less, along the south boundary line of said alley behind Block 16, East Baytown Subdivi- sion, and a westerly extension of said line, to the point of intersection of said line, as extended, with the west right -of -way line of Nevada Street, for corner, said point being point number 39 in the present boundary limits of the City of Bay -_ town as defined in Ordinance No. 1 passed by the City Commission of the former City of Pelly, now Baytown, on April 17, 1947; THENCE continuing in a generally northerly and easterly direction along the present boundary limits of the City of Baytown as defined by said Ordinance No,.l passed by the City Commission of the former City of Pelly, now Baytown, on April 17, 1947, Ordinance No. 3 passed by the City Council of the City of Baytown on January 31, 1948, recorded on pages 4 to 7 inclusive of the Minute Records of the City of Baytown, and Ordinance No. 41 of the City of Baytown passed by the City Council of said City on the 17th day of February, 1949, and duly recorded in the Minute Book of said City, to place of beginning; -2- SECTION 3: That the above described additional territory and area so annexed shall be a part of the City of Baytown, and the property so added to said city shall bear its pro rata part of the'taxes levied by the City of Baytown and the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of all the citizens and shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions, regulations and provisions of the Charter of the City of Baytown: SECTION 4: That if any portion or portions of the above described terri- tory is validly included within the territory limits of another city or town, then such portion or portions of the above described territory is hereby excluded and the re- maining territory is hereby annexed to the City of Baytown, and the boundary limits of said city are hereby amended to conform to the boundary limits of such other city or town or such other cities or towns along the area of the conflict. SECTION 5: That if any portion or portions of the above described terri- tory legally may become included within the limits of another city or -town, by reason of a valid annexation ordinance heretofore introduced before the council, commission or other governing body of such city or town, then such portion or portions of the above described territory is hereby excluded from the limits of the City of Baytown and the remaining territory is hereby annexed to the City of Baytown and the boundary limits of said City of Baytown are hereby amended to conform to the boundary limits of such other city or town or such other cities or towns along the area of the con- flict. SECTION 6: That if any legal impediment exists preventing the valid annexa- tion of any portion of the above described territory to the City of Baytown, then such portion of the above described territory is hereby excluded and the remaining territory is hereby annexed to the City of Baytown and the boun&xy limits of said City of Baytovin are hereby amended to conform to'the territory so annexed. SECTION 7:: If any provision, exception, section, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of circum- stances or to any particular tract or parcel of land, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not effect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances or to other tracts or parcels of land included in the territory hereinabove described in Section 2 of this ordinance. -3- I T- SECTION 8: That this ordinance upon and after its introduction shall be published and finally acted upon in the manner provided in Article I, Section 9, of the Charter of the City of Baytown#. INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown on this the lath day of August, A. D., 1919. ATTEST: c 1 Edna Oliver, 7z Clerk i �'J. A. Ward., 11ay7 f® 7 COUNTY OF HARRIS STATE OF TEXAS Before me the undersigned authority, on this date personally came and ap- peared.__?: duly recognized agent of The Daily Sun, a daily newspaper published in Goose C ek, 4i1ar__r__is__'County, Texas, and o after being duly sworn, says that the attached notice was published in The Daily Sun of ______ _ V Sworn and_;subsckbed before me this ______ ____ _ ______ day Notice -'is hereby given that the follow ! ing 6fdlpnance was iptroduced, read ant ,passed $y the affirmative vote of a ma jority of- the Cit=y Council of the 0A a Baytown, Texas,, on the 4th day of Aug ust •1949: ORDINANCE NO. 54 AN ORDLNAN'CE ENLARGING ANT EXTENDING T11E BOUNDARY I:I-MI'1ES Off` THE CITY OF B AYTOWN, TEXAS AND ANNEXING ADDITIONAL A,p JACENT TERRITORY TO SAID CITY ALL OF WHICH IS DESCRIBED rl` THE ORDINANCE;OONTAINING SAV INGS CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOP THE PUBLICATION AND PASSAGE OF THIS .ORDINANCE IN THE MAN. NER Y'ROVIDOL) IN ARTICLE: 1, S'F'% T1 .N 9 OF TII;E CHARTER OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF BBAYTOWN: StOTION 1• Intent and Purpose of the Ordjpanee: The City Council of the ci* of Baytown, acting Pursuant to Section 9 of Article t of the Charter of said oily, hereby declares that It is necessary t4)at the hereinafter described territory, lying c adjacent to the ty ' be annexed and ilie existing boundary limits of the city be ex- tended to imclud'e such territory. The pur- pose and intent o:._ t is extension of the boundary limits of the City of Baytown is to taste care of sold cl.y's present needs for additional territory and the reasonably - anticipated future growth and expansion of the cl6y. SECTION 2: Tl,pt the boundary len ,s of the City of to:ytoivh, Texas, be sin - larged and extended as hereinafter sit 4-at so as to include within tale boundary limits of "Id city all that territory lying .adfac- ent to said city within the following de- scribed lines, to -wit: BEGINNING at point number 26 in the Present boundary limlts 11 9he CIGy o; Baytown saint point being toe potiit , of intersection of the north. Tine of the J. Q. and Annie Schilling Tract of land with east bank of GD cse Creek stream, said point number 2 being referred to ten Ordinance go 1 passed 1;y the City Oom- mission of the foimer City of Pelfy, now Baytown, on the 17th sl-& of April, 1>�47, reference to which is hereby nj'arle for atFl a northerly and i the mean bra C•'eek Strea§n toy - - - -- - --------------- - - - -A. D. 194- 1 -- - - - - -- - - -- -------- ----- - - - - -- Notary Public, rris Count Texas Of Intersection of said -Noe alth the south right -of =way line of the County Road, known as the Baker Road, for corner; THENCE in a westerly direction crossing Goose Creek Stream along the south right - of -way line of Baker Road and.continu- ing along said south line of said road with its meanders, crossing Decker Drive, and contizinag along said south right -of -way line of Baker Road to the cast right -of- wayline of Market, Street Road; , THENJQE b66Ubulii9 " -n -'3 'westerly di- rection along a fine iwhich is a straight line extension of the south right -of -way line of Baker Road to its point of inter- section with a, 11;ne 6;0 feet westerly from and parellel to the center line of Market Street Road, THENCE is a southerly direction along said line 50 feet westerly from and par- allel' to the center .of Market Street Road to its intersection with the north line of the Town of. Wooster. and of, Block 1 of Wooster Heights; -- THENCE westerly along the north line of fhe Town of Wooster and WOOF 1 of Wooster Heights, and continuing with said line extended. to the east bank of Fresh Water Bayou; . i TfiENGE. southwesterly -in a down stream direction alongg the east bunk of P,4esh Water Bayou Eo ffi'e. 1(oi'nt of oon- fluenee of said line W. h tt4�rree southerly share line of Burnett Bay at mean high tidg• - stb h Tor.kte hE e •dN�f c n weesty sit southerly ll ne$g tide Iilgh o wep,`., corner of Block B of . }#]rown.wd"0 Suiidfvlston of the Town of WgQ,ester;, - T$IgNCE in a southwesterly direction along the weetAl'ne of Block $. of Brown - wood Subdivislon of the Towp of Wooster tp the souht west corner of ,Block AA of RBrOwnwood Subdivision Qf 'the Town of ooster, which pearl is also .located on the northerly shore pf Crystal Bay; THEIVC f in an easterly direction along the .northerly an line of Crystal .Bay to the northwest corner of Block Brownwood Subdivision of the Town of W, asters; - THENCE contiaiuing in a southerly di- rection along the cadverly shore of Crystal - Bay to a'llne which , is - 25dO feet eaaferly at right angles from and parallel to the ,eenter line of the Houston Ship Channel; TME,14dE in a soutbeasterly direction along a. hne 'which is 2500 feet easterly, at right angles from and parallel to t %. center line of , Aouston . Ship Channel to the intersetion of .'eai'd line With the south line, or r. extension 'thereof, of B]O, , , QQf the llown of Wooster; - ` TH -RNCE in a rmaibeasterly direction along the south line of Block K to -the southeast a mner of Lot. 9'in said $;lock Ii.; TNP-, NCE sontheerpp tcrly along the west line of Lot 7,0 Block K, 'crown of Wooster tb Me .aouth eat oorner of said L,ot 10 which point !s , located on the northerly shore oqf Scott Bay at mean high Ode; tgI6 C.E to a ggeentierally e"terly direr -. tion aa'iirtq the nc,rlhenL•y kboue Ii Of Scott Bay at ifs rgean hi h-tfde t0 the intersec- tion at said jive with ,tore west. line. of the James Skrgnge Survey; Bi1:.F1 6E continuing in a general south - epster_ly dyFectiQn along the. eastern shore of Scott kqy t9, the .southwest corner of Lo l" 9" VnbTA Subdivision T�FMNCIE in a southerly and southeast e}15y kiree$ton eYossB the easterly §.bore of Seott Bay at mr.,�ti Wgo tide to its' P Iiit 0 intersection acldh IlRe which is 2500 feet noatber}y at 7! tt angles >iss0 and Iig.r to tam ecntet' line of'the Houston Sli4) T C4, in a sputiieasterly direction along a lhiiitr is 500 feet noitlierly alt Aglit ah,, C's born and parallel to the car vine of tlxe Houston Sh�I, Channel to ri7te northerly shore. line of )'Mack Duck Bay,,; 'jgk,ENCE in an easterly direction along the shore line of Black Duck Bay at mean high il,�e ito a point of intersection with a southerly extension of the west right -of- way line of 0&lahoma Street in the City of Baytown, lie,.ng a corner in the present city - boundary -limits. -of said city; THENCE non6h 8 degrees 06' east along . the said extended west line of Oklahoma S'ireet and continllfrtg along - the west r giit- of -W,aY lane of said Street, a dist- ance of, 2032.2 feet, . more - or less, to the Pioint'of t>at'�sE>c'fon rif said west right - of -vvay lane of t`y3slahoma Street with the south 1�o7grLdr. F�ie of an alley behind Bigqck lib; Last LCaYtowm Subdivision; TIPFiNCE kdrtli 3j1 degrees . IT west a distan,6 of 961'.5 Te"et, more or. less,. along the *uth bounftry line of said alley be- bind Block 1r8, Eapt .Eray4own Subdivision, and a wasterry extension of , said line, to the point of- intersection, of said line, as extended, vv�ith the west right -of -way line of Revada Street, for corder, said point being pdcnt rrurniber 39 in the. present boundary limits of the Qty of Baytown as defined to' O•rdlinance No. 1 passed by the City Commission of the former City of Polly; now, Baytown, on April 17, 1947; THEI1fCA continuing in a general north - erly,and easterly direction along the pres- cot tionndary limits of the City of Bay- town as defined ttY said :Ordinance No. 1 __1 hd, tthe Ci'iv Commission of the -. BEULAH MAE Jl+l.KZUN Nohyti Public, in and for Harris County, Texas by thee. CMy OOnnctl of the Ciby of Bay - tow n on J�anuark 21 1948; ' recorded on pages 4 to - 7 MQg live, - Of the Minute Records of the City of Baytown, and Ordinance fiTo. +1 of the Cl-Cy of Baytown gassed try tike 'e Clty- Council of said City on tlw '17th day %Of gobnuary, 1949, and dpl'y recorded is the M mute Book" of said City, to Plate �f begi4fng; SECTfO'N 3 That the above described additional., tea agony. and area so annexed sh &il be -a "part o.: else City of Baytown, and the property so 'added to said city sliall bear iqa pro rata part of the taxes levied t2Y tie City cj�f Baytown and the ro'habitants frereof shall be entitled to all bkie rpg'�rits acid Privileges of all the citi- zees . and slgm2l loo bound by ire acts, oi+dinanc�, reiplutjons, regulations and rrowtsions of the Charter of the City Of v SE,MTp0,N 4: That if any portion or per - ticivs of the above described territory 'is dalidly ine3 °uded_alth3n the- iierrltory limits of &•nether -cfby or-- taiwn, -tihen such portion or portions of the above-descrjbed territory is hereily ex eluded and the remaintrig .ter - riLry--is bereby. annexed to the City of Baytown; a�xid the 'boundary ii}tlts of said cq -y. are hese�y amended to conform to ilia boundary ltrn9+t4 of such other city or tE`wn Or such other cities- or towns along the aired pf the conflict. . SFCP.EO'1+T 5: That if any portion or por- tions of the abc've described territory legally may become included within the limits- of another city or town, by reason of a valid annexation ordinance heretofore introduced before the council, commission or otn'er governing body of such city or town, then such portion or portions of the above describes} territory is hereby ex- eluded 1.6hi the'limllts of .the City of.Bay- town and the remaining territory is hereby 'annexed to the City of Baytown and the boundary limits of said City of Baytown are hereby amended to conform to the boundary limits of -such other city or town or. such. other cities or towns along, the are cif tiie- confl�cC. I SECTION" 6: That If any, legal..Impedi- j merit exists preventing the valid annexa- tion of any portion of the above described fii 1 territory. to e� Cfty'of Baytown, then such portion of the above described terri- tory Is, hereby excluded and the remaining I territory is hereby annexed 'to the City of Baytown and the boundary limits of said City of Baytown • are hereby amended to confc!gp to the territory so annexed. SECTION 7: If� any provision,- excep- tion, section, paragraph, sentence., clause, or phrase of this ordinance or the applica- � tion .o`f same do any Orson or set of cir- 1curnif,ance9 or to oily particular tract or parcel of land, shall for any reason be jheld unconstituticrial, void or invalid, such Invalidity shall not effect the validity of ,the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their agp1lcatiori. to other persons or 1sets of circumstances or, to other tracts or parcels .of. land included to the territory J hereinabove described in Section 2 of this ordinance., SECTION 8 That this ordinance upon and after its i iirodustlon shall be pub- ' lashed and finally acted upon in the man- ner provided in Article I, Section 9, of ! the Charter. cf the City of Baytown. pNTRODUCED READ and PASSED by the a0i�rmative vote of a majority of the City C,ouncll of the City of Baytown on this ttie 4th day of August„ A. D., 1949. J. A. WARD, Mayor. Attest: I _ E:lff'NA OLIVER, - City clerk. I, E,pNA OLIVER, the dryly" qualified -and acting City Clerk of the City of Bay- town, do ltereby ce'r`tify th4t the above is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by a maj, irjty of the City' Council of the Qltj. of I�a-ytowui, on August 4, 1.949, to certft witness my hand and seal of o E ce. (SEAL) " EDNA'. OLIVER, City Clerk. August 8, Y9.49.