Ordinance No. 23ORDIMNUE NO. 2 3 AN LEDINANCE PRESCRIBING CERTAIN DATES TO BE CHARGED BY ® THE CITY OF BAYTUWNt TEKAS, FOd WEER 6UPPLIEA7 -Br CITY AND CONSUL OR USM BY PERSONS IN SAID CITY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CIAUSE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BATI1UWNt Section It That, subject to the minimum rates set out in Section Two all person., firms or corporationsj, using water supplied by the city of Baytown, and whose use or consumption of such water is now and hereafter measured by water meters,, shall'be charged for and shall pay for the such water used or consumedV each monthp according to the following schedules Gallons of Water Used Per Month mount or. Rate to be Char ed Cents per g ons) First 3 :000 .66 2/3 Next 3s0o0 .5 Next 100000 •35 Next 20,000 025 Next No000 920 All over 66,O00 018 ti Section 2x That the miniamm monthly rate for water service to arV such con- sumer having a meter shall be the sum of Two ($2) per month. Mhere there is more than one dwelling unit, as hereinafter definedq to a single meters the minimum rate shall be increased by Two ($2) dollars for each such unit receiving water service through said single meter. fifty cents ($2.50) per month. Section 4t No flat rate connections shall hereafter be made to the waterworks system of the City of Baytown and it is herein specifically provided that every dwelling unit hereafter constructed in the city shall be separately metered for water service. The provisions of this section shall apply to the remodeling or altering of a W existing housep garage# or other building where an additional dwelling unit or units are added,, or where the cost of such remodeling or alter- ation. exceeds fifty per cent of the original cost of such house or building, ,section 5t The term "dwelling unit" as used in the preceding sections shall include any of the following t (a) One- family dwelling house consisting of a detached building having accomodations for and occupied or designed to be occupied as a residence by only one family; (b) Each unit of a two - family dwelling consisting of a detached building -1- Section 3t The charge for water service by the Water Department of the city to each dwelling unit not connected to a meter shall be the sum of Two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per month. Section 4t No flat rate connections shall hereafter be made to the waterworks system of the City of Baytown and it is herein specifically provided that every dwelling unit hereafter constructed in the city shall be separately metered for water service. The provisions of this section shall apply to the remodeling or altering of a W existing housep garage# or other building where an additional dwelling unit or units are added,, or where the cost of such remodeling or alter- ation. exceeds fifty per cent of the original cost of such house or building, ,section 5t The term "dwelling unit" as used in the preceding sections shall include any of the following t (a) One- family dwelling house consisting of a detached building having accomodations for and occupied or designed to be occupied as a residence by only one family; (b) Each unit of a two - family dwelling consisting of a detached building -1- having,:. separate accommodations for and occupied or designed to be occupied as a residence by two families. (c)Each unit of a multifamily house or apartment house consisting of a building occupied or designed to be occupied as the residence of families living independently.of each other. The word nfamily" as used in this section shall mean one person living alone or a group of two or more persons living together as a single housekeeping unit. Section 6t The preceding section shall not apply to hotelsp boarding houses or tourist.courts as those terms are commonly understood. Section 7s That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage. Section 8s All ordinances or,parts of ordinances in conflict with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided hovevers, that such repeal shall. ® be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance. shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 9s If any section or provisions or parts thereof in this ordinance • shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the ,,ivalidity of the ordinance as a whole or of any other section or provision or part .hereof. INTRODUCED., ttFAD AND PASSED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown on this the 21st daffy of September, 1918 n LJ ATISbT s Edna Oliverp City Clerk n LJ -2- E. U. Cleveland, Mayor