Ordinance No. 9y r. ORDINANCE NO. 9 j AN OR INANCE PROHIBITING THE SALE OF FIRE WORKS WITHIN THE CITY OF BAYTO14N AND PROHIBITING THE THROWING OR FIRING OF ANY FIRE WORKS ON ANY STREFNT, SIDEWALK, OR PUBLIC PLACE IN SAID CITY; AND PROVIDING FOR MAXIMUM PENALTY OF $100.00 FOR VIOLATION AMID THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF.' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: Section 1. THAT it.. -shall hereafter be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale any kind':, character of fireworks, fire crackers, torpedos, sky rockets, roman candles o,t, any other similar thing within the city limits of the City of Baytown. Section 2. THAT it shall hereafter be unlawful for any person to cast, throw, discharge or explode any fire cracker, torpedo, sky rocket, roman candle, or any other sii-rilar fire works 'or any substance of an explosive nature on any public street, sidewalk, park or other public place within the City of Baytown. Section 3. THAT any person guilty of violating any provision of this ordinance shall be fined not to exceed ($100.00) one hundred dollars. Section 4. THAT this ordinance shall take effect upon and after the passage of ten days from date hereof. The city clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper in the City of Baytown at least twice within ten days from and after the date hereof. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the city council of the City of Baytown, Texas on this the Z — day of Feb- ruary, 1948, ATTEST: City Clerk WE Mayor i COUNTY OF HARRIS STATE OF TEXAS !� fore me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally came and ap- peared __`-_�'_*eCreek, __ _ __ _____________ duly recognized agent of The Daily Sun, a daily newspaper published in G Harris County, Texas, and who after being duly sworn, says that the attached notice was published in The Daily Sun of _____ 1 47________ ______ __ ________ ____ ------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S'_ S Q Sworn and subscribed before me this ----- -_day ___ ____ _ --- _______ _______________________________ A. D. 194.7 ---- Nnfary 10_! n1nVL0_ _ruin +Ar_ R'a�rac ORDINANCE N0 '-9 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THE HEAR- ING 14ELD ON THE .PROPOSITION OF ADOPTING A,14D PROMULGATING GEN- ERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE PLATTING AND SUB- DIVIDING OF LAND.WITHIN THE COR- PORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF .BELLY, TEXAS, AND WITHIN 5 MILES MPNT$,, WATER AND SEWER UTILITY MAIN SERVICE LINES THEREIN, FOR LIGHTS, GAS AND TELEPHONE SER- VICE THEREIN, FOR CULVERTS AND IpIES TIPMEIN, FOR CURB AND ]]''TER THEREIN, FOR FIRE HY- DRANTS AND STREET MARKERS THEREIN, AND ADOPTING AND PRO- MULGATING SUCH GENERV RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE PRO- MOTION OF THE HEALTH, SAFETY, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY, AND THE SAFE. VID Gr.� U COMMUNITY; PRO - THE ADOPTION OF SUCH GENERAL RULES AND REGU- LATIONS SHALE ABRIDGE NO CON- TRACT PREVIOUSLY ENTERED .INTO BETWEEN THE CITY OF GOOSE CREEK OR THE CITY OF PELLY AND A SUB- DIVIDER; PROVIDING FOR THE PUB- LICATION OF THE ORDINANCE; PRO- VIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Pelly did order and set a hearing to be held at 6:30 o'clock p. m. on May 15, 1947, in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall in the City of Pelly, Texas, for all persons, firms, corporations and estates, their agents and attorneys, own- ing or claiming any Interest-in, or other- wise interested In, any present or pro- posed subdivision of land, or any un- developed or unsubdivided land, within the corporate limits of said city, and within 5 miles thereof, to appear and be heard in person or by council and to offer evidence in "ference to rules and requirements to be adopted and promulgated governing ap- proval of the initial' plat, for subdivision name and street names, for lot sizes, for street improvements, alleys or easements, water and sewer utility main service lines therein, for lights, gas and telephone ser- vice therein, for culverts and bridges there- in, for curb and gutter therein, for fire hydrants and street markers therein, all as provided for,and In accordance with Ar- ticle II, Section 3, of the Charter of the City of Pally, and Section 4 of Article 974a of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended; and WHEREAS, after due, regular and prop- er notice thereof, all as provided by law and the Charter of the City of Pelly, said hearing, of which notice was given, was opened and held on May 15, 1947, at 6:30 o'clock p. m., in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall in the City of Pelly, Texas, in accordance with the said notice, . at whith time an Opportunity was given to all or said above mentioned persons, firms, corporations and estates, their agents and attorneys, to be heard and to offer evi- dence as to all such matters, in accord- ance with said notice; and WHEREAS, several persona appearing and testimony being offered on said date. and said hearing having been Continued from week to week, and the said City Commission having heard all persons and their testimony and having considered the same, upon motion duly made and mc- ended, said hearing was ordered closed; and WHEREAS, the rapid development, plat- ting and subdividing of unimproved and un- subdivided land within the corporate limits of the City of Pelly, and within 5 miles thereof, creates the necessity, and It is so deemed advisable by the City Commission of the City of Pelly, that gen- eral rules and regulations governing the platting and subdividing - of land within the corporate limits of the City of Pelly, and within 5 miles thereof, with regard to requirements for approval of the initial plat, for subdivision name and street names, for lot sizes, for street improve- ments, alleys or easements, water and sewer utility main service lines therein, for lights, gas and telephone service there- in, for culverts and bridges therein, for curb and gutter therein, for fire hydrants and street markers. therein, be adopted and promulgated for the promotion of the health, safety, morals and general wel- fare of the community, and the .safe. of of utility companies Invoived, but the loca- t[on pf all in within the subdivision shall be under the direction of the City Commission. g. Street Markers. All streets shall have begn marked at each. street intersection with a street name sign approved by the City Commission. Section 3. That no - subdivision shall be finally accepted and the plat thereof signed by the proper pity officials for re- cording until the same shall have had constructed within it the following im- provements, one -half the coat of which shall be borne by the City; a, Street Topping. All streets between curs lines shall have been topped with a wearing surface meeting at least the mint - muni requirements of bituminous double inr @reed penetration equal to State High - wapp Specifications 405, 308, or 306A. Section 4. That the City shall install fire ',hydrants throughout the subdivision on the water mains installed by the sub- divider in such a manner that every resi- dential lot shall be within five hundred feet of a fire . hydrant, when the construe - tiort. Within such subdivision is deemed suf- fioleat by the City to justify the ex- pe =ure. on 5. That the City shall install and sewer main lines to the boun- d s of such subdivision, connecting the same with its utility systems, simultane- o ly with the acceptance of' such sub - d iaton. - Section 8. That no subdivision shall be finally accepted and the plat thereof signed by the proper city officials for recording until there shall have been presented to and 'Occepted by the City, an instrument of dedication of all streets, parka and other _ public areas, and water and sewer main' lines within such subdivision. Section 7. That plats Of all subdivisions lout] outside the territorial limits of the City Of Pelly but within five miles thereof must.be approved by the City Commission asitb, general planning before being sub - mitted to Commissioners' Court for ap- proval and recording. r otlon 8. That it shall be unlawful for arty person, firm or corporation, owner or pent, to lay out, subdivide or plat say land into lots, blocks or streets with- in the City of Pelly or within five miles therefrom, or to sell property therein which hats 'not been laid out, subdivided and platted according to the terms of this ordipance, with intent to escape the re- quirements hereof. Section 9. That the powers and duties herein' conferred upon the City Commis- sion shall be exercised by such City Com- mission until such time as a City Plan - ning Commission shall have been estab- lished, and thereafter they, shall be exer- cised by such City Planning Commission, Section 10. That each Section of this Ordinetnee and each part of each Section hereof IS hereby declared to be an Inde- pendent Section or part of section, and the holding of any section or part thereof to bei unconstitutional, void, illegal, inef- fective Or contrary to the provisions of the Charter of the City of Pelly, Texas, or arLX amendments thereto, for any rea- son. 4ball not affect any other Section or part -' Section of this Ordinance, n 11. That all Ordinances of the City,; Pally, Texas, in conflict herewith are,, eby. expressly repealed; provided, he ' ;r, nothing herein shall be deemed as king, altering, or otherwise chang- Ing 'y contract or agreement entered I Ihto - and between the former City of Go Creek and the owner or developer of land now in the process of be-! ing divided with reference to who was to trust and -or hear the expense of at .'Improvements, dater and -or sewer atilt , main service lines within such sub - di - as` between said City and the 'T !'For developer; and provided, fur- thers. 'nothing herein shall be deemed as bra g, altering, or otherwise changing anytract or agreement entered into by and; between the City of . Pelly and the own4r or developer of any land now in the 61?Qcess of being subdivided, with ref - erenas to who was to construct and -or bear.the expense of street improvements, watdx and -or sewer utility main se vice lines'. *Atkin such subdivision as between said;,oty and the owner or developer; but all saoh contracts and agreements Shall be given full force and effect. Section 12. That this Ordinance shall be effective, and be in full force and effect, from - and after its passage and publica- tion, THE FACT THAT the City of Pelly, Tex",, has no policy with regard to gen- eral L les and regulationa governing the pla.. and subdividing of land within the porate limits of the City of Pelly and. thin su five miles thereof and that SuchWicy is desperately needed for the safe; ,tealthful and orderly development of the.. y creates an emergency and an im - -ve public necessity requiring the au an of the rule that all ordinances ah read at more than one meeting of the_ .Commission. Said rule is theretore he •suspended, and this ordinp,nce is �firat, and ,foal reading, the May - ary, this L7. -4- 1 J I i 1 , t - . — OFULnn IYIr:G ,71.34. iA.33Y17 Notary Public, 'in arl.d for Harris County. Texas ,- '1/ COUNTY OF HARRIS STATE OF TEXAS Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally came and ap- reared & duly recognized agent of The Daily Sun, a daily-newspaper published iAn Cr�- efia County, Texas, and who. after being duly sworn, says that the . a- - � �cf (I T, attached notice was published in The Daily Sun of ---------- --------------- -1 --------------------------------------- -------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sworn and subscribed before me this ----------- t4 ---------- da y -------------------- A. D. 194-k ------- Notary Publi arris County, Texas bLU,Ai-, MAE JACKSON An Notary Public, ordinance prohibiting the sale of fire. in and for Harris County, Texas works within the City of Baytown and prohibiting the throwing or firing of any fire works on , any street, sidewalk, or public place 1 in said city; and providing for maximum penalty of $100.00 for viola- tion and the effbetive date thereof March 2 -3 -2- COUNTY OF HARRIS STATE OF TEXAS Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally came and ap- peared duly recognized agent of The Daily Sun, a daily newspaper 6r published Go se County, Texas, and who after being duly sworn, says that the - - ---------------------------------------------- attached notice was published in The Daily Sun of - --I�n Sworn and subscribed before me this ----------------- I An ordinance prohibiting the sale; - oi fire I works. within the City •of Baytown an" ': - prohibiting the, throwing or firing of f a ri fire works on a., street -sidewalk,''or public place in said city:! and providin I for ,maximum penalty- of. S1QQ.00,f(jr--vjlola- tion and the effective date thereof. 14.arcli 2-.3 -3- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------------ A. D. 194-r-.---. day A Notary Public, H#*- County, Texas BEULAH MAE JACKSON Notary Public, in and for Harris County, Texas � o COUNTY OF HARRIS STATE OF TEXAS fore me, the peared ---- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -t published in Goo e Creek, Harris attached notice was published in undersigned authority, on this date personally came and ap- duly' recognized agent of The Daily Sun, a daily newspaper County, Texas, and who after being duly sworn, says that the The Daily Sun of - - - - 9U-44Q,---q ) i 4 S' s' ------ - - - - -- Sworn and subscribed before me this ----- __day _______ _ __________ _______ _________ _______________ A. D. 194____ ----------- -- -------�-�-------------- Notary tHarx� Couat- a Texas utility companies involved, but the loca- tionof all lines within the subdivision iVa #�l �UiJrl in and far Harris County, shall be under the direction of the City _ �i+ AN, ING i� °ORATE RIE LLY. �/ THERI?C iAIgD_�tl± No .—Ii JCE`CLOSING THE HEAR IN iTHE'PROPOSITION OF '_QD .PROMI]LGATING GEN- S'-AND' `REGULATIONS THE PLATTING AND SUB- ' LANU-�WITH-IN THE COR- 4ITS OF_ xTHE CITY , OF 1S AND, WITHIN 5 MILES ?ITH REG_4RI� TO RULES MMENTS: FOR' APPROVAL TIAL PLAT, FOR SUBDI- FOR LOT SIZES, FOR STREET. IM- PROVEMENTS, ALLEYS. OR EASE - MENTp;, WATER, >AND SEWER UTILITY MAIN.' SERVICE_ LINES THEREIN, FOR LIGHTS, GAS AND TELEPHONE SER- VICE THEREIN, ,FOR CULVERTS' AND BRIDG•EB THEREIN, FOR CURB AND -- -- GUTTER- THEREIN, FOR FIRE HY- DRANTS - AND STREET MARKERS THEREIN. AND ADOPTING AND PRO - MULGATING SUCH GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE PRO- MOTION OF THE HEALTH, SAFETY, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY, AND THE SAFE, ORDERLY -- AND HEALTHFUL DEVEL- spNiFNT-.OF. D' COMMUNITY; .PRO - VIDING--` THAT- BAL THE ADOPTION OF SUCH GENERAL RULES AND REGU- LATIONS SHALL ABRIDGE'NO CON - TRACT PREVIOUSLY, ENTERED _INTO BETWEEN THE CETY OF GOOSE CREEK OR THE CITY OF PELLY AND A SUB- DIVIDER; PROVIDING FOR THE PUB- LICATION OF THE ORDINANCE; PRO- VIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Pelly did order and set .a hearing to be held at 6:30 o'clock P. m. on May 15, 1947, in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall in the.City Of Pelly, Texas, for' all persons, firms, corporations and estates, their agents and attorneys, own- . ing or claiming .any% interest-in, or other- wise interested in, any present or pro - posed subdivision of land, or' any un- developed or-unsubdivided land, within 'the corporate limit's- of said city, and within 5 miles thereof, to appear and be heard in person or by council and to offer evidence in reference to rules and requirements to be adopted and promulgated governing ap- proval of the initial' plat, for .subdivision name and street names, for lot sizes, for street, improvements, alleys or easements, water and sewer' utility main service lines therein, for lights, gas and telephone ser- vice therein, for culverts and bridges there - in, for curb' and gutter therein, for fire hydrants and street markers therein, all as provided .for,and in accordance with Ar- ticle II, Section 3, of the Charter of the City of- Pelly, and Section 4 of Article 974a of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925„ as amended; and WHEREAS, after flue, regular and,prop- er notice thereof, all as provided by law and the Chat•t of the City of Pelly, said i hearing, of which notice was .given, was opened and held on May 15;-1947, at 6.30 o'clock p. m.,' in,the Commission Chamber of the City Hall in the City of Pelly, Texas, in accordance with the said notice, ;_ab. which- timesan opportunity was given to all of said above mentioned persons, firms, corporations and estates, their agents and attorneys, to` be heard and to offer evi- dence as to all such matters, in accord- ; ante with said notice; and WHEREAS, several persons appearing and testimony being offered on 'said date, and said hearing having been continued from week to• week; and the said 'City Commission having heard all persons and their testimony and having considered the same, upon motion duly made and sec - onded, said hearing was ordered closed; and WHEREAS, the rapid development., plat- ting and subdividing of unimproved and un- subdivided land- within the corporate limits of the City of Pelly, and wi thin 15- miles thereof, creates the necessity, and it is so deemed advisable by the City Commission of the City of Pelly, that gen- eral rules and regulations governing- the platting and subdividing: of land within the corporate limits. of the City of Pelly-. and within 5 miles thereof, with regard to requirements for approval of the initial plat, for subdivision name and street names, . for lot sizes, for. street improve- ments, alleys or. easements, water and sewer 'utility main service lines- therein, for lights, gas and telephone service there - in, for culverts and bridges therein, for curb and gutter therein, for fire hydrants and street markers .therein, be adopted and promulgated for the promotion of the health, safety, morals and general wel- fare of the community, and the .safe, orderly and healthful development of said community; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY. OF PELLY:, Section 1. THAT pursuant to the, provi- sions of Article- II, Section 3, of the Charter of the City of Pelly and Article, i (,Ommisslon. g. Street Markers. All streets shall have been marked at each, - strut, "intersection with a street -name sign approved by,the- City Commission. Section 3.. That no subdivision shall the finally accepted and the plat thereof signed by the proper city officials for re- cording - until . the same shall have liad constructed within '..it the following/im- provements, one -half the cost of which 'shall be borne by the City: a. Street Topping. All streets between curd lines shall have been topped with a wearing surface meeting at least the mini- mum requirements of bituminous double inverted penetration equal to State High- way Specifications, 405, 306, or 306A. Section 4. That .the City shall install fire hydrants throughout the subdivision on the water mains installed by the sub- divider in such a manner that every resi- dential lot shall be within five hundred feet of a fire, hydrant, when the construc- tion within such subdivision is deemed suf- ficient by the City to justify the ex- penditure. Section 5. ' That the City shall install water and sewer main lines to the boun- •daries of such subdivision, connecting the same with its utility systems, simultane- ously with the acceptance of such sub - division. '.Section 6. That 'no subdivision shall be finally accepted and the plat thereof signed by the proper city' officials for recording until there shall • have been presented to and accepted by the 'City, an instrument of dedication of all streets,, parks and other public areas; and water and sewer imain lines within such subdivision. r. Section 7. That plats of all subdivisions � plated outside the'territorial limits of the City of Pelly but within five miles thereof must.be approved by the City Commission as to .general planning before being sub- mitted to Commissioners' Court for ap -1 proval and recording. Section 8. That it shall be unlawful for any person,' firm or: corporation, - owner or agent, to lay out, subdivide or plat any land into lots, blocks or streets with- in the City of , Pelly or within five miles therefrom, or to sell property therein which has not been laid out, subdivided and platted according to the terms of this ordinance, with •intent to escape the re- quirements hereof. Section 9. That the powers and duties herein conferred upon the City Commis- sion shall be exercised by such City Com- mission until such time as a City Plan - ning Commission shall have been estab- lished, and thereafter they. shall, he exer- cised by such City Planning Commission. Section 10. That each section of this Ordinance and each part of each section hereof is hereby declared to be an inde- pendent section or part of section, and the .holding of any section or part thereof to be unconstitutional, void, illegal, inef- fective or contrary-to the provisions of the Charter of the City of Pelly, Texas; or any amendments thereto; for any rea- son, shall not affect any other section or part of section of this Ordinance. Section It. That all 'Ordinances of the City of Pelly, Texas, in conflict herewith i are hereby expressly repeated; provided, however, nothing ..herein shall be deemed as breaking, altering, or otherwise chang- ing any contract or agreement entered into by and between the former City of Goose Creek and the owner ',or developer of any land now in the process , of ye, ing subdivided with reference to who was to construct and-or bear the expense of street improvements, Water and -or .sewer utility main service lines within such sub- division as` between said City and the owner or developer; and provided, fur- ther, nothing herein shall be deemed as breaking, altering, or otherwise changing any contract or agreement entered into by and between the City of . Pelly and the - owner or developer of any land now in the process of being subdivided, with ref- erence to who was to construct and -or bear the expense of street improvements, -water and -or sewer utility main service lines within such subdivision as between said. City- and the owner or developer; but all such contracts and agreements shall be given full force and effect. Section 12. That this Ordinance shall be effective, and be in full- force and effect, from and after its .passage and publica- tion. THE FACT THAT the City of Pelly,� Texas, has no policy with regard to gen- eral rules and regulations governing the Platting and subdividing of land within the corporate limits of the City of Pelly and within five miles thereof and that such policy is desperately needed for the safe, healthful and orderly development of the city creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the rule that all ordinances shall be read at more than one meeting of the City Commission. Said rule is. therefore hereby suspended, and this ordinance is placed upon its first and final reading, and it is so ordained. SIGNED AND APPROVED by the May- or, attested by the City Secretary, this the 5th day of June, A. D., 1947. E. D. CLEVELAND _(}_ Mayon C. R. - MYERSI,, � -„City Secretary Texas �+dasam2tiZtitl -r�r, now radop.?ed':�ne- k. =.�•,r•�rRa� Lne a io li6W'° ing general rules and regulations govern- ing the platting and subdividing of land within the corporate limits of the City of Pelly with regard to requirements for ap- proval of the initial plat, for subdivision name and-street .names, for lot sizes, for street improvements, alleys or easements, water and sewer utility main service lines therein. for" lights, gas and telephone ser- vice therein, for culverts and bridges therein, for curb and gutter therein, for fire hydrants and street markers therein, for the promotion of the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the com- munity and the safe, Orderly and health- . ful development of said community. a. Preliminary Plat. A'preliminary plat a " such subdivision must be prepared by a competent engineer and approval thereof obtained from the City Commission prior (- to the development of such. subdivision. i b. Corners. All corners in any subdi- 1 vision shall be clearly marked with a one i inch galvanized pipe three feet ing length , } before acceptance of the tentative plat. -c. Subdivision. Name. The name of such subdivision shall be one that will not con - flict -with the name of another subdivision within the City or within five miles there- of in a manner as to cause confusion as i to its identity and such name must be approved by the City Commission. d. " Street Names-. The name of each j - street shall be a name that will not con - flict with the name.of another street with- in : the City or within five miles thereof in a manner as. to •cause confusion as to j its identity and such name must be ap- proved by the City Commission. e. - Width of Streets. No street right -of- way shall be less than fifty feet in width. f. Continuity of Streets. Streets shall be laid out in such a manner as to con' - �- 'form to- connecting streets in territory ad- jacent to the new subdivision. Dead end streets, and streets which do not con- , form to adjacent established streets, when- ever possible, are to be avoided. " g. Drainage. - Street grades sh;tll be de- ! signed to provide adequate drainage from adjacent property and shall provide drain- age as required by the City Engineer, which drainage shall conform to the gen- eral planning tor that section of• the city. Excess excavated.-dirt, if not required in the subdivision plans and not - disposed of by the subdivider, shall be disposed of at the direction of the City Engineer. h. Easements and Alleys. Each block within such 'subdivision shall "-have ease- ! ments in the middle of such block of a. ! minimum width of twelve feet, or alleys of a minimum width of twenty feet, at the -�` discretion of the City Commission. / I. Lot sizes. No lot within such sub - ✓r division shall be less than fifty feet in / I width nor shall any such lot contain less than an area of five thousand square feet. Section 2. That no subdivision shall be finally accepted and, the plat thereof signed by the proper city officials for recording until the same shall have had constructed, ! within it the following improvements, at no cost to the city: I - a. Curb and Gutter: Curbs and gutters shall have been installed on all streets according to ,specifications and to grades as required by the City Engineer. -- . + -- -- b. Street Base. All streets between. etmb lines shall be at least thirty feet in width and. shall have been sub -based with shell, or equal, to a minimum compacted depth of six inches. c. Water Lines. All water lines. includ- ing main water lines, necessary to serve such subdivision within the limits thereof and every lot therein shall have been in- stalled in such locations, at such, depths j and of such materials and dimensions as _ determined by the City Engineer. as ,neces- sary to provide an adequate flow of water for, such uses as may arise within such ',subdivision, including fire protection, and the construction thereof shall conform to all state health laws. d. Sewer Lines. All sewer lines, includ- e' ing main sewer lines, necessary to serve L such subdivision within the limits thereof ---�., and every lot therein shall Have been in- stalled in such locations, at such depth and grades, and of such materials and 'dimensions as determined. by the City .Engineer are, necessary to. provide adegpate' sewerage`di6osal. within such subdivision. n.nd the construction thereof shall conform to. all state health laws. 'e. Culverts and Bridges. Where neces- I.sary, all bridges and culverts shall have been installed, of a- type and kind to '. approved by the City Engineer, adequate to give freedom of both traffic and drain- s age_ f. Lie'hts. Gas and Telephones. Arrange -' ment for these services shall be, made by agreement between the subdivider and the P 1 Of.SL�'J'c. rs'/%ua97`Sfi�tii" �6 fJ8 ._,._ _,_.. ---- - - --- -- ----------------------------------- - _.,: bT- 'mac_ ';��- � � MOLJJ =q 2/J°:2rm £C v."-us mG, T--2 - .i t lr- ------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- t 9C J6 +JOrJG8 t1�'� i/ff I( -,:-0 JLJ 6 7i ? fill O ° -; :{; ----------i----------------------------------------------- •; F q° RAF_i: u, 3 2 i bflpFraplxq ru am'G GLes;r' R11,142 COfl 4'V 1GXfa' suq tAuo sage , pGlug gffF2i amoLu' � &?`a qJS� FJs . -- - - ----- - - - - -- gr1121 LCCol� mssq sucuf of -',3c D9112i gnu' u gn12I, usf_J%?b&bGL 4 ' SJ.3.Z,G LUG' QIG oil � J12u qufG b'sz.°WU911A cumG Eruq ab- G _L'V YE 3�r VYG�r7r� n