Ordinance No. 4ORDINANCE NO. 4 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE TIME AND MANNER OF PAYING THE AD VALOREM TAXES LEVIED FOR THE USE AND BENEFIT OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE. CITY OF BAYTOtiVN, TEXAS.t: PROVIDING FOR PENAL- TIES. AND INTEREST TO BE CHARGED ON DELINQUENT TAXES., AND REPEALING ALL, PRIOR, ORDINANCES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL�OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,: Section,l. That the ad valorem taxes levied by the former City of Pelly, now designated City of Baytown, for the assessment. year 1.947 and the ad valorem taxes. hereafter levied by the govern- ing body of the City of Baytown, Taxers, each year shall. become due on the first day of October of the year for which the levy is made and may be paid up, to and including the following January 3L. wi th- out penalty, but if not so paid such taxes.shall.be come delinquent on the follovd. ng day, February ls.t, and the follovdng pen&y -chall be payable -thereon, to -wit: if paid during the month of February one percent (1%); during the month of March, two percent (2f);: April, three percent (396);; May, four percent_ (V.);, mune, five: percent (5.); and on and after the first day of July,, eight percent (8y). Such unpaid taxes shall bear interest at the rate of six percent (696) per annum from February 1st of the Y9ar next succeeding the year for which such taxes: were levied or asses&ed. Section 2. It is expressly provided that the above and fore.- going ore-going penalties. and interest shall apply to and begin with the delin- quent taxes for the. assessment year. 11933 and all interest and penalties that have accrued or that may accrue on ad valorem taxes, delinquent for the assessment year 1932 and the years prior the3Bto,, shall be and the same are hereby released and remitted!. S."tion 3.. Unpai d taxes for the, assessment year 1946 and!. all years prior thereto and subsequent to the assessment year 1932- shall. be considered delinquent as. -,of February ls.t of the year next succeeding the year for which such taxes were levied or assessed and shall be subject to a penalty of eight percent (8,) and interest at the rate P* of sig percent (6.) per annum from the date of their delinquency. -1- 10 I• � 0 Section 4. All- ordinances heretofore passe& covering they above: and foregoing subject or any part thereof are. hereby expressly r_epealed:. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED by the:affirmative.vote of a major- ity of the olcity council of the city of Baytown, Texas on this the. 29th day ;;of January, .1948. ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor. .. -2- COUNTY OF HARRIS STATE OF TEXAS Bee�for e, the undersigned authority, on this date personally came and ap- peared . _.. .._ . __ _ . J_____ _ _ ___________ duly recognized agent of The Daily Sun, a daily newspaper published 1 Goo Cree ,Harris County, Texas, and o after being duly sworn, says that the attached notice was published in The Daily Sun of _____ ______________ (_ S� --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------............................... ----•--------•••---•--------••-ff--,,•-,,-RR 5-------- -- --------- t Sworn and subscribed before me this ............... 44 day ------------ _ _--___________A. D. 194_.__-__ Notary Puib-Oc.,ifarf County, Texas LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 4 I AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE TIM AND MANNER OF PAYING THE -A VALOREM 'TA XE3 LEVIED FOR TH i USE. AND- BENEFIT OF THE GOVERI HENT OF. THE CITY OF BAYTOW'_ TEXAS: PROVIDING FOR PFNALTIFS j AND INTEREST TO BE CHARGED. -ON I 13ELINQIIENT TAXES. AND REPEAL- ING ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES. { BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: Section 1. That the ad valorem ,taxes levied by the former City of • Pelly, now designated City- of Baytown, for the as- gessment year 1947 and the ad valorem • taxes hereafter levied by the governing ` body -of the City of Baytown, Texas. each. -year shall become due on the flrst day of October of the year for which' the ievv is made and may be paid up to and Including the following January 31, with- out penalty, but if not so paid such taxes 1 shall become delinquent on the following day, February 1st, and the following pen- alty shall be payable thereon. to -wit: if paid during the month of February one percent (7.»); during the month of March. hvo percent (217,); April, three percent ! (3%).; May, four percent (4 7o): June, five percent (5%) and on and after, the first day of July. eight percent (8%). Sdch unpaid taxes shall bear Interest at the rate of six pr. rcent (6%) per annum from February 1st of the year next suc- ceeding the year for which such -taxes were levied or assessed. See on 2. It is expressly provided that the above and foregoing penalties and In- terest shall apply to and begin with the delinquent taxes for the assessment year 1933 and all interest and penalties that i have accrued or that may accrue on ad valorem taxes, delinquent .for the assess- ment year 1932 and the years prior there. : to, shallhe and the same are hereby re- leased and remitted. Section 3. Unpaid taxes for the assess- ment year 1946 and all years prior thereto and subsequent to the assessment year 1932 shall be considered delinquent as of February 1st of the year next succeeding the year for which such taxes were levied or assessed and shall be subject to a penalty of eight percent (8%) and interest f at the rate'of six percent (6%) per an- numfrom the date or their delinquency. Section 4. All ordinances heretofore passed covering the above and foregoing 3ub,icct or any part thereof are hereby expressly repeated. INTRODUCED. READ AND PASSED I by the affirmutive cote of a maforltY of the city council of the city of Baytown: Texa-9, on this the 29th day of January, 1948. F. D. Cleveland Wayor ATTEST: Edna Oliver City Clerk - Feb. 9-16 Cl -3- BEULAH MAE JACKSON Notary Public, in and tor: Harfis C.ouaKy, Texas COUNTY OF HARRIS STATE OF TEXAS B(e�fo e, the undersigned authority, on this date personally came and ap- peared4idoos -? _ ___ duly recognized agent of The Daily Sun, a daily newspaper ® publishCre , Harris County, Texas, and after being duly srworn, says that the attached notice was pub - hed in The Daily Sun of _____ ___ _____ __ _____ _-. ............... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- �t Sworn and subscribed before me this ___________`t__ day ________ _____ --------- A. 194_Z-_____ Notary Public, iris County, Texas L'J • Ll -ORDTNXNCE—No. 4 1 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE TIME! AND MANNER OF PAYING THE AD' VALOREM TAXES LEVIED FOR THEI ;USE AND BENEFIT OF THE GOVERN- MENT OF THE CITY OF BAYTOwN. TEXAS: PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES AND INTEREST TO BE CHARGED ON DELINQUENT TAXES, AND REPEAL- -.ING ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: Section 1. That the ad valorem to levied by the formerCity of Pelly, .now designated City of Baytown, for the as- sessment year' 1941 and the ,ad valorem itaxes hereafter Icvled by the governing I body of the City of, Baytown, Texas. each year shall become due on the first day of October of the year for which the levy la made and may be paid up to and Including the following January 31, with- out penalty, but if not so paid such taxes shall become delinquent on the following day, February 1st, and the following pen- alty shall be payable thereon, to -wit: if paid during the month of February one percent (M); ); during the month of March, two percent (2%); April, three percent (3%): May, four percent (44yo):. June, five. percent (5y) and on and after the first day of July, eight percent Q%)., Such unpaid taxes shall bear Interest at the rate of six percent (ego) per annum from February 1st of the year next Sue. ceeding ' the year for which such taxes were levied or assessed. Section 2. It Is expressly provided that the above and foregoing penalties and in- tcrsst shall apply to and begin with the delinquent taxes for the assessment year 1933and all Interest and penalties that have accrued or that may accrue on ad valorem taxes, delinquent for the assess' ment year 1932 and the years prior there- to, shall be and the same are hereby re- leased and remitted. Section 3. Unpaid taxes for the assess- rAlrit year 1940 and all years prior fbtiref and subsequent to theassessment year 1932 shall be considered delinquent a of February Ist of the year next succeeding the year for which Stich taxes were levied or assessed and shall be Subject to t, penalty,of eight percent (84T0) and interest at the rate of tox percent (6%) per an- num from the date of their delinquency. Section 4. All ordinances heretofore Passed covering the above and foregoing subpect or any part thereof are hereby expressly repealed. INTRODUCED. READ AND PASSED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the city counril of the city Of Baytown, Texas, on this the 29th day of January, 1948, IIE. D. Cleveland ATTEST: Mayor Edna Oliver f 1 Feb. 9-16 City Clerk -4- BEULAH MAE JACKSON , Notary Public, in and for Harris County, Texas COUNTY OF HARRIS a STATE OF TEXAS c -13efore me, the peared "' published in Go s Creek, Harris 0 undersigned authority, on this date personally came and ap- duly recognized agent of The Daily Sun, a daily newspaper County, Texas, and who after being duly sworn, says that the attached notice was published in The Daily Sun of _______ ____________________1____________________________________________ -------------------------------------------- Sworn and subscribed before me this ----- !_/-- __day v �^ j ORDINANCE NO. 4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING' SECTION �2 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED I ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15 i OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: AN ORDINANCE -OF THE CITY OF PELLY. 'TEXAS , TEXAS, ESTABLISHING 1 ZONE PLAN, DIVIDING THE CITY INTO DISTRICTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF REGULATING ' THE LOCATION' OF TRADE AND OF ' BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. DE- I SIGNS FOR DWELLINGS. APARTMENT HOUSZS AND.OTHER SPECIFIED PUR- POSES; REGULATING THE HEIGHT .AND BULB OF BUILDINGS - AND STRUCTURES. AND THE ALIGN, - - - THEREOF ON STREET FRONTAGES; Sectlon 2. �Thrit all ord Enances or parts .REGULATING THE AREAS AND DIM- 'thereof. In conflict herewith, are hereby -ENSIONS OF YARDS, COURTS, 11ND expressly repealed. OPEN SPACES SURROUNDING BUILD- Section 3. That the City Secretary be, IINGS AND STRUCTURES; CREATING and, tie hereby- is. Inst------ .' directed.• A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT TO HEAR and ordered to cause. this ,orO dinance ;to APPEALS ON THE ADMINISTRATION be published in the proper -newapaper according to the laws rc1¢ting to publl OF THE ORDINANCES. AND PRE- - SCRfBING A PENALTY FOR THE VIO- cntlon' of ordinances, and that the same 'LATION OF THE ORDINANCE, AND shall be In full force and effect 'DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND diately after its Passage and publication., DECLARING AN EMERGENCY," AND Section -4. That certain property Imme- DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. dlately outside the Fire Limits of the City BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY] of Pelly Is proposed to be used for pur- 1 COtvf SItSSION OF THE CITY OF PELLI': poses Incompatible with the general ZOn- Section 1. That an ordinance entitled) lug Plan of the City of Pelly In a man- I'•AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION, per creating a fire hazard to adjacent 15 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: structures resulting in a possible fire "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OFi rate penalty to owners property within PELLYPTEXAS, ESTABLISHING p the City of Pelly' creates an emergency ZI)NF, LAN, DIVIDING THE CITY OVAnd and imperative public necessity requiring PELLY INTO DISTRICTS FOR- THE! Ute suspension of the rule that all ordl- PURPOSE OF REGULATING THE LOCA-, nances shall' be read at more than one TION OF TRADE AND OF BUILDINGS' meeting, of the City Commission. Said AND STRUCTURES, DESIGNS FOR` rule is therefore hereby suspended, and DWELLINGS. APARTMENT HOUSES this Ordinance Is placer) upon its first' and AND OTIT CR SPECIFIED PURPOSES; final reading and passed by it vote of REGULATING THE. HEIGHT AND BULL( 3 ayes and no nays. IOF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES'" SIGNED AND APPROVED by the May - AND THE ALIGNMENT THEREOF ON Or, attested by the City Secretary, this i STREET FRONTAGES; REGULATING -tile -8th day of May. A.D., 1847. THE AREAS AND DIMENSIONS OF I WELDON H. WILLIAMS YARDS, COURTS, AND OPEN SPACESMayor Pro -Tens - SURROUNDING BUILDINGS - AICD ATTF,STE STRUCTURES: CREATING A BOARD EDNA OLIVER OF ADJUSTMENT TO HEAR APPEALS t Asst. City Secretary. ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF .THE May 12 ODINANCES. AND PRESCRIBING AT .PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION, -OF THE ORDINANCE: AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY;' AND DECLARING' AN EMERGENCY"; and Section 2 there -i of shall be and the same hereby is amended by adding thereto the following: 1 'Sub -section (c). Beginning at Point No. 36 in the last preceding adopted Ordi- nance of the City of Pelly setting forth the boundary limits of said City. the same, being the point of intersection of- the West rignt-of-way line of the Wooster, Goose Creek County Road, the same being also known as Main Street In Baytown, 40 with the North right-of-way line of the county road known as Market Street Road; Thence. N. 54 Deg. 03' W., along the said North right-of-way Hne of the county road ,known as Market Street Road, to the point of Intersection of said line with the Nest right-of-way line of Avenue A, In Baytown. for corner; Thence, S. 52 Deg. 34' W., along the said West right-of-way line of Avenue A, In Baytown, t0 the point of lntersec-- tion of said line with a Westerly exten- sion of the North line of an alley run- ning Easterly -Westerly through Block No. Two (2), East Baytown Subdivision,' for corner; Thence, S. 81 Deg. 13' E. along the said Westerly extension of the North line of an alley running Easterly -Westerly through Block No. Two (2), East Bay- town Subdivision, and continuing in the same direction along the North line of said alley through Block Nos. Two (2), ' Three (3) and Four (4), East Baytown Subdivision, to the point of Intersection ?• of said line with the Eastright-of-way • line of Texas Street, In 13ayto,a•n, for corner; ' Thenec, N. S Deg. 05' E., along the ' said East right-of-way line of Texas Street In Baytown,, to the point of tnterscct!On of said line with the South righ L -of -way Eline of the Crunty road known as Market 1 Street Road, for corner: 1. Thence,- 9.' 45 Deg. 321 E., along the " said South right-of-way line of the county road known as Market Street Road, 'to tie point of Intersection, of said line with a Southerly extension to, the Easterly property line$of Block No. Seven (7.),: Amella Alrhart Addition In Baytown, for 1 cdrner; [Thence, In a Northerly direction, along ./the said Southerly extension of the East- erly property line of Block No. Seven (7), A 'mella Alrhart Addition, In Baytown. t0 the 9cven Southeasterly corner ti said Block No. ocven (,7), and continuing In the same . direction along the said Easterly property line of Block No. Seven (7) a' I distance of 125 feet. for corner; Thence, in a Westerly direction, In, n line parallel to and at all point 125 feet Northerly - from the North right;o( way line of the county road known' ,as Market Street Road. 'to the point of In. 'tersectlon of said line with the West rllht+Of-way. line Of the \VOoster-Goose Creek County Road. the sarne being also - known -as Main Street In Baytown, .-for corner; Thence. S. 33 Deg. W., along the said \Vest right-of-way line or the WoOster- Gocse Creek County Road, the same be - Ing also known as Main Street in Bay- town, a distance of 125 feet, to the place of beginning." _- -5— A. D. 194 --- ------------------ ------- County, Texas CEULAH MAE J',rKSON Notary Public, in and tof barris County, Texas