FCPEMSD Resolution No. 29 P-ESOLU-FION 17-40, 29 A RESC)I-UJ'FION OF 'ITIE B(DARD OF DIIZI--'1CT0F'-S OF 13AY'FOWN FIRL' CON-I-RC3L, PREVI,'NTION, AND EN4FIRCiENCY MEDICAL, SERVICES DIS'l-RIC-1- ADOP'FINO A FOR 'FFIE I"HINSUINC FISCAL YEAIZ, BI---CINNIN(:i (-.)CTOBER 1, 2013, AND ENDING SEP-T-EMBER 30, 2014, INACC(-AZDANCE WITH CHAP"FER, 344 Oj'" 'I'l IETEXAS LOCAL, C.X>VI-7,RNN4ENT CODE AND -I'] JI-E AI-1-FERNA-FIVEE ADOPTF-'D 13Y -FI-1E DIS'FF?,1C'F, AND PR(.�)VIDINCJ F'01Z -F11F1 U1'l-,F.,ECTlvL- DAJ"1-, 'Fl IEREOF. ****-****,***********4.4. WIIEIZI-.'AS, the C-icneral Manager of the Baytown Fire Control, Prevention, and U-In-vergei-icy Medical Services, L)istrict (the "District") has Subli-litted to the District a budget estin-azite of" the I-CVCA1LJeS C)ft[IC DiStl-ict and the expense of conducting the aft-airs thereof Fcw the ensuing Fiscal year, beginnin -.)ctober 1, 2013, mid ending Sel)teinber 30, 2014, being the third of five years Of the SI-11CS al-ld LISC tkAX M11,1101-iZ.-tti011, Mid vvIlich said estimate ck-mitains all itif6ri-nation as reqUired by Chapter 344 of the 'l7exas I-i.-ical C.1overnment Code; and WI-IF'PtEAS, the Hoard of Directors c1f the L])istrict (the -11-3cwird") has received the Ciencral Martaper's estirnate and held a I-,mblic hearing thereon as provided by both Chapter 344 of the "Texas Ec)cal Goverrit-nelit Cocle and the; alternati-ve procedures adol:)ted thereunder; and WIIF�IZFAS, after I-till and filial Consideration of the inJ'c)rm,-a1ion contained in the 1-.)roposed budget Quad the ii-ij.-nit received at the 1-.)Liblic hearing, it is the op hiic)n of tire: Board that the budget attached 11CI-CtO S110LIld be and adopted; NOW -Fl-I F'R I.-,"F(-)P,F, F1' B'Y 'ITIE 1 CAI E C-:)F DIF?J--7C'FOPS C:)I-' -FHE' BAY'I'C3WN PREVENTION, AND EN4I1zP,0ENC'Y' MFIDICAL, SF'RVICI-.-..S l-31S'IRIC-F: Section 1 : -Fliat the Board of Directors of the Baytown Fire Control, Prevention, and L"Irriergenc Medical Serviccs District hereby adopts the budget, which is attached hercto, as Exhibit "A" and it"IC01-pol-ElLed herein For all intents and purPoses (-(,)r the District's 2013-14 fiscal year. Section 2: That the Secretary (it' the Haytowmi Fire Control, Prevention, and En-iergency Medical Services District is hereby ordered to SUbrti it I-or and on behalf of the 13oard Of Directors the bLlClgCt aCI0l-)tCd in Section I to the City Council Of the City of-r3aytowii not later than the tenth (1 0"') day alien- the date herec)f. Section 3: 'Uhis resolution shall take effect ininiediately front and after its passage by the Board Of Directors of the Ba-vtown Fire Control, Prevention. mid Emergeney Medical Services District. I N'l-R C)E)U C1-'D, IZF--'AD and PASSED by the aff-irt-native vote of tine Board of Directors of the Bayur�vn Fire Control, Prevention, and Ernergeney Medical Services District, thi-s. the 16"'day Of JUly, 2013. ANI, it, �13 ENDA BRADLE-'Y SNA ITI 1, Pr I -Y q -I-8'&ei-66,I ry '4 All PF1,q()V D AS TO F"(-)F,"N/1: RAMIREZ, SIZ_ O(Lijselfral C''ounsel Contrc)], rreventionlid F-mervency Medical services I 7i%If ict\Re,,tA tit i ons\20 f 3 IJ u I y\Adopt 20 13-14 IiLidge t kloc e EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF BA 3,7TOWN BAYTIOW., FIRECONTROL, PREVENTIONAND DISTkICT (P--'CPEq -AILM) Updated 1. /x FIRE CONTROL, PREVENTION AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DISTRICT (FCPEMSD) BOARD DIRECTORS BRENDA BRADLEY SMITH, President JOHN ADKINS, Vice President GERALD BALDWIN, Director LOVELLA DESORMEAUX, Director ADELINA GOMEZ, Director MAURICE WATTS, Director BAYTOWN KIMBERLEE WHITTINGTON, Director �� CITE' OF BAYTOWN FIRE- EMS SPECIAL DISTRICT FUND 207 BUDGET SUMMARY Actual Budget. Estimated Proposed 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 Revenues Sales Tax. $1,340,991 $ 1,284,112 $1,440,100 $ 1,469,000 Interest Income 1,083 825 725 725 Total Revenues 1,342,074 1,284,937 1,440,825 1,469,725 Expenditures Personnel 105,757 199,453 108,851 210,638 Total Operating 105,757 199,453 108,851 210,638 Capital Outlay 233,805 195,459 209,048 189,176 To Capital Replacement Fund 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 To Capital Improvement Prg 472,30 550,0�00 550,000 600,000 Contingency - - 20,000 Total Expenditures 1,211,867 1,344„912 1,267,899 1,419,814 Excess(Deficit)Revenues Over Expenditures 130,207 (59,975) 1.72,926 49,911 Working Capital-Beginning 812,835 943,042 943,042 1,115,968 Working Capital-Ending $ 943,042 883,067 $1,115,968 $1,165,879 2 CITE" OF BAYTOWN FIRE -EMS SPECIAL,DISTRICT FUND 207 SPECIAL DISTRICT'-FIRE _ 207011 ,actual Budget Estimated Base Proposed 2011-12 2012-1 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 Expenditures 71002 Regular Wages $ 12,942 $ 75,173 $ 75,503 142,400 142,40'0 71021 Health&Dental 8,582 9,150 8,525 20,130 20,130 71022 TMRS 13,877 14,345 14,178 27,571 27,571 71023 FICA 5,578 5,677 5,758 11,033 11,033 71028 Workers Comp 1,178 1,383 1,356 2,30'4 2,304 71041 Allowances 3,600 3,600 3,531 7,200 7,200 71051 Non-Recurring Bonus - - - - - ]P'ersonnel 1.05,757 109,328 108,851 210,638 210,638 "Total Operating 10 ,757 109,328 108,851 210,638 210,638 80001 Furniture&Equip 45,000 2,495 _ - - - 84042 Machinery&Equipment - - - 61,000 61,000 84043 Motor Vehicles - - - 100,000 100,000 84045 Radio&Testing,Equipment - 28,176 28,015 28,176 28,176 Total Capital 2,495 28,176 28,015 189,176 18 ,1.76 91350 To Capital Replacement Fund 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 91351 To Capital Improvement Prg 472,305 550,000 550,000 600,000 600,000 Total Transfers Out 872,305 950,000 950,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 99002 Unforeseen/New Initiatives - - - 20,000 20,000 Total Contingency - _ - 20,000 20,000 Total Expenditures $980,557 $1,087,504 $1,086,866 $1,419,814 $1,419,814 3 CITE' OF BAYTOWN FIRE- EMS SPECIAL.DISTRICT FUND 207 SPECIAL DISTRICT- EMS - 20702 Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2012 Expenditures 71002 Regular Wages $ - 64,272 $ - $ - 71021 Health& Dental - 9,150 - 71022 TMRS - 11,704 - - 71023 FICA 4,917 - - 71028 Workers Comp - 82 - - Personnel - 90,125 - Total Operating 90,125 - 80001 Furniture & Equip $5,000 7,871 13,141 1.3,141 - 84042 Machinery& Equipment 41,263 69,142 69,142 - 84043 MctarVehicles 182,176 85,000 98,750 - Total Capital 231,310 167,283 181,033 - Total Expenditures 231,310 $ 257,408 '$ 181,0�33 $ - 4 CITY OF B'AYTO'1WN DIVISION BUDGET WORKSHEET 2013-14 20701 Special District-Fire A+ect.0 Account Name justification Amount 7100 Personnel Services 71002 Regular Wages 142,400 No Net Increase;combined division 20702 for all personnel services 71021 Health And mental Ins 20,130 Increased Health Insurance 10 71022 TMRS 27,571 Increased TMRS Phase In Rare per City Manager 71023 FICA 11,033 71028 Workers Compensation 2„304 71041 Allowances 7',200 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 210,638 8000 Capital Outlay 84042 Machinery and Equipment 61,000 Zoll AED Program Battery and Pad Replacement 1,000 (2)Zoll X Series 12 Lead ECG with ETCO2,,Oral Temp,SP02,Integrated WiFi and Bluetooth,USB ports for data upload,NIBP and CO Oximetery 60,000 No Net Increase;combined division 20702 84043 Motor Vehicles 100,000 12007 Frazer Type 114'Generator Powered Module remounted on a 2014 Dodge 4500[Diesel chassis I00,0'00 No Net Increase; combined division 20702 84045 Radio&Testing Equipment 28,176 Drop In Chargers for Portable Radios-Annual Replacement 2,000 Sgtronic Headsets(6)-Annual Replacement 2,500 Voice Amplifiers-Annual Replacement 2,500 Scott Hazmat Radio Interface Houston Spec(8)-Annual Replacement 13,576 Portable Radios(2) 154 MHZ-Annual Replacement 7,600 TOTAL CAPITAL 189,176 9000 Otl1 r Financing Uses 91350 To Gen Capital Pro)Fund 400,000 Fire Technology and Capital Equipment-Fire Apparatus 400,000 91351 To Capital Improvemnt Prg 600,000 Construction of Fire Training Facility 500,000 Radio Equipment for Communications(Transfer to CIPF Fund) 100,0100 Increased$50,000 relating to Main It In America Grant TOTAL TRANSFER OUT 1,000,000 Contingent_v 99002 Unforeseen/New Initiatives 20,000 Allowance for holiday and possible salary increase 20,000 TOTAL CONTINGENCY 20,000 TOTAL F"CPEMSiD 1,419,814 2M Special Ais riot-EMS No Nei+decrease,far 207020 combined Into:2070,1 5