FY 18-19 MDD Adopted Budget MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT On May 5, 2001, in the general election, the citizens of the City of Baytown voted to authorize the creation of the Baytown Municipal Development District and the imposition of a sales and use tax at the rate of one-half of one percent for the purpose of financing economic development projects that provide economic benefit and diversify the economic base of the community. BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) ADOPTED PROJECTS BUDGET 2018-19 BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) DIRECTORS STEPHEN H. DONCARLOS, President CHRIS PRESLEY, Vice President LAURA ALVARADO, Secretary CITY CLERK, Assistant Secretary SUHEY RIOS-ALVAREZ, Director HEATHER BETANCOURTH, Director GARY ENGLERT, Director MARY HERNANDEZ, Director DAVID HIMSEL, Director ROBERT C. HOSKINS, Director DAVID P. JIRRELS, Director CHARLES JOHNSON, Director BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR BUDGET ISSUES FISCAL YEAR 2018-19 On May 5, 2001, in the general election, the citizens of the City of Baytown voted to authorize the creation of the Baytown Municipal Development District (MDD) and the imposition of a sales and use tax at the rate of one-half of one percent for the purpose of financing economic development and parks projects that provide economic benefit, diversify the economic base of the community and improve our quality of life. The board is composed of the Mayor, six council members and four at-large resident members. REVENUES – Sales tax revenue is budgeted at $6,862,000, which is consistent with the 2017- 18 estimated collections. Along with other miscellaneous revenues, the total revenues for 2018- 19 are projected at $6,916,744. EXPENDITURES – Included in this year’s program are ongoing economic development expenditures as well as improvements in the areas of streets, sidewalks, signalization, utilities and parks. Generally, project costs may include functions such as services, construction or debt service on long-term construction projects. FY19 NEW PROJECTS: Dredging – Bayland Marina & Channels $760,000 This allocation provides funding for Dredging – Bayland Marina & Channels. Due to the impacts of Hurricane Harvey the need to dredge Bayland Marina has become an urgent priority. Typical dredging takes place every 10 years, therefore FEMA will only pay for dredge materials above and beyond the typical silting that occurs. With this dredging and no extreme events this will give our marina life for another 10 years. Annual Operating Impact: Operating and maintenance costs have no impact. Ward Road Walking Loop Trail $145,000 This allocation provides funding for the Ward Road Walking Loop Trail. Residents in the Plumwood and Eva Maude neighborhoods near Ward Road Park presented the Mayor a petition requesting a loop walking trail within the park. The residents used to use the Bowie School Park trails, but when the new school was constructed the walking trail went away. The plan is to provide a trail around the outer edges of the park and tie into the sidewalk system along Ward Road. Many of the smaller parks within the city have had walking trails added in recent years due to the increase in walking for exercise and increased emphasis on healthy lifestyles. This trail would be of reinforced concrete, 6 inches thick, so that it would stand up to maintenance vehicles that move across and along the bank on which it will be constructed. The loop trail would avoid conflicts with the little league practice fields and provide a new use for the park. Annual Operating Impact: Operating and maintenance costs are projected at $2,600 BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR BUDGET ISSUES FISCAL YEAR 2018-19 EPA Tree Planting Project $100,000 This allocation provides funding for the EPA Tree Planting Project. Starting in the fall of 2018, the city will be receiving 1 million dollars in trees from ExxonMobil that will be planted across the city over the next 3 years. Although most of the funding will come from ExxonMobil, staff is anticipating some cost that will not be covered. Those items include irrigation, additional plantings and damage due to construction. Annual Operating Impact: Operating and maintenance costs have no impact Goose Creek Trail Heads $50,000 This allocation provides funding for the Goose Creek Trail Heads. There is always two main factors as to why we hear residents not using or knowing about the Goose Creek Trail and that is they don’t know where it is at. This request would start the initiative to a trail head system that would make residents have a way to identify entry points to the Goose Creek Trail. These trail heads could come in a variety of forms that would be selected at a later date. Signage will also provide attractive identification of the Goose Creek Trail to passersby Annual Operating Impact: Operating and maintenance costs are projected at $2,600 Jenkins Park Drainage and Water Line $100,000 This allocation provides funding for Jenkins Park Drainage and Water Line. Public Works installed a new 6 inch water line into the park in 2016. The line dead ends near the pavilion. This would continue the 6" waterline and loop it back into the main line provided a loop system and additional fire protection at Jenkins Park. This would also allow for the reduction of stagnant water at the end of the line. The original section was installed to make way for the new splash deck and restroom that was installed in 2017. Drainage issues that have plagued the park for years would also be addressed. Annual Operating Impact: Operating and maintenance costs have no impact Holloway Park Tennis Courts $13,000 This allocation provides funding for the Holloway Park Tennis Courts. The Holloway Park Tennis Courts are in high demand for a renovation to the courts. The courts were last renovated almost 20 years ago and with the heavy traffic are in need of a facelift. This request would go in and level any inconsistency and then go back with a new two tone paint. Annual Operating Impact: Operating and maintenance costs have no impact Central Heights Park Basketball Cover $76,000 This allocation provides funding for Central Heights Park Basketball Cover. This request would be to add a metal shade structure over the current basketball court. The newly renovated court was completed last year and the neighborhood is requesting this court to be covered similar to NC Foote and McElroy. The covered court would allow for basketball to be played more often and during hot or in climate weather. This is an annual request from the neighborhood. Annual Operating Impact: Operating and maintenance costs have no impact BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR BUDGET ISSUES FISCAL YEAR 2018-19 City Wide Landscaping $100,000 Each year these funds are requested to enable the Parks and Recreation Department to address landscaping and irrigation needs in parks, on thoroughfares and at other public facilities as needed or requested. Annual Operating Impact: Operating and maintenance costs are projected at $6,000 Lighting for Jenkins Dog Park $109,000 This allocation provides funding for Lighting for Jenkins Dog Park. The Jenkins Park Dog Park has been a large success since its construction. Since its initial install, staff has received request from residents to light this area to provide the use of the area after dark especially during the hot summer months. The lights would give residual light to the entire 5 acre dog park and may utilize a solar system LED to make the install possible. This would be a great amenity to Jenkins Park. Annual Operating Impact: Operating and maintenance costs are projected at $1,740 Parks Operations Center $1,500,000 This allocation provides funding for Parks Operations Center. The Parks and Recreation Department recently celebrated 50 years in existence and during the last 46 years the Parks Division called the Park Service Center located at 1210 Park Street home. Although several upgrades and additions of the facility over the years, the Division has outgrown the building and yard that was designed for one foreman and 15 employees. With four foremen and up to 45 full and part time employees along with additional equipment to maintain over 50 parks and 120 miles of right of way the facility is packed. This request would be to construct a new Service Center building to the east at 1106 Park Street. (The old Baytown Nursing Home site) The new service center would increase workflow by providing a more streamline exit and entry of equipment as well as address the need for updated restrooms and office. The parks division employees will get a new more secure parking lot for their personal cars and can be parked in an orderly fashion. The existing Park Service Center building will be gutted and will provide space for our Pesticide application equipment and storage locations for deliveries of new playground equipment and other valuable equipment that are not heavily used but needs to be stored out of the weather. This shop has been a long ways in the making and would drastically increase productivity and more importantly the moral of our workers. Annual Operating Impact: Operating and maintenance costs are projected at $3,000 Russell Park Land Acquisition $225,000 The MDD board approved an additional $225,000 out of the 2019 MDD budget on August 2nd. The funding will be added to the existing $172,839 available in the current MDD budget for Land Acquisition – Future Parks for a total of $397,839.00. Annual Operating Impact: Operating and maintenance costs have no impact BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR BUDGET ISSUES FISCAL YEAR 2018-19 Crockett Park and Baybrook Place Subdivision Trail Connection $158,000 The project will construct approximately 1,757 feet of 8 foot wide 6 inch thick concrete trail connecting the Crockett Park and Baybrook Place subdivisions to the Blue Heron Parkway Trail. Members of the subdivision's civic association requested a trail that will link the neighborhoods to Crockett Elementary School and to the Blue Heron Parkway Trail system. Annual Operating Impact: Operating and maintenance costs have no impact Holloway Park Parking Lot Expansion $225,000 This project will replace the existing 12 space parking lot with a new 32 space concrete parking lot that will include two (2) handicapped parking spaces. This project will also include the reconstruction of the entry road off of Raccoon Drive. Annual Operating Impact: Operating and maintenance costs have no impact Actual Total Allocation Estimated Total Allocation 2016-17 2017-18 2017-18 2018-19 Beginning working capital 4,383,130$ 5,451,334$ 5,451,334$ 4,725,631$ Revenues Sales Taxes 6,526,875 6,727,450 7,131,097 6,862,000 Investment Interest 31,441 15,235 40,005 40,941 Miscellaneous 56,000 - - - Loan Repayments 10,980 10,871 10,871 11,200 Interest on Loans 2,820 2,932 2,932 2,603 Total MDD Revenues 6,628,116 6,756,488 7,184,905 6,916,744 Expenditures Economic Development Projects Development of New/Expansion of Businesses & Industry 8,972 358,218 5,888 352,330 Econ Development Foundation - Services 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 Development Director 91,914 138,795 138,795 144,000 Econ Development Foundation - Special Projects 90,000 128,411 90,696 137,715 Economic Development - Goose Creek - 160,000 160,000 - Economic Development - 123 W. Defee - 75,000 75,000 - Economc Incentive - San Jacinto Mall 500,000 500,000 500,000 - Economic Incentive - HEB - 300,000 300,000 150,000 Brunson Redevelopment 12,445 1,487,555 1,237,555 400,000 Property Acquisition for Economic Development 592,113 - 592,113 Subtotal 953,331 3,990,092 2,757,934 2,026,158 Streets, Drainage, Sidewalks & Signalization Projects Land Acquisition for New Thoroughfares - 161,710 - 161,710 Land for San Jacinto Blvd 225,120 124,880 100,000 24,880 Downtown Infrastructure - 600,000 300,000 300,000 Subtotal 225,120 886,590 400,000 486,590 Utility Projects Cost Share with Developers to Upsize New Utilities 49,285 205,250 - 205,250 I-10 Lift Station 220,000 251,439 100,000 151,439 Tri City Beach Road Sewer - 70,000 - 70,000 Subtotal 269,285 526,689 100,000 426,689 Parks Projects Completed and closed projects 1,116,566 - - - Baytown Sports League Improvements 79,917 50,000 17,703 82,297 Rent/Purchase of Ice Rink for Town Square 49,873 56,358 56,358 125,000 Goose Creek Trail - Phase VI 268,039 42,348 17,888 24,460 Land Acquisition - Russell Park (1,000) 172,839 - 397,839 Repair Fire Fighter Memorial 5,378 61,872 - 61,872 Kayak Launch (Bayland & Roseland)- 70,000 70,000 - Evergreen Park Bldg Rehab 119,729 1,261,427 914,485 346,942 Evergreen Park Development 115,167 52,400 52,400 - Travis Park Special Needs Playground 78,950 40,340 40,340 - Goose Creek Stream Clean Up - 20,000 - 20,000 McElroy Park Improvements - 175,000 175,000 - Median Improvements (Market/Main & Bayway)- 130,653 130,653 - Eddie Huron Park Lighting - 50,000 50,000 - Jenkins Park - 50,000 50,000 - Batwing Mower - 88,521 88,521 - Goose Creek Trail Improvements - 107,246 107,246 - City Gateway Project III - 70,000 - 70,000 Park Operations Center - - - 1,500,000 Dredging - Bayland Marina & Channels - - - 760,000 Ward Road Walking Loop Trail - - - 145,000 EPA Tree Planting Project - - - 100,000 Goose Creek Trail Heads - - - 50,000 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) PROGRAM FUND FY2019 BUDGET SUMMARY Actual Total Allocation Estimated Total Allocation 2016-17 2017-18 2017-18 2018-19 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) PROGRAM FUND FY2019 BUDGET SUMMARY Parks Projects Jenkins Park Drainage and Water Line - - - 100,000 Holloway Park Tennis Courts - - - 13,000 Central Heights Park Basketball Cover - - - 76,000 City Wide Landscaping - - - 100,000 Lighting for Jenkins Dog Park - - - 109,000 Champion Park Trail - 118,098 118,098 - Crockett Park and Baybrook Place Subdivision Trail Connection - - - 158,000 Holloway Park Parking Lot Expansion - - - 225,000 Subtotal 1,832,619 2,617,102 1,888,692 4,464,410 Total MDD Projects 3,280,355 8,020,473 5,146,626 7,403,847 Other Project Administration and Overhead 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 Debt Service 1,554,557 - 2,038,982 2,957,790 Transfers to CIPF Fund 425,000 - 425,000 425,000 Unforeseen/New Initiatives - 231,400 - 392,000 Subtotal 2,279,557 531,400 2,763,982 4,074,790 Total MDD Expenditures 5,559,912 8,551,873 7,910,608 11,478,637 Revenues over (under) expenses 1,068,204 (1,795,385) (725,703) (4,561,893) Ending working capital 5,451,334$ 3,655,949$ 4,725,631$ 163,738$