Ordinance No. 13,765ORDINANCE NO. 13,765 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, GRANTING A VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 21 "CABLE AND TELECOMMUNICATION REGULATIONS," ARTICLE III "TELECOMMUNICATION REGULATIONS," DIVISION 2 STANDARDS," SECTION 21-112 "TOWER LOCATION STANDARDS" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, BAYTOWN, TEXAS; GRANTING AN EXCEPTION TO THE PLAT REQUIREMENT OUTLINED IN CHAPTER 21 "CABLE AND TELECOMMUNICATION REGULATIONS," ARTICLE III "TELECOMMUNICATION REGULATIONS," DIVISION 2 "STANDARDS," SECTION 21-123 "APPLICATION" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, BAYTOWN, TEXAS; AND GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO VERTICAL BRIDGE DEVELOPMENT, LLC, TO LOCATE A 100 -FOOT SELF-SUPPORTING MONOPOLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER AT 3402 2/3 SHADY HILL DRIVE, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS RESERVE "B," ROLLINGBROOK, SECTION 4, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST TO SUCH PERMIT; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ****************************************************************************** BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That subject to the conditions of the Special Use Permit granted in Section 3 hereof being satisfied, the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby grants the following variance to the setback requirement contained in Chapter 21 "Cable and Telecommunication Regulations," Article III "Telecommunication Regulations," Division 2 "Standards," Section 21-112 "Tower location standards," subsections (b) and (c) of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas; Requireillent Tower must be 375 feet Variance Granted Tower must be at least 250 feet from any property which is within from any property which is within a SFE, SF1, SF2, MF1, MF2, a SFE, SF1, SF2, MF1, MF2, MF3, UN, NSC, LC, or ACE MF3, UN, NSC, LC, or ACE zoning district or is used for zoning district or is used for residential purposes. residential purposes. Fall zone (equal to the longest dimension of the tower) to be located Fall zone area is reduced to the 5,500 within property boundaries and avoid square feet of the leased area habitable structures, public streets, property (50 x110 ). utility lines and other antennas or towers. Section 2: That subject to the conditions of the Special Use Permit granted in Section 3 hereof being satisfied, the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby grants the following exception as permitted in Chapter 21 "Cable and Telecommunication Regulations," Article III "Telecommunication Regulations," Division 2 "Standards," Section 21-123 "Application" subsection (b) of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas: The telecommunications facilities detailed in the special use permit requiring the special use permit, including towers and related equipment buildings, need not be on a platted lot. Section 3: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby grants a Special Use Permit with the conditions stated therein to Vertical Bridge Development, LLC, to locate a 100 -foot self- supporting monopole telecommunications tower at 3402 2/3 Shady Hill Drive, more particularly described as Reserve "B," Rollingbrook, Section 4, Harris County, Texas. A copy of said permit is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A," and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 4: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor to execute and the City Clerk to attest to the Special Use Permit incorporated herein. Section 5: Nothing herein shall be construed as to authorize any other variance or exception from Chapter 21 "Cable and Telecommunication Regulations," Article III "Telecommunication Regulations" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas, or any other provision of such code. Section 6: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of Baytown this the 10th day of May, 2018. AT: LETICIA B YSCH, City Ctdk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ACIO RAMIREZ, SR., City AY y R:' Karen Files City CounciLOrdinances\2018Way 10`•SUNSadyHillDrive.doc its passage by the City Council of the City of Mayor Special Use Permit No. 2018-001 SPECIAL USE PERMIT WHEREAS, an application together with the requisite site plan for a Zoning Special Use Permit ("SUP"), which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes, was completed by L. Dee Thornton, for and on behalf of the Vertical Bridge Development, LLC (the "Applicant"), on a tract of land approximately 0. 13 acres of land being part of and out of 10.61 acres, zoned General Commercial, located at the end of Shady Hill Drive where it meets West Fork Goose Creek, legally described as Reserve "B", Rollingbrook, Section 4, Harris County, Texas, and submitted to the Director of Planning and Development Services (the "Director") on a form prescribed by the Director; and WHEREAS, the Director reviewed the application and prepared a staff report; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission (the "Commission") conducted a public hearing on the application; considered the application, the staff report, the relevant supporting materials, and public testimony given at the public hearing; and recommended approval to the City Council, subject to certain additional conditions; and WHEREAS, the Commission prepared and delivered a report and recommendation to the City Council to approve the proposed SUP subject to the certain conditions based upon the criteria enumerated in Section 1.26 (e) of the Unified Land Development Code ("ULDC"); and WHEREAS, after receiving the report of the Commission, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the SUP application and considered the application, the staff report, the relevant supporting materials, and public testimony given at the public hearing; and WHEREAS, the City Council thereafter made the following findings based upon the requested SUP and the conditions specified in Section 2 hereof: (1) That the specific use will be compatible with and not injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property, nor significantly diminish or impair property values within the immediate vicinity in any material way; (2) That the establishment of the specific use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding property; (3) That adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and other necessary supporting facilities have been or will be provided; (4) That adequate nuisance prevention measures have been or will be taken to prevent or control offensive odor, fumes, dust, noise and vibration; (5) That there are sufficient landscaping, screening, setbacks and other land use measures to ensure harmony and compatibility with adjacent property; and (6) That the proposed use is in accordance with the comprehensive plan and generally consistent with this Code; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: The findings contained in the preamble hereof are declared to be true and correct and are hereby adopted. Special Use Permit, Page 1 Special Use Permit No. 2018-001 Section 2: A Special Use Permit is hereby issued for the proposed cell tower 100 feet in height, on a tract of land located at 3402 2/3 Shady Hill Drive, being approximately 0.13 acres of land being part of and out of 10.61 acres, zoned General Commercial, located at the end of Shady Hill Drive where it meets West Fork Goose Creek, legally described as Reserve "B", Rollingbrook, Section 4, Harris County, Texas, subject to the following conditions. 1. A 6 -foot opaque fence shall be constructed and maintained surrounding the buildable area of the tower and any appurtenances associated with its construction; 2. A 6 -foot wide vegetative buffer shall be installed and maintained surrounding the buildable area of the tower and any appurtenances associated with its construction (installation comparable to streetscape as described in 18-1206); 3. The fall zone area is reduced to the 5,500 square feet of the leased property (50'x110'); and 4. The tower setback is a minimum of 250 feet from closest single-family zoning district or property used for residential use. Section 3: Nothing herein shall be construed as to authorize any use other than the use expressly enumerated on the submitted application and attached site plan. Section 4: This SUP shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown and is subject to expiration an,47revocation requirements as provided in the ULDC. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the City of Baytown this the 101h day of May, 2018. LETICIA BRYSCH, City APPROVED AS TO FORM: e-16NACIO RAMIREZ, A , City Attorney Special Use Permit, Page 2 S of the City Council of the DONCARLOS, EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF BAYTOWN Pluming & DmdopmentSe ices 2401 Mtukd Strut Baytown, TX 77520 Universal Development Application Phom281.420.5394 rlaswingotayrowmats Incomplete applications will not be accepted_ Indicate "NIA' when an item does not pertain to your apflication. "fl o Zoning Map Amendment felecommunication Special Use o Replat o General Plan o Zoning Variance a Landscape Variance o Small Subdivision* o Lot Line Adjustment/Consolidation o;toning Special Exception o Subdivision Variance a Minor Plat* a Fire Lane Easement .n Zoning Appeal o Preliminary Plat* o Amending Plat* a Text Amendment o Zoning Special Use o Final Plat* o Plat Certification o Other See appropriate checklist and fee schedule for minimum requirements for each application. *These applications use the same checklist. Project/SubdivisionName:4 �r;u U5TI,5`IS y T�ecaw,.„�.;,��rti,d Project Address/Location: hOa, -A A 7�a Brief Description of Project: -re fit..+.., up..;c L ati,s Tto",%^ U' �p Legal Description &Recording Info:2-CSer"C:5� NGt of i:n r� .pec -stn. �1 ru (o✓ mwe Pro j 31b Parcel(s) Tax ID#(s): IL S G vy Property platted: Yes No_ Don't Know _ Type: Residentia Acres:144 . Commercial Acres:_, Total acres: lo.f.l Is property in ETJ? Yes _ No Existing Zoning: CSC- , Number of existing lots: I Number of existing units: _Q-, Current Use: Uat.+ •t-+�.�+� Proposed Zoning: Number of proposed lots: , Number of proposed units: , Proposed Use: Utility provider for water supply:. _ _ _ _ _ Utility provider for sanitary sewer. I would like to attend a meeting with the Development Review Committee (DRC): YesZNo._County: Chambers—Harris-L/ (Primary Contact will be notified) Owner Name: K3 TCX ?, Address:IIDAI Ke,4W-or Phone: Ka I �i, Se,0%1%a , Email: City: P4va"Z State -_V- Zip: 7 70,-t4 F7 Applicant Name: -r&&t,. 11.0 Email: DALALI•V Mo rzkrnnnh Address: 75'0 PaALg6 tin, _ &L, Ss,ADO City: 50" R -Aero State: , Zip: 22-�f8 �► Phone: $ 36k - 7 X f- (030 Fax: N R Contact Person (If different from applicant): NX} Email: A) A Address: 1JT� City: /V State:A-0qZip: NA Phone: Fax: By signing this application, staff Is granted access to your property to perform activities related to your case. if the property owner is not Signing, legally suFCAt signs autho ' verification (i.e. letter of authorization to apply) trust be provid at the sitar f appli tion. Signature(s): Printed/typed Name(s): L�7 deG j! t J rte , Ti 01 Known to me to be the person(s) whose name(s) islam subscribed to the above and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they expW the same fo !e purpo and c(woe; in the capacity tht:roin stated. Given under my hand and seal of office on this day of �/�7�``y1 ABETN ANN LEARY ('UBLIC•STATE OF TEXASID # 13055865.3M. EXP.02.26.2020 Notary Public caw FOR VLPProject #:, o Project Manager. Sub ittal Date: Accepted Sy: _ Total Fee(s): S �erppiew by: - Date: Approved by: Approval Date: ____ City of Baytown Planning and Development Sm ices 2401 Market Street aaylown. TX 77520 Phone 281-120-5344 Fax 21420.5380 Planningn baytown org A telecommunication facility appeal is permitted if a person desires to erect or use a telecommunication facility that does not meet current zoning and land use regulations pursuant to Section 21-104 of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas. Sqkmittal Re uirements: Universal Development Application — complete with all required signatures. o Digital Copy - PDF of proposal e-mailed to planningauba, own.org (due by close of business on submittal date). o Confirmation of Property Ownership — Deed, lease or most recent paid tax receipt for the subject property. If the property is owned by an entity rather than and individual, provide signatory authorization. o Copy of the County tax map which delineates the subject property of the appeal. r Agent Information If you are an agent and not the property owner, then you shall submit a notarized statement from the owner naming you as agent for this application. 1� Provide description and narrative — Please provide documentation of the need for a telecommunication facility, including, but not limited to, the number of dropped calls, topography warrants a taller tower, etc. Additionally, please review and answer all the following questions located below and submit as separate supporting document: 1. From which regulation(s) do you which to appeal (e.g., Section 21-112 — setbacks, Section 21-112 tower location, etc.)? 2. Will the proposed appeal adversely affect adjacent or nearby properties? 3. Are there special conditions or circumstances to this proposed development which are peculiar to the location, structure or service which are not applicable to others? 4. Would stricter application of the regulations prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting personal wireless service? 5. If the requested modifications to the current regulations were allowed, would the spirit and intent of the code be met? ❑ Drawings/Maps o General site survey showing existing uses; o Map of current zoning of the site and surrounding area; o Map of the location, setback and fall zone of the proposed communication facility; By signing below, I acknowledge that 1 have reviewed the general information and Submittal Requirements Checklist and have included the required submittal items and reviewed them for completeness and accuracy. A- fa -I8 Applicant(s) Signature Date L.D-etc 1 o Applicant(s) Printed Name Versions 12.15.2417/NDD Vertical Bridge would like to appeal the following Sections of the Baytown Zoning Ordinance: Section 21-112 (b)(2)b & Section 21-112 (c). In accordance to Sec- 21-112. - Tower Location Standards. (Ord. No. 8287, § 3, 5-28-98, Ord. No. 11,866, § 10, 2-23-12; Ord. No. 13.191 , § 4, 5-12-16) (b) Residential. Except as otherwise provided in this article, telecommunications towers are not permitted in any SFE, SF I, SF2, MF I, MF2, MF3, UN, NSC, LC or ACE zoning district and must be at least: (2) t t nae any 8 4&t is vait 5�, 5 11�� 2, , I �' � ' r AU zoning distui+c mmp r �ol3ows� — n- id, - - 3 O ezor �as s apuVes - 1i1ro�o;l�mdied �1 , yea itoweri oton�fliarsoo�Jatr? Vertical Bridge's Statement ofAppeal for the Tower Set Back. Vertical Bridge's 100' Tower would require a Residential Setback distance of 250' + (25' X 5' = 1251) = 375' from any Residential Zoned Property. (Vertical Bridge is simultaneously applying for an Appeal to Sec. 21- 112.(b)(2) citing that this distance requirement would virtually exclude any new Monopole Towers from being built for Co -location that are over 75' in height because the Tower would have to be located on a tract of land that was larger than 13.21 acres in order to meet the added Residential Setback Distances, making cellular coverage to a majority of Residential properties nearly impossible to cover. The effect of this requirement will cause New Cell Towers to be limited to a maximum height of 75' in order to meet the 250' Residential Setback. A 75' Cell Tower would limit the number of Carriers that could Co -locate on the New Tower and would cause the need for additional 75' Cell Towers in the same area in order to accommodate all Cell Carriers. By enacting the current provision of the Zoning Ordinance under Appeal would severely impact the nearby Residential and Businesses from having adequate wireless cellular, data and 911 services. Vertical Bridge's 100' Cell Tower will have a fall Zone that would be contained within KdEX Properties boundaries and will not affect adjacent or nearby properties. The spirit and intent of the code will still be met, if a 100' Monopole cell Tower is at least 250' from any Residential Zoned Lot (2.5 times the height of the Tower setback and fall zone). (c) Iff-m -zone. A tower shall be constructed so as to minimize the potential safety hazards and located in such a manner that if the structure should fall along its longest dimension, it will remain within the Vroom bobAftae! and avoid habitable structures, public streets, utility lines and other antennas or towers. Vertical Bridge's Statement ofAppeal for the Tower Fall Zone.- The one. The 100' Monopole - if the structure should fall, it would fall within the Landlord's Property. The term "property boundaries" are not defined in the ordinance. It is Vertical Bridge's interpretation that "Property Boundaries" means the Landlord's Property and not the Leased Premises. The 100' Fall Zone of the Tower would not fall on any other person's property, habitable structure, public street, utility line and/or other antennas or towers. Additionally, most Communications Monopole Lease Areas are usually less than 75' X 75'. An interpretation of a Fall Zone within the Leased Premises would mean that for a 100' Monopole, the Lease Premises would have to be 200' x 200' which would encompass an area of .918 acres (40,000sgft) - which would be equal to 16 Lease Areas that are 50' X 50' (2500 sqft). Sec. 21-123. - Application. (b) Unless an exception is granted by the city council, telecommunications facilities requiring a special use permit, including towers and related equipment buildings, shall be located on a platted lot. Vertical Bridge's Statement of Anneal for the platted lot: The 100' Monopole & Equipment Leased Compound tics within the Owners property, which is a Platted Lot. We do not agree with the interpretation that the Leased Compound has to have its' own separate platted lot. Our Leased Compound is located on a platted lot. Sec. 21-104. - Appeal. (Ord. No. 8287, § 3, 5-28-98) Any person who desires to erect or utilize a telecommunication facility and who wishes to present evidence that such entity would be limited by the current regulations of the city dealing with zoning and land use may apply for such use under this article. The city council shall, upon a showing that stricter application of the regulations would prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting personal wireless service, as defined by federal law, modify the subject regulations, consistent with the spirit and intent of this article and second to the extent necessary to prevent the prohibition. ' 04 ti- wn pip A3B0380A — This site is designed to enhance the in -building coverage to surrounding businesses and to offload A3B0113C, Sector 3 and A3B025SB, Sector 2. RF requires a new wireless facility at 100ft to offload traffic on surrounding cell towers, and relieve congestion in this area. Surrounding towers are 140 ft., 100 ft., and 160 ft. tall. A 100 -ft. tower will greatly reduce the dropped call rate in the area, which will increase during peak hours. A3B0255 —140 ft. A3B0113 —100 ft. A3D0158 —160 ft. A3B0380A (Blue triangle) for capacity to offload 80255, Sect 2 and B0113, Sect 3. i A Drop, Cai Rate s stet is cc-" OCR 0.1% 03% a OCR • 05% CLS DCR 1% . 5 M DCR % 0 DCR 5% Cah SO and Dmps -0 fjl 41obitC=m i*W St. 4 BELLVIFW ACRES WHITIN t LANTERNJPA-R�-- w DAIWI Pd, WILLOWCREE K CHOPPING CENTER GROWS fir :,4 Rd A,.ftft. a High School MAN 5 ACRES 30 ACRES KLA ROU PARKRIVE Hl�3 ROLLINOOR0.0V RtDIIEWOOD. pt 7JD 1' st roti--+ AL 911 Call vnVum LTE 2100 COVERAGE — POR Sites listed.' Black (without A3B0380A) MAN 1n11 A98•13C 169 WOMB 12 LA �1- { A380217C 123 MIR U3 nth ■ 0 M 1SIB A 161 A3DOMA EI 10 LTE Nth Bell RSRP Li Ouoad 13 110c.vc 11/d9m 112aac imd9m D 1mc•■c wdBm Q 914..,ocam AL A360250A A3F 10 B M- .. AM03MC LTE 2100 COVERAGE — POR Sites (with A3B0380A @ 130ft) A3 ®LIE.W6*d9SRP LTEDtodoo Ito c•. 4-114 (IBM •111 c•. c :IOD dOm O •100 a ■ < •91 dOm D •91c..c0d9m A380260A It A3808OA AMIt 0113C ^^ T t• A380217C i f"x � a 1✓ ■ ■' r C � i � 12 j ii �■ C1 .� ■ A3001508 A3D0009A 130 LTE 2100 COVERAGE -POR Sites 3�C ■ 1 (with A3B0380A@ 100ft) -A ' A3B01SS8 1 MF01348 U It A3B03WA A30It 1113C } �Y. Mt1E NthBc4BSA"E0U4= O-t40a■c•114®m m4<•.c-too�m IM , O 91c.Rt0d9m A300260A ■ r ■ A36002217C AN,■ c ''E■ 9 � �n A3 30B If A30000YA L2 100 Drive Fest Map � ! L.u1�rj rnir at HS 1} - � - �: llM CtiiSLlrr L} 1am= 41 4 r• q41 4 v Wim. 11�A., his K rKku t,d In.�oad a pcmdJCe FiHoid In crs+�en 4 �� � .� • Stfie76ip ti�