Ordinance No. 560ORDINANCE KQ..�,�b
MEREAS, the. City Council, of the City ofiBaytown-passed Ordinance :No. 165
on the 3rd, day of Nover.�ber.V;*Y952,:said 'Ordinance being an Ordinance, inter alia,
classifying the positions
8ition.s in the Fire and--poilce-Departments of the City of -
town,, and
WHEREAS, after careful study and consideration, the City Council deems it
advantageous, to reclassify the Positions. in the!,Police; and FiXeDepartments, and
WHEREAS, the -Civil. Service Co
mmiss.ion of, the. City of Baytown hat:, recommen-
ded -this reclassification, and
• 1JEREAS all the proper, and' procedural rocedu Pl steps have been taken for the
purpose of this reclassification, THEREFORE,
Section I: That Appendix'I, "Class Specifications for Positions in the
Classified Service, Service Group Police",, it hereby amended and as amended
shall hereafter -read -as follows:
Distinguishing Characteristics of Work: . This is generalpolicework in the 'pro-
tection of life and -property through the enforcement of laws and ordinances.
Employees are responsible.for the protection of life and property' -pre-
vention of crime,. apprehension -of criminals, and the general enforcement of laws
•and ordinances in a designated -area on an assigned shift. Work is -performed in
accordance with departmental rules and regulations and normally consists of rou-
tine patrol, preliminary investigation and traffic regulation -duties which may
be performed in cruiser cars, motorcycles, or on foot. Work involves an element
.of per ' sonal danger and employees must be able to act without direct supervision
and to exercise independent discretion in meeting emergencies., Employees may be
assigned to work at headquarters on special assignments, which call upon special-
ized abilities and knowledges usually attained through experience as a uniformed
N • •
Assignments and general and special instructions are received from a.superior
officer who reviews work methods and results through reports, personal inspection
• and discussion.
Meamnles of Work: Patrols a specified beat or area of the City on foot, on a motor-
cycle, or in a radio cruiser to preserve law and order, to prevent and discover the
commission of crime, and to enforce motor or vehicle operations and.parking regula
Answers calls and complaints involving fire, automobile accidents, robberies
and other misdemeanors and felonies.
At scene of crime administers first.aid, conducts preliminary investigations,
gathers evidence, obtains witnesses, and may make.arrests and take prisoners to jail.
Interviews persons with complaints and inquiries and attempts to make the pro-
per disposition -or direct them to proper authorities.
Investigates juvenile delinquency.
Furnishes escort to banks, business firms, military convoys and funerals.
• Investigates automobile accidents, checks on stolen automab.iles and makes de-
tailed reports.
Prepares evidence for issuance of complaints, serves criminal processes, in-
cluding warrants and supoenas, testifies as a witness in court and keeps records,
and makes reports.of all activities and disposition of cases.
Works as turnkey at City Jail and lets persons in and out of jail.
Checks parking meters for overtime parking violations and issues traffic
Directs congested traffic and school -traffic as required.,,
-,Keeps necessary records and makes -reports on activities.
Gives directions and assistance to the public.
klhen assigned to work in plain clothes, investigates stolen bicycle reports
and assists in apprehending bicycle thieves, checks and investigates pawn shops
and secondhand stores for stolen articles; makes traffic investigations.
When assigned to work as a detective, works on one of the following details: -
automobile theft, homicide and robbery, forgery and bunco, missing persons, Indus-
trial plant protection, sex crimes, burglary or subversive activities.
Performs special guarding and other -duties as required or assigned -
Desirable Knowledge. Skills and Abilities: Some knowledge of modern approved prin-
ciples, practices and procedures of police work.
Some knowledge of the geography of the City and location ,of important b uild-
Some knowledge of State laws, City ordinances, and the rules and regulations
of the Department.
IVorking knowledge of business english and arithmetic so as to prepare routine
reports (and to type at a reasonable speed).
Ability.to understand and carry out oral and written directions.
• Ability to deal courteously but firmly with the public..,
Ability to act quickly and calmly in emergencies.
Ability to work long hours and withstand physical strains of police work.
Ability to size up situations and people and adopt an effective course of
N • •
Ability to develop skill in the use of firearms.
• Ability to render first aid.
Good powers of observation.
Good general and social intelligence.
Resourcefulness, tact, alertness, integrity and courage.
Desirable Experience and Training.' Education equivalent to that represented by grad-
uation from a standard high school.
Some experience.involving meeting and dealing with the public under varying
Qualifications: Education: Ninimum - High School education or the equivalent.
Qualify in mental aptitude test.
Personal interview to determine.whether candidates personality is suitable
for police work.
• Character and reputation To be. of the highwst standard, beyond.question or
Personal history investigated.
Appearance: Manner and bearing suitable for police work..
Social Adaptability: Ability to deal with all kinds of people, under differ-
ent conditions. ,
Necessary Special Qualifications: -4g1 e:.Min mum: 21 - Maximum: 35.
Physical Condition: Candidates must:be able to meet the medical requirements.
including height, weight and ehest measurements, prescribed in the Civil Service
Distinguishing Characteristics of Work: This is general police work in the opera-
tion of a radio transmitter and receiver to aid in the detection and apprehension of
• The employee is responsible for the efficient and continuous operation of
radio equipment used in transmitting and .receiving police radiotelephone messages.
The work requires the application of technical knowledge and skills to problems of
transmitting and receiving.
The radio operator broadcasts police orders and information to the radio
The radio operator is under the supervision of the supervisor in charge of
Examples of Work: Conducts two-way communication with radio cars.
Brodacasts regular and special test calls.
Receives complaints of and information concerning various crimes; and broad-
casts the order to the proper radio police patrol concerning the apprehension of
criminals connected with the crime.
• Rearranges text suitable for radio broadcast.
Tramsmits time calls at proper intervals.
Notes irregularities in operation of equipment. -
Assists police officers in emergencies.
Performs related work as..assigned or -required.
Receives requests from field units for ambulances, wreckers; information,
geographical information, stolen automobile license numbers, wanted persons and
phone numbers of particular business establishments.
Receives requests for service, assistance, advice.and need of superior offi-
cer at scene,, -,and notification of authorities in -out of the Police Department.
Receives requests for information and checks stolen or wanted file -.on vehicle
license numbers -and registration of license and relays information to-reQuesting unit.
Notifies authorities outside of. Police Department.for service needed such as
faulty traffic signals, street barricades needed, fires and fire hazards; burglar
alarm companies, and dead, loose ,or injured animals..
Contacts business establishment„ owners -through criss-crossing and.code system
to advise owners of open doors, broken -windows -and burglaries discovered'by field
Qualifications: Must have general understanding of service, investigative and law
enforcement -activities, jurisdiction of Police Department and..good working knowledge
of Police policy and -procedures.
Must have knowledge of criminal and civil.law and know..city ordinances.
Must have ability to express,self.in c1.ear.and effective manner, .using minimur
of words, be emotionally stable, alert and have keen memory and judgment::'
h1ust.know rules and procedure of department and territorial breakdown of en-
tire City, -area by area.
Must know departmental procedures -and become familiar with and know contacts
required in and out.of Police Department in handling various types of situations.
Necessary Special Qualifications: Minimum Age.; 21.- Maximum Age: -,35
Physical condition: Candidates must be -able to meet medical requirements,
including height, weight and chest measurements, prescribed in the Civil.Service
Distinguishing Characteristics of Work: Responsible to Lieutenant for.direct sup-
ervision -and control of Patrolman in radio patrol units assigned to beats or areas.
within specified operating territory of City to meet basic -law enforcement, service
and investigat .eneeds relevant to -preventing crime, assisting persons in need of
help and discovering, arresting and charging those engaged in criminal activities,
including traffic violation.
Places major emphasis on assuming direct command of patrol units in resnec
tive area,. -issuing orders, instructing,,training and following up to effect honest,
faithful and efficient performance of officers in line of duty.
Check on reports and incomplete cases.and on answering calls to take charge
of or assist patrol unit, in coping with major, incidents, including those which in-
volve fire or police vehicles or -to direct activities at scene of major crime during
preliminary investigation.
Examples of -Work:. -Patrols respective territory by cruUIng in radio.equipped car.
Directly supervises and controls operations of patrol units and inspects area
noting unusual hazards and observing irregular or unforeseen conditions which require
more police effort, care and concentration, in order -to prevent, eliminate or discov-
er criminal activities.
Inspects each patrol officer's beat as to traffic.violations, characters,
group gatherings, darkened areas and potential conditions -'requiring close observa-
tion, check and immediate correction.
Proceeds to constantly check, supervise, instruct and control -radio patrol
units in performance of work within assigned territory and maintain morale and pro-
mote full time effort and efficiency of group through own alert, alive action and
Observes radio patrol units in line of duty, checking to as"sure that rdles.and
regulations and proper methods of law enforcement are followed and that assignments
are"carried out in orderly, efficient and satisfactory manner.
Checks scenes of major incidents such as fire, major crime, gang fights, pub -
lie disasters, assuming direct command,until.relieved by his superior.
Discusses and advises patrol unit on .unusual,"non-routine or difficult pro-
blems, checking with superior if -:,necessary, and working with .officer in solution of
Instructs and provides on -job training of officers under command in -effective
performance of patrol duties, assuming of,"police powers, responsibilities 'and limits
of authority, and in understanding of basic enforcement methods, tactics, rules and
regulati-ons a.nd`sanner of dealing with people.
Gives -special attention to training of Patrolman"Probationary guiding new re-
cruit in proper induction, exposure to field risks, tactics and in executing appro-
priate -methods and -preparing --required reports.
Checks "with individual. officers, instructing, ,4n � right tactics , methods, and
manner of performance, pointing out errors or needs of improvement relevant to report-
ing accidents and offenses, the.1handlingof calls., or, providing` adequate patrol -in
Qualifications: Must have good working•. understanding -'of civil, traffic and criminal
law relevant to arrest,'search, seizure, police powers'and limit of authority.
Must know appropriate methods of law enforcement; tactics and police policy,
rules and -regulations.
Must be familiar with City and alert to sense risks.
I -lust have ability.. to express self verbally or in writing. `
Must be able-to-issue..orders or extend .police courtesy and to report complete.
and accurate facts.
Must develop- knowledge._of _and ab.il ity- to supervise patrol_ units in -getting, a
job done, know how to plan, schedule and appraise work of patrolmen.
Must be able to' take charge of major crime scenes.
Necessarl Special Qualifications. Minimum -Age: .- 21, _Maximun-'Age,:--- 3$.
Physical Condition: Candidates must be able to meet the medical -requirements,
including height, ;veight an& chest measurements, -prescribed in the Civil Service Rule:
Distinguishing Characteristics of Work.. Keeps. all •.records- of cases filed.
Finger prints and takes pictures of--criminal-'offenders.
Classifies - nd.Jiles -finger print cards.
Interrogates and -in.te Jews prisoners.
Takes- statedents from persons charged with- felony° offenses.'
-;Takes- investigations.at-erime-scenes."
Develops and -enlarges pictures.
3] fications:_ PIust .have High school:- education -or -equivalent.
BZus.t have} at least one year of.. actual experience in- identification .and invest'
N • •
klust have technical knowledg6 and characteri6tics of work.
• Aust have -complete knowledge of fingerprints and complete knowledge of the
Henry system of classifying and filing fingerprint records.
Must have complete knowledge of photographic work, field photography, mug
shooting, processing film, and printing and enlarging.
Must have knowledge of receiving, maintaining and preserving complaints of-
fense reports, arrest records, etc.
I -Just have complete knowledge of criminal investigation and have some knowled-
ge of handwriting, typewriting and fire arm identification.
Necessar- Special Qualifications: Blinimum-Age: - 21, Maximum Age: 35.
Physical Condition: Candidates must be able to meet the medical requirements,
including height, weight and chest measurements, prescribed in the Civil Service
• Distinguishing Characteristics of ["fork: Responsible,to Lieutenant (in charge of
shift) for exercising self-direction in careful, alert and thorough manner to detect
and solve thefts, burglaries and malicious mischief cases and apprehend fugitives
throughout City.
Cooperating with uniformed basic law enforcement officers in detecting crim-
inal activities.
Responsible for preventing and eliminating crime or criminal establishments.
Places emphasis on solution of specific theft and burglary cases by investi-
gating crime scene, known or suspected criminals, subjects being held in custody,
or facts of particular case, in order to detect clues, to discover, organize and pre-
serve evidence for court presentation and to apprehend and arrest persons allegedly
guilty of crime.
Examples of Work: Receive general and specific work orders, instructions and assign-
ments to cases from Lieutenant (in charge of shift) as such relate to general detail
Solve crimes by investigation, apprehension of fugitives, or follow-up needed
in solving crimes and malicious mischief cases.
iReport to Lieutenant for instructions and assignments and discusses unusual
circumstances,' happenings and occurrences or intricate aspects of cases under invest'_
Conducts investigation at scene of crime for circumstantial evidence and face-,
of crime such as physical evidence, identity of criminal and other additional infor-
mation obtainable, in order to decide if alleged crime is authentic, and to facili-
tate an effective performance in apprehension and arrest of criminal.
Make follow-up investigation.at scene of crime as needed, getting facts and
circumstances and interviewing complainant, witnesses and persons present or living
at or near the scene at time of crime.
Interview victim to obtain facts about time, place, specific nature of crime
and detailed description of stolen property, i. e., identifying marks to include
physical make-up, color, serial number, damage, if any, and other pertinent informa-
tion which may have been missed in primary investigation.
Search crime scene and immediate area for physical evidence, and for leads
on which action can be taken.
-10- .
Takes into custdy any evidence found, properly marking and preserving same
for presentation in court.
Check ownership of recovered property or property in custody believed to be
stolen, checking lists of stoleg property by physical description and serial numbers
and contacting owner for identification and information concerning loss.
Investigate -suspects and leads listed by uniformed officers in primary investi-
gation of offense, checking persons, places and opinions to determine the value of
information in solving crime and checking suspects and leads supplied by complainant.
Continue investigation of case by:
(1) Organizing, analysing and reviewing of crime facts, evidence and
circumstances uncovered in preliminary investigation.
(2) Planning further detection strategy obtaining additional physical
evidence, follow interrogation of victim and witnesses to evaluate -facts and ascer-
tain reliability; and
(3) Investigate likely suspects in process of crime solution, apprehen-
sion and arrest of criminal.
Reviews all crime.facts, to detect vital clues, and to develop thorough under-
standing of facts and modus operandi.
Conducts follow-up interview of victim and witnesses (if any) to obtain writ-
ten legal statements, to secure additional information of improtence and to evaluate
reliability of facts and opinions expressed.
• Obtains information from elements in•community likely to be informed on crime
activities and on information of importance and evaluates reliability of information.
Plans tactics and strategy of arrest,.mapping out situation and requesting
additional police when required or assistance of superior officer in directing acti-
vities at scene of applehension.
If appropriate, file complaint against accused in proper court, obtaining
warrant of arrest before apprehension and obtaining and executing search and seiz-
ure warrants. Interrogates suspect or -criminal arrested in calm, considerate, but
thorough manner without emotion, or pre -conceived opinions in process of'securing
facts and confronting prisoner with evidence in an effort to secure confession or
eliminate accused as suspect.
Arranges special show -up for suspect, together with other persons; according
to availability of complainant and witnesses.
Takes confession in legal form, and in presence of two witnesses not members
of police force by first warning prisoner that a statement is not required, but afte-
making such, that it may be used against him at time of trial or trials.
• Prepares official offense -report in detail, organized to clearly describe,
in an accurate and precise manner all pertinent information Who, !'that, Hlhen, My
and How) involved in crime, including modus operandi, or prepares supplementary re-
port in like manner.
Prepares, organizes and analyses -physical evidence, case records and state-
ments to be introduced into court and assembles other relevant matter to be offered
in testimony by technical personnel of police department.
Discusses facts, evidence and other information pertinent to case with pro-
secuting authorities to assure adequate, proper presentation.
Qualifications: Must have working knowledge of criminal law enforcement and demon-
strated skill in investigation of felony cases, apprehension and arrest of criminals
Must have knowledge relevant to police policy, methods, tactics, powers and
limits of authority in crime detection and.solution.
Must be emotionally stable, alert, adaptable and have keen observation, mem-
ory, judgment and courage to work alone.
• Must possess practical understanding of human behavior under pressure and a
.knowledge -of criminal elements.
Must acquire skill of deception, the ability to mingle with all sorts of
people and play varied roles, yet maintain stable control of own behavior.
Must be able to know and identify modus operandi, location, actions and assc
iates of criminals.
,must comprehend the use of science in investigations and know court procedure.
• Necessary Special.Qualifications: Minimum Age: �- 21, P imam Agei.- 35.
,Physical Condition: Candidates must be able meet the medical requirements,
including height, weight and chest measurements prescribed in the Civil Service Rules.
Distinguishing Characteristics of tt'ork: Responsible to Captain for exercising com-
mand over and integrating field activities of subordinante supervisors in meeting
basic law enforcement needs, investigative and service requirements of respective
Gives major attention to.efficiency and discipline of officers in compliance
with police policy, rules and regulations.'
Adheres to proper tactics, -strategic plans and operations and renders direct
assistance in case of major crime, or when requested, in order to provide continuous,
alert radio patrol coverage, area by area; for meeting regular, special and emergency
needs in preventing crime, eliminating criminal haunts, making arrests and charging
those engaged in criminal activities, including traffic violations.
• Examples of Work: Reviews, discusses and analyses general orders, specific instruc-
tions, routine worts activities and special assignments with Captain, as such relate
to maintaining continuous, alert, uniform radio patrol coverage through -out City.
Give verbal and written orders to Sergeants in charge of respective operating
territories, pertaining to selection of qualified personnel for special assignments,
regular schedule of patrol force, -and necessary changes needed to obtain more orderly,
efficient operations.
Make periodic" inspection and.field'.supervision tours of City, area by area,
in'"radio.patrol car to check adequacy of.police protection.
Observe radio patrol officers in line of duty and issue orders on necessary
Check adequacy of patrol coverage to meet "basic law enforcement needs by ob-
s:erving traffic violations and checking on:darkened areas and excessive litter or re -
se on streets, and noting individual actions or group happenings of unusual nature
which requires special ,attent ion
Observe patrol officer in line of duty, through personal.contact.and radio
• log, to maintain discipline.
Appraise efficiency of patrol officers including their knowledge of police
methods, rules and regulations,.and ability to execute basic law enforcement tech -
Exercise command over, integrate and -maintain, constant firm, but constructive
control .of field operations.
Issue orders and follow-ups to assure proper execution of plans, area by area,
explaining and correcting errors made in work performance.
Check action on answering calls, disposing of complaints and meeting emergency
Give: special attention and assistance in organizing and outlining non -routine
problems and motivate Sergeants in providing essential direct supervision to build
morale and increase efficiency and use of patrol force in preventing crime and en-
forcing laws.
Check with Sergeants and review work activity and performance reports on sta-
• tus of individual officers and over-all radio patrol group relevant to morale, ef-
ficiency, needs, habits and attitudes toward work in order to motivate proper direct
Exercise close attention and control over personnel and supervisory problems.
Check quality of work, dependability, adaptability, initiative, leadership, safety
mindedness, cooperation and loyalty noting any factor rated below average.
Investigate disciplinary problems, check situation, facts and spot real tissues
by -discussing problem with Sergeant, interviewing: officer involved, obtain stAtements
and make detailed report to superior.
".Lieutenant may take., or authorize" -Sergeant to take temporary action in serious
disciplinary cases.
Qualifications: Must know civil.; traff. 'c.'and criminal law enforcement" and be'able to
take charge of executing.me't_hods,: tactics., policepof! icy, rules and, regulations rele-
vant.to the apprehension and arrest- of criminals...
Must Icnon responsibilities and limits of authority.
Must be fami1 iar with City,.area by:area.
bust have recognized leadership ability in supervising effective useofpolice
officers, appraising efficiency,, and in training to; carry out safe, alert operations.
Must'. acquire skill in appraisi'ng,' adjusting .and' integrating strategic schedule
of patrol activities, balancing load to -meet routine, spe'cial"Ohd emergency need's..-
Must be able toplan, organize and control Work of other supervisors, to handle
disciplinary problems "-in Eine with Civil., Service Policy., rules and regulations and
• to carry out department relations with other police authorities..
Necessary 'Spgcial ..Qualifications: Mininum Age.:. 21 - A%ximum Age: 35:
Physical Condition; Candidates must be able to meet the medical requirements,
i-ncluding height, weight and chest measurements, prescribed in.the Civil Service -
a, t nauish' ng Characteristics of t'lork " ftespons3ble. for the planning:, control and'
general supervision` of shift operations .ii.meetng basic law enforcement needs lauch
as investigative and. service requirements,through the Ia.cilities of uniformed radio
.patrol division, .'Giving' major attention' to scheduling and deploying of police force
to meet needs.
Coordinates orderly, efficient and strategic% operaaion$ through subordinate..`le
veis of supervision in order, to provide continuous :alert`: radio patrol coverage throug.
out City, area by area,, for meeting regular, special emergency heeds in preventing
-.crime, making arrests. and charging --those,.- ag`ed in•criminal activities,, including
traffic violations.
• Examples of Work: Assist superior in studying and .analysing ivory activ'it`ies.
Give general supervision to Radio pa.tro2 Divi ion.
Discuss plans and progress in, coping' :�t th regular requirerients and .adjusting to
special and emergency needs of ;basic; lati ,enforcement
Discuss with relieving Captain status of ;pati -oh activities with emphasis on
major incidents or happenings i:n need of close-aitention so as to detect information
of value in .shift operations.
bl2 11rit.ain.current ConcePt ,Of crime picture -In City, area by area.
Collect., analyse and study statistical information, offense records and regular
or'special research reports to determine -pattern of need for patrol care',,and attentio_
Assemble information, records. and reports on criminal trends and on current
tendencies regarding types of crime;, behavior and patterns, of- `movements in each area.
Appraise information and''draw conelusions'on type of police action needed in.,
• planning -effective deployment'and use of patrol force through subordinate levels of
Discuss and clarify.findings with -superior,, in evaluating needs and in."develop-
ing methods to cope with'unusual.and intricate problems
Plan, organize and coordinate ivork of -field radio patrol units through subordi-
nate levels of line supervision.
M � •
Enter into direct supervision of field operations in case of major incident,
to effect strategic deployment of police force.
maintain efficient shift operations in meeting needs of basix law enforcement.
Discuss general plans, work, schedules, assignments and use of police force
with subordinate supervisors in charge of field territorial districts or squad un-
Give general supervision to shift operations with emphasis placed on disposi-
tion, efficiency and discipline of officers following up to appraise results, de-
tect need for change in strategic deployment of patrol units and to direct routine
patrol tactics.
Check and confer with Central Dispatching Office regarding type and volume
of complaints and availability,of patrol.units to render prompt service in answer-
ing calls.
Direct subordinate supervisors in strategic re -deployment of patrol units
during shift, balancing load and selecting qualified personnel to meet particular
Maintain check on common errors committed and violations of regulations, dis-
cussing errors with subordinate supervisors to effect change, or issuing instruc-
tions at roll call.
Check on and instruct officers in proper -procedure to follow in .routine patrol
Review key points of mechanics in handling arrests and in filing charges to
effect satisfactory case preparation and to'•obtain and preserve physical evidence.
Advise, train and develop surordinate supervisors in knowledge and understand-
ing of rules, regulations, laws and techniques used in law enforcement process,
stressing execution of duties in such a manner as to enbist public support and res-
Maintain check through subordinate supervisors or by interview with individ-
ual officers concerning police force morale, habits of behavior and attitude, so as
to encourage interest in work and to develop.groups manner, tact, appearance, coop-
eration, and other adaptability. qualities.
Promote sound, harmonious relations between: officers at all levels of Radio
Patrol Division and with divisions of Patrol Bureau and with other staff,.line and-:;:
specialty fields of police authority throughout the department.
Cooperate with County, State,.Federal and other law enforcement authorities,
enlisting support with the general public for an equitable, but firm treatment of
offenders, endangering property, life -and public safety.
Appraise daily work activities of individual officers and check performance
ratings prepared by officer's immediate supervisor, in order to adequately evaluate
ability and capacity relating to promotion,need of transfer or improvement in of-.
f iciency.
Make _investigations, render opinions and recommend action in all cases in-
volving subordinate personnel accused of mis-conduct orlinefficiency , taking into
account police policy, rules, regulations,and laws, including those established un-
der Civil Service.
Check complaints, getting facts and opinions concerning situation from citi-
itizen or individual making charge, by personal interview or telephone discussion.
Prepare written account of situation, spotting problems and recommending
disciplinary action or measures to correct and solve problem.
Take necessary temporary action on disciplinary cases, if required.
Qualifications: Must have specific understanding of civil, traffic and criminal
laws relating to jurisdiction of police power, and•to methods of executing basic
law enforcement.
Must have thorough.knowledge of department policy, methods and procedures.
Must have thorough knowledge of City's over-all territory, area by area, and
the ability to plan, schedule, and supervise effective use of police officers.
Must be able to appraise efficiency and inspire confident, effective.and
Must acquire skill, knowledge of and ability.to appraise current "crime pic-
ture" of law violations and criminal activities.
Must know how to plan, organize and coordinate strategic schedule of patrol
Must know strength and capacity of officers in patrol force.
Must have the ability to maintain tactful, cooperative relations with the
public and other police authorities on important or major problems.
Necessary Special Qualifications: Minimum Age: 21 - Maximum Age: 35.
Physical Condition: Candidates must be able to meet the medical requirements,
including height, weight and chest measurements, prescribed in the Civil Service
• Mules.
Distinguishing Characteristics of Work:. This is supervisory and technical police
work in a major phase of police operations. The work involves full responsibility
for the effective performance of specialized police activities and supervision of
all police activities during an assigned shift. Such units are concerncd with crim-
inal investigation and vice control and with the enforcement of laws relating to
the control of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Vork requires an application of
seasoned judgment and police skill in meeting work problems, appraising effective-
ness of police techniques used, and interpreting departmental policies and regula-
tions. The employee personally participates in the more difficult police problems
and instructs subordinate officers in methods to be:.Iollowed in special cases. Work
is normally performed independently in accordance with departmental policies and
precedents, with general orders received from a superior officer; however, in un-
usual situations specific instruction may be received. Work is reviewed through
observation of results and evaluation of reports submitted.
Examples of Work: As commanding officer of*the night detail or one of the subdivi-
sions of the police department, plans and lays out and supervises employees in the
is performance of their duties.
Direct the supervision of dance halls, beer parlors, rooming houses and
other places where commercialized vice is likely to exist.
Check arrests to see that cases are properly handled in court.
Assume charge of police activities on the scene in case of a large fire,
riot or other major emergency.
Confer with citizens registering complaints or making requests.
Supervise work of detectives, advising subordinates on work methods and pro-
Personally makes investigations on difficult criminal and vice cases.
Attend court as State's witness and appear before grand jury.
Supervise and administer the activities of the traffic division, assigning
duties, keeping accident location maps, and directing and participating in the in-
vestigation of automobile accidents.
Confer with City Officials and meet with representatives of various civic
Conduct correspondence, prepare and supervise the preparation of necessary
records and reports relating to police activities,and review reports prepared and
M • •
submitted by subordinates.
Direct activities on the Bureau of Identification..
Blake inspections of personnel, equipment and buildings of department.
Supervise and instruct the in-service training of patrolmen.
Recommend promotion, transfer or discharge of employees supervised.
In absence of Chief, assume his duties as delegated by him.
Perform related work as assigned'or required.
Qualifications: Thorough knowledge of modern police administration and investiga-
tion in prevention of crimes and.the apprehension of criminals.
Complete knowledge of laws,.ordinances, and rules and regulations of the de-
Ability to supervise and lead men effectively.
Demonstrated administrative ability.
Ability to meet the public and command respect and cooperation from the public
and subordinates alike.
Proven aptitude.in problems presented by police work.
Working knowledge of the geography of the City and location of important
Ability to analyse complex police,problems.
Education equivalent to that represented by graduation from a standard high
school plus completion of at least two different courses in police training and
Considerable police experience including some experience in a supervisory or
equally responsible capacity.
Possession of a restricted radio -telephone opera.tor's-permit as -issued by the
Federal Communications Commission,
Necessary Special Qualifications: Minimum Age: - 21.
• Physical Condition: Candidates must be able to meet the medical requirements,
including height, weight and chest measurements, prescribed in the Civil Service
This Class of Position in the Classified Service for Distinguishing Character-
istics of Work, Examples of Work. Desirable Knowledge, Skills and Abilities, Desir-
able Experience and Training, qualifications and Necessary Special Qualifications,
are the same as indicated for Patrolman, but in addition thereto shall be experiences;
in the control and regulation of motor vehicle traffic, and the prevention and in-
vestigation of motor vehicle accidents.
Section 2: That Appendix I, "Class Specifications for Positions in the Classi-
fied Service, Service Group - Firemen", is hereby amended and as amended shall here-
after read as follows:
• General Statement of Duties: Has responsible charge of the activities of all fire
fighting units within an assigned division or district, does related work as required.
Distinguishing Features of the Class: This is important supervisory fire department
work involving responsibility for coordination and directing the overall activities
of, and for the.condition and efficiency of all fire fighting units within assigned
h • •
division or district. The work is'performed in accordance with established poli-
cies and required the exercise of good judgment in emergencies. A High degree of
responsibility for the protection of lives and property is involved. -
Exam les of Work: (Illustrative Only): Responds to all fires within an assigned
division or district and assumes command of the over-all' fire fighting activities.
Orders all companies not needed at fires -to return promptly to their stations. In-
vestigates and if possible, determines the causes of fires and submits detailed
reports. Immediately notifies the Chief regarding all major fires and unusual hap-
penings involving loss of life, injuries to pers4U and damage.to property result-
ing from accidents at scenes of fire or -in responding to alarms. Submits detailed
reports regarding all accidents at fires or in.responding to alarms, and makes
periodic visits and inspects company_journals, records, apparatus, hose, tools,
uniforms and other equipment to insure proper conditions. Reports all defects and
deficiencies found to exist. Details officers and men when necessary to equalize
companies, and investigates and reports violations of regulations and dereliction
of duty. Supervises the preparation awd submits personnel and activity reports,
assists in the over-all administration of the department, and directs the training
of subordinates.
Required Knowledge. Skills and'Abilities: Thorough knowledge of modern fire fight-
ing.and fire:.prevention methods, thorough knowledge of the City's fire prevention
laws and regulations, thorough knowledge of -the geography, building conditions and
• major fire hazards of the City. Thorough knowledge of'the safety precautions used
in fire fighting,, good knowledge of fire training techniques, ability to maintain
discipline; ability to recognize fire hazards, demonstrated ability to direct and
coordinate fire gighting activities, resourcefulness, sound judgment in emergencies
and good physical condition.
• Acceptable Experience and Training: 'One year of satisfactory permanent service as
a Battalion Chief and graduation from a high school, or any equivalent combination
of experience and training sufficient to indicate ability to do the work. But in
no case will any person be eligible for appointment or examination for the position
of Assistant Fire Chief unless he has served.as a Junior Officer or Fire Fighter
for a period of five years in the service -of the City of Baytown Fire Department.
General Statement of Duties: Has charge of -the activities of Fire Prevention
- Bureau in the City.
Distinguishing Features of the Class: This is important supervisory Fire Preven-
tion work involving responsibility in the over-all activities in the protection
of lives and property.
• Examples of Wdrk: (Illustrative.Only): To carry out all the duties that have been
set up in the Fire 51arshal's Ordinance No. 97 of the City of Baytown.
Required Knowledoe. Skills and Abilities: Thorough knowledge of Fire Prevention
methods, knowledge of the City's Fire Prevention laws and regulations, thorough
knowledge of the geogrpahy, building conditions and major fire hazards and know-
ledge of the City's Building Code,
Acceptable Experience and Training: One year of satisfactory permanent service
as an officer no lower than a Captain and a graduate from high school,, or any
equivalent combination from experience and training sufficient to indicate ability
to do the work-. But in no case will any person be eligible for appointment or ex-
amination for the position of Fire Marshall unless he has served as a Junior Offi-
cer, Fire Inspector or a Fire Fighter with the necessary inspection experience,
and shall have had five years service with the City of Baytown's Fire Department.
General StateMent of Duties: Has charge of the activities of all the fire fight-
ing companies in a fire area, and does related work as required.
• Distinguishing Features of the Class: Employees in this Qlosa are generally respon-
sible for over -seeing the proper supervision of all companies within his areas. The
Battalion Chief responds to all fires within his areas and commands all companies
until relieved by a superior officer. -
Examples of Work: (Illustrative Only): Responds io fire alarms within his area
and of such ether fires as he may be called to in accordance with established pro-
cedures. Relieves f ire captains of command upon arrival at a fire and directs all
fire fighting and life saving activities until relieved of command by a superior
officer. Determines and directsthe proper deployment of his companies.at the
scene of a fire and determines the necessity for additional fire fighting compan-
ies at.the scene of a fire and.notifies.,the fire dispatcher of such requirements.
Periodically visits each company within the areas to inspect personnel, equipment,
apparatus, quarters and records. Prepares reports, and supervises the training and
drilling of fire fighting personnel.
Required Knowledge. Skills and Abilities: Thorough knowledge of modern fire fight-
ing and prevention principles, practices and equipment, of the City's.fire preven-
tion laws; ordinances and regulations, the geography of the City, safety precau-
tions used in fire fighting, of the rules and regulations of the department and of
the laws under which it operates, of the City's building code and building condi-
tions and major fire hazards, good fi
_knowledge of re training p ractices and tenh-
niques,'of the location of fire.hydrants and water mains, ability to recognize fire
hazards, ability to maintain discipline,'plan and supervise the work of subordin-
ates, lay out work for subordinates, ability to adopt quick, effective and reason-
able course of.action in emergencies to lead men and give effective orders, to
develop a high morale, ability to prepare technical and administrative reports,
resourcefulness, and have sound -j udgment, in emergencies.
Acceptable Experience and Training: One year of satisfactory permanent service
as a Fire Captain and graduation from a high school, or any equivalent combination
• of training and experience sufficient to indicate ability to do the work. But.in
no case will any person be eligible for -appointment or examination for the position
of District Battalion Chief unless he has served as a Junior Officer,or Fire Fighter
for a period of five years in the service of the City of Baytown's Fire Department.
• General Statement of Duties: Has responsible charge of an assigned fire company,
and does related work as required.
Distinguishinca Features of the Class: This is supervisory fire department work
involving responsibility for directing the activities of a fire company. The work
is performed in accordance with established policies and requires the exercise of
good judgment in emergencies.
Examples of l"lork: (Illustrative Only): Supervises over-all fire fighting activi-
ties at'scenes of fire. Checks.to insure that men are properly assigned to lay out
and connect hose lines and nozzles, direct hose streams, raise ladders and venti-
late buildings, Directs salvage operations during .and immediately following a fire
and inspects property at scene -of fire.to prevent re -ignition. Directs the clean-
ing, checking and replacement of tools -and equipment after a fire, and directs,cus-
todial and maintenance activities at a station. Inspects equipment, grounds, and
• station to insure proper order and condition, maintains discipline, and makes re-
ports of personnel and activities. Directs the maintenance and repair of all hose:
nozzles, hydrant gates, fire extinguishers, life net and inhalators, He also train
and drills subordinates.
Required Knowledge. Skills and Abilities: Thorough knowledge of medern fire fight-
ing and fire prevention methods, good knowledge of the City's fire prevention lar"s
and ordinances, of the geography of the area, of first aid methods, of the City's
building' -code, the rulesmand regulations of the department and of the use and main
tenance of fire fighting equipment. Ability to recognize fire hazards, maintain
discipline, plan and supervise the work of subordinates, lay out work;for subordi-
nates. Resourcefulness and good judgment in emergencies, and good physical condi.-
Acceptable Experience -and -Training: One year of satisfactory permanent service as
a Fire Lieutenant and graduation from a high school, or any equivalent_ combination
of training and experience sufficient .to indicate ability to do the work.' But in
no case will any person be' eligible -for appointment or examination for the position
of Fire Captain unless he has -served as Junior Officer or'Fire Fighter for a period
of four 'ears in the service of the Baytown Fire Department.
General Statement of Duties: Supervises theactivities of a group of fire fighters
and does related work as. required.
Distinouishing Features of the Class: Supervises.the work of fire fighters at fire
and in the station. The work is.performed under the direct supervision of a super-
ior officer. A lieutenant has -complete charge of operations.at scene of fire in
the absence of or pending the arrival of a superior off icer.-
w • •
Examples of I9ork: (Illustrative Only)_':. Assigns men to lay out and connect hose
lines and nozzles, turn water off and on, raise ladders and ventilate buildings.
Responds to all alarms assigned to his company while.on duty, and supervises work
of fire fighters at scenes of fire and in stations. Inspects property at scene of
fire to prevent re -ignition, and supervises the cleaning, cnecking and replacement
of tools and equipment after a fire. Inspects equipment,groun4s and station to in-
sure proper order and condition, and makes reports of personnel and activities.
.Trains and drills fire fighters.
Required Knowledge Skills and Abilities':. Good knowledge of modern fire fighting
and fire prevention methods, good knowledge of -the City's fire prevention laws and
ordinances, good knowledge of the geography of the City, and a good knowledge of
first aid methods. He should have.a good knowledge of safety precautions involved
in fire fighting, ability to recognize fire hazards, ability to plan and supervise
the work of others and to maintain discipline, resourcefulness, sound judgment and
good physical condition.
Acceptable Experience and Training: One year of satisfactory permanent service as
a relief pump operator and graduation from a high school, but in no case shall any
person be eligible for appointment or examination for the position of Fire Lieuten-
and unless and until he has served -for at least four years as a permanent fire
General Statement of Duties: Same as Pump Operator
Distinguishing Features of this Classification: Same as Pump Operator.
• Examples of Work: (Illustrative Only):- Same as Pump Operator,.thorough knowledge
of the City, all fire hydrants in City, ability to operate the Radio Base Station
and dispatch fire fighting equipment as needed on all emergency alarms.
Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Same as Pump Operator.
Acceptable Training and Experience: A high school graduate or its equivalent in
training and experience, sufficient ability to do the prescribed work, but in no
case.will any person -be eligible for the position of Relief Pump Operator or Relief
Driver unless he has served as a Pump Operator or Fire Fighter for a period of thre
years in the service of the Baytown Fire Department except, this period may be
changed to.two years in the case of an emergency.
• General Statement of Duties:Performs.fire fighting duties, does related work as
Distinguishing Features of this Classification: This is a standardized manual
work of a hazardous nature, involving fighting fires, salvage and rescue work 'uncle
the immediate..supervision of Officers. Routine maintenance and custodial work on
station and equipment.
Examples of Work: (Illustrative Only): Responds to fire alarms, lays and connects
hose lines and turns water on and off.Drives and operates motor driven fire fight
ing equipment, operates a pressure pump, learns and practices.new methods, cleans
and maintains fire fighting equipment. Has a thorough knowledge of the.City', il;r
streets, location of all fire hydrants'in his district.
Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Mental alertness, mechanical aptitude,
ability to get along with others, must be safety minded and dependable, must be in
excellent physical condition, must -be in possession of a valid Commercial Drivers
Acceptable Experience and Training: Must be a high school graduate or its equiva-
lent in.training and experience. At least one,year as a Fire Fighter,.and one year
as a Radio Dispatcher'except', that 'in case of an emergency the Administrative Offi-
cers may change this ruling but in no case shall any person be eligible for this
position -by appointment or examination unless he has had two years service with
the Baytown Fire Department.
• General Statement of Duties Same.as Fire Fighter.
Distinguishing Features of this Class: Same as Fire Fighter
Examples of Work: (Illustrative Only Same as Fire Fighter with exceptions
noted as follows: To operate the Radio Base Station, a -working knowledge -of the
Radio equipment, to receive all emergency alarms and dispatch the necessary equip-
ment to the location, he should have a thorough knowledge of the City, its streets
and the nearest fire station to the alarm given.
Required Knowledge= Skills and Abilities: Same as Fire Fighter.
Acceptable Experience and Training: High school graduate or its equivalent in
training and experience sufficient to do the work, but in no case will any person
be eligible for the position of Radio Dispatcher unless he has served as a Fire.
Fighter for a period of one year in the service of the Baytown Fire Department.
This ruling may be changed by the Administrative Officers in case of an emergency.
• General Statement of Duties: Performs fire prevention and fire fighting duties,
and does related work as required.
Distinguishing Features of the Class: This is standardized manual work of a haz-
ardous nature involving fighting fires and salvage and rescue work under the im-
mediate supervision of superior officers. Routine maintenance and custodial work
on station and equipment is performed under general supervision and inspected up-
on completion.
Examples of Work: .(Illustrative Only): Responds to fire alarms and emergency call.-
all.with fire company, lays and connects hose lines and nozzles, turns water on and
off and holds fire hose and directs the stream. Operates a pressure pump, puts
up and climbs ladders, enters burning buildings when necessary, makes openings in
burning buildings for ventilation -and entrance,'and removes persons from burning
buildings. Performs salvage operations at scenes of fire, such as covering furni-
ture with tarpaulins and cleaning debris. Learns and practices new methods, drives.
and operates motor -driven fire fighting equipment, performs miscellaneous clerical
work when assigned, and assists in giving emergency first aid treatment to injured
persons. Cleans and maintains fire fighting equipment, and performs a,variety of
tasks in connection with the maintenance and repair of buildings and grounds.
Required Knowledge. Skill and Abilities: Mental alertness, mechanical aptitude,
• ability to get along well with others, willingness to perform any task assigned,
conscientiousness, and dependability, and be in excellent physical condition.
Acceptable Experience and Training: Graduation from high school or any equivalent
combination of experience and training, sufficient to indicate ability to do.the
Special Requirements: Age: 21 - 35.
Height, Weight and Physical Condition:. In accordance with adopted standards.
Possession of a.valid motor vehiclecommercial license at time of per-
manent appointment.