Ordinance No. 3li gip... o c _ ORDINANCE NO g AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF CERTAIN - BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN AND THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN ADDITIONAL TERRI# TORY CONSISTING OF THREE (3) TRACTS s, TRACT NO'91 CONSISTING OF THE AREA OCCUPIED BY AND USED AS, HUMBLE SERVICE STATION SITE AND BUS TERMINAL SITE OF BAYSHORE BUS LINES ON MARKET STREET ROAD, CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 0961 ACRES, TRACT N0` ®2 CONSISTING OF SEVERAL TRACTS ON.AVENUE A. COMPRISING APPROXIMATELY 4 ACRES AND USED AS POST OFFICE SITE BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, BUILDING,SITE BY MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION AND WATER WELL.SITE OPERATED BY THE CITY OF BAYTOWN" TRACT NO'. 3 CON# SISTING OF THE AREA OCCUPIED BY AND USED AS HUMBLE SERVICE STATION SITE AT THE INTERSECTION OF FIFTH STREET (MARKET STREET ROAD) AND AVENUE A, CONTAIN- ING APPROXIMATELY 0.945 ACMES; AND PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDING OF THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN SO AS TO EXCLUDE CERTAIN,TERRITORY NOW IN" CLUDED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF'SAID CITY, SAID AREA SO EXCLUDED THEREFROM. COMPRISING APPROXIMATELY# 33 ACRES AND BEING REFERRED TO AS SUN OIL COMPANY TRACT FRONTING ON.BLACK DUCK BAY IN THE WILLIAM SCOTT UPPER LEAGUE; ALL OF THE TERRITORY COVERED BY THIS ORDINANCE BEING IN- HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS AND LYING ADJACENT TO THE PRESENT BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY_OF BAYTOWN$ ALL OF WHICH IS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE ORDINANCE., AND nOVIDING FOR THE - PUBLICATION AND PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE IN THE MANNER PROVIDWDIN, ARTICLE Is SECTION 9 OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN* PURSUANT . to the power and authority granted to the city council of thy. ,city of - Baytown in Article I. Section 9 of the charter of the city, of =B4gto °. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN; SECTION 1: THAT the following described land sand t'e'rritory lying adjacent to the city of Baytown be and the same is hereby added and annexed to the city of Baytown and the said territory hereinafter described small hereafter be included within the boundary limits of the city of Baytown and the present boundary limits of said city, at the various points contiguous to the areas hereinafter described, are altered and amended so as to include said areas , within the corporate Limits of the city of Baytown, to -wit All situated in the County of Harris and State of Texas and being out of the William Scott Upper League in said county and state, and which annexed territory is particularly described as follows;- 1- 1 o - TRACT N0, 1 Beginning at the point of intersection of the west right -of -way line of the Wooster -Goose Creek County Road, said road also being known as Main Street in Baytown,. Texas, with the north right- ofwway line of * the county road known as Market Street Road, said point of beginning being point No. 36 as described in the boundary line or City ; mi is of the City of Baytown, formerly Pelly, Texas, as set forth in an ordinance adopted at a' regular meeting of the City Commis- sion of the city-of Pelly, now Baytown, on the 17th day of April, A,D, 1947; Thence N. 53 Deg, 39, W. sl ong the north rigY -of .-way line of said Market Street Road a distanc eof 231.54 feet to a point, said point marking the southwest corner of the 0..25 acre bus terminal site occupied by Bayshore Bus Lines; Thence North 32`Deg,_ l9 v East along the western line of the aforementioned' bus site tract 110 feet to an iron pipe marking the northwest corner of said tract; Thence South 53 Deg ® 39, East along the northern line of the said bus terminal tract, passing an iron pipe mark- ing the northeast corner of said. tract at 100 feet, in all a distance of 231.54 feet to an iron pipe . in the west right- of way line of " Main Street in Baytown, Texas ; Thence in a southerly direction along the west right - of -way line of j Main Street a distance ofep proximately 110 feet to the place oF eginning, and comprising approximately 0.61 acres, said tract being occupied by and used as Humble Service Station, site and Bus Terminal site of Bayshore Bus Lines on Market-Street Road. TRACT NJ Beginning at a pcd nt marking the int ers e c ticn of the north rift -of -way line of - Market Street Road with the west right- of-way line of Avenue "A" in Baytown, Texas; Thence South 53 Deg, 00, west along .the western right -of- way line of Avenue "All approximately 80 ,feet to a point for and marking the place of beginning of this tract No. 2, said point marking the most eastern corner of a tract of Slanddeededtothe-U. . Government for a Post Office site; Thence North 46 Deg* -561 west along the most northern property line of the aforementioned Post Office tract 190 feet to a point, being the most northern corner of the Post Office - Tract.; Thence South 53 Deg, 00® west with -the western property line of the Post Office tract passing at 232.2:3 feet the most northern or northwest corner of the 0.86 acre ]Mutual Benefit Association tract,' in all a distance of 312..23 feet to a point marked by an iron pipe, being the corner of a 0 ®21 acre.water well site deeded to Harris County Water Control and Improvement District No, 7; Thence North 37 Deg, 00r west 78 feet to a point an iron pipe marking the most northern corner of the afore- mentioned water well site; Thence South 53.Deg. 00® west along the most northern property line of said-tract a distance of 120 feet to a point an iron pipe marking the most western corner of the Water well site; 2- Thence South 37 Ueg. -OOI East passing at 78 feet the most western corner of the Mutual Benefit Associa- tion Tract, in all a distance of 265-.02 .feet to a point in the north right =of - wavy line of Avenue "A" Thence North 53 Deg, 00, East 465 feet along the north of northerly right -of -moray line of Aveme "A" to the place of the beginning of the Post Office Tract, said Tract No. 2 containing approximately 2.14 acres and used as Post office site by the U. S. Government, building site by the Mutual Benefit Association and eater Well Site operated-by the City of Baytowna i i 3- TRACT 1O. 3 Beginning at a point in:* the West right- of-way line on Market Street Road, said road also being known as Avenue "A`" in Baytown, Texas Said point' of beginning being South 53° 00' West, approximately 428.00 feet from the most southern corner of the 2.14 acre tract described as Tract No. 2 above, and being identified by a 2" pipe cornerpost and a woven wire fence; Thence North 83° 00' West along the said woven wire fence, approxi= mately 81 feet to a point, an interior fence corner; Thence North 370 00' West with the aforementioned woven wire fence 82 feet to a point, a fence corner marking the most Northwestern corner of the tract herein described; Thence South 53* 00' West along the said woven wire fence 140 feet to a point in the. North right -of -way line of the Market Street County ,Road,. said Market Street Road also being identified as 5th. Street, said point mark- ing the Southwest corner of the tract herein described; Thence South 49° 56' East, 142 feet with the projection of the aforementioned North right -of -way line of Market Street Road to a point, said Point marking the intersection of the Southern projection of the Western right- of-way line of Avenue "A" with the projection of the aforementioned Northern right -of -way line of 5th. Street; Thence North 53`00' East with'the said projection of Avenue "A ", 167. feet to the point of beginning, and comprising approximately 0.45 acres of land,: said ' tract being occupied by and used as an Humble Service Station site on Market Street' Road. c Section 2; That the above described additional territory and areas so annexed shall be a part of the city of Baytown, and the property so added to said city shall bear its pro rata part of the taxes levied by the city .of Baytown and the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of all the citizens-and shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions, regulations, and provisions of the charter of the city, of Baytown, Section 3; That the following described land and territory heretofore included within the boundary limits of the city of Baytown be and the same is hereby excluded. from the city of Baytown and that said territory here- inafter described shall henceforth be excluded from the boundary limits of said city and shall not hereafter be included within nor constitute a part of the territory comprising the city of Baytown, and the present boundary limits of said city at the various points contiguous to the area hereinafter described, are altered and amended so as to exclude said area from the cofporate limits.of the city of Baytown, to-wit;. Said tract of land being out of the William Scott Upper League, County of Harris, State of Texas, and being more particularly described as follows; Beginning at a point marking the intersection of the west right -of -way line of Nevada`. Street with the western extension of the south right-of-way line -of the 14 ft'. alley which . extends along the south side of Block 16, East Baytown Subdivision; Thence South 81 Deg® 131_East a distance of 30 feet to a point marking the place of beginning of the Tract herein described; Thence South 8 Deg0 42, West a distance of 1772 ®70 feet to a point on the north shore of.:, Black Duck Bay, said point being at the mean low tide of said -Bay;. Thence in an easterly direction with the meanders of the shore . line of Black Duck Bay a distance of approximately 750 feet to a.point an iron pipe marking the southwest corner of a 1.20 acre tract belonging to Sun Oil Company; Thence North 8 DegoO51 East crosling at 278.70 -feet the south right -of-way line of a 60 ft'.. county roadway, in all. a distance of 338*10 feet to a point an iron pipe in the north right -of -way line of said county road; 5- G z c Thence , . South 81 Deg. 1.31 east 75 feet to a point an iron pipe, said point marking the "southwest corner of a 0.56 acre tract which is owfed by the Sun Oil Company; Thence, North 8 Dego 05' east along the west property line of the aforementioned Sun Oil Tract, 23400 feet to a point , an iron pipe marking the northwest corner of the said Sun oil Company Tract; Thence, South 81 Deg.. 13, east, 75.00 feet to a point in the west right -of -way line of Oklahoma Street; I Thence, North 8 Deg. 05s east along the west right- of-way line of Oklahoma Street 842070 feet to a point, said point marking the intersection of the south property line of a 3 acre tract of Viand which is now owned by the Fifst Methodist Church of Baytown; Thence, North 81 Deg. 13, west along the south property ,line of the said 3 acre church tract,. 339 ®20 feet to a point an iron pipe marking the southwest corner of the aforementioned 3 acre tract; Thence, North 8 Deg. 05, east along the crest property line of the aforementioned 3 acre church tract 3540 00 feet to a point an iron pipe in the south right -of -way line of a 14, alley which extends along the south.side of Block No* 1.6 East Baytown Subdivision; Thence, forth 81 Deg. 131 west along the aforementioned south right -of -way line of said 14 ft. alley 583.10 feet to a point being the place of beginning,, said tract containing approximately 32.50 acres. Section 4; That the above described 32.50 acre tract shall henceforth be excluded from the corporate limits of the city of Baytown and . the city limits of said city are hereby amended, fixed and determined so as to exclude said area from said city, Section 5 That this ordinance upon and after its introduction shall be published and finally acted upon in the manner, provided in Article I,'Section 9 of the charter of the city of Baytown. day3l INTRODUCED, READ, PASSED and APPROVED this the of January, A.D. 1948. ATTE'S-To ever, , "VC E. Do Cleveland, Mayor O 0 C READ on this the lst day of March, 1948, and final action taken hereon by the PASSAGE AND APPROVAL HEREOF by the affirmative Mote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, on this the 31st day of March, 19480 Mayor, City of Baytown ATTEST s City Clerk 7- 0 CUN'Y OF HARRIS STATE OF TEXAS re me, Ahe S. peared ------- - - - - -- - - - -- published in Goose C eek, Harris attached notice was published in y undersigned authority, on this date personally came and ap- duly recognized agent of The Daily Sun, a daily newspaper County, Texas, and who fter being duly / sworn, says that the The Daily Sun of -------------- - - - - -- - - - - - 1 - - - - -` - ----------- - - - - -- 0 --- - - - - - -- - -- --- - - - - -- -- i---- ------------------ - - - - -- ---- '--- - - - - -- Sworn_ and subscribed before me this -_ -- ___._day ________ ___ ___ ________ _______ ________________ A. D. 194-- 7-2 --- I UR•DINAN.CE, NO. 3 ORDINANCE -; AMENDING SEC- Notary 1C, Harris County, Texas TION 2 OF AN ORDI,NANCE ENTITLED A1V ORDINANCE- AMENDING SECTION 35 OF '=AN 6RDINANCE ENTITLED: kN. ORDINANCE-OF THE CITY . OF, PELLY, `TFXAS, ESTABLISHING A ZONE PLAN, DIVIDING THE CITY ' IN-• TO DISTRICTS FOR .THE PURPOSE OF REGULATING = THE LOCATION_ OF TRADE AND OF BUILDING AND STRUCTURES, DESIGNS FOR DWELL - INGS, APARTMENT HOUSES AND OTHER SPECIFIED 'PURPOSES; REGU- LATING THE- HEIGHT -AND BULK OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES, AND THE .- A L, I G N M E N T THEREOF ON STREET FRONTAGES;, REGULATING i THE AREAS AND .t DIMENSIONS OF YARDS, COURTS, AND OPEN SPACES SURROUNDING B U 'I L D I N G S AND STRUCTURES; CREATING A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT -TO HEAR APPEALS ON THE ADMIN- ISTRATION OF THE ORDI- NANCES, AND PRESCRIBING A PEN- ALTY , FOR THE • VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY," AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. I BE IT ORDAINED. BY' THE CITY I COMMISSION OF THE, CITY OF PELLY: Section 1'. That an ordinance entitled. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PELLY,' TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A ZONE PLAN, • DIVIDING THE CITY OF i PELLY INTO DISTRICTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF REGULATING THE' LO- CATION OF TRADE AND OF BUILD- INGS AND STRUCTURES, DESIGNS FOR DWELLINGS, APARTMENT HOUS- ES AND OTHER I SPECIFIED PUR- POSES; REGULATING THE HEIGHT AND BULK; OF BUILDINGS AND Z8TRUCTUR.ES AND THE ALIGNMENT THEREOF ON STREET FRONTAGES; REGULATING THE AREA.S•AND DIM.- ENSIONS' OF YARDS, COURTS, AND OPEN SPACES SURROUNDING BUILD - INGS AND STRUCTURES; CREATING A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT TO HEAR APPEALS ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE ORDINANCES, AND PRE- SCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE VIO- LATION OF THE ORDINANCE; AND DECLARING AN, EMERGENCY;' AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY"; and Section 2 thereof shall be and z the same hereby is amended by adding thereto. the following: Sub- section , (b). "Beginning at the point of intersection of 'the North right - of -way line of East Gulf Avenue with the West right -of -way line • of South First Street; Thence, in a Northerly direction, along the said West right -of -way r line of South First, Street, to the point of inte ;sectioh of said line with the North right -of -way line of East Pearce Avenue, for corner; Thence, in an Easterly . direction, along the said North right -of -way line of East Peace Avenue, tb the point of intersec- tion of said line with; the West right -of- way line of South Second Street, for cor- ner; Thence, in a Northerly direction, along the said West right -of -way line of South Second Street, to. the point of intersection with the South right -of -way ,line of East Defee Avenue, for corner; Thence, in a Westerly direction, along the said South right- of- way'line of East Defee ' Avenue to -the point of intersection with the West right -of -way line of North irst_Street;, for cornier; Thence, in. a Northerly direction, along the said West 'right-of-way .line of North First- Street, to the point of intersection Of said line with, the ; South right -of -way line of East Wright, Avenue; for corner; Thence,, in a Westerly direction, along the said South right=of -way line of East Wright Avenue, a distance of 150 feet,. for corner; Thence in a Northerly direction and in a line at right angles to the last above described line,_ to the point of intersection of this line with, the South right-of,-way line of East Lobit Avenue, for corner Thence, in a ;. .Westerly direction, along the said South . right -of -way line of East Lobit, to the point of intersection of said line with the East right -of -way line of the Dayton -Goose Creek Railroad, for corner; Thence, in a Southeasterly direction. along the said East right -of -way line of the Dayton -Goose Credit Railroad, to the Point of intersection of said line with the East - right -of -way line of North Goose Creek Street, for corner; Thence, in a . Southerly direction, along the said East right -of -way line of North Goose Creek Street, to the point of inter= section of said line with the South -right - of -way line of East. Wright Avenue, for corner; Thence, in - a Westerly direction, alongthesaidSouthright -of -way line of EastWright 'Avenue; to the ,point of inter- section of said line with . the West right-, of -way line or North Commerce Street, for corner;_ BEUtArt MAE JACKSON Notary Public, in and for Harris County, Texas 1 the said West right -of -way -line of North Commerce,, Street, to 'the point of inter- section 'of said,- line, with the South right - of -way line : of = West Main Avenue, for corner; Thence, in' a Westerly direction, along the said South right -of -way line of West Main Avenue, and along.said line extended, i to the point of intersection of said line extended with the Easterly right -of -way line of Decker ' Drive, for corner; Thence, in a Southerly direction, along a line of right angles to the last above described line, to the point of intersection of said line with the_, North- right- of -w,- line of Westi.Pearce Avenue extended, for corner; i Thence, in an Easterly direction, along the said North' right -of -way line of West Pearce Avenue extended, and along -the said North right -of -way line of West Pearce Avenue, to the point of intersection of said line with the West .right-of-way line of South Commerce Street, for corner; Thence, in a Southerly direction, along the said West right -of -way line of South Commerce Street, to the point of inter= section of said line with the North right - of -way line of West 'Gulf Avenue, for corner; Thence, in an Easterly direction, 'along the said North right -of -way line of West Gulf Avenue and continuing along the North right -of -way line of East • Gulf Avenue, to- the point . of intersection of said line with the West rigtit -of -way line•- of, South -First Street, for corner, and -be- ing the place of beginning." Section 2. That all ordinances_ or parts thereof„ in conflict herewith, are hereby• expressly, repealed. Section 3. That the 'City Secretary be, and he - hereby 18', . instructed, directed and ordered to cause this Ordinance to be pub- lished in.the proper newspaper according to the laws relating to publication of ordi- nances, and that the same shall be in full force and effect :-irnmediately , after its passage - and publication. Section 4. That certain property imme- diately.outside the Fire Limits of the City of Pelly is proposed' to be used for pur- poses incompatible' with the general Zon- ing Plan of the City of Pelly in a man- ner creating a fire hazard to adjacent structures resulting in a possible fire rate penalty to. owners of property within the City of Pelly creates an emergency and imperative public, necessity requiring the suspension of the rule that all ordi- nances shall be read at more than one meeting of the City Commission. Said rule is therefore hereby suspended, and this ordinance is placed upon its first and final` reading and, passed by a vote of 4 ayes and no nays: SIGNED AND APPROVED-by the May - or,, attested by the City, 'Secretary, this i the .1st day of May, , A D., 194'7. E. D. CLEVELAND Mayor ATTEST: C. R. MYERS City. Secretary May 5, 1917 , COUNTY OF HARRIS STATE OF TEXAS Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally came and ap- peared --- _____ _____ ____ _________ ____________, duly .recognized agent of The Daily Sun, a daily newspaperpublishedinGooseCreeHarrisCounty, Texas, and w after being duly sworn, says that the q4attachednoticewaspublishedinTheDailySunof _ ______ __ i S. t --- - - - - -_ Sworn and subscribed before me this _______ -- __ -_. ___ day - -_ _ _____ _____ -__A. D. 194 ______ ell" _ Baytown be, and the same is hereby ex- Notary Public, H rr' County, Texas LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 3. AN ORDINANCE– PROVIDING -FOR THE.-EXTENSION :OF CERTAIN BOUN- DARY LIMITS. OF THE CITY' OF BAY- TOWN AND THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN, ADDITIONAL 'TERRITORY CONSISTING' OF THREE (3) TRACTS. TRACT.-NO.' I CONSISTING OF THE AREA ,OCCUPIED BY AND USED -AS HUMBLE SERVICE STATION' STTP. ANT) BUS TERMINAL SITE OF BAYSHORE BUS - LINES ON !'MARKET" 'STREET ROAD, CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 0.61 ACRES, TRACT NO. Z CONSTSTTNr= OF SEVERAL TRACTS ON- AVENUE A, COMPRISING APPROXIMATELY 2.i.4 ACRES AND USED AS POST OFFICE SITE BY THE, UNITED STATES GOV- ERNMENT, BUILDING SITE BL MU- TUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION AND WATER WELL ' SITE'- OPERATED BY THE CITY OF 13AYTOWN ; .:TR.,kCT NO. 3, CONSISTING OF THE AREA ' OCCU- DIED BY AND USED AS HUMBLE SER- iICE STATION SITE AT THE INTER - CTION OF FIFTH STREET (MARKET TREET ROAD) AND AVENUE A, CON- TAINING APPROXIMATELY 0.45 ACRES, AND PROVIDING, FOR THE AMEND ING OF THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN SO AS TO EXCLUDE CERTAIN ' TERRITORY . NOW INCLUDED WITHIN THE LIMITS OE SAID CITY, SAID AREA SO EXCLUDED THEREFROM COMPRISING APPROXI- i MATELY 33- ACRES AND BEING 'RE- FERRED TO AS SUN OIL COMPANY TRACT FRONTING' ON BLACK DUCK BAY IN THE WILLIAM SCOTT UPPER LEAGUE; ALL OF THE TERRITORY COVERED BY THIS ORDINANCE BE- ING IN HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND LYING ADJACENT TO THE PRESENT BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY. OF Y,TOWN, ALL OF WHICH IS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED _.IN THE ORDINANCE: AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE IN THE M A NNFR PROVIDED IN ARTICLE. I, SECTION 9 OF' THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. PURSUANT to the power and authority. granted to the city council of the. city of Batyown in Article I, Section 9 , of the charter of the city of Baytown; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIN- ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: SECTION I: THAT the following de- scribed land and territory lying adjacent to the city of Baytown be and the same is hereby added and annexed to the city of Baytown and the said territory here- inafter described shall hereafter be in- cluded within the boundary, limits of the city of Baytown and. the 'present boun- dary limits of -said city, at- the various, points contiguous to the. areas herein - fter described, are altered and amended Aso as to include said areas within the c` corporate limits of the city of Baytown, to -wit: All situated in the County of Harris and State of Texas and being out. of the Wil- liam Scott Upper League in said county and state, ,,and which . annexed territory is particularly described'- as,', follows: TRACT NO. 1 Beginning at the point:of intersection of the west right -of -way line of the Wooster - Goose Creek County ;Road, said road also being ' known as Main Street in Baytown, Texas, with the north right -of -way line of -the county road known as .Market street -Road; said,-point of beginning be-• ing point'- k,0. . 36 ,..as deescribed-- in the Youndary line -or City limits 'of', the CityofBaytown; formerly Pelly; Texas, as set forth. -in an ordinance, adopted at a _ regu- ar meeting of`the--City?'Cnmmisaion_of -the ci.ty oYTP_elly now 13ay_town `bn .the 17th daY of April A:D' 1947 " { a,g the eluded from the city of Baytown and that s,d& Leri-itory here:ini-fter described :-hall henceforth be excluded from the boundary , limiIs, of -said city and, snall not hereaftei be iricluded within nor constitute a part Of` the territory comprising the city of Baytown, and the present boundary limits of said city at the various points con - tiguous to the area hereinafter described, are altered and amended so as to ex- clude said area from 'the corporate limits of the city of Baytown, to -wit: Said tract of land being out of the Wil- liam Scott Upper League, County of Har- ris, State of Texas, and being more par- ticularly described as follows: Beginning' at a point marking the inter- section of the west right -of -way line of Nevada Street with the western extension of the south right -of -way line of the 14 ft, alley : which extends along the south side of Block 16, 'East Baytown Subdivi- sion-; 'Thence South 81 Deg. 13' East a distance of 30 feet to a point marking the place of beginning of the tract herein described; Thence South 8 Deg. 42' West a dis -, tance 'of 1772.70 feet to a point on the north shore of Black Duck Bay, said point being at the mean low tide of. said Bay; Thence in an easterly, direction with the meanders of the shore line of Black Duck Bay a distance of aprpoximately 750 feet to a point an iroh pipe marking the southwest corner of a 1.20 acre tract be- longing to Sun Oil Company; Thence North 8 Deg. 05' East crossing at 278.70 feet the south right -of -way line of a 60 ft. county roadway, :in all a dis- tance of 338.70 feet to a point an iron pipe in the north right -of -way line of said county road; Thence, .,South 81 Deg. 13' east 75 feet to a point an iron pipe, said point mark- ing the southwest corner of a 0.W' -acre= tract which is owned by the Sun - Oil, Company; Thence, North. 8 Deg. 05' east - along the west property line of the aforernen- tioned Sun Oil Tract, 234.0 feet to a .point, an iron pipe marking the northwest cor- ner• of the -said Sun Oil Company "; Tract; Thence., South. 81 Deg. 13' East, 75.00 feee to" a point in the. west right -of -way line of Oklahoma Street; Thence, North 8- Deg. -05' east. along the west right -of -way line of Oklahoma Street 842.70 feet to a point, said point marking 'the intersection of the south prop- erty line of a 3 acre tract of land which. is now owned by the First Methodist,, Church of Baytown; f Thence, North 81 Deg. 13' West along the south property line of the ; sa_ id.'•3 acre church tract, 339.20 feet to a point 'an iron pipe marking the southwest corner of the aforementioned 3 acre tract; Thence; North. 8 Deg.. 05' east along_ the west property Line of the aforementioned 3 acre church tract . .00 feet to a poirit an iron pipe in :the', aoath'' right- bf -wayi line of.,a 14' alley; which extends along• the south, side of '- Bloctt ; No. 16 East Bay-' town' Subdivision; Thence, North 81 Deg. f3' west along the aforementioned south right -of -way line of said 14 ft. alley 583. 10 feet to a point being the place of beginning, said tract containing approximately 32.50 acres. Section 4: That the above described 32.50 acre tract shall henceforth be ex -I cluded from the corporate limits of the city of Baytown and- the- city limits of I said city are hereby amended, fixed rand determined so, as to exclude said area from said city. Section 5: '.Chat this 'ordinance upon and after its .introduction shall be published and finally acted upon in •the manner pro- vided in Article I, Section 9 of the' char - ter of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ, PASSED and APPROVED this the 31st day of'January, - A.D. 1948. E. D. Cleveland, Mayor Seal) — ATTEST.: Feb. 26 Edna Oliver, City Clerk i BEULAH MAE JACKSONNotaryPublic, in and for Harris County, Texas western line of foe eferemevhoved bus site braes, 110 feel, W me iron pipe marking the nerthweet. Winer: of Wit tract; Theme South 53 Deg; 39' East along the Witham live of tics said in, terminal tract, Paintig an lean pipe - marking thenortheastcomerofWd'tract at 100 feet, to all" a' distance of V1.64 feet to an iron ptpe in the west right-of -way like bf Main MStreet in Baytown, Teires; 4'tialso In a' motherly direction along west ofM t -of -way. line of Main Streetdistanceappmxlmetely110fasttothe a T flog. 00' West 78 feetilog. marking the most of the aforementioned 3 Deg. 00 West along fproperty line. of said 120 feet to a'. point an mn t, western cor- Well site; Dee. 00' East oasshux of 3at embinea woven wire fence 82 feet pint,- a fence comer marking the Northwestern corner of the tract described; x, South 53' 00' West along the men wire fence 140 feet to a point North right -of -way line of the Street County Road, said Market Road also being Identified as 5th said point ,marking the South- race of the tract herein described: 1e South 49' 56' East, 142 feet I projection of the aforementioned right -of -way line Of Market Street a point, said point marking the thin of the Southern projection of stern right -of -way line of Avenue Ith the projection of the afore - ed Northern right -of -way line of set; I North 53' 00" Eaat with the said in of Avenue 'A ", 107 Peet to arye f beginning, and Gomprtaing ap- bely. 0.45 acres of land. said tr »nt snail be h part of no city Of Raytown, ar-1 :;rye property so added to said city shall bear its pro rat¢ part of the taxes vine ' -: the city of Baytown and the iehahitgnts thereof shall be entitled to 911 t),, rl?hts and privileges of all the cilleens and shall be bound by the seta. or'l— ,es, resniutbm , regulations, and nr»vhdone of the charter of the city of Eaytown. Seotion 3: That the following described In p and territory heretofore included Wit fyP bomblary limits of the city of ry