Ordinance No. 13,455ORDINANCE NO. 13,455 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST TO SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 TO THE STANDARD UTILITY AGREEMENT U-14831 WITH THE STATE OF TEXAS THROUGH THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR UNDERRUNS ASSOCIATED WITH THE REDUCTION IN MOBILIZATION COSTS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ****************************************************************************** BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby authorizes and directs the City Manager to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the Standard Utility Agreement U-14831 with the State of Texas through the Texas Department of Transportation for underruns associated with the reduction in mobilization costs for the adjustment, relocation or removal of certain utility facilities located along State Highway 99. A copy of said agreement is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A," and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the City of Baytown this the 27th day of April, 2017. S and after its passage by vote of the City Council of the H. DONCARLOS, Mayor A4ICIA / LdBRYSCH, City Cl a ,° ° APPROVED AS TO FORM: e° r -'105 NACIO RAMIREZ, SR.,ity Attorney R:1KarenTi1es\City Council`.Ordinances\2017\April 27\TxDOTSupplementalAgreement2StandardUtilityAgreement.doc N a.. - Forth ROW-U-COA (Rev. 05/16) Page 1 of 2 Exhibit "A" STANDARD UTILITY AGREEMENT SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 TO U-14831 District: HOUSTON Federal Project No.: N/A ROW CSJ: 3187-01-011/3187-02-011 Proposed Highway Project Letting Date: July/2014 County: Harris/Chambers Highway: SH 99 From: BS 146E to Chambers County Line To: Harris County Line to FM 1405 THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT by and between the State of Texas ("State") and City of Baytown ("Utility") shall be effective upon the date of acceptance and execution by and on behalf of the State. WHEREAS, the State and Utility executed a Standard Utility Agreement on July 28, 2016 concerning the adjustment, relocation or removal of certain of Utility's facilities; WHEREAS, said Standard Utility Agreement limits the required scope of work and/or the amount of eligible reimbursement; WHEREAS, due to newly discovered information by the Utility deemed sufficient by the State, the State and Utility agree that supplementation to the Standard Utility Agreement is necessary; and WHEREAS, the statement of work contained in the Standard Utility Agreement shall be supplemented to include: Financial reconciliation due to cost underuns greater than $100,000. Reasons for the cost underrun are due to reduction in mobilization costs because of most of the bore locations located in the very vicinity, same bore pits and access pits can be interchanged for multiple bores, eliminating the pavement removal and restoration for bore/access pits because of working in between existing and proposed pavement conditions with TXDOT contractors co-ordination, readily avaialble TXDOT storage facilites for the installed pipes, steel casings fittings, construction equipment, machinery, onsite. Existing Traffic control operations as per the TXDOT's pavement expansion project for the SH99/Tri Cities Beach Road. Exsting cleared and grubbed onsite condtions conducive for the open cut pipe installation for both sanitary and force mains , which is more specifically shown in Utility's plans, specifications, estimated costs and schedule which are attached to this supplemental agreement as Attachment °A". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AGREED: The statement of work contained in the Standard Utility Agreement is supplemented to include the additional adjustment, relocation or removal found in Attachment "A". The estimated cost of the adjustment, relocation or removal is increased/decreased to a total of $$695,067.01 which includes a reduction of $568,588.89 from the original estimate of $1,263,655.90. The parties agree that the approval of estimated costs in no way indicates the eligibility of said costs for reimbursement. All conditions and agreements contained in the Standard Utility Agreement except those specifically included in this document remain in effect. The signatories to this agreement warrant that each has the authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of the party represented. Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Forth ROW -"OA (Rev. WIG) Page 2 of 2 UTILITY Utility: City of Baytown By: Title: Date: Initial Date initial Date TxDOT Utility EXECUTION RECOMMENDED: Director of TPBD (or designee), Houston District THE STATE OF TEXAS Executed and approved for the Texas Transportation Commission for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, established policies or work programs heretofore approved and authorized by the Texas Transportation Commission. By: District Engineer (or designee) Date: S1199 @ KOPKI. ROAD COSTCOMPARMON SHEET A. Contract tabor Estimated Costs Supplamenlal Estimated Costs Variance Totals Total Estimated Grand Total Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Cost quantity Unit Unit Price Total Cost Variants Quantity Cost Explanation Mobilization 1 LS 530.000 00 530,000.00 0.0 LS 55.34008 $534003 S24,65992 10 $5 340 08 Over Estimaton of Una Cost Well palming, a0 depths, extra langlh 1375 LF S4500 561,875.00 00 LF $33 15 S45 581 25 516,293 75 13750 $45 581 25 Over Estimation of aver 12 LF Unum Cast Trench Salary, as dephs 11792 LF $2200 525 942 40 00 LF $160 51 am 72 524,055.68 1179.2 S1.886.72 Over Estimation td Unit Cost Install 12 -inch PVC AW WA C900, 15D Pnessum Coss (OR IB) waterline including any other fittings. restrained johns, restrained/ Over Esllmmlon of transition couplings at the tie-in, thn ai blocking and any other 24816 LF $7125 5176,61400 00 LF 52864 S71 073 02 $105,740.96 2481.6 S71,07302 Unit Cast appurtenances as shown on the plans (complate-M•PWcol•'• Install 12 -inch x 450 Bends 13 EA $13800 $1,79400 00 EA $102366 $1330758 (511,513.50) 1J.0 513,3075(1 Under Eslimation whostmints", of Urd Cost Install 12 -Inch s 000 Bonds J EA 5250.00 $75000 00 EA $1282 25 $384675 ($3,096,75) 30 $3,M6.75 Under Estimation wheslmints'•• of Unit Cost Install 18 -Inch PVC AW WA C905. 150 Prossuro Class (DR 18) waterloo including any other firings. restr41ned pias, mstrdned/ Over Estimation of Imnsdion couplings at ifa-n, thrust bloding and any other 1705 LF 5750.00 $255 750 00 00 LF $3128 S53 33.. 40 $202,417.60 1705.0 $53,332,40 Unit Cost appurtenances os shown on the plans (complate-m-PL1co)"' Install 12' gala valve wlmstmims, Over Estimation of and valve box In ua— 4 EA $4200.00 516 800 DO 0 EA 52.412. 1 S9.65124 $7,148.76 40 59.651 24 Unit Cost Install 194rich x 450 Bonds B EA $75000 $2.80000 00 EA $2,05010 516,400.80 (513,60080) 80 $16.40080 Under Est -motion wlrestmims'•' of Und Cmt Auger 8 encase 124 nch PVC (C- 9DO) - with 20' woWed steel rasing 462 LF $40000 $184,800 lig 18.7 LF 5220.30 597,657 30 587,142.70 4433 597,65730 Over Estimation of across Highway 99 (ca npldo in Una Cost Dlac2l' Auger 8 encase 12 -Inch PVC (0- 9001- with 20' welded Ned casing 1155 LF 5400 00 S40 200 00 00 LF 5226.51 $26.392 91 $19.807.10 1155 526,392 91 Over Esbmahon W across Td City Beach Road Unit Cast (complete ioca'•' Auger 8 encaso 184nch PVC (C- 905)- with 24' welled Neel casing 451 LF $55000 $248.050 00 00 LF 528884 $130,26684 $117,783.10 451.0 $130.266 84 Over EcUmalon of across Highway 99 (compote In Unit Cast placar" Auger 124nch PVC (C-900) • across 129 8 LF $35000 $4543000 00 LF $125.67 $10,311 97 $29,118,03 1206. $16,311 07 Over Estimalsm of 2.8• x 8• RBC (tonplala n pace)'" Unit Cost S1t99 B I(OPPEL ROAD COST COMPARISION SHEET Ren a oe and Reloads mo8M0x021. 120 Hour -- 572080 00 Hour 80 .6 572 f180 0 120 $72060 Project MW (hrs) UnderEstknolfon road signs. Mcasnerassnryto accomplishwork 2 EA 5200.00 $400.00 20 FA S373.54 SIAN 16 Design Mgr nus 40 $1,40416 of Unit Cast Cw, Pk1g, Grout and Abandon Ex 12 Hour 433 $4.39350 0 101 0 S4 393 50 Projecit Eng I Rmt 106.0 Hour $28 73 53.045.38 0.0 Under Estimation Inch W:hwm 3118 5 LF $15.00 540,777 50 00 LF $1597 $49,802 45 Do 3118.5 $49,802.45 Of Unit Cost Cw, Plug, Grout and Abandon Ex 1 920 $2 642 24 Senor CARD hrs 900 Hour 526.56 $2.39040 0.0 Haw 26.56 S2 390 4G 0 Over Estimation of inch F Main 1870 LF S2500 $46750.00 00 LF S1816 $3395020 512,790.80 18700 533.959.20 Unit Cost Cul Plug, Grow and Abandon Eu 6- 4807 LF $1500 $721050 00 LF S1775 58,532 43 $1,321 93) 4807 Sp,532 43 Under Estimation Inch Form Mand 0.0 How 26 48 5211 88 0 so $21168 of Unit Cost Cenalok. Wrich Form Klein 0 LF $000 5000 4410 LF 596.30 $42.46742 WZ467 42) 0.0 $42,46742 Under Estimation Of Unt Cost Remove and Dispose of Back Flow 1 EA 54,55000 $4,550.00 DO EA 00 $495000 ($40000) 10 S4 959 00 Under Eslon Pmrontoro54,980= unt Romovo and Dispose of Water 1 EA $4550.00 $4,550.00 00 EA S495000 $4,950 00 (540000) 10 $4 980 00 Under Estimation Mater of Unit Cast Replacing with 12 hush DIP Waterline 60 LF $235.50 514,13000 200 LF 53500 $1483000 (5700 00) 800 $1483000 Under Estmallon of Uat Cast 124nch Wet connection 2 EA $7250.00 $14,500 GO 00 EA 57,62500 S15250.00 1$750.00) 20 $15 259 GO Under Estimation of Unit Cost OriginalVarlanee Sum Eetlmatad Sum S7,235 873 40 5588 588 90 Grand Estimate $66728450 8 Engineering •.h... e.•n....•..r r...•. ...•d e.u....•.w e...•. u..1.... T.W. PrMciP00 T v. 120 Hour 58080 572080 00 Hour 80 .6 572 f180 0 120 $72060 Project MW (hrs) 230 Hour $5040 51.159.20 0.0 Hour 504 $1,16920 0 230 5715920 Design Mgr nus 1010 Hour S4350 $4.393.50 0.0 Hour 433 $4.39350 0 101 0 S4 393 50 Projecit Eng I Rmt 106.0 Hour $28 73 53.045.38 0.0 Hour 2873 $304538 0 106.0 S304538 Project Eng II bus) 92.0 Hour $2872 $2.64224 Do How 2672 $284224 0 920 $2 642 24 Senor CARD hrs 900 Hour 526.56 $2.39040 0.0 Haw 26.56 S2 390 4G 0 900 S239040 Admin thus) 44,0 Hour S2343 $1.03092 0.0 Hour 2343 57.03092 0 440 $1 030 92 FbM I or 43.0 How S28 72 $1.23490 0 0 Hour 28 72 51.234 96 0 430 S123498 S 6.0 How S2646 $211 68 0.0 How 26 48 5211 88 0 so $21168 ,lriglnaI Estimated Sum $16,83788 C. CORPORATE OVERHEAD LOADINGS Variance Sum 0 Grand Estimate S16,83788 Original SUM OF(A4C) Estimated Sum St,263,65S.90 Variance Sum 556858690 Grand Estimate $695,06701 BARLOW'S FORMULA Liquid Products Formula for Determining Maximum Pressure P = 2 x S x W.T. x I x 0.72 O.D. W.T. = Wall thickness of pipe= 1.083 inches O.O. = Outside diameter =19.5 S = Yield strength of pipe = 55000 psi F = Design factor (0.72) (Liquid Pipeline) P = 4398 psi maximum allowable pressure Maximum Operating pressure= 75 psi Maximum operating pressure less than maximum allowable pressure, therefore casing of pipeline not required.