Ordinance No. 13,445ORDINANCE NO. 13 ,445 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN , TEXAS , AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER NO . 2 WITH LEM CONSTRUCTION CO., INC., FOR THE CDBG NON-HOUSING CENTRAL DISTRICT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOOD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY-ONE AND 961100 DOLLARS ($177 ,721.96); AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ****************************************************************************** BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council does hereby authorize Change Order No. 2 with LEM Construction Co ., Inc ., for the CDBG Non-Housing Central District Wastewater Treatment Plant Flood Improvement Project. A copy of said change order is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby authorizes the payment in an amount of ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY -SEVEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY- ONE AND 96 /100 DOLLARS ($177 , 721.96) to LEM Construction Co., Inc., for the change order authorized in Section 1 hereinabove. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED , READ and PASSED by the affirmative vot of Baytown this the 13th day of April , 2017. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM : \\cob !SO I ll egai\Karenlfiles\Cit y Councii\Ordinances\20 17\April 13\Change0rderNo2forCDBG No n·HousingCentra!District WastewaterTreatmentPianF!oodlmprovernent Project .doc Exhibit A Texas Ge n e ral Land Office Di sast e r Recove ry Construction Contract Change Order Request Form E ng ineer: Owner (Co ntractor Loca li ty): Con tractor: KIT Pro fess ionals, Inc. City o f Ba y1own LEM Constructi on Company, In c. 2000 W . Sa m Houston Pkwy. S . 2401 Ma rket Stree t 10849 Klnghurst Suite 1400 Baytown. Texas 77522 Su ite 150 Houston. Texas 77042 Phone No .:(281) 420-5311 Houston. Texas 77099 Phone No.:(7 13) 783-8700 Agreement Da te: Phone No .:(281) 495-9550 Da te : Ma rch 22 , 2017 Con t ract For (Project D escription): GLO Contract No .: Project Code No.: Central District Wastewater Treatment Plant Flood Improvements Project Bid Pac kage No .: 1 Ch ange Order No.: 2 You are hereby req uested to comp ly wit h the followi ng ch anges from the co ntract pla ns an d sp eci ficati on s: Ite m Desc ri pt ion of Chang es : Quantiti es, Un its, Un it Pr ices, Decrease in Increas e in No . Change in Completion Schedule d, Etc . Co ntr act Pr ice Contr ac t Price 1 Removal and replacement of 80 linear fee t of existing -$65 ,702.7 4 18" airline that is leak ing due to deteriorated pipe . 2 Adding new Blower Va lves , Check Valves . Expansion -$92 ,846 .1 1 Joi nts . 3 Replacement of 6 " piping ins ide Sludge Pump Room , replacement of (2) 45 degree bends inside Digester -$19,173 .11 No. 1 & No . 2, ad ditiona l s tair a nd handrail to access th e A-Basin and credit to no t install 4-inch PW line . Change in Contract Price Change in Contract Time (Ca lendar Days) $177,721.96 150 Calendar Days Original Contract Pr ice : $20 ,381 ,675 .00 Original Contract Time : 730 days Prev ious Change Order(s): Net Change From Previous No. 1 to No . 1 (S4,200,975 .00) Change Orders : 0 days Contract Price Prior to Contract Time Prior to th is Change Order : $16,180,700 .00 this Change Order : 730 days Net Increase/Decrease of Net Increa se /Decrease of this Change Order: $177,721 .96 this Change Order: 150 days Contract Price With all Contract Time With all Approved Change Orders : $16,358,421.96 Change Orders : 880 days Cumulative Percent Change in Contract Price(+/-): Grantee Contract End Date : -19 .7% (mmldd/yy) I I Construction Contract Start Date : Construction Contract End Date : l (mmlddfyy) 10 I OS I 2015 (mmlddlyy) 3 I 3 I 2018 Re imbursements of costs included in this change order are subject to review by the GLO-OR program. • This document may be executed prior to submission for GLO-OR program review, but all parties involved will be held responsible If the change o rder or the amendment warranted as a result of this change order is not in compliance with CDBG or HUD requirements. ' RECO ~ u APPR ~Q By :_!;~ ~A"I By : ~ ENGINEER OWNER Date : 0'3,...71 1 Date : 3-Z. 7. -17 lUSDFICAnON FOR CHANGE 1. WUI this Change Order Increase or decrease the number of beneficiaries? 0 Increase 0 Decrease IE No Change If there Is a change, how many beneficiaries wiD be affected? Total UM 2. Effect of this change on scope of work: 3. Effect on operation and maintenance costs: 1m Increase 0 Decrease 0 Increase 0 Decrease 4. Are all prices In the change order dependent upon unit prices found In the original bid? 0 Yes If "No", explain: The ~hanges are negotiated costs based on scope changes. 5. Has this change created new circumstances or environmental conditions which may affect the projecfs Impact, such as concealed or unexpected conditions discovered during actual construction? 0 Yes If "Yes", Is an Environmental Re-assessment required? 6. Is the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) clearance still valid? (If applicable) 1&1 Yes 7. Is the TCEQ permit approval still valid? (sewer projects only) 1m Yes 8 . Are the handicapped access requirements/approval sWI valid? (If applicable) 1m Yes 9. Are other Disaster Recovery contractual special condition clearance still valid? rm Yes (If no, specify): NOTE: 0 No Change lil No Change 1m No I25J No 0 No 0 No 0 No 0 No * Generally, a cumulative change in the contract price in excess of 25% cannot be reviewed (18% decrease for counties). llil LEill LE M Cons tructi on Company, I nc. 1 0849 Klnghurs t. Sui te 150 Housto n, TX 77099 Ph : 281-495·9550 To : She ldon Buck KIT Profess ionals , Inc. 2000 W Sam Houston Pkwy S. Houston, TX 77042 Ph : 713-783-8700 Fax : 713·783·8747 Desc ri ption : Air Piping Replacement Change Request I Number. 7A Date : 2/t7117 Job : 2015-04 COB Central Dis! Flood Impro ve Phone : We are pleased to offer the following specifications and pricing to make the foll owing changes : This change is to replace the 18" air line from the 24 " trunk Une to the digester feed per The City of Baytown 's reques t. The aHached drawing indicates the li mits of rep lacement with regard to this pricing . Anyth ing mora than what is shown will need to be repriced . This request posed difficu lt to price as there were not defined limits to what was to be replaced/repaired . LEM has choosen to price a complete replacement of the existing 12" from 4' above grade at the digester, go ing all the way back to the 24 " line. replace lng the TEE . and a jo int of 24 • copuled with a short sleeve . Thi s pricing excludes any temporary blowe rs to service the plant , and will requ ire a 6 hour plant air shutdown to be performed for the pipe tie i n. Th e to tal amount to provide this work Is ................................................................................................. . (Plea se refer to auached sheet for deta ils .) If you have any quest ions , please conlact me at 281-495-9550 . SubmiHed by : Mica h Ailison App roved by : LEM Construction Co , Inc . Date: Cc: $65 ,702 .74 Page 1 of 2 ltt\'"••nn--.•-\••· Description : Air Pip ing Replacement De scription Buy New Dl Piping & Fittings Dem o paving Hau t Off Debri s Install Alir line C-Sand up to bottom of the paving Place back pa vi ng PC 200 Hammer/Breaker Change Request 7 A Price Breakdown Continuation Sheet Labor Material Equipment $21 ,138.29 $1 .260.00 S4.410.00 $3,250.00 $5,950.00 S1 .500.00 Lab or Burden Equip men t Se rvice & Repair Sales Tax on Equipment Only GC Overhead & Profit De lete Pro fi t on Subs Bonds & Insurance LEM Constructio n Co mpany, Inc. 10849 Kinghu rst , Su ite 150 Houston . TX 77099 Ph : 281-495-9550 Subcontract Other S1.700 .00 $11,305 .00 Subtotal: $5 ,670.00 55.00% $7 ,450 .00 35.00% $7,450.00 8.25% $56,853 .92 15.00% $13,005 .00 ·5.00% $64 ,731 .76 1.50% Total : Price $21 ,138.29 $1 ,260.00 $1 .700.00 S4 ,410.00 $3 ,250.00 $11 ,305.00 $5,950 .00 $1 ,500.00 $50,513 .29 $3,118.50 $2 .607.50 5614.63 58 ,528.09 S-650.25 5970.98 $65,702.74 Page 2 of 2 DATE: PROJECT: CONTRACTOR: AUTHORIZED: QTY. 80 1 1 1 1 6 6 440 1 1 1 20 1 1 COHEN INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY COMPANY 1922 KNOLL STREET HOUSTON, TEXAS 77280 (713)467 -3300 2/20/17 TOTAL:$ 21,138.29 TAG 2015.020 BAYTOWN LEM CONSTRUCTION 18/24" AIR PIPING DESCRIPTION 18" PC 250 PO Dl PIPE UL W/ EPDM GASKET 18" MJ 90 UNUNED 18" MJ 45 UNUNED 24 X 12 MJ REDUCER UL 24" MJ LP SLEEVE 24" STAR GRIP W/ EPDM 18" STAR GRIP W/ EPDM 18" POLY WRAP 18 X 12'0" PE X PE DIP UL 18" FCA W/ EPDM GASKET 24" MJTEE UL 24" PC 200 PO DIP UL W/ EPDM GASKET 18 x 12 MJ REDUCER Ul 12" STARGRIP W/ EPDM COST $ 52.21 $581.70 $496.60 $1,031.00 $1,045.00 $ 815.05 $ 342.64 $ 1.50 $1,240.25 $1,298.00 $1,268.25 $ 76.32 $659.80 $208.35 TOTAL $4,176.80 $581.70 $496.60 $1,031.00 $1,045.00 $4,890.30 $2,055.84 $ 660.00 $1,240.25 $1,298.00 $1,268.25 $1,526.40 $ 659.80 $ 208.35 LEM Construction Company, Inc. 10849 Kinghurst. Su ite 150 Houston. TX 77099 Ph : 281-495-9550 Change Request I To : Sheldon Buck KIT Professionals, Inc. 2000 W Sam Houston Pkwy S . Houston. TX 77042 Ph: 713-783-8700 Fax : 713-783-8747 Description : Adding Blower Valves , Checks. & Exp Joints Number: 8 Dato : 2123/17 Job: 2015-04 COB Central Dist Flood Improve Phone: We are pleased to offer the following speclficallons and prldng to make the fo llowing changes: This change offered to Baytown at cost for adding new Blower Valves, Checks, Expansion Joints per thre aHached quotation dated 2·2-17 The total amount to provide this work Is ................................................................................................. . (Please refer to attached sheet for details.) If you have any questions, please contad me at 281-495·9550. Submitted by: M icah Allison Approved by : LEM Construction Co, Inc. Date: Cc: $92,846.11 Page 1 of2 Jill LEitl ........ , ... ,, .. , ... Change Request 8 Price Breakdown Con ti nuation Sheet Descriptio n : Adding Blower Valves, Checks . & EJCp Joints Description Labor Material Equ ipment Add Blower Valves & Accessories $91 ,474 .00 Labor Burden Equ ipment Service & Repair Sales Tax on Equipment Only GC Overhead & Profit GC Pro fi t on Subs Bonds & Insurance LEM Construction Company , Inc . 10849 Kinghurst. Su ite 150 Houston . TX 77099 Ph : 281-495-9550 Subcontract Oth er Pri co $91 ,474 .00 Subtotal : $9 1,474.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $91.474.00 $0.00 so.oo $91 ,474.00 1.50% $1 .372.11 Total : $92 ,846.11 Page 2 of 2 NEWMAN REGENCY GROUP ............ WATER/WASTEWATER Ill-.... EQU IPMENT PROPOSAL HOUSTON • AUSTIN • DALLAS I FT. WO RTH 12705 S Kirkwood • Suite 140 • Stafford, TX 77477 {281) 98Q-7448(ph) • (28 1) 980-7447 (fax) To: Re: Gerald Gutierrez Baytown Central WWTP Gardner Denver Blower Accessories Date: February 2, 2017 We propose to furnish the following: ITEM QTY. 1 12 2 3 3 3 4 6 5 3 6 5 5 2 7 4 2 P/N DESCRIPTION HF00485048 EXPANSION JOINT 8" W/0 RODS+ EXPANSION JOINT 8" W/0 RODS REF .AAD-755G HF00485051 EXPANSION JOINT 14" W/0 RODS+ BA1024180000 JOINT, EXP, 14X18, TAPERED , CONCENTRIC BA1006070000 VALVE ,CHECK ,8" FLG No Cancellations/Returns BA1006100000 VALVE ,CHECK ,14"FL VP1005368 VALVE , B'FLY, 8", WAFER , LEVER VP1005368 VP1005368 VP1024065 VALVE , B/FLY , 14", WAFER, GEAR ACTUATOR VP1024065 Total Net Price Ex-works Sh ipping Point Charleroi PAin Currency USD, FRT Allowed Lead Time: 90 Days Please call us with any questions . Very truly yours, 1'111iu-Kawt?-ti.df., Mike Kowalick mkow alick @newmanreqency .com MDK/rlf cc: file PRICE : __ -"$=9...:..~1 ,...:.;47'--"'4 12705 S. Kirkwood, Suite 14 0 • Stafford , Texas 77477 •P hon e: 281·980-7448/ Fax: 281-980-7447 LEM Construction Company, Inc. 10849 Kinghurst, Su ite 150 Houston, TX 77099 Ph : 281-495-9550 Change Request I To : She ldon Buck KIT Profess ionals. Inc. 2000 W Sam Houston Pkwy S. Houston. TX 77042 Ph : 713-783-8700 Fax: 713-783-8747 Number. 9 Data: 3/9/17 Job: 2015-04 COB Central Dist Flood Improve Phono : Ooscriptlon: Stair Addition, Sludge Une Rep!, added 45's, & 4" PW Credit We are pleased to offer the following specifications and pricing to make th e followi ng Changes : this pri cing reflective of the work requested for the following : 1. Replacement of the exposed piping Inside the Sludge pump room for the supernatant a· line complete with installati on , hanger supports , and painting 2 . Replacment of (2) 6" 45 degree bends inside Digester No 1 & No 2 3 . Add iti onal stair and handrail to access the A-Basin fro m th e new Headworks on the Western side of the Headworks 4. Credit to not Install th e 4 • PW line deleted In RFI #52 This pri ce complete with material, labor. and equipment and based upon the wri tt en request from the COB . The total amount to provide this work Is ·····················-········································································ ... (P lease refer to attached sheet for details .) If you have any questi ons , please contact me at281-495-9550. Submitted by: Micah Allison Approved by: LEM Construdion Co, Inc. Date : Cc: $19,173 .11 Page 1 of 2 Change Request 9 Price Breakdown Continuation Sheet Description: Stair Addition, Sludge Une Rep I, added 45's , & 4" PW Credit Description Labor Matorfal Equipment Buy Piping $6 ,499.00 Pa inting $1,892 .00 5525.00 Insta ll Supernatant line 51,224 .00 Man Lift $790.00 Paint Tra inler & Tools $575 .00 Buy Additional Stair & Handrail $4,800.00 Install Stairs & Handrail 58 10 .00 Cred~ to not install 4 " PW line per RFI $-2.290 .00 #52 Equipment for installation $-1.500 .00 Buy 45's $566 .12 Install 45 In digs! 1 & 2 $432 .00 Labor Burden Equipment Service & Repair Sales Tax on Equi pment Only GC Overhead & Profit Delete Profit on Subs Bonds & Insurance LEM Construction Company, Inc. 10849 Kinghurst, Suite 150 Houston, TX 77099 Ph : 281-495 ·9550 Subcon tract Other Prlco $6 ,499.00 $2.417 .00 $1 ,224.00 5790.00 5375 .00 5950.00 $4 ,800.00 5610.00 &-2 .290.00 &-1 ,500.00 5566.12 $432.00 Subtotal: $14,698.12 52,068 .00 55.00% S1 .137AO 51,365.00 35 .00% $477.75 51.365 .00 8 .25'1'. $1 12 .61 516,425 .88 15.00% $2 ,463.88 $0.00 $18,889 .76 1.50 % $283.35 Total: $19,173 .11 Page 2 or 2 DATE: 3/8/17 PROJECT: CONTRACTOR: AUTHORIZED: ~ TAG SUPERNATANT 1 2 2 1 2 7 COHEN INDUSTRIAL SUPPL V COMPANY 1922 KNOLL STREET HOUSTON, TEXAS 77280 (713}467-3300 TOTAL:$ 7,065.12 2015-020 BAYTOWN LEM CONSTRUCTION SLUDGE PIPING DESCRIPTION 6" FLG 45, LINED 6" FLG 90, LINED 6 X 2'0"' FLG X FLG W/WR 6 X 11'0" FLG X FLG 6" SS CLEVIS HANGER 6" 316SS BNG COST $192.40 $229.74 $291.40 $7S3.25 $125.00 $ 45.33 DIGESTED SLUDGE LINE 2 6" FLG 45, LINED $192.40 4 6" 316SSBNG $ 45.33 TOTAL $192.40 $459.48 $582.80 $753.25 $250.00 $317.31 $384.80 $181.32