FY 16-17 MDD Adopted BudgetCITY OF BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) ADOPTED PROJECTS BUDGET 2016-17 BAYTOWN S CITY OF BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) BOARD OF DIRECTORS STEPHEN H. DONCARLOS, President CHRIS PRESLEY, Vice President REGGIE BREWER, Secretary LETICIA BRYSCH, Assistant Secretary BRANDON CAPETILLO, Director GARY ENGLERT, Director MARY HERNANDEZ, Director ROBERT C. HOSKINS, Director DAVID P. JIRRELS, Director DAVID MCCARTNEY, Director MERCEDES RENTERIA III, Director TERRY SAIN, Director 2 CITY OF BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR BUDGET ISSUES FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 On May 5, 2001, in the general election, the citizens of the City of Baytown voted to authorize the creation of the Baytown Municipal Development District (MDD) and the imposition of a sales and use tax at the rate of one-half of one percent for the purpose of financing economic development and parks projects that provide economic benefit, diversify the economic base of the community and improve our quality of life. The board is composed of the Mayor, six council members and four at -large resident members. REVENUES — Based on current year sales tax receipts we anticipate revenues to increase in the next fiscal year. Sales tax revenue for 2016-17 is projected at $6,602,660 which is a 2.5% increase over current year estimated collections. Along with interest income and loan repayments total revenues for 2016-17 are projected at $6,624,960. EXPENDITURES — Included in this year's program are economic development projects and improvements in the areas of streets, sidewalks, signalization, utilities and parks. Generally, project costs may include functions such as services, construction or debt service on long-term construction projects. Project administration costs of $300,000 are included to reimburse the General Fund for administrative, engineering and financial support of the MDD. PROJECTS Development of New and Expansion of Existing Businesses and Industry A significant function of this budget allocation is the development of new and expansion of existing businesses. These projects are critically important in light of the State Implementation Plan's potential impact on the petro -chemical industry and underscore our need to diversify our economic foundation. $150,000 Economic Development Foundation — Basic Economic Development Services This provides continued funding for the basic economic development services contract with the Baytown Area/West Chambers County Economic Development Foundation (EDF). $250,000 Development Director This strategic position will administer the economic development programs for the City and coordinate the activities of the development process to ensure that projects are given the attention they deserve and to ensure timely delivery. In addition to dealing with individual businesses on individual situations, this individual will maintain a macro -level perspective on the city's economy, studying market trends and applying their expert judgment to opportunities and threats facing the local economy. $180,000 Economic Incentives — San Jacinto Mall This payment is part of the negotiated agreement with the new mall developers to assist in the transition from the existing mall to the new mall development. This is the second of three payments. $500,000 3 CITY OF BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR BUDGET ISSUES FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 Economic Incentives - HEB This payment is part of the negotiated agreement with HEB for their new store at Garth and Hunt Road. This payment will continue for the ten year term of the agreement, unless the total incentives paid reaches the maximum payment prior to the end of the ten year term. $150,000 Property Acquisition for Economic Development This allocation provides funding to purchase property that may become available to be used for future economic development purposes. Some of the projects discussed elsewhere in this report may require additional property acquisition. $100,000 Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant — Debt Service The confirmed growth and development within the City necessitated the design and construction of the Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant. The project is estimated at $28,500,000 with 60% ($17,100,000) of the funding from the MDD. The remaining 40% ($11,400,000) is funded from the Water and Sewer Fund. This allocation includes the current year principal and interest payment on multiple debt issuances by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) loan and Certificates of Obligation. $743,890 Aquatic Facilities — Debt Service This allocation funds the current year debt service requirement. $434,138 Pirates Bay Water Park Expansion — Debt Service This allocation funds the current year debt service requirement for the recent expansion of the Pirated Bay Water Park. $376,529 Pirates Bay Water Park Addition — Aqua Loop The Aqua Loop slide will be the newest attraction at Pirates Bay Water Park. The new thrill slide is planned to be ready for the 2017 summer season. $250,000 Baytown Sports Leagueprovements The budget provides continuous funding for various improvements at little league, pony league and soccer facilities including bleacher covers, backstops, paving, lighting, trails and fencing repairs as needed. $50,000 Operations of the Ice Rink for Town Square The City purchased the ice rink and plans to operate the rink during late November and December. The City rented to own the ice rink the first year and that included set up, a chiller, ice skates and a golf cart mounted scraper. The rink was purchased following the 2015 season. The current budget request will pay for the annual rental fee of the chiller unit which is approximately $30,000 and $20,000 is included for barricades, crane rental fees and needed infrastructure for the operations of the rink. $50,000 4 CITY OF BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR BUDGET ISSUES FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 Goose Creek Trail - Phase VI During the construction of the Goose Creek Trail Phases V and VI, there has been a drastic increase in the cost of concrete leading to the insufficient funding to complete the project. The project will complete the trail that would connect Bush Terrace Park to the Animal Control building underneath the Highway 146 flyovers including a pedestrian crossing at Decker Drive. Once complete the trail will connect from Bayland Island Marina to Baker Road at Hutto Parkway. $205,000 Evergreen Park Land This is the first of four payments that will be made to reimburse to the Capital Improvement Program Fund for the land purchase. $425,000 Evergreen Park Clubhouse Renovations The acquisition of the former Evergreen Golf Course included a large clubhouse. The Parks and Recreation Department plans to use the clubhouse for a rental facility to provide accommodations for weddings, large group meetings, small conferences and retreats. This request will allow for the building to be utilized and serviceable for events and provide opportunities to consider future expansions of the facility. The first phase will include roof repairs, carpet replacement and renovations to the restrooms. $800,000 Evergreen Park Improvements This project will be used to upgrade the newly purchased Evergreen Park with several new amenities. The first phase of the improvements will include over 800 feet of connecting trails, an 18 -hole disc and foot golf course, park benches, trash cans and drinking fountains. $165,000 Travis Park Special Needs Playground The City is partnering with Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District (GCCISD) to establish a special needs playground at the Travis Elementary School Park. This effort will include the installation of playground equipment that is specifically made for special needs children. The City's contribution includes the design of the playground and the installation of the playground equipment. $50,000 Restrooms at Jenkins Park and Wanay Sports Complex The current facilities at Jenkins Park were constructed in the 1990s. The restrooms will be replaced with a new pre -constructed building near the same location. The new facility will be equipped with a water fountain and doors that will automatically close and lock when the park is closed. The building will be pre-engineered and constructed by local standards and codes. Restrooms at Jenkins Park and Wanay Sports Complex (Cont.) A new restroom facility is planned to be installed at the Wayne Gray Sports Complex near the playground area outside of Pirates Bay Water Park. The restrooms will be open to park users year-round and provide facilities for guests to use while waiting to enter Pirates Bay Water Park. Design and oversight will be provided by the Parks and Recreation Department. $330,000 R CITY OF BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR BUDGET ISSUES FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 Goose Creek Stream Cleanup This project will provide $20,000 for removal of tires, shopping carts and other discarded items from the Goose Creek. $20,000 ect Administration & Overhead Unforeseen Project and New Initiatives 6 $300,000 $1,725,000 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) PROGRAM FUND BUDGET SUMMARY for Fiscal Year 2016-17 oegmmngwvrRmgcapnai Actual Carry -forward Adopted Total Allocation Estimated Carry -forward New Allocation Total Allocation 0,000,001 2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 oegmmngwvrRmgcapnai yo,0UV,000 y o,U11,1c1 y Iiu,uau yo,uii,ici yo,Ui1,ici y 0,000,001 y a0c,o0c y 0,000,001 Revenues Econ Development Foundation - Basic Economic Development Services 250,000 - 250,000 250,000 250,000 - Sales Taxes 6,021,257 Development Director 6,077,000 6,077,000 6,441,620 6,602,660 6,602,660 Interest on Investments 4,142 180,000 6,000 6,000 8,500 8,500 8,500 Miscellaneous 70,000 - - - - - 500,000 Loan Repayments 10,764 - 10,870 10,870 10,870 10,980 10,980 Interest on Loans 3,040 - 2,930 2,930 2,932 2,820 2,820 Total MDD Revenues 6,109,203 - 6,096,800 6,096,800 6,463,922 6,624,960 6,624,960 Expenditures 325,053 100,000 425,053 32,9401 392,113 100,000 492,113 Economic Development Projects - 500 000 - 500 000 - 500 000 - Development of New and Expansion of 982,844 748,957 1,989,801 1,423,576 566,225 566,225 Utility Projects Existing Businesses and Industry 666,921 2,864 150,000 152,864 22,771 130,093 150,000 280,093 Econ Development Foundation - Basic Economic Development Services 250,000 - 250,000 250,000 250,000 - 250,000 250,000 Development Director - - 511,710 - 511,710 Land for San Jacinto Blvd 500,000 180,000 180,000 Econ Development Foundation - Special Economic Development Projects 68,090 362,468 - 362,468 29,000 333,468 - 333,468 Economc Incentive - San Jacinto Mall - - 500,000 500,000 500,000 - 500,000 500,000 Economic Incentive - HEB - - - - - 148,957 150,000 150,000 Econ Development Foundation - Special Economic Development Projects-SBRLF - 110,000 - - - 1,151,985 - - Property Acquisition for Economic Development 297,468 325,053 100,000 425,053 32,9401 392,113 100,000 492,113 Downtown Redevelopment Assistance - Baytown Little Theater - 500 000 - 500 000 - 500 000 - 500 000 Subtotal 1,282,479 1,300,385 1,000,000 2,190,385 834,711 1,355,674 1,330,000 2,685,674 Streets, Drainage, Sidewalks & Signalization Projects Land Acquisition for New Thoroughfares - 511,710 - 511,710 - 511,710 - 511,710 Land for San Jacinto Blvd 500,000 - - - Hunt Road Extension East of Garth - - 133,000 100,000 33,000 33,000 City Gateway Project 438,627 22,634 22,634 22,634 - - State Infrastructure Bank Loan Repayment Decker Dr to 146 South flyover ( $1 mm) 148,957 - 148,957 148,957 148,957 Texas Avenue Streetscape & Town Square 837,982 426,985 600,000 1,151,985 1,151,985 - - Signal - Hutto and Rollingbrook 72,390 12,810 - 12,810 - 12,810 12,810 Garth Road Traffic Engineering 6,500 8,705 1 - 8,705 - 8,705 8,705 Subtotal 2,004,456 982,844 748,957 1,989,801 1,423,576 566,225 566,225 Utility Projects Economic Dev. Cost Share with Developers to Upsize New Utilities 254,535 - 254,535 - 254,535 254,535 I-10 Lift Station 250,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 - - NE WW Treatment Plant Debt Service (60% 2010 & 2013 CO's & 2014, 2015 & 2016 GO's Refunding) 1,302,255 1 - 1,256,535 1,256,535 1,256,535 743,890 743,890 West District Plant Expansion Debt Service - (50% - 2008 CO's) 1,009,356 - - - - - Tri City Beach Road Sewer 70,000 - 70,000 - 70,000 70,000 Subtotal 2,311,611 574,535 1,506,535 2,081,070 1,756,535 324,535 743,890 1,068,425 Parks Projects Aquatics Master Plan Phase 1 & 2 Construction (Debt Svc on $6mm) 437,888 - 426,713 426,713 426,713 - 434,138 434,138 Pirates Bay Waterpark Expansion (Debt Service on $5.5mm) 375,529 376,079 376,079 376,079 376,529 376,529 Aqua Loop at Pirates Bay - - - - 250,000 250,000 Baytown Sports League Improvements 103,119 17,531 50,000 67,531 20,877 46,654 50,000 96,654 Golf Course (Debt Service on $12.5mm) - - 500,000 - - Rent/Purchase of Ice Rink for Town Square - - 226,940 226,940 226,940 - 50,000 50,000 Goose Creek Trail Phases V and VI 83,860 208,192 - 208,192 208,192 - Goose Creek Trail - Phase VI 26,728 288,272 - 288,272 273,266 15,006 205,000 220,006 Land Acquisition - Future Parks 1,300 271,839 100,000 171,839 1,000 170,839 - 170,839 Sports Complex (Parking, Fields & Lighting) 5,435 2,539 - 2,539 2,539 - - East Road Girls Fields - Lighting & Wiring 575,000 - - - GLO / CMP Grant Match (Tabbs Bay) - 86,400 86,400 86,400 City Hall Courtyard Improvements 5,811 880 880 Median Beautification Crew 86,081 23,874 23,874 Completed and closed projects 141,845 - - Special Needs Playground 82,134 12,866 12,866 Jenkins/Holloway Park Improvements 38,883 22,816 22,816 22,816 Goose Creek Park Improvements 38,323 12,637 12,637 12,637 Pelly Park Loop Trail - - 111,000 111,000 111,000 Westwood Park Fence Enclosure 50,663 50,663 50,663 Lincoln Cedars Fence Improvements 12,000 12,000 12,000 Roseland Park Restroom Replacement 135,000 135,000 135,000 Repair Fire Fighter Memorial 33,625 67,250 67,250 Community Center Path Improvements 67,830 67,830 67,830 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) PROGRAM FUND BUDGET SUMMARY for Fiscal Year 2016-17 Actual Carry -forward Adopted Total Allocation Estimated Carry -forward New Allocation Total Allocation 2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 Paint Bridge Overpasses 50,000 50,000 50,000 - Kayak Launch (Bayland & Roseland) 70,000 70,000 15,000 55,000 - 55,000 Evergreen Park Land - 1,013,758 1,013,758 - 425,000 425,000 Evergreen Crew & Equipment 150,000 150,000 - - New Service Center - - - - Evergreen Park Bldg Rehab 800,000 800,000 Evergreen Park Development 165,000 165,000 Travis Park Playground 50,000 50,000 Jenkins Park & Wayne Gray Restrooms 330,000 330,000 Goose Creek Stream Clean Up 20,000 20,000 Subtotal 2,001,936 947,846 2,209,850 3,655,079 3,329,960 287,499 3,155,667 3,443,166 Total MDD Projects 7,600,482 3,805,610 5,465,342 9,916,335 7,344,782 2,533,933 5,229,557 7,763,490 Other Project Administration and Overhead 300,000 - 300,000 300,000 300,000 - 300,000 300,000 Unforeseen/New Initiatives - 502,021 500,000 370,396 - 370,396 1,725,000 2,095,396 Subtotal 300,000 502,021 800,000 670,396 300,000 370,396 2,025,000 2,395,396 Total MDD Expenditures 7,900,482 4,307,631 6,265,342 1 10,586,731 7,644,782 2,904,329 7,254,557 10,158,886 Revenues over (under) expenses (1,791,279) (4,307,631) (168,542) (4,489,931) (1,180,860) (2,904,329) (629,597) (3,533,926) Ending working capital $ 5,017,721 $ 710,090 $ 541,548 $ 527,790 $ 3,836,861 $ 932,532 $ 302,935 $ 302,935 DEBT SERVICE PAYMENT RECAP Aquatics Master Plan Phase 1 & 2 Construction (Debt Svc on $6mm) 437,888 426,713 426,713 426,713 434,138 434,138 Pirates Bay Expansion (Debt Svc on $5.5mm) 375,529 376,079 376,079 376,079 376,529 376,529 Golf Course Construction (Debt Svc on $12.5mm) - 500,000 - - - - State Infrastructure Bank Loan Repayment Decker Dr to 146 South flyover ( $1 mm) 148,957 148,957 148,957 148,957 - - NE WW Treatment Plant Debt Service (60% 2010 & 2013 CO's & 2014, 2015 & 2016 GO's Refunding) 1,302,255 1,256,535 1,256,535 1,256,535 743,890 743,890 West District Plant Expansion Debt Service - (50% - 2008 CO's) 1,009,356 - - - - - Total Debt Service Payments $ 3,273,985 $ - $ 2,708,284 1 $ 2,208,284 1 $ 2,208,284 $ 1,554,557 $ 1,554,557 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION INCLUDED FOR PLANNING PURPOSES MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) PROGRAM FUND BUDGET SUMMARY- PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL Fiscal Year 2016-17 T Estimated revenue growth for projected years: 2.0% Beginning working capital $ $ 5,017.721 1 $ 710.090 IT, 5,017.721 It 5,017.721 $ 3,836.861 $ 932.532 $ 3,836.861 $ 302.935 $ 208.953 $ 801.138 $ 942.035 $ 1,674,609 Sales Taxes Current Expenditures Carry- forward Adjusted Allocation Total Allocation Estimated Carry- Expenditures forward New Total Allocation Allocation Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 1 1 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 Beginning working capital $ $ 5,017.721 1 $ 710.090 IT, 5,017.721 It 5,017.721 $ 3,836.861 $ 932.532 $ 3,836.861 $ 302.935 $ 208.953 $ 801.138 $ 942.035 $ 1,674,609 Sales Taxes 1,766,417 2,864 6,077,000 6,077,000 6,441,620 6,602,660 6,602,660 6,735,000 6,870,000 7,007,000 7,147,000 7,290,000 Interest on Investments 280,093 300,000 6,000 6,000 8,500 8,500 8,500 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Contributions & Miscellaneous 1,550,000 13,800 13,800 13,802 13,800 13,800 13,800 13,800 13,800 13,800 13,800 Total MDD Revenues 250,000 250,000 6,096,800 6,096,800 6,463,922 6,624,960 6,624,960 6,757,800 6,892,800 7,029,800 7,169,800 7,312,800 Development of New and Expansion of Existing Businesses and Industry 1,766,417 2,864 150,000 152,864 22,771 1 130,093 150,000 280,093 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 Econ Development Foundation - Basic Economic Development Services 1,550,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 - 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 Development Director - - - - 180,000 180,000 180,000 184,000 188,000 192,000 196,000 Econ Development Foundation - Special Economic Development Projects 376,644 362,468 - 362,468 29,000 333,468 - 333,468 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Economic Incentive - San Jacinto Mall 500,000 500,000 500,000 - 500,000 500,000 650,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Economic Incentive - HEB - - - 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Econ Development Foundation - Special Economic Development Projects-SBRLF 100,000 110,000 110,000 - - - - - - - - - Property Acquisition for Economic Development 918,665 325,053 100,000 425,053 32,940 392,113 100,000 492,113 100,000 100,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 Downtown Redevelopment Assistance - Baytown Little Theater 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 Subtotal 4,711,726 1,300,385 890,000 2,190,385 834,711 1,355,674 1,330,000 2,685,674 1,730,000 1,234,000 1,438,000 1,442,000 1,446,000 Streets, Drainage, Sidewalks & Si nalization Projects Land Acquisition for New Thoroughfares - 511,710 - 511,710 - 511,710 - 511,710 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Hunt Road East of Garth 133,000 133,000 100,000 33,000 33,000 - - City Gateway Project 438,627 22,634 - 22,634 22,634 - - - State Infrastructure Bank Loan Repayment Decker Dr to 146 South flyover ( $1 mm) 1,042,702 148,957 148,957 148,957 - - Texas Avenue Streetscape & Town Square 1,143,225 426,985 725,000 1,151,985 1,151,985 - - Signal - Hutto and Rollingbrook 77,190 12,810 12,810 12,810 12,810 Garth Road Traffic Engineering 23,995 8,705 8,705 8,705 8,705 Subtotal 2,725,739 982,844 1,006,957 1,989,801 1,423,576 566,225 566,225 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Utility Projects Economic Dev. Cost Share with Developers to Upsize New Utilities 26,083 254,535 254,535 254,535 254,535 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 1-10 Lift Station 250,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 - - - - - - - NE WW Treatment Plant Debt Service (60% 2010 & 2013 CO's & 2014, 2015 & 2016 GO's Refunding) 7,369,835 - 1,256,535 1,256,535 1,256,535 - 743,890 743,890 986,352 991,723 996,144 980,101 985,038 West District Plant Expansion Debt Service - (50%- 2008 CO's) 4,211,502 - - - - Tri City Beach Road Sewer 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 Subtotal 11,607,420 574,535 1,506,535 2,081,070 1,756,535 324,535 743,890 1,068,425 1,136,352 1,141,723 1,146,144 1,130,101 1,135,038 10 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) PROGRAM FUND BUDGET SUMMARY- PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL Fiscal Year 2016-17 Estimated revenue growth for projected years: 2.0% Current Expenditures Carry- forward Adjusted Allocation Total Allocation Estimated Expenditures Carry- forward NewTotal Allocation Allocation Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 Parks Projects Aquatics Master Plan Phase 1 & 2 Construction (Debt Svc on $6mm) 2,252,075 426,713 426,713 426,713 434,138 434,138 434,138 426,338 437,538 427,737 432,674 Pirates Bay Waterpark Expansion - Debt Service on $5.5mm 1,152,092 376,079 376,079 376,079 376,529 376,529 376,292 373,554 367,221 362,388 360,900 Aqua Loop at Pirates Bay 250,000 250,000 Baytown Sports League Improvements 716,855 17,531 50,000 67,531 20,877 46,654 50,000 96,654 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Rent/Purchase of Ice Rick for Town Square - - 226,940 226,940 226,940 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Goose Creek Trail Phases V and VI 291,808 208,192 - 208,192 208,192 - - - - - - - - Goose Creek Trail Phase VI 26,728 288,272 - 288,272 273,266 15,006 205,000 220,006 350,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 Land Acquisition - Future Parks 36,242 271,839 (100,000) 171,839 1,000 170,839 - 170,839 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Sports Complex (Parking, Fields & Lighting) 672,461 1 2,539 2,539 1 2,539 - 125,000 125,000 - - - GLO I CMP Grant Match 107,973 86,400 86,400 86,400 - - - City Hall Courtyard Improvements 41,120 880 880 Median Beautification Crew 335,426 23,874 23,874 Special Needs Playground 12,866 12,866 Jenkins I Holloway Park Improvements 22,816 22,816 22,816 Goose Creek Park Improvements 12,637 12,637 12,637 Pelly Park Loop Improvements - 111,000 111,000 111,000 Westwood Park Fence Enclosure 50,663 50,663 50,663 Lincoln Cedars Fence Improvements 12,000 12,000 12,000 Roseland Park Restroom Replacements 135,000 135,000 135,000 Repair Fire Fighter Memorial 67,250 67,250 67,250 Community Center Path Improvements 67,830 67,830 67,830 Paint Bridge Overpasses 50,000 50,000 50,000 - - - - Kayak Launch (Bayland & Roseland) 70,000 70,000 15,000 55,000 - 55,000 - Evergreen Park Land - 1,013,758 1,013,758 - 425,000 425,000 425,000 425,000 425,000 Evergreen Crew 150,000 150,000 - - - - - Evergreen Park Bldg Rehab - 800,000 800,000 Evergreen Park Development 165,000 165,000 Travis Park Playground 50,000 50,000 Jenkins Park Restrooms 330,000 330,000 - Goose Creek Stream Clean Up 20,000 20,000 - - - Future Projects 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 1 1,500,000 1,500,000 Subtotal 5,632,780 947,846 1,543,475 3,655,079 3,329,960 287,499 3,155,667 3,443,166 2,835,430 2,774,892 3,154,759 2,715,125 2,718,574 Total MDD Projects 24,677,665 3,805,610 4,946,967 9,916,335 7,344,782 2,533,933 5,229,557 7,763,490 5,801,782 5,250,615 5,838,903 5,387,226 5,399,612 Other Project Administration and Overhead 1,787,500 300,000 300,000 300,000 - 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 Unforeseen/New Initiatives 502,021 370,396 370,396 1,725,000 2,095,396 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 Subtotal 1,787,500 502,021 300,000 670,396 300,000 370,396 2,025,000 2,395,396 1,050,000 1,050,000 1,050,000 1,050,000 1 1,050,000 Total MDD Expenditures 26,465,165 4,307,631 5,246,967 10,586,731 7,644,782 2,904,329 7,254,557 10,158,886 6,851,782 6,300,615 6,888,903 6,437,226 6,449,612 Revenues over under expenditures 26,465,165 4,307,631 849,833 4,489,931 1,180,860 (2,904,329) (629,597) (3,533,926) (93,982) 592,185 140,897 732,574 863,188 Ending working capital 1 $ 26,465,165 $ 710,090 $ 1,559,923 1 $ 527,790 $ 3,836,861 1 $ 932,532 $ 302,935 $ 302,935 1 $ 208,953 $ 801,138 $ 942,035 $ 1,674,609 $ 2,537,797 11 CITY OF BAYTOWN BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ANNUAL REQUIREMENT TO AMORTIZE BONDED DEBT Fiscal Principal Interest Interest Total Annual Year Due 02/01 Due 02/01 Due 08/01 Interest Requirement 2017 $ 857,221 $ 355,311 $ 342,025 $ 697,336 $ 1,554,557 2018 1,124,216 342,025 322,740 664,765 1,788,981 2019 1,182,188 322,740 297,887 620,627 1,802,815 2020 1,221,829 297,887 271,386 569,273 1,791,102 2021 1,259,780 271,386 243,997 515,383 1,775,163 2022 1,311,885 243,997 217,129 461,126 1,773,011 2023 1,381,686 217,129 188,589 405,718 1,787,405 2024 1,438,952 188,589 158,356 346,946 1,785,898 2025 1,512,225 158,356 129,214 287,570 1,799,795 2026 1,457,957 129,214 87,650 216,864 1,674,821 2027 813,435 87,650 72,050 159,700 973,135 2028 771,159 72,050 57,755 129,805 900,964 2029 814,030 57,755 42,307 100,063 914,093 2030 837,619 42,307 26,190 68,497 906,115 2031 432,874 26,190 18,944 45,133 478,007 2032 449,796 18,944 11,297 30,241 480,037 2033 463,384 11,297 3,217 14,514 477,898 2034 107,340 3,217 1,070 4,287 111,627 2035 53,503 1,070 - 1,070 54,573 $ 17,491,080 $ 2,847,114 $ 2,491,803 $ 5,338,917 $ 22,829,997 12 BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DETAIL DEBT AMORTIZATION SCHEDULES Series 2010 Date of Issue: February 1, 2010 $ 6,030,000 Certificates of Obligation - Combined Tax & Revenue: MDD Allocation Only Term: 20 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Interest Interest Total Annual Principal Year Rate Due 02/01 Due 02/01 Due 08/01 Interest Requirement Outstanding 2010 1.00% $ - $ - $ 84,635 $ 84,635 $ 84,635 $ 6,030,000 2011 1.00% 235,000 102,244 101,069 203,313 438,313 5,795,000 2012 1.00% 225,000 101,069 99,944 201,013 426,013 5,570,000 2013 2.00% 240,000 99,944 97,544 197,488 437,488 5,330,000 2014 2.00% 235,000 97,544 95,194 192,738 427,738 5,095,000 2015 2.00% 250,000 95,194 92,694 187,888 437,888 4,845,000 2016 3.00% 245,000 92,694 89,019 181,713 426,713 4,600,000 2017 3.00% 260,000 89,019 85,119 174,138 434,138 4,340,000 2018 3.00% 260,000 85,119 81,219 166,338 426,338 4,080,000 2019 3.50% 280,000 81,219 76,319 157,538 437,538 3,800,000 2020 3.50% 280,000 76,319 71,418 147,737 427,737 3,520,000 2021 3.50% 295,000 71,418 66,256 137,674 432,674 3,225,000 2022 3.63% 300,000 66,256 60,818 127,074 427,074 2,925,000 2023 3.75% 320,000 60,818 54,819 115,637 435,637 2,605,000 2024 4.00% 325,000 54,819 48,318 103,137 428,137 2,280,000 2025 4.00% 345,000 48,318 41,419 89,737 434,737 1,935,000 2026 4.13% 350,000 41,419 34,200 75,619 425,619 1,585,000 2027 4.25% 375,000 34,200 26,231 60,431 435,431 1,210,000 2028 4.25% 380,000 26,231 18,156 44,387 424,387 830,000 2029 4.38% 410,000 18,156 9,188 27,344 437,344 420,000 2030 4.38% 420,000 9,188 - 9,188 429,188 - $ 6,030,000 $ 1,351,188 $ 1,333,579 $ 2,684,767 $ 8,714,767 Call Option: Bonds maturing on 02/01/2020 to 02/01/2030 callable in whole or in part on any date beginning 02/01/19 @ par. Series 2013 Date of Issue: May 26, 2013 $ 5,500,000 Tax & Revenue Certificate of Obligation: MDD Allocation Only Term: 20 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Interest Interest Total Annual Principal Year Rate Due 02/01 Due 02/01 Due 08/01 Interest Requirement Outstanding 2013 $ - $ - $ 44,117 $ 44,117 $ 44,117 $ 5,500,000 2014 2.000% 216,667 81,031 78,865 159,896 376,563 5,283,333 2015 2.000% 220,000 78,865 76,665 155,529 375,529 5,063,333 2016 2.000% 225,000 76,665 74,415 151,079 376,079 4,838,333 2017 2.000% 230,000 74,415 72,115 146,529 376,529 4,608,333 2018 2.500% 235,000 72,115 69,177 141,292 376,292 4,373,333 2019 4.000% 240,000 69,177 64,377 133,554 373,554 4,133,333 2020 4.000% 243,333 64,377 59,510 123,888 367,221 3,890,000 2021 4.000% 248,333 59,510 54,544 114,054 362,388 3,641,667 2022 2.500% 255,000 54,544 51,356 105,900 360,900 3,386,667 2023 2.500% 263,333 51,356 48,065 99,421 362,754 3,123,333 2024 2.500% 270,000 48,065 44,690 92,754 362,754 2,853,333 2025 2.625% 280,000 44,690 41,015 85,704 365,704 2,573,333 2026 3.000% 286,667 41,015 36,715 77,729 364,396 2,286,667 2027 3.000% 295,000 36,715 32,290 69,004 364,004 1,991,667 2028 3.125% 305,000 32,290 27,524 59,814 364,814 1,686,667 2029 3.125% 315,000 27,524 22,602 50,126 365,126 1,371,667 2030 3.250% 325,000 22,602 17,321 39,923 364,923 1,046,667 2031 3.250% 336,667 17,321 11,850 29,171 365,838 710,000 2032 3.300% 350,000 11,850 6,075 17,925 367,925 360,000 2033 3.375% 360,000 6,075 - 6,075 366,075 - $ 5,500,000 $ 970,199 $ 933,285 $ 1,903,484 $ 7,403,484 Call Option: Bonds maturing on 02/01/2023 to 02/01/2033 callable in whole or in part on any date beginning 02/01/22 @ par. 13 BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DETAIL DEBT AMORTIZATION SCHEDULES Series 2014 Date of Issue: April 1, 2014 $ 2,100,283 General Obligation and Refunding Bonds: MDD Allocation Only Term: 20 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Interest Interest Total Annual Principal Year Rate Due 02/01 Due 02/01 Due 08/01 Interest Requirement Outstanding 2014 2.000% $ - $ - $ 21,885 $ 21,885 $ 21,885 $ 2,100,283 2015 2.000% 115,291 37,163 36,023 73,186 188,477 1,984,992 2016 3.000% 174,064 36,023 33,412 69,434 243,498 1,810,928 2017 3.000% 152,720 33,412 31,121 64,532 217,252 1,658,208 2018 3.000% 135,056 31,121 29,095 60,216 195,272 1,523,152 2019 3.000% 140,208 29,095 26,992 56,087 196,295 1,382,944 2020 4.000% 145,728 26,992 24,077 51,069 196,797 1,237,216 2021 4.000% 130,272 24,077 21,472 45,549 175,821 1,106,944 2022 4.000% 135,792 21,472 18,756 40,228 176,020 971,152 2023 4.000% 142,048 18,756 15,915 34,671 176,719 829,104 2024 4.000% 148,304 15,915 12,949 28,864 177,168 680,800 2025 4.000% 154,560 12,949 9,858 22,807 177,367 526,240 2026 4.000% 131,744 9,858 7,223 17,081 148,825 394,496 2027 3.250% 43,424 7,223 6,517 13,740 57,164 351,072 2028 3.375% 44,896 6,517 5,760 12,277 57,173 306,176 2029 3.500% 46,368 5,760 4,948 10,708 57,076 259,808 2030 3.500% 48,208 4,948 4,105 9,053 57,261 211,600 2031 3.750% 50,048 4,105 3,166 7,271 57,319 161,552 2032 3.750% 51,888 3,166 2,193 5,359 57,247 109,664 2033 4.000% 53,728 2,193 1,119 3,312 57,040 55,936 2034 4.000% 55,936 1,119 - 1,119 57,055 - $ 2,100,283 $ 331,863 $ 316,585 $ 648,448 $ 2,748,731 Call Option: Bonds maturing on 02/01/2025 to 02/01/2034 callable in whole or in part on any date beginning 02/01/24 @ par. Series 2015 Date of Issue: July 7, 2015 $ 1,770,131 General Obligation and Refunding Bonds: MDD Allocation Only Term - 20 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Interest Interest Total Annual Principal Year Rate Due 02/01 Due 02/01 Due 08/01 Interest Requirement Outstanding 2016 2.000% $ 21,331 $ 47,057 $ 41,308 $ 88,365 $ 109,696 $ 1,748,800 2017 5.000% 101,060 41,308 38,781 80,089 181,150 1,647,739 2018 5.000% 107,705 38,781 36,089 74,870 182,575 1,540,035 2019 5.000% 114,349 36,089 33,230 69,319 183,667 1,425,686 2020 5.000% 121,692 33,230 30,188 63,418 185,110 1,303,994 2021 5.000% 129,385 30,188 26,953 57,141 186,526 1,174,609 2022 5.000% 137,079 26,953 23,526 50,479 187,558 1,037,530 2023 5.000% 145,821 23,526 19,881 43,407 189,227 891,709 2024 5.000% 154,913 19,881 16,008 35,888 190,801 736,797 2025 5.000% 164,704 16,008 11,890 27,898 192,602 572,093 2026 5.000% 95,116 11,890 9,512 21,402 116,518 476,977 2027 5.000% 100,011 9,512 7,012 16,524 116,536 376,965 2028 3.375% 41,263 7,012 6,316 13,328 54,591 335,702 2029 3.500% 42,662 6,316 5,569 11,885 54,547 293,040 2030 3.625% 44,411 5,569 4,764 10,333 54,744 248,629 2031 3.625% 46,159 4,764 3,927 8,692 54,851 202,470 2032 3.750% 47,908 3,927 3,029 6,957 54,864 154,563 2033 3.750% 49,656 3,029 2,098 5,127 54,783 104,907 2034 4.000% 51,404 2,098 1,070 3,168 54,573 53,502 2035 4.000% 53,503 1,070 - 1,070 54,573 - $ 1,770,131 $ 368,208 $ 321,151 $ 689,359 $ 2,459,490 Call Option: Bonds maturing on 02/01/2026 to 02/01/2035 callable in whole or in part on any date beginning 02/01/25 @ par. 14 BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DETAIL DEBT AMORTIZATION SCHEDULES Series 2016 Date of Issue: July 19, 2016 $ 4,493,018 General Obligation and Refunding Bonds: MDD Allocation Only Term: 12 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Interest Interest Total Annual Principal Year Rate Due 02/01 Due 02/01 Due 08/01 Interest Requirement Outstanding 2016 $ - $ - $ 7,811 $ 7,811 $ 7,811 $ 4,493,018 2017 4.0% 113,441 117,158 114,889 232,047 345,488 4,379,577 2018 4.0% 386,455 114,889 107,160 222,049 608,505 3,993,122 2019 5.0% 407,631 107,160 96,969 204,129 611,761 3,585,490 2020 5.0% 431,076 96,969 86,192 183,162 614,237 3,154,415 2021 5.0% 456,789 86,192 74,773 160,965 617,754 2,697,626 2022 5.0% 484,015 74,773 62,672 137,445 621,460 2,213,611 2023 5.0% 510,484 62,672 49,910 112,583 623,067 1,703,127 2024 5.0% 540,735 49,910 36,392 86,302 627,037 1,162,392 2025 4.0% 567,961 36,392 25,033 61,424 629,386 594,431 2026 4.0% 594,431 25,033 - 25,033 619,463 0 $ 4,493,018 $ 771,149 $ 661,802 $ 1,432,950 $ 5,925,968 15 RESOLUTION NO. 284 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2016, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2017; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ****************************************************************************** BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT: Section 1: That the budget estimate of the revenues of the Baytown Municipal Development District and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 2016, and ending September 30, 2017, as finally submitted to the Board of Directors by the General Manager of said District be, and the same is in all things, adopted and approved as the budget estimate of all the current expenses as well as the fixed charges against said District for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2016, and ending September 30, 2017. A copy of the budget is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 2: This resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the Board of Directors of the Baytown Municipal Development District. INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSED by the affirmativote of the Board of Directors of the Baytown Municipal Development District this the 4th day #f August, 2016. H. DONCARLOS, ATT ST: pEVE4�A LETICIA BRYSCH, Assis ecretary �c►�Q. �Z APPROVED AS TO FORM:;ia3 1nn1f ACID RAMIREZ�SR., Gee 1 Counsel RAKarenTiles\City CounciMunicipal Development DistrictlResolutions\2016\August\Adopt I 6-17Budget.doc 16