FY 13-14 MDD Adopted BudgetBAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) 2013-14 ADOPTED PROJECTS BUDGET to BAYTOWN s FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) 2013 =14 ADOPTED PROJECTS BUDGET FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 to BAYS Robert D. Leiper General Manager Ignacio Ramirez General Counsel Louise Richman Finance Officer Leticia Brysch Assistant Secretary BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DIRECTORS STEPHEN H. DONCARLOS, President SCOTT SHELEY, Vice President REGGIE BREWER, Secretary BRANDON CAPETILLO, Director GARY ENGLERT, Director MARY HERNANDEZ, Director ROBERT C. HOSKINS, Director DAVID P. JIRRELS, Director DAVID MCCARTNEY, Director MERCEDES RENTERIA III, Director TERRY SAIN, Director MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT August , 2013 Pre cent and OlrecNT elMe Municyel Development Distinct Board I am PWa W to Pr M Me Wedged 201 3-14 budget or Me Beylam Mormaou CwakpneM Dil (M00). Tlie 2013 -14 budget over pmmlee t0 be another colons NO Inner for growth and emn0mb movement in me Beylown area Home Berea are Impmvirg, mmmeri I development 6 wntinuing and rmemy announced IMwNal expansion pm)ecb will ke Be~ movlr d wooden We dead wedged to mewing this budget arm you In the coming road III bel0w are me hlgMghw of revenues and expeMiWrea, Beum - Banco on dome year "Was Mx mo 1pb wn mill to m9 N to mrt %=I over ores dx revenue for 201 }14 is pmjacbd at $5.I41,00D tampon in a 2% Increau ovu wnmt year eMenaktl owkwoo a, Along wM program monne and ban repayment total revenues for 201314 are opened at $5,500.050 ErpsndWrmr The MOD pM)ectsmir Nndig all playa millifiont rod In tlweoommic development and quality W lid in ear Cdy The allooeeara for PrOadi in 20134014 am ciesa0ed In ore MMe following three (3) primm ea; o Prlglly: profxM or aypwp m dylgrnd M mo ft new or eapantlW Wminus act over crosM or mean primarypbs: r Development either and Ei{arebn of Evil Buslne and industry a Emwle0evebpmeMFMOdMiOn- Besot Seiim to deadline Cerebraunt Foundamn - Spxial Promote to Pmpery iuquistan Ivr Emnomm Dewelcpment o Pilwlly: Fr N which paral ir/me Wm lea economic development: n tend Awuiaibon Mr New ThOmughfarm > city camemy pmj0ct mem > Bitle lMruWCWre Bank lqn Hepaymenl- Decker Or to SH 1419 S Fyover • Texu Avenue S dment Po)ect • Downtown Gull Zero (new) • cost Sham with Developer tar ure'mng Mull" > NOMeest waeMnamr Treatment Plan -Debt Service m tend adWnd am construction > time Dial Plem Expenelon -Oert SeMm M tend 00 %0f III50%N construction o infonN: p�acb AIM fmpaw a small of mwutl/na > Phil 8W Wompak Fipanebn Oint 5dvlp > Oeyfowal SWMd League lmpmvelrema or Gone Creek Tend Phases V and In (now) D Lend Ambushed -Faver Palle > SPONS COMOM lmpmuemenb- Porkling Fall and Lighting ➢ PYly and Central LAIN League Parke (new) > Tebbe Bay ClNnup(rew) • MMIen Beautflgban Crew • COmmun4 Seem SupeMwr hired • Rosen PK Improvements Oew) > R clan PaM Larurnsa new) > Jenne l Holloway If Impoverishes (need ➢ Cooes Creek Perk tmpmvemenw mee) > PIIenOwk Para Mal > Kayak eundo Om) nowarnmi on Madelf Me ffa�Iry PMJx is Included Inthe°Mepr PudlRt Pool edmin sere nwM of $300,00) am Included to mimWne Me ismand Fund er adminietntive, engineering and lmaiNl auypod M Oa MOO, IDgm Is no elbcal Or Mmeaeenlncw IndatMa Nis show. Hwrewr, then am proveu ds alloma NMe to Nh e¢omt Mat am NYI wails ,near funds pmNde flovild b aIW the Boom b uXlln MOO bunch b secure fWd l amts and bml grant funds wev n available am b enhance and expand Me Impech Nat the MOD half On Me sm l lc deveopment of tea inw dn a P omplpeoddwbXe, cX aw It ads" aim dome twdirp for unexpetlad or Inlander ngded, We am mud about Me mammlc development auomPlbhmOm in Peylwm wq fork miwam m wool our ydmh and deveepmen Into the ones, s //mcemly. f Gemnl Manager MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR BUDGET ISSUES Eiecal Year 013 -14 OF May 5, 2001 In the gene l electlan, Me cilium of me CM1y of 9aytown voke to autboeu the cnetk of the BMoxF Munkired Development Dee ltt (MOD) and the ImpaHUn M e Bake and am tae M IM mm of onaFaff M me Percent for the purpose of finanoing sco 'e development and Part projects Nat provide Panama eereff closely Neeoanq ease NtM corn IN and 4nprove ouryualM of nee. TtMessi is mmpmee m Me Ml as council memeere and mur at-large resident nrembers, REVENUES - Hosed on current year sales tell repll we anticipste rovenum b au In the nap Memel yuc Sales MIX revenue for 2013 -141s Protection at $5.H1,WO which in a 2% Increase over cume nt year eadmalee cdNdcna. All wM intereat income and Icon repayments Wall revenues Iar2O1314 are projected of $5 500,950, E"MN URES- Inured In The yeafe pmgmm em Manua c development prat and Improvements In Pe Vaal of sleets, drainage, sNeealb, slgnafterfon, items not pans. Generally, project mote may Include formal Such as aarvlcea, construction of reel an iw on longaemi mnelmulon projces. Protect administration al 0 $300 OOO re induced to reimburse the Oeneml Fund far adminnkatHe, engineering and finanoal support Mtde MOD. PROJECTS DeveigaMot of l and Esoanabn d Existing Businesses A agnMOnt function d elis budget allocation is the Medical of new and exparrsion of exiating businesses. IDhme pmiova are a mly Imported In fight of Me Stale ImplemmtsOOn Plan's pomn0al Imard on i m Pelrodiamlml Industry ale uncemmre our neM to dwemeyour economic foundation. 53M0,l Thia proaldes cmtlnuer heading for the beu al dearromm M wrvl2s mnirad with me Beylafm AmahVeat Chambers County sexual Development Foundation (EDFI. Sawrow Oeuxlo ml Fmu n S c IE deal no current MOD budget Includes continued fulling fm a somial pm(eda Polled with the EDF The previsions of this contrast are reguesled and approved on an annual basis, $100.0100 Promery Aticwthow for Economic TM1i allbatim provides funding to PuNUae pmpi that may became emllal b pV used for future economic development painful. 5105,000 Lana Pmuiemen for new Themalres Funds to summary nenoer-way for loeeway development cr a pansmn. Six DOD QM Ge ay Nonhuman Second Mercury proled at either Me Hemman Binge or au- 10 and Highway tab. $350,000 S The NOW maned a $1,001 loan from the Tines Stale IMnsM1UCtue Bank (BIB) for a Decker OMs W Highway late SwUI Mover purled. This funding. combined wM memo I funds tram Me November zoo] WM indra , star d for conscience er Me Sooner Toms M Hynway ue South nlTMTr. The comment noted funding eliminated the 'braided on and off ramps The computational of gas c nstmctun of Mena ramps vmud harp impaired maNlHy In the area. The Bdte matched our $3 million contribution to proWds the $4 mitten necessary to complete all elements of this flyover. El le pm)eab must be m the more nlgnwry ardent and M included In the slabwde Tranagrrmtkm Improvement Plan. $198,957 Texas Avenue Btree or.Piml Tne budget includes cotlnued fuNing for abler direct expenditures or match for good in subsequent yeap to enhance abeets and movement for Ado is recessiona 1. community Identity and beautification In the public bgMwfr y W Term Avenue. The expenditures may Inelpde roadway improvements, All aVeetllghk, bees, wUwelke. atrealmmilure, lanmcopeptendn9s, etc. $1 Whom I ntw Quiet zerre mid pro wig edleblim aTraln aukd Zone In Me downbvn area Me driving form ben Ind omil the Quiet zone is Me rear Baytown tints Tlg tat Is planned at NoM Mom and Tema Avenue. The train horn mile requires that all crossings located whin a Y. mile of me 0uiet Zone must be ImIuded, no means that Me Quill Zone could sort at I (PrtgV he more than a A mile auey) ink end at Fryl9 (Won! is mom than a % Mlle awry), This will awampllsn Me goal Of elimingng the lain horn note In Me viGniry of Me new Meets, FIRy present of MN protect is competed to be funded by the Geneva Fund. $351 Ecorl Demarcation cost Sham uYM Donaldson a This funding allorva Me city M how the Mall to massive utility lines mataned by development N meet ruWm water and lower needs for unrecorded areas aeMwd by Me same lines. $100pO Noblest Mst for Treatment Pont - Debt Sal The mrMrmed grown and development within Me Cary necessitated the dei and conversion W the Several Winchester ra Yauliry. The picked Is nnmaI at $28. 500.000 with 00%($17.10, 000) of the binding from Me MOD. Theremalmrgao% ($11900.0OO) b funded M1orn the Water and Serer Fund, Tom Wool Inducted the rent year principal and interest payment on mullyle debt Imuanma by Me Tema Water CerelcgmeM& cord hirl loan and CeNleMm 0 Qbligalbn. $1,201,501 Weet Di Plant Exam n- NotStal The con dw to exceed the hat with a new 4 0 million gallon pen clay hill treamand fact* is mmphim Tnls examoon[removal the fal to 8 MOD. MOD has surrounded ore Cry far 80 %, or $t 2 million, of the real cuts N approximately $2,000, 000, which wee auMwlss In Me 2W5.05 and 20W07 budgets The Day pound Series Not Orangeade 0f Obligation to finance Me total decimal costs of Me pmjet which Is estimated at $27,W 000. MOD will pmwae Nov larval for the 211 your debt sense. This aMpWn funs the current year debt service requlremeM. 51002.855 named Famnv— Debt Serves The sal N s AccseM has been completed and a Master Plan has base produced to ember def nd the development In this recremlcnal am, The final Wad prmmed informal on wlimtbo, feasibility of conehuc0ed. and project met addresses for equaSc toothier. The 2001 budget turned the Englrreenng and Deslee. Planes Bay Woodrum opened In 2010 and ends funded with 51 minion automated In the November 2007 bond ah ion and be Ivuress of $e mmlon in Canna a of ObogaSOn In early 2010. MDDWIIfund MedeNsoMm OntWWmiIIIw In C0's. $427738 Parades Bav Watimam Edoans on Al endantt and Formal continue to be greater than antsmdmd wIM Me wateryam's capacity IimNna fiMtd sales on a rea lar mends The development of a mul5 -phased Pirates Day F mmion Maser Plan 4 in progress. MOD funding of Me Monti Mein water and slower project debt service has been shifted M tM Weser and Sewer Fund to provide $5.5 mlllmm in MOD debt wpeclty to help fund the expansion. Control an Now prgest has added $378.503 DeHdn Soon tesaur IMDNVemanre The City's four IMk league performed combined into we aseatiation prior N the 2013 amnn and coreolltlehdd league play awu the city. The league no longer used Weslwootl Pam for games aM M1as WUmWd Me MIN field al CeMreI time League (CLL) be 1phted. SbRplens to salvage Me el fill System used W Wntwod Pam and move to light ore Ulm field at CLL. Pal areas also plan to replace all ore bleacher beams at Bonn untie League PaM as well a howling Me made formes m- Model Wcoverntl has life of the blwachas. $113 IN Gun Creep Trall Prepared V and V The gcel of the Goose Crcek TRII Plead V and M s to conned Hurd Parkway to the Goose Greek Thal Mat curNMy ends MGoose Creek and Busch Terrace Penn. The prt{eq is tllNded Into rvro phnae. Phan Vmllmnm Me HUtlo Pamwaytreilb Me Animal Sheller and to Pam Street ➢re pmjecl will Include Me actual construpllon of over 2,000 feet NO fret wide concrete mall. Phase VI till will engineering antl pocaby acres of engineer N mb and wilt be Ordered In a future budget request TM ovealOM and pmjeq management of this pNjM Including a bridge over Grew Crek will be handled by Parks and Recreation ssefl $500,000 Land Ablauddimn — Future Pa Tna praaad Paul Nmma6 m acquire Once park lane. no I$ a Wmimuee seLasme of Nnec to provide an allocation Mat name be used as lama becomes madme. $W.000 ibil OOmo ex ffiarkinat Fetla and LlaM1Hm This project Provel for continues funding M be ueM as needed for perk Ilgnti rag. laud gadding and field hnproernents at Me Sports Complex. $50.000 PI • large 4 bible conic chosen wMI large family alle grill will be wnsbu at Pally Park. • large B table pical shelter with large family sale grill will M wmWCtetl on Me Memoral Drive aide of Centre)11Me League Park. Both implore will be consWCMd m Parks and Resimmon GeparMMmplWy $25.00 Tabbs Bay Blamed not will wntlnua the Geanup of Te law Bey of derelam newsprint plllrg. 0M700 plod wore owed In 2013 win the did of M Generel Land OMw Car l Management PPrgrmgrants. Hovrever.ln2014nofuMing Isantldpa fmm GLO. MDDfundingwill orwablus Me eRark M doer Me bay. Send plane to apply her a new grant In 2013. bwrever, MS grant wed net be available wed 2015. $100,003 Mad n Beautifradon Can Neod In 2013, new prgM continues fuMing of Me Meelan Seeudgerea h Crew. Tne crew I$ responsible M Me tramming and mowing maintenance of landscaping on Spur 330. Highway 140 and all be involved wed Me landscaping of highway 146 between North Main and Gains Rand schMUlnd for th MII of 2013, 1Te crew elw eeaffi wM conscience of normal on Hulls, Bakm and Almander Drive. A new sax foot oN hart mowetls Included In M4 budget. $120 ill ClammumM 3ervre SUCerveo With Me addi W the now Community SaMce Supelwlsor Me won asalgnalf wasummi connote warker case Wr be 'epli( Into bw Makes whim well slow for additional litter abelemenl abrq the major anchorage as well as additional mwMq of City own 1 processes. Thb atlmllonad tiller abatemml vAI enhance Me Ciyrs eRars M CeaulK lion ON social development by "placing the Army pempedNaofthi Clry. [ugae lamnpr=kdrs $B2,too This request all mnllnue several perk Impmvemerx at Roa &and Park that wean mMWOOd In 2013. The improvement pmjesl wall Include the mnswclion of a meal mar met Me sending make ual wad at Rau eland The proect will also lndude a prom[ shelter adjacent to Ma send volayean count and WII provide lighting for Me popular faclllfy mating al Me cbyh Brat lighted send voibyball court $10,250 Roseand Pak Lowrni no RmaaM Park Saul Pi bra mi M95 was pieced at Roeeand Park in 19P The 100 year old locomotive was reMNished In 1993 with a wIrmscer group headed by Mies, mm. Mom BOW Consmtionj. The Raseland Park landmark has goblet Me entrance to Raeeand PaM Mr war 5B years. The ale of the grommets and Me salt water environment has led To Me dItanora can M be laammve which b now In redid of motor renovation wok. The ambient Includes the sand banking, m welding reWUf along WHM1 high gnalily paint and maker b ported the landmark nu 659, 825 jib The te nqy will Include smeal pvk improvements for Me two connected palm a • Holloway Park Tennis Carl Upgrade All include replacing tM¢ud binning Nat will lndude reaching Of light poem and rmIaMMam IN Me fixNrn. The terns drum Al Saw amide new black vlm/l WOW. • Pdtlltbnel concrete r®Mn around Ma mak&bell court and new about baciiECard and norm • Cary Bayou Trail lmpcikknenb lnciWNg an irich Of decompmed grange and replacement of Me deNng ofMa two pedestrian bMges to 2 x 6lumber. • Jenkins Dog Perk Improvements Intel trean Cans and new ON "M equipment. • photocell the pal rommurn into a shelter. 599632 �oaae Creek Park Inspromments This prge d will teplem 585 fcet of rvNing guard ail with TxDDT Quality pedea rker all. The all will match the msdng Came Creek bail ail located 81org Me TOOT communed porill N the trail. The beam; grand all Is lasted on word sHea of the hour p axmi hell near Me Dumb Greek Times Avenue Bridge Including the handrall along the bridge. The probed will also Include a concrete beam around the playground b hom playground mulch Min twahug over the bell during henry rein everaa. Altherl PaM Allenbmok Park Was devebped in 1809. The pink has member Man a combination of poor roll coadcons, Me drought and mapr drainage ewes. The project will apkx venal aeclisem W goals a 5 icd Mde eea nemwe antl replace ire bmkeNall wuri, post e. The and gook aM All eOUlp a new d redheund aM arycktl rmal. (all ¢agent. TM1e PWIk Woad Oepemment fill gatle and redlregthe existing damage. BankL 5111989 In¢talI ADA Accessible I4yak Launch at Pe funny WeHantls Center boat mi 525.000 Project oubministnelon a Overhead 5309,000 °6ff��'TrdJp� m' \ / All 2 / 99`I J j)IV%\ r #• /� � \ /i' ®lx� ® � h EidJ EIS P gi t iif`II s -'tj 2 § I! i�i11!�Ejl`IF�a aa3 I6 g Ft`l5$l9l��� ga �jl96eg SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION INCLUDED FOR PLANNING PURPOSES 11 AA JA $g @� & fi A,a RA9 A9 k' Sia k g e III x101 I °I A T q $ 5 � r 99� i 9 9@ @oLe�y 3ryg�$ { l; s al Ealai S Ill p 11 �1 ;Y�jIEY &ol An EA 3 I311 .. A EI s,, Yleial' i i r.% t �� I E g _ A P A A A 3A� E, Y !A25. ZIS o ^- LI'I aY e � hI _ G v In 5 BAMM MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DETAIL DEBT PMORDZATION SCHEDULES �ulo Lum 172 On 20M I 60% nl? 2010 20% 123610 3011 3➢18 134165 2012 240% 1�075 �ulo Lum 172 On 91700 nl? 2S5% 181,470 wbl 24V$I 3➢18 100% 191.90 56566 T,gM 0% 202,510 5;558 4 0M 20x6 v5% 214 �45 ARIUS 250.420 3N% 338,180 HOW Y,]N 1835.830 ma 4 58]0 ,3 31 512 389.807 ® 986% 353,680 018.833 31 5,819 COZZI 717 W6 ]8 5.895 220 In 3036 60% ]% 3 W 252.735 4,990 187 eae 35% �0 836% nil 675% 3013 5875% SM.M] 2015 9,100% 175 ITO 77,855 3018 4In% T,gM 5],806 2020 4 0M 1M621 89,910 C4.0n Y,]N 1835.830 ma 4 389.807 ]5500% u0A 018.833 386,01 717 W6 2M 220 In .654 30 ZOOM 9.9W% 399,6% nn 4650M 398688 6550 4 6E1SM S Ipg5, 515 b 5.W0.1@ BNTTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DETAIL DEBT AMORTRATION SCHEDULES IS VIVO LmnI, NBAW.w0. 646& Issue mwvl.aaeu awn -rxo3 Moo 'mlee .:nu ] m iooe ayENew1 W % DMAH I less Rules B.wmr< nma , MM ] PONRIM 2021 bS iu quotlu 9 718 335 8 ONX3 3W8 791711 BNAV! 35,353 W23 M121 2008 3M,Ow 40330 3 21,10 9.256791 2010 070511 416 sea W4.I6a 701.126 6310,933 2011 2ND 439,010 A2 592 721650 8 411,815 3012 5 KGOR 443,113 98595 722,024 TMAN, M1] S50W 455]38 0430 ]88 3014 5.5Po 4554Po ;5 6 '614 ]016801 2013 550% 494250 35]$L firl.004 6 561,311 6.SW% 600033 al ISO 650% 720,5]5 5,95,053 6504% WAR WON 721533 6,011,3N 2019 663% IH,BY nl.W 4455031 OOM 521143 149,315 7M.2Ye P81,434 20N 5 AA% MRS3 129 Me 721632 3 296231 MM 5Mae 515259 100 NO 121 593 308023 MM SWO% 634,315 MiN 720499 2.047707 MR4 5503% 55300 Nam 320.96 1 Means 564% 20M 550% 03 n013 AM 1111 3 10 3 5 9051,531 Were OIM w tl PI E. nelso NOWOAM -WAS Issue c.WmNaom ewn -MCO Pawn a 4 e OmPwMy1 P is 0 e Years Vessel wea nw as WM m a Rato Inlxep w dm 2010 ] a 283,344 s 974.BW a m7139 4 413,475 ml 974.Me uTm9 zm0 ..000% AJA 4x519 4619 10..9 n,n an .,,,.,,M 503,39 427, SO I N4 619 201] 7M MD W % 64840 2019 400a% III NO 1373 1XIM M7 MM 4000% TiAN4 Our 1W6S50 2021 400% 791.63 M.W3 1046035 N2 4.DW% 791711 Suw7 1054.00 W23 4.126% 8 3M,Ow 1111 AL 250% alarm 070511 2005 4 250A 90,99 15 76957 2ND 4 4A% 987,643 5,172 uI W29 4. % 1MBB27 a RIJV 3 85 0 Ouviizw SAYTOMAN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DETAIL DEBT AMORTIZATION SCHEDULES i 00% Xx Or m lee Fell. R000p00. MOO Mal ime &NlnlnaYUeeue bnX Wn e0W ID15 ] 1000"0 SeM 3004 1M,335 b u.9euleiµnl] YOUe N a M19 ie bull I ipY 9 D pu Ill FORM M N10 InM1ml N Ad U 2000 l0)% E ] ] Ml S 1 ] ]a1 740 300,000 <.M 112MA N,I80 3@3 90.000 0]% 117249 31)OB 14l Ml M13 407% a5'ee B,9b me 0.00% 994"0 Rl ell ll me 413U6 30V TZ.519 191158 IT M7 090500 &015 q Ulu lof , Sy P I qu.wof I" I" "10 0. 2033 e.M% 4WODO 37 , 900 3 0 ] 191.5" S MCC 434% i 00% ID0,0" 174138 'el e0W ID15 1M,335 426 935 OM M19 350% I6>.535 437ME 3.830030 9 D aAM 7,737 Zwolm 330% 3BSPo 127,574 4U,674 3)35"0 2M 362% 300,000 127,074 Q7.074 1]350" 3@3 90.000 115"3 435537 Zen= 0"% S,OW 1 ",1A 429137 2,28l me 0.00% 994"0 Rl ell ll me 413U6 all OX TZ.519 ill 1 435, On M7 4 2m 375WO 60.431 43H431 000 2033 e.M% 4WODO 37 , 900 437 M4 4l MCC 434% 430,003 9,133 039.153 BAWMN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT OISTMICT DETAIL DEBT AMORTIZATION SCHEDULES X115 230% 225.000 161079 176078 4 Um Z33 3011 200% 230,M IKSA On 522 4160 33D 3013 254% 335,00 141,3W. 3MM 3019 404% 373 EA 4n3.M3 030 343333 13303 M7,331 OBAWO 321 3163]3 114064 M387 jb{1531 9923 3.50% NO," 10592 mama 9.M.P37 923 30% 2SI M, 35;754 5193,3% 3.54% 970,000 9 2,IN UO2 M4 2&MM4 83% ZWOM mn� W5704 2573324 MOO 5M% 344.30 3.3®.597 5N% 32,040 b1.OW 300= 9.13% 32 0811 26=1 ONE 313% 315.000 385138 1,371,057 920 335.004 38,933 984,933 1,043.337 x1l 335% 338,87 99, f)1 5058M 710.0M MIT 330% 35020 17. OM 597,9E = 920 20M 138% m,000 5m5 308e7n REMCLUTON NO.311 A RFSOLUTTON OF NNE Fit OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAYTOWN MLBRTPALOEVFLOPMENT DISTRICT ADOPNNO A BINDET FOR ME ENSURE) FECAL YEAR, BEGIMEMG CEMBFR I, 3013. AND ENDING SEPOMMMER 30. 3014; AND PROVIDMG FOR THE EFTF VrlE DATE THEREOF. BE FT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECMMW OF NNE BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DEMUCC Samuel l', TIm the budget Es a Or the commas Of As Rnpaxp Mwieiral Oe. Jomnn FiNitt W Jn evpwst Of mntlouing Inc OEM thereof for Me w nR Beal Yaw, beginning October 1, 21113. and endns BeplemYe 30.2011, mRedly rvbmied to the Ilmtd of Disease by Me Gmwy Mwmyt of mid Least hG mvl the WHIM 6 w OR mm®, abpul AS appwnl an Be bWRA maintain OF all the Owned <vpenwa w Art an IS new <hwgm gpitm send Iiteim Inf the Oegl year beginning Dart I, 3013, anal mding gephnber30, 301 J, p<nry oflM1e btlgel is mtazAN luuboyFlM1ibit "A "aM burtwewnJ henin (moll intern and minprn. S¢donI This rewhiion"I Mae effect brameliauly him W nflm its pnye by the BoW of Dolt orine Bnymwn mmi<i* Dewlapoem Obunn. WTRODIICED FRAUD. and PASSED by theaflltwdce oftk &nq n(pM1e<uue Of Me Baylawn Mwieipe R iO=M OiYna tnis JOM I•'&ynr ugM.mn. N PI¢NX. DONCMLOS PrtpJmt A T \ S 1 =a (Y= JAI ILIA BRYRCIC _.R dignmery APPROVIM AS TO FORM, 4W0ftMrRli Gam read