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FY 12-13 MDD Adopted Budget
BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) 2012 =13 ADOPTED PROJECTS BUDGET ,a BAYTOWN FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) 2012 =13 ADOPTED PROJECTS BUDGET FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 A BAYS Robert D. Leiper General Manager Ignacio Ramirez General Counsel Louise Richman Finance Officer Leticia Brysch Assistant Secretary BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DIRECTORS STEPHEN H. DONCARLOS, President SCOTT SHELEY, Vice President REGGIE BREWER, Secretary BRANDON CAPETILLO, Director MARY HERNANDEZ, Director ROBERT C. HOSKINS, Director RUBEN LINARES, Director DAVID MCCARTNEY, Director DEE ANNE NAVARRE, Director MERCEDES RENTERIA III, Director TERRY SAIN, Director to BAYS 10 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT August 2, 2012 Pre 11 and owe of Me Mumapal BTebpmenl Bimdd Board I em ismandeare W preminl be a]aplM 2012 -13 audgm br be B l loon Municipal Oerel[gmem 019lItl 1M00). Tha Al2- 13bWWrarpmmimlobeanodtaWlrg year for gmn0 and emnomb demlWg M in Me Barbara area Homes aelm am Impror rnmmemlal dmkpmenl b Barre l and rc¢ntly announced natural a@ambn Pined vnll same Bari meaning forward We bok krneN m mashing MN budget v.M you In Me coning mmMC ueled helm are for niankaxh of leverage am membrane; Bweram - Based an Wmm1 raw seem 1u mroipe vn ml cwi reasual to Inunw in me need narel your sales am mal far 201213 is mgemed LL $4.800.000 tMldl a a wrwrve4w IMRa9m ow cu ent mar m mm dJ mgemone. Along war Interest Income arm ben mprameme bbd ramneuae Mr 2012.d are gopdM at led Si E *me m -Ha MOD program; for bNing roll play a sentiment role M Me morons bermognenl and quelHy s11Me in our Clly. Her allobabora far pmleada In 201213 are tlanifid'a are of Me lolloymp area 131 pnonllp: Q drmi PmfeM or a ndd d Vl b Paomam new or uPerded bust acEVily Mat eaeb wMMM prlmwy w. i Mvalcpmanlm New and Examismnol ElaOy BUelrmes and lndubry > Ecommc Owabpmmnt a > Ecome Painful - Sproal Prvmb rg[ m waennmamorbEaomicolop mem PHw fecb MkM1pevlde ln n/wa[anomk daWOpmxrC > > am An idbn br New b hp bants D sm1rMm Sign: Least Membra ne nl -0x kx Or to SX Sags Frryver Tana; Anemia Sm m em > Cast smm DtlpareNo uperz utS > Wvatwdrrreanem Plain t - Bebl arvlonm fund agx maWgn .neda[nMaman > wnt nation mEapansbn- Bebl3ervmmluM aO %mdmelgr, s0 %o1 combination (mpnve a cummunii romi of uh. InnuWnp • Random Sports Lae9ue lmpmvemaN • Land scuummn - Future Perks to SPCN CCmplar lmprwxmerls- Parking. Fears add Oil • Essential Court Came- MCEhay Park grow) GreM Match u Etl BHUmnP Pnaeelll(re ) • Care Hal courtyard lmprovemmb. Pnm 11 good • MMIst BeeNFiu4an Crew greaff > Pwana Four rovxmanh (necM o HuXO Geomrey Me]Mn(am) ➢ br✓tlm Park Gtx Gogmewl s linsaan SymmM Former Game mM Pediment rumlrva on corn W this foroNng FrokNa is hardware! in the 'Major Budget Moral motion of the lwdaM plat down ad roomfu tlon cosh of 4300.W0 art asset m mimWrte do General Fund far ad miniti al engineered and fimntltl suppml at the MOO. There Is no Mloaetlan for urdoreeeenlrew attention the year. Homeless. there are pre anday ollogM funds to this rumors Nrt em still meilade. Trial WMe prande neehhl'Ty an allow rM Mom to utlrue MOO funds to secure Mtleral, ante aM real them footle when make and to announce ends amG MaImi that the MOO has on the econmmh development of the community as opponunmw ones. It will also ruou fund Ing far measurement or mnedmarr industrial car pmpA Keh, x needed. Wa am roalM about to ewmrmmeevrbpmBM eaunirdshmaiN In Goodman aM look hm'ard ro pMn (uN�a our paid and deve ommmt tub the hAUre. Sln¢ R d o o//deLh//PnPnO.L.Iper- GenaelMmdJer MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MTJORBlMMSS11ES Flacal Tear N139] On May 5. 3001, In Ne general door the clNnna a Me City or Bepnxn wed W eufty Me anal of Xc Beylw.n Munitlptl Development OlsMrt (MOD) and the Imputlkn of a aeln Me Am wx at to rate of hearing of one parwnt for tte domain of flrentln9 ewnunha development am forma waynots Wt ptwltle amnhnic bei event Me eweomhcmm of the mmmunityana hmpmen our euahh of uk. The New B mmp come Messrs. am brown members and rour III rommt manmra. REVERt1ES — Barad on amount yaw uhw as model we antgpab reran Freedom In to m1 ll wor Been Mx maencebr A1213¢ pmjMM AM, 800,000 worn is a minded hot mar wnent year averaged =Immune All wind iormt income and loan tepaymenb Fund Malus Or M12-13 am plq 1M MSa,M2 OW. EXPENDITURES — The preadus IxIWm In him years program et l demwpmew hmpmvamenm In me arem a Nor drainage, Blde Ma s9�a�auon, ucondruiuNnm or AEI wlwwlon mlp- tteemmmnsferreedd probes id.aminmtlemn awb a Si 0o0 are included b removed the camel Fund for administrative, will and thermal suppow offire Will PROJECTS A algnmum mnmon aMla bal Womanly May dwabpmwt of new and Mane m m a0ng eumnauea. There projects are ErNaaur Important m light of the Sffi ImpbmeM m Plan's morel Import on IM plmiAemmal Industry and undemmm our made) amerwyowemmomm foundalon lical sea FwndMan -Bade seMw Tbla Panama mAmued Nndme for the basic amnomu aevaopmam earvW coned and the &aref nrasnV Cnamears Cummy Eaonomm Derelopmem Faunal (EOF4 COO 00) The fromrent MOD budget mtlw cautioned fanmma Far a spend pmeau maoam wgM1 Me lot Thor provisions this aomrau are requested and appmuea on an annum has% SIP].OW TMa adootlon p des funding to pemhaaa pmpaM Mat may became advall to he used fafutuds e'nmmkdNalapment pumum MODI I and Actual ad door Jolocanifirdsho Funds to Purchase rgmeet way her rmMny development or aerosol $100.003 � lummonfichum Ill Using C eovaNl The Moo Trammed a To sodi000 Iran Sam has Tama made InmPnsSra ti (Bid) for a Decker Down to Highway 146 South frywm project This (unem0. combined and mgrGiin9 Funds form Ne Sloember 2007loind eletllun, slowed be ccmplamin at Pro Docker Doles to Hanson 146 South never The current armed fuMma sGminms the roremaa• on and 0 ramPS. The postponement dtle commercial stowed ling would hard Impaired mobllity in the area The Side me d our u miabn mmMnNbn to prizi the $4 Which necessary to complete all elements stMS Thereof EIMiblee0(ems most as on the stele highway system and be Included In the SbYwlde Transportation Improvement Plan. Slill aT Texas Avenue Shoe Per The budget Includes com ued handhp bo elMeo Clod expendarms a mticn for grants in Subsequent Ken to enhance tlreeb and reawalb for ®nomle rebeval ©mint, community weMdy and immigration In the public eaMshoi of Tenant summer The eryemmurea may include midway improvements. All aseNghts hem . or allks. stow NmlNre, heck -.vpe pramms. eta $150,000 Pecromis Disassembled Cons Sham IN Tba funding allows the Cry m base Um mai0' to Trade may lines [n d by developer To meet future water and serer needs for undeveloped arms mmllw by the same lade. $100,Wo The confined growth and dereopmant wined the Cry memsalblad be design and m mmonoftne Nmmeaatwaerewarer Temnmt%o3M. row PmieaheMxname.t $28 500,000 with Sam ($2100,000) mare funblrq Ism bad MOD. The esnamlng ae% ($11,400 Me) sfue firsto ater add SwmfweMLeEm;Winoseneeinee par pool Wale Duekpnem$oes(1vmBl Peso em Careful m Obtpafos y31, 199,079 dual Oleand Final Expari The mnNUCtim to all thfa tlay with a new a 0 salon gallon wer day (MOD) 4eeMenl Image is undemr This aeponslsn willnomme the banner to a MCO. MoD has mmmmm the City for w %, or $12 mtfan, s me design sows s m mNmamry " 000.000, whim was auNOmand 1ma Metal and 200 5-07 summer no Cry Issued Series 2We Sordidness; of ObIMNOa or r antethe=1wmAmalondoorofthepmla= whh m oOmaWd of $27,W ,OW. MDO w li provWe M%NMmg mrlhe M ymr e m service. This direction I the cuorem yeareeWa lm regTlremenl. VW Fl ow All Fal Dead 3 Tea Square; Needs Al is has been moreover and a Marter Plan has haem pNueed to fuller calla to dimmormam in one numerical am. The final odder provided larcenous on utilization,M 3hlXymmnaWW'M, and pmjea gslestlmaMSbr aVUetic fiulales. The 2007 W budget funded ma Engineering and Del Plmm'a Bay W+Rrpoi opened in 2010 and was handed earn 14 Talent auNCrrted In me November 30M bona dstlon and the wool d %mnnan in Cetituaes or Obilqu nn In many 3010. MDOWNfuMmedebtum�Bn"$BmAIIOn In CO's. $03740$ p ages Perr Wateme kFinal TM warrants atlendanu and popularity wean to be greater than anWpe26 war rM Wall Among lakes Mau on a nal milk The bevelopmsm W amultlgM19ee] Pirates B y FRam'ion Mal Plan ie In prop) ®. TIM MOD funding at the iblP Mein water and seater proved debt eelnw Is WIN Nmad to the Waver and Se1wr Fund t0 provpe U 5 million in MDO dNtt deal he help IuM the eWanapn, TM 3013 -13 deal will may be dud darkly for dempn Main this over and then salve me debt MMU payments In Me Ideate budgets ComWgbn w arwal to bi "a nod 12 months. $100,000 Bmlmm Snmk revow lmomvemens The buded pmedU untmand Nndmp for yatloue Improvements at Iltlle "ue, pony league and Shover %d1d m including bIMMIer aboard backamw, trivial , trays. IMhMrg said tanning tryelrs as needM. $50 me Wind Acoule clan -Form Parka ThepmlenpwTd6 tundimtoaaul mumpoAlana. mwisa cominued aHelae ar Nndetopmvaeanallnadun PMt ldbeuaaleud Mcomwavaileble. $R MOD SLAMS Cmmbx Whiflona Flands and resident The projsf produce far continued tundkq to be used a handM br park Ia rdm , hell; pakng and field hnpmvanems at Spots Complex. 5125.000 Bahamas Lead OMUILOashl Menumement Pmaam Grant MaW Pmvlde makbmg hands for a Command general Phil gram Me wal come N mings and otherTywadjunk M the Tabbe Bay wehrtmnt near Darien Island. Mul Bak all Court Coder The mulect WWII Montle a mot over existing auMUn baskWWI not at Mai Park Mohan to BIC Fads Pad. The urged will made include IiglNng imprawmnN par tlM baskeRell noun. $T5W0 Eddie Huron Pnk mo III This purled wall seat an me PIraee l end II o%eap compined In 3011 and 2012. The third phase will Md a saM vo0eybala adult mnnmang tna4, addabmel piano sheand phy plmaa saw and shade Concede aver the pkramund and ohms aua TM ase war also provide a mum needed aere connecting box to the Country Club Cove aulpimanl WnpM 0 Ma park $175.000 Phase II Improvement¢ k N en demand me dinner Center and Gy Hell will uni mall lighting , a melds eenmee, pavers around to fla0 pole lases and landscaped Ifli Median Seau fical C aw WN to Will cr new metllen IaMaopinp and TxDOT heard and Instrument restriction normalbilltlm comes rM need far WMrudon malmemme peRCnml, The hew will nd rxpOeWk flr mmminp our Imbesser on Spur 330 and Highway IM metween Gum Read and NmrM Main along wM planned lnuMrcerlen proleck far the ml M Plwnal and Ell Rmb. TM 09w will conekl0 a twileader, pvk ®retakep deaths and then Ilia 000 fivNend Park Intonational Impressionists today an Inner loop, immigrants W the Pavilion, a net pinWmund Nature and an aGmmnel plama shelter. $10i Hugo Drive Garb¢ vPak Than cork cord hours a ex and coke Mop VYI Uai all la curt orm mile long corm anct end landawpng mar r ll made a UN sort to work I0e or rke b¢yues This p road also induces consul mole he eeW Nklons bvlal on both ekes M Hugo Gdve and the aWMneM complex lnyontl an RO111npbrwk Onve, f500.000 Jerome Park Olga 99V go The Palle and Reaction forme r ras rewl requptl in IrsraY a Oiac Golf Causes wmewnem In the sold Tb'u paper Mss Included N the Jersey Part eWembn grant roradpwllr de wen areas at Ja loneu Park and o tlnr�yinpulmAlawd gq loaned real r0 Jerkire PaA. The pojM Wlll de ranged and Installed home PeM and Hamilton staff S20.000 mushion System bar greater Funds ThersSryGUn worts Sooner Curb transferred cols pare for over zs rand deal. M yea go Nay indeed W usual field and the Parks and Recreagw Wk over ma Solids for W or exmr and Had fishing Iargues. TOn new Will hive been a nursers but the demand fm the (annoy and Na heck Cl gyre and adWUM named had dun address merged wrom mew suffif for to W�Plal plader the par's Nrea hghtad fields $w.Ohe many soft i uaii ToW M00 ZOIZN Budget $6.US388 g€� id se s:gga. ge�siaa ®a sesi �ia a s `3EE'r YdE� L 9r6 g dg 5 YeGe Eg E' S a, t€ �L . � g S1sj � S �1 ¢ aia E E i 9ii0iFaS a[ E M g a i g aE G a E E ^ a' �Eg1 � � E [S gYEBE � ¢ dt 1l111f ll Q3�S E 1, HI� S �a i EaIYt�ig! af � a EisII)IJ I a lE!fly� F{ y -� IilBllloptl ! e e - 11 ' i l a i 11 "l'E' laII ®PIAI @' 1 1 11 ➢ 31 3 i L g go Yf FS t :� F 3 f i Y a e �L 'iq Rion ®99 Iva ®. F ? R P £ : 1 q_ - -_ —.._— g i' i{ §IIBR L 1aSd 1 IiQdiF 55 E It 11 key [L] �I §Eri�flaiF�lji a r ' j g 3a�EipE ® €; �isEE4ya��E4 #� flE�l�FEEhi! id+ I�l� � i �� �,lfLEa4 L ? s SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION INCLUDED FOR PLANNING PURPOSES .�±dtRCEE� dre© »�m�vlgT#2al-�- ^\y ^\ lH,1'T# ^� w— - - 2 m\ ©,arm m J^ ! �wR3 -nmk - ¢(/ \\ / MNRU & w __� tfx;mURp' §).6• fill I % \ | I!! d | ii F I xN F f 8 i RAI axb g t n FF {iy�Bf fE 3 '� I Jill i €JIf �= ®F 6B7liEFis�a��$ilf�l�.Hi i F f$ f $IF$i lEF9.$ A; F 14 - BAVTOVIN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DETAIL DEBT AMORTIZATION SCHEDULES 7014 1�% RISC III= 201 � V2725 ]mss ? S }0 i 1X4M i NOP flE% 30A2 AAW ER aW 2011 587M '27"0 1237" VH an 30A2 AAW 7170M aW 1 VUBM SUE Oa W% P5V - BAfaAAX MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DETAIL DEBT ANDRTZATON SCHEDULES 2015 S875% 2DIS 3875% SIN ;42i zms.''Ka 2017 40a% 216077 U2,814 WSSI 57a.Ms 2018 40M 2214a III so 3a,40s aR9.V4 3+K3a ml azmra 1 wNma e: amy ao"N 1 as PA o .wi 2a4 432% iA 4 ; ANRB ae CA 4a Ill 34 iSS C75W M27 44%YS "I 7w 345aW BLVIOM MONICIPFL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DUAL DEBT AMORTIZATION SCHEDULES M21 412)0% 754,122 M.� 1.04841s e ems SW] OIXa% ni.711 M.w inKna ;SRBM ]5% 2M 4 44a% W79n tWI lxmwo 2444.1 ]0 4 alum One 4N FMwe - 41.010.N0MDD lnue 40M $ 1416257 YI 40,700 8 IM957 a 691 na R U2021 n9w 14tw 539 on m% 4413 an ➢M 21 40� 37,Sa4 11 42a 4aa In laa 1014 40M ;wdwo 4 airy 4 i.iIiLaw &lV lO WN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DETAIL DEBT AMOBTRATION SCHEDULES RESOLUTION NO 131 A RNSALVI[N 01 [FIE SIONIN, 0F SskL ROSS OF TFIE BAYTOWN MNJICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ADOPTING A GOOGET FOR 91G ENSUING FISCAL YEAR BEGINNMG OCIODER I, 1011. AND ENDING SEPTEMOSS Ty S_TE AND 15ROVIOING POR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF BE IT MSOLVED BY THE HEARD OF OIRECTDRS OF THE BAYTOWN MDNIEEWLDEVELOPMRHTOIETRHCT: eI No 6s4s1 m or No mel or Oe Ooylow MwitiPW DewEuspnwN �LOML and Em baps or anaming Na.Emn PONT For IN Slowing Nal Fla. BO lmiins Rlober I. ]Ea SET Wine Segwtrr 30. mll m Omlly sntminm M W� ANN of ODENS by by GOON Nobel N Saul DBDaL area in all miw. mnplN aM aryMVVtl N Ile bWEel awimme or nu SO emew wpemn m ANSI v ert Rind W.SC Nainn Ne Oumn ON u m Sail hloW 1, SM " e.Jbs Sepemb E0.l011. Aeapy nrmalweyNu :uneMil Mrclov Ealieil'A'entl inmrrymW No n rw m uemla and PUS. Seasons INS rmRnbn alMlI Sir CAROL IMm"Iflaw IT DOE ON aran in al by IEe ba'+ of Prtelon Ol Bn%nw Muryeivd Dhanamanl Oiueia. IMRODGCFD,flFAD.eM PASSED by Ne nllimnli�e llha 4ad ✓O:mirm DIED IryL RO UCiD. RED..SPmml SSED byED Ile+_ LI IDI3. IPI DONCARLOS. Prookst flo MAO OiL=Nal APPROVm AS TO FIRM: NnCIO RAMIR V_,f0.„ �ul Eounxl Is