Ordinance No. 13,350ORDINANCE NO. 13,350 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER NOS. 1 AND 2 WITH ANGEL BROTHERS ENTERPRISES, LTD, FOR THE SAN JACINTO BLVD PHASE 1 PROJECT, IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED FORTY -SIX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FIFTY -EIGHT AND 85/100 DOLLARS ($1,946,358.85); AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council does hereby authorize Change Order No. 1 with Angel Brothers Enterprises, LTD, for the San Jacinto Blvd Phase 1 Project, in the amount of FOUR HUNDRED NINETY THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY -THREE AND 951100 DOLLARS ($490,853.95). A copy of said change order is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: That the City Council does hereby authorize Change Order No. 2 with Angel Brothers Enterprises, LTD, for the San Jacinto Blvd Phase 1 Project, in the amount of ONE MILLION FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY -FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FOUR AND 90/100 DOLLARS ($1,455,504.90). A copy of said change order is attached hereto, marked Exhibit `B" and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. X7 INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote ofe City Council of the City of Baytown this the 10'h day of November, 2016. ATTEST: LETICIA BRYSCH, Cit Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: f ACIO RAMIREZ, SR., City ttorney �� Pte•. pCmC C6Crt OPC C (fi �.j 6 V7 y 4p` Mayor %x obfs0IV ega1\K aren\FileeCity Council %Ordinances\2016' -.November l0' ChangeOrderNosI& 24SanJacintoBlvdPhaselProject .doc "EXHIBIT A" CITY OF BAYTOWN Change Order No.1 BAYTOWN San Jacinto Blvd. Phase 1 �S 10/28/2016 PO -1 1501285 Brief Description of Changes: [Expansion of ponds due to MCI CD eonunents (flirt work and revised outfdll structure,), revised I ICFCD cross Cuylert due to I-ICFCD conunentG, increase in storm for Salt C,ra„ to the north (due to Change, from Salt C,ra„ deu Clopment). adlu,lmrnls of storm at I lust Road for 13111% de,ihn (due to milu,ion of 1 lust Road to the I a,t m the I c )II ,lrucl it) n) Add or Delete Items: Item Description Unill Quantity Unit Price Total 1 (Bid Item 8) Excavating; and Backfilling CY 14367 $ 16.00 S 229,872.00 2 (Bid Item 9) Borrow CY -4181 $ 1.00 $ (4,181.00) 3 (Bid Item 12) Seeding SY 3598 $ 1.40 S 5,037.20 4 (Bid Item 24) Trench Safety System (From 10' to 15) LF 301 $ 1.00 $ 301.00 5 (Bid Item 28) Reinforced Concrete Pipe (Class III) (18in) LF 55 $ 55.00 S 3,025.00 6 (Bid Item 29) Reinforced Concrete Pipe (Class 111) (24in) LF -255 $ 63.00 $ (16,065.00) 7 (Bid Item 30) Reinforced Concrete Pipe (Class III) (30in) IT 599 $ 95.00 S 56,905.00 8 (Bid Item 80) Standard Manhole (Storm) (From 5' to 10) EA -1 $ 2,700.00 $ (2,700.00) 9 (Bid Item 84) Junction Box (5'x4') EA -1 $ 3,000.00 .,5' (3,000.00) 10 (Bid Item 8 }) Junction Box (6'x4') EA 1 $ 3,900.00 $ 3,900.00 11 (Bid Item 88) Junction Box (18'x4) (Outfall Structure) EA -2 $ 17,500.00 S (35,000.00) 12 (Bid Item 96) Precast Rein. Conc. Box Sewer% (4'x3') LF -575 $ 200.00 S (115,000.00) 13 (Bid Item 97) Precast Rein Conc. Box Sewers (5'x3') LF 757 $ 250.00 $ 189,250.00 14 (Bid Item 100) Precast Rein. Conc. Box Sewers (6'x4') LF -1120 $ 305.00 $ (341,600.00) 15 (Bid Item 101) Precast Rein. Conc. Box Sewers (6'x5) LF 1 -140 $ 343.00 $ (48,020.00) 16 (Bid Item 104) Reinforced Concrete Slope Paving SY 7 $ 66.00 $ 462.00 17 (Bid Item 116) Concrete Sidewalks (5' Width) SY -160 $ 55.00 $ (8,800.00) 18 jBid Item (117) Concrete Sidewalks (10' Width) SY 315 $ 55.00 S 17,325.00 19 (Bid Item 125) Four Strand Barbed Wire Fence LF 1490 $ 6.20 S 9,238.00 20 (Bid Item 143) Reinforced Filter Fabric Barrier LF 1225 $ 1.75 S 2,143.75 21 (Bid Item 148) Trench Safety System LF -39 $ 1.00 $ (39.00) 22 (Bid Item 149) Excavating and Backfilling CY 386 $ 7.00 $ 2,702.00 23 (Bid Item 13) Riprap and Granular Fill (Grad. No. 1) CY 32 $ 141.00 $ 4,512.00 24 (Bid Item 154) Corrugated ,\Metal Pipe (36in) LF -1072 $ 85.00 $ (91,120.00) 25 (Bid Item 155) Topsoil (3in) SY 890 $ 3.00 $ 2,670.00 26 (Bid Item 156) Turf Establishment (Flydro,ceding with ,Mulch) SY 890 $ 0.40 S 356.00 27 Junction Box (1';'x4') (Outfall Structure) EA 2 $ 15,600.00 S 31,200.00 28 Precast Rein. Conc. Box Sewers (8'x5') LF 980 $ 475.00 S 465,500.00 29 Conc. Channel Lining and Conc. Interceptor Strc. (Overflow Concrete Lined Swale) SY 872 $ 80.00 $ 69,760.00 30 Corrugated Metal Pipe (30in) I F 915 $ 68.00 $ 62,220.00 Total 5 490,853.93 Contract Price Change Orders Contract Price Original Contract Duration - Calendar Days 547 Previous Time Extensions 0 This Change Order 30 xevisea Contract Duration - Calendar Days Contractor Date Engineering Director Date Consultant Date City Manager Date 577 Exhibit "B" CITY OF BAYTOWN Change Order No. 2 N'TOWN San Jacinto Bled - Phase 1 �r PO #7604797 November 1, 2016 Brief Description of Chances: Change order to San Jacinto Blvd. Phase I - provides the construction of approximately 1.250 L.F. of Hunt Road to connect from the proposed Hunt Road stubout on the cast side of the San Jacinto Blvd. traffic round about to the existing end of I hint Road on the west side of the Academy Sports & Outdoor store. Work %rill include clearing and grubbing, potable water and sanitary sewer line construction, electrical duct bank construction, communication conduit, roadnay illumination, concrete paving and landscaping. The items listed provide for the work to construct this section of I lunt Road including the appurtenances and miscellaneous items needed for the project extension as detailed in and in accordance %%ith the Hutchison K Associates Drawings No. 3081, containing 46 sheets and following the Kimley -Horn project specifications for the San Jacinto Blvd. construction. This change order includes a contract time extension of (90) calendar days. Add or Delete Items: Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total I CLLARING S GRUBBING S11% 12.50 S 3.900.00 S 48,750,00 6 ROADWAY L•XCAVATION CY I'mm $4.00 S 4.1100 00 12 IBI RNIUDA SLLDING SY 2.400 S 1.40 S 3.36000 13 HYDRO- IIULCII SEEDING AC 2 S 1,550.00 S 3,1110,00 14 8" LIME S FAl3ILIZED SUBGRADL SY 8.706 S 2.25 S 19.588 50 15 LISIF (404: Sly TON 175 S 174.00 S 30,45000 21 CONCRLrE PAV17N'IEN1 (CLASS 13) (9 INCI 1) SY 8,437 S 56.00 S 472,472 00 23 TRI•NCII SAri`I l' SYSTI•N1(5 Fr 10 10 FT) LI 800 S 1.00 S 80(1(10 24 rRLNCI I sm+ I Y 3YS'n -m (l o Fr 10 15 FI ) LF 100 S 1.00 S 100 00 28 REINFORCED CONCRFI l• PIPE (CL 111) (I8 N) LF 600 S 55.00 S 33.0(1(100 29 REINFORCED C'ONCRF I P PIPF (CI 111) (24 IN) 1-1 736 1 S 63.00 S 46,368.00 30 RLINI.ORCED C'ONCRLI P PIPE (CI III) (30 1N) LF 104 S 95.00 S 9,88000 32 REINFORCED CONCRFIT PIPE (CI 111) (36 IN) LF 280 S 115.00 S 32.200 (10 48 PVC PIPE 6 INCI I C -900 (DR -14) (0 C) LF 60 S 25.00 S 1,50000 49 PVC PIPE 8 INCI I (SDR -26) (O C) IF 1.150 S 54.00 S 62.100 00 53 PVC PIPE 12 INCI I C -900 (DR -14) (0 C) Lr 1.340 S 35.00 S 46,90000 62 CONNECT TO FX 12 NCI I \ \'ATLRI INI LA 2 S 500.00 S 1.11011(10 74 12" GATE VALVL LA 2 S 2.30000 S 4.60000 75 FIRI• I IN'DRANI EA 4 S 4.40000 S 17,600 00 77 DUC TIT E IRON FITTINGS ION 1.25 S 3,80000 S 4.75000 80 STANDARD ,IIANI101 F (SI OR \I) (5 FO to ri) E:\ 4 S 2.70000 S lo.s )0 o0 81 STANDARD MANI10L1- (SAN) (48 IN DIA) EA 7 S 3,70000 S 25.1)(1000 92 1 IN[ 17T (5 FT) E:\ 8 S 2.30000 S 18,400 00 94 VACUUM I LS I I OR WAS 1 F\VATER MANI IOLES LA 8 S 7500 S 600.00 95 CCTV INSPECI ION OF AS- IIUII -I- WASTEWATER sN'S mms L F 1.8011 1 S 300 S 5.4000 115 CONCRL -'171; CURB (MOUN I A131.1•) (6 IN) LF 4.728 S 250 S 11,820-00 116 CONCRETE SIDF-WALK (5 Fr \ \'IDI11) SY 648 1 S 55001 S 35.64000 117 CONCRETE SIDEWALK (10 FT WIDTH) SY 1,302 S 55.00 S 71,610.00 119 ADA CURB RAMPS (TXDOT TY 7) (5 FT WIDTH) SY 28 S 150.00 S 4,200.00 120 ADA CURB RAMPS (TXDOT TY 7) (5 FT WIDTH) SY 72 S 150.00 S 10,800.00 121 CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS (6 ") SY 452 S 60.00 S 27,120.00 122 MONOLITHIC MEDIAN NOSES EA 5 S 500.00 S 2,500.00 123 STAMPED CONCRETE SY 47 S 130.00 S 6,110.00 124 REM & DISP EXIST. FENCING & GATES LF 240 S 2.00 S 480.00 126 VIDEO RECORDING CONSTRUCTION IS 1 S 500.00 S 500.00 128 ALUMINUM SIGNS EA 4 S 500.00 $ 2,000.00 130 REFL PVMT MRK TYPE 1(W) DSH 4 INCH (100 MIL) LF 780 S 0.70 S 546.00 132 REFL PVMT MRK TYPE 1(W) SLD 8 INCH (100 MIL) LF 462 S I.40 S 646.80 136 REFL PVMT MRK TYPE I (W) ARROW (100 MIL) EA 4 S 130.00 S 520.00 137 REFL PVMT MRK TYPE 1(W) WORD (100 MIL) EA 4 S 155.00 • S 620.00 139 PAVEMENT MARKER TYPE II-C -R EA 56 S 5.80 S 324.80 142 NOTICE OF INTENT (N01) EA I S 500.00 S 500.00 143 REINFORCED FILTER FABRIC BARRIER LF 2,500 S 1.75 S 4,375.00 144 INLET PROTECTION BARRIER EA 6 S 150.00 $ 900.00 145 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ACCESS SY 200 S 25.00 $ 5,000.00 146 SWPPP INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE MO 6 S 1,500.00 S 91000.00 157 DRILL SHAFT (RDWY ILL POLE) (30 IN) LF 40 S 250.00 S 10,000.00 158 IN RD IL (TY SA) 40T-8 (250W EQ) LED EA 5 S 3,700.00 S 18,500.00 160 CONDUIT (PVC) (SCH 40) (2 INCH) LF 1,400 S 5.50 S 7,700.00 166 ELEC CONDR (NO. 6) BARE LF 1,400 S 1.60 S 2,240.00 167 ELEC COMDR (NO. 6) INSULATED LF 2,800 S 1.70 $ 4,760.00 174 GROUND BOX TY A (122311) W/ APRON EA 2 S 925.00 S 1,850.00 177 TREE (LIVE OAK - 3 INCH CALIPER) EA 11 S 670.00 S 7,370.00 178 SMALL ORNAMENTAL GRASS (I GAL) EA 200 S 12.00 $ 2,400.00 179 LARGE ORNAMENTAL GRASS (3 GAL) EA 345 S 26.00 S 8,970.00 180 EVERGREEN SHRUB (5 GAL) EA 38 S 41.00 S 1,558.00 182 MULCH (3 INCH) CY 10 $ 72.00 S 720.00 183 PLANTING SOIL MIX (12 INCH) CY 10 S 77.00 S 770.00 185 RIVER ROCK (4 INCH DEPTH) SF 1,514 S 2.20 S 3,330.80 193 9-6" CONDUIT (CONCRETE ENCASED) LF 696 S 173.00 S 120,408.00 199 ICENTERPOINT SMALL 4 -WAY MANHOLE EA 1 $ 24,200.00 S 24,200.00 201 6" PVC SCH BO COMM CONDUIT LF 1,606 S 22.00 S 35,332.00 BHA -I DEMO & REPLACE EXISTING SIDEWALK NEAR BURLINGTON COAT FACTORY SY 98 S 100.00 $ 9,800.00 BHA -2 DEMO & REPLACE EXISTING SIDEWALK NEAR BURLINGTON COAT FACTORY SY 69 S 75.00 S 5,175.00 BHA -3 DEMO EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT & REINSTALL EA I S 2,000.00 S 2,000.00 BHA-4 SAW CUT, REMOVE & REPLACE EXISTING DETENTION EXTREME EVENT CHANNEL SY 25 S 200.00 S 5,000.00 BHA -5 SAW CUT END OF EXISTING CONCRETE PAVING LF 96 S 15.00 S 1,440.00 BHA -6 DOWEL INTO EXISTING PAVING (3/4- C 12 C{') EA 48 $ 10.00 S 480.00 BHA -7 CONNECTO TO EXISTING MANHOLE C ACADEMY LS l $ 1,500.00 S 1,500.00 BHA -8 INLETS TYPE 'A' EA 8 $ 2,500.00 S 20,000.00 BHA -9 CCTV INSPECTION OF AS -BUILT STORM SEWER SYSTEMS LS 1 S 6,000.00 S 6,000.00 BHA -10 HYDOSTATIC TESTING & DISINFECTION LS I S 1,000.00 $ 11000.00 BHA -I I TYPE COONVERT KH EXISTING MH TO EXTERNAL DROP EA I $ 2,500.00 S 2,500.00 BHA-12 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ON EXISTING LINE EA 1 S 3,750.00 S 3,750.00 BHA -13 ITREE (CREPE MYRTLES) EA 12 S 500.00 S 6,000.00 BHA -14 TREE (SOUTHERN LIVE OAK) EA 7 S 700.00 S 4,900.00 BHA -15 IRRIGATION LS I S 10,000.00 S 10,000.00 BHA- 16 STEEL PIPE CASING 12 INCH LF 174 S 95.00 S 16,530.00 BHA -17 CONNECT TO EXISTING PULL BOXES EA 2 S 150.00 S 300.00 BHA -18 BLOCK SOD BEHIND CURB SY 788 S 5.00 S 3,940.00 BHA -19 CEMENT STABILIZED SAND, MISC. TON 50 S 125.00 S 6,250.00 Total $ 1,455,504.90 Contract SummaOG Original Revised 1 Original Contract Price $ 15,160,363.45 $ 15,160,363.45 2 Owner Contingency (roundabout 450,000 & Owner- 75,000) $ 525,000.00 * Previous Contingency requests $ _ * This contingency request $ 525,000.00 Remaining Contingency $ _ 3 Change Orders * Previous Change Orders $ 490,853.95 * This change order $ 1,455,504.90 4 Revised Contract Price $ 15,685,363.45 $ 17,631,72230 Original Contract Duration 547 Previous Extensions 30 This Change Order 90 Revised Duration - Calendar Days 667 Mgel Br— Data Eaglneeziag Director Date pmleg -Hom Date u & Aseodatas Date C1ty Manager Date