Ordinance No. 474;. I• I• I• I• i i ORDINANCE N0, 474 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN AUTHORIZING THE CITY TREASURER OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN TO APPROPRIATE FOURTEEN HUNDRED TWENTY FOUR DOLLARS AND EIGHTY -EIGHT ($1,424.88) CENTS FROM THE ANTICIPATED UNAPPRO- RIATED SURPLUS GENERAL FUND TO CLASSIFICATIONS 101 G-49 101 Z -19 1042 104 A -21 104 A -3, 107 Z -19 201 Z -1, AND 701 Z -1 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' -BAYTOWN, TEXAS: THAT the City Treasurer of the City of Baytown, Texas be hereby authorized to appropriate Fourteen Hundred Twenty -Four Dollars. and Eighty -Eight ($1,424.88) CENTS" from the Anticipated Unappropriated Surplus General Fund to the following classifications,to -wit: Classification 101 G-4 $1091.00 Vaccination services Classification 101 Z-1 552.23 brniture & Fixtures - Office City Clerk Assistant Classification 104 200.00 Office Supplies - Election Classification 104 A -2 200.00 Election- Salaries Classification 104 B -3 35.00 Election Officers -Meals Classification 107 Z -1 199.65 Chairs and Table -City Hall Classification 201 Z-1 64.50, Dispatcher Chair Classification 701 '?rl 64.50 Chair - Clyde Pond Total $1,424.88 INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote,of a majority of the City Council on this the 9th day of April,A. D.,1958. R.H. Pruett, Mayor ATTEST: C� Edna Oliver,City Cler4