Ordinance No. 465ORDINANCE NO. 465 ® AN ORDINANCE PROI.iULGATING GENERAL RULES AND REGULATION'S GOVERNING THE PLATTING AND SUBDIVIDING OF LAND 19ITHIN THE CORPORATE LIt,fITS OF TIME CITY OF BAYTOI'N, TEXAS, AND VITHIN FIVE (5) MILES THEREOF, 1'!ITH REGARD TO RULES AND REOUIRE-..E1?1'S FOR APPROVAL OF THE INITIAL PLAT, FOR SUBDIVISION NAi-1E AND STRELT NA:IES , FOR LOT SIZES , FOR STREET Ih; PROVE MIENIS , ALLEYS OR EASEIr1ENTS , 1 "ATER AND SE1 'ER UTILITY / MAIN SERVICE LILACS THEREIN, ALL OF SAID RULES AND REGULATIONS ARE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRO:�;OTING THE HEALTH, SAFFTY , i.-.ORAL AND GENERAL 11ELFARE OF THE COi�aUNITY, AND THE SAFE ORDERLY AND HEALTHFUL. DEVEL- OP1iENT OF SAID COMEMUNITY; CONTAINING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PRESCRIBING A TJAXIL:Ui,! PENALTY OF T1':0 HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND THE EFFEC- TIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOPIN: SECTION I: THAT there are here now adopted and promulgated the following general rules and regulations governing the platting and subdividing of land with- in the corporate limits of the City of Baytown, Texas, and within five (5) miles thereof, with regard to requirements for approval of the initial plat, for subdi- vision name and street names, for lot sizes, for street improvements, alleys or easements, water and sewer utility main service lines therein, for lights, gas and telephone service therein, for culverts and bridges therein, for curb and gutter therein, for fire hydrants and street markers therein, for the promotion of the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community and the safe,orderly and healthful development of said community: Preliminary Planning. Prior to the development of any subdivision, prelimin- ary plans and specifications, prepared by a professional engineer registered by • the State of Texas, shall be submitted to the Baytown Planning Commission for ap- proval. These shall include the following: A preliminary plat drawn to a sole of 1 inch equal to 100 feet in adequate detail to show the street and lot lines, street and lot dimensions, curve data on all curved lines (including the P.C., P.I., Length of Curve, Tangent Length, Radius of Curve, and the Angle of Intersection of the Tangents), and the location of the subdivision within its enclosing League or Survey; Plans for the water distribution system showing the size and lo- cation of all existing and proposed water mains, water lines, service lines, valves, fire hydrants, and all other water ditribution appurt- enances within the proposed subdivision, also the location and method of connecting the proposed water lines, water mains, and water services to the City of Baytown`s existing system; • 2" i Plans and profile for the sanitary sewer system showing the size, location, and the gradient of .all existing and proposed sani- tary trunk lines, laterals, manholes and service within the proposed subdivision; also the location and method of connecting the proposed sewer system into the city of Baytown's existing sanitary sewer system; Plans and profiles of all existing and proposed streets within the proposed subdivision, showing the width of the rights -of -way; the width of the proposed roadways, the gradient of all curb lines, the lo- cation and size of all drainage inlets, and the type of pavement; Plans and profiles showing the means and methods of draining the proposed subdivision, showing in detail all existing and proposed drainage structures, shoving the means.and method of connecting the proposed drainage system into the City of Baytown's existing drainage system; Plans and profiles of any and all proposed bridges or culverts within the proposed subdivision, showing in detail the structural mem- bers, connectors, ''railings, approaches, reinforcing steel and deck All plans of the above mentioned improvements must be accompanied with written specifications detailing the method of construction and the materials to be used in the construction. All submitted specifi- cations shall specify construction equal to or Letter than that speci- fied in this instrument; All plans submitted to the Baytown Planning Commission for its ap- proval shall be drawn on Federal Aid sheets (paper or linen). Five sets of prints of the plans along with five sets of prints on the pre- liminary plat must be submitted to the City iaanager of the City of Bay- town 8 days prior to consideration by the Baytown Planning Commission. The City i.ianager shall be furnished five (5) copies of the final. plat after it has been approved. ® It shall be the developers responsibility to connect the proposed improvements within the proposed subdivision to the existing improve- ments belonging to the City of Baytown, regardless of the proximity of the existing facilities at no cost to the City of Baytown; ,'31# In the event exigencies of construction necessitate changes in ® plans and specifications, approval of the changes must be made by the Baytown Planning Commission, the City Engineer, the City Manager, and/ or the Director of Public Uorks prior to making any revision in the construction. The name of the proposed subdivision shall be one that will not conflict with the, name of another subdivision within the City or with- in five miles thereof in a manner to cause confusion as to its iden- tity and such name must be approved by the Baytown Planning Commission, Subdivision Lavout. The.minimum right -of -way width for all residential streets is 50'. (':'here proposed streets are extensions of existing streets having a right- of-way width greater than 50', the Baytown Planning Commission may re- quire that the proposed streets be the same width as the existing streets. All lots shall have a i.-Adth of at least 50 feet at the front build- ing line and a minimum depth of 100 feet. All interior lots shall have a front building setback line of 25' or more and a side building setback line of five feet or more. All corn- er lots shall have a front building setback line of ten feet or more and a building setback line between the adjacent lots of five feet or more. Block lengths shall have a maximum of 1,200 feet and a minimum length of 500 feet on fronting streets (in certain circumstances the Baytown Planning Commission may waive the block length regulations with- out prejudice if the subdivider can show that the subdivision can be more efficiently planned by waiving the block length regulation). A 12 foot utility easement shall be dedicated at the back lot lines (6 feet off of each lot), with an additional 4' at a plane 20' above ground. Drainage easements shall be dedicated as required by the Har- ris County Flood Control District and /or the City of Baytown for major drainage channels and ditches. Easements of thirty feet (15 feet for • each side of the centerline) shall be dedicated for all minor drainage i.ays. Guy easements shall be dedicated 3 feet in width olhere necessary for bracing utility poles. t,d" AI! streets. shall be planned in such, .a-manner as: to conform to • connecting streets.im territory adjacent to the new subdivision. Dead end streets, and streets which do not.conform to adjacent established - streets are .to be avoided -tvhc;never possible. The subdivider.shall pave all streets to the subdivision line even though the proposed street ter- minates at undeveloped`prope'rt.y and'the' extension of the proposed street is not dedicated to the .public. All block corners.tvithin the probpsed subdivision shall be marked with 3/9 inch.dianeter iron.rods 3-feet in length or equivalent. All lot corners shall be marked.with 3/9 inch diameter iron rods 18 inches long.or equivalent. ® Requirements for Streets. r i U In general all streets shall be concrete pavement (crushed.stone or gravel aggregate) or concrete base ( oyster. shell aggregate) with.an asphalt wearing surface. The pavement shall conform to: the City of Bay- town's drawing number 100 and to the City of Baytocm's specifications "Item 101 - ,Excavation ", "Item 102 Concrete. Pavement and Base ", "Item 103 iaethod of Concrete Batch Design ", "Item 109 Curb, Curb and Gutter. and Eleadel:s ", "Item 105 Borird Expans. ten .lolntu for Concrete Pavement and Concrete Base ", Item 106 Trip' :, Bituminous Surface Treatment ", "Item 107 [lot, ilir Asphaltic Concrete Sur acing ", "item 108 Asphalt Coated Shell fdearing Surface," 0l roadv.mys shL11.1 he a Curb anal Gutter. Se ction,. 1>: sOpi(` 011tl� %lnE; :a l'ea3 -, tlE' li0y tU4Ytt i'.i $IIn 1. tlg C.Qr'!fi1S$]. 011 L'Sa �' %A iin1'OV" witilout prej.udix(! , 'in:it.s• =opin on,t.the ;)est intr +rests of the community eaoul.d he spr efl thereby„ a flexible type base course .­.6th an asphalt elearineg surface conforring.l ;'ith the City of B..ivto:•,n's drawing nurlber 100 and the City of Gaytorrn's SprcMCi tions "Itr_rt 109 Non Rigid Type ease Courses ", "Item 106- Txi:ple Bit.:umi -noun Surface Treatment ", "Item 1.07 Hot i• i Asphaltic Concrete Surfac.ing ", ."Item, 108.Asphalt GoaLed Shell 1 ^ear- ing Surface," ® The r. inir.;um g- rad'ient on gutters shall be 0.20 porcent. The minimum drop around a-curb rctlrrn shall be 0.15 feet, • 11511 0 Where a curb and gutter section intersects a drainage ditch, ® the grade of the gutter shall be above the design water surface of the ditch. Drainage inlets shall be placed at all low points on the gutter gradient. The Developer or Subdivider shall connect the proposed streets to the City of Baytown's existing streets with approved connections at no cost to the City of Baytown All streets shall be marked at each street intersection with a street name sign approved by the Baytown Planning Commission. ® Culverts, bridges or other structures to span existing or proposed ditches shall be built by the subdivider. Requirements for the !later Distribution Svstem. The Subdivider shall construct within the proposed subdivision a water distribution system to serve the subdivision at every lot within the limits of the subdivision, designed and constructed in a manner to provide adequate flow for domestic consumption and for adequate fire protection. The Developer's engineer shall conform to the recommendations of the City Engineer, the Director of Public Works, and the Chief of the ® Fire Department in the design and layout of the muter distribution sys- tem. Fire hydrants are to be spaced at intervals not to exceed 600 feet as neasyred akibg tge street, Al fire mains shall be 6" pipe or larger, All fire mains shall be "looped." Fire hydrants shall be 'Crueller A- 24015' or approved equal. Steamer connections shall be facing the front- ing street. Hozzle connections shall be national standard threads. Steamer connections shall be the City of Baytown 's standard steamer con- nection thread. Darrel lengths for fire hydrants shall be 4 feet long ® or longer. Cast iron pipe used in the construction of the Crater Distribution system shall be class 150; it shall conform:. to Federal Specifications W.P. - 121; all pipe shall have mechanical joint ends; all pipe must be I• KI • is 0 RM 9 acceptable, without penalty, to the Texas Fire Insurance Commission. Fittings used in the construction of the ;'later Distribution System r,.ust conform to the American Plater Clorks Specifications for Class D fit- tings, All fittings shall be "hub- end ". Each Gate Valve used in the construction of the Plater Distribution System shall conform to the current American '.'later 1!orks Specifications and shall be of the double gate type. Each valve shall have a non -ris- ing stem and shall operate counter - clockwise to open. Each valve shall be hub -end. Valve boxes, approved by the Director of Public 1'!orks, shall be installed on each valve as directed by the Director of Public !'forks. Before the !'later Distribution System shall be put in service it shall be subjected to a static pressure test under the supervision of the Director of Public 1',orks to determine if the line is free from leaks. the line shall be subjected to a pressure of 120 pounds per square inch; water loss shall be neglibible. If the amount of water lost during the test is excessive, in the opinion of the Director of Public Plorks, the subdivider shall find and repair the leak or leaks. Before the !rater Distribution shall be put in service it shall be sterilized by chlorination as directed by the Director of Public '::'orks, after the initial chlorination, the line shall be drained and refilled with water from the City of Baytown's water mains and the Director of Public !'forks and /or his representatives will collect water samples of the water from the water distribution system and have them tested by a laboratory. If the laboratory test shows that the water is unsatis- factory, the sterilization procedure shall be repeated as many times as necessary to obtain a satisfactory test. The subdivider shall sterilize the water distribution system at no cost to the City of Baytown. The !'later Distribution System must meet the requirements of the Texas Fire Insurance Department, the State Health Department, and must comply with all State laws as well as the requirements set out above. Requirements for the Sanitary Sewer Systern, The Subdivider shall construct a sanitary sewer system to serve the proposed subdivision and every lot within the proposed subdivision. U 11711 The S ubdivider's engineer shall conform to the recommendations of ® the City Engineer and the Director of Public ';'orks in the design and layout of the sanitary sever system. Sanitary sewer lines shall be constructed of vitrified clay pipe meeting A.S.T.K. Specification C -13 -50 or concrete pipe meeting speci- fication C- 14 -52. Wnholes shall be spaced in the sewer lines at every junction and angle point; the spacing shall not exceed 600 feet. Hanholes shall be constructed in accordance with the City of Bayto::n's drawing number 101. The terminus of all sewer lines must be provided with a 'clean -out' • or manhole. The joints in all sewer lines must be water -tight and constructed from an approved material. (here the depth of a sanitary sewer exceeds 6 feet, the subdivider shall construct 'stacks' which conform to the City of Baytown's drawing number 101 for service connections. Before any portion of the sanitary sewer shall be backfilled it must pass an inspection made by the Director of Public works and /or the City Engineer or their representatives. After passing inspection the lines ® shall be backfilled in a uniform manner. The subdivider shall store or stockpile excess excavated mptcrial to frill in depressions in the sewer trench due to settling. there a serer line shall lie under a proposed roadway or within two feet of a proposed roadway, the subdivider must backfill the sewer trench and compact it to a density equal to or greater than that of the undisturbed earth adjacent to the trench. Requirements for Storm Drainage. The subdivider shall construct a drainage system to drain the pro- posed subdivision and nve7y l.ot. therein, The developers engineer shall conform to the roco;:reKations of tine City irgineer in the design of the drainage system. Th system shall he designed to carry a quantity of • storm:- water as determined by the rational method of design (Q -AIR), using an intensity factor of 4 inches per hour. I• I• I• I• 9 • Storm servers shall be constructed of tongue and groove concrete pipe conforming to the appropriate A.S.T.i,?. Specification set out below: CONCRETE PIPE SPECIFICATIONS FOR VARIOUS DEPTHS TO THE FLOC) LINE 12'1 15" 18" 21" 24" 30 -36" 42 -72" ASTil C -14 -41 ASTi 1 C -75 -41 ASTi.i C -76 -41 C -76 -41 (Extra St.) 0' -10' 10' -16' 16' -26' 0' -10' 0' -10' 0' -10' - - - 10' -14' 10' -14' 10' -14' 10' -12' 10' -12' 10' -12' 14' -26' 14' -26' 14' -20' 12' -17' 12' -16' 12' -18' 261+ 26'f 26'i- 2014- 17' + 16' + 18' +- Drainage inlets shall conform to the City of Baytown's drawing num- ber 101. Inlet leads shall be of concrete tongue and groove pipe conform- ing to the specifications set out above. They shall be of such size as required by the design flow at the inlet opening and in no case shall be less than 15 inches in diameter. All joints shall be water tight; formed with a rich mixture of Port- land Cement i'ortar. All storm severs must pass an inspection made by the Director of Public !''orks and /or the City Engineer or their representative. After in- spection the subdivider shall backfill the sever in a uniform manner. The subdivider shall stockpile surplus excavated material to fill in depres- sions in the sewer trench caused by settling. !''here a sewer line runs under a proposed roadway or within two (2) feet thereof, the subdivider shall backfill and compact the trench to a uniform density equal to or greater than that of the undisturbed earth adjacent to the trench. ilanholes or junction boxes conforming to the City of Baytown's draw- ing number 10). shall be constructed at all angle points and junctions with a spacing not to e, :teed 600 feet. SECTION IT. Final flat, After approval of the preliminary plat and after construction of all improvements_ has been comp_etcd and inspected in accordance e,,ith this ordin- ance, the subdivider shall submit a Final Plat to the City i,ianager at least eight days prior to meeting of the Baytown Planning Commission at which time it is to be considered. The plat shall be drawn on tracing linen with waterproof black tracing ink to scale from an accurate survey made on the ground and shall be neat 1191, and in all respects proper for filing for record in the office of the County Clerk • of Harris County, The plat shall be drawn to a scale of 1 inch equal to 100 feet, The plat shall shore the following information: 1, The name of the proposed subdivision and adjacent subdivisions or owners of the adjacent land if not subdivided, 2. The names of streets (to conform i i possible to existing street names), 3, The nurnbers of lots and blocks, in accordance with a systematic arrangement. 9. An accurate boundary survey of the property being subdivided showing the location of the subdivision within its enclosing league or survey. The lines of all adjacent lands and the lines of adjacent streets, alleys and easements in adjacent subdivisions. shall be shown in dashed lines. 5, The location of lots, streets, alleys, easements, parks, build - ing setback lines and other lines. 6. All necessary dimensions including linear, angular, and curvili- near and other surveying information necessary to reproduce the plat on the ground shall be shown. The angular dimensions shall !;a shc„n by true bearings. The length of all straight lines, deflection angles, radii, tangents, central angle of curves of all curved lines shall be shoran. 7. All survey or property line monuments shall be shoran on the plat. The following dedications shall be incorporated and raade a part of the final plat: "I, (or C:e), 'lame of Owner owner (or owners) of the property subdivided in the above and foregoing map of the (name of subdivision, do hereby make subdivision on said property, according to the lines, streets, lots, alleys, parks, building lines and easements therein shown, and designate said subdivision as (name of subdivision in the Survey, an addition to the City of Baytown, Texas (if within the City limits) Harris County, Texas; and dedicate to public use as such the streets, alleys, parks, and easements • shown thereon forever; and do hereby waive any claims for damages occasioned by the establishing Of grades as approved for the streets and alleys dedicated, or occasioned by the alteration of the surface of any portion Of streets or alleys to conform to such grades; and do hereby bind myself (or ourselves) my (or our) heirs and assigns to warrant and forever defend the title to the land so dedicated." Tire following form is to be included only if there is a lien against the property: "I, (or We) , 'Nam= of Mortq^rlee or nnmes_of: i.lortgactces)). owner and holder (or owners and holders) of a lien (or liens) upon said property, do hereby ratify and corfirra said subdivision an,l dedication, and do herchy in all things. subordinate to said subdivision and dedication the lien (or liens) against said land owned and held by me (or us), (Signature of lionholder or signatures- of lienholders to appear below that of owners and to be duly acknowledged.) Or, a separate instrument may be filed. "Further, I, (or Cie), d'o hereby dedicate forever to the public a strip of • land fifteen (15`) feet ride on each side of the centerline of any and all gullies, ravines, draws, sloughs, or other natural drainage courses located in said subdivision, as easements for drainage purposes, giving the City of Bay- town and /or any other public agency the right to enter upon said easement at any and all times for the purposes of constructing and /or maintaining drainage work and /or structures. 11itness my (or our hand) in Baytown, Harris County, Texas, this_day of 19_ Signature of owner) 711011 (or Signature of owners) • The above to be followed by a standard Notary ackno:vledgment' . i • "This is to certify that I, (Name of engineer or surveyor), of the State of Texas, have platted the above subdivision from an actual survey on the ground; and that all block corners, angle points and points or curve are pro- perly marked with iron rods (specify rod lengths and size), and that this plat correctly represents that survey made by me. __ (Signature) __ Texas Registration No. (SEAL) "I'!e, Director of Public t'!orks and /or City Engineer for the City of Baytown, do hereby certify that the plat of this subdivision complies vjith the City of Baytown's subdivision ordinance." Director of Public 1'!orks City Engineer "I, _Cleric of the County Court of Harris County, Texas, do hereby certify that the within instrument with its certificate of authentica- tion was filed for registration in my office on , 19 , at o'clock:, _i.i. , in Volume , at Page , Harris County flop Records, I%litness my hand and seal of office, at Houston, the clay and date last above written. (Name of Clerk), Clerk: County Court Harris County, Texas By: , Deputy" "'.Ce, the undersigned members of tho Baytown Planning Commission, in a meet- ing duly and legally held in the City of Baytown, in accordance with City Ordi- nances, on the day of , A.D., 19 on motion made and seconded, and adopted, approved said subdivision of , and by its order, duly recorded in the minutes of the Baytown Planning Commis- sion, ordered said plat filed for record in the Office of the County Clerk of Harris County, Texas. ".fitness our hands at Baytcran, Harris County, Texas, this the day of A.D., 19 Chairman - Baytown Planning Commission Vice- Chairman - Baytor;n Planning Commission Secretary - Baytown Planning Commission, REOUIREi.IEWS FOR AREAS OffSTI�3 I'M CITY LIi,I':TS BUf LOCATED UITHIN THL FIVE iJILE JURISDICTION L::'.:.T E'STAKIS`kED BY STATE LAI'! Iu subdivisions located outside t;ie City Limits but located within the • five mile jurisdiction limit established by State Law, the requirements shall be the some as those for subdivisions located reholly within. the City Limits. However, in certain geographical locations, the Baytown Planning Commission may waive (without prejudice) any requirement or requirements if the adherence- to ® such requirement or requirements 1•aould in the opinion of tile. Baytown Planning Commission be inamicable to the best interests of the community.. SECTION III: Inspection. The improvements which are constructed in connection with the develop- ment of subdivisions as set out in this ordinance shall be subject to inspection by the City Engineer, the Director of Public Corks, the Chief of the fire Department, the City Manager, and /or their representatives to determine that the construction of the above mentioned improvements conform wholly to the requirements set out here- in. A letter sinned by the City Engineer, the Director of Public Corks, the Chief of the Fire Department, and the City ilanager, stating that the subdivision meets • the requirements of this ordinance, must be presented to the Baytoi,m Planning Com- mission along with the Final Plat which is to be considered for its approval.. SECTION IRr,, Performance Bond. In lieu of the subdivider completing the above items before the Bay- town Planning Commission finally accepts and approves said plat, and after prelim- inary approval of the subdivision as set out herein, the Baytoi•m Planning Commission nay, in its sole and absol.tste discretion, permit such subdivider to execute and de- liver a corporate performance bond, approved by the City Attorney, and made payable to the City of Baytown in an amount to be deternined by the Bayto,:m Planning sion, guaranteeing that all of such items of construction in the section of Said subdivision being presented by the subdivider for final approval will be completed • within six (6) months of such presentation, in accordance with plans and specifica- tions heretofore failed rjith the City and granted preliminary approval by the Baytown Pla;uling Commission, and upon furnishing of such bond by the subdivider and its be- ing presented for final approval shall be accepted and signed by the proper officials for recording, as provided herein. SECTION V, : RCpealiJlQ Clause. Ali ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent r;ith the tercis of this ordinance are hereby r.enealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such iuconsiS'.ency, and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject natter • covered by this ordinance. SECTION VI: Savings Clause. If any provision, exception, section, sub - section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or tfie application of same to any person or set K] I• h U "12" n U of circumstances shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, Such invalidity shall nut affect tho validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end, all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. SECTION VII. Penalty. Any violation of any of the terms of this ordinance, whether herein denominated as unlav:ful or not, shall be deemed as misdemeanor; and any person convicted of any such violation shall be fined in a sum not exceeding Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars. Each day of the continuance of such violation shall be considered a separate offense and be punished separately; and any person, agent, or employee engaged in any such violation shall on conviction be so punished there- for. SECTION VIII: Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect from and after ten (10) days from its passage by the City Council. The City Clerk is hereby di- rected to give notice hereof: by causing the caption of this ordinance to be pub- lished in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown at least twice within ten (10) days after the passage of this ordinance. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Gaytoi,n on this the 13th day of February, 1958. H. 'ruett , i.iayor F� ATTLST • _ L l!SL.t�DJ� —tl Edna Oliver, City Clerk I•