FY 08-09 CCPD Adopted BudgetCITY OF BA YTO WN CRIME CONTROL PREVENTION DISTRICT (CCPD) 2005 -09 ADOPTED BUDGET October 14, 2008 CRIME CONTROL PREVENTION DISTRICT (CCPD) BOARD MEMBERS CARL BRANDON, President GARY COCHRAN, Member DEBORAH KAYE GUTIEREEZ, Member BOB GOOLSBY, Member SCOTT SHELEY, Member RIKKI WHEELER, Member JOE WHITEHEAD, Member PA CITY OF BAYTOWN CCPD (POLICE) FUND - FUND 206 BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND Actual Budgeted Estimated Adopted 2006 -07 2007 -08 2007 -08 2008 -09 Revenues - 287,693 611,864 658,724 Working Capital - Ending Sales Tax $ 1,009,436 $ 927,700 $ 994,600 $ 994,600 Interest Income 14,842 5,000 16,500 15,000 Total Revenues 1,024,278 932,700 1,011,100 1,009,600 Expenditures Personnel 253,394 884,853 844,556 871,073 Supplies 16,714 9,767 15,054 7,900 Services 8,853 7,570 6,743 6,000 Sundry - Other - 300 795 - Total Operating 278,961 902,490 867,148 884,973 Capital Outlay 129,632 93,499 97,092 180,998 Transfers Out 3,821 - - - Total Expenditures 412,414 995,989 964,240 1,065,971 Excess (Deficit) Revenues Over Expenditures 611,864 (63,289) 46,860 (56,371) Working Capital - Beginning - 287,693 611,864 658,724 Working Capital - Ending $ 611,864 $ 224,404 $ 658,724 $ 602,353 3 CITY OF BAYTOWN 2008 -09 BUDGET 20601 CCPD Acct.# Account Name Justification Amount PERSONNEL SERVICES 71002 Regular Wages $ 604,289 71021 Health & Dental 93,726 71022 TMRS 120,858 71023 FICA 44,225 71028 Workers Compensation 7,975 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 1 871,073 SUPPLIES 72007 Wearing Apparel Regular Uniform Issue for (14) officers and (1) sergeant @ $300 each (Line item decreased by $1,485) 72021 Minor Tools (No Minor Tools needed this year - decrease of $590) 72041 Educational Handgun Ammo, l0mm, 180 gr JHP, 8k @ $425/k (Monthly Practice and/or Qualifications) (Line item increased by $280 due to increase in price of ammo) SERVICES 74021 Special Services Recruiting Supplies Recruiting Travel 4,500 3,400 TOTAL SUPPLIES 7,900 Previous Year's Total Supplies $9,767 Total Supplies decreased by $1,867 Recruiting Registration Fees Printing of Recruiting Materials 74042 Education & Training (No Education & Training needed this year - decrease of $1,570) 6,000 TOTAL SERVICESI 6,000 Previous Year's Total Services $7,570 Total Services decreased by $1,570 SUNDRY 75061 Medical -Preemployment _ (No Medical Preemployment needed this year - decrease of $300) TOTALSUNDRY _ Previous Year's Total Sundry $300 Total Sundry decreased by $300 TOTAL OPERATING1 884,973 Previous Year's Total Operating $902,490 Total Operating decreased by $17,517 CAPITAL 84042 Machinery & Equipment 50,000 Replacement Laptop Computers - 10 @ $5,000 4 CITY OF BAYTOWN 2008 -09 BUDGET 2009 BASE LEVEL FOOTNOTES 20601 CCPD Acct.# Account Name Justification Amount 84043 Motor Vehicles One patrol car to replace patrol car assigned to new captain's position (Not previously budgeted - Price includes all equipment; camera, MDT laptop, siren, radios, etc.) One patrol car to replace patrol car that will he assigned to new school resource officer (Not previously budgeted - Price includes all equipment; camera, MDT laptop, siren, radios, etc) Unmarked mid -sized car - 2 @ 22,000 (Not previously budgeted - 'I ivo captains were demoted to the rank of lieutenant and both captains were utilizing a car allowance, Lieutenants are not allowed a car allowance and we had to take two spare units and assign them to the new lieutenants. These two new cars will be assigned to detectives that are driving older cars and the older cars will replace the spares that were assigned out.) 130,998 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 180,998 Previous Year's Total Capital Outlay $93,499 Total Capital Outlay increased by $87,499 TOTAL - YEAR THREE CCPDj $ 1,06 971 Previous Year's Total Year Two CCPD $995,989 Total CCPD increased by $69,982