FY 06-07 FCPEMSD Adopted BudgetFire Control, Prevention and Emergency Medical Services District (FCPEMSD) ANNUAL PROGRAM OF SERVICES 2006 -07 ADOPTED BUDGET BAWORN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7"� Submitted To Fire Control, Prevention and Emergency Medical Services District Board August 10, 2006 * * * MEMORANDUM * * * August 10, 2006 TO: Members, Baytown Fire Control, Prevention and Emergency Medical Services District Board FROM: Gary Jackson, City Manager as SUBJECT: Baytown Fire Control, Prevention and Emergency Medical Services District — 2006 -2007 Adopted Budget In accordance with Local Government Code 344.203, the following is the annual budget for the fiscal year from October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007 for the Baytown Fire Control, Prevention and Emergency Medical Services District. Financial Statements (344.203) (b) 1. In accordance with LGC 344.062(b), the outstanding financial obligations of the district are the costs by the City of Baytown in creating the District. Those expenses, unique to the creation of the FCPEMSD are $3,821. 2. Since the District was only recently created, the District has no cash on hand to the credit of each fund. 3. Since the District was only recently created, the District received no funds during the previous fiscal year. 4. Since the District was only recently created, the District has no funds available to it in the current fiscal year. 5. The money necessary to fund the proposed programs in this budget is $792,099. 6. There were no programs not approved for funding in this budget. 7. The sales tax rate for the next fiscal year is 118 %. 8. The estimated balance at the end of the upcoming fiscal year is $10,851. 9. The estimated revenues and balances available to cover the budget is $802,950. Two Year Fire Control Prevention and Emergency Medical Services Plan and Budget Plan The Temporary Fire Control, Prevention and Emergency Medical Services District Board adopted and the Baytown City Council approved a Two Year Crime Control and Budget Plan, as required by LGC 344.061. That adopted plan is attached to this proposed budget submission. Adopted Budget The adopted budget for the upcoming fiscal year is attached. This budget differs from the Two Year Budget Plan in the following ways: 1. Revenue Estimates are increased to reflect current sales tax revenue forecasts. 2. The reimbursement of City of Baytown expenses for District creation is added. 3. The expenditures listed in the Two Year Fire Control, Prevention and Emergency Medical Services Plan are updated to reflect the updated equipment and personnel costs. A comparison of the budget line items between the Two Year Budget Plan and the Adopted 2006 -2007 Budget is illustrated below: FCPEMSD Two -Year Plan Adopted 06107 REVENUES (sales and use tax based upon 118 of one percent) $750,000 $802,950 EXPENDITURES Fire Training Facility and Operation (Includes additional Fire Training Officer, Lieutenant, in Year One and development of a Fire Training Facility Master Plan $ 75,000 $ 75,778 Replacement of Medical Equipment 40,000 37,500 Replacement of Fire Apparatus 400,000 440,000 Replacement of Ambulance 135,000 135,000 Replacement of Analog Radio Equipment 100,000 100,000 Cost of Administration of the District 0 0 Reimbursement of the Cost of District Creation 0 3,821 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $750,000 $792,099 CARRYOVER TO YEAR 2 $0 $10,851 The State statute (344.205) requires that the FCPEMSD Board adopt its budget no later than August 2nd to allow for a Public Hearing before City Council and Council's subsequent consideration. The FCPEMSD Board adopted this budget on July 26, 2006 and the Baytown City Council conducted a public hearing on the budget on August 10, 2006 and subsequently approved the budget as presented by the FCPEMSD Board. CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET 2006.07 Fire - EMS Special District 2006.07 2004 2005 2006 2006 2007 Acct. # Acct. Description Actual Actual Budget Estimated Dept Base 7100 Personal Services 71002 Regular Wages 71021 Health And Dental Ins 71022 TMRS 71023 FICA 71028 Workers Compensation 71041 Allowances Total Personal Services Total Operating 8000 Capital Outlay 84042 Machinery And Equipment 84043 Motor Vehicles 84045 Radio & Testing Equipment 85002 Architecture Total Capital Outlay 9000 Other Financing Uses 91101 To General Fund Total Other Financing Uses TOTAL $ - $ - $ 35,768 4,051 5,684 2,805 1,570 • 900 50,778 50,778 37,500 575,000 - 100,000 25,000 737,500 3,821 3,821 $ _ $ _ $ _ $ - $ 792,099 3 CITY OF BAYTOWN 2006.07 BUDGET BASE LEVEL FOOTNOTES Fire - EMS Special District 2006 -07 Acct.# Account Name Justification Amount 71002 Regular Wages Fire Training - Lieutenant (8 months) $ 35,768 71021 Health And Dental Ins 4,051 Fire Training - Lieutenant (8 months) 71022 TMRS 5,684 Fire Training - Lieutenant (8 months) 71023 FICA 2,805 Fire Training - Lieutenant (8 months) 71028 Workers Compensation 1,570 Fire Training - Lieutenant (8 months) 71041 Allowances 900 Fire Training - Lieutenant (8 months) Total Personnel Services 84042 Machinery & Equipment Medical Equipment 37,500 (1) 12 -Lead portable Biphasic Defibrillator/Monitor with Non - Invasive Blood Pressure, End Tidal CO2 Monitor, Pulse Oximeter, Data Recorder and Printer (loll Model E) $30,000 (3) Automatic Electronic Defibrillators (AED's) (including mounting kit and one additional Defibrillator pad kit each) @ $2.500; $7,500 84043 Motor Vehicles Replacement Fire Apparatus 440,000 (replacing Front -line Engine 2; E -2 will go intoreserve status as R -5) Replacement Ambulance 135,000 Ambulance - Frazer Type 1 14" generator powereed module moutned on a 2007 chevrolet C4500 chassis. Frazer quoted price of 2006 model with 5% increase. (5123.950 x5% $130,148) could be less depending on Chevy new model pricing 84045 Radio & Testing Equipment Replacement of analog communications equipment with digital communications equipment. 85002 Architecture Fire Training Facility Master Plan Development Total Capital $ 50,778 37.500 575,000 25,000 737,500 CITY OF BAYTOWN 2006 -07 BUDGET BASE LEVEL FOOTNOTES Fire - EMS Special District 2006 -07 Acct.# Account Nance Justification Amount 91101 To General Fund Reimburse District Creation Expenses Total Transfers 3,821 3,821 3,821 Total Fire Special District Budget $ 792,099 ORDINANCE NO. 10,384 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS, APPROVING THE FISCAL YEAR 2006 -07 BUDGET SUBMITTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAYTOWN FIRE CONTROL, PREVENTION. AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DISTRICT; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. *** tttt* t* tt** t* tt**** tt**** tt* t**** ttttt**•* t* t * * * * * * * * *t* * * *ttt * * * * * * * * * * * ** WHEREAS, on the 200 day of July, 2006, the Board of Directors (the "Board ") of the Baytown Fire Control, Prevention and Emergency Medical Services District (the "District ") held a public hearing regarding alternate budget procedures in accordance with the published notice of such hearing; and WHEREAS, after the public hearing was held, the Board established a fiscal year and adopted an alternate budget procedure; and WHEREAS, in accordance with such adopted alternate budget procedure and the published notice of the budget hearing. the Board conducted a hearing to consider the District's proposed annual budget on the 26`h day of July, 2006; and WHEREAS, on the 26`h day of July, 2006, after considering the proposed budget together with the testimony and information received at the public hearing, the Board adopted its 2006 -07 budget: and WHEREAS, within ten days of the Board's adoption of its budget, the Board submitted its approved budget to the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas; and WHEREAS. on the 10's day of August, 2006, the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, held a public hearing to consider the budget adopted by the Board and submitted to the City Council in accordance with the published hearing notice; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Baytown, after considering the submitted budget together with the testimony and information received at the public hearing, believes that the budget approved by the Board is consistent with the interest of the taxpayers of the District: NOW THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section l: That all matters and facts set forth in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and are approved by the City Council of the City of Baytown. Texas. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Baytown. Texas hereby approves the budget submitted by the Board of the Baytown Fire Control, Prevention and Emergency Medical Services District, which budget is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes for the District's 2006 -07 fiscal year. 6 Section ?: This ordinance ilhall take eftlect immediately tram and alter its passage by ;he City Council ol'the Cit% of Baytown. INTRODUCED. REND and PASSED by the aftitmativ � � ote of the City Council of the i t► of Baytown this the 10"' day of :august. 2(106. ,I STYPI IL V II. DO \CARLOS. %ia%or lvaT.. LCD J.: �j •` ' 'its Clerk X11I'ROVED AS TO FORM: \:t C 01 .1NlIRE—/..S R. C t7. � t —in ev 7