FY 15-16 MDD Adopted BudgetCITY OF BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) ADOPTED PROJECTS BUDGET 2015 -16 BAYTOWN S CITY OF BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) DIRECTORS STEPHEN H. DONCARLOS, President CHRIS PRESLEY, Vice President REGGIE BREWER, Secretary BRANDON CAPETILLO, Director GARY ENGLERT, Director MARY HERNANDEZ, Director ROBERT C. HOSKINS, Director DAVID P. JIRRELS, Director DAVID MCCARTNEY, Director MERCEDES RENTERIA III, Director TERRY SAIN, Director BAYTOWN S MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT August 20, 2015 President and Directors of the Municipal Development District Board I am pleased to present the adopted 2015 -16 budget for the Baytown Municipal Development District (MDD). The 2015 -16 budget year promises to be another outstanding year for growth and economic development in the Baytown area. Home sales are improving, commercial development is continuing and recently announced industrial expansion projects will keep Baytown moving forward. We look forward to reviewing this budget with you in the coming months. Listed below are the highlights of revenues and expenditures. Revenues — Based on current year sales tax receipts we anticipate revenues to increase in the next fiscal year. Sales tax revenue for 2015 -16 is projected at $6,077,000 which is a 3% increase over current year estimated collections. Along with interest income and loan repayments total revenues for 2015 -16 are projected at $6,096,800. Expenditures - The MDD projects for funding all play a significant role in the economic development and quality of life in our City. The allocations for projects in 2015 -16 are classified in one of the following three (3) priorities: o Priority: Projects or expenditures designed to promote new or expanded business activity that create or retain primary jobs: ➢ Development of New and Expansion of Existing Businesses and Industry Economic Development Foundation — Basic Service ➢ Economic Development Foundation — Special Projects ➢ Economic Incentives ➢ Property Acquisition for Economic Development o Priority: Projects which provide infrastructure for economic development: ➢ State Infrastructure Bank Loan Repayment — Decker Dr to SH 146 S Flyover ➢ Texas Avenue Streetscape and Town Square Project ➢ Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant — Debt Service to fund 60% of design and construction ➢ 1 -10 Lift Station (new) 3 o Priority: Projects that improve a community's quality of life, including parks, athletic facilities, etc: Pirates Bay Waterpark Construction Debt Service Pirates Bay Waterpark Expansion Debt Service Baytown Sports League Improvements Golf Course Construction Debt Service (new) Rent/Purchase Ice Rink for Town Square (new) Land Acquisition — Future Parks Pelly Park Loop Trail (new) Westwood Park Fence Enclosure (new) Lincoln Cedars Park Fence (new) r Roseland Park Restroom Replacement (new) Fire Fighters Memorial Repairs (new) Community Center Path Improvements (new) Kayak Launches at Roseland & Bayland Parks (new) Paint Bridge Overpasses Throughout City (new) Additional narrative on each of the foregoing projects is included in the "Major Budget Issues" section of the budget packet. Project administration costs of $300,000 are included to reimburse the General Fund for administrative, engineering and financial support of the MDD. There is an allocation of $500,000 for unforeseen /new initiatives this year. These funds provide flexibility to allow the Board to utilize MDD funds to secure federal, state and local grant funds when available and to enhance and expand the impact that the MDD has on the economic development of the community as opportunities arise. It will also allow funding for unexpected or inflationary increases on project costs, if needed. We are excited about the economic development accomplishments in Baytown and look forward to continuing our growth and development into the future. Sincerely, Rick Davis City Manager MAJOR BUDGET ISSUES Fiscal Year 2015 -16 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT On May 5, 2001, in the general election, the citizens of the City of Baytown voted to authorize the creation of the Baytown Municipal Development District (MDD) and the imposition of a sales and use tax at the rate of one -half of one percent for the purpose of financing economic development and parks projects that provide economic benefit, diversify the economic base of the community and improve our quality of life. The board is composed of the Mayor, six council members and four at -large resident members. REVENUES — Based on current year sales tax receipts we anticipate revenues to increase in the next fiscal year. Sales tax revenue for 2015 -16 is projected at $6,077,000 which is a 3% increase over current year estimated collections. Along with interest income and loan repayments total revenues for 2015 -16 are projected at $6,096,800. EXPENDITURES — Included in this year's program are economic development projects and improvements in the areas of streets, sidewalks, signalization, utilities and parks. Generally, project costs may include functions such as services, construction or debt service on long -term construction projects. Project administration costs of $300,000 are included to reimburse the General Fund for administrative, engineering and financial support of the MDD. PROJECTS Development of New and Expansion of Existing Businesses and Industry A significant function of this budget allocation is the development of new and expansion of existing businesses. These projects are critically important in light of the State Implementation Plan's potential impact on the petro - chemical industry and underscore our need to diversify our economic foundation. $150,000 Economic Development Foundation — Basic Economic Development Services This provides continued funding for the basic economic development services contract with the Baytown Area/West Chambers County Economic Development Foundation (EDF). $250,000 Economic Incentives Several significant economic projects are currently in the development stage. The new Kroger store on Alexander has been announced and will result in a $150,000 per year payment beginning in FY2018. We are optimistic that another major announcement is forthcoming that will utilize these dollars. $500,000 Property Acquisition for Economic Development This allocation provides funding to purchase property that may become available to be used for future economic development purposes. Some of the projects discussed elsewhere in this report may require additional property acquisition. $100,000 State Infrastructure Bank Loan Repayment — Decker Drive to Highway 146 S. Flyover The MDD financed a $1,000,000 loan from the Texas State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) for a Decker Drive to Highway 146 South flyover project. This funding, combined with matching funds from the November 2007 bond election, allowed for completion of the Decker Drive to Highway 146 South flyover. The current project funding eliminates the "braided" on and off ramps. The postponement of the construction of these ramps would have impaired mobility in the area. The State matched our $2 million contribution to provide the $4 million necessary to �1 MAJOR BUDGET ISSUES Fiscal Year 2015 -16 complete all elements of this flyover. Eligible projects must be on the state highway system and be included in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan. $148,957 Town Square Project— Phase II The budget includes continued funding and expands the scope of the project to include the Phase II which will complete the Town Square Project. Phase I included the initial development of the Town Square in the city -owned block bounded by Texas, Gaillard, Pearce and Ashbel. The project adopted for FY2015 also included extending the Streetscape Project from Gaillard to Ashbel, including the Ashbel intersection. This project includes a Bond - funded water feature in the form of a fountain. The fountain currently being designed will serve as centerpiece for the plaza and will serve as the platform for a portable ice rink for the 2015 Christmas holiday season. The fountain will be covered by a large Christmas tree resulting in a much improved community tree lighting event and ice skating around the community Christmas tree. A set of permanent restrooms will be constructed as will a matching building for storage, fountain equipment and the skate concession center. Phase II includes walking trails, a stage, landscaping, signage and lighting. $600,000 I -10 Lift Station This lift station is being upgraded to accommodate growth along Garth Road. These dollars are being used to help pay for upsizing the lift station. $250,000 Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant — Debt Service The confirmed growth and development within the City necessitated the design and construction of the Northeast Wastewater Treatment facility. The project is estimated at $28,500,000 with 60% ($17,100,000) of the funding from the MDD. The remaining 40% ($11,400,000) is funded from the Water and Sewer Fund. This allocation includes the current year principal and interest payment on multiple debt issuances by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) loan and Certificates of Obligation. $1,256,535 Aquatic Facilities — Debt Service Pirate's Bay Waterpark opened in 2010 and was funded with $4 million authorized in the November 2007 bond election and the issuance of $6 million in Certificates of Obligation in early 2010. MDD is funding the debt service on the $6 million in CO's. This allocation funds the current year debt service requirement. $426,713 Pirates Bay Waterpark Expansion — Debt Service Attendance and popularity continue to be greater than anticipated with the waterpark's capacity limiting tickets sales on a regular basis. The development of a multi - phased Pirates Bay Expansion Master Plan is in progress. MDD funding of the North Main water and sewer project debt service has been shifted to the Water and Sewer Fund to provide $5.5 million in MDD debt capacity to help fund the expansion. This allocation funds the current year debt service requirement. $376,079 Ba own Sports League Improvements The budget provides continuous funding for various improvements at little league, pony league and soccer facilities including bleacher covers, backstops, paving, trails, lighting and fencing repairs as needed. $50,000 6 MAJOR BUDGET ISSUES Fiscal Year 2015 -16 Golf Course — Debt Service Funds are being allocated in the event that the voters approve the Golf Course Bonds in the November 2015 election. $500,000 Rent to Own/Purchase Ice Rink for Town Square The City plans to install and operate an ice rink during late November and December. The City plans to rent to own the ice rink the first year. The FY2016 cost to rent the rink that includes, set up, a chiller, ice skates and a golf cart mounted scraper is $81,940. Should the City decide to purchase the rink, there will be an additional cost of $135,000. Staff has added $10,000 for barricades and needed infrastructure for the operations of the rink. $226,940 Land Acauisition — Future Parks This project provides funding to acquire future park land. This is a continued set -aside of funds to provide an allocation that would be used as land becomes available. $100,000 Pelly Park Loop Trail Staff has had request including a Parks Board member and a petition from the neighborhood to construct a loop walking trail around Pelly Park. The popular park is the only park in the immediate area for local residents that take advantage of the small splash deck and large picnic shelters. A loop walking trail would add another activity to the neighborhood park. The adjacent neighborhood have submitted a petition in support of the trail and also requested a short sidewalk along South Main to the E. Nazro Street. The project also includes a new playground that would replace the existing aging playground. The trail was requested by residents and by one of our Parks and Recreation Advisory Board members. The neighborhood submitted a petition in support of the project to the Parks and Recreation Department. The trail, sidewalk and new playground will be designed and installed by Parks and Recreation Department employees. $111,000 Westwood Park Fence Enclosure The West Little Leagues fields at Westwood Park are no more. The lights and poles have been salvaged and relocated to Central Little League Park and all Little League activities no longer exist at Westwood Park. The Parks and Recreation Department plan to include the old park site as part of the Baytown Nature Center as a future Chandler Arboretum site and would free up the property owned by the City on Sjolander that was donated to the city for the Chandler Arboretum. Westwood Park would be fenced and placed inside of the Baytown Nature Center include closing Schrek at Steinman Street and include fencing the pipeline easement to the bay front. The Neighborhood has indicated that the playground could go away, however, we will save room for a small neighborhood park if needed in the future. $50,663 Lincoln Cedars Park Fence Lincoln Cedars Park is located on four small lots backing up to vacant property. The park users often have balls that go over the small fence at the back of the park and get lost in the low swampy land behind the park. Local citizens have requested a tall fence be constructed to keep the balls in the park and to help keep the small children from going into the swampy area looking for balls. A 20 foot tall fence will be constructed along the back side of the park. Design and oversight will be done by the Parks and Recreation Department employees. $12,000 MAJOR BUDGET ISSUES Fiscal Year 2015 -16 Roseland Park Restroom Replacement The public restrooms were constructed in the mid 1990s. The restroom would be replaced with a new pre - constructed restroom at the same location. The new restrooms will be equipped with a HVAC system, water fountain and doors that will automatically close and lock when the park is closed. The building will be pre- engineered and constructed by local standards and codes. Design and oversight will be done by the Parks and Recreation Department employees. $135,000 Fire Fighters Memorial Repairs (50%) The project will improve the lighting and appearance of the Fire Fighter Memorial Plaza. The drought caused severe ground movement at the Fire Fighter Memorial Plaza. The plan is to repair the subgrade and reconstruct several areas. The project will also level the granite surrounding the plaza. Relocation and replacement of the plaza lighting is also included in the project. We are partnering with the Fire Department on this project with the cost being shared 50150. Design and oversight will be done by the Parks and Recreation Department employees. $33,625 Community Center Path Improvements All three entrances to the Baytown Community Center are in need of replacement. The walkway between the Community Center and City Hall stands in deep water after a small rain event, making the connection from City Hall /Community Center almost impossible at time. A second part of this request will be to remove and replace the existing exposed aggregate entry walks and to replace. The new sidewalks will provide both a safer and more attractive appearance to the Community Center. The existing concrete walkways are uneven and could cause tripping hazards, this project will provide a safe, slip resistant entrance to the Community Center from three locations, City Hall, the Community Center Parking Lot and under canopy at senior side entrance. $67,830 Kayak Launches at Roseland and Bayland Parks Use of Kayaks continue to gain popularity. A kayak launch was added to the boat ramps at the Wetlands Center in 2015. Staff proposes adding two more launches in 2016 at both the Roseland Park and Bayland Park Boat Launches. The proposed kayak launches will provide easy access to the historic Goose Creek and Tabbs Bay area as well as the scenic Cedar Bayou. Both will be located adjacent to existing boat ramps that include plenty of parking for kayakers. $70,000 Paint Bridge Overpasses Throughout City The project will paint the bridge abutments that cross Goose Creek on Rollingbrook, Baker Road, Decker Drive, Market Street and West Main. The West Texas Avenue Bridge was repainted as part of a Goose Creek Park improvement project in 2015. Staff plans to paint as many bridges as possible with the available funding. $50,000 Project Administration & Overhead $300,000 Unforeseen Project and New Initiatives $500,000 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) PROGRAM FUND BUDGET SUMMARY for Fiscal Year 2015 -16 Actual Carry- forward Adopted Total Allocation Estimated Carry - forward New Allocation Total Allocation 2013 -14 2013 -14 2014 -15 2014 -15 2014 -15 2014 -15 2015 -16 2015 -16 Beginning working capital $ 6,407,476 $ 6,809,000 $ 1,008,190 $ 6,809,000 $ 6,809,000 $ 4,426,650 $ 568,784 $ 4,426,650 Revenues Sales Taxes 5,701,282 5,700,000 5,700,000 5,900,000 - 6,077,000 6,077,000 Interest on Investments 7,746 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Miscellaneous 30,000 - - - Loan Repayments 32,258 40,200 40,200 10,765 10,870 10,870 Interest on Loans 7,781 8,000 8,000 3,040 1 2,930 2,930 Total MDD Revenues 5,779,067 5,754,200 5,754,200 5,919,805 6,096,800 6,096,800 Expenditures Economic Development Projects Development of New and Expansion of Existing Businesses and Industry 13,640 519,785 150,000 669,785 655,233 14,552 150,000 164,552 Econ Development Foundation - Basic Economic Development Services 200,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 Econ Development Foundation - Special Economic Development Projects 5,811 330,558 100,000 430,558 165,812 264,746 - 264,746 Economc Incentives - - 500,000 500,000 Econ Development Foundation - Special Economic Development Projects -SBRLF - 110,000 - 110,000 - 110,000 - 110,000 Property Acquisition for Economic Development 1,455 522,521 100,000 622,521 298,468 324,053 100,000 424,053 Downtown Redevelopment Assistance - Baytown Little Theater - 500,000 500,000 - 500,000 - 500,000 Marketing Plan Update 31,101 - - - - - Subtotal 240,385 1,982,864 600,000 2,582,864 1,369,513 1,213,351 1,000,000 2,213,351 Streets, Drainage, Sidewalks & Signalization Projects Land Acquisition for New Thoroughfares - 911,710 100,000 511,710 - 511,710 - 511,710 Land for San Jacinto Blvd - - - 500,000 500,000 - City Gateway Project 38,739 311,261 150,000 461,261 461,261 State Infrastructure Bank Loan Repayment Decker Dr to 146 South flyover ( $1 mm) 148,957 - 148,957 148,957 148,957 - 148,957 148,957 Texas Avenue Streetscape & Town Square - 764,967 500,000 1,264,967 917,285 347,682 600,000 947,682 Signal - 146 North and 1 -10 West 222,881 29,872 - 29,872 - - - Signal - Hutto and Rollingbrook - 85,200 - 85,200 72,390 12,810 - 12,810 Garth Road Traffic Engineering 7,463 205 15,000 1 15,205 15,205 - - - Subtotal 418,040 2,103,215 913,957 3,017,172 2,115,098 872,202 748,957 1,621,159 Utility Projects Economic Dev. Cost Share with Developers to Upsize New Utilities 342,013 100,000 254,535 - 254,535 - 254,535 1 -10 Lift Station - - 250,000 250,000 250,000 500,000 NE WW Treatment Plant Debt Service (60% - 2005 & 2006 TW DB CO's & 2014 & 2015 GO's Refunding) 1,201,581 1,302,255 1,302,255 1,302,255 - 1,256,535 1,256,535 West District Plant Expansion Debt Service - (50 % - 2008 CO's) 1,002,966 1,009,356 1,009,356 1,009,356 - Hutto Lift Station 7,500 62,522 - - - BuceesUtilityLines 344,113 - - - - - Tri City Beach Road Sewer - 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 Ameriport Waterline 26,257 - - - - - Subtotal 2,582,417 474,535 2,411,611 2,886,146 2,311,611 574,535 1,506,535 2,081,070 Parks Projects Aquatics Master Plan Phase 1 & 2 Construction (Debt Svc on $6mm) 427,738 437,888 437,888 437,888 426,713 426,713 Pirates Bay Waterpark Expansion (Debt Service on $5.5mm) 377,275 375,529 375,529 375,529 376,079 376,079 Baytown Sports League Improvements 155,568 20,650 100,000 120,650 95,309 25,341 50,000 75,341 Golf Course (Debt Service on $12.5mm) - - - - 500,000 500,000 Rent/Purchase of Ice Rink for Town Square - 226,940 226,940 Goose Creek Trail Phases V and VI 207,948 292,052 - 292,052 199,837 92,215 - 92,215 Goose Creek Trail - Phase VI - 315,000 315,000 45,000 270,000 - 270,000 Land Acquisition - Future Parks - 223,139 50,000 273,139 1,300 271,839 100,000 371,839 Sports Complex (Parking, Fields & Lighting) 45,067 7,974 - 7,974 7,974 - East Road Girls Fields - Lighting & Wiring - 575,000 575,000 575,000 - - Pelly and Central Little League Parks 14,631 369 - 179 179 Wetlands Picnic Shelter 10,000 - 10,000 10,000 GLO / CMP Grant Match ( Tabbs Bay) - 86,400 86,400 86,400 Tabbs Bay Cleanup 99,858 - Eddie Huron Park Phase II & III 1,871 - City Hall Courtyard Improvements Phase I & II 20,693 6,691 - 6,691 6,691 Median Beautification Crew 129,997 (545) 110,500 109,955 109,955 - Community Service Supervisor 28,951 53,149 77,200 130,349 99,760 Roseland Park Improvements 100,111 1,759 - 1,536 1,536 - Roseland Locomotive Improvements 49,547 10,278 10,278 10,278 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) PROGRAM FUND BUDGET SUMMARY for Fiscal Year 2015 -16 Actual Carry- forward Adopted Total Allocation Estimated Carry - forward New Allocation Total Allocation 2013 -14 2013 -14 2014 -15 2014 -15 2014 -15 2014 -15 2015 -16 2015 -16 Roseland Spray Park Renovations - 42,000 42,000 42,000 Special Needs Playground 25,000 25,000 25,000 - - - Jenkins /Holloway Park Improvements 36,933 61,699 - 61,699 44,747 16,952 16,952 Goose Creek Park Improvements 1,755 50,960 50,960 31,550 19,410 - 19,410 Jenkins Park Disc Golf 1,826 - - - Pelly Park Loop Trail - 111,000 111,000 Westwood Park Fence Enclosure 50,663 50,663 Lincoln Cedars Fence Improvements 12,000 12,000 Roseland Park Restroom Replacement 135,000 135,000 Repair Fire Fighter Memorial 33,625 33,625 Community Center Path Improvements 67,830 67,830 Paint Bridge Overpasses 50,000 50,000 Kayak Launch (Bayland & Roseland) 70,000 70,000 Allenbrook Park Improvements 111,960 - - Kayak Launch 24,972 - - Subtotal 1,836,701 738,175 2,194,517 2,932,279 2,205,933 695,757 2,209,850 2,905,607 Total MDD Projects 5,077,543 5,298,789 6,120,085 11,418,461 8,002,155 3,355,845 5,465,342 8,821,187 Other Project Administration and Overhead 300,000 - 300,000 300,000 300,000 - 300,000 300,000 Unforeseen /New Initiatives 502,021 - 502,021 502,021 500,000 1,002,021 Subtotal 300,000 502,021 300,000 802,021 300,000 502,021 800,000 1,302,021 Total MDD Expenditures 5,377,543 5,800,810 6,420,085 12,220,482 8,302,155 3,857,866 6,265,342 10,123,208 Revenues over (under) expenses 401,524 (5,800,810) (665,885) (6,466,282) (2,382,350) (3,857,866) (168,542) (4,026,408) Ending working capital $ 6,809,000 $ 1,008,190 $ 342,305 $ 342,718 $ 4,426,650 $ 568,784 $ 400,242 $ 400,242 DEBT SERVICE PAYMENT RECAP Aquatics Master Plan Phase 1 & 2 Construction (Debt Svc on $6mm) 427,738 437,888 437,888 437,888 - 426,713 426,713 Pirates Bay Expansion (Debt Svc on $5.5mm) 377,275 375,529 375,529 375,529 - 376,079 376,079 Golf Course Construction (Debt Svc on $12.5mm) - - - - - 500,000 500,000 State Infrastructure Bank Loan Repayment Decker Dr to 146 South flyover ( $1 mm) 148,957 148,957 148,957 148,957 - 148,957 148,957 NE WW Treatment Plant Debt Service (60% - 2005 & 2006 TW DB CO's & 2014 & 2015 GO's Refunding) 1,201,581 1,302,255 1,302,255 1,302,255 - 1,256,535 1,256,535 West District Plant Expansion Debt Service - (50% - 2008 CO's) 1,002,966 1,009,356 1,009,356 1,009,356 Total Debt Service Payments $ 3,158,517 $ $ 3,273,985 $ 3,273,985 $ 3,273,985 $ - $ 2,708,284 $ 2,708,284 10 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION INCLUDED FOR PLANNING PURPOSES MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) PROGRAM FUND BUDGET SUMMARY - PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL Fiscal Year 2015 -16 Estimated revenue growth for projected years: 2.0% beginning working capital Current Expenditures Carry- forward Adjusted Allocation Total Allocation Estimated Expenditures Carry- forward New Allocation Total Allocation Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 2013 -14 2013 -14 2014 -15 2014 -15 2014 -15 2015 -16 2015 -16 2016 -17 2017 -18 2018 -19 2019 -20 2020 -21 beginning working capital $ $6,609,000 1 $1,uud,19U $6,609,000 $ 6,6U9,000 $4,426,6bU 1 $ b6b,184 $4,426,6bU $ 4UU,242 1 $ 663,762 $ 766,656 $1,394,2U6 1 $2,163,475 Revenues Sales Taxes 5,700,000 5,700,000 5,900,000 6,077,000 6,077,000 6,199,000 6,323,000 6,449,000 6,578,000 6,710,000 Interest on Investments 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Contributions & Miscellaneous 48,200 48,200 13,805 13,800 13,800 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Total MDD Revenues 5,754,200 5,754,200 5,919,805 6,096,800 6,096,800 6,225,000 6,349,000 6,475,000 6,604,000 6,736,000 Expenditures Economic Development Projects Development of New and Expansion of Existing Businesses and Industry 1,099,496 519,785 150,000 669,785 655,233 14,552 150,000 164,552 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 Econ Development Foundation - Basic Economic Development Services 1,300,000 - 250,000 250,000 250,000 - 250,000 250,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Econ Development Foundation - Special Economic Development Projects 308,554 330,558 100,000 430,558 165,812 264,746 264,746 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Economic Incentives - - - 500,000 500,000 500,000 650,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Econ Development Foundation - Special Economic Development Projects -SBRLF 100,000 110,000 - 110,000 - 110,000 - 110,000 - - Property Acquisition for Economic Development 621,197 522,521 100,000 622,521 298,468 324,053 100,000 424,053 100,000 100,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 Downtown Redevelopment Assistance - Baytown Little Theater 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 Subtotal 3,429,247 1,982,864 600,000 2,582,864 1,369,513 1,213,351 1,000,000 2,213,351 1,200,000 1,350,000 1,050,000 1,050,000 1,050,000 Streets, Drainage, Sidewalks & Signalization Projects Land Acquisition for New Thoroughfares - 911,710 (400,000) 511,710 - 511,710 - 511,710 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Land for San Jacinto Blvd 500,000 500,000 500,000 - - - - City Gateway Project - 311,261 150,000 461,261 461,261 - - - State Infrastructure Bank Loan Repayment Decker Dr to 146 South flyover ( $1 mm) 446,914 - 148,957 148,957 148,957 - 148,957 148,957 - - Texas Avenue Streetscape & Town Square 305,243 764,967 500,000 1,264,967 917,285 347,682 600,000 947,682 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Signal - 146 North and 1 -10 West 22,247 29,872 - 29,872 - - - - - Signal - Hutto and Rollingbrook 4,800 85,200 - 85,200 72,390 12,810 12,810 - - Garth Road Traffic Engineering 10,032 205 15,000 15,205 15,205 - - - Subtotal 789,236 2,103,215 913,957 3,017,172 2,115,098 872,202 748,957 1,621,159 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 Utility Projects Economic Dev. Cost Share with Developers to Upsize New Utilities 26,083 342,013 87,478 254,535 - 254,535 - 254,535 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 1 -10 Lift Station - - 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 500,000 - NE WW Treatment Plant Debt Service (60 %- 2005 & 2006 TWDB CO's & 2014 & 2015 GO's Refunding) 6,067,580 1,302,255 1,302,255 1,302,255 - 1,256,535 1,256,535 1,130,793 1,111,294 1,113,560 1,114,773 1,096,146 West District Plant Expansion Debt Service - (50% - 2008 CO's) 3,202,146 1,009,356 1,009,356 1,009,356 - - - - - - Hutto Lift Station 129,978 62,522 (62,522) - - Tri City Beach Road Sewer 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 Subtotal 9,425,787 474,535 2,411,611 2,886,146 2,311,611 574,535 1,506,535 2,081,070 1,280,793 1,261,294 1,263,560 1,264,773 1,246,146 12 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) PROGRAM FUND (BUDGET SUMMARY - PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL revenue arowrn rnr nroiecrea years, Parks Projects Current Ex enditures Carry- forward Adjusted Allocation Total Allocation Estimated Expenditures Carry- forward New Allocation Total Allocation Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Aquatics Master Plan Phase 1 & 2 Construction (Debt Svc on $6mm) 2013 -14 2013 -14 2014 -15 2014 -15 2014 -15 2015 -16 2015 -16 2016 -17 2017 -18 2018 -19 2019 -20 2020 -21 Parks Projects Aquatics Master Plan Phase 1 & 2 Construction (Debt Svc on $6mm) 522,948 437,888 437,888 437,888 426,713 426,713 434,138 426,338 437,538 427,737 432,674 Pirates Bay Waterpark Expansion - Debt Service on $5.5mm 399,288 375,529 375,529 375,529 376,079 376,079 376,529 376,292 373,554 367,221 362,387 Baytown Sports League Improvements 450,128 20,650 100,000 120,650 95,309 25,341 50,000 75,341 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Golf Course (Debt Service on $12.5mm) - - - - - - 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Rent/Purchase of Ice Rick for Town Square - - - - 226,940 226,940 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Goose Creek Trail Phases V and A 292,052 - 292,052 199,837 92,215 - 92,215 - - - - - Goose Creek Trail Phase VI - 315,000 315,000 45,000 270,000 - 270,000 350,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 Land Acquisition - Future Parks 34,942 223,139 50,000 273,139 1,300 271,839 100,000 371,839 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Sports Complex (Parking, Fields & Lighting) 573,996 7,974 - 7,974 7,974 125,000 125,000 - East Road Girls Fields - Lighting & Wiring - - 575,000 575,000 575,000 - - - - - Pelly and Central Little League Parks 369 (190) 179 179 Wetlands Picnic Shelter - 10,000 - 10,000 10,000 GLO / CMP Grant Match 107,973 - 86,400 86,400 86,400 City Hall Courtyard Improvements Phase I & II 14,616 6,691 - 6,691 6,691 Median Beautification Crew 119,348 (545) 110,500 109,955 109,955 Community Service Supervisor - 53,149 77,200 130,349 99,760 Roseland Park Improvements 98,380 1,759 (223) 1,536 1,536 Roseland Locomotive Improvements - 10,278 - 10,278 10,278 Roseland Spray Park Renovations - 42,000 42,000 42,000 - - Special Needs Playground - 25,000 25,000 25,000 Jenkins / Holloway Park Improvements 61,699 - 61,699 44,747 16,952 16,952 Goose Creek Park Improvements 50,960 50,960 31,550 19,410 19,410 Pelly Park Loop Improvements - - - - 111,000 111,000 Westwood Park Fence Enclosure 50,663 50,663 Lincoln Cedars Fence Improvements 12,000 12,000 Roseland Park Restroom Replacements 135,000 135,000 Repair Fire Fighter Memorial 33,625 33,625 Community Center Path Improvements 67,830 67,830 Paint Bridge Overpasses 50,000 50,000 Kayak Launch (Bayland & Roseland) 70,000 70,000 Subtotal 2,321,619 738,175 2,194,104 2,932,279 2,205,933 695,757 2,209,850 2,905,607 2,410,667 2,352,630 2,236,092 2,219,958 2,220,061 Total MDD Projects 15,965,889 5,298,789 6,119,672 11,418,461 8,002,155 3,355,845 5,465,342 8,821,187 5,141,460 5,213,924 4,799,652 4,784,731 4,766,207 Other Project Administration and Overhead 1,787,500 - 300,000 300,000 300,000 - 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 Unforeseen /New Initiatives 502,021 502,021 502,021 500,000 1,002,021 500,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 Subtotal 1,787,500 502,021 300,000 802,021 300,000 502,021 800,000 1,302,021 800,000 1,050,000 1,050,000 1,050,000 1,050,000 Total MDD Expenditures 17,753,389 5,800,810 6,419,672 12,220,482 8,302,155 3,857,866 6,265,342 1 10,123,208 5,941,460 6,263,924 5,849,652 5,834,731 5,816,207 Revenues over (under) expenditures (17,753,389) (5,800,810) (665,472) (6,466,282) (2,382,350) (3,857,866) (168,542) (4,026,408) 283,540 85,076 625,348 769,269 919,793 Ending working capital $ 17,753,389 $ 1,008,190 $ 342,718 $ 342,718 $ 4,426,650 $ 568,784 $ 400,242 $ 400,242 $ 683,782 $ 768,858 $ 1,394,206 $ 2,163,475 $ 3,083,268 13 BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DETAIL DEBT AMORTIZATION SCHEDULES Refunded 7/2015 into Series 2015 GO & Refunding 2011 2.25% 130,185 NE WW Treatment - $13,370,000 - W &S Issue 219,180 Certificate of Obligation - TWDB (MDD portion -60 %) Issue 1 of 2 $ 3,516,310 Series 2005 85,873 Date of Issue - March 1, 2005 - Refund $2,241,204 as of Feb Term - 20 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Total Total Debt Balance of Year Rate Due 2/01 Interest for Fiscal Yr Principal 2006 1.35% $ 98,625 $ 99,219 $ 197,844 $ 3,417,685 2007 1.55% 105,200 97,738 202,938 3,312,485 2008 1.65% 110,460 73,009 183,469 3,202,025 2009 1.80% 117,035 71,088 188,123 3,084,990 2010 2.05% 123,610 68,927 192,537 2,961,380 2011 2.25% 130,185 88,995 219,180 2,831,195 2012 2.40% 138,075 85,873 223,948 2,693,120 2013 2.55% 145,965 82,355 228,320 2,547,155 2014 2.65% 153,855 78,456 232,311 2,393,300 2015 2.75% 163,060 40,707 203,767 2,230,240 2016 2.90% 172,265 2,498 174,763 2,057,975 2016 2.90% 2,057,975 - 2,057,975 - 415,858 $ 3,516,310 $ 788,866 $ 4,305,176 5.500% 2021 5.500% 592,203 NE WW Treatment - $19,700,000 - W &S Issue 721,632 Certificate of Obligation - TWDB (MDD portion -60 %) Issue 2 of 2 $ 10,370,133 Series 2006B Date of Issue - May 1, 2006 Term - 20 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Total Total Debt Balance of Year Rate Due 2/01 Interest for Fiscal Yr Principal 2007 5.500% $ 313,210 $ 405,618 $ 718,828 $ 10,056,923 2008 5.500% 394,802 326,865 721,667 9,662,121 2009 5.500% 405,330 315,863 721,193 9,256,791 2010 5.500% 415,858 304,468 720,326 8,840,933 2011 5.500% 429,018 292,532 721,550 8,411,915 2012 5.500% 442,178 279,896 722,074 7,969,737 2013 5.500% 455,338 266,430 721,768 7,514,399 2014 5.500% 468,498 252,224 720,722 7,045,901 2015 5.500% 484,290 237,214 721,504 6,561,611 2016 5.500% 500,083 221,339 721,422 6,061,528 2017 5.500% 515,875 204,700 720,575 5,545,653 2018 5.500% 534,299 187,239 721,538 5,011,354 2019 5.500% 552,723 168,894 721,617 4,458,631 2020 5.500% 571,147 149,645 720,792 3,887,484 2021 5.500% 592,203 129,429 721,632 3,295,281 2022 5.500% 613,259 108,334 721,593 2,682,022 2023 5.500% 634,315 86,184 720,499 2,047,707 2024 5.500% 658,003 62,922 720,925 1,389,704 2025 5.500% 681,691 38,637 720,328 708,013 2026 5.500% 708,013 13,098 721,111 - $ 10,370,133 $ 4,051,531 $ 14,421,664 14 BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DETAIL DEBT AMORTIZATION SCHEDULES W &S Projects- Northeast WW Treatment Plant GO & Refunding - (Refunding Comb Tax & Rev COs Series 2006A) $ 2,100,283 Series 2014 Date of Issue - April 1„ 2014 Term - 20 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Total Total Debt Balance of Year Rate Due 2/1 Interest for Fiscal Yr Principal 2014 $ 21,885 $ 21,885 $ 2,100,283 2015 2.00% $ 115,291 73,186 188,477 1,984,992 2016 3.00% 174,064 69,434 243,498 1,810,928 2017 3.00% 152,720 64,532 217,252 1,658,208 2018 3.00% 135,056 60,216 195,272 1,523,152 2019 3.00% 140,208 56,087 196,295 1,382,944 2020 4.00% 145,728 51,069 196,797 1,237,216 2021 4.00% 130,272 45,549 175,821 1,106,944 2022 4.00% 135,792 40,228 176,020 971,152 2023 4.00% 142,048 34,671 176,719 829,104 2024 4.00% 148,304 28,864 177,168 680,800 2025 4.00% 154,560 22,807 177,367 526,240 2026 4.00% 131,744 17,081 148,825 394,496 2027 3.25% 43,424 13,740 57,164 351,072 2028 3.38% 44,896 12,277 57,173 306,176 2029 3.50% 46,368 10,708 57,076 259,808 2030 3.50% 48,208 9,053 57,261 211,600 2031 3.75% 50,048 7,271 57,319 161,552 2032 3.75% 51,888 5,359 57,247 109,664 2033 4.00% 53,728 3,312 57,040 55,936 2034 4.00% 55,936 1,119 57,055 - $ 2,100,283 $ 648,448 $ 2,748,731 W &S Projects- Northeast WW Treatment Plant GO & Refunding - (Refunding Comb Tax & Rev COs Series 2005) $ 1,886,198 Series 2015 Date of Issue - July 7, 2015 Term - 20 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Total Total Debt Balance of Year Rate Due 2/1 Interest for Fiscal Yr Principal 2016 2.00% $ 22,723 $ 94,129 $ 116,852 1,863,475 2017 5.00% 107,653 85,313 192,966 1,755,822 2018 5.00% 114,730 79,754 194,484 1,641,092 2019 5.00% 121,808 73,840 195,648 1,519,284 2020 5.00% 129,630 67,554 197,184 1,389,654 2021 5.00% 137,825 60,868 198,693 1,251,829 2022 5.00% 146,020 53,772 199,792 1,105,809 2023 5.00% 155,333 46,238 201,571 950,476 2024 5.00% 165,018 38,229 203,247 785,458 2025 5.00% 176,051 29,718 205,769 609,407 2026 5.00% 101,320 22,798 124,118 508,087 2027 5.00% 106,535 17,602 124,137 401,552 2028 3.38% 43,955 14,197 58,152 357,597 2029 3.50% 45,445 12,660 58,105 312,152 2030 3.63% 47,308 11,007 58,315 264,844 2031 3.63% 49,170 9,258 58,428 215,674 2032 3.75% 51,033 7,410 58,443 164,641 2033 3.75% 52,895 5,462 58,357 111,746 2034 4.00% 54,758 3,375 58,133 56,988 2035 4.00% 56,988 1,140 58,128 - $ 1,886,198 $ 734,324 $ 2,620,522 15 BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DETAIL DEBT AMORTIZATION SCHEDULES 2016 4.07% 143,132 5,825 148,957 - Aquatics Master Plan & Construction - $10,000,000 - GOIS Certificates of Obligation - Combined Tax & Revenue - Aquatics Portion $ 6,030,000 Series 2010 Date of Issue - February 1, 2010 Term - 20 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Total Total Debt Balance of Year Rate Due 2/1 Interest for Fiscal Yr Principal 2010 $ - $ Decker Dr to 146 Flyover - $1,000,000 - MDD Issue Texas State Infrastructure Bank Loan 2011 1.00% $ 1,000,000 Series 2008 438,313 Date of Issue - September 13, 2007 2012 Term - 8 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Total Total Debt Balance of Year Rate Due 4/15 Interest for Fiscal Yr Principal 2009 4.07% $ 108,257 $ 40,700 $ 148,957 $ 891,743 2010 4.07% 112,664 36,294 148,957 779,079 2011 4.07% 117,249 31,709 148,957 661,830 2012 4.07% 122,021 26,936 148,957 539,809 2013 4.07% 126,987 21,970 148,957 412,822 2014 4.07% 132,156 16,802 148,957 280,666 2015 4.07% 137,534 11,423 148,957 143,132 2016 4.07% 143,132 5,825 148,957 - Aquatics Master Plan & Construction - $10,000,000 - GOIS Certificates of Obligation - Combined Tax & Revenue - Aquatics Portion $ 6,030,000 Series 2010 Date of Issue - February 1, 2010 Term - 20 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Total Total Debt Balance of Year Rate Due 2/1 Interest for Fiscal Yr Principal 2010 $ - $ 84,635 $ 84,635 $ 6,030,000 2011 1.00% 235,000 203,313 438,313 5,795,000 2012 1.00% 225,000 201,013 426,013 5,570,000 2013 2.00% 240,000 197,488 437,488 5,330,000 2014 2.00% 235,000 192,738 427,738 5,095,000 2015 2.00% 250,000 187,888 437,888 4,845,000 2016 3.00% 245,000 181,713 426,713 4,600,000 2017 3.00% 260,000 174,138 434,138 4,340,000 2018 3.00% 260,000 166,338 426,338 4,080,000 2019 3.50% 280,000 157,538 437,538 3,800,000 2020 3.50% 280,000 147,737 427,737 3,520,000 2021 3.50% 295,000 137,674 432,674 3,225,000 2022 3.63% 300,000 127,074 427,074 2,925,000 2023 3.75% 320,000 115,637 435,637 2,605,000 2024 4.00% 325,000 103,137 428,137 2,280,000 2025 4.00% 345,000 89,737 434,737 1,935,000 2026 4.13% 350,000 75,619 425,619 1,585,000 2027 4.25% 375,000 60,431 435,431 1,210,000 2028 4.25% 380,000 44,387 424,387 830,000 2029 4.38% 410,000 27,344 437,344 420,000 2030 4.38% 420,000 9,187 429,187 - $ 6,030,000 $ 2,684,766 $ 8,714,766 16 BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DETAIL DEBT AMORTIZATION SCHEDULES W &S Projects- $16,500,000 - COs Certificates of Obligation - Combined Tax & Revenue - Aquatics Portion $ 5,500,000 Series 2013 Date of Issue - March 26, 2013 Term - 20 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Total Total Debt Balance of Year Rate Due 2/1 Interest for Fiscal Yr Principal 2013 $ - $ 44,117 $ 44,117 5,500,000 2014 2.00% 216,667 159,896 376,563 5,283,333 2015 2.00% 220,000 155,529 375,529 5,063,333 2016 2.00% 225,000 151,079 376,079 4,838,333 2017 2.00% 230,000 146,529 376,529 4,608,333 2018 2.50% 235,000 141,292 376,292 4,373,333 2019 4.00% 240,000 133,554 373,554 4,133,333 2020 4.00% 243,333 123,888 367,221 3,890,000 2021 4.00% 248,333 114,054 362,387 3,641,667 2022 2.50% 255,000 105,900 360,900 3,386,667 2023 2.50% 263,333 99,421 362,754 3,123,334 2024 2.50% 270,000 92,754 362,754 2,853,334 2025 2.63% 280,000 85,704 365,704 2,573,334 2026 3.00% 286,667 77,729 364,396 2,286,667 2027 3.00% 295,000 69,004 364,004 1,991,667 2028 3.13% 305,000 59,814 364,814 1,686,667 2029 3.13% 315,000 50,126 365,126 1,371,667 2030 3.25% 325,000 39,923 364,923 1,046,667 2031 3.25% 336,667 29,171 365,838 710,000 2032 3.30% 350,000 17,925 367,925 360,000 2033 3.38% 360,000 6,075 366,075 - $ 5,500,000 $ 1,903,484 $ 7,403,484 17 RESOLUTION NO. 256 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2015, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2016; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT: Section 1: That the budget estimate of the revenues of the Baytown Municipal Development District and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 2015, and ending September 30, 2016, as finally submitted to the Board of Directors by the General Manager of said District be, and the same is in all things, adopted and approved as the budget estimate of all the current expenses as well as the fixed charges against said District for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2015, and ending September 30, 2016. A copy of the budget is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 2: This resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the Board of Directors of the Baytown Municipal Development District. INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSED by the affirmativeyf# of the Board of Directors of the Baytown Municipal Development District this the 20th day August, 2015. A T: LETICIA BRYSCH, As ' tant Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: 4 nta A?!�7 ACIO RAMIREZ, SR., G n al ounsel STJZPHEI -H. DONCARLOS, R:'%Karen%Files,City CounciMunicipal Development District Resolutions\2015 Wugust\Adoptl5- 16Budget.doc 18 =a G� R:'%Karen%Files,City CounciMunicipal Development District Resolutions\2015 Wugust\Adoptl5- 16Budget.doc 18