FY 07-08 TIRZ Adopted BudgetBAYTOWN REINVESTMENT ZONE #1 FUND 216 BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND Actual Adopted" Estimated Adopted* 2005 -06 2006.07 2006.07 2007.08 ources of Funding TIRZ Increment ** $ 167,389 $ 322,962 $ 207,309 S 316,373 Investment Interest 1,876 - 6,000 7,000 Developer contribution 462,382 500,000 462,385 600,000 Total Sources -$ 631,647 $ 822,962 $ 675,694 $ 923,373 Uses of Funding Zone Adm. & Project Mgmt. $ Legal Services Engineering Services Capital Improvements City Services Total Uses S 35,025 S 46,748 S 38,214 $ 30,600 13,250 15,000 12,000 12,000 5,653 - - - 462,382 500,000 462,385 600,000 44,039 75,000 66,679 80,925 560,349 $ 636,748 $ 579,278 S 723,525 Excess (Deficit) Sources Over Uses $ 71,298 $ 186,214 $ 96,416 $ 199,848 Working Capital - Beginning 76,480 272,649 147,778 244,194 Working Capital - Ending $ 147,778 $ 458,863 S 244,194 $ 444,042 * TIRZ Budget approved by the Board of Directors of the Baytown Redevelopment Authority on September 4, 2007. ** If the county chooses to participate, they would generate an additional $31,438 in TIRZ increment in FY 07 -08 (Base Historical Tax Increment Schedule Historical Annexed Area Tax Schedule Increment Taxable Cumulative Taxable Annual Value Increment Value Increment 2001 Base Year $ 50,418,710 $ 2002 $ 49,297,930 $ (1,120,780) 2003 $ 59,132,610 $ 8,713,900 2004 $ 72,826,380 $ 22,407,670 2004 Base Year S 7,710 2005 $73,177,660 $22,758,950 2005 S 7,710 $ 2006 $ 79,248,766 $ 28,830,056 2006 S 785,707 $ 777,997 Estimated 2007 $ 90,544,975 $ 40,126,265 Estimated 2007 $ 800,482 $ 792,772 BAYTOWN REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER ONE BUDGET SUMMARY Fiscal Year 2007 -08 Baytown Reinvestment Zone Number One (Zone) was established by City Council in ordinance number 9197 on August 9, 2001. The Zone was enlarged by City Council in ordinance number 9271 on November 20, 2001. The Zone was enlarged by City Council in ordinance number 9968 on December 9, 2004 to facilitate the city's mobility plan and to provide for in -fill commercial development. Pursuant to Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code, the City of Baytown may designate a contiguous geographic area within the City as a reinvestment zone if the area satisfies the requirements of certain sections of Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code. The Zone financing plan outlines the proposed use of ad valorem taxes for improvements in the reinvestment zone. The proposed improvements in the Zone are expected to significantly enhance the value of all the taxable real property in the zone and will be of general benefit to the City. The Board of Directors for the Zone consists of nine members of whom the City appoints six, and three members include representatives from Harris County, Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District and Lee College respectively. The expiration date of the Zone is December 31, 2030, or an earlier time designated by subsequent ordinance. Property taxes levied by taxing units participating in the Zone on captured appraised value above the base value are deposited into the tax increment fund. The base value is the value of all real property taxable by the taxing units participating in the Zone as of January 1, 2001. As a result of the latest Zone enlargement, 2004 was established as the base year for that area. 2008 Estimated Funding Sources and Uses — Based on the most recent tax roll received from the Harris County Appraisal District, $40,919,037 is the estimated amount of tax increment in the reinvestment zone for the 2007 tax year. The estimated 2007 value for the reinvestment zone totals $91,345,457. Based on this incremental growth and a 95% collection rate, the City tax incremental contribution to the fund will be $286,507. Negotiations with Harris County will hopefully enable the County to contribute increment in this fiscal year. Harris County participation is restricted to 75% of their base tax rate and any resulting increment is restricted to funding for a County- approved project. Once the cost of this project is funded (reimbursed), County participation will end. If an agreement were approved by both jurisdictions, the County incremental contribution assuming a 95% collection rate is estimated to be $29,866. This increment will be set -aside in a project - specific fund to retire the associated costs. In addition to the tax incremental revenues, it is anticipated that developer contributions will total $600,000 for investments associated with the residential developments. Estimated payments to the City of Baytown from the Zone will total $80,295 which includes a reimbursement of $14,325 that equals 5% of the increment revenues captured by the City for Zone administration and project management and a $66,600 reimbursement for costs associated with the provision of basic services in the residential area of the TIRZ. Following are the increment values by development project: PrQiect Base Value 2007 Estimated Value Increment Legna $ 1,667,180 $22,506,481 $20,839,301 Mall $37,242,580 $47,284,308 $10,041,728 Eastpoint $11,508,950 $20,754,186 $ 9,245,236 TOTAL $50,418,710 $90,544,975 $40,126,265 04 Annexed Area $ 7,710 $ 800,482 $ 792,772 Total $91,345,457 $40,919,037 Estimated Project Costs The estimated project costs for the Zone outlined in the Project and Reinvestment Zone Financing Plan total $42,090,000, contingent on the level of participation by the local taxing entities. It is expected that developers will advance funds for the public infrastructure improvements and will be reimbursed as provided in separate agreements and other documentation between the developer and the Zone. This year's developer contribution is estimated to be $600,000 for infrastructure associated with the residential development.