FY 07-08 MDD Adopted BudgetMUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) 2007 -08 ADOPTED PROJECTS BUDGET FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 August 2, 2007 Robert D. Leiper Ignacio Ramirez Rhonda L. Young Lorri Coody Interim General Manager General Counsel Finance Officer Assistant Secretary BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MEMBERS STEPHEN H. DONCARLOS, President SCOTT SHELEY, Vice President REGGIE BREWER, Secretary KITTY ALLEN BRANDON CAPETI LLO LYNN A. CASKEY II LISA GUY DON MURRAY TERRY SAIN LENA R. YEPEZ BAYTO"N t in BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT S August 2, 2007 President and Members of the Municipal Development District Board Enclosed you will find the adopted 2007 -2008 budget for the Baytown Municipal Development District (MDD). Listed below are the highlights of revenues and expenditures. Revenues — sales tax revenue is projected at $4,001,400 and is based on a four percent (4 %) projected increase over the current year estimated collections. Along with interest income, total revenues for 2007 -2008 are projected at $4,376,400. Expenditures - the MDD has several projects underway that will play a significant role in the economic development and quality of life in the City. These projects for 2007- 2008 are listed under one of the following three (3) priorities: o Priority: Projects or expenditures designed to promote new or expanded business activity that create or retain primary jobs: ➢ Economic Development Foundation — Basic Service ➢ Economic Development Foundation — Special Projects ➢ Development of New and Expansion of Existing Businesses and Industry Priority: Projects which provide infrastructure for economic development: ➢ Land Acquisition for New Thoroughfares State Infrastructure Bank Loan Repayment— Decker Drive Main Lanes ➢ State Infrastructure Bank Proposed Loan Repayment— Decker Drive to Highway 146 South flyover ➢ Texas Avenue Streetscape Project • Cost Share with Developers for Upsizing Utilities • Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant (60% share of design and construction) • Utilities - North Main from Cedar Bayou- Lynchburg to Wallisville Road • West District Plant Expansion Design (60% share of design; 50% share of construction) • Transportation Master Plan (50% share of the first phase of the study; remaining 50% funded by the City of Baytown General Fund) Priority., Projects that improve a community's quality of life, including parks, athletic facilities, etc: ➢ Aquatic Master Plan Implementation: Engineering, Design and Construction ➢ Art and Cultural Center— property acquisition • Baytown Nature Center Entryway and Miscellaneous Improvements • Baytown Little League Improvements • Land Acquisition — Future Parks Additional narrative on each of the foregoing projects is included in the enclosed "Major Budget Issues" section of the budget packet. Project administration costs of $150,000 are included for administrative support of the MDD. Contingency funding is included in the amount of $375,000. This contingency provides flexibility to allow the Board to utilize MDD funds to secure federal, state and local grant funds when available to enhance and expand the impact that the MDD's impact has on the economic development of the community. This contingency also allows funding for inflationary increases on project cost estimates. Sincerely, PDobert. Leiper Interim General Manager MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR BUDGET ISSUES Fiscal Year 2007 -08 On May 5, 2001, in the general election, the citizens of the City of Baytown voted to authorize the creation of the Baytown Municipal Development District (MDD) and the imposition of a sales and use tax at the rate of one -half of one percent for the purpose of financing economic development projects that provide economic benefit and diversify the economic base of the community. The board is composed of the Mayor, six council members and four at -large resident members. REVENUES - Sales tax is projected at $4,001,400 for fiscal year 2007 -08 and is based on a four percent (4 %) projected increase over the current year estimated collections. Interest earnings are projected at $375,000. EXPENDITURES — As we enter the second five years of the MDD, known as Phase Two, the projects include economic development improvements in the areas of streets, drainage, sidewalks; signalization; utilities; and parks. Project administration costs of $150,000 are included for administrative support of the MDD. In most projects, construction labor and related costs are charged directly to the projects. The proposed budget also includes $375,000 for contingency funding. PROJECTS Development of New and Expansion of Existing Businesses and Industry A significant function of this budget allocation is the development of new and expansion of existing businesses. These projects are critically important in light of the State Implementation Plan's potential impact on the petro - chemical industry and underscore our need to diversify our economic foundation. $100,000 Economic Development Foundation — Basic Service The continued funding for the basic economic development services contract with the Baytown Area/West Chambers County Economic Development Foundation (EDF). $200,000 Economic Development Foundation — Special Projects The current MDD budget includes continued funding for a special projects contract with the EDF. This contract is approved for renewal on an annual basis. $100,000 Land Acquisition for new Thoroughfares Funds to purchase right -of -way (ROW) for roadway development or expansion. $100,000 State Infrastructure Bank Loan Repayment — Decker Drive Main Lanes The MDD financed a $2,500,000 loan from the Texas State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) for the main lanes of Decker Drive from Highway 146 to 1 -10. The funds were used to advance the project scheduled by the state. The SIB provides low interest loans to qualifying projects. Eligible projects must be on the state highway system and be included in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan. Payment six of eight is included in the 2007 -08 budget. $377,478 State Infrastructure Bank Loan Repayment - Decker Drive to Highway 146 South Flyover The 2007 -08 budget includes the first year of an eight year loan repayment for a $1,000,000 loan from the Texas State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) for a proposed Decker Drive to Highway 146 South flyover project. This funding is necessary, combined with matching funds proposed in the November 2007 bond election, to allow for completion of the Decker Drive to Highway 146 South flyover. The current project funding eliminates the "braided" on and off ramps. The postponement of the construction of these ramps will impair mobility in the area. The State will match our $2 million contribution to provide the $4 million necessary to complete all elements of this flyover. Eligible projects must be on the state highway system and be included in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan. The first payment estimate is included in the 2007 -08 proposed budget. $151,000 Texas Avenue Streetscape Project The 2007 -08 proposed budget includes continuing funds for either direct expenditures or match for grants in subsequent years to enhance streets and sidewalks for economic redevelopment, community identity and beautification in the public right -of -way. The expenditures may include roadway improvements, utilities, streetlights, trees, crosswalks, street furniture, landscape plantings, etc. $150,000 Transportation Master Plan A Transportation Study to evaluate the current and future transportation needs will include a major Thoroughfare Plan. The Thoroughfare Plan will consist of a two phase study to be performed in a 2 year time frame. The study will be funded 50% by MDD and 50% by the City of Baytown General Fund. The current year budget includes funding for 50% of the year one costs. $75,000 Economic Development Cost Share with Developers The City will have the ability to upsize utility lines installed by developers to meet future water and sewer needs for undeveloped areas serviced by the same lines. $50,000 Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant The confirmed growth and development within the City necessitated the need for the design and construction of the Northeast Wastewater Treatment facility. The project is estimated at $28,500,000 with 60% ($17,100,000) of the funding from the MDD. The remaining 40% ($11,400,000) will be funded from the Water and Sewer Fund. The 2007 -08 proposed budget includes the current year's principal and interest payment on 20 -year financing. The project is financed by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) loan and Series 2006 Certificates of Obligation. The plant is under construction and is scheduled to be completed in fiscal year 2008. $1,161,300 Utilities - North Main from Cedar Bayou- Lynchburg to Wallisville Road This economic development project will extend water and wastewater service along North Main Street from just north of Cedar Bayou Lynchburg Road to Wallisville Road, effectively opening up this area for future development. As property owners connect to this line, they would be required to request voluntary annexation as a condition for tying on to this service. The initial user of this new service, and an impetus for additional development in this area, will be the new GCCISD high school under construction at Wallisville and N. Main. This project is under design and the final design of the northern section is dependant on the coordination with Harris County on the North Main expansion and cooperation of the adjacent MUD. The City has issued the Series 2007 Certificates of Obligation to finance the total cost of the project which is estimated at $4,500,000. MDD will provide 100 % funding for the 20 year debt service. $356,037 West District Plant Expansion Design — 50% of Debt Service for Construction The design to expand the facility with a new 4.0 million gallon per day (MGD) treatment facility is underway. This expansion will increase the facility to 8 MGD. MDD has reimbursed the City for 60 %, or $1.2 million, of the design costs of approximately $2,000,000, which was authorized in the 2005 -06 and 2006 -07 budgets. The City will issue Series 2008 Certificates of Obligation to finance the total construction costs of the project which is estimated at $27,600,000. MDD will provide 50% funding for the 20 year debt service. The 2007 -08 funding amount is an estimate of the first year debt service requirement. $253,000 Aquatic Master Plan Implementation: Engineering. Design and Construction The Aquatic Needs Analysis was recently completed to review existing conditions at the N.C. Foote Pool and the Wayne Gray Sports Complex Pool and make recommendations for renovations and upgrades. The final report provided information on utilization, feasibility of construction, and project cost estimates for aquatic facilities. The funding previously allocated to the N.C. Foote Family Swim Center has been reprogrammed in the 2006 -07 budget to consolidate the projects. The 2007 -08 budget includes additional funding to include the Engineering and Design of the resulting recommendation in the Master Plan. $100,000 Art and Cultural Center At the June 7, 2007 MDD board meeting, the board requested funding for the possible acquisition of a building to serve as an Art and Cultural Center. The 2007 -08 budget includes funding that could be utilized for the purchase of a building. $100,000 Baytown Little League Improvements The 2007 -08 budget provides continued funding for various improvements at little league facilities including lighting, concession renovations, press box renovations, and fencing repairs as needed. $50,000 Baytown Nature Center Entryway and Miscellaneous Improvements The 2007 -08 budget includes matching funds for possible future grants to construct additional wetlands, breakwater, and fishing piers. $50,000 Land Acauisition — Future Parks The project provides funding to acquire future parkland. This is the second year of set - aside funds to provide a fund balance that would be used as land becomes available. The funding for 2007 -08 is for land acquisition for Jenkins Park expansion. $350,000 Skate Park Construction — Unidad Park The project provides funding to construct a skate park at the Unidad Park location. Additional funding has been requested from Hams County Commissioner Sylvia Garcia to allow for the purchase of additional equipment. $300,000 6 Proiect Administration & Overhead $150,000 Contingency The contingency set aside is increased $75,000 to reflect the reimbursement from Harris County Commissioner Sylvia Garcia for a portion of the Jenkins Park Skate Park costs. $375,000 Total MDD 2007 -2008 Budget cc MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) PROGRAM FUND 215 BUDGET SUMMARY Actual Transfer Carried - forward Budget Total Transfer Estimated Carried- forward Adopted 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2006.07 2006-07 2007-08 !"inning working capital S 5.680,435 S - S 7,796,808 S 3.223,149 S 7,796,808 S 7,796,808 S 6,934,621 S 1,788.301 Revenues Sales Taxes 3,677,343 - - 3,547,000 3,547,000 3,847,510 4,001,400 Ingest on Investments 294,376 - - 276,000 276,000 390,000 375,000 Intergovernmental - CMAO grant for Goose Creek proiect 4.240 - - - Contribution - Gray Center Renovations 7.200 - - - Contribution - Jenkins Skate Park - - 75.000 - - Contribution - UPS Lift Station Upso -rig 15,000 - - Miscellaneous 1,050 Total MDD Revenues 3.998.159 3.823,000 3,823,000 - 4,313.560 4,376,400 Expenditures Economic Development Projects Development of New and Expansion of Existing Businesses and Industry 980,250 100,000 1,080,250 1,080,250 100,000 Econ Development Foundation - Basic Economic Development Services 100.000 200,000 200,000 200.000 200.000 Econ Development Foundation - Special Economic Development Projects 17.5001 100,000 100,000 25.000 - 100.000 Unified Land Development Code 37,500 37,500 37,500 Subtotal 117,500 1,017,750 400.000 1,417.750 252,500 1,080.250 400.000 Streets, Drainage, Sidewalks A Si nal/zedon Projects Garth Road Medan Removal Project - 200.000 200.000 Garth Roadllndependence Signal (501% of cost) - 150,000 150,000 Garth Road Signalization Synchronization 6,850 2,000 8,967 8,967 8,967 Land Acquisition for New Thoroughfares 406,419 100,000 506,419 506,419 100.000 North Main/Alexander Signalization 237,425 3,000 186,832 400,000 586.832 586,832 Raccoon Drive Sidewalks 60.000 - - - - Sidewalk Projects for Parks - 77,242 77,242 - 77,242 State Infrastructure Bank Loan Repayment Decker Drive. Main Lanes 377,478 - - 377,478 377,478 377,478 377,478 State Infrastructure Bank Loan Repayment Decker Drive to 146 south "er (50% MDD - 50% 11/07 GO Bond Election) - - 151.000 Texas Avenue - Streetscape Project 140.000 140,000 200,000 340,000 45,000 295,000 150,000 Texas Avenue Restri 'ng 21,005 Transportation Master Plan 145.000 819,460 1,077,478 1,896,938 341,033 772,478 _ 1,465,493 75,000 853,478 Subtotal 1 702,758 i Utility Projects Baker Road/North Main Sanitary Sewer Study & Construction 112.905 137,272 24,367 1.000,000 1,024,367 1,024,367 Economic Dev. Cost Share with Developers to Upsize New Utilities - 137,272 982,7281 100.000 1,082,728 1,273 1,081,515 50,000 NE WW Treatment Plant Debt Service (60% - 2005 & 2006 TWOS & 2006 CO's) 197,844 - 1,185,930 1,185,930 1,185,930 1,161,300 N. Main from Cedar Bayou - Lynchburg to Wallisrille W &S Debt Service • S4.5mm - 2007 CO's 12.093 12,092 375.000 1 375,000 356,037 %0 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MOD) PROGRAM FUND 215 BUDGET SUMMARY i Actual I Transfer ! Carried - forward Budget Total Transfer Estimated Carried - forward Adopted 2005-08 F 2005-06 20054)6 2006-07 2006-07 2006 -07 2006-07 2006-07 2007 -08 UPS Lift Station Upsizing 15,000 15,000 i 1,213 16,213 - West District Plant Expansion Design and Debt Service - (50%- 2008CO's) 196,127 403,873 600,000 1,003,873 1,003,873 Subtotal 518,969 12,092. 1,425,968 3,260,930 4,686,898 2,206,016 2,105,882 Pro ects 400.000 450.000 r253,000 Aquatic Master Plan Implementation: Engineering, nacrd Construction 50.000 50.000 Art and Cultured Center - - 100,000 Baytown Little League Improvements 196.200 i 13,800 50,000 63.800 63.800 1 - 50.000 Baytown Nature Center Entryway and Misc. Improvements 22,508 - ! 4,204 100,000 104,204 104,204 - 50,000 Baytown Nature Center Mill & Overlay 44,306 - - Decker Dr. Landscaping Plan 433 - East Harris County Soccer Sports Complex water 500.000 - 500.000 500,000 East Little League Land Acquisition 6,716 - Goose Creek Stream, Phase IV (80% Match CMAQ = $1,089,535) 5,300 289,755 289,755 289,755 Goose Creek Stream - Trails, Docks and Picnic Shelters'. - - Goose Creek West MaintMarket St Project - Gray Center Renovations: Girls and Adult Softball complex 36.985 - 20.327 300,000 320,327 111,635 320,327 Land Acquisition - Future Parks (Jenkins Park in 2008) 61,635 50,000 111,635 350,000 Lighted Bayfmnt Fishing Pier N.C. Foote Family Swim Center (moved to Aquatics Master Plan) 400,000 400,000 400.000 Roseland & Central Little League Parking Lot Construction 78,215 - 3,785 ! - 3.785 3,785 Roseland Park Lighting and Other Improvements - 60,000 60.000 60.000 - Roseland Pavilion Air Conditioning 1.896 - - Skate Park Construction - Jenkins Park 177,637 177,637 - - Skate Park Construction - Unidad Park - - 300,000 Spr rounds not specific) - Wetlands Center Annex - - Wetlands Center Improvements (add ACMeating) 105,000 105,000 3,785 108,785 - - Subtotal 392.559 998,506 i 1,010,000 2,008,506 177,637 1,784,753 401,390 9501000 Total MDD "acts 1,731,786 157,092 4,261,684 1 5,748,408 10,010,092 518,670 5,025,747 5,053,015 4023,815 1 Other Project Administration and Overhead 150,000 150,0001 150,000 150,000 150,000 Contingency 157,0921 311,9751 300.0001 611,975 518,670 93,305 375,000 Subtotal i 150,000 157,0921 311,9751 450.0001 761,975 518,670 150,000 93,305 525,000 Total MOD Expenditures 1,881,786 4,573,659 6,198,408 10,772,067 5,175,747 5,146,320 4,548,815 I Revenues over under expenses 2,116,373 4,573,659 2,375,408 6,949,067 862,187 5,146,320 172,415 Ending working capital S 7,796,808 1 $ - I $ 3,223,149 1 S 847,741 S 847,741 S - S 6,934,621 S 1,788,301 S 1,615,886 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION INCLUDED FOR PLANNING PURPOSES 10 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISMCT (MOD) PROGRAM FUND 215 BUDGET SUMMARY - PROJECTED WORIONG CAPITAL _ Estimated revenue growth for pro)ected years: 4% Actual Expenditure Forwarded Budget Total Estimated ProJe�d 2008M Projected 2009-10 Pry . 2MO-11 Projected 201142 Projer ted 2MZ43 Prole W 201&14. Projected 201446 Projected 20 S-16 through 9i3M 2005-06 2006.07 200607 200607 lnnl work) capital $ $ 7.796,808 $ 3.223,149 $ 7,796.808 $ 7,796.808 r4.001.400 $ 1,615,886 S 1,466,017 $ 1,700,207 $ 2259296 $ 3.198,116 S 3.970,159 S 5,378,171 $ 6,532.127 Revenues Sales Taxes 16,324,054 3,547,000 3,547,000 3,847,510 4,161,000 4,327,000 4,500,000 4.680.0001 4,867,000 5,082,000 5,264,000 5,475,000 Interest an Investments 535,381 276,000 278,000 390,000 375,000 390,000 406,000 422,000 439,000 457,000 475,000 494,000 514,000 Contributions & Miscellaneous 396.447 76.050 Total MOD Revenues 17255,862 3.823.000 3.823,000 4,313.560 4376,400 4,551.000 4,733,000 4,922,000 5.119,0001 5,324,000 5,537 000 5,758,000 5.!389,000 Expenditures Ecormmlc Dovefopwnt Projeas Development of New and Expansion of Existing Businesses and lncbztry 980250 100.000 1 1.080250 100.0001 100,0001 100.000 100.0001 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 Eoon Development Foundation - Basic Ecawmic Deve em Services 300,000 200.000 200,000 200, 000 200.000 200,000 200.000 100,000 200.000 100.000 200.000 100,000 200.000 100,000 200.000 100,000 200.000 100.000 200.000 100,000 Econ Development Foundation - Special Economic Developnent Projects 182250 100,000 100,000 25.000 100,000 – 100,000 Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone advances 53 ,543 Unified Land Developnent Coda 37,500 37,500 37,500 Subtotal 535,793 1,017,750 400,000 1,417,750 262.500 400.000 400,000 400.000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 Sfreels. Drat Sldowalks s Si nation s Baker Road Extension - Land Acquisition 56.819 Garth Road Median Removal Proiect 200.000 200.000 Garth Roadfi Signal (50% of oasq 150,000 150.000 Garth Road Signatization Srichronization 464.651 8.967 Land Acquisition for New Thoroughfares 405,419 100,0001 506,419 100.000 100.000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1 100,000 100.000 orth MavJAlexander SkInalizatim 294,550 188.832 400,000 586,832 Raccoon Drive Sidewalks 60.000 Sidovralk Pn4ects for Parks 62.758 77242 77242 State hdrasbuchae Bank Loan Repayment Decker Drive Main Lanes 1.509.912 377,478 377.478 377,478 377.478 377,478 377,478 State InWaistnwhue Bank Loan Repayment Decker Drive to 146 south flyover (50% MDO - 50% 11/07 GO Bond Election ) - 151,000 151,000 151,000 151,000 151.0001 151,000 151,000 151.000 Texas Avenue - Sty- 140,000 200.000 340.000 45.000 150,000 150.0001 150.000 150.000 150.000 150.000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Texas Avenue Resb#ng 39,505 Transportation Master Plan 75,000 75.000 Subtotal 2,488,195 819,460 1.077478 2.237,971 772.478 853,478 853, 478 778, 478 401,000 401,000 401,000 401,000 401,000 250,000 Uw Baker RoadMorth Main Sanitary Sewer Study & Construction 129,667 1 24,367 1,000,000 1,024,367 Economic Dev. Cost Share with Developers to Upsize New Utilities 982.728 100,000 1.081. 515 50.000 50. 000 50. 000 50. 000 50 .000 50.000 50.000 50.000 50.000 NE WW Treatment Plant Debt Service (6096 - 2005 & 2006TWOB & 2006 00's ) 197,844 1,185,930 1,185,930 1,185,930 1,161,300 1,164210 1,166,168 1,192,128 1,195,193 1,199,080 1201,581 1.208,315 1214,695 N. Main from Cedar Bayou - Lynchburg to Wallisville W &S Debt Service • $4.5mm - 12,_0.93_ 375,000 375,000 358,037 354.680 3,521049 349, 003 345, 542 341,665 340252 338,631 340,847 UPS 11h Station U 15,000 16.213 16213 West District Plard Expansion Design and Debi Service - 50% - 2008 CO's 196,127 403,873 600,000 1,003 873 1003 873 253.000 793 ,500 782,115 770,730 828,345 815,063 801,780 857,498 842,318 Subtotal 535,731 1,425,968 3,260 930 4,686!898 2 016 1,020,337 2 362,390 2,350,333 2,361,861 2,419,080 2,405,807 2,393,613 2,454 444 2 447,859 Parka ftqecft Aquatic Master Plan Imp3ementation: Er*hmm, Design and Construction 50.000 450,000 450,000 100.000 Aquatics Master Plan Phase 1 & 2 Construction $6mm - 00 110,0 345.01)0 50 340.0 335.100 360.150 354.375 348.600 372.825 Arboretum Education and Park 360.000 Art and Cuthural Center 100.000 SaYtm Little Lea ue Improvements ements 1962 0 13.800 50,000 63,8W 63,8001 50,0001 100,000 MUMCIPAL DEVELOPMENT D1STR3CT MDD PROGRAM FUND 215 - BUDGET SUMMARY - PROJECTED WORIONG CAPITAL Estimated revenue growth for pro(acted years 4% Actual Expenditure Forwarded Budget Total Estimated Adopted Projected 2008-09 Projected 2009.10 Projected 2MG41 Projeetad 2MI -12 Projected 201243 Projected 201344 -- _ Projeeted 21H445: - Projected 2MG-16 through 9030106 200506 2006-07 200607 2006477 2007-08 Baytown Nature Center Entryway and Misc. Improvements 690,518 4204 100.000 104.204 104-NM 50,000 110,0001 1 Baytown Nature Center MM & Overlay 44,306 Decker Dr. Landscaping Plan 30.000 East Harris Coady Sour Sports Complex Water I 500.000 500.000 500.000 East Little League land Acquisition 213,365 Goose Creek Stream Phase III 240,000 Goose Creek Stream. Phase tV (80% Match CMAO= $1,089,535 ) 301,226 289,755 289,755 Goose Creek Stream - Trails, Docks and Picnic Shatters 125,000 Goose Creek West MaiNMarket St. Project 80,000 Gray Center Renovations: GMs and Adult soft" 2. 983 .301 20.327 300.000 320.327 320.327 Lard Acquisition - Future Parks (Jenkins Park in 2008 ) 61.835 50.000 111.635 350.000 50.000 50. 000 50. 000 50 .000 50.000 50.000 50.000 50.000 F Pier 500.000 North Main Property (Parking. Restroom/Concession and 125.000 125,000 125,000 125,000 Roseland & Central Lift League Par" Lol Constriction 78,215 3.785 Roseland Park BtWmd Renovations and Trail Constriction 245,000 Roseland Park Lighting and Other limprovernents 60.000 60.000 60.000 Roseland Park rood 82.000 Lard Pavilion Air Caidiltioning 35.000 Skate Park Construction - Jenkins Park 177,637 177.637 Skate Park Cation - Umclad Park 300.000 Sp-A-inds Vol 125.000 125,0001 125.000 Wetlands Center Annex 350.000 Wetlands Center Improvements (add ACMea ' 105,000 108,785 108,785 Subtotal - - 5.139,131 998.506 1,010,000 2,188,143 1,784,753 950000 635,000 520000 750,050 510,100 895,150 484,375 898.600 772,825 Total MDD P 'ecis 8,698 850 4,261,684 5,748,408 10,528,762 5,025,747 4,023,815 4250,868 4,048 811 3,912.911 3.730180 4,101,957 3.678 988 4,154,044 3,870,684 Other Administration and Overhead 737 .500 150.000 150.000 150.000 150.000 150.000 150.000 150.000 150.000 150.000 150.000 150.000 150.000 22,704 311. 975 300. 000 93.305 375.000 300.000 300.Ot)D 300. 000 300000 300 .000 300.000 300.000 300.000 Sutnotal 1 760,204 311.975 450000 243.305 525.000 450.000 I 450000 450.000 450.000 450.000 450.000 450.000 450.000 TotaIMDD Roves 9,459,054 4,573.659 6,198408 10.772,067 4,548,815 4,700.868 4498,811 4,362,911 4,180.180 4,551,957 4,128.988 4,604,044 4,320,684 Z5.175.747 Revemnes over 8 7.798.808 4,573,659 2,375.408 8.949, 172,415 149, 868 234,189 559,089 938,820 772,043 1,408,012 1,153,956 1,668,316 Ending working capital $ 7 ,796,808 $ 3,223,149 $ 847.741 $ 847 741 34 621 $ 1,615.886I $ 1,466,017 $1,700.207 $ 2259,296 $ 3.198.1-1-6 $ 3,970,159 $ 5,378171 $ 6,532,127 S 8,200.442 _$_6,9_ I BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DETAIL DEBT AMORTIZATION SCHEDULES State Infrastructure Loan - Decker Drive 2.05% 123,610 $ 2,500,000 192,537 2,961,380 Date of Issue -July 3, 2003 130,185 Term - 8 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Total Total Debt Balance of Year Rate Due 7/03 Interest for Fiscal Yr Principal 2003 4.40% $ 267,478 $ 110,000 $ 377,478 $ 2,232,522 2004 4.40% 279,247 98,231 377,478 1,953,275 2005 4.40% 291,534 85,944 377,478 1,661,741 2006 4.40% 304,361 73,117 377,478 1,357,379 2007 4.40% 317,753 59,725 377,478 1,039,626 2008 4.40% 331,734 45,744 377,478 707,892 2009 4.40% 346,330 31,148 377,478 361,562 2010 4.40% 361,562 15,916 377,478 - 265,260 1,041,480 $ 2,500,000.00 $ 519,824 $ 3,019,824 31,512 Certificate of Obligation - TWDB MDD portion-60%) Issue 1 of 2 $ 3,516,310 Series 2005 Date of Issue - March 1, 2005 Term - 20 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Total Total Debt Balance of Year Rate Due 2101 Interest for Fiscal Yr Principal 2006 1.35% $ 98,625 $ 99,219 $ 197,844 $ 3,417,685 2007 1.55% 105,200 97,738 202.938 3.312.485 2010 2.05% 123,610 68,927 192,537 2,961,380 2011 2.25% 130,185 88,995 219,180 2,831,195 2012 2.40% 138,075 85,873 223,948 2,693,120 2013 2.55% 145,965 82,355 228,320 2,547,155 2014 2.65% 153,855 78,456 232,311 2,393,300 2015 2.75% 163,060 74,175 237,235 2,230,240 2016 2.90% 172,265 69,435 241,700 2,057,975 2017 2.95% 181,470 64,261 245,731 1,876,505 2018 3.00% 191,990 58,656 250,646 1,684,515 2019 3.10% 202,510 52,589 255,099 1,482,005 2020 3.15% 214,345 46,075 260,420 1,267,660 2021 2.00% 226,180 39,080 265,260 1,041,480 2022 3.30% 239,330 31,512 270,842 802,150 2023 3.35% 252,480 23,334 275,814 549,670 2024 3.45% 266,945 14,500 281,445 282,725 2025 3.50% 282,725 4,948 287,673 - $ 3,516,310 $ 1,224,226 $ 4,740,536 13 BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DETAIL DEBT AMORTIZATION SCHEDULES Certificate of Obligation - MDD ortion -60% 138,109 $ 3,925,511 Series 2006A Date of Issue - February 9, 2006 Term - 20 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Total Total Debt Balance of Year Rate Due 2101 Interest for Fiscal Yr Principal 2007 5.875% $ 51.603 $ 212.562 $ 264.164 $ 3.873.908 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 5.875% 116,785 138,109 254,894 5.875% 122,217 131,089 253,306 5.875% 127,649 123,749 251,398 5.875% 133,081 116,090 249,171 4.375% 139,871 109,121 248,991 3.875% 145,302 103,246 248,548 3.875% 152,092 97,484 249,576 4.000% 160,240 91,332 251,572 4.000% 167,030 84,787 251,817 4.100% 175,178 77,855 253,033 4.125% 183,325 70,483 253,809 4.200% 191,473 62,681 254,154 4.250% 199,621 54,418 254,039 4.300% 209,127 45,680 254,807 4.350% 218,633 36,428 255,061 4.400% 228,138 26,654 254,793 4.400% 239,002 16,377 255,379 4.450% 249,866 5,560 255,425 $ 3,321,586 $ 1,748,516 $ 5,070,102 3,645,770 3,523,553 3,395,904 3,262,823 3,122,953 2,977,650 2,825,558 2,665,318 2,498,288 2,323,110 2,139,785 1,948,312 1,748,691 1,539,564 1,320,931 1,092,793 853,791 603,925 Certificate of Obligation - TWDB MDD portion-60%) Issue 2 of 2 $ 10,370,133 Series 20068 Date of Issue - May 1, 2006 Term - 20 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Total Total Debt Balance of Year Rate Due 2/01 Interest for Fiscal Yr Principal 2007 5.500% $ 313,210 $ 405,618 $ 718,828 $ 10,056,923 2008 5.500% 394,802 326,865 721,667 9,662,121 2009 5.500% 405,330 315,863 721,193 9,256,791 2010 5.500% 415,858 304,468 720,326 8,840,933 2011 5.500% 429,018 292,532 721,550 8,411,915 2012 5.500% 442,178 279,896 722,074 7,969,737 2013 5.500% 455,338 266,430 721,768 7,514,399 2014 5.500% 468,498 252,224 720,722 7,045,901 2015 5.500% 484,290 237,214 721,504 6,561,611 2016 5.500% 500,083 221,339 721,422 6,061,528 2017 5.500% 515,875 204,700 720,575 5,545,653 2018 5.500% 534,299 187,239 721,538 5,011,354 2019 5.500% 552,723 168,894 721,617 4,458,631 2020 5.500% 571,147 149,645 720,792 3,887,484 2021 5.500% 592,203 129,429 721,632 3,295,281 2022 5.500% 613,259 108,334 721,593 2,682,022 2023 5.500% 634,315 86,184 720,499 2,047,707 2024 5.500% 658,003 62,922 720,925 1,389,704 2025 5.500% 681,691 38,637 720,328 708,013 2026 5.500% 708,013 13,098 721,111 - $ 10,370,133 $ 4,051,531 $ 14,421,664 14 BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DETAIL DEBT AMORTIZATION SCHEDULES Certificate of Obligation - MDD Portion $ 4,500,000 Series 2007 Date of Issue - February 1, 2007 Term - 20 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Total Total Debt Balance of Year Rate Due 211 Interest for Fiscal Yr Principal 2008 5.875% 55,385.00 300,653 356,038 4,444,615.00 2009 5.875% 155,769.00 198,911 354,680 4,288,846.00 2010 5.875% 162,692.00 189,357 352,049 4,126,154.00 2011 5.875% 169,615.00 179,388 349,003 3,956,539.00 2012 5.875% 176,538.00 169,003 345,541 3,780,001.00 2013 5.875% 183,462.00 158,203 341,665 3,596,539.00 2014 4.375% 192,115.00 148,137 340,252 3,404,424.00 2015 3.875% 199,038.00 139,593 338,631 3,205,386.00 2016 3.875% 209,423.00 131,424 340,847 2,995,963.00 2017 4.000% 218,077.00 122,874 340,951 2,777,886.00 2018 4.000% 228,462.00 113,943 342,405 2,549,424.00 2019 4.100% 237,115.00 104,483 341,598 2,312,309.00 2020 4.125% 247,500.00 94,488 341,988 2,064,809.00 2021 4.200% 257,885.00 83,903 341,788 1,806,924.00 2022 4.250% 268,270.00 72,723 340,993 1,538,654.00 2023 4.300% 280,385.00 61,064 341,449 1,258,269.00 2024 4.350% 292,500.00 48,890 341,390 965,769.00 2025 4.400% 306,346.00 35,973 342,319 659,423.00 2026 4.400% 321,923.00 22,230 344,153 337,500.00 2027 4.450% 337,500.00 7,594 345,094 - 4,500,000.00 2,382,832 6,882,832 15 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FUND SALES TAX REVENUE PROJECTIONS Munc aI Development District. Sallee Tax #215.41201 4.00% FY FY FY FY FY FY FY 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 October 188,853 202,298 208,600 224,560 282,567 267,880 278,595 November 193,123 211,381 192,895 241,047 279,426 303,819 315,972 December 424,780 376,161 370,820 402,610 459,781 446,429 464,286 January 203,666 212,210 211,146 231,984 258,739 327,666 340,773 February 208,169 203,529 217,560 251,181 259,012 281,526 292,787 March 318,069 311,226 371,254 365,065 379,840 409,201 425,569 April 230,143 215,378 233,463 269,885 289,415 293,468 305,207 May 222,725 224,239 222,895 237,527 207,739 232,923 242,240 June 306,908 324,547 452,392 336,882 356,427 370,941 385,779 July 211,281 234,200 237,893 249,426 265,813 276,455 287,513 August 216,758 213,302 231,428 239,975 281,266 281,294 292,546 September 270,102 287,166 316,111 319,899 357,317 355,908 370,144 2,994,577 3,015,637 3,266,457 3,370,041 3,677,342 3,847,510 4,001,400 Incr (Decr) over prior yr 8.32% 3.17% 9.12% 4.63% 4.00% IL