Ordinance No. 12,810ORDINANCE NO. 12,810 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, ADDING APPROXIMATELY 19.5 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 275 FEET EAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF NORTH MAIN STREET AND WALLISVILLE ROAD IN THE GEORGE ELLIS LEAGUE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 21, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, TO COUNCIL DISTRICT NO. 4; REPEALING ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** WHEREAS, Section 17(1) of the Charter of the City of Baytown provides that the City Council shall redistrict the City if the growth of the City justifies; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to include the newly annexed territory described herein in a Council District; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: Council District No. 4 is hereby redistricted by the addition of that property which is described in Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 3: If any provisions, section, exception, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect from and after ten (10) days from its passage by the City Council. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown at least ithin ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative this the 12th day of March, 2015. / A BRYSCH, APPROVED AS TO FORM: RAMIREZ, SR., .� s R:1 Karen%. Files\ CityCouncil `.Ordinances\2015\March 12W ddl9 .5Acres2CouncilDistrict4.doc of the City Council of the City of Baytown H. DONCARLOS, Mayor Exhibit "A" ANNEXATION DESCRIPTON 19.51 ACRES Being a 19.51 acre tract or parcel of land situated in the George Ellis League, Abstract No. 21, Harris County, Texas, and being a portion of a called 22.2050 acre tract as described in deed to North Main Partners LLC and recorded in Harris County Clerks File No. 20070270161, said 26,228.5 square feet tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows; COMMENCING at a Point with State Plain Grid Coordinates of N = 13869080.34 and E = 3246584.17, said point being the intersection of the existing east line of annexation at the existing sewer easement east of North Main Street and the south line of the 20 feet wide annexation strip south of Wallisville Road; THENCE N 77 °47'03" E, along the south line of said 20 feet wide strip, a distance of 260.40 feet to a point for the Point of Beginning of the herein described tract; THENCE N 77 047'03" E, a distance of 330.61 feet; THENCE S 12 008'34" E, a distance of 260.46 feet; THENCE N 77 °51'41 " E, a distance of 330.56 feet; THENCE N 12 °08'29" W, a distance of 280.91 feet; THENCE N 77 047'03" E, a distance of 334.03 feet; THENCE S 12 008'29" E, a distance of 918.59 feet; THENCE S 78 022'20" W, a distance of 671.56 feet; THENCE N 12 °10'16" W, a distance of 210.89 feet; THENCE S 78 012'09" W, a distance of 574.86 feet; THENCE N 16 026'22" W, a distance of 53.64 feet; THENCE, along a curve to the right having a radius of 1929.94 feet, a central angle of 04 °28'32" an arc length of 150.75, a chord bearing of N 14'19'14" W and a chord distance of 150.71 feet; THENCE N 12 003'48" W, a distance of 212.53 feet; THENCE N 77 047'29" E, a distance of 260.47 feet; THENCE N 12 004'47" W, a distance of 260.02 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing a calculated area of 19.51 acres of land. NOTES: This document was prepared under 22TAC §663.21, does not reflect the results of an on the ground survey, and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real property except those rights and interests implied or established by the creation or reconfiguration of the boundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared. The bearings shown here -on are referenced to State Plane Coordinate System, South Central Zone, NAD 83. N = 13869080.34 E = 3246584.17 W W BEAR LAND 3201 N. STATE HWY 146 UNIT A SURVEYING CO. PHONE: (28 X427- -6442 © COPYRIGHT 2014 FIRM NO. 10160300 '1 a I II � II V II x j &V 77.47 28' R - 260.47' �I 1 I I' I L : 160.76' 1 R a 1828.94' 1 I� 1 I' ifI 18.26'22' N - 63.84' I i I S 78'f2'OE WALLISVILLE ROAD N 77'47'0.9' B - 330.81' N 1 N q y N 77.61'41' R « 380.66' W + 674.86' ANNEXATION TRACT 19.51 ACRES '11 1 1. ib N 0 S 78.22'20' F - 671.68' b 41 t y 04 I LO C:) C:) rr LLJ ORD 20150104652 1 03/16/2015 ER $24.00 ORDINANCE NO. 12,810 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOv".N, TEXAS, ADDING APPROXIMATELY 19.5 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED APPROX%4ATELY 275 FEETEAS'.f OF THE IINITERSECTION OF NORTH MAINT STRE_',E'.T'AND WALLISVILLE ROAD :IN THE GEORGE ELLIS LEAGUE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO, 21, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, TO COUNICUL. DISTRJCT NO. 4; REPEALLNG ORDLNIANCES INCONSISTENIT HEREWITH; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; ATNMI PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF, 1OR NO EE WHEREAS, Section 17(1) of the Charter of the City of Baytown provides that the City Council shall redistrict the City if the growth of the City justifies; and. WHEREAS, it is necessary to include the newly annexed territory described herein in a Council District, NOWTHEREFORE BE fl' ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section ': Council District _No. 4 is hereby redistricted by the addition of that property which is described in Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for allirttents and purposes. Section 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject niatter covered by this ordinance, Section 3: If any provisions, section, exception, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordiriance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall riot affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end all Provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect front, and after ten (10) days from its passage by the City Council. The City Clork is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing, the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown at least 7t)<.9within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affim-iativeAbte of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 12'h day of March, 2015. / k BR, APPROVED AS TO FORM. u !Z K ;ren: fill: i; iry�' c�its�. e�, 3tdittarresii�i3' t9anF3��4; icfe? .SAcres?� ;c5u:�czlC)isdriwEu.doc H. DONCARLOS, Mayor LO ON I LO C) I C) Exhibit "N' M�,Tl\l EXATION IL il.,SC, RIPTON 1151 ACRES Bei,-,-g al 9,5 or Int ,ei of""and simmed, inthe G'ce gc Ellis o, 21 D H, -,,allcd, 22,2050mxo tvnt <:�, described in deed Notl,",, M3-n IIC and axorchd hm Ham-is Comov Ck,.'ks Filk� No. 20070270161, sald 21M! .aka. xo % trac-t being nnore by metes w,,d bmands, as JbIlowa; CM,lME'N-'CTNG ait a Pellnvkitlu S"ate Pla:,n Qid Coordmates of N = ,,,�86908().34 and E' = 3246,584.11.7, said point ohng 11"e 1"metsectiem of the existing ;ms ine of ammex"I",ion atthw ox stir ne"ver en--,,enz must of "Nor"n Maim Scre��t and, ""he Vi7,oufflh linc ofthe N) vvide all-exalion stdp so,"aht Of Road -l" I ,�ENCE N' 7704-7'03 E, alk,,ng t1m, lille, of sza.d U) vvidostrip, ,a distan,s of260,Zit feet 0 a PAN Ry ve: Pount of Bzgi£lmdrng, oftbe hemin, de,,,,cribed tracn, THIIENC,"E NT 7747'01, " E., a of 330,61 .16eet; 11,1JENC-E S 12"OK'W' a dfistwnce of 260.46 Ifeet; "" ICE'N, 7T�51 41 " E,a distance,�,f *33006 ffe,,n; H-11EN THJ_NCENN' 12"08'29" W, a distamoe of 2,130,91 N `47V �, d �, F ^," I " I' , , lis t ;o iee, o f 334, 3 THENCE S 78"22'20" W, a dis, coof 671.56 �6et; THENCE N Irl W, 6"' W a, dl-v,,,' nce of 21 U9 hceg THENCE S 789219" W� adItance W7186 ke-k., c,,J53,64 11HIEN,"CE N 16`2622 " W, a distaLlcn I 11-11',NK-E, along a mme W ,3,5< dgm hming a MAW Of I 929,5�tl fivn� a cuntral kz)gk. 04'28'32" ,ar, am iengdz of 15(1.755, ,, dhord bearing of 14 140104" W and 5; chsayd distance of i 50,73, fa,et,. T"JENCE N I 2�'03'0" W, a di-stance ,-)f 212.53 foo,; 'iFNCE NN' 77 7�-47'29' a o-f 26�D,47 tee,,'; - N THENCE' N, W, n" i"Elta-zicti of 26CL02 feia to :au - M N : 3. ? coyztah-,ing a calculated area- c& 19-5 1 acres of land, NOTE I-his documen't was prejp rod under 22TAC §66,33,21 . does no re ect I e -nesu'llis ofw, ou ,,3e mnd is ix)t "') bt, Weu u'3 couvf,-�y A-,,r osWlblish inacrests hi reml, Property tXcept "hos, mgbts Pnd ii,aImrests unpliM or esEabffinhm�d by to c,, calion orreco-I.A."i oi,. uf dh,>� bounda Y Cf 01he pohdoal SAM% !by wilch it was prepared, The beimm"g sho:%,n 'henc-onz. rn- Momed m SM. plane Coor-d"mite System, Sout1h ContTall, Zone, NAD 8 3, r r N LO O CD O rr W r r N I LO O O n 20150104652 # Pages 4 03/16/2015 13:51:04 PM e -Filed & e- Recorded in the Official Public Records of HARRIS COUNTY STAN STANART COUNTY CLERK Fees 24.00 RECORDERS MEMORANDUM This instrument was received and recorded electronically and any blackouts, additions or changes were present at the time the instrument was filed and recorded. Any provision herein which restricts the sale, rental, or use of the described real property because of color or race is invalid and unenforceable under federal law. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS I hereby certify that this instrument was FILED in File Number Sequence on the date and at the time stamped hereon by me; and was duly RECORDED in the Official Public Records of Real Property of Harris County, Texas. J 0`� R�/tfOG 7 COUNTY CLERK HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS