Ordinance No. 12,593ORDINANCE NO. 12,593 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AMENDING APPENDIX A "UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE," ARTICLE I "GENERAL," DIVISION 2 "REVIEW AND DECISION - MAKING BODIES," SECTION 1.8 "SUMMARY OF REVIEW AUTHORITY "; DIVISION 3 "ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES," SECTION 1.22 "CONTENTS OF NOTICE," TABLE 1 -3 "SUMMARY OF NOTICE REQUIREMENTS "; AND SECTION 1.23 "REQUIRED PUBLIC HEARING "; ARTICLE II "USE DISTRICTS," DIVISION 2 "ZONING DISTRICTS," SECTION 2.08 "PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS "; AND DIVISION 3 "LAND USE TABLES AND CONDITIONS, SECTION 2.09 "LAND USE TABLES," TABLE 2 -2 "NON- RESIDENTIAL USES "; AND SECTION 2.10 "LAND USE CONDITIONS," SUBSECTION A "NON- RESIDENTIAL CATEGORIES," SUBSECTION 47 "ALL USES ALLOWED IN LC" TO ADD NURSING HOMES AND ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES AS ALLOWED USES IN THE LIVABLE CENTER ZONING DISTRICT; TO REMOVE AUTOMOBILE FACILITY MAJOR, AND AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR MINOR AS ALLOWED USES IN THE LIVABLE CENTER ZONING DISTRICT; TO CLARIFY THE APPROVAL PROCESS TO BE USED FOR A DETAIL PLAN WITHIN THE LIVABLE CENTER ZONING DISTRICT AND; TO REFINE THE PROCESS TO BE USED FOR THE CREATION OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PRESCRIBING A MAXIMUM PENALTY OF TWO THOUSAND AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($2,000.00); AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. *********************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That Appendix A "Unified Land Development Code," Article I "General," Division 2 "Review and Decision - Making Bodies," Section 1.8 "Summary of review authority" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: APPENDIX A. UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ARTICLE I. GENERAL DIVISION 2. REVIEW AND DECISION - MAKING BODIES Sec. 1.8 Summary of review authority. Table 1 -2 summarizes the review and decision - making authority of each review body for the city concerning the provisions of this ULDC. Table 1 -2. Summary of review authority. Administrative appeal (zoning) DM [It nterpretation of text DM pecial exception DM Special use permit R R DM ULDC zoning text amendment R R DM Zoning map amendment (rezoning, overlay, PUD, detail plan) R R DM Zoning variance R/DM* DM R = Reviewer and/or Recommender DM = Decision Maker *Reference regulations of this ULDC that define when the director is the decision maker. Section 2: That Appendix A "Unified Land Development Code," Article I "General," Division 3 "Administration and Procedures," Section 1.22 "Contents of notice," Table 1 -3 "Summary of notice requirements" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: APPENDIX A. UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ARTICLE I. GENERAL DIVISION 3. ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES Sec. 1.22 Contents of notice. Table 1 -3. Summary of notice requirements. PA Procedure Published Mailed ULDC zoning text amendment X Siuns Website X Zoning map amendment (rezoning, X X overlay, PUD, detail plan) X* X Zoning variance X X X X X = Notice required X* = Notice required subject to subsection 1.21(c) Section 3: That Appendix A "Unified Land Development Code," Article I "General," Division 3 "Administration and Procedures," Section 1.23 "Required public hearing" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: APPENDIX A. UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ARTICLE I. GENERAL DIVISION 3. ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES Sec. 1.23 Required public hearing. Table 1 -4 identifies the types of applications requiring a public hearing and the review body responsible for conducting the hearing. Table 1 -4. Required public hearings. Application Administrative appeal (zoning) Board of Adjustment X Planning and Zoning City Council Special exception X Special use permit X X ULDC zoning text amendment X X Zoning map amendment (rezoning, overlay, PUD, detail plan) X X Zoning variance X X = Public hearing required Section 4: That Appendix A "Unified Land Development Code," Article II "Use Districts," Division 2 "Zoning Districts," Section 2.08 "Planned unit developments" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: APPENDIX A. UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ARTICLE II. USE DISTRICTS DIVISION 2. ZONING DISTRICTS Sec. 2.08 Planned unit developments. (a) Purpose. The planned unit development district is a district designed to provide for the development of land as an integral unit for single or mixed uses in accordance with a detail plan that may vary from the established regulations of other zoning districts. It is the intent in such a district to insure compliance with good zoning practices while allowing certain desirable departures from the strict provisions of specific zoning classifications. (b) Application. An application for a planned unit development district shall be processed in accordance with this ULDC. (c) Base district. A base zoning district shall be specified. The regulations in the base zoning district shall control unless specifically stated otherwise in the PUD. The base district specified in the plans is the minimum criteria to be met where the developer and council choose not to specify standards as an alternative to the base. (d) Detail plan requirements. The application for a planned unit development district must have a detail plan, which shall include the following: (1) Purpose. The detail plan contains the details of development for the property; (2) Relation to the comprehensive plan. A general statement setting forth how the proposed development will relate to the city's comprehensive plan and the degree to which it is or is not consistent with the comprehensive plan and the proposed base zoning district; (3) Acreage. The total acreage in the plan as shown by a survey or plat, certified by a registered professional land surveyor; (4) Land uses. Permitted uses, specified in detail, and the acreage for each use; (5) Off-site information. Adjacent or surrounding land uses, zoning, streets, drainage facilities and other existing or proposed off -site improvements, sufficient to demonstrate the relationship and compatibility of the development to the surrounding properties, uses, and facilities; (6) Traffic and transportation. The location and size of all streets, alleys, parking lots and parking spaces, loading areas or other areas to be used for vehicular traffic; 4 the proposed access and connection to existing or proposed streets adjacent to the development and the traffic generated by the proposed uses. Identify the relationship of each proposed street to the city's major thoroughfare plan; (7) Development standards. Development standards, if different from the base zoning district, for each proposed land use, as follows: a. Minimum lot area; b. Minimum lot width and depth; C. Minimum front, side, and rear building setback areas; d. Maximum height of buildings; e. Maximum lot coverage; f. Maximum floor -to -area ratios for nonresidential uses; g. Minimum parking standards for each general land use; and h. Other standards as deemed appropriate. (8) Existing conditions. On a scaled map sufficient to determine detail, the following shall be shown for the area within the proposed development: a. Existing streets; b. Existing 100 -year floodplain, floodway and major drainage ways; C. Zoning districts within and adjacent to the proposed development; d. Land use; and e. Utilities, including water, wastewater and electric lines. (9) Buildings. The locations, maximum height, maximum floor area and minimum setbacks for all nonresidential buildings; (10) Residential development. The numbers, location, and dimensions of the lots, the minimum setbacks, the number of dwelling units, and number of units per acre (density); (11) Water and drainage. The location of all creeks, ponds, lakes, floodplains or other water retention or major drainage facilities and improvements; (12) Utilities. The location and route of all major sewer, water, or electrical lines and facilities necessary to serve the development; (13) Open space. The approximate location and size of greenbelt, open, common, or recreation areas, the proposed use of such areas, and whether they are to be for public or private use; (14) Sidewalks and bike paths. Sidewalks or other improved ways for pedestrian or bicycle use; (15) Landscape plan; and (16) Phasing schedule. A development larger than 100 acres shall provide a phasing schedule depicting the construction phases. (e) Planning and zoning commission recommendation of detail plan and planned unit development. The planning and zoning commission shall review and make recommendations on a detail plan and PUD to the city council. The planning and zoning commission shall make a recommendation to approve if it finds that the detail plan and PUD satisfies the criteria specified in section 1.26 (c), except for section 1.26 (c)(5). (f) Approval of detail plan and planned unit development. The city council may, after receiving a recommendation from the planning and zoning commission, approve by ordinance a detail plan and the creation of a PUD based upon a detail plan. The detail plan shall be made part of the ordinance establishing the PUD. Upon approval said change shall be indicated on the zoning maps of the city. The development standards and requirements delineated in the detail plan for uses proposed shall be established based upon the particular merits of the development design and layout. Such standards and requirements shall be more or less restrictive than the standards established in the base zoning district for the specific type uses allowed in the district. Modifications in these regulations may be granted by the council if it shall be found that such modifications are in the public interest, are in harmony with the purposes of this ULDC and will not adversely affect nearby properties. (g) Expiration of detail plan. A detail plan shall be valid for two years from the date of its approval. If a building permit has not been issued within the two years, the detail plan shall automatically expire and no longer be valid. The council may, prior to expiration of the detail plan, for good cause shown, extend for up to 12 months the time for which the detail plan is valid. If the detail plan is part of a PUD, the zoning designation and development standards revert to the underlying zoning district and all future phases are also expired. (h) Review of progress; termination of detail plan. Annually, on or about the time of the original city council approval, the planning and zoning commission may review progress on the development. If measurable progress cannot be demonstrated by the developer of the detail plan, then the planning and zoning commission may recommend to the city council to void the detail plan. If the detail plan is part of a PUD and found to be void, the PUD and the remaining phases of the PUD are also void. (i) Changes in detail plan. Changes in the detail plan shall be considered the same as a zoning map amendment and follow sections 2.08(e) and (f) for approval and shall be processed in accordance with this ULDC. Those changes which do not alter the basic relationship of the proposed development to adjacent property and which do not alter the uses permitted or increase the density, floor area ratio, height, or coverage of the site, or which do not decrease the off - street parking ratio or reduce the landscape provided at the boundary of the site, as indicated on the approved detail plan, may be authorized by the director. Any applicant may appeal the decision of the director to the planning and zoning 0 commission for review and decision as to whether an amendment to the detail plan or planned unit development district shall be required. 0) Deviation from code standards. The city council may approve a PUD or detail plan with deviations from any provision in this ULDC. Such deviations shall be listed or shown as part of the ordinance that approves the detail plan or PUD. The focus shall be on the provision of private open space, trails and connections to the public trail system, higher standards for site design, and the provision of other amenities such as community buildings, preservation of view corridors, for example. Section 5: That Appendix A "Unified Land Development Code," Article Il "Use Districts," Division 3 "Land Use Tables and Conditions," Section 2.09 "Land use tables," Table 2 -2 "Non- residential uses" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: APPENDIX A. UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ARTICLE II. USE DISTRICTS DIVISION 3. LAND USE TABLES AND CONDITIONS Sec. 2.09. Land use tables. This section sets forth the land uses allowed in each zoning district. In the following tables "P" means permitted use and "PC" means permitted use with conditions as set forth in the conditions tables in division 3 of this article. Where neither a "P" nor a "PC" exists in the table, the use is prohibited. To the extent that there is a conflict between the use tables and the conditions, the use table controls. Table 2 -2. Non - residential uses. USES Agriculture (may include animal husbandry - raising of animals including livestock) excluding feedlots MU NSC P P ACE GC P LC Ll Hl P P 1 IIEF Animals Kennels PC A25 Animal hospital PC PC PC A25 Exotic animals PC PC PC PC A5 Auto body shop P PC P Al Automobile facility, major P PC I P A2, A47 Automotive repair, minor P P P REF A47 Boat and RV storage P PC P A36 Building, heating, plumbing, general, service or electrical contractors with P PC P A3 outdoor storage Community services P P P P PC P A47 Containers PC PC PC PC A6 -7 Day care P P P PC PC PC A8, A47 Drilling, oil or gas operations A23, A29, PC A29.5, A34 Dwelling unit PC PC PC A44, A47 Eating establishments Full service p PC PC P PC P PC A9 -10, Al2, A47 Limited service P PC P PC P PC A9, A11- 12, A47 Entertainment facilities, including PC PC PC PC A45, A47 bars and lounges Equipment sales and rental facilities P P P Excavation PC PC A23 Extended stay motel PC PC A13 Funeral home PC PC PC A33, A47 Gas station minimart P PC P PC A14, A47 Gas station minimart with limited P PC P PC Al 5, A47 food preparation Gas stations P PC P PC P A16, A47 Gravel pit PC A23 Grocery stores P PC PC P PC A19, A47 Group housing, Boardinghouse, Dormitory, Halfway PC PC A20 -22 house, Orphanage, Group home for substitute care REF Homeless shelter PC PC A21 -22 Hotels and motels P P P PC P A47 Junk and salvage yard PC PC A23 Live outdoor exhibitions PC PC PC A26, A47 Medical facilities Hospitals P P P Clinics P P P PC P PC A4, A47 Medical waste storage and disposal center PC PC A23 Nursing homes and assisted living facilities PC PC PC A20, A22 Office p PC PC P PC P PC A27 -28, A47 Oil or gas wells PC A23, A29 Outdoor storage PC PC PC P P A42 Packaging PC PC A23 Parking, commercial P P PC A47 Personal service P P P P PC P A47 Pet stores PC PC PC PC A32 Places of assembly PC PC PC PC PC A30, A30A, A47 Recreational vehicle park PC PC A31 Repair business P P P P PC A47 Resource extraction PC A23, A34 Retail General P PC P P PC P A18, A47 Big box PC PC A17 Sandblasting PC PC PC A23 Self storage P P P Slaughterhouse PC A23, A35 Supply houses directly to industry not to individuals P P USES Telecommunication facilities MU PC NSC ACE GC PC LC Ll PC HI PC COND REF A37 Towing service PC P A38 Towing yard PC P A42 Truck stop PC P A46 Truck terminal P P Vehicle sales, rental or leasing facility, industrial P P P Vehicle sales, rental or leasing facility, personal P P P Vehicle storage P PC P A36 Warehouse and freight movement PC PC P P A40 Waste related services Landfills P Recycling centers PC P A41 Wholesale trade P P Section 6: That Appendix A "Unified Land Development Code," Article Il "Use Districts," Division 2 "Zoning Districts," Section 2.10 "Land use conditions," Subsection A "Non- Residential Categories," Subsection 47 "All uses allowed in LC" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: APPENDIX A. UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ARTICLE II. USE DISTRICTS DIVISION 2. ZONING DISTRICTS Sec. 2.10 Land use conditions. This section sets forth the conditions associated with identified land uses in section 2.05. 10 Table 2 -6. Use conditions. Land Use i Applicable Cond do District A. Non - Residential Categories 47 All uses allowed LC No commercial permit for new construction or an in LC increase to the footprint and/or square footage of an existing structure shall be issued within an LC district without an approved detail plan in accordance with section 2.08. Section 7: Any person who fails to comply with any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding TWO THOUSAND AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($2,000.00). Each act of violation and each day upon which any such violation shall occur shall constitute a separate offense. In addition to the penalty prescribed above, the city may pursue other remedies such as abatement of nuisances, injunctive relief, administrative adjudication and revocation of licenses or permits. Section 8: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 9: If any provisions, section, exception, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 10: This ordinance shall take effect from and after ten (10) days from its passage by the City Council. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown at least twice within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown, this the 14th day of August, 2014. M R EDES RENTERIA III, Mayor Pro Tern APPROVED AS TO FORM: ACID RAMIREZ, SR., City It �maey \COBFSOI \Legal \Karen \Files�,City Council \Ordinances\2014\August 14\ULDC Amend for Detail Plan.docx 12