_FY 65-66 COB Adopted Budget �I a y-�'• .mow!' ,, � -. �. o-•d�. :,-�,,�'�'�+e 4v- A _ "�37 JK yl �.,�'Fi .� �e p; �`�' •* K �?* 1 1 @+ V n lC.fd$- T 'r t t a � n .�� �, � S '_ '!� ♦•�� .� ' pia �-r •i'`� r.�`l, ,: '" A4 ,r daz _ !sKaa' M - xt�•' � 4a' ."_� CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS A N N U A L BUDGET of the CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS for the Fiscal Year October 1 , 1965 - September 30, 1966 Compiled by Fritz Lanham, City Manager and Adopted by the MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL C I T Y C O U N C I L SEABORN CRAVEY, MAYOR A. M. BRASWELL J. ROBERT BARNES C. M. MASSEY DON M. HULLUM JACK C. HURON RAYMOND QONNELLY CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO . PART I . SUMMARIES Introduction I City Manager ' s Message II Payroll Schedules III General Budget Summary - Revenues 1 General Budget Summary - Expenditures 2 General Budget Summary - All Funds 3 Individual Funds 4 Analysis of Property Valuations 5 Tax Levies and Collections for All Funds 6 - 7 PART II . GENERAL FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES DETAIL General Fund Revenue Detail 8 - 9 General Fund Expenditures by Function and Department 10 General Fund Expenditures by Character and Object Class . 11 G EN E R A L G 0 V ERN MEN T: City Council 12 City Manager 13 Corporation Court 14 Elections 15 Finance 16 Law 17 City Hall 18 Engineering 19 City Library 20 - 21 City Clerk 22 Civil Defense 23 P,U B L I C S A F E T Y: Service Division 24 - 25 Police Department 26 - 27 Fire Department 28 - 29 Protective Inspection 30 HIGHWAYS AN D ROADWAYS: Sidewalks , Streets and Drainage 31 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS - Page 2 S A N I T A T I O N A N D W A S T E R_E M 0 V A L: Mosquito Control 32 Waste Collection and Disposal 33 i in C O N S E R V A T I O N O F H E A L T H: 7 Health Department 34 R E C R E A T I 0 N: Parks and Recreation 35 - 36 M I S C E L L A N E 0 U S: General Overhead 37 Insurance 38 PART III. WATERWORKS & SANITARY SEVIER FUND Statement of Income , Expense & Surplus Adjustments 39 Summary of Expenditures by Division 40 Summary of Expenditures by Character & Object 41 Supply 42 Transmission and Distribution 43 .,� Customer Accounting & Collection 44 General Overhead 45 Sewer and Sewage Disposal 46 Transfers to Other Funds 47 PART IV. DEBT SERVICE SECTION R E S O U R C E S A N D R E Q U I R E M E N T S: !� All Bonds 48 General Obligation Bonds 49 Waterworks and Sewer Revenue Bonds 50 D E S C R I P T I V E B 0 N D S: Statement of Bonded Indebtedness 51 - 56 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I TABLE OF CONTENTS - Page 3 i SCHED U L E O F B 0 N D R E Q U I R E M E NT Sa General Obligation Bonds 57 - 58 Waterworks & Sewer Revenue Bonds 59 Waterworks Tax Supported Bonds 60 PART V. MISCELLANEOUS Ordinance Adopting the Budget 61 - 63 Ordinance Fixing Tax Levy 64 Classification of Expenditures by Character and Object 65 - 69 .yM u^ CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I U T R 0 D U C T 10 H The 1965-66 Budget of the City of Baytown will ,., consist of the following budget accounts , each operating under and with its own funds as appropriated by the City Council and from revenues derived from sources pertaining to that particular method of operation: (1 ) The General Fund operating with revenues from tax sources and from other miscellaneous sources of revenue . (2 ) The Water and Sewer Fund operating from sale of water , servicing customer installations , and sewer ' service charges. ' (3 ) Bond Funds operating from taxation and from water and sewer revenues . CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS September 24, 1965 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Baytown Baytown, Texas Gentlemen-. I am pleased to submit to you a proposed program of service to the citizens of Baytown for the fiscal year beginning October 1 , 1965 and ending September 30, 1966. The program is designated as a budget -- an outline of work expressed in financial terms . This document is required by state law and our City Charter. Its preparation, adoption, and administration re- flect sould business practice in projecting the needs and desires of our citizens and relating those needs to the financial re- sources available. This budget includes an estimate of the anticipated revenues and necessary expenditures for the various ,. operating departments of the City, as well as debt requirements for both general obligation and revenue bonds. r� TAX STRUCTURE The 1965 property valuations will total $133 , 170,870. Anticipating 96. 5% collections and $585,420 to be applied to the General Obligation Interest and Sinking Fund, a balance of $1 ,262,044 will be applied to the General Fund. The proposed expenditures require a rate of $1.41 per $100 assessed evaluation. ' This is a reduction from the tax rate of $1. 86 which has been levied since 1962. This reduction was made possible by the tax revaluation program which resulted in the increase in total assessed valuation. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM ' The current capital improvements program in the Water and Sewer Utility Fund will continue at about the same rate as in last year' s budget. However, capital improvement appropria- tions in the General Fund have been reduced from $416,558 to $240,458. This reduction resulted from the bond election and the necessity for providing funds for principal and interest to finance these bonds. ' PERSONNEL ' With the adoption of this budget the City of Baytown will have 236 full time employees. This budget proposes a net increase of eleven employees . Six are additions to the Police ' Department, two are additions to the Finance Department, and three to the Water Department. CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS ON - 2 - The City of Baytown operates with a minimum of per- FIR sonnel in providing services to our citizens. According to the 1965 Municipal Year Book, the full time equivalent total muni- cipal employment in the United States averaged 83 employees for each 10,000 municipal inhabitants . Baytown, with a population of 40,000, averages just 59 employees per 10,000 population. Even with this variance, however, it is felt that the City of Baytown has, and will provide, the needed city services to the community with the proposed working force. SUMMARY The intention of this budget, as well as previous budgets , is to estimate revenues conservatively, appropriate expenditures intelligently and closely control financial opera- tions throughout the year with efficient administration of all departments. This budget generally follows the pattern of previous budgets with the exception that there are significant increases in the expenditures for salaries and debt service, and a reduc- tion in the expenditures for capital outlay. The difference between the 1964-65 budget of $2,940,036 and the 1965-66 budget of $3 ,439,356 is $499,229. An analysis of the increases reveals �. the following: salaries (including additional personnel ) , $209,677; debt service, $397 ,870. The major reduction in expend- itures is in capital outlay, which is reduced by $165,350. On behalf of the administrative personnel , I wish to express appreciation to the City Council for your time and effort in establishing policy and providing leadership to the City Government. I would also like to express my thanks to the staff for their work in preparing this budget and to the City Council for reviewing and evaluating the proposed program. It is hoped that the 1965-66 annual budget is in keeping with the desires of the citizenry with respect to the operation of their City Government and that this budget docu- ment will provide the necessary administrative machinery to assure another successful year for the City of Baytown. Respectfully submitted, Fritz Lanham r City Manager ljm SAL.-\RIGS j-J,JD IJAGLJ BY CLASSIFICATION AND 1AAXI1V1UM PAY SCALE. GENERAL FUND PROPOSED ACCOUNT NU1,j1BER I111IAXI1114UM 1965-66 NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY p"!io. Budget COUNCIL 101-1-2 Clerk-Steno Part- time 1 175. 00 2, 100. 00 Longevity 6 . 00 Less Portion charged to Acct. Ill ( 1 ,354. 00) TOTAL 101-1-2 752. 00 CITY MANAGER 102-1-1 City Manager 1 ` 14, 200. 00 Longevity 46 . 00 MP TOTAL 102-1-1 14,246. 00 102-1-2 Adm. Secretary l 428. 00 5, 136. 00 F, Longevity -" 52. 00 TOTAL 102-1-2 5, 188. 00 102-1-5 Contingency 200. 00 TOTAL 102 19, 634. 00 CORP. COURT 13.1- 103-1-1 Judge 1 +Ub' 586. 00 7,032. 00 Longevity 173 . 00 TOTAL 103-1-1 7 , 205. 00 103-1-2 Clerk Typist II 1 �VS„�9gP92. 00 4 , 704. 00 Clerk Typist I lt(,t42 � 370. 00 4,440. 00 Longevity 256 . 00 TOTAL 103-1-2 9 ,400. 00 103-1-5 Contingency 807 . 00 TOTAL 103 17 ,412. 00 FINANCE ° 105-1-1 Director of Finance � ' 925 . 00 11 , 100. 00 Chief Accountant ' 1 - 729. 00 3, 748. 00 Tax Assessor-Collector 1 700. 00 8,400. 00 Longevity 419. 00 TOTAL 105-1-1 28, 667 . 00 1 A- rA. PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIId:UM 1965-66 NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. 3udget 105-1-2 Senior Clerk 4-6 -*11'�$447 . 00 5,364. 00 } Assessment Clerk . 6S% fa��L392. 00 4, 704 . 00 Clerk-Typist I +44--s�_1/`346. 00 4, 152. 00 Longevity 617 . 00 TOTAL 105-1-2 14, 837 . 00 105-1-3 Sr. Acct. Clerk= ►�'43447 . 00 5,365 . 00 Account Clerk II +LS> 392. 00 4, 704. 00 Account Clerk I *466 !S`� 377 . 00 4, 524 . 00 Recpt . -Clerk c13•'i`; 346. 00 4, 152. 00 "* Purchasing Agent Hee0 550. 00 6, 600 . 00 Longevity 376. 00 TOTAL 105-1-3 25,720. 00 105-1-5 Contingency 500. 00 TOTAL 105 69 , 724. 00 LAW 106-1-1 City Attorney 1 k 410987. 00 11 , 844. 00 Longevity 369 . 00 TOTAL 106-1-1 12,213 . 00 106- 1-2 Legal Secretary 1 464. 00 5, 568. 00 Longevity 230. 00 TOTAL 106-2-1 5, 798 . 00 . 106-1-5 Contingency 350. 00 TOTAL 106 18,361 . 00 CITY HALL Ss Zz3�� 107-1-4 Custodian 1 356. 00 4, 272. 00 Longevity 220. 00 TOTAL 107-1-4 4,492. 00 107-1-5 Contingency 300. 00 TOTAL 107 4 . 792. 00 r ENGINEERING 108-1-1 Engineer & Dir. Pub. Wks . l 900. 00 10, 300. 00 Longevity 44 . 00 TOTAL 108-1-1 10,844. 00 ' PROPOSED ACCCUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM 1965-66 ' NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET 108-1-3 Asst. Engineer ``��- +'11 671. 00 8,052. 00 Asst. Engineer s--5-6:$ 1 t40"t 609. 00 7,308. 00 Junior Engineer 1 554.00 6, 648. 00 Longevity 209. 00 ' TOTAL 108-1-3 22,217 . 000 108-1-5 Contingency 200. 00 TOTAL 108 33 , 261. 00 LIBRARY 109-1-1 Librarian li 697. 00 8,364. 00 Cat. Ref. Lib. 1- 599 . 00 7, 188. 00 Childrens Lib. 1 488. 00 5, 856. 00 Longevity 102. 00 TOTAL 109 21,510. 00 109-1-2 Clerk Steno 1 410. 00 4, 920. 00 Clerk, Circulation 1 408. 00 4, 896. 00 Clerk Typist 1 355. 00 4,260. 00 Clerk Typist 1. 319. 00 3 , 828. 00 Longevity 245 .00 TOTAL 109-1-2 18, 149. 00 1.09-1-4 Custodian 1 332. 00 3 , 984. 00 Longevity 18. 00 TOTAL 109 4,002. 00 1 -1-5 Students, part time 4,425. 00 TOTAL 109 48,086.00 ' CITY CLERK 110-1-1 City Clerk 1 560. 00 6, 720. 00 Longevity 462.00 TOTAL 110-1-1 7, 182. 00 L10-1-2 Clerk Typist 1 390 . 00 4, 680. 00 Longevity 50. 00 TOTAL 110-1-2 4,730. 00 110-1-5 Contingency 340. 00 TOTAL 110 12,252. 00 CIVIL DEFENSE 111-1-2 Secretary part time 1,354. 00 Less Contrb. from Fed. Gvt. ( 654 .00) TOTAL 111 700. 00_ i 1 PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIN:UM 1965-66 NUbIBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET POLICE, SERVICE DIV. 200 -1-2 Clerk Typist 1 365. 00 4,380. 00 Clerk Typist 2 332 .00* 7 , 890. 00 Longevity 92. 00 ' TOTAL 200-1-2 12,362. 00 200-1-3 Humane Officer 1 458. 00 5,496. 00 Humane Officer 2 413 . 00 9;912. 00 School Patrolwomen 9 Months 3. 135. 00 3 , 645. 00 Longevity 220. 00 ' TOTAL 200-1-3 19,273 . 00 200-1-4 Street & Sign Painter 1 490. 00 5, 880. 00 Helper 393 . 00 49620. 00 Electrician 50%(See Acct. 203-1-4) 1 4, 012. 00 Longevity 312. 00 TOTAL 200-1-4 14, 824. 00 200-1-5 Contingency 200. 00 TOTAL 200 46, 659. 00 POLIO 201-1-1 Chief 1 `� 763 . 00 9, 156. 00 Assistant Chief 1 t3+ 634. 00 7,608. 00 Lieutenant 2 j 567 . 00 139608.00 Longevity 575 . 00 TOTAL 201-1-1 4� 30,947 .00 ti 201-1-3 Electronic Tech. 1 / 635. 00 7 ,620. 00 ' Sargeants 7- 5 541. 00 45,44 00 Patrolmen lst Class 22 515. 00 135, 960.00 Patrolmen 2nd Class 7 494. 00* 29 ,871 . 00 Patrolmen Prob. 6 475. 00* 34,998. 00 Metermaid 1 385. 00 , .00 Longevity .88888. 00 264,401. 00 TOTAL 201-1-3 201-1-5 Contingency 2,000. 00 TOTAL 201 297,34.8. 00 -Includes amount for promotions within the budget year for some of 1 these officers. a. f' PROPOSED 1 ACCOUNT _ NUMBER MAXIMUM 1965-66 NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS 'SALARY MO. BUDGET FIRE 1 202-1-1 Chief 1 688. 00 8,256. 00 Assistant Chief 1 588. 00 7,056. 00 Marshall 1 567 . 00 6, 8C4. 00 Captain 2 567. 00 13,608. 00 Longevity 1,464. 00 TOTAL 202-1-1 v 37 , 188. 00 j t 202-1-3 Firemen 1st Class 14 515. 00 86, 520. 00 Fireman 2nd Class 8 494. 00* 47, 770. 00 ' Fireman Prob. L 475. 00* 5, 890. 00 Longevity 2, 739. 00 TOTAL 202-1-3 142, 919. 00 ' 202-1-5 Contingency 750. 00 TOTAL 202 180, 357 . 00 ' INSPECTION 203-1-1 Chief Inspector 1 692. 00 8,304. 00 Longevity 179. 00 �.. TOTAL 203-1-1 8,483 . 00 203-1-3 Assistant Inspector 1 478. 00 5, 736. 00 Longevity 185. 00 TOTAL 203-1-3 5, 921. 00 203-1-4 Electrical Inspector 1 663 . 00 7 , 956. 00 ' Longevity 68. 00 8, 024. 00 Less 50% to 200-1-4 (4,012. 00) ' TOTAL 203-1-4 4, 012. 00 TOTAL 203 18,416. 00 ' STREET 301-1-1 Superintendent 1 938. 00 11 ,256. 00 Utility Foreman 1 671.00 8,052. 00 Longevity 1,008. 00 TOTAL 301-1-1 20,316. 00 -Includes amount for promotions within the budget year for some of these officers . PROPOSED ' ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM 1965-66 NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET ' 301-1-4 Equipment Operator 1 618. 00 7,416. 00 Equipment Operator 4 586. 00 28, 128. 00 Construction Foreman 1 675. 00 8, 100. 00 Construction Leadman 1 510. 00 6, 120. 00 ' Street Foreman 1 f 580.-00' 6,960 . 00 Equipment Operator 4 510. 00 24,480. 00 Equipment Operator 6 447. 00 32, 184.00 ' Construction Helper 1, 463 . 00 5, 556. 00 Construction Helper 1 447. 00 5,364. 00 Construction Helper 2_ 420. 00 10,030. 00 Laborer 1 393 . 00 4, 716. 00 Longevity 4,498. 00 TOTAL 301-1-4 143 , 602. 00 ' 301-1-5 Contingency 2, 000. 00 TOTAL 301 165, 918. 00 WASTE COLLECTION 402-1-2 Foreman 1 583 . 00 6, 876. 00 Longevity 438. 00 ' TOTAL 402 7,314. 00 402-1-3 Dozer Operator 1: 586. 00 7 ,032. 00 Driver-Leadmen 13 420. 00 65, 520. 00 Laborer 20 393 . 00 94,320. 00 Longevity 5,362. 00 ' TOTAL 402-1-3 172,234. 00 402-1-5 Contingency 6,000. 00 TOTAL 402 185, 548. 00 HEALTH 501-1-1 Senior Sanitarian 1 620. 00 7,440. 00 Longevity 432. 00 TOTAL 501-1-1 7, 872. 00 ' 501-1-3 Assistant Sanitarian 1 567. 00 6, 804 . 00 Public Health Nurse 1 531. 00 6, 132. 00 Longevity 504. 00 TOTAL 501-1-3 13 ,440. 00 TOTAL 501 21 ,312. 00 A t; t PROPOSED ' ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM 1965-66 NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY M0. BUDGET_ ' PARKS 601-1-1 Pool Manager/4 Mo . 1 475 .00 1,900. 00 ' 601-1-2 Cashiers/4 Mo. 4 190. 00 3,040. 00 601-1-3 Lifeguards/4 Mo. 6 190.00 4, 560. 00 p 601-1-4 Maintenance Leadman 1 420. 00 5,040.00 Maintenance 2 393 . 00 9,432. 00 Longevity 254. 00 ' TOTAL 601-1-4 14,726. 00 TOTAL 601 24,226. 00 ' GARAGE 701-1-1 Foreman 1 . 531. 00 6,372. 00 Contingency 288_. 00 TOTAL 701-1-1 6, 660. 00 701-1-3 Mechanic 4- 486. 00 23 ,328. 00 Servicemen 1 420. 00 5,040. 00 i Longevity 872. 00 TOTAL 701-1-3 29,240. 00 TOTAL 701 35, 900. 00 ' WATER AND SEWER FUND ' WATER SUPPLY 1001-1-1 Superintendent 1 671 . 00 8, 052. 00 Longevity 502. 00 TOTAL 1001-1-1 8, 554 . 00 1001-1-3 Pump Service Leadman 1 ll 531. 00 6,372. 00 Pump Serviceman 1 'I 478. 00 5, 736. 00 Longevity 688. 00 TOTAL 1001-1-3 127796. 00 TOTAL 1001 21 ,350 . 00 TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION 1002-1-1 Utility Service Foreman 1 626.00 7, 512. 00 1 Longevity 472. 00 TOTAL 1002-1-1 7 ,984. 00 PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM 1965-66 ' NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET 1002-1-3 Utility Service Leadman 1 586. 00 7, 032. 00 ' Equipment Operator 2. 586. 00 14,064. 00 Welder 1 510. 00 6, 120. 00 Utility Servicemen 2. 1 510. 00 12,240. 00 Meter Repair Leadman 1 lb 478. 00 5, 736. 00 ' Meter Repair Leadman 1 447. 00 5,364. 00 Utility Servicemen 1 445. 00 5,340. 00 Utility Servicemen 9 428. 00 46, 224. 00 Longevity 2,377. 00 TOTAL 1002-1-3 104,497. 00 1002-1-5 Contingency 2,500. 00 TOTAL 1002 114,981 . 00 ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING 1003-1-2 Clerk-Typist II 1., 398. 00 4, 776. 00 ' Cashier-Clerk I 2 , 370. 00 8, 880 . 00 Billing Machine Operator 3 370. 00 13 ,320. 00 Utility Service Lead. 1 536. 00 6,432. 00 Meter Reader II 1 478. 00 5,736. 00 Meter Reader I 1 408. 00 4, 896. 00 Meter Reader Trainee 1 393. 00 4,716. 00 Longevity 1, 581. 00 ry TOTAL 1003-1-2 50,337. 00 1003-1-5 Contingency 200. 00 ' TOTAL 1003 50, 537. 00 GENERAL OVERHEAD 1004-1-2 Dispatcher-Clerk 1 370.00 4,440. 00 ' Longevity 54 .00 TOTAL 1004 4,494. 00 ' SEWAGE DISPOSAL 1005-1-3 Utility Service Lead. 1 536. 00 6,432. 00 Plant Operator 7 458. 00 38,472. 00 Laboratory Trainee 1 `�` 458. 00 5,496. 00 Laborer 51 393 . 00 23 , 580. 00 Longevity 2,906. 00 ' 76, — 886_.0 TOTAL 1005 i 1 l i 1. �n I w fl s i 3 9Q ns I V nN NV a r3VX3JL `NAAO.LJLVB JO Alto i CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS P� F 1 . GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - REVENUES For the Fiscal Year 1965-66 BUDGET REVENUES PROPOSAL 1. General Fund ' Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 199, 813. 00 From Tax Sources 1,262,044. 00 , From Non-Tax Sources 459,033 . 00 Transfer. From Other Funds 31 ,155.- 00 TOTAL 1 ,952,045. 00 ' 2. Water and Sewer Fund ' Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 209,039. 00 Water & Sewer Service - Less Debt Service 483 ,969. 00 Miscellaneous Other 12,000. 00 , TOTAL 705,008.00 3. General Obligation Interest & Sinking Fund ' From Tax Sources 585,420. 00 ' Premiums & Interest 30,000. 00 Surplus 31 ,213. 00 TOTAL 646,633 . 00 4. Waterworks & Sewer System Debt Service Fund From Premiums Arid Interest 20,000. 00 From Water Operating Revenue 206,031 . 00 Surplus 202,850.00 ' TOTAL 428,881. 00 GRAND TOTAL ALL REVENUE 3,058,497. 00 , GRAND TOTAL ALL SURPLUS & SPECIFIED RESERVES 6422915. 00 GRAND TOTAL - ALL RESOURCES 3 ,701_,412. 00 ' i FM CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS .. GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - EXPENDITURES For the Fiscal Year 1965-66 ' BUDGET w EXPENDITURES PROPOSAL 1 . General Fund Current Expenses 1,658,587. 00 Capital Outlay 240,458. 00 Emergency & Contingent Funds 53 ,000. 00 TOTAL 1 , 952,045.00 2. Water and Sewer Fund Current Expenses 456, 102. 00 Capital Outlay 192,751 . 00 Contingency Fund 25,000. 00 Transfer to Other Funds 31 , 155. 00 TOTAL 705,008.00 3 . General Obligation Interest & Sinking Fund Requirements 646,633 .00 TOTAL 646,633 .00 4. Waterworks & Sewer System Debt Service Fund Requirements 166,834. 00 Surplus & Reserve Funds 262,047. 00 TOTAL 428,881 . 00 GRAND TOTAL ALL EXPENDITURES 3 ,361 ,365. 00 GRAND TOTAL ALL SURPLUS & SPECIFIED RESERVES 340,047. 00 GRAND TOTAL - ALL EXPENDITURES, SURPLUS & RESERVES 3 ,701 ,412. 00 i CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' 3 . GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1965-66 All Percent of Revenue Sources Funds Total Tax Revenue 1 ,847,464. 0,0 49. 92%' Other Revenue 493 ,033 . 00 13 .32% Water & Sewer Charges --673 ,000.00 18.18% Service Charges 17,000.00 .46% Parking Meter Revenue 28,000.00 . 75%, TOTAL ALL REVENUE 3 ,058,497.00 82.63% Transfer From Other Funds Surplus 4 10/1/65 642,915. 00 17.37% TOTAL RESOURCES 3 , 701 ,412. 00 100.00% EXPENDITURES: OPERATING Salaries 1 ,474 ,306.00 42. 86% Supplies 116,513 . 00 3.38% Maintenance of Land 100.00 .02% Maintenance of Structures 61 ,900.00 1. 80% Maintenance of Equipment 84,424. 00 2.45% Special Services 259,016.00 7 . 53% Sundry Charges 118,430.00 3 .44% Debt Service 813 ,467.00 23 .65% TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 2, 928,156.00 85. 13% EXPENDITURES: CAPITAL OUTLAY Land 27,250. 00 . 80% Structures 2209751. 00 6.42% Equipment 1859208. 00 5.38°° TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 4339209.00 12. 60% Transfer To Other Funds Emergency Fund 209000.00 . 58% Contingent Fund 58,000. 00 1. 69/ TOTAL SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 78,000. 00 2.27% TOTAL ALL APPROPRIATIONS 3 ,439,365.00 100.00% SURPLUS - BOND RESERVES TOTAL ALL SURPLUS CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 4: INDIVIDUAL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1965-66 General Water V-Itrwks. ^ General Int. & Sink. & Sewer Swr. Int. & Fund Fund Fund Sink. Fund ' cil ,62. 0,44.00 i=585,420. 00 � 431 ,033. 00� 30,000. 00 12,000.00 20,000. 00 - -- - 466,969. 00 206,031 . 00 17 ,000.00 28,000. 00 19721 ,077. 00 615 ,420. 00 495,969.00 226,031. 00 � 31,,155. 0 199,813 . 00 D 31 ,213. 00 209,039. 00 202,850.00 1 ,952,045.00 646,633 . 00 705,008.00 428,881. 00 1,206,058. 00 268,248.00 77 ,443. 00 39,070. 00 100.00 46,800 . 00 15,100.00 51 ,640.00 32,784.00 ' 176,816. 00 82,200. 00 99,730. 00 18,700. 00 646 ,633 . 00 166,834. 00 ' 1 , 658, 587.00 646,633.00 456 , 102. 00 166,834. 00 27 ,250. 00 110,000. 00 110 ,751 .00 103 ,208.00 82,000.00 _ 240,458. 00 192,751 .00 31 ,155.00 20,000. 00 33 ,000.00 25.000. 00 -_ 53 ,000. 00 56,155.00 1 ,952,045. 00 646,633 . 00 705,008. 00 166,834. 00 262,047. 00 ^... 262,047. 00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANALYSIS OF PROPERTY VALU,-TIONS Fiscal Estimated Assessed Basis Of ' Period True Value Value Assessment 1948-49 35,000,000 17,500,000 50% ' 1949-50 38,748,274 19,374, 137 50% 1950-51 55,966,052 27,983 ,026 50% 1951-52 60,450,496 30,225,248 50% t1952-53 63,462,194 31 ,731 ,097 50% 1953-54 65,429,674 32,714,837 50% 1954-55 66,636,528 33 ,318,264 50% 1955-56 81,321 ,794 40,660, 897 50% ' 1956-57 85,964,318 42,982, 159 50% t1957-58 89, 124,968 44,562,484 50% 1958-59 - 93,838,910 46,919,455 50% 1959-60 95,776,700 47,888,350 50% 1960-61 100,539,574 50,269,787 50% 1961-62 139,973 ,040 69,986,520 50% ' 1962-63 145,920,000 72,960,000 50% 1963-64 172,460,000 86,230,000 50% ' 1964-65 179,000,000 89,500,000 50% ' 1965-66* 266,341 ,740 133 , 170,870 50% ' -Tax revaluation program completed and placed on roll for 1965 taxes ;@6pna 99-996T ` suoz-}oaTToo pue acuoouz paq-eWT;SE** Ten;od OS aunt uo pasea SUOT400TToa pue amoou-r pa;ew-rgs3 000`9E 9 '96 886` TT8` T 80L` LL8` T**99-996T TTE`9Z 6 '96 L09`OZ9` T SOVZZL9` T *99-V96T wm 000`8Z 99 'L6 000` E99 ` T 6L6` T09` T tb9-E96T 9tE` TZ 99 ' L6 OT8` EZE` T 990 `L9E6T E9-Z96T vm 00919E E ' L6 008` TLT` T 89L` EOZ` T Z9-T96T Z60`ZV T '1,6 098`VT8 88t6998 T9-096T 999`8Z E'96 Ct7T`98L 6L9` EZ8 09-696T T66` LT 9 '96 Z9L`OLL 9T0`L08 69-896T 6Zt"OZ 9 '96 9996TSL t V6`V9L 89-L96T 9T06LT T '96 EET`ZOL 90E`8EL L9-996T Otb9` TZ 8 '96 90t`E89 9t96ZTL 99-996T V0966Z L'96 L9968t9 LEO` EL9 99--b96T LOLt'6T L *t 6 8WZE9 899`Z99 t79-E96T L6L66EZ 9 't6 Ctt'9T9 LEL`9i�9 E9-Z96T 96L'ET Z ' E6 LEO` Cet t'E8 `6T9 Z9-T96T t960`8 6' T6 LLE`90E ZOZ` EEE T9-096T 09V 6 E'E6 OT9`98Z 000`90E 09-6t6T ' 090`6 0 'Z6 006`9LZ 000` TOE 6t-8t76T ' poz,10d Te0s-r3 poz.zad POTaad Te0sz3 AA&I xes pozTad 6UTanQ saxeZ Te0ST3 6ulanQ 6uianQ saxes Teq-ol Te0sT3 s ,.zea, zoz-Td pa;oaTTo0 AAO-j s ,.zeak ;ua.zan0 pa;oaTToO 40 a6P4uaozad _.o UOT400TTOO ' SQNfl3 TIV 'I03 SNOI1321100 QNd S3IA1 41 X` I '9 6tlX31 'NMOlAtl9 40 A1.13 .r S•Z,T �Z17` TSZ 8'86 886`9V8` T 6 ' T 0 'ZT 9OL`OOz t'86 8T6`5t,9` T 9 ' T 6'OT 5Tg'VLT 98 '86 000` T69` T UT 9 ' TT .:,. TS9`5�T 90'66 99T `gW T 9 ' T T 't,T OZ9`69T SOOT OOV'80Z`T O ' S r' T 't7T O t't9T 6'86 ZV6`998 8 'V q '6T CV9`09T 8 '86 86L` ST8 9 '8 UOz T6L` S9T L'L6 SgL`88L Z'Z T '6T LLS`9tT S'86 t,66' TgL L'Z Z '9T LOC'tCT V*L6 8tT `6TL t7 'z 'r T '9T 60T`Q-TT 6'86 9b0`9OL 0 ' 0 L '8T t769` LOT 8.'OOT TLT `8L9 T 'S T 'LT 6tt'96 T '86 8T6` T99 5 ' S 6'8T 9-Vt,` SOT 0 '66 zZt,`O-vg 0 ' b , Z'6T S58`66 9*96 Z88`96-V L 'Z 6'8Z 60t,`96 E'V6 ZL-V'tTS 17 'Z ' L'Z8 Ot7T `OOT £'96 OLL`t,6Z O ' S 8 '08 OOL`Z6 0 '96 096`98Z 0' S , na7 xel s , aeaA saxes Anaj xel suoz;oaTTo0 na7 xel ' ;uaaan0 of ;uanbuzTaQ SUOT .oaTToO Te;ol suo-r;oaTTo0 •bUTTaQ pa;eT pa;eTnwnood Te;ol 30 q-uanbu-ITaQ -nwnood Jo OT;2E ozq-e'd -To oz;eU SQNn--I TIV 'I03 SNOI. OPTI00 QNd SDIA21 XHI 'L SVX31 'NMOlAV9 d0 AlIO 1.12 N fl 3 7 V U 3 N 3 9 I H V d is 4. 3 9 Cl fl S 7 fl N NV r,vx3.L 'NAPOJLAV13 30 JULIO CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL 8„ FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1966 ACCT. ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED NO. 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 PROPERTY TAXES Current Year 800 1,275,583 . 00 1,325,000. 00 1,233,694. 00 Prior Years 801 23 ,542. 00 21,161. 00 21,000. 00 ' Penalty & Interest 802 7,586. 00 7,344. 00 7,000. 00 Tax Certificates 803 443 . 00 350. 00 _ 350. 00 TOTAL PROPERTY TAXES 1 ,307 ,154. 00 1,353 ,855. 00 1,262, 044. 00 ' FRANCHISE TAXES Houston Nat. Gas Corp. 826 20,959. 00 22,832. 00 24,000. 00 Houston L & P Co . 826 113 ,096. 00 117,920. 00 120,000. 00 General Telephone Co. 826 17,318. 00 22,553. 00 21,000. 00 TOTAL FRANCHISE TAXES 151 ,373. 00 163 ,305. 00 165,000.00 LICENSES & PERMITS Oil Drilling Permits 817 4,250. 00 2,500. 00 2,500. 00 Beverage Licenses 818 2,444.00 2,000. 00 2,000. 00 Other Licenses & Permits 819-820 2,953.00 2,300. 00 2,300.00 Taxicab Permits 825 350.00 450. 00 450.00 TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 9,997.00 7,250. 00 7 ,250.00 FINES & FORFEITS Corporation Court 806 57,208. 00 64,200. 00 65,000. 00 SERVICE CHARGES ' Building Permits 810 3 ,939.00 2,650. 00 2,650.00 Electrical Permits 814 3 ,776.00 5,400. 00 5,400. 00 Plumbing & Moving Permits 811-813 4,432.00 3 ,000. 00 3 ,000. 00 Health Permits 815, 832 1 ,976. 00 3 ,000. 00 3 ,000. 00 Waste Collection 830 110 ,899.00 117 ,041. 00 153,333.00 TOTAL SERVICE CHARGES 125,022. 00 131,091. 00 167 ,383 .00 SWIMMING POOL 831 6,122. 00 8,000. 00 8,000. 00 PARKING METERS 807 30,710. 00 29,000. 00 28,000.00 LIBRARY 847 3 ,400. 00 3 ,400. 00 MISCELLANEOUS 845,846 848-850 24, 752.00 32,000. 00 15,000. 00 TOTAL REVENUE 1 ,712,338. 00 1 ,792, 101. 00 1 ,721,077 . 00 (Continued Next Page ) pw CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL - Continued 9. ACCT. ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED ' NO. 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS -150,330. 00 204,333 . 00 199, 813. 00 TRANSFER FROM WATER FUND 31 ,155. 00 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 1 ,862,668. 00 1, 996,434.00 1, 952,045.00 LESS: OPERATING EXPENSES 1,313 ,222.00 1 ,391 ,859. 00 1,658,587. 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 351,250. 00 401,054. 00 240,458. 00 ' CONTINGENCY & EMERGENCY 3.708.00 53,000. 00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,664,472. 00 1,796,621 . 00 1,952,045.00 ' TOTAL UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS 198, 196.00 1992813.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND 10. SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES ' BY FUNCTION & OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT & DIVISION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED NUMBER 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ' 101 City Council 85,632. 00 84,268. 00 136,352. 00 102 City Manager 19, 899. 00 20,287. 00 21,684. 00 103 Corporation Court 16, 147. 00 18,313 .00 21,955.00 104 Elections 1 , 140. 00 4,169. 00 5,490.00 105 Finance 75,792. 00 61,764. 00 79,334.00 106 Law 18,971. 00 19,063. 00 21,691. 00 107 City Hall 35,686.00 35,913 . 00 22,323. 00 108 Engineering 26,899.00 29,437.00 37 ,609. 00 109 Library 69,768. 00 73 ,280. 00 80,923. 00 110 City Clerk 10,909. 00 11 ,923. 00 13,532. 00 ill Civil Defense 4,786. 00 5,559. 00 5,820.00 TOTAL GENERAL GVT. 365,629. 00 363 ,976.00 446,713. 00 PUBLIC SAFETY ' 200 Service Division 55,563. 00 58,494.00 78,604.00 201 Police Department 238,687.00 268,343. 00 337,174. 00 202 Fire Department 176,340. 00 183 ,609.00 210,462.00 1 203 Protective Inspection 18,308.00 17 ,569.00 22,719. 00 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 488,898. 00 528,015. 00 648,959.00 HIGHWAYS & ROADWAYS 301 Sidewalks , Streets & Drainage 499,456.00 551 ,227.00 401,655.00 ' SANITATION & WASTE REMOV, 401 Mosquito Control 8,748. 00 9,300. 00 9,300. 00 402 Waste Collection & Disp. 129,613 .00 173 ,029. 00 219,394. 00 TOTAL SAN . & WASTE REMOV. 138,361. 00 182,329. 00 228,694. 00 CONSERVATION OF HEALTH 501 Health Dept. 31,056. 00 35,454. 00 37,458. 00 RECREATION 601 Parks & Recreation 34,208.00 32,626.00 65,901. 00 MISCELLANEOUS 701 Garage 79,805.00 73 ,779. 00 91,700. 00 702 Insurance 27,059. 00 29,215. 00 30,965.00 TOTAL MISC. 106,864.00 102,994.00 122,665.00 GRAND TOTAL 1 ,664,472.00 1,796,621.00 1,952,045.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS GENERAL FUND 11 . SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER & OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 OPERATION ' 1 . Salaries & Wages 909,577 . 00 981 ,151 .00 1,206,058. 00 2. Supplies 71 ,350.00 75,782. 00 77 ,443. 00 3 . Maintenance of Land 39.00 20.00 100. 00 4. Maintenance of Structures 31 ,216.00 45,200. 00 46,800. 00 5. Maintenance of Equipment 51 ,907. 00 46,354.00 51 ,640. 00 6. Miscellaneous Services 160,511.00 149,317. 00 176,816.00 7. Sundry Charges 88,622. 00 94,035. 00 99,730.00 TOTAL OPERATING 1 ,313 ,222. 00 1 ,391,859.00 1,658,587. 00 CONTINGENCY FUND 3 ,708.00 33 ,000. 00 EMERGENCY FUND 20,000. 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 8. Land 5,801. 00 16,750. 00 27,250.00 ' 9. Structures 293,720.00 305,063. 00 110,000. 00 10. Equipment 51 ,729. 00 92,241.00 103 ,208. 00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 351 ,250.00 414,054.00 240,458.00 GRAND TOTAL 1 ,664,472.00 1,809,621.00 1,952,045. 00 OR CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 101 12 . GENERAL GOVERNMENT A CITY COUNCIL .. ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES 2. Clerical 886. 00 456. 00 752.00 2. SUPPLIES 4' 1 . Office 400. 00 400. 00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 4. Special Services 26,895.00 7 ,705. 00 6,400. 00 6. Travel Expense 3 ,966. 00 4,000. 00 4,000. 00 13 . Association Dues 600. 00 600. 00 895.00 ' 13A. Association Dues-Other 396. 00 _T TOTAL 6 31 ,857. 00 12,305. 00 11 ,295. 00 7 . SUNDRY CHARGES 1 . Contritutions and Gratuities 425. 00 450.00 450.00 4. Judgements & Damages 750. 00 750. 00 RIM 5. Employee Retirement, City' s Portion 17,650. 00 18, 144. 00 19,000. 00 6. Social Security, z.4m Z�.41,10 3.191% City' s Portion 22,270. 00 34,000.00 38,400 .00 8. Miscellaneous-Vet- eran Service 1 ,244. 00 1 ,555.00 11555. 00 9. Employee Service Awards 407. 00 750. 00 750.00 10. Reserve for Sick Pay 9, 893 .00 10,000. 00 10,000. 00 TOTAL 7 51,889 .00 65, 649 . 00 70,905.00 TOTAL OPERATING 84,632. 00 78, 810. 00 83 ,352. 00 TOTAL CONTINGENCY FUND 3 ,708. 00 33 ,000. 00 EMERGENCY FUND 20,000. 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 8. LAND 1 . Purchase Price (Option) 1 ,000. 00 1,750. 00 GRAND TOTAL 85,632. 00 84,268.00 136,352. 00 r CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ,• 13 ACCOUNT NO. 102 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY MANAGER ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES 1 . Executive 13 ,256. 00 13 ,022. 00 14,246. 00 2. Clerical 3 ,948.00 4, 130. 00 5, 188.00 5. Contingency 142. 00 200. 00 200.00 6. Merit Adjustments 850. 00 TOTAL 1 18, 196. 00 17,352. 00 19,634. 00 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 300.00 300. 00 300.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT r 4. Motor Vehicle 99. 00 X� 7. Radio Equipment 30.00 6. MISCELLANECUS SERVICES 1. Communications 360.00 2. Equipment Hire 850.00 900. 00 6. Travel & Reimbursable Expense 104. 00 300. 00 400. 00 13 . Association Dues 60. 00 60. 00 TOTAL 6 104. 00 1,210. 00 1 ,720.00 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 9. Civil Service Director 1,200. 00 1,200.00 TOTAL OPERATING 19,899.00 20,062. 00 21 ,684. 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 3 . Instruments and Appa- ratus 225. 00 GRAND TOTAL 19,899.00 20,287 .00 211684. 00 X CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 103 14. GENERAL GOVERNMENT Pip CORPORATION COURT ON ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 i. . SALARIES AND WAGES 1 . Administrative 6,341 . 00 6,581 . 00 7 ,205. 00 2. Clerical 8, 108. 00 8, 107. 00 9 ,400. 00 5. Contingency _ 269 . 00 807. 00 TOTAL 1 14,449. 00 14,957. 00 17 ,412. 00 2. SUPPLIES 1 . Office 1 ,292. 00 1 ,292. 00 1 ,448.00 3 . MAINTENANCE 1 . Land 39. 00 20 .00 50. 00 4. MAINTENANCE 1 . Building 231 . 00 100. 00 100. 00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1 . Furniture & Fixtures 100. 00 100 .00 100. 00 12. Heating & Cooling Sys . 5. 00 50. 00 50. 00 TOTAL 5 105.00 150. 00 150. 00 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1 . Communications 200. 00 4. Janitorial Services 780.00 6. Travel & Reimbursable Expense 75. 00 75.00 TOTAL 6 75. 00 1 ,055. 00 n., SUNDRY CHARGES 7 . Jury Fees 11 . 00 60.00 60. 00 8. Warrant Officer 20. 00 1 ,600. 00 1 ,680. 00 TOTAL 7 31 . 00 1 ,660. 00 1,740.00 TOTAL OPERATING 16, 147. 00 18,254. 00 21 ,955. 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery, Tools & Implements 59. 00 GRAND TOTAL 162147. 00 18,313 . 00 21 .955. 00 r CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 104 15. GENERAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS ' ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 2. SUPPLIES ' 1. Office 119. 00 550. 00 1,315. 00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 4. Special Services , Elec- tion Officers 452. 00 2,091. 00 2,475. 00 5. Advertising 119. 00 200.00 300.00 7. Rents, Voting Machines 450.00 1 ,328.00 1,400. 00 "^ TOTAL 6 1 ,021. 00 3 ,619. 00 4, 175. 00 GRAND TOTAL 1, 140.00 4 , 169. 00 5,,490. 00 raq CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 105 16. GENERAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES �+ 1. Supervisory 14,128.00 13, 138. 00 28,667.00 2. Clerical 13,070. 00 12,986.00 14, 837.00 3 . Accounting 6,215. 00 9,018. 00 25,720.00 ,. 3A. Appraisal 29,132. 00 12,162. 00 5. Contingency 600.00 600. 00 500. 00 TOTAL 1 63 ,145. 00 47,904. 00 69,724.00 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office and Postage 6,412.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3 . Office Equipment 798. 00 1,000. 00 1,000.00 4. Motor Vehicles 100.00 TOTAL 5 798. 00 1 ,000.00 1, 100.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance 600.00 450. 00 4. Semi-Annual Audit & Equalization Board 2,278. 00 2,750. 00 2,750.00 5. Advertising 673. 00 900. 00 1 ,000. 00 6. Travel Expense 352. 00 350. 00 650. 00 7 . Rents 1,200. 00 13 . Association Dues 779. 00 110. 00 TOTAL 6 4,682.00 5,650. 00 4, 510.00 TOTAL OPERATING 75,037. 00 60,554. 00 77 ,334.00 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Office Machinery 755. 00 1,210. 00 4. Motor Vehicles 2.000.00 I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 755. 00 1 ,210. 00 2,000. 00 GRAND TOTAL 75,792.00 61 ,764. 00 79 ,334. 00 i CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 106 17• GENERAL GOVERNMENT LAW ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES 1 . Supervisory 11,565. 00 11 ,590. 00 12,213..00 2. Clerical 4,933 .00 5, 173 . 00 5,798..00 5. Contingency 250.00 350. 00 350.00 TOTAL 1 16,748.00 17, 113 .00 18,361.00 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 300.00 120. 00 300.00 5 . MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Office Equipment 50. 00 4. Motor Vehicle 104. 00 TOTAL 5 104. 00 50.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1 . Communications 200. 00 2. Equipment Hire 855. 00 1,080. 00 6. Travel Expense 600.00 575. 00 600.00 ' 13 . Association Dues 50. 00 TOTAL 6 600. 00 1 ,430. 00 1 ,930.00 ' 7 . SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Court Costs 185. 00 300.00 TOTAL OPERATING 17,937. 00 18,663 .00 20,941. 00 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Office Equipment 354. 00 8. Books (Law Library) 680_._00 400. 00 750.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,034.00 400.00 750.00 GRAND TOTAL 18,971. 00 19.063 . 00 21.691. 00 r ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 18. ACCOUNT N0. 107 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY HALL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES 4. Labor, Maintenance 3 ,664. 00 3 ,868. 00 4,492. 00 5. Contingency 241. 00 300.00 300.00 TOTAL 1 3 ,905. 00 4,168. 00 4,792. 00 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 1 , 882. 00 1, 800. 00 5,000. 00 7. Minor Tools 13 . 00 35. 00 35. 00 o' 8. Janitorial Supplies 517. 00 500. 00 700. 00 TOTAL 2 2,412. 00 2,335.00 5,735. 00 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1 . Building 901 . 00 500.00 500. 00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Office Equipment 700 .00 600. 00 600.00 12. Heating & Cooling Sys . 915.00 1,000. 00 1 ,200.00 TOTAL 5 1, 615. 00 1,600. 00 1,800. 00 6 . MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 11 ,897. 00 12,000.00 6,726. 00 2. Hire of Equipment 720. 00 7. Rent (Parking Lots ) 300. 00 350. 00 350. 00 11 . Light and Power 14, 656. 00 14, 960. 00 1 ,425. 00 12. Fuel (Gas ) 200.00 13 . Assn. Dues (Credit Bureau) 75. 00 TOTAL 6 26,853. 00 27,310. 00 9,496. 00 GRAND TOTAL 35, 686. 00 35,913 .00 22,323 . 00 r i am CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS �. ACCOUNT NO. 108 19. GENERAL GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 I . SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 9,840. 00 10, 160. 00 10,844.00 3 . Technical Salaries 14,86.1. 00 15,500.00 22,217. 00 5. Contingency 79. 00 200.00 200. 00 TOTAL 1 24,780. 00 25, 860. 00 33 ,261. 00 2. SUPPLIES 1 . Office 915. 00 1,000. 00 1 ,000. 00 7 . Minor Apparatus 200.00 200. 00 TOTAL 2 915. 00 1 ,200. 00 1 ,200.00 5.. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT I`! ' 1 . Furniture and Fixtures 175.00 150. 00 3 . Instruments and Appara- tus 148. 00 150. 00 150. 00 ' 4. Motor Vehicle 196. 00 250. 00 500. 00 7 . Radio Equipment 400. 00 TOTAL 5 344. 00 575. 00 1,200.00 t6 . MISCELLANEOUS 1 . Communications 1,300. 00 2. Car Allowance 50. 00 4. Special Services 1 ,000. 00 6. Travel Expense 250. 00 250.00 13 . Association Dues 48. 00 48. 00 TOTAL 6 50. 00 1 ,298. 00 1 ,598.00 TOTAL OPERATING 26,089. 00 28,933 .00 37 ,259.00 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Implements 504. 00 350.00 3 . Instruments & Apparatus 810. 00 ' TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 810.00 ,504.00 350. 00 GRAND TOTAL 26. 899.00 29,437 . 00 37 ,609. 00 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' ACCOUNT NO. 109 20. GENERAL GOVERNMENT ' CITY LIBRARY ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 19,383 .00 19,166. 00 21 ,510.00 2. Clerical 14,716. 00 15,540. 00 18,149. 00 4. Maintenance 3 ,512. 00 3,345. 00 4,002.00 5. Extra Help (Pages ) 4,080. 00 4,080. 00 4,425.00 TOTAL 1 41,691 . 00 42,131 . 00 48,086. 00 2. SUPPLIES 1 . Office and Postage 4,000. 00 3,300. 00 2,510. 00 2. Fuel 600. 00 200. 00 7 . Minor Apparatus 100. 00 8. Custodial 450. 00 450. 00 350.00 12. Botanical 35. 00 35. 00 35. 00 13 . Catalog Cards 250. 00 250.00 TOTAL 2 5,335. 00 4,235. 00 2,995.00 3 . MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1. Land 50. 00 ' 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1 . Building 500 . 00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Office Equipment 200.00 250.00 8. Books (Bindings ) 1,500. 00 1 , . 00 2,450.00 276 12. Heating & Cooling Sys . 276.00 0.00 TOTAL 5 1,500.00 1,976.00 2,700.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1 . Communications 593 . 00 600.00 754. 00 2. Eqpt. Hire & Car Allow. 400.00 400.00 400.00 4. Special Service 300. 00 200. 00 6. Travel Expense 498. 00 500.00 500.00 7 . Rents 38. 00 1,440. 00 11 . Lights & Power 3 ,998.00 4,300. 00 4,300. 00 12. Fuel (Gas ) 250. 00 250. 00 200. 00 13 . Association Dues 200.00 48. 00 ' 14. Periodicals & News- papers 1 , 50.0. 00 1 ,500.00 1 ,620. 00 TOTAL 6 7 ,529.00 7 ,788. 00 9,462. 00 TOTAL OPERATING 56,055. 00 56, 130.00 63 ,793 .00 (Continued Next Page ) CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' ACCOUNT NO. 109 - CITY LIBRARY - Continued 21. ACTUAL ESTIIv7ATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 CAPITAL OUTLAY ' 10. EQUIPMiENT 1 . Furniture & Fixtures 130. 00 2. Machinery & Tools 150. 00 8. Books 11 ,716. 00 15,000. 00 15,000.00 14. Film Strips 1,000. 00 1,500. 00 1 ,300. 00 15. Music 997. 00 500. 00 700. 00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 13 , 713. 00 17, 150. 00 17, 130. 00 GRAND TOTAL 69,768.00 73,280. 00 80,923. 00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 110 2 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY CLERK ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES 1 . Supervisory 6,330. 00 6,559. 00 7 ,182. 00 2. Clerical 3 ,782.00 4,039. 00 4,730. 00 5. Contingency 340. 00 TOTAL 1 10, 112. 00 10, 598.00 12,252.00 2. SUPPLIL'-S Office 297. 00 450 . 00 300.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance 300. 00 300. 00 300. 00 5. Advertising 200. 00 400.00 �. 6. Travel Expense 100.00 13 . Association Dues 25._00 30. 00 TOTAL 6 500. 00 725. 00 430. 00 7 . SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Court Costs 150. 00 150.00 ' TOTAL OPERATING 10,909. 00 11, 923 . 00 13 , 132. 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY ' 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Implements 400. 00 iGRAND TOTAL 10,909.00 11 ,923 . 00 13 ,532.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 111 23 • GENERAL GOVERNMENT CIVIL DEFENSE ACTUAL ESTIIv1taTED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1 . SALARIES & WAGES 2. Clerical 302. 00 684.00 700. 00 2. SUPPLIES 1 . Office 95.00 150.00 200.00 9. Medical and Surgical 500. 00 500. 00 13 . Other Operating Supplies 139. 00 150.00 100.00 TOTAL 2 234. 00 800. 00 800. 00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 50. 00 3 . Instruments & Apparatus 130.00 4. Motor Vehicles 100. 00 7 . Radio Equipment 90.00 TOTAL 5 370.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1 . Communications 81 . 00 125. 00 150.00 2. Car Allowance 300. 00 300. 00 300.00 6. Travel Expense 377. 00 500. 00 500.00 TOTAL 6 758. 00 925. 00 950. 00 TOTAL OPERATING 1,294. 00 2,409.00 2, 820. 00 y CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 3 . Instruments & Apparatus 3 ,492. 00 2,775. 00 2, 500.00 4. Motor Vehiclee 375. 00 500. 00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,492. 00 3, 150. 00 3 ,000. 00 GRAND TOTAL 4,786. 00 5, 559 . 00 5 ,820. 00 1 t ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' ACCOUVIT i IU, 200 24. PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICE DIVISION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED ' 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 2. . Clerical 11,230. 00 12,362.00 ' 3 . Operations 33 ,390. 00 15,756.00 19,273.00 4. Maintenance 8,274. 00 8,806. 00 14,824.00 5. Contingency 328. 00 500. 00 200.00 TOTAL 1 41 ,992. 00 36,292. 00 46,659.00 2. SUPPLIES 1 . Office 19. 00 25. 00 25. 00 3 . Food (Dog Pound) 500.00 400. 00 4. Wearing Apparel 300.00 300. 00 7 . Minor Instruments (Radio ) 150. 00 9. Medical and Surgical (Dog Pound) 150. 00 150. 00 ' 13. Miscellaneous Oper. ( Sign Material ) 5,000. 00 6,500. 00 6,000. 00 TOTAL 2 5,019. 00 7 ,625. 00 6,875. 00 4. iAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Build ngs Dog PoundT 150. 00 150. 00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3 . Instruments & App. (Parking Meters ) 29'6. 00 325. 00 325.00 4. Motor Vehicles 243 . 00 300. 00 400. 00 6. Street Markers 292. 00 2,000. 00 7 . Radio 60. 00 11. Signal Systems 21198. 00 2,500.00 2,500. 00 TOTAL 5 3 ,029. 00 3 ,125. 00 5,285. 00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications (Tele- ' type ) 1,490.00 2,000. 00 1 ,900. 00 4. Janitorial Service 2,760.00 6. Travel Expense 62. 00 100. 00 100. 00 ' 7 . Rent ( Parking Lot) 300. 00 300.00 300.00 11. Lights & Power (Traffic Lights ) 5,000. 00 13 . Association Dues 60.00 75. 00 75.00 TOTAL 6 1 ,912. 00 2,475.00 10,135. 00 TOTAL OPERATING 51 ,952. 00 49,667 . 00 69, 104. 00 (Continued Next Page ) y � CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 200 - PUBLIC SAFETY - Continued 25. ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT ' 3. Instruments and Appar- atus (Radio ) .609: 00 4. Motor Vehicles 1,968.00 5. Other Vehicles (Street Painter) 4,500.00 11 . Signal Systems 2,057.00 5,000. 00 5,000. 00 15. Other Equipment (Street Markers ) 1 ,554. 00 1,250. 00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 3 ,611 .00 8,827.00 9,500. 00 GRAND TOTAL 55,563 . 00 58,494.00 78,604. 00 li CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 201 26. PUBLIC SAFETY ' POLICE DEPARTMENT ' ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1953-64 1964-65 1965-66 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES 1 . Supervisory 20,066.00 22,070. 00 30,947 .00 2. Clerical 8,285. 00 3 . Operations 174,105. 00 211 ,360. 00 264,401. 00 5. Contingency 1,000. 00 1,500. 00 2,000.00 TOTAL 1 203 ,456. 00 234,930. 00 297 ,348.00 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 1 ,964.00 2,000.00 2,000. 00 3. Food (Dog Pound) 292.00 4. Uniforms and Clothing Allowance 3 , 501. 00 3 ,800.00 4,400.00 7 . Minor Instruments 1 , 100.00 1, 100.00 8. Janitorial & Laundry 69. 00 575. 00 500. 00 9. Chemical , Medical & Surgical 94. 00 10. Mechanical ( Identifi- cation Officer) 400. 00 450.00 555. 00 13 . Other Operating Spls . 487. 00 100. 00 TOTAL 2 7, 907 . 00 6,925. 00 7 ,555. 00 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 944. 00 950. 00 1 ,400. 00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1 . Furniture & Fixtures 200. 00 250.00 250.00 4. Motor Vehicles 6,982. 00 8,000. 00 6,000.00 7 . Radio Equipment 11100. 00 TOTAL 5 7, 182. 00 8,250. 00 7 ,350.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications (Tele- phone ) 2,276. 00 4. Police School 484. 00 498.00 800.00 4A. Civil Service Director 600.00 4B. Wrecker Service 1 ,000. 00 700. 00 6. Travel & Reimbursable Expense 203 . 00 300.00 500.00 7 . Rent - Storage Space 315.00 490. 00 9. Support of Prisoners 1,389.00 1 , 850. 00 1,850. 00 11 . Lights & Power 2,100. 00 12. Fuel (Gas ) __ 300.00 TOTAL 6 2,076. 00 3 ,963 . 00 9,616.00 ' (Continued Next Page ) ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' ACCOUNT No. 201 - POLICE DEPARTMENT - Continued 27. ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 7. SUNDRY CHARGES ' 1 . Contribution to Aux. 850.00 1,135. 00 1,400. 00 TOTAL OPERATING 222,415. 00 256, 153 . 00 324, 669. 00 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY 9. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 1 . Buildings 3 ,872. 00 10. EQUIPMENT 1 . Furniture & Fixtures 1 ,575. 00 505. 00 2. Machinery 402. 00 3 . Instruments & Appar. 1 , 645. 00 4. Motor Vehicles 9,963 .00 10,225.00 12,000. 00 12. Air Conditioning 390.00 390.00 _ TOTAL 10 12,400.00 12,190. 00 12,505.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,272. 00 12, 190. 00 12,505. 00 ' GRAND TOTAL 238, 687. 00 268,343 .00 3379174. 00 ■ CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 202 28 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1 . Supervisory 26, 199. 00 27,889. 00 37 , 188. 00 3. Operations 113, 134. 00 132,190. 00 142,919. 00 5. Contingency 500. 00 500.00 750. 00 TOTAL 1 139,833 . 00 160,579.00 180, 857.00 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 68. 00 55.00 55. 00 4. Wearing Apparel 750. 00 750.00 950. 00 7. Minor Apparatus 3 ,816. 00 4,000. 00 4,000.00 8. Janitorial 235. 00 250. 00 450. 00 . 11 . Educational 70.00 13. Camera 97. 00 120. 00 100. 00 TOTAL 2 4, 966. 00 5, 175. 00 5,625. 00 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 1,011 .00 750.00 600. 00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 43. 00 50.00 2. Machinery & Implements 200 .00 3. Instruments & Apparatus 1,250.00 1 ,250. 00 4. Motor Vehicles 1, 154. 00 1 ,200. 00 1 ,250. 00 7 . Radio Equipment 1 ,700. 00 11 . Signal Systems 386. 00 203 .00 14. Fire Apparatus 2,237.00 TOTAL 5 3 , 820. 00 2,653 .00 4,450. 00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1 . Communications 2,250. 00 4. Civil Serv. Dir. (50%) 600. 00 6. Travel & Reimbursable Expense 346. 00 450.00 500 . 00 11. Electrical Power 3 ,350. 00 12. Fuel (Gas ) 700. 00 13 . Other (Association Dues ) 25. 00 25. 00 25.00 TOTAL 6 371 .00 475. 00 7,425.00 7 . SUNDRY CHARGES 1 . Contributions to VFD 19, 868. 00 9,500.00 7 ,500. 00 1A. Contributions to VFD Pension Fund 2,000. 00 1B. Contributions to VFD School 875. 00 875.00 8. Medical Care 35. 00 35. 00 DOTAL 7 19,868. 00 10,410. 00 10,410.00 (Continued Next Page ) CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 202 - FIRE DEPARTMENT - Continued 29 . ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 TOTAL OPERATING 169,869.00 180,042.00 209,367.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 537. 00 3 . Instruments & Apparatus (Monitors 3 ,735. 00 1,248. 00 1 ,095.00 4. Motor Vehicles 2, 199. 00 1, 654 . 00 11. Signal Systems (Sirens ) 665. 00 Pw TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,471 . 00 3 ,567. 00 1,095.00 GRAND TOTAL 176,340. 00 183 ,609. 00 210,462.00 r mm CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS PM ACCOU,IT NO. 203 30. PUBLIC SAFETY PROTECTIVE INSPECTION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES 1 . Supervisory 7,571. 00 7,859. 00 8,483 . 00 3. Operations 5,057. 00 5,297 .00 5,921. 00 A 4. Maintenance 3 ,324. 00 3,630. 00 4,012. 00 TOTAL 1 15,952.00 16,785. 00 18,416.00 ' 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 118. 00 175.00 225.00 7. Minor Apparatus 35. 00 100. 00 100. 00 TOTAL 2 153. 00 275. 00 325. 00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3. Instruments & Apparatus 5. 00 25. 00 25. 00 4. Motor Vehicles 394. 00 450.00 200. 00 7. Radio Equipment 120. 00 TOTAL 5 399. 00 475. 00 345. 00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance 285-00 6. Travel Expense 92. 00 200. 00 13 . Association Dues 33 .00 33 . 00 TOTAL 6 377 . 00 33 .00 233 . 00 TOTAL OPERATING 16,881 . 00 17 ,569 . 00 19,319. 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 3 . Instruments & Apparatus 1,427.00 4. Motor Vehicles 3 ,400. 00 00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 ,427. 00 3 ,400 GRAND TOTAL 18,308. 00 17,569.00 222719.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 ACCOUNT NO. 301 31. HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS SIDEWALKS, STREETS AND DRAINAGE ' ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1 . Supervisory 10,667.00 11 , 159.00 20,316. 00 4. Maintenance 112,784. 00 122,324. 00 143 ,602. 00 5. Contingency 1 ,048. 00 2,500. 00 2,000.00 TOTAL 1 124,499.00 135,983 .00 165,918.00 2. SUPPLIES 7. Minor Apparatus 399. 00 400. 00 1 ,000.00 ' 9. Chemicals (Weed Killer ) 2 ,364. 00 5,000. 00 5,000. 00 13 . Other Operating Spls. 210.00 210.00 210.00 TOTAL 2 2,973 . 00 5,610. 00 6,210. 00 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1 . Buildings 401.00 200.00 250.00 ' 8. Sidewalks , Streets: . * and Drainage 25,273 . 00 41,000. 00 41 ,000 . 00 TOTAL 4 25,674. 00 41 ,200. 00 41,250. 00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPIJ[ENT 7. Instruments & Appara- ' tus (Radio ) 60.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES ' 2. Hire of Equipment 5,486. 00 100. 00 4,200.00 11 . Street. Lighting 46,205. 00 45,000. 00 57 ,600. 00 TOTAL 6 51,691. 00 45, 100, 00 61 ,800. 00 TOTAL OPERATING 204,837.00 227 ,893 .00 275,238.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 8. Sidewalks, Streets & Drainage 289, 103 . 00 305,063. 00 110,000. 00 ' 10. EQUIPMENT 3 ,500.00 2. Machinery and Imple. 4. 4. Motor Vehicles 551 . 00 9,600. 00 12,917. 00 I� 5. Other Vehicles 4,965.00 8,671 . 00 TOTAL 10 5,516. 00 18,271 . 00 16,417. 00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 294,619. 00 323 ,334. 00 126,417. 00 GRAND TOTAL 499,456. 00 551 ,227 .00 401 , 655. 00 an CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ., ACCOUNT NO. 401 32. SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL MOSQUITO CONTROL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES 3 . Operations 4,513 . 00 4,900. 00 4,900. 00 2. SUPPLIES 9. Chemicals 4,091 . 00 4, 100. 00 4, 100. 00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery 144. 00 300.00 300.00 GRAND TOTAL 8.748. 00 9,300._00 9,300.00 1 � i � 1 . 1, � 1 � 1 � CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 402 33 . SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL WASTE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1. SALARIES AND WAGES r. 1 . Supervision 7 ,314. 00 3 . Operating 123 ,547. 00 141 ,405.00 172,234. 00 5. Contingency 3 ,824. 00 5,000. 00 6,000. 00 TOTAL 1 127 ,371. 00 146,405. 00 185,548. 00 2. SUPPLIES 7. Minor Tools 300. 00 300. 00 300.00 9. Chemicals 1 ,650. 00 1,500.00 1 ,500. 00 13 . Other Operating Spls . 197.00 210.00 210. 00 TOTAL 2 2,147. 00 2,010. 00 2,010.00 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 9. Landfill Grounds 95. 00 50. 00 100. 00 TOTAL OPERATING 129, 613 . 00 148,465. 00 187 , 658.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT ' 2. Machinery and Imple . 536. 00 4. Motor Vehicles 24,564. 00 5,200. 00 5. Other Vehicles 26,000. 00 S TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 24,564. 00 31,736. 00 GRAND TOTAL 129,613 . 00 173 ,029. 00 219,394. 00 p� CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS '" ACCOUNT NO. 501 34• CONSERVATION OF HEALTH PIM HEALTH DEPARTMENT . ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES 1 . Supervisory 6,996. 00 7 ,248. 00 7 , 872. 00 3 . Technical 11, 640. 00 12,192. 00 13 ,440.00 TOTAL 1 18,636. 00 19,440. 00 21 ,312. 00 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 247. 00 300. 00 300.00 4. Wearing Apparel 43 . 00 50.00 50.00 rTOTAL 2 290. 00 350.00 350.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance 1, 800. 00 1 ,800. 00 1,920. 00 r4. Special Services-Health Officer 900.00 900. 00 90U.00 6. Travel Expense 300.00 600. 00 600.00 10. Weed Cutting 230. 00 3 ,000. 00 3 ,000. 00 13 . Association Dues 81. 00 101. 00 TOTAL 6 3 ,230.00 6,381. 00 6,521 . 00 ' 7 . SUNDRY CHARGES 1 . Health League Contr. 8,900. 00 9, 131 . 00 9,275. 00 TOTAL OPERATING 31 ,056.00 35,302. 00 37 ,458.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 3 . Instruments & Appar. 152. 00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTCRY 152. 00 GRAND TOTAL 31 ,056. 00 35,454. 00 37 ,458. 00 ni CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS .� ACCOUNT NO. 601 35. RECREATION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES 1 . Supervisory 2,125. 00 1 ,488. 00 1 ,900. 00 2. Clerical 2, 194. 00 2,640.00 3 ,040. 00 3 . Operations 3 ,960. 00 3 ,960. 00 4,560. 00 -�, 4. Maintenance 10,211. 00 12,698. 00 14,726. 00 TOTAL 1 18,490.00 20,786.00 24,226. 00 2. SUPPLIES 1 . Office 41. 00 50. 00 50. 00 6. Motor Vehicles 97.00 250.00 250. 00 7 . Minor Apparatus 163. 00 200. 00 200. 00 9. Chemicals 478.00 900. 00 900. 00 13 . Other Operating Supplies 235. 00 300. 00 300.00 TOTAL 2 1 ,014. 00 1,700.00 1,700.00 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 991.00 900. 00 1,000. 00 3 . Filtration System 1 ,210. 00 300. 00 750.00 10. Other 99. 00 250. 00 250. 00 TOTAL 4 2,300. 00 1,450. 00 2,000. 00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Imple. 1 ,411. 00 600. 00 1,000. 00 4. Motor Vehicles 150.00 150. 00 15. Other (Bathing Fac. ) _ 262.00 300.00 300.00 TOTAL 5 1 ,673 . 00 1,050.00 1 ,450.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 11 . Electrical Serv. Z,400. 00 12. Fuel (Gas ) z00. 00 �^ TOTAL 6 2,600. 00 7 . SUNDRY CHARGES ;�- 1 . Contrib. Recreation 5,300. 00 3,800. 00 4,550.00 TOTAL OPERATING 28,777 , 00 28,786. 00 36,526. 00 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY 8. LAND ' 1 . Park Improvement 2,000. 00 27 ,250.00 2. Improvements 4,801 . 00 TOTAL 8 4 ,801. 00 2,000.00 27 ,250.00 (Continued Next Page ) ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 601 - PARKS AND RECREATION - Continued 36. ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 9 . BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 3 . Filtration System 630. 00 10. EQUIPMENT ., 2. Machinery and Imple. 195. 00 125.00 4. Motor Vehicles 1 ,645. 00 2,000.00 TOTAL 10 1 ,840. 00 2, 125. 00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,431 . 00 3 ,840. 00 29,375.00 GRAND TOTAL 34,208. 00 32,626.00 65,901. 00 MW CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS PW ACCOUNT NO. 701 37. R, MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES 1 . Supervisory 3 ,880. 00 4,467. 00 6,660. 00 3 . Operations 16,741. 00 19,360. 00 29,240. 00 TOTAL 1 20,621. 00 23 ,827 . 00 35,900. 00 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 259. 00 300. 00 300.00 6. Motor Vehicle Fuel 23 ,617. 00 22,500.00 24,000. 00 7 . Minor Tools 1 , 199. 00 1 ,500. 00 1 ,500. 00 13 . Other Oper. Spls . 99.00 30 .00 100.00 TOTAL 2 25, 174. 00 24,330. 00 25,900. 00 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1 . Building 60. 00 50. 00 200.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Imple. 30,996.00 259000. 00 25,000.00 I 3. Instruments & Appar. 99. 00 200.00 TOTAL 5 31 ,095.00 25,200. 00 25,000. 00 6. MISCELLANECUS SERVICES 7 . Rent Parking Lot 240. 00 240. 00 240. 00 11 . Lights & Power 1 ,260. 00 12. Fuel (Gas ) 400.00 TOTAL 6 240. 00 240. 00 1,900.00 TOTAL OPERATING 77 ,190.00 73 ,647. 00 88,900.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9. BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES 1 . Building 115. 00 �- 10. EQUIPMENT T Mach. & Implements 500.00 3. Instruments & Appar. 2,500. 00 4. Motor Vehicles/Radio 2,300. 00 15. Other 132. 00 4 TOTAL 10 2,500. 00 132. 00 2,800.00 ' TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,615. 00 132.00 2,800. 00 GRAND TOTAL 79, 805. 00 73 ,779. 00 91,700.00 RM CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 702 38. MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3 . Automotive Insurance 9,315. 00 10,778.00 12, 650.00 Buildings & Contents 2,300.00 2, 154. 00 1,900.00 Group Life and Hosp. 13,000. 00 13 ,000. 00 13 ,000. 00 Firemen' s Benefit 720.00 840.00 840. 00 Burglary & Swimming 700. 00 723 .00 800. 00 Mercantile Robbery 280.00 475.00 475.00 Bonds 345. 00 345.00 M 300.00 TOTAL 6 26, 660.00 28,315.00 29 ,965. 00 7 . SUNDRY CHARGES 8. Medical Care 399.00 900. 00 1 ,000. 00 GRAND TOTAL 272059. 00 29,215. 00 309965. 00 h CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I I <<i I r Y)"i j ANNU AL BU DG E T AM P A R T III r, WATERWORKS & SANITARY S -EtNER FUNVi r '"Jl off rG' +;rl �r l`G F� f Y��+I sn%1 `f f CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS JIM WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT 39 STATEMENT OF INCOME, EXPENSE & SURPLUS ADJUSTMENTS I'' FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1966 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED ' 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 OPERATING REVENUES F Sale of Water 511 ,977. 00 520,000.00 535,000. 00 Servicing Installations 22,321 . 00 17, 100. 00 17 ,000. 00 Sewer Service 136,545. 00 138,000.00 138. 000.00 FM Miscellaneous 5,091 . 00 12,500. 00 12,000.00 i TOTAL REVENUE 675,934. 00 687 ,600. 00 702,000.00 rPRIOR YEAR SURPLUS 185,309.00 110,983. 00 209,039. 00 TOTAL AVAILABLE 861 ,243 . 00 798,583 . 00 911,039. 00 LESS: Operating Expenses 417,336. 00 447,183. 00 456, 102.00 Capital Outlay 226,370. 00 41,461. 00 192,751 .00 Debt Service 106,554. 00 100 ,900. 00 206,031 . 00 Salary Adjustments Contingency Fund 25,000.OQ Transfer to General Fund 31 , 155. 00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 750,260. 00 589,544. 00 911 ,039.00 PM TOTAL UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS 110,983 .00 209,039. 00 _- r r r CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT 40. SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION j FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1966 ' ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 ' ACCOUNT NUMBER DIVISION 1001 Supply 80,627 .00 99, 683 .00 96, 109. 00 ' 1002 Transmission & Distribution 318,465.00 140,980. 00 325,242. 00 1003 Customer Accounting ' & Collecting 90, 100. 00 96,352.00 82,587.00 1004 General Overhead 24,254. 00 22,875. 00 12,544. 00 1006 Transfer to Other Funds 106, 554. 00 100,900.00 262, 186.00 tSalary adjustments 1005 Sewers & Sewage Disposal 130,260.00 128,754. 00 132,371 .00 ' TOTAL EXPENDITURES 750,260. 00 589,544. 00 911 ,039. 00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT 41. SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1966 ••+ ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 OPERATING EXPENSES 1. Salaries 252, 128. 00 254,863 .00 268,248.00 2. Supplies 36,306.00 40,085. 00 39,070. 00 4. Maintenance, Structures 11,443 . 00 23 ,165. 00 15, 100. 00 5. Maintenance, Equipment 25,029.00 32,758. 00 32,784 . 00 6. Miscellaneous Services 73 ,945. 00 77 ,940. 00 82,200. 00 7 . Sundry Charges 18,485. 00 18,372.00 18,700. 00 TOTAL OPERATING EXP.. 417 ,336. 00 447 , 183 . 00 456, 102. 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9. Buildings and Structures 3 . Filtration Plts. 2,000.00 6. Sanitary Sewers 3 , 609. 00 1,865.00 110,751 . 00 TOTAL 9 5,609. 00 1 ,865. 00 110,751 . 00 10. Equipment 2. Machinery & Imple . 1,030.00 3 ,235. 00 9, 600. 00 low 3. Instr. & Apparatus 756. 00 696.00 4. Motor Vehicles 5,561 . 00 6,900.00 9. Water Mains 193 , 618. 00 21 , 165. 00 45,000. 00 10. Meters & Settings 19,126.00 12,000.00 18,000.00 14. Fire Apparatus (Hydrants ) 670.00 2,500. 00 2,500. 00 TOTAL 10 220,761 .00 39,596. 00 32,000.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 226,370. 00 41 ,461 . 00 192,751 .00 ., TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS Waterworks Int.& Sink. Fund 106,554. 00 100,900. 00 206,031 . 00 General Fund 31, 155. 00 Contingency Fund 25,000. 00 TOTAL TRANSFERS 106,554. 00 100,900. 00 262,186.00 GRAND TOTAL 750,260. 00 589,544. 00 911,039. 00 r� CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 ACCOUNT NO. 1001 42. WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT SUPPLY ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 7,653 . 00 7 ,929. 00 8,554. 00 3 . Operations 11 ,008. 00 11 ,526. 00 12,796.00 TOTAL 1 18,661 . 00 19,455. 00 21,350. 00 2. SUPPLIES 2. Fuel 229. 00 100. 00 7. Minor Tools 80. 00 200. 00 200_00 9. Chemicals 6,000. 00 6,000. 00 13 . Other Operating Supls . 8. 00 25. 00 25.00 TOTAL 2 317. 00 6,325. 00 6,225. 00 ' 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1 . Building 368. 00 500. 00 500. 00 7. Water Wells & Reserv. 6, 544. 00 16,653 . 00 7 ,500. 00 ' TOTAL 4 6,912. 00 17 ,153 .00 8,000. 00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Implements 1 ,875. 00 5, 500. 00 4,000. 00 ' 3 . Instruments & Appar. 216. 00 300. 00 500. 00 7. Radio Equpt. 34. 00 TOTAL 5 2,091 . 00 5, 800. 00 4,534. 00 1 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6. Travel Expense 150. 00 150. 00 ' 11 . Lights & Power 51 ,996.00 50,000. 00 52,000. 00 12. Fuel (Gas ) 200. 00 13 . Association Dues 50.00 50. 00 TOTAL 6 51 ,996.00 50,200.00 52,400. 00 ' TOTAL OPERATING 79, 977 . 00 98,933 . 00 92,509. 00 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Implements 750. 00 1 ,600. 00 ' 3 . Instruments & Appar. 650. 00 4. Motor Vehicles 2,000. 00 TOTAL 10 650. 00 750. 00 3 ,600. 00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 650. 00 750. 00 3 ,600. 00 GRAND TOTAL 80,627. 00 99,683 .00 96,109.00 FM CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1002 43 , WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES 1963 -64 1964-65 1965-66 1. Supervisory 11,492. 00 12, 688.00 . 7 ,984. 00 3 . Maintenance 66,279. 00 64,423. 00 104,497. 00 5. Contingency 2,500. 00 2,500.00 2, 500. 00 TOTAL 1 80,271 . 00 79,611 . 00 114,981. 00 ' 2. SUPPLIES 7, Minor Tools 1 ,200. 00 1 ,500. 00 1, 500. 00 9 . Chemicals 5,702. 00 500. 00 500. 00 13 . Other Operating Spls . 206. 00 _ 210. 00 210. 00 TOTAL 2 7, 108. 00 2,210. 00 2,210. 00 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 4. Sanitary Sewers 4,000. 00 5, 000. 00 5 > MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3 . . Instru. & Apparatus 100. 00 150. 00 150.00 9. Water Mains 5, 500. 00 5,500. 00 6, 500. 00 10. Meters and Settings 7,433 . 00 7 , 500. 00 7 , 500. 00 17 14. Fire Hydrants _1 ,000, 00 958, 00 1 ,000. 00 TOTAL 5 14,033 ,. 00 14,108. 00 15, 150. 00 ' 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6. Travel Expense 153 . 00 300. 00 300. 00 7. Rents-Easements 38. 00 40. 00 50.00 TOTAL 6 191 , 00 340. 00 350. 00 TOTAL OPERATING 101,603. 00 100,269. 00 137 , 691 . 00 ' C,!',PITAL OUTLAY ' 9. BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES 6. Sanitary Sewel--s 1,865. 00 110,751. 00 1.0. EQUIPMENT ' 2. Machinery & Imple. 2,485. 00 8,000, 00 3 . Instruments & Appar. 696. 00 4. Motor Vehicles 3 .448, 00 3 ,300. 00 9. Water Mains 193, 618. 00 21, 165. 00 45,000. 00 y 10. Meters & Settings 19.,126. 00 12,000. 00 18,000.00 14. Fire Hydrants 6170.00 2.500. 00 2,500. 00 TOTAL 10 216,862.00 38,84-6. 00 76, 800.00 TOTAL CAPITAL CUT 2iu 40,711 . 00 187,551 .00 GRAND TOTAL 318,465. 00 140,980. 00 325,242.00 on CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1003 44• Iri'TER AND SL'.IER DZP1"1qT!-'Z4T CUSTO1,E-R ACCOUNTING AM COLLECTING ACTUAL ESTIPdiATED PROPOSED 1963--64 1964-65 1965-_66 1 . SAL;;RILS AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 6, 650.00 7, 976. 00 2. Clerical 47, 147. 00 48,574. 00 50, 337. 00 3. Accounting 5, 003. 00 8, 018. 00 5. Contingency _1. 302. 00 300. 00 200. 00 TOTAL 1 61 , 102. 00 64,868. 00 50, 537. 00 2. SUPPLIE'S 1. Office and Postage 7,443. 00 10,500. 00 10, 500. 00 4. Wearing Apparel 123. 00 200. 00 200. 00 TOTAL 2 7, 566. 00 10,700. 00 102700.00 4. I,iAINTENiJNCI: OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 68. 00 12. 00 100, 00 5. LAINTENANCE OF .ECUIPIVicNT 2. Office Machines 600. 00 1, 000. 00 1, 100, 00 6. hfISCELLA!Ni OUS SERVICr'.S �. 13. Sub-Station Fees 1 , 249. 00 1, 400. 00 1 ,450. 00 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 5. Pensions 3, 720. 00 3, 672. 00 4, 000.00 5-1 . Social Security 7,550.00 7,500. 00 7, 500. 00 5-2. Life and Hosp. Ins. 3, 215. 00 3, 200. 00 3, 200. 00 ' 10. Reserve For Sick Lv. 4, 000. 00 4, 000. 00 4, 000. 00 TOTAL 7 18,485. 00 18, 372. 00 18,700. 00 TOTAL OPERATING 89, 070. 00 96, 352. 00 82, 587 . 00 CAP I TL" OUTLAY 10. LQUIPI.,,r j 2. Iviachinery and Impl, i.a 1, 030. 00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1, 030.00 GRAND TOTAL -)0, 100. 00 96, 352. 00 82, 537. 00 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1004 UP.TLR ,�ND_ __ST-�JLR D;rPNRT1r1C.i GENLRAL OVILLR iZi D ACTUAL ES T I Mi aTED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1)65-66 1 . SALARIES AZ `,IAGLS 1. Supervisory 2,520. 00 3, 615. 00 2. Clerical 3, 664.00 4, 188. 00 4,494. 00 3. Operations 9, 621. 00 7, 022. 00 Total 1 15,805. 00 14,825. 00 4,494. 00 2. SUPPLI-"S 6. L;otor Vehicle Fuel 3, 901 . 00 3, 500. 00 3,500. 00 13. Other Oper. Spls. 48. 00 53. 00 50. 00 TOTAL 2 3,949. 00 3, 550. 00 3,550.00 5. biAINTLNANi. OF r7--QUIPi,'L IT 4, 14otor Vehicle 4,500.00 4,500. 00 4, 500.00 GRAND TOTAL 24, 254. 00 22,875. 00 12, 544. 00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1005 46. JaTLR & S23kJER D; P,�JlTi•iL 1T DISPOS.-L ACTU,",L ESTIi.;r�TLD PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1 . SAL. tRI LS f-%ND ',JAG :S 3. Operations 65, 115. 00 66, 631. 00 76,886. 00 4. Maintenance 10, 524. 00 8,823. 00 5. Contingency 650. 00 650. 00 TOTAL 1 76,289. 00 76, 104. 00 76,886. 00 2. SUPPLI :S 2. Fuel 2, 178. 00 2, 000. 00 7. Miinor Tools 150. 00 200. 00 200. 00 9. Chemicals 14, 900.00 15, 000. 00 16, 000. 00 13. Other Oper. Spls. 133. 0.3 100. 00 105. 00 TOTAL 2 17, 366. 00 17, 300. 00 16,385. 00 4. OF STRUCTURES ' 1. Buildings 27.2. 00 2, 000. 00 2, 000.00 4, Sanitary Sewers 4,191. 00 TOTAL 4 4,463. 00 2, 000.00 2, 000. 05 5. I,' INTEi�t, NCL OF EC�UIPi.;LNT 2. Machinery & - Imple. 3, 557. 00 7, 000. 00 79000. 00 3. Instru. Appar. 248. 00 350. 00 500. 00 TOTAL 5 3,805. 00 7, 350. 00 7,500.00 6. I.'ISCZLLANEOUS JL:RVIC:S ' 7. Rents 9. 00 11 . Lights & Power 20,500. 00 26, 000.00 26, 000. 00 12. Fuel (Gas) 2, 000. 03 TOTAL 6 20,509. 00 26, 000.00 28, 000. 00 TOTAL OPcRATING 122,432. 00 128, 754. 00 1303771. 00 CAP I TAL OUTLAY 9, BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ' 3. Filtration Plants 2, 000.00 6. Sanitary Sewers 3, 609.00 TOTAL 9 5, 609. 00 10. iQUIPI,�;=4T 3. Instruments :'+pear. 106. 00 4. i.iotor Vehicles 2, 113. 00 1 , 600. 00 TOTAL 10 2, 219. 00 1, 600.00 TOTAL �,.1rIT..I. OUT L.�r 7,328. 3u i , 600. 00 GRAND TOTAL 130, 260. 00 128 , 754. 00 132, 371 . 03 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1006 47. WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 11 . CONTINGENCIES & TRANSFERS 1. Transfer to Waterworks Interest & Sink. Fund 106,554. 00 100 , 900. 00 206,031 .00 3. Contingency Fund 25,000. 00 4. Transfers to Gen. Fund 31, 155. 00 TOTAL TRANSFERS 106, 554. 00 100,900. 00 262, 186. 00 INN CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS i7 � N N U y L B U D G E T P H R -T IV �jj D E B T S E R V I C E S E C T I 0 N ..w��w�■w�w�■■r�w■.wig+�.�w�ww�w�■■■���r�w..w���r.i�Y.r■�w.�rr..w.■r■� ri �III Nq l�+ W:i:. 1i fib 1, �I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 48. DEBT SERVICE ALL BONDS 1965-1966 Actual Estimated Proposed 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 REVENUE: General Property Tax 293, 638.00 309,406.00 585,420.00 Transfer From Other Funds 106,554. 00 100,900. 00 206,031. 00 Revenue From Premiums & ;Int. 5,301.00 .. 6,060. 00 50,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE 405,493. 00 416,366.00 841 ,451.00 PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS 243,249.00 233, 319. 00 234,063. 00 TOTAL AVAILABLE 648,742.00 649, 685,001,075,514.00 LESS EXPENDITURES: 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 2-1 Serial Bond Maturities 201 ,500. 00 207, 500. 00 539.,500. 00 2-2 Interest Payments 213,320.00 207,544. 00 272.,998.00 2-3 Exchange 603.00 593. 00 969.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 415,423. 00 415, 637.00 813.,467, 00 SURPLUS 3 SEPTEIZER 30 233, 319 . 00 234, 043 . 00 262 ,047.. 00 CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS t-� 49. DEBT SiRVICL G::3 1--1q L OBLIG.;TIO1 BONDS P— (Including Tax Supported lilaterworks Bonds) ACTUAL : STI11 .iATLD PROPOSED 1963-64 1964-55 1965-66 RLV✓ 1UE General Property Tax 293, 638. 00 309,406. 00 585,420. 00 Premiums and Interest 30, 000. 00 TOTAL REVENUE 293,638. 00 309,406. 05 615,420. 00 PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS 59, 002. 00 3.7,437.. 00 31,213. 00 TOTAL AVAILABLE 352,640. 00 346,843. 00 646,633. 00 LBSS XP-ZNDITURLS 7. Sundry Charges r 2-1 Serial Bond !.lat. 146, 000. 00 150, 000. ,00 460, 000. 00 2-2 Interest Paym6nts 168 ,868. 00 165, 278. 00 186,133. 00 2-3 Exchange Costs 335. 0.0 352. 00 500. 03 rTOTAL E%PENDITURiES 315, 203. 00 315, 630. 00 646, 633. 00 SURPLUS 9 SEPT. 30 37,437. 00 31 , 213, 00 w i CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS �. DEBT S E R V I C 0. T R lGR::S . iJD SL.J::jL l - -i1V7Ji BCIIDS PON ACTU,,L ESTI1.11tTED PROPOSED 1363-64 196 6 4- :5 1965-66 R EVL iIT,U2j Transfer From Hater Fund 106,554. 00 100, 900.00 206, 031. 00 Revenue From Premiums �, Int. 5, 301. 31", 6, 060. 00 20, 000. 03 °'•' TOT;JL a.7=Nu� 111 ,855. 00 106,960.00 226, 031. 00 PRIOR Y,r_-.-;R SURPLUS 134, 247. 00 195,332. 0,j 202,350. 00 TOTAL AVAILABLE 296, 102. 00 302,842. 00 428,881 . 00 LESS EXPENDITURc,S 7. Sundry Charges 2-1 Serial Bond Mat. 55,500. 00 57, 500. 00 70,500. 00 2-2 Interest Payments 44,452. 00 42, 266. 00 86,865. 00 2-3 "Exchange Costs 260. 00 226. 00 46 . 03 TOTAL %PENDITURES 100, 220. 00 99, 992. 00 166,334. 00 ' SURPLUS SLPT. 30 1315,332. 00 232,'353. 00 262, 047. 00 ANALYSIS OF SURPLUS FUNDS TO ' i.I.LET REQUIREMENTS OF REVENUE BOND RLTIRLi iEidT ' Monthly Deposit for Debt . Ret. 40, 025. 00 43,845. 00 105,884. 00 Bond Reserve - Cash Acct. 6, 046. 00 6, 946. 00 6, 046. 00 Bond Reserve - US Treas.Notes 100, 000. 00 100, 000. 00 100, 000.00 ' Bond Contingency Fund 46, 956. 00 50, 117. 00 50, 117. 00 Surplus, Unappropriated 2,055. 03 2,342. 00 TOT:`,- SURPLUS L Sept. 30 195 ,332. 00 202,053.00 262, 047. 00 i 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 51 . STAT-I :MIT OF BONDED II1D-BTEDi?_: 1:,October 1, 1965 ' Interest Date of Term ' Descripi:ion Rate Issue Years WATER1101'�iS cx Si DER SYSTEi,; REVENUE BONDS Baytown ,'laterworks & Sewer System Rev. 3%) 5/15 '57 10 ' Refunding Bonds, Series 1957 3 3/4;S w TOTAL Baytown `.laterworks and Sewer System 3% 2/15 /58 22 Revenue Bonds, Series 1953 3/2, TOTAC 3 5,/8 H. C.F.II,S,D,;#8 "later & Sewer Impvt. 4%; 4,/l,/42 28 Revenue Bonds, Series 1942 3?;� TOTAL TOTAL REVENUE AT 9/30 '65 ' Proposed Sale :later ('- Sewer Revenue 1966 20 TOTAL REVENUE BONDS ANTICIPATED 1965-66 ' `.1ATLR,JO KS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS C' f Pel tla erworks Refunding 5`� 4 10 35 38 ity o ly t g / / "B" Bonds, Series 1935 City of Goose Creek 4aterworks Bonds, Series 1927 %%11 10//10,/27 40 Mr City of Baytown 1 . Waterworks L Sewer System Refund. 2%,' 3/l /52 12 Series 1952 2 3/4;� 1� TOTAL 1 2. 1,laterworks & Sewer System Refund. 3 15 r.- Series 1957 3 3/4;) 4") Jn/ 4/:v �. TOTAL 2 FP CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 52. ' Maturity Original Amount Principal Interest Date Issue Cuts -Ls Due 65-66 Due .65-66 _ 1967 136,000.00 126,000.00 18,000.00 18,000. 00 ' 86,000.00 21 ,000.00 116.000.00 50,000.00 38.000.00 3, 618. 00 4643,000. 00 89,000.00 56,000. 00 3, 618. 00 ' 1963 85,000.00 85,000.00 1974 424,000. 00 424,000. 00 1980 491.000. 00 491 ,000. 00 35,401. 00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 35,401 .00 1970 529000.00 28,000.00 21,500. 00_ 3,500. 00 346.00 80,000. 00 21 ,500. 00 3,500. 00 846. 00 1,544,000.00 1 ,110, 500.00 59,500. 00 39,86500- 1995 1 ,175,000. 00 1 ,175,000.00 202000. 00 47,000. 00 r2,719,000. 00 2,285, 500. 00 79, 500. 00 86,865.00 r op 1973 63,000.00 16, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 300. 00 1967 115,000.00 15, 000. 00 6,000. 00 660. 00 1964 60,000.00 1g68 21,000.00 16,000. 00 5,000. 00 371 . 00 81,000.00 16,000. 00 5,000. 00 371 . 00 1970 242000. 00 42, 000.00 ,-127,000.00 117,000. 00 37,000. 00 37,000. 00 14, 000. 00 6,215. 00 230,000. 00 154,000.00 14,000. 00 6,215.00 r OP r CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 53. STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS e Continued 1 October J., 1965 Interest Date of Term Description Rate Issue `"gars GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS CONTINUED ' WATER�JORDS GENERAL OBLiGATI.ON BONDS CONTINUED H.C.F.!,J.S.D. 1. Waterworks & Sewer System Improvement, ' Series 1949 3 3/4 12/1/48 35 2. Waterworks & Sewer System Imp.rovement, , Series 1952 6;/1;/52 34 3. ,-Jaterworks E. Sewer System Improvement, ' Series 1955 3 3 14;� a/l '55 30 4. Waterworks & Sewer System Improvement, Series 1961 4. 05;� 3 'l "61 34 4.15;5 TOTAL 4 H.C.'.'J.C.& T.D. 158 ' 1 . '.Jaterworks & Sanitary Sewer & Drainage Improvement Bonds , Series 1956 4.3/4;'. 12 /1 /56 34 ' 2. Waterworks & Sanitary Sewer C: Drainage Improvement Bonds, Series 1959 5; 8./1 i59 39 ' 3. Waterworks E Sanitary Sewer E, Drainage Improvement, Series 1961 5")/ 4 /1 /61 �7 TOTAL WATERWORKS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS City of Pelly ' 1. Refunding Bonds, Series ►►B" 4./10 /35 38 2. City Hall Refunding Bonds 7/l/35 36 ' 3. Street Impr. Refunding Bonds 3 3 '4;") 12 it /45 25 City of Goose Creek ' 1. Sewer Improvement Bonds 5% 10/10,/27 40 2: Street Improvement Bonds 2' 9 /l '45 22 ' 2 2ti^i TOTAL 2 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 54. Maturity Original Amount Principal Interest Date Issue Outstandinq Due 65-66 Due 65-66 1983 425,000. 00 298 , 000. 00 12, 000. 00 10,950. 00 1985 125,000. 00 125,000.00 4, 325. 00 1985 175,000.00 112,000. 00 5,000. 00 4,078. 00 1994 350,000. 00 350,000. 00 102, 000. 00 102, 000. 00 18,408. 00 452,000. 00 452 ,000.00 18,408. 00 1989 475,000.00 455,000. 00 5 , 000.00 21 ,494.00 1997 250, 000. 00 250, 000. 00 12, 500, 00 1997 300,000. 00 300, 000. 00 15,000. 00 2, 691 ,000. 00 2,193, 000. 00 49,000. 00 94,801 . 00 1973 36,500. 00 11 ,500. 00 1 ,000. 00 575. 00 1971 33,000. 00 8,500. 00 1 ,000. 00 425,00 1970 75,000.00 32, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 1p200. 00 1967 45,000.00 6, 000. 00 2,000. 00 275. 00 1967 55, 000. 00 709000. 00 146, 000 .00 _ 50, 000. 00 25 ,000. 00 933. 00 ' 271 ,000. 00 50, 000.00 25, 000. 00 938. 00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 55. STATE11ENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS - Continued ' October 1 , 1965 Interest Date of Term Description Nate Issue Years— , GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Continued ' City of Baytown 1. Park Improvement Bonds , Series 194.8 2.90;'o' 2 /1 '48 22 2, Street & Drainage Improvement, 5.00;S 2 /1/58 16 Series 1958 3.00io 3/!u TOTAL 2 3. Street L& Drainage Improvement, 4%-) 5;/1/59 18 , Series 1959 .1 TOTAL 3 3 /l !61 17 Series 1 61 3�;� ' 4, Library Bonds, 9 3 3! , 3;� TOTAL 4 ' TOTAL GENERAL OBLIGATION( TAX SUPPORTED) BONDS Sept3mber 30, 1965 PROPOSED SALE OF G.O. BONDS - Voted 1965-- (Short Term) (No Inte_-rest PROPOSED SALE OF G.O. BONDS - Voted 1965* (Long Term) Est. 1/1/65 20 ' TOTAL BUDGET REQUIRET.1ENT 1965-66 GENERAL OBLIGATION GRAND TOTAL - ALL BOIJDS ' of , Bonds voted 19b5 but n sold at 9�30/65. Estimated ' " requirements for budget purposes only 1965-66. ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS L aturity Original Amount Principal Interest Date Issue Outstandinq Due 65-66 Due 65-66 ' 1970 1309000. 00 37 , 000.00 7 , 000. 00 15173, 00 1963 128,000.00 1966 112,000. 00 39,000.00 39 , 000, 00 25,285.00 1974 760�000. 00 760,000. 00 1 ,000,000. 00 799,OOC.00 39,000. 00 25,285, 00 1970 266,000. 00 15C,000.00 30,000. 00 227450. 00 1976 330,000. 00 330.,000.00 1977 100,000, 00 100, 000. 00 _ ' 696,000, 00 �-580,000. 00 30, 000. 00 22,450. 00 1976 200,000. 00 200,000.00 ' 1977 150, 000. 00 150,000. 00 12,063. 00 350,0M00 350,000.00 122063.00 5, 327,500, 00 4, 067,000.00 160,000.00 159,185. 00 1966 3002000. 00 300,000. 00 300,000. 00 1963 1 , 540,,000, 00 1 ,540,0M 00 26,950. 00 7, 167.,500. 00 5,907,000,00 460, 000.00 186,135. 00 ;� 9,886,500_00 8 , 192,500. 00 539,500. 00 273,000. 00 57. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I SCHEDULE OF REQUIREi-lENTS , GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS ALL PURPOSE GENERAL IP:iPROVEi.i :NT Outs a-id ng V.7,ca' Beginning Pri.ncipaZ Interest Ear_ of_Year RecLLlireInents c:auirer en cs .965-66 1 .8?4;J00- GO Z1;000, 00 b^, �8^.JG 966-•57 114 ,OOJ. 00 60,476. +C 967-68 __ • 645,OOG.GO 93,000. 00 56, 686, GJ 568-69 - , 555,000. 00 88,000. 00 53,262. 00 ' 569-70 1,.468,OrO. 00 1302000. 00 49,237. 00 970-71 -1 , 338 . 00C. .`0 .155,00G. 00 43,938.00 971-72 '_70,500. 00 38,147. 00 ' 972-73 1 , 002,50M0 3.77,500. 00 32,203. 00 973-74 825,000.10C i^5,00MO 25,000.00 974-75 64C,000. JO 19M00.00 20,412.00 ' 975-76 450,000,00 200,OOC. 00 13,U2.00 976-77 250,000. 00 250,000. 00 5,031.00 977-78 t _978-79 970•-80 080-81 _931-02 ' 1.cvP2••83 C 83-8n ;'85•-85 '36-^7 ;8,- 90 J 1 '.I C/ I_ •LJ� 0,9..n 1 . ./ . _`:93-94 `'95-;6 c,96—n;' :'S7-9 .w 00 ` TLg`-VLZ`9 00 '-V8V'LC6`C 00 'L80`LCC `Z 00'gZ9 `gZ 00 'SZ9 `gZ 00 'SZT`C5 00 'gZT `Cg 00 'gZ9 `gg 00'gZ9 `gg 00 'gZT`89 00 'gZ-l ` 8g 00 '069 `9TT 00 '069`9TT low 00 '60Z`3TT 00 '60Z` STT 00 'LZL`CZT OO 'LZL`NT 00 'Vt7T `ZZT 00*VVT`ZZT mw 00 'C95`6ZT 00 'C9g `6ZT 00 '99L`9ZT 00 '9(]L`9ZT 00 '9t78`LZT 00 '9V8`LZT Ar 00 'gCS`6ZT 00 'gC8`6ZT 00 '99L`ZCT 00 '99L`ZCT 00 'Z95 `9CT 00 'Z99 '9CT 00 'Ot,6`ZC T 00 'Ot,6`ZC T ' 00 '90C`VET 00 '90C `t7ET 00 'CT9 `9CT 00 'CT9 `9CT 00 'LVL`ZCT 00 'LVL6ZCT 00 '009`6ZT 00 '009 `6ZT 00 't75L` 3TT 00 "VgL` STT 00 '6CL`VTT 00 '6CL`t7TT 00 '17Z9 `OLC 00'CW 9TT 00 ' TCO`99Z 00 'C09 `17N 00 ' T6Z` TTT 00 'ZTE `ETZ 00 ' L9C ` 8ZC OO 'gtr6 'LTT 00 'ZTt7`OTZ 00 '8gg`CZC 00 '899 `ZTT 00 '000` TTZ 00 '9E8`gZC 00 'ECT `9TT 00 'COL`60Z 00 'OEv`OEE 00 'ESL` TZT 00 'Lt79`SOZ 00 'LZC`LZC 00 '68E ` 8TT 00 '8C6`80Z "r 00 '966`LTE 00 '89L ` 8ET 00 'LEZ`6LT 00 '699 `9TC 00 'L6Z`tLT 00 'Z9Z` Tt7T 00 'EqT`ZZE 00 'L9V'ZLT 00 '989 `617T 00 '08T`LTC 00 't70L ' , VT 00 '9L17` bLT 00 '99L`6TE 00 'Z8C6tlVT 00 'C8E `gLT 1 rd S4uauualTr. a,d squouleaTn a}H s�uamaaTnba, xeZ Te;Ol poaaoddns Te;oj xeI StlX31 'NMOlAtl9 d0 A110 G b 6 f G � 00 'OT� Stl� T 00'OTO SSS 00 00� OTT T 00'98�`Zb 00 '98t`T 00 '000 Tt 00'000` Tt 08-6L6T ' 00'680` 80T 00'680`g 00 '000`86 00'000`68T 6L-8L6T 00'9t,t'ZOT 00'9t7t 6,8 00 '000`t6 00 '000` 8£Z 8 L-LL6T 00'60L`TOT 00'60L`TT 00 '000`06 00'000` 8Z8 LL-9L6T ' 00 '9Z8`OOT 00'9Ze'tT 00 '000`98 00'000`60tb 9L-9L6T 00'66L`66 00'66L` Ll 00 '000`Z8 00'000`T6t, 9L-tIL6T 00'tb99`66 00'v9g`OZ 00 '000`6L 00 '000`OL9 VL-8L6T 00 '88T `86 00 '88T` 8Z 00 '000`gL 00 '000`qt9 8L-ZL6T 00 '60L` L6 00'60L`gZ 00 '000`ZL 00 '000` LTL ZL-TL6T 00 'tZT` L6 00 *tZT`8Z 00 '000`69 00 '000`98L TL-OL6T ' 00 'Z99`ZOT 00 'Zg9`08 00 '000`ZL 00'000`8g8 OL-696T 00 'L6t`66 00 'L66`Z8 00 '005`99 00'009'tZ6 69-896T 00 'Z89`66 00 'Z8T` 9E 00 '00g`t9 00 '0006686 89-L96T 00*tLt"66 00 *tLtb` LS 00 '000`Z9 00'000`Tg0` T L9-996T ' 00'998`66 00'998 `6S 00 '009 `69 . 00'009`OTT` T 99-996T sq.uaw@,'Tn au s-Tuawaazn ajj s4uawa.zTn aU .zea,, 30 _Te@A ' Tea-01 ;sa.za;ul TedTOUTad 6UTUU1682 Te0s-r3 6uzpue;sln0 SQNOS EMN2ATH EEMES QNV SNldOMUEIHM ' SINEW3UMI )Td 30 TIMEHOS '69 8OIAAPS IMIG SVX31 'NMOlAVS AO AlIO , CITY OF BAYTOW Y, TEXAS DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS WATERWORKS TAX SUPPORTED BONDS Outstanding Fiscal Beginning Prinicpal Interest Total Year Of Year Requirements Requirements Requirements 1965-66 2,188,000. 00 49,000. 00 95,382. 00 144,382. 00 1966-67 2,139,000. 00 50,000. 00 92,704. 00 142,704.00 1967-68 2,089,000. 00 82,000. 00 90,467. 00 172,467. 00 1968-69 2,007,000. 00 87 ,000. 00 87 ,297 . 00 174,297.00 1969-70 1 ,920,000. 00 55,000. 00 83 ,758. 00 138,758 . 00 1970-71 1, 865,000.00 37 ,000.00 81,389.00 118,389.00 1971-72 1 ,828,000. 00 42,000. 00 79,783. 00 121 ,783. 00 1972-73 1 ,786,000. 00 38,000.00 78,133 .00 116,133. 00 1973-74 1 ,748,000.00 36,000.00 76,558.00 112,558. 00 1974-75 1 ,712, 000. 00 43 ,000.00 74,945.00 117,945.00 1975-76 1 ,669,000. 00 38,000. 00 73 ,291.00 111,291. 00 1976-77 1 ,631 ,000.00 44,000. 00 71,593.00 115,593. 00 1977-78 1 ,587,000. 00 45,000. 00 69,739.00 114,739.00 1978-79 1 ,542,000. 00 51 ,000. 00 67 ,754.00 118,754. 00 1979-80 1 ,491,000.00 64,000. 00 65,600.00 129,600. 00 1980-81 1 ,427,000.00 70,000. 00 62,747.00 132,747.00 1981-82 1,357,000. 00 76,000.00 59,613 .00 135,613. 00 1982-83 1 ,281 ,000.00 78,000.00 56,305. 00 134,305.00 ' 1983-84 1 ,203 ,000. 00 80,000. 00 52,940.00 132,940. 00 1984-85 1 ,123,000. 00 86,000. 00 49, 552. 00 135,552. 00 1985-86 1 ,037,000. 00 87 ,000. 00 45,765.00 132,765.00 ' 1986-87 950,000.00 88,000.00 41 ,835.00 129,835. 00 1987-88 862,000. 00 90,000.00 37 ,846. 00 127 ,846.00 1988-89 772,000.00 93 ,000. 00 33 ,755.00 126,755. 00 ' 1989-90 679,000. 00 100,000. 00 29:563.00 129,563.00 1990-91 579,000. 00 97 ,000. 00 25,144.00 122,144. 00 1991-92 482,000. 00 100,000. 00 20,727. 00 120,727. 00 ' 1992-93 382,000. 00 102,000. 00 16,209.00 118,209. 00 1993-94 280,000. 00 105,000. 00 11 ,590. 00 116,590. 00 1994-95 175,000. 00 50,000.00 8,125. 00 58, 125.00 1995-96 125,000.00 50,000.00 5,625.00 55,62 5. 00 1996-97 75,000. 00 50,000. 00 3 , 125. 00 53 ,125.00 1997-98 25,000. 00 25,000.00 625. 00 25,62 b00 2,188,000. 00 1 ,749,484.00 3 ,937,484. 00 I lj�• lAl ,l i, Ali fI� I r 1 U0 NOI ,I. HZ Ud dd � �n n f,f 1 I U d ,i � bnNNb IN A� SVX3.L `NAKOJLJL B.4O R1IO CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS ' 61 . ORDINANCE NO. 757 ' AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1 , 1965, AND END- ING SEPTEMBER 30, 1966, IN ACCORDANCE 14ITH THE CHARTER AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDI- NANCE. L"JHEREAS, the City T'ianager of the City of Baytown has submitted to the City Council a budget estimate of the revenues of said City and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1 , 1965, and ending the 30th day of September, 1966, and which said estimate has been compiled from detailed information ob- tained from the several departments , divisions , and offices of the City, containing all the information as required by the Charter of the City of Baytown; and ';JHEREAS, the City Council has received said City I.1anager' s estimate and held a public hearing thereon so provided by section forty-four (44) of the Charter; and 6UHEREAS, after a full and final consideration of the public hearing t is the opinion of the Council that the budget as filed should be approved and adopted, NO';',], THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTO"JN: Section 1 : That the budget estimate of the revenues of the City of ' Baytown and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the en- suing fiscal year, beginning October 1 , 1965, and ending September 30, 1966, as submitted to the City Council by the City P�Iianager of said City - , and the same is in all things , adopted and approved as the budget esti- mate of all the current expenses as well as the fixed charges against said City for the fiscal year beginning the first day of October, 1965, and ending September 30, 1966. Section 2: That the sum of One Million, Mine Hundred Fifty-Two Thousand, Forty-Five ( )1 ,952, 045) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the payment of Operating "Expenses and Capital Out- lay of the City Government as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: - CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS _ 62. General Government $ 446,713.00 �. Public Safety 648, 959.00 Highways 401 ,655.00 Sanitation & Waste Removal 228,694.00 Conservatbon of Health 37,458. 00 Recreation 65,901 . 00 Puliscellaneous 122,665.00 ' TOTAL $1 , 952, 045.00 Section 3: That -che sum of Nine Hundred Eleven Thousand Thirty- Nine and no/100 ($911 ,039.00) Dollars - is hereby appropriated out of the Water Works for the operatirig expenses and capital outlay of the muni- cipally owned Water Works as hereinaf ter itemized, to wit: ' Supply $ 96, 109.00 Transmission & Distribution 325,242. 00 Customer' s Accounting & Collecting 822587.00 Stores 12,544� 00 Contingency Fund 25, 000,00 Sewers & Sewage Disposal 132, 371 ,00 Transfers to Other Funds 237,186. 00 TOTAL $911 ,089.00 Section 4: That the sum of Six Hundred Forty-Six Thousand. Six ' Hundred Thirty-Three and no!100 ($640',633000) Dollars is hereby appro- priated out of the General Interest and Sinking Fund for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming the Serial Bonds., as they mature , on the General Debt Service Bonds as hereinafter itemized, to- wi t: Serial Bond Miaturities $460,000.00 Interest Payments 186,, 133.00 Exchange 500.00 TOTAL :'646, 633.00 Section 5: That the sum of Four Hundred Twenty-Eight Thousand, Eigr �. Hundred Eighty-One and No,/1.00 ($428; 881 . 00) Dollars is hereby appropriat %d out of the Water !f1orks n'.� --t and Sinking Funds for the purpose of paying the accruing rite_resc and redeeming the Serial Bonds, as they mature,, on the "Water Vvlo.:rks D:;bt Service Bonds as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 63 . Serial Bond Maturities 79,500. 00 Interest Payments 86,865. 00 Exchange 469. 00 Bond Reserve Fund 59, 197 . 00 Contingency Fund 202,850. 00 TOTAL $428 ^ 1 . 00 Section 6: This ordinance shall be and remain in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval of the City Council , and it shall be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown. READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by a majority of the City Council at the regular meeting held at the City Hall in the City of Baytown, on this the 23rd day of September, 1965. Seaborn Cravey, I.iayor ATTEST: Edna Oliver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORP,1: George Chandler, City Attorney i 1 1 1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 64. ' ORDINANCE NO. 758 F' AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE RATE AND TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF BAYTO!'IN, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SLPTEI':iBER 30, 1966, UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, IN ACCORDANCE VJITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER PROVISIONS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY; AI'dD REPEALING ALL ORDI- NANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THERE''JITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTO'.JN: Section l : There shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected for the year ending September 30, 1966, an ad valorem tax of One and 41/100 Dollars on each One Hundred Dollars worth of property located within the present City limits of the City of Baytown, made taxable by law, which said taxes, when collected, shall be p. apportioned among funds and departments of City Government of the City of Baytown and for the purposes hereinafter set forth as follows: For the General Fund 0. 96 For the purpose of paying the accru- ing interest and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the bonded indebtedness of the City of Baytown 0,45 Section 2: The ad valorem tax rate of One and 41,/100 Dollars as set forth in Section 1 , is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected on only Fifty ( 50°0/) percent of each One Hundred Dollars worth of property located within Baytown, as valued by the Equalization Board for the City of Baytown, and made taxable by law, ,,I Section 3: The City Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Bay- town is hereby directed to assess , extend and enter upon the Tax Rolls of the City of Baytown, Texas, for the current year, the amounts and rates herein levied, and to keep a correct account of same , and when so col- lected, the same to be deposited in the depository of the City of Baytown to be distributed in accordance with this ordinance . fm Section 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are expressly repealed. me READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, at a regular meeting held at City Hall on September 23, 1965. ATTEST: , Seaborn Cravey, i,iayor Edna Oliver, City Clerk FP :S ifli I ifiA il.l. 1j lA' �lY i 11r l y; �1 I r f�,l f..: 1jFl I IAi �l i33r90 QNd URIOdHVHO Ag IA.. S3UfUIQN3dX3 30 NOIIVDIIISS 73 111, SVX3J. `NMOJ.Avfl AO Ali? f r� !- D X H Cri C1) F✓ I-' F� F- F� Cf) C 1 I I I I D O \O m h n D J (S •P U) W N., F-� "O F� �-h �i Cn ►-� b cr wN wOr . . . OOw' m z O n Fj Fj U) Cn c;. F'• O H m (s � (a rN rC7w Co c-F H rriwt- Fi C U) 2�: 3: N• g: 3: CnU) (D Eg n (D r :3 t-h m x . • • ww (DwF- QC m .QCw wH -A w3wwCw wC C+ F'• 0' H 0- (D B -0 Cn C F .• n F-' U) t- � (n rF-0 C+ c+"O ►- (D C+ Fj C) c+ F'• •• Fj C O < O Fj F'• (D F F- Q. (D Z Q 0 (D Fj (D (D t3 w C (D Fj O (f) :a, C) w Cr) W r~ c+ H N• Fi x � Fj (D Q U) w U) �{ Fj (D Fj O Fj Fj F- Fj c+ H (D 3 H (D (D S2 C w w n I' < F . U) •° < I- Fes• < F'• N• F'• F'• U) N• a •O "rl x C H- C N• 3: (D O (n F'• CJ (D N (D I- w (D Co w (D (D w c+ Fj H O U) (D N• F- 0- C w "O N• rF (n C lQ (D X 3 F-• F- (n (n g 1- P- C? "O C F-"a QJ (n P. F'• (D Fj Fj O :�E c+ U) c+_0 (D �:Y (n w (n T (D •a -0 E3 N• :3 :3 Fj (D w FI 'J> (n (D w O —::3 ---- w F'• O_ (D H Fj '0 (D C LQ c+ w °° C+`< G) w C Fj O O cF O O C) w B H w F- O C LQ (D c+ F• •• m C O Q.. LQ C Fj (n Fj H C2 H. w c c+ H. Fi c+ (n Co C F'• < Cn Qr r-h F• (D (n Q. :5 F__ O (n O (n •) :3 F '-1 C c+ C U) O C O O w O (D U) c •° < H cF C) °° (D O c+ �3' Fj (D C Q. n D LQ SQ c+ FJ• 'rl (D -3 Co (D H F j (D (D Fj C+ c+ c+ (D D C Fj c+ O H -0 C •• F'• F• C U) G H (n H H (n O F'• w (D FT t-h c+ (+ H Qr -i o ::3 {m n N. w c+ w w c+-0 C+- B X O F• O w O CO 0 c+ F'• O 0 0 H 0 0 B F• (n "o o E3 < H U) F— F_ X C c F F-h (D c+ C c+ (+ w (D O Cr, H. (D (D Q•. (D H. C Fj `< (n C) :3 O � Fi N Q T7 (D (D c+ ¢ c+- F'• 0 (D O < n (D (D U) < C �-h Ffi H o n F C f-h F Fj (D O H O O c+ F'•O (D J '1 O rl •° n C < F-' Fj H (D Fj H O � -0 X C w Q. (n (D QJ F• (D �G < N (D -0 e (D to (D n E3 E3 rF c+ Fj CD Cr° o U) w (D H 1 Cn n w w w w C Cn z C w T3 T3 U) U) F'• N• F'• (D (D c+ Q. C) F- Q (D Fj F- F• H- 0: ) ::Y- F- Fj O O Co Fj C+ c+ c+ C) O c+ Cn t-h �--h Fi (+ Cn w (D (D (D w w :D C m w N (+ O (D F• () :3 C Z7 c+ H C cn C Fj Fi U) U) < c+- w Co w H- C w (D •° T3 C (n (D (D (D ::) C c+ F j = z5 C) (D Fl• Fj H C) 0 n w (D Q.. F c+ 0- O < (D (D (D F— (D N• C C F'• (D O B n n (D H F•+• w n x O O O w I-h w (D -1 U) (D C F- (D (D N• Hh U) F• (r) t . N C) C) (f) Fj n U) I:TL' C Fj Co O C (D 0- F- (D (D c+ w (D (D :5 )-h c+ .0 C w c+ C (D Fi I r- (� '0 Q. F'• H. C Fes• C U) (D C N• (D w c+ < C P. F- Q S w F C (n F• c+ C" (D C) `o a O w D `< u) Fi (D w Fj E3 F'• r-h F- () c w F'• C) rF w (D (D C (n (D H• Fes.: Fj C w C LQ c+ Q C-a ^< LQ C Q N c+ U) :3, O I w (D O w C c+ C) F j w Fj Fj F• (D O (D (D (D c+ I Q Q C `< N (D ON UI CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Ice 66. Postage " Printing: To include printing of budget, circular letters, reports and specifications Publications: To include blue prints , catalogues , charts, magazines , maps , newspapers , etc. Stationery: To include pencils , rubber stamps , ink pads , paper, paste, pens , binders, blank books , clips , desk pads , ink, envelopes , erasers , filing cabinet supplies , labels, manuscript supplies , tracing cloth, etc. 2-3 Food Supplies: To include all articles of food for human beings 2-4 Wearing Apparel, dry goods and notions: To include such articles as aprons, badges , belts, blankets , boots, canvas cloth, cotton goods , curtains, dress findings , ' hats, linens , oil cloth, pillow cases , shoes , sheets , slickers , thread, towels , uniforms , etc. 2-5 Pound Food 2-6 Motor vehicle supplies: To include gasoline, grease , ' lubricating oil and small accessories 2-7 Minor apparatus, instruments , tools and utensils , which are liable to loss , theft and rapid depreciation Minor apparatus: To include that used in cleaning engineer- ing, hospital , laboratory and medical Minor instruments: To include calipers , compasses , draft- ing instruments , gauges , lenses , measuring chains , pincers , sterilizers , thermometers , etc. Minor tools: To include augers, axes , bits , braces, crow- bars , engineer stakes , fire hose, handcuffs , jacks , punches , reamers , shears , wrenches, and articles of like nature. 2-8 Laundry, cleaning and toilet: To include cleaning prepar- ations , deodorants, disinfectants, floor oils , scouring powders , soap, wax, etc. 2-9 Chemical, medical and surgical: To include alcohol , alum, FR" antitoxins , bandages, chlorine, gauze, lime , medicines , vaccine, etc. 2-10 Mechanical supplies: To include fuel, oil, lubricating oil , grease, packing waste, etc. 2-11 Educational and recreational supplies: To include all articles of transient use, as baseballs , lime for marking tennis courts, rent on moving picture films, tennis balls , etc. 2-12 Botanical and agricultural supplies: To include bulbs, disinfectants , fertilizers , seeds , trees , young plants , etc. , used for parks and public grounds. 2-13 Other Supplies: This is to include supplies that have not been allocated. l i r� s;ueapAg aaz3 VT-9 ' suoz;oauuoo aozn.zaS CT-9 swa;sAs 6UT;eaH ZT-9 Swe;SAs Teu6TS TT-9 s6uT;;Gs pue s,18;aW OT-9 , Suzew s3la0m .zaq-eM 6-9 (A.ze.zgTT Tod. sxooq mau 3o asegoand sapnTouI ) sxoog 8-c, ;uawdznbp ozpeld L-9 , Su6TS ;@a-T;s 9-9 GeTozgan aa14;0 9-9 sagn; pue eJ:T; sapnTouI osaTozgaA TO;011 t-9 , sn,.ea:edde a.ITJ sapnTouI • ( ,IoC2w) sn;eaedde pue s;uewnj:;sul £-g (.zoCew) s4uawaTdwT pue ' sToo; 'AaGUTLjoeW Z-g , s6uzgSTujn,; pue sean;xTj lean;TuTn3 T-9 :30 ;uawaoeTd@a pue STTeda-T 6UTaGAOO (40e-T;UOo , .zo TeTJO;ew) sea:n;Tpuadxa TTV uewdznbs _;o aoueua;uteW •C, a@14;0 OT-tb spuno,T6 6UTdwnp pue .zo;e.T0UT0uI 6-t, SAeAAgbTq pue 'SAennpeOa 'S;eO I;S 8-t, Sazon.zasa.z pue sadTdpue;S L-t Saannas Wao;s 9-t S-�aanTno pue sja;;n6 'sgjno ' sde;s ' sxT2m apzS 9-t sa@m@s Aae;TueS t-t s4ueTd uoz;e-T;Tz3 S-t, s86ptJ:g Z-t s6uzpTTng T-V :30 s;uawaoeTdaT pue saTedea 6UTJaAO3 (;02a;Uoo aO Tez za;ew) sean;Tpuadxa TTH •S;uawano.zdwz pue Isom; -onzq-s ' s6uzpTTnq 30 aoUeua;utew .zoo (doe z;uoo zo) Tez zap eW •V •o;a 16UTlTedei 'SUTezp '6uzpe.z6ei se Bons 'aoueua;uzew pueT 6Uzaanoo (;02a .uoo -To T2Ta@ .ew) saan;Tp r, -uadxa TTN •pueT 30 aoueua;uTew aO-T (;oe.z;uoo -To) TeT,'@;eW •S -;uewdTnbe ao loan;on-T;s '6UTpTTnq 'pueT Aue jo .zzedea 10 ;uawaoeTdaa ' TemGuGa 'uoT;ona;suoo age. oq-UT 6UT.za;Ua 'e;e;s pagSTUT_T aO pagszuTJ -un 'Mea e UT can;eu ;ueuewaad e �o SaT;Tpowwoo aze sTeT19-- eW *L9 ssTeTl9;PFV •g 6v ' c SVX31 'NMO.LAV9 JO A110 �._ I Aed xots zoj anaasald OT-L SpleAny aOznaaS TpnUUV aaAOTdw3 6-L Saz.znCUT gOr 'sasuadxa Te;TdsOH pup TeOTpaLN g-L seaj ssau;Tm pup A.znC 's;soo ;-TnO3 L-L saxel 9-L SUOZSuad 9-L �+ sa6ewep pup s;uewa6pnf t,-L spun3aU E-L ;gap papunjun pup papunj JO ;S@aa;UT pue TedTOUTad 3o ;uewAed auk. apnTOUT 01 :aOzn.zaS ;geCl Z-L •O,�a 6S6UTaOjjO Te.zOT3 'I.uawuteq.za;ua ' saZT-Td ' saauosTad off. UOi;esuadwOo SUOT;PZTUeLTo xauq.O pup sTe;zdsou ' SUOTgngz;suz aTge; -Taeuo apnTouz o1 :spZeMO-T pue SOT;Tn;e.z6 'SUOT;nqT I;uOO T-L •UOTge-Todaoo OTTgnd e se A;T3 auk. uodn A,10;e6ZTgo ATTe.zOw -TO ATTe60T sasuadxa asoqq apnTouz sa6aeuo AzpunS :S3IDUVH0 AUCIWIS 'L , sang UOT;PTOOSsH £T-9 ' se0 T2an;pN ZT-9 -TOmOd pup ;u6T7 TT-9 6uz.zeaTo ;OT �ueaen OT-9 ( saauosTid) suosTed jo qa:oddnS 6-9 ozsnW g-9 S;ua'd L-9 •O-.a 'SIGTZ.zeO OTTgnd Ag uoT;e;aodsue T; aoj saT;np .IT014; 30 aouew -aojaed IeTn6aa uT pa.z.znoUT saaAOTdwe pup SaGOT330 oTTgnd 3o asuadxa apnTouz 01 °sasuadxa aTgesangwT0�1 pup Taneal 9-9 asTM.zau;O pup Te6aT '6UTST; zanpH 5-9 •o}a 'saoznaas Te68T TeToads 'sgTpne ' sTez�a� ew 6uT;oads -UT 'sAan-Tns pup SUOT;26TgSanuz Tezoeds se eons saoznzaS Teuos.zad ao3 uoT;psuadwoo apnTouT o1 esaoTAaOs TeTOadS V-9 • spuog A;aans pue aoue-TnsUT AgTTzgeTT osTe 'quawdznbe pup A;.zadozd uo eoueansuT 30 SPUTN TTe uO swnzwazd apnTOuT Oz :aoueznsul S-9 •s.zeO a�.eATzd �o asn TOJ saaAOTdwe o-� aoupnnOTTe osTe ' SaOATap ;nOLI;TM TO T4;TM 'SaToTuan JO aaTq :2Tn ;uewdTnbe jo asn io3 UOT;esuedwoo apnTouz 01 o;uewdznbm ?o a.zzH Z-9 auoudOTa; pup udea6aTa; 'aoTn.Ias .za6uassaw apnTouz 01 :Suoz-�eOTunwwo0 T-9 •saT;TPOwwoo 30 6UTgSTu.znj au; ao ;uawdTnbe 3o asn au; snTd saOTAa@s Tpuosaad 6uTnTon -UT ;uawaaa6e POT ' TdWT -To possaadxa aapun 6 s;uaw�..Tedap Tedzo runty ueu,. -Taq;o Ag pawao�aad saT;TAT;oe GTe saOzn.zas snoaueTTaoszVq r .89 :S30IMPS Sfl02Nw I30SIW '9 SVX31 'NMO.LAYS JO A.LIO CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS C A P I T N L 0 U T L :� Y 6 , 8. LAN DS: 8-1 Purchase price: To include all expenditures for land as abstracts , assessments , cost of appraising, recording of deeds , surveys , etc. 8-2 Betterments: To include all expenditures (including pay- rolls ) covering original cost of draining, engineering, and inspection, first sodding, grading, planting and terracing. 9. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: All expenditures, including payrolls for new or additions to: ' 9-1 Buildings 9-2 Bridges 9-3 Filtration plants 9-4 Sanitary sewers 9-5 Sidewalks , steps, curbs , gutters and culverts 9-6 Storm sewers 9-7 Standpipes and reservoirs 9-8 Streets, roadways and highways 9-9 Incinerators 9-10 Other 10. EQUIPMENT: All expenditures to cover original cost of equipment (not re- placements ) which increase the value of the fixed assets of the City. 10-1 Furniture, fixtures and furnishings 10-2 Machinery, tools and implements (major ) 10-3 Instruments and apparatus (major ) ; this includes all fire apparatus 10-4 Motor Vehicles 10-5 Other Vehicles 10-6 Street Signs 10-7 Radio ' Equipment p� 10-8 Books 10-9 4,iater Mains , Streets and Bridges 10-10 Meters and settings 10-11 Signal systems 10-12 Heating systems 10-13 Service connections 10-14 Fire hydrants 10-15 Other r.