_FY 62-63 COB Adopted Budget ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE Cl't-v of Baytown, 'texas ' FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER 1, 1962 SEPTEMBER 30, 1963 Adopted B p Y CITY COUNCIL Composed of AL CLAYTON, Mayor SEABORN CRAVEY .............. District I MRS. VELMA J. ANSLEY ...... District 4 W. L. (Dub) WARD .............. District 2 JACK C. HURON ................ District 5 C. A. HANSEN ...................... District 3 JAMES M. BRYAN ................ District 6 ■ CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS l ON A N N U A L B U D G E T of the CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS +w For The P„ Fiscal Year October 1, 1962 - September 30, 1963 Compiled by J. B. LeFevre, City Manager And Adopted by the MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL C I T Y C O U NC I L AL CLAYTON, MAYOR ' SEABORN CRAVEY VEIMA J. ANSLEY W. L. WARD J. C. HURON C. A. HANSEN J. M. BRYAN CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS LJ TABLE CONTENTS PAGE NO PART I, SHIES Introduction City Manager's Message Payroll Schedules III General Budget %im-ma Revenues 1 General Budget Summary w Expenditures 2 General Budget Summary - All Funds 3 Individual Funds 4 Analysis of Property Valuations 5 Tax Levies and Collections for All Funds 6 Jr 1 PART II. GEFERAL FUND R & MENDITURES DETAIL 7ui General Fund Revenue Detail 8 General Fund Expenditures by Function and DVeziment 10* General Fund Expenditures by Character & Object Classification 12 Gtne.gal G2verment: City Council 13 City Manager 14 Corporation Court 15 Elections 17 Finance 18 Law 19 C ity Hall 20 Engineering 21 City Library 22 City Clerk 23 Pubs is Ssf etv: Traffic Improvement 24 Police Department 25 Fire Department 27 Protective Inspection 29 H, ,,,,Ighwa s and Roa Sidewalks; Streets and Drainage 30 Sanitation and Waste Removal: r-7 Sewers and Sewage Disposal 32 Waste Collection & Disposal 34 Conservation of Health: Health Department 35 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 611111111 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE NO. Recreation: Parks and Recreation 37 . Miscellaneous General Overhead 39 Insurance 40 Garage 41 PART III. WATERWORKS & SANITARY SEWER FUND Statement of Income, Expense & Surplus Adjustments 42 Summary of Expenditures by Division 43 Summary of Expenditures by Character and Object 44 Supply 45 Transmission and Distribution 46 Customer Accounting And Collection 47 General Overhead 48 Transfer to Other Funds 49 Sewer and Sewage Disposal 50 PART IV. DEBT SERVICE SECTION ' Resources and Requirements: All Bonds 52 General Obligation Bonds 53 ' Waterworks and Sewer Revenue Bonds 54 Descriptive Bonds: Statement of Bonded Izidebtedness 55 - 58 Schedule of Bond Requirements; General Obligation Bonds 59 Waterworks & Sewer Revenue Bonds 60 Waterworks Tax Supported Bonds 61 PART V. MISCELLANEOUS ' Appropriation Ordinance 62 Ordinance Fixing Tax Levy 64 Classification of Expenditures by Character and Object 65 - 69 IL I ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I. .■ I N T R O D U C T I O N :The 1962-63 Budget of the City of Baytown will consist of the following budget accounts, each operating under and with its own funds as appropriated by the City Council and from revenues derived from sources pertaining to that particular method of operations (1 ) The General Fund operating with revenues from tax sources and from other miscellaneous sources of revenue. (2) The Water and Sewer Fund operating from sale of water, servicing customer installations, and sewer service charges. (3) Bond Funds operating from taxation and from water and sewer revenues. Lr t CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS zz. THE C-= MAN ER BUDGET LSSAGE The Honorable Mayor and Otty CoMall ;r City of Baytown Baytown, Texas Gentlemen: The 1962�-63 Budget as f .nally adopted, after many hours of study and debate is presented on the following lowing pages. This Budget proposes expenditures in all funds of $2.010.192240 or an increase of $293.,072..00 over the 1961v-62 Budget. The major portion of the increase is in the allotment for Capital Improvements, which is greater by an amount of $189p410. (This does not include any labor cost. It is estimated that over $200pOOO. of the budgeted labor will be converted to Capital Expenditures as the work progress- es. } Salary adjustments account for the second largest increase in this Budget. The $45.00 per month increase allowed the civil service employees of the Police Department as a result of a references approved by the citizens, plus a 5% increase granted supervisory and professional employees and 11% increase to all. other full time employees, amounted to approximately $90,pOOO* A considerable increase was proposed for operating the new Sterling Municipal Library, which is due to be completed and placed in full operation early in this fiscal. year. The people have indicated their desire to have a first class Library in Baytown. we now have the building and the staff. By providing the necessary operating funds, we can have a first class library. The almost 15% increase in proposed expenditures with only a fourteen cent per hundred dollar valuation increase in taxes for less than8% was made possible } only by a substantial increase in anticipated revenue provided by natural growth and by increased efficiency in operations. This Budget proposes an accelerated Capital Improvement program and better services to a greater number of people at a very small increase in cost to any one individual. It is not feasible to offer thanks to each individual..- who contributed in the preparation cf this Budget., but l pubUcly acknowledge that without the help of p City the Department ;td Division Heands and the advice of the mayor and y Council C� p this task would not yet be ampl.eted. ' Respectfully submitted, Isl J. B. ieFevre, City Manager JBL:ljm CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES CITY OF BAYTOWN General Fund 1962-53 Account Annual ' Number Job Classification Salar 102 CITY MANAGER ' 1-1 City Fanager 14,544.00 1-1 Longevity 139.00 1-2 Secretary 1-2 P.B.X. Operator 7,416.00 1-2 Longevity 148.00 1-5 Relief Operator 180.00 1-6 Contingencies (Salary Adjustments) �4,250.00 TOTAL 26,677.00 103 CORPORATION COURT 1-1 Judge 62216.00 1-1 Longevity 101 .00 1-2 Secretary '1 1-2 Clerk 7,584.00 1-2 Longevity 111.00 TOTAL 14,012.00 105 FINANCE 1-1 Purchasing Agent (50%)* 1-1 Tax Assessor-Collector 1-1 Chief Accountant (75%)## 11 ,696.00 1-1 Longevity 1-2 Deputy Tax Collector (3) 12,408.00 1-2 Longevity 50;0.00 1-3 Bookkeeper. (50%)* 1-3 Bookkeeping Mach. Opr. (50%)* i 1-3 Bookkeeping Clerk (501o)* 5,952.00 1-3 Longevity 266.00 1-5 Extra Help 600.00 TOTAL 31,512.00 # 50% Charged to Account No. 1003 ' 25% Charged to Account No. 1003 i Ai Account CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1962,-63 7 11 P-mnual Lumber Job Classif ication SaLa= 106 LAW 14M3 Attorney lis 000 1-3 Longevity 297.00 1-2 Secretary 41752*00 1-2 Longevity 157*00 1qwft5 Extra Help 250*00 +J{ awammolow TOTAL l6t700e00 107 CITY L 1ft*3 Custodian 31492,*00 1-3 Longevity 1/+8*00 1VAU5 Extra Help 18mm- __-250m00 TOTAL 3t890*00 108 ENGINEERING 1-3 Chief Engineer 1%w*3 Assistant Engineer 1-3 Draftsman 23s/+96*00 1-3 Longevity 265,,04 19"5 Contingency (Overtime) 200*00 TOTAL 23,961.00 CITY LIBRARY 1-1 Librarian 1-1 Assistant Librarian 14i484,00 1-1 Longevity 30e0O 1.2 Secretary 1,-2 Circulation Clerk 1-2 Typist 11,91+24.00 1-2 Longevity 134*00 1"04 3 Pages 1EM4 2 Pages (4 No. law/+ Custodian 6 20*00 TOTAL 2p492*00 110 CITY CLERK 1-1 City Clerk 5,9916*00 1-1 Longevity 390e00 1-,2 Secretary 3p924e00 1-2 Longevity now TOTAL 10y230o00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1962-63 Account Annual Number Job Classification Salary 200 TRAFFIC 1-3 1 Patrolman 1-3 3 Investigators 1-3 1 Meter Man 1-3 3 School Patrolwomen 29v670*00 1-3 Longevity 523o00 1-4 Maintenance Man 1.4 Electrician (50%) 8 082900 1-4 Longevity 209.00 5 Extra Help ....200000 TOTAL 38.9784*00 201 POLICE Police Chief 1-1 Assistant Chief 1-1 Lieutenant 1%800.00 1-1 Longevity 824*00 1-2 Clerk (2) 8s520*00 1-2 Longevity 260e00 1-3 Radio Technician 1-3 Sergeants {4) 10"3 Identification Officer 7, 1-3 Juvenile Officer (Ser .) 1-3 Investigator (Patrol, 1-3 Tavern Control (Patrol.) 1-3 3 Dispatchers 1-3 17 Patrolman 1 4wjw 3 Warrant Off icer 15%780e00 1*M3 Longevity 3,574a00 1-5 Extra Help -11200*00 TOTAL 193,758900 202 FIRE DEPT, 1-1 Fire Chief Fire Marshall 1-1 Assistant Chief Captain 25t164*00 1-1 Longevity 1,636.00 1SM3 Fireman (17) 90t780*00 14=3 Longevity 2.9131 *00 1 5 Extra Help 400.00 TOTAL 120.9 111000 50% Charged to Account No. 203 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1962-63 Account Annual Number Job Classification Sa 203 INSPECTION 1-1 Chief Inspector 61960*00 1-1 Longevity 106.00 1IM3 Assistant Inspector 4t920*00 1-3 Longevity 113*00 1-4 Electrician (50%)* 3v330e00 14104 Longevity 28,000 TOTAL 15,467*00 115 301 STREET DEPTO 1-4 Foreman 1-4 Cement Finisher ism/+ 1 Dragline Operator 1 2"4 4 Equipment Operators 1-4 3 Equipment Operators 1-4 1 Form Builder 1-4 1 Sweeper Operator 1 dM4 2 Asphalt Patchers 1004 1 Cement Finisher 1 OM4 5 Truck Drivers 1-4 2 Cement Helpers 1-4 1 Laborer 118,247o04 1-4 Longevity 3.9604.00 1-5 Extra Help 29500,000 TOTAL 1242351o00 4.02 SANITATION & WASTE RIMOVAL 1 3 Foreman 1-3 Dozer Operator 16MV3 9 Truck Drivers 1-3 16 Laborers 1-3 Dump Ground Watchman 1-3 Contingency 126s025900 141=3 Longevity 5,632.00 1 5 Extra Help & Overtime 5 2.400 00 TOTAL 137t057*00 50% Charged to Account No. 200 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1962-63 Account Annual Number Job Classification Sa]tarY 501 HEALTH DEPT. 1-1 Senior Sanitarian 60612.00 1-1 Longevity 360.00 1-3 Assistant Sanitarian 1-3 Nurse 1-3 Humane Officer 1-3 Assistant Humane Officer 1-3 Health Officer 20,868.00 14"3 Longevity- J87*00 TOTAL 28 9 4.27.00 i 601 PARKS & RECREATION A 1-1 SWimini.ng Pool Mgr. (5 Mo.) 1,775.00 1-2 4 Cashiers (4. Mo.) 2164.0.00 1-3 4. Lifeguards (4. Mo.) 2,640.00 1-4 Park Pavilion 1-4. Park Maintenance g,OSS.00 1-4 Longevity 355.00 s TOTAL 15001*00 701 GENERAL OVERHEAD 1-1 Dir. of Pub. Works (50%) 11-1 Assist. Dir. of Pub Works 2 #* � �� 91972900 1-1 Longevity 2 .00 TOTAL 10,4.95.00 703 GARAGE 1-1 Chief Mechanic 2 3%) 3,504. o0 1-1 Longevity 144:00 Y 1-3 4. Mechanics (2/3%)�# 1603 Wash & Grease 169 464*00 1--3 Longevity 533.00 1-5 Contingency TOTAL 20,645.50 f i # 5 0% Charged to Account No. 1002 # 13% Charged to Account No. 1004 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 11,ATER FUND 1962-63 Account Annual Number Job Classification Sala 1001 WATER SUPPLY 1-1 Foreman 62612o00 1.1 Longevity 429*00 1-3 #1 Punper 1 3 #2 Pumper 10.9"0000 1-3 Longevity -- -.--520e00 TOTAL 18.9001400 1002 TRANWUSSION & DISTRIBUTION 1-1 Dir, of Public Works (50%)If1-1Foreman11,4 940X0 1.1 Lomgevity. 700,,00 1�3 Meter Shop Foreman 1OW3 Repairman 3 2 E Oev -Operators 1-3 Pipefitter 10=3 Trouble Shooter 1-3 6 Servicemen 1 QW3 Welder 6/+.9790e00 1�3 Longevity 21269 e 00 1-5 Ext".Na Help dwowl 200.00 am TOTAL 80.9 899,s Go 1003 -ACCOUNTING L.- COLLECTING Purchasing Agent (50%) . t.- 6,939OoOO Chief Accountant (25%) ,1-1 Longevity235*00 1-2 Head Clerk 1-2 Cash--*,Lers (2) 1-2 Sub-Station Cashier, 1/2 Time Billing Machine Operator (2) 1-2 3 Meter Readers 35.9592*00 ri 1-2 Longevity 11074*00 1 MW3 Bookkeeper (50%)#* 15M3 Bookkeeping Machine Operator (50%)## 1w-3 Bookkeeping Clerk(50%)** 5.t952*00 1-3 Longevity 107e00 1 5 Extra Help & Overtime 200oOO TOTAL 49,550*00 ,ell 50% Charged to Account No. 701 50% Charged to Account No. 105 75% Charged to Account No. 105 vy CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1962-63 Account Annual Number Job Classification Salary 1004 STORES S 1-1 Assistant Dir. of Pub. Works (1/3%)* 2016*00 1-1 Longevity 111*00 1-2 Clerk & Dispatcher 3,660*00 1-2 Longevity 24*00 1 SM3 Chief Mechanic(1/3%)* j" 1 NM3 Mechanics (4) (1/3%) 1"03 Wash & Grease Man (113%)* 91036.00 1-3 Longevity --326.00 TOTAL 15,1473*00 17 1006 SEWgg..�i SEWAGE DISPOSAL aww� 3 Foreman 1-3 Lab Technician 1-3 6 Disposal Plant Operators 1-3 1 Disposal Plant Operators (Slide) IM3 2 Laborers 472622*00 1 SM3 Longevity 1,450v00 1 SW4 2 Servicemen 10,140 e-00 1004 Longevity 314e00 1-4 Overtime 650600 TOTAL 60,176o00 Li Ff , 2/3$ Charged to Account No. 701 I1 x e 1 T nS SVX3.L 'NAAO.L"13 JO AllO CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS f l L i 1. .jNERAL BURET &MOMRY - EVEI�UE5 . i Fiscal Year 1 2-6 � For the3 R.EVEMS BUDGET PR P05�L t 1. General. Fund Operating Surplus �» Unappropriated 85,971900 170.00 �j 1 5 From Tax Sources 1, 3 t From Non--Tax Sources 11-20-1-NeOO Total. 1,540,291.00 2. Water & Sewer Fund i Operating Surplus -- Unappropriated 62,219.00 Water & Sewer Service - be s s Debt Service 366,798.00 Miscellaneous Other 19.500.4 0.00 j Total 448$517.00 3. General Obli ation Debt Service Fund - From Tax Sources 200P000.00 Surplus 17 6 .00 p Total 217.9664900 IL 4. Water orks & §gwer stem Debt Service Fund From Premiwns & Interest 3,238.04 From Water Operating Revenue 1112202.00 Surplus 16�,.568 t 00 Total 279,008.00 l_ Grand Total All Revenue 2,155,058.00 Grand Total All Surplus & Specified Reserves 2LO*42 00 Grand Total - All Resources 2t485.g480.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 2. Yy 99-UAQ MET Zu=- am 9 M- M=w For the Fiscal Year 1262a-63 000=9 EXPENDITURES BUDGET L RO OSAL w P 1 . amm General Fund Current Expenses 1,2011879900 Capital Outlay 2960610*00 Emergency & Contingent Funds Al 802o00 Total 11540,291o00 2.. Water & Sewer n d . ; Current Expenses 3570756o00 Capital Outlay 65t200*O0 Contingency Fund -25-&561 Total Ugt517*00 3. General -Obligation Debt Service Fund Requirements 207.t674900 Surplus 9.990.00 Total 217,t664*00 4. Waterworks & S.1wer Svstem Debt Service Fund Requirements 95,515*00 Surplus & Reserve Funds 164,568*00 Fiscal Year Reserve & Contingency Fund Appropriation 18.925.00 Total 279.9008o00 Grand Total All Expenditures 2t224,o63/+*00 Grand Total All Surplus & Special Reserves 26029900 Grand Total Expenditurest Surplus & Reserves 2,485,480.00 IM CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 3. OW GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1962—U ow All Percent of Revenue Sources Funds Total Tax Revenue 1,335,170.00 61.9 .. Other Revenue 180s938.00 8.4 Water & Sewer Charges 478,000.00 22.2 Service Charges 128,450.00 5.9 Parking Meter Revenue 32.500.00 1 .6 Total All Revenue 22155,058.00 100.0 w� Surplus Q 10/1/62 33,0,422.00 Total Resources 2,4852480.00 Expenditures: Operating Salaries 110880169.00 47.0 Supplies 902595.00 3.9 Maintenance of Land 125.00 0.1 Maintenance of Structures 469050.00 2.0 Maintenance of Equipment 60,525.00 2.6 Special Services 186,582.00 8.1 Sundry Charges 8779;89.00 3.8 �. Debt Service 13..189.00 1 .1 Total Operating Expenditures 11,862,824.00 80.6 Expenditures:, Coital Outla Land 29,011.00 1.2 Structures 234;700.00 10.1 .� Equipment 2,1'!0�00 4.2 Total Capital Out1a;L 361,810.00 15.5 Emergency Fund 21,802.00 1 .0 Contingent Fund 45,561 .00 2.0 Bond Reserve Funds 18,9?5.00 0>9 Total Special Ap-proepriations 86,288.00 3,;9 Total All Appropriations 2,3102922.00 100.00 Surplus - Bond Reserves 174.9558.00 Total All Surplus 174,558.00 ow # Fiscal Year Appropriation For Bond Reserve Accounts ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 4. INDIVIDUAL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1962-63 General Water & Waterworks and General Interest and Sewer Sewer Interest & Fund Sinking Fund Fund Sinkini Fund 1,135#170.00 200,00.00 177,200.00 500.00 3,238.00 3660798.00 111,202.00 109,450.00 19,000.00 32,500.00 1*454,320.00 20011000.00 386,298.00 114..4-40.00 ' 85,971.00 172664..00 62.219�00 16 .568.00 12540t291.00 2172664.00 4482517.00 279,008.00 864,070.00 2242099.00 59,9570.00 31,025,00 75.00 50.00 392350.00 6,700.00 35,525.00 25,400.00 129,832.00 56,750.00 73,457.00 14,132.00 207.674.00 --2��15.00 12201,879.00 207,674.00 357,756.00 95,515.00 14,000.00 15,000.00 �. 230,500.00 4,200,,00 52.110.00 46,000.00 296,610.00 65,200.04 21,802.00 20,000„00 25,561e00 *182925.00 41,802,04 2 5, 182925.00 1,540t291.00 247,674.00 448017.00 114,440.00 9,990.00 164568.00 9,990.00 164,568.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 5. ANALYSIS OF PROPERTY VALUATIONS Fiscal Estimated Assessed Basis of Period True Value Value Assessment 1947-48 30,194,000 9,964.9 000 33% j 1948-49 35,000 000 17 500 Jq000 50% 1949-50 3S!7489 274. 19,374,137 501 1950--51 551 966,052 27 9S3 026 501a a 1951--52 60,450,496 30,1225s248 50% 1952--53 63,462,194 31 731 097 50% 65,429,674. 32,714,837 50% 1954-55 66s636,528 33,3182264 50% 1955-56 810211794 794 40 660 897 50% 1956-57 85,964.9 318 42,9823159 50% 1957-58 89,124,968 4.4.,562,484 50% 195&59 93,838,910 46,919,455 50% 1959-60 95,776,700 47,888,350 50% 1960-61 100,539,574 50,269,787 50% 1961�62 1392 973,040 69,986,520 50/ 1962-63 145,920,000 721 960,000 50% J CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 6. TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS MW Fiscal Total Collection of Percentage of Collected Period Tax Levy Current Year's Levy Collected Prior Year's Taxes During During Fiscal Taxes During Fiscal Period Period Fiscal Period 1947-48* 185,326 172,000 92.8 5,000 1948-49 301,000 276,900 92.0 92050 1949-50 306,000 285,510 93.3 9,260 1950-51 3332202 306,377 91 .9 8,095 1951-52 519,834 483,037 93.2 139795 1952-53 5459737 5160lat,.3 94.6 23,979 1953-54 5629658 532,448 94.7 193470 1954-55 573,037 548,567 95.7 29,604 1955-56 7120646 683,405 95.8 21,640 1956-57 738006 702,133 95.1 17,015 1957-58 764,944 731065 95.6 20,429 ' 1958-59 807,015 770,762 95.5 170991 1959-60 823,679 785043 95.3 28,655 1960-61 865,488 814,850 94.1 42,092 1961-62 11203,768 191719800 97.3 36,600 1962-63## 19,357, -o W. 1#302#770 96.0 25,000 Notes: The Fiscal Period 1947-48 reflects the first full year of operation of the consolidated cities of Baytown, Goose Creek and Pelly. Estimated income and collections. OW s CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS �1 TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS ' 1 y Ratio of Total Ratio AccvUmulated Ratio of Accumu- Delinquent Collections Of Total De�.1-o. uent l��.R�r�;�i De:►_in . q Collections Collections Tame s t Tax Levy Tax Levy yec-i., i'ax Levy 2.7 177,000 95.5 77,700 41 .9 f 3*0 285,950 95*0 92,700 3008 3*0 294,770 96.3 10004.0 32,t7 2*4 3142472 94*3 96s409 28.9 2.7 4962832 9500 999 853 19.2 4.3 540,422 99.0 103,446 18.9 7 3.5 551,918 9801 96.t44S) 17.1 7 5.1 578,171 100.8 107,694 18.7 3.0 705,9045 98*9 115,109 16.1 2.4 719,14-8 97.4 1342307 18.2 2.7 751,994 98*3 1469377 1901 2.2 788,753 97.7 1632791 20o3 3 3.5 8132798 98 e 8 160,643 19,5 4•8 856,942 98*9 164,410 14*1 s 3.0 1,208,400 100.3 1692620 14.1 2.0 1,327.9 770 98.0 15 6,500 12.,5 A I I• <<i A lY 7p'• �f Qx a a ri v u a ii a a II S H vo""Cl i 1 51 0 Q 11 g ri v 11 K N v I SVX31 `NMOI"13 dO AII3 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS �• GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1963 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 960-61 63 PROPERTY TAXES: Current Year 625,425.00 965,916.00 1,107,970.00 1 Prior Years 35,636.00 29,050.00 21,750.00 Penalty & Interest 9,084.00 8,250.00 5,450.00 Total Property Taxes 670,145.00 1,003,216.00 11135070.00 GRATUITIES FROM INDUSTRY: 314,000.00 FRANCHISE TAXES: Houston Natural Gas Corp. 14,724.00 14,407.00 14,500.00 Houston Lighting & Power Co. 64,011.00 72,569.00 73,500.00 General Telephone Co. 14,118.00 15,498.00 14,1800.00 Taxicabs 787,00 750.00 750.00 Total Franchise Taxes 93,640.00 103,224.00 1032550.00 LICENSES & PERMITS: Oil Drilling 2,100.00 52850.00 29000.00 Beverage Licenses 1,729.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 Other Licenses & Permits 979.00 825.00 750.00 Total Licenses & Permits 4,808.00 7,875.00 3,950.00 FINES AND FORFEITS: Corporation Court 61,905.00 58,900.00 57o500.00 SERVICE CHARGES: Building Permits 3,353.00 4,000.00 32200.00 1 Electrical Permits 2,688.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 Plumbing & Moving 4,091.00 4,600.00 4,000.00 Health 12348.00 1,575.00 1,350.00 Waste Collection 106,208,00 100,237.00 98,500.00 Total Service Charges 117,688.00 112,812.00 1092450.00 SWIMMING POOL: 6,094.00 5,100.00 5,200.00 PARKING METERS: 33,180.00 33,250.00 32,500.00 (Continued) i 7, 1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 9.0 (Continued) GENERAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED L 1960� 61 1,L61-62 1262--6 MISCELLANEOUS: 11v 064900 7jq 800-*00 7#000*00 Total Revenue 1,312024*00 10332p177e00 ls454320*00 TRANSFER FROM HATER FUND 40 000 00 woo Grand Total m All Revenue 1052024900 1t3320177*00 1,454020*00 PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS: 01 676�*00 7.010-2002 1a2 TOTAL AVAILABLE 1AV034*00 1 368,942 00 10401291o00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Joe GgjMQ FUND ZMALY OF ECPENDITURES ,1 BY C ACCOUNT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 7 M-ER -PEPAMM AM DIVISION 1 0 61 1 -62 1 b2-6 General, Goverment 7 01 G ity C ounci�. 40 060.00 47 089.00 106.1431.00 102 C Manager ' 00 ' 0 00 �3�' g 22,937. 2b,69$.0 28,1�77. 103 C orporat3.on Court 14.*123.04 140910000 16 t 922.00 104 Elections 149340 93.C0 2,477.00 1,777.OQ 105 F ii.nanc e 4b,023,00 36,486.00 42,512.00 106 Law 17,939.00 171 625.00 19,000.00 107 City Hall 290909.00 29,064.00 29,050.00 108 Engineering 18,285.00 18,905.00 25,611.00 109 Library 0106» 12,11 G.00 541032,00 110 City Clerk ___10.053.00 V2.022*00_ 00 Total. General Goverment 200,922.00 21508b.00 334, a 00 gQlic Safe tv 200 Traffic Improvement 590 250,00 42030.00 48,684.00 201 Police 1970711+.00 2019452*00 217,918*00 202 F ire 130,439.00 126,306,o0 1360 66l,OO 203 Protective Inspection 15.114*00 15.210*00 16,9 2.00 LLJ Total Public Safety 402,517.00 385,398 00 /+20,205.00 Highways and Roadways 301 Sidewalks, Streets & Drainage 300,054e OO 358,609,00 434776.00 §Mitation-& Waste Removal. 401 Sewers & Sewage Disposal 96,208.00 7l�02 Waste Collection & Disposal. 21 1 7 Oa 161.886.00 1 b 082,100 Total. Sanitation 31'1,405.00 161,886.00 167,082*00 7L Conservation of Health 501 Health Department 382104*00 38,491 v 00 42,895.00 Recreati, n 601 Parks and Recreation 36,O78.00 2414.4,00 38,536.00 (Continued) ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 11. GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OP EXPENDITURES BY = &.,PZA MENT.GLASSIFICA ION �r.•■ Fr rrr r ".rv. (Continued) ACCOUNT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED NUMBER DEPARTMENT AND DIVISION 1260-61 1961-62 1 52-6 Miscellaneous 701 General Overhead 743691.00 75oO27.00 55,660.00 702 Insurance 27,103.00 24.,021.00 24,525.00 703 Garage . +__ 21 770.00 ' Total Miscellaneous 1012794.00 9%048.00 101,955.00 GRAND TOTAL 193902874.00 1t2823,962.00 11540,291.00 r ?f. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS r, i 129 CFERAL FUND §ml== OF EXPENDITURES r. BY C HARAC TER & gXXT C LA SIF IC ATI ON �q ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED OP ON* 1060 w61 1 61- 62 1L602"6L J � le Salaries & Wages 817s 533.00 763p7"*00 864p 070.00 2. Supplies 66 528.00 53 896.00 59 570.00 3. Maintenance of Land 425.00 70.00 75.00 �r. 4. Maintenance of Structures 862 777.00 91 510*00 39 350.00 5. Maintenance of Equipment 39 339.00 , 4 4 1 5.00 35,5 5 2 .00 6. Miscellaneous Services 118,960.00 100,640.00 129.0832.00 . Sun 7 es 6 00 �" Charges 9,�i�. 68s010*00 73,�.57.ao Total operating 1098PS13*00 10119,715.00 12 201,879.00 Contingency Fund 20s O0O.O0 Emergency Fund 21 s 802.00 CAPITAL MLY: S. Land 51,600,00 3,000000 14 000.00 9. Structures 800 700*00 1171 6"*00 230,500.00 10. Equi ent 5 2-761 g OO J22602200 52.110*OO Total C apital. outlay 192,v 061,OO 163 s 2,47.00 296$610.00 GRAND TOTAL 12390074900 1,282,962 e 00 1,540,291.00 .r +r r j r • CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 13. ACCOUNT NO 101 GENERAL GOMAMM CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 6&w61 1 61�62 1 62.w-6 6. MISCELLANEOUS S�VIC ES 49 Special Services 13,000.00 6. Travel Expense 3,070.00 31600.00 32 600.00 13. Association Dues - T.M.L. 404*00 0 0Q 600 00 13.A. Association Dues - Other 2 110,o 00 OaOO �0Os 00 Total. 6 3 70 .00 .00 17 600 00 7. SUNDRY CHARGES: 1. Contributions and Gratuities 1 f 2/.9.00 325*00 450.00 4. Judgem.ents and Damages 65.00 J 5. Employee Retirement- C ityl s Portion 10P 000.00 12p 200.00 18 325.00 6. Social Security - C ity's Portion 14s OOO.00 1 4 750.00 16 130,00 .. 8. Mi sc a li.ane ous Ve ter an Serv, 123 21.00 1,2 80 0 00 127 .900 9. Employee Service Awards 717.00 680.00 -50.00 10. Reserve for Sick Pay 001„O0 1 OO,00 10,000 00 .2sTotal 7 36,356.00 42,735v00 47,029.00 Total Operating 40,060.00 472089.00 64 629.00 C AP ITAL OUTLAY C ontingency Fund 20.7040*00 Emergency Fund 21 g42,00 GRAND TOTAL 40,060,00 47,089.00 106,431.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 140 ACC OUNT NO 0 102 LENERAL GOVERMENT t CITY MAMA ER ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 6a-61 1961-62 1962-62 1. SALARIES AND WAGES: 1. Executive 13,951.00 13,975.00 1 4,6S3,00 29 Clerical & P.B.X. 60 834 o OO 6.9880000 7,564 9 00 5. Relief Operator 199.00 120*00 180.00 6. Contingencies (Salary AN.).) 1.750 s 00 4 e 250.00 Total 1 20,98..00 22t725000 26,677.00 2. SUPPLIES: 10 office 203.00 300.00 300.00 5. MAINTENANCE CP .UIPMENT: 4. Motor Vehicle 122 0 00 100.00 6* MI SO ELLANEOUS SERVICES: 6. Travel Expense 104*00 190.00 200.00 13. Association Dues 51.00 Total 6 155.00 190.00 200.00 7. SUNDRY C HARGES: �. others -- Gas Rate Analysis) 273.00 498e0O 9. Civil Service Director 120200.00 g .00 '!,200.OO Total 7 1,473,o0 1.*483.00 1 t 200.00 Total Operating 22p937.00 240698000 289477000 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 10. EauiMent 4. Motor Vehicle 22 000.00 GRAND TOTAL 22,937000 26 698000 28 477.00 4 I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 15. ACCOUNT NO, 103 GENERAL GOVERM4ENT CORPORATION COURT ACTUAL ESTIMATED P ROP OSED ' 1 6a-61 1 61a-62 1 b2-m6j-- 1. SALARIES AND WAGES le Ac1xni.ni s trative 5 97 5.00 5o 999.00 6 317.00 5, 3. 2. Clerical $$ 00 6,377•00 7,p 695.00 5. Extra Help Total. 1 110858900 12 376.00 1 012.00 2. SUPPLIES 1. office 1 v 2$$.00 10110.00 1 200.00 i 3• MAIIT �AN�C-E 1. Land 50,00 50.00 4-e MAINTENANCE 1. Buildings 100.00 300.00 i 5. MAINTENAME OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures $4.00 50.00 100000 12. Heating & Cooling Systems 2 .00 Total 5 84,000 50.00 125.00 .a b. MISCEL U.M.,MOUS SERVICES f s 2. Car Allowance 300.00 300.00 300.00 6. Travel Expense1000 50000 QMIIM� 75.00 Total 6 305.00 350.00 375.00 7. SUNDRY C HAR.GES: 7. Jury Fees $.00 24*00 60900 $. Warrant Officer g *000 600.04 $00.00 Total. 7 588.00 624..00 860.00 Total Operating 140 23.00 11+1660.00 160922.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 16. LCCOUNT NO. 10 - Continued GEIVERQ GOVERNMENT wAlwalftwoom C ORPORATION COURT } ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED ba61 1261-w62 1 b2-b em CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. A .q uiument 1. Furniture & F i.xtur e s 250900 GRAND TOTAL 149123.00 14;P 910,00 1 b,922.00 a :J CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 17. G G0jjMNT ELBCTIONS son ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1260m.61 1261-62 1262~ 2 -STJPP LIES 1 . Office 123900 136900 200*00 Q0 VT 66 ANEOUS SERVICES 4. Special Serve (Voting Mach.) 729.00 1S010600 540*00 5. Advertising 29*00 273,900 300*00 13. Election Officers 712.00 1_2058,900 7j7e00 Total 6 1V470900 21341900 1077*00 GRAND TOTAL 1,9593*00 22477900 1$777,*00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 180 ACCOUNT Me- 105 GOAL GOVERRAW FINANCE ACTUAL ESTIKATED PROPOSED -1260,-61 1 61.62 62-6 1 SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 140727*00 9P900*00 11,1696900 2. Clerical 11,396*00 113o 468sOO 12.9 998oOO 3. Accounting 5s638*00 5v450*00 6p218oO0 5. Extra Help --207 j 00 270.00 600 00 Total 1 33v068*O0 27tO88*00 31012900 2* -SUPPLIES 1. Office 4.9603*00 5,9100*00 51100*00 5* MAINTENANCE CP EQUIPMENT 3. Office Equipment 732*00 725*00 800*00 6* MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Ifi 2. Car Allowance 250*00 300*00 4. Semi-Annual Audit--Equaliz. Bd. 1j,950.00 11 950*00 1s 950*00 5. Advertising 789.00 720,*00 900000 6. Travel Expense 368*00 350*00 350,900 13. Other - Association Dues 6440maw 120*00 Total 6 3t47?eOO` 32020,o00 3$500*00 Total operating 41p880*00 35,,933900 402912*00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10 EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 75*00 2. Office Machinery 41143*00 478.00 600*00 15. Other (Flight Maps) 14000000 Total Capital Outlay 4043*00 553*00 12600*00 GRAND TOTAL 46,023*00 36s/+86*00- 42,1 512e00 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 19. ACCOTTTgT TTo. 106 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ' LAW ' ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1960-61 1 69 1-62 1962-63 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 2. Clerical 41393.00 4,417.00 4,909.00 3. Professional 10,959.00 102983.00 111541.00 r5. Contingency 165.00 250.00 250.00 Total 1 15,517.00 150650.00 162700.00 2. SUP, PLIES 1. Office 366.00 300.00 300.00 5. MAINTENANCE 4. Motor Vehicle 372.00 600.00 400.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES vo 6. Travel Expense 640.00 600,00 600.00 13. Law Library 733.00 375.00 700.00 13A. Association Dues 16.00 Total 6 1089.00 975.00 1000.00 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Court Costs 133.00 100.00 300.00 Total Operating 17$777.00 173625.00 19,000.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 162.00 3. Equipment Total Capital Outlay 162.00 GRAND TOTAL 17,939.00 172625.00 19,000.00 I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 20. ACC 0TFNT NO. 107 GENERAL QOVERNMI-T CITY HALT, ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED ,1„26,06-61 1 61-62 1262-2- 1. SALARIES & WAGES 4.. Labor, Maintenance 3,250.00 3,274..00 3,64.0.00 5. Extra Help ONSUNWAN1211 a00 2 0 00 250.00 Total 1 3,483.00 3,5 24 9 00 31 890.00 2. SUPPLIES 2. Fuel 2,4.14..00 2,500.00 2,200.00 7. Minor Tools 24 o o0 30.o0 35.00 g. Janitorial Supplies 226 0004202 00 54;00 Total 2 2,834*00 2,950.00 2,6g5.oa 3. MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1. Land 3.00 20.00 25.00 4,* MAINTENANCE CP STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 10195000 750.00 400000 5. M.AINTENAII E OF E .UIPMENT 2. Equipment 715.00 500.00 600.00 f 12. Heating & Cooling System 1 .00 1 00 00 800.00 Total 5 850 s 00 2.v000900 1,4 00*00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 9,057.00 82600900 g,600.00 7. Rena (Parking Lot) 300.00 300,00 300.00 11. Light & Power 12.1 7 00 103920000 112750.00 Total 6 21044900 19,820.00 20 650.00 GRAND TOTAL 29,909,00 29,064*00 29,050.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 21 . ' ACCOUNT NO. 108 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING ' ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 120-61 1961-62 1 69 2-63 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Technical Salaries 16,547.00 16,720.00 23,761.00 5. Extra Help 200.,00 Total 1 16047.00 16,720.00 23,961.00 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 400.00 350.00 700,00 13. Other Engineering 316.00 350.00 ' Total 2 716.00 700.00 700.00 5. MAINTENAM9 OF EQUIPMENT 3. Insturments 71.00 100.00 100.00 4. Motor Vehicles 259.00 150,00 200.00 Total 5 330.00 250,00 300.00 y 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance 600.00 600.00 600.00 6. Travel Expense 12.00 40.00 50.00 13. Association Dues 80.00 Total 6 692.00 640.00 650.00 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Abstracts and Titles Total Operating 18,285.00 18010.00 25,611.00 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 3. Instruments & Apparatus 595.00 Total Capital Outlay 595.00 GRAND TOTAL 182285.00 18,905.00 25,611.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 22. ACCOUNT N0, 109 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY LIBRARY ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1960-61 1961-62 1 69 2-63 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 7,425.00 14,514.00 2. Clerical 31185.00 11,558.00 4. Labor Maintenance 31600.00 5. Extra Help 2,820.00 Total 1 10,610.00 32,492.00 2, SUPPLIES 1. Office 400.00 4,000.00 8. Custodial 350.00 11. Educational - Library Total 2 400.00 4050.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 8. Books (Bindings) 20000.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Hire of Equipment 100.00 6. Travel Expense 250.00 650.00 ' 7. Rents & Utilities 850.00 8. Music-Phono. Records 750.00 11. Lights & Power 21340.00 ' 12. Freight & Postage 250.00 13. Other - Telephone 600.00 14. Periodicals & Newspapers 1,500.00 15. Films & Filmstrips 13000,00 ' Total 6 1000.00 71190.00 ' Total Operating 129110.00 46,032.00 CAPITA QUTLA�Y 10. EQUIPMENT 8. Books & Catalog Cards 8,OOO.00 GRAND TOTAL 12,110.00 54,032.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 23. ACC OT _TT NO Q 110 LENERAL GOURNMW ' f CITY CLERK ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED f 126 b1 1 b1-b2 1 62�.b SALARIES ANDWAGES 1. 3 Supervisory 51 700.00 5,1724.00 6,3 ob o0 2. Clerical 60m.j 00 00 00 ?AAOO Total 19,060v00 9 1249 00 10 2 0 00 : , 3 2. SUPPL ES 1. Office 224,00 3 250.00 300 00 6* MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES E 2. Gar Allowance 300.00 300*00 300.00 5. Advertising 83.00 70.00 100000 Travel Expense 40.00 100.00 } 13. Association Dues Total b 383.40 410*00 . 00 00 5 Total operating 9 '7b5.oo � 9 9,7 4vo0 11,030,00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10 0 EQULM EN 1. Furniture & Fixtures 288.00 2. Mac pinery 23 8.➢00 Total Capital outlay 28$.00 238.00 GRAND TOTAL 100053900 100 022.00 11 030.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO„ 200 PUBLIC SAFETY TRAFFIC ID4PROVEIIENT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 60i.61 1961--62 1 L62--6 1. SALARIES & AGES 3. Operations 24,479.00 26,775 o 00 30093.00 4. Maintenance 7,406s00 7,266,o 00 S,291.00 5.. Extra Help 188000 00.a oo 200000 Total 1 32,073.00 34,341.00 38,784900 2. SUPPLIES 13. Signs 2,500*00 21 500.00 5. MAINTENAECE CF E UIPMENT i 3. Instruments Parking Meters 273.00 200,200 250,00 4. Motor Vehicle 49.00 350*00 250.00 11. Signal System 1.26 0.00 2.000 c 00 2,000,000 Total 5 11992.00 21550.00 2,500.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES i 1. Teletype Communication 1 o 331,00 19 385.00 1.9500.00 7. Rent w Parking Lot 100A 00 300.00 200,000 Total. 6 10 631.00 1�685 0 00 10 800.00 Total Operating 35,696.00 41,076.00 45084000 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 10. Parking Lot 2,831.00 10. E UIPMFNT 3. Instruments & Apparatus 644*00 4. Motor Vehicles 3#100.00 10. Parking Meters 10$9.00 610.00 11. Signal Systems -122514000 Total Capital outlay 23,553.00 1,254o O0 3000.00 GRAND TOTAL 59,250.00 42,330.0Q 482 684o o0 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 25. ACCOUNT _NO. L01 LUB LIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 600,-61 Z 61-62 1 62--6 ,j 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 13,104*00 17,500,00 20,62/4-.00 2. Clerical 7,381.00 7,412.00 8 0M*00 3. Operations 145,723.00 142,900.00 163,354*00 5.e Contingency fto 22 006,00 4113000200 11000 o0 Total 1 1680 214*00 168,812.00 1930758.00 2. SUPPLIES 1. office 21013.00 1000.00 1$750sOO 4. Unif orms & Clothing Allowance 3,599*00 32 200.00 30100000 7. Minor Instruments 1 p 222.00 77 5.00 800.00 8. Laundry & Janitorial 42.00 60s00 50.00 10. Mechanical - I.D. officer 300.00 4OOeO0 13. Misd. other 3A&22*00 5OO*QQ 00.00 Total 2 10,168.00 6035.00 6,600.00 4 e MAINTENANCE CF STRUCTURES 1. Building 125.00 2)100.00 400.00 5. MAINTENE OF Eft PMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 118*00 150.00 200.00 4. Motor vehicle 5.862.00 00 00 .. 000.00 Total 5 51980.00 6,050.00 4�200900 6. MISCELLANEOUS ES 4. Police School 265.00 75.00 250.00 6. Travel Expense 199400 325.00 300.00 9. Prisoner Subsistence 1,564eOO 1s500eO0 lv500*OO 13. Association Dues 1,3,v„00 Total 6 2)041.00 1,900.00 2,050.00 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contributions to Aux. Police 402.00 600 s oo 800.00 ..J Total operating 186,930.00 185$797.00 207,808.00 (Continued) CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 26. ACCOUNT NO 201 am C onti.nued) PUBLIC SAFETY' POLIC E DEPART ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED C AT, 1 60w»61 J362w,62 -62IT OUTLAY �wr 10. EQUIPMENT am 1. Furniture & Fixtures 160.00 110.00 2. Machinery 360.00 3. Instruments & Apparatus 109725.00 4. Motor Vehicles 10.7§j 00 &SA10.00 10,000.00 Total Capital Outlay 10,784.00 150655*00 10,110000 GRAND TOTAL 197 s 714.00 201 A52 0 00 217,91 S.00 i CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 27. AC C OUNT bTO PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARRSENT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 60-o61 1261w.62 1962,-6 1. SALAMS AND WAGES2. 1 Supervision 24v911a00 24,1986*00 26f80Oe00 3. Operations 83078*00 830200*00 922911000 5. Extra Help 6062�00 I-- -750rc04 - - go A 00 .......... Total 1 108,895*00 108�936*00 12021110 00 2* SUPPLIES 10 Office 19000 40*00 50*00 4. Wearing Apparel 636*00 650*00 650*00 7. Minor Apparatus 3,t848*00 3s500900 3,500*00 8. Janitorial 177.00 1254s00 200.00 13. Camera -46.,o0 A0. 00 0=50*00 Total 2 4t726e00 4055*00 4t450*00 4* MAMENAME OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 671.00 1,600.00 500*00 5* MAINTENANCE -CE .UIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 10000 25*00 3. Fire Apparatus 638*00 700900 lt450*00 800.00 4. Motor Vehicle 672*00 2080*00 11. Signal Systems adj's.00 300,a04 -- A00.00 Total 5 11693*00 3090*00 21 675900 6* MISCELLANEOUS- SERVICES 6. Travel Expense 271*00 250*00 300*00 139 Other 55 0 00 -25,E 00 qMMOURNEWIND 25.00 o Total 6 326900 275*00 325o00 7,* SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Volunteer Dept. Contributions 7,775.00 72750*00 80000000 Total Operating 124o086900 126006*00 136s061*00 (Continued) CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 28. ACCOUNT NO., 202 Continued) PUBLIC SAFETY- ni FIRE DEPARTMENT sawswatum ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED �0-611 1961w§k- 62-6 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9* BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 1S092*00 10o EZJIP�T 3. Instruments & Apparatus 600900 4,, Motor Vehicle 51261o00 Total Capital Outlay 6v353o00 600v00 GRAND TOTAL 1301/4-39*00 126p306e 00 136.1661*00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 299 ACC OM NO* 20 PUB LLC_ -SAFETY PROTECTIVE INSPEC TI-ON ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1960,-61 1 L61-62 1L62-62 1 SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 61688o00 61714900 71066o00 3. Operations 4�475eOO 4499*00 52033*00 7 Maintenance ,a 2 842.00 23 867 0 00 J *00 - - S ,11 Total 1 14006*00 14.9080.00 15)467.00 7 2e SUPPLIES 0� 1. Office 106*00 125900 150*00 7. Minor Apparatus *00 60 100000 -- -4 ........... ._j Total 2 1100000 185900 250900 5* MAINTENANCE OF ENT - - a-- 3. Instruments & Apparatus 4,900 20eOO 25e00 49 Motor Vehicle 2 .00 2254000 -.Logo 00 Total 5 2584*00 245*00 325*00 is 16* MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance 600.00 600e00 600000 6. Travel Expense 133*00 200e00 30Oe00 13. Association Dues 7_a 00 +t: Tota.1 6 740*00 800900 900,000 Total Operating 15014900 15010*00 16,9942*00 7M) CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 300 ACC OUNT NO 301 HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS SIDEWALKS,- STREETS AND DMINALE Mft ACTUAL ESTIMATED APPROVED lo SALARIES AND WAGES 11260-61 1261-62..,. 191,00 k§OL 4. Maintenance 1180354o00 110,497e00 121$851*00 5. Contingency (Overtime) 000 -42100000 2 0000 a.. _2 50 Total 1 118$889*00 114s597*00 124,351*00 2 SUP-PLIES 7. Minmur Tools 389*00 325o00 /+00000 13. Other 11-2,000 12L00 12 is 00 Total 2 502e0O 450900 525o00 /+a MAINTENAICE CF STRUCTURES 1 . Building 116*00 100,000 200*00 5. Sidewalks & Curbs 4p334*00 /+P90O*OO 5p000*00 6. Storm Sewers /+85e00 500*00 8. Street 722-101&oo 222-800.00 202000e-00 Total 4 760853*00 85$285*00 35j700*00 6* MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Hire of Equipment 55*00 100000 100000 11. Street Lighting 169,00 21Lo0O 449100*00 Total 6 31$22/+e00 37.*315*00 "0 200e00 Total Operating 227$1+68*00 237,647e00 204,77 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 89 LAND GUMMORPOW00 1. Purchase Price 3,000.00 9e BUILDINGS AND -STRUCTURES 6. Storm Suers 15,653900 25j000*00 15v0009 00 3 8. Streets 56j.9X4_00 90-0900 00 215 OOOv 00 Total 9 72v586*00 115,900900 2301000,000 (Continued) CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 31. ACCOUNT N0. (Continued), HIGHWAYS AND ROPMWAYS SIDEWALW STREETS AND DRAINAGE ACTUAL ESTIMATED APPROVED �60�b'I �61--62 1�62-.�. 10. E,�UIP��NT 4,, Motor Vehicles 2.1062.00 Total Capital. Outlay 72,586.00 120,962.00 2302000000 00 0 .00 35$ 609.00 434,776900 GRAND TOTAL 3 , 5�. 9 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS L 32. ACCOUNT NO. 401 i SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL r ACTUAL 1260-61 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Operations 460263.00 4. Maintenance 9,,099.00 Total 1 55062.00 2. SUP PLIES &. Minor Tools 149.00 9. Chemicals 100829.00 13. Others 45.00 Total 2 112023.00 3, MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1. Land 263.00 4. I%IAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES 1. Building 132.00 3. Disposal Plant 1p391 ,X0 4. Sanitary Sewers 3 531 .00 Total 4 5,054.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT ' 2. Machinery 10473.00 3. Instruments & Apparatus 203,00 Total 5 1,676.00 1 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 7. Rents 37.00 11. Light and Power 20,831 .00 Total 6 20t868.00 Total Operating 94,246.00 i (Continued) CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 33. ACCOUNT NO. .401 Continued SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL ACTUAL 1960�61 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9* BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES, 4. Sanitary Sewers 762,o00 6. Storm Sewers (F.W. Agency) 1j,200s00 Total 9 10962*00 GRAND TOTAL 960208*00 L CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 34e ACCOUNT NO,,,.-&02 SANITATION AM WASTE REMOVAL WASTE C-OLLBCTION & DISPOSAL wwm� ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED ,f 1. SALARIES AND WAGES j�L6Q=61 1 a-62 1-962-62 - wm 3* Operations 140.9738*00 133,875*00 135pO57*00 5,9 Contingency (overtime) 2.?- 19*00 2 5.0 jOO 2 3000 00 1423,997*00 139,125900 137,0 00 57* 7L Total 1 2* SUPPLIES 70 Minor Tools 90 C hemicals 385*00 300,oOO 300e00 13o Other 2s656*00 2p5OOo O0 2000*00 jL2 0 00 1 L2 00jl Total 2 3 p143oOO 20925*00 20925o00 4o MAINTENANCE CF STRLr, TURcio 9* Dumping Grounds 493.00 40*00 100000 5* MAINTENANCE gLU.IP IENT 2-a Machinery 54900 Total Operating 146p 687soo 1421090o00 140 082*00 ;: -CAPITAL OUTLAY LAND, Purchase Price 51t600*00 10. §qU..IPMENT rF 2,* Machinery and Equipment 161910,00 3v 838eOO 49 Motor Vehicles -- - - -15*958900 272000200 Total 10 16 910900 192796*00 27.4000s00 Total Capital Outlay 68, 199 796*00 o00 00 .'M GRAND TOTAL 215.*197*00 1612886*00 167,082*00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 35* ACC 0UT\JT NO I 7,, C ONSERVATION CF HEALTH HEALTH DEPARINE-N-T, ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 L60,.61 1 62 1 L6.2- le SALARIES AM WAGES 1. Supervisory 6.1612900 61636*00 61972*00 3. Technical 19452200 12,2600o00 21 00 Total 1 26t165*00 26,236o00 28,9427,900 2, SUPPLIES 1 . Office 243*00 120*00 250900 4. wearing Apparel 136.00 150*00 150&00 5. Pound Food 120*00 195,oO0 250*00 7. Minor Tools 123*00 40*00 100000 9. Chemicals., Medical & Surgical -22*00 12 j 1-50000 Total 2 721900 630v00 900000 4e MAINT E CF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 36*00 60*00 350*00 54 MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3. Instruments & Apparatus 10000 50e00 4. Motor Vehicle �271 62920 -2000 Total 5 371o00 635*00 100,000 6* MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance & Eqpt. Hire 21177*00 2050e00 2,400*00 6. Travel Expense 360*00 380*00 400oOO 13. Association Dues 66.00 Total 6 2t603*00 22730*00 20800*00 79 SUNDRY C HAIRGES 1. Contributions-Health League 8,208*00 81000000 81618900 Total Operating 38004*00 38p2914900 41.*195o00 (Cont ed) 7 i r77 j i . f i 00•56R`Z 17 00•L6471K 00,0470 L`,9e rivsol ckyvllo r .�e`[�.n0 Z��.tdB lVq-os 00 001 L 00 00z 47 00•oo�,` oo•ooz aZ DzuaA JO''OK • snq.we.zBddv V A.zauTqolm •L Ddrn a •0 ivzlno rivii av 0 96 z9-o L9 L L9a"096L1 Qasodolad rivni ov IRTAIUVdaQ xIrIV51x 771 HMM do NOIIVAHasNo0 (Panu,roq.uoo)- _ LOS OqN limo o 49e SVX31. 'NMO.LAV13 SO A110 j CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 37* _A.CC OUNT NO. 601 RBOREATION PARKS AND RECREATION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 960w,61 1261o,62 1962v&j 1 SALARIES AND WAGES 1 Supervisory 1,600*00 10600*00 10775*00 2. Clerical 1081+3*00 2$100*00 2t640900 3. Operations 12976e00 2s850*00 2s640,e00 4. Maintenanc e 9.266*00 7s125*00 6.00 Total 1 14t785*00 13s675*00 15,1501*00 2e SUPPLIES 1. Office 31.00 20e00 35e00 6. Motor Vehicle 96.00 70.00 100*00 7. Minor Apparatus 209*00 190,000 200*00 9. Chemicals "3 e 00 420*00 500*00 13. Other 217o00 100000, 200 Total 2 996900 800000 1s035*00 3 MAINTENANCE CF LAND 1. Land 162*00 4o MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES wwvw� 1. Building 2jp283*00 11200*00 10000000 2. Boat Landing 25040 10. Other (Lighting) - 1 1 0.00 Total 4 2,283900 1075*00 1s400*00 5* MAINTENANCE -OF---ALUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Equipment 283*00 300*00 500*00 7a S=RY C-HARGES 1. Contributions to Recreation 130850*00 6t250*00 6000.00 Total Operating 32059900 22s4OO4bOO 24.,536000 M (Continued) CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 3g• ACCOUNT T!0, 601 -- Continued RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 6o,-61 1 61--62 196k6 CAPITAL OUTLAY $. LAND 1. Purchase Price 14�000.00 90 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 5. Sidewalks 448•oo 10. Other 2.229.Z 1.296.00 Total 9 2.,229.00 1,7"9 0o 10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 2 e Machinery 1*4.90,00 Total. Ca ital Outlay 3 ;19.o0 1,7�..o0 14,000e00 � Y � GRAND TOTAL 36 t 07g.00 24.9144 o o0 38,536.00 <i 7ji f CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 39. ACC OUNT NO. 701 MISCELLANEOUS GE MAL OVERHEAD ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 60�61 1 61-62 1 6k§ 1. SALARIES AND WAGES - 1. Supervisory 9,932.00 10 003.00 10 95.00 Lj 3. Operations 149986 00 ,1064XO Total 1 24. 918.00 25,067 m QO 109 .95 e 00 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 112*00 150.00 15 o.Qo 6. Motor Vehicle Fuel. 232 614*00 23,500 o OO 24 000.00 7. Minor Tools 886.00 ' 750.00 400*00 13. Other 72.00 70*00 7 00 Total 2 24 f 684 00 24v 470,00 24. 625.00 4,9 MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 67.00 200.00 200.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery and Implements 24 o 542,00 25 2 0OO e OO 20 000.00 Inst 3 3. rtunents and Apparatus 50�00 100.00 Total 5 24 542.00 25,050.00 20000.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 7. Rent (Parking Lot) 480.00 000 240900 2 4 4 . GRAN TOTAL 74p 691,00 75,027.00 55,660.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 40• ACCOUNT No 702 MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 60�-61 1 e-62 1262..62 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3. Autmot ive Insurance 9,271.00 70 778.00 8 2 225.00 Buildings and Contents 1t869.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 7M Group Life & Hospitalization 14$750.00 13 t 025.00 13,000.00 fireman's Benef it 302.00 "00 00 "0 0 00 Burglary and Swimming 0.0� g 00 L60eOO 560.00 Total 6 26,6�.0,00 23 553.00 23 975a00 7. SUNDRY C HARGES low 2. Bonds 35040 273.00 350*00 8. Medical Care 1102000 1 .00 200.00 No Total. 7 463*00 468*00 550.00 GRAND TOTAL 27 2103*00 24:021,00 24 525,00 s CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 41. ACC OUNT NO 703 MISCELLANEOUS )VJ GAR-AGE PROPOSED rJ. j26.2"�... . 10 SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisox7 31648*00 39 Operations 16,997*00 5o Contingency Total 1 20t645oOO 2* SUPPLIES 19 Office 200,v00 7. Minor Tools 400*00 13 Miscellaneous--Other - 25000 Total 2 625*00 Total Operating 212270*00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9 BUILDINGS AND STRLU TURES 1. Buildings (Heating) 500*00 GRAND TOTAL 212770*00 ..2o J a� 1 'r f� � a m 51 s H 0 ME 21 1 v m III S H vcl s � � Qn g zv 11xK 1 SVX31 'NA&01"8 JO A1I3 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 42 e WATER C: S1ER DEPjAdITKENT STATEMENT OF INCCIAE MXPENSE : SURPLUS ADJUSTMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTRIBER 10. 1263 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1960-61 �I 61--62 1 62-63 OPERATING REVENUES: Sale of Water 371,764 s OO 376 t 00040 370,000.00 ServicingInstallations 26,286900 2 00 00 192000000 Miscellaneous 2,107*00 500d00 500.00 Sewer Service 1089200*00 108.000.00 Total Revenue 4001157*00 508,200*00 497,500.00 7 Prior Year Surplus 30.QO.*00 35.166 o 00 .62221 Oa r Total Available 4302 587.00 5432366900 559,719.0Q LESS: Operating Expenses 221,937.00 333,267.00 357,756.00 Capital outlay 19,8O9.00 32,075000 65,200,00 } Debt Service 113:675*00 115,505.00 111,202.00 Transfer to General Fund 40,000.00 Contingency Fund 2 61.00 7 LLj Total Expenditures 395,421 .00 481,11+7.00 559,719.00 TOTAL UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS 35066.00 622 219 0 00 -0- ' 3 L I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 43 WATER &-§EW 'IENT.OgA DRAUL..,. SUZARY Qg .ME2MITURES BY DIVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTE14BER 30a 126 ACCOUNT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED NU14B ER DIVISION 1 61 1961,,62 1262-&j -- A*- 4-adwhogift 1001 supply 550997o00 522792*00 700826.00 1002 Transmission � Distribution 1050,656*00 121p19040 135281+9*00 1003 Customer Accounting L9.-. Collect. 59,344-00 71,9606*00 710682*00 1004 Stores 20t749*00 20,690.00 23v523*00 1005 Transfer to Other Funds 153p675*00 115405oOO 1119202o00 1005-A Contingency Fund 25061e00 1006 Sewers (1 Sewage Disposal VLOV00*0 -0- -�9.L064.00 121-s-076.00 Total Expenditures 3959421o00 481p1L74,00 559p719*00 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS WATER & SEWER DEPARTKENT SUAMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CW,,RACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTRMER 30-t 1.963 ACTUAL ESTD%IATED PROPOSED -1 26 C�w6l 1961-62 1262-6L - OPERATING EXPENSES* 1 . Salaries and Wages 141,016*00 204,209*00 224.,099*00 2. Supplies 13,,448#00 25050900 312025o00 3. Maintenance Land -0- 30*00 50o00 4. Maintenance, Structures 18,110900 61835*00 6,700.00 5. Maintenance, Equi]pment 5,596*00 30015vOO 25x000*00 6. Miscellaneous Services 35j253e00 54t438*00 56,750*00 7. Sundry Charges long=8-9 51 L.00 129-920,000 -1-4-.122*00 Total Operating 221,937o00 333s267*00 357,756o00 CAPITAL OUTLAY. S. Land 1. Purchase Price 152OOOo00 9. Buildings and Structures 3. Filtration Plants 10000*00 6. Sanitary Sewers (F.W. Agency) -0- 21200v00 4,200*00 10* Egui nt 2. Machinery & Implements 61125900 10t500*00 3. Instruments &- Apparatus 12250oOO 4. Motor Vehicles 9.9000,000 9. Water Mains 102372o00 3000*00 2015OOoOO 10. Meters and Settings 91437*00 91000000 10,0000*00 14- Fire Hydrants .12000900 Total 10 192809*00 282875900 46,000*00 Total Capital Outlay 19,809e00 32t075*00 65,200900 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS. Waterworks Interest Sinking Fund 113,675-00 115,805*00 111$202*00 General Fund 40P000000 Contingency Fund 2 61i 0 Total Transfers 153,675o00 115P805*00 136p763*00 GRAND TOTAL 395s421 *00 481,147*00 559,719.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 45* f.; ACCOUNT NO, 1001 WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT -,SUPPLY- auTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1960-61 1261 62 1962-62 1 SALARIES AND WAGES: 1* Supervision 61550*00 7,904loOO 3. Operation 16e2L,000 9e862*00 lOoL60200 Total 1 160285o00 16.9412*00 181001s00 2. SUPPLIES: 2,, Fuel 68*00 100,000 100,000 7. Minor Tools 86900 95*00 100*00 13. Other 22,o00 20e00 25s00 Total 2 177o40 215,r00 225v00 4* MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES: le Building 108*00 250*00 300*00 7. Rework Water Wells & Reservoirs 19 Ai4 s 00 12885,00 2*500*00 Total 4 59562*00 2,135.00 2p800*00 59 MAINTENANCE OF EgUIRIENT 2. Machinery 681 *00 1p700*00 1p700o00 6,m MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 11 Lights and Power 33,292o00 32030*00 33.9100*00 TotalOperating 55s997*00 52,792.00 559826*00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,0 Purchase Price (Water Well Site) 15,000*00 4§Wdmwmm- 4-mm"m GRAND TOTAL 55,v997e04 52p792*00 70,826*00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 46. AC C OUITT DY'02. 1002 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT TRAMMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1260-61 12614-62 1-262-3-swo 1 SALARIES AND WAGES: 1 . Supervision 11,745*00 12.9046900 12P640*00 3. Maintenance 562637o00 60p6OOoOO 67P059e00 5. Contingency 2*400*00 1,200 Total 1 68082*00 75,046*00 80,899*00 2* SUPPLIES now 7. Minor Tools 12550*00 1$000000 1.1200*00 9. Chemicals 2,876.00 3s,000*00 3,300900 17 13. Other 1 110000 eam- - 125*00 Total 2 4041*00 4010o00 4t625*00 5o MAINTENANCE OF EgUIPMENT 3. Instruments Apparatus 30*00 100000 9. Water Mains 8s400o00 3.4000000 10. Meters and Settings 12t548o00 11.9500*00 10)000*00 14. Fire Hydrants 264e00 2 0.Ou" 12400000 Total 5 12,812*00 201320o00 142500*00 6* MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6. Travel Expense 105*00 200o00 300o00 7. Rent - Easements 7.00 _--1 L 00 22000 Total 6 112o00 214*00 325*00 Total Operating 85.9847*00 991690o00 100049o00 CAPITAL OUTLAY ��� � 10. EQ,.UIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles 9,0000000 9. Water Mains 10;v372o00 3v500*00 20.9500*00 10. Meters and Settings 99437.00 9.9000000 109000000 14. Fire Hydrants -5-9 000.00 Total Capital Outlay 19,809*00 21.9500*00 351500o00 121 GRAND TOTAL 105,656*00 190*00 135t849o00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 47* AC C OUNT NO 0 19.0.2 WATER AND SEWER DEPAR21ENT CUST(FiER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 .61 1961-62 196 -260 19 SALARIES' WAGES 1. Supervisory 71477*00 7002*00 61625*00 2. Clerical 30,4049*00 32,930900 36,666*00 3. Accounting 5,1637*00 5,379o00 61059*00 5. Contingency 21*00 200000 200*00 mm� Total 1 43086,00 46v111*00 49,550*00 29 SUPPLIES 1 . Office & Postage 4.1911000 4,,800*00 51000*00 4. Wearing Apparel 1 125*00 ammmomm"200*00 Total 2 5s015o00 4s925*00 51200o00 5* MAINTENANCE OF EQUIIMENTNT 1 Off ice Machines 780,m00 475*00 500,s00 6* MI SC IMLANEOUS SERVIC ES 2. Car Allowance 600*00 600e00 600s00 13, Sub—station Fees 1 ?:�9'0_00 1 ,6280*00 19500*00 Total 6 11849*00 1'V86.00 22100,w00 7e SUNDRY CMkIRGES 5. Pensions 21000*00 2s000*00 32012.00 5-1. Social Security 31500*00 4�400a OO 41795*00 5-2* Life & Hospitalization Ins. 21200*00 21190*00 2,825v00 10. Reserve for Sick Leave ftmom-_ 81 A a 00 -- 3,5006 00 3.1500000 Total 7 89514oO0 12,090*00 149132*00 Total Operating 59p3"o00 65,481o00 71.9482.00 rl CAPITAL OUTLAY Joe ED IPMENT 1 . Furniture & Fixtures 2. Machines 09125,wOO 200900 GRAND TOTAL 592344oOO 71t606*00 71 $682900 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 48* AC C OLM NO 1 OOZ WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT GENERAL OVERHEAD ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 SALARI&c.) AND WAGES 1 L60m,-61 1961-62 1962-62 mm" 1. Supervisory 2006*00 2010*00 2,427*00 2. Clerical 3:372*00 2198OoOO 31684*00 3. Operation 7o485*00 7L650*00 9 2.00 Total 1 13,163o00 12294OoOO 15t473*00 2e SUPPLIES 6. motor Vehicle Fuel 316 3eOO 31700*00 4j000*00 13. Other 32.00 �..JOO OO 501000 Total 2 31715*00 3,750e00 4x050*00 5* 11AINTENANCE OF MUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicle 30871o00 4,OOOo00 4p000*00 GRAND TOTAL 20p749900 200690*00 23.9523*00 ad, 2L CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 490 '' C C OUNT F0 o 1 Qq� WATER SEWER DEPARTMENT TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1960-61 961-62 1262-61-. TRANSFER TO WATERWORKS INTEREST AIM SINKING FUND 1132675*00 1152805*00 111,1202*00 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 40)000000 CONTINGENCY FUND 25,s%1*00 Total Transfers 153p675*00 115,805*00 1362 763*00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 50. kCCOUNT NO. 1006 WATER. & SEWER DEPARTMENT r SEWER AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES PP 3. Operations 43,600.00 49,072.00 4, Maintenance 10,100.00 11 ,104.00 ' Total 1 53,700.00 601176.00 2. SUPPLIES 2. Fuel 11750.00 7. Minor Tools 125.00 150.00 9. Chemicals � 12,200.00 15,000.00 13. Other 25.00 25,00 Total 2 12050.00 160925.00 3. MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1 . Land 30.00 50.00 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1 . Buildings 200.00 400.00 3. Disposal Plants 21000.00 4. Sanitary Sewers 2,500.00 3,500.00 Total 4 42700.00 3,900.00 r5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT_ 2. Machinery 3,700.00 4,000.00 3. Instruments & Apparatus 120.00 300.00 Total 5 31820.00 42300.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 7. Rents 14.00 25.00 11 . Light and Power 20,000.00 21 .200.00 Total 6 20,014.00 21,225.00 Total Operating 94,614.00 1062576.00 ' (Continued) 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 5119 ZC OTNT NO. 1006 -- CONTINUED Y ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1960--61, 1961-62 1 62-b C API TAL OUTLAY MEMMM 9. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 3. Filtration Plants 1,000.00 6. Sanitary Sewer (F.W. Agency) 22,200.00 4 s 200.00 Total 9 302OOoOO 4. 200.00 10. ALUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Implements 10,300.00 3. Instruments & Apparatus 1.250.00 l Total Capital Outlay 4.,4 50.00 14 500.00 GRAND TOTAL 99,O64,.00 121,076.00 Y Y i rr r do .r N O I S 0 a S O I A H a 9 1 9 a a A I Z H H d "� sa 0C[ 119 gv11NNv SVX31 'NMOlAtlB d0 Allo CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 52o DEBT - SE -AVIC E ALL BONDS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 60,,61 61-62 62 REVENUE: General Property Tax 199sO75oOO 212j700*00 200.9000*00 Transfer From Other Funds 113p 675*00 11 51805o00 111P202.00 Revenue From Premiums and Interest � 2o752400 21-419..2 00 - 3,2306 la%00 Total Revenue 315p502e00 331j924400 314,4440*00 Prior Year Surplus 129p047w00 1509902s00 182,232*00 Total Available 9549tOO 4820826*00 1+962672*00 LESS EXPENDITURES: 7 SUNDRY--0 HARGES t , 2-1 Serial Bond Maturities 1559000900 162 000e00 171 000*00 2-2 Interest Payments 138p2/+7o00 138p14/+e00 131,578*00 2-3 Exchange 00.00 490.00 wwumw�611.00 '`: Total Expenditures 293p647e00 300p 594*00 3030 89900 Surplus Septembe'r 30 150*902000 1826232a00 1232492.&00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 53* DEBT S E R TI C E rf EVER 0 B L I G A T 1--0 N BONDS Including Tax Supported Waterworks Bonds) ( ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 62-w63 60m,61 614 RE General Property Tax 199107540 2122700*00 200 tOOO*00 Prem3.utns and Interest Total Revenue 199t075*00 2129700*00 200#000,o00 Prior Year Surplus 10 Lffidk g-00 §72.00 10 17�*216s Total Available 209t947*00 2220916a00 217 664*00 LESS EXPENDITURF;A: 70 SUNDRY C HAWzES 2e-1 Serial Bond Maturities 110P0009.00 114,000000 121v000900 2aw2 Interest Payments 89,0511000 91.90a*00 86,034*00 2�3 Exchange C o3ts 220z 0O 204,0_00 fmm__- 2LO O 00 Total Expenditures 199t731*00 205t252*00 207,674,00 sl Surplus @ September 30 110 2161600 17 0% 9664!gOO -2-0 220S00 ljlri Jl' ................ CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 54* DEBT SERVICE WATERWORKS & SEWER REVENUE BONDS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 6C -61 61-62 REVENUE: Transfer From Water Fund 113p675*00 1159805*00 111s202900 Revenue From Premiluns and Interest 2 a722*00 3,412s00 . 3;j 238.5 LO Total Revenue 116v427eO0 119V224*00 114,440900 Prior Year Surplus 118j175*00 140u686*00 164,5 6 1=20,. Total Available 2342602000 259p910*00 279200840 LESS EXPENDITURES: 7. SUNDRY_CHARGES 2--1 Serial Bond Maturities 45p000900 48,o000o00 50P000000 2-2 Interest Payments 48,736o00 47pO96oOO 45p o0o 2-3 Exchange Costs 1 F.1 0 a 00 246.00 271.00 Total Expenditures 93s9*416o00 95,342.00 95,9515o00 Surplus @ September 30 140e686*00 164,568a00 182,491*00 ANALYSIS OF SURPLUS FUNDS TO MEET REQUIREKERTS OF BOND ORDINANCE: Monthly Deposits for Debt Retirement 39,562o00 39s5859-00 39,750*00 Bond Reserve Cash Account 2)454*00 20P116oOO 332041 *00 Bond Reserve U.S. Treasury Notes 70v915o00 70v000*00 70;P000o00 Bond Cont ency Fund 262500o0O 3215OOoOO 38.9500,oOO Surplus., Unappropriated 1,s255.00 2*367*00 21202*00 Total Surplus A, September 30 1402686_o00_ 164e568.00 18La3*00 �• IW CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 55. S T A T E M E' N T O F B O N D E D I N D E B T E D N E S S October 1, 1962 Description Interest Date of Term Rate Issue Years PW WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS Baytown W.W. & S.S. - Revenue Refunding - Series 1957 3 1/2% 5/15/57 10 3 3/4% mm 4 % 4 1/4% Total .00 R� Baytown W.W. & S..S. Revenue Bonds - Series 1958 3 1/4% 2/15/58 22 3 1/2% 3 5/8% Total Total Revenue Bonds WATERWORKS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS City of Pelly Waterworks Refunding 'B" 5 % 4/10/35 38 City of Goose Creek Waterworks Bonds 5 1/2% 10/10/27 40 City of Baytown 1 . Waterworks & Sewer System 2 1/2% 3/1/52 12 Refunding, Series 1952 2 3/4% 16 Total 1 2. Waterworks & Sewer System 3 1/2% 5/15/57 15 Refunding, Series 1957 3 3/4% 4 1/4% Total 2 �^ Total Tax Supported W.W. Bonds ^� General Obligation Bonds Contd. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 560 frri Maturity Original AmotLnt Principal Interest Date Issue Outot&ndina Due 1262,.61 Due 1962-63 1967 1369000*00 1262000*00 99P000000 41,tOOO*00 9s842*00 86v OOOwOO 30,9000000 92000000 116.000o0o 1160.000000 -- 464,000*00 245v000o00 500000000 92842*00 9 85,*000*00 85.vO00*OO 35o4O1*00 1974 424x 000o 00 9 000600 1980 -.U1 a 000,600 000 00 1.9000t000000 1S000S000,400 35.9401*00 12 461+9000*00 1 245.1 000.00 500 000000 45t 243*00 1973 6349000*00 22.9000000 22000000 11100*00 .F,+ 1967 115,000,00 31,000,00 5,000,00 1, ,Orr 1964 60#000000 109000,0 00 5,vOOOo oO 765,oO0 1968 212000,000 21 000.00;; --- - 810000,o0O 31v000o00 5,000.000 765*00 1970 24,9000*00 Imo-I 42r.000,,00 y 30,9000*00 139000*00 7.9777*00 1272000*00 1272000*00 000 7 *-L,t ,-00 270000000 mom 2302 000.00 194p000*00 13s(M*00 7.*777*00 489p000*00 278,000o00 25,000900 11.,209.00 57.9 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS i S T AT EM E N- 1 OF B O N D E D I ND E B T E D N E S S 7t October 1, 1962 I Description Interest Date of Term Rate Issue Years General Obligation Bonds Contd. { City of P7 elhy Refunding Series B 4. 1/2% 4./10/3 5 38 C ity Hall Refunding 5 % 7/1/35 36 Street Improvement Refunding 3 3 0 12 1 A5 25 p g / / C it of Goose Creek Sewer Improvement 5 1/2% 10/10/27 4.0 Street Improvement 2 9 1 4.5 22 ``'" 2 1A 2 1/2� Lj Refunding, Series 1945 3 % 9/1 A5 19 City of Ba,Ytown Li Park Improvement, Series 194.8 2 1/2% 2/1/4 8 22 2 3A% 3 1/2� Street & Drainage Improvement.. Seried 1958 5 % 2/1/58 16 3 % 3 1/4% Street & Drainage Improvement Series 1959 4 1/2u 5/1/59 18 4 % 2 1/2% Library Bonds 3 1/2% 3/1/61 17 3 3/8% ij Total General. Obligation (Tax Supported) Bonds GRAND TOTAL -- ALL BONDS '•.Il r CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 58. Maturity original Amount Principal Interest Date Issue Outstanding Due .1 62-6 Due 1 62-6 1973 36,500.00 1 0.0o 1,000.00 725.00 1971 33,000..o0 11000.00 12000000 575.00 1970 75,000.00 49 000�00 000 00 o0 � 5, , 3 . 1967 45,000.00 12,000.00 2,000.00 605.00 1967 55,000.00 70,o00,ofl 146 000.00 11 000w.0 1-7 000,00 2 637 00 271,000.00 1142000000 17 000.00 2 637.00 1963 50,0000 00 5,000l00 %00040 75,00 E 1970 130,000,6 00 57,000.00 6,000.00 10872,wOO 1963 128,000.00 34 000wo0 34.%00040 28 10 00 1966 112,000.00 112,000.00 Ll 974 760,000.00 760 2 000.00 ,000,000.00 906,000.00 34 000.00 28 910,00 ± 1970 266 000- 00 225,000+00 25,000.00 25,$25.00 1976 330,000.00 330,000.00 1977 1 10018MO.00 00 000.00 696,000.00 655 000.00 25 000.00 25 82540 1976 200,000600 200,000000 12,063:00 1977 Monona" 1 0 0000,00 1 0 000.00 350,oO0.00 350,000,00 12,063.oo 17 LO*00 2 2 .Q0 00 121 000.oo 86 .00 4t 639,500.00 3,697 ,000.00 171,000.00 131077.00 eOL` 8 L`£ 9z L`5a LL5`L58`z LL5`LL9 000`11L L`z LE0 55z LCa 5 z LEO 5 000 o z 000 05z - LL--9L6 L z Le`£Lz z Lc`uz z LO C L 000`ooz 000`05+7 9L-5L6 L z L7` z `o L `aLz zL7oz 00006L000 019 5L-47L6 L 000`L Lz 000`L Lz 000`9z 000`58 L 000`5z$ *IL-C46 L C08`L Lz oo L`z COL`6oz Coz`ze 005`LL L 005`zoo`L CL--zL6 L L17s`0 Lz ooz`z L�'9`8Qz L47 08C o05`oL L aoo`CL O L Us LL6 L 8ez`L Lz ooe`z $C6`Baz %6gCl 000`59 L 000`KC`L LL-oLb L LE9`�Joz 00+7`Sz Liz`6L L L€z 961' 000`oC L 000`�89'7`L oL-696 L zeo`Coz OLL`L9 z9z`LIL z9z`e5 000688 000`955`L 69--$96 L L '�`o Lz 56L`09 999`647 L 989`95 000`C6 000`6+/9`L 89-L96 L ELO`60z LC6`'K 9L*7`U L 9L7`09 000`+1 L L 000`e%`L L9-996 L 13Z4 74OLZ 9�10 115c z$05L L z80'79 000`L L L aoo`*lLV`L 99-596 L L60`LOZ z5 L`9e 6C6`oL L 6C6`L9 000`Co L 000`LL6`L 59-+/96 L 05 `Loz czz`5c Lz+7`zL L Lz'7`LL *000`Lo L 000`$LO`z 79-C96 L *VCC g Loz 6oz 9C 5z L LL L 5z L 5L 000496 000 'YL L z C9-z96 L s�.uanz s f.uamaETn eH sq.uem se,ueim sq.uem s ax JO avax --a,ztnbeH peo4joddnS -a.Tnball --ajTnba-{ -atnnbe%a 2utuu-t2ag -EBOSTa xBs Z��,oy x`BS 'M• tB#4as f4seae%uj ZBdTouTia 2uTpuinsgn0 maiCAOUK TfHMO aso(mcl zrlv - smog Noisvoiigo wumo s��zn� �o �zna�xos '65 51 0IAHaS 1901Q GVX3.L 'NMO.LAX9 c10 A110 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 60, D E B T S ER V I C E SCHEDULE CIF' REQUIREMENTS WATERWORKS & SEWER REVS M BONDS Outstanding Fiscal Beginning Principal Interest Total Year of Year Re irements Requirements Requirements 1962-63 19 24 5,000 50,000 45,21{.4. 95,24�. 1963-64 1,195s WO 522000 43,324 959,324 1964-65 1043,P000 54.9000 1 279 g 2 4 , . 95� 79 19b5--66 1,089,000 56,000 39,v019 95 019 1966-67 1,033,000 58.000 6 76 ' 6� 3 , 9 94,7 9 1967-68 975,000 609000 34.9589 94.9589 1968-b9 915, � 3000 63 00o z, 3 95, 3 6 8 �6 8 1969-70 852,000 66,000 30,434 96 434 197�-71 786,000 69.4000 28 12 7.11 1971-72 717,000 72,000 25,709 97,709 1972-73 645,000 75,p WO 23088 98,188 1973--74 5702000 79,0ao 20.9564 99,564 1974-75 491,000 82,000 17,t799 99,9799 197 5-76 4092000 861000 142826 100 826 1976-77 323,000 90 000 11 7 . � , a9 101,7a 9 1977-78 233,000 94.9000 81"6 1022"6 1978-79 139,000 98,000 5,039 103,039 19 9-go 41.9000 412 000 L 4— , 42 9 486 ...� 12 245,o00 460,186 10 705,186 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 61s ' 4 I D E B T S E R V I C E SCHEDULE CF REQUIREKENTS WATERWORKS TAX SUPPORTED BONDS Outstanding Fiscal Beginning Principal Interest Total Year Of Year Re uirements Re uirements Re uirements 1962--63 278,00o z 5'000 11 209 36 209 1963--64 253 040 z 000 ' ' 5, 10 9223 35,223 ....7 1964--65 zzS,000 27,000 9,152 36,15? 1965-66 201,000 27.1000 81046 35,O46 1966--67 174,000 28,000 6,931 34,p 931 1967-68 11.6,000 5 5,000 5,795 60,795 1968--69 91,9000 582000 3,770 61,770 1969r-70 33.9000 27,000 1,1.00 28,4OO 1970-71 6,t000 z,o00 300 2,300 1971-72 /.,000 22000 200 21f zoo 1972-73 z,000 z,000 100 z,1 o0 278,000 57,126 335,126 .I Lj' ....::.:.. 0 K K I Cl H 0 K 0 1 1 v I H ci 0 v cl v A IUV cl I a[ 0 a ff il I v fl x K v SVX31 'NA&01"9 AO A113 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 62* ORDINANCE NO, 657 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR, BBGINNING OCTOBER 1,, 19622 AM MM- ING SEPTEKBER 30, 1963, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARTER AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAYTUWN; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDIN- ANC Eo WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Baytown has submitted to the City Council a budget estimate of the revenues of said City and the expenses Of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year., beginning October 1, 1962, and ending the 30th day of September, 1963., and which said estimate has been compiled from detailed information obtained from the several departments, divisions and offices of the City., containing all the inf orma- tion as required by the Charter of the City of Baytown; and '' WHEMIS the City Council has received said City Manager's estimate and held a public hearing thereon so provided by Section 44 of the Charter* and WHER ^S, after a full and final consideration of the public hearing., it is the opinion of the Council that the budget as filed should be approved and adopted, NOW., THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: Section 1 That the budget estimate of the revenues of the City of Bay- town and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 1962, and ending September 30, 1963, as submitted to the City Council by the City Manager of said City be, and the same is, in all things adopted and approved as the budget estimate of all of the current expenses as well as the fixed charges against said City for the fiscal year beginning the 1 st day of October, 1962., and ending the 30th day of September.. 1963, Section 2 That the sum of one million five hundred and forty thousand two hundred ninety-one and no/100 Dollars ($1,54Oo 291.00) is hereby approom priated out of the General Fund for the payment of Operat* g Expenses d In an Capital Outlay of the City Goverment as hereinafter itemized t to-wit: General Government $334,842oOO Public Safety 420,205*00 Highways & Roadways 434,776*00 Waste Removal 1672082s00 Conservation of Health 42.9895o00 Recreation 38,536a00 Miscellaneous -101 x 955.00 Ll Total $19540,291*00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 63. Section : That the sum of five hundred and fifty-nine thousand seven hmdred nineteen and no/100 Dollars ($559.,719.00) is hereby appropriated out of the Water & Sewer Works for the operating expenses and capital outlay of the municipally owned Water and Serer Works as hereinafter itemized, to--wit .` Supply $ 700826.00 rI Transmission & Distribution 135,$49.00 r Customer's Accounting and Collecting 712 682.00 Stores 23,523,00 Contingency Fund 25061,40 Sewers & Sewage Disposal 121,076.00 Water Works Interest & Sinking Fund 111,202.00 Total $559$719eO0 Section 4: That the sum of two hundred and seven thousand six hundred seventy-ftf our and no/100 Dollars ($207..674.00) is hereby appropriated out of the General Interest and ' S�.nking Fund for the purpose of paying the accruing in- terest and redeeming the Serial Bonds, as they mature, on the General Debt Service Bonds as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: Serial Bond Maturities $121t00Oe00 Interest Payments 86034.00 Exchange �Ao-*00 Total. $207,674*00 +: Section : That the sun of one hundred and fourteen thousand four hundred f orty and no/1 00 Dollars ($114.,440.00) is hereby appropriated out of the Water and Sewer Works Interest and Sinking Funds for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming the Serial Bonds, as they mature, on the Water Works Debt Service Bonds as hereinafter itemized, to--wit: Serial Bond Maturities $ 50,000.00 Interest Payments 45, e00 Exchange 271.00 Bond Reserve Fund 12,925.00 Contingency Fund "WINUM6,000.00 Total $114v4-40*00 AU Section 6: This ordinance shall be and remain in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval of the City Council, and it shall be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in the C ity of Baytown. RE D9 ADOPTED and APPROVED by a majority of the City Council at the regular meeting held at the City Hall in the City of Baytown on this the 27th daft of September, 1962. ATTEST: Al Clayton, Mayor Edna Oliver, City Clerk CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 64. ORDINANCE NO. 658 .. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE RATE AND TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEiBER A 1963, UPON ALL TAXABLE PRO- PERTY IN SAID CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, IN ACCORD- ANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER PROVISIONS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: �. Section 1 : That there shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected for the year ending September 30, 1963, an ad valorem tax of one and 86/100 Dollars (01 .86) on each One Hundred ($100,00) Dollars worth of prop- erty located within the present city limits of the City of Baytown, made tax- able by law, which said taxes when collected shall be apportioned among funds and departments of City Government of the City of Baytown and for the purposes hereinafter set forth as follows, to-wit: For the General Fund: $$1 .58 For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the bonded indebted- ness of the City of Baytown: .28 Total $1 .86 Section 2: The ad valorem tax rate of one and eighty-six/one hundred ($1086) Dollars, as set forth in Section 1, above is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected on only fifty (50%) Percent of each One Hundred ($p100.00) Dollars worth of property located within Baytown, as valued by the Equalization Board for the City of Baytown and made taxable by law. Section 3: The City Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Baytown is hereby directed to assess, extend and enter upon the Tax Rolls of the City of Baytown, Texas, for the Current Year, the amounts and rates herein levied, and to keep a correct account of same, and when so collected, the same to be de- posited in the depository of the City of Baytown, to be distributed in accor- dance with this ordinance. �. Section /,: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are expressly repealed. READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, at a regular meeting at the City Hall on the 27th day of Septembe.r, 1962. ATTEST: Al Clayton, Mayor Edna Oliver, City Clerk CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 65. CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURAS BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT EXPENSES.: These comprise all items of expenditure, necessarily incurred for current administration, operation and maintenance -- and for materials and equipment in the nature of renewals or replacements which do not add to the capital assets of the City. 1. Salaries and Wages 2. Supplies 3. Material (or contract) for maintenance of land 4. Material (or contract) for maintenance of buildings, improvements and structures 5. Material (or contract) for maintenance of equipment 6. Miscellaneous Services 7. Sundry Charges CAPITAL QUTLAY: Comprises expenditures of every character which increase the capital assets of the City. 8. Lands 9. Buildings and Structures 10. Equipment E E X P E N S E S 1. SALARIES AND WAGES* 1-1 Supervisory: To include legislative, executive and administrative 1-2 Clerk Hire: Clerical services or service of that nature 1-3 Labor Operation: To include professional and technical service 1-4 Labor Maintenance: Services performed in repairing and maintaining a standard of: 3. Lands 4. Buildings, improvements and structures 5. Equipment 1-5 Extra Help 2. SUPPLIES: 2-1 Office supplies: To include all supplies necessary for use in the operation of office, such as 7flIce Postage 3; Printing: To include printing of budget, circular letters, reports and specifications Publications: To include blue prints, catalogues, charts) magazines, maps, newspapers, etc. Stationery: To include pencils, rubber stamps, ink pads, paper, paste, pens, binders, blank books, clips, desk pads, ink, envelopes, erasers, filing cabinets supplies, labP_,J..s, manuscript supplies, ? . tracing cloth, etc. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 66, 2-2 Fuel Supplies: To include coal, gas, oil, wood, Etc. 2-3 Food Supplies: To include all articles of food for human beings. 2-4 Wearing apparel, dry good and notions: To include such articles as aprons, badges, belts, blankets, boots, canvas cloth, cotton goods, ' curtains, dress finding, hats, linens, oil cloth, pillow cases, shoes, sheets, slickers, thread, towels, uniforms, etc. 2-5 Forage, barn and shoeing: ' Barn: To include brushes, curry combs, disinfectants, sand, sawdust, shavings, sponges, straw, etc. Forage: To include all articles of food for animals. ' Shoeing: To include all cost of material and labor for shoeing animals. 2-6 Motor vehicle supplies: To include gasoline, grease, lubricating ' oil and small accessories. 2-7 Minor apparatus, instruments, tools, and utensils, which are liable to loss, theft and rapid depreciation. Minor apparatus: To include that used in cleaning, engineering, , ' hospital, laboratory and medical, such as alcohol lamps, balances, blow pipes, burners, filters, lanterns, measures, tubing, etc. Minor instruments: To include calipers, compasses, drafting instru-ments, gauges, lenses, measuring chains, pincers, sterilizers, ; thermometers, etc. Minor tools: To include augers, axes, bits, braces, crowbars, engineer stakes, fire hose, handcuffs, jacks, punches, reamers, shears, wrenches, and articles of similar nature. Minor utensils: To include barrels, baskets, brooms, brushes, cans, chamois skins, cups, cuspidors, dishes, electrical gloves, glassware, enamelware, knives, lamps, mats and articles of like nature. 2-8 Laundry, cleaning and toilet: To include cleaning preparations, deodorants, disinfectants, floor oils, scouring powders, soap, wax, �• etc. 2-9 Chemical, medical and surgical: To include alcohol, alum, antitoxins, bandages, chlorine, gauze, lime, medicines, vaccine, etc. 2-10 Mechanical supplies: To include fuel, oil, lubricating oil, grease, packing waste, etc. 2-11 Educational and recreational supplies: To include all articles of transient use, as baseballs, lime for marking tennis courts, rent on moving picture films, tennis balls, etc. 2-12 Botanical and agricultural supplies: To include bulbs, disinfectants, fertilizers, seeds, trees, young plants, etc., used for parks and public grounds. 2-13 Other supplies: This is to include supplies that have not been allocated. ' 3,4,5. MATERIALS: Materials are commodities of a permanent nature in a raw, unfinished or finished state; entering into the construction, renewal, replacement or repair of any land, bxiU-ding, structure, or equipment. t -f CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS s , 67. 3. Material (or contract) for maintenance of land,* All expenditures rf.. (material or contract) covering land maintenance, such as regrading, drains, repairing, etc. 4. Material (or contract) for maintenance of buildings, structures, and improvements: All expenditures (material or contract) covering repairs and replacements of: 4--1 Buildings 4 2 Bridges 4-3 Filtration plants 4-4 Sanitary sewers 4--5 Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters, and culverts 4-6 Storm sewers 4-7 Standpipes and reservoirs 4-8 Streets, roadways, and highways 4-9 Incinerator and dumping grounds 4-10 Other 5. Maintenance of equipment: All expenditures (Material or contract) covering repairs and replacements of: 5-1 Furniture, fixtures and furnishings 5-2 Machinery, tools, and implements (major) 5-3 Instruments and apparatus (major). Includes fire apparatus. '+ 5--4 Motor Vehicles: Includes tire and tubes 5-5 Other Vehicles 5-6 Harness fJ{ � 5-7 Livestock 5--8 Books (Includes purchase of new books for library) 5-9 Water works mains 5--10 Meters and settings 7 5-11 Signal systems 5-12 Heating systems 5-13 Service connections •r' 5-14 Fire Hydrants 5-15 Other 7 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: Miscellaneous services are activities performed by other than municipal departments, under expressed or implied agreement involving personal fll'''f'II" services plus the use of equipment or the furnishing of commodities. 6-1 Communications: To include messenger service, telegraph and telephone r 6--2 Hire of Equipment: To include compensation for use of equipo ment via: hire of teams, with or without drivers, also allowance 7'. to employees for use of private cars. Era Insurance: To include premiums on all kinds of insurance on property and equipment, also liability insurance and surety bonds. 6--4 Special services: To include compensation for personal services such as special investigations and surveys, inspecting materials, audits, special legal services, etc. 6-5 Advertising, legal and otherwise. 6-6 Traveling expenses: To include expense of public officers and employees incurred in regular performance of their duties for CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS transportation b public carriers etc. 68. P � P � 6-7 Rents 6-8 Music 6--9 Support of persons (prisoners) 6--10 Transportation (other than employees) 6-11 Light and Power 6--12 Freight, express and drayage (unallocated) 7. SUNDRY CHARGES: Sundry charges include those expenses legally or morally obligatory upon the City as a public corporation. 7`-1 Contributions, gratuities and rewards: To include charitable institutions, hospitals and other organizations; compensation 7L to prisoners, prizes, entertaiment, floral offerings, etc. 7-2 Debt service,* To include the payment of principal and interest of funded and unfunded debt. 7-3 Refunds 7-4 Judgments and damages 7-5 Pensions 7-6 Taxes 7--7 Court costs, jury and witness fees 7-8 Other 7-9 Employee Annual Service Awards 7-10 Reserve for sick pay C AP I T AL OUT L AY f �. LANDS: 8--1 Purchase price: To include all expenditures for land as abstracts, assessments, cost of appraising, recording of deeds, surveys, etc. 8-2 Betterments: To include all expenditures (including payrolls) covering original cost of draining, engineering, and inspection, first s odd i.ng, grading, planting and terracing* 9. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURESoo All expenditures, including payrolls for new or additions to: 9-1 Buildings 9--2 Bridges 9-3 Filtration plants 9--4 Sanitary sewer s 9-5 Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters, and culverts 9-6 Storm sewers 9-7 Standpipes and reservoirs 9--8 Streets, roadways and highways 9-9 Incinerator 9-10 Other ML i� CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 69. 10. EQUIPMENT �., All expenditures to cover original cost of equipment(not replacements) which increases the value of the fixed assets of the City. 10-1 Furniture, fixtures and furnishings 10-2 Machinery, tools and implements (major) 10-3 Instruments and apparatus (major); this includes all fire apparatus 10-4 Motor Vehicles 10-5 Other Vehicles 10-6 Harness 10-7 Livestock 10-8 Books 10-9 Water works mains 10-10 Meters and settings 10-11 Signal systems 10-12 Heating systems 10-13 Service connections 10-14 Fire hydrants 1 10-15 Other