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_FY 61-62 COB Adopted Budget
ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE City of E_ Baytown, Texas � E x E' Library Building - Baytown, Texas Lowell Lammers,A.I.A., Architect - Baytown FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER 1, 1961 SEPTEIMBER 30, 1962 Adopted By CITY COUNCIL Composed of AL CLAYTON, Mayor SEABORN CRAVEY .............. District I MRS. VELMA J. ANSLEY ........ District 4 W. L. (Dub) WARD .............. District 2 ROY H. HUGHES ................ District 5 C. A. HANSEN ...................... District 3 JAMES M. BRYAN ................ District 6 CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS i A N N U A L B U D G E T of the 1 C ITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS FOR THE Fiscal Year October 11 1961— September 30, 1962 1 � Compiled by J. B. LeFevre, City Manager And Adopted by the MAY and CITY COUNCIL i I C I T Y C 0 U N C I L AL CLAYTON., MAYOR i SEABORN CRAVEY VELMA J. ANSLEY W. L. WARD R. H. HUGHES i C. A. HANSEN J. M. BRYAN i I 1 , r, CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS L TABLE CF CONTENTS PAGE NO. PART I. SUMMARIES Introduction I I_ana,;er's Message II Payroll Schedules III General Budget Summary - Revenues 1 General Budget Summary - Expenditures 2 General Budget Summary -- All Funds 3 Individual Funds 4 Analysis of Property Valuations 5 Tax Levies and Collections for All Funds 6 General Fund Revenue Detail S General Fund Expenditures by Function and Object 10 General Fund Expenditures by Character and Object 11 r PART II. DETAILED EXPENDITURES OF GENERAL FUND General Government: City Council 12 City Manager 13 Corporation Court 14 Elections 15 Finance 16 Law 17 City Hall 18 Engineering 19 City Library 20 City Clerk 21 Public Safety: f I t Traffic Improvement 22 Police Department 23 Fire Department 25 Protective Inspection 27 Highways and Roadways: SideuAlks, Streets and Drainage 28 lip Sanitation and Waste Removal: Sewers and Sewage Disposal 29 ►� Waste Collection and Disposal 31 Conservation of Health 32 Recreation: Parks and Recreation 33 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Table of Contents Continued Page No. Miscellaneous: General Overhead 35 Insurance 36 PART III. WATERWORKS SECTION Statement of Income, Expense & Surplus Adjustments 37 Summary of Expenditures by Division 38 Summary of Expenditures by Character and Object 39 Supply 40 Transmission and Distribution 41 Customer Accounting and Collecting 42 a Stores 43 Transfer to Other Funds 44 Sewers and Sewage Disposal 45 PART IV. DEBT SERVICE SECTION Resources and Requirements: All Bonds 46 General Obligation Bonds 47 Waterworks and Sewer Bonds 48 Descrintive Bonds: General Obligation Bonds 49 Waterworks Tax-Supported Bonds 51 Waterworks Revenue Bonds 52 Schedule of Bond Requirements: General Obligation Bonds 53 Waterworks and Sewer Revenue Bonds 54 Waterworks Tax Supported Bonds 55 PART V. MISCELLANEOUS Appropriation Ordinance 56 Ordinance Fixing Tax Levy 59 Classification of Expenditures by Character and Object 60 i •sanuana.z .zaMas puu .zap. a moaj puB uot;,UX,4 mOaJ 2uTTtaado spung puog (�) •sa2,zugo aoT:%.zas agples puB 'suoT,'uTTv,'suT agmo-.Sno Id 2uToTA.zas 'agpm jo aTies mos_j Pufquaedo punj aa.Kas pie aa,.BM aqy (z) •atlu9A9J Jo saosaos snG9TT ITODS PT aagq.o uioaJ i puu saomios xin moaj sauue-w9a q'.Tn 9uTa.-aaado pu-na Tvaeuao aqy ( L) :uoTPdaado jo po jouz asTnoTq zsd 1 !Ptll 014 2uTuT'naed saa,mos mOaj paATaap sarLua.nas moij pine TTounoo S,4To aq,. Rq paluTaduadde s8 spunj ur►o s�T q-'TA pus ,aapun OuTq.,aaedo goua 'squn000u qa,9pnq 2uT-noTTo,I egq. 3o 14STsuoo TTTM umo'.nvg Jo dgTO aqq jo 492PUg z9-L96L aqy N o I y 0 11 o a I N I 'I I I � SVX31 'NM01AV9 dO A117 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEX" r I THE C MANAGED=S BUDGET MESSAGE II. The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Baytown Baytown, Texas Gentlemen: The City Budget f or the fiscal year October 1, 1961 through September 30, 1962 is presented as finally adopted. This budget is the result of many hours of study and the cooperative effort and advise of the department heads, the City Council and others interested in economical municipal government. I commend each of you for an. expression of your individual opinion on the various controversial issues. It is my sincere belief that the city, as a whole, will profit greatly from this open exchange of views. I earnestly solicit the continued cooperation of all city employees, partime cularly the department heads, to give the maximum service possible as economically as possible. 7 This budget proposes a total expenditure in all funds of $2,,017j,850.00. Our 1960�-61 r Budget proposed expenditures in the amount of $1,910t936.002 or a difference of V, $106,914.00 (both totals above exclude the authorized appropriation for transfer from one fund to another). Please note, however, that $31,v481.00 of this difference ff is an increase in amount of our Contingency Funds. We hope the major portion of this money can be transferred later in the year to Capital Improvements. f. Other items of major increases in appropriations are as follows: 1. Addition of a Library Department for the f irst time, on a temporary basis while the new library is being built - $12s150.00. 2. Increased appropriation for purchase of materials for improved side- walks, streets and drainage - $36t450-00. 3. Increased appropriation for materials to improve Water Distribution System - $13.,/+00.00. �y 4. Additional street lighting - $10800.00. 5. Debt service requirements increased by $12..928.00. In order to meet this increase in appropriations, a sewrer service charge was adopted of $1.00 per month on a unit basis, estimated to increase revenue by approximately $98.,000.00. A major change in accounting procedures must be taken into conk E ration when comparing this years budget, by funds, with budgets of prior years. The cost of- operating the sewer and sewage disposal plants has been deleted from the General Fund and has been added to the Water Fund and the title of the latter, of course, is changed to the Water and Sewer Fund. This was done in order to adjust our account ing procedures to conform to certain requirements of our Revenue Bond Ordinances and to present a better picture of our operations to the owners of our Revenue Bonds, Other minor changes were made but they have no effect on comparisons. The "General Fund" and the "General Obligation Debt Service" revenue is based on the same tax rate we have had for many years, $1.72 per $100 valuation. The distribution and comparison with 1960-61 is as follows: f. 1960-61 1961--62 Percent of Anti Percent of Anti- Rate cinated Collection Rate cipated Collection ow General Find $1*32 G. 0. Debt Service 1 2 95% CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS The reason for such a difference calls for an explanation. In 1960.-611 Three Hundred Fourteen Thousand Dollars ($314.,000) of our total revenue came from industry as a gratuity' none of which was alloted to "G. 0. Debt Service". This year, approximately the same amount of money will be coming from the same indus— tries but will be in the form of taxes rather than a gratuity, since a portion of these industries have been annexed and are on our 1961 Tax Roll. This money is now prorated on the basis of all other taxes. Thanks again to all who gave so generously of their time in assisting me in the preparation of this, my third' budget for the City of Baytown. Respectfully submitted, J. B. LeFevre City Manager JBL/bg CITY OF BAYTOWN I' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES III. ' BY TITLE AND RATE CF PAY General Fund Account Actual 60-61 Proposed 1961-62 Number Job Classification Monthly _ Monthly Annual_ 102 ITY MANAGER -� 1-1 City Manager fib` 1055,00 10155.00 13,860.00 1-1 Longevity 115.00 1-2 Secretary 295.00 295.00 3,540.00 1-2 P.B.X. Operator 262.50 262.50 31150.00 1-2 Longevity 190.00 1-5 Relief Operator 120.00 1-6 Contingencies (Salary Adjustments) 2,000.00 22,975.00 103 CORPQRATION COURT P 1-1 Judge 493.50 493.50 50922.00 1-1 Longevity 77.00 1-2 Secretary-Clerk 273.00 275.00 3 000.00 ' 1-2 Clerk 250.00 250.00 3,000„00 1-2 Longevity 77.00 12,300 �0 104 ELDCTIONS 1-2 Election Judges & Clerks 1,068.00 105 FIB 1-1 Purchasing Agent (50%) # 307.50 307.50 3 A490.00 1-1 Tax Assessor & Collector 600.00 600.00 70200.00 1-1 Chief Accountant (50%) # 300.00 300.00 38600.00 1-1 Longevity 242.00 1-2 Deputy Tax Collector 342.50 342.50 4010.00 I 1-2 Deputy Tax Collector 295.00 295.00 31540.00 1-2 Deputy Tax Collector 275.00 275.00 31300.00 1-2 Longevity 518.00 1-3 Bookkeeper (50%) # 171.25 17,1.25 22055.00 1-3 Bookkeeping Mach. Opr. (50%)* 147.50 147.50 1,770.00 1-3 Bookkeeping Clerk (50%) # 137.50 137.50 1,650.00 1-3 Longevity 200.00 1-5 Extra Help 00 32,53535.00 # 50% charged to Account No. 1003 � i Pw CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS p" I !- 106 LAW 1-3 Attorney 892.50 892.50 10,710.00 1-3 Longevity - 273.00 1-2 Secretary "` 357.00 357.00 4,284.00 1-2 Longevity 133.00 ' 1-5 Extra Help 50.00 152650.00 107 CITY FALL ' 1-3 Custodian 262.50 262.50 3050.00 1-3 Longevity 124a00 1-5 Extra Help 50L00 3,524.00 108 ENGINEERM 1-3 Chief Engineer 840.00 840.00 1031080.00 1-3 Assistant Engineer 525.00 525.00 69300.00 1-3 Longevity 217,00 16,597.00 109 CITY LIBRARY ,_ ' 1-1 Librarian 625,00 z62.50 7'�00.00 1-2 Secretary and Asst. 10,650.00 110 CITY CLUB 1-1 City Clerk 446.50 446.50 5,358.00 1-.1 Longevity 366,00 1-2 Secretary 275.00 275.00 3000.00 1-2 Longevity -00 92108.00 ' 200 TRAFFIC 1-3 A Patrolman 400.00 400.00 4,800.00 1-3 3 Investigators 400,00 400.00 14,400.00 1-3 1 Meter Man 400,00 400.00 4,800.00 1-3 3 School Patrolwomen (9 mos.) 100,00 100.00 21700.00 1-3 Longevity 79.00 1-4 Maintenance Man 2.05 hr. 2,05 41265.00 1-4 Electrician (50) # 236,25 236.25 21835,00 1-4 Longevity 166.00 1-5 Extra Help 300.00 34,345.00 # 50% Charged to 203 ---- --- - CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS 201 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1-1 Police Chief 610.00 610.00 7,320.00 1-1 Asst. Chief 470.00 470.00 51,640.00 1-1 Lieutenant 450.00 450.00 5,400.00 950.00 '1-1 Longevity � 1-2 Clerk 325.00 325.00 3,900.00 i 1-2 Clerk � 275.00 275.00 3, 00 .00 212 1-2 Longevity 212.00 1-3 Radio Technician 515.00 515.00 6080.00 1-3 4 Sergeants 425.00 425.00 20l4OO.00 1-3 Identification Officer 400.00 400.00 4,800.00 1-3 Juvenile Officer 425,00 425.00 51100,00 1-3 Investigator 425.00 425.00 5000.00 1-3 Tavern 0ontrol 400.00 400.00 4400.00 1-3 3 Dispatchers 400.00 400.00 14,400.00 1-3 17 Patrolmen 400.00 400.00 81,600.00 1-3 Warrant Officer 131.50 131.50 1,578.00 1-3 Longevity 3,476000 1-5 Extra Help 1.000 00 75- 15b.00 202 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 1 1-1 Fire Chief 585.00 585.00 7,020,00 1-1 Fire Marshal 1 450.00 450.00 5,400,00 1-1 Assistant Chief v 470.00 470.00 5,640000 1-1 Captain' n. \o� 450.00 450.00 5'4OO.O0 1-1 Longevity 1 526.00 1-3 4 Relief Pumpers 410.00 410.00 192680.00 1-3 4 Dispatchers 390.00 390.00 18,720„00 r 1-3 9 Firemen 400.00 400.00 432200.00 1-3 Longevity 21118,,00 1-5 Extra Help 0-1- 109,104.00 203 INSP�TIO_N 1-1 Chief Inspector 552.50 552.50 61630,00 1-1 Longevity �L•.,UO 1-3 Asst. Inspector 367.50 367.50 4,4189,,00 1-3 Longevity ?ram 1-4 Electrician (5�) # 236.25 236.25 2,835X0 1-4 Longevity 3U0 14,080,00 50% Charged to Account No. 200 - -- - --- --- CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS -- --- - -- 301 STREET DEPARTMENT 1-4 Foreman 525.00 525.00 61300.00 1-4 Cement Finisher 3.14 hr. 3.14 hr 6,531.00 1-4 1 Dragline Operator 2.85 hr. 2.85 hr. 5,930.00 1-4 4 Equipment Operators 2.62 hr. 2.62,hr. 212800.00 1-4 3 Equipment Operators 2.27 hr. 2.27 hr. 14,165.00 1-4 1 Form Builder 2.36 hr. 2.36 hr. 4,910.00 1-4 1 Form Builder 0 2.27 hr. 2.27 hr. 4,9725.00 1-4 1 Sweeper Operator S/t. 2.10 hr. 2.10 hr. 4,370.00 1-4 2 Asphalt Patchers 'w r r- 1.81 hr. 1.81 hr. 7,530.00 1-4 1 Cement Finisher V `��' 2.10 hr. 2.10 hr. 4,370.00 1-4 5 Truck Drivers v 1.81 hr. 1.81 hr. 183825.00 1-4 2 Cement Helpers 1 .87 hr. 1.87' hr. 71780.00 1-4 1 Laborer 1.70 hr. 1.70 hr. 32536.00 j 1-4 Longevity 3,895.00 1-5 Extra Help 22500.00 402 SANITATION & WASTE REKOVAL - ` � ��� 167.00 1-3 Foreman 447.50 447.50 51370.00 ' 1-3 Carpenter 2.27 hr. 2.27 hr. 4,725.00 1-3 Dozer Operator 2.62 hr. 2.62 hr. 5,450.00 1-3 Dozer Operator (50%) * 2.62 hr. 2.62 hr. 2,725.00 1-3 9 Truck Drivers 1.81 hr. 1 .81 hr. 332883.00 1-3 19 Laborers 1.70 hr. 1.70 hr. 67,256.00 1-3 Dump Ground Watchman 1.70 hr. 1.70 hr. 3,536.00 1-3 Longevity 5,600.00 1-5 Extra Help and Overtime 7,1 400.00 135,945.G0 501 HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1-1 Senior Sanitarian 525.00 525.00 6000.00 1-1 Longevity 336.00 1-3 Assistant Sanitarian 445.00 445.00 5,340.00 1-3 Nurse 420.00 420.00 5,040.00 1-3 Humane Officer 35.2.00 352.00 41224.00 1 1-3 Asst. Humane Officer 304.50 304.50 30654.00 1-3 Health Officer 75.00 75.00 900.00 1-3 Longevity 491.00 1 26,285.00 601 PARKS AND RECREATION 1-1 Swimming Pool Manager (5 xos.) 320.00 320.00 11600.00 1 1-2 4 Cashiers (4 mos.) t)", 150.00 150.00 2,400.00 1-3 4 Lifeguards (4 mos.) 150.00 150.00 22400,00 1-4 Park & Pavilion 0 2.27 hr. 350.00 4,200.00 1-4 Park Maintenance fir`` 257.50 257.50 31090.00 1-4 Longevity V 310.00 14,000.00 50% Charged to Account No. 1002 f -- __- CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS - y 701 G^9H.p�E 1-1 Dir, of Pub. Works (5�) **. 422.50 422.50 5,070.00 1-1 Asst. Dir. of Pub. Works (2/3 of 1 552.50) 368•25 368.25 4,425.00 1-1 Longevity 508.00 1-3 Chief Mschan3.c (2/3 of 395)## 263.25 263.25 3060,00 1-3 3 Mechanics (2/3 of 367.50)## 245.00 245,,00 81820,00 1-3 1 Wash & Grease (2/3 of 1.81 hr)** 1.81 hr 1.81 hr. 2010a00 1-3 Longevity 574-000 252067.00 1 1 1 t 1 t 1 1 ## 1/3% Charged to 1004 i ---- - CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS - WATFU FUND 1001 WATER SUPPLY ' 1-1 Foreman 472.50 472.50 59670.00 1-1 Longevity 405.00 1-3 #1 Pumper 415.00 415.00 4,980.00 1-3� #2 Pumper 367.50 367.50 41410.00 1-3 Longevity 472t00 15,937.00 1002 TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION 1-1 Dir. of Pub. Works (50%) # 422.50 422.50 59070,00 1-1 Foreman 525.00 525.00 6,300.00 1-1 Longevity 676.00 1-3 Meter Shop Foreman 367.50 367.50 41410.00 1-3 Meter Shop Repairman 1.81 hr. 1 .81 hr. 31765.00 1-3 2 Equipment Operators 2.62 hr. 2.62 hr. 8,175.00 ' 1-3 Pipefitter 2.36 hr. 2.36 hr. 4t910.00 l 1-3 Trouble Shooter 2.27 hr. 2.27 hr. 4,722.00 1-3 4 Servicemen 2.04 hr. 2.04 hr. 16,975.00 1-3 3 Servicemen 1.81 hr. 1 .81 hr. 10,677.00 1-3 Welder 2.27 hr. 4,910.00 1-3 Longevity .093-00 2 00-00 1-5 Extra Help 75,---g3 00 1003 ACCOUNTING & COLLECTING 1-1 Purchasing Agent (50%) ## 307.50 307.50 3,690.00 1-1 Chief Accountant (50%) ## 300.00 300.00 31600.00 1-1 Longevity 212°r'0 1-2 Head Clerk 300.00 300.00 32600�OJ 1-2 2 Cashiers 275,00 275.00 69600,00 1-2 1 Sub-Station Cashier, z time 115.00 115.00 1,380.00 ' 1-2 2 Billing Machine Operators 275.00 275.00 6,600.00 1-2 1 Meter Reader 420.00 420.00 5,04O X0 1-2 2 Meter Readers 367.50 367.50 82820-G0 1-2 Longevity 890-00 ' 1-3 Bookkeeper (50%) ## 171.25 171.25 2,055;,00 1-3 Bookkeeping Mach. Opr- (50%) ## 147.50 147.50 11770.00 1-3 Backkw---ping Clerk (50%) ## 137.50 137.50 1,650.00 1-3 Longevity 129.,00 1-5 Extra Help and Overtime 100.00 46,136.00 50% Charged to Account No: 701 # 50% Charged to Account Na. 105 _ -_-__ -- CITY OF BAYI OWN,TEXAS ' WATER 1004 sos 1-1 Asst. Dir. of Pub, Wks. (1/3 of 552.50) 184.25 184,25 29210 1-1 Longevity 103.00 1-2 Clerk & Dispatcher 275.00 275.Q0 3,300.00 1-2 Longevity 96.00 1-3 Chief Mechanic (1/3 of 395.00) 131,67 131,67 10700,00 1-3 3 Mechanics (1/3 of 367.50) ** 122,50 122,50 43,410.00 1-3 Wash & Grease Man (1/3 of 1.81 hr.) * 1.81 hr. 1..81 hr. 12255,00 1-3 Longevity — 287=00 13,9361.00 10% SEWERS & S34AGE DISPOSAL 1-3 Foreman 420.00 420.00 5,040.00 1-3 Lab. Technician 362.00 362.00 4s344.00 1 1-3 6 Disposal Plant Operators 351.50 351,50 25s308,00 j 1-3 1 Disposal Plant Operator (3 mos.) 351.50 351.50 lt055,00 1-3 2 Laborers 1.57 hr. 1.70 hr, 7,072.00 1-3 Longevity � �,� 1 s 554:,00 1-4 Serviceman �`� �, 2.27 hr, 2.27 hr. 472540 1-4 Serviceman 2.02 hr. 2.02 hr. 4200,00 1-4 Longevity V 547.00 1-4 Overtimes 54, 3 I I� I ' # 50% Charged to Account No. 701 ** 2/3% Charged to Account No. 1004 i 1 ,I !jib �Jd +II+�II if�ti Al I +l�l I f 1, i.F.. S 51 I H v K N flS i I H Y ccl ,I 1210Q11S IVIlXmv lA f" I' r% I i?al. �s ,s SVX3J. NM01"9 30 Allo CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1. GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - REVENUES For the Fiscal Year 1961-62 REVENUES BUDGET PROPOSAL 1. General Fund Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 24,488 From Tax Sources 9782960 From Non-Tax Sources 306,000 Total 11309,448 _ 2. Water and Sewer Fund Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 212016 Water & Sewer Svs, - Less Debt Service 2482195 Miscellaneous Other 115,800 Total 385,011 3. General Obligation Debt Service Fund From Tax Sources 2052400 Surplus 9,010 Total 214,410 4. Waterworks & Sewer System Debt Service Fund From Premiums and Interest 2,750 From Water Operating Revenue 115,805 Surplus 140.864 Total 259,419 Grand Total All Revenue 1,972,910 Grand Total All Surplus & Special Reserves 195,37g Grand Total - All Resources 22168,288 s CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY — EXPENDITURES 2, 7 For the Fiscal Year 1961-62 I rEXPENDITURES BUDGET PROPOSAL 1. General Fund Current Expenses 1,178,545 Capital Outlay 135,875 Emergency & Contingent Funds 55, g Total 1,309,448 2. Water and Sewer Fund Current Expenses 327,287 Capital Outlay 36,525 Contingency Fund 212199 rTotal 385,011 3. General Obligation Debt Service Fund rRequirements 205098 Surplus 9,012 Total 214,410 4. Waterworks & Sewer System Debt Service Fund Requirements 95,246 Surplus & Reserve Funds 141,426 Fiscal Year Reserve & Contingency Fund Appropriation 22 7 7 Total 259,419 Grand Total All Expenditures 11918,876 Grand Total All Surplus & Special Reserves 242241 2 +� Grand Total — Expenditures & Surplus 211680288 i CITY OF SAYTOWN, TEXAS 3 Iaw • GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY — ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1961-62 All Percent of Revenue Sources Funds Total Tax Revenue 1,184,360 60.0 Other Revenue 171,950 8.7 Water and Sewer Charges 364,000 18.4 Service Charges 221:400 11.2 Parking Meter Revenue 31.200 1.7 Total All Revenue 1,972,910 100.0% Surplus @ 10/1/61 1952378 ,I l Total Resources 2,1682288 Expenditures: Operating,, Salaries 980,179 48.5 Supplies 83,585 4.2 Maintenance of Land 125 0.1 Maintenance of Structures 86,050 4.2 �I Maintenance of Equipment 59,565 2.9 SDocial Services 1611868 8.0 Sundry Charges 74,460 3.8 04 Debt Service 300.644 1 .9 Total Operating Expenditures 12746,476 8 .6 Expenditures: Capital Outlay a Land 7,600 0.3 Structures 87,950 4.4 Equipment 76.850 3.g Total Capital Outlay ;72,400 8.5 Emergency Fund 25,000 1.4 Contingent Fund 51,227 2.3 Bond Reserve & Contingency Funds 22_.747 1 .2 � Total Special Appropriations 98,974 4.9 1 1 All Appropriations 21017,850 100.0% Unappropriated Surplus 50051 3 Surplus — Bond Reserves 100,087 Total Surplus 150..438 # Fiscal Year Appropriation For Bond Reserve Accounts CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 4. INDIVIDUAL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR. 1961-62 General Water & Waterworks and General Interest and Sewer Sewer Interest & Fund Sinking Fund Fund Sinking Fund 9789960 205,400 168,200 1,000 2,750 2482195 115,805 106,600 114,800 31$200 --------- 1,284,960 205,400 363,995 118,555 24,488 9,010 21,016 1�'0.864 "" 11309,448 214,410 385,011 259,419 775,632 204047 56,150 27,435 75 50 779750 8,300 37,350 22,215 106,718 55050 """ 64,870 9,590 205 388 95.246 1,1118,545 05,398 327,287 95,246 7,600 86,750 1,200 41,525 35,225 135,875 36,525 25,000 30,028 21,199 # 22.?47 5 5,028 21,199 22,747 12309,448 205,398 385,011 117,993 9,012 419339 1 00,087 9,012 141,426 - CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS ---- ANALYSIS OF PROPERTY V.ALUATIONS -- - 5• Fiscal Assessed Estimated Basis of Period Value True Value Assessment 331 OOO (3)--__ 12I M 1100A ;3%-4)-_ 194442 4.,8051100 (4) - 1 i 560 nnn ; % (dp) 1942-" jF�� � !wnno 913%� `F) 1943-"--- .- �'FOt� 7oa--Ems}----��,t'�;nnn .,.,� 4944--45--- 5,083000 -r--- - --�f 1- , 1.9�47-48 9,964,000 (4) 302194,000 33% (4) ' 1948-49 17,500j000 35,0009000 50% 1949-50 19,374,137 38,748,274 50% ' 1950-51 27,983,026 55,966,052 50% 1951-52 30,225,24.8 60,4509496 50% 1952-53 31,731,097 63,462,194 50% ' 1953-54 32,714,837 65,4292674 50% 1954-55 33,3181264 66,636,528 50% ' 1955-56 40,6602897 811321,794 50% 1956-57 42,982,159 85,964,318 50% 1957-58 44,562,484 89:124,968 50% 1958--59 46,919,455 93,838,910 50% 1959-60 47,888,350 95,776,700 50% ' 1950-61 269,787 100:539,574 50 1961-62 13gy99z;000 50%139 q73 0�0 Notes:( • 2 • ete T •Props rt�aim Bad- their-era--rendPA©ns.- q - - im CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 6. TAX LFU ES AiQD COLUFMONS FOR ALL FIINTS Fiscal Total Col lecticn of Percentage of Collected � Period Tax Levy Cry.,ert YeIr°s T�Try Co'I ected Prior Year's D X-Ing Dt;Lr%ug Fiscal Tares During T'er-od Pe,o-iod Fiscal Period 1940-41 55,772 42,261 75.8 142067 1941-42 67090 53,700 79.7 10,623 1942-43 692783 57,580 82c6- - - 12,691 1943-44 __. 7.1 .325 __.�._ __.611162 ___ /8- 14s123 194�r- 5 __ 1167__ 63799- ----89a6 -13,745 imp 1-94-5-46----------76,686 ----468;234--- 141604 1446-4-7-_--__-_...-_90,�694 - - 79 �75_ --87e�- --- - _ 9,99.1 I� 1947-48 # 1852326 172.9000 92.8 5,000 1948°-49 301,000 2762900 9200 9,050 1949-50 306,000 285010 93.3 %260 ..- 1950-51 333,202 3062377 91.9 82095 1951-52 51%834 483,037 93.2 13,795 Mw 1952-53 545,737 516,443 94.6 23,979 1953-54 562,65.8 5322448 94.7 19,470 1954-55 573gO37 548,567 95.7 29,604 1955-56 712,646 683,405 95.8 213640 1956-57 738,306 702,133 95.1 17,015 ' 1957-58 764,944 731,565 95.,6 20,429 1958-59 807y015 770,762 95.5 172991 1959-60 823,679 785,143 95.3 282655 .. 1960-61 865,488 8142850 94.1 42p092 9 1 2s3,Q30 1 i 47,5�` 9 3 Notes: # The Fiscal Period 194Ii-48 reflects the first full year of operation of the consolidated cities of Baytown, Case Creek and Pel,y. aw# Estimated income and collections. Ij - -------- CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS- --- -- - TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS 7. ' Ratio of Total Ratio Accumulated Ratio of Delinquent Collections of Total Delinquent Accumulated`""' Collections Collections Taxes To Current Tax Levy Tax Levy Year's Tax Levy 25.2 56,328 10110 80,178 143.7 15,8 64,323 95.5 839064 123.4 18.2 70,1271 100.8 82,921 -118.9 19.8 753,285 105.6 78,257- 109.8 77,544 109.0 72,156 101.5 -- 1 82,838 108.0 66,031 86.2 ...... 89-�566_. ._ .- . - 98.8 - ... 69,437 - -76 2.7 1772000 95.5 77,700 41.9 3.0 2852950 95.0 92,700 30.8 ' 3.0 294,770 96.3 100,140 32.7 2.4 314,472 94.3 96,409 28.9 2.7 4961V832 95.6 99,853 19.2 ' 4.3 540,422 99.0 103,446 18.9 3.5 551,918 98.1 962449 17.1 ' 5.1 5781171 100,8 107,694 18.7 3.0 705,045 98.9 115,109 16.1 2.4 719,148 97.4 134,307 18.2 i2.7 751,994 98.3 146,377 19.1 2,2 788,753 97.7 163,791 20.3 ' 3.5 8132798 98.8 160,643 19.5 4.8 856,942 98.9 14.1 ' 51 11174,787 9": 172;224 . 14.2 1 -c3 - o �I 1�q��iS 98 • 1 r7 s:, 13.7 �fP �f ail I 1 J� 1 yr +.fr i I + I f 11�1 1 i II Z � � d I j I �JQA S ZIT A �T �I �t Fill +ti 1 I� fA I I' `�+Iw SVX31. `NMOJL"13 30 A113 ,p, --- CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL 8. FISCAL YEAR ENDIG SEPTEMBER 30, 1962 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED ' 1959-60 19600-61 1 661-62 PROPERTY TAXES: ' Current Year 630,513 6232750 946,757 Prior Years 28,129 34500 23,953 Penalty & Interest 7.8 83250 Total Property Taxes 666,488 667,100 978,960 ' FRANCHISE-TAXES: Houston Natural Gas Corp. 14030 14,724 14,500 Houston Lightin & Power Co. 60,458 64,011 65,000 ' General Telephone Co. 13,086 14j.118 14,000 Taxicabs 750 87 750 ' Total Franchise Taxes 88,424 93,640 940250 GRATUITIES FRO14 INDUSTRY: 3149000 -0- ' LICENSES AND PERMITS: Oil Drilling 82000 1,100 2,000 ' Beverage Licenses 1,515 1,250 1,200 Other Licenses and Permits 568 •____800 750 1 Total Licenses and Permits 10,083 3050 3,950 FINES AND FORFEITS: Corporation Court 58,329 58000 579500 ' SERVICE CHARGES: Building Permits 2,376 3,000 2,800 Electrical Permits 2,301 2,300 22400 Plumbing & Moving 3,376 3,600 3,4OO Health 1,145 1,200 12200 Waste Collection 96,575 104,800 96.80� ' Total Service Charges 105,773 114,900 1062600 SWIMMING POOL: 69787 6,050 61000 ' CRY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS 9. GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL (Continued) ' ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1959-60 1960-61 1� 69 1-6z PARKING METERS: 32,810 32,150 31,200 MISCELLANEOUS: 102662 10,500 6,500 Total Revenue 979,356 112992990 102841960 ' TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS ' Water Fund 80,000 409000 -0- Grand Total - All Revenue 1,059 056 1,339,990 1,2842960 ' PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS: 127,695 75,010 24,488 I ' TOTAL AVAILABLE 121872051 1,415,000 12309,448 • W C\l C`- to Cal rr WN O �t- O tm GN c[� G O to C\l� O O C� O C�2 b�07 V]� Cal C\2 CM O M-t ul O[ t0 � cn r r to �7 O Cr (V M L-to CT M r Cat L`- tO�O r to w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w •� M M xn Cal r E-t0 to C�1 O �O r tO L� tf� M M tt� of ml M L� O O C\l r � r (NI r r r �O C r Cam^ M M P, r r r r w r 7 r Cal M O M b0 Cal M O L� Chi M L- O M tf1 O tC� O O O CNt CNl � �D Cn .10 (r M.10 t11 O O (12 t0 ON MU, �O M CO M M O E- u�L� O`M M m r (\l CO O O Cal M M O �fi C�1 w w w w w w n w w w w w w w w w a a ^ ^ w H\0 t0 M-t L-t0 100 O O ON all 01%WC M O t- CV O% 100 L� 'mot L- r O E-+ 0, M(NI r r CAI r r O tC1 r M Cr N cO^ M O M r O �H C!]� F-1 O O\C- M-t�� �K� t0 r Mt(1O�r t0 M ��r M L� b�0� O O W a O r (r*10 C\l t0 t0 m M r r t� to M r �D N r r O',t- 1 O (fit cv M �U M O�Cal Cal N a to w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w n w w w w w qq r ON M Cal tp C�O W t0 r- O�\0 r tD t0 Cal r O� Oo C` (T V- z 7 H r M r r � r �3 r O� c l r\ M r \O cn O M Cal �O rn r r r r M Cal r Cal `- o� CDCD cc r m� r. F c 0 Cc cc to Z Ca 0 m Ca O m 0 m El m•m 4-D CJ] O �1 .rl Ga r-1-P 4-1 3 O 0 Sa 0 ai m �7 O m to tw ai O O 44 m m �+ m to W -H • o F+ O r-1 P O F, 3 3 rl+' m -P -P U m ai {7 Ft H U 10 V) o7 Cn U cd 0 Ft m 0 4) 0 to Fr m a r4 0 m +-) o a3 a o m 0 o�" to o a x m t,cd m ca w q � -H -H P4 9 m F2 v CS A cd •rl m r-1 •rl . > .C� Cn O ri 0 -1� .7 U C!] m O T S4 U •Wr1 H r � ] J ' H+1 0 9 cc •A cd r(H O cd O m at m �r-4 4- cd U F< •rl U x m Fr CD U •rl m U cd 0 (t m Ft f r O +� f0 0r-4 H 4 1 U m rf 3 3 += Fi m r-+ m +D m m m � m an r-1 m `�a U •� F+ ai r-1 cF i -H -N Cd :3 m •r-1 m -P a3 m r4 k x o 0 m ai m 0 3 +� tm P -P +� � a3 H P o 4-:1 qj 3 m +' 0 co n Ft m ai � o � UC.) 0WFX4aCD E-H w E4PO-+ WSq H x; V) v� cn � E4 0 x a w � � H F+ � r M�fi tc0�O L3 CO O,1 O CD r Cat M r r Cal CV C.) O O O O O O O O O r 0000 O O O 0 00 V-- rrr- rrrrrr Cal CVC\lCV M �� - r r 1 ` 1 1 OY'600 L LL9t060 L 60z`z L L°L rivsos CtVH0 5L8,15£L 9L*!`z6L 9'/z`z9 �gt�n0 tB�Td�0 tu�oy r M,P, MIT q.uamdtnba •OL 05L`98 58L`08 L06`%L seaugonj4S 06 009`L o09`L5 PUWI 419 r -kvrllno MI aRo ,00095z pung Soua8xaci r 8z0l0£ pun3 Kou92ut4uo0 , 5475,18 L L`L Of L`86 L i L £96`6*O`L 2utq Bsad0 tugos OL8 9 O S bz8$$9 sa2aW40 SaPunS •L r 8LL693 Z:W"LLL +lZl,£OL S90T .aag snoauuttaoslN •9 050L£ 50'7`6£ 0/568£ Wawdtnba Jo aousual.utuW •y r 05L"LL 8£0`£6 U058 saxnjonx,.S jo aousual.upN -V 5L 5z5 +152: PUWI 3o aouuuaqutW •£ 05L495 68�16L9 509,109 saTtddnS •z , z£915LL 2:L2:6zL8 L647dz0G sa�uM sazxNetOI 9 L9b_L B S 'L i L9—r'096-L 09� QESOCIOUJ GaIVNI.ISs rlvf.11ov NOIlvoiaiSS'v'I0 1OHNO 18 NOIZOi�nd AH SMIQNadxa 30 xuvIn as r 1 -- --- - ------ -SVX3l'NPA011.V9 AO AilO _- CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS ACCM 90. 191 12• GENERAL GOVJMEM ACTUAL ESTIMATED ?POSED 60 1 1 1 1-62 6. MISCELLANEOIIS SERVICES: 4. Special Services 3:477 5#000 6. Travel Expense 20 3*600 597 13. Association Dues - T.M.L. 0 450 13a. Association Dues - Other 5 Total 6 40074 3040 9,425 ' 7. LaWRY CHARGES: 'I 1. Contributions & Gratuities 1 176 19160 450 4. Jadgc:..-;ants & Damages 1 s,000 65 5. Empiu.,oe Retirement►4ity,a Porti06 ' 1i00 goo 1OsC`'O i20200 6. Social Security-City's Portion 13,000 140000 14s,750 8, Miscellaneous Veteran Services 1,255 192P 19374 9. Emplo7.ee Service Awards 694 717 700 r 10. Rsse.ve for Sick Pay 7,2800 10,000 Total 7 27,625 34,992 39s474 Total Operating 319699 38,532 482899 CAPITAL Contingency Fund 30sO28 rEmergency Fund 25s000 GRAND TOTAL 31,699 38o532 103,9927 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, L L2 13. GENERAL GOVERNMENT ' CITY MANAGER ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1259--60 1960_61_ 1 1-62 1. SALARIES AND WAGES; 1. Executive 10,990 13,951 13,975 2. Clerical & P.B.X. 6,440 6,842 6,880 5. Relief Operator 65 120 120 6. Contingencies (Salary Adj.) 21000 tTotal 1 17,495 20,913 22,975 2. SUPPLIES: 1. Office 223 300 300 5. MAINTENANCE OF LW.TTPMENT: 4. Motor Vehicle 145 125 -0- 6. MISCFLLANECTJS SERVICES: 6. Travel Expense 186 150 200 13. Association Dues 12 55 -0- Total 6 201 205 200 7. §MY CHARGES: 8. Civilian Defense Expenses 417 300 9. Civil Service Director 1 ,13 1.200 600 Total 7 1,551 1,500 600 Total Operating 19,615 23,043 24,075 CAPITAL OT?TLAY: 10. Eauipment ' 1. Furniture & Fixtures 42 4. Motor Vehicles 22000 GRAND TOTAL 19,657 23,043 26,075 -_ _-- CITY OF BAY]OWN,TEXAS - - ACCOUNT NO. 103 14. GENERAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION COURT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1959-60 196 -6_1_ 1 6� 1_62 1. SALARIES AND WAGES: 1. Administrative 5,640 5,975 5,999 2. Clerical 5.08 5=880 6._377 Total 1 100724 11,855 129376 2. SUPPLIES: 1. Office 1,374 1,250 1,110 3. MAINTENANC E..OF LAND 1. Land 7 25 50 4. MAINTENANCE'. OF MMINGS 1. Buildings 30 100 100 1. Furniture & Fixtures 490 150 100 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: 2. Car Allowance 600 300 300 6. Travel Expense 65 40 _..,1 00 Total 6 665 340 400 ' 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Jury Fees 35 40 96 ' 8. Warrant Officer _ 850 800 Total 7 35 890 896 ' ! Total Operating 13,325 14,610 15,032 i ' CAPITAL OUTLAY: i 10. Equipment ' 1. Furniture & Fixtures 78 150 260 GRAND TOTAL 13,403 14,760 15,292 -" CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS 15. ACCOUNT NO. 104 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ELF ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 19560 196, -,61 1 6,21-_62 1, SALARIES AMID WAGES: 2, Election Officers 1 tO48 712 10068 2, SUPPLIES: 1. Office 213. 123 150 6, MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: /+. Special Svs. (Voting Mach.) 892 729 1s058 5. Advertising 33 29 45 Total 6 925 758 1003 GRAND TOTAL 2$214 1093 21321 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS iACCOUNT NO.-105 16. GENERAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED ,19 -60 1960-61 1 1-62 1., SALARIES AND WAGES: 1,, Supervision 10,350 14s845 14,732 2. Clerical 10,357 11096 11,468 ' 3, Accounting 8,610 5,637 5,585 5, Extra Help 1 .090 1,450 750 I Total 1 30,407 33,328 320535 2. SUPPLIES: 1. Office 4841 4,925 5,200 5, MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT: 3. Office Equipment 259 732 500 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: 2. Car Allowance 300 300 4, Semi-Annual Audit-Equalization Brd. 1,950 1,950 1.,950 5. Advertising 710 800 900 6. Travel Expense 431 450 250 13. Other - Association Dues 89 110 Total 6 3o480 3,610 3,100 Total Operating 38,987 42,595 41,335 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 10, Eguilment I 1. Furniture & Fixtures 100 2. Office Machinery 9.207 4.143 300 Total Capital Outlay 9,207 4,143 400 GRAND TOTAL 48,194 46,738 41,735 00 ,l a 2:96`L L 99 L`L L rivioI affUo ' £*/£ qua-mdtnb3 •£ I ,4uemcLTn)H '0 L sW,Mo 'Ivliav0 00$1ILL z966LL Ez899L 2uTIL-zado linos 009 09L M nso0 q.mo0 'L SaDVA0 x1la s 01, ' oo£cl o55`L 50£`L 9 Zuq°s ' - ZL sang uoTq:R, oosqv 013CL OOL 5z6 £6L -t.zBsq.I mvj '£L 009 009 005 asued}q Zewe.R,y, 09 ' =sa noaff IR 09 05z 00£ ooz eToVuan 'Toq'oW '*J :a0N`dN�MIVR *5 00£ 00*/ '79*/ aoz3J0 'L :sLLriclim 'z 1 05995L z55151 LzL`*'L L ISPI OSz ooz 5U aoueouT!.uoo .5 c c c Zuuoissajo.zd £ £�6 OL b56 0L OOz 0L L07"17 £6£c*I zo*/`+/ ZBoTaol0 I =SaDvjK GO SaIuv�s L z9 L 6 L 0ro9c L 09,-6 6 L Gasoaolia aaIVKIZS`q rivnlsv Md`I EMU= Tiff N30 'L L 90 L -ON mmoyv SVX31'NN10D V9 d0 CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS ---- ---- --- ACCOUNT N0. 107 18. ' GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY HALL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1„959-60 1960-61 1961-62 ' 1. SALARIES AND WAGES: 4. Labor, Maintenance 3,000 3,250 3,274 5, Extra Help 228 2250 Total 1 3,228 3,483 3,524 ' 2. SUPPLIES: 2. Fuel' 00 2'� 2'335 00 2?635 7. Minor Tools 8. Janitorial Supplies 456 45 450 Total 2 20923 2,785 3,085 3, MAINTENANCE OF LAND: ' 1. Land 25 25 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES ' 1 . Buildings 368 1,200 900 5, MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT: 2. Equipment 545 800 800 12. Heating and Cooling System 1 ,055 700 ' Total 5 1,600 1,200 1,500 ' 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: 1 , Communications 7,469 83,400 8,600 7. Rents (Parking Lot) 300 300 300 11 . Light & Power 25.037 103260 11.000 Total 6 32,806 19,660 19,900 Total Operating 40,925 28053 28,934 GRAND TOTAL 40,925 28053 28,934 L47£`,9L 1700sL 5a,5 L lIvwl GOO 6479 sa.zn�xT,� �2 aan;T-Um3 • L �.ua� '0 L :xvq to gVilciTO Oup�L:uado Twos o6 LL sang uoTq.-aToossV •g ' s SHOHVH O XIJC Nfls O L 059 0£9 6z9 9 Tvl�oz ' 05 O 6Z asuadxH 19A-ez,I, •9 , 009 009 009 aouaMoTTV a- 0 'z :saOT-nMs snoRWzUOSIN '9 , 0017 09£ 9L5 5 Telol 00£ 09z s� saToTuali a014-oki •+ I 00 L oo L L6z squamnac sui '£ ZNaIdiIlbs do a OiwmalNivw o0L 5L9 595 z 11401 05£ 0 zcz 2uTaGOuTBaH — aetl,4.0 05£ 5z£ £££ =saizadns •z ' L60% 6475`9L 6R`£L saz.mlvg TgoTuuoay •£ :SjuvM QNV Saiuvrivs O L z9-M L L9-096 L o clasoaoua GaITNIasa rivnsov ' ONIxlaNIONa ZMNH_3AOU VHHmO I '6 L $O L 'ON UMO OOl ----- -- SVX31'NMODV9 d0 A110 --- -- ' CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS ' ACCOUNT NO. 109 20. GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY LIBRARY ACTUAL ESTIMATED VROPOSED 19 59_60 19966061 1 6_� 1-6_2_, ' 1. SALARIES AND WAGES: 1, Supervisory 625 7'S00 20 2. Clerical Total 1 625 10'650 ' 2. SUPPLIES: 1 . Office 50 500 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: 7. Rent & Utilities (Temporary Quarters) 125 1'000 GRAND TOTAL 800 12'15 0 r ' CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 11.0 21 ' GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY CLERK ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1959-60 1 0-61 1 1-62 ' 1. SALARIES AND WAGES: 1. Supervisory 5,100 5,700 5,724 2. Clerical 2,108 J.260 Total 1 8,208 9,060 93,108 ' 2. SUPPLIES• 1. Office 342 300 300 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVTCES: 2. Car Allowance 300 300 300 ' 5. Advertising 106 100 100 6. Travel Expense 102 60 100 13. Association Dues 30 _ 0 ' Total 6 538 490 500 Total Operating 92088 91850 92908 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY: 10. Equipment 2. Machinery - Photocopy Machine 287 300 ' GRAND TOTAL 9 0,088 10,137 1 ,208 5589G41 £88665 ££6cL£ rNIOZ MV110 OL9 L68`£z Sat,-n0 TB,.ZdiuO Ti4os I Ol9 990,v 0 L UPI 00--0 0z suia�s Teu�tg OLL O L9 990`l s.za;aK Oupla-Gd •O L �:u6—IMCI"U '0 L l-£s`z z0a OaT4 and 'O l saam,,zRiay s sau-cpTzna 06. 5+/z`of 956`5£ ££6`I.£ 2uzl-aaadd Tilaqos , 0089L 059`6 6z£`6 911401 0`0e off— +oz 2u-4a-ad - S;ueu .� 005,L 05£`l 6z£`l uol��olu�:�uaro0 a�i Hatay • =SHDIAd S SIlG` TI30SIYd '9 0094z 56z`z 9WS6L 5 Taloy 000� 000 z OWL uie�s� -uuOtS •I,4 05£ 817 98 N=;1 °�° •� 05e Oaz SaO'40N 2UT4JUd - Sj. UGWL,-I'.suI '£ �,I�IIdirld��u 4rdlti:T�;:1l�lbd 'S c 005 z � %SuI�idd[1S 'z 8£o`z£ 88L68z 6 TVPy Oce 00Z dTaH -aa:--9 •5 99z`L 5z£`L 56L19 a0ueua�u .r •�j 6U`9z 88£`m £6£`zz •£ =S�oFIM QlS�I S�I2�7�S '6 z'j9-L96i G9"ro� 09'-�--656 C adsodoud COWIVNISSS rivns0v ' 1,DIM07jau N aff 2i,2 x1affs OI EMCI I 'c zz OOz H 100 00V , svx3l NmoiI,Vg=O'kilo ---. ---.--- CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 201 23. PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1.� 61 1 6-�,11-62 1, SALARIES AND WAGES: 1 . Supervision 14,941 13,633 19,310 2. Clerical 6,840 7,370 7,412 3. Operations 118,410 147t200 147,434 5. Contingency 20 Total 1 1409211 1699703 175,156 2., SUPPLIES: 1. Office 1,598 2,000 1,750 4. Uniforms & Clothing Allowance 2,681 3,720 31520 7. Minos 'nstrmmts 835 900 600 ' 8. Laundry & Cleaning 27 50 60 10. Mechanical - I. D. Officer 300 13. Other 1.722 33,,000 500 ' Total 2 6,863 9,670 6,730 4, MAINTENANCE OF STR.UC TURES: 1 . Building 38 200 500 ' 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT: i 1. Furniture & Fixtures 123 150 200 4. Motor Vehicle 4,958 ,800 6,000 Total 5 5,081 5,950 6,200 6, MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: 4. Police School 115 350 150 6. Travel Expense 155 315 325 9. Prisoner Subsistence 12257 1,55U 1,500 13. Association Dues 25 -0-- Total 6 1$ 27 2,240 1,975 7. SUNDRY_ C HAR.GES: 1. Contribution to Awdliary Police 550 800 Total Operating 153,720 188,313 191,361 i I 9L9980z L60`66L 5 W 69L qVsos OV110 , 55Z`G6 17WOL 560 L 4nO jgqzdg0 Ig�os ` 6 zg�os 55z �4 '7�G o� 9 `56 0� Z 00099 -781 0 LO—2 L L 910TVA .z0q.0W •47 ' 0a`01 005`£ snq e mddV jy s,}uaumxz sul •e 58� �.xautt�ogys •2 076 z95 sa.znl�xz3 �y Oan! zTUM3 • ,.uauz'TzT -OL i sam,.onz�s pug s TPjTuq '6 :xvzsno `ITT ZI dv 0 z9� 19�ro96 09--756 C QHSOd0ud QaZvIIlsa rivn ov ININIuvarcl aOIIOd x,aays DiaE ld t �Z panul4uoo = !Az 'ON INI1000Y - -- -- _.--SVX31'NMOlAd9 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 202 25. PUBLIC SAFETY F IRE DEP ARTMENT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1959-60 11960-61_ 1 6,611_62 1, SALARIES AND WAGES: 1. Supervision 69896 24,911 24,986 3. Operations 82,892 82,500 832718 5. Extra Help 5 400 Total 1 89,788 107,661 1091,104 2. SUPPLIES: ' 1 . Office 47 50 50 4. Wearing Apparel 500 558 650 7. Minor Apparatus 3443 3450 3,850 8. Janitorial 92 185 200 i13. Camera Total 2 4029 4,691 41800 14. MAINTENANCE OF STRUC JRES 1 . Building 906 550 20650 5, MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENTS 1 . Furniture & Fixtures 2 25 3. Fire Apparatus 552 700 700 4. Motor Vehicle 686 750 1,100 ' 11. Signal Systems 366 350 400 Total 5 1,606 10800 2,225 6, MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE: 6. Travel Expense 100 270 400 13. Other 12 55 25 Total 6 112 325 425 7, SUNDRY CHARGES: 1 . Volunteer Dept. Contribution 72800 7,650 80000 Total Operating 104,741 122,677 127,204 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 202 - (Continued) 26. PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1959-60 1 0-61 1 69 1-62 CAPITAL OUTLAY: j 9. Buildings and Structures 1 . Buildings 10,500 1t092 10, Equipment 3. Instruments & Apparatus 1,078 4. Motor' Vehicle 5,261 Total Capital Outlay 11,578 6053 j GRAND TOTAL 116019 129.,030 1279204 i 1 - --- CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 203 27. PUBLIC SAFETY j i PROTECTIVE INSPECTION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED � 1959-60 196a61 1 69 1-62 1. SALARIES AND WAGES: 1. Supervision 5,940 6,688 6,714 j 3. Operations 4069 4,475 4,499 4. Maintenance 2.238 22843 2.867 Total 1 12047 14,006 14,080 2. SUPPLIES• i ' 1 . 0''f is e 77 120 100 7. M 1i.-1 -1, Apparatus 70 80 100 Total 2 147 200 200 5. MAINTENAYCC E OF EQUIPMENT: 3. Inst-v--rents & Apparatus 8 25 25 4, Motor Vehicle 232 300 300 Total 5 240 325 325 6. MISCELL 11 ECOUS SERVICES: 2. Car Allowance 600 600 600 6. Tra ve 1 Expense 59 100 300 j 13• Aaa0ka-]y:.kv l Dues 28 22 Total 6 687 722 900 i ' GRAND TOTAL 139421 15,253 15,505 1 -------- --CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS -- --- ACCOUNT NO, ,301 28. HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS I SIDEWALKS, STREET AND DRAINAGE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 0-61 1 1 60 1 6 61-62 9 III 1. SALARIES AND WAGES: 4. Maintenance 92085 112,000 114,667 5. Contingency - (Overtime) 1.2_00 2,500 Total 1 92,385 113,200 117,167 ' 2. SUPPLIES: 7. Minor.-Tools 475 400 400 13. Other 122 200 125 Total 2 597 600 525 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES: 1. Building 340 160 200 ' 5. Sidewalks and Curbs 2,194 4,900 5s000 6. Storm Sewer 9,681- 500 8. Street 66.550 77,400 65.000 ' Total 4 78,765 820460 70v7O0 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: ' 2. Hire of Equipment 21 75 100 4. Special Services 75 11 . Street Lighting 23.992 31.500 37.300 Total 6 24,088 31,575 37,400 Total Operating 195,835 227,835 225,792 CAPITAL OUTLAY: ' 9. Buildings and Structures 6. Storm Sewers 2,581 15.000 15.,000 8. Streets 57,500 70.25 Total 9 2081 72,500 85,950 10. Equipment ' 2. Machinery and Tools 12182 4. Motor Vehicles 2.,100 5. Other Vehicles 18,635 Total Capital Outlay 221398 72,500 88,050 ' GRAND TOTAL 218,233 300v335- 313,842 _j CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 29* ACC AUNT NO2 SEWERS A1VD SR4AQE DISPOSAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 19a60 1960m61 1961-64 lo SALARIES AND WAGES: 3. Operations 41065 46.9300 4. Maintenance lf9n5OO 6�w Total 1 50049 55,800 2. OPPLIES: 7. Minor Tools 150 150 9. Chemicals 10,308 11,750 13. Other IQ Total 2 10.1477 11s950 3,* MAINTENANCE Or, LAND: 19 Land 56 275 4o MWENAICE OF BIJI M."LONGS, VTD STRUO TTRI ES: Li le Buildings 184 200 3. Disposal Plants 1022 150900 4,- Sanitary Sewers 2,j967 3078 6. Storm Sewers 4e&&- 62 - 00 Total 4 5058 5.*978 5o MAINTENAM E OF IP14&NT 2. Machinery 114253 11470 3. Instruments and Apparatus 116 -- - 27§ Total 5 1.1369 1,745 6* MISC ELLAITEOUS SERVIC ES: .7. Rents* 8 20 110 Light & Power 19X650 TvW 6 8 19,4670 Total Operating 67 217 95.9418 7.J _-- ------- CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS � 30. ACCOUNT NO. 401 - (Continued) ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1959-60 9160-61 1961-62_ �CAPITAL OUTLAY: � 19. Buildings and Structures 4. Sanitary Sewers 762 - ' 6. Storm Sewers (F. W. Agency) 1 ,200 1 .200 1 Total 9 1,200 19962 GRAND TOTAL 68,417 97,380 I i - CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 402 31. SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL WASTE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL I ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED j 1259-60 1260-61 1 6�1-62 1 1, SALARIES AND WAGES: 3. Operations 1270280 137,500 131,945 ' 5. Extra Help (Overtime) 2.754 2.800 42000 Total 1 130,034 140,300 1354945 ' 2. SUPPLIES: 7. Minor Tools 298 260 300 ' 9. Chemicals 2,434 2,400 2,500 13. Other 120 125 12,5 Total 2 21852 21785 22925 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES: ' 9. Dumping Grounds 32 500 100 Total Operating 132,918 143,585 138,970 CAPITAL OUTLAY: I ' 8. Land 1 . Purchase Price 51,600 ' 10. Equipment 2. Machinery & Equipment 16,910 ' 4. Motor Vehicles 17,000 GRAND TOTAL 132,918 212,095 155,970 - CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, 501 32. CONSERVATION OF HEALTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1959-60 1960-61 1961-62 1. SALARIES AND WAGES: 1. Supervisory 5,100 60612 6,636 3. Technical 17,57g 19.550 192649 ' Total 1 22,678 26,162 26,285 2. SUPPLIES: 1 . Office 249 250 250 4. Wearing Apparel 99 150 150 5. Pound Food 204 160 200 7. Minor Tools 36 50 50 9. Chemicals, Medical & Surgical _94 100 100 Total 2 682 710 750 1 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES: 1. Buildings 50 50 ' S. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT: 3. Instruments & Apparatus 50 4. Motor Vehicle 270 420 200 Total 5 270 420 250 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: 2. Car Allowance and Equipment Hire 2,100 2,225 2,400 6. Travel Expense 400 350 400 13. Other - Association Dues 75 Total 6 2,500 2,650 20800 7. SUNDRY CHARGES: t1. Contributions - Health League 811000 80208 8,000 Total Operating 34030 38,200 38,135 "CAPITAL OUTLAY: 10. Fajjrpli�ent 1 1. Machineryand Apparatus 1 Pp 5 4 4. Motor Vehicle 1,600 GRAND TOTAL 34,644 38,200 39,735 ---- - --_------- CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS - ACCOUNT NO. 601 33. RDCREATION PARKS & RECREATION 1 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1959-60 1960-61 1 69 1_62 1, SALARIES AND WAGES: ' 1. Supervisory 1,600 1,600 1,600 2. Clerical 10816 2,400 2,400 3. Operations 2,028 3,000 3.,000 4, Maintenance 8.814 9.365 7.000 Total 1 14,258 16,365 14,000 ' 2. SUPPLIES: ' 1. Office 23 50 35 6. Motor Vehicle 39 100 115 7. Minor Apparatus 200 200 9. Chemicals 448 500 500 13. Other 2,L5 225 200 Total 2 757 1,075 1,05O ' 3. MAINTENANC E OF LAND: ' 1. Land 191 200 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES: t 1 . Building 381 1,700 2,000 2. Boat Landing 250 10. Other (Lighting) 101 150 300 Total 4 482 1,850 2,550 ' 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT: 2. Machinery and Equipment 398 400 400 ' 7. SUNDRY CHARGES: 1 . Contributions to Recreation 12,948 13,850 6,250 Total Operating 290034 33,740 24,250 --- --- -- -- - CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS - --- --- ACCOUNT NO. 601 - (Continued) 34. ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 59 9-60 1260-61 1 6r,9 1_62 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 8. Land 1. Purchase Price 7,600 iIj9. Buildings and Structures 1 5. Sidewalks 200 10. Other 22 600 Total 9 2,400 800 ' 10. EguigMent ' 1. FL—n1.ture and Fixtures 265 2. hia-�lii_1ery 77 1,490 ITotal 10 342 1,490 Total Capital 342 3,890 83,400 GRAND TOTAL 29,376 37,630 32,650 I 1 z£L`£G o£L`47G 9�36`69 'lvws mvilo j 011/Z OR*/ (IPI OuTgxvd) WGU OL :SgDIAUHS '9 00911zz 009`£z L6+7`+7z 5 Zsos — 0O�"-' ----7sjxsd olpall) swpexaddV 2y s juaBmx}su2 •£ 005In 0091£25 L6*l`*Z !.uouzaydmj pus .9xaulgogX •Z ' �ZN�IdIrib3 30 30N�NSSNI�I 'S OOz 05 L 0*1 PulpITnS 'L ' :Samlorlais 30 aoxvivaZNIVN •*/ 5zo`5z 000`5z 8zG`zz z IBa01 oo� 0013 z L6 ST001 0001+/Z 00049'7z 0175c LZ Zang atoFgaA xoq.014 •9 05 L 52:L *1£L 9OTM 'L :Sant S •z G90,15z 0o6°*Iz GZG`ZZ L TUPI 1 L 056M ZZ LG� suoTq uxado •£ Coo 9OL o56`6 5L0`6 sxoslexednS •L Savvm my SHOWS 'L z9` --L96L L9-—096 L o9-6 6 L Modoxd aasvwissa rlvn.sov CIVaHHHn0 '1VURN510 Sliolawl`MOSIN .5� LOG ON DMODDY SVX31'NM01AV9 dO A110 — ----- --------- I I i I < < < �SOZ MVII0 ' 05� 'Iz z9£ Lz 9�z 6z 055 005 999 L Zgl-°S , 00z 05—L 99C ass0 Zsotpax 'S OS£ 05£ 00£ aPuog `z ' S'-HDHVH D IlIMS •L 0091£z z909z 055`8z 9 Zgq°s 2UTMMFMS pas -9-WTB M9 00*1 +IL£ IL£ '4T39uag siasuloaTa ' 5zota 05L'+/L 09L`£6 uoT'PzTZs'.TdsoH pum a3n dnojo Szp`z OWL 9W£ 8�ualuoO pus sBuTPTTna 006`9 L606 L£z'Ol aousansuI aAT40MOgnV •£ :SHOIAEaS SllOaffTIaOSIN •9 z9=L96L L9 96� 09-696L aasodoxd (MIVNIssa rIvnsov �OI�K�tf1SNI sno��oslr� 09£ ML 'ON DMOOO SVX31'NM01.XVSdOXiI0 -_ ---------------- tfe I I j�A +�:Il f `art +1, r;- lrtr n �j 1J� r+1 am a mas I INV s v sx HO mHa IV m III H vcd f sa 0 G 11 El g v rl N K v �'Ak fJ iI fJ� li Iy f! t r.% r; I Ir fi SVX31 `NMOJL"13 30 A1I3 r'" I � i I c -0- 9 Lo Lz 685c 0£ sfaduas CIISVIUa08aavxfl IIVLIOS 9 LS E005 £L5 c 56£ OL5 Ile" s a-m,,Tpuodxa 1ploS , 66 L 2 00� 000 '0$ puny TB.zauao ol as jsue..,I 508 c 5 L L 5W a L 008 C56 aou►..ras 5z5`9£ 5L6`S L 08 L -Bran ZBn"Ite0 LWLz£ £z60zzz 065`z£z sasuadxa Oup4paado i SSuY ' 9 LF`005 685`9 VY 65 L`g1517 elgplTuAV jupj 9�Lo f 7 90ro£ snTdanS .zBaX .zoT.za ' I 008R%L*! 000`98£ 1898`96£ anuanall Tg4oS 00 76 GOTA,zag IGMGS 000 L 002: L 9961 L snoai:'arTao 0008$L 000 zz 88z`$L suo•r,'alTB'.sul r`UTDIAwas 0004/9£ 0089z9£ *7L9`9L£ sacpam jo aps i :Saamaha 3 �JNIS��IId0 ' zy- L L L9ro L o966L i Gasodoucl CIHIVNISSa 'IenSo/ z9 L 'OE UaSYEScMS JidIM HVaX 'IFTOSI s!NaNITflfcff smams '8 TsNacm 9ZMDNT ,3o I-NM s 'L£ makag7mcl was vM SVX31'NMOIAV91OAlIO - ---- CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS - 38. WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1962 ACCOUNT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED NUMBER DIVISION 1959-60 19,6G61 1 6� 1-62 1001 Supply 50,646 54,864 52,662 1002 Transmission & Distribution 1T7,931 105.,627 123,433 1003 Customer Accounting & Collecting 56,102 60,433 69,966 1004 Stores 20PO91 20,974 21,411 ' 1005 Transfer to Other Funds 1781800 153,675 115t845 i 1005-A Contingency Fund 21,199 ' 1006 Sewers - Sewage Disposal �. 96, ' Total Expenditures 423,570 395,573 5000816 r .r 9 L8`005 £L5`56£ OL5 4£T7 livsos ouvilo 66Mz pund Sou9OuTquoo 0009047 000908 pund ZsaeuaO 50845LL 5L9`£LL 008`86 pund Outxuls �? .saaa,.uj sxxoMaa-pm `r sma xHiiso os iiamwxi 5z5`9£ 5WK 08L`ZL At!jno tsq.Tds0 Zsps 5z£`5£ 5L6`8 L o8 L`z L 0 L Zgq'os 000- 000 6 s2uTq,,qS pus saa,.aH •O L 00510 L 5L6`6 su'FENI aaa.'eM •6 tow OOL`6 satoTgen ao�.oX O V 5z L`9 08 L`z L d.zeujqosyj °z wamcETTor 00 L `" OOz`L (Sou92y •M•d) saaMas Sasc.Tuss 0, .r saxn,4ona,4 s pus OUT PtTnH •6 7,V%Llo 'InIdFldv� r L82:`Lz£ £z6`Zzz 065`z£z 2ul,4saad0 ju-.oj 066�— YL548 005*19 s aOasg 0 SapunS 'L 05 L I55 009`z£ 0£L 1147£ saoT.aaas snoomlloosT •9 5 Lz`zz 08z`6 L '19£`£z 4uemdTnba l e omuaq uT-aNI 05 00£`8 z5z4L £68`'Iz sa.m .ona,�s 'aousuajuTvjj •+7 05 pus7 'aousunuTUN •£ 5£*I`Lz 8'1£`'7 L +IY L`z L s atZddns •z 05`*70z 6z6`O L 655`6z L sa,9sM pus So—last—Gs • L SHSNgM IDXIIVUadO z' 9797 L9 �09 L 09� aMOCIOUd aasvNrissa livnsov z9 L *OC UIIBNIISddS OXIM UVaX 'IVOSId NOIj-VOIdISSVI0 IOMO W H'3SOVUVHO XH SgUfllIQN M d0 XWNIIMS SN'3N I,dvddQ HaPES 28 '6e al SVX31 'NMOlAtlH d0 A11O CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 4% A• ACCOUNT NO. 1001 WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT -SUPPLY- ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 959-60 1960-61 1 69 1-62 1. SALARIES AND WAGES: 1. Supervision 6'075 3. Operation 14.340 15�;887 9.862 rTotal 1 14040 15,887 15,937 2. SUPPLIES: 2. Fuel 87 100 100 7. M .nor Tools 357 100 100 13. Ocher 35 25 25 Total 2 479 225 225 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES: ' 1 . Building15 300 300 3 7. Rework. Water Well a S7-onr� G'Z� 6.952 2.000 Total 4 315 7,252 2,300 ' S. MAINTENANCE CF EQUIPMENT: 2. Machinery 2'804 1'000 1'700 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: 11. Light & Power 32,708 30,500 32000 GRIUTM TOTAL 502646 54,864 52,662 Re CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS �., ACCOUNT NO. 1002 41 . WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1959-60 1960-61 1 69 1-62 1, SALARIES AND WAGES: r1. Supervision 10,845 11,922 122046 3. Maintenance 502909 56,480 60,637 5. Extra Help 2.400 rTotal 1 61,754 68,402 752083 r2. SUPPLTs 7, Minor Tools 1,391 1,500 1,500 9. Chemicals 2,431 2,900 31300 13. Other 123 125 125 Total 2 3,945 4,525 4,925 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES: 7. Standpipes and Reservoirs 242578 5. MAINTENANCE OF EOUIPMKIT: 3. Instruments & Apparatus (Radio Parts) 100 9. Water Mains 9,403 1,275 1,500 10. Meters & Settings 5,834 12,000 1230000 14. Fire Hydrants 178 225 300 i ' Total 5 15,415 13,500 13,900 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: 6. Travel Expense 149 200 300 7. Rents - Easements 10 25 25 Total 6 159 225 325 Total Operating 105,9851 86,652 94,233 I► CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 42. ' ACCOUNT NO. 1002 - (Continued) ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1955-60 1960-61 1961-62 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 10. EQuipment 4. Motor Vehicles 9,700 9. Water Mains 3,254 9,975 10,500 I 10. Meters and Settings 8,826 9.000 9,000 Total Capital Outlay 129080 18,975 29,200 GRAND TOTAL 117,931 105,627 123,433 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 42-a ACCOUNT NO. 1003 WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED ,•• 1 54 9-60 1960-61 1 69 1-62 1. SALARIES AND WAGES: 1, Supervision 32510 72476 7.,502 2. Clerical 309038 30,250 32,930 3.. Accounting 7,886 5,638 5,604 5. Extra Help 76 100 100 Total 1 41,510 43,464 469136 2. SUPPLIES: 1. Office 3,881 5,650 5.,000 2. Wearing Apparel 150 200 Total 2 3,881 5,800 5v200 5, MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT: 1. Office Machines 848 780 815 6. MISCELLANEOUS SER77ICES: 2. Car Allowance 300 600 600 13. Other - Sub Station Fees 963 12275 1,500 Total 6 19263 1,875 2.,100 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 5. Pensions 22500 2,000 2.,000 5-1. Social Security 39500 3,500 49400 5-2. Life & Hospitalization Ins. 2,500 2.9200 2.,190 10. Reserve for Sick Leave 814 1.000 Total 7 8,500 8,514 9,590 Total Operating 569002 60,433 63,841 �* CAPITAL OUTLAY: 10. Equipment 1. Furniture & Fixtures 100 2. Machines 61125 GRAND TOTAL 56,102 60,433 69,966 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1004 43. WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT -STORES- ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1959-60 19 60-61 1961-62 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES: 1. Supervision 2,100 2,307 21313 2. Clerical 3,005 3,376 3,396 3. Operation 6.850 7,493 7.652 Total 1 11,955 13,176 13,361 2. SUPPLIES: 6. Motor Vehicle 3,791 3,748 4,000 13. Other 50 50 Total 2 3,839 32798 4,050 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT: 4. Motor Vehicle 4,297 4,000 4,000 ' GRAND TOTAL 202091 20,974 21,411 r 1 *700`L£L 5L9 £5 L 008`a L Tv'101 66L`Lz XM'DNIZNOO 50,05LL 5/19`£LL 00,9`86 mma MIMS Go IsauHINI sxuOMu3ilvm OZ uadsfful z9` ��L9 'L L9�- 09� QSSOdOUCI CIS.Lv tIssa rxnSOv SQN a HHHW 01 HH3SNVUI 'ft� MaRiocuct WEs ? uHXvm 500L 'ON DmoOOv .+77 SYX31 'NMOlAd9 JO AlM low CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1006 45. on WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT SEWER AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL mo ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1959-60 1960-61 1961-62 ow1 . SALARIES AND WAGES• 3. Operations 43,908 mm 4. Maintenance 102122 Total 1 54,030 2. SUPPLIES: 7. Minor Tools 150 9. Chemicals 12,860 13. Other 25 Total 2 139035 3. MAINTENANCE OF LAND: 1. Land 50 4. MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: 1. Buildings 200 3. Disposal Plants 2000 4. Sanitary Sewers 3.500 Total 4 69000 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT: 2. Machinery 1,500 •. 3. Instruments and Apparatus 300 Total 5 1,800 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: 7. Rents 25 11 . Light & Power 20.200 Total 6 201225 Total Operating 95,140 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 9. . Building s and Structures ' 6. Sanitary Sewers (F.W. Agency) 1,200 GRAND TOTAL 96,340 i i sfi #11 ,l. ffis l CIA - I hI d +I .I iiA 51 � an. •s gvflxxv . l SVX31 'NMOIA1fS AO AlIO ** CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 46. DEBT SERVICE A L L B 0 N D S a. ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED ,11959-60 19 3-61 1 661-62 REVENUE: General Property Tax 161 ,458 198,000 205,4A0 Transfer From Other Funds 981"TJ0 1132675 115,505 Revenue From Premiums and Interest 1 ;128 2,90 _._.2.750 1 Total Revenue 261,386 314,575 323,955 rPrior Year Surplus 1160027 122,QC 149387 Total Available 397,413 4430622 473,829 rLESS EXPENDITURES: 7. Sundry Charges r2=1 Serial Bond Maturities 130.500 155,000 162,000 2-2 Interest Payments 137,297 138,248 138,144 r2-3 Exchange 569 500 500 Total Expenditures 268,366 2932748 300,644 i Surplus @ September 30 129,047 149074 173085 r CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS t� 47. DEBT SERVICE i GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS . (Including Tax-Supported Waterworks Bonds) ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED r 1959-60 1960-61 1 1-62 REVENUE: r General Property Tax 161,458 1982000 205,400 Premiums and Interest 300 Total Revenue 161,758 198,000 205,400 Prior Year Surplus 22,983 10.87 2,010 �.. Total Available 184,741 208,872 214,410 M LESS EXPENDITURES: r7. Sundry Charges 2-1 Serial Bond Maturities 86000 110,000 114,000 2-2 Interest Payments 862981 89,512 91,048 2-3 Exchange Costs 388 350 350 r Total Expenditures 1730869 199,862 205,398 Surplus Q September 30 10,872 9,010 9,012 MIN r r r r r r on CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS OM 48. MM D E B T S E R V I C E AM W A T E R W O R K S & S E W E R R E V E N U E B O N D S ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED ,w 1959-60 1960-61 1 6g 1-62 REVENUE: Transfer From Water Fund 982800 113,675 115,805 Revenue From Premiums and Interest 828 2.900 2.750 99,628 116,575 1182555 Fan Prior Year Surplus 113.01,E 118,175 140386 Total Available 212,672 2342750 259,419 LESS EXPENDITURES• 7. Sundry Charges 2-1 Serial Bond Maturities 44,000 452000 48,000 2-2 Interest Payments 50,316 48,736 47,096 �^ 2-3 Exchange Costs 181 150 150 Total Expenditures 94,497 93,886 95,246 raw Surplus @ September 30 118,175 140,864 164,173 ANALYSIS OF SURPLUS FUNDS TO MEET REQUIREMEVITS OF BOND ORDINANCE: Monthly Deposits for Debt Retirement 39075 39,623 39,750 1� Bond Reserve - Cash Account 6,772 23,322 40,069 Bond Reserve - U. S. Treasury Notes 50,047 50,047 50,047 Bond Contirgency Fund 20,500 26,718 32,718 �. Surplus, Unappropriated 1.681 1L!54 11589 Total Surplus @ September 30 118,175 140,864 164,173 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 49. S T A T E M E N T O F B O N D E D I N D E B T E D N E S S ' October 1 . 1961 ' Interest Date of Term escri tion Rate Issue Years Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Bonds Baytown W.W. & S.S. - Revenue Refunding — Series 1957 3 1/2% 5/15/57 10 3 3/4% 4 1/4%- Total Baytown W.W. & S. S. - Revenue Bonds - Series 1958 3 1/4% 2/15/58 22 3 1/2% 3 5/8% Total Total Revenue Bonds i Waterworks General Obligation Bonds .� City of Pelly Waterworks Refunding "B" 5 % 4/10/35 38 City of Goose Creek Waterworks Bonds 5 1/2% 10/10/27 40 City of Baytown .� 1 . Waterworks & S.S. Refunding 2 1/2% 3/1/52 12 Series 1952 2 3/4% 16 Total 1 2. Waterworks & S.S. Refunding 3 1/2% 5/15/57 15 Series 1957 3 3/41- 4 % 4 1 A% Total 2 Total Tax Supported Waterworks Bonds General Obligation Bonds Continued 'I 69L`zL 000"M OOOlz0£ 000 6847 Lzz48 000_zL_ -_ 000190z 000�0£z 0006U— 000"Le 000 c L 000 41' L Lzz`8 000i L OOO"z*/ OOOln -0- 000,147z OL i 068 00095 000i9£ OOOCLB 00--0 v 000- 891 wmw 068 000`5 000�SL 000 tog '79� z*/8`L 00095 00099£ 00095LL L91 OOziL 000(z „000c+/z 000t£9 960`L*1 000 48+7 o0o`£6z`L 000"*917`L 0009000itL 000c000itL LO*/ S£ -------- ODO 9 L 617 00� 081 000C*lz47 000l4 z'7 17Li L0'7'5£ 0001,58 000958 891 5691 L L 000 8', 000� OOOT� 000 9LL 000 9LL 0004Lz 000`L5 0009W 569`LL 000`Lz 000`9a 00099ZL ' -0- 00019£L L91 z9-L96L 8n0 z9-L96L enCl ZUTPUBpqno anesl a gQ ,.seaepj ZedTouTia 4unomv TIOUTO -IO L96L L a8Qo''00 'OS S S N Q S g Q N I Q Q N O S 30' S N a W a Z v Z S SVX31 'NMOIkV8 d0 Ali7 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 51. STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS October 1 . 1961 Interest Date of Term Descri tion Rate Issue Years General Obligation Bonds Cont. CjAy of PellV Refunding Series 'B" 4 1/2% 4/10/35 38 City Hall Refunding 5 % 7/1/35 36 Street Improvement Refunding 3 3/4% 12/1/45 25 Citv of Goose Creek Sewer Improvement 5 1/2% 10/10/27 40 Street Improvement 2 % 9/1/45 22 2 1/4% "•� 2 1/2% Refunding, Series 1945 3 % 9/1/45 19 ,■ CitZ of BM town Park Improvement Series 1948 2 1/2% 2/1/48 22 ~ 2 3/4% ` 3 1/2% Street & Drainage Improvement Series, 1958 5 % 2/1/58 16 3 1/4% Street & Drainage Improvement. Series, 1959 4 1/2% 5/1/59 18 4 % 2 1/2% Library Bonds 3 1/2% 3/1/61 17 3 1/2% 3 3/8% .► Total General Obligation (Tax Supported) Bonds GRAND TOTAL - ALL BONDS CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS S T AT E MEN T -OF B O N D E D I N D E B T E D N E S S 52• October 1, 1961 Maturity Original Amount Principal Interest Date Issue Outstanding Due 1961-62 Due 1961-62 173 36,500 15.9500 11000 775 171 33sOOO 12,500 " 1,000 625 !� 170 75,000 54,000 WOO 22025 fi 167 45,000 13,000 11000 687 167 55,000 70.0000 LL 6_ZO—O0 1 .000 16.000 3.050 27-I,000 130,000 163 501000 12,000 72000 255 170 1302000 63,000 6,000 2000 163 128,000 67,000 339000 30,585 166 112,000 112,000 174 it�J( o 760�000 1,Ojo,000 939,000 170 266,000 245,000 20,000 26,725 176 330,000 330,000 r 77 i 000-2 00 100.000 6;6200O 675��-;;�0 175 100,000 100 p r, O0 12,062 176 1002000 100,31)0 177 -152 0'�0 150.Lliq 3501000 3502000 ., 3075,500 215662000 11/4,000 91,048 4,6399500 3,859,000 162,000 1389144 A OR 6. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 53. D E B T S E R V I C E SCHEDULE OFREQUIREMENTS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS - ALL PURPOSE p• GENERAL IleROVEMENT Outstanding Principal Interest Total W.W. Tax Total Tax Fiscal Beginning Require- Require- Require- Supported Require- Year of year ments ments ments Requirements ments ' 61-62 2 264 000 90,000 78,889 1689889 363159 205,048 1962-63 211742000 96,000 75042 171,142 36,209 207,1351 1963-64 2,078,000 101,000 71,427 172,427 35, 23 207�090 1964-65 11977,000 103,000 67,939 170,939 36,152 1965-66 1,874,000 111,000 642382 175,382 35,046 210,428 1966-67 127632000 114,000 601,476 174,476 34,931 209,407 1967-68 1,6492000 93,000 56,686 1491686 602795 2103,481 1968-69 1,556,000 88,000 532262 1411262 61,770 203,032 19b9-70 1,468,000 130,000 49,237 179,237 28,400 207,637 1970-71 1,338,000 165,000 43,938 208,938 2,300 211,238 1971-72 1,173,000 170,500 38047 208,647 210 200 210,847 1972--73 12002,500 177,500 32, 211000 203 209,703 2,100 21120 1973--74 825,000 185,000 262000 211,000 1974-75 640,000 190,000 20,412 210,412 210,412 13312 1975-76 4502000 200,000 13,312 213,312 255,031 1976-77 250$000 250.OW � 2552031 -- -- -- -=- 20,264,1,000 756,483 3,020,483 371,285 3,3912768 i 11111110 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS Im 54. No PI DEBT S E R V I C E SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS WE WATERWORKS & SEWER REVENUE BONDS Outstanding Fiscal Beginning Principal Interest Total Year of Year Requirements Requirements _Reouirements �. 1961-62 11293,000 48,000 472096 95,096 1962-63 1,245,000 50,000 45,244 95,244 1963-64 1,1952000 52,000 43.,,324 95,324 1964-65 1,143,000 542000 41,279 95,279 1965-66 11089,000 565000 39,019 952019 1966-67 1,0,3,000 58,000 36,769 94769 1967-68 9752000 60,000 34,589 94�589 ^� 1968-69 915,000 632000 32,638 95,638 1969-70 8522000 66,000 30,434 96,434 1970-71 786,000 699000 28,124 97,124 1971-72 7170000 72,000 25,709 97,709 1972-73 645,000 75,000 23088 98,188 1973-74 570131000 79,000 20,564 99,564 1974-75 491,000 8231000 17,799 99,799 1975-76 4092000 86,000 14,826 100,826 1976-77 323,000 902000 112709 101,709 1977-78 233,000 949000 8,446 102,446 1978-79 139,000 98,000 5,039 103,039 1979-80 41,,000 41,000 12486 42.4g6 w 11293,OOO 5d7,282 1,800,282 P, r r r r F s .I I �r 58z`IL£ 58z`69 000`zo£ 00 0 2G 00 l 000`z 000`z £L-ZL6 b ON,Zz ooz 000`z 000`*7 ZL—GL6 6 ooc">, 00£ 000`z 000`9 LL—OLU 00'7` 6z 00*1`{ 000`Gz 000`££ oL-696 L low oLh :9 OLG`£ 000`85 00o`L6 69�96L 56 ,'09 56G`5 000`55 000`9*/4 89—L96L b£6`9 000`8Z 000`47L 6 L9-996 G giloe5£ 970.`8 000`Lz 00o`6OZ 99-596L aw Z5 0g£ Z5 06 000`Lz 000`8zz 59*l96 L £zz`5£ £zzlu 00095Z 000`£Sz 179-'£966 60z`9£ 60ZgLL 00095z 000`8Lz £9—z96L 65 6`9£ 65 6`a 000 947Z 000`z0£ z9-196 6 s�uatua,z�n eg s�uauza,z�n aH s�uazaaa�n ag Mi5x 3o Z�os sa�a�uI ZBdzau-Ea l 2UTUUzoag -EBaszA BU-TpuE,4 sqnp SC[[IOS uffZltOddfls XVS SXHOMEHIV SUMS aMfg)2ju do arMTdHOS T 9 a cl � `SS SVX31 'NMOlAV9 40 AIM lei i� j� i� i +r' r+rr � H 0 N O a H a a v h SNP d s � � Qn' g IvaNNv rl,l 1 +rb 1.1 fl SVX31 'NMOI"s 30 AliO �'.'k CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 56 ORDINANCE NO. 633 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR BEGINNI OCTOBER 1, 1961s AND END ING SEPT ER 0! 196 �2 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ENS 3NG CHARTER AND ORDINANCES CF THE CITY CF BAYTOWN; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORD Il ANCE.. ]jHEREAS,, the City der of the City of Baytown has submitted to the City Council a budget estimate of the revenues of said City and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1 s 1961, and ending the 30th day of September, 19622 and which said estimate has been compiled from detailed information obtained from the several departments, divisions and offices of the City, containing all the informa— tion as required by the Charter of the City of Baytown; and XHEREASs the City Council has received said City Managerls estimate and held a public hearing thereon so provided by Section 44 of the Charter; and WHEREAS, after a full and final consideration of the public hearing.. it is the opinion of the Council that the budget as filed should be approved and adopted.. NOW THEREFORE.., BE IT ORDAINED BY THE* CITY C OUINC IL CF THE CITY CF B AYTOWN: Section 1 : That the budget estimate of the revenues of the City of Bay— town and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal years beginning October 1, 1961, and ending September 30s 1962s as submitted to the City Council by the City Manager of said City be,, and the same is$ in all things adopted and approved as the budget estimate of all of the current expenses as well as the fixed charges against said City for the fiscal year beginning the 1st day of October, 1961, and ending the 30th day of September 19620 Section 2: That the sum of One Million Three Hundred & Nine Thousand Four Hundred FortyweEight and No 100 $1 309 "8900) Dollars is hereby appro— priated out of the General Fund for the payment of Operating Expenses and Capital. Outlay of the City Government as hereinafter itemized s to-wit General Government 276$7g9.00 Public Safety 393,18O`*DO ' Highways & Roadways 313 042,00 Waste Removal 155,970.00 Conservation of Health 39,735.00, Recreation 32,650.00 Miscellaneous 97.282.00 Total $ 00 CITY OR BAYTOWN, TEXAS 57. Section 3: That the sure of Five Hundred Thousand Eight Hundred Sixteen and No 100 ($50OP816,00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the Water & Sewer Works for the operating expenses and capital outlay of the municipally owned Water and Sewer Works as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: Supply $ 52,662.00 Transmission & Distribution 123,433.•00 Cuotomers' Accounting and Collecting 69,966.00 Stores 21 A11,00 C ont3.ngency Fund 21 199.00 Sewers & Sewage Disposal. 96,340.00 Water Works Interest & Sinking Fund 115.505.00 ' Total $ 500,216 XO Section : That the sum of Two Hundred Five Thousand Three Hundred Ninety- Eight and No 100 ($205,398,00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the Genwal .Interest and Sinking Fund for the purpose of paying the accruing inaw terest and redeeming the Serial Bonds,, as they mature, on the General Debt Service Bonds as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: Serial Bond Maturities $ 114 S 000.00 Interest Payments 91,048*00 Exchange 350,.00 Total $ 205 39$•OO Section That the sum of One Hundred Seventeen Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-Three and No/100 ($117,993.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the Water and Sewer Works Interest and Sinking Funds for the purpose of pay- ing the accruing interest and redeeming the Serial Bonds'. as they mature$ on the Water Works Debt Service Bonds as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: Lj Serial Bond Maturities 48v000,00 Interest Payments 47,096.00 Exchange 150.00 Bond Reserve Fund 16,74 7.00 Contingency Fund 6.000.00 Total 177AML(Mo 6 ' 58. Section 6: This ordinance shall be and remain in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval of the City Council' and it shall be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in the City of Baytown. Am READS ADOPTED and APPROVED by a majority of the City Council at the regu— lar meeting held at the City Hall in the City of Baytown on this the 14th day of September, 1961. Al Clayton — Mayor ATTEST: Edna Oliver — City Clerk w� AM i 9 it 59. ORDINANCE NO.fan 634 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE RATE AND TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF BA.YTOWNl TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEHBER 30, 196 2, UPON ALL TAXABLE PR0- PERTY IN SAID CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, IN ACCORD- ANCE WITH THE LAWS CF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER PROVISIONS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF BAYTOWNN, TEXAS t Section 1 : That there shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected for the year ending September 30, 1962, an ad valorem tax of One & 72/100 ($1.72) Dollars on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars worth of prop- erty located within thh present city limits of the City of Baytown, made tax- able by law, which said taxes when collected shall be apportioned among funds and departments of City Government of the City of Baytown and for the purposes hereinafter set forth as follows, to-wit: For the General Fund: $ 1.41 For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the bonded indebted- ness of the City of Baytown: .31 1 72 Section 2: The ad valorem tax rate of One and Seventy-Two/One Hundred ($1.72) Dollars as set forth in Section 11 above., is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected on only Fifty (50%) Percent of each One Hundred �.. ($100.00) Dollars worth of property located within Baytownp as valued by the Equalization Board for the City of Baytown and made taxable by law. Section 3: The City Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Baytown is hereby directed to assessp extend and enter upon the Tax Rolls of the City of Baytown., Texas., for the Current Year,9 the amounts and rates herein levied., and to keep a correct account of same.. and when so collected.. the same to be de- posited in the depository of the City of Baytownp to be distributed in accor- dance with this ordinance. Section : All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are expressly repealed. READ,, ADOPTED and APPROVED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown.. Texas, at a regular meeting at the City Hall on September 14, 1961. Al C layton - Mayor ATTEST: Enna Oliver 3, City Clerk CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT 60. EXPENSES: These comprise all items of expenditure# necessarily incurred for current administration, operation and maintenance and for materials and equipment in the nature .of renewals or replacements which do not add to the capital assets of the City. I* Salaries and Wages 2. Supplies 3. Material (or contract) for maintenance of land !�. Material (or contract) for maintenance of buildings, improvements and structures 5. Material (cr contract) for maintenance of equipment 6. Miscellaneous Services 7. Sundry Charges CAPITAL OUTLAY: Comprises expenditures of every character which increase the capital assets of the City. g: Lands 9. Buildings and Structures 10, Equipment E X PENS E S t 1. SALARIES AND WAGES: 1-1 Supervisory: To include legislative, executive and administrative 1-2 Clerk Hire: Clerical services or service of that nature 1- 3 Labor Operation: To include professional and technical service 1—/+ Labor Maintenance: Services performed in repairing and maintaining a standard of: 3. Lands 4. Buildings, improvements and structures 5. Equipment 1-w 5 Extra Help i 2. SUPPLIES: t 2-1 Office supplies: To include all pupplies necessary for use in the operation of office, such as: Ice Postage. Printing: To include printing of budget, circular letters, reports and specifications Publications° To include blue prints, catalogues, charts, magazines, maps, newspapers, etc. Stationery: To include pencils, rubber stamps, ink pads, paper, paste, peens, binders, blank books, clips, desk pads, ink, envelopes, erasers, g film cabinets supplies, labels, manuscript supplies, tracing cloth, etc. CITY OR BAYTOWN, TEXAS ll 61 2-2 Fuel Supplies: To include coal., gas, oil, wood, etc. 2-3 Food Supplies: To include all articles of food for human beings. 2-4 Wearing apparel, dry good and notions: To include such articles as aprons, badges, belts; blankets, boots, canvas cloth, cotton goods, curtains, dress finding, hats, linens, oil cloth, pillow cases, shoes, sheets, slickers, thread, towels, uniforms, etc. 2- 5 Forage, barn and shoeing: Barn: To -include brushes, curry combs, disinfectants, sand, sawdust, shavings, sponges, straw, etc' Forage: • To include all articles of food for animals. Shoeing: To include all cost of material and labor for shoeing animals. 2-6 Motor vehicle supplies: To include gasoline, grease, lubricating oil and small accessories. !f 2-7 Minor apparatus, instruments, tools, and utensils, which are liable to loss, theft and rapid depreciation. Minor apparatus: To include that used in cleaning, engineering, hospital, laboratory and medical, such as alcohol lamps, balances, blow pipes, burners, filters, lanterns, mearsures, tubing, etc. Minor instruments: To include calipers, compasses drafting instru- ments, gauges, lenses, measuring chains, pincers, sterilizers, a thermometers, etc. Minor tools: To include augers, axes, bits braces, crowbars, engineer stakes, fire hose, handcuffs, jacks, punches, reamers, shears, wrenches, and articles of similar nature. +, Minor utensils: To include barrels, baskets, brooms, brushes, cans, chamois skins, cups, cuspidors, dishes, electrical gloves, glassware, enamelware, knives, lamps, mats and articles of like nature. 2-8 Laundry, cleaning and toilet. To include cleaning preparations, deodorants disinfectants floor oils scouring powders., soap., wax > > > g P � p> > etc. 2-9 .chemical, medical and surgical: To include alcohol, alum, antitoxins, bandages, .chlorine, gauze, lime, medicines, vaccine, etc. 2--1 a Mechanical supplies: To include fuel, oil, lubricating oil, grease, packing waste, etc. 2-11 Educational and recreational supplies: To include all articles of transient use, as baseballs, -lime for marking tennis courts, rent on moving picture films, tennis balls, etc. 2-12 Botanical and agricultural supplies: To include bulbs, disinf ectants, fertilizers, seeds, trees, young plants, etc., used for parks and public grounds. 2-13 Other supplies: This is to include supplies that have not been allocated. 3,4,9 5. 14ATERIALS: Materials are commodities of a permanent nature in a raw, unfinished or finished state; entering into the construction, renewal, replacement or repair of any land, building, structure, or equipment. D 7j CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 62. 3. Material (or contract) for maintenance of land: All expenditures (material or contract) covering land maintenance, such as regrading, drains, repairing, etc. 4. Material (or contract) for maintenance of buildings, structures, and improvements: All expenditures (material or contract) covering repairs and replacements of: 4. ,l Buildings 4 2 Bridges 4 3 Filtration plants 4-1+ Sanitary sewers 4- 5 Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters, and culverts 4-6 Storm sewers .7W: 4-7 Standpipes and reservoirs 4Pw8 Streets, roadways, and highways 4 9 Incinerator and dumping grounds 4,P-10 Other 5. Maintenance of equipment: All expenditures (Material or contract) covering repairs and replacements of: a 5-1 Furniture, fixtures and furnishings 5ww2 Machinery, tools, and implements (major) 5w3 Instruments and apparatus (major). Includes fire apparatus. 5-4 Motor vehicles: Includes tire and tubes 5-5 Other vehicles 5-6 Harness 5s-7 Livestock 5-8 Books (Includes purchase of new books for library) 5�9 water works mains 5-10 Meters and settings 5-11 Signal systems 5--12 Heating systems 50-13 Service connections 5-14 Fire Hydrants 5- 15 Other LLJ 6. MI SC ELL,ANEOU S SERVICES: Miscellaneous services are activities performed by other than municipal. departments, under expressed or implied agreement involving personal services plus the use of equipment or the furnishing of commodities. 6-1 Communications: To include messenger service., telegraph ph and g .telephone. 6»2 Hire of Equipment: To include compensation for use of equip- went via: hire of teams, with or without drivers, also allowance to employees for use of private cars. &3 Insurance: To include premiums on all kinds of insurance on ` ► property and equipment, also liability ire.gurance and surety bonds. LJ 6-4 Special services: To include compensation for personal services such as special investigations and surveys, inspecting materials, audits, special legal services, etc. LLJ 6-5 Advertising, legal al and otherwise. 6--6 Traveling expenses: To include expense of public officers and employees incurred in regular performance of their duties for i CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS transportation by public carriers, etc* 63. 6,-7 Rents 'r, 6-8 Music 6.9 Support of persons (prisoners) 6o,10 Transportation (other than employees) 6-11 Light and Power 6-12 Freight, express and drayage (unallocated) 7e SUNDRY CHARGES: Sundry charges include those expenses legally or morally obligatory upon the City as a public corporation. 7-1 Contributions., gratuities and rewards: To include charitable institutions, hospitals and other organizations; compensation to prisoners, prizes, entertainment, floral offerings, etc. 7=m2 Debt service: To include the payment of principal and interest of funded and unfunded debt. 763 Refunds 7m/+ Judgments and damages 7- 5 Pensions 7-6 Taxes 7aw7 Court costs, jury and witness fees vb 74 Other 7-9 Employee Annual Service -Awards 7-10 Reserve for sick pay CAPITAL_ OUTLAY 8e LANDS: 8-1 Purchase price: To include all expenditures for land as abstracts, assessments, cost of appraising, recording of deeds., surveys, etc. 8aw2 Betterments: To include all expenditures (including payrolls) covering original cost of draining, engineering, and inspection, first sodding, grading, planting and terracing. 9e -BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: All expenditures, including payrolls for new or additions to. 9�1 Buildings 9a=2 Bridges 9w&3 'Filtration plants 96w4 Sanitary sewers 9-5 Sidewalks., steps., curbs,, gutters., and culverts 0-6 Storm sewers Ojs=7 Standpipes and reservoirs 94 Streets., roadways and highways 9sw9 Incinerator 9-10 Other I^ CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS // V � 0. LQUIPMENT All expenditures to cover original cost of equipment (not replacements) which increases the value of the fixed assets of the City. 10-1 Furniture, fixtures and furnishings 10-2 Machinery, tools and implements (major) 10-3 Instruments and apparatus (major); this includes all fire apparatus 10-4 Motor Vehicles ' 10-5 Other Vehicles 10-6 Harness 10-7 Livestock 10-8 Books (does not include purchase of books for library' 10-9 Water works mains 10-10 Meters and settings 10-11 Signal systems 10-12 Heating systems 10-13 Service connections 10-14 Fire hydrants ' 10-15 Other r r r PIS,