_FY 60-61 COB Adopted Budget ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE City of Baytown, Texas FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER 1, 1960 SEPTEMBER 30, 1961 Adopted By CITY COUNCIL Composed of R. H. PRUETT, Mayor SEABORN CRAVEY .............. District I MRS. VELMA J. ANSLEY ........ District 4 W. L. (Dub) WARD .............. District 2 ROY H. HUGHES ................ District 5 KENNETH BADGETT ............ District 3 LACY LUSK District 6 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS �4 A N N U A L B U D G E T of the CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS OW FOR THE Fiscal Year October 1, 1960 — September 302 1961 Compiled by J. B. LeFevre, City Manager And Adopted by the MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL C I T Y C O U N C I L FR, H. PRUETT, MAYOR lop SEABORN CRAVEY VELMA J. ANSLEY i W. L. WARD R. H. HUGHES K. E. BADGETT LACY LUSK e r d P0 r r ..r •sanua�aa aa�BM uroa� pus uoT,.uxe4 uroaj 2u=4-uaado spun, puog (£) •suoT�sZTs�suz aauroq. -sno OuToTnaas pus aa'�BM Jo aZss moaj BuT4vaado puma aa;BM aql (Z) Nei •purij ae%pM uroa j snZd zns jo .r aa,IsuBa,. B sntd 'anuanaa JO sao,mos snoausZ190sTM aag4o uzoaj pub saoanos xV4 uzoaj senuaAaa ggTm 2uTqsaado pund ZBaaua0 aqy (L) :uoTq.saado jo poggem aaTnoTgasd WBqq o 2uTuTsqaad saoanos uzoa,I paATaap sanuaaaa Uloaj pus ZTouno0 S%TO aqq. 8q paa.sTadoadds s8 spunj uMo sq.T gjTM puB aapun 2uiquaodo gosa sl.un0008 geOpnq 2uTMOITOJ aqq jo gsTsuoo TZTM uMo,.saq jo SgTO eqq jo �92png L9-096L aqy NOIZ 0flc0UINi ,r SVX31 'NMOlAV9 AO AIM ,� rCITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS THE CITY MANAGER'S BUDGET MESSAGE The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Baytown Baytown, Texas Gentlemen: The Annual Budget for the year October 1, 1960 throubh September 302 1961, proposes expenditures greater than has ever been approved Vince the City of Baytown was incorporated. This is made necessary by the increased cost of labor and mater— ials, added services to the citizens and a greater number of people to be served. It is made possible, without a tax increase, by the cooperation of industries ad— jacent to the City who are willing to lend a helping hand, even though they were not on our tax roll as of January 1, 1960. The total proposed expenditures of all funds is $2,0642611.00. The major increases in proposed expenditures over the prior year may be summarized as follows: 1. Salaries: A 5% increase for all employees, the first general raise in three years, amounting to approximately $46,000.00 plus the inauguration of longevity pay system for all employees not under Civil Service regulations, approxi— mately $18,000.00. Also there is included additional salary adjustments for approxi— mately $12,600.00, the greater portion of which is alloted to the firemen and police— men. This makes a total increase of approximately $76,600.00. 2. Added Personnel: Four additional police officers, two firemen and a three—man street cleaning crew is proposed for a total cost of $38,400.00. 3. Maintenance Materials: There is a proposed increase of $382000.00 for materials to repair sidewalks, curbs and streets plus $15,000.00 for storm sewer pipe, or a total of $53,000.00. 4. Capital Improvements: Proposed increase of $22,000.00 including $15,000,00 toward the purchase of land suitable for a "land fill" garbage disposal, if such a site can be located. I5. Debt Service: Increase by $16,502.00. # The tax rate to support this budget may remain at $1 .72 per $100.00 assessed valuation, but $0.40 of this tax must be alloted to the Interest and Sinking Fund. Only $0.34 was alloted for this Fund in the 1959-60 budget. The proposed revenue is based on tax collections of 94% plus gratuities from two major industries in amount of $314,000.00. All other revenues are substantially the same as last year. The gratuities are substantiated by letters from officials of the two companies agreeing to make cash payments to the City for use in this y-ear's budget as follows: Humble Oil & Refining Company $ 3089000.00 United Rubber Company ,^6,000.00 Total Commitment $ 3142000.00 r� Ilk maw NMOdXVEI do IZIO Dq/`Jg .za2suw A4IO aaha3aZ •g •r 4pa,.4tnrgng AlZndqoadsag •uMo-j.gsg jo Aa.IO eu,. soj 1.92pnq 'puooas Au `slu'4 jo uo-puiedaad auq uz aousIstssg pub suot48920ns 'uozgsaad000 plpuatds atau4 aoj saaAoldme aaugo Ztu pus spsag 4uam,,asdaQ 6-[TounoO Xq.-TO au,' oc. s3lusu4 Lm seaadxa o4 usTM osts I •,94ZBSot eons aoj uoiq.stoaadds aaaouis Am 9ut2p9-EMou3los Atortgnd uI am utoC uMo!lksg 3o su9zT4TO aau'4o pus saaAo-tdma ATO 9u4 4ZzounoO ATO auk' Bans = I •elgtssod 492pnq e-cu,4 apvw ssu q.su4 satusdruoo eons Jo stuiotJJO awl- 3o eplad OTATo pus AnluSoT Jo '.zazds u gRnoag4 SZuo sz 4I •1961 ZTWn �Zoa xs� R�Io eu� uo sai4aadoad eons eovld 40u TTTm "aaAaMou 'uozq.ou slut •uMoa.Aug jo sq.Tm'r-'I ATO au4 04 V. ouCpe ?uTS-C pus eazuudmoo asauq. Aq pauMo djaadoa •� auk jo uoz�aod s xauus o� ego UT Laussaoau auk aasdaad oq jjs�g aAZ4saqsluTwpy s IATO auq. peq onx�eul 1096 L °g aaq�ualdag jo -u��.a9m xev29a 'e ut 9Zzouno0 Aq.zO aqs 6VX31 'NMOlAV9 AO A11O , CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES P" BY TITLE AND RATE OF PAY Genera 1 Fund Account Actual 59-60 Proposed 1960.•61 Number Job Classification Monthly , Month i u 101 CITY COUNCIL 1-1 City Clerk 425.00 446.50 5058.00 1-1 Longevity 342,00 1-2 Secretary 260.00 275.00 39300.00 Oft 1-2 Longevity -.r60.00 9,060.00 102 CITY MANAGER 1-1 City Manager 12100.00 1,155.00 13,860,00 1-1 Longevity 91,00 1-2 Secretary 280.00 295.00 39540.00 1-2 PBX Operator 250.00 262,50 39150.00 1-2 Longevity 152.00 1-5 Relief Operator 120.000 ,. 20,913.00 103 CORPORATION COURT 1-1 Judge 470.00 493.50 51922.00 1-1 Longevity 53.00 1-2 Secretary-Clerk 260.00 273.00 3,276,00 1-2 Longevity 5.00 1-2 Clerk (Part Time) 1.00 hr. 1.05 hr. 11.64.O 101880,00 104 ELECTION 1-2 Election Judges & Clerks 712.00 712.00 105 FIANCE 1-1 Purchasing Agent (50%) 292.50 307.50 3,690.00 1-1 Tax Assessor & Collector (100%) 570.00 600.00 71200.00 1-1 Chief Accountant (50%) # 285.00 300,00 32600.00 1-1 Longevity 354.50 1-3 Bookkeeper (50%) # 162.50 171.25 2,055,00 1-3 Bookkeeping & Mach. r. (50%)* 140,00 147.50 1,770.00 1-3 Accounting Clerk (50% # 130.00 137.50 11650.00 1-3 Longevity 162,50 1-2 Deputy Tax Collector 325,00 342.50 4,110.00 1-2 Deputy Tax Collector 280,00 295.00 3,540.00 1-2 Deputy Tax Collector 260.00 275.00 31,300.00 1-2 Longevity 362.00 1-5 Extra Help 2..Z 0�..00.-M 32,994.00 50% charged to Water Fund #1003 MN CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 10 106 on 1.3 Attorney 850.00 892.50 10,910,00 1-3 Longevity 249•00 N 1-2 Secretary 340.00 357.00 4284900 1.2 Longevity 109.00 1-5 Extra Help 200000 15v552.00 1-3 Cuetodiaa 250.00 262,50 3,150*00 1-3 Longevity 100000 .,.,.?�00 r 1-5 �t'� Help3 500,00 108 MGINEE'RI_N_C 'ef Engineer 800.00 $ 100 100080,00 1-3 Chi. � 1.3 Assistant Engineer 400.00 525.00 6,300,00 1»3 Longevity 16,549.00 200 L 'SIC 1-3 1 Patrolman 365.00 400.00 4=800,00 1-3 3 Investigators 365.00 400.00 14400,00 1-3 1 Meter Man 365.00 4W.00 4t800,00 1101-3 Longevity 388•00 1.4 1 Maintenance 1.726 hr. 2.05 hr. 4,264,00 1-4 Electrician (50%) * 225.00 236.25 20835.00 1-4 Longevity 141000 1-5 Extra Help 200.00 ..6.0,0�0000 32 2,28.00 201 P LQ ICE,DEPA TMENT 1-1 Police Chief 575.00 610.00 7,320,00 Aa 1••1 Assistant Chief 435.00 470.00 5,640.00 II 1.1 Longevity 673.00 ib 1-2 Clerk 310.00 325..00 3,906,00 1-2 Clerk 260,00 275.00 3s300900 1..2 Longevity 164.00 1-3 Radio Technician 480.00 515.00 6,180,00 1-3 Lieutenant 415.00 450.00 5v400,00 1-3 4 Sergeants 390.00 425.00 20:400,00 1-3 Identifioation officer 390.00 425.00 5,100,00 1..3 Juvenile Officer 415.00 450.00 5,400,00 1-3 Investigator 390.00 425.00 51100.00 1-0 Tavern Control 365.00 400.00 49800/00 1-3 3 Dispatchers 365.00 400.00 143,400.00 1-3 17 Patrolmen 365.00 400.00 81,600*00 1-3 Warrant Officer 125,00 131,50 1,578.00 1-3 Longevity 1s�•00 QO 1-5 Extra Help 1 174,854.00 * 50% Charged to Account #203 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 202 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1-1 Fire Chief 550..00 585.00 7,020.00 1-1 Fire Marshall 415.00 450.00 52400.00 1-1 Assistant Chief 400.00 470.00 52640.00 1-1 Captain 390.00 450.00 5,400.00 1-1 Longevity 1,451.00 1-3 4 Relief Pumpers 375.00 410.00 19,680.00 1-3 4 Dispatchers 355.00 390.00 18,720.00 1-3 9 Firemen 365.00 400.00 43,200.00 1-3 Longevity 12685.00 1-5 Extra Help 900,00 ' 109,096.00 203 INSPECTION ' 1-1 Chief Inspector 525.00 552.50 6,630..00 1-1 Longevity 58.00 1-3 Assistant Inspector 350.00 367.50 42410.00 1-3 Longevity 65.00 1-4 Electrician (50%) 225.00 236.25 2,835.00 Longevity 8.00 14,006.00 301 STREET DEPARTMENT 1-4 Foreman 500.00 525.00 6*300.00 1-4 1 Cement Finisher 2.991 hr. 3.14 hr. 62525.00 1-4 1 Dragline Operator 2.716 hr. 2.85 hr. 5,930.00 1-4 4 Equipment Operators 2.50 hr. 2.62 hr. 212800.00 1-4 3 Equipment Operators 2.166 hr. 2.27 hr 14065.00 1-4 1 Form Builder 2.25 hr. 2.36 hr. 4910.00 1-4 1 Form Builder 2.166 hr. 2.27 hr. 4,725.00 1-4 1 Sweeper Operator 2.10 hr. 4,370.00 1-4 2 Asphalt Patchers 1.726.hr. 1.81 hr. 71530,00 1-4 1 Cement Finisher 2.10 hr. 4070.00 1 1-4 5 Truck Drivers 1.726 hr. 1.81 hr. 181825.00 1-4 2 Cement Helpers 1 .781 hr. 1.87 hr. 7,780.00 1-4 1 Laborer 1 .70 hr. 31536.00 1-4 Longevity 3,822.00 1-5 Extra Help 2 --.-- 0 401 SEWERS & DISPOSALS 1179088.00 1-3 1 Disposal Plant Operator 400.00 420.00 59040.00 1-3 1 Disposal Plant Operator 345.00 362.00 4044.00 1-3 7 Disposal Plant Operators 335.00 351.50 29,530.00 A^ 1-3 2 Laborers 1.496 hr. 1.57 hr. 61535.00 1-3 Longevity 1,517.00 1-4 Servicemen 2.166 hr. 2.27 4725.00 1-4 Servicemen 1.926 hr.. 2.02 4,200.00 1-4 Extra Help 650.00 1-4 Longevity _50.1,.00 57,042.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 402 SANITATION & WASTE REMOVAL 1-3 1 Forrman 425.00 447.50 5070.00 -- 1-3 1 Carpenter 2.166 hr. 2.27 hr. 4725.00 1-3 9 Truck Drivers 1.726 hr. 1.84 hr,. 342450.00 1-3 1 Dump Ground Watchman 1.616 hr. 1.70 hr. 3040.00 1-3 23 Laborers 1.616 hr.. 1.70 hr. 81,420.00 1-3 Longevity 4,845.00 1-5 Extra Help 7.400.00 141�7� 501 HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1-1 Sr. Sanitarian 425.00 525.00 61300.00 1-1 Longevity 312.00 1-3 Assistant Sanitarian 345.00 445.00 5040.00 1-3 Nurse 375.00 420.00 5,040.00 1-3 Humane Officer 335.00 352.00 4,224.00 1-3 Asst. Humane Officer 290.00 304.50 31564.00 1-3 Health Officer 75.00 75.00 900.00 1-3 Longevity �0 26,085.00 601 PARKS & RECREATION 1-1 Swimming Pool Mgr. (5 mos.) 320.00 320.00 1,600.00 1-2 Cashiers (4 mos.) 4 150.00 150.00 2,400.00 1-3 Life Guards (4 mos.) 5 150.00 150.00 3,000.00 1-4 Maintenance Man (5 mos.) 200.00 200.00 1,000,100 1-4 Park and Pavillion 275.00 2.27 hr. 41720.00 1-4 Park Maintenance 245.00 257.50 3,090.00 1-4 Longevity 283.00 16,093.00 701 GARAGE 1-1 Dir. of Pub. Wks. (50%) # 407.50 422.50 5,070.00 1-1 Asst. Dir. of Pub. Wks. (2/3% of 525.00) # # 350.00 368.25 4,419.00 1-1 Longevity 491.00 1-3 Chief Mechanic (2/3 of 275) 250.00 263.25 3059.00 1-3 3 Mechanics (2/3 of 350) 233.00 245.00 82820.00 1-3 1 Wash & Grease Man (2/3 of 1.616) 192.00 1.81 hr. 21510.00 1-3 Longevity ... 493.00 24,962.00 WIN ## 50% charged to Account #1002 ### 1/3 charged to Account #1004 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATER FUND 1001 W TER SOP.PLY 1-3 #1 Pumper 450.00 472.50 5,670.00 1-3 #2 Pumper 395.00 415.00 4,980.00 1-3 #3 Pumper 350.00 367.50 4,410.00 1-3 Longevity 15, 0 1002 TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION 1-1 Dir. Of Pub. Wks. 4 of 845) 397.50 422.50 5,070.00 1-1 Foreman 500.00 525.00 6$ 00.00 1-1 Longevity 652.00 1-3 Meter Shop Foreman 350.00 367.50 4,410.00 �. 1-3 Meter Shop Repairman 1.726 hr. 1.81 hr. 3,765.00 1-3 2 Equipment Operators 2.50 hr. 2.62 hr. 10,900.00 1-3 Pipefitter 2.25 hr. 2.36 hr. 4,910.00 1-3 Trouble Shooter 2.17 hr. 2.27 hr. 41722.00 1-3 4 Servicemen 1.946 hr. 2.04 hr. 16,975.00 1-3 4 Servicemen 1.736 hr. 1.81 15,060.00 1-3 2 Laborers 1.616 hr. 1.69 hr. 7,1030.00 1-3 Longevity 12912.00 1-5 Extra Help 2_;100O.00 849106.00 .., 1003 ACCOUNTING&COLLECTING 1-1 Purchasing Agent ( of 615) 292.50 307.50 3,690.00 1-1 Chief Accountant ( of 570) 285.00 300.00 3,600.00 1-1 Longevity 186.50 1-2 Head Clerk 285.00 300.00 3,600.00 1-2 2 Cashiers 260.00 275.00 6,600.00 1-2 1 Sub station cashier, * time 110.00 115.00 11380.00 1-2 2 Billing Machine Operators 260.00 275.00 6,600.00 1-2 1 Meter Reader 400.00 420.00 5,040.00 1-2 2 Meter Readers 350.00 367.50 8,820.00 1-2 Longevity 828.00 1-3 Bookkeeper (- of 325) 162.50 171.25 2,055.00 1-3 Bookkeeping Mach. Opr. (50%) 140.00 147.50 1,770.00 1-3 Accounting Clerk (Y of 260) 130.00 137.50 1,650.00 1-3 Longevity 162.50 1-5 Extra Help 400.00 •• 46,382.00 1004 STORES 1-1 Asst. Dir. of Pub. Wks. 1/3 of 525) 175.00 184.25 2,211..00 1-1 Longevity 96.00 1-2 Clerk & Dispatcher 260.00 275.00 3,300.00 1-2 Longevity 72.00 1-3 Ch. Mechanic (1/3 of 375) 125.00 131.75 1,581.00 1-3 3 Mechanics (1/3 of 1.726 hr.) 116.66 122.50 4410.00 1-3 1 Wash & Grease Man, 1/3 of 1.726 hr.) 1.81 hr. 1,255.00 1-3 Longevity 247.00 13,172.00 i CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS N! AID TABLE OF CONTENTS PLO. PART I. SUMMARIES Introduction I City Manager's Message II General Budget Summary — Revenues 1 General Budget Summary — Expenditures 2 General Budget Summary — All Funds 3 Individual Funds 4 Analysis of Property Valuations 5 Tax Levies and Collections for All Funds 6 General Fund Resources from all Sources 8 General Fund Expenditures by Function and Object 10 General Fund Expenditures by Character and Object 11 POT_ U. DETQED EXPENDITURES OF GENERAL FUND General Government: r City Council 12 City Manager 13 Corporation Court 14 Elections 15 Finance 16 Law 17 City Hall 18 Engineering 19 Public Safety: 9 ' Traffie Improvement 2 Police Department 21 Fire Department 23 Protective Inspection 25 Highijeys and Roadways: Sidewalks, Streets & Drainage 26 Sanitation and Waste Removal: Sewers and Sewage Disposal 28 Waste Collection and Disposal 29 Conservation of Health 30 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Table of Contents Continued Faae No, Miscellaneous: Garage 33 Insurance 34 PART III. WATERWORKS SECTION Statement of Income, Expense & Surplus Adjustments 35 Summary of Expenditures by Division 36 Summary of Expenditures by Character and Object 377 Supply Transmission and Distribution 39 Customer Accounting and Collecting 40 i Loss On Water Accounts 41 Stores 42 Transfer to Other Funds 43 PART IV. DEBT SERVICE SECTION Resources and Requirements: All Bonds 44 General Obligation Bonds 45 Waterworks Bonds 46 Description Bonds: General Obligation Bonds 47 Waterworks Tax-Supported Bonds 48 Waterworks Revenl.a Bonds 49 Schedule of Bond Requirements: General Obligation Bonds 51 Waterworks Tax Supported Bonds 52 Waterworks Revenue Bonds 53 PART V. MISCELLANEOUS Appropriation Ordinance 54 Ordinance Fixing Tax Rate 56 Classification of Expenditures by Character and Object 57 i 1 na zvnNKv x. Svxal `NMO.LAY13 AO AJ.IO i CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - REVENUES For the Fiscal Year, 1960-61 BUDGET AIM REVENUES PROPOSAL 1. General Fund Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 62,659 From Tax Sources 643,700 Iwo( From Non Tax Sources 616,100 Transfer From Water Fund 40.000 - Total 1,362,459 o` 2. WATER FUND Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 20,186 "" Sale of Water — Less Debt Service 242025 Miscellaneous Other 15.700 Total 278,211 3_. GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE FUND From Tax Sources 192,000 Surplus 18,604 Total 210,604 4. WATERWORKS DEBT SERVICE FUND From Premiums & Interest 2,325 From Water Operating Revenue 113,675 Surplus 12� ~` Total 2372470' Grand Total All Revenues 1,865,825 1 Grant Total All Surplus and Special Reserves 222,219 ,. Grand Total All Resources 2,0883,744 ■t CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY — EXPENDITURES 2. For.the Fiscal Year 1960-61 BUDGET EXPENDITURES PROPOSAL +. 1. GENERAL FUND �` Current Expenses 1,246,263 Capital Outlay 76,450 Emergency & Contingent Funds 39,746 Total 1,362,459 2. WATER FUND fCurrent Expenses 233,211 Contingency Fund 51000 Transfer to General Fund 40 Total 2782211 3. GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE FUND Requirements 193,830 +.� Surplus 16, Total 2109604 4,, WATERWORKS DEBT SERVICE FUND Requirements 93,886 Surplus & Reserve Funds 1 3 8 Total 237,470 Grand Total All Expenditures 11883,640 Grand Total All Surplus and Special Reserves 205,104 ' Grand Total — Expenditures & Surplus 2208827" i �+ 8££`8 L snTdatiS p as eT.zdoiddvun — WOOL wo"I8 L`Z suoTq vT3 of Tsa.oy Coot 99L`9zz suoTq.BTa o.z V Tg,oa g Ti}os -p 97L*bL pun3 qu9-uT4uo0 L'L 000`5Z punj Rouagsema 8'L 000 9041 spun j aeu,40 os .ie jsxmjZ 5'9 OZO`Z47L spun] &oue2uTquo0 �p aA.zaseg puog +■ 5,61£ 054799L gsT,4no TBc�Tdvo Twos q z" 05 5 IS 4uemd-fnba ZOO 006`z s aan'4=4S L'O 000`5 L WWI ..Y sT4nO TinT s0 :s9an,4TpuqZGff dw Z'98 598`p 8`L_ sa.m,.tpua uv�vja Tinos ` M L66 L0LO — aoTAJeS 4ga(l 90£ L084LL s92-mq0 Aapune L09 L9L`941L S90TAJOS TBToadS £'Z 5956L5 4uemdTnba 3o aousua,.uTvK 0'L 00'7`L5 L s8.zn'.ona4S Jo 9ausu94uTvN �. L'O 5L£ ptmq jo aousue,.uTw 8'£ 50`£8 saTTddnS £'�l'7' S88`496 saTxeTuS 6L+'`ZOZ`Z saoanosag T's� y L ZZZ 09/L/O L !�B snTdmS WOOL 005`6L6`L OMA g TTV TW13s §WC5L spy aaqW moij jejsueay 5'L 000 10£ anuaAaU aa-.eW .9uT3i--ud z'9 00£`£zL se2aeg0 o0was 5 0 8 L 000`95£ JaWam Jo GIBS £'+lZ 5Z8908'7 anuaAag .aaq'.s Z'Z,I OOL95£8 anuaAGH xsy ww � TT401 spunj soo znoS anuaAag go- jo !.uao.zad TTY MW MW L9-'09 L XGGX TgosTa Sauna aav — XTqmfls saoang UUMD No •£ 6VX31 'NMOlAV9 d0 A11O CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS INDIVIDUAL FUNDS 4. Fiscal General Waterworks General Interest and Water Interest and Fund- Sinking Fund Fund Sinking Fund r 643,700 1929000 477,800 - 700 2,325 356,E 108,300 15,000 30,000 40,000 113.675 1,299,800 19�2 Q 37-1,0 116,000 62,659 18,6 20 0,1866 121 70 123622459 210,604 3912886 237,470 823,364 144,521 70,175 13,500 �. 375 130,500 20,900 35,900 15,665 116,842 29,925 69,107 82700 .,830 1� 9 86 1,2 6, 1932830 346,886 93,886 15,000 2,900 .. 58.550 76,450 - 142,020 40,000 25,000 __.5,000 39,746 45,000 142,020 1 ,362.459 19,E•830 391,886 2553906 -0.- 16,774 -0- 1,564 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANALYSIS OF PROPERTY VALUATIONS 5. Fiscal Assessed Estimated Basis of Period Value True Value Assessment 1940-41 3,984.,000 (1) 12,073,000 33% (4) 1941-42 418052100 (1) 14,560,000 33% (4) 1942-43 4,984,700 (1 ) 15,105,000 33% (4) 1943-44 51104,700 (1) 15,470,000 33% (4) 1944-45 5,O83,100 (1 ) 15,400000 33% (4) 70 1945-46 5,477,600 (1) 16,599,000 33% (4) 1946-47 62313,000 (1) 190 30,000 33% (4) 7 1947-4.8 90964,000 (2) 30,194,000 33% (4) 1948--49 1731500,000 (3) 359000,000 50% 1949-50 19,374,137 38,748,274 50% 1950--51 27,983,026 55,966,052 50% 1951-52 30,2252248 60,4501496 50% 1952-53 31,7312097 63,462,194 50% 1953-54 32,714,837 65,4291674 50% 1954,55 33,318,264 66,636028 50% 1955-56 40,660,897 81021,794 50% 1956-57 42,982,159 85,964,318 50% 1957-58 4.4,562,484 89,124968 50% 1958-59 46,919,455 93,838,910 50% 1959-60 47,888,350 952776,700 50% 196o-61 50,269,787 100,539,574 50% Notes: (1) Combined assessed valuations for Goose Creek and Pelly. (2) Combined assessed valuations for Goose Creek, Pelly and Baytown (3) Complete reappraisal of property made in 1948. (4) The 33% basis shown here is a guess. Actually there were no basis. Property owners made their own renditions. Apparently neither Goose Creek nor Pelly ever had an appraisal of property for assessment purposes. -- - — -- .s CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS ON Fiscal Total Collection of Percentage of Collected Period Tax Levy Current Yearis Levy Collected Prior Year's Taxes During During Fiscal Taxes During GI Fiscal Period Period Fiscal Period 1940-41 55,772 429261 75.8 14,067 1941-42 67090 53,700 79.7 10,623 1942-43 690783 57,580 82.6 122691 1943-44. 71025 618,162 85.8 14,123 1944,45 71,167 63,799 89.6 13,745 1945-46 76,686 68,234 89.0 14,604 r 1946--47 90,694 79,575 87.8 9,991 1947-48 # 185,326 172,000 92.8 5,000 1948-49 301,OOO 2762900 92,0 9,050 1949-50 306,000 2859510 93.3 9,260 1950-51 3332202 306,377 91.9 8,095 1951-52 519,834 483,037 93.2 13,795 1952-53 545,737 516,443 94.6 23,979 1953-54 562,658 532,448 94.7 19,470 1954-55 573,937 548067 95.7 290604 - 1955-56 712,646 683,405 95.8 21,640 1956-57 738,306 7022133 95.1 17,015 1957-58 764,944 731065 95.6 20,429 1958-59 807,015 770,762 95.5 17,991 ' 1959-60 8239679 785,143 95.3 28,655 1960-61 ## 864,640 812,761 94.0 18,139 Notes: # The Fiscal Period 1947-48 reflects the first full year of operation of the consolidated cities of Baytown, Goose Creek and Pelly. �"" ## Estimated income and collections. go CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Am TAB LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS 7. "` Ratio of Total Ratio Accumulated Ratio of Delinquent Collections of Total Delinquent Accumulated Collections Collections Taxes To Current Year's ., Tax Lew Tax Lew Tax Lew 25.2 56,328 101.0 809178 143.7 Fft 15.8 64023 95.5 83,064 123.4 18.2 70$271 100.8 82,921 118.9 Aw 19.8 75,285 105.6 781257 109.8 19.4 77,544 109.0 72,156 101.5 19.0 822838 108.0 66,031 86.2 11.0 89,566 98.8 69,437 76.5 2.7 177,000 95.5 77,700 41.9 3.0 285,950 95.0 92,700 39.8 -� 3.0 294,770 96.3 100,140 32.7 2.4 314,472 94.3 96,409 28.9 11 2..7 4963832 95.6 992853 19.2 4.3 540,422 99.0 1039446 18.9 ow 3.5 551,918 98.1 96,449 17.1 �• 5.1 5782171 100.8 107,694 18.7 3.0 705,045 98.9 1152109 16.1 -� 2.4 719,148 97.4 134,307 18.2 2.7 751,994 98.3 146,377 19.1 2.2 7883753 97.7 1632791 20.3 3.5 813,798 98.8 160,643 19.5 2.0 830,900 96.0 1699545 19.6 Ing 008`65Z`L 5OL`696 99L`Lz0`L anuaAag 17401 00099 059`o L L6+1`Lz :SnoxNvTTHOSI�� 000`o£ 9£6`L£ 6504Z£ :sxmaK ONI}ia 000`6 OzO`6 8470`8 :1100 d VNINKIMS a 00080L 5LL"70L Z£L990L S92JUgO aoTAaaS Tg''os OOz`L 05L`L 6Lz`L u�TleeH OOz`£ 000`£ L85`£ BuTeoyq 2y BuTqumtd 0054Z 5zL`z 676`z o4Tmaed TBoTa4oau t 00+1`Z 00+7`Z +1£5`z 04Turaed 9uTP7[Tng SdOHVHO d0IAHZS 1 000`55 000985 L6009 4ano0 uoT%vaodao0 :SZIddHOd am SdNId 05595 05+1`6 80 L`8 s�Tur,zad asuaoTZ TBq-os 055 Oos" 898 s,4TMJad �p easuaoTZ JgT440 ' 0004 L 0009 L 0+117`L sasuaoTZ aBsaanag 000`+1 006`L 008`5 BuTTTTJG ITO :SSIWdrdd QNV SaSNaoirl 052:488 +IL+I`88 +170`L8 eaxul asTuouead TB'4os O w sq-eOTx 0'T'—` 0�_ ey 0009£L 9801,£L L88`LL •00 auoudatal Teaaua0 005`09 85+1`09 £Z6455 000 aaMod 33 BuTTUBT'I uO4enox t c 0 s8 'e.M u u0 Ooo �L o£L P L o6�7 Z L t a' N Sn0� x :SMs �sIxONtd 000`*1 L£ :XHZSIIQNI-Noud SdISI11 m OOL`£'79 05*1`L59 L80`70L s axv &,�aadoad TsIoy 00.�8 "— 056*5 80� q.sa.zavi 22 AlBued £505L 006`ZZ +IL9`9L saua,, a0Tad L+IL`£z9 00918z9 65+7`z89 asa7, queaan0 :suers Xsxsodoxd L9—09L- 09-656L "85 L Modoxd axsVNISSH rlvfu0v L9 0sdxs o I zd • SVX31 'NMOlAtl13 JO A110 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS w GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL 9. (Continued) # ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1.9� 1259-60 1260-61 PRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS: Water Fund 68,918 80,000 40,000 Grand Total - All Revenue 1,096$084 1,049,705 1,299,800 PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS: 79,713 127,695 62,659 TOTAL AVAILABLE 1,175,797 111773400 1,362,459 6547`Z90 L LL'76ZOL1 L 5009406 L rlvZOZ amo LL09LOL 8ZL`L6 960686 snoauuttaosTN tu,.oy +� 08—0- 09�6 Z� aouuaneul ZOL L£8`OL 898`L9 '7856LL 82uau0 LOL snoauuttaosIN £66`'1£ 08'710£ al"I 1 UOTIuaaoaH 22 sxaud L09 p uoz�uaaoaH 8994L£ L£L`-7£ 095`££ quaur�audea u4tgeH L05 uq.TVOH JO uoi'.unaasuoO � LL8`'7LZ L8'/`ZOZ MR`L6 L uoiq uq Tuug tub oy 5Z 1 9E—9TL tusodst0 �2 •4oattoO 9r�SVM z017 Z59`96 L5810L L8Z`09 tusodszQ 92umeg V saaMaS L047 :tunouiaH 9gsu1y 3� uo-f4'e'.zuuS ' £L L`5LZ 595`O LZ 016 L6 L aouuiu la V s'.aaa,}g l s5RvmgpTs LO£ s u puoH puss zg 6LL'ZO'7 'IZ'7`0££ 6ZL`£££ Sq.ajuS oTtgnd tugoy LL'Mr— 006 M 5EO15L uOTgoadsul aAT,4oa4oad £OZ 9170 110£L £5+7`£L L 99Z`L6 9aT3 Me +7£9`OOz LZL`OLL 69L`98L aoTtod LOZ 8ZO`95 05£`Z£ 650`'7£ �uauraaoadurl ot.I3u OOZ r�93BS ottand ZL949£Z 959996L £6L`£LL !.uauiaa9eo0 tua9u90 tsgoy 0� 8L� �uiaaaut�ud 80L ` 021525 55998£ L55`LZ ttuH Sq-TO LOL ZOL`8L OLL`LL "S'LL MuZ 90L 66L`9� 066`81' 65569£ aoueu�d 50L '1094L 17L9`L 6Z5`L suotIoatd 470L 08 L`£L L'L£`£L Z£Z 617 L 4anoO uoT4uao1wo COL £90`L47 LLL`£*I L££`6£ aaoEuvN dq-t0 ZO L 55Z199 660`8L 855`6L tlouno0 4TO LOL q.U9WUJ9AOD jRa9U9D i L9i=06L 09-756 L "8 6 L o s Q m lmiuvaHcf HHSYdIlN a3SOdOHd GaVRIJ1Sd rivf SOFT IN11000V NOIIL OIdISSVZO lOaNO '8 NOI ONnd Xg saufuIahIIdXd d0 x.Togim 0 L and 'IMNd0 SVX31 'NMOlAVS 40 A11O 1 r 6547`z9£`L LL`7`ZO L`L 50 L`9L0`L gv.LOZ aNVds .� O517`9L $z6`L5 W`LO L TvjTdsO Tsq-os $Z� 0 L P 7 l uemdtnba •O L 006`Z OOz`LL L90` 79 seam ona,.S '6 000,15L 8'7L pusrl •g x PUT" 0 ZI 7O 000`5Z Sou02.1em 9Ulll' L Puna wesuTIu00 £9z`9'7Z`L 6`75`+110`L OS£`896 2uT,4saed0 Tsq-os all LO L`69 £65`85 '19z`617 saRastio Sapuns 'L , Vl/ 99LL O584ZOL 6£*J46L saoTAaaS snoausTT90ST.K 09 006`5£ LOLL£ 5£L`5£ q uemdTnba jo aousuaq uTvN •5 ' 005`0£L 00"47L 960`L8 saanj onx�s jo aousua,.uTsx •47 SL£ 5Z17 LL£ pusZ ao 9Ousu9VTuX •£ ' 5LL110L LZ*/`z9 LL6165 saTTddns •Z ' '79£`£z8 689`80L z£L`£99 saTasTsS 'L OIs�t'ad0 L9�'U96 L 09w '85 L GasOdoxd mvwisss qvnsov ' NOLLVOldissvzo yoarso M xazoTVxa ag sauflii([KmdXa do xu mnS •L j QNna mSI o SVX31 'NMOlA79 d0 A11O Q�w * / ( 0Ea ® * Q # a o Q * P * & ® ® m 2 * U k ! ■ ■ ■ ! ! | I ■ | # ■ ■ ■ | CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' ACCOUNT N0, 101 12. GENZQ GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 105�, � 1a5 c,ri 1060-61 ' 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1, Supervisory 51100 5,700 2. Clerical J.-Jig , 3,360 ' Total 1 7,979 8,220 9,060 2. SUPPLIE„ 1. Office 345 300 300 6. MISCELLANEOUS 2, Car Allowance 300 300 300 4. Special Service 4000 4,200 5. Advertising 13,181 100 100 6. Travel Expense 717 125 3,000 13. Association Dues _ 614 700 700 Total 6 6,912 5,425 42100 7, SUNDPY CHAF ES 1. Contributions and Gratuities 1,255 1,270 1,100 4. Sundry Charges 3C0 1,000 8. Miscellaneous Veteran Service 1,474 1,324. 1074 9. Employee Annual Service Awards 544 560 575 10. Reserve for Sick Pay 10.000 Total 7 39573 4054 13,049 ' Total Operating 18,809 18,099 26,509 10. CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. Equipment Furniture & Fixtures 749 Contingency Fund 14746 Emergency Fund 25,000 GRAND TOTAL 19058 189099 66,255 _- I £9o`L'h L L L`O L££`6£ 'THsos Qmo ., 0 L Ro`z 0 L Tinos _.._..... .�..._... rzgl L aTOTuea JoILCK •47 OL 66£ se.m,4xTa ;y a.zngTu.zj 1,.uGmdTnba •L 'ILTIO 1lTrvO 'OL £9o`a LOL`£'7 £O£`L£ ftTgv,xedo Tvios 054715z 056147Z 05z`6L L Tv401 ooz9 L OOzrL 00�� (.xo%09JTG) aoTnsaS IT40 '6 05z 05z 06£ (sasusdxa) asuejea usTTTATO •g 000 947 L 0006£L 006'47 SgTanoes TBTooS •9 000� suoTsuaa •� OL 00510L 09Lrzl SgMHO Xuamm 'L O5z 05z 5479 9 Tinos .00L..._._ OOO L 7— sena uoTg vToossv •£L 05L 05L 065 esuadxj TgAvAL •9 VOIAMS SDOaWMOSIW '9 ' 05 L 547 L LO L saTOTW JO!WN "7 Ilmlifina a0 MENEM 'S 00£ 08z 47£z 90T330 'L `Id #� £L6`OZ 90`L L L90`L L L MOI .OZL...... "97 jo,4,exado TaTTaH 15 z'7$`9 0"99 L55`9 'x'S'a 12 TVOTJ910 'z L566£L 066`oL OL54OL aeTTnoexq •L SSovm o v sqmqvS 'L P-0 gr o9:,-67l 65-IR56t axsocma CERLywism qvflLov H-��ZIo SVX31 'NMOIAtl9 40 4113 i — I 09 L`£L L L£`£L z£z"17 L 'ivZOI am0 05 L 8L L8 tieqIdBO TV,40Z 05 L 8L L8 eaxn�xl,� �8 axn�tuxr� 'L WemaTtlma OOL a Z flo qyliavo 0£0`£L 6£z`£L LSL`+/L 8ut�sxad0 tg'��S OOL *Iz o L saa3 Axnr 'L sammo mmns 'L 0047 5L9 OOL 9 TV401 OOL SL T asusdxa taAUJI 69 00£ 009 009 aauar+ot'[V xg0 'z OM S Sn0 IK '9 00£ 5z5 68L saxnIXT3 v axn,.iuxj 'L r IMMO AD aMMMIVN 05 OOL OOL 89UTPjtnS 'L ao ME w 05 05 puvq O L MUM A YI •E 00z4L 00z`L OL6 SOt33O 'L IS�� `z �• 088`OL 599`0L z8z`zl L tg14os ■ -- OCT xatlgr `£ ■ 5061147 5z065 z59647 -LVOtxatO •z Slb 047995 59*7`5 aAT413X�siutruPV 'L mlovm QRV sslows L M-096 M=657 6 -95 GasoaDHd auvwIZSS `lvfllov S woI.LYHOCTHOO 0 "7L OL OON MUDDY ' SVX31 'NMO"V9 JO Al1O ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS C_ A99OUNT N0. 104 15. GENERAL GOM R= ELECi TION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1958-59 19 52=60-- 12§2=61 1. SAr.a= AND WAGES 4m 2, Election 672 712 712 r. 2! JWLIES 1. Office 177 146 150 3. Election Officers Meals 3Q _.,., 20 .�..._... Total 2 207 166 150 6. M?SC9U QU§=VICES 4. Special Service (Voting Machine) 625 712 712 5. Advertising 25, 2 i Total 6 650 736 742 ' GRAND TOTAL 1,529 1,614 1,604 B �1 i 66L`0' o66`$+7 65 5`9£ rivsol amo .w 05L1147 5n`6 LLL 0L 1B101 MCI §2709 En--- q uauzdTnba •z 175E sa,zn,.xTa og eaniTum-ta •L rw xvrlZl10 TdsIdffO 'OL 6*79`ZY 595`6£ z$L`5£ OuT,4B,zado Twos 559`£ 5zS`£ 5£L`2: 9 Ti'os 0OL 5L Oz sana uotq.BtoossV - aaW '£L 005 00'7 OOY asuadxa T-exam 09 00$ 00$ 59£ OuTsTq}aanpy 05 0564t 0561L OWL `Px8 uoTgBzzt19nba-4TpnV TBnuaV-TMag 047 00£ 00£ aa usnoT-Y X80 •z SaDiAgas snomwUrmosliq 09 005 005 £zL 5 Tul.oy C6 aToTuatl JOWN *I 005 005 o£9 quamdtnba •£ IME o N v '5 00565 000`5 696`£ 9oT33O 'L S IgddQS •z 1766`z£ 0*1590£ 550$z L 119101 00Z"L OOZ O L 666 � dtaH VJ4� 05 L£9`5 OL9`$ 556`9 SuTqunoaof� •£ ` zL£`LL 0$£`OL L50OL tBoT�atO 'z 5*7$°47L O5£�0L O5£`0L uotsTn.zadns •L saovm my 5"3Iuvrivs 't L9�—D9 L 0q--M7 —$5 L aaSodolid cfalvNIZsz rivniov issulmou Tfu o 09l 0L 'ON Mzoov goo SVX31 'NMOlAVE AO AIM CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 106 17. GIIJERAL GOVERN�tT yt LAW ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED �� 1 59 9-60 1 6� 0--61 i, SALARIES AND WAGES 2, Clerical 40708 4,080 44093 3. Professional 10,200 10,200 10,959 5. Contingency ---200 Total 1 14,908 14,430 15,552 2. SUP-PLIES_ _ 1. Office 731 425 400 5. MAINS 4. Motor Vehicle 346 2�0 250 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6. Travel Expense 1,054 550 600 13. Law Library 638 925 950 13a, Association Dues Total 6 1,692 1,525 1,600 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Court Costs 157 105 300 Total Operating 179834 16,735 18,102 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10.. =IPI��T 1. Furniture & Fixtures 11 375 GRAND TOTAL 17,844 17,110 18002 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS L. ACCOUNT NO. 107 18. GENERAL GOAT CITY HALL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 8—` ,.?95� `�..-61- 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 4, Labor Maintenance 2,988 3,000 3,250 5. Extra Help rTotal 1 3008 3,230 3,500 2. SUP PLIFS r2. Fuel 962 2,725 2,500 7. Minor Tools 34 25 35 8, Janitorial Supplies 426 530 Total 2 11422 3,280 2,985 3. MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1. Land 72 25 25 r4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 984 325 900 r5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Equipment 745 800 12. Heating & Cooling System _ 22 _,600 700 Total 5 593 19345 1000 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES op 1. Communications 8024 7,750 8,000 7. Rents (Parking Lot) 300 300 300 11. Light & Power 1Q.913 22a400 8,000 Total 6 19,537 30,450 16,300 Total Operating 25,716 382655 252210 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. Equipment 1. Furniture & Fixtures 1,835 GRAND TOTAL 27,551 38,655 25,210 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS r ACCOUNT N0. 108 19• GENERAL GOVERNMENT go ENGINEERING ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED .00 19 58-59 1252=60 1260-61-. 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Technical, Draftsman 13,950 13,300 16,549 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 580 320 350^ 13. Other 763 . 00 � Total 2 1,343 620 700 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3. Instruments 87 120 100 4. Motor Vehicles 158 3 i+.0 Total 5 245 430 400 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance 600 600 600 6. Travel Expense 141 60 50 Total 6 741 660 650 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 46 8. Association Dues 93 100 100 RM Total Operating 16,372 15010 18099 CAPITAL OUTLAY 40 10. Equipment A. 1. Furniture & Fixtures 817 650 -0- GRAND TOTAL 17,189 15,760 18,399 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 200 20, PUBLIC SAFETY TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED l5k 1959-60 1960-61 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Operations 21,642 22000 24,388 4. Maintenance 3,630 6,070 7,240 5. Extra Help 39 600600 ' Total 1 25011 29,170 32,228 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 300 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3. Instruments Parking Meters 15 250 4. Motor Vehicle 40 80 50 11. Signal System 1.545 1,7700 �2.000 Total 5 1,600 1,780 2,300 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES ' 1. Teletype Communication 1,400 1,500 Total Operating 27,211 32,350 361028 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. Equipment 10., Meter & Settings 51794 11. Signal Systems . 1 ,054 201000 Total Capital Outlay 6,848 20,000 1 GRAND TOTAL 34,059 32,350 56,028 1 I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I E_ ACCOUNT NO. 201 21• PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPART_T ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1958_59 1 5 60 1960 61 . r1. SALARI ES_A+ND WAGES 1. Supervision 10,231 14,950 13,633 2. Clerical 6,840 6,840 7,370 3, Operation 106,950 1192850 1522251 5, Contingency 20 --12600 Total 1 124.,021 141,660 174,854 2. SUPPLIES 1, Office 1.490 1,250 1,750 4. Unif c+rms 2,9718 3020 2,800 1P 4a. Cloth-J ng Allowance 720 7. Minor Instruments 1,033 860 960 8, Laundry 53 60 60 13. Other 2 1,80 2--800 Tot al 2 8,498 7,030 9,030 4. MAINTENAT-2 OF STRUCTURE 1 . Buildings 430 125 100 5. MAINTENAV CE OF E. iT(�IPI�NT 1. Furniture & Fixture 100 125 150 3. Instr,-ments & Apparatus 144 117 4. Motor Vehicles 51723 5,031 5,500 Total 5 59967 5,273 52650 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 1,213 4. Police School 300 132 150 6. Travei Expense 392 326 350 9. Prisoner Saasistence 1_000 13,250 1$250 Total 6 2,905 12708 1,750 Total Operating 141,821 155,796 191,384 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 201 - (continued) 22. PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 5g s-5g 1959-60 1960-61 CAPITAL OUTLAY 8-1 Landscaping 148 9-1 Structures 37,282 400 10. EQUIPMENT i 1. Furniture & Fixtures 2,460 3. Instruments & Apparatus 636 3,175 4. Motor Vehicles 4.422 11 ,350 9,2500 Total 10 71518 14,525 9,250 Total Capital 44,948 14,925 %250 GRAND TOTAL 186,769 170,721 2003*634 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS A ACCOUNT N0,_ 202 23t- PUBLIC SAFETY ' FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1958-59 19 60 1 1 > 1. ,SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 6,752 6,896 241,911 3, Operation 72,865 829998 83,285 5, Extra Help ._._60 -.---900 1 Total 1 79 617 90,154 1o9,096 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 48 50 50 4. Wearing Apparel 533 500 650 7. Minor Apparatus 4,107 3,820 4,250 $. Janitorial 159 178 200 13. Camera Supplies &8- ---- 0 Total 2 4,847 4,596 5,200 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1, Buildings 545 870 500 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 23 20 25 3, Fire Apparatus 694 700 700 4. Motor Vehicle 824 660 700 11. Signal System 406 . 360 0 Total 5 11947 1,740 1,825 ' 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6. Travel Expense 175 200 400 13. Other _ 29 15 Total 6 204 215 425 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contribution to Volunteer Dept. 7,800 7,800 $2000 Total Operating 94,960 105075 125,046 I 9470`o£L £5174£L L 99z`L6 amo 00095 8La`S 9o£`z t8�ta8o Zu�oy 00`�.. 9 9ZOTqa4 -1010H .� SLO`L AjauTgosN ' To nn •OL 0006L RutptTng L-6 ' 7,VUIIO rw.LIJVO L9ro96 L- L 7=;�5 6 L , agSojoua C[amIZS"3 rxfllov S�4L�"auid X.1ai s OIL ' ., panuT!�700 - z0z 'ON MINN , J SVX31 'NMOlAV9 d0 A11O log rd 006`£L 5£o`5 L -0- xvruao gv.LIdv5 LL*/65L OO6`£L 5£0115L 2ula.ssadO Zsa.os 0476 006 £L9 9 tubs ' sang uop�-eToossv •£�, _-, 00£ 00£ L5 asuad g -LaAs.zy •9 009 009 009 aousMoZly avc) •z r" SaO�wda I Z IK '9 .r 52:£ 617z £LL 5 11401 5z zz 6 L :s s'.uaurnaq suI • ,bfuldln0a do a5N—VNS;LNI W •5 ' ooz Loz 647 L z 191�01 00-- L 86 Z sna.uavddV JOUIE l •L ' OOL COL L6 90IJ30 'L SaIrII Il. 'z , 900`47 L 055`z L 070`47 L L tsgos 5L47647 OLL`47 uoTgvaedo •£ $89`9 086`5 0470"-Vt uoTsWednS •L sawm aw saIIIvrivS 'L L 0996 �09a L 67-856L o3SOdo2Icl QZLVIIlsa rivflloX NOIZOQasNI miloaZoucl OI'ISnd •5z oz •ola INWOCOT SVX31 'NA&OlAV9 d0 Allo CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 301 26• SIDEWALKS.--STREETS & DRAINAGE ,. ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1958-59 19 59-60 1 6�_ SALARIES AND WAGES 4, Maintenance 90,997 93,860 114,588 5. Contingency Total 1 90,997 96,800 117,088 2. SAP ES 7. Minor Tools 348 400 400 13. Other 125 12 Total 2 473 525 525 4. MAINTENANCE 1. Buildings 183 275 200 5. Sidewalks, Curbs 918 1,800 5,000 6. Storm Sewers 159000 8. Street 70.83 64.350 100 Total 4 71031 66,425 120,200 6. NISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications & Public Relations 120 2. Hire of Equipment 55 65 100 .. 7. Easements 240 11. Street Lighting 13,253 24,200 35,500 4. Special Services 12 �, ....�... M Total 6 13,680 24,265 35,600 Total Operating 177,081 188,015 273,413 L 1 nr Now rN 06 ow E t l`SLZ 595`p 6Z L'Y6`L6 L ` v= MWE0 OWL OSS`zz 099soz TB,4Tdvo Tvl�oZ OWL 056`61 LWU oL Inod . ooze r- -' -4vawdt-nba jeuW •S oSL`8t SOToTt*A s611-40 •S OOz`6 6t6`Z s'4.uameTdmI 23 sTooy 6LjlauTgOsN •Z ZNmni n '0 l £zo`L sss 08 009`z SUM, '6 moo zla�� �9 o9'&C o—�� a�soaoxa a �azss� 7vnZov • (PE)MT,4uo0 - Lp -ON ZNf10OOV Nei SVX31 'NMOlAtlB JO AlIO CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO._401 28• ISEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1918-59 1 ` 60 1_�60-61— ' 1.. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Operation 37,080 41,965 46,966 I4. Maintenance 8,201 ..8,554 1_ ,076 Total 1 45,281 50,519 57,042 r2. SUPPLIES 7. Minor Tools 148 142 150 9. Chemicals 69671 11,575 12,860 1.3. Other 21 --21 25 Total 2 6,840 11.9738 13,035 3. MAINTENANCE I1. Land 100 50 4. MAINTENANCE g 1. Buildings 206 178 200 3. Disposal Plants 2,125 11,600 2,300 4. Sanitary Sewers 3,453 3,425 3000 6. Storm Sewers 99 0 .....500 ' Total 4 5,883 5,703 6,500 5. MAINTENANCE I 2, Machinery 891 1070 1000 3. Instruments & Apparatus 89 205 300 ITotal 5 1,080 1,575 1,800 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 7.. Rents 3 16 25 11. Light & Power 17.000 ' Total Operating 59,087 69,651 95,452 CAPITAL OUTLAY I9-6, Storm Sewers 12200 11,200 10200 GRAND TOTAL 602287 70,851 96,652 f" CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, 402 29, WASTE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1. 5� 1 q59-fa_ 12kQ.61�. 1. S&AUES AND WAGES 3. Operation 127,007 1272418 137,750 7 5. Extra Help 1 .8-38 1_,..62O Total 1 1289845 129,038 141,750 2. StUP P_LIES 7. Minor Tools 296 286 300 9, Chemicals 2,271 2070 22500 13. Other _.121 .�..110 j 5 Total 2 2,688 2,566 2,925 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 9, Dumping Grounds 13 32 50 �■, Total Operating 131,546 131,636 144,725 CAPITAL OUTLA 8. LANDS 1. Purchase Price 15,000 10. MUM 2, Machinery 18,500 GRAND TOTAL 131,546 1319636 178,225 ' CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 501 300 CONSERVATION OF HEALTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ESTIMATED APPROVED 3 958-59 1259-60 1260,61 1. SALARIES .AND WAGES 1. Supervision � 5,100 4�<612 3. Technical �`"2,1.7.: 17 620 1 Total 1 22,140 22,720 26..085 2. SUP PLIES 1. Office 330 224 250 ' 4.. Wearing 75 100 150 5. Pound Food 126 220 200 7. minor Tools 70 42 50 9. Chemicals, Medical & Surgical ._. 6 100 1 00 Total 2 697 686 750 4.. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES r 1. Buildings 50 ■ 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3. Instruments & Apparatus 12 4. Repairs - Motor Vehicle 20 ._.271 300 Total 5 315 271 300 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance 21100 20100 12800 6. Travel Expense 262 400 400 13. Others - Association Dues 75 Total 6 2062 2,500 2,275 ,. 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contributions 89046 8,000 81208 Total Operating 33,560 34077 37,668 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMT 1. Radio 560 GRAND TOTAL 33,560 34,737 37,668 MI CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, 601_ 31• RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1958-59 195g-60 196.0;61. 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 1,600 1,600 1�600 2. Clerical 21,150 2,400 3, Operation 41182 2,250 3,000 4. Maintenance 6,635 8.835 9,093 Total 1 12,417 140835 16,093 2. SU-P r1. Office 25 50 50 4. Suits and Towels 100 ,. 7. Minor Apparatus 350 6, Motor Vehicles 200 S. I;aundry & Janitorial 100 9, Chemicals 421 700 - . 500 13, Other 110 200 ----200 Total 2 556 1,150 1,300 3: ?` �. 1. Land 305 250 250 G 4. MAIldTENANCE OF STMJCTURES 1. Buildings 724 700 11,700 10. Other (Rewiring) 496 �150 200 ...... �* Total 4 11,220 850 1$900 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Tools (Major) 351 518 600 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contribution MOO 12,800 13,350 8. Miscellaneous 43 �_. ,,......... Total 7 9,843 12,800 13050 I., Total Operating 24,692 30,403 33,493 .r r� £6611£ oi?!`0£ £5G90 'fZol MUD ` 005`L LL Lgo`£Z 18'41dvo 1n0y 005,t LG OL 18401 ------ ""' sn,41axaddV 3p sluemn.z,4suj •£ 005, sq uewa-Edu2 V d zaujgow 'z Z aIr m 'OL L90I£Z SBUTPYTna `L ' M!Zo=v S Q'IIfiff '6 XMM L 09-6S6L �7MM E[asocmua CtuvmIS3 gvuov xoj5 •ze P nujMu — log -OR IN50007 SVX31 'NMO"VO 40 A11O CITY OF SAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOU�NT N0, 701 33. MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1958-2 195� 1960-61 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 8,745 8,970 %980 3. Operation 13� ,700 14,2982 Total 1 22,142 22,670 24,962 1. Office 94 105 100 6.. Motor Vehicle Fuel 24,606 210755 24,725 7. Minor Tools 810 670 800 13. Other __ 8 Total 2 25,648 222658 25,675 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1.. Buildings 90 40 200 ' 5. MAINTENANCE.OF EQ IPNENT 2. Machinery 21,499 22,500 20,000 Total Operating 6%379 67,868 70,837 CAPITAL 99TLAY 9. SM CAS 1. Buildings 1001 10. EUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 286 11. Signal System 418 Total 10 704 Total Capital 29205 GRAND TOTAL 711,584 67,868 702837 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' AjCC OUP,NT NO, 702 34. MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED y 198- 9 195� 19�,1 , 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3, Automotive Insurance 26�000 10,575 101,500 Bldg. and Contents 3,475 3,550 y Group Life & Hospital 13,720 149750 Firemenrs Benefit 380 380 Burglary & Swimming 450 —.,450 Total 6 28,600 29,630 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 2. Bonds 340 360 350 8, Medical Care .,.172 3 -.200 Total 7 512 660 550 GRAND TOTAL 26,512 29,260 30,180 1 � r r� e Nozs`0� s s �Tu0x III I 'ava aoQIl9 'IVIlNNK SVX31 'NMOlAVO JO AllO Im CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATER DEPARTMENT 35. STATEMENT OF INCOME, EXPENSE & SURPLUS ADJUSTMENTS �. FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1961 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 9�8-59 1959-60 1960-61 OPERATWQ REVENUES.. Sale of Water 3562703 3679725 356,000 Servicing Installations 26,627 15,995 15,000 Miscellaneous 700 --700 Total Revenue 383,330 384,420 371:700 Prior Year Surplus _ 49 -5 57,291 20,186 Total Available 477,850 441,711 391,886 r LESS: Operating Expenses 215,113 231,435 233,211 Capital Outlay 17,481 11,290 -0- Debt Service 119,126 982800 1132675 Transfer to General Fund 68,918 800000 40,000 Contingency Fund _ 2300 Total Expenditures 420,638 421,525 391,886 SURPLUS: Encumbrance Returned to Surplus 79 ' Surplus, Unappropriated 57 2- 20,186 Total Surplus 57,291 20,186 -0- CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATER DEPARTMENT 36. IP SU101ARY OF EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTENBER 30, 1961 ACCOUNT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED NUNBER DIVISION 1958-59 1912r_60 1-960-61 1001 Supply 561447 46,750 47,-582 1002 Transmission & Distribution 98,046 117,880 1020206 1003 Customer Accounting & Collecting 52,682 572935 62,697 r1003-A Loss on Water Accounts 4,552 1004 Stores 20,867 20,160 20,726 1005 Transfers to Other Funds 188,0" 178,800 153,675 r1005-A Contingency Fund 50000 Total Expenditure 4202638 421,525 391,886 r I r r r rr .w do 988`L6£ 5 z5`vl 8£9`OZ41 am D 00�' pun, �Soua2uT,.Uo0 5o`£5L 00869LL '"o`88L saepus.l -tv,.os 000607 0006019 879 Pund ZBsauao 5L, `£L L 00,9486 9z 06 L L 2UT3[UTS Pu'e ',saaal.ul low :sc[mm Hull OS uaas i -0" 06z`LL L8,�`LL 4uemdTnba •z :avuno rNslavo 5£'7`L£z £L L`5 LZ 2uT4gaado Tinoy ' 00�8 005*8 Gz 01 eeBxiago SaPTnS 'L 5z616z LLO`L£ £8095£ saowas snootmITGosTN 09 599,15L 66£`Lz 9£6 67z %u9mdTubH c aou eua,4uT GN •5 0064Oz 5470115z +In sa.zn4onjgs 4aouvua,.uTvx •47 0051£L 5+/'z`zL 6LOCL saTTddns 'z Lz5`fi7L 6zz`££L */z'7`Le sa2'9M PtM saT.VjVS 'L = srIIax� oNls�ao t9�-09� 09 6 L -85 L CEHsoaoHa aosvaisss 'I�d1lbO� L9 t ON M991das JNIM H6ax 'ivosid XOI,ZVoIdjSSv'Io So;3t'HO M HKOMHO XS SHUfllIM d .d L£ SVX31 'NMOlAV6 40 AIM CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1001 38. WATER DEPARTMENT SUPPLY - ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1958-59 195 60 1960 61 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Operation 14,054 14,340 15,857 2. SUPPLIES 2. Fuel 177 157 100 7. Minor Tools 81 345 100 13._ Other 143 Total 2 401 525 225 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES d , 1. Building 417 315 300 7. Rework Water Well 22000 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIP14ENT 2. Machinery 7,666 2,200 1,700 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 11. Light & Power 339909 29070 272500 Total Operating 56,447 46,750 47,582 GRAND TOTAL 56,447 46,750 47,582 CITY OF SAYTOWN, TEXAS L r ACCOUNT NO. 1002 39. WATER DEPARTMENT - TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION - ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1958-59 1959-6o 1960-61 1. SALARIES AND WAGES: 1. Supervision 4045 10,770 12,022 3. Maintenance 60,260 52 *� Total 1 64,805 63,744 69,106 2. SUPPLIES: ,. 7. Minor Tools 1,611 1,260 1000 9. Chemicals 21,407 21879 22900 13. Other 121 123 125 ;I Total 2 4039 4,262 4,525 ' 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES: 7. Standpipes & Reservoirs 7 24,730 I,., 10. Meter Warehousing 18,600 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT: y 9. Water Mains 7,900 9,100 7000 10. Meters & Settings 3,567 42472 21000 14. Fire Hydrants 290 122 _ 150 Total 5 11,757 13,694 9,650 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: 'h 6. Travel Expense 388 233 300 As 7. Rents - Easements i5i 27 25 Total 6 403 260 325 Total Operating 81,111 1060690 102,206 i CAPITAL OUTLAY: i 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery 22866 9. Water Mains 4041 22925 10. Meters & Settings 9,928 8,265 Total Capital Outlay 162935 11090 GRAND TOTAL 98,046 117,880 102,206 t CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1003 40. WATER DEPARTMENT I� CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLEC`?'i11415: ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED qq AA!! 1958-59 10 0 196 0-61 1. Supervision 3,510 3,510 7,476 2. Operation 303085 31011 32,868 3. Accoun'i.ng 61955 8,076 5,638 5. extra Help 66 �276 400 Total 1 40,616 43073 46,382 2. SUPPLIES i 1. Office 4,471 3,925 4,500 4. 144earing Apparel 200 E. 5. MAINTENANCE OF Ef1UIPMENT 1 . Office Machines 703 850 815 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance 300 600 13. Other (Sub—Sta. Fees) 771 1 .087 1 .500 Total 6 771 1087 2,100 7. SUNDRY CHATCES 5. Pensions 22275 21500 2,000 5-1 . Social Security 11300 3,500 3,500 5-2. Life & Hospitalization Insurance 21000 2,500 2,200 10. Reserve for Sick Leave 1.000 .R Total 7 5,575 81500 8,700 Total Operating 52,136 57,835 62,697 CAPITAL OUTLAYo 3. Equipment 100 3--1. Furniture & Fixtures 546 GRAND TOTAL 52,682 57,935 62,69`7 CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS 4 f ACCOUNT NO. 1003—A �1• WATER DEPARTIAENT LOSS ON WATER ACCOUNTS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61 1. SUNDR3 CHARGES Write Off of Uncollectable Cut—Offs 4,552 —0— —0— CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1004 42• WATER DEPARTMENT - STORES - ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1,958-5,9 1955 -6O 1 69 0-61 1 . SALARIES AND WAGES 1.. Supervision 2,100 2,100 2,307 2. Clerical 31000 3,000 3,376 3. Operation 62849, 6,872 7.493 Total 1 11,949 11,972 13076 ' 2. SUPPLIES ' 6. Motor Vehicle 4,084 3012 4,000 13. Other 2 21 �O Total 2 4008 3,533 4,050 ' 5. MAINTEN97CE OF EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles 4,810 4,655 3,500 GRAND TOTAL 201867 20,160 20,726 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS om ACCOUNT NO. 1005 43• WATER DEPARTMENT TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1959--59 19___59 60 1960-61 Transfer to Waterworks, Interest and Sinking Fund 119,126 980800 113,675 Transfer to General Fund 68,918 80,000 40,000 Contingency Fund 5000 Total Bu`h et For Transfer 188,044 178,800 158,675 rw pip .o am ..v ..m N 0 1 1 0 HS i A U as ss a sa aIlg IvRNigv SVX31 -NMOIAVS AO A110 rd CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Pr AAA D E B T S E R V I C E A L L B O N D S ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED .. 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61 REVENUE: General Property Tax 92,549.62 158,36-1 192,000 Transfer from other funds 119,125.90 98,800 113,675 Revenue from premium & Interest 13,383.57 15,183 2025 �. Total Revenue 225,059.09 272044 308,000 Prior Year Surplus 120.541.23 136,027 140.07� Total Available 345,600.32 408,371 448,074 LESS EXPENDITURES: 7. Sundry .Charges ,w 2-1 Serial Bond Maturities 962000.00 130,500 155,000 2-2 Interest Payments 113088.75 137,297 1321216 2-3 Exchange 384.32 500 500 ow Total Expenditures 209,573.07 2682297 287,716 Surplus @ September 30 136,027.25 1400074 160,358 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS am DEBT S E R V I C E 45. G E N E R A L O B L I G A T I O N B 0 N D S (Including Tax-Supported Waterworks Bonds) ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1958-59 1, 959-60 1 6-6061 REVENUE General Property Tax 92,550 158,361 1923,000 Premium and Interest 3.671 111091 �... Total Revenue 96,221 169,452 192,000 .. Prior Year Surplus 41,925 22,983 189604 Total Available 138,146 192,435 210.9604 LESS EXPENDITURES: 7:. SUNDRY CHARGES 2-1 Serial Bond Maturities 53,000 86,500 110.9000 2-2 Interest Payments 61,927 86,981 83,480 2-3 Exchange Cost ,r 236 _MO 350 Total 115,163 173,831 193,830 Surplus Q September 30 22,983 18,604 169774 MIN CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS t~ DEBT S E R V I C E 46• W A T E R W O R K S R E V E N U E B 0 N D S ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1958-59 1959-60 1 69 0-61 w REVENUES: TRANSFER FROM OTHER GOVERNMENT OWNED FUNDS: �. Water Operating 11%125.90 98,800 113,675 Revenue From Premium & Interest 9,712.07 4,092 2025 128,837.97 102,892 116,000 Prior Year Surplus 78,615.53 113,044 121,470 Total Available 207,453.50 215,936 237,470 LESS EXPENDITURES: 7. Sundry Charges 2-1 Serial Bond Maturities 43,000.00 44,000.. 45,000 2-2 Interest Payments 51,261.25 50016. 482736 2-3 Exchange Costs 148.25 150 150 Total Expenditures 94,409.50 942466 93,886 Surplus @ September 30 113,044.00 121,470 143,584 ANALYSIS OF SURPLUS FUNDS TO MEET REQUIREMENTS OF BOND ORDINANCE Monthly Deposits for Debt Retirement 39,298.45 39,207 3931623 Bond Reserve Cash Account 38,003.81 6,772 251V632 Bond Reserve - U. S. Treasury Notes 50,047 50,047 Contingency Fund 14,718.32 20,718 269718 Surplus, Unappropriated 21,023.42 4,726 1,564 Total Surplus 1139044.00 121,470 1432584 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 47. S T A T E M E N T O F B O N D E D I N D E B T E D N E S S October 1, 1960 Interest Date of Term Description Rate Issue Years Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Bonds Baytown W.W. & S.S. - Revenue Refunding — Series 1957 3 1/2% 5/15/57 10 3 3/A% 4 % 4 1/4% Total Baytown W.W. & S.S. — Revenue Series 1958 3 1/4% 2/15/58 22 3 1/2% "" 3 5/8% Total MP Total Revenue Bonds Waterworks General Obligation Bonds City of Pelly Waterworks Refunding "B" 5 % 4/10/35 38 ' City of Goose Creek Waterworks Bonds 5 1/2% 10/10/27 40 City of Baytown 1. Waterworks & S.S. Refunding 2 1/2% 3/1/52 12 2 3/4% 3/1/52 16 Total 1 2. Tri—Cities Fresh Water District #2 4 1/2% 2/1/41 19 3. Waterworks & S.S. Refunding Series 1957 3 1/2% 5/15/57 15 3 3/4% 4 1/A% Total 3 Total Tax Supported Waterworks Bonds General Obligation Bonds Continued .s 096`ZL 000`zz 0001 /G£ 000147£5 000`nzz 0009o£z 00 o�' 000" 000`a L 000`LZ L 0001z, 000`z+/ 8£*/`8 000`9 00099 000`*/z OL I 06 000 1'7 000`47 000`5+/ 091 000`o 000`L8 000*2 00012 891 5L0`L 000`5 000coz 000`09 "791 ' LLL`z 000`5 000010 00015LL L91 ' 00£`L 0o0`z 00o`9z Oo0`£9 £Li 9£L`817 000`517 000`8££`L 000`479+1`L 0009000`L 0001000`L 000I L67 000�'�"7 081 , 000`*7n 000`�Z 7 7L i L045£ 000`58 000`58 891 000`547 000418££ 0001+7947 _.r._._ 000r9 L l 000 L L 0001£L 000`1'9 000`98 000`9ZL 00049ZL o00`z£ 000`z£ 000`9£L L91 a an ui Uv�S'Inp anssl a�EQ L9�i.i nQ L9-09 L Q .P gsa.zaqul aZdtouz.za qunomy sq.I.znm 096L `L aagogop •8+/ 99QNI aaaN0a LEO INaWa I VZS SVX31 'NMOlAtl9 AO AlIO ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 49. S T A T E M E N T O F B O N D E D I N D E B T E D N E S S October 1 . 1960 Interest Date of Term Description Rate Issue Years General Obligation Bonds Cont. City of Pell_y Refunding "B" Series 4 1/2% 4/10/35 38 City Hall Refunding 5 % 7/1/35 36 Street Improvement Refunding 3 3/4% 12/1/45 25 City of Goose Creek Sewer Improvement 5 1/2% 10/10/27 40 Street Improvement 2 % 9/1/45 22 2 1/4% 2 1/2% Refunding, Series 1945 3 % 9/1/45 19 City of Baytown Park Improvement Series 1948 2 1/2% 2/1/48 22 2 3/4% 3 1/2% Street & Drainage Improvement Series, 1958 5 % 2/15/58 16 3 % 3 1/4% Street & Drainage Improvement Series, 1959 4 1/2% 5/1/59 18 4 % 2 1/2% Total General Obligation (Tax Supported) Bonds Grand Total All Bonds CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS a S T A T E M E N T O F B O N D E D I N D E B T E D N E S S 50. Imo" October 1 , 1960 Maturity Original Amount Principle Interest Date Issue Outstanding Due 1960-61 Due 1260_61 173 36,500 16000 1,000 825, 171 33,000 13,500 1,000 675 170 752000 59,000 5,000 2,212 167 45,000 14,000 1,0o0 743 167 55,000 70,000 146.000 146,000 16,000 3,450 271,000 146,000 163 502000 182000 6,000 450 170 130,000 691,000 6,000 22310 163 128,000 98,000 31,000 32,185 166 1129000 112,000 174 ",Z603.000 7604(00 120002000 970,000 170 266,000 266,000 21,000 27,670 176 330,000 330,9000 177 100.000 100�000 6962000 6962000 2,870,500 21002,000 88,000 70,520 ""� 41334,500 3,664,000 155,000 1329216 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS D E B T S E R V I C E 51. SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS - ALL PURPOSE GENERAL IMPROVEMENT Outstanding Principle Interest Total W.W. Tax Total Tax Fiscal Beginning Require- Require- Require- Supported Require- Year of Year ments mentj meets Re uirements meats 1960-61 2,0022000 881000 70,520 158,520 34,959 193,479 1961-62 11914,000 90,000 66,827 156,827 36,161 1920988 1962-63 11824,000 96,000 63,080 159,080 362209 195,289 1963-64 11728,000 101,000 59,365 160065 35,223 1952588 1964-65 11627,000 103,000 553877 158,877 36,152 195,029 1965-66 1024,000 111,000 529320 163020 35,046 198,366 1966-67 1,413,000 114,E 48,414 162,414 34,931 197045 1967-68 1,2992000 93,000 44,624 137,624 609795 198,419 ' 1968-69 1,206,000 88,000 41,200 129,200 61,770 1902970 1969-70 1,1182000 130;000 37,175 167,175 28,400 195,575 1970-71 988,000 1652000 31,876 1969876 2000 199,176 1971-72 823,000 170,500 26,085 196,585 20200 198,785 1972-73 652000 177000 202141 197,641 2,100 199,741 1973-74 475,000 185,000 13,938 198,938 198,938 1974-75 290p000 90,000 10,100 100,100 1009100 1975-76 200,000 100,000 6000 106000 106,500 1976-77 100.00 100.000 2.500 102,500 102,500 ' 2,0020000 650042 22652,542 406,246 3,0581788 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 1 iI DEBT SERVICE 52. ' SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS i WATERWORKS TAX SUPPORTED BONDS Outstanding Fiscal Beginning Principal Interest Total Year of Year Requirements Requirements Requirements 1960-61 324,000 22,000 12,959 342959 1961-62 3021000 24,000 122161 36,161 1962-63 278,000 25,000 11,209 36,209 1963-64 253,000 25,000 10,223 35,223 1964-65 228,000 27,000 92152 36,152 1965-66 201,000 27,000 8,046 35,046 1966-67 174,000 282000 6,931 34,931 1967-68 1469000 55,000 5,795 602795 1968-69 91,000 58,000 39770 61 ,770 1969-70 33,000 27,000 1,400 282400 1970-71 6,000 2,000 300 2000 1971-72 4,000 21000 200 21200 1972-73 2,000 2,000 100 2,100 324,000 82,246 4062246 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS DEBT SERVICE 53• SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS WATERWORKS REVENUE BONDS Outstanding Fiscal Beginning Principal Interest Total Year of Year Requirements Requirements Requirements 1960-61 1,3382000 45,000 48,736 939736 1961-62 48,000 47,096 952096 1962-63 50,000 45,244 95,244 1963-64 52,000 43024 95,324 1964--65 54,000 41,279 95,279 1965-66 56,000 39,019 95,019 1966-67 58,000 36,769 94,769 1967-68 60,000 34,589 942589 1968-69 63,000 32,638 952638 1969-70 663*000 30,434 96,434 1970-71 690000 28,124 97,124 1971-72 720000 25,709 97,709 1972-73 75,000 23088 98,188 1973-74 79,000 20,564 99,564 1974-75 82,000 17,799 99,799 1975-76 86,000 14,826 100,826 1976-77 90,000 11 ,709 101,709 1977-78 94,000 81446 10214.46 1978-79 981V000 51039 103,039 1979-80 41,000 13486 42,486 10381000 556,018 1,894,018 � ij � . . . \ \% i Gv :E , I r `} � . • • � . . �. ilk f®r< I cl u 0 N 0 1 1 v CT 0 R J CT v •, n� !I. �\ 0 lol \` 2� D G f g ri V rIL I N N ,\ � �r �\ . f. . �? �) ) �} J� �{ � �\ � �} \� SVX31 'KMO.LA¥e ao AI|o � ( CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS 54.. ORDINANCE NO. 612 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1960, AND ENDING SEPTEKBER 30, 1961, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARTER AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAY- TOWN; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF �+ THIS ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Baytown has submitted to the City Council a budget estimate of the revenues of said City and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning Oc- tober 1, 1960, and ending the 30th day of September, 1961, and which said estimate has been compiled from detailed information obtained from the several departments, divisions and offices of the City, containing all the information as required by the Charter of the City of Baytown; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received said City Manager's estimate and held a public hearing thereon so provided by Section 44 of the Charter; and �. WHEREAS, further, after a full and final consideration of the public hear- ing, it is the opinion of the Council that the budget as filed should be ap- proved and adopted, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: Section 1: That the budget estimate of the revenues of the City of Bay- town and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 1960, and ending September 30, 1961, as submitted to the City Council by the City Manager of said City be, and the same is, in all things adopted and approved as the budget estimate of all of the current expenses as well as the fixed charges against said City for the fiscal year beginning the 1st day of October, 1960, and ending the 30th day of September, 1961. Section 2: That the sum of One Million Three Hundred Sixty-Two Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty-Nine ($1,362,459.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the payment of Operating Expenses and Capital Outlay of the City Government as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: General Government $ 236.612.00 Public Safety 402,179.00 Highways 275,113.00 Sanitation & Waste Removal 274,877.00 Conservation of Health 37,668.00 Recreation 34,993..00 Miscellaneous 101,017.00 Total $ 1,362,459.00 Section 3: That the sum of Three Hundred and Ninety-One Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty-Six ($391,886.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the Water Works for the operating expenses and capital outlay of the municipally owned Water Works as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 55. Supply $ 47,582.00 Transmission & Distribution 102,206.00 I Customers' Accounting & Collecting 62,697.00 Stores 20,726.00 Contingency Fund 5,000.00 Transfer to General Fund 40,000.00 ' Water Works Interest & Sinking Fund 113,675.00 I . Total $ 391.886.00 Section 4: That the sum of One Hundred Ninety-Three Thousand Eight Hun- dred Thirty ($193,830.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the General Interest and Sinking Fund for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming the Serial Bonds, as they mature, on the General Debt Service Bonds as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: Serial Bond Maturities $ 110,000.00 Interest Payments 83,480.00 Exchange 350•00 193,830.00 ' Section 5: That the sum of One Hundred Sixteen Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-Six ($116,436.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the Water Works Interest and Sinking Funds for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and r redeeming the Serial Bonds, as they mature, on the Water Works Debt Service Bonds as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: Serial Bond Maturities $ 45,000.00 Interest Payments 48,736.00 Exchange 150.00 Bond Reserve Fund 16,550.00 ' Contingency Fund 6,000.00 Total 116 436.00 Section 6: This ordinance shall be and remain in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval of the City Council, and it shall be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in the City of Baytown. READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by a majority of the City Council at the regu- lar meeting held at the City Hall in the City of Baytown on this the 22nd day of September, 1960. R. H. Pruett, Mayor ' ATTEST: Edna Oliver City Clerk An CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 613 5b• AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE RATE AND TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1961, UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER PROVI- SIONS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICE HEREWITH BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1 : That there shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected for the year ending September 30, 1961, an ad valorem tax of One and Seventy-Tutu One Hundred ($1.72) Dollars on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars worth of property located within the present city limits of the City of Baytown, made taxable by law, which said taxes when collected shall"be apportioned among funds and departments of City Government of the City of Baytown and for the purposes hereinafter set forth as follows, to-wit: For the General Fund: $ 1.32 For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the bonded indebted- ness of the City of Baytown: r .40 Total $ 1.72 �. Section 2: The ad valorem tax rate of One and Seventy-Two One Hundred ($1.72) Dollars, as set forth in Section 1 above, is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected on only Fifty (50%) percent of each One Hundred (6100.00) Dollars worth of property located within Baytown, as valued by the Equalization Board for the City of Baytown and made taxable by law. Section 3: The City Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Baytown is hereby directed to assess, extend and enter upon the Tax Rolls of the City of Bay- town, Texas, for the Current Year, the amounts and rates herein levied, and to keep a correct account of same, and when so collected, the same to be deposited in the depository of the City of Baytown, to be distributed in accordance with this ordinance. Section : All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are expressly repealed. READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, at a regular meeting held at the City Hall on September 22, 1960. ATTEST: R. H. PRUETT, MAYOR Edna Oliver, City Clerk t I CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT 57. EXPENSES: These comprise all items of expenditure, necessarily incurred for current administration, operation and maintenance — and for materials and equipment in the nature of renewals or replacements which do not add to the capital assets of the City. 1. Salaries and Wages 2. Supplies 3. Material (or contract) for maintenance of land 4. Material (or contract) for maintenance of buildings, improvements and structures 5. Material (cr contract) for maintenance of equipment 6. Miscellaneous Services 7. Sundry Gharges w CAPITAL OUTLAY: Comprises expenditures of every character which increase the capital assets of the City. g. Lands 9. Buildings and Structures 10. Equipment E X P E N S E S 1. SALARIES ARID WAGES: •1-1 Supervisory: To include legislative, executive and administrative 1-2 Clerk Hire: Clerical services or service of that nature 1-3 Labor Operation: To include professional and technical service 1-4 Labor Maintenance: Services performed in repairing and maintaining a standard of: ' 3. Lands 4. Buildings, improvements and structures ' 5. Equipment 1-5 Extra Help 2. SUPPLIES: 2-1 Office supplies: To include all supplies necessary for use in the operation of office, such as: Ice Postage Printing: To include printing of budget, circular letters, reports and specifications Publications: To include blue prints, ca`a.logues, charts, magazines, maps, newspapers, etc. Stationery: To include pencils, rubber stamps, ink pads, paper, paste, pens, binders, blank books, clips, desk pads, ink, envelopes, 1 erasers, filing cabinets supplies, labels, manuscript supplies, tracing cloth, etc. �. CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS 58. 2-2 Fuel Supplies: To include coal, gas, oils wood, etc. 2-3 Food Supplies: To include all articles of food for human beings. 2-/+ Wearing apparel, dry good and notions: To include such articles as aprons, badges, belts, blankets, boots, canvas cloth, cotton goods, curtains, dress finding, hats, linens, oil cloth, pillow cases, shoes, sheets, slickers, thread, towels, uniforms, etc. 2-5 Forage, barn and shoeing: Barn: To include brushes, curry combs, disinfectants, sand, sawdust, shavings, sponges, straw, etc. Forage: To include all articles of food for animals. Shoeing: To include all cost of material and labor for shoeing animals. 14* 2-6 Motor vehicle supplies: To include gasoline, grease, lubricating oil and small accessories. 2-7 Minor apparatus, instruments, tools, and utensils, which are liable 16% to loss, theft and rapid depreciation. Minor apparatus: To include that used in cleaning, engineering, hospital, laboratory and medical, such as alcohol lamps, balances, blow pipes, burners, filters, lanterns, mearsuress tubing, etc. Minor instruments: To include calipers, compasses drafting instru- ments, gauges, lenses, measuring chains, pincers, sterilizerss thermometers, etc. Minor tools: To include augers, axes, bits braces, crowbars, engineer stakes fire hose, handcuffs, jacks, punches, reamers, shears, wrenches, and articles of similar nature. Minor utensils: To include barrels, baskets, brooms, brushes, cans, ' chamois skins, cups, cuspidors, dishes, electrical gloves, glassware, enamelware, knives, lamps, mats and articles of like nature. 2-8 Laundry, cleaning and toilet: To include cleaning preparations, deodorants, disinfectants, floor oils, scouring powderss soaps wax, etc. 2-9 Chemical, medical and surgical: To include alcohol, alums antitoxins, bandages, chlorine, gauze, lime, medicines, vaccine, etc. 2-10 Mechanical supplies: To include fuel, oil, lubricating oil, grease, packing waste, etc. 2-11 Educational and recreational supplies: To include all articles of transient use, as baseballs, lime for marking tennis courts, rent on moving picture films, tennis balls etc. 2-12 Botanical and agricultural supplies: To include bulbs, disinfectants fertilizers, seeds, trees, young plants, etc.s used for parks and public grounds. 2-13 Other supplies: This is to include supplies that have not been allocated. 32415. MATS: Materials are commodities of a permanent nature in a raw, unfinished or finished state; entering into the construction, renewal, replacement or repair of any land, building, structure, or equipment. ■ CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS "�o 3. Material (or contract) for maintenance of land: All expenditures ' (material or contract) covering land maintenance, such as regrading, drains, repairing, etc. 4. Material (or contract) for maintenance of buildings, structures, and improvements: All expenditures (material or contract) covering repairs and replacements of: 4-1 Buildings 4-2 Bridges 4-3 Filtration plants 4r-4 Sanitary sewers 4-5 Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters, and culverts 4-6 Storm sewers MR 4-7 Standpipes and reservoirs 4-8 Streets, roadways, and highways 4-9 Incinerator and dumping grounds 4P-10 Other 5. Maintenance of equipment: All expenditures (Material or contract) covering repairs and replacements of: 5-1 Furniture, fixtures and furnishings 5-2 Machinery, tools, and implements (major) 5-3 Instruments and apparatus (major). Includes fire apparatus. 5-4 Motor Vehicles: Includes tire and tubes 5-5 Other Vehicles 5-6 Harness 5-7 Livestock 5-8 Books (Includes purchase of new books for library) 5-9 Water works mains 5-10 Meters and settings 5-11 Signal systems 5-12 Heating systems �. 5-13 Service connections 5-14 Fire hydrants 5-15 Other 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: Miscellaneous services are activities performed by other than municipal departments, under expressed or implied agreement involving personal services plus the use of equipment or the furnishing of commodities. w. 6-1 Communications: To include messenger service, telegraph and telephone. 6-2 Hire of Equipment: To include compensation for use of equip- ment via: hire of teams, with or without drivers, also allowance to employees for use of private cars. 6-3 Insurance: To include premiums on all kinds of insurance on property and equipment, also liability insurance and surety bonds. 6-4 Special services: To include compensation for personal services such as special investigations and surveys, inspecting materials, audits, special legal services, etc. ,., 6-5 Advertising, legal and otherwise. 6-6 Traveling expenses: To include expense of public officers and employees incurred in regular performance of their duties for s� CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS transportation by public carriers, etc. 60. 6-7 Rents 6-8 Music 6-9 Support of persons (prisoners) 6-10 Transportation (other than employees) 6-11 Light and Power 6-12 Freight, express and drayage (unallocated) 7. SUNDRY CHARGES: Sundry charges include those expenses legally or morally obligatory upon the City as a public corporation. 7-1 Contributions, gratuities and rewards: To include charitable am institutions, hospitals and other organizations; compensation to prisoners, prizes, entertainment, floral offerings, etc. 7-2 Debt service: To include the payment of principal and interest of funded and unfunded debt. 7-3 Refunds 7-4 Judgments and damages 7-5 Pensions 7-6 Taxes 7-7 Court costs, jury and witness fees 7-8 Other 7-9 Employee Annual Service Awards 7-10 Reserve for sick pay CAPITAL 0UTwLAY 8. LANDS: 8-1 Purchase price: To include all expenditures for land as abstracts, assessments, cost of appraising, recording of deeds, surveys, etc. 8-2 Betterments: To include all expenditures (including payrolls) covering original cost of draining, engineering, and inspection, first sodding, grading, planting and terracing. 9. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: All expenditures, including payrolls for new or additions to: 9-1 Buildings 9-2 Bridges ON 9-3 Filtration plants 9-4 Sanitary sewers 9-5 Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters, and culverts 9-6 Storm sewers 9-7 Standpipes and reservoirs 9-8 Streets, roadways and highways 9-9 Incinerator "� 9-10 Other CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 61. 10. E I PMENT: All expenditures to cover original cost of equipment (not replacements) which increases the value of the fixed assets of the City. i 00 10-1 Furniture, fixtures and furnishings 10-2 Machinery, tools and implements (major) 10-3 Instruments and apparatus (major); this includes all fire apparatus 10-4 Motor Vehicles 10-5 Other Vehicles 10-6 Harness 10-7 Livestock 10.-8 Books (does not include purchase of books for library) 10-9 Water works mains 10-10 Meters and settings 10-11 Signal systems 10-12 Heating systems 10-13 Service connections ' 10-14 Fire hydrants 10-15 Other _I