_FY 58-59 COB Adopted Budget � . �� � � � �� l �� � � C I1 I f • : � � �� �x,s :. '�'�R psi. �� � �//r�--._ P I! .•-�-..� �,+ � ;. _ C � � .� ( i t ... .. ....�2...r.:'.. ::,. ��-``•'...:- j .. �' ..._ 7„^Via: . .:.. S � .. -. Y.5- - :4 .:. Jam' .... Q S :i.. Yet i'�� �����•��~� � �:f irk%ti � � ► � .. <Y°.x'�ti.. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Y A N N U A L B U D G E T of the CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS FOR THE Fiscal Year October 1 , 1958 - September 30, 1959 Compiled by JAMES W. HARRISON, CITY MANAGER And Adopted by the MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL C I T Y C O U N C I L R. H. PRUETT, MAYOR P. H. MEARS W. D. ROLLAWAY W. L. WARD AL CLAYTON JAMES C. GARRISON LACY LUSK rti CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I. I N T R O D U C T I O N The 1958-59 Budget of the City of Baytown will consist of the following budget accounts each operating under and with its own funds as appropriated by the City Council and from revenues derived from sources pertaining to that particular method of operation: (1) The General Fund operating with revenues from tax sources and from other miscellaneous sources of revenue. (2) The Water Fund operating from sale of water. (3) Bond Funds operating from taxation and from water revenues. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS THE CITY MANAGER"S BUDGET MESSAGE To the Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Baytown Baytown, Texas Gentlemen: As required by Article 680-13, Title 20, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, and Article V. of the City Charter for the City of Baytown, Texas, the proposed budget estimate of the revenues and expen- ditures of all the funds of the City for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1958, and ending September 30, 1959 is submitted herewith. Section 52, Article V., of the Charter for the City of Baytown requires the following be included in the Budget: (1) A budget message (2) A consolidated statement of receipts and expenditures for all funds. (3) An analysis of property valuations. (4) An analysis of tax rate. (5) Tax levies and tax collection by years for at least ten years for a number of years for which records are available. (6) General fund resources in detail (7) Summary of proposed expenditures by function, department, and activity. (8) Summary of proposed expenditures by character and object. (9) Detailed estimated of expenditures shown separately for each activity to support the summaries No. 7 and g above. Such estimates of expenditures are to include an itemization of positions showing the number of persons having each title and the rate of pay. (10) A revenue and expense statement for all types of bonds. (11) A description of all bond issues outstanding, showing rate of interest, date of issue, maturity date, amount authorized, amount issued, and amount outstanding. (12) A schedule of requirements for the principal and interest on each issue of bonds. (13) A special funds section. (14) The appropriation ordinance. (15) The tax levying ordinance. Y An effort has been made this year in the preparation of the budget to eliminate as much needless detail as possible and still meet the requirements of the Charter Provisions. In this regard the Traffic Fund has been incorporated into the Police Department (Account 201). The Municipal Parks (Account 601), Playfields and Playgrounds (Account 602) and Swimming Pool (Account 603), have been consolidated into CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS III. Account 601 - Parks and Recreation. All prior year revenue and expenditures in such accounts has been adjusted accordingly so that you may still have the desired comparison, Rather than transfer from the Water Fund to the General Fund to cover the cost of operating the Sewers and Sewage Disposal (Account 401), this activity has been moved to the Water Fund where it can properly be charged and thus keep all Revenue Fund Operations within the proper activity as is the intent of Revenue Bond Ordinances. With the passage of the bond programs, the City is pushing its capital improvement program so that we may truly say we have a progressive City. It is anticipated that a permanent paving policy will be developed for the reconstruction of residential streets. With this end in mind, all sur- plus funds and unbudgeted monies have been placed in the Capital program in the Street Department. This will allow us to make the first step toward a logical expenditure of the public monies to correct our greatest need. It is recommended that, along with this budget, the proposed five year Street Lighting Plan for the City of Baytown, be adopted and that the figures as presented in Street Lighting Account be allowed so that the first phase of this program might be commenced. With the new franchise agreement providing for a 4% Gross Receipts Tax, the City will receive additional money, which is being budgeted to allow (lst) residential street lighting, (2nd) adequate lighting of our worst traffic intersections and Ord) the White Way Lighting of our highways and business thoroughfares. Property valuation has again increased from $89,124,968 in 1957-58 to 93,838,910 as anticipated for 1958-59. The Tax Rate will remain the same at $1.72 per one hundred dollars of valuation based on 33% of the 1958 market value. The 1958-59 tax collection is estimated to be 94% of the total levy with a ratio of 1.5% delinquent collections to the current levy and 95.5% to the total collections of the current tax levy. This will leave 22.6% of the accumulated delin,-quent taxes to the current years levy. The total assessed value estimated as true value is $46,919,455. Using the 50% of value, this makes the assessed value a total of $806,971. The current expenses of the Water Fund are budgeted to the amount of $1,068,736. The General Obligation Debt; Service Fund amounts to $115,178, giving a total General Fund Budget of $1,183,914. The current expenses of the Water Fund are budgeted to the amount of $294,027. This will include Sewage and Sewage Disposal. The Debt Service v will be $94,107. The anticipated revenue to this fund plus prior year sur- plus of $182,083 is $561,083. This leaves an unappropriated surplus in this fund of $182,083. The total anticipated revenue all funds plus Prior Year Surplus is $1,759,935. The total expenditures budget in all funds is $1,542,580. This, together with all surpluses of $187,887 makes a total budget of $1,759,935. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS IV. Since expenditures are shown in detail they will not be re- counted here. Revenues are basically the same catagory as last year and since they too are recapped in the budget, they will not be shown here. �► This budget has been designed to allow for the operation of the City at its most efficient plan considering that there is not sufficient money available to do all things desired by the Citizenry. No new services will be added other than the sweeper will clean the residential streets as well as the business area on a regular schedule, and street lights in residential areas will be installed. It is also anticipated that. many of the present properly drained and curbed residen- tial streets may be reconstructed with a permanently designed pavement so that the maintenance in the Street Department will not continue to mount. With this in mind, all Departments will be operated at their most efficient plane so that any actual savings may be transferred to the Street Department as they become available and are approved by the Council. This Budget has not allowed all of those things requested by the Department Heads, but does basically conform to their requirements. Many other sources of revenue are available to the City, but it is, however, the tecommendation of your Budget Officer that no new charges be made, but that we exert every effort to secure more efficiency from those funds now being collected. . Since I have been your City Manager for only two months, it is most important that the City Council scrutenize the budget even more close- ly than usual. It is the interpretation of the laws that the City Council is solely responsible to the Citizens for the accomplishment of certain things to the public. You should determine that all objects of government are properly met in this budget. The detailing of accounts to accomplish this is the responsibility of your Budget Officer. It is anticipated that at the Budget Hearings a determination may be made that both of these responsibilites are properly met. It has been a pleasure for me to have served as your Manager and Budget Officer for this short time. I wish to commend to you the excellence of the cooperation of your other employees. This budget could not have been presented as required without the very great assistance of these officials. It is well to again call to mind that we have designed this budget so that it may accomplish the aim of government "To do together what we can not do for ourselves. " Respectfully submitted, James W. Harrison City Manager - Budget Officer CITY OF BAYTOWN JWHIsw CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES BY TITLE AND RATE OF PAY General Fund Account Actual 1957-58 Proposed 1958-59 Number Job Classification Monthly Monthly Annual 101 City Clerk 400 425 5,100 Secretary 225 260 3,120 8,220 102 City Manager 770 917 11,000 Secretary 270 280 3,360 PBX Operator 210 250 3,000 Relief Operator 120 17,480 103 Judge 420 420 51040 Secretary - Clerk 235 260 3,120 Clerk (Part time .87 hr) 200 2,400 Jailer 360 360 4020 Night Clerk (Part Time) 35 35 420 15,300 104 Election Judges & Clerks 1,016 (Annually) 720 105 Director of Finance (50%)* 272,50 300 3,600 Tax Assessor & Collector (100%) 570 570 65840 Chief Accountant (50%)* 267.50 285 3,420 Bookkeeper (50%)* 140 162,50 1,950 Asst, Bookkeeper & Mach. Opr. (50%)* 130 140 1,680 Deputy Tax Assessor & Collector 300 325 3,900 Tax Clerk 260 275 3000 Contingent 2,650 (Annually) 5,280 29,970 106 City Attorney 705 850 10,200 Secretary 305 340 4,080 14,280 107 Custodian 240 240 2,880 Contingent 240 3;120 108 Chief Engineer 610 800 91600 Draftsman 370 400 4,800 14,400 201 Chief of Police 530 575 6,900 Assistant Chief 435 435 5,220 Radio Technician 430 480 5,760 Lieutenant 415 415 4,980 3 Sargents 390 390 14,040 5Q% -charged to Water Fund #1003 CITY OF SAYTOWN, TEXAS ��T VI 201 Continued 14 Patrolmen 365 365 61020 Dispatcher 365 365 4080 Juvenile Officer 365 365 4,380 Investigator 365 365 4,380 Traffic Officer - 3 365 365 13,140 Jailer 365 365 4080 Meter Man 365 365 4,380 Bookkeeper, Clerk 290 310 3,720 Clerk 240 240 2,880 Street & Sign Painter 1.726 hr. 1.726 hr. 31700 Warrent Officer 125 125 1,500 Longevity 2.,762 660 Contingent 148,422 202 Fire Chief 510 550 61600 Fire Marshal 415 415 4,980 Captain 390 390 4,680 16 Firemen 355 355 68,160 Longevity 21601 Contingency 900 87,921 203 Electrical Inspector 400 400 4,800 Bldg. & Plumbing Inspector 445 445 5040 Asst. Bldg. & Plumbing Inspector 325 325 3,900 Contingency 340 14,380 301 Foreman 445 500 61000 Cement Finisher 2.991 hr. 2.991 hr. 6,222 Dragline Operator 2.716 hr. 2.716 hr. 5,650 4 Equipment Operators 2.50 hr. 2.50 hr. 201800 3 Equipment Operators 2.166 hr. 2.166 hr. 13,518 Form Builder 1.891 hr. 2.166 hr. 4,506 Form Builder 2.166 hr. 2.25 hr. 4,680 2 Cement Helpers 1.781 hr. 1.781 hr. 7,410 2 Asphalt Patchers 1.726 hr. 1.726 hr. 7,182 5 Truck Drivers 1.726 hr. 1.726 hr. 17,955 Contingency 2,942 96,865 402 Foreman 395 425 5,100 Carpenter 1.946 hr. 2.166 hr. 4,506 9 Truck Drivers 1.726 hr. 1.726 hr. 32010 Dump Ground Watchman 1.616 hr. 1.616 hr. 3,387 23 Laborers 1.616 hr. 1.616 hr. 77,326 Extra Help 4,000 Contingency 5,157 131,786 501 Sanitarian, Sr. 415 450 5,400 Sanitarian Asst. 345 375 4,500 Nurse 345 375 4,500 Humane Officer 335 350 41200 Asst. Humane Officer 280 290 31480 Health Officer 75 75 900 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS VII. 601 Swimming Pool Mgr. (5 mo. ) 320 320 11600 Life Guards (4 mo. ) 4 150 150 2,400 Cashiers (4 mo.) 2 150 150 1,200 Maintenance Man (5 mo. ) 200 200 1,000 Park Maintenance (12 mo. ) 245 275 3,300 Contingency 800 10,300 701 **Director of Public Wks. (50%) 347.50 397.50 4,770 **Asst. Director of Pub. Wks. (662/3%) 303.33 350 4,200 Chief Mechanic (662/3%) 233.32 250 3,000 Mechanics - 3 (66 2/3%) 1.616 hr. 1.616 hr. 2,400 22,770 1001 #1 Pumper 430 450 5,400 #2 Pumper 385 395 41740 #3 Pumper 335 350 4,200 14,340 1002 **Director of Public Wks. (50%) 347.50 397.50 4,770 Foreman 445 500 6,000 Meter Shop Foreman 334 350 4,200 Meter Shop Repairman 1.726 hr. 1.726 hr. 3,591 Equipment Operator 2.166 hr. 2.50 hr. 5,200 Pipefitter 1.946 hr. 2.25 hr. 4,680 Trouble Shooter 1.946 hr. 2.166 hr. 4,506 4 Servicemen 1.946 hr. 1.946 hr. 1611194 4 Servicemen 1.736 hr. 1.736 hr. 14064 2 Laborers 1.616 hr. 1.616 hr. 6,724 Operator (Extra) 2.50 hr. 5,200 Contingency 2.400 84,553 1003 Director of Finance (50%) 272.50 300 3,600 Head Clerk - Cashier 270 285 3,420 Cashier 260 260 3,120 Cashier Trainee Hourly 220 2,640 Sub Station Cashier 2 time 102.50 110 1020 Sub Station Cashier z time 110 110 12320 2 Billing Machine Operators 260 260 6,240 Meter Reader 345 375 41500 Meter Reader 320 375 4,500 Meter Reader 320 320 3,840 Chief Accountant (50%) 267.50 285 3,420 ® Bookkeeper (50%) 140 162.50 1,950 Budget Mach. Opr. & Bookkeeper . 50%) 130 140 1,680 Contingency 600 42,150 50% charged to Account 1002 **331/3 charged to Account 1004 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS VIII. 1004. Asst. Director of Public Wks. 113 151.67 175 4,500 Clerical 200 250 3,000 Chief Mechanic 1/3 116.68 125 1000 2 Mechanics 1/3 110 116.66 2,800 Wash & Grease Man 113 1.616 hr. 1.726 hr. 1,200 Mechanic 113 of 350 116.68 1,401 12,001 1006 Disposal Plant Operator 383 400 41800 Disposal Plant Operator 330 345 4,140 7 Disposal Plant Operators 320 335 28,14.0 Serviceman 1.946 hr. 2.166 hr. 4,506 Serviceman 1.836 hr. 1.946 hr. 4,0488 46,2:.-)8 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. PART I. SUMMARIES � ...+..�..«....ram Introduction I. The City Managerts Message II. General Budget Summary - Revenues 1 General Budget Summary - Expenditures 2 General Budget Summary - All Funds 3 Individual Funds 4 Analysis of Property Valuations 5 Tax Levies and Collections for All Funds 6 General Fund Resources from all Sources 8 General Fund Expenditures by Function and Object 10 General Fund Expenditures by Character and Object 11 PART II. DETAILED EXPENDITURES OF GENERAL FUND General Government: City Council 12 Y City Manager 14 Corporation Court 15 Elections 16 Finance 17 Law 18 City Hall 19 Engineering 20 Public Safety: Police Department 21 Fire Department 23 Protective Inspection 25 Highways and Roadways: Highways and Roadways 26 Sanitation and Waste Removal: Waste Collection and Disposal 27 Conservation of Health 28 Recreation: Parks and Recreation 29 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Table of Contents Continued Page No. Mdscellaneous: Garage 31 Insurance 32 PART III. WATER WORKS SECTION Statement of Income, Expense & Surplus Adjustments 33 Summary of Expenditures by Division 34 Summary of Expenditures by Character and Object 35 Supply 36 Transmission and Distribution 38 Customer Accounting and Collecting 40 Stores 41 Debt Service 42 Sewers and Sewage Disposal 43 • PART IV. DEBT SERVICE SECTION Resources and Requirements: All Bonds 45 General Obligation Bonds 46 Waterworks Bonds 47 Description Bonds: General Obligation Bonds 50 Waterworks Tax-Supported Bonds 53 Waterworks Revenue Bonds 54 PART V. MISCELLANEOUS Appropriation Ordinance 55 Ordinance Fixing Tax Rate 57 Classification of Expenditures by Character and Object 58 rt a Q 11 ff Z V fl N N BVX31 'NAAOIAV9 JO AlIO CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1, GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - REVENUES For the Fiscal Year 1958-59 REVENUES Budget Proposals 1. General Fund Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 107,381 From Tax Sources 685,385 From Non Tax Sources 275,970 Total 11068,736 2. Water Fund Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 94,506 Sale of Water 231,874 Miscellaneous Other 28,000 Total 354,380 3. General Obliaation Debt Service Fund From Tax Sources 88,208 Surplus 41,908 Total 130,116 4. Water Works Debt Service From Water Operating Revenue 119,126 Surplus 87,577 Total 206,703 Grand Total All Revenues 13,428,563 Grand Total All Surplus & Special Reserves 331,372 Grand Total All Resources 1,759,935 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY -- EXPENDITURES 2. For •the Fiscal Year 1958-59 EXPENDITURES Budget Proposals 1. General Fund Current Expenses 867,586 Capital Outlay 171,682 Emergency & Contingent Funds 29,468 Unappropriated Reserve Total 11068,736 2. Water Fund Current Expenses 2930692 Capital Outlay 335 Unappropriated Reserve 60,353 Total 354,380 3. General Obligation Debt Service Fund Requirements 1159178 Surplus 14,938 Total 130,116 4. Water Works Debt Service Fund Requirements 94,107 Surplus & Reserve Funds 112,596 Total 206,703 Grand Total All Expenditures 11542,580 Grand Total All Surplus & Special Reserves 217,355 Grand Total - Expenditures & Surplus 1,75%935 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 3, GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - ALL FUNDS Fiscal Year 1958-59 L REVENUE SOURCES: All Percent Funds of Total Tax Revenue 773,593. 54.4% Other Revenue 275,970 19.2% Sale of Water 351,000 24.4% Service Charges 28,000 2.0% Parking Meter Revenue Transfer Funds Total All Revenue 1,428,563 100 % Surplus at 10-1-58 _ 331.3727 Total Resources 12759,935 Expenditures: Operating Salaries 8381216; 54.4% Supplies 7%270 5.2% Maintenance of Land 375 .2% Maintenance of Structures 37,250 2.4% Maintenance of Equipment 50,650 3.3% Special Services 103,965 6.8% Sundry Charges 51,552 3.4% Debt Service 209.285 13.6% Total Operating Expenditures 11370,563 89.3% Expenditures: Capital Outlay Land Structures 133,297 6.2% Equipment 38•720 2.6% Total Capital Outlay 172,017 g.g Special Appropriations Emergency Fund Contingent Fund 29,468 1.9 Total Special Appropriations 29,468 1.9% ` Total All Appropriations 1,572,048 100 0 Unappropriated Surplus 187,887 Estimate at 9-30-59 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS INDIVIDUAL FUNDS 4• Fiscal Year 1958-59 General General Water Waterworks Fund Interest and Fund Interest and Sinking Fund Sinking Fund 685,385 882208 275,970 119 126 231,874 28,000 961,355 88,208 259,874 119,126 107,381 41,908 94,506 87,577 12068,736 130,116 354080 206,703 638,914 199,302 53,940 25,330 275 100 24,750 12,500 31,175 19,475 72,555 31,410 45,977 52575 115,178 94,107 867,58; 1152178 293,692 94,107 133,297 38,385 335 171,682 335 29,468 29,468 1,068,736 115,178 294,02 94,107 14,93g 60,353 112.596 `Includes special reserves as follows: Bond Reserve Fund 38,929 Contingency Fund 14,500 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANALYSIS OF PROPERTY VALUATIONS 5• Fiscal Assessed Estimated Basis of Period Value True Value Assessment 1940-41 3,984,000. (1) 12,073,000. 33% (4) 1941-42 4,805,100. (1) 14,560,000. 33% (4) 1942-43 4,984,700. (1) 15,105,000. 33% (4) 1943-44 5,104,700. (1) 15,470,000. 33% (4) 1944-45 5,083,100. (1) 152400,000. 33% (4) 1945-46 5,477,600. (1) 16,599,000. 33% (4) 1946-47 6,313,000. (1) 193130,000. 33% (4) 1947-48 9,964,000. (2) 30,194,000. 33% (4) • 1948-49 17,500,000. (3) 35,000,000. 50% 1949-50 19,374,137. 38,748,274. 50% 1950-51 27,983,026. 55,966,052 , 50% 1951-52 30,225,248. 60p450,496. 50% 1952-53 31,731,097. 63,462,194. 50% 1953-54 32,7141837. 65,429,674. 50% 1954-55 33018,264. 66,636,528. 50% 1955-56 40,660,897. 81,321,794. 50% 1956-57 421982,159. 85,9641318. 50% 1957-58 44,562,484. 89,124,968. 50% 1958-59 46,919,455. 93,838,910. 50% Notes: (1) Combined assessed valuations for Goose Creek and Pelly. (2) Combined assessed valuations for Goose Creek, Pelly and Baytown. (3) Complete reappraisal of property made in 1948. (4.) The 33% basis shown here is a guess. Actually there were no basis. 1�ropexty owners made their own renditions. Apparently neither Goose Creek nor Pelly ever had an appraisal of property for assessment pur- poses. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 6. TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS Fiscal Total Collection of Percentage of Collected Period Tax Levy Current Year's Levy Collected Prior Year's Taxes During During Fiscal Taxes During Fiscal Period Period Fiscal Period 1940-41 55,772. 42,261. 75.8 14,067. 1941-42 67 090. 53,700. 79.7 10,623. 1942-43 691783• 57,580. 82.6 12,691. 1943-44 71,325. 61,162. 85.8 14,123. 1944-45 71,167. 63,799. 89.6 13,745. 1945-46 76,686. 68,234. 89.o 14,604. 1946-47 90,694. 79,575. 87.8 9,991. 1947-4811 185,326. 172,000. 92.8 5,000. _ 1948-49 301,000. 276,900. 92.0 9,050. 1949-50 306,OOo. 285,510. 93.3 91260. 1950-51 333,202. 306,377. 91.9 8,095. 1951-52 519,834. 483,037. 93.2 13,795. 1952-53 545,737. 516,443. 94.6 23,979. 1953-54 562,658. 532,448. 94.7 19,470. 1954-55 573,037. 548,567. 95.7 29,604. 1955.56 712,646. 683,405. 95.8 21,640. 1956-57 738,306. 702,133, 95.1 17,015. 1957-58 764,944. 731,565. 95.6 20,429. 1958-59## 806,971. 758,593. 94.0 12,000 Notes: The Fiscal Period 1947-48 reflects the first full year of operation of the consolidated cities of Baytown, Goose Creek and Pelly. 3L� Estimated income and collections. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS 7. Ratio of Total Ratio Accumulated Ratio of Delinquent Collections Of Total Delinquent Accumulated Collections Collections Taxes To Current Year's Tax Levy Tax Levy Tax Levy 25.2 56,328. 101.0 80,178. 143.7 15.8 64,323. 95.5 83,064. 123.4 18.2 70,271. 100.8 82,921. 118.9 19.8 75,285. 105.6 787257. 109.8 19.4 77,544. 109.0 72,156. 101.5 19.0 82,838. 108.0 66,031. 86.2 11.0 89,566. 98.8 69,437. 76.5 2.7 177,000. 95.5 77,700. 41.9 3.0 285,950. 95.0 92,700. 30.8 3.0 294,770. 96.3 100,140 32.7 2.4 314,472. 94.3 96,409 28.9 2.7 496,832. 95.6 991853. 19.2 4.3 540,422. 99.0 103,446. 18.9 3.5 551,918. 98.1 96,449. 17.1 5.1 578,171. 100.8 107,694. 18.7 3.0 705,045- 98.9 115,109. 16.1 2.4 719,148. 97.4 134007. 18.2 2.7 751,994. 98.3 1465377. 19.1 1.5 770,593. 95.4 182,755. 22.6 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 8, GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL ADJUSTED TO INCLUDE TRAFFIC FUND GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES: ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59-59 Taxes Current Year 612,962 642,467 670085 Taxes Prior Year 14,828 13,438 12,000 Penalties and Interest 4,179 3,790 3,000 Total Property Taxes 631,969 659,695 685,385 FRANCHISE TAXES: Houston Natural Gas 10,283 10,755 11,000 Houston Lighting and Power 21,067 23,015 45,000 General Telephone 9;891 10,738 11,000 Taxicabs 788 750 750 Total Franchise Taxes 42,029 45,258 67,750 LICENSES AND PERMITS: Business Licenses: Oil Drilling Permits 11,200 4,600 31000 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses 1,210 1062 1,400 Other License & Permits 1,701 920 11000 Total Business Licenses 14,111 6,882 5,400 FINES AND FORFEITS: Corporation Court 47,958 41,291 41,000 SERVICE CHARGE FOR CURRENT SERVICES: Protective Inspection Fees: Building Permits 3,082 3,306 3,500 Electrical Permits 3,023 39326 3,500 Plumbing & Moving Permits 3,248 3,246 3,320 w Health Permits 628 1,298 1,500 Waste Collection Fees 94,501 96,644 100,000 Total Service Charges 104,482 1071820 111,820 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 9. GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL k (Continued) ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 SWIMMING POOL 9,134 7,709 9,000 PARKING METERS 33,217 34,472 35,000 MISCELLANEOUS UNCLASSIFIED 9077 6,434 6,000 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS: Water Fund 60,000 80,000 Baytown Improvement Fund 29,100 Grand Total All Revenues 952,277 1,018,661 961,355 Prior Year Surplus 130,636 159,222 107,381 TOTAL AVAILABLE 11082,913 1,177,883 1,068,736 9£L1890`1 Z99`T£O`T T£0`z68 TpgoL PUPTu 966`68 59T`68 LT6`% snoausTTaoszN T'a401 5n*02z OOL T 5L�- aous.znsul M, TL*1`69 5917"71, z'79`8£ a.3s.zsp TOL sno�N�z�osl� OSL`T-7 896` Zz 0£L`6T uoTgL:,Gjoag pus sxxsd T09 :NOIZT��2tOH�i 0£'7`T£ 55510£ 500LZ' �uauqjvdaa uq-TsaH TO5 :HZ'IVHH d0 NOIIVAUZSNOO T9L'17£T 88T`17£T 59'7`8TT Tesodsia O� uota.oaTTop aq.ssM ZO'7 :'IVAONHU SZSVM QNiT NOIIVIINVS LS£`8£z 58T`OLT 5L*I`2�8T s-KsMPsog Pu'e SARMuDTH TO£ :SXVMCIVOU 90 SXVMHIH zL9`z££ 5TO`TZ£ M'652' S;GpS oTTand Ts,+os 5'7L�LT— Z£ 66T o6Z Z- uoi,.oadsul GAT;Oago.zd £0� 9'7L`50T 0581LTT £z1748TT quaurq.zsdaQ 9jTj M0 5 WT`60z £££`£8T 8£*/`8n quauigjvd@G GOTTod T0� x1affS OIMIJ OLL`L6T 985`95z 52£`O'7I gUGWu.z9ao0 T-eJaua0 TP;01 00� 09L--ej 098 66 oulaGaul2us 80T 006`6T LM`£z 470*1`L TTsH -4T O LOT 01899T CZ`9T -768`zT M-aZ 90T 5689017 T L6"7£ 89+/`6e aousuz I SOT 009`T 068`T OL£`T suot,.oaTa '7OT £6£`LT £'78`ST gJno O UOTgVaodao o £OT 068`6£ 565"le z6T`Z'7 ago-euL-N k�T p MI z88`517 £5z19TI Tzounop SgTo TOT :S,NaMHhOD MaNa0 5-856T 8� L5-%6T 2iHWN GaSodolid QalivNIZSH rlvnzov NOISIAIQ QNV ZN2NDd cIHQ ZNMOOV NOISXOI3IsSVrio soarao GNV NOISONfla ag satnsiaNadxa do XHVKKfls QNIl3 rivusNao •oT SVX31 'NMOlAVS d0 A113 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 11. GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 EXPENSES: A. Saories and Wages 511075 582,082 638,914 B. Supplies 44,009 51,836 53,940 C. Maintenance of Land 12 250 275 D. Maintenance of Structures 57,220 71,225 24,750 E. Maintenance of Equipment 260853 43,635 31,175 F. Miscellaneous Services 47,802 48,556 72,555 G. Sundry Charges 53,143 52,844 45,977 Total Operating Expense 867,586 Emergew4 Fund 31800 Contingent Fund 4,563 29,468 Total Expenses 740,414 8582781 8970054 CAPITAL OUTLAY CITY COUNCIL FUNDS X. Land 21901 Y. Structures 28,628 61029 133,297 Z. Equipment 70,172 78,260 38,385 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 88,592 Total Capital 101,701 84,289 171,682 Grand Total 842,115 1,0311662 1,0681736 # Adjusted to include prior year expenditures of "Traffic Fund" whikh is combined with Account #201 and to exclude "Sanitation and Waste Removal" which eAded to Water Fund as Account #1006. Ccria gvfiNxV SVX31 'NN►01AV8 SO A113 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 12. ACCOUNT NO. 101 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL DETAIL ACTUAL . . .ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956- 7 1957-58 1 59 8-59 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 2. Clerical 4,690 6,106 8,220 Total 4,690 62106 8,220 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 80 300 300 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance 300 300 300 4. Special Services 2072 4,200 4,200 5a. Advertising 119 455 6. Travel Expense 21150 1,140 250 10. Transportation 13a. Association Dues 539 604 20 Total 5,480 62699 4,770 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contributions and Gratuities 11719 21187 12300 4. Damages and Judgements 7. Court Costs 8. Miscellaneous Veteran Service 1,750 3,236 1,374 Total 32469 5,423 21674 Total Expenses 1,719 18,528 15,964 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Capital Improvements 10,434 30071 Y-1 Buildings and Structures CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 13. ACCOUNT NO. 101 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-5 Z. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 770 450 2. Machinery 4. Motor Vehicles Total Capital Outlay 10,434 31041 450 Emergency Fund 3,800 Contingent Fund 3,992 29,468 Sub Total 24,153 39,133 44,582 Less - Transfer to other funds 88,592 Grand Total 24,153 146,253 45,882 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 14. ACCOUNT NO. 102 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY MANAGER DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Executive 9,000 8,460 11,000 2, Clerical 4,550 6,215 6,480 Total 13,550 14,675 17,480 B. SUPPLIES * 1. Office 87 215 200 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles 60 175 150 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 120 6. Travel Expense 550 378 500 13. Association Dues 36 35 50 Total 706 413 550 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 5. Pension 8,555 9,500 12,760 5a. Social Security 15 918 7,700 4,900 8. Civilian Defense 12081 542 500 9. Civil Service 1,229 1,300 1,200 Total 26,783 19,042 19,360 Total Expenses 41,186 34,520 37,740 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 913 75 250 4. Motor Vehicle 1,900 Total Capital Outlay 913 75 2,150 Grand Total 42,099 34,595 3%890 *Adjusted to exclude "Supplies Motor Vehicle": See Acct. #701 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 15. ACCOUNT NO. 103 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION COURT DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-5 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Administrative 4,225 5,040 5,040 2. Clerical 3,106 4,210 109260 3. Jailer 3,900 4000 5. Extra Help Total 11,231 13,550 15,300 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 805 876 975 t E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 71 137 200 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communication 214 2. Car Allowance 600 600 5. Special Services 53 6. Travel Expense 50 450 200 Total 317 1,050 800 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Jury Fees 6 18 Total Expenses 12,424 15,619 17,293 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 560 224 100 Grand Total 12,984 15,843 17,393 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 104 16. GENERAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1 59 8-59 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 2. Election 721 1,016 720 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 210 193 200 3. Election Officers Meals 28 50 7. Minor Instruments Total 210 221 250 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 4. Electric Machine Rent 439 653 600 5. Advertising 30 Total 439 653 630 Grand Total 1,370 1,890 1,600 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 105 17. GENERAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 A. SALARIES AND WAGES *1 1. Supervision 8,622 10,110 10,440 2. Clerical 6,198 61720 7,200 3. Accounting 5,858 61360 71050 5. Extra Help, Contingent 3,058 1,956 5,280 5a. Extra Help (Legal Department) 1,250 11750 Total 24,986 26,896 29,970 B. SUPPLIES # 1. Office 51141 51000 51000 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 150 75 3. Equipment 589 600 675 4. Motor Vehicle 100 Total 589 750 850 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 4a. Semi-Annual Audit 1,000 1,000 2,500 4c. Equalization Board 450 450 450 5. Advertising 152 650 11000 6. Travel Expense 105 200 500 7. Rents 100 13. Other 2 25_ 25 Total 15709 2025 41575 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 8. Abstracts 500 • Total Expense 32,925 34,971 40,395 CAPITAL OUTLAY X-1 Abstracts & Deeds Z-2 Machinery 603 500 Grand Total 33,528 34,971 40,895 Adjusted to exclude Supplies Motor Vehicle Ill Adjusted to include total salary of Tax Assessor and exclude the portion of Building Inspector's salary previously charged here. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 106 18, GENERAL GOVERNMENT LAW DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 56-57 195758 1958-59 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 2, Clerical 2,990 3,660 41080 3. Professional 7,770 8,460 10,200 Total 10,760 12,120 14,200 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 320 300 300 E-4 MAINTENANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLE 207 143 200 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6. Travel Expense 415 11088 600 13. Law Library 799 11000 1,000 13a. Association Dues 50 50 Total 1,214 2,138 11650 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Court Costs 208 150 300 8. Other Total 208 150 300 Total Expenses 12,709 14,851 16,730 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. ,EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 100 80 3. Equipment 4. Automotive 1,296, Grand Total 12,709 16,247 16,810 Adjusted to exclude B-6 CITY OF HAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 107 19. GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY HALL DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956--57 1. 957-58 1958-59 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Operation 21640 21940 3,000 5. Extra Help 100 50 120 Total 2,740 2,990 3,120 B. SUPPLIES 2. Fuel 634 975 1,150 7. Minor Tools 25 25 35 8. Janitorial 335 475 550 Total 994 1,475 1,735 C . MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1. Land 25 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 424 4,664 750 E. MAINTENANCE & EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 49 12. Heating & Cooling System 135 200 200 Total 184 200 200 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 3,477 5,050 5,220 7. Rents 100 �100 11. Light & Power 6,873 8,350 8.750 Total 10,350 13,500 14,070 Total Expenses 14,692 22,829 19,900 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPIyENT 1. Capital Improvement 15. Other 545 198 Total Capital Outlay 545 198 Grand Total 15,237 23,027 19,900 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 108 20, GENERAL GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 56-57 1957-58 1958-59 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Technical 8,210 71320 9,600 3a. Draftsman 4,440 4,800 Total 81210 11,760 14,400 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 602 500 500 7. Supplies, Minor Tools 175 13. Other 382 500 500 Total 984 1,175 11000 E-3 MAINTENANCE OF INSTRUMENTS 100 100 4. Motor Vehicles 14 75 Total 114 375 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowances 300 600 600 6. Travel Expense 25 100 G. SUNDRY CHARGES, ASSOCIATION DUES 42 86 125 Total Expenses 9,536 13,760 16,400 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z-1 Equipment 11000 Grand Total 9,536 13,760 17,400 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 201 21. PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 6,117 6,658 12,615 2. Clerical 21090 51520 6,600 3. Operation 103,980 121,305 124,907 4. Maintenance 3�220 61511 3,700 5. Extra Help 1,751 1,888 600 Total 117,158 141,882 148,422 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 11652 1,750 11750 4. Uniforms 11695 2,155 2,200 4a. Clothing Allowance 280 720 5. Forage 7. Minor Instruments 1,089 1,087 800 8. Laundry and Cleaning 16 48 60 13. Other 2,730 2,030 2,800 Total 7,182 71350 8,330 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 640 262 300 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 83 100 100 3. Instruments and Apparatus 209 250 250 4. Motor Vehicles 3,656 3,750 _ 650 Total 31948 4,100 5,000 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 950 950 12000 6. Travel Expense 411 785 500 9. Prisoner Subsistence 1,066 1,250 1,250 Total 2,427 21985 2,750 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 201 22. PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 5. Pension 246 372 5a. Social Security 393 140 5b. Group Hospital Life Insurance 110 225 Total 749 737 Total Expenses 132,104 1579316 164,802 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. STRUCTURES 32,000 Z. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 11027 715 2. Machinery, Tools and Implements 65 3. Instruments and Apparatus 531752 3,902 2,135 4. Motor Vehicles 9,720 7,940 4,450 10. Meters & Settings 4,320 12,960 5,794 11. Signal Systems 136 500 15. Other 170 Total Capital Outlay 211190 265017 44,379 Grand Total 153,294 183,333 209,181 # Revised to exclude Maint Signal Systems - T 'ansferred to 203 F-11 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 202 23. PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59_ A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 51796 61368 61871 3. Operation 63,316 71,242 80,150 5. Extra Help 900 900 900 Total 701012 78,510 87,921 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 25 50 50 2. Fuel 4. Wearing Apparel 348 500 500 6. Motor Vehicle 7. Minor Apparatus 1,950 51000 4,250 8. Janitorial 133 150 200 Total 2,456 5,700 5,000 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES I. Building 513 500 500 10. Other 127 Total 513 627 500 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 15 25 25 3. Fire Apparatus 617 700 700 4. Motor Vehicle 923 800 800 11. Signal Systems 147 300 375 Total 11702 1,825 11900 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 6. Travel Expense 360 400 400 11. Light and Power 13. Other 24 25 25 Total 384 425 425 Adjusted to exclude B-6 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 202 24. PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 56-57 1957-58 1958-59 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contribution to Vol. Dept. 7,250 7,850 _ 8,000 Total 7,250 71850 8,000 Total Expenses 82017 94,937 103,746 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y-1 Building 9,178 Z. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 11712 2. Machinery, Tools, and Equipment 454 775 3. Instruments & Apparatus 225 500 4. Motor Vehicle 18,788 21,913 1,500 11. Radio Signal System 3,588 Total 24,542 22,913 2,000 Grand Total 1161037 117,850 105,746 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 203 25. PUBLIC SAFETY PROTECTIVE INSPECTION DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 A. SALARIES AND WAGES *2 3. Technical 51988 5,880 14080 5. Extra Help 6,322 Total 5,988 12,202 14080 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 84 150 150 7. Minor Apparatus 31 25 100 Total 115 175 250 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT *1 3. Instruments & Apparatus 77 25 4. Motor Vehicle 132 200 200 11. Signal Systems 1,441 1,700 1,700 Total 1,573 1,977 1,925 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 165 2. Car Allowance 565 600 6. Travel Expense 150 275 550 13a. Association Dues 28 35 40 Total 343 875 1,190 Total Expenses 8,019 15,229 17,745 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT 2. Machines, Tools, Implements 4. Automotive 1,400 4,603 Grand Total 91419 19,832 17,745 Excluding B-6 *1 Adding "Maintenance Signal System" E-11 *2 Adjusted to include all of Building Inspectors salary and exclude portion of Tax Assessor's salary previously charged here. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 301 z6 HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-5 A. SALARIES AND WAGES *2 4. Maintenance 88,808 87,623 96,865 Total 88,808 87,623 96,865 B. SUPPLIES 'h 7. Minor Tools 319 350 350 13. Other 120 125 125 Total 439 475 475 D. MA_INTENANCE 1. Building 191 200 200 5. Sidewalks, Curb 2,560 21000 2,000 8, Street 52,37 60,000 20,000 Total 55,125 62,200 22,200 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES *1 1. Communications and Public Relations 120 120 120 2. Hire of Equipment 5 100 4a. Special Services 11. Street Lighting 6,568 7,500 17,800 Total 6,693 7,620 18,020 Total Expense 151,065 157,918 137,560 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. STRUCTURES 5. Curb and Gutters 7052 8. Streets 953 82,297 Z. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery 4. Motor Vehicles 11,978 12,267 18,500 5. Other Vehicles 100,797 15. Others - Engineering Total Capital Grand Total 171048 170,185 238,357 ACCOUNT NO. 402 27. SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Operation 105,796 119)000 127,786 5. Extra Help 4,219 4,000 4,000 Total 110,015 123,000 131,786 B. SUPPLIES 7. Minor Tools 289 300 300 9. Chemicals 11595 2,500 2,500 13. Other 118 125 125 Total 2,002 2,925 2,925 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 9. Dumping Grounds 50 50 F. SPECIAL SERVICES 7. Rents 100 Total Expenses 112,117 125,975 134,761 CAPITAL OUTLAY X. LAND 2,901 Z. EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles 8,213 Total 2,901 81213 Grand Total 115,018 134,188 134,176 Excluding B-6 SVX3l 'NMOlAV9 AO AlIO CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 501 28. CONSERVATION OF HEALTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 A. SALARIES AND WAGES _ - 3. Technical 16,532 21,600 22,980 3. Professional Total 16,532 21,600 22,980 B. SUPPLIES � 1. Office 130 250 250 4. Wearing Apparel 50 50 75 5. Pound Food 123 182 200 7. Minor Tools 120 31 50 9. Chemicals, Medical & Surgical _ 66 86 100_ Total 489 599 675 D. BUILDINGS 294 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3. Maintenance of Instruments & Apparatus 100 98 100 4. Repa2ra - Motor Vehicle 299 _ 1a6.!� 175 Total 399 564 275 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 2. Car Allowances 1,727 2,100 2,'100 6. Travel Expense 292 400 400 Total 2,019 2,500 r 2,500 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contributions 5,000 5,000 5,000 la. Contributions, Veterans Service Bureau 1,226 Total Expenses 25,665 30,555 31,430 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. STRUCTURES 10. Fence Z. E ,UIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles 1,237 Grand Total 26,902 30,555 31,430 '� Adjusted to exclude B-6 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 601 29. RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION x DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 195` .-58 19 '-59 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 1,500 1,600 1�600 3. Operation 3,377 4,370 4,400 4. Maintenance 3,964 4,040 4,300 5. Extra Help Total 8,84,1 101010 10000 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 62 50 50 4. Suits and Towels 58 50 100 8. Laundry and Janitorial 409 100 100 9. Chemicals 700 700 13. Other 63 20,0 200 Total 592 1,100 1,150 C. MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1. Land 12 250 250 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Maintenance of Buildings 416 2,700 700 10. Maintenance of Boat Landing 328 150 Total 416 3,028 850 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Tools (Major) 128 250 300 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communication 11. Light & Power 150 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contribution to Recreation Prog-6,937 9,800� 9,800 la. Contribution to Little League 8. Miscellaneous 24 4.050 100 Total 6,961 13,850 Total Expenses 9,900 16,950 28,638 221,750 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 601 30. RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION a, DETAIL ACTUAL F`'TJYMED PROPOSED 1956-5 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 711 19,000 10. Others (Playground Lights) 80 Total 711 80 19,000 Z. EQUIPMENT 3. Equipment 462 500 11. Lights for Parks 15. Equipment 742 750 Total Capital Outlay 1,204 1,250 19,000 Grand Total 18,$65 29,968 41,750 # Revised to combine Accounts 601-602-603 CITY OF ]BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 701 31. MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1 55-59 A. SALARIES AND WAGES *1 1. Supervision 71489 7,810 8,970 3. Operation 9,64J:� 10,322 13,800 Total 17,133 18,132 22,770 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 103 100 100 6. Motor Vehicle Fuel 21,467 23,300 24,725 7. Minor Tools 499 500 500 13. Other 47 50 50 Total 22,116 23,950 25,375 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 101 100 100 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery 17,991 26,000 20,000 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communication 11. Light & Power Total Total Expenses 57,341 68,182 68,245 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. STRUCTURES 1. Building 5,949 Z. EQUIPMENT (1. Furniture) 334 11. Signal System 6,000 1,226 Grand Total 63,341 74,465 69,471 # Adjusted to include "supplies motor vehicle" for all General Fund !accounts Lq incliidi ng KO% of Puh7 r_ Works Di.r, actor sn,lai f - remaining 50% to Water Fund. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 702 32. MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3a. Automotive Equipment 67650 4,500 4,500 3b. Building and Contents 2,478 21295 3,375 3c. Group Life and Hospitalization 5,424 65130 11,220 3d. Firemen Benefit 380 380 380 3e. Burglary 175 180 100 3f. Swimming Pool 212 350 350 Total 15,319 13,835 19,925 G. SUNDRY CHARGES G-2 Bonds 257 365 350 G-8 Medical Care 699 500 250 Total 956 865 600 Grand Total 16,275 14,700 20,525 N 0 1 1 0 a s x H 0 m Ha IV m III 1 9 v a is 0 (1 f1 S ri v R N N v 4 SVX31 'NA&OlAVEI 30 AlIO CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATER DEPARTMENT 33. STATEMENT OF INCOME, EXPENSE &;URPLUS ADJUSTMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30 1959 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 OPERATING REVENUES: SALES OF WATER: Metered sales to General Customers 348,738 348,600 351,000 OTHER WATER REVENUE: Serviceing Customer Installations 24,789 26,109 27,000 Miscellaneous Other 1,000 1.000 Total Operating Revenue 373,527 375,709 379,000 Prior Year Surplus 972749 g5,3g6 83,759 Total Available 471,276 461,095 462,759 LESS: Operating Expenses 165,771 261,570 293,482 Capital Outlay 66,405 14,733 335 Debt Service 93,714 101,033 119,126 Transfer to General Fund 60,000 Total Expenditures 385,890 377,336 412,943 Unappropriated Surplus 85,386 83,759 49,816 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS • WATER DEPARTMENT 34. SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1959 ACCOUNT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED NUMBER DIVISION 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1001 Supply 53,398 46,582 47,290 1002 Transmission & Distribution 130,005 95,013 106,233 1003 Customer Accounting and Collecting 44,141 50,380 53,085 1004 Stores 13,566 16,082 19,701 1005 Debt Service 93,714 101,033 119,126 1006 Sewers & Sewage Disposal 79,125 68,246 67,718 Total Expenditure 413,949 377036 413,153 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATER DEPARTMENT 35. SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER & OBJECT CLASSIFICATION FISCAL YEAR ENDING SE?TE%,1BER 30, 1959 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956.57 1957-58 1958-59 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 151,343 174,344 199,302 B. Supplies 24050 25,680 25,330 C. Land 100 D. Maintenance of Structures 8,25E 7,235 12,500 E. Maintenance of Equipment 16,858 18,244 19,475 F. Miscellaneous Services 29,108 28,908 31,410 G. Sundry Charges 6,622 7,159 5,575_ Total Expense 236,569 261,570 293,692 CAPITAL OUTLAY X. Land 500 Y. Structures 27,025 11146 Z. Equipment 56_,641 13,087 335 Total Capital Outlat 83,666 14,733 335 Transfer to Water Works Interest & Sinking Fund 93,714 101,033 119,126 Grand Total Budget 413,949 377036 413,153 * Revised to include "Sanitation of Waste Removal" Axcount 401 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1001 36. WATER DEPARTMENT SUPPLY DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1 58- 9 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 21005 3. Operation 10,918 14,022 14,340 Total 12,923 14,022 14,340 B. SUPPLIES 2. Fuel 170 200 200 6. Motor Vehicle 730 7. Minor Tools 88 100 100 13. Other 48 50 50 Total 11009 350 350 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 730 250 1,000 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery 1,428 11700 1,700 9. Water Mains Total 19428 1,700 11700 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 7. Rents 72 11. Light & Power 28,555 27,828 29t,200_ Total 28055 27,900 29,900 Total Expenses 42,640 44,222 47,290 Continued y Adjusted to exclude salary of "Director of Public Works" 06z`L7 z8519+/ S6£`£5 Tvgos puUJ0 0902z $SL`OT -[VgTduo TEgos ZNgNdiflbH 'z 85L`OT STTGM aGgPM '01 .Iezlln.o rivsidvo 65-�96T 85-L56T L Gas Od0Hd GailvrNIZSa MIX zivsaa ,kriadas sNSNsxVdHa 119 M �L£ TOOT 'ON INflO OOV SVX31 'NM0lA79 AO A11O CITY OF SAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1002 38. WATER DEPARTMENT TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 21004 42170 4,770 2. Maintenance 55.699 64,319 79,783 Total 57,703 68,489 84,553 B. SUPPLIES 7. Minor Tools 12000 21850 1,000 9. Chemicals 2,481 �,270 3,270 13. Other 410 125 125 Total 3,891 61245 4,395 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 7. Standpipes and Reservoirs 561 500 5,000 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 9. Water Mains 73340 6,350 71500 10. Meters and Settings 2,979 4044 4,000 14. Fire Hydrants 20 300 300 Total 10,339 10,994 11,800 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6. Travel Expense 95 200 400 7. Rents-Easements 60 85 85 Total 155 285 485 Total Expenses 72,649 86,513 106,233 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMIENT 2. Machinery 14,663 1,197 3. Instruments & Apparatus 1,893 4. Motor Vehicles 21578 9. Water Mains 12,697 2,920 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1002 39. WATER DEPARTS TENT TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1926.57 1957-58 19 8-59 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT (Continued) 10. Meters and Settings 25,481 1,805 14. Fire Hydrants Britton Craven Water System 617 Total Capital Outlay 55,351 8,500 Grand Total 128,000 95,013 106,233 AdJuTted to include 50I of total salary of "Director of Public Works" CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1003 40. WATER DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 3,135 31270 3,600 2. Clerical 8,787 11,055 11,820 2a. Operation 5,384 51400 6,240 2b. Meter Readers 93174 113820 12,840 3. Accounting 6,167 6,955 71050 5. Extra Help 63 600 Total 32,710 38,500 42,150 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 31339 2,350 3050 D. MAINTENANCE OF BUILDING 1,213 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Office Machines 625 675 675 4. Motor Vehicles 30-- 75 _ Total 655 750 675 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communication 180 13. Other 80 683 1,000 Total 260 683 11000 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 5. Pension 2,256 21684 2,275 • 5a. Social Security 2,684 3,000 1000 5b. Life and Hospital Insurance 729 1,475 2,000 Total 5,669 7,159 5,575 Total Expenses 43,846 49,442 52,750 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EiUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 295 938 335 4. Motor Vehicles 2. Machinery Total Capital Outlay 295 938 335 Grand Total 44,141 50080 53,085 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT N0, 1004 41. WATER DEPARTMENT STORES DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 19�'8-59 A. SALARIES AND WAGES �� 1. Supervision 11740 11820 2,100 2. Clerical 2,400 3,000 3. Operation 4,807 5,1�2 6.,901 Total 6,547 9082 12,001 B. SUPPLIES 6. Motor Vehicle 2,749 3,650 4,150 13. Other 48 50 50 Total 21797 3,700 4,200 E, MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles 3,602 31000 3,500 Grand Total Expense 12,946 16,082 19,701 v Pund 2UT:MS :F g29Jaqul S31JOM J9''VM aaS TTLgGQ JOJ WV6TT CC04TOT 'IU'C6 GDTAaGS ggaa •z SSDUVHO X dQNIlS *0 65-856T 2�-L�6T LS-956T QaSOdoud QalvNilSs livIlZOV HOIAUHS ZSaC[ MaNlavd3Q Idal m SOOT 'ON ZNRO00K StlX31 'NMOlAVS d0 AIM CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1006 43. WATER DEPARTMENT SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL'S DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 19 8-59 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 3. Operation 332742 35,460 37,080 4. Maintenance 7,718 8,491 9,178 Total 41,460 43,951� 46,258 B. SUPPLIES 2. Fuel 6. Motor Vehicles 7. Minor Tools 134 150 150 9. Chemicals 12,571 12,860 12,860 13. Other 19 25 25 Total 12,724 13,035 13,035 C. MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1. Land 100 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. 'Buildings 182 185 200 3. Disposal Plants 2,020 1,800 22300 4. Sanitary Sewers 31076 31500 3,500 6. Storm Sewers 476 1,000 500 Total 51754 6,485 6,500� E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Maintenance of Machinery 819 1,500 12500 3. Maintenance of Instruments and Apparatus 15 300 _ 300 Total 834 1,800 11800 F. 1v9SCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communication 134 4a. Engineering 7. Rents 4 40 25 11. Light & Power Total 138 40 25 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 8. Other 953 Total Expense 61,863 65,311 67,718 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1006 44. WATER DEPARTMENT SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL` DETAIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958_--�9 CAPITAL OUTLAY 500 X. LAND Y. STRUCTURES 3. Filters 4. Sanitary Sewers 6,784 6. Storm Sewers 91483 1,146 10. Other, Fence Z. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery 3. Instruments & Apparatus 995 4. Motor Vehicle 1.289 Total Capital Outlay 17,262 2,935 Grand Total 79,125 68,246 67,718 Transf_Qrred from Account 11.01 - General Fund A r CIA � s � a AI IUVcl 1510C[ 119 1VflNN V e !r` SVX31 `N1K01AV8 .40 Allo 55174'7LL 506`L,LL Ov7In 0C-6 q-v snTdxag 506`LLL on 7-Z-7 L jago,.o0 qp snTdang punjaU 4Tsod@g - • �pV snTdinS (OS' C) 5S17`517 S0Z`Sz snTdJng Oq- J9JSUVJ,I 14aiq SSz`60z 9LO4479L 50$`0% SquautaJ'nball Tv�Ol OSL'LL .2uzpun3a,d puog - saa3 TuuozssaJo.zd 005 '75z ew aOuvuoxq o-Z SWa L zZ SWln 2�6L`6+1 sj uamr uj �saaa,�uj g-� 000'56 000' L6 000`e6 saTg.Tan,.P'.1 puog salaGs a-Z� sOOJVT40 �.zpuns •0 SZN�1rI3�TIflt�13 9 L6`50z L95`60z C L0`9S L anuana-1 Tva.Ol WC '6LL 60z5'eu '7L-�- spun, pauMO 60L`98 66z`z6 soxvj S,,jadoad T-G.zaua0 65-SS L SS-LS L LS-9S6L Qacodolid CEMilSa 'I No S Q N O a a a v •5'1 H 0 1 A U H S Z El Cl' S VX31 'NM01AV9 �O AlIO CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS DEBT SERVIC E 4.6. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (Including Tax-Supported Water Works Bonds) ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 RESOURCES: DUE FROM GENERAL FUND General Property Taxes 91,966 86,455 88,208 .Balances From Bond Funds 333 19,897 Total Revenues 92,299 106,352 88,208 DEDUCT: REQUIREMENTS: G. Sundry Char-aes 2-A. Serial Bond Maturities L.9,000 51,000 53,000 2-B. Interest Payments 31,925 46,083 61,928 2-C. Exchange Costs 142 100 250 2-D. Professional Fees - Bond Refunding 6,900 Total 87,967 97,183 115,178 Net Transfer to Surplus 4,332 9,169 26,970 Surplus, October 1 36 691 '41,_013 41 90g Total Surplus September 30 41,013 50,182 14,938 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS DEBT SERVICE 47. WATERWORKS REVENUE BONDS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 5�6-5_7 19 57-58 1958-5 RESOURCES: TRANSFER FROM OTHER GOVERNMENT OWNED FUNDS Transfer from Water Operating Funds 93,714 101,032 119,126 Revenue From Premium and Interest 2,177 Total 93,714 103,209 119,126 DEDUCT: REQUIREIENTS: G. SUNDRY CHARGES 2-A. Serial Bond Maturities *44,000 401000 42,000 2-B. Interest Payments *17,867 26:,739 51,857 2-C. Exchange 121 154 250 2-D. Professional Fees-Bond Refunding 10,850 Total 72,838 66,893 94,107 Net transfer to surplus 202876 36,316 25,019 Surplus at 10-1 10031 31,407 87,577 Surplus at 9-30 31,407 67,72311 112,596 Distribution of Surplus Special Reserve Deposits Monthly Deposit for Debt Retirement 39,106 39,313 Bond Reserve Fund Account 21895 20,117 38,929 Contingency Reserve Account 1,500 82500 14,500 Includes Bonds Recalled for Refunding Program 12,000 �� Includes Premium on Bonds Recalled 4,822 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 48. S T A T E M E N T O F B 0 N D E D I N D E B T E D N E S S W A T E R W O R K S B U N D S October 1 , 1958 Description Interest Date of Term Rate Issue Years City of Lft l : Waterworks Refunding "B" 5 % 4-10-35 38 City of Goose Creek: Waterworks * 5 % 10-10-27 40 City _of_ Baytown: Waterworks and Sewer System Refunding ;° 2 2p 3- 1-52 12 2 3/4% 3- 1-52 16 Water District #2: Tri Cities Fresh Water Supply and Improvement District #2 4 % 2- 1-41 19 City of Baytown: Waterworks & Sewer System Refunding - Series 1957* 3 zip 5-15-57 15 3 3A% 4 % 4 p Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Refunding - Series 1957: 3 -21% 5-15-57 10 3 3/4% 4 % 4 % Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Series 1958 3 ,;% 2-15-58 22 31 3 5/8% Total Waterworks Bonds *Denotes Tax Supported Bonds CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ST ATE1.1ENT `0F� BOND ED I_NDEB_TEDNESS 49, WA_T_E_ RW0RKS BONDS October 1 , 1958 Maturity Original Amount Principal Interest Date Issue Outstanding Due 57-58` Due 1958-59 73 63,000 30,000 21000 11500 67 115,000 51,000 5,000 2,668 64 603000 301000 5,000 1,265 68 21,000 21 ,000 60 4.5,000 101000 3,000 383 70 24,000 18,000 61000 81857 42,000 42,000 127,000 127,000 373000 37,000 67 137,000 97,000 4.2,000 16,455 126,000 126,000 86,000 86,000 116,000 116,000 68 85,000 85,000 3524.02 74 424,000 424,000 80 491,000 491,000 1,7911000 63,000 66,530 ' Tax Supported 21,000 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 50. S T A T E ii E N 'T O F B 0 N D E D I N D E B T E D N E S S G E N E R A L 0 B L I G A T I 0 N B 0 N D S October 1 , 1958 Description Interest Date of Term Rate Issue Years City of P e lly: Refunding "B" Series 4 i% 4-10-35 38 5 % City Hall Refunding 5 1 7- 1-35 36 Street Improvement Refunding 6 % 11-10-38 21 Street Improvement 3 3/4% 12- 1-45 25 City of Croose Creek: Sewer Improvement 5 -2% 10-10-27 40 Street Improvement 2 % 9- 1-45 22 2 22 Refunding Series - 1945 3 % 9- 1-45 19 City of Baytown: Park Improvement 2 2- 1-48 22 Series 1948 2 3A% 3 Baytown Street & Drainage Improvement Series, 1958 5 % 2-15-58 16 3 % 4 Total CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS 51 • G E N E R A L O B L I G A T I O N B 0 N D S October 1 . 1958 Maturity Original Amount Principal Interest Date Issue Outstanding Due 58-59 Due 58-59 4-10-73 36,500 18,500 1,000 925 7- 1-71 33,000 15,500 1,000 775 11-10-59 14,000 2,500 11000 120 4- 1-70 75,000 65,000 2,000 2,438 10-10-67 45,000 16,000 11000 852 3- 1-67 553000 70,000 29,000 14,000 4,145 146,000 146,000 3- 1-63 50,000 302000 6,000 810 8- 1-70 130,000 81,000 6,000 21730 2-15-63 128,000 128,000 34,460 2•-15-66 112,000 112,000 2-15-74 760,000 760.000 1 ,4035500 32,000 47,255 99z`£98` L 99L16547 005`£0*7` L SLR 1 M97- 000,05L 000`05 L 17L-£L6 L z£04z5L z£5`6 005`z47L 005`z6z £L-zL6t £91746-IL £96`£L 005`5£L 000`on zL-LL6L 0*/z`8'7 L O'7z 18 L 000`0£L 000,855 LL-OL6 L Lgrl L L5+/` Lz 000`00L 000985g OL-696L 05*/1L8 0511`£z 000`85 00019LL 69-896L 509188 50915z 000`£9 000`6LL 89-L96L 086`LLL 086`Lz 000`-78 0004£g8 L9-996L 551711LLL 55+7`0£ 0001L8 000`"6 99-596L 8584OLL 8589z£ 000`8L 000`zzo`L 59-1796L 50z`LLL 5oz115£ 000`% 000`8604L 179-£g6L 50L`6OL 50L`8£ 0004LL 000`690L £g-z96L Lz6`oLL Lz6`0�' 000`OL oo0`6£z`L z9-L96L 5z91OLL 5z9`£'7 000`L9 00019o£`L L9-096L +/£L`LLL '7£z`947 005`59 005`LL£`L 09-656L M5 %L 5 5z`O 000`z£ 005`£0I/`L 65-856 L .xuax jo sa.uama.z-cnbaE squawaiTnba-g s-.uawaxtubaE 9uzuuzoag ju@7 Leos �sasa�uz -pdzaut.zd utpu��s�nO Z�osz SQN09 NOIITDI` EO TVA E H sliNal lqo auclaHos z5 g0I1l 'i S ZSaQ SVX31 'NMOlAY9 AO AlIO CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS DEBT SERVICE 53. SCHEDULE OF UIREl',MTS WATEt?WORKS TAY, SUPPORTED BONDS Fiscal Outstanding Principal Interest Total Year Beginning Requirements Requirements Requirements of Year 1958-59 366,000 21,000 141672 35,672 1959-60 345,000 21,000 13,828 34,828 1960-61 324,000 22,000 12,959 34,959 1961-62 302,000 24.,000 12,161 36,161 1962-63 278,000 25,000 11,209 36,209 1963-64 253,000 25,000 10,223 35,223 1964-65 228,000 27,000 9,152 36,152 1965-66 201,000 27,000 8,046 3.51046 1966-67 174,000 28,000 6,931 34,931 1967-68 146,00O 55,000 51795 60,795 1968-69 91 ,000 58,000 3,770 61 ,770 1969-70 33,000 27,000 1,400 28,400 1970-71 6,000 2,000 300 21300 1971-72 4,000 2,000 200 2,200 1972-73 21000 2.000 100 2,100 366,000 110,746 476,746 o99`ZSo`Z 0991L59 00015Z,71L 98_._ 7 9,977 00� 000`L'7 08-6L6 L 6£o`£oL 6£0`5 000`86 000'6£L 6L-U6L 9"°ZoL 9+1`8 000`176 0004££Z 8L-LL6L 60L` LOL 60L`LL 000`06 000`£Z£ LL-9LU 9Z8`oOL 92:8"7L 000998 000'607 9L-5L6L 66L`66 66L`LL 0004z8 000`L617 9L-17L6L '795`66 +79510Z 000`6L 000`oL5 `7L-£L6L 68W 6 68L`£Z 00015L 000`5'79 £L-ZL6L ,90OL6 8005Z 0001ZL 0004LLL ZL-LLU 'IZ L`1,6 17Z `O R 000`69 000`98L LL-OLU ££7`96 £0`0£ 000`99 000`Z58 OL-696L 6£9`96 6£9`i�£ 000`£9 000`5L6 69-896L 685`*76 685` l£ 000`09 000`5L6 89-L96L 69L`'76 69L`9£ 000`85 000`££o`L L9-996L KO'56 SLo`6£ 0001% 000`680`L 99-596L 60,°56 6LZ`07 000`175 000`£i L` L 59-1796 L '7Z£`56 *IZ£`£/ 000`Z5 000`56 L`L '79-£96 L M`56 *7*IZ 15'7 000 905 000`5'7e`L £9-Z96 L L60'56 L60'O 00018'1 000`£62:`L 2�9-L96L LLL`'76 L LL`8'1 000`9,' 000`6££`L L9-096 L L5£`'76 L5£`05 0009" 000`£8£`L 09-656L 958`£6 9581L5 0004Z'7 000`5Z'7`L 65-856L sa.uauuajinbag s,�uauaxmbad s,.uamajTnbaU 2utuu-12ag JLgx 1sq-oS �sa.za�ul [�dTouY zd ouzpuB�s�no Z�osz� S(It109 a—MIS1 HIK 1,3XUOMII:,IJVM S IMMU 1 9�1 do arific'3F-Ios "75 3 01A11gs 1 9 H G SVX31 'NMOlAV9 JO AIID CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 55. ORDINANCE NO. 504 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 195', AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1959. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARTER AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Baytown has submitted to the City Council a budget estimate of the revenue of said City and the expenses of con- ducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 1955, and ending the 30th day of September, 1959, and which said estimate has been compiled from detailed information obtained from the several departments, divisions and offices of the City, containing all the information as required by the Charter of the City of Baytown; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received said City Manager's estimate and held a public hearing thereon as provided by Section " of the Charter; and WHEREAS FURTHER, after a full and final consideration of the public hearing, it is the opinion of the Council that the budget as filed should be approved and adopted; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: SECTION l: That the budget estimate of the revenues of the City of Baytown, and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 1958, and ending September 30, 1959, as submitted to the City Council by the City Manager of said City, be, and the same is, in all things adopted and approved as the budget estimate of all the current expenses as well as the fixed charges against said City for the fiscal year beginning the 1st day of October, 1958, and ending the 30th day of September, 1959. SECTION 2: That the sum of One Million Sixty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty Six ($1,C68,736,00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the general fund for the pa,ment of operating expenses and capital outlay of the City Government as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: General Government ",$p199,770.00 Public Safety $332-1672.00 Highways $238,357.00 Sanitation & Water Removal $134,761.00 Conservation of Health $ 31,430.00 Recreation $ 41,750.00 ` Miscellaneous $b 89,996.00 SECTION 3: That the sum of Four Hundred Thirteen Thousand One Hundred Fifty Three ($p413,153.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the water works for operating expenses and capital DlItlay of the municipally awned water works as here- inafter itemized, to-wit: CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS 56. • Supply 0 47,290.00 Transmission & Distribution o106,233.00 Customer's Accounting & Collecting $ 53,085-00 00 - Stores $ 67,718.00 Sewage & Sewage Disposal Waterworks Interest & Sinking Fund $119,126.00 SECTION 4: That the sum of One Hundred Fifteen Thousand One Hundred Seventy Eight ( 15,178.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the General Interest & Sinking Fund for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and ^ed.eening the serial bonds as they mature, on the general debt service bonds as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: Serial Bond Maturities 53,000.00 Interest Payments (33) $ 61,928.00 Exchange $ 250.00 SECTION 5: That the sum of Ninety Four Thousand One Hundred Seven ($94,107) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the water works Interest & Sinking fund for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming the serial bonds as they mature, on the water works debt service bonds as hereinafter itemized to-wit: Serial Bond Maturities 42,000.00 Interest Payments (16) $ 51,857.00 Exchange $ 250.00 SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be and remain in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval of the City Council, and it shall be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in the City of Baytown. READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by at least a majority of the City Council at the regular meeting held at the City Hall in the City of Baytown on this the 28th day of August, 1958. R. H. Pruett, Mayor ATTEST: Edna Oliver, City Clerk CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 505 57. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE RATE AND TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1959, UPON ALL TAXABLE PRO- PERTY IN SAID CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, IN CONFORM- ITY WITH THE LAWS OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER PROV- SIONS AND THE ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY; AND REPEAL- ING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CON- FLICT HEREWITH.BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That there shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected for the year ending September 30, 1959, an ad valorem tax of One and 72/100 ($1.72) Dollars on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars worth of property located within the present City Limits of the City of Baytown, made taxable by law, which said taxes when collected shall be apportioned among funds and depart- ments of City Government of the City of Baytown and for the purpose hereinafter set forth as follows; to-wit: For the General Fund 1.52 For the purpose of paying the accru- ing interest and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the bonded in- debtedness of the City of Baytown. .20 Section 2: The ad valorem tax rate of One and 72/100 Dollars as set forth in Section 1, above, is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected on only Fifty (50%) Percent of each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars worth of property loca- ted within Baytown, as valued by the Equalization Board for the City of Baytown, and made taxable by law. Section 3: The City Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Baytown is here- by directed to assess, extend and enter upon the tax rolls of the City of Baytown, Texas, for the Current Year, the amounts and rates herein levied, and keep a cor- rect account of same, and when so collected, the same to be deposited in the de- pository of the City of Baytown, to be distributed in accordance with this ordi- nance. Section 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are ex- pressly repealed. READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, at a regular meeting held at the City Hall on August 28, 1958. R. H. Pruett, Mayor ATTEST: Edna Oliver, City Clerk ____ CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS j CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT 58. EXPENSES: These comprise all items of expenditure, necessarily incurred for current administration, operation and maintenance -- and for materials and equipment in the nature of renewals or replacements which do not add to the capital assets of the City. A. Salaries and Wages B. Supplies C. Material(or contract) for maintenance of land D. Material (or contract) for maintenance of buildings, improvements and structures E. Material (or contract) for maintenance of equipment F. Miscellaneous Services G. Sundry Charges CAPITAL OTTTT,AY- Comprises expenditures of ever; character which increase the capital assets of the City. X. Lands Y. Buildings and Structures Z. Equipment E X P E N S E S A. SALARIES AND WAGES: A-1 Supervisory: To include legislative, executive and administrative A-2 Clerk Hire: Clerical services or service of that nature A-3 Labor Operation: To include professional and technical service A-4 Labor Maintenance: Services performed in repairing and maintaining a standard of: C. Lands D. Buildings, improvements and structures E. Equipment B. A-5 Extra Help SUPPLIES: B-1 Office supplies: To includs all supplies necessary for use in the operation of office, such as CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 59. Ice Postage Printing: To include printing of budget, circular letters, reports and specification Publications: To include blue prints, catalogues, charts, magazines, maps, newspapers, etc. Stationery: To include pencils, rubber stamps, ink pads, paper, paste, pens, binders, blank books, clips, desk pads, ink, envelopes, erasers, filing cabinet supplies, labels, manuscript supplies, tracing cloth, etc. B-2 Fuel Supplies: To include coal, gas, oil, wood, etc. B-3 Food Supplies: To include all articles of food for human being. B-4 Wearing apparel, dry good and notions: To include such articles as aprons, badges, belts, blankets, boots, canvas cloth, cotton goods, curtains, dress finding, hats, linens, oil cloth, pillow cases, shoes, sheets, slickers, thread, towels, uniforms, etc. B-5 Forage, barn and shoeing: Barn: To include brushes, curry combs, disinfectants, sand, sawdust, shavings, sponges, straw, etc. Forage: To include all articles of food for animals. Shoeing: To include all cost of material and labor for shoeing animals. B-6 Motor vehicle supplies: To include gasoline, grease, lubricating oil and small accessories. B-7 Minor apparatus, instruments, tools, and utensils, which are liable to loss, theft and rapid depreciation: Minor apparatus: To include that used in cleaning, engineering, hospital, laboratory and medical, such as alcohol lamps, balances, blow pipes, burners, filters, lanterns, measures, tubing, etc. Minor instruments: To include calipers, compasses drafting instru- ments, gauges, lenses, measuring chains, pincers, sterilizers, thermometers, etc. Minor tools: To include augers, axes, bits braces, crowbars, engineers stakes, fire hose I handcuffs, jacks, punches, reamers, shears, wrenches, and articles of similar nature. Minor utensils: To include barrels, baskets, brooms, brushes, cans, chamois skins, cups, cuspidors, dishes, electrical gloves, glassware, enamelware, knives, lamps, mats and articles of like nature. B-g Laundry, cleaning and toilet: To include c-aning preparations, deodorants, disinfectants, floor oils, scouring powders, soap, wax, etc. B-9 Chemical, medical and surgical: To include alcohol, alum, antitoxins, bandages, chlorine, gauze, limme, lime, medicines, vaccine, etc. B-10 Mechanical supplies: To include fuel oil, lubricating oil, grease, packing waste, etc. B-11 Educational and recreational supplies: To include all articles of ` transient use, as baseballs, lime for marking tennis courts, rent on moving picture films, tennis balls, etc. B-12 Botanical and agricultural supplies: To include bulbs, disinfectants, fertilizers, seeds, trees, young plants, etc., used for parks and public grounds. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 60. B-13 Other supplies: This is to include supplies that have not been allocated. C-D-E MATERIALS: Materials are commodities of a permanent nature in a raw, unfinished, or finished state; entering into the construction, renewal, replacement or repair of any land, building, structure, or equipment. C. Material (or contract) for maintenance of land: All expenditures (material or contract) covering land maintenance, such as regrading, drains, repairing, etc. D. Material (or contract) for maintenance of buildings, structures, and improvements: All expenditures (materail or contract) covering repairs and replacements of: D-1 Buildings D-2 Bridges D-3 Filtration plants D-4 Sanitary sewers D-5 Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters, and culverts D-6 Storm sewers D-7 Standpipes and reservoirs D-8 Streets, roadways, and highways D-9 Incinerator and dumping grounds D-10 Other E. Maintenance of equipment: All expenditures (Material or Contract) covering repairs and replacements of: E-1 Furniture, fixtures and furnishings E-2 Machinery, tools, and implements (major) E--3 Instruments and apparatus (major) . Includes fire apparatus. E-4 Motor Vehicles: Includes tire and tubes E-5 Other Vehicles E-6 Harness E-7 Livestock E-8 Books (Includes purchase of new books for library) E--9 Water works mains E-10 Meters and settings E-11 Signal systems E-12 Heating systems E-13 Service connections • E-14 Fire Hydrants E-15 Other F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: Miscellaneous services are activities performed by other than minicipal departments, under expressed or implied agreement involving personal services plus the use of equipment or the furnishing of commodities. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 61 . F-1 Communication: To include m.essenger service, telegraph and telephone. F-2 Hire of Equipment: To include compensation for use of equipment via: hire of teams, with or without drivers, also allowance to employees for use of private cars. F-3 Insurance: To include premiums on all kinds of insurance on property and equipment, also liability insurance and surety bonds. F-4 Special services: To include compensation for personal ser- vices such as special investigations and surveys, inspecting materials, audits, special legal services, etc. F-5 Advertising, legal and otherwise. F-6 Traveling expenses: To include expense of public officers and employees incurred in regular performance of their duties for transportation by public carriers, etc. F-7 Rents F-8 Music F-9 Support of persons (prisoners) F-10 Transportation (other than employees) F-11 Light and power F-12 Freight, express and drayage (unallocated) G. SUNDRY CHARGES: Sundry charges include those expenses legally or morally obligatory upon the city as a public corporation. G-1 Contributions, gratuities and rewards: To include charitable institutions, hospitals and other organizations; compensation to prisoners, prizes, entertainment, floral offerings, etc. G-2 Debt service: To include the payment of principal and interest of funded and unfunded debt G-3 Refunds G-4 Judgments and damages G-5 Pensions G-6 Taxes G-7 Court costs, jury and witness fees G-8 Other C A P I T A L O U T L A Y X. LANDS: X-1 Purchase price: To include all expenditures for land as abstracts, assessments, cost of appraising, recording of deeds, surveys, etc. X-2 Betterments: To include all expenditures (including payrolls), covering original cost of draining, engineering and inspection, first sodding, grading, planting and terracing. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 62. Y. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: All expenditures, including payrolls for new or additions to: Y-1 Buildings Y-2 Bridges Y-3 Filtration plants Y-4 Sanitary Sewers Y-5 Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters, and culverts Y-6 Storm sewers Y-7 Standpipes and reservoirs Y-g Streets, roadways and highways Y-9 Incinerator Y-10 Other Z. EQUIPMENT: All expenditures to cover original cost of equipment (not replacements) which increases the value of the fixed assets of the city. Z-1 Furniture, fixtures and furnishings Z-2 Machinery, tools and implements (major) Z-3 Instruments and apparatus (major); this includes all fire appar- atus. Z-4 Motor vehicles Z--5 Other vehicles Z-6 Harness Z-7 Livestock Z-8 Books (does not include purchase of books for library) Z-9 Water works mains Z-10 Deters and settings Z-11 Signal systems Z-12 Heating systems Z-13 Service connections Z-14 Fire hydrants Z-15 Other