_FY 56-57 COB Adopted Budget ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE CITY O FLUA JL T® V V Ng TEX. S It I FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER 1, 1956 - SEPTEMBER 30,j 1957 COMPILED BY C. DARWIN MIDDLETON, CITY M 'NAGER 1 AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL R. H. PRUETT. MAYOR P. H. MEARS W. C. SWAIN R. B. BERGERON AL CLAYTON M H. M. CAMPBELL LACY LUSK V CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANNUAL BUDGE T ■ of the CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS FOR THE Fiscal Year October 1, 1956 - September 30, 1957 Compiled by C. DARWIN MIDDLETON, CITY MANAGER 1 And Adopted by the MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL ' C I T Y C 0 U N C I L R. H. PRUETT, MAYOR P. H. MEARS W. C. SWAIN R. B. BERGERON AL CLAYTON H. M. CAMPBELL LACY LUSK ''i CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. PART I. SU�IARIES Lntroduction I. The City Manager's Message II. General Budget Summary - Revenues 1 General Budget SiLrnary - Expenditures 2 General Budget Summary - All Funds 3 Individual Funds 4 Analysis of Property Valuations 5 Tax Levies and Collections for All Funds 6 General Fund Resources from all :Sources 8 . ' General Fund E3pe__ditures by Function and Object 10 General Fund Expenditures by Character and Object 12 PART J.I. DETAILED EXPENDITT3RES 0-' G24ERAL FUND ' General Government: City Council 13 City Manager 16 Corporation Court 18• Elections 20 Finance 22 Law 24 City Hall 26 Engineering 28 Public Safety: Police Department 30 Fire Department 33 ' Protective Inspection 36 Highways and Roadways: Highways and Roadways 38 Street Lighting 41 Sanitation and Waste Removal: Sewers and Sewage Disposal 42 Waste Collection and Disposal 46 Conservation of Health 48 Recreation: ! lAunicipal Parks 50 Playgruands and Playfields 52 fSwimming Pool 53 �1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 17 Table of Contents Continued Pane No. Miscellaneous Garage 56 Insurance 59 I'r.l PART III. WATER WORKS SECTION Statement of I � Expense ncome Ex & Surplus Adjustments 61 P Summary of Expenditures by Division 62 Summary of Expenditures by Character and Object 63 Supply 64 Transmission and Distribution 67 Customer Accounting and Collecting 71 Stores 74- Debt Service 76 PART IV. TRAFFIC IMPRO MNT FUND Income and Expense Statement 77 Public Safety 78 `'' PART V. DEBT SERVICE SECTION Resources and Requirements: All Bonds 82 General Obligation Bonds 83 ' Waterworks Bonds 8 5 Description Bonds: General Obligation Bonds 89 R.H Waterworks Tax--Supported Bonds 92 Waterworks Revenue Bonds 93 PART VI, MISCELLANEOUS Appropriation Ordinance 94. Ordinance Fixing Tax Rate 96 Classification of Expenditures by Character and Object 97 Y a I�f 1 1+ r r saINvNNas i I N v a z Qn g 'IvaNNV SVX71 'NMOlAVS d0 A11O No r< E •sanuanax aaJUM tnox3 pus uOTIVXEI t10a3 Vuiisaado spun3 puoq (+7) •saalam 2uixasd Kq p9TTddns sanuanaa uioa3 Butgeaado pun3 quauuanoadml oT33eas BRI (£) -aagsM 3o ajes uioa3 2u7leaado pun3 aagsM atIl (Z) •anuaaaa 3o sooxnos snoarzajjaoszaa aatlJO tuoa3 put saoanos xsi uzoa3 sanuanaa tIJIM 2uz4saado pun3 Tsaaua0 aql (T) :UCTjVaado 3o pogaatu avTnoigaad Jsuj 01 2uiuie3aad saoanos moa3 pantaap sanuanax MOa3 pus TTouno0 �qT q atlq Kq palsiadoadde ss spun3 uMo siT ggzM pus aapun Buz3eaado gosa sjun000s 192pnq 2u'MOITo3 aq4 30 3STSu00 TTTM umOlKu q 30 AIT O 9ql 30 la?pnq t9-9961 aql E N O I Z O A Q O U Z N I "I r. SVX31 'NMOlAVS AO A110 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS THE CITY MANAGER'S BUDGET MESSAGE To the Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Baytown Baytown, Texas Gentlemen: Pursuant to Article 680-13, Title 20, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, and Section 41 of the City Charter, there is submitted herewith a budget estimate of the revenues and expenditures of the various funds of the City for the fiscal year beginning October 1 , 1956, and end- ing September 30, 1957. The City of Baytown has again passed with a very progressive year, still handicapped because of the lack of funds for Capital Improvements. Numerous Capital Improvements were developed, such as the beginning of the construction of a $20,000.00 fire station located on Ward Road and Richardson Street-, the ordering of a new 750 gallon Mack Fire Truck, a new street sweeper, and the completion of Martin Street drainage ditch. Plans are being pre- pared for the repair of two water wells, installation of six and eight inch water mains, curb and gutter projects, and other items of major construction. ' The financial policies of the City have not changed. We are still operating on a pay as you go basis. Property valuation increased by approximately $2,322,000.00; the tax rate remains the same at $1 .72 per one hundred dollars. The 1955-56 tax collection was the highest in the history of Baytown at 95.8% of the total levy with a ratio of 3.0% of delinquent collections to the current levy and 98.9% to the total collections of the current tax levy, leaving 16.1% of the accumulated delinquent taxes to the current years levy. The total assessed value estimated as true value is $85,964,318.00. The City levies on the basis of 50% of the estimated true value, making the assessed value a total of $421982,159.00. In the General Fund, the current expenses are budgeted to the 40 amount of $748,686.00. Capital Outlay $132,750.00; the Emergency and Con- tingent Funds $41 ,000.00; Unappropriated Reserve $35,689.00; making a total of $958,125.00. The General Obligation Debt Service Fund amounts to $p132,115.00. There will be appropriated to Water Fund for current expendi- tures $175,128.00; Capital Outlay $900.00; Unappropriated Reserve $160,800.00; making the expenditures for the water, other than Debt Service w336,828.00. To the Water Works Debt Service Q58,393.00 was appropriated. The Traffic Improvement Fund had appropriated to its use, for current expenses, g%28,563.00; Unappropriated Reserve $17,133.00, making a total of u45,696.00 ' appropriated. A total for all expenditures, all funds, is 01 ,254,980.O0. A grand total of all funds surplus will amount to $p266,177.00, making a total of expenditures and surplus amounting to $1 ,521 ,157.00. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Izx. Revenues of the General Fund are: Unappropriated Operating Surplus, $128,967.00; from tax sources $5872283-00; from non tax sources, revenues of $281 ,875.00; making the total revenue of all receipts ror the General Fund $958,125.00. Receipts for the General Fund Debt Service from tax sources amounts to 5,434-00. The surplus being $36,681 *00, the water Fund had an unappropriated surplus of $97,690.00. Receipts from the sale of water will amount to $330,000-00. Other receipts such as water taps, amount to $17,000.00., making a total of $336,828.00. The Debt Service Fund had a surplus of $10,538.00, and collec- tions from water operating revenue will amount to $47,862.00y making a total of $58 9 393 9 00* The Traffic Improvement Fund had an unappropriated operating sur- plus of $14,696.00. The anticipated revenue from parking meters is ±; $31 ,000.00, making a total of 45,696.00. A grand total of all revenues of $1 ,232,592.00, plus a total of all surplus of $288,565.00 makes a grand total of all revenue resources :r of $1 .,521057.00. Tax revenue will amount to 54.5% of total revenue, 61 .9% of the operating budget goes to salaries, and 11 .7% goes to Debt Service, and 10.7 0 f or Capital Outlay. e+ A Planning Commission will be appointed to study the fiscal needs and major Capital: Improvements of the City of Baytown. The City of Baytown contemplates issuing a refund issue of all Water Revenue Bonds in order that all bonded indebtedness, including those of the annexed water district will be under one issue, and will also allow the City to issue further revenue q r bonds when the needs are necessary. s7 ,w On the following pages submitted, there is a detailed exhibit and schedule of the current operating and capital outlay of all funds. It will be seen in the Budget that there has been an attempt to keep the budget at a minimum, with only the requirements to operate the City in accordance with ±' its needs and revenue. However, again it .must be pointed out at this time, that the City Xr of Baytown is undergoing a great change in its growth as to area and popu- lation and that the demands for services are ever increasing. The City can- not operate and give all the service demanded by the Citizens under its Irl,i, present income. The City must look for additional revenues if it wants to continue to give even the minimum services necessary. Under the present financial set-up the City is limited in providing muC. needed Capital Improvements such as sanitary sewers, drainage, streets, health, fire and police protection. It is suggested that a very definite study be made as to how the City may obtain further revenues to better the f' financial position of the City. f? The City Administration and all of it's Employees have received wonderful cooperation from the public in its efforts to provide the necessary needs of its Citizens. f� CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS IV. A May I again thank the Mayor and the City Council, the Department Heads, Employees, and Citizens of Baytown for their splendid cooperation of the past year, and again with the continued cooperation of all we can develop the City of Baytown into a "Better Place in Which to Live. " ' Respectfully, 1 C. Darwin Middleton City Manager ' CITY OF BAYTOWN ' CDl1:wh 41 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' 1. GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - REVENUES For the Fiscal Year 1956-57 REVENUE S Budget ' Proposals 1. General Fund Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 128,967 ' From Tax Sources 587,283 From Non Tax Sources 2412875 ' Total 958,125 2. Water Fund Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 97,690 From Sale of Water 222,13� Miscellaneous Other 17,000 Total 336,828 F 3. Traffic Improvement Fund Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 14,696 Anticipated Revenue 31,000 Total 45,696 4. General Obligation Debt Service Fund From Tax Sources 85,434 Surplus .136,681 Total 122,115 5. Water Works Debt Service From Water Operating Revenue 47,862 Surplus 10,531 F Total 58,393 Grand Total All Revenues 1,232,592 Grand Total All Surplus 288,565_ Grand Total All Resources 1,521,157 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - EXPENDITURES 2. For the Fiscal Year 1956-57 EXPEND I T U R E S Budget Proposals 1. General Fund Current Expenses 748,686 Capital Outlay 132,750 Emergency & Contingent Funds 41,000 Unappropriated Reserve 35,689 Total 958,125 2. Water Current Expenses 175,128 Capital Outlay 900 Unappropriated Reserve 160,800 -a Total 336,828 3. Traffic Improvement Fund Current Expenses 28,563 Capital Outlay Unappropriated Reserves 17,133 Total 45,696 4. General Obligation Debt Service Fund Requirements 80,091 Surplus 42,024 Total 122,115 5. Water Works Debt Service Fund a Requirements 47,862 Surplus 10,351 Total 58,393 Grand Total All Expenditures 1,254,980 Grand Total All Surplus 266,177 Grand Total-Expenditures & Surplus 1,521,157 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 3. GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - ALL FUNDS Fiscal Year 1956-57 F REVENUE SOURCE: All Percent Funds of Total Tax Revenue 672,717 54.5 % Other Revenue 181,875 14.8 % Sale of Water 330,000 26.8 % Service Charges 17,000 1.4 % Parking Meter Revenue 31,000 2.5 Transfer Funds -0- Total All Revenue 1,232,592 100 % Surplus at 10-1-56 288,565 Total Resources 1j521,157 Expenditures: Operating Salaries 669,650 61.9 % Supplies 57,425 5.3 % Maintenance of Land 375 0.3 % Maintenance of Structures 58,450 5.4 % Maintenance of Equipment 39,975 3.7 % Special Services 72,224 6.7 % Sundry Charges 54,278 5.0 % Debt Service 127,953 11.7 Total Operating Expenditures 1,080,330 86.0 % Expenditures: Capital Outlay Land 150 Structures 121,200 Equipment 12,300 Total Capital Outlay 133,650 10.7 % Special Ap rroopriations r Emergency Fund 15,500 1.2 % Contingent Fund 25,500 2.1 % Total Special Appropriations 41,000 Total All Appropriations 1,254,980 100 % Unappropriated Surplus Estimate at 9-30-57 266,177 4 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS "0 4. INDIVIDUAL FUNDS Fiscal Year 1956-57 General General Water Waterworks Traffic Fund Interest and '_Fund Interest and Fund Sinking Fund Sinking Fund 587,283 85,434 181,875 330,000 17,000 31,000 60,000 (107,862) 47,862 829,158 '85*434 239,138 47,862 31,000 128,967 36,681 97,690 10,531 14,696 958,125 122,115 336,828 58,393 45,696 530,925 120,184 18,541 41,880 10,670 4,875 375 55,450 3,000 23,825 14,700 1,450 48,984 20,490 2,750 47,247 6,084 947 80,091 47,862 748,686 80,091 175,128 47,862 28,563 150 121,200 11,400 900 132,750 900 15,500 25,500 41,000 922,436 80,091 176,028 47,862 28,563 35,689 42,024 1601800 10,531 17,133 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS `i ANALYSIS OF PROPERTY VALUATIONS 5. Fiscal Assessed Estimated Basis of Period Value True Value Assessment 1940-41 3,984,000. (1) 12,073,000. 33 % (4) it 1941-42 4,805,100. (1) 14,560,000. 33 % (4) 1942-43 4,984,700. (1) 15,105,000. 33 % (4) 1943-44 5,104,700. (1) 15,470,000. 33 % (4) 1944-45 5,083,100. (1) 15,400,000. 33 % (4) 1945-46 5,477,600. (1) 16,599,000. 33 % (4) 1946-47 6,313,000. (1) 19,130,000. 33 % (4) f1947-48 9,964,000. (2) 30,194,000. 33 % (4) 1948-49 17,500,000. (3) 35,000,000. 50 % 1949-50 19,374,137. 38,748,274. 50 % 1950-51 27,983,026. 55,966,052. 50 % 1951-52 30,225,248. 60,450,496. 50 % 1952-53 31,731,097. 63,462,194. 50 % 1953-54 32,714,837. 65,429,674. 50 % 1954-55 33,318,264. 66,636,528. 50 % 1955-56 40,660,897. 81,321,794. 50 % 1M 1956-57 42 982 159. °�, , 85,964,318. 50 G Notes: (1) Combined assessed valuations for Goose Creek and Pelly. (2) Combined assessed valuations for Goose Creek, Pelly and Baytown. (3) Complete reappraisal of property made in 1948. (4) The 33 % basis shown here is a guess. Actuallly there was no basis. Property owners made their own renditions.. Apparently neither Goose op Creek nor Pelly ever had an appraisal of property for assessment pur- poses. jo off CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS I 6. TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS F Fiscal Total Collection of Percentage of Collection Period Tax Levy Current Year' s Levy Collected Prior Year's Taxes During During Fiscal Taxes During Fiscal Period Period Fiscal Period 1940-41 55,772. 42,261. 75.8 142067. 1941-42 67,390. 53,700. 79.7 10,623. 1942-43 69,783. 57,580. 82.6 12,691. 1943-44 71,325. 61,162. 85.8 14,123. 1944-45 71,167. 63,799. 89.6 13,745. 1945-46 76,686. 68,234. 89.0 14,604. 1946-47 90,694. 79,575. 87.8 9,991. 1947-48* 185,326. 172,000. 92.8 5,000. 1948-49 301,000. 276,900. 92.0 9,050. 1949-50 306,000. 285,510. 93.3 94.60. 1950-51 333,202. 306,377. 91.9 8,095. 1951-52 519,834. 483,037. 93.2 13,795. F 1952-53 545,737. 516,443. 94.6 23,979. 1953-54 562,658. 532,448. 94.7 19,470. 1954-55 573,037. 548,567. 95.7 29,604. F- 1955-56 712,646. 683,405. 95.8 21,640. 1956-573ci- 739,251. 672,717. 91.0 12.1000. Notes *"'The-Fiscal period 1947-48 reflects the first full year of operation of the consolidated cities of Baytown, Goose Creek and Pelly. Estimated income and collections. F CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS ' TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS 7. Ratio of Total Ratio Accumulated Ratio of Delinquent Collections of Total Delinquent Accumulated Collections Collections Taxes Delinquent Taxes to Current To Current To Current Year's Tax Levy Tax Levy Tax Levy 25.2 56,328 101.0 80,178. 143.7 15.8 64,323. 95.5 83,064. 123.4 18.2 70,271. 100.8 82,921. 118.9 19.8 75,285. 105.6 78,257. 109.8 19.4 77,544. 109.0 72,156. 101.5 19.0 82,838. 108.0 66,031. 86.2 11.0 89,566. 98.8 69,437. 76.5 2.7 177,000. 95.5 77,700. 41.9 3.0 285,950. 95.0 92,700. 30.8 ' 3.0 294,770. 96.3 100,140. 32.7 2.4 314,472. 94.3 96,409. 28.9 2.7 496,832. 95.6 99,853. 19.2 4.3 540,422. 99.0 103,446. 18.9 3.5 551,918. 98.1 96,449. 17.1 5.1 578,171. 100.8 107,694. 18.7 3.0 705,045. 98.9 115,109. 16.1 1.6 684,717. 92.6 169,643. 22.9 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS GENERAL FUND RESOURCES FROM ALL SOURCES g, C U R R E N T R E V E N U E S ' ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES: 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 ' Current Year's Levy 484,930 596,612 572,283 Prior Year's Levies 25,487 18,581 12,000 Penalties and Interest 10,039 6,525 3,000 Total Property Taxes 520,456 621,718 587,283 OTHER LOCAL TAXES: Street Rental Charges: Houston Natural Gas Co. 8,203 9,183 9,000 1 Houston Lighting & Power Co. 16,285 18,294 18,000 Gen. Tel. Corp. of the Southwest 8,017 8,876 8,800 Taxicabs 825 825 825 Total Other Local Taxes 33,330 37,178 36,625 "` LICENSES AND PERMITS: Business Licenses: Oil Drilling Permits 8,100 6,000 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses 2,254 2,218 2,000 Other Business LicenseW595-298 2,524 893 1,000 Total Business Licenses 12,878 9,111 3,000 FINES AND FORFEITS: Corporation Court 27,776 35,319 32,000 SERVICE CHARGE FOR CURRENT SERVICES: Protective Inspection Fees: Building Permits 2,617 2,455 2,400 Electrical Permits 2,537 2,837 2,200 Plumbing Permits 3,166 2,785 2,300 Health Permits 810 830 850 Waste Collection Fees 85,107 89,536 90,000 Total Service Charges 94,237 98,443 97,750 r CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS GENERAL FUND RESOURCES FROM ALL SOURCES 9' CURRENT REVENUES (Continued ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 SWIMMING POOL 10,374 9,272 10,000 MISCELLANEOUS UNCLASSIFIED 5,264 9,471 2,500 CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS FROM OTHER GOVERNMENT OWNED FUNDS Transfer of Water Utility Profits 50,000 58,000 60,000 From Traffic Improvement Fund 7,816 Grand Total All Revenues 762,131 878,513 829,158 Balance Unappropriated Surplus at October lst. 96,319 112,681 128,967 TOTAL ALL RESOURCES 858,450 991,194 958,125 a a CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND 10* SUMMARY -0-F -EXPENDITURES BY -FUNCTION--AiND -OBJECT -CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1 0 57 ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT AND DIVISION 95L-�5 1_9� -56 195660 ''! NUMBER GEVER&AL M�MT: -GO VER 101 City Council 128Y963 153..,835 -1682222 102 City Manager 28,438 27004 39.9613 rr 103 Corporation Court 5.95 40 8y496 11 .9330 104 Elections 282 1 .1706 1 .t010 105 Finance 25yO6O 269070 25,225 106 Law 11 ,596 12059 12 009: )77--1 107 City Hall 5,520 5,935 51955 108 Engineering - wwftp� ..29228 8 Total General Government 205.9399 245,843 272,890 PUBLIC SAFETY: 201 Police Department 202 105�212 112,707 9893 Fire Department 57,205 939344 88y869 203 Protective Inspection 10,6 10 j.22.4 12 Total Public Safety 173011 216,955 22,22202 HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS: 301 Roadways 1522894 142,371 -143,858 302 Street Lighting 3,811 5 279 7j000 Total Highways and Roadways 156,725 147,650 150,858 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL: 401 Sewers & Sewage Disposal 51 65 .t 255 59.9 217 .9008 402 Waste Collection & Disposal 88 533 1-0.5-1655 1161�wrw 07 Total 139,788 164,872 181 ,715 CONSERVATION OF HEALTH: 501 HealthDepartment 13 y597 21 .1500 27�189 RECREATION.0 601 Municipal Parks 31741 3y861 4,600 602 Playfields & Playgrounds 61000 62000 6,000 603 Swimming Pool _8_9 622 10005 Total Recreation 18,9363 189791 20 605 �. CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS GENERAL FUND 11. SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION (continued) ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT AND DIVISION ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED NUMBER 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 MISCELLANEOUS: 701 Garage 29,617 31,884 30,685 702 Insurance 10,150 13,729 16,292 Total Miscellaneous 39,767 45,613 46,977 Grand Total 746,750 861,224 922,436 q CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS GENERAL FUND 12. SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 EXPENSES: A. Salaries and Wages 404,103 466,985 530,925 B. Supplies 31,009 44,279 41,880 C. Maintenance of Land 229 118 375 D. Maintenance of Structures 65,034 59,288 55,450 E. Maintenance of Equipment 22,330 27,182 23,825 F. Miscellaneous Services .33,268 45,090 48,984 G. Sundry Charges 31,072 30,632 47,247 Emergency Fund 15,500 Contingent Fund 25,500 Total Expenses 587,045 673,574 789,686 CAPITAL OUTLAY: X. Land 344 150 Y. Structures 144,876 157,455 121,200 Z. Equipment 14,829 29,851 11,400 Total Capital 159,705 187,650 132,750 Grand Total 746,750 861,224 922,436 a N n 3 11 v u a m 9 D II Z u v a s � � ang gvamuv Q_ SVX31 'NMOlAtl9 JO AlM rC CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 101 13. GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL S U M MA R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 5,940 6,035 4,560 B. Supplies 104 103 75 D. Maintenance of Structure F. Miscellaneous Service 2,305 2,562 1,287 G. Sundry Charges 560 591 1,300 Total Expenses 8,909 9,291 7,222 i CAPITAL OUTLAY X. Land Acquisition (Fire Station Site) Y. Building & Structures and Other Capital Improvement 120,000 144,544 120,000 Z. Equipment 54 Total Capital Outlay 120,054 144,544 120,000 Emergency Fund 15,500 Contingent Fund 25,500 Grand Total 128,963 153,835 168,222 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate per Month Total Annual A-2 CLERICAL City Clerk 380. 4,560. A CITY OF SAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 101 14. GENERAL GOVERNMENT ' CITY COUNCIL DETAIL ' ACTUAL ACTUAL PRQPOSED A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1. Mayor and Council ' 2. Clerical 5,940 6,035 4,560 Total 5,940 6,035 4,560 B. SUPPLIES I. Office 104 103 75 D; MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURE 1. Building Maintenance . F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance 275 300 300 4. Special Services 1,541 1,526 Sa.Advertising 98 400 6. Travel Expense 350 200 13a.Association Dues 391 386 387 ' Total 2,305 2,562 1,287 ■ G. SUNDRY CHARGES M 1. Contributions and Gratuities 560 591 1,300 4. Damages and Judgements 7. Court Costs Total 560 59Z 1,300 Total Expenses 8,909 9,291 7,222 a CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Capital Improvements Y-1 Buildings and Structures 120,000 144,544 12011000 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 101 15. GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL i DETAIL ' ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 Z. EQUIPMENT ' 1. Furniture and Fixtures 54 2. Machinery 4. Motor Vehicles ■ Total Capital Outlay 120,054 144,544 120,000 Emergency Fund 15,500 Contingent Fund 25,500 Grand Total 128,963 153,835 168,222 CITY OF HAYTOW N, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 102 16. GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY MANAGER SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 10,467 10,971 14,100 B. Supplies 242 260 300 E. Maintenance of Equipment 239 47 75 F. Miscellaneous Services 282 346 420 G. Sundry Charges 16,898 13,902 24,018 Tote' Expenses 28,128 25,526 38,913 " CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. Equipment 310 1,778 700 Grand Total 28,438 27,304 39,613 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate Per Month Total Annual A-1 EXECUTIVE City Manager 750 9,000 A-2 CLERICAL Secretary 250 3,000 PBX Operator 175 2,100 Total Salaries 425 5,100 s CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 102 17. GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY MANAGER DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Executive 8,540 8,540 9,000 2. Clerical 1,927 2,431 5,100 Total 10,467 10,971 14,100 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 92 113 150 6. Motor Vehicles 150 147 150 Total 242 260 300 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles 239 47 75 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 120 120 6. Travel Expense 250 194 250 13. Association Dues 32 32 50 Total 282 346 420 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 5. Pension 13,886 11,960 10,600 5a. Social Security 11,418 8. Civilian Defense 1,754 686 500 9. Civil Service 1,258 1,256 1,500 Total 16,898 13,902 24,018 F Total Expenses 28,128 25,526 38,913 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 310 73 700 ,R 4. Motor Vehicle 1,705 Total Capital Outlay 310 1,778 700 ` Grand Total 28,438 27,304 39,613 CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS .-AGCOUNT-•NO. 103 18. GENERAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION COURT S U M M A R Y w ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 5,023 7,898 10,500 B. Supplies 243 386 500 E. Maintenance of Equipment 58 10 50 F. Miscellaneous Service 216 196 265 G. Sundry Charges 6 15 Total Expenses 5,540 8,496 11,330 CAPITAL OUTLAY . Z. Equipment Grand Total 5,540 8,496 11,330 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate per Month Total Annual A-1 ADMINISTRATIVE Judge 300 3,600 A-2 Clerk 195 2,340 D. 0. Student (1/2 time) 65 780 A-3 Jailer 315 3,780 Total 10,500 I II ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS i ACCOUNT NO. 103 19. GENERAL GOVERNMENT ' CORPORATION COURT ' DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 A. SALARIES t1 . Administrative 4,903 3,575 3,600 2. Clerical 120 2,223 3,120 3. Jailer 2,100 3,780 ' Total 5,023 7,898 10,500 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 243 386 500 ' E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 58 50 F . MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES ' 1. Communication 172 196 215 ' 6. Travel Expense 44 •50 Total 216 196 265 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Jury Fees 6 15 Total Expenses 5,540 8,496 11,330 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 ' Z. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures Grand Total 5,540 8,496 11,330 ■ i CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS F AOCOUNT NO. 104 20. ' GENERAL GOVERNMENT ' ELECTIONS S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 253 936 500 B. Supplies 29 216 200 F. Miscellaneous Services 554 310 Grand Total 282 1,706 1,010 t w CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 104 21. GENERAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 2. Election Officials 253 936 500 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 22 195 200 7. Minor Instruments 7 21 Total 29 216 200 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 4. Electric Machine Rent 540 270 5. Advertising 14 40 Total 554 310 Grand Total 282 1,706 1,010 i CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 105 22. AIM GENERAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 EXPENSES A. Salaries 18,886 18,322 18,600 ' B. Supplies 3,541 3,531 3,600 E. Maintenance of Equipment 428 478 500 F. Miscellaneous Services 1,610 1,836 1,875 G. Sundry Charges 1,024 500 Total Expense 24,465 25,191 25,075 CAPITAL OUTLAY X. Land 344 150 Z. Equipment 595 535 Grand Total 25,060 26,070 25,225 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate per Month Total Annual A-1 SUPERVISION Director of Finance (50% of 525. per month) 262.50 3,150. Tax Assessor & Collector (Part T) 175.00 2,100. A-2 CLERICAL Deputy Tax Assessor & Collector (2) 520. 6,240. A-3 ACCOUNTING City Controller (50% of 500. per month) 250 3,000 Bookkeeper (50% of 260. per month) 130 1,560 Bookkeeping Machine Operator (50% of 240. per month 120 1,440 A-5 EXTRA HELP 1,110 Total Salaries and Wages 18,600 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 105 23. GENERAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE r DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED ' 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 A. SALARIES AND. WAGES 1. Supervision 6,345 5,130 5,250 2. Clerical 5,908 5,927 6,240 3. Accounting 5,358 5,639 6,000 ' 5. Extra Help 1,275 1,626 1,110 Total 18,886 18,322 18,600 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 3,466 3,470 3,500 6. Motor Vehicle 75 61 100 Total 3,541 3,531 3,600 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT y 1. Furniture and Fixtures 3. Equipment 428 478 500 Total 428 478 500 y F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 4a. Semi-Annual Audit 1,000 1,000 1,000 ' 4c. Equalization Board 450 450 450 5. Advertising 46 294 300 6. Travel Expense 65 81 100 13. Other 49 11 25 Total 1,610 1,836 1,875 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 8. Abstracts 1,024 500 Total Expense 24,465 25,191 25,075 CAPITAL OUTLAY X-1 ABSTRACTS & DEEDS 344 150 Z-3 MACHINERY 595 535 Grand Total 25,060 26,070 25,225 �. CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 106 24• GENERAL GOVERNMENT LAW SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 14 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 EXPENSES ' A. Salaries and Wages 8,940 9,035 10,920 . B. Supplies 101 369 400 E. Maintenance of Equipment 518 100 0 F . Miscellaneous Services 746 1,929 1,325 G. Sundry Charges 34 708 250 Total Expenses 9,820 12,559 12,995 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. Equipment 1,775 Grand Total 11,596 12,559 12,995 ' SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate per Month Total Annual ' A-3 PROFESSIONAL- City Attorney 650. 7,800 A-2 CLERICAL Secretary 260. 3,120 Total Salaries 10,920 i i CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 106 25. GENERAL GOVERNMENT LAW DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 2. Clerical 1,500 1,475 3,120 3. Professional 7,440 7,560 7,800 Total 8,940 9,035 10,920 ' B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 101 178 200 6. Motor Vehicles 191 200 13. Other Total 101 369 400 1 E-4 MAINTENANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLE 518 100 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Hire of Equipment 6. Travel Expense 330 895 250 13. Law Library 398 1,022 1,000 y , 13a Association Dues 18 12 75 Total 746 1,929 1,325 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Court Costs 34 708 250 8. Other fTotal 34 708 250 Total Expenses 9,821 12,559 12,995 CAPITAL OUTLAY IP Z. EQUIPMENT 3. Equipment 345 4. Automotive 1,430 Grand Total 11,596 12,559 12,995 a., 098`Z saIJPTES la101 az s-v 001 '09L`Z '0£Z uszpoisn0 To a £-V lvnuuv laioy t1quow za 91ru 1S-9S61 aaSOa02ta S�9vM QN'd SaIdvTHS 556 S£6`9 OZS`S ls101 purao ' uauidinbg •Z of— xvilao 'IdZIddo SS6`S S68`9 OZS`S sasuadxa lu:toy OZZ`Z La,? 9L8`1 saainzaS snoauEl1aaszyl 3 SL1 Z81 L8Z juauidinba to aaueuaquTVN 00Z LSE SZZ saznjonigS go a0usu93uTRN •Q SZ 1 pua7 go aausuaauTUN 0 9L'7 8£S 6'79 satlddnS • g 098`Z 0 9'Z £85`Z saBaM pua salarlaS 'v L5-9S61 99-9961 S9-'7961 S�SI�'3d3Q Qasoaoxa IIvnsDe livnsoe 71xewNns TIVH 7-ZI o zN�Nx�.noo 'IF72iSNS0 �• •9Z LOT 'ON IMaODod ' SVX31 'NMOlAVS -AO AllO ' a CITY OF HAYTOW N, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 107 27• GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY HALL DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 A. SALARIES AND 14AGES 3. Operation 2,495 2,540 2,760 5. Extra Help 88 100 Total 2,583 2,540 2,860 B. SUPPLIES 2. Fuel 113 137 150 7. Minor Tools 18 17 25 8. Janitorial 418 384 300 Total 549 538 475 C. MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1. Land 1 25 ' D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1 . Buildings 225 357 200 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT ' 1. Furniture and Fixtures 287 182 175 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1 . Communications 1,016 1,248 1,220 11. Light & Power 860 1,029 1,000 Total 1,876 2,277 2,220 Total Expenses 5,520 5,895 5,955 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT 1 . Capital Improvement 40 12. Heating System Total Capital Outlay Grand Total 5,520 5,935 5,955 ' uquoN aad 9 'OLS$ aaauzsus 0'78 :saIIUTPS 0'7S`S 8£6`6 7101 puVIO sa3 zru,O � jpunS 'O ' 00e 00e saa _r.za�' •asZYI ' OOI aansnme�.uzaY1 'g ' SLI`i 8£0`£ saziddns •g ' 0'7849 009`9 sazzVIPS 'y S�SIQSdXS t LS-9S61 99-996T 9S-'796i QSSOJONJ zvnsov zvnzov AxVwIdn s ' ONI?ISSNI ONS ZNaRKUSAOO TV`SSNSO ' SZ Sol 'ON ZNn000v SVX31 'NMO"V9 JO A1IO CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 108 29. GENERAL GOVERNPIENT ENGINEERING DETAIL i ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED ' 1954-55 1955,-56 1956-57 A. SALARIES 3. Technical 6,600 6,840 ' B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 986 500 7. Minor Tools 1,954 175 13. Other 98 500 Total 3,038 1,175 E. MAINTAINANCE OF INSTRUMENTS 100 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car allowances 300 300 G. SUNDRY CHARGES, CAR ALLa4ANCE 125 Grand Total 9,938 8,540 I� a CITY OF HAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 201 30. PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 88,847 96,586 101,743 B. Supplies 6,473 7,603 8,100 D. Maintenance of Structures 460 167 200 E. Maintenance of Equipment 2,618 2,909 2,850 F. Miscellaneous Services 2,640 2,679 3,300 Total Expenses 101,038 109,944 116, 193 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Structures 173 Z. Equipment 4,001 2,763 4,700 Grand Total 105,212 112,707 120,893 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate per Month Total Annual A-1 SUPERVISION Chief of Police 490. 5,880. �. Longevity 298. A-3 OPERATION l.- Chief Radio Dispatcher 410. 4,920. 3.- Radio Dispatchers 345. 12,420. l.- Identification Officer 360. 4,320. l.- Assistant Chief of Police 415. 4,980. 3.- Sergeant of Police 370. 13,320. 13.- Patrolmen 345. 53,820. Relief Help 100. Longevity Pay 1,685. Total Operation 95,565. Total Salaries 101,743. a CITY OF 6AYTOW N, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 201 31. PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT ' DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 5,731 5,950 6,178 3. Operation 83,116 90,636 95,465 5. Extra Help 100 ' Total 88,847 96,586 101,743 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 349 663 400 2. Fuel 216 219 250 4. Uniforms 1,356 1,494 1,600 5. Forage 31 3 6. Motcr Vehicles 3,937 4,545 5,200 7. Minor Instruments 448 504 500 ' 13. Other 136 175 150 Total 6,473 7,603 8,100 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 460 167 200 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 60 95 100 4. Motor Vehicles 2,558 2,814 2,750 ' Total 2,618 2,909 2,850 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Com-iunications 364 563 600 6. Travel Expense 244 286 500 9. Prisoner Subsistence 1,124 736 1,100 11. Light and Power 908 1,094 1,100 Total 2,640 2,679 3,300 Total Expenses 101,038 109,944 116,193 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 201 32. PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 ■ CAPITAL OUTLAY Y.. 10-Buildings-Fence 173 Z. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 181 271 ■ ' 4. Motor Vehicles 3,820 2,492 4,700 Total 4,001 2,763 4,700 Grand Total 105,212 112,707 120,893 i t CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS a ACCOUNT NO, 202 33. PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT w SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 44,387 57,723 69,659 B.' Supplies 3,101 4,878 3,475 D. Maintenance of Structures 348 449 500 E. Maintenance of Equipment 1,625 2,331 1,675 F. Miscellaneous Services 1,593 1,833 2,210 G. Sundry Charges 4,500 5,250 8,000 Total Expenses 55,554 72,464 85,519 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY ' Y. Buildings 10,000 Z. Equipment 1,651 10,880 3,350 Grand Total 57,205 93,344 88,869 ' SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate per Month Total Annual A-1 SUPERVISION 1 Fire Chief 465. 5,580. Longevity 224 A-3 OPERATION 1 Captain 360. 4,320 1 Fire Marshal 380 4,560 13 Drivers 335 52,260 Extra Help 900 Longevity 1,815 Total Salaries 69,659 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 202 34. PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT tDETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 5,381 5,600 5,804 3. Operation 38,111 51,223 62,955 5. Extra help 895 900 900 Total 44,387 57,723 69,659 B. SUPPLIES ' 1. Office 22 22 25 2. Fuel 124 209 300 4. Wearing Apparel 298 299 350 ' 6. Motor Vehicle 599 600 700 7. Minor Apparatus 2,008 3,655 2,000 8• Janit,orial 50 93 100 Total 3,101 4,878 3,475 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES _w 1. Building 348 449 500 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT ' 1. Furniture and Fixtures 16 24 25 3. Fire Apparatus 692 712 700 4. Motor Vehicle 792 1,471 800 11. Signal Systems 125 124 150 Total 1,625 2,331 1,650 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 966 949 1,175 6. Travel Expense 360 360 360 11. Light and Power 246 503 650 13. Other 21 21 25 Total 1,593 1,833 2,210 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contribution to Vol. Dept. 4,500 5,250 8,000 Total 4,500 5,250 8,000 Total Expenses 55,554 72,464 85,519 `r CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, 202 35. PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1 / - 1 - 6 1 56-57 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. E UIPMENT 1 . Furniture and Fixtures 1 ,651 4. Motor Vehicle 3,741 11 . Radio Signal. System 7,139 3,350 Yr-1 . Buildings 10 000 Total 11651 20,880 3050 Grand Total 57,205 93044 88,869 1 '0-/T`OT saTieTes Ta4oz '00�5 '0517 Teot.zq.oaTH `aO;Oadsul '01IL`41 '56E OuTGmrLTd '8 SuzpTtn.g `.zoqoadsul J 'IVOINHOHZ e-V TenuuV Tegoy uquow Jed 94eg G5-%6T Q�Sodogd i 0"`zT +706`OT 1769`OT Tegos puRao ' 0074T quawd;mbg •Z vrilf10 'IvZIdvo 0*10 FTT *I06`OT '769`OT s asu adxg T e q.o y ' o� 77— sao-fAaGS snoaueTTaosTN 'A I 5LT 9z zTT quawdrn Io aaueuagUTabg l 'a 5L� 8T*I /.OZ se-[Tddns •Q OfiI`oT O*IT`OT 017I`OT s 92eM_ pue s ataeV8S '9 ' S�SN�dX� L— 5-9 bZ 95-556T 5 Qasoaoga rlvnsov zansov xgewwns tr NOIZONdSNI H11IZ07ZOgd �Z O�Iglld '9c eoz 'ON ZNn000v SvX31 INMOlAV9 Ao AlIO CITY OF SAYTOWN, TEXAS i4 ACCOUNT NO. 203 37. PUBLIC WXY PROTECTIVE INSPECTION DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 A. SALARIES AND WAGES ■ 3. Technical 10P140 102140 10 1 0 Total Wanes 10,140 101140 101140 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 99 93 150 ,. 6. Motor Vehicle 98 200 200 7. Minor Apparatus 11 125 25 Total 207 418 375 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT w 3. Instruments & Apparatus 3 25 4. Motor Vehicle 109 26 150 Total 112 26 175 ' F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 150 185 165 ' 6. Travel Expense 50 100 150 13a. Association Dues 35 35 35 Total 235 320 350 Total Expenses lo,694 10,904 11.9040 CAPITAL OUTLAY ' Z. Equipment 4. Automotive 1,400 Grand Total 10,694 10,904 12,440 W I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 301 38. HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1 4- 5 1955-56 1 56-57 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 77,716 72, 544 87,813 1 OP B. Supplies 7,02 82685 8,625 D. Maintenance of Structures 58,.472 53,932 47',200 F. Miscellaneous Services 1. 224 187 --- p e■ Total Expenses 145,044 135,348 143,858 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y6 Structures 7,850 Z. Equipment 7. 023 Total Capital Outlay 7,850 7,023 Grand Total 152,894 142,371 143,858 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED_ 1956-57 ,. A-1 SUPERVISION Rate per Month Total Annual Director of Public Works 3110 of $675.00 per month 202.50 2430.00 A-4 MAINTENANCE Foreman 425. 5100. 1 Cement Finisher $2.871 hr. 497.65 5972. l Dragline Operator $2.596 hr. 449.98 5400. 2 Motor Grader Operator's $2.046 354.65 8512. 1 Dozer Operator $1.826 hr. 316.51 3798. 1 Asphalt Operator $1.826 hr. 316.51 3798,, 1 Sweeper Operator $1.771 hr. 306.98 36841, la-Gradall Opr. $2,046 hr. 354.65 4256. 1 Machine Operator $2.046 hr. 354.65 4256, ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' ACCOUNT NO. 301 39. ' HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS SUMMARY ' PROPOSED 1956-57 ' Rate per Month Total Annual A-4 MAINTENANCE 2 Form Builders-1.771 hr. 306.98 7,368 ' 2 Asphalt Patchers 1.60E hr. 278.38 61682 15 Truck Drivers- 1.606 hr. 278.38 16,705 t2 Cement Helpers-1.661 hr. 287.91 6,910 Overtime 2,942 Total Maintenance Salaries 85,383 i Total All Salaries 87,813 r y ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' ACCOUNT NO, 301 40. HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS DETAIL ' ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 195 -55 1955-56 1956-57 ' A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 21232 25232 2,430 ' 4. Maintenance 7 70., 312 85, 383 Total 77,716 72, 544 87, 813 ' B. SUPPLIES ' 6. Motor Vehicle 7., 189 8, 137 81150; 7. Minor Tools 323 338 350 13. Other 120 210 125 ' Total 7, 632 83,685 81625 ' D. MAINTENANCE 1. Building 102 32 200 ' 5. Sidewalks, Curb 1,927 907 2,000 8. Street 56.443 52,993 45,000 ' Total 58,472 53,932 479200 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES ' 1. Communications and Public Relations 120 120 2. Hire of Equipment 100 ' 4a. Special Services 1.224 67 Total 1,224 187 220 ' Total Expense 145,044 135,348 143,858 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. STRUCTURES 5. Curb and Gutters 10. Others ' 16. Streets 7, 850 Z. EQUIPMENT 2 Machinery 4. Motor Vehicles 6, 578 5. Other Vehicles 15. Others-Engineering 445 Total 7,850 7,023 ' Grand Total 152,894 142,371 143,858 !CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, 302 4le H I G H W A Y S LIGHTING ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1-22&--55 19 j5.-56 1 6- .7 - �`;+� F-11. Miscellaneous Services .23831 - 5,2.79 7 Total 7.9000 DETAILED SCHEDULE OF STREET LIGHTS (By contract with Houston Lighting & Power Co.) COST PER YEAR ANNUAL NUMBER TYPE OF LIGHT PER UNIT COST 22 Mercury Vapor overhead 64*00 1408900 93 250 CP Overhead 30*00 2790e00 48 250 CP Ornamental Standard @ 30eOO 1"0000 4 600 CP Ornamental Standard @ 60900 240*00 181� 600 Overhead a 40900 ---40*00 168 Total Paid Lights $5918.00 FREE LIGHTS 250 CP Overhead �D 30,oOO $7350.04 413 Total Lights CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 401 42. SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL S U M M A R Y ' ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1 5� 4-55 1 55-56 1956-57 ' EXPENSES ' A. Salaries and Wages 20,768 34, 393 42,741 B. Supplies 1, 373 5,763 5,310 ' C. Maintenance of Land 60 100 D. Maintenance of Structures 4,738 3,753 6, 500 E. Maintenance of Equipment 131005 25,657 1,800 ' F. Miscellaneous Service 4, 252 7, 256 7, 357 ' Total Expenses 32; 136 53,882 633,808 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Structures 16,853 2,496 1,,200 Z. Equipment z 2-66 2,839 ' Total Capital Outlay 19, 119 5,335 1, 200 ' Grand Total 51, 255 59,217 65, 008 SALARIES AND WAGES ' PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate per Month Total Annual ' A-1 SUPERVISION Director of Public Works (2/10 of 675. 135 1,620 A-3 OPERATION " 1 Disposal Plant Operator 365 4, 380 ■ 1 Disposal Plant Operator 310 3,720 7 Disposal Plant Operator 300 25,200 Total 33,180 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS tACGOUNT NO. 401 43. ' SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL ' S U M M A R Y ' PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate per Month Total Annual tA-4 MAINTENANCE Service Man 1.826 hr. 316.51 3,798 ' Service Man 1.716 hr. 297.47 3, 569 Overtime 574 ' Total 7,941 Total Salaries 42,�41 1 i CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 401 44. ' SANITATION AND WASTE R 90VAL SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956 57 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 1,488 1,488 11620 3. Operation 121041 25, 572 33,180 4. Maintenance 7, 239 7, 333 7,941 Total 20,768 34,393 42.9741 B. SUPPLIES ' 2. Fuel 26 117 125 6. Motor Vehicles 594 511 650 7. Minor Tools 186 130 150 9. Chemicals 544 4,980 4, 360 13. Other 23 Total 1, 373 5,763 5,310 C. MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1. Land 60 100 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 186 138 200 ' 3. Disposal Plants 1,442 424 2,800 4. Sanitary Sewers 2,733 2,923 3,000 6. Storm Sewers 377 268 500 ' Total 4,738 3,753 6, 500 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Maintenance of Machinery 800 2, 533 1, 500 3. Maintenance of Instruments and Apparatus 205 124 300 Total 11005 2,657 1, 800 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1, Communication 66 ' 4a. Engineering 1,054 200 7. Rents 6 4 25 11. Light & Power 3, 192 6,986 7, 200 ' Total 4,252 7,256 71, 225 ' Total Expense 32, 136 53,882 63,808 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' ACCOUNT NO., 401 45. SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL ' SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL ' DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 CAPITAL OUTLAY ' Y. STRUCTURES ' 3. Filters 4,494 4. Sanitary Sewers 19296 6. Storm Sewers 11,450 4200 19200 10. Other, Fence 909 ' Z. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery 2,266 2•839 ' Total Capital Outlay 19,119 5,335 11200 ' Grand Total 51, 255 59,217 65,OO8 I I i CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, 402 46. SANITATION AND WASTE RD40VAL ' WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1 5 - 5 1 55-56 1956-57 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 80, 359 96,475 1101-282 B. Supplies 5,278 5,816 6.1275 D. Maintenance of Structures 7 50 F. Special Services 100 100 Total Expenses 85,637 102,398 116,707 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. Equipment 2,896 3, 257 Grand Total 88, 533 105,655 116,707 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate per Month Total Annual A-3 OPERATION 1 Truck Foreman 325 3,900 1 Carpenter 1,826 hr. 316.51 3,798 8 Truck Drivers 1.606 hr. 278.38 2631728 1 Dump Ground Watchman 1.496 hr. 259.31 35112 21 Laborers 1.496 hr. 259.31 65, 344 Overtime 3,400 Total Operation 1062282 A-5 EXTRA HELP 4,000 Total Salaries and Wages 1101282 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS ' ACCOUNT NO. 42 47. SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL ' WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL ' DETAIL ' ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 IA. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Operation 76, 980 93,127 1069282 I5. Extra Help 3, 379 3,348 4,000 Total 80, 359 96,475 110,282 ' B. SUPPLIES I 6. Motor Vehicles 2,985 3,193 3,450 7. Minor Tools 196 188 200 9. Chemicals 2,001 2,316 2, 500 13. Other 96 119 125 Total 5, 278 5,816 6, 275 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 9. Dumping Grounds 7 50 F. Special Services 100 100 Total Expenses 85, 637 102,398 116,707 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery 4. Motor Vehicles 2.896 3. 257 Total 29896 3, 257 Grand Total 88, 533 105, 655 1161707 w j CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, 501 48. CONSERVATION OF HEALTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1 54- 5 1 59 5-56 1956- 7 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 9,308 15,112 17,040 B. Supplies 249 937 11070 E. Maintenance of Equipment 181 175 F. Miscellaneous Services 1, 540 2,355 2, 500 G. Sundry Charges 2, 500 2, 500 6,224 Total Expenses 13, 597 211085 27,189 ' Y. STRUCTURES 415 Grand Total 13, 597 21, 500 27, 189 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate per Month Total Annual A-3 TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL Sanitarian 395. 4,740 Assistant Sanitarian 325 3,900 Nurse 325 3,900 Humane Officer 315 3,780 Health Officer (Part Time) 75 900 ry Total salaries and Wages 17, 220 CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 501 49. CONSERVATION OF HEALTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED ry 1 5 -5 1955-56 1 56- 7 A. SALARIES 3. Technical 8,408 14, 212 16,320 3. Professional 900 B. SUPPLIES 9,308 15,112 179220 1. Office 249 312 250 4. Wearing Apparel 79 50 5. Pound Food 37 200 ' 6. Gasoline 200 500 7. Minor Tools 309 50 9. Chemicals, Medical & Surgical 20 ' Total 937 11070 ' E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT ' 4. Repairs - Motor Vehicle 181 175 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES • 1. Communications 100 Car Allowances 1, 275 21025 2,100 6 Travel Expense ' 265 330 300 Total 1, 540 2,355 2, 500 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contributions 2, 500 2, 500 5,000 la. Contributions, Veterans Service Bureau 1.224 Total Expenses 13, 597 21, Q85 27, 189 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. STRUCTURES ,a 10. Fence 415 ' Grand Total 13, 597 21, 500 27 189 056`z saPeM pue SGTJBTeS Te401 ' OSz dTaH eJ4xg .� OOL`z Szz aoueuaquzelq •�j HONVNHsNIVN 'V Tenuuv TegoZ uquow Jad 94eH L5-%6T GESOd023d ' saovm GNY SgIHv'I S 009 `'7 T98`e TIL`� ' O7L_ 9 U LSL quowdtnbg •Z sa•zngonagS pue sOuzpTTng 'X ' XV`IZIlO 'IvZIdvo ' 058`e SzT `e '786`z sasuadxg Tego L OST - aotn.zaS •oszy4 •A OOT TL eT quazztdznbg So aouauaquzelq •g ' We zLT 66 sain4ona4s SO aoueUGgUTayi •Or OSz LS 6z2 pue? SO aoueuaquzejl •0 OOz SZI 59T SeTTddnS •g ' OS6`z OOL`z TO`Z sat,zeTec •V S'VsNHdxa , L5-956T` 95-55 T QasOdOHd 'Ivfllov IIvIlZOv sxuvd 7vdIOImflw ' 09 T09 •Ott ZNt10OOV ' SVX31 'NM0l Atl9 40 AllO ' ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 601 51. RECREATION MUNICIPAL PARKS ' DETAIL ' ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 A. SALARIES t4. Maintenance 2, 240 2, 588 2,700 5. Extra Help 241 112 250 tTotal 2,481 2,700 2,950 ' B. SUPPLIES 13. Other 165 125 200 ' Total 165 125 200 ' C. MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1. Land 229 57 250 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES ' 1. Maintenance of Buildings 99 19 200 10. Maintenance of Boat 153 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Tools (Major) 13 71 100 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES ' 11. Light & Power (3) 150 Total Expenses 2, 984 3, 125 3, 850 Y. Buildings and Structures 1. Buildings Z. EQUIPMENT 11. Lights for Parks 82 w 15. Equipment 675 736 750 Total Capital Outlay 757 736 750 Grand Total 3,741 3, 861 4, 600 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT..NO.. 602 52. RECREATION PLAYGROUNDS AND PLAYFIELDS ' ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 19 - 5 1955-56 1 5s 6-57 ' G. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contribution to Recreation ' Program 61000 6,000 69000 CAPITAL OUTLAY ' Y. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 10. Others (Playground Lights) ' Grand Total 6,000 61000 6,000 r ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' ACCOUNT NO. 603 53. RECREATION ' SWIMMING POOL ' S U M M A R Y ' ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1 59 ,6-57 ' A. Salaries and Wages 6,058 69145 6,390 B. Supplies 982 859 950 D. Maintenance of Structures 605 413 500 E. Maintenance of Equipment 150 186 150 F. Miscellaneous Services 777 1, 327 19465 G. Other Miscellaneous 50 50 Total Expenses 81622 8,930 9, 505 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT ■ 3. Equipment 500 Grand Total 8, 622 8,930 10,005 ' SALARIES AND 14AGES I PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate per Month Total Annual IA-1 SUPERVISION Manager (5 months) 300 1, 500 A-3 OPERATION 4 Life Guards (4 Months) 130 2,080 2 Cashiers and Checkers (4 Months) 130 1,040 Extra Help 770 Total Operation 3,890 y A-4 MAINTENANCE 5 MONTHS 200 1,000 Total Salaries 6,390 I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 603 54• RECREATION tSWIMMING POOL ' DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 11954-55 1955-56 1 5� 6-57 A. SALARIES 1. Supervision 1, 500 1, 500 1, 500 3. Operation 3, 573 3, 545 3,890 ' 4. Maintenance 985 1,100 1,000 Total 6,058 6,145 6,390 ' B. SUPPLIES ' 1. Office 43 42 50 4. Suits and Towels 88 84 100 8. Laundry and Janitorial 129 40 100 ' 9. Chemicals 722 693 700 Total 982 8'59 - 750 ' D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 605 413 500 rTotal 605 413 500 ' E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery 150 186 150 ' Total 150 186 150 ' F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communication 57 75 65 11. Light & Power 720 1, 252 1,400 Total 777 1, 327 1,465 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' ACCOUNT NO. 603 55. RECREATION ' SWIMMING POOL ' DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED ' 11954-55 1955-56 1956-57 ' G. SUNDRY CHARGES S. Miscellaneous Other 107 50 50 ' Total Expenses 81622 81930 9,506 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT ' 3. Equipment 500 ' Grand Total 8, 622 8,930 10,005 1 I li 1 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' ACCOUNT NO. 701 56. MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 EXPENSES A. Salaries 11,947 12,830 13,107 ' B. Supplies 740 754 775 D. Maintenance of Structures 87 38 100 E. Maintenance of Equipment 15,796 17, 586 16,000 ' F. Miscellaneous Services 523 676 703 Total Expenses 29,093 31,884 309685 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY ' Y. Structures 1. Building Z. Equipment ' 2. Machinery 524 Total Capital Outlay 524 ' Grand Total 29, 617 31,884 30, 685 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate per Month Total Annual 41 A-1 SUPERVISION • Assistant Director of Public Works 2/3 of 435 290 3,480 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 701 57• ' MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE ' S U M M A R Y PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate per Month Total Annual ' k-3 OPERATION 1 Chief Mechanic 2/3 of 330 220 2,640 ' 2 Mechanic 2/3 of 310 206 4,912 1 Wash and Grease Man 1.496 hr 2/3 0£ 259.31 172.87 2,075 ' Total Operation 9, 627 ' Total Salaries 13, 107 r i i i CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, 701 58. MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1 59 4-55 1955 56 1 5g 6-57 A. SALARIES 1. Supervision 21800 3,480 3,480 Operation 9,147 9,350 9, 627 Total 11,947 121830 13, 107 B. SUPPLIES • 1. Office 97 89 100 2. Fuel ill n8 1.25 7. Minor Tools 497 507 500 13. Other _ 35 40 50 Total 740 754 775 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 87 38 100 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery 15,796 17, 586 16,000 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communication 216 234 250 11. Light & Power 307 442 453 Total 523 676 703 Total Expenses 29,093 31,884 30, 685 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery 524 Grand Total 29, 617 31, 884 30, 685 w CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS Ap ACCOUNT NO. 702 59. MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE S U M M AR Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1 5 -55 195 -56 1956-57 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3. Insurance 9, 620 13,078 15, 527 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 2, Bonds 337 353 365 8. Medical Care 193 298 400 Total Sundry Charges 530 651 765 Grand Total 101150 13,729 16, 292 4 1 an CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 702 60. MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 19 5-56 1956-57 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3a. Automotive Equipment 4, 653 6,465 7,047 3b. Building and Contents 2, 598 3,403 3,375 3c.. Group Life and Hospitalization 1, 680 2, 554 4,400 3d. Firemen Benefit 305 305 310 3e. Burglary 161 176 180 * 3f. Swimming Pool 223 175 21 Total 9,620 13,078 11,265 G. SUNDRY CHARGES G-2 Bonds 337 353 365 G-8 Medical Care 193 298 400 Total 530 651 765 Grand Total 10,150 13,729 16,292 e N 0 1 1 0 a s xx0M III I u v d Z O Q D a Z v II N m v SVX31 'NMOIAVS d0 A11O 9 CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS WATER DEPARTMENT 61. aTATEMENT OF INCOME. EXPENSE & ,SURPLUS ADJUSTMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 11,957_ ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1 54- 1955-5 159 6-57 OPERATING REVENUES: SALES OF WATER: Metered sales to General Customers 314,971 3419163 330,000 OTHER WATER REVENUE: Servicing Customer Installations 17, 591 18,714 17,000 Miscellaneous Other 232 682 Total Operating Revenue 332,794 360, 559 347,000 LESS: OPERATING REVENUE DEDUCTIONS: Operating Expenses 150, 595 147,634 175,128 Capital Outlay 57, 665 62,738 900 Total Operating Deductions 208, 260 210,372 176,028 NON OPERATING DEDUCTIONS: r Bonds & Interest Obligation 48, 569 47,746 47.862 Total Deductions 2561829 258,118 223,890 Net Income 75,965 102,441 123, 110 APPROPRIATION OF AND ADJUSTMENTS TO OPERATING SURPLUS LESS: Contribution to General Fund 50,000 57,000 60s000 Transfer to Unappropriated Surplus 25,965 45,441 63,110 PLUS: Unappropriated Surplus, Prior Years 29,668 53,941 97,690 LESS AUDIT ADJUSTMENTS: To set up reserve for improvements 1,692 Britton-Craven 1952-53 Payments 1,692 Net Unappropriated Operating Sur- plus 53,941 97,690 160,800 CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS WATER DEPARTMENT 62• SUMMARY OF EXFENI�ZTURS BY DIVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 195� ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED NUMBER DIVISION 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1001 Supply 59,747 34,623 38,060 1002 Transmission & Distribution 98,685 123,205 78,694 1003 Customer Accounting and Collecting 41, 223 411225 46,909 1004 Stores 10,298 11,319 12,365 1005 Debt Service 48, 569 47,746 47•862 Total 258, 522 2581118 223,890 x r N q CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS -WATER DEPARTMENT 63. SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER & OBJECT CLASSIFICATION FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1957 ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1 5L5i 1955-56 1956-57 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 102,023 95,496 1201184 B. Supplies 8,449 9,174 10,670 D. Maintenance of Structures 1,372 574 3,000 -+ E. Maintenance of Equipment 19, 582 19,492 14,700 F. Miscellaneous Services 14,713 19, 590 20,490 G. Sundry Charges 53,025 51,054 53,946 Total Expense 199, 164 195,380 222,990 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Structures 28, 152 y Z. Equipment 290513 62 7 8 900 Total Capital Outlay 57,665 621738 900 Grand Total 256,830 258,118 223,890 Transfer to General Fund 501000 58,000 60,000 Transfer to Baytown Improvement Fund Payments to Britton Craven & FWA 1,692 1.692 308, 521 317,810 283,890 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1001 64. WATER DEPARTMENT SUPPLY SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 195 -55 1 59 5-56 1 56- 7 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 10,080 10,740 14,685 B. Supplies 157 161 175 D. Maintenance of Structures 957 397 1, 500 E. Maintenance of Equipment 3,417 4,682 1,700 F. Miscellaneous Services 14, 502 18,498 20,000 Total Expenses 29, 113 34,478 38,060 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Structures 281152 Z. Equipment 2,482 145 ' 59,747 34,623 38,060 ' SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate per Month Total Annual y A-1 SUPERVISION Director of Public Works (4 time) 168.75 2,025 A-3 OPERATION #1 Pumper 375 4, 500 #2 Pumper 365 4,380 #3 Pumper 315 3,780 Total Operation 12,660 �" Total Salaries 14,685 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO 1001 65. SUPPLY - WATER DEPARTMENT - DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 1,860 11860 2,025 3. Operation 8, 220:1, 8,880 12,660 Total 10,080 10.1740 14,68 5 ' B. SUPPLIES 2, Fuel 86 57 75 7. Minor Tools 47 49 50 13. Other 24 55 50 Total 157 161 175 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES ' 1. Building 957 397 1, 500 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Mach nery 2,439 4,682 19700 9. Water Mains 978 Total 3,417 4,682 1,700 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 7. Rents 96 11. Light & Power 14,406 18,498 20,000 Total 14, 502 18,498 20,000 Total Expenses 29,113 34,478 38,O60 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1001 66. WATER DEPARTMENT SUPPLY rDETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED r1 5 -5 1 5 -56 1 5 -57 s, CAPITAL OUTLAY A 10. Water Wells 283, 152 tZ. Equipment 2. Machinery 2,482 145 Total Capital Outlay 30,634. 14.5 Grand Total 59,747 34,623 381060 r CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO 1002 670 QTER DEPA RTMENT SMI SSZON AND DIgRIBUTION SUMMAR- Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1925 12LL�7 CIO A. Salaries and Wages 55,840 47,4419 62.9364 B. Supplies 3.9036 3p 194 4.9345 D. Maintenance of Structures 415 177 1.9500 E. Maintenance of Equipment 13.9645 11.9607 9.9300 F. Miscellineous Services - 62 162 285 Total Expenses 72.9999 62,560 77.9794 CAPITAL OUTLAY 61- Z. Equipment 252600 60,645 nn Grand Total 98)685 123,9205 782694 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate ]2er Month Total -Ammal A-1 SUPERVI SION Director of Public Works 4: time) 168.75 2 025 A-3 MAINTENANCE .--Foreman 425 51100 1 Meter Shop Foreman 315 3.9780 -z"l Meter Shop Repairman 1.606 hr. 278o38 3.9341 Equipment Operator 2.046 hr. 354*65 /+,4256 .11 Pipefitter 1.826 hr. 316951 3,798 1 Troublb Shooter 1,826 hr, 316e51 3,798 2 Servicemen 1,826 hr, 316e51 71597 6 Servicemen 1,606 hr., 278.38 20.901+5 2 Laborers 1.496 hr, 259o31 6)224 .79£`z9 sat.zeTeS Te�os 1 6££`09 uo-p.eaadp Tg'.oy ' 0� our c�.za�p L5-956T GgSOd011 ' xUvWwns ' N0imalgisicl QNV NOI SIWSN-is MKIM21Q llslvM •89 NOT ON IRRO0OV SVX31 'NMOI,kVa AO A110 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS i ACCOUNT NO. 1002 69. WATER DEPARTMENT TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION - DETAIL ' ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954- 5 1955-56 1 59 6-57 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 19860 1,860 2,O25 2. Maintenance 53,980 45. 559 60. 339 Total 55,840 47,419 62,364 ' B. SUPPLIES 7. Minor Tools 997 986 11000 9. Chemicals 1,991 21134 3,270 13. Other 48 74 75 Total 3,036 3,194 4,345 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 7. Standpipes and Reservoirs 415 177 1, 500 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT ' 9. Water Mains 10,314 8,660 6,000 10. Meters and Settings 3,140 21870 3,000 14. Fire Hydrants 191 77 300 Total 13,645 11,607 9,300 ' F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6. Travel Expense 24 135 200 ' 7. Rents-Easements 39 28 85 Total 63 163 285 Total Expenses 72,999 62, 560 77,794 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery 4. Motor Vehicles 5,654 27,762 9. Water Mains 13, 561 20,140 900 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO 1002 70. WATER PEPAMEN'T TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION DET AI L ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1 - 1255-:)6 125_ 57 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPTV5.WT (Continued) 10, Meters and Settings** 2,236 12,743 14. Fire Hydrants 21543 Britton Craven Water System 12 692 Total Capital Outlay 25,686 60,645 900 Grand Total 98.V685 123,205 781694 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS AC COUNT NO* 71* WATER DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING COLLECTING S UMMA R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-2. EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 30P120 311025 36,570 B,o Supplies 21934 31310 31 350 E. Maintenance of Equipment 526 705 700 F. Miscellaneous Service .148 929 205 G. Sundry Charges 4s-457 3s _6 8L Total Expenses 38Y185 3%277 46,909 CAPITAL OUTLAY, Z. Equipment 33038 13 Grand Total 41.9223 44225 46009--. SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate Der Month Total Annual A-1 SUPERVISION Ifj Director of Finance of 525) 262950 3.9150 2 A-2 CLERICAL 1st Clerk-Cashier 250 31000 0 2nd Clerk-Cashier 230 2; 1 0 2 Clerks time (cashiers) 92*50 2,17-120 2-1 1 Clerk 2 time (cashier) 100 %180 Total Clerical A-2a OPERATION 2 Billing Machine Operators 2/+0 S760 10 CITY OI' BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1003 72. WATER DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTIONS. SUMMARY PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate per Month Total Annual A-2b METER READERS 1. Meter Reader 325 3,900 2, Meter Readers 300 72200 Total Meter Readers 112100 A-3 ACCOUNTING " Chief Accountant (2 of 500) 250 3,000 1 Bookkeeper (2 of 260) 130 1, 560 1 Budget and Tax Machine ® Operator (2 of 240) 120 1,440 1 D.O. Student (2 time) 65 780 Total Accounting 6,780 A-5 Extra Help 600 Total Salaries 36, 570 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1003 73. WATER .DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 11254-55 1 5- 6 1 59 6-57 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 21970 31 150 3,150 2. Clerical 7,459 9,718 9,180 2a. Operation 4, 514 4,662 5,760 2b. Meter Readers 9,265 8,398 111100 3. Accounting 5,359 5,511 6,780 5. Extra Help 553 586 600 Total 30,120 31,O25 36, 570 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 2,934 3,310 3,350 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Office Machines 376 681 625 4. Motor Vehicles 150 Total 526 705 700 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communication 145 246 184 13. Other _ 3 683 25 Total 148 929 205 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 5. Pension 4,457 3,308 21684 5a. Social Security 21178 5b. Life and Hospital Insurance 1. 222 Total Expenses 38, 185 39,277 46,909 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 3,083 295 4. Motor Vehicles 11249 2. Machinery 404 Total Capital Outlay 3,083 1,948 Grand Total 4131223 411225 46,909 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS qM ACCOUNT NO. 1004 74. WATER DEPARTMENT STORES SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 EXPENSES . A. Salaries and Wages 5,983 6,312 6,545 B. Supplies 2,321 2, 509 29800 E. Maintenance of Equipment 1,994 2,498 3,000 Total Expenses 1010298 11,319 12,365 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate per Month Total Annual A-1 Supervision Assistant Director of Public Works (113 of 435) 145. 4740 A-3 Operation Chief Mechanic (1/3 of 330) 110 1,320 2 Mechanic (1/3 of 310) 104 2,468 Wash & Grease Man (113 of 259) 86.44 11037 1.496 hr. Total Operation 4,825 Total Salaries & Wages 6, 565 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, 1004 75. WATER DEPARTMENT STORES DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1954-55 1 55-56 1956-57 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 1,400 1,740 1,740 3. Operation 4, 583 4, 572 4,825 Total 5,983 6,312 6, 565 B. SUPPLIES 6. Motor Vehicle 2,292 2, 507 2,750 13. Other 29 2 50 Total 2,321 21509 2,800 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles 1,994 2,498 3,000 Grand Total Expense 10,298 11,319 12,365 a w CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT N0. 1005 76. WATER DEPARTMENT DEBT SERVICE ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 195 -55 1955-56 1 56-57 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 2a. Bond Requirements 31,000 32,000 321000 2b. Interest Requirements 17,369 15,662 15,662 2c. Fiscal Agent Fees 200 200 200 Total 48, 569 47,746 47,862 QNIl1 IN9149A011a717 AI 111 V i # # # # # # # # # # # � aOQIlg 'IVIlNmv SVX31 'NMOlAVS JO AliO CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT -:77. INCOME AND EXPENSE STATEMENT FISCAL YEAR-- 1956-57 gI ACTUAL PROPOSED 1 5 - 5 1955-56 1956-57 OPERATING REVENUE h Parking Meter Revenue 31,614 31,079 31,000 LESS: Operating Expense 20,001 22,500 28,563 Capital Outlay 2,521 9,258 Net Transfer to Surplus ■ (Reduction) 91092 (679) Transfers to General Fund 89023 Surplus Adjustment Cancelled Encumbrance 632 Net Increase or Decrease * in Surplus 1,071 (47) 2,437 Surplus at 10-1 13,671 14,74.2 14,696 i Surplus at 9-30 14,742 14,695 17,133 9 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I ''; - AC COUNT NO* 2000 780 ,y TRAFFIC IMPROVE%IENT PUBLIC SAFETY >» SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 19 1-5 1 5 -56 1 6- 7 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 11,333 11,985 18,54.1 f i B. Supplies 4.4651 5,787 4.9875 91( Do Maintenance of Structures 257 70 E. Maintenance of Equipment 697 1,429 1,4.50 F. Miscellaneous Services 2,583 21863 2,750 Go Sundry Charges g0 ,366 9 7 Total Expense 20,001 229500 289563 CAPITAL OUTLAY °f Y. Structures 4,000 Z. Equipment 2 9,521 5 2 Total Capital Outlay 21521 9,258 Grand Total 22,522 31 758 28,563 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1956-57 Rate per month Total Annual !f` A. Salaries A-2 Clerical 1 190 2 Q `' A-3 Operation 3 34.5 12 4,20 I l ,t /e 1 r! 1 •I i I f., + I r'1 :. 99 T S T Z 0% dT aH vigxq cn Sq.TA92UOq (15 SK SLR 909•T a 0treual-uz Y1 *I-V �� > Tvnuuv T*eq-os ��.uout .za a�. L5-9561 C[aSo Ma , r xHVWHfis UMMOliclKI OIJJVUS, '6L 000e 'DON LN.n0O0V ., SVX31 `NMOlAVG 30 A1I0 w f CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS A_ CCOUNT NO2000 i VOA TRAFFIC IMpROVEMENT PUBLIC SAFETY 1 j DETAIL ACT UAL ACTUAL PROPOSED A. SALARIES AN 19 '5 1 +56 1 6--57 _.. D WAGES 2.- Clerical 3. Operation 2�5 2,2�0 7 �.d. Maintenance .9 933 7,723 12 1�20 ance 3,190 375 5. Extra Help 3,341 2l0 02 50 0 Total 11,333 11.9985 189 541 Be SUPPLIES 1. Office 40 Wearing Apparel 907 608 775 6. Motor Vehicle 300 300 Apparatus 7� l 162 7. Minor A ' 1,575 11200 � 13. Other 1 100 - ' 2,504 3 22, 2,9500 `1 Total 4.9651 51787 4.9875 f D. 1. Buildings •257 70 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3. Instruments and Apparatus 3 5 243 4. Motor Vehicles 250 11. Signal Systems ,� 5°� 527 500 ` s 69 700 Total 697 1,429 1 0 ,45 Fe MISCELT.,AItTEOUs SERVICE S 1. Teletype Comm, 11 . Power Light & Po 1'03 5 1,033 950 g 1 5 g 1 j.83 0 1 ,g00 Total _ 2 ,5 3 29863 2 750 G• SUNDRY CHARGES 5. Pension 480 5a. Social Security366 372 5b. Group Hospital Life Insurance399 l$2 Total Expenses 20 .................... '°01 2296500 28 6 ,5 3 y ACCOUNT NO. 2000 81. TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT PUBLIC SAFETY . 4 DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1 54- 1955-56 1956-57 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Structures-Street Improvement 4,000 Z. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 400 188 2. Equipment 384 850 3. Instruments and Apparatus 1,737 4,220 4. Motor Vehicles 11. Signal Systems Total 2t521 9,258 Grand Total 22,522 21,758 28,563 SVYZIJ. 'NMOlAVS A0 AlIO t N O I Z 0 a S 9 0 I A U H S Z S Q A Z29 Vd Z Q A S 'I V Il N N V y r a SVX3l 'NMOlAVS �O AlI7 w h "755`z5 L Lz 1L*7 £56`1.£ 0e-6 q-P snTdinS L 2 2,-V £S�LC OS9£ L jagolo0 �p snjdjnS zL8` L punjoU �Tsodaa-•CpV snTdjng LO'7`2! (gTDTJaa) snTdj-nS off. aejsuujL ION t £56`Lz L MS ` Z:L 6£z`5 L Tpq-ol 09-7 6zz 9z2 02uPu0xg o-z £6'7`9-7 650 105 £LO 1z�7 sluauuNd a.sa.aaq.uI g-z 0001Ts 000`6L 000`£L sazgzsngUN puog S@TaGS P-Z� sa2apT40 Sapuns •0 SZN�I�I32iIIl�1�i F 96z`££L 9%18£L 0*79`LTT anueaald T eq.oy z9�L17 9'7L 69� spun, pauMO '}u9nzu,zano0 JGT4go UIOJ J .za3suUJI 'I£'7`58 008 06 T110`69 saxpl Sq-jadoad T Jaua0 �l1NSllg�i LS-9%T 95� �5-17§6T a aHsodoxd lirnsov zvnsov SaN0a zzv •z8 g 0 1 A U H S Zgaa SVX31 'NMOlAVS j0 A11O k a. 'z0`z*1 L89`9£ a -0£ aagmajdaS snTdanS TKOI, 08 - z Lz L+ y L aaylo0 I snTdans IL8`T •daQ ATTad JO pUNUH guaw4snOV snTdanS £*1£`S 8£L`6 £8z`z sujd=2 a, as jsunal qag L60`08 199`T8 88L`99 TEAM 091 - 6�-T--r-`- '071 sq s-oS a2usloxg •S-I T£8`o£ RON 11910 quamAd gsaaalul 'S-z 000`6'7 00018*7 0004to sa=c&MON puog TWO -V-I saMgu0 xapunS •S SZN��I�2iIIl �� ZOIlQ7Q NVIS 008`06 LLO`69 saxal flaadoad Vaaua0 "- QNfla gvugNHD W0ud aI1Q S�0�IIlOSS23 A-90T WAR GROWN IVROV WIN spuoq sTaoM aaqvM palao nS-xaI uzpnToul S N a Nd 41 S 0 I A Z S 1 9 Z Q SVX31 'NMOlAtl9 AO A110 E L L,7`0 L 0C-6 q-U snTding Les`O L L L47`0 L C6Z`0 L L-OT TP snTdjn.S OZ L 8 L L snTdins oa. ja jsu-ejq qaN z98`L'7 9z9`L7 L5'7`87 TRq-os ON 08 z8 aouugoxa •O-Z z99`ST 947S`9T 69e`LT s4ualusua 4saje,,UI •g-Z 000`zE 000 ITC 000`TC s@T4T zrL;uW puog T IJ92 •-V-Z SgOuvH0 70JUnS 10 SZN�I�iIIl�g2i ZOIlQsQ z98`L'7 9'7L`L 7 6%`8 7 spin 2uz4uxad0 jol-pM uzoij jojsuujj SQN!]3 QNNMO ZNHNNURAOJ -dRHZO W011d '993SNV-3s LS-956T 9 -S 6T 5 Qasodoud lirnsae livnlov S Q N 0 9 S R M a A all SXUOM UZIVM •'78 20IAUHS ZgaQ SVX31 'NMOlAVS .10 AlIO CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS R 85. STA T E M .E N T OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS W A T E R W O R K S B 0 N D S October 1, 1956 Description Interest Date of Term Rate Issue Years City of Pelly: Waterworks Refunding "B" 5 % 4-10-35 38 Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue ,�1 3 % 12-1-45 24 3 2 % Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue #2 3 2 % 12-1-45 25 City of Goose Creek: Waterworks 5 2 % 10-10-27 4C Waterworks and Sewer System Refunding -` 2 2 % 3-1-52 12 2 3A % 3-1-52 16 Waterworks and Sewer System 2 2 % 8-1-45 19 Revenue Series #1 2 3A % Waterworks and Sewer System 2 2 % 8-1-45 19 Revenue Series #2 2 3/4 % Water District #7 F Series - 1945 2 -' % 3-1-45 3C F 3 % Series - 1945-A 2 % 9-1-45 30 23A % Series - 1946 2 -' % 12-1-46 2-9 3 ' % 2 2 0 Water District #2: Improvements 4 4. % 2-1-41 19 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 86. STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS W A T E R W O R K S B 0 N D S October 1, 1956 Maturity Original Amount Principal Interest Date Issue Outstanding Due 56-57 Due 56-57 73 63,000 34,000 21000* 1 ,700 69 35,000 115,000 115,000 ?,000 3,903 70 85,000 58,000 2,000 1 ,995 67 115,000 59,000 4,000* 3,135 64 601000 405P000 5,OOO* 1 ,515 68 21 ,000 211000 64 52,000 77,000 69,000 8,000 1 ,897 64 45,000 55,000 50,000 69000 1075 45 25,000 113,000 109,000 4,000 3,210 75 20,000 4,000 38,000 389000 2,000 1 ,140 75 30,000 6,000 3,000 2041 24,000 24,000 36,000 36,000 , 60 45,000 16,000 3,000* 653 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS V l • STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS W A T E R W O R K S B 0 N D S (continued) October 1, 1956 Description Interest Date of .Term Rate Issue Years Water District 10: Water System 4 2 4-10-43 13 Water District#30: Li Water Works & Sewer System 3; 3 2 % 4--1-55 29 3 3A # Denotes Tax Supported Bonds f :1 i i LU` LC 000 000`1 L6 st��os 000 09 000`09 L 000`o+/ 000`ol • *000`5 000`5C 000`05 L8 L�� 6 . . . 00O`Z L 95 at L --9 anQ uzpuE� �n a s I L 9 BUTBTJO q.s a.zaq.uI lvdz 0uTij q-uno Z 95 L L jagol00 \\ (PaTtup.U00) S Q N 0 S S X u 0 M u 21 Z v S S � N Q__a Z g__a a aa x0 9 a0 1 v I S SVX31 'NMOIAVO -4O AIIO CITY OF BAYTOW N, TEXAS E 89. STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS October 1 , 1956 F Description Interest Date of Term Rate Issue Years City of Pelly: ' Refunding "B" Series 4 % 4-10--35 38 5 % City Hall Refunding 5 % 7-1-35 36 Street Improvement Refunding 6 % 11-10-38 21 Street Improvement 3 3A % 12-1-45 25 , City of Goose Creek: Sewer Improvement 5 2 % 10-10-27 40 ' Street Improvement 2 % 9-1-45 22 ' 2 1/4 % 2 2 % Refunding Series - 1945 3 % 9-1-45 19 Street Improvement 6 % 1-2-24 30 t City of Baytown: Park Improvement 2 2 % 2-1-48 22 ' Series 1948 2 3A % 312 % All Tax Supported 1 ECL` 7L 000`oe 00$`06,7 sIe�os ' '7L�r£— 000 S, 000 Z6- 000`oeL oZ,-L-8 ' 000`00 L '75-0 L-z I Szl` L 000` 000`047 00010S e9-L-E ' 000`9'7 L 000`917 L S LL -'7 r)00'17 L 000`OL, 000`OL 000`eL 000`sS L9-L-e 2596 000` L 000 48 L 000`9'7 L9-0 L-o I I z 000`z 000469 000`SL OL-L`7 ' OLz 000 L 009"7 o0o`'n 69-O L-L L ' 9L8 000` L 00 u 000`ee LL-L-L Sz0` L 000` L 005`Oz 005`9e Lr,-95 anQ /15-95 anQ uipuansl�n0 anssl gsaaa,.ul ZBdTOUTad *unoury TPUT21JO 956L I L .zagoq-oo t S Q N 0 9 K 0 1 1 V 1 a 9 0 q V 11 a N 2 0 a a a N I a a a N 0 a a 0 1 N a w a I v 1 9 '06 , SVX31 'NMO"Y d0 AlIO CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS rfff� DEBT S E R V I CE 91 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS u Fiscal outstanding Principal Interest Total Year -; Beginning Requirements Requirements Requirements of Year r 1956-57 464,500 30 000 14 704 44,704 1957-58 4349500 31,000 139775 44,775 1958--59 403,500 329000 129795 44,9795 1959-60 371 ,500 `�f<< 359500 11 ,774 479274 1960-61 336,000 36,000 10,665 46,665 1961-62 3001000 37,000 9,9518 469518 1962-63 2632000 379000 8.9345 45,345 1963-64 226,000 40,000 71145 47,145 1964--65 186,000 41 .9000 59878 46,878 1965-66 145,000 42.9000 4,585 46 585 1966-67 103,000 43,000 31280 46,280 1967-68 60,000 18,000 21238 20,238 1968-69 42.9000 18.9000 11545 19,545 1969-70 24.9000 18.9000 853 18.1853 1970-71 6,9000 3,000 300 3,300 1971-72 3,000 11500 150 1 ,650 1972-73 19500 ......1 ,�00 1=575 r!f _f 464,500 1079625 5729125 f i f JJ ;Sl .I *'L2`68S �,Iq L 000 15017 sTEq-0S, 08 7`z L 087 000 6 Z�L 000 L L8--086 L 096`z L 096 000`z L 000'+/e o$-6L6 L or"e L 0"` L 000`z L 000`9e 6L-8L6 L oz6`e L oz6` L 000`z L 000` ! 8L-LL6 L 0047"7 L oo+7`z 000`z L 000909 LL-9L6 L 088`47 L 0819`z 000`z L 000`zL 9L-5 L6 L 09 e`§L 09 e`c 000`z L 000 4'78 §L-47L6 L 0815 L 0'78`C 000`z L 000`96 'VL-C L6 L on'�L 0z"7`47 000`'7 L 000`o L L U-zL6 L 000`6 L 000`5 000"7 L 000 4,7z L zL-LL6 L 005`LL 005`s 000`zL 000`9eL LL-oL6L 000`p L 000`9 000 it L 000`87 L oL-696 L oos`2 L 005,9 000 z L 000 09 L 69-�96 L 59 L`�z 59 L`L 000` Lz 000`L,9 L 89-L96 L 4796`8Z +/96`L 000` Lz o00`zoz L9-996 L LC-16z LC8`iR o00` Lz 000`ezz 99-596 L 669`0C 669`6 000 1 Lz 000`77z 59-4796 L zes`oe ZC5`0 L 000`0z 000 9�79z +79-C96 L cee` Le ece` L L 000`oz 000`47$z C9-z96 L no`oe z'70`z L 000 98 L o00`zoe z9-L96 L 019"7C e47R`z L 000`zz 000`�Ize L9-096 L o LL`7C o LL`C L 000` Lz 000`§+7e 09-656 L 5§5`5e 555`''L 0004 Lz 000`99C 69-856 L CLC�e U `S L 000`oz 000`98C 95-L56 L LZ L`5 C LZ L`9 L 00o`6 L 000`50'7 L 5-9 S 6 L 'IROX jo s�.uaara,zznba� sq.uaw9jTnb9u sq.ualua. Tnb9U Ouzu�zT29a Tvq-os gxgaa,.ul TB4TPUTaj 2utpu8q.Sgn0 TVasz j SQNOR Qasliodins-x IL S oMuasvm S IMM zn U do 2frIfIMEHOS 'zb a 0 1 A H -a S IgaG SVX31 `NAAO1AV8 d0 A113 e591eIV9 C59`'ve 000`605 no 6§ 000 5 000`5 9L--5 L6 L 057`5 0547 000`5 L 000`oz 5L-I L6 L `47 L 9L? 000`47 L 000`7C '7L -eL6 L �6z`5 L C6z` L 000`47 L 000`RIr eL-ZL6 L CeL` 7 L L 000`£L 000` L9 U-LL6 L e9e`n e9e`z 000`9z 000` a? LL-0L6L �Roz`8z 80e`C. 000`5z 000 z L L OL-696 L ?eo`6z Ko`.7 000 15 z 000`Le L 69-?96 05,`?z 05?`17 000`17z 000` L9 L 29-L96 L 5479 6z 5"79`5 000`47z 000 58 L L9-996 L 6 L"7`6z 6 V7`9 000`ez 000 4�30z 99-596 L L5 L`6z L5 L`L 000`zz 000`oez 59-+796 L Zoe`5*7 zoe`8 000`Le 000'LqZ 'V9-e96 L zo"7`5'7 zo+/ 6 000`9e 000 Coe e9-z96 L c zo5`947 z05`o L 000`9e 000 Dee z9-�96 L *�85`97 '7R5` L L 000`5e 000 +la L9-096 L 6'79`L"7 09`z L 000`5 e 000`6o+7 09-656 L '7 LL`,9 7 �I LLI`e L 000`5 e 000` 7+1�r 65-856 L 6 LL`&V 6 LL`'7 L 000`ce 000`LL/ 95-L56 L z99`L'7 z99`5 L 000`ze 000`6o5 L5-956 L JRG)� jO sq.u9m9JTnbarg sq.usuzs.z-tnbs'd sq u9m9jznb9U Bu-cuuzBsg apex Z-egos q ss.zsq.uI ZvdzouTij 2utpu-eq.sq.n0 ZPosz j sQNos a�" s omas�r� ssmawsuin H do TM-CIUos *-C6 90IA11aS ZSaQ SVX31 `NMOlAYS =10 All3 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE _Jl AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL ;. YEAR, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1956, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1957, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARTER AND ORDINAN- N C ES OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. :i WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Baytown has submitted to the City Council a budget estimate of the revenue of said City and the ex- penses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, begin- ning October 1 , 1956, and ending the 30th day of September, 1957, and which said estimate has been compiled from detailed information obtained from the s several departments, divisions and offices of the City, containing all the information as required by the Charter of the City of Baytown; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received said City Manager's estimate and held a public hearing thereon as provided by Section 4.4. of the Charter; P g and Jir's WHEREAS, FURTHER, after a full and final consideration of the pub- lic hearing it is the opinion of the Council that the budget as filed should rff be approved and adopted; NOW, THEREFORE, [ua[!rf BE IT ORDAINED BY THE C_LTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: SECTION 1 : That the budget estimate of the revenues of the City of Baytown, and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the en- suing fiscal year, beginning October 1 , 1956, and ending September 30, 1957, as submitted to the City Council by the City Manager of said City, be, and the same is, in all things adopted and approved as the budget estimate of all the current expenses as well as the fixed charges against said City for the fiscal year beginning the 1'st day of October, 1956, and ending the 30th day .r of September, 1957. SECTION 2: That the sum of Eight Hundred Eighty-Three Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty ($883,620.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the general fund for the payment of operating expenses and capital outlay of the City Government as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: (r<< General Government $268,172*00 Public Safety 2019 34.2.00 Highways 14.99 60$.00 "? Sanitation & Water Removal 169,94.7.00 Conservation of Health 27,009.00 Recreation 209605eO0 Miscellaneous 4.6,937.00 SECTION 3. That the sum of One Hundred Sixty--Seven Thousand One Hundred and Sixty ($167,160.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the water works for the operating expenses and capital outlay of the municipally owned water works as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: ''rl CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS supply $ 342115600 Transmission & Distribution 77,613*00 Customers' Accounting & Collecting 43,087.00 Stores 12,345.00 SECTION : That the sum of Eighty Thousand and Ninety-tine ($8010910 s is hereby appropriated out of the general debt service fund for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming the serial bonds as they mature, on the general debt service bonds as hereinafter itemized, to-tiwi t: Serial Bond Maturities $ 49,000.00 Interest Payments (33) 30,831*00 Exchange 260.00 SECTION: That the sum of Forty-Seven Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-Two '71862.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the water works debt service fund for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and re- deeming the serial bonds as they mature, on the water works debt service bonds as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: Serial Bond Maturities $ 32,0000 00 Interest Payments (16) 15,662900 Exchange 200.00 SECTION 6: That the sutra of Twenty-One Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty-Eight ($21,538.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the traffic improvement fund for the operating expenses and capital outlay for traffic control and improvement as hereinafter itemized, to--wit: Salaries & Wages 11 883.00 Supplies 43 g75.00 Maintenance of Equipment 11 450.00 Miscellaneous Services 21 750*00 Pensions 580.00 •K Capital Outlay N 0 N E SECTION 7: This ordinance shall be and remain in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval of the City Council, and it shall be published each week for two consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in the City of Baytown. READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by at least a majority of the City Council at a regular meeting held at the City Hall in the City of Baytown on this the 13th day of September, 1956. R. H. Pruett, Mayor ATTEST: Edna Oliver, City Clerk CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO* m, , AN ORDINANCE FlXIVG THE'RATE _ TAX 1E - FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 19579 UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, IN CONFORMITY WITH THE LAWS OF TEXAS AND THE CHAR: PROVISIONS AND THE f, ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY• AND REPEALING ALL ORDINAN C ES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. rr++ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN TEXAS: >% SECTION 1 : That there shall be and is hereby levied and shall be asses- ;;:;;, sed and collected for the year endingSeptember 34 1957 an ad valorem tax of 0 ($1,72) p One and Seventy-Two/One Hundred Dollars on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars worth of property located within the D p y present city limits of the City of Baytown, wade taxable by law, which said taxes when collected shall be apportioned among the funds and departments of City Government of the City of Baytown and for the purpose hereinafter set forth as follows, to-wit: For the General Fund $14,50 �111 For the purpose of paying the ac- cruing interest and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the bonded indebtedness of the City of Baytown .22 SECTION 2: The ad valorem tax rate of One and Seventy-Two/one Hundred ,+ ($1,72) Dollars as set forth in Section 1 , above, is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected on only Fifty (50%) per cent of Each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars worth of property located within Baytown as valued b � Y the Equalization Board for the City of Baytown, and made taxable by law. SECTION 3: The City Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Baytown is hereby directed to assess, extend and enter upon the tax rolls of the City of Baytown, Texas, for: the current year, the amounts and rates herein lev- ied, and keep a correct .&acount of same, and when so collected, the same to r be deposited in the depository of the City of Baytown, to be distributed in accordance with this ordinance. SECT : All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith - ; are expressly repealed. READ, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the aff irmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas at a regular meeting held at the y � � � g City Hall on the 13th day of September, 1956. R. H. Pruett, Mayor ATTEST: Edna Oliver, City Clerk CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT EXPENSES: These comprise all items of expenditure, necessarily incurred for current administration, operation and maintenance -- and for materials and equipment in the nature of renewals or replacements which do not add to the capital assets of the City, A. Salaries and wages B. Supplies C. Material (or contract) for maintenance of land D. Material (or contract) for maintenance of buildings, improvements and structures E. Material (or contract) for maintenance of equipment F. Miscellaneous Services G. Sundry Charges CAPITAL OUTLAY: Comprises expenditures of every character which increase the capital assets of the city. X. Lands Y. Buildings and Structures Z. Equipment E X P E N S E S A* SALARIES AND WAGES: A-1 Supervisory: To include legislative, executive and administrative A-2 Clem Hire: Clerical services or service of that nature A-3 Labor Operation: To include professional and technical service A-4 Labor Maintenance: Sei-Tices performed in repairing and maintaining a standard of: C. Lands D. Buildings, improvements and structures E. Equipment B A-5 Extra help SUPPLIES B-1 Office supplies: To include all supplies necessary for use in the operation of office, such as •r CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Ice Postage Printing: To include printing of budget, circular letters, reports and specification Publications: To include blue prints., catalogues, charts., magazines, maps newspapers etc. Stationery: To include pencils, rubber stamps., ink pads, paper, paste., pens., binders., blank books., CUPS, desk ...r*,o emel- apes, erasers, filing "xbimet "Supplftsl� immis, manuscript supplies,, tracing cloth, etc. B-2 Fuel supplies: To include coal, gas., oil, wood, etc. B-3 Food supplies: To include all articles of food for human being. B-4 Wearing apparel., dry good and notions: To include such articles as aprons, badges, belts, blankets,, boots, canvas cloth., cotton goods, curtainp, dress finding, hats linens oil cloth, low cases, shoes, sheets, slickers., thread, towels., uniforms, etc. -5 Forage, barn and shoeing: Barn* To include brushes., curry combs,, disinfectants, sand, sawdust, shavings, sponges, straw, etc. Forage: To include all articles of food for animals. Shoeing: To include all cost of material and labor for shoeing animals, -6 Motor vehicle supplies: To include gasoline, grease, lubricating oil and small accessories. B-7 Minor apparatus, 'instruments, tools and utensils., which are liable to loss, theft and rapid depreciation: Minor apparatus: To include that used in cleaning, engineering, hospital, laboratory and medical, such as alcohol lamps, balances, blow pipes, burners, filters., lanterns., measures, tubing, etc. Minor instruments: To include calipers., compasses drafting instruments, gauges., lenses, measuring chains, pincers, sterilizers, thermometers, etc. Minor tools: To include augers, axes., bits, braces., crowbars., engineers stakes., fire hose, handcuffs, jacks, punches, reamers, shears., wrenches, and articles of similar nature. Minor utensils.* To include barrels., basket i, brooms., brushes., cans., chamois skins., CUPS., cuspidors., dishes, electrical gloves, glassware, . !.P' k=- -vesi lamp4 _: ar-.t1c1- e-a of- Uka,-nature. ma4s fifid B-8 Laundry, cleaning and toilet: lo include cleansing preparations, deodorants, disinfectants, floor oils, scouring powders, soap., wax., etc. B-9 Chemical, medical and surgical: To include alcohol., alum, antitoxins, bandages., chlorine, gauze, lime., medicines., vaccine., etc. B-10 Mechanical supplies: To include fuel oil, lubricating oil, grease, pack- ing, ..waste., etc. B-11 Educational and recreational supplies: To include all articles of transient use, as baseballs,, lime for marking tennis courts., rent on moving picture films, tennis balls., etc. B-12 Botanical and agricultural supplies: To include bulbs., disinfectants., fertilizers seeds trees, young plants etc.. used for parks and public ground s. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS F-1 Communication: To include messenger service, telegraph and telephone, F-2 Hire of Equipment: To include compensation for use of equipment viz: hire of teams, with or without drivers, also allowance to employees for use of private cars, F-3 Insurance: To include premiums on all kinds of insurance on property and equipment, also liability insurance F-4 Special services: To include compensation for personal services such as special investigations and surveys, inspecting materials, audits, special legal services, etc. F--5 Advertising, legal and otherwise. F-6 Traveling expenses: To include expense of public officers and employees incurred in regular performance of their duties for transportation by public carriers, etc. F-7 Rents F-8 Music F-9 Support of persons (prisoners) F-10 Transportation (other than employees) F-11 Light and power == F-12 Freight, express and drayage (unallocated) G. SUNDRY CHARGES: Sundry charges include those expenses legally or morally obligatory upon the city as a public corporation. G-1 Contributions, gratuities and rewards: To include, charitable institutions, hospitals and other organizations; compensation to prisoners, prizes, entertainment, floral offerings, etc. G-2 Debt service: To include the payment of principal and interest of funded and unfunded debt G-3 Refunds G-4 Judgments and damages G-5 Pensions G-6 Taxes G-7 Court costs, jury and witness fees G-S Other C A P I T A L O U T L A Y X. LANDS: X-1 Purchase price: To include all expenditures for land as abstracts assessments, cost of appraising, recording of deeds, surveys, etc. X-2 Betterments: To include all expenditures (including payrolls), covering original cost of draining, engineering and inspection, f irst sodding, grading, planting and terracing, Y, BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: All expenditures, including payrolls for new or additions to: Y-1 Buildings Y-2 Bridges CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Y-3 Filtration plants Y-4 Sanitary Sewers Y-5 Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters, and culverts Y-6 Storm sewers Y-7 Standpipes and reservoirs Y-8 Streets, roadways and highways Y-9 Incinerator Y-10 Other Z. EQUIPMENT: All expenditures to cover original cost of equipment (not replacements) which increases the value of the fixed assets of the city. ' Z-1 Furniture, fixtures, and furnishings Z-2 Machinery, tools and implements (major) Z-3 Instruments and apparatus (major); this includes all fire apparatus Z-4 Motor vehicles Z-5 Other Vehicles Z-6 Harness Z-7 Livestock Z-g Books (does not include purchase of books for library) a Z-9 Water works mains Z-10 Meters and settings Z-11 Signal systems ' Z-12 Heating systems Z=13 Seruiec eannections Z-14 Fire Hydrants Z-15 Other