_FY 55-56 COB Adopted Budget r SS61 'Alnf ui pa+aldwoo 'z 'ON UOl+e+S a.11d umO+Ae8 rnaN sk xa�vxvia auo -xoia'IQQINi NiAiuva '0 as aaziazaoo ok ,110NAOD ATIo (INN aoxvx aHZ Aa adsdOav Sv r .. 9Si6l ob 08 auallQa.LdaS 9-KMN 12I�:IA I�OSI3 �HZ noa 1:4-9icifial rT�fisi1 v lam` AAL®IXYV`CL A® XIID CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 3 of the a, CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXA for the Fiscal Year October lv i95b September 30, 1956 Compiled by Co DARWIN MIDDLETON, CITY jAANA ER And Adopted by the MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL CI TY C, 0_UNCI L R� Ha PRUE TT, MAYOR P, Ha MEARS M o L e CAMPBB LL R a Bo BERGERON AL CLAYTON h o Tito CAMPBELL LACY LUSK q gal CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS L TABLE OF CONTENTS F a e N10 PARS' 1. SUMMARIES Introduction. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o e o 0 0 0 0 o a o o c o 0 0 o I The City IY a ,lager 4 s Meer.s'-�'..sge 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o P a o 11 General Budget Summary = Revenues o P a a a a a . v c o p a s 1 General Budget Summary - Expenditures a a a a a a a o a a a a 2 General Budget Summary - All Funds a O a a a o a e P a a P P e 3 Individual Funds c o 0 0 0 0 o a a o 0 0 0 0 o c a o 0 0 4 Analysis of Property Valuations o 1 a P . 0 0 0 o p P c o 0 0 0 5 Tax Levies and Collect-1 on�a for All. Funds. 6 General Fund Resources from all o General Fund Expenditur,�s by Funitc , i ������ a a s a a a a a 10 t General Fund Expenditures y � ,.��� C.."% . � : o o a o o � 1� ` PART 11. DETAILED ����.r�^�t��.�;� OF 'ENE,AL FU,N. ' General Government-. — City Council e o e o 0 o a a a P a a a o o e o 0 0 0 0 0 l� CityManager 0 o P o 0 0 0 o P o 0 0 0 0 0 o a a a o o Corporation Court o o a o 0 0 o P o 0 0 0 o a o 0 o a a lea Elections o a a a a P a a P a a a a e e 20 Finance a��o 0 0 0 o e a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a 22 Law p�1 p O P 0 0 a 0 a a P e a a a o e P p O a e e e e v Cyy ity bull o- a o P P a o 0 0 0 0 0 o a o o a a o P o c 2`" Engineering a a o a a a o 0 o a P o c o a o } fl a 28 Public Safetyo Police Department c a a a v o 0 o a o o c a a a u . � � �" Protective Department P e V a 0 0 P e e e a e p a • V a 33 Pr'o y L 0 6 P ective Inspection o o n o 0 o a a o e o o 36 highways and Roadways . Roadways o o a o 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 o e o 0 0 0 0 0 0' 3 W Street Lighting P o 0 0 0 o a o 0 o a o a o 0 0 0 o a a 41 ' Sanitation and Waste Removal Sewers and ",ewage Disposal. o a o 0 0 0 0 o a o e o 0 0 42 Taste Collection and Disposal a a a o o a a a o a a a a 46 Conservation of Health a o o a a o e o 0 o a o a o o c o o a o 48 ' Recreation. ' Municipal Parks oo} P P ,y o u o o e a a o o a c e e a o 50 Pl Playgrounds and ayfields o a o 0 o a a a n a o 0 52 Swimming Pool a a a e e a e e a a a a e P a a e p p 53 ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS IP 'Fable of Contents C-ontinued Paqt No. ■ Miscellaneousg Ga-age. . . . . . . . . . 56 Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 PART Ill. WATER WOPJ<.S, Sz?, TION Statement of Income, Expense & aurplus AdjustTients. 61 Summary of Expenditures by Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Summary of Expenditures by Character and Object. . . . . . . . 63 Supply. . . . . . . . . . . . a . 0 o . . . 0 . . . . . . 64 Trans-mission and Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Customer: A(,y,counting and Collecting. . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Debt Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 PART IV. TRAFFIC IMPROVEI&IJ H-111) Income and Expense Statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Summary of Expenditures by Character and Object . . . . . � . . 78 Public Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . 79 PART V. DEBT SERVICE SECTION Resources and Requirements: All Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Gene:r-'al Obligation Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 4 . 34 Waterworks Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Descriptloii Bonds: General Obligation Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 ■ Waterworks Tax-Supported Bonds . . o . * a . . . . 4 89 Water-works Revenue Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 PART V1. MISCELLANEOUS Ordinance Fixing Tax Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Appropriation Ordinance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Classification of Expenditures by Character and Object. . . . 96 x I • w w cxmm �. � 9 (In I V n N N V O n' x. gvxs.L `limoJu a 30 '"ID -, CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I. I N T R 0 D U C ' IO�_` 4 The 1955-56 Budget of the City of B: w 'l consist of the following budget accounts ear-h operating ender and with its own funds as approp-T aced. ',y the City Council and from revenues derived from sources pertaining to that partic- ular method of operation-, (1 ) The General Fund operating with revenues from tax sources and from other misc.el.laneous sources of revenue. (2) The Water Fund_ opt, rati.n:g from sale of water. (3) The Traffic Improvement .Fund operating from revenues supplied by parking meters_, (4 ) Bond Funds operating from taxation and from water revenues. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS THE CITY MANAGER'S BUDGET MESSAGE II. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Baytown Baytown, Texas Gentlemen: Pursuant to Article 680-1.3, Title 20, of the revised Civil Statues of Texas , and Section 41 of the City Charter, there A is submitted herewith a budget .estimate_ of the revenues and expenditures of the various funds_. of. the City for the fiscal year beginning October 1 , 1955 , and ending September 30, 1956. The City of Baytown has again completed a very successful year of operation. Several new improvements have been added and there was completed an annexation of 950 acres to the City of Bay- town. The addition known as Cedar Bayou was annexed to the City as well as other areas bordering the city limits. A recent check shows that there is a population in the City of Baytown of approx- imately 31 ,000 people. With these new additions added to the City, it means that additional services must be furnished to that area. It is felt that the valuation of the property in that area is sufficient to handle the cost of the services rendered. 6" water lines have been M installed in that area and the water system has been connected with the City of Baytown, which will result in a savings on fire insurance premiums for those people living in that area. Many new projects have been completed within the City in the year 1954-55, such as the Oklahoma Street storm sewer, the Miss- ouri Street Sanitary sewer line, sanitary sewer lines connecting i CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS a II.1, pelly area and Lee Heights , the into=al ept �r sewer line cup to the sewage plant :ja. canted on West Texas Avenue is 95% complete. West Main Street was storm sewered from Lee Drive to the Grose Creek Stream, a sanitary sewer line was layed along that street and the street was widened 81 on each side and curb and getter was constructed along said street. Hot mixed asphalt was used to resurcface the entire width of the street from the bridge to Lee Drive. Maarti.rll Street Ditch storm sewer is now under construction and will be completed up to lst and tobit within the Budget year. i4any drain ditches have been gleaned and a new storm sewer is ender construction between East Wright and. East Texas Avenue to aid ' the drainage in that area. The collection„ of storm water in the Indiana ' Michigan, and Huggins area, has been eliminated by a stormy sewer running down Indiana Street, A cut-off road from the extension of Missouri ' Street at Spun 201 to Highway 146 has been completed. Several new mercury-vapor .°! � _:,` � . . � � : � i dancerous intersections and more of t -k. be iYrsata',w :d :'-.n the Budget. year, The new sewage treatment will be placed in oper- ation at the beginning of this Budget year. The cost of operation will be a approxaimaately $ 27,OOO.00 per year. Several 21 water lines and some sewer lines have been, installed. A new Graidaall has been purchased, which now 9tves the City two of these units. Sekweral new Sub-Divisions haoie been approved and accepted ' by the City. Our ## 2 Fire Station, 4 pieces of equipment and the new drill tower was constrea, : 'erd at the cost of approximately 50,000.00. A new fire station has been provided for in the 1955-56 Budget. It will be located in the north-east section of the Ci.tya i Several streets have been resurfaced with inverted penetration type ' paving. ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 7�y A N o Tax valuations for 1955-56 amounts to $ 73,200,054.00 which is an increase of $ 6,561,896.00 over the previous year. The City assesses taxes on a 50% basis and the tax rate will remain the same, $ 1.50 for general fund and $ .22 for debt services , making a total of $ 1.72 for $ 100.00 evaluation. Tax collections for the 1954-55 year will be 96%, which is the best year of tax collections in the history of Baytown. Over 460 tax suits have been filed against delinquent tax payers and this will materially lower the delinquent tax carried on our rolls. Mr. C, C. Redd was named Tax Collector and Assessor, succeeding Mr, Co E. Hanratty, who resigned, More than 11,000 tax statements will be mailed to the taaK payers. The City Council in the past year has supplemented budget requests with additional appropriations from the Council Emergency Fund and the Council Contingent Fund, all of which was for capital im- provements. Many other .items have been furnished within the year to greatly improve the City. As stated in the Budgets �9�.�_, , the City passed it$ first crucial V4&z—, Ind as pointed out, the cu-rent year will be operated on a very close margin and there will be no monies available for use of the City except for those projects and items now ear-marked. The surplus for the 1956-57 budget year will be very low and it will be up to the Council to look for additional revenues to sufficiently operate the City and to continue 'to give the services demanded and to keep up with the growth of the City, The City in past years has been using surplus9 accumulated without in- creasing the valuation or the tax rate and at this time all surplus ' have been used, to balance the 1955-56 Budget, therefore, it will be necessary to find new sources of revenue or to curtail operations , either by services or eliminating to some degree, the capital r doTa-Aap ue9. eM `TTe 3o uoTIeaedo®oo panuTIUo.0 a4V 4ITM_Pue_ araA 4sed 844 ao, uoTlesedo-oo pTPuatds a44 aoj umo,4.Aeg jo suazT4T3 PUP s98AOTdwg ° sP eaH �uewjjedea °TTOunOD AITO °aoAew a4,. ajue44 of J.ueM y °ROTTod o6-noA-se-Aed 9141 UTeIuTew 04 sdT84 4014M VoM uoT'}onalsuoo uMo ss-�T JO TTe S90p RITO 941 '00°0061C S ;o 06eM Tenuue a6eaane 941 4l.TM ° saeAOTdwe 99T AT91.ew -Txoadde sAOTdwe A4T3 841 ®spuoq anuanaa aa4?M pue ° spuoq sNaom aaIeM °spuoq uOT1e6TTgo TeJOUeD sapnTOuT sT41 °00'00g6T6Z° T $ sT ssaupolgapuT puoq Te101 e4*� IQ41 6uTMous 'MOT KaSA sT sseupe4gepuT Puoq anp *u T6.zew asop Alen a uo 6UT�eiado aae am 4e4-� 4nq ° sTSeq TeToueuT3 PTTOs uo TTTIs sT A4T3 e4l le4l SM04s swaIT 496pnq TTe PUP spun; TTe 30 sTsATeue Uv 400°Z5L°bL $ Puna �uef j,�uoo a4I uT pue 005° 9T $ Puna Aous6aawg a4l. UT pa4sTTgv4se 8q TTTM 92641 '00'6TZ°88T $ Teq-01. TTTM APTInO Te4Tde3 ' ° 'U8£� :: ,T$ 4900 TTTM saoTAsas Igep °00°Z£9°9T9$ 04 6uT4unowe ° aan T_Auadca I5eAea a sT seTaeTes 1e44 sMOtgs °uOTl.eoT;TsseTo Rq s9an4Tpuadx9 a41 ' l 4 4� 'Stib3,,,,Z$ eq TTTM 99an1'FPuadxa pue 00009L°9b $ eAR4 TTTM punj oTijea1 a41 'OZL'96Z$ eq TTTM sasn'�TOUedxe pue 00°69£ °Lb£ $ aAe4 TTTM punj aaleM aUi1 'b yRTB $ eq TTTM seanITPuadxa pue 6 96 ° OOT $ 4oaTTOO TTTM saOTAa8S 4g8Cl a41 '00°ZT6 $ jo snTdsns pajewT4sa ue 6uTneOT 0046b9°t'88 $ puadxa MAI IT 4e44 PUP 00'T9q°588 $ I-aaTTOO TTTM pung TeaauaE) 944 �eq4 p91.ed -TOT'.ue sT IT sT4j jo 4n0 '00°T9b°98Z ° T $ papuadxe aq TTTM aaatg-� Ie4I, pug: OC?"880°£bZ° T $ 3O Xel-®1 e paIOaTTOO aq TTTM aaag4 4eg4 pa4edToT4ue ST 11 -punj juawanoadwT TV4Tdeo ano ao; pasn aq o4 00°000°OZT $ PUP 96UTpTTnq aoj 000°£T $ pue IuawdTnbe aoj. 000°gZ $ JO AT:.sow s4sTsuoo sTgl. °AeT-4nO Te4Tdeo aoi 496png ayq. UT sw9IT Ma; aae aaa'gl #wea6oad juawanoadwe SVX31 'NAA01.1V9 d0 AlIO *n 1 BAWT ' NMOIAVS 30 ;dIO aa6eueW A,�To 'ATTn3jaadsad eIOnT7 O'. glTgM UT aaetd 1911.98n a o'Iu; uMo,*Ato jo A'�T3 041 ' TA SVX31 'NM01.1Y9 d0 AlK) CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I• 1• GENERAL BUDGET SUI&ARY - REVENUES For the Fiscal Year 1955-56 Budget R E V E N U E S Proposals 1 , General Fund Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 111 , 275 From Tax Sources 584,873 From Non Tax Sources 225,42 Total 921 ,573 2. Water Fund Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 53,591 From Sale of Water 257,054 Miscellaneous Other 11 .000 Total 321,645 3. Traffic Improvement Fund Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 14, 743 Anticipated Revenue 32,000 Total 46, 743 4. General Obligation Debt Service Fund From Tax Sources 85 ,084 Surplus 19,010 Total 104, 094 5 , Water Works Debt Service From Water Operating Fund 47, 746 Surplus 10,411 Total 58, 157 Grand Total All Revenues 1, 243, 182 Grand Total All Surplus 209.030 Grand Total All Resources 1 ,452, 212 _w CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL $UDGET SUKAARY - EXPE.-NIDITURES 2• For the Fiscal Year 1955-56 E X P E N D I T U R E S _ w Proposals 1, General Fund Current Expenses 635 ,436 Capital Outlay 153, 961 Emergency & Contingent Funds 40, 252 Unappropriated Reserve _ 36L924 Total - 2. Water A Current Expenses 162, 336 Capital Outlay 28,558 Contribution to General Fund 53 ,000 Unappropriated Reserve __ 72.251 Total 321, 645 3. Traffic Improvement Fund Current Expenses 21 , 748 Capital Outlay Unappropriated Reserves Total 4, General Obligation Debt_Service Fund Requirements 31 ,634 Surplus Total 104 ,094 5 , Water Works De'ot Service—Fund Requirements 47 , 746 Surplus ].('�4 ].1. # Total * Grand Total All Expenditures 1 , 236, C 21 Grand Total All. Surplus Grand Total-Expenditures 3 Surplus 1 ,452, 212 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 30 , GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - ALL FUNDS Fiscal Year 1955-56 All F REVENUE SOURCE: Funds Property Taxes 669, 957 Franchise Taxes and Others 225,425 Water Sales 304,800 Service Charges 11,000 Parking Meters 32.00 Total All Revenues 1, 243, 182 Surplus ' at 10-1-55 209.030 Total Resources 1.452LZ2 EjS ,tt,ures a Operating Sai _ -s 610,352 Supp i_i es 52,605 Maintenance of Land 375 Maintenance of Structures 60,400 Maintenance of Equipment 36, 903 Special Services 660545 F Sundry Charges 42,840 Debt Service 129 380 Total Operating Expenditures 999,400 Zxpenditures-Capital_Outlay Structures 133,200 Equipment 55. 169 Total CCapital Outlay 188,369 Special Aopr riations Emergency Fund 15,500 Contingent Fund 24,752 Transfers Authorized 58.000 Total Special Appropriations 4.25 Total A11 Appropriations Unappropriated Surplus 10-1-55 166, 191 ti CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS j INDIVIDUAL FUNDS 4' Fiscal Year 1955-56 G l\ZRAL General Int, ater Improvement Fund FUND Si nki na Fund Fund 584, 873 85 ,084 225 ,425 304,800 11 ,000 32.000 810, 298 85,084 315, 800 32,000 y _111. 275 19.0010 64.002 14,, 742 921j573 104.,094 _ 379. 802 46, 743 4849 114,088 11,837 37,350 10, 395 4,860 375 -0- _0_ 57, 200 3,000 200 22, 275 13, 150 1,478 469625 17,085 2, 835 37, 184 5 , 118 5, 38 -0- ___glj 6634, m 4 7,04 6 ... ...a....�:. :. 685,436 81 ,634 210,582 21 , 748 133, 200 -0- -0. 25 ,761 28.L558 850 158, 961 28,558 850 15,500 24,752 -0- 58.L 000 4 58.000 ,81.-634 �-" U 2 598 36, 924 22,460 82, 662 24, 145 7 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 5. ANALYSIS OF PROPERTY VALUATIONS FISCAL ASSESSED ESTIMATED BASIS OF PERIOD_ VALUE TRUE VALUE ASSESSMENT 1940-41 3, 984,000. (1) 12,073,000. 33% (4) 1941-42 4,805 , 100. (1 ) 14,560,000. 33% (4) 1942-43 4, 984, 700. (1 ) 15 , 105,000. 33% (4) 1943-44 5, 104, 700. (1) 15,470,000. 33% 4) 1944-45 5,083, 100. (1 ) 15 ,400.000, 33�6 (4) 1945-46 5,477,600. (1) 16,599,000. 33% (4 ) 1946-47 6, 313,000. (1 ) 19, 130,000. 33% (°4 ) 1947-48 9, 964,000. (2) 30, 1949000. 33i, (4) 1948-49 17,500,000. (3) 35 , 000,000. 5 1949-50 19,3749137, 38, 748, 274. 50/, 1950-51 27, 983,026. 55 , 966,052. 50% 1951-52 30, 225, 248. 60,450,496. 50% 1952-53 31 ,731,097. 63,462, 194. 50% 1953-54 32,714,837. 65,429,674. ,i�% 1954-55 33, 318, 264. 66, 636,528. 1955-56 40,660,897. 81 , 321,794. 50% Notes: �! (1) Combined assessed valuations for Goose Creek and Pelly. ' (2) Combined assessed valuations for Goose Creek, Pelly and Baytown. (3) Complete reappraisal of property made in 1948. 1 (4 ) The 33% basis shown here is a guess . Actually there was no basis . Property owners made their own renditions . ' Apparently neither Goose Creek nor Pelly ever had an ap- praisal of property for assessment purposes. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 6. TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS Collection of Percentage of Collection Current Year's Taxes Leery Collected Prior Year's Fiscal Total Tax During Fiscal During Fiscal Taxes During Period _ Levy, Period Period Fiscal Period 1940-41 55, 772. 42, 261 . 75. 8 14,067. 1941-42 61,390. 53, 7M 79, 7 10.623. 1942-43 69, 733. 57,580. 32.6 12,691. 1943-44 71,325. 61 , 162. 85.8 14, 123. F 1944-45 71, 167. 63, 799. 89,6 13, 745. 1945-46 76,686. 68, 234. 89.0 14,604. 1946-47 90,694. 79,575. 87.8 9, 991. 1947-48* 185, 326. 172,000. 92. 8 5,000, 1943-49 301,000. 276, 900. 92.0 9,050. 1949-50 306,000. 285, 510. 93. 3 9, 260. 1950-51 333, 202. 306, 377. 91 .9 8,095. 1951-52 519,834. 483,037. 93. 2 13, 795, 1952-53 545,737. 516,443. 94. 6 231979. 1953-54 562,658. 532,448. 94. 7 G,47,1.. 1954-55 573-9037. 548,567. 95.7 29,604. 1955-56** 699, 355. 669, 957. 93. 6 12,000. Notes: * The Fiscal period 1947-48 reflects the first full year of operation of the consolidated cities of Baytown, Goose Creek F and Pelly, ** Estimated income and collections , CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 7. TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS atio of Ratio of Ratio of elinquent Total Accumulated ollections Collections Accumulated Delinquent Taxes o Current Total To Current Delinquent To Current Year's ax Levy Collections Tax L Taxes Tax Lew 25.2 56,328. 101.0 80,178. 143,7 15.8 64,323. 95.5 83,064. 123.4 18.2 70,271. 100.8 82, 921. 118. 9 19.8 759285. 105.6 78,257. 109.8 19.4 77,544. 109.0 72,156. 101.5 19.0 829838. 108.0 66,031. 86.2 11.3 16,548. 93.7 45, 938. 260a0 11.0 8 9,566 98.8 69,437. 76,5 2.7 117,000. 95.5 77,700. 41. 9 3.0 285, 950. 95.0 92,700. 30.8 3.0 294,770. 96.3 100,140. 32.7 2.4 310,621. 93. 2 96,409. �b° y ' 2.7 496,832. 95.6 99,853. 19.2 ' 4.3 540,422. 99.0 1039446. 18. 9 3.5 551 , 918. 98.1 96,449. 17. 1 5, 1 578, 171. 100.8 107,694. 18.7 ' .7 681, 957. 97.5 125,092. 17.8 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND RESOURCES FROM ALL SOURCES 8. C U R R E N T RE V E N U E S ACTUAL ACTUAL, PROPOSED a55 1955 56 GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES.- Current Year's Levy 532,44$ 4$4, 930 569,873 Prior Year's Levies l99470 25,487 12,000 Penalties and Interest 0' 39 00 ' Total Proge& Taxes 5580pig 520,456 5840873 OTHER LOCAL TAXES: Street Rental Chargers Houston Natural Gas Go, 8,168 80203 89200 Houston Lighting & Power Co. 14, 936 169285 16,000 Gen,Tel,Corp, of the Southwest 891.49 89017 8,000 Taxicabs 5 Total Other Local "��,750 33,3�0 33,025 LICENSES AND PERMITS-. H Business Licenses., Oil Drilling Permits 8 f, Lon - n , Alcoholic Beverage Licenses 2®254 2,000 Other Business Licenses „ A4 9 —RSWO 4000 Total Business Licenses 19,500 12,404 4,000 Non Business Li.cenjseso ' Animal Licenses 540 474 450 Total Licenses & Permits ' PINES AND FORFEITS-, Corporation Court 22,637 27,776 23,000 SERVICE CHARGE FOR CURRENT S RVICF-Sa Protective I ection Fees ,. Bu 1ding Permits . 9982 2,617 2, 200 Electrical Permits 2,419 2,537 2,000 Plumbing Permits 29410 3, 166 2,500 Health Permits 848 810 850 Wator Collection Pees , 5 l 7 8 '� Total Servtse Chaves 3189612 94,237 94,550 + - CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 9 90 GENERAL PUN RESOURCES FROM ALL SOURCES C U R R E N T R E V E H U E S -- AC`bUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1 1 j54-55 1955-56� SWIMMING POOL 109974 109374 10,000 MISCELLANEOUS UNCLASSIFIED 39952 59264 29400 CON ,RIBUTIONS AW IBAl aP1 R FROM OTHH R GOVERMENT OWNED PUNS ' Transfer of Water Utility 409000 509000 589000 Profits om Traffic Improvement 18n512 7 816 rd Grand Total All Revenues 723, 965 762, 131 8100 298 Balance Unappropriated Surplus at October lit, 869059 96 19 11 TOTAL ALL RESOURCES 6610515 858,450 921 ,573 a CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND 10. SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY FUi1rTION AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56_ ACCOUNT NUMBER DEPARTMENT AND DIVISION GENERAL GOVERN" ENT- City Council 129, 302 128, 963 168, 147 102 City Manager 27, 242 28,438 34, 784 103 Corporation Court 5, 959 5,540 5 , 925 104 Elections 666 282 540 105 Finance 20, 169 25,060 26, 915 106 Law 10, 323 11,5 96 10, 765 107 City hall 6,477 5,520 6�030 108 Engineering -01 -0- 101.90-0 Total General Gove-rnment 199,138 205,399, 263, 106 PUBLIC SAFETY,- 201 Police Department 93,434 105,212 113, 238 202 Fire Department 55, 979 57, 205 91 , 265 203 Protective Inspection ___I 6_L 6�Lo 11 , 010 Total Public Safety 166,058 171 3, 11').. 215,513 HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS 301 Roadways 154, 411 152,8 44 -4612--.6 302 Street Lighting 3,887 3� 1- ,6325 Total Highways and 158, 298 156, 725 152,763 Roadway SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL- 401 Sewers & Sewage Disposal 30, 772 511) 255 60, 719 402 Waste Collection & 85 , 768 113, 1.41 Disposal Total 116,540 139, 788 173, 860 CONSERVATION OF HEALTH. 501 Health Department 13, 178 13,597 18, 590 RECREATION- 601 Municipal Parks 5,458 3, 741 4, 350 602 Playfields & Playgrounds 6,000 6, 000 6, 000 603 Swimming Pool 7 815 8, 622 9, 105 Total Recreation 19, 273 18,363 19,455 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 110 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES-) BY FUNCTION AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION (cont-inued) ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED NUMBER DEPARTMENT AND DIVI'EJ10N .1953-54 1954-55 19515-56 MISCELLANEOUS 701 Garage 30,607 29,617 29,482 702 Insurance 10,678 10 150 11 , 80 Total Miscellaneous 41, 285 39, 767 41, 362 Grand Total '713, 770 746,750 884, 64 4 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 12. GENERAL FU D SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACT�XAL ACT-UAL PROPOSED 1953-'04 19,54-55 1955-56 Ex P E,P193 E S A. Salaries and Wages 369, 177 4049103 484,307 B� Supplies 32, 998 31 ,009 40,450 C Maintenance of Land 325 229 375 D� Maintenance of Structures 74, 1480 65,034 57, 200 Eo ''�-,intenance of Equipment 21,499 22,330 22, 275 F. .'-�3cellaneous Services 33, 774 33, 268 2 2� 275 G, Sundry Charges 30, 282 31,072 37, 184 Emergency Fund -0- -0- 15,500 Contingent Fund — -0- __24_L 75 2 Total Epen 562, 203 587,045 '7 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y, Structures 128,453 144 ,876 133, 200 _ Equipment 232114 4829 _1_761 _ Total Capital 151 ,567 159, 705 156, 961 Grand Total 713, 770 7469750 884, 649 I • II �. �i � ri it svxHl `NAILQJ AVS Ao Allo CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 ACCOUNT NO. 101 13. AIR GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY GOUINr-IL S U M M A R. Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 5, 924 5 ,940 6, 120 B. Supplies 79 104 75 D. Maintenance of Structure -0- -0- F. Aiscellaneous Service 2,556 2, 305 1 , 200 G� Sundry Charges 518 560 — 500 Total E&pgnses 9,077 8,909 7,895 APITAL OUTLAY X. Land Acquisition Fire Station Site) Y. Building & Structures & Other Capital Improvement .120,000 120, 000 120,000 Z� Equipment 225 54 Total Capital Outlay 120, 225 120, 054 Emergency Fund -0- -0- 15,500 Contingent Fund -0- -0a 24, 752 Grand Total 129,302 128,963 168, 147 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1955-56 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-2 CLERICAL City Clerk 380. 4,560 Stenographer N2 Time 0 260./moo ) 130. 1,560 Total Salaries 6, 120 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 14. ACCOUNU—NO. 101 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL DETKI L. ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 SALARIES AND WAGES - - 1. Mayor and Council -0- -0- -0- 2. Clerical 5, 924 5 ,940 6, 120 Total 5, 924 5,940 6, 120 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 79 104 75 NTENAWE OF STRUCTURE Building Maintenance MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2� Car Allowance -0- 275 300 4o Special Services 19689 1 ,541 400 5a, Advertising 480 98 -0- 6o Travel Expense -a- -0- 150 13ao Association Dues 387 391 Total 2,556 2, 305 1, 200 G� SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contributions and 518 56o 500 Gratuities 4o Damages and Judgements -0- -0- Court Costs -0- -0- Total 518 560 500 T6tal Expenses 9,077 $9909 7,895 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Capital Improvements Y-Ij3uildings and Structures 120,000 120, 000 120,000 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 15. ACCOUNT NO. 101 GENERAL GOVERNME W CITY CO1. WIL DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 Z, EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 225 54 -0- 2, Machinery -0- -0- -0- 4. Motor Vehicles -0- -0- _ -0-- 1p Total Capital Outlay 120, 225 120,054 120,000 Emergency Fund 15,500 Contingent Fund 24,752 Grand Total 129, 302 128 ,963 168, 147 i CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 102 16, GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY MANAGER S U AA M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 10, 760 10,467 10 , 880 B. Supplies 250 242 300 E. Maintenance of Equipment '76 239 75 F. Miscellaneous Services 249 282 420 G. Sundry Charges 15 . 907 --16828 34 Total Expenses 27, 242 28, 128 2,509 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. Equipment -0- 310 2 . 275 Grand Total 27, 242 23,438 349784 SALARIES —AND-WAGE'S PROPOSED 1955-r-6 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-1 EXECUTIVE City Manager 712 8,540 A-2 CLERICAL 340 2 Secretary 195 -L.=-" Total Salaries 10, 880 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 102 17. GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY MANAGER DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954_5,5 1,955-56 SALARIES AND WAGES 8,540 89540 8,540 1. Executive 1 ,927 2. Clerical __2 j 2LO 2. 340 Total 10,760 10,467 10,880 3. SUPPLIES 1 . Office 100 92 1150 6. Motor Vehicles ir-.0 150 150 Total 2b0 242 300 \4A W,E OF EQUIPMENT MAI NT,E 1 76 4. Motor Vehicles 2.39 75 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications -0- 120 6. Travel Expense 219 250 13. Association Dues Total 249 282 420 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 5 . Pension 15, 320 13 ,836 18,584 8. Civilian Defense 574 1 , 754 750 9. Civil Service 13 1 258 1,500 Total 15, 907 16,898 20,834 Total menses 27, 242 28, 128 32,509 AY T CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQJ.IPMENT - 1. Furniture and Fixtures -0- 310 75 4. -Motor Vehicle -,Oz ----2—° ?202 Total C ap jt.al Out la 310 2, 275 -784 Grand Total - 9242 23,438 34, CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 103 18. GEi\ERAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION COURT S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 EXPEi\SES A. Salaries and Wages 5,438 5 ,023 5 ,400 B. Supplies 297 243 300 E. Maintenance of Equipment 4 58 50 F. Miscellaneous Service 147 216 160 G. Sundry Charges -0- 15 Total Expenses 5,885 5,540 5 , 925 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. Equipment 74 -0- -0- Grand Total 5, 959 5,540 5 ? 925 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1955-56 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-1 ADMINISTRATIVE Judge 300 3, 600 A-2 Clerk 150 1, 80 Total Salaries 5,400 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 ACCOUtNIT iVO. 103 19c GENERAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION COURT DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 A. SALARIES 1 , Administrative 2,460 4 ,903 3 , 600 2. Clerical 2 978 120 1 800 Total 5,438 5 ,023 5 ,400 B. SUPPLIES 1, Office 297 243 300 E. MAINTEWLE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 4 58 50 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communication 146 172 160 6, Travel Expenses -0- 44 ---0- G. Sundr Charges 7. Jury Fees -0- 15 Total Exp�nsts 5, 885 5 , 540 5 , 925 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures � 74 -0- �0- Grand Total 5, 959 5 , 540 5, 925 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 104 20 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 440 253 440 B. Supplies 226 29 75 F. Miscellaneous Services _-0- 0 -0- 25 A Grand Total 666 232 540 ■ 1 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 104 21 ' GENERAL GOVERNME INT ELECTION DETAIL A'TUAL. ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953®54 1954-55 1955-56 A. SALARIES AMID WAGES m� ' 2. Election Officials 440 253 440 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 210 22 50 7. Minor Instruments 10 - 25 Total 226 29 75 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES i 5 . Advertising -0= �--0- ' Grand Total 666 292 540 1 a t 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 22. ACCOUNT NO. 105 GENERAL GOVERMM ENT FINANCE S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 EXPENSES A. Salaries 14,489 18,886 20, 940 B. Supplies 3,541 3,541 3,575 E. Maintenance of Equipment 401 428 500 F. Miscellaneous Services 1,6.29 1, 610 1 , 900 G. Sundry Charges -0- -0- ---0- Total_E xp e ris e 20,060 24,465 26 , 915 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. Equipment 109 -.0- Grand Total 20, 169 25,060 26, 915 SALNRIFIS, PROPOSED 1955-56 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-1. SUPERVISION Director of Finance (50% of 505.00 252.50 3,030. per month. ) Tax Assessor & Collector 395,00 49740. A-2. CLERICAL Deputy Tax Assessor & Collector (2) 520. 6, 240. A-3. ACCOUNT ING City Controller (50/'o of 430.00 per Mo. ) 240 , 2, 880 Bookkeeper (50% of $ 250.00 PQFr Mo. ) 125� 1,500 Bookkeeping Machine Operator (50% of 120. 1,440 240.00 per Month. ) 1 110 A-5. EXTRA HELP Total Salaries and Manes 20, 940 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 105 23. GENERAL GOVERI VENT FI NANCE DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 195354 1954-55 1955-56 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 2, 970 6, 345 7, 770 2. Clerical 5 ,411 5 , 908 69240 3. Accounting 5,537 5 , 358 5, 820 5 . Extra Help 571 �1�275 1 110 Total 14,48.E S , 20, 9,A B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 3,461 3, 466 3, 50. 6. Motor Vehicle 7'4 - Total 3,541 3, 5,41 3,,575 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures -0- 3. Equipment 401 --—428 .—_-..5,(,'u ' Total 401 428 500 F. _MISCELLANIEOUS SERVICES 4a. Semi-Annual Audit ! _ ." 1,000 1,000 4c . Equalization Board 450 450 450 5 Advertising 115 46 250 6. Travel Expense 30 65 150 13. Other _ 34 � 49 50 ' Total 1 , 629 1 , 610 1, 900 t G. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Court Costs —0-, _�����?� �0- Total Expense 20,060 24,465 26, 915 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z-1. Furniture and Fixtures 109 -0- -0- 3. Machinery ��0- �595 -0- Grand Total 20 , 169 25 , 060 26, 915 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS y ACCOUNT NO� 106 24. GENERAL GOVERNMENT LAW S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 8, 624 8,940 9, 120 B. Supplies 262 101 300 F. Miscellaneous Services 785 746 1 , 325 G. Sundry Charges 151 — - 34 20 ' Total Expenses 9, 822 9,820 10, 765 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. Equipment 500 _1 , 775 �0- Grand Total 10, 322 11 ,596 10, 765 SALARIES AID WAGES PROPOSED 1955-56 tA-3. PROFESSIONAL City Attorney 630 7,560 ' A-2. CLERICAL Secretary (V2 Time @ $ 260.00 Per Month) 130 1 , 560 Total Salaries 9, 120 t CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 106 25. GENERAL GOVERNMENT LAW DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-5.4 1954-55 1955-56 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 2. Clerical 19484 1 ,500 1,560 3. Professional -7114Q _71442 _7,560 Total 8,o24 8,940 9, 120 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 78 101 100 6. Motor Vehicle 184 -0- 200 13. Other -0- -0- Total 262 101 300 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Hire of Equipment 300 -0- -0- 6. Travel Expense 125 330 300 13. Law Library 36'o 398 950, 13a. Association Dues -0- 18 75 Total 785 746 1, 325 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Court Costs .101 34 20 8. Other 0 -0- -0- I., Total 151 34 20 Total Ex2enses 9,822 9, 821 10, 765 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT' 3. Equipment -0- 345 -0- 4.. Automotive 500 1 ,430 -0- Grand Total 11 ,596 101765 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 26. ACCOUNT NO. 107 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY HALL S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 2, 740 2,583 29860 Bo Supplies 522 549 550 C� Maintenance of Land -0- -0- 25 D. Maintenance of Structu:tes 199 225 200 E . Maintenance of Equipment 60 287 175 F. Miscellaneous Services 10 956 1,876 �2a 220 Total E�ensfts 5,477 5, 520 6,030 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. Equipment -0- -0- -0- Grand Total 5,477 5,520 6, 030 SALARIES ADV WAGLEZ RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-3. OPERATION Custodian 230. 29760 A-5. EXTRA HELP 100 Total Salaries 2,860 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, 107 27, GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY HALL DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Operation 2,640 2,495 2, 760 5. Extra help 100 818 100 Total 2,740 2,533 2, 860 B. SUPPLIES 2. Fuel ill 113 125 7, Minor Tools 17 18 25 8 . Janitorial 394 418 400 13. Other -0- -0- -0- Total 522 549 550 C. MAINTENAXE OF LAND 1 . Land Da MAINITENAN,-E OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 199 E. MAINTENAIXE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 60 287 175 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 993 1 , 016 1, 220 11. Light & Power 963 360 1 ,000 Total 1 , 956 10876 2, 220 Total Expenses 5 ,477 59520 6, 030 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT 1. Capital Improvement -0- -0- 12. Heating Systems _0._ -0- Total Capital Outlay -0- -0- Grand Total 5,477 5 , 520 6t030 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, 108 28. GENERAL GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 EXPENSES A. Salaries -0- -0- 6M0 B. Supplies -0- -0- 3, 100 F, Misc . Services -0- -0- 300 Grand Total 10,000 Salaries : Engineer $ 550. Per Month 6, 600 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS a ACCOUNT NO., 108 29. GENERAL GOVEFN ME NT ENGINEERING DE TAI L y - ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 A. SALARIES 3. Technical -0- -0- 6, 6OU 3. SUPPLIES ' 1 . Office -0- -0- 1,000 7. Minor Tools -0- -0- 2,000 13. Other 0- -0- 100 Total -0- -0- 3, 100 F. 4AISC. SERVICES 2. Car allowances -0- -0- 3C7r, Grand Total 10,000 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 30. ACCOUNT NO. 201 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 76,489 88, 847 97, 362 ' B. Supplies ,403 6,473 7, 025 D. Maintenance of Structures 245 460 200 tE. Maintenance of Equipment 2,663 2, 613 20600 ' F� Miscellaneous Services 2,07( 2, 640 2, 715 Total Expenses 88,876 101,038 109, 902 ' CAPITA,.--, OUTLAY y Structures 173 Z Equipment 4,558 4,001 3, 336 Grand Total 93,434 1059212 113, 233 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSL RATE PER TOTAL __;ti,IO_NT.I� ANNUAL A-1< SUPERVISION Chief of Police 475a 59700 A-3. OPERATION Chief Radio Dispatcher 395. 4, 740 > 3 Radio Dispatchers 330. 11,880 `• Identification Officer 345. 4, 140 Assistant Chief of Police 4000 4,800 'Seraeant of Police (3) 3550 12, 780 Jailer 330. 3, 960 Patrolmen (12) 330. 479520 Relief Help 100 Longevity Pay _ 1, 742 Total Operation 91 ,662 Total Salaries 97, 362 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 201 31. PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1 . Supervision 5,459 5 , 731 5 , 700 3-O.Operation 70, 970 33 , 116 91 ,562 5. Extra Help 60 -0- 100 Total 76,489 88 , 847 97, 362 B, SUPPLIES 1 . Office 336 349 500 2. Fuel 218 216 225 4, Uniforms 1, 600 1 , 356 1 , 600 5,, Forage . 98 31 150 :Motor Vehicles 4, 70.C' 3,937 3, 900 Minor Instruments 366 ^48 50C� 80 Janitoral -0- -0- 1 13 o Other 85 136 150 Total 79403 69473 7,025 'AA1N1E1SAZZ- OF STRTXTUFtES I Buildings N 'ICE, OF 4T AI Z;::,-AJ _LQUIPME,' Purniture and Fixtures 45 6u 100 2, 618 2,500 2,558 Signal S.".'stem's -0- -0- Total 2, 663 2,618 2,600 7" 7 NlITICELLANL�. ' "70 4 415 - 300 xpel— '2 :vex Subs i's � 6`%7 19 1 , 150 - and Power 1 0 950 25 8 -0- T tam C 77 6 2, 640 2,715 Total es '17" 101 ,033 109, 902 " CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCO UNT NO. 201 32. PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT DETAIL, ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. 10--Buildings-Fence -0- 173 -0- Z. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 34 181 96 4. Motor Vehicles 4, 249 3,820 3, 240 11. Signal System -2a5 -0- -0-, ' Total 4,558 4,001 3, 336 Grand Total 93,4 A 105, 212 113, 238 s a CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, 202 33. PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 T-XPEINSES A. Salaries and Wages 39,065 44, 387 58, 880 B, Supplies 2, 914 3, 101 3, 200 D. 101aintenance of Structures 333 348 350 E, Maintenance of Equipment 1., 932 1, 625 1, 650 F. i'Miscellaneous Services 1 , 609 1 ,593 1, 935 Go Sundry Charges 4,4 950( ,5o2 6, 650 Total Expenses 50"358 55 ,554 72, 665 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Buildings 3, 293 10, 000 Z. Equipment 2 328 1 6 1 8, 600 Grand Total 55, 979 5 7, 205 919265 SALARIES Afxfl) WAGES PROPOSED 1955-56 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A.-I, SUPERVISION Fire Chief 4500 5,400 A-3. OPERATION Capitan 345. 4, 140 Fire Marshal 365. 4, 380 Drivers (11 ) 320. 42, 240 Extra Help 900 Longevity _ 1,820 Total Salaries 58, 880 A % CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS IK ACCOUNT NO, 202 34. PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 5, 192 5, 381 5 ,400 3. Operation 33, 161 38, 111 52,580 5. Extra Help 712 895 900 Total 39,065 44, 387 58 ,880 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 25 22 25 2. Fuel .107 124 200 4. Wearing Apparel 300 298 300 6. Motor Vehicle 534 599 600 7, Minor Apparatus 1 ,899 2,008 2, 000 8. Janitoral 49 50 Total 2, 91�4 3, 101 3, 200 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRLCTURES A 1. Building 338 348 350 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1 Furniture and Fixtures 3. Fire Apparatus 653 692 700 4, Motor Vehicle '740 792 800 11 . Signal Systems — 520 125 125 Total 1, 932 1, 625 1, 650 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES I 1 C6mmunications 1,057 966 1 , 100 6. Travel Expense 277 360 360 11. -Light & Power 252 246 450 13. Other 23 21 25 Total 609 1 ,593 1 , 935 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contribution to Vol. Dept, d,500 4, 500 6,000 2. Volunteer Uniforms Ly� 650 Total 61650 Total Exvense s 50, 359 55, 554 72, 665 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT 11N0. 202 35 . h PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EgUIPMEW 1. Furniture and Fixtures 135 1, 651 -0- 4, Motor Vehicle 2, 193 -0- 5, 600 11. Radio Signal System -0- -0- 3, 000 Y- 1. Buildings 3. 29 -0- 10, 000 Total 5, c21 1 , 651 18 , 600 Grand Total 55, 979 57 205 91 , 265 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 36. ACCOUNT NO. 203 PUBLIC SAFETY A PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 13, 920 10, 140 109140 B. Supplies 1 , 156 207 400 E. Maintenance of Equipment 124 112 175 F. Miscellaneous Services 251 235 295 Total Expenses 15,451 10, 694 11 ,010 C.A.-t-ITAL OUTLAY Z. Equipment 1 , 194 -0- -0- Grand Total 169645 10,694 11 ,010 SALARIES AND W/A,,x_LS PROPOSED1955-56 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-3. TECHNICAL Inspector 'Building & Plumbing 395. 41, 740 Inspector -Electrical 450a 5 ,400 Total Salaries 10Y140 ~ ' ~ � ~ ` ) . ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ~~ ACCOUNT NO. 203 37. PUBLIC SAFETY PROTECTIVE INSPECTION DETAIL 41-�-TUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED A. SALARIES AND WAGES - B. SUPPLIES E. MAINTENANCE 2F EQUIPMEfq CAPITAL OUTLAY 4. Automotive � CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS = 4A 1, CITY OF]BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUINT NO. 301 38. HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS S U MMAR Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 64,084 77, 716 869243 B. Supplies 79646 7,632 8 , 175 D. Maintenance of Structures 70, 200 58,472 49, 200 F. Miscellaneous Services 2, 259 1, 224 220 Total E?e�nses 1449189 145,044 143,836 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Structures 1,619 7,850 -0- Z. Equipment 8 60.3 -0- __2._J_400 Total Gjpjtaj_P9tlaj 10, 222 7,850 . 21400 Grand Total 154 ,411 152,894 146 , 238 SALARTES AND WAGES RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-1. S UPERVIS ION Director of Public Works 3/10 of 186. 2, 232 $ 620.00 per month A-4. MAI NT E NA IC E 'Foreman 4250 5 , 100 I Cement Finisher $ 2.61-hr. 497. 65 5, 972 I Dragline Operator $ 2.36-Hr. 449098 5 ,400 2 Mtr. Grader Opervs. $ 1.86-Hr� 354a65 8,512 : 1 Dozer Operator $ 1 . 66-Hr. 316.51 3, 798 I Asphalt Operator $ 1.66-Hr. 316.51 3, 798 1 Sweeper Operator $ 1,61-Hr. 306. 98 3, 684 1 Gradall Opr. $ 1.86-Hr. 354.65 49256 1 Machine Opr. $ 1.86-hr. 354.65 49256 y CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 7 39. ACCOUNT NO, 301 HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS S U M M A R Y PROPOSED 1955-56 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-4 MAINTENANCE 2 Cement Helpers 1 .51 - Hr.o 287 a 91 6, 91() 2 Asphalt Patchers 1.46 - Hro 278.38 69682 +5 Truck Drivers 1046 - Hr. 278.38 16, 705 2 Laborers 1 � 31 - Hro 249078 59996 A Overtime _ 2V 942 Total Maintenance Salaries 84,011 Total All Salaries 86924; A A O i y CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, 301 40 HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS DETAIL AC ''_AL ACTUAL PROPOSED T -3-:54 1954-55 1955-56 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 29 I"132_ 2, 232 2, 232 3. Technical -0- -0- -0- 4. Maintenance 6',852 75.484 84 011 Total 6.1 ,084 77, 716 86, 243 Bo SUPPLIES 7 6. Motor Vehicle 91.89 7, 189 79700 7. M_, nor Tools 361 323 350 13. Other 96 120 125 Total 79 632 8, 175 D,. MAI NTE NAWE 1. Building 186 102 200 5 . Sidewalks, Curb 506 1,927 29000 8, Street 69,,508 00 56 Total 4 9, 200 F� MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 77c'-o'mmunications and, Public Relations -0- 120 2,Hire of Equipment 2, 121 -0- 100 4a. Special Services 138 1 224 -0- Total 2, 259 1 , 224 220 Total ExRftnse 1449189 145 ,044 143, 838 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. STRUCTURES 5. Curb and Gutters 444 -0- -0- 10. Others 19175 -0- -0- 16. Streets -0- 7, 850 -0- Zo EqLJIPMENT 2. Machinery 550 -0- -0- 4. Motor Vehicles 8,05'- -0- 2,400 5o Other Vehicles - 0- -0- 15o Others-Engineering . 0- -0- Total 10, 222 7, 850 2,400 Grand Total 1154,4111___L'��94 " CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO.302 41. H I G H W A Y S- STREET LIGHTING ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 19-53�-54 1954;55 1955_56_ F-11. M' scellaneous Services 3,887 3,831 4,525 Y-10. New Street Lights 2 000 Total 6,525 DETAILED SCHEDULE OF STREET LIGHTS (By contract with Houston Lighting & Power Co. ) Rate Per Lamp Total Cost No. of Lamps Size and Type Per Year Per Year 15 mercury-Vapor 64.00 960.00 97 250 C. P. 30.00 2, 910.00 48 Ornament 30.00 1,440.00 1 600 C. P. Overhead 40.00 40.00 245 250 C. P. Free None_ $5, 350.00 Including current and last year orders of lights that have been ordered installed. 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 401 42. 4 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED ' 1953-54 1954-55-55 1955-556 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 21,016 20, 768 36,009 B. Supplies 1 , 163 1, 373 5, 185 C. Maintenance of Land 75 -0- 100 D. Maintenance of Structures 2, 149 4, 738 6,500 E. :Maintenance of Equipment 1,031 1 ,005 1,800 F. :"Miscellaneous Service 3o 19,2 4, 252 _6 525 Total Expenses 28, 626 32, 136 56,719 CAPITAL OUTLAY A Y. Structures 2, 146 16,853 1, 200 Z. Equipment -0s, Total Capital Outer 2„ 146 it Grand Total 30, 772 51, 255 60,719 SALARIES_ AND WAGES PROPOSED 1955-56 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-1 SUPERVISION Director of Public Works (2/10 of 620. 124. 1,488 A-3 OPERATION 1. Disposal Plant Operator 350. 49200 1 Disposal Plant Operator 275. 3, 300 6 Disposal Plant Operator 265. 19,080 Total 26,580 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, 401 43. SANITATION AID WASTE REMOVAL SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL S U M M, A R Y PROPOSED 1955-56 RATE PER TOTAL INIONTH ANNUAL A-4. MAINTEWLE Service Man 1.66 - hro 316,51 39 ,798 Service Man 1.56 - hr, 297.47 3,569 Overtime 574 Total 7, 941 Total Salaries 36POO9 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 401 44. SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 195156 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1, Supervision 1,488 1,488 1 ,488 3. Operation 12, 120 12, 041 26,580 4. Maintenance ?.408 ?�239 ?„ 941 Total 21,016 20, 768 36,009 B. SUPPLIES 2, Fuel 22 26 50 6, Motor Vehicles 595 594 600 7. Manor Tools 90 186 150 -� 9. Chemicals 437 5,44 4,360 13. Other 19 23 25 Total 1, 163 1 , 373 5, 185 C, MAI NTE NAME OF LAND 1, Land 75 00- 100 D, MAI NTE NAXE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 156 .186 200 3. Disposal Plants 179 1 ,442 2,800 4. Sanitary Sewers 1 , 353 2, 733 3,000 6, Storm Sewers 461 377 500 Total 2, 149 4, 738 6,500 -� E, MAI NTE NAME OF EQUIPMENT. 2, Maintenance of Machinery 934 800 1 ,500 3, Maint. of Instruments and 97 205 300 Apparatus Total 1 ,031 1 005 1,800 F. MISCELLAiEOUS SERVICES 4a. Re�t�ering `0` 1 ,056 25 7 ll.• sight & Power 3186 3, 192 6.500 Total 3, 192 4, 252 6,525 Total ExDe nse 28,626 32, 136 56, 119 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT IMO, 401 45. SANITATION AIND WASTE REIWVAL SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. STR-LCTURF-S - 3. Filters -0- 4.494 -0- 4. 1' Sanitary Sewers -0- -0- -0- 6. Storm Sewers 2, 146 .450 1 , 200 10., Other, Fence 909 Z. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery0s 2j266 3 Total Capital Outlay, 29 -46 19 , 119 4, 600 Grand Total 30, 772 51, 255 60, 719 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, 402 46. SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 77,443 80, 359 104,066 B. Supp.�ies 59477 5, 278 6,025 D. Mali-. -.v-r;ance of Structures �Nm0® -0- 50 '. otal Expenses 82, 920 859637 110, 141 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. Egg -rent 2,-2848 22 896 3_�.000 Grand Total 85, 768 88, 533 113, 141 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED w55 - R.ATE PER. 7 Q,'I"/AJU MONTH ANNUAL A-3. OPERATION 11 Truck Foreman 325 3, 900 1 Carpenter 1. 66 ® hr. 316.51 3, 798 - 8 -ruck Drivers 1.46 ® hr. 278. 38 26, 728 1 Dump Ground Watchman 1.36 hro 259. 31 3, 112 '19 Laborers 1036 - hro 259. 31 59, 128 Overtime 3,400 - 'al Operation 100,066 A-5. EXTRA, HELP 4,000 'Total Salaries and Wages 1045066 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 402 47. SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL UIA L PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Operation 759121 76,980 1009066 5, Extra Help 2 322 ------ 3_L329 4,000 Total 779443 80, 359 104,066 B. SUPP" F;-'q 6, Motor Vehicles 2, 844 2,985 3, 200 7, Minor Tools 244 196 200 Chemicals 29293 2,001 2,500 13. Oiler 96 96 125 Total 5,477 5 , 278 6,025 D. AAI,1P-FAAWE OF STRLrTURES 9. Dumping Grounds -0- 50 Total Expenses 82, 920 859637 110, 141 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. �EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery -0- -0- -0- 4. Motor Vehicles 2,14 2 896 3.000 Total 29848 2,896 3,000 Grand Total 85, 768 88,533 113, 141 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 501 48. CONSERVATION OF HEALTH HEALTH DEPARTAENT SUPAIMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 89880 9 , 308 13,440 B. Supplies 198 249 250 F. Services 1, 600 1,540 29400 G. Sundry Charges 5 0 0 __2,5CQ 2�500 Total Expenses 13, 178 13,597 18,590 Z- L2L,�—i2_ment 10 Furniture and Fixtures -0- -0- Grand Total13, 178 13, 597 18,590 A SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1955-56 P A 11 P E i MONTH AN1VJt"kj- A-3. TECHNICAL AN[) PROFESSIONAL Sanitarian 395. 49740 Assistant Sanitarian 325. 3, 900 Nurse 325. 3, 900 Health Officer (Part Time ) 75. 900 Total Salaries and WAS 13,440 ILK CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS !7� ACCOUNT NO, 501 CONSERVATION OF HEALTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56_ A. SALARIES 3. Technical 7, 980 8,408 12,540 3. Professional 900 900 900 Total 89880 9, 308 13,440 B. SUPPLIES 1, Office 198 249 25 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowances .1 , 200 1 ,-275 29ioci 4, Special Services -0- -0- 6. Travel Expense 400 265 Total 19 600 19540 2, 400 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 1, Contributions 2,500 2_,50o 2,500 Total E pen e 13;, 179 59771 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures -0- -0- -0- Grand Total 13, 178 13,597 18,590 R CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 50. ACCOUNT NO. 601 RECREATION MUNICIPAL SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953_54 954-55 1955-56 EXPO A. Salaries 29174 2,431 2p950 A 3. Supplies 264 165 200 ■ 1 C. Maintenance of Land 251 229 250 D. Maintenance of Structures 93 99 100 ' E. Maintenance of Equipment 60 13 100 ' F. Misc. Service -0- t3) 0_ Total Expense 2,347 2, 934 30600 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Buildings and Structures 11321 -0- -0- Z. Equipment 1 290 757 750 51453 3,741 49350 ' SALARIES AND WALES PROPOSED 1955-56 RATE PER TOTAL ANNUALMONTH . A. MAINTE NANCE 4. Maintenance 225. 29700 5. Extra Help 250 Total Salaries and Wages 2, 950 A CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 601 510 RECREATION MUNICIPAL PARKS DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 A. SALARIES 4 , Maintenance 2, 157 2, 240 2, 700 5 . Extra Help -17 241 250 Total 2, 174 2,481 2,950 } B. SUPPLIES 7. Tools -0- -0- -0- 13. Other -- 264 _ 165 200 Total 264 165 200 C. MAI NTE NAME OF LAID 1. Land 251 229 250 D, MAI NTE NAME OF STRUCTURES to Maintenance of Building3 98 99 100 ' E. MAI NTE NANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2, Machinery & Tools (Major) 60 F. MISCELLAVEOUS SERVICES 11. Light & Power -0- ( 3) -0- Total Expenses 2, 847 2,984 3, 600 Y. Buildin s and Structures 1. Buildings 1 , 321 -0- Z. EQUIPMENT 3 . Instruments and Apparatus 716 -0- -0- (°Major) 11 . Lights for Parks 573 82 -0- 15 . Equipment - -- -0- 675 750 Total Ca ital Outla 2, 610 757 750 Grand Total 5 ,457 3, 741 4, 350 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 52. ACCOWT NO. 602 RECREATION PLAYGROUNDS AND PLAYFIELDS ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1955-54 1954-55 1955-56 G. SUIWRY CHARGES 1 . Contribution to Recreation Program 69000 6, 000 69000 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. BUILDINGS AMID STRUCTURES ' 10. Others ( Playground Lights ) =y -0- _ -0- 0- Grand Total 69000 69000 6,000 1 4 0 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, 603 53. RECREATION SWIMMING POOL S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 A. Salaries and Wages 5, 796 6, 053 6, 390 B. Supplies 822 982 950 Co Maintenance of Land -0- -0- D. Maintenance of Structures 196 605 500 E. Maintenance of Equipment -0- i50 150 Fo )Miscellaneous Services 885 777 1 ,065 G,, 'ether Miscellaneous 107 50 50 Total Expenses 7, 806 8, 622 9 , 105 OUTLAY Z. QJIPMENT 3. Equipment 9 -0- Grand Total 7,815 8,622 9, 105 SALARIES AINF-) WAG,--6 PROPOSED i955-56 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH— ANNUAL A-1. SUPERVISION Manager ( 5 Months ) 300. 1, 500 1 A-3, CPERATION 4 Life Guards (4 Months.) 130. 2, 080 2 Cashiers and Checkers (4 Months ) 130. 1, 040 Extra Help 770 Total Operation 3, 890 A-4. ,AAINTENAWE 5 MONTHS 200 _1,000 Total Salaries 6, 390 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 54. ACCOUNT NO. 603 RECREATION- SWIMMING POOL DETAI L ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1,955-56 A. SALARIES 1 . Supervision 1 , 350 1 ,500 1, 500 3. Operation 3,446 3, 573 3, 890 4. Maintenance lj-0 00 985 e1,000 Total 5, 796 6,058 6, 390 B, SUPPLIES 1 . Office 91 43 50 4. Suits and Towels 42 88 100 8. Laundry and Janitoral 95 129 100 9 . Chemicals 594 722 700 13. Other --0- -0- -0- Total 822 982 950 C. MAINTENAIXE OF LA�,D 1. Land -0- -0- -0- D. MAI NTE NAi\JCE OF STRLCT-UPRES 1 Buildings 4. Filteration Plant 134 too Total 196 605 500 E. MAINTENANCE OF _EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery -0- 150 150 Total -0- 150 150 F. MISCELLANEOLS SERVICES 1 . Communication 92 57 65 793 720 1 000 1L Light & Power Total BB5 777 1,065 '� CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 55. °a ACCOUNT NO. 603 RECREATION SWIMMING POOL DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 G o S UINDRY CHARGES 8. Miscellaneous Other 107 50 � 50 Total Expenses 7, 806 8,622 9 , 105 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT �o Equipment 9 ��n — 0- Grand Total 7,815 8, 622 9 , 105 r 1 r r r r g oat,'£ 006Z 'S£b 30 £/Z sNaoM oTTgnd ;o loloaaTO �ue'�stssV uoT�adn� •T-y Ilivr Nt! HZNGW 'I VIOI E 3d 31vId gT:-q-r5T cl5sodoucd �3JVM Z£t7'6Z LT9'6Z L09'0£ T��ol pue�0 -0- t7Z9 09VA T eT�e�ic�e0"�Te�°L -0 t7Z9 05"T �(�auTuoeW 'Z k 4uaca3'Tn53 •Z 6uTpTTnff 'T asnZona-.§ •,& .k Ad'"i lrlo -IviTcTtf� ' Z8t7'6Z £60'6Z L9T'6Z sasua`ax fV of 055 £Z5 VT9 saoTAZaS snoaueTTaostW 09 00015T 96L'9T £tbT'9T :uamdTnb3 ;o 'I.uTeW '3 t UOT L8 £ZL saanjonza.S jo aoueualuTeW 'Q 99L 0t7L 6LL saTTddnS •Q L L90'£T Lt,6 'TT £68'TT saTSeTec' -%f L S3SN d3 X3X3 99-996 T (:9VV%T bq-C,T 03SOdO'dd 'Ivnlollf 'T"ni ov T wn L M� w SYnO34VI'I 3 Iw TOLD'CN 10055 '95 SVX31 'NMOIA-VEI 10 AIM all CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO 701 57. MISCELLAi\EOUS GARAGE SUMMARY PROPOSED 1955-56 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-3 OPERATION 1 Chief Mechanic 2/3 of 330. 220, 2, 640 1 First Class Mechanic 2/3 of 310. 206, 2,472 1 2nd Class Mechanic 2/3 of 300 200. 2,400 1 Wash and Grease Man 1, 36-Hr. 172,87 2, 075 2/3 of 259. 31 Total Operation 9 , 587 Total Salaries 13,067 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 701 58 MISCELLAIWOUS GARAGE. DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 A. SALARIES 1, Supervision 2, 800 29800 3,480 3. Operation 911-093 _91 147 9_,587 ' Total 11,893 11, 947 13,067 B. SUPPLIES ' 1 Office 123 97 100 2. Fuel 123 :1.11 115 ' 7. Minor Tools 487 497 500 ' 13. Other .m--46 --- 35 50 __... .., 740 765 Total D. MAI NTE NAXE OF STRUCTURES a 1, Building '' E. MAT NTE NANCE OF EQUIPMENIT, 2. Machinery 15 , 148 15, 796 15 ,000 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1 . Communication 240 2.16 250 11. Light & Power 374 307 _ 300 Total 614 523 550 Total Eenses 29 , 157 29, 093 29 ,482 OUTLAY 46 Z EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery �� . �i0 524 -0- �' Grand Total j09607 29,617 29 ,482 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 59. ACCOUl\Tf NU. 702 MISCELLAI�OUS I INSURANCE SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3. INSURANCE 10, 079 9,620 11, 265 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 2. Bonds 361 337 365 8. Medical Care 238 193 250 Total Sundry Charge 599 530 616 Grand Total 10, 678 10, 150 11,880 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 60, ACCOUNT A0. 702 MISCELLANEOUS I�Z URAIXE DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED " 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 F. MISCE LLAJEOUS SERVICES 3a, Automotive Equipment 5,083 4r653 5 ,450 31b. 3ui.lding and Contents 21,593 2 ,5 )3 3 , 1 3c . Group Life and Hospitalization 1 , 733 L . 68 2, G'401 3d , Firemen Benefit 305 305 310 3e . Burglary 162 161 165 3f. Swimming Pool 198 223 _20 Total 10,u-9 9; 620 11 , 265 Go SUNDRY CHARGES G-2, Bonds 337 365 G-3 , Medical Care — � _? j Total 599 530 615 Grand Total 10, 678 10' 150 11, 880 -- � o Iso vm IZ .L d rivnNNV s. r; SVX3i `NMOJ.LVG AO AMD CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATER DEPARTMENT 61. STATENENT OF INCOME, EXPENSE 8 SURPLUS ADJUSTWENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1956 ACTUAL ACTUAL ,..IPROPOSED OPERATING REVENUES: 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 SALES OF WATER: Metered sales to General Customers 303,831 314, 971 304,800 OTHER WATER REVENUE : Servicing Customer Installations 11,085 17,591 11 ,000 Miscellaneous Other 94 232 -0- Total Operating Revenue 315,010 332,794 315,800 LESS: OPERkT.ING REVENUE ?SEDUCTIONS: Operating Expenses 141,140 150,595 162,836 Capital Outlay 61 .129 57,665 28 ,558 Total O e2rrating Deductions 202, 268 208,260 191,394 NON OPERATING DEDUCTIOIIZ: Bonds & Interest Obligation 48.3 9 48156 9 47.746 Total Deductions 250,627 256,829 239, 140 Net Income 64,383 75, 965 761660 APPROPRIATION OF kND ADJUSTN'E NTS TO OPERATING SURPLUS, LESS: Contribution to General Fund 40,000 50,000 58,000 Transfer to Unappropriated Surplus 24,383 252965 18,660 PLUS: Unappropriated Surplus , Prior Years 3,301 82,662 LESS AUDIT ADJUSTMENTS: To set up Reserve for Improvements -0- Britton-Graven 1952-53 Payments -0-_ 11692 Net Unappropriated Operating Surplus 27,684 24,273 82,662 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATER DE PARTAE NT 62. SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING SPETEMBER 30 1956 ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED NUMBER DIVISION 2�3-54 1954_55 195 5-56 1001 Supply 342325 5 9,747 30,740 1002 Transmission 8 Distribution 118,655 989685 1021516 1003 Customer Accounting and Collecting 39,022 41,223 469393 1004 'Stores 10,266 100298 ll,745 4�3 5 1005 Debt S:er•iF:�.ce ��' 9 48�77) 9 47,74 Tr 250,627 25825522 239,140 u:.aa..-..c.,. a ll 8 A -i CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 63. WATER DE PARTNE NT SUtAVIARY OF EXPENDITURES BY aiARACTER & OBJECT CLASSIFICATION FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30t 1956 ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 195___ 3 54 _ 195_,�,_4 55. 1955-_56 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 96, 988 1020023 114,088 B. Supplies 7,572 8,449 10,395 D. Maintenance of Structures 2,516 1,372 3,000 E. Maintenance of Equipment 130167 19,582 13, 150 F. Miscellaneous Services 15,592 14,713 17,085 G. Sundry Charges 53,664 53.025 52,864 TOTAL EXPENSE 189,499 199,164 210,582 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Structures 11692 28,152 -0- Z. Equipment 5�9,436 29.513 2--8, 558 Total Capital Outlay 61 ,128 57,665 28,558 Grand Total 250,627 256,830 239,140 Transfer to Gen,eral Fund 40,000 50,000 58,000 Transfer to Baytown Improvement Fund -0- Payments to Britton Craven & FWA . - 1,692 -------- 290,627 308,521 297, 140 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 64. ACCOUNT NO. 1001 A WATER DEPARTMENT SUMMARYSUPPLY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 195a- 4 1954-55 1955-56 EXP EN�E� A. Salaries and Wages 9,892 100080 10,740 B. Supplies 94 157 150 D. Maintenance of Structures 1,274 957 1,500 ' E. Maintenance of Equipment 21671 3,417 19700 F. Miscellaneous Services 15,350 14.502 16,500 Total Expenses 29,281 29,113 30,590 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Structures 1,692 28, 152 Z. Equipment 3.35 2.482 150 340325 59,747 30,740 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1955-56 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-1. SUPERVISION Director of Public Works (V4 Time) 155. 1,860 A-3. OPERATION #1 Pumper 375. 4,500 #2 Pumper 365. 4,380 Total Operation 8,880 "" Total Salaries 10,740 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 65. ACCOUNT NO. 1001 WATER DEPARTMENT SUPPLY ' DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED ' 1953_54 1954--55 1955_,56 ' A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 10860 1 ,860 1,860 ' 3. Operation 8.032 8,220 8,880 ' 9,892 10,080 10,740 B. SUPPT. .ES ' 2. Fuel 46 86 50 7. ianor Tools 19 47 50 13. Other 29 24 50 Total 94 157 150 D. iuW1 N E_NH f\CE OEM TUNE S 1. Building 1, 274 957 1,500 E. MAINTE NAN+E OF E2UI.PiVE NT 2. Machinery 2,663 2,439 1 ,700 ' 9. Water Mains 8 978 0- Total 2,671 3,417 1,700 F. MISCFLLANFOUS SERVICES 7. Rents 27 96 -o- il. Light & Power 15,323 14 406 16,500 Total 15,350 14,502 16,500 Total Expenses 29,281 291113 30,590 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 66. ACCOUNT N0. 1001 WATER DEPARTMENT SUPPLY DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 19� 1954-65 195__5-5.6 CAPITAL OUTLAY X. Land -0- -0- Y. Structures -0- 1. Reservoir Cover -0- 7. Standpipes 8 Reservoirs 1,692 -0- 10. Water Wells -0- 28, 152 Z. Equipment 2. Machinery -0- 2,482 150 9. Water Well 3,352 -0-- -0- Total Capital Outlay 5,044 30,634 150 Grand Total 34,325 590747 30,74 u.. 1 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 67. ACCOUNT NO. 1002 WATER_DEPARTIVE NT Yr TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION ' S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-,54 1954- 5 1955-56 ' EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 50,774 55,840 60,141 ' B. Supplies 2,453 3,036 4,345 ' D. Maintenance of Structures 1 ,242 415 1,500 E. Maintenance of Equipment 8,053 13,645 8,300 ' F. Miscellaneous Services 50 -„_ 3 230 ' Total EAperses 620572 72, 999 74,516 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. Equipment 56,083 25,686 28,000 t Grand Total 118,655 98,685 102,516 ' SALARIES AND WA(£S ' RATE PER TOTAL MO N7H _ ANNUAL ' A-1. SUPFRVI TON Director of Public Works N Time ) 155. 1,860 A-3. MAINTENA ' Foreman 425. 5,100 Meter Shop Foreman 315. 3,780 Meter Shop Repairman 1.46-Hr. 278.38 39341 Pipefitter 1.86-Hr. 354.65 41256 Trouble Shooter 1.66-Hr. 316.51 30798 3 Servicemen 1.66-Hr. 316,51 11,394 2 Servicemen 1,46-Hr. 278.38 6,682 2 Servicemen 1.31-Hr. 249.78 5,996 2 Laborers 1.31-Hr. 249.78 5,996 2 Laborers 1.21-Hr. 230.71 5,538 TVT dog T8Z`8g uOV�eza O Te'ol OOtb`Z awtj.sanO 9 55 7 T QnOdOUcl xxIwwns a—ofInflIli.LSIQ GIH NOISSIWSNVE SN 3lrIMR 3Q HalVM ZOOT -CN 1.0505t! $29 SVX31 'NMOIAVE 40 A11O CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 69. ACCOUNT NO. 1002 WATER DE PARTNE NT TRkNSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 195 4 55 195�_ A. �"`�=S AND _Wh(fz 1. Supervision 11860 1 ,860 1,860 2. Maintenance 48 ,914 53, 980 58.281 To-ta_l 50,774 55,840 60,141 B. SUP PL IE 7. Minor Tools 1,020 997 11000 9. Chemicals 1,343 11991 3,270 ' 10. Mechanical -0- -0- -0- 13. Other _____90 --48 —75 Total 2,453 31036 41345 D. MkINTE NAME OF STRLZTURES ' 7. Standpipes and Reservoirsl,242 415 11500 E . MWINTE NANCE OF EQUIPNE NT 4. Motor Vehicles 500 -0- -0- 9. Water Mains 5,021 10,314 50000 10. Meters and Settings 2,322 3,140 3,000 13, Service Connections 150 -0- -0- 14. Fire Hydrants 60 -- 1 3000 Total 8,053 13,645 89300 F. MZSCELLAIEOUS SERVICES 6. Travel Expense 50 24 20 7. Rents-Easements -0-  3 Total 50 63 230 TotalExp'enses 62,572 72, 999 74,516 CAPITAL OUTY F.,, EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery -0- -0- -0- 4. Motor Vehicles _0_ $ 28,000 9, Water Mains 49, 918 13,561 61 �0- CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 70. ACCOUNT NO. 1002 WATER DEPARTMENT TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION DE TAI L ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 953-54 195� 1955-56 CAPITAL OUTLAY ' Z. EQUIPMENT (Continued ) 10. Meters and Settings 11095 2,236 -0- 14. Fire Hydrants 59070 29543 -0- Britton Craven Water System .� — 1,692 _-0- ._.._. Total„Capital Outlav 56,083 25,686 28,000 ' Grand Total 1181655 98,685 102,516 " CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1003 71. WATER DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1�953-54 195,544-555 1955-56 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 309389 301120 369662 B. Supplies 2,687 2, 934 30350 E. Maintenance of Equipment 448 526 650 i F. Miscellaneous Service 193 148 205 G. Sundry Charges 5,305 4,457 5,118 Total Expenses 399022 33, 185 420985 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. Equipment -0-_ 3.tO38 -----408 Grand Total 39,022 41,223 46,393 SALARIES AND WAGES w PROPOSED 1955-56 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH _ ANNJAL A-1 SUPERVISION Director of Finance (!2 of 505. ) 252.50 31030 ' A-2 CLERICAL 3 Clerks 710. 8,520 ' 2 Clerks V2 Time (Cashiers ) 185. 2220 Total Clerical 10,740 A-2A. OPERATION #1 Machine Operator 210. 21520 ##2 Machine Operator 195 2.340 Total Opera 'on 41860 a CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS i' 720 lYY' ACCOUNT NO. r�a fir? WATER DEPARTMENT m. CUSTONER ACCOUNTING OOLLECTIOM i. SUMMARY PROPOSED L955don6 ` RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-2B. METER READERS 1. Meter Reader 290. 3,480 2. Meter Readers 263.80 ,6, g_ 32 Total Meter Readers 9,812 A--3 ACCOUNTING Controller (V2 -of 480. ) 2400 2 p 880 1 Bookkeeper (V2 of 250. ) 1259 l,500 1 Machine Bookkeeper (V2 of 240. ) 120 o 1 440 Tot-al- Accouqting 5,820 Il A-5, EXTRA HELP am 2.400 Total Salaries 36,662 pd lli r II I,� CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEX" 73* r ri AUNT NO* 104 •:1 WATER DE PARTNE NT y, CUSTOMER AC(MUNT I NG AND CO LLEc z N5 DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953M54 . M55 1 955- 56 A. SkLARIE AI1D WAGES f� 2,970 2,970 1Supervision31030 . 2 Clerical 7,389 79459 10,740 p 2A. Operation 4,496 4,514 6,6 0 f' 2B. Meter Readers 9,283 9,265 90812 e 3. Accounting 5,537 5,359 5,9820 Extra Hel 714 55 ,.. 5• p02s400 30 3�3 9 3Q 120 369662 Total , � B• SUPPLIES 1. Office 2 687 2,934 3,35n r�I E. MAINTE NAN X OF E UIPA E NT ]., Office O e Machines 365 376 500 4, Motor Vehicles 83 1 0 150 Total 448 526 650 Fe MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 'o n 193 145 180 1. Comunicatz 2, Hire of Equipment E ui ment Mo- "0" ..0" r.. M0.0 3 25 13. Other Total 193 148 205 MOM G SUNDRY CHARGE: 5 305 4 457 5.1T8 5. Pension - -! - it Total -Ex2eases 39,022 389185 45,935 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. E UIP1VE NT and Fixtures -0- 438 448 1. Furniture Grand Total 39,022 419223 46,393 s,r AI11� CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO* 1004 ?4• M1 WATER DEPARTNE NT STORES U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 195 M54 1954-55 1 55 m56 EXPEII ES SalariesA. and Wages 59932 5, 933 6,545 B. Supplies 2,338 2,321 2,550 1 996 19994 2,500 E. Maintenance of Equipment , P. Miscellaneous Services -0- 4-0lm 150 Total Ex enses 10,266 109293 110745 CAP iTAL OUTLAY Y. Structures Z. E ui ment ~0�' '0" "�" � q p .ww..w�..w�.a+� T Ca ital Qgtlay --0-a OWNotal � Gram Total , 10 26 6 10,298 110745 x, SA.LARIE..' AND WAGES PROPOSED 1955-56 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL map A-l. §uuerv?.sion , 1 e 740 As:� to 4 D.-ter ector of Public Works (1/3 of 435. �145 v OP� ATION q_3 Chief of 330) 1100 1,320 _ Mechanic �• s Mechanic 1/3 of 310� 104.. 1,248 =x lst Class 200 Class Moth- an'c 1/3 o f 300 ) 100. 1, 2nd (1/31;9037 & Grease Man 1 i36-Hr. of 259. ) 86.44 Wash _ Tota era O tion 4,805 Total salaries & Wa es 6,545 ... CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 75 ACCOUNT We 1004 WATER DEPARTMENT STORES DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 953..54 1954--55 1955sm56 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 1,9400 1,400 1,740 ,.3532 4 583 .4_,�305 3. Operation . Total 5 932 5,0983 6,545 B. SUN PLIES 1, Office .-J- wok b Motor Vehicle 2,338 2,292 2,54O 7. Minor Tools ..p- .0010 600"m 13. Other 29 5t� Total 21338 2,321 2,550 z D. t&I NTE NAWE OF STRUCTURES a�x �s -0- '0' 1 i Buildings _ E. mAINTE NAICE OF E UIPMENT 4. motor vehicles 11996 11994 21500 F MIS LLAI�E4US .SERVICES Light & Power �0" '0' 150 11. G, SUNDRY f HARGE S 5 a Pension Total Ex ense 10,266 10,298 11.9745 CAS ITAL OUTLAY i Y STRUCTUHES l o Building Z. EQUIPMENT �0 _p.. 4. Motor vehicles '0-� ' a Grand Total 10,26b 109298 119745 R.. k 9+1Z zt 695`8-h 65V 94i TE401 ---- -'— saga 4ua2v TBosTa '0Z . 9+tgI9T 69VZT 65T`8T s4uacuasTnba,a 4saa94ul •BZ N. 0001T� 0001V 00010E s4u9maiTnbou puog *VZ aasoao)la �nso� nso� '9L 4 SVX31 'NMOlAVO d0 A1I0 - � Nfl3 IN3W9A0 'ddW vuv AI IEd d S 30Cln19 'Tt1nNNV r. r SVX31 'NM01"8 d0 "10 � � ri. r, Z+tT`+tz 0+tz`+tT TL9`�T 4E snTdarLS 'CZ91 ET 19 i TIL, 41�-T-OT ;E snZdsnS z0+t`6 690`T (3t6`+t) suTdsns uI (ast;esoa(j) so ast;s. OUI 49H !E.M., -- -10� b V-L pu Teaquao o� saajsuBjl z0+1`6 z6o`6 z9�`ETrf s` "_� � pET4no Ceq.Tdvo g�tL`Tz T00 903 z5 t`9T usuaura mrpV W., •s 000` t-19`TE �TVTE anuanau a94aw 2uTxzsd N 7756'C 77-776-T +,�-E7T Qasodoxd Mnsov rlvnsov s r; 'GG SVX31 'NMO.LAYS 40 A11O r.. r r r 86� Zz Mau 059 TZ�`z 96t`T I-alul W. Ted z- �,t -- wamdTnbs •Z -0_ -0- -0- sRVMpPOU PUP sain4ora4s •7, 7,711fia-rivam L g+tL`TZ T00`OZ `9T sesuadxa tE401 t -To� s e,2jLtjD Ajpuns •0 885`Z T86`T aoTn.zag snoauBTTaosTW •3 9LtCT L69 L9+t`T 4uamdTnba jo aouLaua4uTLIR •a 00Z L5Z 05T saan4ona4s jo aouqua4uTvw -Q 098 � ` T�9`t 8T8`Z sGTTddng •a H81TT �UITT 06516 s92EM PUB saTaRTVs ov 7- '. ' aasodOad z�ns��r Z�nsa� Y_ '8L SVX31 'NMOlAVS =10 Al1O k,. .7 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS LC&2UNT NC'a. 2000 79. TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT PIELM SAFETY SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED h 1 9baw54 ,lw954ml-55 1955..56 EXPENSES . a 9 5 90 110333 11:837 ti. Salaries and Wages , a B. Supplies 29818 4,651 4,860 D. Maintenance of Structures 150 257 200 1 467 697 l,478 E. Maintenance of Equipment , F. Miscellaneous t cellaneous Services 19931 21583 2,835 Char e s 501 480 ,5 38 G. Sundry g 16 457 20 00;1 21 r 748 Tota Ex ense , � CAPITAL OUT LkY Z. EgUIPMENT F n & Fixtures -Q-' i. ur 4�0� 38 �-0- �, Equipment 850 Instruments and Apparatus wn-- 1,737 3. In pp 0 " 4. Motor Vehicle "�" �'0 lie ' Signal $ystem 1 4 9b Total Capital autlav 1,4 96 2521 850 Grando Total 179953 220522 220598 SkLARIES AND WAGES pRa1'OSED 1955.-56 —, ---0-404 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A. Salaries - . 330. 7,92 3�. Operation (2) p ' \ ► � S . . . � • �: . �. TV 4 0 1 : T 9H v J 4X5 r �TAg suo 9z , ® ® 9 otmu9 4uTvx T HINOW \ WINE% . _ �� �} -00oz ON ( 1609 � ems& -NMoJA¥8 alO A&|o . CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS i,Ip! y COUNT NO 9 2000 31. A�' `fraap TRAF F IC IMPROVE ME NT PUBLIC SAFE TY DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 As SALARIES AM WAGES 3. p Q eration 7,310 71933 7, 996 'rr 4d Maintenance 20205 32190 39341 5. Extra Help 75 21C� 50C� p 90 1l 333 11 ,0 837 Total 9,5 , Be SUPPLIES 1. Office 2 92 �7 '�75 r 4. Wearing Apparel 289 _C�� 300 ,a� 6. Motor Vehicle•q 26 19162 1,185 ' Minor Apparatus -0so .78 100 7' �pp+. 13 Other 2 211 2 504 2 500 . Total 2,818 49651 4,860 Buildings n s 150 257 200 D. 1. g 'a E. Maintenance o E u. .p,ne:t �10Instruments and 3. Ins Apparatus 234 35 250 195 508 528 4, Motor Vehicles 154 700 M'iai 11 Signal Systems 1038 41 Total 1,467 697 1,478 COMMONF. 1VI.t E LI�.��aUS SER7k.:C.ES 1. Teletype Comm. 19035 1,035 L231 548 111, Light & Power - Total 19931 2,v583 2,835 G. SUNDRY CHANGES . pn 5. Pension now 501 480 538 Total Ex enses 169457 20,001 219748 sommon CAi�ITAL OUTL�IY =g!i Z e E i 'W NT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 40040 400 -0,. Equipment 384 0-- 2, E quip 0 e nt s and A aratus 0-0- 1,737 35 3. Instrurn pp n; zz 059 ` z5z 96 41 96+1 1 r w M sma4sAS TVU2 S •TT ,r S OTD'gaA JO%OK % -bl-T ��-m+JSb L aasocloua qvfllov IT-vim Gow----,v ON--I OD97 �z8 -- WM3.L 4H AOlAVQ AO A.LID t,l0 1 0 9 S - 90' 1A119S 169Cl 1<. SVX31 'NMOIAtl6 AO A110 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 83. D E B T S E R V I C E p A L L B 0 N D S ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 REVENUE : General r'roperty Taxes Current Year Levy 67,621 630637 821860 Prior Year Levy 3, 136 40117 11524 Penalties & Interest _ 7755 1 ,317 700 Total Taxes 71 ,532 69,071 35 ,034 Transfer from other Government 43__359 48,569 47,746 Owned Funds Total Revenue 119,391 117,640 132,830 REQUIRE'A NTS G. Sundry araes 2-a Series Bond Maturities 72,000 73,000 79,000 2-•b interest Payments 44,303 42,013 49, 920 2-c Exchange __.___193 2?6 460 Total Reguirementsll6,501 115 ,239 129,330 Net Transfer to Surplus (Def.ic+t ) 3,390 2,401 3 ,450 Surplus Adj,-•Deposit Refund 1,372 Surplus at October 1. 24,723 23 . 996 Surplus at 9•-30 24,723 28, 996 329446 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 84. �� DEBT � ERVZCE GE N E R A L 0BLIGATI0N BONDS Inc 1 udi Tax-Su orted Water Works- Bored s= ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1953-w54 1954e-55 195--56 RESOURCES DUE FROM GE I1E RkL FUND GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES Current Year Levy 67,621 639637 a29 860 „k Prior Year Lev 31136 4,117 1,524 Penalty and In erect 775 1.317 - 700 Total Taxes 71,532 6 9,471 85,094 EDLCT: FL'.• REQUIREMENTS G. SUNDRY CHARGES 2 awA Serial Bond i%aturities 42,000 42,000 48,000 2o-B. Interest Payment 26,144 24,644 339374 2--C. Exchange Costs 116 144 who 260 Qvw�Total 63,260 669738 319 634 t Transfer to Surplus 39-272 2,283 31450 p rurplus, r p lus Adjustment Refund of Pelly Dep. -0- 1,872 -0-- k October 1. 11.15 141430 18 585 a 14 430 18,585 22,035 TTs=== otal Surplus September 30-55 , s CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 35, DE 13 T DERV ICE WATER WORK -- REVENUE BONDS,, ACTUAL - ACTUAL PROPMED 1953o,54 1954ow55 1955o,.56 RESOURCES: TRANSFER FROM OTHER GOVERN&NT OWNED FUNDS Transfer from Water Operating ]Funds 43t359 48,569 47,746 DEDUCT: Fffi%UIRE P&WS: Go SUNDRY CHARGES ZmA. Serial Bond Maturities 30po00 31,000 31t.000 2—B. Interest Payments 13,150 17,369 16,546 2-wC. Exchange 0000032 ammunownwe 32 swassown"Mm 200 Total 43t241 43,451 . 479746 Net Transfer to Surplus 118 113 mom, Surplus at 10�1..P55 lO o-175 10,2 102411 "mom. Surplus at 9.w3O�55 109293 109411 10p4ll CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 86,4 x, STATEMENT of BONDED INDEBTEDNESS WATERWORKS BONDS OCTOBER 1, 1955 Interest Date of Description Rate Issue =z City of Pe 1,I,,,, : Waterworks Refunding 5% 4-lN35 Waterworks and Sewer 3% 1.2-►1-45 System Revenue 3-14 — Waterworks and Sewer system Revenue - Second Installment 3-1/4M 124Lob45 City-of Goose Creek: Waterworks 5-1/296 10au l0-27 Waterworks and Sewer system 2-»1/2% 3--1-52 2-3/4% 3--1-52 Waterworks and sewer System 2-1/2% aam law 45 Revenue series #1 2-3/4% Waterworks and Sewer system 2--1/2% 3-1-45 z Revenue Series #2 2--3/4% Water District 7: x=.l Series -- 1945 _ 2-1/4% 3a-1-45 3 u Y series 1945- A 296 9--1-45 2-3/4% 94 Series 1946 2_l/4% l 2--l-m 4 6 3-m l/4% ,T,i 2-.1/2296 Water District : x� Improvements 4 1/2% 2-1-41 Water District #10: 4--1/2% 4w 10--43 Water System x' Water District #30: t Water works & sewer System 3-1/2% 4-1-55 3-m 3/4% 4% CITY OF HAYTOWN, TEXAS i 37, S T & T E IU# E N T O F B O ND •E D I ND E B T E D NE S ., W A T E A W 0 R K S BANDS OCTOBER 1* 1955 Term Maturity Original Amount Yea s P to Issue Outstanding ' n-73 63,000 36,Ono 33 4. .� 24 12-1,w 6 9 359000 6 0 n00 115,000 115,00O 25 12- l OM 70 859000 611 O00 4n 10salo-w67 115,COO 63,000 _1..64 60 12 3 000 45,non� 16 3..I-68 21,000 21,00O 19 8..1-64 529 000 OWN 77,00C! 77,9000 19 8--1 64 459000 w�- 55,000 55,000 ,llg 30 3.01OW45 25,000 ..n.. 113,OOO 113,OOO -1-75 2O 000 69000 30 9 : 38,OOO 38,000 29 12- 1--75 309000 9,000 24,000 24,000 36,000 36,000 l 19 10_1..60 45,000 16,000 13 4-1N% 12,000 19000 4_1_�31 509000 40,O00 29 40, ,J0n 409 000 1600000 1600000 r ;c'r3 OTL`9T9 OTZ CZ 009`£6V qL5 T 9L 009 T 009`T BL--ZL6T 099_ T 09T 009`T 000`£ ZL--TL6 T 00£`£ Q0£ 000`£ 000`9 TL-OL6 T3 C98`8T s98 000,8T 000`t?Z OL",6 96 T 9t79`6 T gtiG`T 000`8T OOO`Zti 6 9-896 T 8£Z`OZ 8£Z`z 000`8T 000,09 89-L 96 T 08Z`91b 08Z`£ 000,E:.v 00O`£OT L9-996 T 58g`9t 989`v 000`Z17 OOQ`9VT 99-996 T as,9t;r 848`9 000`T-b 000`9K 99-tv96 T 5-VT`L-b 9VT`L. 000,otr 000`9ZZ V9-£96 T 9.V£`5t7 gt7£`8 000`L£ 000 1£9Z £9-Z96 T 8T9`9.V 8.T9`6 000`L£ 000 o0£ Z9-T96T 999.1917 599.`.oT 000`9£ 000`9££ T 9-096 T va`L.v VU.`T T Q05`g£ 009`T L£ 09'-6 96 T 96L`Vtr 96L`ZT 000`Z£ 00g £0v 69-896, T 9LL`VV GLL`£T 000`T£ OOG`V£v 89-L.96 T VOL t?v VOL VT 000`o£ 00%`v9v L5-9196 T g$g`t7ty 989`9T 000`6Z OQQ`£6 V 95-996 T luawa,zTn ai s lu 8w8xTn� alf s lu awO aTn a�{ ��ax o TBI.01 I•sasaluT Ted kOuTad 6uTuuT699 TeOsT3 buTpue*Isa.no lZ: cos Noilvoilso zWM139 SINMI3Hirn 3n 3irna34o 3 0 1 A 13 9 S 18 3 a .88 SWSI `NA&01AV8 .4O ALID M� W c .-{ E ODr*--M LO.0M c�No%r—l4fi00CCOOcooc%O coo 0 N111%O w cl, c'o0o44'*ODI N id k �•-4mor*- wOMo*M !�-�tC)G�C7Ct' aJ O Grq4b. w w w w w w w w w. w w w w w w w w w w w w w w F-+ g0#-- 010()%Mc WWt'--�W00 d' d' MNN %0 N N Cat r-4 r-4 r-f r-4.-4 H r-i r-4 r-4r-4 r-4 r-4 r-4 �N 4� A� Na) a) 00 t� t�C� cr3 N M C4�� q tO C) CC C O C) C OD0 C C) 0 C)O * C0 yr%-'o t �#' d' t'�M' Ce) oGOCONO�Ot�aO��'cfi�` d' OD O 4) H ty)LO �OD O M tO\0 OD ��C3 O d' .,J w w• w w w. w w w w w w w w w w w. w w w w w w w w ► %0 to ct M C4 N*-1.0 O%OD� �NO\O d)d) q M M tV N r-i r •� * W r-4 r,..4 r-I r-4 r-4 r-!r-4.--f r-1 N co * cv W � r-i �C • � * � � O000000000o0OoccocOov000ao � o � � s�.� o0000000000000acCcococ.�occ c c --i r-q r-4 r-q r--f r--4 0000000000O0000Co coo OC COC c w w Ob. w w w w w w w w w w w w w. w w w w w w w w w w m * p p r-i r-I N OD O.�-1 r-1,-�l.-I N N N qN SH � Nr-4NN04Nr-4 NNNNN•-4rq�� w p � � A W * CD r-I r4C64 * 00or4 0000000000000000000c 00c000 � 0000000000.000000000Co040000 4-) C� O00000O00000000coccc� ococ� oo E° 4) /H w w w w w w w w w OWw w w w w w w w • w w w w w w w U) M44 00\0\0 0 q q qt- q N 0 wo q 08 qq \0 C%4 W.0 1 +) w O NOW d'�1 O OD\O N N N rq-i rN-i C� :3 �fi Mc�c� c�c�NN O �U t�QO O\O r-�N M d• cf7� f�00 O.--�Cat c� �1' \ 0 0toto0vD��O0�\O\D\G�\O ['� t`ft ��`,-��t`- t`. l i I l l i l f i f 1 \1 �OD0"0HN M440\0 �OD�0 � � ,n� �Oa v%o�cv c�q � r4 `° ` %0% o%c�o\o,o\ � H H r-4 r-4 r-4 r-{r-{r-4 r-4 r-{r-q 0"4 r i r-4 r-i r-i r-1 r-4 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS - ; 7V• DE BT SERV -ICE SCHEDULE OF RE UIREME NTS WATERWORKS REVENUE BONDS _ Outstanding Principal Total Beginning l interest Fiscal g g i ements Re uirements Year of Year Reau�.rements R e u 47 54 31,000 169546 1955-56 540,040 19565? 5 � ., n 9 000 321000 15,662 47bb2� 14,171947 ?3.9 s . 47? 000 33,00 195? 58 ! 1958--5 9 4449000 35,000 139714 489714 5 000 12,649 479649 195 9-60 40 9,000 3 t 84 x: 359000 11,5 84 4 6,5 a 1960..bl 374,000 36 C�00 14,5C�2 469502 196 l--b 2 33 9,0C�0 � 45 402 n.00 36,000 9,40 2 f 19b2-63 3C�3, � . 00 3�?2 45,3n2 1963-b4 7 157 29, 157 1964,w 65 230, 23 0C�0 6,419 299419 1965-m 66 2013,000 , . 29 645 1966--67 1859000 00n 24,000 5,645 24 0 o n 4,850 280850 1967-68 161,000 0 29 038 C�QO 25,C'C0 4,C�38 1968-6 9 1370 28 203 1969o,70 112,000 259000 39208 � 2,363 289363 87,Q00 2b9000197C-?1 � 13,inn l,733 14 733 1971 72 61 nOC 1 293 159293 8.000 14 l2 ,Q00 ' � -73 43?5 149875 w 14, 19?3 ?4 34 oV0 nn 000 450 159450 74--75 20 15,000 ,0 0.- 19 _.Q8.8 lial ?5- �'�'�' S i 88 5 nn . s 19 76 5 9 54n,nn0 15l,199 691,199 ,E s CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS i APPROPRiAT ION ORD I�E AN ORD I%N�E ADOPTING A BLUCE T FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1955 AND EKING SE PTEMBER 30, 19569 IN ACCORDAIICE WITH THE CHARTER AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAY TOWN; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THIS. ORD I NA WE . WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Baytown has submitted to the CityCouncil a budget estimate of the revenues of said city g and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal ear, beginning October 1 1955, and ending the 30th day Y , 9 , of � September 1956 and which said estimate has been compiled from P detailed information obtained from the several departments, divi- sion and offices of the City, containing all the information as required by the Charter of the City of Baytown; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received said City Manager's estimate and held a public hearing thereon as provided by Section 44 of the Charter; and WHEREAS, FURTHER, after a full and final consideration of the public hearing, it is the opinion of the Council that the budget as filed should be approved and adopted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUWIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOW N: SECTION 1: That the budget estimate of the revenues of the City of Baytown and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year., beginning October 1! 1955, and ending Y September 30, 1956, as submitted to the City Council by the City Manager of said city, be, and the same is, in all things adopted and approved as the budget estimate of all of the current expenses . as well as the fixed charges against said city for the fiscal year, CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS jJ beginning the Ist day of October, 1955, and ending the 30th day of September, 1956. SECTION 2: That the sum of Eig ht Hundred Eightys Five Thousand Two Hundred and Forty-Nine Dollars ($ 885,249*00) is hereby appro- priated out of the general fund for the payment of operating exam penses, and capital outlay of the city government as hereinafter itemized, toomwit: Ge ne ra 1 .Gove r nme nt $ 2530706*00 a' Public Safety 2150513*00 Highways 1629763*00 Sanitation & Water Removal 1739360*OCR Conservation of Health 13,590*00 Recreation 19p455*00 Miscellaneous 419362900 SECTION 3: That the sum of One Hundred Ninety Thousand Nine Hundred and SeventymFour Dollars ($ 190, 974*00) is hereby appr000 . priated out of the water 'works for the operating expenses and capital outlay of the municipally owned water works as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: Supply $ 30$320*00 Transmission & Distribution 1200516*00 Customer ts Accounting & Collecting 446.93 93.00 Stores 119745900 frrrr SECTION 4*. That the sum of Eighty One Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty-Four Dollars ($ 81,634,00) is hereby appropriated out of the general -debt service fund for the. purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming the serial bonds as they mature, on the 'IIAI,I� general debt service bonds as hereinafter itemized, too-wit: Serial *Bond Maturities $ 4390O0o00 Interest Paymt n-ts 33s374*00 Exchange 260900 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS x' of Fort SECTION 59. That the sum Y Seven Thousand Seven Hundred • 4 746 00 - is hereby appropriated out of the and Fort -six Dollars �$ 7, � Y Y water works debt service fund for the purpose of .paying the accruing interest and redeeming the serial bonds as they mature, on the water works debt service bonds as hereinafter itemi zed, tomwit: a Serial Bond Maturities $ 311*000*00 Interest Payments ents 16,546•b0 Exchange 20000 SECTION 6: That the sum of Twenty Two Thousand Four Hundred any g , d Fort Eight Dollars t$ 22 448.00) is hereby appropriated out of =` or the o the traffic improvement fund operating p g expenses and capital outlay for traffic control and improvement as hereinafter itemized, to-wit salariesWages 8, $ llp337900 Supplies 4,G60*00 673 �0 Ma.'.I ate rya nce of Equipment 1 •Lry c.eV."-neous Services 1*8315. 00 Pe io n� 533*00 Ca pitai Outlay 704.00 SECTION 7: This ordinance shall be and remain in full force n f•�er its passage and approval of the City and effect from and a p g pp Council and it shall be publ�.shed once each week for two con-- secutive weeks in some newspaper published in the City of Baytown. APP1 OV7D b READ, AJOp TE D and y at least a majority of the City re Council at a regular meeting held at the City Hall in the City. of n g this 22nd day o f Se tember, 19550 Baytown o n i s Y p R, Pruett, Ma}�or ATTEST 'Edna Oliver, City Clerk CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ORD I NA PCE NO• 2 95 AN ORD I NA E FIXING THE RATE AND TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS,FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 3C. 1956t UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF BAYTOWN, TE)UMy IN CONFORMITY WITH THE LAWS OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER sj PROVISIONS AND THE ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINAWoES IN CONFLICT HEREWITHe BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: SECTION 1: That there shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected for the year ending September * 30, 1956, an ad 'valorem tax of one Dollar and Seventy-Two Cents ($ 1.72) on each One Hundred Dollars ($100) worth of property located within the present city limits of the City of Baytown, made taxable by law, which said taxes when collected shall be apportioned among the funds and departments of city government of the City of Baytown and for the purpose hereinafter set forth as follows, to-mwits. For the General Fund $ 1o50 For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the bonded indebtedness of the City of Baytown. 0*22 SECTION 2: The ad valorem tax rate of One Dollar and Seventy" Two Cents $ 1.72) as set forth in Section 1, above, is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected on only Fifty (50%) per cent of each ne Hundre ollars worth of property located within Baytown as valued by the Equalization Board for the City of Baytown, and made taxable by law. SECTION 3: e City Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Baytown is hereby directed to assess, extend and enter upon the tax CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS a rolls of the City of Baytown, Texas, for; the current year, the amounts and rates herein levied, and to keep a correct account of same, and when so collected, the same to be deposited in the dew pository of the City of Baytown, to be distributed in accordance o _ with this ordinance. SECTION 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are expressly repealed. READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, at a regular meeting held at the City Hall on the 22nd day of September, 1955. R. H. Pruett, Ma- yor ATTEST: Edna Oliver, City lerk s �l c t CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS gIMIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES BY CKMACTER AND OBJECT EXPENSES: These comprise all items of expenditure, necessarily p P incurred for current administration, operation and maintenance dM- and for materials and equipment in the nature of renewals or replacements which do not add to the capital assets of the city. k: A. Salaries and Wages B. Supplies C. Material or contract for maintenance of land D. Material lor contract for maintenance of buildings, improvements and stru oture s E, Material (or contract ) for maintenance of equipment F. Miscellaneous Services G. Sundry Charges CAPITAL OUTi Y: Comprises expenditures of every character which increase the Qapital assets of the city. X. Lands Y. Buildings and structures Z. Equipment EXPENSES A. SALARIES AM WAGES: An»1 supervisory: To include legislative, executive and administrative Aa*2 Clerk Hire: Clerical services or service of that nature A-3 Labor. Operation: To include professional and technical P service Aa-4 Labor Maintenance: Services performed in repairing and maintaining a standard of: C. Lands _ D. Buildings, improvements and structures E. Equipment . Be Amy Extra help LarLIES Beal Office supplies: To include all supplies necessary for use in the operation of office, such as Ice Postage Printing: To include printing of bud et, circular letters, reports and specs ication Publications: To include blue prints, catalogues, charts, magazines, reaps, newspapers, etc, CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS a o er : To include a nci is, rubber stamps, i nk pad s, ttin y p paper,er, paste, pens, binders, blank books, clips, desk pads, ink., envelopes, erasers, filing cabinet supplies# labels, manuscript su plies, tracing cloth, etc. 3�2 Fuel supplies; To inc ude coal, gas, oil, woody etc* B-3 Food supplies: To include all articles of food for human being. B-4 Tearing apparel, dry good and notions: To include such articles as aprons, badges, belts, blankets, boots, canvas cloth, cotton goods, curtains, dress finding, hats, linens, oil cloth, pillow cases, shoes, sheets, slickers, thread, towels, uniforms, etc, 3-5 Forage, barn and shoeing: Barn: To include brushes, curry combs, disinfectants, sand, sawdust, shavings, sponges, straw, etc. ,Forage: To include all articles of food for animals. Shoeing: To include all cost of material and labor for shoeing animals. 3-6 Motor vehicle supplies: To include gasoline, grease, lubwe ricating oil and small accessories. 3-7 Minor apparatus, instruments, tools and utensils, which are liable to loss, theft and rapid depreciation: Minor apparatus: To include that used in cleaning, engineer+ ing, hospital, laboratory and medical, such as alcohol lamps, balances, blow pipes, burners, filters, lanterns, measures, tubing., etc. Minor instruments: To include calipers, compasses drafting instruments, gauges, lenses, measuring chains, pincers, sterilizers, thermometers, etc* Minor tools: To include. augers, axes, bits, braces? crow- bars, engineers stakes, fire hose, handcuffs, Jacks, punches, reamers, shears, wrenches, and articles of similar nature. Minor utensils: To include barrels, baskets, brooms , brushe.s cans, chamois skins, cups, cuspidors, dishes, electrical gloves, glassware, enamelware, knives, lamps, mats and art'Iles of like nature. B-$ Laundry, cleaning and toilet: To include cleansing pre- parations, deodorants, disinfectants, floor oils, scouring powders, soap, wax, etc. 3-9 Chemical, medical and surgical: To include alcohol, alum antitoxins, bandages, chlorine, gauze, lime, medicines, vaccine, etc. B"10 Mechanical supplies: To include fuel oil, lubricating oil, grease, packing, waste, etc. B-11 Educational and recreational supplies : To include all articles of tTansiet use, as baseballs, lime for marking tennis courts, rent on moving picture films, tennis balls, etc. 3-12 Botanical and agricultural supplies.: To include bulbs, disinfectants, fertilizers, seeds, trees, young plants, etc. , used for parks and public grounds. 3,wD other supplies: This is to include supplies that have not been allocated. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS CZ,*E MATERIALS: Materials are commodities of a permanent nature in a raw, unfinished, or finished state; entering into the construction, renewal, replacement or repair of any land, building, structure, or equipment. C. Material (or contract) for maintenance of land: All ekpendiw tures (material or contract ) covering land maintenance, such as regrading, drains, repairing, etc e D. Material or contract for maintenance of buildings, structures, and improvements: All expenditures (material or contract covering repairs and replacements of e x Dwl Buildings D-2 Bridges D-3 Filtration plants D-4 Sanitary sewers D•-5 Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters, and culverts D�6 Storm sewers D-7 Standpipes and reservoirs D-3 Streets, roadways, and highways D,w 9 Incinerator and dumping grounds D--10 other All ex. enditures (material or E. Mai`ntenance of equipment: p contract) covering repairs and replacements of: E-1 Furnituret fixtures and furnishin s, , and implements lements major) E 2 Machinery, p E-»3 Instruments and apparatus (maJor). Includes fire apparatus, E-4 Motor Vehicles: Includes tire and tubes E-5 Other Vehicles r E--b Harness E-7 Livestock E wP Book (Includes urchase of new books for library) 8 s p Ewe 9 Waterworks mains E-10 Meters and settings E-.11 Signal systems E-12 Heating systems _ E m 13 Service connections E-w14 Fire Hydrants &15 Other Fit MISCE LLANEOUS SERVICES: Miscellaneous services are activities performed by other than municipal de artments, under expressed or implied agreement p p a involving personal services plus the use of equipment or the furnishing of commodities. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS F•.1 Communication: To include messenger service, telegraph mm . and telephone. F-.2 Hire of equipment: To include compensation for use of e ui mefit viz: hire of teams, with or. without drivers, q p aloo allowance to employees for use of private cars. F-3 Insurance** To include premiums on all kinds of insurance on property and equipment, also liability insurance and surety bonds. Fm4- Special services: To include compensation for personal services such as special investigations an surveys, inspecting materials, audits, special legal services, etc. Fw5 Advertising, legal and otherwise. F»b Traveling expenses: To include expense of public officers and employees incurred in regular performance of their duties for transportation by public carriers, etc. F-7 Rents F"8 music F-9 Support of persons (prisoners ) pp Fmlo Transportation (other than employees ) F-11 Light and power F-w12 : p Freight, express and drayage (unallocated) g G. SLWRY CHARGES: Sundry charges include those expenses legally or morally r= Y obligatory upon the city as a public corporation. &1 Contributions.,, gratuities and rewards: To include c' charitable institutions, hospitals and other organizations; compensation to priabners, prizes, entertainment, floral offerings, etc. &2 Debt service: To include the payment of principal and interest of funded and unfunded debt. Gw3 Refunds G�4 Judgments and damages Ge,5 Pensions ® G..b Taxes &7 Court costs, juryand witness fees G-8 Other CAPITAL oUT LAY X. LAWS: X--1 Purchase price: To include all expenditures for land as abstracte, assessments, cost of apprais-- x ing, recording of deeds, surveys, etc. X-.2 Betterments: To include all expenditures includes ing payrolls), covering original cost of draining, z t j engineering and inspection, first sodding, grading, planting and terracing. Y. BUY LD I N S AND STRUCTURES: All expenditures, including payrolls for new or additions to : Y- l Buildings Y.b2 Bridges Y-.3 Filtration plants • Y-4 Sanitary Sewers Yaws Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters, and culverts Ya*6 Storm sewers Y-? Standpipes and reservoirs Y-3 Streets, roadways and highways Y• 9 Incinerator Y-•14 Other Z EQUIPNE NT All expenditures to cover original cost of equipment (not replacements ) which increases the value of the fixed assets of the city. Z.-1 Furniture, fixtures, and furnishings Zw2 Machinery, tools and implements (ma-jor) Zm-3 Instruments and apparatus (major); this includes all fire apparatus Z.»4 [rotor Vehicles Z-5 Other vehicles Z�6 Harness Za*7 Livestock ZmS Books (does not include urchase of books for library) p Z-9 Water works mains Z-10 Meters and settings Zm l l Signal systems Z»12 Heating systems Z-13 Service connections Z-l4 Fire Hydrants Z-15 Other 1 S V Y