_FY 54-55 COB Adopted Budget CITY OF BAYTOWN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30 101955 4) ' CITY COUNCIL AS ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND COU C COMPILED EY C. DARWIN MIDDLETON. CITY MANAGER :.. '�r :...:::.. .. " t 3 5: I G NTHAM F.M.MOFFITT "HUB"BOUNDS C.W. RA Fire Ma.sl�al """`' . Director d Public Works Sewer Treatment Plan+Operator 1934— 0 V YEARS SERVICE 1954 L»rr 193]--I]YEARS SERVICE--1954 1939-25 YEARS SERVICE 1954 ;:j;:;: y:E;?'<3 2,. Y rr, xe< .. JOHN R.LONG '::::: ::?:::::;::: >:::::::':::::: ::"::.':;:'�';'.;..::�:::::::" ��::>'. JOHN P.BOWEN Wafer Meter ReP air ">""%:::3:iY Wafer Meinienenca 9 —23 YEARS SERVI SERVICE— 30 CE•-1953 I 970-23 YEARS 5 1953 I Retired II.30-53 .....:.:.:.... Retired II-30.53 :::.:.::..:....:::...:....::.r:.:: .. __..:..:.: :.-. .........................._. ................ ...... _.. ............ ......... .......... .. .. .._........ ....... .............. ,.. DEDICATED TO OUR PIONEERS — This issue of the annual City of Baytown budget is dedicated to five men who have devoted a large portion of their lives to working for the betterment of our community. Two of them, John R. Long and John P. Bowen, have retired. The others have spent over 15 years with the city. We owe a lot to our pioneers, and this dedication is a simple recognition of the esteem which we hold for these and all other employees who played their respective roles toward the building of a bigger and better Greater Baytown:PHOTO BY CHESTER ROGERS ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' A N N U A L B U D G E T 1 of the CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS • for the i ■ Fiscal Year October 1, 1954-September 30, 1955 Compiled by C. DARWIN MIDDLETON, CITY MANAGER ' And Adopted by the MAYOR and CITY COUi\rIL ■ C I T Y C 0 U N C I L R, Ha PRUETT, MAYOR Pa H. MEARS Mo La CAMPBELL R. Bo BERGERON AL C LAYTON ■ H. M. CAMPBELL LACY LUSK I ■ CITY OF 2AYTOWN, TEXAS e 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pie Now ' PART I . SUMMARIES 1 Introduction. . o . . . . . . . . . . . . I The City Manager's Message. . . . . . IT General budget Summary - Revenues . . . . . . . . 1 ' General .budget Summary - Expenditures 2 Analysis of Property Valuations . . D o 0 0 0 0 0 3 Tax Levies and Collection for all Funds . . . . . 4 ' General Fund Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 General Fund Expenditures by Function and Activity. 8 General Fund Expenditures by Character and Object . lid ' PART II. DETAILED EXPEiNDITURES OF GENTERAL FUND General Government: ' City Council. . . . . . . . . . . . . City Manager. . . . o . . . . . . . 14 Corporation Court o . . . . . . . . . . . i6 Elections . o o . . o 0 0 . o o . . . e . . . . 18 Finance 20 ' Law . o o . o o a o . . . . . . . 22 City!-all o 0 0 0 . o . . . 0 24 Public Safety: ' Police Department o . o o . . . . . . . . . . 26 Fire Department o 29 Protective Inspection . . . . . . . . . o . . . 32 Highways : ' Roadways. . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . 34 Street Lighting 37 ' Sanitation and Waste Removal-, Sewers and S6wage Disposal. . . . . . . . . . . 38 ' Waste Collection and Disposal . . . . . . . . . 42 Conservation of Health, . . o 0 0 . . . . . o . 44 Recreation: ' Municipal Parks 46 Piayfields and Playgrounds: 48 Swimming Pool . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . 49 Miscellaneous: Garage. o . o � . o . . . o . . . . . . . . . 52 Insurance 55 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Page No , PART III, WATER WORKS SECTION -:statement of Income and Expense Adjustment, o o e 57 ' ExpendituZ,es - By Division. . o 0 0 0 0 0 58 Expenditures - By Character and Object. a 59 Supply. . o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . o 0 o a e 60 Transmission and Distribution o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 Customer's Accounting and Collecting. 66 Stores , a o 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 Debt Service. o o 0 0 a 71 PART IV., TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT FUND Income and Expense Statement. o a o o a o 72 Summary of Expenditures by Character and Object a 7 A Public Safety o 0 0 0 0 0 a 74 PART V. DEBT SERVICE SECTION Resources and Requirements ' All bonds. o 0 0 o a o o a o o . o o a `�8 General Obligation Bonds o 0 o a 79 Water Works Revenue Bonds . a < o o a e o 80 Description of Bonds- ' General Obligation Bonds o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Q 81 Water Works Bonds. 0 83 ' Maturity Schedules- General Obligation Bonds o 0 0 0 0 0 o e 85 Water Works Tax-Supported bonds, o 0 0 0 0 0 86 Water Works Revenue bonds ° o e o 0 o a o 0 0 87 PART VI , MISCELLANEOUS Appropriatior. Ordinance o 0 0 0 . o . ° o , 0 88 "" Ordinance Fixing Tax Rate o a o 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 91 Classification of Accounts. o 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 93 pip 1P ■ 1. , 11 I I H V d ne zdnNNV rr. 1 jFl=� svx3i 'NA&OJ.AVU JO ALM 10 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS In M i Io IN T R 0 D U C T I ON The 1954-55 Budget of the City of Baytown will consist of the following budget accounts each operating under and with its own funds as appropriated by the City Council and from revenues derived from sources pertaining to that particular method of operation: 3 (1 ) The General Fund operating with revenues from tax sources and from other miscellaneous sources of revenue. (2) The Water Fund operating from sale of water. (3 ) The Traffic: Improvement Fund operating from revenues supplied by parking meters . (4 ) Bond Funds operating from taxation and from water revenues ° �e macro umo SaA;To age. Aq uoT-.onz-.suoo jo abe;s TeuTJ S;T uT ST `.deg agq. 0-. ;aaajS ewogeTNO 6uoTe ;aaa4S e-�osauuTW woa; 6uTuuna camas wao;s age, °00°000 s 5Z $ jo ;Soo pal.ewTI.Sa aq; ;? jaaals Tanoss-iw 6uoTe uoTj!)na;suoo aapun sT auTT aamas Ale4Tues Mau y °SauTT aaMaS Aaeq.Tues Mau Se •TT9m Se paa.oni;suoo uaaq eAeq Sa8MaS t wao4S ° sauzT as;ern q;Tm padooT ATagaTdwoo uaaq 9Aeq Seale aq4 TTe nnou pue anTaQ aal 6uoTe 6SuOT;TppV aoeaaal gosng 6uoT;TPPV umeT sk -pooh aq; uT pTeT uaaq aAeq SauTT as;enn gouT xTS -macro uoT;onals -uoo umo soI.T q;TM 6A;TO aq-� Aq Pa;aTdwoo 6uTaq sT xaOM STgl °pTq sbao,.oea;uoo ;SamoT ago ueg-. SsaT 00°0006TV $ ST goTgm 00°000608Z $ ' 4soo TTTM '�T g6nogq. se SxooT ;T aw-c; 4uasa•zd aq-� -�e pue 6uoT'�onajs -uoa 4o 96e'�s TeuTJ q,'IT uT sT -.ueTd TesodSTp 96emes Mau aql °apew aaam suoT:Jauuo:� aalem pue a8mas TeuoT4Tppe Auew pue uoTjeTndod ' UT paseaaouT ATTPeals Seq 4TO aql °AITO aqq. uTgq.TM pauaddeq seq q T uawdo aAap Jo APM aq; uT gonw uTebe pue uoT;eaado jo aeaA t Tnjssawans AJ9A e pa'.aTdwoo seq umol.Aeg jo ALTO aql E *996T 608 aagwa�daS 6uTpua pue 6t796T IT aago;op 6uTuuT69q • aeaA TeoSTJ aq; aoj .A;T:D aq; �o spun] snoTaeA ag'. Jo sawn;Tpuadxa pue sanuanaa aq4 jo a;ewT-.sa 4a6pnq e glTm9Jaq paglTwgns ST eaag; 6 zalaego 1,4TO aq; 30 TV uoTIO-aS pue R sexa.L jo Sagnge4S TTATO pasTnaa aqj 30 60Z aTq.Tl '8T-089 aToTIdV oq- juensand ouawaT-�uag sexal °UmolAeg UmO44eg J.o 4TO TT�;unOO 4TO pue aoAew aTgeaouof4 aq; of t�S8 3`JQflS S o�I3J"tt 1 X LI' E41 ° II � SVX31 'NMOIAVS d0 A1I0 r °uOTIeIS aaTj Z # PTO aua. aoeTdaa Coi *.aajIS IaNIEM uO Pa;eoOT uOT; -?IS a'aT3 Mau e ATaweu 'Papua sT .lP9A TeosTJ sTLII aaojaq pagzp,�s ' aq TTTM pund �uawaAaadwl umo;Aeg aq- woz3 sIuawanozdwT aegIo pup au?Td o6 noA se APdoa p uO 6uTIezadO TTTIs sT AITO agl, °pund `�TJ3ual p04eTadoaddeun aqj wozi aweO aoueTeq aql, °TTounoO eqq. jo pung '}ua6uTIuO0 pup Aoua6zawg eq-4 wozj awes 000'0T $ gOTgm JO 000'ZC $ oI pe;unowe sTq.l °;a6png aq; �O uOTgdope aq-� jo @WTI aq-� Ie uaasazojun 'uOT;eaado Iuaw maTddns off. spun) TeuoTgTPPe Pal?Tadozdde seq TTounoO aqj °aoTTOd JO Ialg0 se Alawo6IUOW °,d -M jo IuawIuTodde aq; Jo uOT-.daaxe aq; gITM Tau ' mu0� ad uT 96uego aT;aTT AZaA uaaq seq aaagl, °.zeaA aq; ;no g6nozgl TaAaT g6Tg e ;e pauTewaa aAeq uoT;D@TTOo gse.Iq. pup a6egzp6 se Bons sa'T:A..Ias R'4TO °zeal, aua-aann aq; uT %6 o; Iunowe TTTM suOTIoaT o70o xe; �uaaam� aqI pup 'ATTpT,aa-4pw PaseaaouT aAeq suOTIDaTToo xel, -�uanbuTleC ° ssauTsnq TeToueuTJ saAITO aqI JO TOJ;U OO za-�,.aq .. pup s,pz<~oaz za-�Iaq 1q.uaw:..auda0 6uTIun000y za-4em aq-. UT pup Iuawiaeda(j xel aq; uT apew uaaq aAeg s-.u9w9Aozdwj °su6Ts ;aazIs PTO aq; jo .Au'ew 6auz0eTdaz pe-4Jana uaaq 8Aeq sza)Japw -.aazIs enau Pup t apew uaaq aAeq s;uawanozdwT ;aaaIS °TTpPpzO Mau auO �UTpnTouT 'q.uawdTnba ucT;ona;suoo 30 FaoaTd Mau TezaAas pasegoznd seq AITO aql, *;Tegdse jo o,Z q,4Tm peoe jinsea uaaq seq '4aaalS q;r off. I9ax;S UTeW wOIJ anuOAV sexal, ;seg °;aaa-.S TznossTW pup ewOgeTNO JO TT ? 6u0Te '�aaa�s aq; jo sepTs q�oq uo suoTsuagxa 89 gITM ;98a .s aj.aa Duoo Mau e zonz;suoo TTTin A;unoO aq-. Nzom sTg1 JO uOT'.aTd seeae IuaopCpe page o,eIOsauuTW alp iuo uTezp 04 p9u6Ts , map '-T er,,�yr waOIS ST141 °00°000'Ce $ jo ;Soo a;?WTxozddp aqj " III SVX31 'NMOIAVO JO A110 -- CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS iv� Several new Sub-Divisions have been accepted by the City Council and buildings are being built in said Sub-Divisienso _ Many other items have been finished within the year to greatly improve the City. The year of 1954_m55 will be a _very crucial year in the financing of the City. the„same situation will follow in the_year of 1955-569 the reason for this is that all of the surpluses cre- ated by the _City of Baytown through_ the pa4t -years and_ into_ .the _ 1954-55 fiscal year ha�re been_ earmarked for anticipated improvements, such as the Fire Station and the Sanitary sewer connecting the Leger Addition and the Britton-Craven Addition9 . the Lee Heights Addition and- the felly_Addition, as well as.Wynnewood and Lawndale Adci.ticn to the new disposal plant. An interceptor sanitary sewer connecting the sewage disposal plant located on Park.,Street and the_one loCated on West Texas Avenue, following the contours of the Goose Creek Stream to the new disposal plant will be completed in the 1954-55 fiscal year, It will be noted that there is. no contemplated _capital outlay in the 1954-55 Budget with the exception of the purchase of new Police cars . All capital improvements theiefore must be financed through the Baytown Improvement Fund according to the . schedule adopted by the Council at..the ,begi.nning_.of the_ 1953e54 fiscal year, There has been allowed_ n the Council."s__appropria- tion $ 20,876.00 in the Contingent Fund and approximately._;$_109000 in the Council's Emergency Fund. Those are the only_ funds _that. . . the City will have to take care of any emergency or items that are necessary for the improvement of the Cit.y__of. Baytown. It._can_be. readily seen from these figures that there can _be-but very- little capital improvements added other than those scheduled in the oven CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS V c ' all improvement program. The General Fund Surplus , at October 1, 1953, amount- ed to $ 82,360.00 it is estimated that $ 46,000.00 will remain as surplus at October 1, 1954. The balance will be used during ' the Budget year 1954-55 leaving no surplus anticipated at October 1, 1955. ' Property valuations have increased from $ 65 ,429,674. to $ 66,638, 1580 , an increase of $ 1, 208,484. This will mean a revenue of additional taxes amounting to $ 10,430. the amount billed in total taxes then will amount to $ 573,088. at the tape rate of $ 1.72 per 100 at 50% of the above stated valuations. It can be seen by the total increase of valuations that very little can be done with the small increase of the revenue from taxes. The anticipated revenue other than taxes will amount to $ 210.500. compared with the other revenue of $ 227,387� for• the fiscal year 1953-54. It can be noted by this schedule that there has been an anticipated reduction of $ 17,000 in revenue. It can be seen that it is necessary to trim the overall Budget down to the estimated resources amounting to the sum of $ 798,731. Therefore the General Fund Budget will amount to $ 716,738.00, which is a net reduction of $ 34,3770 , below the 1953-54 Budget as supplemented by addi- tional appropriations through out the fiscal year. • The Bond indebtedness will amount to $ 66, 9040 , includ- ing interest and services charges, which will make the total Gen- eral Fund Budget amount as submitted, $ 793,642.00. The addition of an Emergency Fund of $ 10,642.00 and debt service surplus of $ 4,447.00 will account for the balance of the available resources. SaoTnaaS TeuoTITppe ou aq ueo aaaq-I Iegj pooISaapun aq Ism IT awTI STq� IV °ISed aqI uT sp oTTgnd aqq. o-� saoTnaaS aql 9AT6 oq. anuTIuoo ueo uoTIeaISTuTwpe AITO aql 6degsTw ao aelsesTp ou 6uTaaeq pup suazTq.To 941 pup TTounoo agq. jo uoTIeaadomoo aqj gjTm pup sluawlaedaCl TTe jo uoTleaado TeoTwou000 Ag °pajewTISa sem -.unowe sTgl 6aeaA STgI off. aoTad °SaoTnaaS uoTI09TToo asnj.aa aoj paIOaTToo saTuow alaTdwoo aql mogs of IdaN 6uTaq mou aae Spaooaa aql goTgnn uT aauuew aql _ O " r asneoag aTgeTTene apew see► Iunawe TeuoTITppe sTgl, °pung aa4eM aq4 woaj pang Teaauag aql off. 000`OI $ jo jun000e_ Saaj uoTIDOTTOO aIseM aq4 woaj sanuanaa aql uT aseaaouT ue pup pang TeaauaO aq4 oq. snTdang pund aaq.eM aqI woaj 000609 $ 3o Ie404 e IT 6uTNew pang Teaauag aq-. o-4. snTdang ae eM aqj woaj paaaa4sueal 0006OI $ TeuoTq.Tppe up seen ?Iegj pup sanuanaa uT apew 96ue43 a Senn aaagl, *Iuawjaeda(j uoT-+oadsuy aATq.oaa.oad aql 04 ueq-I a8g4ea IuawIaedaCj xel, aq, oI peaepuea gaed aaIe9a6 aq, ao4 aaann uoTITsod STg4 Aq peaepuea saoTnaaS 8q4 �eq'I IT8J Senn IT asneoaq auop Senn STgl, °OVTEt, $ jo Iunowe aqj uT 6aossassV Pup aoloaTTOO Xel, 941 40 AaeTes aql 6uTaq jegj 6asuadx8 TaAeZI pue Aa?IeS auo 64uaw4aeda(j uoTq.oadsul anTIo940ad aq4 woaJ SaajsuezI uaaq spq aaagl °sluawaaTnbaa wnwTuTw s4T 4e �uawlaedap aqj aIpaado o4 aepao uT apew aaann SuoT4Tppp asagl, 'Todd 6uTwwTnng pue 6quawIaedaQ g4U8H 6juawgaedaCj aoTTod agq. se Bons paseaaouT uaaq aAeq 4eg4 awoS pue paseaaoap uaaq 8Aeq SwOIT ja6png aq-. aaagnn S,.uaw4aedap awos eae aaagl, °Sluaw -8AoadwT Te'ITdpo jo uoTIdaoxa a44 q-.Tnn Vg-£g6,T jo 496png 6uT4eaedo 841 o-1 aSoTZ AaaA uaaq aAeq ja6png 6uTleaado age. uT aa6eueW A;TO agq. Aq popuawwooaa Swa'IT TTe IegI paIou aq TTTm 4I °In SVX31 'NMOIAVB d0 A1IO r auq. Aq papuewap SOOTAaas aq'I UO Aaaeo off. anuaAa'a TEUOTITppe aAeq Isnw AITO au; 6paemaO4 06 of Ieuj awT; STgI -�e pooIsaapun aq Ism IT M Ing °s juawanoadwT gjTm paemao3 06 UeO 9m ao 6 aae am se APIS aaq"a Ueo am ° o,speoa ssoao„ a4I I? Mou ST UMOIAES 30 AITO aul °asTae speau ay; se awTI 01 awTI woaJ TTounoo auk Aq pappe aq ue:: ;uaw aedap zeTnar� zed STqq 6uTuaaouoo swa�T TeUOT; -T.PPV °99-T-OT ;e LTL69Z $ jo aoueTeq snTdans paleTadoaddeun ue 6UT -neaT VCO'VT $ 30 snTdans e pajedTOTIUe ST aaagl °LTE`6T $ jo qunowe ay; uT pasodoad sT ja6png 6UTIeaado aql °O00,Z£ $ jo ;unowe auj anuaAaa aaIaw 6uTNaed g6noau� sse4edTOTIUe pun3 oTjjEai aye, °a;Ep Z94ET e Ie TTounoo auk. jo uOTI.ualq.e agq. Off. Igbnoaq aq TTTm gOTgm SIUawanoad -wT TeITdeo aae aaaq; pue paAoadwT uaaq seq juaw;aedap aa;pm atu °pOa6 ST Iuaw4aedaQ aaleM aqI 30 UOTITpuos TeToueUT� aql ° sasTae AITSSaoau au, se paIeTad t -oadde aq Aew snTdans ST41 °L99'98 $ 30 snTdans paIedTOTIUe UP 6UT -APaT pun3 TeaauaO 8y4 off. ao3sueaI °000605 $ au4 Aq paonpea aq TTTm snTdans 6uTIeaado agi °9L£`L6T $ JO TEIOI e 6UTNew ' *T9V'T5 $ aOTA -aaS ggaQ aoj pue "9T6 '9tT $ oI s;unowe a4ewT4sa q.96png pun3 aeleM aqj °pun3 aaIeM auq- uT aTgeTTene 6660,CCC $ jo 4unowe Teloq. e 6UTxew V9-1-OT 4e 00°9866Z£ $ J O aoueTeq pelpTadoaddeun ue aq TTTm aa841 IPgI paIedToTWE ST 4I °8VO,006 $ jo Iunowe aq4 SaoTAaaS PUP aaIRM 30 ales woai paIDaTTOo aq TTTm aaOgl 4egI pojPdToTq.Ue ST �I -ja6png pasodOad pun3 TeaauaO aq'I UT paIedTOTIue ueg4 swaIT aegIznj Aue aoUeUTJ oI AeFJOW 9qI 9Aeq J-DU TTTm -AITO aql ATNuea3 3asne3aq ',AI-FSSaoaU aaTp jo aae Aagq. ssaTun apew UOTIPTadoadde TeuOT4Tppe ou PUP paaapuaa 4 T TA SVX31 'NMOIkVG AO A1IO CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS A VIIIo public. As shown by the figures stated above it is a fact that the City cannot remain in the present financial position beginn- ing with the year of 1955-56. The City will take a step backward unless other steps of financing the City has been taken. At the .; present time there are only 4 ways in which the City :;an be fin- anced, those are.- ' 10 Taxes from the general public 20 Miscellaneous revenues, such as business licenses , franchise tax, grants from other funds, etc, 3. Subsidies from State and Federal Government, 4o Bond Issues , It can be foreseen that if the City of Baytown is to go forward beginning with the fiscal year 1955-56 there must be some change made in the finances of the City to keep abreast with the increased demands of its citizens. That can only be done by 2 methods . to The tax rate be increased to provide sufficient funds needed, or the tax rate remain as it is , but the val- uation or percentage of valuation of taxable property be increased. 20 There be created a bond issue to cover the sufficient needs for capital improvements, releasing the monies now spent for capital improvements , allowing that money to be used for operating expenses only. This bond issue could be financed without further increas- ing the tax rate by using the money set aside by the Council for pub- lic improvements namely the $ 120,000. Budget item, A portion of this CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Ix T�/ amount then could be used to pay the cost of the bond issue. The above are not recommendations , but are statements of facts and given to the Council to point out the situation which the City is now in and to point out the steps that can be taken to improve the situation. It will be entirely in the hands of the ciiizens to take what ever course they see fit to improve the City of Baytown, and to insure its future growth. I want to thank the Mayor, City Council and Department Meads , Employees and Citizens of Baytown for the splendid co-op- eration for the past year and with the continued co-operation of all, we can develop the City of Baytown into a "Better Place in Which to Live. " Respectfully, ar in i leton City Manager CITY OF BAYTOWN a CDM.vg CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS to GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - REVENUES For the Fiscal Year 1954-55 R E V E N U E S budget Proposals 1, General Fund Appropriated Surplus -_ Into and Sinking 14 430 Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 96 255 ; From Tax Sources 535 510 From Non Tax Sources 210 500 Total 856 695 20 Water Fund Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 27 684 From Sale of Water 291 048 Miscellaneous Other 9 000 Total 327 732 3. Traffic Improvement Fund Operating Surplus-Unappropriated 13 671 Anticipated Revenue 32 .000 Total 45 671 4. General Obligation Debt Service Fund F From Tax Sources 62 413 Surplus 14 430 Total 76 848 5. Water Works Debt Service From Water Operating Fund 48 569 Surplus �10 293 Total 58 362 Grand Total All Revenues 1 189 045 Grand Total All Surplus �176 763 Grand Total All Resources 1 365 808 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS - 2. GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - EXPENDITURES For the Fiscal Year 1954-55 E X P E N D I T U R F S budget Proposals le General Fund Current Expenses 601 939 Capital Outlay 125 441 Debt Service 66 904 Unappropriated Reserve 62 411 Total 856 695 2, Water Current Expenses 145 940 Capital Outlay 425 Debt Service 48 569 ' Contribution to General Fund 50 000 Unappropriated Reserve 82 798 Total 327 732 3, Traffic Improvement Fund Current Expenses 19 317 Capital Outlay -0- Unappropriated Reserves 26 354 Total 45 671 4. General Obligation Debt Service Fund Requirements 69 904 44 Surplus Total 76 848 5. Water Works Debt Service Fund ■ e 48 569 Requirements Surplus 10 293 Total 58 862 Grand Total All Expenditures 1 174 008 Grand Total All Surplus 191 800 Grand Total-Expenditures & Surplus 1 365 808 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 3 o y ANALYSIS OF PROPERTY VALUATIONS A FISCAL ASSESSED ESTIMATED BASIS OF PERIOD VALUE TRUE VALUE ASSESSMENT 1940-41 3 984 000 (1) 12 073 000 33% (4) 1941-42 4 805 100 (1) 14 5604000 33% (4) 1942-43 4 984 700 (1) 15 105 000 33% (4 ) 1943-44 5 104 700 (1) 15 470 000 33% (4) 1944-45 5 083 100 (1 ) 15 400 000 33% (4) 1945-46 5 477 600 (1 ) 16 599 000 33% (4) 1946-47 6 313 000 (1) 19 130 000 33% (4) 1947-48 9 964 000 (2) 30 194 000 33% (4) 1948-49 17 500 000 (3) 35 000 000 50% 1949-50 19 374 137 38 748 274 50% 1950-51 27 983 026 55 966 052 50% 195; -52 30 225 248 60 450 496 50% 1952-53 31 731 097 63 462 194 50% 1953-54 32 714 837 65 429 674 50% 1954-55 33 318 264 66 636 528 50% Notes w (1 ) Combined assessed valuations for Goose Creek and Pelly. (2) Combined assessed valuations for Goose Creek , Pelly and Baytown (3) Complete reappraisal of property made in 1948. (4) The 33% basis shown here is a guess, Actually there was no basis . Property owners made their own renditions. Apparently neither Goose Creek nor Pelly ever had an ap- praisal of property for assessment purposes . CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 40 TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS Collection of Percentage. of Collection Current Year's Taxes Levy Collected Prior Year's Fiscal Total Tax During Fiscal During Fiscal Taxes During Period Levv Period Period Fiscal_ Period 1940-41 55 772 42 261 75. 8 14 067 1941-42 67 390 53 700 79.7 10 623 1942-43 69 783 57 580 82. 6 12 691 1943-44 71 325 61 162 85.8 14 123 1944-45 71 167 63 799 89. 6 13 745 1945-46 76 686 68 234 89.0 14 604 1946-47 90 694 79 575 87.8 9 991 W 1947-48* 185 326 172 000 9208 5 000 1948-49 301 000 276 900 9200 9 050 .1949-50 306 000 285 510 93. 3 9 260 1950-51 333 202 306 377 91. 9 8 095 1951-52 519 834 483 037 93. 2 13 795 1952-53 545 737 516 443 94. 6 23 979 1953-54 562 658 532 448 9407 19 470 1954-55** 573 037 521 510 91 .0 12 000 Notes- * The Fiscal period 1947-48 reflects the first full year of operation of the consolidated cities of Baytown, Goose Creek and Pellyo ** Estimated income and collections . F tCITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' 5, ' TAX LEVIES Ai) COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS Ratio of Ratio of Ratio of Delinquent Total Accumulated Collections Collections Accumulated Delinquent Taxes To Current Total To Current Delinquent To Current Year's ' Tax Le+�y Colle�.tiorrs Tax Lev Taxes Tax Levy 25. 2 56 328 101. 0 80 178 143. 7 ' 15.8 64 32.3 9505 83 064 123 A t18� 2 70 271 100.8 82 921 118. 9 19.8 '75 285 105,.6 78 257 109.8 19.4 771 544 109,0 72 156 101,5 19.0 82 838 103�0 66 031 86. 2 11. 3 16 548 93.7 45 938 260.0 11.0 89 566 98a8 69 437 76.5 2.7 117 000 9505 `77 700 4 L 9 3�0 285 950 95; 0 92 700 30,8 3.0 294 770 96. 3 100 140 32. 7 2A 310 621 93. 2 96 409 2.8� 9 2� 7 496 832 95�6 99 853 19� 2 ' 4� 3 540 422 99.0 103 446 18. 9 ' 3�5 551 918 98. 1 96 449 17. 1 2, 1 533 510 93. 1 84 449 14� 7 t CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 6° GENERAL FUIZ RESOURCES FROM ALL SOURCES C U R R E N T R E V E H U E S ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-554 1954®55 GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES' Current Years Levy 516 443 464 827 521 510 Prior Year's Levies 23 979 16 335 ; - 12 000 Penalties and Interest 6 143 5 326 2 000 Total Property Taxes 546 565 486 488 535 510 ' OTHER LOCAL TAXES_ Street Rental Charges' `Tunnel Transit Company -0- _0_ m0- Houston Natural Gas CO. 7 680 8 168 8 100 Houston Lighting 8 Power Co. 13 347 14 936 14 900 Gen. Tel. Corp° of the Southwest 6 146 8 149 8 100 Taxicabs 706 1 497 750 Total Other Local Taxes 27 879 32 750 31 850 ' LICENSES AND PERMITS' Business Licenses' • Oil Drilling Permits -0� 16 000 2 000 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses 2 399 2 351 2 000 Other Business Licenses 1 575 �1 149 Total Business Licenses 3 974 19 500 4 000 Non Business Licenses' Animal Licenses 256 540 450 Total Licenses g Permits 4 230 20 040 4 450 FINES AND FORFEITS' ' 22 626 22 637 22 000 Corporation Court SERVICE CHARGE FOR CURRENT SERVICES' Protective Inspection Fees' Building Permits 1 597 1 982 1 700 1 269 2 419 2 000 Electrical Permits P 2 127 2 410 2 200 Plumbing Permits � 889 848 900 Health Permits 74 362 80 953 84 ®00 Water Collection Fees Total Service Charges 80 244 88 612 90 800 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS N 7 o GENERAL FUND RESO(-JRCES FROM ALL SOURCES C U R R E N T R E V E N U E S (Continued) ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 SWIMMING POOL 9 598 10 974 9 000 MISCELLANEOUS UW LASSIFIED 13 276 3 952 2 400 CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS FROM OTHER GOVERNMENT OWNED FUNDS Transfer of Water Utility 40 000 40 000 50 000 Profits From Traffic Improvement Fund 27 855 18 512 -0- Grand Total All Revenues 772 273 723 965 746 010 _ Balance Unappropriated Surplus 56 782 86 059 96 255 at October lsto Surplus - Into & Sinking Fund at October lsto m®® �11 158 14 430 TOTAL ALL SURPLUS 56 782 97 217 110 885 TOTAL ALL RESOURCES 829 055 821 182 856 895 ,A. 40 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY FUXTION Ai\D OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 ACCOUNT NUMBER DEPARTMENT_ AND DIVISION GENERAL GOVERNMENT: 101 City Council 133 254 129 302 167 658 102 City Manager 26 002 27 242 29 685 103 Corporation Court 5 343 5 959 5 865 104 Elections 240 666 615 105 Finance 19 832 20 169 26 280 106 Law 9 570 10 323 �' 835 107 City Hall 15 327 5 477 5 515 Total General Government 209 568 199 138 245 453 PUBLIC SAFETY- 201 Police Department 85 281 93 434 94 008 202 Fire Department 45 655 55 979 50 835 203 Protective Inspection 8 761 16 645 10 910 Total Public Safety 139 697 166 058 155 753 HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS- 301 Roadways 163 345 154 411 133 213 302 Street Lighting 3 671 3 887 3 900 Total Highways and 167 016 158 298 137 113 Roadways SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL- 401 Sewers 8 Sewage Disposal 29 714 30 772 31 238 " 402 Waste Collection & 68 121 85 768 86 801 Disposal Total 97 835 116 540 118 039 CONSERVATION OF HEALTH- 501 Health Department 14 026 13 178 13 130 RECREATION- 601 Municipal Parks 3 571 5 458 4 040 602 Playfields & Playgrounds 2 100 6 000 6 000 603 Swimming Pool 8 600 7 815 9 090 Total Recreation 14 271 19 273 19 130 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS - 9. GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION (continued) ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED tNUMBER DEPARTMENT AND DIVISION 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 MISCELLANEOUS. ' 701 Garage 19 990 30 607 28 362 702 Insurance 10 235 10 678 10 760 Total Miscellaneous 30 225 41 285 39 122 DEBT SERVICE 66 785 68 259 66 904 Grand Total 739 423 782 029 794 644 • V CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 10. GENERAL FUND SUMaMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION . ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 ' EXPENSES Aa Salaries and Wages 325 257 369 177 395 036 B, Supplies 31 514 32 998 32 595 C. Maintenance of Land 285 325 300 Do Maintenance of Structures 59 388 74 148 53 150 E, Maintenance of Equip. 19 247 21 499 21 675 F Miscellaneous Services 31 375 33 774 30 600 G� Sundry Charges 99 050 98 541 99 554 Emergency Fund m0` -06 15 560 Contingent Fund ®0- -0® 20 733 Total Exoenses 566 116 630 462 669 203 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Structures 141 636 128 453 120 000 Z. Equipment 31 671 ®23 114 5 441 To��Ca t�Ul _ 113 307 151 567 125 441 Grand Total 739 423 782 029 794 644 I I III 1��II FI �I QNC13 A� kr �I I I i s r SVX3.L `NA&OJ AVS AO A.LID CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS '1 11, ACCOUNT NO, 101 , GL NE RAL GOVE RNN E NT CITY COU'%I L S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 5 319 5 924 5 940 B. Supplies 75 79 75 D. Maintenance of Structure -0- -0- -0- Fo Miscellaneous Service 3 127 2 556 850 Go Sundry Charges 4 733 518 500 Total Expenses 13 254 9 077 7 365 CAPITAL OUTLAY X. Land Acquis' tion (Fire Station Site ) Y. Building & Structures & Other Capital Improvement 120 000 120 000 120 000 Z. Equipment -0- 225 4 000 Total Capital Outlay 120 000 120 225 124 000 Emergency Fund -0- -0- 15 560 Contingent Fund -0- -0- 20 793 Grand Total 133 254 129 302 167 718 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-2 CLERICAL City Clerk 370 4 440 Stenographer (VZ Time @ $ 250.00 Month ) 125 1 500 Total Salaries 5 940 ft - CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 12 ACCOUNT NO. 101 A GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUWIL DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 A. SALARIES AND WAGES to Mayor and Council -0- -0- -0- 2o Clerical 5 319 5 924 5 940 Total 5 319 5 924 5 940 B, SUPPLIES la Office 75 79 75 Do MAINTENAXE OF STRUCTURE 1. Building Maintenance -0- -0- -0- Fo MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 4. Special Services 2 518 1 689 400 5aa Advertising 243 480 100 6. Travel Expense 65 -0- -0- 13ao Association Dues 301 387 350 Total 3 127 2 556 850 G o SUNDRY CHARGES to Contributions and 837 518 500 Gratuities 4. Damages and Judgements -0- -0- -0- 7o Court Costs 3 896 -0- -0- Total 4 733 518 500 Total Expense 13 254 9 077 7 365 CAPITAL OUTLAY X-lo Fire Station Site -0- -0- Yo Capital Improvements -0- -0- N Y-lo Buildings and Structures 120 000 120 000 120 000 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 13, ACCOUNT NO. 101 -a GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 Z. EQUIPMENT le Furniture and Fixtures -0- 225 -0- 2o Machinery -0- -0- -0- 4o Motor Vehicles -0- -0- 4 000 Total Capital Outlay 120 000 120 225 124 000 Emergency Fund 15 560 Contingent Fund 20 793 133 254 129 302 167 -18 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS -40 14 ,COUNT iJO. 102 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY MANAGER S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 10 360 10 760 10 760 Bo Supplies 352 250 300 E� Maintenance of Equipment 28 76 75 E, Miscellaneous Services 306 249 300 Go Sundry Charges 14 956 15 907 18 250 Total E&penses 26 002 27 242 29 685 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. Equipment -0® -0- -0m Grand Total 26 002 27 242 29 685 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL City Manager 712 8 540 A-2 CLERICAL Secretary 185 2 220 Total Salaries 10 760 10 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS l 15 0 ACCOUNT NO. 102 J *; v •a GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY MANAGER DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 A. SALARIES AND WAGES L Executive 8 300 8 540 8 540 2> Clerical 2 060 2 220 2 220 Total 10 360 10 760 10 760 Bo SUPPLIES to Office 146 100 150 6, Motor Vehicles 206 150 150 Total 352 250 300 E o MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles 28 76 75 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6, Travel Expense 277 219 250 13. Association Dues 29 30 50 Total 306 249 300 ' G. Sundr Charges�e� ' So Pension 12 518 15 320 16 000 8. Civilian Defense 497 574 750 ' 9. Civil Service 1 941 13 1 500 Total 14 956 15 907 18 250 Total Expenses 26 002 27 242 29 685 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT to Furniture and Fixtures -0- -0- -0- 4o Motor Vehicle -0- -.0- -0- Total Capital Outlay -0- -0- �. -0- Grand Total 26 002 27 242 29 685 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 16 -ACCOUNT NO. 103 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION COURT S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55_ EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 4 838 5 438 4 800 Bo Supplies 264 297 300 N� E , Maintenance of Equipment 82 4 50 Fa Miscellaneous Service 144 147 160 G� Sundry Charges 15 -0- 15 s Total Expenses 5 343 5 335 5 325 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. Equipment -0- 74 -0- Grand Total 5 343 5 959 5 325 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-1 ADMINISTRATIVE Judge 400 4 800 Total Salaries 4 800 ■ CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 170 ACCOUNT NO. 103 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION COURT DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 A. SALARIES to Administrative 2 498 2 460 4 800 2. Clerical 2 340 2 978 -0- Total 4 838 5 438 4 800 Bo SUPPLIES to Office 264 297 300 E o MAI NTENAIVE OF EQUIPMENT la Furniture and Fixtures 82 4 50 ' Fa MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES ' la Communication 144 146 160 Go SUNDRY CHARGES 7, Jury Fees 15 -0- 15 Total Expenses 5 343 5 885 . 5 325 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT la Furniture and Fixtures -0- 74 -0- Grand Total 5 343 5 959 5 325 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 4 18 ACCOUNT NO. 104 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS ' S UMMARX ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 188 440 440 Bo Supplies 52 226 150 F. Miscellaneous Services -0- -0 25 Grand Total 240 666 615 tCITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 104 19 w GENERAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 A. SALARIES AND WAGES t20 Election Officials 188 440 440 B. SUPPLIES 10 Office 52 216 125 ' 7. Minor Instruments -0- 10 25 ' Total 52 226 150 F, MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 5. Advertising -0- -0- 25 tGrand Total 240 666 615 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT 11\10" l05 20 GENERAL GOVERNMENT FI NANCE S U M M A R Y ' ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 EXP E iNS ES Ao Salaries 13 468 14 489 20 340 6o Supplies 3 963 3 541 3 575 Eo Maintenance of Equipment 374 401 500 F, Miscellaneous Services 1 935 1 629 1 750 G Sundry Charges -0- -0- -0- Total dense 19 '740 20 060 26 165 CAPITAL OUTLAY Zo Equipment 92 109 595 Grand Total 19 832 20 169 26 760 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH _ ANNUAL SUPERVISION ' Director of Finance (50% of 247 2 970 $ 495.00 Month ) Tax Assessor $ Collector 375 4 500 aA-2 o CLERICAL Deputy Tape Assessor & Collector (2) 510 6 120 ' A-3 o ACCOUNT I% 1 City Controller (50�6 of $ 470.00 235 2 820 per Month ) bookkeeper ( 50�6 of $ 240.00 120 1 440 per Month) bookkeeping Machine Operator (50� 115 1 380 of $ 230,00 per Month ' A-5a EXTRA HELP 1 110 ' Total Salaries and Wages 20 340 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS • 21 ACCOUNT NO. 105 GENERAL GOVERNMENT • FI NAME DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 Ao SALARIES AND IMAGES 1. Supervision 3 075 2 970 7 470 20 Clerical 5 344 5 411 6 120 3. Accounting 3 772 5 537 5 640 5. Extra Help 1 277 571 1 110 Total 13 468 14 489 20° 340 Bo SUPPLIES 1� Office 3 963 3 467 3 500 6. Motor Vehicle -0- 74 75 Total 3 963 3 541 3 575 E o MAINTENmCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures -0- -0- -0- 3o Equipment 374 401 500 Total 374 401 500 Fo MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 4ao Semi-Annual Audit 1 000 1 000 1 000✓ 4co Equalization Board 450 450 450 � , 5. Advertising 184 115 150 '~ 6o Travel Expense 252 30 100 13o Other _— 49 34. _ 50- Total 1 935 1 629 1 750 G o SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Court Costs _ -0- -0- -0- Total Expense 19 740 20 060 26 165 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z-la Furniture and Fixtures 92 109 -0- 3. Machinery _______._ _._____r.0- 595 Grand Total 19 $32 20 169 26 760 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 220 A(,-COUNT NO. 106 GENERAL. GOVERNMENT LAW S U M M A R Y « ACTUAL. ACTUAL, PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 7 800 8 624 8 940 B. Supplies 99 262 300 F. Miscellaneous Services 920 785 575 Go Sundry Charges 57 151 20 Total EUpnses 8 876 9 822 9 835 CAPITAL. OUTLAY Z. Equipment 694 500 `0- Grand Total 9 570 10 .�322 9 835 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL, MONTH ANNUAL. Am3o PROFESSIONAL. City Attorney 620 7 440 A-2 o CLERICAL Secretary (! Time @ $ 250.00 Month ) 125 1 500 Total Salaries 8 940 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS +5 23. ACCOUNT No. 106 0ENERAL GOVERMENT LAW DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 A. SALARIES AND WAGES * 20 Clerical 1 200 1 484 1 500 3o Professional 6 600 7 140 7 440 Total 7 800 8 624 8 940 $o SUPPLIES 1 99 78 100 , Office 6. Motor Vehicle m0- 184 200 13, Other o0m -0" a a Total 99 262 300 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES t20 dire of Equipment 600 300 -0- 6o Travel Expense 100 125 100 t13o Law Library -0- 360 400 13a, Association Dues 220 -0- 75 ' Total 920 785 575 ' G o SUNDRY CHARGES 101 20 7, Court Costs ®� ' 8o Other 57 50 ®Om Total 57 151 20 Tot2.l_Expenses 8 876 9 822 9 835 tCAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT _0- 500 -0- �4Q u omotiv'e 694 -0- m0 15, Other Grand Total 9 570 10 322 9 835 I � CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 24 ACCOUNT NO. 107 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY HALL S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 EXPENSES Ao Salaries and Wages 2 465 2 740 2 740 Bo Supplies 477 522 550 C, Maintenance of Land 2 -0- -0- Do Maintenance of Structures 412 199 200 E. Maintenance of Equipment 109 60 75 Fo Miscellaneous Services 1 536 1 956 1 950 Vital Expenses 5 001 5 477 5 515 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. Equipment 10 326 -0- -0- Grand Total 15 327 5 477 5 515 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TO'-AL— MONTH ANNUAL A®3o OPERATION Custodian 220 2 640 A-5o EXTRA HELP 100 Total Salaries 2 740 N a CITY OFF BAYTOWN, TEXAS a 25. ACCOUNT NO, 107 GENERAL GOVERNME NTRIT CITY HALL DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Operation 2 400 2 640 2 640 5. Extra Help 65 100 100 Total 2 465 2 740 2 740 Bo SUPPLIES ■ 20 Fuel 80 111 125 7. Minor Tools 24 17 25 80 Janitorial 372 394 400 13, Other 1 -0- -0- Total 4-;7 522 550 C o MAINTENAWE OF LAND 1. Land 2 -0- -0- Do MAINTENAWE OF STR�S to Buildings 412 199 200 Ea MAINTENAWE OF EQUIPMENT la Furniture and Fixtures 109 60 75 ' ' F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES to Communications 1 074 993 1 050 -;t-1-7i.._ lla Light and Power 462 963 900 ya . Total 1 536 1 956 1 950 Total Expenses 5 001 5 477 5 515 ■ CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EE U_IPMENT to Capital Improvement 217 -0- -0- 12. Heating Systems 10 109 -0- -0- Total Capita LaA 10 326 -0- -0- Grand Total 15 327 5 477 5 515 a CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 201 6 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 69 886 76 489 81 822 Bo Supplies 7 350 7 403 6 900 Do Maintenance of Structures 257 245 200 E. Maintenance of Equipment 3 561 2 663 2 600 F, Miscellaneous Services 2 216 2 076 2 390 Total Ex2, nses 83 270 88 876 93 912 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. Equipment 2 011 4 558 96 Grand Total 85 281 93 434 94 008 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-1. SUPERVISION Chief of Police A 445 5 340 A-3o OPERATION Chief Radio Dispatcher �° 365 4 380 2 Radio Dispatchers `' 300 7 200 Identification Officer -N315 3 780 Assistant Chief of Police 'N'�370 4 440 Sergeant of Police (3) ti 325 11 700 Jailer and Humane Officer (2) ----4300 7 200 Patrolmen (±Ct/ ?� 300 36 000 Relief Help -0- 100 Longevity Pay -0- 1 682 Total Operation 76 482 Total Salaries 81 822 --CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO, 201 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 5 100 5 459 5 646 3-O.Operation 64 786 70 970 76 076 5. Extra Help -0- 60 100 Total 69 886 76 489 81 822 Bo SUPPLIES 10 Office 512 336 350.1- 2, Fuel 216 218 250 4o Uniforms 1 357 1 600 1 600 5o Forage 158 98 200- 6o Motor Vehicles 4 596 4 700 3 900 7. Minor Instruments 332 366 450- 8. Janitoral -o- -o- -o- 13. Other 179 85 150 To t a,1 7 350 7 403 6 900 D. MAINTEINAfCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 257 245 200 E3 MAINTENAWE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures - ill 45 100 , 4. Motor Vehicles 3 450 2 618 2 500 ' l. Signal Systems -0- -0- -0- Total 3 561 2 663 2 600 F. MISCELLAi�OUS SERVICES 1. Communications 379 370 415 6o Travel Expense 193 24 225 A 9. Prisoner Subsistence 827 657 900 IL Light and Power 817 1 025 850 13o Other -0- -0- -0- Total 2 216 2 076 2 390 Total Expenses 83 270 88 876 93 912 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 201 28 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT to Furniture and Fixtures 316 34 96 4. Motor Vehicles 1 695 4 249 -0- 11. Signal System ®0® 275 -Om Total 2 011 4 558 96 ' Grand Total 85 281 93 434 94 008 i 1 II � 1 . M CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 202 29. PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54-54 1954-55 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 31 255 39 065 39 575 Bo Supplies 2 817 2 914 3 i25 Do Maintenance of Structures 349 338 350 Eo Maintenance of Equipment 1 600 1 932 1 650 F. Miscellaneous Services 1 659 1 609 1 635 Go Sundry Charges 4 500 4 500 4 500 A Total Expenses 42 180 50 358 50 8:35 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. buildings -0- 3 293 �0m Z. Equipment 3 475 2 328 -0- Grand Total 45 655 55 979 50 835 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-L SUPERVISION Fire Chief 420 5 040 A-3o OPERATION Fire Marshal 335 4 020 8 Drivers 290 27 840 Extra Help 900 Longevity 1 775 Total Salaries 39 575 i CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS i ACCOUNT NO� 202 30 PUBLIC SAFETY g FIRE DEPARTMENT DETAIL F ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954=-55 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 4 810 5 192 5 216 3. Operation 25 990 33 161 33 459 5. Extra Help 455 712 900 Total 31 255 39 065 39 575 Bo SUPPLIES 1. Office 17 25 25 2. Fuel 154 107 150 4o Wearing Apparel 247 300 300 / 6o Motor Vehicle 546 534 600 7, Minor Apparatus 1 853 1 899 2 000 80 Janitoral m0® 49 50 Total 2 817 2 914 3 125 D, MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES to Building 349 338 350 Ea MAINTEiNAi\J,-E OF Qt TPi NT 1 o Furniture and Fixtures a0m 19 25" 3o Fire Apparatus 739 653 700 4, Motor Vehicle 760 740 800 11, Signal Systems 101 520 125 Total 1 600 1 932 1 650 F o MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES to Communications 1 016 1 057 1 000 6o Travel Expense 291 277 360 ' ,p 11. Light and Power 235 252 250 `1 13� Other 117� - 23 25 Total 1 659 1 609 1 635 Go SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contribution t-) 4 500 4 500 4 500 Volunteer Dep"to Total Ejpenses 42 180 50 359 50 835 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ,ACCOUNT NO 292 31` PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954m55 CAPITAL OUTLAY ' Z a E QUI PME IVY 1. Furniture and Fixtures -0- 135 -0- 4o Motor Vehicle 3 475 2 193 -0- 15, Other -0- 0 Y-1, Buildings 3 .293 Total 3 475 5 621 ®0- Grand Total 45 655 55 979 50 835 w CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 32� ACCOUNT NO. 203 PUBLIC SAFETY PROTECTIVE INSPECTION S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 ■ EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 8 400 13 920 10 140 tso Supplies 150 1 156 350 E. Maintenance of Equipment 9 124 175 F. Miscellaneous Services 202 251 245 Total E penGes, 8 761 15 451 10 910 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY Zo Equipment -0- 1 194 -0- ■ Grand Total 8 761 16 645 10 910 • SALARIES AND WAGES IPROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL IMONTH ANNUAL A-3 o TECHNICAL ' Inspector-building & Plumbing 395 4 740 IInspector-Electrical 450 5 400 ITotal Salaries 10 140 I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 203 33. PUBLIC SAFETY PROTECTIVE INSPECTION DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-554 1954-55� A, SALARIES AND WAGES 20 Clerical -0- 4 140 -0- 3o Technical 8 400 9 780 10 140 Total Wages 8 400 13 920 10 140 Bo SUPPLIES le Office 50 54 100 6. Motor Vehicle 100 75 200 7. Minor Apparatus -0- -0- 50 13, Other Supplies -0- 1 027� -0- Total 150 1 156 350 E o MAINTENAWE OF E IPMENT ' 3. Instruments & Apparatus -0- -0- 25 4, Motor Vehicle 9 124 150 ■ Total 9 124 175 ' F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES to Communications 171 171 165 ' 6, Travel Expense 31 80 50 ' 13ao Association Dues -0- —0— 30 ' Total 202 251 245 Total Expenses 8 761 15 451 10 910 CAPITAL OUTLAY ' Z. Equipment 4. Automotive -0- 1 194 -0- ' Grand Total 8 761 16 645 10 910 I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS r� ACCOUNT 1130� 301 t HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 l9b3-54 1954m55 EXPENSES % A. Salaries and Wages 67 173 64 084 77 763 Bo Supplies 7 540 7 646 7 650 ' Do Maintenance of Structures 52 975 70 200 47 200 Fo Miscellaneous Services 306 2 259 600 Total Exp nses 127 994 144 189 133 213 CAPITAL OUTLAY Yo Structures 21 041 1 619 -u- Ze Equipment 14 310 8 603 -0- Total Capital Outlay 35 351 10 222 -0- Grand Total 163 345 154 411 133 213 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1954-55 ' RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A®1 a SUPERVISION - Director of Public, Works 3/10 .186 00 2 232 00 of $ 62M0 A-4 O MAI NTEE NAW-1 Foreman 415 00 4 980 00 /1 Cement Finisher @ 2�505 hr. 477 61 5 731 32 � 1 Dragline Operator @ 2025 hr. 429 00 5 148 00 2 Mtr,o Grader Oper°s o @ 1,75 3,33 67 8 008 08 1 Dozer Operator @ 1055 hro 295 54 3 546 48 . 1 Asphalt Operator @ 1.55 hr. 295 54 3 546 48 1 Sweeper Operator @ 1.505 hr. 286 94 3 443 28 1 Gradall Opr„ @ L 94 hro % of 369 89 2 438 72 H CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 301 35 . HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS S UMIAARY PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-4a MAINTENWCE t '2 Cement Helpers @ 1.405 hr. 267 87 6 428 88 '2 Asphelt Patchers @ 1.355 hr. 258 33 6 200 48 `►5 Truck Drivers @ 1.355 hr. 258 33 15 501 20 2 Laborers @ 1020 hro 228 80 5 491 20 ~1 Machine Opra @ 1.75 % of 333 67 2 004 00 Overtime 3 062 43 ' Total Maintenance Salaries 75 530 55 ' Total All Salaries 77 762 55 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 301 36 ' HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 A. SALARIES AND WAGES ' 1. Supervision 2 160 2 232 2 232 3o Technical -0- -0- -0- 4a Maintenance 65 013 61 8152 75 531 Total 67 173 64 084 77 763 � Bo SUPPLIES 4°� D 6. Motor Vehicle 7 186 7 19 7 200 7 Minor Tools 262 361 350 - 13o Other 92 96� 100 _.1v`� Total 7 540 7 646 7 650 D o MAINTE NAME 1. Building 269 186 200 5. Sidewalks, Curb and Gutter 1 536 506 2 000 ' 8, Street 51 143 69 508 45 000 r Total 52 975 70 200 47 200 ' Fo MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 20 Hire of Equipment -0- 2 121 100: ' 4ao Special Services 306 138 500 Total 306 2 259 600 ' Total E pgnse 127 994 144 1 9 133 213 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. STRUCTURES 5, Curb _arid Gutters -0- 444 -0- l0o Others -0- 1 175 -0- 16. Streets 21 041 -0- Z. EQUIPMENT 20 Machinery 13 971 550 -0- 4o Motor Vehicles -0- 8 053 -0- 5o Other Vehicles -0- -0- -0- 15o Others 339 -0- -0- Total 35 351 10 222 -0- Grand Total 163 345 154 411 133 213 N CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 302 37. H I G H W A Y S STREET LIGHT'I% ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 Fo 11, Miscellaneous Services 3 671 3 887 3 900 DETAILED SCHEDULE_ OF STREET LIGHTS � (8Y contract with Houston Lighting & Power Co. ) Rate Per Lamp Total Cost Lo of Lames Sipe and Tie Per Year Per Year 74 250 CP Overhead @ 2.50 Moo 2 220 Bracket Lights 48 250 CP Ornamental C 30.00 1 440 Standard 240 a 4 600 CP Ornamental @ 60.00 203 82 Overhead Bracket Free o0- a 900 5 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS - - ACCOUI1V1 NOo 401 33 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-5544 1954®55 EXPEtSES Ao Salaries and Wages 19 275 21 016 21 058 Era Supplies 889 1 163 1 355 Co Maintenance of Land a0a 75 50 D� Maintenance of Structures 4 698 2 149 4 450 Eo Maintenance of Equipment 1 346 1 031 1 300 F. Miscellaneous Service 2 910 3 192 3 025 Total Expenses 29 118 28 626 31 238 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Structures 596 2 146 Z. Equipment -0- -0- Total Coital Oullay 596 2 146 m0m Grand Total 29 714 ' 31 238 PROPOSED 1954-55 RASE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A®1, SUPERVISION Director Public Works 2/10 124 00 1 488 of $ 62M0 A-3 OPERATION 1 Disposal Plant Operator 260 00 3 120 ' 3 Disposal Plant Operators 250 00 9 000 Total 12 120 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' ACCOUNT NOa 401 39 . ' SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL ' S U M M A R Y PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-4 o MAI NTE NAME Service Man 1055 hr. 295.54 3 547 Service Man 1,455 hr. 277 40 3 329 Overtime 574 00 574 , Total 7 450 Total Salaries 21 058 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' ACCOUNT NO., 40" 40 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL ' SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL ' DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 A. SALARIES AND WAGES la Supervision 1 440 1 488 1 488 3. Operation 11 053 12 120 12 120 4o Maintenance 6 782 7 408 7 450 a.. Total 19 275 21 016 21 058 �O Bo SUPPLIES_ 20 Fuel 15 22 30 6o Motor Vehicles 417 595 600 , % 7o Minor Tools 58 90 100 9, Chemicals 346 437 600 --W' 13o Other 53 19 25 ' _Total 889 1 163 1 355 ' Co MAINTENANCE OF LAND 10 Land -0- 75 50 tDo MAINTEWCE OF STRUCTURES ' 1. Buildings 214 156 200 3, Disposal Plants 989 179 750 4o Sanitary Sewers 3 113 1 353 3 000 ' 6, Storm Sewers 382 461 500 ' Total 4 698 2 149 4 450 1AAINTE NANCE OF EQUIPMENT ' 20 Maintenance of Machinery 1 05.1 934 1 '000 3. Mainto of Instruments and 295 — 97 300 Apparatus —� ' Total 1 346 1 031 1 300 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES ' 7 e Rents 6 6 25 1 L Light & Power 2 904 3 i86 3 000 V Total 2 910 3 192 3 025 Total Expense 29 118 28 626 31 238 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO 401 41 SANITATION AND WASTE RENOVAL SEWERS A,f\,1D SEWAGE DISPOSAL DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED ' .1952-53 1953-54 1954-55_ CAPITAL OUTLAY `l STRICTURES 3. Filters -0- -0- -0- 4o Sanitary Sewers 596 -0- -0- 6o Storm Sewers -o 2 146 -o- z. EEC UIPMENT 4. l/ehi,lles NOm -0- .. -0- 1 1 Total OaR ta.l Oujjay, 596 2 146 -0- Grand Total 29 714 30 772 31 238 a i ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 402 42. ' SANITAT.ION AND WASTE REMOVAL WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL _- ` S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954m55 ' EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 62 `723 77 443 80 951 Bo Supplies 5 398 5 477 5 800 Do Maintenance of Structures m0® ®0- 50 op Total Expenses 68 121 82 920 86 801 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. Equipment -0- 2 848 -0- Grand Total 68 121 85 '768 86 801 ' SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER® TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL Am 3 o OPERATION - --[� ■ ` l Truck Foreman 300 00 3 600 00 1 Carpenter @ $ 1. 55 Hr. 295 54 3 546 48 ',j7 Truck Drivers @ $ 1.355 Hr. 258 34 21 ,70L68 1 Dump Ground Watchman @ 1. 255 Hr. 239 29 2 871 44 14 Laborers @ $ 1. 255 Hr. 239 29 40 200 16 1 Laborer @ $ 1. 15 219 27 2 631 20 Overtime 3 400 00 Total ODeratio n 77 950 96 A-5o EXTRA KELP 3 000 00 Total Salaries and Wages 80 950 96 M CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 43, ACCOUNT 1Q 4U2 3 SANITATION ACID WASTE REMOVAL WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 A. SALARIES AMID WAGES 3. Operation 60 386 75 121 ?? 951 5. Extra Help, 2 337 2 322 3 000 Total 62 723 77 443 80 951 Bo SUPPLIES 6. Motor Vehicles 2 994 2 844 3 000 7 Minor Tools 183 2,44 200 9. Chemicals 2 129 2 293 2 500 % 13. Other 92 96 100 Total 5 398 5 477 5 800 Do MAINTENAWE OF STRUCTURES 9, Dumping Grounds -0-• -0- 50 Total Expenses 68 121 82 920 86 801 CAPITAL OUTLAY Za EQUIPMENT 20 Machinery -0- -0- -0- 4, Motor Vehicles ��0- 2 848 -0- Total -0- 2 848 -0- Grand Total 68 121 85 768 86 801 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 501 44. CONSERVATION OF HEALTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953_54 1954-55 EXPENSES A. Salaries and stages 7 575 8 880 8 880 Bo Supplies 229 198 250 F. Miscellaneous Services 1 172 1 600 1 500 Ga Sundry Charges �5 000 2 500� 2 500 Total Exerses 13 976 13 178 13 130 Zo EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 50 -0- -0- Grand Total 14 026 13 178 13 130 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL (MONTH ANNUAL A-3 o TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL Sanitarian 370 4 440 Assistant Sanitarian 2.95 3 540 Health Officer ( Part Time ) 75 900 Total Salaries and Wages 8 880 Am CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 501 45. CONSERVATION OF HEALTH ' HEALTH DEPARTMENT ' DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED ' 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 A, SALARIES 3. Technical 6 675 7 980 7 980 3� Professional 900 900 900 Total 7 575 8 880 8 880 Bo SUPPLIES to Office 229 198 250 Fo MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 20 Car Allowances 1 050 1 200 1 200 4. Special Services -0- -0- -0- 6. Travel Expense 122 400 300 ' Total �1 172 1 600 1 500 * G. SUNDRY CHARGES to Contributions 5 000 2 500 2 500 Total Expenses 13 976 13 178 13 130 I , CAPITAL OUTLAY Zo EQUIPMENT to Furniture and Fixtures 50 Grand Total 14 026 13 178 13 130 A CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 601 46 RECREATION MUNICIPAL PARKS ! S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55-55 EXPENSES A. Salaries 2 283 2 174 2 490 Bo Supplies 267 264 200 Co Maintenance of land 283 251 250 ' Do Maintenance of Structures 24 98 100 E, Maintenance of Equipment -0- 60 100 F, Misc . Service -0- -0- 150 Total Expense 2 857 2 847 3 290 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Buildings and Structures -0- 1 321 -0- Z. Equipment 714 1 290 750 Grand Total 3 571 5 458 4 040 SALARIES AND WAGES ' PROPOSED 1954-55 ' RATE PER TOTAL MO114TH ANNUAL ' A o MAI NT E NANO E 4. Maintenance 18 667 2 240 5. Extra help 250 Total Salaries and Wages 2 490 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 47 ACCOUNT NO. 601 RECREATION MUNICIPAL PARKS DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 +. A. .SALARIES ' 4o Maintenance 2 000 2 157 2 240 5 o Extra Help 283 1.7 21 50 Total 2 283 2 174 2 490 Bo SUPPLIES 7, Tools -0- -0- -0- 13, Other 267 264 200 , Total 267 264 200 Co MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1 o Land 283 251 250 - Da MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES to Maintenance of Buildings 24 98 100 E� MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 20 Machinery & Tools (Major) -0- 60 100 F� MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES IL Light & Power -0- � -0- 150 Total Expenses 2 857 2 847 3 290 Y. BUILDINGS AIZ STRUCTURES to Buildings -o- 1 321 -o- z. EQUIPMENT 3e Instruments and Apparatus (Major) 716 -0- 110 Lights for Parks 573 -0- 15o Equipment 714 -0- s 750 Total Capital Outlay 714 2 610 750 Grand Total 3 571 5 457 4 040 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 48 ' ACCOUNT NO. 602 RECREATION PLAYGROUNDS AND PLAYFIELDS ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55� G o SUNDRY CHARGES i to Contribution to 2 100 6 000 6 000 • Recreation Program CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. BUILDINGS AiW STRUCTURES .10. Other Playground Lights ) -0m m0- -_0- Grand Total 2 100 6 000 6 000 t 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS n ACCOUNT NOo 603 49 RECREATION SWIMMING POOL S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 A. .Salaries and Wages 5 645 5 796 6 390 Bo Supplies 851 822 950 C� Maintenance of Land -0- -0- -0- ' D, Maintenance of Structures 604 196 500 Eo Maintenance of Equipment 75 -0- 150 ' F� Miscellaneous Services 1 376 885 1 050 ' Go Other Miscellaneous 49 107 50 Total EUenses 8 600 7 806 9 090 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY ' Z. EQUIPMENT 3o Equipment -0- 9 -0- Grand Total 8 600 7 815y 9 090 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-1 � SUPERVISION ' Manager (5 Months ) 300 1 500 A-3. OPERATION 4 Life Guards (4 Months ) 130 2 080 2 Cashiers and Checkers (4 Months ) 130 1 040 Extra Help 770 Total Operation 3 890 A-4o MAINTENANCE 5 MONTHS 200 1 000 Total Salaries 6 390 CITY OF SAYTOWN, TEXAS ' S0„ ACCOUNT NO. 603 ' RECREATION ' SWIMMING POOL DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 Ao SALARIES to Supervision 1 350 1 350 1 500 ' 20 Clerk Hire 3 390 -0- -0- 3o Operation 905 3 446 3 890 4o Maintenance -0- 1 000 1 000 ' Total 5 645 5 796 6 390 ' Ba SUPPLIES to Office 39 91 50 4. Suits and Towels 42 42 100 7. Tools and Utensils -0- -0- -0- 8o Laundry and Janitoral 70 95 100 90 Chemicals 700 594 700 13o Other -0- -0- -0- Total 851 822 950 Co MAINTENAXE OF LAIC ' to Land -0- -0- -0- Do VAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1—.--Buildings 84 b2 500 4o Filteration Plant 520 134 -0- Total 604 196 500 E o MAINTENAINCE OF EQUIPMENT to Furniture and Fixtures -0- -0- -0- 2o Machinery -0- -0- 150 3o Instruments 75 -0- -0- Total 75 -0- 150 ' Fe MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES to Communication 44 92 50 t11. Light & Power �1 332 793 1 000 Total 1 376 885 1 050 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 603 RECREATION SWIMMING . POOL DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 Go SUNDRY CHARGES 8, Miscellaneous scellaneous Other 49 107 50 Total E�nses 8 600 7 806 9 090 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT ' 3. Equipment -0- 9 -0- ' Grand Total 8 600 7 815 9 090 ■ • • 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS '14 ACCOUNT JO, 01 52 ` ps MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 EXPENSES A. Salaries 6 604 11 893 11 94' Bo Supplies 740 779 765 Do Maintenance of Structures 69 723 100 E. Maintenance of Equipment 12 063 15 148 15 000 ' F. Miscellaneous Services 514 _ 614 550 Total EZpenses 19 990 29 157 28 362 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Structures to Building -0- -0- -0- Zo Equipment t20 Machinery -0- 1 -4- — -0- Total Capital Outlay -0- 1 450 -0- Grand Total 19 990 30 607 28 362 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-2 o CLERICAL Time Keeper @ $ 350.00 Month 2/3 Time)233 33 2 800 t CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS ' ACCOUNT NO. 701 S3o ' MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE S U M M A R Y PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL ■ MONTH ANNUAL A-3 o OPERATION 1 Chief Mechanic 2/3 of $ 320.00 Moo 213 33 2 559 96 1 First Class Mechanic 2/3 of ' $ 300.00 200 00 2 400 00 1 2nd Class Mechanic 2/3 of $ 285.00 190 00 2 280 00 1 Wash and Grease Man 2/3 of 1. 25 hr. 158 89 1 906 68 Total Operation 9 146 64 Total Salaries 11 946 64 i ' __ CITY OF BAYTOLYN, TEXAS ' ACCOUNT NO. 701 54° MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-d53 1953-54 1954-55 ® A. SALARIES 20 Clerical 2 400 2 800 2 800 3. Operation 4 204 9 093 9 147 Total 6 604 11 893 11 947 B. SUPPLIES L, Office 110 123 100 ✓ ' 20 Fuel 73 123 115 7. Minor Tools 457 487 500 13. Other 100 46 50 I Total 740 �79 765 D� MAINTENAICE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 69 `723 100 ' E o MAINTENAi�CE OF EQUIPMENT 2, Machinery 12 063 15 148 15 000 % ' F, MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1, Communication 224 240 250 ' 11. Light and Power 290 374 300 Total 514 614 550 Total Ex p nses 19 990 29 15`� e 28 362 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. STRUCTURES to Building -0- -0- -0- Zo EQUIPMENT 20 Machinery 0- 1 450 -0- -0- 1 450 -0- Grand Total 19 990 30 607 28 362 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NOa 702 55. ' V[ISCELLANEOUS ' I NS URAXE S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES ■ 3� INSURANCE 9 380 10 079 9 945 G� SUNDRY CHARGES 20 Bonds 303 361 365 8. Medical Care 552 238 450 Total Sundry_Charges 855 599 815 Grand Total 10 235 10 678 10�76 a 1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 5 56 ACCOUNT NO. 702 MISCELLANEOUS I NSURAXE DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Sao Automotive Equipment 3 940 5 083 4 500 3b, Building and Contents 3 375 2 598 3 100 3c . Group Life and Hospitalization 1 424 1 733 1 680 ado Firemen Benefit 305 305 300 3e. Burglary 161 162 165 3f. Swimming Pool 175 198 20.0 Total 9 380 10 079 9 945 Go SUNDRY CHARGES G-2, Bonds 303 361 365 G-8. Medical Care 552 238 450 w Total 855 599 815 Grand Total 10 235 10 678 10 760 �A ,1J I �f I� It Sn{� rll;l;l �tOIZ � � S S �I � � l� �33Z�tlt� ail � iI . i � ba I z 0ar , a IVflNNV I jl . ll Il +3 • I SW31 'NMOJAVi3 90 AMD CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATER DEPARTMENT 57 STATEMENT OF INCOME , EXPENSE & SURPLUS ADJUSTMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1954 ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 OPERATING REVENUES : SALES OF WATER- Metered Sales to General Customers 292 135 303 831 291 048 OTHER WATER REVENUE Servicing Customer Installations 9 803 11 085 9 000 Miscellaneous Other 567 94 -0- Total Operating Revenue 302 505 315 010 300 048 LESS. OPERATING REVENUE DEDUCTIONS - Operating Expenses 125 900 141 140 145 940 Capital Outlay 11 818 61 128 425 Total Operatinq Deductions 137 718 202 268 146 365 NON OPERATING DEDUCTIONS Bonds & Interest Obligation 49 132 --4�L359 ®48 569 Total Deductions 186 900 250 627 194 934 Net Income 115 605 64 383 105 114 APPROPRIATION OF Af\ ) ADJUSTMENTS TO OPERATING SURPLUS LESS- Contribution to General Fund 40 000 40 000 50 000 Transfer to Unappropriated Surplus 75 605 24 383 55 114 PLUS Unappropriated Surplus , Prior Years -0- 3 301 27 684 LESS AUDIT ADJUSTMENTS - To set up Reserve for Improvements 64 623 -0- -0- Britton Craven- 1952-53 Payments 3 033 -0- -0- Net Unappropriated Operating Surplus ? 949 27 684 82 798 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATER DEPARTMENT 58. SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1954 ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED NUMBER DIVISION 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 1001 Supply 30 045 34 325 27 755 1002 Transmission & Distri�- 63 146 118 655 68 660 bution ' 1003 Customer Accounting 34 150 39 022 39 476 and Collecting 1004 Stores 10 377 10 266 10 474 1005 Debt Service 49 182 48 359 48 569 Total 186 900 250 627 194 934 • P r -- CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 9 59. WATER DEPARTME Z SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER & OBJECT CLASSIFICATION FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 3_ 0-1954 ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 85 664 96 988 102 565 Be Supplies 7 286 7 572 8 050 Do Maintenance of Structures 3 534 2 516 3 500 Eo Maintenance of Equipment 10 616 13 167 12 200 Fo Miscellaneous Services 14 984 15 592 14 625 ■ Go Sundry Charges 52 998 53 664 53 569 TOTAL EXPENSE 175 082 189 499 194 509 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Structures 1 744 1 692 -0- Z. Equipment 10 074 59 436 425 Total Capital Outer 11 818 61 128 425 Grand Total 186 900 250 627 194 934 Transfer to General Fund 40 000 40 000 50 000 Transfer to Eaytouvn Impr Fund 138 462 -0- -0- � e Payments to Britton-Craven & FWA 3 033 _ -0- -0- 368 395 290 627 244 934 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' ACCOUNT NO. 1001 60 ' WATER DEPARTMENT SUPPLY S UTAJMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 ' EXPENSES ' A. Salaries and Wages 9 120 9 892 10 080 B. Supplies 112 94 150 ' D. Maintenance of Structures 3 534 1 274 1 500 ' E. Maintenance of Equipment 851 2 671 1 600 F. Miscellaneous Services 14 684 15 350 14 000 ' Total Expenses 28 301 29 281 27 330 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Structures 1 744 1 692 -0- ' Z. Equipment -0- 3 352 425 Grand Total 30 045 34 325 27 755 ' SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED`1954-55-55 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-L SUPERVISION Director of Public Works (% Time) 155 1 860 iA-3. OPERATION # 1 Pumper 350 4 200 ' 2 Pumper 335 4 020 Total Operation 8 220 Total Salaries 10 080 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS i 61, V ACCOUNT NO. 1001 WATER DEPARTMENT SUPPLY DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 195 2-53 195 3-54 1954-55 A. SALARIES AND WAGES to Supervision 1 800 1 860 1 860' 3. Operation 320 �8 032 8 220 Total 9 120 9 892 10 080 B SUPPLIES 2. Fuel 15 46 50 7. Minor Tools 44 19 50 / • 13, Other 53 29 50 � Total 112 94 150 Do MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 1 666 1 274 1 500 7o Supply �1 868 -0- -0- Total 3 534 1 274 1 500 Eo MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 850 2 663 1 500 2. Machinery 9. Water Mains 1 8 �100 Total 851 2 671 1 600 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 7. Rents 10 27 -0- i 11. Light and Power 14 674 15 323 14 000 Total 14 684 15 350 14 000 Total Expense 28 301 29 281 27 330 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 620 ' ACCOUNT NO, 1001 ' WATER DEPARTMENT SUPPLY a DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 CAPITAL OUTLAY X. Land m0- -Om -0- Y. Structures -0e -0- -0- l.Reservoir Cover 1 744 -0® _Om `,Standpipes & Reservoirs 1 692 -0- Z� Equipment 9,,Waterwell _0- 3 352 425 2,Machi nery -0- -0- To t a 1 744 5 044 425 Grand Total 30 045 34 32.5 27 755 h rCITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS AX,101jNT NO. 1002 WATER DEPARTMENT ' TRANSMISSION AiND DISTRIEUTIOi`y S tj MMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-5544 oi.,954-55_. a EXPENSES ' A� Salaries and Wages 49 015 50 774 Bo Supplies 2 054 2 453 =' 5to D,, Maintenance of Structures -0- 1 242 OOi) E � Maintenance of Equipment 7 358 8 053 - rFo Miscellaneous Sei ices 90 50 _ Total E3e2enses 58 517 62 572. 68 CAPITAL OUTLAY Zo Equipment 4 629 56 083 Grand Total 63 146 118 655 68 660 ' SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1954m55 ' RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL ' A-1 SUPERVISION Director of Public Works Time) 155 00 1 860 00 A-,3, MAINTENA Dr,F Foreman. 415 00 4 980 00 Meter Shop Foreman 300 00 3 600 00 \-Meter Shop Repairman @ 1fir. 258 35 3 100 24 "Pi efi tier @ 1 a 55-Hra 295 54 3 546 48 'Trouble Shooter @ 1055 Hr� 295 54 3 546 46 '13 Servicemen @ 1.055 Hr, 295 54 10 639 44 ■ 12 Servicemen @ I o 355 Hr. 258 35 6 200 .,i 42 Servicemen @ 1. 20 Hr. 228 80 5 49i 20 2 Laborers @ .1. 205 Hr. 229 74 5 51 ' 06 �' 2 Laborers A .1. 10 Hro 209 74 5 0:3i 60 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' ACCOUNT N0o 1002 WATER DEPARTMENT ' TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION .,, S U M M A R Y PROPOSED 1954-55 Overtime 2 4OO 00 Total Oyeration 54 050�00 ' Total Salaries 55 910 00 i r CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUiINT NO. 100 2 65 WATER DEPARTMENT TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 A, SALARIES AND WAGES 1, Supervision 1 800 1 860 1 860 20 Maintenance 47 215 48 914 54 050 Total 49 015 50 774 55 910 R� SUPPLIES ; 7. Minor Tools 926 1 020 1 000 9,, Chemicals 1 089 1 343 1 500 ( � 10o Mechanical -0- -0- -0- 13o Other 39 90 50 _ �h Total 2 054 2 453 2 550 D MAINTENANOE OF STRUCTURES ` fifl 7. Standpipes & Reservoirs -0- 1 242 2 000 Eo MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 500 -0- I.— Vehicles es -d- 9� Water Mains 5 `�64 5 021 5 000 10, Meters and Settings 1 495 2 150 2 650 0- 13. Service Connections -0- 14, Fire Hydrants 99 — 60 � :�00 ® � Total 7 358 8 053 �7 950 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6 Travel Expense 90 50 200 7. Rents-Easements -0- -0- 50 Total 90 50 250 tTotal Expenses 58 516 62 572 68 660 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z a EQUIPMENT 2� Machinery 867 -0- -0- 4, Motor Vehicles -d- -®- -®- , 9, Water Mains 3 762 49 918 -©- 100 Meters and Settings -0- 1 095 -0- 14, Fire hydrants -0- 5 0�d -0- Britton-Craven Water -0- -0- System ' Total Capital Outlay 4 629 56 083 -0- Grand Total 63 146 118 655 68 660 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 66, M ACCOUNT NO o 1003 ' WATER DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 EXPENSES A, Salaries and Wages 24 235 30 389 30 601 ' E� Supplies 2 874 2 687 3 000 _ E, Maintenance of Equipment 475 448 650 F� Miscellaneous Service 211 193 225 G. Sundry Charges 3 816 5 305 5 000 Total EZSenses 31 611 39 022 39 476 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2 539 ®Om -Om Z. Equipment - Grand Total 34 150 39 022 39 476 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A-1, SUPERVISION Director of Finance 50% of $ 495.00 Moo 247 50 2 970 A_2 o CLERICAL Clerk-Secretary 240 00 2 880 Clerk-Cashier 200 00 2 400 2 Clerk-Cashiers V2 Time 92 50 2 220 Total Clerical 7 500 A-_?A, OPERATION 200 Machine Operator 00 2 0 2 185 Machine Operator 85 00 2 20 'Tc.: :al Operation 4 620 :CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1003 671 WATER DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTIONZ S U M M A R Y PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH Ai\lf�AL A-2B. METER READERS I Meter Reader 00 3 300 2 Meter Reader s 80 5 971 Total Meter Readers 9 271 A-3. A(-'(-',OUNTING Controller 50,/'o of 470,,00 235 00 2 820 1 Bookkeeper 50% of 240.00 120 00 1 440 1 Machine Bookkeeper 50% of 230.00 115 00 1 380 Total Accounting 5 640 A-5o EXTRA HELP 600 Total Salaries 30 601 tCITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' ACCOUNT NO 1003 68 ' WATER DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING DETAI L ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 ' SALARIES AND WAGES L Supervision 2 798 2 970 2 970 ' 2, Clerical 6 716 7 389 7 500 2A, Operation 4 562 4 496 4 620 2E� Meter. Readers 5 965 g 283 9 271 3� A-.counting 4 046 5 537 5 640 5 Extra Help 148 714 600 Total 24 235 30 389 30 601 R SUPPLIES L Office 2 874 2 687 3 000 7a Minor Tools -0- -0- -0- Total 2 874 2 687 3 000 E, MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT to Office Machines 385 365 500 4. Motor Vehicles 90 83 150 Total 475 •448 650 F MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 206 193 200 ' 2. Hire of Equipment -0- -0- -0- 13o Other 5 -0- 25 tTotal 211 193 225 ' G. SUNDRY CHARGES 5. a Pension 3 816 5 :305 5 000 8. Other -0- -0- -0- Total EU eases 31 611 39 022 39 476 CAPITAL OUTLAY Z. EQUIPMENT ' 1. Furniture and Fixtures 2 539 �0- -0- ' Grand Total 34 150 39 022 39 476 10 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 7 ACCOU;il NO. 1004 69� WATER DEPARTMENT STORES S U 14 M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 3 294 5 932 5 974 6, Supplies 2 246 2 338 2 350 , Do Maintenance of Structures -0- -0- -0- Eo Maintenance of Equipment 1 931 1 996 2 000 F� Miscellaneous Services -0- -0- 150 Total Exe e� uses 7 471 10 266 10 474 CAPITAL OUTLAY vo Structures -0- -0- -0- L Zo Equipment 2 906 -0- -0- Total Capital Outlay 2 906 -0- -0- Grand Total i0 377 10 266 10 474 SALARIES AND WAGES PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL MONrH ANNUAL A-2 o CLERICAL Chief Clerk 1/3 of $ 350. 00 Month 116 67 1 400 04 i A.-3o OPERATION thief Mechanic 1/3 of $ 320. 00 Month 106 67 1 280 04 1 st Class Mechanic 1/3 of 300 00 Month 100 00 1 200 00 2nd Class I-Aechanic 1/3 of 285 00 Month 95 00 1 140 00 Wash & Grease Man 1/3 of 1. 25 hr. 79 45 953 40 Total Operation 4 573 44 Thal Salaries & Wages 5 973 48 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 70 ACCOUI4"I' INO. 1004 WATER DEPARTIViE NT STORES DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 A. SALARIES ACV WAGES 20 Clerical 1 200 1 400 1 400 3. Operation 2 094 4 532 4 574 Total 3 294 5 932 5 974 •: ' B, SUPPLIES to Office -0- -0-S 2 300-0- 2 199 2 33 6o Motor Vehicle -0- 7. Minor Tools -0- -0- 13o Other 47 -0- 50 Total 2 246 2 338 2 350 Do MAI NTENAICE OF STRUCTURES 1a Buildings -0- -0- -0- E, tVMAI��Ei4AI4CE OF EQUIP(VIENT 4. Motor Vehicles 1 931 1 996 2 000- F a MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES llo Light and Power -0- -0- 150 Go SUNDRY CHARGES 5. Pension 0- Om -®- Total Esepense. 7 471 10 266 10 474 CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. STRUCTURES la Building e0•- -0- -0- Za EQ rTPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles 2 906 -0- -©- Grand Total 10 377 10 266 10 474 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ?L ACCOUNT NO. 1005 WATER DEPARTMENT DEBT SERVICE ' ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952--53 1953-54 1954-55 Go SUNDRY GhARGES 2Ao Bona Requirements 30 000 30 000 31 000 2Bo Interest Requirements 18 931 18 159 17 369 2C, Fiscal Agent Fees 251 20C 200 ,� Total 49 182 48 359 48 569 L c. QNn3 I N 3 W 3 A 0 'I c3 113 3 tl �I I_vm_ I mom g V n N N �f I� SVX3.L 'NMOJ AVI3 d0 "10 -------CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 7 2,, TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT INCONE AZ EXPENSE STATEMENT FISCAL YEAR - 1954-55 ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 OPERATING REVENUE Par-king Meter Revenue 39 335 31 515 32 000 Less . �jatijjq_Lx Expense 12 226 16 457 19 317 Capital Outlay 1 908 1 496 -0- Net Transfer to Surplus 25 201 13 562 12 683 Transfers to General Fund 27 855 18 504 -0- Net Inci,ease or (Decrease) (4 942) 12 683 In Surplus 42 654 Surplus at 10-1-54 21 26,7 18 614 13 671 Surplus at 9-30-54 18 613 13 671 26 354 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 730 TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT FUND SUIVIMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 EXPENSES Ao Salaries and Wages 6 958 9 590 10 920 B� Supplies 2 444 2 818 4 085 Do Maintenance of Structures -0- 150 200 E, "Aaintenance of Equipment 1 101 1 467 1 778 F Mis2ellaneous Service 1 413 1 931 1 800 G Sundry Charges 310 501 534 To t a-I E KEfnses 12 226 16 457 19 317 CAPITAL OUTLAY V, Stru,2.tuies and Roadways 208 -o- -o- Z, Equipment 1 700 1 496 -0- Total_Capital 1 908 1 496 -0- Grand Total 14 134 17 953 19 317 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO� 2000 74 TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT PUBLIC SAFETY S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-5555_ EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 6 958 9 590 10 920 B. Supplies 2 444 2 818 4 085 Do Maintenance of Structures -0- 150 200 Eo Maintenance of Equipment 1 .101 1 467 1 778 Fo Miscellaneous Services 1 413 1 931 1 800 Go Sundry Charges 310 501 534 Total Expenses 12 226 16 457 19 317 " CAPITAL OUTLAY Yo Building, Structures & Roadways 8. Streets and Roadways 207 -0- -0- • Total 207 -0- -0- Z, EQUIcIdEN1 3. Instruments and -0- -0- Apparatus 4 . Motor Vehicle -0- -0- 11 , Signal System 1 701 1 496 Total 1 701 1 496 -0- Total Capital Outl2 �1 908 1 496 -0- Grand Total 14 134 17 953 19 317 SALARIES AND IMAGES PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL A. SUPERVISION 1, Meter Mari 300 3 600 3. Operation 300 3 600 A CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' 750 ACCOUNT PC,; 2000 TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT PUBLIC SAFETY S U M M A R Y PROPOSED 1954-55 RATE PER TOTAL MONTH ANNUAL 4. Maintenance @ 1. 355 Hr. 258 29 3 100 Longevity 120 Extra Help 500 ' Total Salaries 10 920 t r ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 76. ' ACCOUNT NO� 2000 TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT 1 PUBLIC SAFETY DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED A 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 ,* Aa SALARIES_A1\1) WAGES L Supervision 3 516 3 655 3 660 3. Operation 3 370 3 655 3 660 4do Maintenance -0- 2 205 3 100 5� Extra Help � 72 75m _ 500 j Total 6 958 9 590 10 920 ■ Bo SUP 292 500 314 to Office ' 4o Wearing Apparel -0- 289 1 300 00 " 6o Motor Vehicle 11 26 7. Minor Apparatus o0- -0- 1001 13o Other 2 119 2 211 2 000 Total 2 444 2 818 4 085 D. to Buildings -0- 150 200 " Ea MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3o Instruments and 205 234 250 Apparatus 528 4o Motor Vehicles 182 195 1 000 - 11a Signal Systems 714 1 038— -- Total 1 101 1 467 1 778 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1 _. 11� Light and Power 1 413 1 931 1 800 G o SUNDRY CHARGES 5. Pension 310 501 534 Total Expenses 12 226 16 457 19 317 CAPITAL OUTLAY Ye BUILDING AND STRLMURES AND _STREETS 8. Street and Roadways 207 -0- -0- Z. 'EQUIPMENT 3. Instruments and Apparatus-0- -0- -0- CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 77. ACCOUtN7 NO, 2000 R TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT PUBLIC SAFETY DETAIL ' ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 ' 4e Motor Vehicles -0- -0- -0- 11, Signal Systems 1 701 1 496 -0- Total 1 908 1 496 -0- Grand Total 14 134 17 953 19 317 ■ r t 1 1 e_ r_ w.. E r YR. n0I L03 S 3 IA 'd E V d .L3JQfl � 7 'VnN T' tf E E 0... M. Yam_ SVX21 'NMOlAVG AO Allo CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 78� D E B T S E R V I C E A L L B O N D S ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED ' 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 REVENUE ' General Property Taxes Current Year Levy 69 203 67 621 60 640 Prior Year Levy 3 842 3 136 1 524 Penalties & Interest 1 012 775 254 . Total Taxes 74 057 71 532 62 418 Transfer from other Government 49 182 48 359 48 569 Owned Funds Total Revenue 123 239 119 891 110 987 REQUIREMENTS - G. Sundry Charges 2-A Series Bond Maturities 69 000 72 000 73 000 ' 2-B Interest Payments 46 590 44 303 42 013 2-C Exchange 377 198 460 Total Requirements 115 967 116 501 115 473 Net Transfer to Surplus (Deficit) 7 272 3 390 (4 486) Surplus at October 10 �14 061 21 333 24 723 Surplus at 9-30-54 21 333 24 723 20 237 r CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 79 D E B T S E R V I C E G E N E R A L O B L I G A T 1 0 N B O ND S A (Including Tape-Supported Water Works Bonds ) ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 RESOURCES DUE FROM GENERAL FUZZ GEi\ERAL PROPERTY TAXES Current Year. Levy 69 203 67 621 60 640 Prior Year Levy 3 842 3 136 1 524 Penalty and Interest 1 012 775 254 » Total Taxes 74 057 71 532 62 418 DEDUCT.- REQUIREMENTS G� SUNDRY CHARGES 2-A. Serial i3orzt )9 000 42 000 42 000 Maturities 2-B, Interest Payment. ' 659 26 144 24 644 2-C. Exc-hange Cost, 12.6 116 260 Total 66 185 68 260 66 904 Net Transfer to Surplus \Defi it ) 7 2-72 3 272 (4 486 Surplus , Oct: 1 3 1126 11 158 14 430 Total Surplus September 30-54 11 158 14 430 9 944 i i CITY OF BAYT0WN. TEXAS 800 D E B T S E R V I C E M _A T E R W O R K S �R E V E N U E B O N D S ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 RESOURCES TRA NS FER FROM OTHER GOVERNMENT OWNED FUNS Transfer from Water Operating Fund 49 182 48 359 48 569 DEDUCT. , REQUIREMENTS G o SUNDRY CHARGES 2-Aa Serial Bond Maturities 30 000 30 000 31 000 2_B. Interest Payments 18 931 18 159 17 369 2_Co Exchange 251 82 22 0 Total 49 182 48 241 48 569 Net Transfer to Surplus -04� 118 1=0® Surplus at 10-1-54 10 175 10 175 10 293 Surplus at 9-30-54 10 175 10 293 10 293 44 Jr --CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 81'0 S T AT E M E NT OF BON D E D I ND E 6T E D NE S S G E N E R A L O B L I G A T I O N E 0 N D S OCTOBER 19 1954 Interest Date of Description Rate Issue City of Pell: a Refunding "E"° Sera e s 4 1/2 % 4-10-35 5% City Hall Refunding 5% 7-1-35 Street Improvement Refunding 6% 11-10-38 i Street Improvement 3 3/4% 12-1-45 City of Goose Creek: Sewer Improvement 5 1/ 10-10-27 Street Improvement ZY0 9-1-45 2 1/4% 2 1/2% Refunding Series - 1945 3% 9-1-45 City of Baytown o s a.sis� Park Improvement 2 1/2% 2-1-48 Series 1948 2 3/4% -CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 820 STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS G E N E R A L 0 8 L I G A T 1 0 N B 0 N D S OCTOBER I.L 1954 Term Maturity Original Amount Years Date Issue Outstanding 38 4-10-73 36 500 22 500 36 7-1-71 33 000 19 500 21 11-10-59 14 000 6 500 25 4-1-70 75 000 72 000 40 10-10-67 45 000 20 000 22 3-1-67 55 000 12 000 70 000 70 000 146 000 146 000 19 3-1-63 50 000 50 000 22 8-1-70 130 000 102 000 OF CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 83. F S T A T E M E N T O F 0 N D E D I N D E 6 T E D N E S S W A, T F R W 0 R K S B O N D S CCTORER 19 1954 Interest Date of Descriltion Rate Issue City_of Pelly- Waterworks Refunding 5% 4-10-35 Waterworks and Sewer 32b 12-1-45 System Revenue 3 1/2% Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue - Second Installment 3 1/2% 12-1-45 City of Goose Creek- Waterworks 5 1/46 10-10-27 Waterworks and Sewer System 2 1/2% 3-1-52 2 3/4% 3-1-52 Waterworks and Sewer System 2 1/2% 8-1-45 Revenue Series ## 1 2 3/4% Waterworks and Sewer System 2 1/2% 8-1-45 Revenue Series ## 2 2 3/4% Water District # ` -- Series - 1945 2 1/4% 3-1-45 3% Series - 1945-A, 2% 9-1-45 2 3/4% Series - 1946 2 1/4% 12-1-46 3 1/4% 2 1/2% Water District ## 2- Imp�-olrements 4 1/2% 2-1-41 Water District ## 10- Water System 4 1/2% 4-10-43 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 84 , S T A T E M E N T 0 F 6 0 N D E D I N D E 3 T E D N E S S W A T E R W 0 R K S 6 0 N D S OCTOi3ER 1, 1954 Term Maturity Original Amount Years Date Issue Outstanding 38 4-10-73 63 000 38 000 24 12-1-69 35 000 12 000 115 000 115 000 25 12-1-70 85 000 64 000 40 10-10-67 115 000 67 000 12 3-1-64 60 000 50 000 16 3-1-68 21 000 21 000 19 8-1-64 52 000 8 000 77 000 77 000 19 8-1-64 45 000 11 000 55 000 49 000 30 3-1-45 25 000 4 000 113 000 113 000 30 9-1-75 20 000 a 000 38 000 38 000 29 12-1-75 30 000 12 000 24 000 24 000 36 000 36 000 11) 10-1-60 45 000 19 000 13 4-10-56 12 000 2 000 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 85 :, D E B T S E R V I C E SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Ou vstanding Fiscal Beginning Principal Interest Total Year of Year Requirements Requirements Requirement 1954-55 520 500 27 000 16 391 43 391 " 1955-56 483 500 29 000 15 585 44 585 1956-57 464 500 30 000 14 704 44 704 1957-58 434 500 31 000 13 775 44 775 " 1958-59 403 500 32 000 12 795 44 795 1959-60 371 500 35 500 11 774 47 274 1960-61 336 000 36 000 10 665 46 665 1961-62 300 000 37 000 9 518 46 518 1962-63 263 000 37 000 8 345 45 345 1963-64 226 000 40 000 7 145 47 145 ' 1964-65 186 000 41 000 5 878 46 878 1965-66 145 000 42 000 4 585 46 585 1966-67 103 000 43 000 3 280 46 280 1967-68 60 000 18 000 2 238 20 238 1968-69 42 000 18 000 1 545 19 545 1969-70 24 000 18 000 853 18 853 1970-71 6 000 3 000 300 3 300 1971-72 3 000 1 500 150 1 650 " 1972-73 1 500 1 500 �.75 520 --00 139 601 660 101 i i CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS a C, D E B T S E R V I C E SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS WATERWORKS TAX-SUPPORTED BONDS Outstanding Interest Total Fiscal beginning Principal A Requirements Re�rem ents Re�cuirem _ents Year of Year 15 000 8 252 23 252 1954-55 200 000 15 000 7 628 22 628 1955-56 185 000 14 000 7 002 21 002 1956-57 170 000 14 000 6 423 20 423 1957-58 156 000 15 000 5 815 20 815 1958-�59 142 000 15 000 5 180 20 180 1959-60 127 000 16 000 4 523 20 523 1960-61 112 000 12 000 3 932 15 932 1961-62 96 000 12 000 3 433 15 433 1962-63 84 000 12 000 2 932 14 932 1963-64 72 000 13 000 2 399 15 399 1964-65 60 000 13 000 1 831 14 831 1965-66 47 000 13 000 1 264 14 264 1966-67 34 000 11 000 765 11 765 1967-68 21 000 500 2 500 2 000 196.8®69 10 000 2 000 400 2 400 1969-70 8 000 2 000 300 2 300 1970-71 6 000 2 000 200 2 200 1971-72 4 000 100 2 100 2 000 1972-73 2 000 ------- 62 879 262 879 200 000 i CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 3 1 87 o D E B T S E R V I C E SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS WATERWORKS REVENUE BONDS Outstanding Fiscal Beginning Principal Interest Total Year of Year Requirements Requirements Requirements 1954-55 571 000 31 000 17 369 48 369 1955-56 540 000 31 000 16 546 47 546 1956--57 509 000 32 000 15 662 47 662 1957-58 477 000 33 000 14 719 47 719 1958-59 444 000 35 000 13 714 48 714 1959-60 409 000 35 000 12 649 47 649 1960-61 374 000 35 000 11 584 46 584 1961-62 339 000 36 000 10 502 46 502 1962-63 303 000 36 000 9 402 45 402 1963--64 267 000 37 000 8 302 45 302 1964-65 230 000 22 000 7 157 29 157 1965-66 208 000 23 000 6 419 29 419 1966-67 185 000 24 000 5 645 29 645 ' 196?-:68 161 000 24 000 4 850 28 850 1968-69 13 ; 000 25 000 4 038 29 038 1969-70 112 000 25 000 3 208 28 208 ' 1970-71 87 000 26 000 2 363 28 363 1971-72 61 000 13 000 1 733 14 733 1972-73 48 000 14 000 1 293 15 293 ' 1973674 34 000 14 000 875 14 875 1974-75 20 000 15 000 450 15 450 1975-76 5 000 5 000. . 88 5 088 ' 571 000 1.68 568 739 568 t. ill 1111, era. s n 9 NT V 7 7 9 0 s I w IA I H V d .L30Qf19 'IvnNNV a. �IAjI �C I svx3 6 'NMOJ AVH 30 Allo III" w CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 4 ' APPROPRIATION ORDI NAWE AN ORDI NIAXE JIDOPTI NG A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1 , 1954 AND ENDING S EPTEMBER 309 1955, IN ACCORDAILE WITH T14E CHARTER AND ORDINATES OF THE CITE' OF w BAYTOWN- AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDI NAIVE o a WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Baytown has submitted to the City Council a budget estimate of the revenues of said City and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October, 1, 1954, and ending the SOth day of September 1955, and which said estimate has been compiled from tdetailed information obtained fiom the several departments, divi- si -r, and offices of the City, containing all the information as , required by the Charter of the City of Baytown; and WHEREAS , the City Council has received said City Manager98 estimate and held a public hearing thereon as provided by Section 44 of the Charter; and WHEREAS , FURTHER, after a full and final consideration of the public hearing, it is the opinion of the council that the budget as >� fired should be approved and. adopted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COIJN:;.IL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWNo SECAION to That the budget estimate of the revenues of the City of Baytown and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 1954, and ending September 30, 1955, as submitted to the City Council by the City Manager of said city, be, and the same is , in all things adopted and approved as the budget estimate of all of the current expenses ' as well as the freed charges a�.ainst said city for the fiscal year, CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 89. 19154 aid ending the 30-th day of beginning the lst day of Octo�-er-, September, 19550 • SECTIOi"J 2. That the sum of Seven Hundred Twenty-Seven Thou- sand Seven hundred Forty Dollars ($ 727,740�00 ) is hereby appropriat- ed out of the general fund for tl'ie payment of operating expenses and c-apital outlay of the city government as hereinafter itemized, to-wit,., General Government $ 245,453�00 Public Safety 155,75M0 Highways 137, 113�00 Sanitation & Waste Removal 118,039.00 Conservation of Health 13, 130a00 Recreation 19, 130= Miscellaneous 29122o00 TOTAL 727, 740.00 SECTION 3. That the sum of One Hundred Forty-Six Thousand Three hundred Sixty-Five Dollars ($ 146,365.00 is hereby appropriated out of the water works for the operating expenses and capital outlay of the municipally owned water works as hereinafter itemized, to-wits Supply $ 27 ,755 Oct Transmission and Distribution 68,660000 Customer's Accounting & Collecting 39 9 476,,00 Stores _10J 4 74.00 TOTAL 146,365000 SECTION 4-. That the sum of Sixty-Six Thousand Nine Hundred Four Dollars ($ 66, 904�00 ) is hereby appropriated out of the general debt servi,:e fund for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming the serial bonds as they mature, on the general debt service bonds as hereinafter itemized, to-wit-. Serial Bond Maturities $ 42,000.00 Interest Payments 24,644.00 Exchange 260.00 TOTAL 66, 904.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS -- 1 90, SECTION 5o That the sum of Forty-Eight Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-Nine Dollars ($_18,569000 ) is hereby appropriated out of the water works debt service fund for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming the serial bonds as they mature, on the water works debt service bonds as hereinafter itemized, to-wit, Serial Bond Maturities $ 31,000.00 Interest Payments 179369.00 ® Exchange 200.00 TOTAL $ 489569.00 SECTION 6o That the sum of Nineteen Thousand Three Hundred tSeventeen Dollars (,$ 19, 317„00) is hereby appropriated out of the traffic improvement fund for the operating expenses and capital outlay for traffic control and improvement as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: Salaries & Wages $ 10, 920.00 Supplies 4,085.00 Maintenance of Equipment 1 , 978.00 A Miscellaneous Services 19800,00 y Pensions 534000 TOTAL $ 19, 317.00 SECTION This ordinance shall be and remain in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval of the City Council , and ' it shall be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in the City of Baytown, READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by at least a majority of the City Council at a regular meeting held at the City Hall in the City of Baytown „ on the 9th day of September, A. Do , 1954. /s/ Re Ho Pruett H. Pruett , Mayor ATTEST. /s/ Edna Oliver Edna Oliver, 11"ty Clerk - CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 91 _ ORDINANCE NO, 157 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE TAX RATE AND TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 19559 UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, IN CONFORMITY WITH THE LAWS OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER PROVISIONS AND THE ORDINAXES OF SAID CITY- AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COt.;\rI L OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN-, SECTION 1-. That there shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected for the year ending September 30, 1955 , ■ an ad valorem tax of One Dollar and Seventy-Two Cents (1, 72) on each One Hundred Dollars ($100) worth of property located within the present city limits of the Ci-�y of Baytown, made tastable by law, which said taxes when collected shall be apportioned among the funds and departments of city government �)f the City of Baytown and for ' the purposed hereinafter set forth as follows , to-wit-. ' For the General Fund $ 1.52 For the purpose of paying the accruing interest ar,d to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the bonded indebtedness of the City of Baytown � 20 ' SECTION 2: The ad valorem tale rate of One Dollar and Seventy- Two Cents ($1a72) , as set forth in Section 1, above, is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected on only Fifty (50%) Per Cent of each One Hundred ($100 ) Dollars worth of property located within Baytown as valued by the Equalization Board for the City of Baytown, and made taxable by law, SECTION 3-. The City Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Baytown is hereby directed ,) assess , extend and enter upon the ■ tax rolls of the City of Baytown, Texas , for the current taxable CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 92 year, the amounts and rates herein levied, and to keep a correct account of same, and when so collected, the same to be deposited in the depository of the City of Baytown, to be distributed in accord- ance with this ordinance. SECTION 4o All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are expressly repealed tREAD, ADOPTED, and APPROVED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas , at a regular meeting held at the City Hall on the loth day of September, ' A� D. 19540 /s/ R. Ho Pruett Ro H. Pruett, Mayor ATTEST- /s/_Edna Oliver EdnTOliver, City Clerk CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 93 CLASSIFICATION OF EXPEiVITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT EXPEN')F�,� These comprise all items of expenditure, necessarily incurred for current ad-ministration, operation and maintenan,�e -- and for materials and equipment in the nature of renewals or replacements which do not add to the capital assets of the -city. Ao Salaries and Wages B� Supplies Co Material or contract for maintenance of land De Material for contract for maintenance of buildings, improvements and structures Eo Material (or contract ) for maintenance of equipment F. Miscellaneous Services Go Sundry Charges CAPITAL OUTLAY- Comprises expenditures of every character which increase the capital a,--)6et8 of the city, X� Lands Y, Buildings and Structures Z. Equipment E X P E N S E S A. SALARIES AND WAGES A-1 Supervisory, To include legislative, executive and administrative A-2 Clerk Hire, Clerical services or service of that nature V A-3 Labor operation.- To include professional and technical service A-4 Labor Maintenance.- Services performed in repairing and maintaining a standard of-. Co Lands D. Buildings , improvements and structures E. Equipment A-5 Extra Help B� SUPPLIES B- 1 Office supplies - To in lode all supplies necessary for use in the operation of cffice, such as I c e Postage Printing . To include printing of budget, circular letters , reports and specification Publications - To include blue prints , catalogues , charts , magazines, maps , newspapers , etc. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 94. -s Stationery- To include pencils, rubber stamps, ink pads , paper, paste, pens, binders, blank books, clips, desk pads, ink, envelopes , erasers, filing cabinet supplies , labels, manuscript supplies, tracing cloth, etc, B-2 Fuel supplies- To include coal, gas , oil, wood, etc. B-3 Food supplies- To include all articles of food for human beings B-4 Wearing apparel, dry good and notions . To include such articles as aprons, badges, belts, blankets, boots, canvas cloth, cotton goods, curtains, dress findings, hats, linens, oil cloth, pillow cases, shoes , sheets , slickers, thread, towels , uniforms, etc. B-b Forage, barn and shoeing° Barns To include brushes, curry combs , disinfectants, sand, sawdust , shavings, sponges, straw, etc. Forage- To include all articles of food for animals. Shoeing, To include all most of material and labor for shoeing animals. B-6 Motor vehicle supplies - To include gasoline, grease, lub recating oil and small accessories, B-7 Minor apparatus, instruments, tools and utensils , which are liable to loss, theft and rapid depreciationo Minor apparatus . To include that used in cleaning, engineer- ing, hospital, laboratory and medical, such as alcohol lamps , balances , blow pipes, burners, filters , lanterns , measures, tubing, etc,, Minor instruments. To include calipers , compasses drafting instruments, gauges, lenses , measuring chains, pincers, sterlizers , thermometers, etc. Minor tools . To include augers, axes , bits, braces, crow- bars , engineers stakes, fire hose, handcuffs, .hacks, punches, reamers, shears, wrenches , and artic-les of similar nature, ' Minor utensils . To include barrels, baskets , brooms, brushes , cans , chamois skims , cups , cuspidors , dishes , electrical gloves , glassware, enamelware, knives, lamps , mats and ' articles of like nature. B-8 Laundry, cleaning and toilet. To include cleansing prepara- tions , deodorants, disinfectants, floor oils , scouring ' powders , soap, wax, etc. B-9 Chemical, medical and surgical. To include alcohol, alum, antitoxins , bandages, chlorine, gauze, lime, medicines, vaccine, etc. B- 10 Mechanical supplies. To include fuel oil , lubricating oil, grease, packing, waste, etc. B- 11 Educational and iecreatiunal supplies . To include all articles of transiet use, as baseballs , lime for marking tennis courts,rent on moving picture films , tennis balls , etc B- 12 Botanical and agricultural supplies . To include bulbs, dis- infectants , fertilizers , seeds, trees, young plants , etc . , used for parks and public grounds i B- 13 Other supplies . This is to include supplies that have not been allocated. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 95, ' C-D-E MATERIALS; Materials are commodities of a permanent nature in a raw, unfinished, or finished state; entering into the construction, renewa:i , replacement or repair of any land, building, structure, ■ or equipment. Co Material (or contract ) for maintenance of land, All expendi- tures (material or contract ) covering land maintenance, such as regrading, drains , repairing, etc. ' Do Material (or contract) for maintenance of buildings, structures, and improvements . All expenditures ( material or contract ) C-overing repairs and replacements of-, D-1 Buildings D-2 Bridges D-3 Filtration Plants D-4 Sanitary Sewers D- 5 Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters, and culverts ■ D-6 Storm sewers D-7 Standpipes and reservoirs D-8 Streets, roadways, and highvways D-9 Incinerator and dumping grounds D-10 Other E. Maintenance of equipment- All expenditures ( material or contract) covering repairs and replacements of-. ■� E-1 Furniture, fixtures and furnishin s, E-2 Machinery, tools , and implements major) E-3 Instruments and apparatus (major) . Includes fire apparatus, E-4 Motor Vehicles.- Includes tire and tubes E-5 Other vehicles E-6 Harness E-? Livestock E-8 Books (includes purchase of new books for library) E-9 Waterworks mains E-10 Meters and settings E-11 Signal Systems ' E-12 Heating systems E-13 Service connections E-14 Fire Hydrants ' E-15 Other F o 1VU SCE LLAI EOUS SERVICES ' Miscellaneous services are activities performed by other than municipal departments, under expressed or implied ' agreement involving personal services plus the use of equipment or the furnishing of commodities. ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' 6 7 ' F-1 Communication. To include messenger service, tele- graph and telephone. ' F-2 Dire of equipment° To include compensation for use of equip viz. hire of teams , with or without drivers, also allowance to employees for use of private oars. F-3 Insurance. To include premiums on all kinds of insurance on property and equipment, also lia- bility insurance and surety bonds. F-4 Special services. To include compensation for personal services such as special investigations and surveys, inspecting materials , audits, special legal services, etc. F-5 Advertising, legal and otherwise ■ F-6 Traveling expenses-. To include expense of pub li officers and employees incurred in regular per- formance of their duties for transportation by ' public carriers, etc. F-7 Rents F-8 Music F-9 Support of persons (prisoners ) F-10 Transportation (other than employees ) F-11 Light and power F-12 Freight, express and drayage yunallocated ) G, SUIJDRY CHARGES. ' Sundry charges include those expenses legally or morally obligatory upon the city as a public corporation. ' G-1 Contributions, gratuities and rewards ° To include charitable institutions, hospitals and other ' organizations; compensation to prisoners, prizes , entertainment, floral offerings, etc. G-2 Debt service. To include the payment of principal and interest of funded and unfunded debt. G-3 Refunds G-4 Judgements and damages G-5 Pensions G-6 Taxes G-y Court costs, jury and witness fees .� G-8 Other. C A P I T A L O U T L A Y X o LANDS. X-1 Purchase priced To include all expenditures for land as abstracts, assessments , cost of apprais- ing, recording of deeds, surveys, etc . X-2 Betterments. To -include all expenditures (includ- ing payrolls ) , covering original cost of draining, --CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 9_7 engineering and inspection, first sodding, grading, planting and term-acing. Y. BUILDII GS AND STRLCTURES ,. All expenditures, including payrolls for new or additions to Y-1 Buildings Y-2 Bridges Y-3 Filtration plants Y-4 Sanitary a�wers Y-5 Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters , and culverts Y-6 Storm sewers Y-7 Standpipes and reservoirs Y-8 Streets, roadways and highways Y-9 Incinerator Y- 10 Other Z. EQUIPMENT. All expenditures to cover original cost of equipment (not replacements which increases the value of the fixed assets of the city. Z- 1 Furniture, fixtures and furnishings Z-2 Machinery, tools and implements-, (major) Z-3 Instruments and apparatus (major); this includes all fire apparatus Z-4 Motor Vehicles Z-5 Other vehicles Z-6 Harness Z-7 Livestock Z-8 Books (does not include purchase of books for library) Z-9 Waterworks mains Z-10 Meters and settings Z-11 Signal systems Z-12 Heating systems Z-13 Service connections Z-14 Fire hydrants Z-15 Other