Ordinance No. 15,244 (Second Reading) ?44 OF D1NANCE NO. 1. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS, MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF CERTAIN BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AND THE ANNEXATION OF APPROXIMATELY 53.67 ACRES OF LAND,LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF N. STATE HIGHWAY 146 AND FM 1405,ADDRESSED AS 5814 N. STATE HIGHWAY 146, AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS TRACTS 1 AND 2 IN THE CHRISTIAN SMITH LEAGUE, ABSTRACT 22, CHAMBERS COUNTY,TEXAS,WHICH SAID TERRITORY LIES ADJACENT TO AND ADJOINS THE PRESENT BOUNDARY LIMITS FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS. WHEREAS, there being no request for an "on-site" hearing, two public hearings before the City Council of the City of Baytown,Texas, where all interested persons were provided with an opportunity to be heard on the proposed annexation of the property described in Section 2 of this ordinance, were held during the City Council meetings on the 13"' day of October, 2022, and the 27t' day of October, 2022, in the City Council Chamber of City Hall of the City of Baytown,Texas; and WHEREAS,notices of the first and second public hearings were published in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Baytown,Texas, and in the below-described territories on September 12, 2022, and October 7, 2022; and WHEREAS, notice of the first and second public hearings were posted on the City of Baytown's website on the 25"'day of August,2022; and WHEREAS, notice of the first and second public hearings were posted on the City of Baytown's notice board on September 12,2022,and October 7, 2022; and WHEREAS,each notice posted on the City of Baytown's notice board and website remained posted until the date of the hearing referenced in the notice; and WHEREAS,the total corporate area of the City of Baytown,Texas,on the 1 S'day of January,2022, was 44.64 square miles; and WHEREAS, the population of the City of Baytown, Texas, is approximately 83,701 inhabitants; and WHEREAS, the below-described property lies within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Baytown, Texas; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Baytown finds that completely surrounding such area is in the public interest;NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1: That all matters and facts set forth in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and such recitals are hereby approved and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes and are adopted as a part of the judgment and findings by the City Council of the City of Baytown,Texas. Section 2: That the following described land and territories lying adjacent to and adjoining the City of Baytown are hereby added and annexed to the City of Baytown, Texas, and shall hereinafter be included within the boundary limits of the City of Baytown, Texas, and present boundary limits of such City, at the various points contiguous to the areas hereinafter described, are altered and amended so as to ,;:..:...., include said areas within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown,Texas,to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT "A" Section 3: The above-described territories and the areas so annexed shall be a part of the City of Baytown,Texas,and the property so added hereby shall bear its pro rata share of the taxes levied by the City of Baytown,Texas,and the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of all the citizens of the City of Baytown and shall be bound by the acts,ordinances,resolutions, and regulations of the City of Baytown,Texas. Section 4: In accordance with Texas Local Government Code Annotated§43.056,as amended, the service plan prepared by the City for providing municipal services to the annexed areas is hereby approved and is attached hereto as Exhibit "B," and is incorporated herein by this reference for all intents and purposes. Section 5: This ordinance shall be published and passed in the manner provided in Article 1, Section 9,of the Charter of the City of Baytown,Texas. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote f the City cil of the City of Baytown this the 27"day of October,2022. DON CAPETILLO, Mlyor YT f I. n ANGELA ,SON, City Clerk .' ? APPROVED ASt SCOTT LEMOND City Attorney INTRODUCED,READ and PASSED on the SEC D FINAL READIN this the-22td-day of NEwo iber-, -242-2. — Qp k e_lt5-$- , M D i ND' TeJn v ANGEL AC SQN, �rprk \ � Aau APPROVED AS TO f SCOTT LE D,City Attorney RAKaren Anderson\ORDINANCES\2022\2022.10.27\Annexationof53.67Acres.docx 2 Exhibit "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION TRACT 1 49.8676 ACRES A TRACT OR PARCEL CONTAININ(31 49.8676 ACRES (211721.V233 SQLJARE FEET) OF LAND SITUATED "k IN T"E CliRISTIAN SMI'll-I LEA(JIJE, ABSTRACT NO. 22., CHAMBERS COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING THE COMBINATION OF A CALLED 32.93 ACRE`TRACT CONVEYED FROM DAVID KADJAR. TRUS'I*`EE,TO D. C. BRANTLEY, TRUSTEE DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 969, PAGE 615 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMBERS COUNTY, A CALLED 9.74 ACRE TRACT CONVEYED FROM DAVID KADJAR, TRLJSTEE, T0 D. C. BRANTLEY, TRUSTEE DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 926, PAGE 428 OF TrIE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMBERS COUN"I"Y, AND A 7.2023 ACRE TRACT CONVEYF.'D FROM OSWALDO MORALE.' TO 1). C. BRAN'ru-y. TRUSTEE, DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1155, PAGE 380 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS 014'(HALM BERS COUNTY,SAID 49.8676 ACRES BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METFS AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS. THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASSFD ON 'I'liE, TEXAS STATE T>I__,ANE. COORI)INATE SYSTEM, SOUTH Cl'..NTRAI, ZONE, NAD 83: BEGINNING ATA /2 INCI­]CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND IN THE NORTH RIGIAT OF WAY LINE 01-' FARM 'TO MARKET' ROAD 1405 (120 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY) FOR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE WEST' T' ' 521, PAGE 648 OF THE OFFICI TEXAS DRUM CO. 18.1340 ACRE 'TRACT DESCRIBED IN VOLUME At, PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMBERS COUNTY, THE SOlJTIJEASTC0RNf,_-',R OF SAID D. C. RRANTIffl TRUSTEE. CALLED 32-93 ACRE TRACT'AND THE 1--11--'REIN DESCRIB11D TRACT: "f'1lFNCFNORTl4 86 DEGRF-ES 01 MINUTES 37 SFCONDS WEST, ALONG 'I'f IE NORTI-I RIGHT OF WAY I-INF',OF SAID F. M. 1405 AND T-HE SOUTH LINE OF SAID D. C. BRANTLEY, TR[JSTEE, CALLED-32.9-3 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 1814.02 F F'ETTO 5/8 INCII CAPPED IRON ROD SET AT CUTBACK CORNER AT THE INTERSECTION OF SAID F. M. 1405 AND THE EAST RIGHT WAY LINE 01` STA q I "IGHWAY 146(120 FOOT RIGHT'OF WAY)FOR SO1.)THERLY SOLITHWI-'ST CORNER OF SAID D. `RlJSTFE, CALLED E TRAC'I­AND THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRA('T,- C. BRAN'I-'[,I--.Y I 32.93 ACRE, I I,.:. THENCE, NORTI-I 36 DEGREES 46 MINUTFS 26 SEC'ONDS WEST. AlONG SAID C.Ul'BACK CORNER, A DISTANCE OF 229.4014 EET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND IN THE EAST LINE OF SAID STATE IJIGHWAY 146 FOR ]-'HE NORTHERLY E`ND OF SAID CUTBACK CORNER, BEING THE WES'1'1-'.Rl-.,Y SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID D. C. BRANTLEY.TRUSTEE,CAI,I-.ED 32.93 ACIRE TRACT, AND TV-11', HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE NOR,rH 05 DEGREES 30 MINLJTE�S 51 SECONDS EAST., ALONG THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY HNE OF SAID STATE HIGHWAY 146, AND 'THE WES'I-* LINE 01' SAID D. C. BRANTLEY I'RUSTEF, -IE COMMON WESTCORNJ`("ALLED 32.93 ACRE TRACT, PASS AT '2.2-9.2.8 FEETTI IR OF SAID D. C. BRANTLF'Y.,TRUSTEE,CALLED 32.93 ACRE:'TRACTAND SAID D. C. BRANTLEY, TRUSTEE,CALLED 9.74 ACRE TRACT. IN AIJ, A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 388.25 FEET TO A 5/8 INCH CAPPED IRON ROD SET FOR "THE SOLITHwu:.s,r CORNER OF SAID D. C. BRANT LEY,TR IJ STEE, 7.202.3 ACRE TRACT. FOR THE NORTFIWEST CORNER OF SAID D. C. BRANTLEY, TRUSTEE, CALLED 9.74 ACRE TRA("T, AND AN ANCILE POINT OE THE,UEREIN DESC"RIBED TRACT; THENCE NORTH 05 DEGREES 49 MINUTES 42 SECONDS EAST, CONTINUING ALONG" 'THE EAST RIGHT0I_.*WAY LINE OF SAID STATE HIGIJWAY 146,ANDTHE WESTLINEOF SAID D.C.BRANTLEY, TRUSTEE,7.2023 ACRE TRACT,A DISTANCE OF 151.58 FEET TO A 1/2 1-NCII CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND FOR THE SOUTFIWES]" CORNER OF TI-111 ANDAL SAW USA LIX., CALLED 57.7885 AC'Rl.'*' TRACT, nn 1 �►� SS9I 110 3NOW`QNIV'I 30 SMOV 9L98'6t,JNIMV.LNOD (INV `JNI 930 30 .LNIOd 9HL Ol 1933 tZ'ZZtli 30 3DNV.LSIQ 'IV.LOL V TIV M `1.DVdL 92oV Ot,£1'81 `'OD Wn1IQ SVX3I. .LS9M QIVS QNV .LDVHL 31IDV 0000'01 `'OD Wn1IQ SVX3.L ,LS3M QIVS 30 H3NWO3.LS3M NOWWOD 9HL 1.393 S 1'9 19 IV SSVd`,LDVH L MOV £6'Z£Q3'I'IVD`33.LSn)I.L `A3rI.LNV218 '0 'Q QIVS QNV `.LDV11.L 311DV 17L'6 (I3TIVD `33.LSn2IL `A3'I.LNVIIB 'n *Cl QIVS 30 1I3N'dOD,LSV3 NOWWOD 3H.L.L333 61'9££.LV SSVd`.LJV'dL 3113V 0000'0I '*00 WING SVX3.L LS3M QIVS dO 9NI I LS3M ML JNO'IV `.LS3M SQNOD3S t,Z S3.I.nNIW St, S99NO90 61 H.LnOS 3DN'3 a `•.LDV1I.L Q39rdDS3Q M S3H 3H.L QNV `.LDVH L 9NDV tL'6 Q3'llVO`93ISn1I.L A3'LLNV)IH'D'Q QIVS 10 NaNI11Oa.LSV3H.LIION 3H.L JNI3g`A.LNnOD S1i30WVHD 30 SCINOD9W 0119nd'IVIDL-13O alll 30 LZI 3JVd`t,69 3Wn'I0A M Q39I21DS3O IDV-N L 3NDV 0000'01 "00 WflW1 SVX9.L .LS3M 3H.L 30 3M'l .LS3M 3H.L NI QNIflO3 QO1I NO-dl oudVo HONI z/ V O.L .1.393 96'ZZZ 30 9ONV.LSIQ V `.LDV21.L 31IOV 06ZS'St, `"XI'I VSn MVS "1VQNIf (JIVS 3O 3N11 A'RIaMInOS 3H.L JNO'IV `1SV9 SQN0:)9S LS S3.LnMW ZO S33ND9Q LL H11ION 3ON3H.L °.LDVIU Q99MOS90 NI32I3H 3H.L QNV`.LDV1I.L 31IDV t�L'6 Q3TIVD`991Sn21.L `A3'I.LNV110 'O 'Q QIVS JO 1I3N1IO0 .LS9MHIdoN k'MgHl'doN 9HI ON]gg `.LOV11.L 91IDV 988L'LS '*DTI VSn MVS 'IVQNIf 9HL 30 1I3NNOD .LS3MH LnOS A 71I9.I.SV3 3H.L SOd QNflO3 QOd NO81 03ddVJ HJNI Z/t V 01 1.933 9Z'L1 :10 30NV.LSIQ V `.LDV1I.L 3MV £ZOZ'L `33.LSn1I1. `Aa-UNV1Ig 'D 'Q QIVS 30 9NI'I ISV9 3H L E3NO'IV `.LS3M SQNO03S I£S3.LnMW 91 S391IJ3Q 80 H,LnOS 3oN3H.L `•.LOV1I.L(19MOS3Q NI32I3H 9H.L 90?IHtMD ATUHIWON V ON199`.LDVIU 32IDV£ZOZ'L`93.LSfl)fl `A3'I.LNVX8 'D 'Q QIVS 30 113N11O0 LSV3HLIION 9HL 9NI3g QNV `1.DV11.L UOV S88L'LS Q3'],VD "OT1 VSn MVS 'IVQNIf QIVS 90 1IwHoo 2IORI3I.M NV 1103 `GNflO3 (1O11 NOWI Q3ddVD HDNI Z/ V O.L.L333 917'80ZZ 3O 3DNV LSIQ'TV LO.L V`JLDVNI 9NDV 988L'ZS Q3TlVD"D I I VSn MVS']VQNIf QIVS 3O 3N l'I H LnOS 9H.L JNO'IV `1.SV3 SQN0,-)3S I Z SUfINIW 00 S99NO3Q 8L HISON 9DN3H.L `.LDV d L Q3HINDS3Q M3113H 3H1 QNV `1.DVNI 3NDV £ZOZ'L `33LSfl'dl `A3'11NV11g 'D 'Q QIVS 30 1I3N1I0o LSgA%IU'80N 3H.L ONI38 `ALNflOD SN388WVHD 90 SONOD91I 3I"10nd "IVIDI33O 9H.L 40 17LI 9DVd I8£[ 3Wn'I0A M Q38INDS90 LEGAL DESCRIPTION TRACT 3.8035 ACRES ATRACT OR PARCEL CONTAINING 3.8035 ACRES (165,680 SQUARE FEET) OF LAND SITUATED IN 11-1E CHRISTIAN SMITH LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 22, ("HAMBERS COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING THAT SAME CALLED 3.72 ACRE TRACT CONVEYED FROM DAVID KADJAR.. TRUSTEE, TO D. C. BRANTLEY, TRLJSTEE DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 926, PAGE 428 OF THE OFFICIAL., PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMBERS COUNTY,SAID 3.8035 ACRES BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS. THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, SOUTH CENTRAL ZONE, NAD 83: BEGINNING AT A 5/8 INCH CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND IN A WE LINE OF THE JINDAL SAW USA Ilk, 45.5290 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1361, PAGE 174 OF"THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMBERS COUNTY, 114 OR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF RESERVE 41 Ov DEVINWOOD SUBDIVISION PHASE 2 REC'ORDED IN CLERKS FILE NO 17925 OF THE CHAMBERS COUNTY MAP RECORDS, BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID D. C. BRANTLEY, TRUSTEE, CALLED 3.72 ACRE TRACT. AND THE HEREIN DL-,,SCRtBED TRACT-, THENCE SOLFI­14 07 DI-4'GREES 41 MINUTT-,S, 217 SECONDS WEST, ALONG A WESTERLY LINE OF SAID JINDAL SAW USA LLC.,45.5290 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 75.55 FEET TO 1/2 INCH CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND FOR 'THE NORTFIE.AST CORNER OF' TFIE PABLO FUENTES 3.92 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 886, PAGE 274 OF '['HE OFFICIAL PIJBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMBERS --D 3.72 COUNI'Y, BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID D. C. BRANTLEY FRUSTEE, CALLL A 4 ACRE.TRACT, AND THE HERE"IN DESCRIBED TRACT, 4 THENCE, SOUTH 77 DEGREES 57 MINUTI-l"S 15 SECONDS WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINt.". OF SAID I)ABLO FUENTES 3.92 ACRE TRACT, AND THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID D. C. BRANTLEY. TRUSTEE, CALLED 3.7.2 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 2310.88 FEET TO 5/8 INCH CAPPED IRON ROD SET IN THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF s,rATE HIGHWAY 146 (1420 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY) FOR THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PABLO 14 UENTFS 3.92 ACRE TRACT, BEING THE. SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID D. C. BRANTLEY, TRUSTEE, CALLED 3.72 ACRE TRACT, AND THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT., 'I'l-IENCE NORTH 05 DEGREES 10 MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST, ALONG THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SATE HIGHWAY 146,A DISTANCE 01' 14.33 FEET TO A 3/4 INCH IRON PIPE FOUND FOR AN ANGLE POINT OF SAID D. ("'. BRANTLEY. TRUSTEE, CALLED 3.72 ACRE TRACT, AND THE I IEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT, THENCE NORTH 09 DEGREES 05 MIN(TFES 56 SECONDS EAST,CONTINUING ALONG THE' EAST'LINE OF SAID STATE t4tGHWAY t469 A DISTANCE OV 62.92 VEETTO A 112 INCH IRON ROD FOUND FOR .4 TI---IE SOLJTHWESpr CORNER OF THE: REMAINDER OF THE CLARENCE LEAVINS 3.72 ACRE TRACrl, DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 579, PAGE 215, OF THE CHAMBERS COUNTY DEED RECORDS, BEING THE NORTHWEST CORNER SAID D. C. BRANTLEY, TRUSTEE, CALLED 3.72 ACRE TRACT, AND THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE NORI-1-1 77 DEGREES 58 MINUTE'-S 59 SECONDS EAST, ALONG THE SOIJTH LINE OF SAID CLARENCE LEAVINS 3.72 ACRE TRACI',AND THE NORTH LINE OF SAID D.C.BRANTLEY,TRUSTEE,,, CALLED 3.72 ACRE TRACT.., PASS AT 213.231 FEET THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF RESTRICTED RESERVE "D" OF THE THE AMENDING PLAT OF DEVINWOOD SUBDIVISION PHASE 1, RECORDED n 14 i j SSTI XO 3XOW`(IRV-130 ST&W S£08'£`E)RIi1]VIRO0 CiNV `DNIINII ]998 30 INIIOd 3"1 01 I333 617'60£Z 30 3ON VISIQ 'IV.LOL `d TIV MI `Z 3Sb14d MOISIAIGHIIS GOOMNUAM QINS 90 Kb, 9A2IMN Q3.L0IHIS32I 30 ld3N SOD IS3MIUaOS 3H,L.1.333 b6'tr6l I IV SSVd `,J,.3A21mm (191DI I.I.M GIVS 30 'H3NWOD .ISVUH.LfIOS 9HI .L333 I8'SZl I .Lid SSHd `Z 9SNHd NIOISIAIGEMS (IOOtANIA90 UIVS 30 J,, 3AISWI-I Q9lard LS32I QNIH 19SVHd N OISIAIGHfIS DOOMNIIAW 30 LV'ld DNIIQNd3WV 3H.L 30 ,Cl,,< 3A213S371 0313INLSU QIVS 30 3I3NNOD H,Lf)OS NlOWWOD 9HI 1333 99'099 IV SSVd `SQ21003S dVIN AJ.MnOD S'dgflWVHD 3H.L 30 `179Z 39dd `d 3Wf1'IOA NJ I AOU'd 'Illow-5-51aav saalnlaS .loj 4imni.ioddo ur aptAo.td pup,0,D xii of a-in1!uj t1?n5 jo a.1110Ll uajil.AN-PA11 11etls atli_10AML1 uoljaas u� patltaads pol�ad attlt�aE1i Lllt{icAt saat.�aas atlj ap!Ao.id of pv).j :fit;�nip p1notlS •saipaula- •Xpocldo.ld atlj of p3pirw.ld tlaaq js.til DAPq I uotjaas ui pa.lU,') .-j 0.1 S3.-)l tas -)III 1ajjl? Ir S auo ait'.uttu.Ioj 111;gS PUB 41t,)atli Aq Xvzido.td ogj o tloiil3k�tlUt?atli,lt�aj13p:�tlj Lto JJLIJLULUt)J 11LEls juotltaa.Ia�Sltl� 'ttl.tJ� 'C •os Lip of sasooq-,)it,.fit J.ill.lnj aLlj ut aol.Llas e.Juiptfw.id ulo.ij atlj apnlaa.id of p.;m iisuoa ay 11r.Lls LIINMl IulLliou`.taAaAk0j4 •jU,'DU a.l5 V sltji III paplllauI jou sl il;tlj aotA.los t3 aptAo.ld of pa.ttn��aa iou st,�1i,�1111 jl3tlj aa.lmti Put pupjS.iapuln satlal;d 011.E •.iau,ti�o ailj jo Xji11q{suodsa.l 310"oL1j )q 1113LIs•juaLtidolo,�ap a_inal3�l pasodn.td��c1 `sjtlaul;)Aalcittll oa11j:nuisr�1tlt lruUljEppp SUR 'Xllruolj!ppV •.tau, ) aElj jo,(igitlisuodso.i olos ouj og lluils o.11zj:)njistlajut 'DuiaSIxa aql 1.11011 SaatA.los -Ds-tli aAiaaa.t 01 ,'indwd atll j j VIr.4saaau Sivatu3Ao.Idttlt a.lnjaittjseljul /{uv •l'J.u )111 of soolA.las �,-)'nq.1L' pup tt. ols '.iJh1Js '.1Jw:1'l Jpl.lcl.id "sluattmedaa aatlt tll�4 put! ui.taotitB `s�1.lo,�� )ilgnd s11 'L1)nc�.Itl1 :C �� Jt{.L '1���i1 n -a 'S3,11A.13s tuoLuo'.-)10 W DPW OUIP111oul `,�i.tado.ld aElj c�j S:�a�,�.ias iiEttp11nc1 ptlt'.ju��utdol�:�ap ap<<Nc�.Id 11 ��`juaLLlj.Ilydot�l sa:�t,�l;)s ivattldc�(anaQ pup'11ltlup(d sit 11 i3c�atli `r�ii,���t11, •Ill�Etl o1an:)Q pup IULlUld .p •�C>+tadOJd ')tli of 10111,103 lrtllttil? p1113 `aa113AN uuojs 'Ltoliaojo.id pootl.iogL(x t,7u `LIilLatl 11✓julLt1110.11ALia 01 xLlllttnj.Iad 33.11AX)S ,p!Awd 11im `jttaul PAO(l LljlR,-)I.1 S11 g'>I1oltli `�j�.J 311.1. 'LljlealI -a a •�j�acioad at{� Lei Sao1A.los juoLLlo;�.lU�Eta A1C.1 op►:�L�.1d 11t:t�`iu�EEt1.lt�da({ JJt1l7c�sit L1llc�.tyi`,gat:)=�tl.l. •oollod •q 3 I •Amodold 31.1101 saotAJOSS { l otpattI X:)u2n.It3UI7 Put',) J.ii.( aplAo.icl 11tM `jtlzlttij_ILda(1 a.it 4 S11 tlino.Itlj 4�11 4t1.1. •a.It,.� •l3 4 :.lo?.lot(aat;p-iql jo sE,Cjjadoj j atlj ' uo pajoalo.id.lo plirldu im.)AjgTlLl0M-.).1 J,gOgl aj.1t-,Yl!LUIS X1ISM3p L10tw(ndod puv`osn pull;Xtldpa.r!odoi tlli.N.N XjiD atlj.o simed j,-)qlo of paptno.id imli of l,aAai a1gM[Rduloa P.jr pap!.-%o.td oq 11eL1s L1oILIA\`S,331A.131S, r 5ui molloj aqj opi,\o.Id 111A\:4jtD otli`uotirxouur.uodn it'.t1i aa��l'Sa1j.Il3d at1.i. •pa1�t.�t�a oq of sOX)1A.1a5' 'I :sANol(oj se,ao.l L�1lrnjml Xga.tatl cep(��saij.Ird,. alli r�1�a,�tjoa1loo}.iat1,�N0 aElj PUB Xjl;�atlj`pault;iuoa U12.101.1 SitlatLloX:)A Y ptll? SjUt?LIaAol 1pnjtlL11 Nlj ,;{l 1101jl3.171)iStl07 L1I l?ttl? .IQJ '9WJ911 1'I.1. /\0j'� t 4 110(10.Id aqi of aai,\-Ias jo uoist,mid oqi u.IaAO!3 01.13p-10 Ul(„juatuoa.IRV„S1111)iu3E1130.1'5V 4a31naaS Sil1i oiui.taiva of-)JlSoP J0UA\U;oqi put;� :�It�„qi) LMOIAVE1410 Slt;)otlj`ap00 juaultl.13MOE)IB.30`1 CL4'1 aLlj.lo ALL}()'4fi uoilooS of jLIBIlsind`SVTd3HAN put, .Xv;Ao.ld aL1i Jo u0ljllXZ uut. StIq a:)umo aLlj St�3 ag t HA PU .(,XJsado.Id,, -)ql)5asodtnd pup,sjumut 11r.tot tuo.tag pmejod.toout pue ojo.iatl potloRjjL 4-31 g3iqm „`V„vq!t(x3 ut pollijuapt Xllnaycaads 3.Iotu Xindoad 3E11 sumo .lauMp„ at{l) L •oiyl a.ji UDA Itttof DQ agj `SV3-d3HAA, s SI2121V14 AO AlKnO.) JUaM99.11tV S931n.IaS j } Aii 1181HX3 P i• 1 3 a s c z 9 the City to provide such services. The City shall not be in default hereof if the City is diligently prosecuting the work necessary to provide the services. I f the breach is not timely cured,the Owner's � sole remedy is to seek disannexation. if the property is disannexed,the City shall be relieved of any and all obligations to provide those services specified in Section I hereof to the Property. i 4. Miscellaneous Provisions. s Y (a) Notice. Notices required herein shall be delivered in hand or by registered or certified US mail to the City at the following address: City of Baytown Attn: City .-lanaber 2401 Market Street Baytown,Texas 77520 Notice to the Owner may be addressed to Owner at the address indicated on the most i recent Han-is County property tax roll for the Property. (b) SeverabiIity. if a court of competent jurisdiction deternibles that any covenant of this Agreement is void or unenforceable,then the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full E force and effect. (c) Non-waiver. This Agreement may be enforced by any Owner or the City by any proceeding at law or in equity.f;ailurc to do so shall not be deemed a waiver to enforce the provisions of this Agreement thereafter. (d) Ambieuities. In the event of any ambiguity in any of the temis of this Agreement,it shall not be construed for or against any party hereto on the basis that such party slid or did not author the same. (e) Headings. 'rhe headings appearing at the first of each numbered section in this Agreement are inserted and included solely for convenience and shall never be considered or given any effect in construing this Agreement or any provision hereof,or in connection with the ditties, i obligations or liabilities of the respective parties hereto or in ascertaining intent, if any question of intent should arise. (f) Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas and construed in conformi€y with the provisions of Sections 43.0672 of the Texas Local Government Code. No subsequent change in the law regarding annexation sh1ill affect the enforceability of this Agreement. (g) Venue. Venue for this Agreement shall be in Chambers County,Texas. (h) Counterparts. This Agreement me-iy be separately executed in individual counter-.arts and, upon execution,shell constitute one and same instrLIMCIlt. (i) Complete Agreement.This Agreement contains all the agreements of the fawner and the City relating to the subject matter hereof and is the full and final expression of the agreement between such parties. This Agreement may be amended only by written agreement signed by the Owner and the City. U) Aarre_ement Read. "rile parties acknowledge that they have read,understand and intend to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. (k) Authority, The Owner covenants that he/she/it has the authority to enter into this Agreement by virtue of being the owner of the Property. Additionally, the officers executing this Agreement on behalf of the Owner hereby represent that such officers have full authority to execute this Agreement and to bind the party he/she represents. Services Amazement,Page 2 i:ntered into thi C I I 1 01' BAYTOWN ftlCltA D� '[ 'ity%Managcr AT EST: , gpYTot,, •n ANGELA JA , 'SOS. �J A,P1)ROVIL1). S I I'ORikt: - - SCOT LENT D,City Attornev OWNER: / (Signature) (Printed Name) � I SI ATE OI=TNXAS COUN I Y 01- W A.RR�P/�`ztp5 Before mr,�N 'Svrtt+��'-Dau D tC.tzC-ls-57Jthc undersigned notary public, on this day personally appeared. L'kty�c�C, fj�i wrLC—t known to me pro\ed to me on the oath of or ✓ proved to me through his her current `1"X 1jWyt'-fL L-I etwM. ;description of identification card nr other doCUment issued by the federal gowernment or any state government that contain,the photograph and signature of the acknowledging person) (check onc) to he the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged to me that he/she executed that instrument for the purposes and consideration therein cxpressed. Gi\en under my h pdtt+ttllstt�f,yf oflicc this 11 day of St%�r�°t�fj. 2il22 DON -- -- -_.. �`�G:'1 PRY•p(!q'/C'f�C`'�� � _._. Yam. « z- I Lr uWie.-Sm,tc b Texai ��•. .• 2b�`� R.Karen Ilorna tk �j xument<'FHLIi dg Lt�` ot�]]k .�N)Anne\ uun \yrecment Int Scvo,:c-HIR\i Scrnicc.•\greement fw Contpv,y'U?I dx 4lt Services AYretmCn.Page 3 tfill 40 90 ZZOZ ale4 Teel b££ y3u1 6 r 1 Neo ll a�lsVld SlIWI� l.11� A(jadWd laafgnS 7a�� v ON�J3l ` ;aa,gng 2 ti ij r} 1 saioe L9'SS'xoaddy 9tik HS N Pk95 w w deal Aj!u►j!n uOpexauuV si3�ais z � �.a�ira3;a3�3 9PIk HS N Pk9S N�10 8 ��� �U3� IV.liaillx3