Ordinance No. 15,563 ORDINANCE NO. 15,563 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 TO THE WEST DISTRICT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT SECOND FEED PROJECT WITH T- CONSTRUCTION, LLC, TO REDUCE THE SCOPE OF WORK, RESULTING IN A NET DECREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF TWO HUNDRED THIRTY- EIGHT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FOUR AND NOI100 DOLLARS ($238,904.00), AND PREPARE THE PROJECT FOR CLOSEOUT; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ****************************************************************************** BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council does hereby authorize Change Order No. 3 to the West District Wastewater Treatment Plant Second Feed Project with T-Construction, LLC, to reduce the scope of work,resulting in a net decrease in the amount of TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-EIGHT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FOUR AND NOI100 DOLLARS($238,904.00),and prepare the project for closeout. A copy of said change order is attached hereto,marked Exhibit"A"and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 28th day of September,2023. NDON C PETILL ,Mayor A EST: �pYTOtN • o 0 • • Ln _ e o ANGEL ACKSONy Cie� e �a °co APPROVED AS O O SCOTT LEOOND, City Attorney R:Karen Anderson.ORDINANCES\2023\2023.09.28 ChangeOrderNo3-WestDistrictWWTPSecondFeedProject.docx EXHIBIT "All CITY OF BAYTOWN PUBLIC WORKS& ENGINEERING 2123 Market St. Baytown,Texas 77520 BAYTOWN CHANGE ORDER #3 West District WWTP Second Feed Date of Issuance: 9/5/2023 Change Order No.: 3 Contractor: T Construction CoB Project No.: SS2101 Designer: Culp Engineering P.O.No.: 2201605 Explanation: This change order encompasses the following: As the project has been completed there are several pay line items that were not completed as indicated in the final Pay Application#7 submitted by T-Construction. The specific amounts of work was deemed not necessary by the project,therefore T-Construction need not bill the city for services not rendered. PO amount to be reduced by these items so Finance can close the PO out. The line items in question are as follows: Line Item#8, 8A, 10, 11D, 14, 15, 16,17, 18, 19,20,22, 23, 24,33,34,35, 36, 37, 38,39,40,43,47, 50 Description of Work Cost Time I Reduction in Scope of Work for the Line Items mentioned $ (238,904.00) Days 2 $ - Days 3 $ - Days 4 $ - Days 5 $ - Days Please attach back-up documentation Cost& Time Change Summary Cost Time Original Contract: $ 3,193,516.00 Days Previous Change Order(s): $ 792,556.00 Days Contract prior to this change order: $ 3,986,072.00 Days Net increase(decrease)from this change order $ (238,904.00) Days Revised Contract: $ 3,747,168.00 Days Percent increase(decrease)this Change Order -7.5% Percent increase(decrease)all Change Orders 17.3% RE CO MENDED: RECOMMENDED: By: Date: Sep/15/2023 By: '-Date:09/15/2023 Design 'ngmeer Frank Simoneaux,Jr., iSirector of Public Works&Engineering ACCEPTED*: FINANCE APPROVAL: By: � Date: Og/14/2Q23 By Date: Contractor Teresa McKenzie,Chief Financial Officer RECO ?ED*: APPROVED: By: Date: 09/15/2023 By Date: Project Jason E Reynolds.City Manager VE EE By. Date: 9/15/23 usmess Asset Team Member Construction 1 of2 D16 Revised 9.2023 'Contractor agrees to perform change(s)included in this Change Order for the price and time indicated The prices for changes included all costs associated with this Change Order No work is to be done until this change order is executed No payment to the Contractor(or Consultant)shall be made for work included in the change order until the Contractor's pay estimate is updated. Revise the project plans and specifications as referenced and insofar as the original project drawings and specifications are inconsistent,this Change Order governs Upon execution by all parties the following changes identified for the contract value and/or contract time shown.are made part of the contract Construction 2 of 2 D 16 Revised 9 2023 Progress Estimate-Unit Price Work Contractor's Application For(Contract) West District Aastc ter Treatment Plant Second Feed Apphemon Number. 7 Appl—wit Period 05 U201_3.05 31/2023 Application Date. 6/141+013 A B C D E F Item Contract Information Emrnuted Vxlue of Work Total Completed Materials Presrn0y Balance to Fwsh Bid Item No. Description I,— Units Unit Price Total Value Quantity Installed to Stored(not m CI and Stored to Date (F BI IB-FI Quantity ofltem(S) Installed Date (D+EI I Pro)eet Mobihration,Not to Exceed 3'.of the Total Bid I LS $95.000.00 I 395.000.00 595.000.00 395 000.00 WOMOM. S W PPP Maintenance&Inspection,Complete in Place I LS $25.000 00 I rtw_s, o.oB s25000.00 szs,aao.00 100.0% ConcreteTmck Washout,Installation, 3 Mainenance,and Removal 1 EA 56.500.00 16.500.00 I 56.500.00 $6,500.00 100.0:. Install and Remove Inlet Protection Bamers on Thompson View Drne/Fhompson Park Drive,as Dnrcded by Engineer,Complete in 4 Place 16 EA 580.00 51,280.00 16 SI280.00 SI.280.00 10004. Install and Remove Back-Slope Interceptor 5 Inlet Protection Barters 4 EA 5500.00 52.000.00 4 S'_000.00 S2 000.00 100 0'. Install and Reoove Reinforced Filter Fabric 6 Feiim Cconipl.wns Place 5100 LF 5175 58,925.00 5100 58925.00 589925.00 1000'. Install and Remove Stabdszed Coreasuction 7 Exnt Com letem Place 2 EA 518,000.00 S36,000.00 2 536,000.00 536000.00 1000'. I—sh and lintel'Trt Safety for Sanitary 8 Sewer Conmrucnon Co Ietem Place 809' LF I 5200 SI 19400 7800 SIS600.00 S15,600.00 L963' 559400 Additional cost for 6-Inch seal slab in the event that weak sods are coot ed by the testing Iaborazory and the testing laboratory recommends a sul slab Sul slab authorized by enfuneer and city 8a centancer and city 'ea nesomer prior to tin lemsnmtion 2000 1 CF S39 00 578,000.00 I S 8, Fo onsh and Install 24"DIPS DR 13 5 IIDPE(Black with Green Stiipu)Sanitary Sewer Pipe Including Backfnll,Ilaunchin& Bedding&Embedment Foundations As Regwred,Complete In 9 Place 7300 LF I 5239.20 s1,746,160.00 7300 SI,746.160.00 11,746,160.00 100.0' 9X Rcrtocko1`26"IPS DR1711DPE(Per A roved SubmittaH 2O00 LF 176.50 1153000.00 2000 S153000.00 5153,000.00 100.0' Fmnuh and Install 24'DIPS DR 13 IIDPE(Black with Green Stripes)Sanitary Sewer Pope Including Backfnll,Ilzunching,& Bedding&Embedment Foundwrons As Requnred,Complete In 9A Place 1 600 1 LF 5239.20 5143.520.00 601 S143.520.00 5143.520.00 100.0'. Fumtsh and Imul12/'DIPS DR 13 5 45 HDPE Degree 10 Bead lete In Place 20 EA 54,225 00 $84.5M.00 19 576,050.00 YS76,050.001 90.O% 58,450.00 EICDOS C-620 Contractors Application for Payment O 2013 Natiowl Society of Prof—...;d Engineers for EJCDC All rights mserced. Page I of6 Progress Estimate-Unit Price Work Contractor's Application Far(Co.".,) %cat Distnet SS mtrsatcr Treatment Plant Second Feed Application Number 7 Application Period 05 12023-051)14023 Application Date 61142O23 A B C D E F ins+x Contract Information hsturrated Value of Work Total Completed Matenals Pnsently . Balance to tinish pent Total Value ImtQuarility InsDatel w and Stored to Date Bnd❑em No Description Quantity Units Unit Price of Bem(S) ImWIN Date Stored(noun Cl (D�E1 It BI IB•EI Furnish and Intall 24'DIPS DR 13.511DPE 22.5 Dcgnc Bend, 11 Cornplele in Place. 4 EA 54,225.00 516.900.00 4 S16 900.00 $16.900.00 100.0'. Fumnh and Install 24"DIPS DR 13.5 IIDPE 35 Degree Bend. JIB Co lac in Place 2 EA 53.800.00 S7 600.00 1 2 57.600.00 S7 600.00 100.0.. Fumnh and Imtall 24"DIPS OR 13 5 11DPE 55 Degree Bend, tic Co ]etc in Place 2 EA 54.000.00 58.000.00 2 58,000.00 SB 000.00 100.0'. Furnish and Imtall 24"DIPS DR]3 5 x 30"IPS DR 13 HDPE I I D Reducer,Complete to Platt 8 EA S?«u un 528,000.00 F-04Install,Bore,and Jack 36"ID Steel Pipe Casing with RACI Spacen Under 12 -I` son Park Dnse.Corn Icrc in Place 170 LF 5935.00 5158,950.00 170 5158,950.00 5158,950.00 100.0.. Addnto®1 Cost for Bore and Jack Under Existing Dnsnwa)a or Open Cut with Rry]ac-1 of Existing Dmeways at Clean 13 as NM GulfC.Pr 145 LF I 5600.00 587,000.00 1 145 587,000.00 587.000.00 1000'. Fumnh and Install Av Rele Valve including all pans and 5 manhole,Complete 14 to Place 2 FA 545,00O0O 590,000.00 4 518000000 518000000• 200.0% S Furnish and Install Correction to Existing 16" Sanitary Sewer Eora Main roeludmg 90 Degree Bend,Throat Block and Mechanical Jomr Co len in Place 1 E.A 56.94600 56,94600 Y 94600 Fumnh and Install Comnecuoo ro Edsung 20 Sanitary Sewer Fora Mam including 90 Degree Bend,Thrust 11r aM Mechanical Join C lete in Place 1 FA 59.785.00 59,38500 2 SIB" •� SIB -59,38500 Furnish and Imtall 16"PVC Fonc Main Cap or Plug at Cut end of Pr.p.,,d Comectront 1' Co ]ere in Place 1 FA 52,495.00 52,495 00 tS2,495 00 Fumnh and Imtall 20"PVC Force Mat.Cap a Plug at Cut end of Proposal Connexion. IB Co of-Place 1 EA 53,175.00 53,17500 2 1 56.35000 56,350.00 -S3,' WCDC9 C-620 Conuactols Apphcarwn for Payment 2017 Vatiortal$awry of Professional Engmecrs for EICDC All tights—W Page 2.176 Progress Estimate-Unit Price Work Contractor's Application For(Contract): Nest Dtsmct Wutexater Treatment Plant Second Feed Application Number 7 Application Period 05r 1,1023-0531/2023 Application Date 6)142023 A B C U E F Item Contract Information hminited Value of Work Total Completed Macnals Presently Balance toFlmsA Bid he No Deccnptmn Item Ume Unit Priceof It m Value Quantity Installed w Stored(not m C) and Stored to Date (F 8) (B•F) Quan tty Installed Date ID E) Fumish and Install 16^C905 PVC DR 18 Sanitary Sewer(Black with Green Smper)fin; Force Main Including Backfill,Haunching,and Bedding&Embedment Foundations As 19 Required.Co leu n Place 47 LF S150.00 S7.050.00 S Fumish and Install 20^C905 PVC DR 19 Sanitary Sewer(Black with Green Snipes)for Force Main Including Backfill.Haurching,and Bedding&Embedment Fouiidaorts ti As 20 R uir Co Icte in Place 71 LF S200.00 $14.200.00 [IS S23,600.00 S23,61 49 s.:-,. Fumish and Install 24"C903 PVC DR IS Sanitary Scwcr(Black with Green Stripes)for Force Main Including Backftll,Hau«htng,and Bedding&Embedment Foundattou As 21 Required,Complete in Place 79 LF S275 00 S21,725.00 79 S2I,725.00 S21 725.00 100.0% Fumish and Install 16"C905 DR 18 PVC 22 5 Mg.Bcwd with Thnnt Block,Compinc m 22 Place I EA $3.228.00 S3.22800 53,218.00 Fumish and(mull 20"22 5 Degree C905 DR. IS PVC Bend with Th—.Block Complete u, 23 Place 1 I EA S4445.00 (S4,44500 2 S889000 S8.890.00 200.0% •S4,445.00 Fumish and Insult 16'x20"PVC Reducer with 24 ❑'man Block COP o lete m Place 1 EA 53,670.00 S3,6 000 $3,670.00 Furn6 Iuu 20^ 4^PVC R cer xi 25 TMnt B Co le I«k te lace m P 2 EA S5,190.00 S10,380.00 510,380.00 S10,380.00 100.0% mu _ x11- DR Furmsh xsth Thnnt Block.Complete in 26 Place 2 EA S7,050.00 S14,100.00 2 S14,100.00 S14,100.00 100.0% Fumish and Insult J6^Connection to Existing Sanitary S_Manhole in%V.'*"' 27 Treatment Plant I EA S1425.00 SI.425.00 I SI,425.00 51.42500 100.0•. Fumish aoil luull8 Diameter Sanitary S_ 28 Manhole,U to 10'De th,Compile in Place I EA S35,000.00 S35,000.00 I S35.000.00 S35,000.00 100.0% Fumish and Install!Diameter Samury S-29 Manhole.U to 22'Depth.Complete in Place I EA S70,975.00 S70,975.00 1 S70 975.00 570,975.00 100.0% EJCDCt C-620 Contranoes Application for Payment O 2013 National Society of Prof ional Engineers for E1CDC All nghts rescncel. Page 3 of 6 Progress Estimate-Unit Price Work Contractor's Application For(Contract): West District Ww1cu,ater Treatment Plant Second Feed Application Number 7 Application Period: 0511PO23-053 U3023 Application Date, 611412023 A B C D E F Item Co."-,Information Estimatai Valucof W.,k Total Compleed nlmenals Presrntly % Balance to Finish Item Total Value Quantity Installed to and Stored to Date Bid hem No Description Quantity Units Unit Price of Imm(S) Installed Date Scored(not or CI (D+P.) IF r B) (B-I-) Furnish and Install 36'PVC Gras try Sewer Connection&2-26"IPS DR 17 Force Main Cormation to Force Mam Discharge 30 Stntcturc,Co letc in Place I EA 547,100.00 347,30000 I S47,100.00 S47,300.00 100.0•. Furnish and Install Force Main Discharge Smcture per Plan sheets 4.104 12 Complete 31 in Place I EA I S225000.00 5225000.00 I 5225.000.00 5225,000.00 100.0% Furnish and Imiall 36"PVC Grasity Sanitary Sewer(Black with Green Stripes) Ccmtmctcd 20-24'Dap mthin Wet Sand E-ironinent Including Baekfill,Ilaunclung, and Bedding&Embedment Foundations As 32 Required,Complete in Place 500 LF 5500.00 5250,000.00 Soo 5250,000.00 5250,000.00 100.0.. Groundwater Control Setup per.Spa 01564 3 including Design Plan bEngineerI FA 525.000400 1 525,000.00 525.000.00 Daily Charge for Groundwater Control per +4 S 111564 5 DAY 54,80000 124.000.00 524,000.00 Remo-and Replace portion of Concrctn Dmexay Pasernrnt m Wmlexater Treatment Plant at Connection to Exnung Manhole per 15 Shea 211,Com letsin Place 124' SF SIN i.r 5'_,44, S2244.00 Rcmore and Replace Portion of V Concrete OsuRow From Dclenhon Facility(rocludmg 36 1..1 or to Bort Under iL Coco lee in Place 56 CYDS 5500 00 152,800.00 S2 80000 Replace IICFCD Urban Back Slope 3' Intercepton Darnaged During Constnsctron 3 EA I 57,495.00 I 522,485.00 522,48500 38 ONsne Dni IofS ds from Exemmion 13609 CYDS 55.75 578,246.00 12608 Sn,4%.00 S 249 55,75000 E—c Pipe,Finish and Install T—16' PVC Force Main Cap or Plug.Install 603 efof Grom.Rc Racnablrsh Vegaanon, Co lete m Place I EA I 535,780.00 I 535,'8U.00 131 8-00 E1CDC11 C-620 Contiaaors Application for Payment O 2013 Nanoml Society of Professional Engmeen for E)CDC All nghts resened Page 4 of 6 Progress Estimate-Unit Price Work Contractor's Application For(Contract) Wen District Wa(n Ier Treamicm Plant Second Feed Application Number - Application Period. O3A2023.05/312023 Application Date 6114 2023 A B C D E F hem Contract Information Estimated Value of Workuan Mmends I'rcsmdy Total Completed . Balance to Fimsh It Total Value Quantity Installed to and Stored to Uatc Bid hem No Descnptio" Quantity Units Unit Pna of Item(5) InstalledDateStored lnotmCl (p+E) IF Ell (B-F) Excavate Pipe,F—Ir and Iretall Two 20" PVC Force Main Cap or Plug,Imaall 3052 cf cfGrout,Refill,Re-establish Vegetation, 40 complete..Place I EA S42 890 uo 543,89u tin 2 585,780.00 585,7g000 21)0 -S42,890.00 Implementation ofTreffic Control and 41 Regulations includinx Flamcm 1 LS S16.905.00 516,805.00 1 516,805.00 516,805.00 100.o.. Site Restoration w Replace Existing 6" Concrete Curb az Necessary m Dnveways 42 and ROW IN LF SI2400 SI.200.00 100 SI200.00 51,200.00 100.0•. Sue Restoration-Remove Oak and Crepe Myrtle from Utility Easement.Re-plant one 43 Owner Pm ,Co Ictem Place 12 EA SI,05000 SI2,60000 2 M.100.00 S7,Io0m 16 1 S'01)(1400 Sete Restomtion.Soddmg 5'of ROW along Impacted Private Properties along Thompson 44 View on,e,ConTIctc in Place: 620 LF Scott 53,720.00 620 53.720.00 53,72000 100.0a. Sne Restoration.Ilydromulch Seedmg of Non-Sodded Areas Impacted by Work. 45 1 Co Ietern Place 56 AC 1 $182500 510,22000 56 $10.22000 510220.00 looir Sete Restontton.RPL.,c1Repau Curbof 46 Flo.crbedaznedd,Ca 1<te in Place 120 LF 5900 SI,08000 120 SI,O80.00 51,08000 loon. Famish and Install IS Wide x 8 High C Lockable Seeurit Gates.Co Ietern Place l EA 54,13000 51239000 2 SB M1111 58,260.00 66.7% 54,:,::+ Replacement 8 Ihgh Chem Link I... 48 Simdarto. rn ,_ncm o Ietern Pb c 58 LF 53400 S19'200 58 SI,972.00 SI.9'200 Mo. Removal and Deposal of Clain Link Fence to Faahate Entry rrtro the Detmtton Far dtry and 49 Wavewatcr Treatment Plant 45 1 LF I 5900 I 540500 45 1 5405.00 540500 loon. E)CDC1 C620 Contraaoes Application for Payment C 2013 National Society of Professtoral Engincers fa FJCDC All nghU—tvd. Page 5 of 6 Progress Estimate-Unit Price Work Contractor's Application For(Cons-0- West District Wastewater Treatment Plant Second Feed Application Number Application Pend 051102023-05/3112023 Application Date 6114/1023 A B C D E F Item Contract Infornution Estrmatd Value of Work Total Complc d Materials o,in Cly B.ante to Finish Item Taal Value Quantity Installed to and Stord to Date Brad hem No Description Quantity Units Unit Price of ltem(SI Installed Date Stored(no, (D+h) IF BI (B-FI Sawam,remove,dowel,and replace c—ing 7-Inch concrete pavement with#3 dowels al 18 C-C both dnreclnoru and 8' subgrde with eZq "t tit paset and subgrade on Teal iho on trac Cmente m Placeo s 3000 SF SI50 545.000.00 1875 528,12500 528.12500 62s-. Si ,8 Sign/Nosice Ilulder for SWPF Notice, 51 Co Icte in Place 1 I hA 58,000.00 S8.00O.t10 1 58.000.00 $8.00000 1 1000a1. City of Bapown Construction Notification Sign at Thompson Rodd Thmpson Park ei52 Place 2 EA SI,150.00 52,300.00 2 S2.300.00 $2,30000 100.0'. Escalate Open Cm Pot[tole to Detemunc Depth of Backslope Inic—ptor,Complae In 53 Place 3 EA SI,235.00 53,705.00 3 $3,705.00 53,-0500 100.0'. 30"Brick Plug @ Dnsehargc hill at 1.10.This includes confined 54 1 entry,utility brick and sealing with non shrink wirtit I EA I SS 000.00 55.000.00 1 1 $5,000.00 S5,Oo000 100.0.. 8^Sanitary Sewer Bypass&Dewatenng oMch 20-Inch Sewer 55 Forcemain 2 EA SII,'50.00 523500.00 2 523,500.00 S2350000 1000•. Additional Trench Safety 36 This its nncludesaddinonal trench boxes and steel pltcs I LS 55,00000 55,011000 I 55,000.00 S57000000 1000'. 57 Night Work E ui merit 1 LS 56.00000 56.00000 I 56,000.00 $6,000.00 1000!1 Totals 1 $3.996,072.00 1 53,786,668.00 $3,747,168.00 96.2a•. $148,901 00 EJCDCt C-620 Contradors Application for Paymem r.2013 National Society of Profesaonal Engineers for EJCDC All rights resen d Page 6 of 6