FY 05-06 MDD Adopted Budget Technical Adjustments MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD) 2005-06 ADOPTED PROJECTS WITH TECHNICAL ADJUSTMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 September 1 , 2005 BAYTO"N Gar? Jackson General Manager Ignacio Ramirez General Counsel Rhonda Young Finance Officer Kelvin Knauf Interim Assistant Secretary BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MEMBERS CALVIN MUNDINGER, President KITTY ALLEN, Vice President MERCEDES RENTERIA III, Secretary SCOTTSHELEY DON MURRAY BRANDON CAPETILLO RONNIE ANDERSON SAMMY MAHAN TERRY SAIN FRITZ LANHAM LEONARDSTASNEY BAYTOWN NMOJAVO BAWOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT September 1, 2005 President and Members of the Municipal Development District Board I am pleased to submit the adopted 2005-2006 budget for the Baytown Municipal Development District (MDD). The MDD has several projects underway that will play a significant role in the economic development for the City. These projects for 2005-2006 are listed under one of the following three (3) priorities: o Priority: Projects which provide infrastructure for economic development: ➢ The construction of a new wastewater treatment plant and related offsite improvements in the northeast sector of the City is critical in providing much needed sewer capacity for growth and development. The final design of the treatment plant component of the project is nearing completion and the project will begin construction in 2005-2006. The MDD is providing funding for 60% of the cost of this facility, while the City of Baytown Water and Sewer Fund will fund 40% of the cost. ➢ Expansion of wastewater treatment capacity in the west sector of the city is also needed to accommodate anticipated growth and development. The MDD will contribute 30%of the total cost for engineering design of this expansion. ➢ Funding is also included for the issuance of debt for the installation of sanitary sewer in vicinity of Baker Road North Main to encourage commercial development. ➢ Land acquisition for new thoroughfares. ➢ Funding to purchase right-of-way (ROW) for roadway development or expansion which facilities economic development. ➢ Additional funding for the re-striping of Texas Avenue. ➢ State Infrastructure Bank Loan repayment for Decker Drive. This is payment number four of eight. ➢ Cost share with developers to upsize utility lines installed by developers to meet additional future water and sewer needs for undeveloped areas serviced by the same lines. o Priority: Projects or expenditures designed to promote new or expanded business activity that create or retain primary jobs: ➢ The contract with Baytown/West Chambers County Economic Development Foundation(EDF)for"basic economic development services"has been renewed. ➢ The contract with Baytown/West Chambers County Economic Development Foundation (EDF) for"special projects" is also renewed. ➢ Funding for development of new and expansion of existing businesses and industry is continued. Unallocated/unspent funds from prior budgets, along with the allocation in 2006, accumulate in this account and may be utilized to meet qualifying infrastructure 3 needs of a new business, business expansion or other eligible economic development projects. o .Priority: Projects that improve a community's quality of life, including parks, athletic facilities, etc: ➢ Nature Center Entryway and Miscellaneous Improvements. Phase I of the road improvement project will provide for an asphalt overlay and needed base repairs from the new entry road to the Y at Bayshore Drive. ➢ Wetlands Center Improvements. This is for installation of air conditioning in the warehouse/exhibits area. ➢ Baytown Little League Improvements. Installation of new lighting at the North Little League Park. This project will replace the aging lighting system including poles on the three-lighted fields. A significant obstacle to fulfillment of one of the original intents of the MDD was resolved during the 2005 regular session of the Texas Legislature. Representative Wayne Smith and Senator Mike Jackson sponsored legislation to clarify that the MDD is allowed to make expenditures in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction(ETJ)that benefit the MDD. Contingency funding is included in the amount of $300,000. This contingency provides flexibility to allow the Board to utilize MDD funds to secure federal, state and local grant funds when available to enhance and expand the impact that the MDD's impact has on the economic development of the community. This contingency also allows funding for inflationary increases on project cost estimates. Adopted appropriations from prior budgets, along with the adopted allocations in 2006, carry over until the project is completed or cancelled. The budget, as adopted, provides implementation for year four with changes noted earlier. A Technical Adjustment was made to the 2005-06 Proposed MDD Budget. The funding for the Nature Center Entryway and Miscellaneous Improvements Phase I of the road improvement project was reduced from $270,000 to $188,000. The project will continue to provide for an asphalt overlay and needed base repairs for a portion of the road from the new entry road to the Y at Bayshore Drive. The last overlay of this road occurred in the early 1970's. Future phases will include the peninsula road and part of Bayshore Drive. The $82,000 difference will provide new funding to construct a 10-space parking lot at Roseland Park and at Central Little League Park. Each lot is estimated to cost$41 1000. S inc ely, Gary M. J ckso General anager 4 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR BUDGET ISSUES Fiscal Year 2005-06 On May 5, 2001, in the general election, the citizens of the City of Baytown voted to authorize the creation of the Baytown Municipal Development District (MDD) and the imposition of a sales and use tax at the rate of one-half of one percent for the purpose of financing economic development projects that provide economic benefit and diversify the economic base of the community. The board is composed of the Mayor, six council members and four at-large resident members. REVENUES - Sales tax is projected at$3,272,000 for fiscal year 2005-06 and is based on current year estimated collections. Interest earnings are projected at$113,000. EXPENDITURES - Phase one projects, which are planned for the first five years, include the areas of economic development; streets, drainage, sidewalks and signalization; utilities; and parks. Project administration costs of $150,000 have been included for administrative support of the MDD. Construction labor and related costs are charged directly to the projects. The budget also includes $300,000 for contingency funding. PROJECTS Economic Development Foundation—Basic Service The continued funding for the basic economic development services contract with the Baytown Area/West Chambers County Economic Development Foundation (EDF). $100,000 Economic Development Foundation—Special Projects The current MDD budget includes continued funding for a special projects contract with the EDF. This contract is approved for renewal on an annual basis. $110,000 Development of New and Expansion of Existing Businesses and IndustrX A significant function of this budget allocation is the development of new and expansion of existing businesses. These projects are critically important in light of the State Implementation Plan's potential impact on the petro-chemical industry and underscore our need to diversify our economic foundation. $90,000 Land Acquisition for new Thorough ares Funds to purchase right-of-way (ROW) for roadway development or expansion $2007000 Texas Avenue Restripi� The 2005-06 budget includes continued funding for design services for traffic patterns that would change with the re-striping. The traffic engineer will develop the layout, turning movements, and ensure ADA Compliance. $10,000 5 State Infrastructure Bank Loan Repayment -Decker Drive The MDD financed a $2,500,000 loan from the Texas State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) for the Decker Drive project. The funds were used to advance the project scheduled by the state. The SIB provides low interest loans to qualifying projects. Eligible projects must be on the state highway system and be included in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan. Payment 4 of 8 is included in the 2005-06 budget. $377,478 Economic Development Cost Share with Developers The City will have the ability to upsize lines installed by developers to meet additional future water and sewer needs for undeveloped areas serviced by the same lines. $2007000 Baker Road Sanitary Sewer Debt service for installation of 2,700 feet of 15" sewer main and a lift station to provide sewer service along North Main south of Baker Road to just north of Hartman Drive. Total cost of the project is estimated at$1,000,000. The debt is a repayment over 20 years at 5.5%. $18,333 West District Plant Expansion—60% Build a new 4.0 million gallon per day (MGD) treatment plant. This would expand the facility to 8 MGD capacity. MDD will reimburse the City for 60% of the design costs of approximately $I,0001000. $600,000 North Wastewater Treatment Plant The confirmed growth and development within the City necessitated the need for the design and construction of the Northeast Wastewater Treatment facility. The project is estimated at $28,500,000 with 60% ($17,100,000) of the funding from the MDD. The remaining 40% ($11,400,000) will be funded from the water and sewer fund. Due to the delay in closing Phase I of the Texas Water Development Board (T)VDB) loan, the 2005-06 budget includes the first year's principal and interest payment on 20-year financing. The project will be funded by the TWDB loan and Series 2006 Certificates of Obligation. When the full amount of debt is issued for the project, the annual debt service is estimated to be between $1.2 and $1.3 million. The plant is scheduled to be complete by fiscal year 2008. $531,559 Nature Center Entryway and Miscellaneous Improvements Phase I of the road improvement project will provide for an asphalt overlay and needed base repairs from the new entry road to the Y at Bayshore Drive. The last overlay of this road occurred in the early 1970's. Future phases will include the peninsula road and part of Bayshore Drive. $188,000 Roseland Park and Central Little League Parking Lot Construction The 2005-06 budget includes funding to construct a 10-space parking lot at Roseland Park and at Central Little League Park. Each lot is estimated to cost$41,000. $82,000 Wetlands Center Improvements Install air conditioning in the warehouse/exhibits area. The Bob Craig Exhibit Hall will be air condit8ioned making the area more useful during summer months and will protect the exhibits from heat and humidity. $1057000 6 Baytown Little League Improvements Install new lighting at the North Little League Park. This project will replace the aging lighting system including poles on the three lighted fields. The new lighting will bring the fields in compliance with current Little League standard of 50 candle power infield and 30 candle power outfield. $210,000 Project Administration & Overhead $150,000 Contingency $300,000 Total MDD 2005-2006 Budget 3 272 370 7 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT(MDD)PROGRAM FUND 215 BUDGET SUMMARY Actual Continuing Transfer Continuing Budget Total Transfer YTD @ 5/2005 Estimated Continuing Adopted 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 2004-05 2004-05 2004-05 2004-05 2005-06 Beginning working capital $ 4,740,425 $ 5,970,649 $ 5,970,649 $ 1,749,509 $ 5,970,649 $ 5,970,649 $ 5,970,649 $ 5,456,632 $ 2,343,854 Revenues C'Rales Taxes 3,266,457 - - 2,977,000 2,977,000 1,986,333 3,282,000 - 3,283,000 Interest on Investments 57,008 - - 27,000 27,000 73,433 113,372 - 113,000 Contribution-Baker Road - - _ _ Intergovernmental-CMAQ grant for Goose Creek project 149,797 750,956 750,956 129,907 880,863 10,499 10,499 870,364 - Contribution-Nature Center Project 29,722 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reimbursement of TIRZ advances - - - 30,055 30,055 - 53,543 - - Total MDD Revenues 3,502 984 750,956 - 750,956 3,163,962 3,914,918 - 2,070,265 3,459 414 870,364 3,396,000 Expenditures Economic Development Projects Unified Land Development Code - 75,000 (37,500) 37,500 - 37,500 - - 37,500 - Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone advances - 39,957 (39,957) - - - - - - - Econ Development Foundation-Basic Econ.Dev.Services 50,000 - - 100,000 100,000 75,000 100,000 - 100,000 Econ Development Foundation-Special Econ.Dev.Projects 132,172 - - 110,000 110,000 7,439 10,000 100,000 110,000 Development of New and Expansion of Existing Businesses and Industry - 474,189 77,457 551,646 90 000 6411,646 - - 641,646 90,000 Subtotal 182,172 589,146 - 589,146 300,000 889,146 - 82,439 110,000 779,146 300,000 Streets,Drainage,Sidewalks&Signalization Projects Street Signalization Synchronization-Garth Road 269,478 394,765 394,765 100,000 494,765 (492,199) 19,618 2,566 - - North Main/Alexander Signal 492,199 478,382 13,817 Land Acquisition for New Thoroughfares 26,278 198,276 198,276 50,000 248,276 95 95 248,181 200,000 Sidewalk Projects - 87,242 87,242 - 87,242 - - 87,242 - Texas Avenue Restriping - - - - - 45,000 18,500 18,500 26,500 10,000 State Infrastructure Bank Loan Repayment Decker Dr. 377,477 - - 377,478 377,478 301,982 377,478 - 377,478 Subtotal 673,233 680,283 - 680,283 527,478 1,207,761 45,000 340,196 877,021 375,740 587,478 Utility Projects Economic Dev.Cost Share with Developers to Upsize New Utilities - 463,000 463,000 200,000 663,000 257,000 - - 920,000 200,000 Baker Road Sanitary Sewer Study&Construction-Est.Debt Service 16,762 8,238 8,238 8,238 - - 8,238 18,333 West District Plant Expansion Design-(60%) - - - - - - 600,000 North Main Water and Sewer Extension - _ _ _ NE Wastewater Treatment Plant Debt Service(60%) - - - 257,000 257,000 (257,000) 171,333 - - 531,559 Subtotal 16,762 471,238 - 471,238 457,000 928,238 - 171,333 - 928,238 1,349,892 Parks Projects Goose Creek Stream,Phase IV(80%Match CMAQ$1,089,535) 179,246 938,696 938,696 240,000 1,178,696 22,029 22,029 1,156,667 - Gray Center Renovations: Girls and Adult Softball Complex 371,249 1,729,220 1,729,220 575,000 2,304,220 100,000 2,164,801 2,404,220 - - Roseland Park Bulkhead Renovations and Trail Construction - - _ - _ _ Nature Center Entryway and Misc.hnprovements 460,098 139,113 139,113 - 139,113 112,401 139,113 - 188,000 East Little League Land Acquisition - 274,400 274,400 - 274,400 (68,351) 206,049 206,049 - - East Harris County Soccer Sports Complex Water - 100,000 100,000 400,000 500,000 - - 500,000 - Roseland Park Sprayground _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ Wetlands Center Improvements(add AC/Heating) - - - - - - - - 105,000 Baytown Little League Improvements - - - - - - - - 210,000 Decker Dr.Landscaping Plan - 30,000 30,000 - 30,000 28,761 30,000 - - Roseland Pavilion Air Conditioning - - - 35,000 35,000 31,798 35,000 - - Goose Creek Stream Phase III 240,000 - - - _ _ _ _ _ Decker Dr.Landscaping Plan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Roseland&Central Little League Parking Lot Construction 82,000 Land Acquisition-Future Parks(not specific) 68,351 - - 68,351 - Subtotal 1,250 593 3,211 429 - 3,211,429 1,250 000 4,461,429 100,000 2,565,839 2,836,411 1,725,018 585,000 Total MDD Projects 2,122,760 4,952,096 - 4,952,096 2,534,478 7,486,574 145 000 3,159,807 3,823,431 3,808,142 2822,370 Other Project Administration and Overhead 150,000 - - 150,000 150,000 100,000 150,000 - 150,000 Contingency - 20,000 20,000 300,000 320,000 (145,000) - - 175,000 300 000 Subtotal 150,000 20,000 - 20,000 450 000 470,000 (145,000) 100,000 150,000 175,000 450,000 Total MDD Expenditures 2,272 760 4,972,096 - 4,972,096 2,984,478 7,956,574 - 3,259,807 3,973 431 3,983,142 3,272 370 Revenues over(under)expenses 1,230,224 (4,221,140) - (4,221,140) 179,484 (4,041,656) - (1,189,542) (514,017) (3,112,778) 123,630 Ending working capital $ 5,970,649 $ 1,749,509 $ - $ 1,749,509 $ 1,928993 $ 1.928.993 $ 4 781 107 $ 5456,632 $ 2,343 85 $$ 2,467,483 6 s sodufld DNINNVrld HOA (I (IfIrIDNI NOI VWHOANl IX rlaans MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FY 2002-11 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM(CIP)BUDGET MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT PROJECTS SUMMARY 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Project Description Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Total Economic Development Pro'ects 1 velopment of New and Expansion of Existing Business and Industry $ 300 000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 3009000 $ 3009000 $ 3009000 $ 300,000 $ 3009000 $ 300,000 $ 3,000 000 Streets,Drainage,Sidewalks&Signalization Projects 1 Street Signalization Synchronization - - - - - 400,000 - - - - 400,000 2 North Main/Alexander Signalization - 378,382 - 100,000 - - - - - - 478,382 3 Garth Road Signalization Synchronization 350,000 121,618 - - - - - - - - 471,618 4 Land Acquisition for New Thoroughfares 40,000 100,000 50,000 - 200,000 50,000 100,000 - - - 540,000 5 Sidewalk Projects(incl.Rollingbrook and other areas of need) 100,000 50,000 - 50,000 - - - - - - 200,000 6 State Infrastructure Loan Repayment-Decker Drive 250,000 127,478 377,478 377,478 377,478 377,478 377,478 377,478 377,478 - 3,019,824 7 Baker Road Extension 35,000 - - - - - - - - - 35,000 8 Texas Avenue Restriping - - - 45,000 10,000 - - - - - 55,000 Subtotal 775,000 7779478 4279478 572,478 587,478 8279478 4779478 3779478 377,478 - 591999824 Utility Projects 1 Economic Dev.Cost Share with Developers to Upsize New Utilities 163,000 200,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 100,000 100,000 - - - 1,063,000 2 North Main Water and Sewer Extension - - - - - - - - - 2,660,000 2,660,000 3 Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant(60%MDD,40%W&S) - - - - 531,559 1,207,048 1,182,260 1,181,130 1,195,345 1,216,972 6,514,314 4 West District Plant Expansion Design-(60%) - - - - 600,000 600,000 5 Baker Road Sanitary Sewer Study&Construction-Est.Debt Service 25,000 - - - 18,333 57,500 56,675 55,850 60,025 59,063 332,446 Subtotal 188,000 2009000 100,000 2009000 11349,892 19,3649548 19338,935 112369980 11255,370 3,936,035 111,1699760 Parks Projects 1 Goose Creek Stream,Phase IV(80%Match CMAQ$1,089,535) 50,000 150,000 (90,000) 240,000 - - - - - - 350,000 2 Gray Center Renovations: Girls and Adult Softball Complex 610,000 480,000 1,200,000 575,000 - - - - - - 2,865,000 3 Roseland Park Bulkhead Renovations and Trail Construction 245,000 - - - - 20,000 - - - - 265,000 4 Nature Center Entryway and Misc.Improvements 450,000 215,000 - - 188,000 200,000 200,000 210,000 - - 1,463,000 5 East Little League Land Acquisition 275,000 - - - - - - - - - 275,000 6 East Harris County Soccer Sports Complex Water - - 100,000 400,000 - - - - - - 500,000 7 Roseland Park Sprayground 82,000 - - - - - - - - - 82,000 8 Wetlands Center Improvements(add AC/Heating) - - - - 105,000 - - - - - 105,000 9 Baytown Little League Improvements - - - - 210,000 100,000 100,000 25,000 - - 435,000 10 Decker Dr.Landscaping Plan - - 30,000 - - - - - - - 30,000 11 Roseland Pavilion Air Conditioning - - - 35,000 - - - - - - 35,000 12 Goose Creek Stream Phase III - - 240,000 - - - - - - - 240,000 13 Westside Sprayground - - - - - - - 75,000 - - 75,000 14 Sports Complex Family Swim Center Renovation - - - - - - - 700,000 750,000 - 1,450,000 15 Goose Creek West Main/Market St.Project - - - - - - - - 80,000 - 80,000 16 North Main Property(Football/Soccer Fields) - - - - - 125,000 - - - - 125,000 17 Land Acquisition-Future Parks(not specific) - - - - - - - - - 250,000 250,000 18 Baytown Nature Center-Salt Water Marsh Expansion - - - - - 100,000 100,000 - - - 200,000 19 North Main Property-Parking,Restroom/Concession and Lighting - - - - - 100,000 300,000 - - - 400,000 20 Roseland Park Lighting and Other Improvements - - - - - 60,000 - - - - 60,000 21 Arboretum Education and Park - - - - - - 360,000 - - - 360,000 22 N.C.Foote Family Swim Center - - - - - - - 390,000 535,000 - 925,000 23 Goose Creek Stream-Trails,Docks and Picnic Shelters - - - - - - 125,000 - - - 125,000 24 Wetlands Center Annex - - - - - - - - - 350,000 350,000 25 Lighted Bayfront Fishing Pier - - - - - - - - - 500,000 500,000 26 Roseland&Central Little League Parking Lot Construction - - - - 82,000 Subtotal 197129000 8459000 194809000 1,250,000 503,000 7059000 111859000 1,4009000 193659000 1,1009000 111,5459000 Project Administration and Overhead 137,500 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 1,487,500 Contingency 17,500 5,204 20,000 255,000 300,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 1,347,704 MDD Budget $ 3,1309000 $ 292779682 $ 294779478 $ 297279478 $ 311909370 $ 31497,026 $ 396019413 $ 3 614,458 $ 315979848 $ 516369035 $ 33,749 788 BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT LONG TERM DEBT SCHEDULES State Infrastructure Loan-Decker Drive $ 2,5009000 Date of Issue-July 3,2003 Term-8 Years Fiscal Interest Principal Total Total Debt Balance of Year Rate Due 7/03 Interest for Fiscal Yr Principal 2002 2003 4.40% $ 267,478 $ 1109000 $ 377,478 2,2327522 2004 4.40% 279,247 98,231 377,478 199539275 2005 4.40% 2919534 85,944 377,478 11661,741 2006 4.40% 3049361 735117 377,478 193579379 2007 4.40% 317,753 59,725 377,478 190399626 2008 4.40% 3319734 45,744 377,478 7079892 2009 4.40% 346,330 31,148 3779478 361,562 2010 4.40% 361,562 15,916 377,478 - $ 215009000.00 $ 519,824 $ 31019,824 Certificate of Obligation-TWDB(MDD portion-60%o) Issue 1 of 2 $ 39516,310 Series 2005 Date of Issue- March 23,2005 Term-20 Years 2006 1.35% $ 98,625 $ 999219 $ 197,844 3,4177685 2007 1.55% 105,200 97,738 2029938 31312,485 2008 1.65% 110,460 73,009 183,469 39202,025 2009 1.80% 1179035 71,088 188,123 3,0847990 2010 2.05% 123,610 689927 1929537 219619380 2011 2.25% 130,185 889995 219,180 21831,195 2012 2.40% 138,075 85,873 223,948 29693,120 2013 2.55% 1459965 829355 2289320 215479155 2014 2.65% 1539855 78,456 2327311 2,393,300 2015 2.75% 163,060 74,175 2377235 2,230,240 2016 2.90% 1729265 69,435 241,700 210579975 2017 2.95% 1819470 64,261 245,731 11876,505 2018 3.00% 1919990 589656 2509646 11684,515 2019 3.10% 202,510 529589 255,099 11482,005 2020 3.15% 214,345 469075 2609420 1,2679660 2021 2.00% 2267180 39,080 265,260 11041,480 2022 3.30% 239,330 31,512 270,842 8029150 2023 3.35% 2529480 239334 2759814 549,670 2024 3.45% 2669945 14,500 2819445 2829725 2025 3.50% 2829725 41948 2879673 - $ 3,5169310 $ 11224,226 $ 49740,536 11 Municipal Development District(M DD) Revenue Projections 2005-06 Sales Tax Revenue 2003 Actual 2004 Budget 2004 Actual 2005 Adopted 2005 Estimated 2006 Proposed October $ 2021298 $ 270,102 $ 20800 $ 208,600 $ 224,560 $ 225,000 November 211,381 202,298 192,895 1927895 241,047 2419000 December 3761161 211,381 370,820 3701820 402,610 403,000 January 212,210 376,161 2111146 2117146 231,984 232,000 February 2031529 212,210 217,560 2177560 2517181 251,000 March 3111226 2031529 371,254 314,648 365,065 365,000 April 2157378 3117226 2331463 2157378 269,885 2703,000 May 2241239 2157378 222,895 224,239 237,527 238,000 June 324,547 2247239 4521392 3067908 257,000 257,000 July 234,200 306,908 2377893 211,281 243,000 243,000 August 2131302 211,281 2311427 216,758 236,000 236,000 September 2877166 216,758 3161111 286,758 322,000 322,000 Total $ 3,0151636 $ 2,961,471 $ 3,266,456 $ 2,977,000 $ 3,282,000 $ 37283,000 Bold italic figures are estimated. 12 RESOLUTION NO. 63 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 20051 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2006; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT: Section 1: That the budget estimate of the revenues of the Baytown Municipal Development District and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 2005, and ending September 30, 2006, as finally submitted to the Board of Directors by the General Manager of said District (a copy of which is on file in the Assistant Secretary's office)be, and the same is in all things, adopted and approved as the budget estimate of all the current expenses as well as the fixed charges against said District for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2005, and ending September 30, 2006. Section 2: This resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the Board of Directors of the Baytown Municipal Development District. INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the Board of Directors of the Baytown Municipal Development District this the 1"day of September, 2005. CALVIN MUNDINGER,Presi&bt... AT •. LVIN KNAInterim As ' tant Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: 4 j 1 AC4RAMIREZ, 7e - -06 S , General Counsel 13 NAAOJAVO