FY 04-05 MDD Adopted Budget NMO�L�I�S
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September 2, 2004
President and Members of the
Municipal Development District Board
The Municipal Development District (MDD) has several projects underway that will play a
significant role in future economic development for the City. The construction of a new
wastewater treatment plant in the northeast sector of the City is critical in providing much
needed sewer capacity for growth and development. The MDD will be providing funding for
60% of the cost of this facility, while the City of Baytown Water and Sewer Fund will fund 40%
of the cost.
During the regular 2003 legislative session, passage of HB 2912 amended the definition of
"project". The term "project" as used in Section 4B was amended to require that a project be
"for the creation or retention of primary jobs." One of the projects included in the 2004 Adopted
MDD Budget was development of a Unified Land Development Code. However,to be consistent
with HB 2912, this project cannot be totally funded by MDD. Therefore, funding from the
General Fund will fund 50% of this project, which will be combined with 50% funding from
Funding for economic development projects that are within the allowable uses of MDD funds
will continue at the planned level of$300,000 for the 2005 budget. A significant function of this
budget allocation is the development of new and expansion of existing businesses. This category
included funding in the 2004 Budget for projects under contract with the Baytown/West
Chambers County Economic Development Foundation (EDF). Two of these projects include an
economic development strategic plan for Baytown and creation of a socio-economic database.
The EDF Executive Committee and Executive Director have conceptually proposed funding of
an implementation phase for the strategic plan and funding for administration of the database.
The final proposal from EDF will be submitted to the MDD Board for approval.
Unallocated/unspent funds from prior budgets, along with the proposed allocation of$300,000 in
2005 accumulate in this account and may be utilized to meet qualifying infrastructure needs of a
new business,business expansion or other eligible economic development projects.
The MDD Board was able to leverage contingency funds to obtain state funding for landscaping
on Decker Drive. MDD will complete the landscape design ($30,000) and the state will
complete landscaping improvements totaling $300,000. Expenditures originally planned for
signal synchronization has been reduced for North Main and North Alexander based on the
Harris-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) inclusion of these two projects in their Transportation
Improvement Plan for funding in 2005. If received, H-GAC will provide eighty percent funding
for the synchronization of the two thoroughfares. Chances for grant allocation from H-GAC are
significantly improved if design is complete when funding becomes available. The MDD Board
authorized staff to proceed with the design. Funds are available in the current MDD budget for
the design of both thoroughfares.
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final outcome of those protests may impact the actual reimbursement. The actual reimbursement
will be based on actual collections.
The next Technical Adjustment was for additional sales tax revenue for the current year is from
the results of a recent audit by the Texas Comptroller's office. Additional funds have been
remitted to the MDD by the State. The estimated revenues for 2004 have been revised to include
actual receipts for May, June and July. The proposed revenue for 2004-2005 has not been
changed since it appears this audit corrected past errors and the impact on future income is
unclear at this time. Also, an additional $2,000 was added to Interest on Investments for 2005 to
reflect increase interest earnings on funds added through technical adjustments for taxes and
The final Technical Adjustment was funding for Project Management expenses, which have been
added to the Wayne Gray Sports Complex Project. A project of this magnitude would benefit
from constant oversight to ensure that it is completed efficiently and to specification. Staff
resources are not available to provide the day-to-day oversight for the project. An additional
$75,,000 was added to the project through the interlocal agreement. Adopted appropriations from
prior budgets, along with the adopted allocations in 2005 carry over until the project is
completed or cancelled. The budget, as adopted, provides implementation for year four with
changes noted earlier.
Sinter ly,
Gary Jacks2Q11n /A"AOL
General ager
Proposed Tech.Adj. Adopted
Adopted 2004-05 Revenues:
MDD $3,131,907 $ 325055 $3,163,962
$3J31,907 $ 32,055 $3,163,962
Adopted 2004-05 Expenditures:
MDD $23909,478 $ 75,000 $2,9842478
$2,909,478 $ 75,000 $259843478
Summary of Technical Adjustments
2005 Proposed Budget Revenues $3,131,907
Interest on Investments 2,000
TIRZ Repayment 30,055
2005 Adopted Budget Revenues $3,163,962
2005 Proposed Budget Expenditures $2,909,478
Additional Funding for Wayne Gray Sports Complex Renovations 75,000
2005 Adopted Budget Expenditures $2,984,478
Fiscal Year 2004-05
n May 5 2001 in the general election, the citizens of the City of Baytown voted to authorize the
O y g
n of the Baytown Municipal Development District (MDD) and the imposition of a sales
and use tax at the rate of one-half of one percent for the purpose of financing economic
projects development 'ects that provide economic benefit and diversify the economic base of the
p p
community. The board is composed of the Mayor, six council members and four at-large resident
REVENUES - Sales tax is projected at $2,977,000 for fiscal year 2004-05. Sales tax revenues
estimated for 2003-2004 include funds collected by the State for MDD during an audit and
amnesty program. Sales taxes were projected flat based on last year's collections. Interest
earnings are
arnin s projected at $27,000 based on current year interest rates. Funds are also included for
reimbursement from the Baytown Reinvestment Zone #1 (TIRZ) for funds advanced by MDD
during fiscal years 2002 and 2003. A total of$53,543 was advanced by MDD to the TIRZ and
will be reimbursed during the 2004 and 2005 fiscal years.
EXPENDITURES - Phase one projects, which are planned for the first five years, include the
areas of economic development; streets, drainage, sidewalks and signalization, utilities, and
arks. Project administration costs of$150,000 have been included for administrative support of
p �j The budget
the MOD. Construction labor and related costs are charged directly to the project. e b g
also includes $300,000 for contingency funding.
Economic Development Foundation—Basic Service
The support of the basic economic development services contract with the Baytown Area/ West
Chambers County Economic Development Foundation. The Executive Director of the EDF, Mile
Shields, presented a proposal for expanding the basic services to the MDD. This change is
reflected in the budget and will require contract approval by MDD. $1009000
Economic Development Foundation— Special Projects
The current MDD budget includes funding for a special projects contract that will expire on
September 30, 2004. EDF Executive Director Mike Shields presented a draft work plan that
pro special projects. The proposal for additional special projects is reflected in the
poses new p proposed budget funding and will require contract approval by the MDD. $110,000
p g
Economic Development
A significant function of this budget allocation is the development of new and expansion of
existingbusinesses. These projects are critically important in light of the State Implementation
Plans p p potential impact on the petro-chemical industry and underscore our need to diversify our
economic foundation. $90P0
Street Sigpalization Synchronization
Replacement of signal equipment, installation of communications cable and coordination of
signal operation for major thoroughfares along Alexander Dr., Garth Rd. and N. Main St. has
been included in Phase I. The Garth Road project was completed in 2004. Based upon our grant
request, the Harris-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) has included Alexander Drive and North
Main in their Transportation Improvement Plan for funding in 2005. If received, H-GAC will
provide eighty percent funding for the synchronization of the two thoroughfares. Chances for
grant allocation from H-GAC are significantly improved if design is complete when funding
becomes available. Therefore, it is proposed that this funding be utilized for design of both
thoroughfares to position them for H-GAC grant funding. The balance in the current MIDD budget
will be used for design and construction for one of the aforementioned thoroughfares. $100,000
Sidewalk Projects
Sidewalks will be considered where they are consistent with MDD statutory provisions. $50,000
Economic Development Cost Share with Developers
The City will have the ability to upsize lines installed by developers to meet additional future
water and sewer needs for undeveloped areas serviced by the same lines. $200)000
North Wastewater Treatment Plant
The confirmed growth and development within the City necessitated the need for the design and
construction of the Northeast Wastewater Treatment facility. The project is estimated at
$23,000,000 with 60% ($13,800,000) of the funding from the MDD. The remaining 40%
($9,200,000) will be funded from the water and sewer fund. The 2004 MDD budget included
funding for the design of the plant ($1,200,000) and the 2005 budget continues funding for design
and construction ($2,000,000), which will be funded with bonds issued by the Texas Water
Development Board. The 2006 budget includes funding for construction ($10,600,000). The
2005 budget includes the first year's principal and interest payment on 20-year financing. When
the full amount of debt is issued for the project, the annual debt service is estimated to be
$1,107,000. The plant is scheduled to be complete by fiscal year 2008. $257,000
Goose Creek Stream, Phase IV
The fourth phase of the Goose Creek Stream Trail System is planned to begin at Texas Avenue at
the Goose Creek Bridge and end at the sidewalk at the intersection of Garth Road and Shilling
Street. This proposal will upgrade the width (from 8' to 10') where the existing trail goes through
Goose Creek Park. The new trail will then cross under the Decker and Park Street bridges; go
behind the Park Service Center and continue down the Shilling Street ROW to Garth Road. An
additional spur is planned to cross Decker at its intersection with Garth Road to provide a linkage
to the Central Little League/Graywood Area Neighborhood Park on Garth Road. Eighty percent
(80%) of the project ($1,089,535) has been approved for funding with a federal Congestion
Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) grant. The City of Baytown's match is 20% or $275,000. The
CMAQ project funds started in 2002. Funds budgeted for this project in 2004 was reallocated to
the Goose Creek Stream, Phase III project. The 2005 replaces original funds budgeted for this
project. $240P0
Gray Sports Complex Renovations: Girls and Adult Softball Complex
The City of Baytown 20-acre tract of land behind the Sports Complex is master planned for four
additional fields directly behind the 4-plex located on the south end of the Sports Complex.
Construction of a large restroom/concession pavilion between the field areas is planned. Other
renovations will include grading and drainage work, additional lighting, renovation of old asphalt
trails, new picnic facilities, renovation of the entire electrical system, spectator area
coverings/netting and renovation of dugouts. Renovations at the Sports Complex also include the
renovation of the Wayne Gray Community Center located at the Sports Complex. The
improvements include replacement of the roof and renovation of the restrooms to comply with
A.DA standards. The additional adult fields will allow utilization of all seven fields at the Gray
Sports Complex for the Girls Fast Pitch Softball Association and have four additional fields for
tournaments. The proposed upgrade of the facilities at the Gray Sports Complex and the
construction of new facilities for adults are critical to meeting the growing need for up-to-date
facilities for softball programs. It is also essential to ensuring our future success in attracting
major girls softball and adult softball tournaments to Baytown. This is contribution 4 of 4. A
total of $2,290,000 was appropriated in prior years. These additional funds are for the
construction of an open-air pavilion and an additional 102 parking spaces. Project management
services are also added to the project-funding proposal. The total MDD project funding is
$2057000. $5757000
East Harris County Soccer Sports Complex Water
Harris County and the East Harris County Soccer Association are planning a large soccer
complex (150 acres) to be built near North Main and FM 1942. The City has been asked to
participate in Phase I by providing water service to the site. The county already owns the land
and is proceeding with final design for Phase I consisting of eight fields, parks and trails.
Funding is included in the proposed MDD budget for either design of a water line or installation
of a water well in-lieu-of the water line. The current design and construction estimate for the
water line was reduced from $1 million to $500,000. Total proposed Phase I County investment is
$2.5 million. A total of$100,000 will carry over from the fiscal year 2004 budget. $400)000
Roseland Building Air Conditioning
The MDD has made significant improvements in Phase I to facilities located at Roseland Park.
The first sprayground was constructed there during the first year. Renovations to the bulkhead
and trail construction were completed during the second year. Air conditioning will be added to
the building at Roseland to provide year-round comfort and functionality to patrons that utilize
the facility. The Parks Board will consider rental rate increases to help offset the additional utility
costs associated with this upgrade. $359000
Matchinp,Funds for Thoroughfare Improvement (Decker Drive)
The MDD financed a $2,500,000 loan from the Texas State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) for the
Decker Drive project. The funds were used to advance the project scheduled by the state. The
SIB provides low interest loans to qualifying projects. Eligible projects must be on the state
highway system and be included in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan. Payment 3
of 8 is included in the 2005 budget. $3772478
Project Administration & Overhead $1502000
Contingency $3002000
Total AMD 2004-2005 Budget
Actual Continuing Budget 2004 Total Estimated Adopted
2002-03 2002-03 2003-04 Transfer 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05
Beginning working capital $ 21235,045 $ 4,075,782 $ 366,148 $ - $ 4,075,782 $ 4,0752782 $ 1,100,708
2,9989572 - 21961,000 - 2,961,000 31196,000 2,977,000
Sales Taxes
Interest on Investments 38,156 - 272364 - 27,364 45,000 27,000
Contribution-Baker Road 52000 - - - - - -
Intergovernmental-CMAQ grant for Goose Creek project 582875 7411125 15%628 - 900,753 900,753 1293907
Reimbursement of TIRZ advances - - - - 23,488 302055
Total MDD Revenues 330100,603 7412125 3,1472992 - 3,8892117 4,1652241 3,163,962
Economic Development Projects
Unified Land Development Code - - 75,000 - 75,000 37,500 -
Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone advances 3030982 32957 369000 - 392957 - -
Economic Development Foundation-Basic Econ.Dev.Services 25,000 - 509000 - 501000 502000 100,000
Economic Development Foundation-Special Econ.Dev.Projects 23,313 124,861 - - 124,861 1242861 110,000
Development of New and Expansion of Existing Businesses and Industry - 3421500 139,000 - 481,500 481,500 90,000
Subtotal 79,295 471,318 3002000 - 771,318 6932861 3009000
Streets,Drainage,Sidewalks&Signalization Projects - - 664 243 100 000
Street Signalization Synchronization 182,482 6641243 664,243 ,
Land Acquisition for New Thoroughfares 301446 202,191 50,000 - 252,191 252,191 -
Sidewalk Projects - 8711242 - - 872242 872242 501000
Subtotal 2125928 953,676 502000 - 12003,676 190032676 1502000
Utility Projects
Economic Dev.Cost Share with Developers to Upsize New Utilities - 3639000 100,000 - 463,000 463,000 200,000
NE Wastewater Treatment Plant Debt Svc.($3.2M) - - 969000 - 969000 - 2571000
Subtotal - 3639000 196,000 - 559,000 463,000 4572000
Parks Projects
Goose Creek Stream,Phase IV(80%Match CMAQ$1,089,535) 73,593 918,407 439,535 (240)000) 12117,942 1,1171942 2402000
Gray Center Renovations: Girls and Adult Softball Complex 155,408 9001469 191009000 100)000 211001469 2,100,469 575,000
Roseland Park Bulkhead Renovations and Trail Construction 121,653 - - - - - -
Nature Center Entryway and Misc.Improvements 59,750 569,489 - - 569,489 569,489 -
East Little League Land Acquisition 600 274,400 - - 274,400 2742400 -
East Harris County Soccer Sports Complex Water - - 100,000 - 100)000 100,000 400,000
Roseland Park Sprayground 6,457 - - - - - -
Decker Dr.Landscaping Plan - - - 30,000 302000 30,000 -
Roseland Pavilion Air Conditioning - - - - - - 35,000
Goose Creek Stream Phase III - - - 2402000 240,000 240,000 -
Subtotal 417,461 2022765 1,63931535 130,000 4,432,300 42432,300 1,250,000
Project Administration and Overhead 150,000 - 150,000 - 150,000 150,000 150,000
Contingency 22,704 - 1501000 (1307000) 20,000 20,000 300,000
State Infrastructure Bank Loan Repayment Decker Dr. 377,478 - 3771478 - 3779478 3771478 377,478
Subtotal 550,182 - 677,478 (130)000) 547,478 5479478 8279478
Total MDD Expenditures 112593,866 4,4509759 2,863,013 - 7,3132772 7,1409315 2,9842478
Ending working capital $ 49075,782 $ 3663,148 $ 651,127 $ - $ 6519127 $ 1,1001708 $ 19280,192
s sodufla
Nol VINHOAKi riaans
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Total
Project Description Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Phase I
Economic Development Projects
1 Development of New and Expansion of Existing Business and Industry $ 3007000 $ 3002000 $ 3001000 $ 300,000 $ 3002000 $ 15001000
Streets,Drainage,Sidewalks&Signalization Projects
1 Street Signalization Synchronization 3501000 500,000 - 1009000 - 9505000
2 Land Acquisition for New Thoroughfares 125,000 1009000 502000 - 1005000 3753,000
3 Sidewalk Projects(incl.Rollingbrook and other areas of need) 1001000 5030000 - 502000 - 2003,000
4 Decker Dr.Loan Repayment 25011000 1279478 3779478 3772478 37711478 1,509,912
Subtotal 8251000 7772478 427,478 527,478 477,478 3,0342912
Utility Projects
1 Economic Dev.Cost Share with Developers to Upsize New Utilities 200,000 1632000 100,000 2001,000 100,000 763,000
2 Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant(60%MDD,40%W&S) - - 1,200,000 29000,000 10,600,000 13,800,000
Subtotal 2001,000 1632000 1,300,000 272001000 10,700,000 14,5631)000
Parks Projects
1 Goose Creek Stream,Phase IV(80%Match CMAQ$1,089,535) 50,000 1507000 (90,000) 2401,000 - 3502000
2 Gray Center Renovations: Girls and Adult Softball Complex 610,000 4802000 1,200,000 5759000 - 21865,000
3 Roseland Park Bulkhead Renovations and Trail Construction 2451000 - - - - 2453,000
4 Nature Center Entryway and Misc.Improvements 450,000 215,000 - - 2001000 865,000
5 East Little League Land Acquisition 15010000 1251000 - - - 2752000
6 East Harris County Soccer Sports Complex Water 702000 (702000) 100,000 400,000 - 5002000
7 Roseland Park Sprayground 1005000 (18,000) - - - 822000
8 Wetlands Center Improvements(add AC/Heating) - - - - 1059000 1052000
9 Baytown Little League Improvements - - - - 115,000 115,000
10 Decker Dr.Landscaping Plan - - 309000 - - 30,000
11 Roseland Pavilion Air Conditioning - - - 359000 - 35,000
12 Goose Creek Stream Phase III - - 2403,000 - - 2402000
13 Arboretum and Park - - - - 360,000 3601000
Subtotal 11675,000 8822000 114802000 112501,000 7801,000 620672000
Project Administration and Overhead 1379500 1502000 15010000 150,000 1502000 7371,500
Contingency - - 209000 3007000 1502000 4701000
MDD Budget Phase I $ 391379500 $ 292729478 $ 39677,478 $ 4,7279478 $ 1295579478 $ 26,3729412
Less:Debt Issued by Water&Sewer $ - $ - $ (19200,000) $ (290009000) $ (1096009000) $ (13,8009000)
Plus:Annual Debt Payments to Pay Water&Sewer Debt $ - $ - $ 1961,000 $ 2579000 $ 191079000 $ 19460,000
Adjusted MDD Budget Phase I $ 3,137,500 $ 292729478 $ 29573,478 $ 299849,478 $ 390649478 $ 1490329412
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total
Project Description Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Phase II
Economic Development Projects
1 Development of New and Expansion of Existing Business and Industr $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 1,500,000
Streets,Drainage,Sidewalks&Signalization Projects
1 Street Signalization Synchronization 400,000 4001000
2 Land Acquisition for New Thoroughfares 50,000 100,000 - - - 150,000
4 Decker Dr.Loan Repayment 3771478 3771478 3775478 377,478 - 125092912
Subtotal 827,478 4779478 377,478 377,478 - 25059,912
Utility Projects
1 Economic Dev.Cost Share with Developers to Upsize New Utilities 100)000 1001000 - - - 200,000
2 North Main Water and Sewer Extension - - - - 200,000 2002000
3 Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant(60%MDD,40%W&S) 12107,000 1,107,000 11107,000 1,1075000 1,107,000 555359000
Subtotal 1,20710000 112071000 1,107,000 1,1073,000 327673,000 8,3 95,000
Parks Projects
3 Roseland Park Bulkhead Renovations and Trail Construction 20,000 - - - - 20,000
4 Nature Center Entryway and Misc.Improvements 200,000 2002000 210,000 - - 610,000
9 Baytown Little League Improvements 100,000 100,000 25,000 - - 2252000
14 Westside Sprayground - - 753000 - - 7500
15 Sports Complex Family Swim Center Renovation - - 700,000 7505000 - 194505000
16 Goose Creek West Main/Market St.Project - - - 80,000 - 80,000
17 North Main Property(Football/Soccer Fields) 1259000 - - - - 1253,000
18 Land Acquisition-Future Parks(not specific) - - - - 2507000 250,000
19 Baytown Nature Center-Salt Water Marsh Expansion 100,000 100,000 - - - 200,000
20 North Main Property-Parking,Restroom/Concession and Lighting 1001,000 300,000 - - - 400,000
21 Roseland Park Lighting and Other Improvements 60,000 - - - - 60,000
22 Arboretum Education Center Matching Grant 100,000 - - - - 100,000
23 N.C.Foote Family Swim Center - - 390,000 5355000 - 9255000
24 Goose Creek Stream-Trails,Docks and Picnic Shelters - 125,000 - - - 125,000
25 Wetlands Center Annex - - - - 3509000 350,000
26 Lighted Bayfront Fishing Pier - - - - 500,000 500,000
Subtotal 805,000 92531000 12400,000 1,3655000 111001000 52495,000
Project Administration and Overhead 1502000 150,000 1501000 150,000 1509000 750,000
Contingency 1509000 1503000 150,000 1502000 1501000 7505000
2005 MDD Budget Phase II $ 3,4391478 $ 33,1093,478 $ 314842478 $ 31449,478 $ 514673,000 $ 182949,912
Municipal Development District Projects
PHASE I( ears 1—5)
Economic Development Projects Phase I
1. Funding for projects development of new and expansion of existing businesses along with support for the
Baytown—West Chambers County Economic Development Foundation. This project in critically important in light
of the State Implementation Plan's potential impact on the petro-chemical industry and underscores our need to
diversify our economic foundation. Funding will be$300,000 per year for each of five years. $1,500,000
Streets,Drainage,Sidewalks&Signalization Phase I
1. Street Signalization Synchronization
Replacement of signal equipment, installation of communications cable and coordination of signal operation along
Alexander Dr., Garth Rd.and N.Main St. $9507000
2. Land Acquisition for New Thoroughfares
As part of the street, sidewalks and drainage subcommittee deliberations on proposed bond project, the committee
discussed the need to purchase right-of-way (ROW) for roadway development or expansion. The 2020
Comprehensive Plan contains an adopted thoroughfare map that identifies areas of need. In that regard, the
subcommittee used a base figure from recent land purchases and determined the length requirements of several road
projects in areas experiencing rapid growth. $3753000
3. Sidewalk Projects
Sidewalks will be considered where they are consistent with MDD statutory provisions. $200,000
4. Matching Funds for Thoroughfare Improvements
Funds to match local, county, state and federal funds for the Decker Drive project were identified. A loan from the
Texas State Infrastructure Bank in the amount of$2,500,000 was received in 2002 for the completion of the Decker
Drive thoroughfare improvements. The original plan included$250,000 for a ten-year period. The actual loan is for
an eight-year period for$377,478 each year. The second payment will be due in 2004. $1)5097912
Total Streets,Drainage,Sidewalks&Signalization Phase I $34034,912
Utility Projects Phase I
1. Economic Development Cost Share with Developers to Upsize New Utilities
The City will have the ability to upsize lines installed by developers to meet additional future water and sewer needs
for undeveloped areas serviced by the same lines. $763,000
3. Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant
The confirmed growth and development within the City is necessitating the need to begin design and construction
for the Northeast Wastewater Treatment facility. The project is estimated at $23,000,000 with 40% of the funding
from water and sewer debt. This project will be funded by issuance of bonds. $13,800,000
Utilities Project Expenditures Phase I $14,563,000
Parks Projects Phase I
1. Goose Creek Stream,Phase IV
The fourth phase of the Goose Creek Stream Trail System is planned to begin at Texas Avenue at the Goose Creek
Bridge and end at the sidewalk at the intersection of Garth Road and Shilling Street. This proposal will upgrade the
width(from 8' to 10') where the existing trail goes through Goose Creek Park. The new trail will then cross under
the Decker and Park Street bridges; go behind the Park Service Center and continue down the Shilling Street ROW
to Garth Road. An additional spur is planned to cross Decker at its intersection with Garth Road to provide a
linkage to the Central Little League/Graywood Area Neighborhood Park on Garth Road. Eighty percent(80%) of
the project ($1,089,535) has been approved for funding with a federal Congestion Mitigation Air Quality(CMAQ)
grant. The City of Baytown's match is 20%or$275,000. The CMAQ project funds started in 2002.
2. Gray Sports Complex Renovations: Girls and Adult Softball Complex
The City of Baytown purchased the 30-acre tract of land behind the Sports Complex in the mid-eighties for the
expansion of the softball facilities and for the construction of the Republic of Texas Plaza. The Plaza was
completed in 1986. The land has been master planned for four additional fields directly behind the four-plex located
on the south end of the Sports Complex. Youth football fields are planned for the north end of the property and are
described in another section of this report. We plan to build four 300-foot lighted adult fields and press box on the
south end of the North Main property. Renovations to the remaining fields will include a resizing the fields for
youth/girls softball on fields A,B,to open up the spectator area and shorten the 280-foot fields to 225 feet. Fields F
& G will remain unchanged. Field E will be removed and used for a large pavilion and drainage. Fields C and D
will have grading renovations fences and will be 275-foot distance. This will enable the City to host larger adult
tournaments using fields C & D. The Girls Fast Pitch Softball Association would be use fields C & D for league
play and would be able to use all four of the new adult fields for tournaments. A large restroom/concession pavilion
will be built in the center of the two 4-plexes. The future youth football program will also use these concession
facilities. Other renovations will include grading and drainage work, additional lighting, renovation of old asphalt
trails,new picnic facilities,renovation of the entire electrical system,spectator area coverings/netting and renovation
of dugouts. Future renovations at the Sports Complex will also include the renovation of the Wayne Gray
Community Center located at the Sports Complex. The improvements include replacement of the roof and
renovation of the restrooms to comply with ADA standards. The additional adult fields will allow utilization of all
seven fields at the Gray Sports Complex for the Girls Fast Pitch Softball Association and have four additional fields
for tournaments. The proposed upgrade of the facilities at the Gray Sports Complex and the construction of new
facilities for adults are critical to meeting the growing need for up-to-date facilities for softball programs. It is also
essential to ensuring our success in attracting major girls softball and adult softball tournaments to Baytown in the
future. $21865,000
3. Roseland Park Renovations and Improvements(Phase I)
Replacement of the bulkhead along Cedar Bayou is the highest priority improvement contained in this request. The
bulkhead that was built in the 1970's was replaced in 2003. Also, a 3,000' x 6' wide trail is included in this project.
The future trail will loop the park. $2452000
4. Baytown Nature Center
The improvements in this project closely follow the recommendations contained in the Baytown Nature Center
Master Plan adopted by the City in 1997-98. The extension of the French Limited Task Group project, including a
channel to Burnett Bay and to the Crow Road crossing will allow the development of more tidal wetlands. A new
entryway into the Nature Center is included along with other related improvements to the Myra C. Brown Wildbird
Sanctuary. Other improvements include a 2,000' x 6' wide trail, a wildlife observation platform and bridge,
acquisition of remaining private property and two additional Pedestrian Bridges. The City will be applying for a
matching grant to assist in this project to remove old piers,boat docks and other navigation hazards. $8652000
5. East Little League Land Acquisition
This project will acquire the property at the Ward Road Site currently held by two owners. In 1986, the City of
Baytown and Baytown East Little League combined efforts to build the little league facility on loth street in the
detention pond. The league has continued to grow and population trends indicate the league will continue to grow in
the future. $275,000
6. East Harris County Soccer Sports Complex Water
Harris County and the East Harris County Soccer Association are planning a large soccer complex(150 acres)to be
built near North Main and FM 1942. The City has been asked to participate in Phase I by providing water service to
the site. The county already owns the land and is proceeding with final design for Phase I consisting of eight fields,
parks and trails. Funding is included in the proposed MDD budget for either design of a water line or installation of
a water well in-lieu-of the water line. The current design and construction estimate for the water line is $1 million.
While a water line may be required if future complex expansions occur, a water well will adequately service the
needs for Phase I of the complex,which is all that has been funded by Harris County.Total proposed Phase I County
investment is$2.5 million. $50000
7. Roseland Park Spray rg ound
The new sprayground at Roseland Park will replace the existing pool. The new facility will go in the existing pool
footprint while the bathhouse and fencing will be removed. Spraygrounds are open from the end of March through
October and require no personnel(lifeguards). The project was completed in May 2002. $82,000
8. Wetlands Center Annex Improvements
The Wetlands Education Center has invested approximately $65,000 in life-like taxidermy exhibits that are housed
in the warehouse area of the Center. These exhibits are subject to excessive summer heat, wind, dust, cool winters
and almost constant high humidity. These harsh conditions will result in a shortened life span for the exhibits. Also,
the heat and humidity make conditions almost unbearable for the public when touring the exhibits. These conditions
necessitate the enclosure of the exhibits in an air conditioned and heated building. Office space is also needed to
accommodate two new employees and an environmental education library for GCCISD teachers to use. $105,000
9. Baytown Little League Improvements(Phase I)
Provide improvements as needed for all four leagues to meet the increasing needs of this youth sport. $115,000
10. Decker Drive Landscaping Plan
The MDD Board was able to leverage MDD contingency funds to obtain state funding for landscaping on Decker
Drive. MDD will complete the landscape design and the state will complete landscaping improvements totaling
$3005000. $302000
11. _Roseland Pavilion Air Conditioning
The MDD has made significant improvements in Phase I to facilities located at Roseland Park. The first
sprayground was constructed there during the first year. Renovations to the bulkhead and trail construction were
completed during the second year. Air conditioning will be added to the building at Roseland to provide year-round
comfort and functionality to patrons that utilize the facility. The Parks Board will consider rental rate increases to
help offset the additional utility costs associated with this upgrade. $355000
12. Goose Creek Stream Phase III
Supplemental funding was provided in fiscal year 2004 by MDD to complete the Goose Creek Stream Phase III
project. The project was funded 80% state grant and 20% General Obligation Bonds. The state required additional
project management oversight that increased the cost of the project. The scope of the project is to provide for
construction of a 2.5 mile bicycle and pedestrian trail, beautification of gateway entranceway from Fred Hartman
Bridge north of landward side, enhancement of scenic waterfront highway on north landward side of Baytown
Bridge, historic and archaeological planning and interpretation, control of Goose Creek Stream watershed signage
and mitigation of runoff. $24%000
13. Arboretum and Park
The proposal funds the Phase I development of the Chandler Arboretum that includes most of the infrastructure(site
preparation, grading and drainage, water main, main gate/entryway, main road into the park, a parking area, two
ponds and landscaping). This phase also includes matching funds for a Texas Parks and Wildlife grant application
for further development. $3605000
Park Projects Phase I $6,607,000
Project Administration Overhead and Contingency $1,207,500
PHASE I(Years 1—5)MDD PROJECTS $264372,412
Municipal Development District Projects
PHASE II(Years 6—10)
*All Phase II projects will be reviewed and an analysis of additional needs
will be conducted towards the end of Phase I and an updated
Phase II master plan will be developed
Economic Development Projects Phase H
1. Funding for projects development of new and expansion of existing businesses along with support for the
Baytown—West Chambers County Economic Development Foundation. This project in critically important in light
of the State Implementation Plan's potential impact on the petro-chemical industry and underscores our need to
diversify our economic foundation. Funding will be$300,000 per year for each of five years. $1,5001000
Streets,Drainage,Sidewalks&Signalization Phase H
1. Street Signalization Synchronization
Funding for replacement of signal equipment, installation of communications cable and coordination of signal
operation. $400,000
2. Land Acquisition for New Thoroughfares
As part of the street, sidewalks and drainage subcommittee deliberations on proposed bond project, the committee
discussed the need to purchase right-of-way (ROW) for roadway development or expansion. The 2020
Comprehensive Plan contains an adopted thoroughfare map that identifies areas of need. In that regard, the
subcommittee used a base figure from recent land purchases and determined the length requirements of several road
projects in areas experiencing rapid growth. $1503000
4. Matching Funds for Thoroughfare Improvements
Funds to match local, county, state and federal funds for the Decker Drive project were identified. A loan from the
Texas State Infrastructure Bank in the amount of$2,500,000 was received in 2002 for the completion of the Decker
Drive thoroughfare improvements. The original plan included$250,000 for a ten-year period. The actual loan is for
an eight-year period for $377,478 each year. The first payment will be due in 2003 and the amount budgeted in
2003 supplements the 2002 appropriation of$250,000. $15509)912
Total Streets,Drainage,Sidewalks&Signalization Phase H $2,059,912
Utility Projects Phase H
1. Economic Development Cost Share with Developers to Upsize New Utilities
The City will have the ability to upsize lines installed by developers to meet additional future water and sewer needs
for undeveloped areas serviced by the same lines. $2002000
2. North Main Water and Sewer Extension
Extension of water&sewer lines from Cedar Bayou Lynchburg Rd.to I-10. This project will be funded by issuance
of bonds. $2)660)000
3. Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant
Annual debt service requirement for Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant funded with bonds issued during Phase I
for$13,800,000. $5,535,000
Utilities Project Expenditures Phase II $8,395,000
Parks Projects Phase H
3. Roseland Park Bulkhead Renovations and Trail Construction(Phase II)
Funding for completion of this project. $20,000
4. Baytown Nature Center
The improvements in this project closely follow the recommendations contained in the Baytown Nature Center
Master Plan adopted by the City in 1997-98. The extension of the French Limited Task Group project, including a
channel to Burnett Bay and to the Crow Road crossing will allow the development of more tidal wetlands. A new
entryway into the Nature Center is included along with other related improvements to the Myra C. Brown Wildbird
Sanctuary. Other improvements include a 2,000' x 6' wide trail, a wildlife observation platform and bridge,
acquisition of remaining private property and two additional Pedestrian Bridges. The City will be applying for a
matching grant to assist in this project to remove old piers,boat docks and other navigation hazards. $610,000
9. Baytown Little League Improvements(Phase II)
Provide improvements as needed for all four leagues to meet the increasing needs of this youth sport. $225)000
14. Westside Spray rg_ound
Construction of a sprayground at an existing Parks facility to serve the residents of west Baytown. The design and
operation of this facility will be similar to Roseland Park. $75,000
12. Sport Complex Family Swim Center Renovation
Renovation and expansion of the Wayne Gray Sports Complex Pool into a family swim center meets the needs of all
ages and modern codes and standards. The renovations will include a new bathhouse,zero depth pool entrance,"lap
lanes",new circulation and filtration systems and a sprayground,as recommended in the Aquatics Study.
13. Goose Creek West Main/Market St.Proiect
The Goose Creek Stream Development Committee is interested in the development and beautification of the area
between the West Main Bridge and the Market Street Bridge. The committee desires to develop a safe navigable
marked waterway from the new Marina to the Wetlands Center. This project acquires two key tracts of land.
14. North Main Property(Football Fields)
Funding will be used for site improvements (grading and drainage) for property located adjacent to the Republic of
Texas Plaza and for further development for use as practice fields. $125,000
15. Land Acquisition-Future Parks(not specific)
This is funding for future park sites when land becomes available. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board asked
to have a fund available for future sites. $250,000
16. Baytown Nature Center-Salt Water Marsh Expansion
The expansion of the French Limited Task Group and will be used as match with future grant applications. $200,000
17. North Main Property-Parking,Restroom/Concession and Lighting
Phase II of this project will construct four football fields that will be used by the Optimist Club Youth Football
program. Parking, lighting, spectator areas and additional trails included in the project. The new program will
utilize the common restroom/concession pavilion facilities that will a company the Sports Complex renovations.
These facilities will also service the Republic of Texas Plaza Historic buildings. $400,000
18. Roseland Park Li'ghtinp,and Other Improvements
This project will provide for additional area lighting and upgraded picnic and playground facilities. $60,000
19. _Chandler Arboretum Education Center Matching Grant
This project funds the grant match to construct an education center operated jointly with Lee College. $100,000
20. N.C.Foote Family Swim Center
This project provides for pool renovations and additions as recommended in the Aquatics Study. It will change the
shallow pool to an average depth of 2' 6" with a zero depth entry and a 4'-deep "slide plunge"pool. The scope of
work also includes enlarging the structure of the pool; expanding the filtration and plumbing system;
repairing/replacing plaster and tile pool bottom and sides; removing diving boards; adding granulated rubber
surfaces on ramps and zero depth areas;and adding play structures. $925,000
21. Goose Creek Stream-Trails,Docks,Picnic Shelters
This Phase will construct new connecting trails, fishing piers(Adams Pier) and picnic facilities along the Intermodal
Surface Transportation Efficiency Act(ISTEA)portion of the Goose Creek Trail. $125,000
22. Wetlands Center Annex
The Goose Creek Stream Development Committee has acquired the old Baytown Rentals building on Market Street.
This project will provide a facility for aquaculture programs with partnerships of Lee College, Goose Creek CISD
and the Wetlands Center. $350,000
23. Lighted Bay-front Fishing Pier
Construct a 10' wide, 300' lighted fishing pier with a 100' T-Head. The cost estimate provides for construction of a
wood deck on concrete pilings. This proposal does NOT include funding for property acquisition. Additional
funding may be required, depending upon the exact site selected for the pier. This proposal addresses frequent
informal requests for such a facility from citizens and members of local fishing organizations. $5005000
Parks Project Expenditures(Phase II) $5,1495,000
Project Administration,Overhead and Contingency $1,1500,000
PHASE II(Years 6-10)MDD PROJECTS $18,1949,1912
Fiscal Principal Interest Annual Principal
Year Interest Rate Due 7/3 Due 7/3 Requirement Outstandin
Date of Issue-Jul 3,2003 Term-8 Years
2002 $ 2,500,000
2003 4.40% $ 267,478 $ 110,000 $ 377,478 25232,522
2004 4.40% 27%247 98,231 377,478 159535275
f-2005 4.40% 291,534 85,944 377,478 1,6615741
2006 4.40% 304,361 735117 3775478 1,357,379
2007 4.40% 317,753 59,725 3775478 1,03%626
2008 4.40% 331,734 45,744 377,478 707,892
2009 4.40% 3465330 31,148 3773478 361,562
2010 4.40% 361,569 15,909 3775478 -
$ 2,5005007 $ 51%817 $ 35019,824
Section 1: That the budget estimate of the revenues of the Baytown Municipal
Development District and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal
year, beginning October 1, 2004, and ending September 30, 2005, as finally submitted to the
Board of Directors by the General Manager of said District (a copy of which is on file in the
Assistant Secretary's office)be, and the same is in all things, adopted and approved as the budget
estimate of all the current expenses as well as the fixed charges against said District for the fiscal
year beginning October 1, 2004, and ending September 30, 2005.
Section 2: This resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by
the Board of Directors of the Baytown Municipal Development District.
INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the Board of Directors
of the Baytown Municipal Development District this the 2nd day of September, 2003.
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G FC' W. SMTTH, Assistant Secretary
NACIO RAMIREZ, SR, General Counsel