Ordinance No. 15,475 ORDINANCE NO. 15,475 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS, APPROVING AN ADJUSTMENT TO THE CITY OF BAYTOWN'S GENERAL FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND AND WATER & SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 BUDGET; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ************************************************************************************* WHEREAS, on the 22"d day of September, 2022, after considering the proposed budget together with the testimony and information received at the public hearings,the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas,adopted the City's 2022-23 fiscal year budget; and WHEREAS,pursuant to Section 102.010 of the Texas Local Government Code, the City Council may make changes in the budget for municipal purposes;and WHEREAS,the Director of Finance for the City of Baytown has recommended adjustments to the City's 2022-23 fiscal year budget for municipal purposes;and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Baytown, after considering the submitted budget adjustments, believes that the changes are consistent with the interest of the residents of the City; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1: That all matters and facts set forth in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and are approved by the City Council of the City of Baytown,Texas. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby approves the adjustments to the City of Baytown's 2022-23 fiscal year budget, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 22"d day of June,2023. 7 pp;l7l?i.y,,, B POWELL,Wayor Pro Tem j a ° ANGELA J S t Clerk cO AP VED A T ORM: SCOTT LE OND,City Attorney R:\Karen Anderson ORDINANCES\2023\2023.06.22.S.Lemond\ApprovingBudgetAdjustment.docx EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF BAYTOWN FY23 BUDGET AMENDMENT FY23 Proposed FY23 Funding Source Adopted Budget Amended % Change Budget Amendment Budget m GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS General Fund CIPF 63,911,312 17,528 63,928,840 0.03% TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL $ 63,911,312 $ 17,528 $ 63,928,840 0.03% Funding Breakdown Fund Balance 23,098,182 (400,000) 22,698,182 Current Revenue 18,164,255 417,528 18,581,783 Debt 22,648,876 - 22,648,876 TOTAL FUNDING $ 63,911,313 $ 17,528 $ 63,928,841 ® ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water&Sewer Fund CIPF 49,734,582 (8,523,291) 41,211,292 -20.68% TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUND $ 49,734,582 $ (8,523,291) $ 41,211,292 -20.68% Funding Breakdown ARPA 15,977,700 - 15,977,700 Fund Balance 3,230,262 3,607,721 6,837,983 Current Revenue 10,526,620 (1,641,012) 8,885,609 Debt 20,000,000 (10,490,000) 9,510,000 TOTAL FUNDING $ 49,734,582 $ (8,523,291) $ 41,211,292 GRAND TOTAL $ 113,645,895 $ (8,505,762) $ 105,140,132 -8.09% GOVERNMENTAL 351-General Fund CIPF FY23 FY23 Adopted Budget FY23 Proposed Budget Amended Projects Budget Amendment Adopted Budget Amendment Budget Project Manager Engineering 2,104,000 72,262 2,176,262 2,176,262 Texas Ave Drainage Improvement - 1,183 1,183 1,183 City Facility PER 75,000 75,000 75,000 Allen/Edgebrook/Narc/Col - 113,563 113,563 113,563 Market Street Revitalization 6,482,324 - 6,482,324 6,482,324 Cedar Bayou Crossing - 448,078 448,078 448,078 Garth Rd Design 5,073,138 - 5,073,138 5,073,138 HC FTA Sidewalk Transit City 590,000 590,000 590,000 Sidewalk Master Plan Impl 200,000 200,000 John Martin Widening PER 200,000 200,000 (200,000) - Street Recon Design 400,000 - 400,000 (400,000) - 1-10 Intersection Improvement 239,084 78,373 317,457 317,457 Roseland Park Pavilion 1,379,045 (291,438) 1,087,607 1,087,607 Newcastle Park Ren Ph 1 - 111,914 111,914 111,914 Parks Planning 316,667 83,333 400,000 400,000 Goose Creek Trail Phase VII 274,224 - 274,224 274,224 Public Safety Building - 554,900 554,900 554,900 Fire Station Fencing 277,362 - 277,362 277,362 Traffic Building - 116,690 116,690 116,690 Annual Signal Modernization - 216,703 216,703 216,703 Emergency Traffic Signal 600,000 - 600,000 600,000 North Alexander Traffic Signal 850,000 850,000 850,000 Intersection Rewiring Program 164,780 164,780 164,780 Annual Communication Pro,ect 599,340 599,340 599,340 Texas Ave Drainage Improvement 525,415 (1,183) 524,232 524,232 Citizen Bank Improvement FY18 659,751 659,751 659,751 City Facilty PER 79,000 (75,000) 4,000 4,000 Municipal Court Renovation 88,707 (88,707) - - Traffic Building 550,250 (116,690) 433,560 433,560 Equipment Storage 198,000 102,000 300,000 300,000 FS#4 Female Facilities 46,112 - 46,112 46,112 Comprehensive Plan 100,000 100,000 100,000 New Project Initiatives 896,131 896,131 896,131 Cedar Bayou Crossing 389,509 389,509 389,509 Annual Renewal Of Asphalt 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 Dolphin Harbor and Canvasback Streets 225,000 - 225,000 225,000 Evergreen Golf Course 5,000,000 100,569 5,100,569 5,100,569 Parks Operations Center Phase II 400,000 - 400,000 400,000 American League Park Improvements 850,000 (133,142) 716,858 (716,858) - Bicentennial Park Stage Replacement 150,000 150,000 (150,000) Jenkins Park Clubhouse 270,000 270,000 (270,000) Bayland Manna Park 150,000 150,000 (150,000) 100 Block Of Town Square 200,000 200,000 (200,000) - Public Safety Building Fuel Island 835,000 835,000 835,000 Public Safety Building 2,500,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 5,500,000 Fire Station 4 Remodel 150,000 150,000 (140,614) 9,386 Emergency Ops Center Expansion 300,000 300,000 (300,000) - South Command Fire 150,000 150,000 (150,000) Fire Station 5 110,000 110,000 (110,000) Fire Station 6 100,000 100,000 (100,000) Fire Station 7 50,000 50,000 (50,000) - Signal-Annual Modernization Project 758,039 (216,703) 541,336 541,336 Diamond Intersection Conversion To Adaptive Timing 150,000 - 150,000 - 150,000 PWE Renovation Phase 11 140,000 24,852 164,852 164,852 Municipal Court Renovation 840,000 (105,000) 735,000 15,000 750,000 Environmental Health Dept 650,000 650,000 650,000 Facility ADA Compliance 200,000 200,000 200,000 Sterling Library 260,000 260,000 (260,000) - Mosguito Control 170,000 170,000 170,000 Market Street Revitalization 7,798,876 7,798,876 7,798,876 West Baker from Garth Road to Decker 500,000 500,000 500,000 Neighborhood Street Reconstruction 4,600,000 4,600,000 4,600,000 North Main Street Pavement Preservation 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 Police Range Training 700,000 700,000 700,000 Fire Boat 600,000 600,000 600,000 GOVERNMENTAL 351-General Fund CIPF FY23 FY23 Adopted Budget FY23 Proposed Budget Amended Projects Budget Amendment#1 Adopted Admendment#2 Budget Fire Station 2 Replacement 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1-10 Intersection Improvements 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 Art League Building Renovation 250,000 - 250,000 250,000 Totals 62,839,754 1,071,558 63,911,312 17,528 63,928,840 Total amendment required for General Fund Capital projects. ENTERPRISE FUNDS 527-Water&Sewer CIPF FY23 FY23 Adopted Budget FY23 Proposed Budget Amended Projects Budget Amendment#1 Adopted Admendment#2 Budget ARPA-WDWWTP P1 Well Design 350,000 - 350,000 (350,000) - ARPA-WWTP Scada Install 10,000,000 1,000,000 11,000,000 11,000,000 ARPA-WDWWTPOp Building 2,650,000 (22,300) 2,627,700 2,627,700 ARPA-CDWWTP Equipment And Operations Efficiency Project 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 350,000 2,350,000 Citizens Bank Renovation 1,581,251 6,391 1,587,642 - 1,587,642 Lanme Lift Station Improvements 714,940 6,221 721,161 166,696 887,858 Lanie LS Upgrades - 281,871 281,871 (281,871) - Texas Ave Lift Station 390,000 - 390,000 600,000 990,000 Plumwood Subdivision - 446,000 446,000 (446,000) - Unforeseen-New Initiatives 294,740 - 294,740 133,750 428,490 Unforeseen-New Initiatives 1,260,222 1,260,222 (1,260,222) - Utility Project Management 1,472,884 169,736 1,642,621 1,642,621 NEWWTP-Bio Study - 6,992 6,992 - 6,992 EDWWTP D2017-040 Match 1,051,204 (710,000) 341,204 320,073 661,277 EDWWTP Phase II Rehab-ENG 2,305,887 2,305,887 (2,305,887) - West District Wwtp-Second 3,198,434 (2,497,675) 700,759 111,393 812,152 Annual Waterline Rehab 21 1,988,832 1,988,832 (74,593) 1,914,240 Annual Sewerline Reh 21&2 1,840,377 (655,910) 1,184,467 (640,377) 544,090 Annual Sewerline Reh 21&2 655,910 655,910 - 655,910 REL HS Drainage Reroute 1,208,796 - 1,208,796 775,804 1,984,600 Chamber's Common - - 3,457,721 3,457,721 Annual Lift Station FY21 1,000,000 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 Abbe Addition Lift Station 250,000 250,000 250,000 Sjolander/Cedar Bayou 3,779,778 3,779,778 (3,779,778) - Connally Annexation Utilities 2,000,000 2,000,000 (2,000,000) Trunkline Sewer Evaluation And Rehab 250,000 250,000 (250,000) Bayway Waterline&Pedest 700,000 700,000 (700,000) Elevated Storage Tank Pal 250,000 250,000 - 250,000 Water Meter Replacement Program 2,250,000 2,250,000 150,000 2,400,000 Lead Service Line Inventory Program Study 150,000 150,000 PSLIP Partnership Program 250,000 250,000 (250,000) - West District WWTP Plant I Rehab 7,000,000 7,000,000 (6,100,000) 900,000 CDWWTP Equipment And Operations Efficiency Proj Ph II 300,000 300,000 200,000 500,000 EDWWTP Phase I Rehab FY21 710,000 710,000 3,500,000 4,210,000 Totals 17,686,191 (1,312,764) 49,734,582 (8,523,291) 41,211,292 Total amendment required for Water&Sewer Capital projects.