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_FY 63-64 COB Adopted Budget
r r ANNUALBUDGET i OF THE Cit of Baytown, Texas . 1 1 FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER 1, 1963 SEPTEMBER 30, 1964 1 Adopted By CITY COUNCIL Composed of C. L. LIGGETT, M.D., Mayor 1 SEABORN CRAVEY .............. District I MRS. VELMA J. ANSLEY .... District 4 T. E. COOK ............................ District 2 JACK C. HURON .................. District 5 KENNETH BADGETT ............ District 3 EARL M. LIVELY .................... District 6 d jI CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS ' ANNUAL BUDGET 1 of the CITY OF BAYTOvdN , TEXAS for the Fiscal Year October 1, 1963 - September 30, 1964 Compiled by J. B. LeFevre, City Manager 1 and Adopted by the MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL IC. L. LIGGETT, M. D. , MAYOR SEABORN CRAVEY VELMA J. ANSLEY JACK C. HURON KENNETH E. BADGETT T. E. COOK M. -E. LIVELY I 1 I CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS ;pry .':o3R:: a>f This 1963-64 issue of the Cityr..'of Ba town' s annual budget Y 9 is dedicated to our City Manager, J. B. LeFevre, who has de- ' voted limitless time, energy, and ability toward the task of making our City truly "A Better Place In Which To Live. " The City Council, Administration, and citizenry of Baytown will long hold in esteem the sincere dedication of this fine man. His four years as Chief Administrator have been four years of organized growth and progress for our City. His re- markable leadership and integrity has been wholeheartedly accepted by those who worked for him and with him. As he moves from the position of Chief Administrator to the office of Director of Finance, this City looks forward to the development of a department that will set the example for many cities to follow. May his years of service with the City of Baytown be long and fruitful. I I i i PERCENT OF TOTAL INCOME ' 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 56.25%V / TAXES 51,558,490.°O o 22.10/o j A WATER 4 SEW 5ER CHARGES a 612,300.00 5.15% SERVICE CHARGES 103 000°O 1.00% I PA.RKING METERS s 28,000:'O 8.05%0 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 5223,172°O 7.45% PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS $ 205,692.°° i 1963-64 TOTAL REVENUE 2,770,654." i i PERCENT OF TOTAL OUTGO O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 I13.55% GENERAL ADM INIST2ATION s 375 743°C 6.40% FIRE DEPARTMENT 4177,788.°0 4.00°JO PARK, RECREATION L11312A2Y s 11O,773.00 i 11.06% v POL ICE DEPARTMENT sS, 306,086 00 i O 21.56 /o '7 PUBLIC WORKS 4 597, 699.°O 6.00% WASTE COLLECTION S 139,457.°° 1 22.95% , INATE12 4 SE WAGE s 636,884 oa 16.50% DEBT SERVICE 4 427,324 0° u 1963 -64 TOTAL EXPENDITURES -- 12,770, 664.00 F iCITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS --" ITABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. I/ PART I . SUMMAR I E S , Introduction I I City Manager' s Message II Payroll Schedules III General Budget Summary - Revenues 1 General Budget Summary - Expenditures 2 I General Budget Summary - All Funds 3 . Individual Funds 4 Analysis of Property Valuations 5 Tax Levies and Collections for All Funds 6 IPART II . GENERAL FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES DETAIL General Fund Revenue Detail 8-9 General Fund Expenditures by Function and 11 Department 10-11 General Fund Expenditures by Character and Object Classification 12 IGeneral Government: I City Council 13 City Manager 14 Corporation Court 15-16 II Elections 17 Finance 18 Law 19 City Hall 20 I Engineering 21 City Library 22-23 City Clerk 24 IICivil Defense 25 Public Safety: ITraffic Improvement 26 Police Department 27-28 Fire Department 29-30 IProtective Inspection 31 Highways and Roadways: ISidewalks , Streets and Drainage 32-33 ISanitation and Waste Removal: Mosquito Control 34 IIWaste Collection and Disposal 35 I - - iCITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1� ITABLE OF CONTENTS - Continued PAGE NO. IConservation of Health: Health Department 36-37 IRecreation: IParks and Recreation 38-39 Miscellaneous: IIGeneral Overhead 40 Insurance 41 III Garage 42 IPART III . WATERWORKS & SANITARY SEWER FUND Statement of Income , Expense &Surplus Adjustments 43 I Summary of Expenditures by Division 44 Summary of Expenditures by Character & Object 45 Supply 46 I Transmission and Distribution 47 Customer Accounting & Collection 48 General Overhead 49 Transfer to Other Funds 50 Sewer And Sewage Disposal 51-52 PART IV. DEBT SERVICE SECTION IResources and Requirements: All Bonds 53 I General Obligation Bonds 54 Waterworks and Sewer Revenue Bonds 55 Descriptive Bonds: I Statement of Bonded Indebtedness 56-61 ISchedule of Bond Requirements: General Obligation Bonds 62-63 Waterworks & Sewer Revenue Bonds 64 Waterworks Tax Supported Bonds 65 I 1 C?TY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS ' TABLE OF CONTENTS - Continued PAGE NO. PART V. MISCELLANEOUS Ordinance Adopting the Budget 66-68 Ordinance Fixing Tax Levy 69-70 Classification of Expenditures by Character and Object 71-75 1 1 I I I I 1 I t 1 I 1 - ' I CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS • 1 I. I/ 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1 The 1963-64 Budget of the City of Baytown will consist of the following budget accounts, each operating under and with its own funds as appropriated by the City Council and from revenues derived from ' sources pertaining to that particular method of operation: ( 1) The General Fund operating with revenues from tax sources and from other miscellaneous sources of revenue. 1 (2) The Water and Sewer Fund operating from sale of ' water, servicing customer installations, and sewer service charges. 1 (3) Bond Funds operating from taxation and from water and sewer revenues . 11 1 �' ICITY OF BAYTOWN. TLXAS - 1 II. ITHE CITY MANAGER' S BUDGET MESSAGE The Honorable Mayor and City Council I City Hall Baytown, Texas IGentlemen: Tax revenue in this proposal is based on an estimated I $85,780,000 rendered value at $1. 86 per hundred and 96% anti- cipated collection in this budget year. The tax rate is distributed as follows: IGeneral Fund 1.515 = $1,249, 665 Tax Bond Retirement .345 = 282,025 ITotal 1.860 = $1,531,690 The other revenue, including the water and sewer fund, II is based on previous experience plus some considered guesses as to what the newly annexed area might provide. II This budget proposes expenditures in all funds of $2,884,995, which is an increase of $538,299 over the 1962- 63 budget as amended to include funds made available through Iannexation of water districts No. 8 and No. 58. Capital improvements are increased from $454,660 to $509,481 or a total increase of $44,821. The greater portion I of the capital improvement appropriations is for street im- provement in the General Fund and the extension of water lines in the Water and Sewer Fund. We have a great need for ex- IItension of sewer lines , particularly in some of the areas recently annexed, but most of the area is sparcely settled and can continue using septic tanks until it is more thickly I populated. We have many people with water problems and this proposal will go a long way toward alleviating this problem. The budget for the new library, which is to be in its Ifirst full year of operation, was increased from $54,032 to $70,000. This does not provide for stocking the library as rapidly as we would like, but does provide for some growth. ITwenty thousand dollars has been proposed as an esti- mated first year cost of hiring an engineering firm to develop II a Master Plan for the City under the Federal aid program (701 and the cost of a "management survey" by a professional firm. II 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I 1 City Manager' s Budget Message Page 2 ' With the expansion of our city limits by annexation of approximately 10 square miles and 7,500 people we have proposed the addition of three policemen and four firemen. Our debt service requirements increased by $28,885 due to the assumption of the outstanding indebtedness of the two water districts annexed by ordinance in late 1962. This budget does not propose any salary increases in its present form, as it was decided that any merit increases should be postponed until after the management survey was completed. A "blanket" raise or "cost of living adjustment" was granted all employees in 1962-63. Grateful acknowledgment is expressed to the Department . and Division heads for their assistance in the preparation of ' this budget and to the City Council for their careful consider- ation of our recommendations and their suggested changes. Though we have not all agreed on every single item in the budget, I think we are all in agreement that the overall ex- 1 penditures are for services and improvements that will bene- fit the entire community. Yours very truly, 1 \ J. B. Le Fevre City Manager JBL: ljm 9/20/63 I 1 I 1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 11 SALARIES AND WAGES BY TITLE AND RATE OF PAY IGENERAL FUND Account Actual 62-63 Proposed 1963-64 Number Job Classification Monthly Monthly Annual I101 CITY COUNCIL • 1-2 Secretary ( 1/2 Time) 81.25 975.00 I102 CITY MANAGER 1-1 City Manager 1,212. 00 1,212. 00 14,544. 00 II-! Longevity 163. 00 1-2 Secretary 327. 00 327. 00 3 ,924. 00 1-2 Longevity • 24. 00 1-5 Extra Help 200.00 I 1-6 Salary Adjustments 4,250. 00 Total 23 , 105. 00 I 1031-1 CORPORATION COURT 518. 00 518.00 6,216.00 1-1 Longevity 125. 00 11 1-2 Secretary, Clerk 327.00 327.00 3 ,924. 00 1-2 Clerk 305. 00 305.00 3,660.00 1-2 Longevity 160.00 Total 14,085. 00 II105 FINANCE 1-1 Director of Finance (75%)* * 522. 50 6,270.00 I 1-1 Tax Assessor & Collector 1-1 Chief Accountant (75%)* * 630.00 630. 00 7,560. 00 1-1 Longevity 298. 00 1 1-2 Deputy Tax Collector 380. 00 380. 00 4, 560. 00 1-2 Deputy Tax Collector (2) 327.00 327.00 7,848.00 1-2 Longevity 662. 00 1-3 Bookkeeper (50%)* 190. 00 190. 00 2,280. 00 I1-3 Bkkpg. Mach. Opr. (50%)* 163 . 50 163. 50 1,962.00 1-3 Bookkeeping Clerk (50%)* 152. 50 152. 50 1,830.00 1-3 Longevity 143 . 00 II 1-3A Tax Appraiser 650.00 650. 00 7,800.00 1-3A Appraisal Head Clerk 400. 00 400.00 4,800.00 1-3A- Field Clerks (4) 2. 02 Hr. 2.02 16,804. 00 j 1-3A Longevity 84. 00 1-5 Extra Help 600.00 Total 63 ,501.00 1 106 LAW 1-3 Attorney 937. 00 937.00 11,244.00 1-3 Longevity 321. 00 I1-2 Secretary 396. 00 396.00 4,752.00 1-2 Longevity 181.00 1-5 Extra Help 250.00 I' Total 16,748.00 *50% Charged to Account 1003 I 25°o Charged to Account 1003 � I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS __ - ISALARIES & WAGES - GENERAL FUND - Page 2 Account Actual 62-63 Proposed 1963-64 INumber Job Classification Monthly Monthly Annual 107 CITY HALL 1-3 Custodian 291. 00 291.00 3 ,492.00 I 1-3 Longevity 172. 00 1-5 Extra Help 250. 00 Total 3 ,914. 00 I108 ENGINEERING 1-3 Director, Engineering & Planning II 920. 00 920. 00 11,040. 00 1-3 Assistant Engineer 600. 00 600.00 7,200. 00 1-3 Draftsman • 525. 00 525. 00 6,300.00 1-3 Longevity 331. 00 Il-S Extra Help 200. 00 Total 25,071. 00 11 109 CITY LIBRARY 1-1 Librarian 656. 00 656. 00 7,872.00 ' 1-1 Asst. Librarian 551. 00 551.00 6, 612. 00 1-1 Children' s Librarian 400. 00 400.00 4,800.00 1-1 Longevity 99.00 1-2 Secretary 327. 00 327.00 3 ,924-.00 1-2 Circulation Librarian 320. 00 320. 00 3, 840.00 I 1-2 Clerk Typist 290.00 3 ,480.00 1-2 Circulation Assistant 290. 00 290.00 3 ,480. 00 1-2 Longevity 91. 00 I 1-4 Maintenance 300.00 300. 00 3, 600. 00 1-4 Longevity 21. 00 1-5 7 Pages 4,080. 00 ITotal 41,899. 00 110 CITY CLERK I 1-1 City Clerk 493 . 00 493.00 5,916.00 1-1 Longevity 414. 00 1-2 Secretary 327. 00 327 .00 3,924.00 1-2 Longevity 24. 00 ITotal 10,278.00 111 CIVIL DEFENSE 1 1-2 Secretary * (1/2 Time ) 528.00 I I I * Matched by Federal Funds I I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS - 1 U SALARIES & WAGES - GENERAL FUND - Page 3 Account Actual 62-63 Proposed 1963-64 U Number Job Classification Monthly Monthly Annual 200 TRAFFIC SAFETY I 1-3 1 Patrolman 445. 00 445.00 5,340.00 1-3 3 Investigators 445. 00 445.00 16,020.00 1-3 Motorcycle Officer 445. 00 445.00 5,340.00 I 1-3 Meter Maid 320.00 3,840.00 1-3 3 School Patrolwomen (9 Mo. ) 110. 00 110.00 2,970. 00 1-3 Longevity 606. 00 I 1-4 Maintenance Man 2. 28 Hr. 2.28 4,752.00 1-4 Electrician (50°O) 277, 50 277.50 3,330.00 1-4 Longevity 239. 00 I 1-5 Extra Help 400, 00 Total 42,837. 00 I 201 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1-1 Police Chief 640.00 700.00 8,400. 00 1-1 Asst. Chief 515, 00 515.00 6, 180. 00 1-1 Lieutenant 495. 00495.00 5,940.00 I 1-1 Longevity 460. 00 1-2 Clerk 383 . 00 383.00 4, 596. 00 1-2 Clerk-Typist 327. 00 327.00 3,924.00 I 1-2 Longevity 148. 00 560.00 1-3 Radio Technician 560. 00 6,720.00 1-3 4 Sergeants 470. 00 470.00 22, 560.00 I 1-3 Identification Officer 470,00 470.00 5,640.00 1-3 Juvenile Officer - Sgt. 470.00 470. 00 5,640, 00 1-3 Investigator-Patrolman 445. 00 445.00 5,340,00 I 1-3 Tavern Control 445. 00 445.00 5,340.00 1-3 3 Dispatchers 445.'00 445. 00 16,020. 00 1-3 17 Patrolmen 1st Cl. 445. 00 445.00 90,780. 00 1-3 2 Patrolmen 2nd Cl. 425. 00 425,00 10,200. 00 I 1-3 Humane Officer 390.00 390. 00 4,680. 00 1-3 Humane Asst. 338. 00 338.00 4,056.00 1-3 Longevity 7,482.00 I 1-5 Extra Help 1,000.00 Total 215, 106.00 I I I /0 Charged to Account 203 5 � g I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 ISALARIES & WAGES - GENERAL FUND - Page 4 Account Actual 62-63 Proposed 1963-64 INumber Job Classification Monthly Monthly Annual 202 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 1-1 Fire Chief 615. 00 615.00 7,380.00 1-1 Fire Marshal 472. 00 472.00 5,664. 00 1-1 Asst. Chief 515. 00 515.00 6, 180. 00 1-1 Captain 495. 00 495.00 5,940.00 1-1 Longevity 1, 107. 00 1-3 17 Firemen 1st Cl. 445. 00 445. 00 90,780.00 1-.3 4 Firemen 2nd Cl. 425. 00 425.00 20,400. 00 II 1-3 Longevity 1,954. 00 1-5 Extra Help 500.-00 Total 139,905.00 1 203 INSPECTION 1-1 Chief Inspector 620.00 620.00 7,440.00 1-1 Longevity 131. 00 III1-3 Asst. Inspector 410. 00 410.00 4,920.00 1-3 Longevity 137. 00 1-4 Electrician (50%) * 277. 50 277.50 3 ,330. 00 I 1-4 Longevity 44. 00 Total 16,002. 00 II301 SIDEWALKS, STREETS, & DRAINAGE 1-1 Supt:, Maintenance (50%)** 444.00 444. 00 5,328.00 1-1 Planning & Execution Coordinator - (2/3)*** 400. 00 400. 00 4,800.00 I 1-1 Longevity 549. 00 1-4 Foreman 551. 00 551.00 6,612.00 1-4 Cement Finisher 3.45 Hr. 3.45 7,200.00 I 1-4 Dragline Operator 3 . 15 Hr. 3. 15 6,555. 00 1-4 4 Equipment Operators 2.96 Hr. 2. 96 24, 620.00 1-4 3 Equipment Operators 2. 54 Hr. 2. 54 16,020.00 I 1-4 Form Builder 2. 54 Hr. 2. 54 5,340.00 1-4 Sweeper Operator 2.28 Hr. 2.28 4,800.00 1-4 2 Asphalt Patchers 2. 04 Hr. 2.04 8,520.00 I 1-4 Cement Finisher 2. 28 Hr. 2.28 4,800.00 1-4 5 Truck Drivers 2. 04 Hr. 2.04 21,300.00 1-4 2 Cement Helpers 2. 04 Hr. 2.04 8,520.00 1-4 Laborer 1. 89 Hr. 1. 89 3,960.00 II 1-4 Longevity 3 ,760.00 1-5 Extra Help (Overtime) 2,500. 00 Total 135, 184.00 I I * 50% Charged to Account 200 ** 50% Charged to Account 1002 *** 1/3 Charged to Account 1004 I I 1 . f II CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS -- I IISALARIES & WAGES - GENERAL FUND - Page 5 Account Actual 62-63 Proposed 1963- 4 I Number Job Classification Monthly Monthly Annual Zvi MOSQUITO CONTROL 1-3 4 Laborers (4 Mo. 4 1.70) 1. 70 Hr. 1.70 4,900.00 I402 WASTE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL 1-3 Foreman 500. 00 500. 00 6,000. 00 1-3 Dozer Operator 2.96 Hr. 2.96 6, 155. 00 I 1-3 10 Truck Drivers 2: 04 Hr. 2.04 42,600. 00 1-3 16 Laborers 1: 89 Hr. 1.89 63,360.00 1-3 Longevity 5,432. 00 I1-5 Overtime 5,000.00 Total 128,547.00 501 HEALTH DEPARTMENT II 1-1 Senior Sanitarian 551. 00 551. 00 6,612.00 1-1 •Longevity • 384.00 I 1-3 Asst. Sanitarian 495. 00 495. 00 5,940.00 1-3 Nurse 441. 00 441. 00 5,292.00 • 1-3 Health Officer 75. 00 75.00 900.00 1-3 Longevity 408.00 II Total 19,536. 00 601 PARKS AND RECREATION 1 I 1-1 Pool Manager (5 Mo. ) 355. 00 425.00 2, 125.00 1-2 4 Cashiers (4 Mos. ) 165. 00 165.00 2, 640.00 1-3 6 Life Guards (4 Mo. ) 165. 00 165. 00 3,960.00 I 1-4 Custodian-Park & Pavillion 300. 00 3,600.00 1-4 2 Maintenance Men Hr. 2. 04 8,520. 00 1-4 Longevity 228.00 Total 21,073.00 I 701 GA RAGE 1-1 Chief Mechanic (2/3 of I465. 00) 310.00 310.00 3,720.00 1-1 Longevity 160: 00 1-3 3 Mechanics (2/3 of I 408. 00)* 272. 00 272. 00 13 ,056.00 1-3 Wash & Grease Man (2/3 of 2.04 Hr. )* 3,408.00 II 1-3 Longevity 600.00 Total 20,944.00 II II *1/3 Charged to Account 1004 II ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS -_ �- I SALARIES AND. WAGES BY TITLE AND RATE OF PAY IWATER FUND Account Actual 62-63 Proposed 1963-64 Number Job Classification Monthly Wnt ly Annual I1001 WATER SUPPLY 1-1 Supt. , Service Operations 600.00 600.00 7,200.00 I 1-1 Longevity 453. 00 1-3 APumper 460. 00 460..00 5 9 520.00 1-3 42 Pumper 410.00 410.00 4,920.00 1 1-3 Longevity 568. 00 Total 18,661. 00 1002 TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION II1-1 Supt. , Maintenance (50%)* 444. 00 444. 00 5,328. 00 1-1 Foreman 551. 00 551.00 6,612.00 1-1 Longevity 724. 00 I 1-3 Meter Shop Foreman 410. 00 410.00= 4,920. 00 1-3 Meter Shop Repairman 2.04 Hr. 2.04 4,360.00 1-3 2 Equipment Operators 2. 96 Hr. 2.96 12,310.00 I 1-3 Pipefitter 2. 54 Hr. 2.54 5,340.00 1-3 Trouble Shooter 2. 54 Hr. 2. 54 5,340.00 1-3 3 Servicemen 2.28 Hr. 2.28 14,400. 00 I 1-3 3 Servicemen 1-3 Welder 2. 04 Hr. 2.04 12,780.00 2. 54 Hr. 2. 54 5,340.00 1-3 Longevity 2,273.00 1-5 Overtime 2,500. 00 1 Total 82,227.00 1003 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING & COLLECTING 111 1-1 Director of Finance (25%)***322. 50 322.50 3 ,870.00 1-1 Chief Accountant (25%)*** 210. 00 210.00 2,520.00 1-1 Longevity 260.00 I 1-2 Head Clerk 1-2 2 Cashiers 333 . 00 333 .00 3,996.00 305.00 305. 00 7,320. 00 1-2 1 Sub-Station Cashier 260.00 260. 00 3 , 120. 00 1-2 1 Sub-Station Cashier 128. 00 128.00 1, 536. 00 I 1-2 3 Billing Machine Oprs. 305. 00 305. 00 10,980.00 1-2 1 Meter Reader Supervisor 465. 00 465. 00 5, 580. 00 1-2 3 Meter Readers 410. 00 410. 00 14,760.00 U 1-2 Longevity 1,330.00 1-3 Bookkeeper (50%)** 190. 00 190. 00 2,280. 00 1-3 Bookkeeping Mach. Opr. (50%) ** 163 . 50 163 . 50 1,962.00 1-3 Bookkeeping Clerk (50%)** 152. 50 152. 50 1,830. 00 1-3 Longevity 172. 00 I 1-5 Extra Help 400. 00 Total 61,916. 00 * 50% Charged to Account 701 I ** 50% Charged to Account 105 -** 75% Charged to Account 105 I CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS - ISALARIES AND WAGES - WATER FUND - Page 2 Account Actual 62-63 Proposed 1963-64 INumber Job Classification Monthly Monthly Annual 1004 GENERAL OVERHEAD 1-1 Planning & Execution Coordinator I ( 1/3 )** 200. 00 200.00 2,400. 00 1-1 Longevity 120.00 • 1-2 Clerk, Dispatcher 305.00 305. 00 • 3,660. 00 I 1-2 Longevity 4. 00 1-3 Chief Mechanic (1/3 of 465. 00)* 155. 00 155. 00 1,860.00 I 1-3 4 Mechanics (1/3 of 408. 00)* 136. 00 136.00 6,528.00 1-3 Wash & Grease Man ( 1/3 of 2.04 Hr. )* 0. 68 0. 68 852. 00 I 1-3 Longevity 381. 00 Total 15,805.00 I 1006 SEWERS & SEWAGE DISPOSAL 1-3 Foreman 465. 00 465.00 5,580.00 ' 1-3 Plant Operator 532.00 532. 00 6,380. 00 I 1-3 7 Plant Operators 390. 00 1. 89 Hr. 390. 00 32,760.00 1-3 5 Laborers 1. 89 19, 656. 00 1-3 Longevity 2,745. 00 I 1-4 Serviceman 1st Cl. 2. 54 Hr. 2.54 5,340.00 1-4 Serviceman 2nd Cl. 2.28 Hr. 2. 28 4,800. 00 ' 1-4 Longevity 405. 00 1-4 Overtime 650. 00 ITotal 78,316.00 I , I I I I I * 2/3 Charged to Account 703 . ** 2/3 Charged to Account 701 I I .1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS I� 1 1 1 1 ANNUAL BUDGET PART I SUMMARIES 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 111 1' GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - REVENUES For the Fiscal Year 1963-64 BUDGET REVENUES PROPOSAL 1. General Fund Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 82,518.00 From Tax Sources 1,272,490.00 From Non-TGx Sources 363,075.00 Total 1,718,083.00 1 2. Water & Sewer Fund Operating Surplus - Unappropriated 104,598.00 Water & Sewer Service - Less Debt Service 529,246.00 Miscellaneous Other 2,000. 00 Total 635,844.00 3 . General Obligation Debt Service Fund From Tax Sources 287,000.00 Surplus 54,059.00 Total 341,059. 00 4. Waterworks & Sewer System Debt Service Fund From Premiums and Interest 4,597.00 1 From Water Operating Revenue 106,554.00 Surplus 184,246. 00 Total 295,397. 00 Grand Total All Revenue 2,564,962.00 Grand Total All Surplus & Specified Reserves 425,421.00 Grand Total - All Resources 2,990,383. 00 I� I i CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS il 1 2. GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - EXPENDITURES 1 For the Fiscal Year 1963-64 BUDGET IIEXPENDITURES PROPOSAL 1. General Fund I Current Expenses 1,348,485.00 Capital Outlay 324.598.00 Emergency & Contingent Funds 45,000.00 ITotal 1,718,083.00 il 2. Water & Sewer Fund Current Expenses 426,595. 00 I Capital Outlay 194,249.00 Contingency Fund 15,000.00 Total 635,844.00 1 3. General Obligation Debt Service Fund 1 Requirements 316,515.00 Surplus 24,544. 00 I Total 341,059.00 4. Waterworks & Sewer System Debt Service Fund IRequirements 100,212. 00 Surplus & Reserve Funds 184,588. 00 Fiscal Year Reserve & Contingency Fund Appropiration 10,597. 00 IITotal 295,397. 00 1 Grand Total All Expenditures 2,770, 654. 00 Grand Total All Surplus & Specified Reserves 219,729.00 1 Grand Total - Expenditures, Surplus & Reserves 2,990, 383.00 I I I I -- -- CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS II 3. GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - ALL FUNDS I FISCAL YEAR 1963-64 II All Percent of Revenue Sources Funds Total 11 Tax Revenue 1, 558,490.00 52. 10% Other Revenue 223 , 172.00 7.45 Water & Sewer Charges 612,300.00 20. 50 Service Charges 143 ,000. 00 4.80 Parking Meter Revenue 28,000. 00 0.95 Total All Revenue 2,564,962. 00 85. 80% 1 Surplus @ 10/1/63 425,421.00 14.20% II Total Resources 2,990,383.00 100. 00% Expenditures: Operating I Salaries 1,201,063 .00 43.20% II Supplies 117, 192.00 4.20% Maintenance of Land 125. 00 Maintenance of Structures 50,203 . 00 1. 80% Maintenance of Equipment 70, 125. 00 2. 50% Special Services 225,765. 00 8. 10% Sundry Charges 110, 607. 00 3.95% Debt Service 416, 727 .00 15.00% Total Operating Expenditures 2, 191,807.00 78.75% Expenditures: Capital Outlay Land 7,000. 00 0. 25% Structures 263,900. 00 9.45% 1 Equipment 247,947.00 8.90% 1 :: Total Capital Outlay 518,847.00 18. 60% Emergency Fund 35,000.00 1. 25% Contigent Fund 25,000.00 0.90% i Bond Reserve Funds 10, 597.00 0. 50% Total Special Appropriations 70,597 .00 2. 65% 111 Total All Appropriations 2,781,251. 00 100. 00% !I Surplus . - Bond Reserves 209, 132.00 Total All Surplus 209, 132. 00 !I *Fiscal Year Appropriation For Bond Reserve Accounts :: ems----- 1 CITY OF BAYTO\VN, TEXAS _ I� I 4. INDIVIDUAL FUNDS IFISCAL YEAR 1963-64 General Water & Waterworks and I General Interest and Sewer Sewer Interest & Fund Sinking Fund Fund Sinking Fund I 1,272,490. 00 286,000. 00 215,575. 00 1,000.00 2,000.00 4,597.00 505,746. 00 106.554.00 119,500.00 23,500. 00 1 28,000.00 1,635,565. 00 287,000. 00 531,246.00 111, 151.00 1 82, 518. 00 54,059. 00 104,598. 00 184,246.00 1 1,718,083. 00 341,059. 00 635,844.00 295,397.00 944, 138.00 256,925.00 I74,572.00 42,620.00 75. 00 50.00 42, 103.00 8, 100. 00 I 44,075.00 26,050. 00 151,400. 00 74,365. 00 92, 122.00 18,485.00 I 316,515.00 100,212.00 1,348,485.00 316,515.00 426,595. 00 100,212. 00 I 7,000.00 259,700.00 4,200. 00 57,898.00 190,049.00 1 324,598.00 194,249.00 20,000. 00 15,000.00 I 25,000. 00 * 10, 597.00 I 450,000. 00 15,000. 00 10,597 . 00 1,718,083 .00 316,515.00 635,844.00 110,809.00 I -0- 24,544. 00 -0- 184,588.00 24,544. 00 184,588.00 I I 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS __I� I 5. ANALYSIS OF PROPERTY VALUATIONS I Fiscal Estimated Assessed Basis of Period True Value Value Assessment I1947-48 30, 194,000 9,964,000 33% 1948-49 35,000,000 17,500,000 50% I1949-50 38,748,274 19,374, 137 50% 1950-51 55,966,052 27,983 ,026 50% I1951-52 60,450,496 30,225,248 50% I1952-53 63,462, 194 31,731,097 50% 1953-54 65,429,674 32,714,837 50% I1954-55 66, 636,528 33 ,318,264 50% 1955-56 81,321,794 40, 660,897 50% I 1956-57 85,964,318 42,982, 159 50% I1957-58 89, 124,968 44,562,484 50% 1958-59 93,838,910 46,919,455 500 11 1959-60 95,776,700 47 ,888,350 50% 1960-61 100, 539, 574 50,269,787 50% I 1961-62 139,973,040 69, 986,520 50% I1962-63 145,920,000 72,960,000 50% 1963-64 171,560,000 85,780,000 50% I I I I II I -_ _ _ _. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ill 6. TAX LcVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDSII Collection of Percentage of Collected Current Year' s Levy Collected Prior Year' s II Fiscal Total Taxes During During Fiscal Taxes During Period Tax Levy Fiscal Period Period Fiscal Period 1947-48* 185,326 172,000 92. 8 5,000 1 1948-49 301,000 276,900 92.0 9,050 1949-50 306,000 285,510 93.3 9,260 1950-51 333 ,202 306,377 91.9 8,095 1951-52 519,834 483 ,037 93.2 13 ,795 1952-53 545,737 516,443 94. 6 23,979 1 1953-54 562, 658 532,448 94.7 19,470 1954-55 573 ,037 548,567 95:7 29,604 II 1955-56 712,646 683 ,405 95. 8 21,640 1956-57 738,306 702, 133 95. 1 17,015 1957-58 764,944 731,565 95: 6 20,429 1958-59 807,015 770,762 95: 5 17,991 1959-60 • 823, 679 785, 143 95.3 28,655 1960-61 865,488 814,850 94. 1 42,092 !1 1961-62 1,203 ,768 1, 171,800 97.3 36,600 1962-63 1,357,056 1,320,770 97.25 21,250 !I 1963-64** 1, 595,510 1,531,690 96. 0 20,000 +I I/ { *The Fiscal Period 1947-48 reflects the first full year of operation of the consolidated cities of Baytown, Goose Creek and Pelly. I, **Estimated income and collections. III il I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS - iI I 7 . TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS Ratio of Ratio � Ratio of Accumu- 1 Delinquent Of Total Accumulated lated Delinq. Collections Total Collections Delinquent to Current Tax Levy Collections Tax Levy Taxes Year' s Tax Levy 1 2.7 177 ,000 95.5 77,700 41.9 I3.0 285,950 95.0 92,700 30. 8 3.0 294,770 96.3 100, 140 32.7 1 2.4 314,472 94.3 96,409 28.9 2.7 496,832 95. 6 99,853 19.2 I4.3 540,422 99.0 103 ,446 18. 9 II 3 .5 551,918 98. 1 96,449 17. 1 5. 1 578, 171 100.8 107,694 18.7 li3.0 705,045 98. 9 115, 109 16. 1 2.4 719, 148 97.4 134,307 18.2 I2. 7 751,994 98.3 146,377 19. 1 1 2.2 788,753 97.7 163 ,791 20.3 3 . 5 813,798 98. 8 160,643 19. 5 1 4.8 856,942 98.9 164,410 14. 1 3.0 1,208,400 100.3 169,620 14. 1 I1. 50 1,342,020 98.75 155,631 12. 5 II1.25 1,551,690 97.25 178,200 11. 5 I I I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS �. ' ANNUAL BUDGET 1 PART II GENERAL FUND 1 r 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 - 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS _-. -1I 1 8. GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL IFISCAL YEAR ENDING SPETEMBER 30, 1964 ACCOUNT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED INUMBER PROPERTY TAXES: 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 800 Current Year 966,786.00 1, 147 ,860. 00 1,249,665. 00 I 801 Prior Years 29, 608. 00 16,400. 00 17,000. 00 802 Penalty & Interest 8,081. 00 5,600. 00 5, 525.00 803 Tax Certificates 302. 00 320. 00 300. 00 ITotal Property Taxes 1,004,777. 00 1, 170, 180. 00 1,272,490.00 FRANCHISE TAXES: I826 Houston Nat.Gas Corp. . 14,407. 00 15,499.00 18, 150.00 826 Houston Light.& Power 72, 569. 00 85,069. 00 100,000.00 I 826 General Telephone Co. 15,498. 00 16, 150. 00 18,400. 00 825 Taxicabs 750.00 500. 00 500. 00 ITotal Franchise Taxes 103,224.00 117,218. 00 137,050.00 LICENSES AND PERMITS: 817 Oil Drilling Permits 5,850. 00 2,500. 00 2,000.00 I818 Beverage Licenses 1, 674. 00 1,800. 00 1,800.00 819-820 Other Licenses & Permits 994. 00 1, 150. 00 1,000. 00 ITotal Licenses & Per. 8,518. 00 5,450.00 4,800. 00 FINES & FORFEITS: I806 Corporation Court 59,453. 00 59,750. 00 58,000. 00 ISERVICE CHARGES: , 810 Building Permits 5,012. 00 3,500.00 3,500. 00 814 Electrical Permits 3,417.00 3,425. 00 3,400. 00 I 811-813 Plumbing & Moving Per. 5,653 .00 4,200.00 4,000.00 815-832 Health 1,681.00 1,765. 00 1,800.00 830 Waste Collection 101,005.00 104,600.00 106,800. 00 ITotal Service Charges 116,768.00 117 ,490. 00 119,500. 00 I831 SWIMMING POOL: 6,911. 00 6,400. 00 7,000. 00 807 PARKING METERS: 33 ,908. 00 29, 100.00 28,000. 00 I (Continued on Next Page) 1 I 111 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 9. (Continuation of General Fund Revenue Detail ) ACCOUNT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED NUMBER 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 835-850 MISCELLANEOUS: 14,885.00 8,850. 00 8,725.00 Total Revenue 1,348,444.00 1,514,438.00 1,635,565. 00 TRANSFER FROM WATER FUND -0- -0- -0- Grand Total-All Rev. 1,348,444. 00 1,514,438.00 1,635,565. 00 PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS: 36,765. 00 112,040.00 82,518.00 ITotal Available 1,385,209.00 1,626,478.00 1,718,083. 00 1 1 i I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS _,_ II II 10. GENERAL FUND IISUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION & DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION 1 ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT AND ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED NUMBER DIVISION 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 - I 101 General Government City Council 45, 687. 00 53 ,764. 00 123 ,469. 00 102 City Manager 26,861.00 25,802. 00 25,005.00 I 103 Corporation Court 15,249. 00 16,218.00 2,054.00 16,412.00 104 Elections 3, 155. 00 2,065.00 105 Finance 36,295. 00 63,770.00 75, 101.00 106 Law 17,711. 00 21,032. 00 18,798.00 I1.07 City Hall 29, 107.00 29,985.00 31,624. 00 108 Engineering 18,758.00 26, 180. 00 27,721.00 109 Library 12,715.00 57,098.00 70,000.00 I 110 City Clerk Civil Defense 10,072. 00 10,576. 00 11,328. 00 ill 5,453. 00 1 Total General Govt. 215,610. 00 306,479.00 406,976.00 Public Safety I 200 Traffic Improvement 42,011.00 52,432. 00 57,987.00 201 Police Dept. 202,997. 00 219,746. 00 248,099.00 202 Fire Dept. 126,346. 00 148,062.00 177,788. 00 203 Protective Inspection 15, 122.00 17,002. 00 18,744.00 ITotal Public Safety 386,476. 00 437,242.00 502,618. 00 I 301 Highways and Roadways Sidewarks , Streets & Drainage 352,040.00 441,771.00 494,294.00 Sanitation and Waste Removal , 401 Mosquito Control 9, 150.00 402 Waste Collection & IDisposal 158,680. 00 168,987.00 130,307. 00 Total Sanitation and I Waste Removal 158,680. 00 168,987. 00 139,457.00 Conservation of Health I 501 Health Department 38,372.00 42,535. 00 31,636. 00 Recreation 601 Parks and Recreation 24,246. 00 37 ,803. 00 40,773.00 1 (Continued on Next Page) I — CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 11. (Continuation of Summary of Expenditures By Function & Dept. ) ' I ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT AND ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED NUMBER DIVISION 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 Miscellaneous 701 General Overhead 74,359.00 63 ,318.00 75,584. 00 702 Insurance 24, 112. 00 23 ,940. 00 26,745. 00 703 Garage 22,002.00 Total Miscellaneous 98,471.00 109,260.00 102,329. 00 GRAND TOTAL 1,273,895. 00 1,544,077. 00 1,718,083. 00 I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS __I II 12. GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES IIBY CHARACTER & OBJECT CLASSIFICATION I OPERATION: ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1 1. Salaries and Wages 758, 650.00 882, 166. 00 944, 138.00 2. Supplies 54,263 . 00 61,968.00 74,572.00 II3. Maintenance of Land 50.00 60.00 75.00 4. Maintenance of Structures 88,001.00 44, 155. 00 42, 103.00 II5. Maintenance of Equipment 41,451. 00 42,722.00 44,075. 00 ' 6. Miscellaneous Services 102,763. 00 119,585. 00 151,400. 00 7. Sundry Charges 66,429. 00 74, 100. 00 92, 122.00 ITotal Operating 1, 111,607.00 1,224,756. 00 1,348,485. 00 Contingency Fund 25,000.00 IEmergency Fund 20,000.00 ICAPITAL OUTLAY: 8. Land 7,040.00 13, 500. 00 7,000. 00 1 9. Structures 112,462. 00 238,901.00 259,700. 00 10. Equipment 42,786.00 66,920.00 57,898. 00 ITotal Capital Outlay 162,288.00 319,321.00 324,598.00 GRAND TOTAL 1,273 ,895.00 1,544,077. 00 1,718,083.00 II 111 II 1 I I IICITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS (J 13 . 1 IACCOUNT NO. 101 GENERAL GOVERNMENT IICITY COUNCIL II ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1. SALARIES AND WAGES II2. Clerical 975.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES II4. Special Services 2,325. 00 20,000.00 6. Travel Expense 3 ,756. 00 3,860.00 4,000.00 II 13. Association Dues-T.M. L. 404.00 600.00 600. 00 13A. Association Dues-Other 348.00 400. 00 400.00 IITotal 6 4,508.00 7, 185.00 25,000.00 7. SUNDRY CHARGES I1. Contributions & Gratuities 285. 00 400. 00 450. 00 5. Employee Retirement- II City' s Portion 12,200. 00 18,325.00 17, 650.00 6. Social Security- City' s Portion 14,750. 00 16, 130. 00 22,270.00 II 8. Miscellaneous Veteran Service 1,237. 00 1,374. 00 1,374.00 9. Employee Service II Awards 680.00 350.00 750.00 10,10. Reserve For Sick Pay 129027. 00 109000. 00 000. 00 Total 7 41, 179.00 46, 579.00 52,494. 00 ITotal Operating 45, 687. 00 53,764. 00 78,469. 0.0 IIContingency Fund 25,000. 00 Emergency Fund 20,000.00 1 GRAND TOTAL 45, 687.00 53 ,764. 00 123,469. 00 1 11 U Ia i IICITY OF SAYTOWN. TEXAS IIACCOUNT NO. 102 14. GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1 CITY MANAGER I ACTUAL ESTIMATED 1962-63 PROPOSED 1961-62 1963-64 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Executive 13 ,975. 00 14,683. 00 14,707. 00 2. Clerical 6,875. 00 7 , 564. 00 3,948.00 5. Extra Help 120.00 160. 00 200. 00 1 6. Contingency (Salary Adjustments ) 1, 521.00 4,250.00 I Total 1 22,491. 00 22,407. 00 23 , 105.00 2. SUPPLIES. II1. Office 291.00 300.00 300.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1 4. Motor Vehicle 75.00 100.00 II 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6. Travel Expense 596. 00 200. 00 300.00 1 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 1 8. Other 497. 00 9. Civil Service Director 986.00 1,200.00 1,200. 00 Total 7 1,483.00 1,200. 00 1,200. 00 1 Total Operating 24,861. 00 24, 182.00 25,005.00 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 1 2. Instruments & Apparatus 1,620. 00 4. Motor Vehicle 2,000.00 I Total Capital Outlay 2,000.00 1,620. 00 IIGRAND TOTAL 26,861.00 25,802. 00 25,005.00 I II d 1 CITY OF SAY-MINN. TEXAS I 15. ACCOUNT NO. 103 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ICORPORATION COURT 1 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1. SALARIES AND WAGES I1. Administrative 5,999.00 6,317.00 6,341.00 2. Clerical 6,362.00 7, 695. 00 7,744.00 ITotal 1 12,361.00 14,012.00 14,085.00 2. SUPPLIES 11 1. Office 1,454.00 1,200.00 1,292. 00 3. MAINTENANCE 1. Land 50.00 50.00 50.00 I4. MAINTENANCE 1. Building 85.00 300.00 300.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT II 1. Furniture and Fixtures 59.00 60. 00 100. 00 12. Heating &' Cooling Systems 12.00 50.00 11 Total 5 59.00 72. 00 150.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 11 2. Car Allowance 300.00 300.00 6. Travel Expense 5. 00 40.00 75.00 IITotal 6 305.00 340.00 75. 00 11 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Jury Fees 24. 00 • 60.00 8. Warrant Officer 530.00 220.00 400. 00 11 Total 7 530.00 244.00 460.00 IITotal Operating 14,844. 00 16,218.00 16,412.00 II (Continued Next Page) I I CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS I l� 16. Continuation of Account No. 103 - General Govt. - Corp. Court ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT I 1. Furniture & Fixtures 239.00 2. Machinery & Implements 166. 00 I Total Capital Outlay 405.00 GRAND TOTAL 15,249.00 16,218. 00 16,412.00 I 1 1 11 1 1 i I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I 17. I ACCOUNT NO. 104 GENERAL GOVERNMENT I ELECTIONS I ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 I2. SUPPLIES . 1. Office 228.00 103.00 150. 00 I6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 4. Special Services I (Voting Machines) 1,213. 00 882.00 700.00 5. Advertising 320. 00 55.00 200. 00 13. Election Officers 1,394. 00 1,014.00 1,015.00 ITotal 6 2,927.00 1,951. 00 1,915. 00 GRAND TOTAL 3 , 155.00 2,054. 00 2,065.00 I I I I I I I II _1 1 _ :I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS _ I ACCOUNT NO. 105 18. IIGENERAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE IACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 • I 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 9, 901. 00 12,705. 00 14, 128. 00 2. Clerical 11,461. 00 14, 160. 00 13,070. 00 I 3. Accounting 5,346.00 6,900. 00 6,215.00 3A. Appraisal 16,365. 00 29,488.00 5. Extra Help • 403 .00 900. 00 600.00 ITotal 1 27, 111. 00 51,030. 00 63 ,501.00 2. SUPPLIES I1. Office & Postage 5,093 . 00 5,605.00 5,500. 00 I5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3 . Office Equipment 737.00 800. 00 800. 00 1 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES I 2. Car Allowance 300.00 600. 00 4. Semi-Annual Audit & Equaliz. Board 1, 835.00 3 ,295. 00 1,950.00 5. Advertising 657. 00 800. 00 900.00 I 6. Travel Expense 322.00 340.00 450. 00 13 . Appraisal Office Expense 800.00 ITotal 6 2, 814.00 4,735. 00 4,700. 00 Total Operating 35,755. 00 62, 170. 00 74,501. 00 ICAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT I1. Furniture & Fixtures 62. 00 2. Office Machinery 478.00 600. 00 600. 00 I15. Other 1,000. 00 Total Capital Outlay 540. 00 1,600. 00 600. 00 IGRAND TOTAL 36,295.00 63 ,770. 00 75, 101.00 1 ,i I CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 1 I 19. ACCOUNT NO. 106 IGENERAL GOVERNMENT LAW 111 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED Ill 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1. SALARIES AND WAGES I2. Clerical 4,417.00 4,984. 00 4,933 .00 3 . Professional 10,983 . 00 11,541.00 11, 565. 00 I5. Contingency 250. 00 191. 00 250. 00 Total 1 15,650. 00 16,716. 00 16,748. 00 I2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 296. 00 300.00 300.00 I5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMMENT I4. Motor Vehicle 595. 00 400.00 150. 00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES I6. Travel Expense 600. 00 560. 00 600.00 13 . Law Library 508. 00 660.00 700. 00 ITotal 6 1, 108. 00 1,220. 00 1,300. 00 7. SUNDRY CHARGES I7. Court Costs 62. 00 300. 00 300.00 ITotal Operating 17, 711. 00 18,936.00 18,798.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY I10. EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicle 2,096. 00 IGRAND TOTAL 17 ,711.00 21,032. 00 18,798.00 I I I I ICITY OF SAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 20, ACCOUNT NO. 107 GENERAL GOVERNMENT IICITY HALL I I ACTUAL ESTIMATED 1962-63 PROPOSED 1961-62 1963-64 1. SALARIES AND WAGES II4. Labor, Maintenance 3 ,220.00 3,640. 00 3,664. 00 5. Extra Help 241. 00 214. 00 250.00 IITotal 1 3 ,461. 00 3,854. 00 3 ,914. 00 2. SUPPLIES 1 2. Fuel 2, 596.00 1,900. 00 2,200. 00 7. Minor Tools 16. 00 25. 00 35. 00 II8. Janitorial Supplies 445. 00 440. 00 450. 00 Total 2 ' 3 ,057.00 2,365. 00 2, 685.00 1 3 . MAINTENANCE 1. Land 10. 00 25. 00 I/ 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES I1. Building 753. 00 400. 00 1,000. 00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT II2. Office Equipment 548. 00 420.00 600. 00 12. Heating & Cooling Sys. 1,391. 00 800.00 1,000. 00 IITotal 5 1,939.00 1,220.00 1,600. 00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES il 1. Communications 8,597.00 9,800. 00 9,850. 00 7 . Rent (Parking Lots) 300. 00 300. 00 300.00 11 11. Light & Power 11,000. 00 11,750.00 12,250.00 Total 6 19, 897. 00 21, 850. 00 22,400.00 ITotal Operating 29, 107.00 29,699. 00 31,624. 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY II 9. BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES I1. Buildings 286.00 GRAND TOTAL 29, 107. 00 29,985.00 31,624. 00 I II CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ii I 21. ACCOUNT NO. 108 1 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING II ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1. SALARIES AND WAGES I3. Technical Salaries 16, 597.00 24,335. 00 24,871. 00 5. Extra Help 200. 00 200.00 IITotal 1 16,597.00 24, 535. 00 25,071.00 2. SUPPLIES • I 1. Office 337.00 700.00 1,000. 00 13. Engineering 332. 00 ITotal 2 669.00 700. 00 1,000. 00 I5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3. Instruments 85. 00 100. 00 150. 00 1 4. Motor Vehicle 77. 00 200.00 200.00 Total 5 162. 00 300. 00 350.00 II6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance 600.00 600. 00 600. 00 II 6. Travel Expense 135. 00 45. 00 50.00 Total 6 735. 00 645. 00 650. 00 1 Total Operating 18, 163 .00 26, 180. 00 27,071.00 ICAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 11 2. Machinery & Imple. 595.00 3. Instruments & Apparatus 650. 00 Total Capital Outlay 595. 00 650.00 r . GRAND TOTAL 18, 758. 00 26, 180.00 27,721. 00 I 1 I IICITY OF I3AYTOWN, TEXAS - tl I . ACCOUNT NO. 109 22. GENERAL GOVERNMENT ICITY LIBRARY • 1 ACTUAL 1961-62 ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1962-63 1963-64 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1 1. Supervisory 8,025. 00 16,988. 00 19,383. 00 2. Clerical 3 , 186.00 13 , 150.00 14,815. 00 4. Maintenance 3 ,200.00 3 ,621.00 II5. Extra Help (Pages ) 2, 820.00 4,080.00 Total 1 . 11,211.00 36, 158. 00 41,899. 00 1 2. SUPPLIES II 1. Office 292. 00 4,000. 00 4,000. 00 2. Fuel 600.00 ' 8. Custodial 350. 00 450.00 1 12. Fertilizer 35.00 13 . Catalog Cards 250. 00 1 Total 2 292. 00 4,350. 00 5,335. 00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1 8. Books (Bindings ) 1,400. 00 1,500.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES I1. Communications 600. 00 2. Hire of Equipment & 1 Car Allowance 6. Travel100. 00 400. 00 Expense 297.00 650. 00 500. 00 7 . Rent 915. 00 1 8. Music-Phonograph Rec. 750. 00 11. Lights and Power 2,340.00 4,000.00 12. Freight & Postage 250. 00 250.00 13. Printing 600. 00 300.00 II 14. Periodicals & Newspapers 1,500.00 1,500.00 15. Films & Filmstrips 1,500. 00 ITotal 6 1,212.00 7, 190.00 7 ,550.00 Total Operating 12,715. 00 49,098. 00 56,284.00 I II (Continued on Next Page) I _ - CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS _ 1 23. (Continuation of Account No. 109 - Gen . Govt. - City Library) ' ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10.. EQUIPMENT 8. Books 8,000. 00 11,716. 00 14. Film Strips 1,000.00 15. Music 1,000. 00 Total 10 8,000. 00 13,716. 00 GRAND TOTAL 12.715. 00 57,098. 00 70.,000.00 i i 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS I ACCOUNT NO. 110 24. GENERAL GOVERNMENT I CITY CLERK I ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 I1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 5,724. 00 6,306.00 6,330. 00 2. Clerical 3 ,384. 00 3,550. 00 3 ,948.00 ITotal 1 • 9, 108.00 9,856.00 10,278. 00 II2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 257. 00 300. 00 450. 00 I6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES I 2. Car Allowance 300. 00 300. 00 300.00 5. Advertising 60. 00 100. 00 200. 00 6. Travel Expense 10. 00 20. 00 100.00 ITotal 6 370. 00 420. 00 600. 00 Total Operating 9,735. 00 10, 576. 00 11,328.00 ICAPITAL OUTLAY I10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery 337. 00 IGRAND TOTAL 10,072. 00 10,576.00 11,328. 00 I t I U I I ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I 25. ACCOUNT NO. 111 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CIVIL DEFENSE 1 ACTUAL 1961-62 ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1962-63 1963-64 • 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 2. Clerical 528. 00 11 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 175. 00 13 . Other Operating Supplies 200. 00 Total 2 375. 00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 100.00 2. Car Allowance 300. 00 6. Travel Expense 650. 00 Total 6 1,050. 00 Total Operating 1,953 .00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 10. EQUIPMENT 3. Instruments & Apparatus 3 ,500. 00 GRAND TOTAL 5,453. 00 • II I I 1 1 II CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 1l u 26. ° ACCOUNT NO. 200 PUBLIC SAFETY I i TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT II ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 .1963-64 I1. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Operations 26,779. 00 29,988. 00 34, 116. 00 4. Maintenance 7,266. 00 8,291.00 8,321.00 II 5. Extra Help 297.00 325.00 400. 00 • Total 1 34,342. 00 38,604. 00 42,837.00 II2. SUPPLIES III13. Paint & Sign Mtl. 2,346. 00 4, 100. 00 5,000. 00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT II3. Instruments-Park.Mtrs. 249.00 250.00 300.00 4. Motor Vehicle 332.00 250.00 250. 00 I6. Street Markers 300.00 11. Signal System 1,850.00 2, 125.00 2,300.00 Total 5 2,431. 00 2, 625. 00 3, 150.00 I6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES II. Teletype Communication 1,345.00 1,330.00 1,500.00 7. Rent - Parking Lot 300.00 300.00 300.00 IITotal 6 1,645. 00 1,630.00 1,800.00 Total Operating 40, 764. 00 46,959.00 52,787.00 ICAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT , I3. Instruments & Apparatus 644. 00 4. Motor Vehicle 2,950.00 I 6. Street Markers 1,700. 00 10. Parking Meters 603 .00 11. Signal Systems 2, 523 .00 3, 500.00 ITotal Capital Outlay 1,247. 00 5,473.00 5,200. 00 GRAND TOTAL 42,011. 00 52,432. 00 57,987.00 I I CITY OF©AYTOWN TEXAS I 27. ACCOUNT NO . 201 IPUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT IACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1. SALARIES AND WAGES I , 1. Supervision 17,471. 00 20, 600. 00 20,980. 00 2. Clerical 7,412. 00 - 8,400. 00 8,668. 00- II 3 . Operations 5. Contingency 143 , 895. 00 165,320. 00 184,458. 00 992. 00 1,000. 00 1,000. 00 Total 1 169 ,770.00 195,320. 00 215, 106.00 . 2. SUPPLIES 1 1. Office 1,728.00 1,700. 00 . 1,890.00 3 . Food - Dog Pound 250. 00 4. Uniforms & Clothing II Allowance 3 ,220. 00 3 , 155.00 3 ,600. 00 7 . Minor Instruments 800. 00 800. 00 1, 100. 00 ' 8. Laundry and Janitorial 12. 00 50. 00 50.00 I/ 9. Chemical , Medical & Surgical 150.00 10. Mechanical-I. D. Officer 400. 00 400. 00 400. 00 13 . Misc. Other 520. 00 800. 00 500. 00 ITotal 2 6, 680. 00 6,905. 00 7,940. 00 I4. MAINTENANCE 1. Structures-Bldg. 2,085. 00 400. 00 653 .00 I5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 11 1. Furniture & Fixtures 164. 00 175. 00 200. 00 4. Motor Vehicle b,020. 00 4, 580. 00 4,600. 00 Total 5 6, 184. 00 4,755. 00 4,800. 00 II 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES I 4. Police School 235. 00 235. 00 500. 00 6. Travel Expense 319. 00 300. 00 300. 00 9.• Prisoner Subsistence _ 1,354. 00 1,500. 00 1,500. 00 1 Total 6 1,908. 00 2,035. 00 2,300, 00 (Continued on Next Page) I 1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS , 28. I (Continuation of Account No. 201 - Public Safety - Police Dept. ) 1 ACTUAL 1961-62 ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1962-63 1963-64 7. SUNDRY CHARGES I1. Contributions to Auxiliary Police 765. 00 790. 00 850.00 ITotal Operating 187,392.00 210, 205. 00 231,649. 00 ICAPITAL OUTLAY 9. BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES II1. Buildings - Dog Pound 4,000.00 10. EQUIPMENT 1 1. Furniture & Fixtures 160. 00 41.00 ' 2. Machinery 320. 00 415. 00 I 3 . Instruments & Apparatus 10,715. 00 1,645. 00 4. Motor Vehicle 4,410. 00 9,500. 00 10,000.00 I12. Heating & Air Cond. _ 390.00 Total 10 15,605.00 9, 541. 00 12,450.00 ITotal Capital Outlay 15,605. 00 9 ,541. 00 16,450. 00 GRAD TOTAL 202,997. 00 219,746.00 248,099. 00 I I i I I I 1 ICITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS - It I 29. ACCOUNT NO . 202 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT I ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 24,986.00 26, 800. 00 26,271. 00 3. Operations 83 ,363. 00 92,900. 00 113, 134. 00 I5. Extra Help 712.00 400. 00 500.00 Total 1 • 109,061.00 120, 100. 00 139,905.00 I2. SUPPLIES 1: Office 34. 00 50. 00 75.00 I 4. Wearing Apparel 626. 00 650. 00 750. 00 7. Minor Apparatus 3 ,697.00 3 ,450. 00 4,000. 00 ' 8. Janitorial 142. 00 172.00 250. 00 I13 . Camera 46. 00 50.00 100.00 Total 2 4,545. 00 4,372.00 5, 175.00 I4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 1,330. 00 420.00 750.00 I5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT I 1. Furniture & Fixtures 30. 00 50. 00 3 . Fire Apparatus 676. 00 1,550.00 2,350. 00 4. Motor Vehicle 2,295. 00 1, 100, 00 1,200. 00 11. Signal Systems 382. 00 400. 00 550.00 Total 5 39 353 . 00 39 080. 00 49 150.00 I 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6. Travel Expense 275. 00 300. 00 400.00 13 . Other 32. 00 25.00 25.00 Total 6 307. 00 325.00 425.00 I7. SUNDRY CHARGES Volunteer Dept. Cont. 7,750. 00 9,750. 00 21, 168. 00 II. Total Operating 126,346. 00 138,047. 00 171, 573 .00 I (Continued Next Page) I - 1, II • CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS - ' (Continuation of Account No. 202 - Public Safety - Fire Dept. ) 30 1 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 CAPITAL OUTLAY 11 10. EQUIPMENT ' 1. Furniture & Fixtures 600. 00 3 . Instruments & Apparatus 4,013 .00 3,415.00 4. Motor Vehicle 5,000. 00 2,200.00 11. Signal Systems 1,002. 00 Total Capital Outlay • 10,015.00 6,215.00 GRAND TOTAL 126,346. 00 148,062.00 177,788. 00 II I 1 1 • 111 11 . 1 1 ICITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS , I 31. ACCOUNT NO . 203 C1-<4; , IPUBLIC SAFETY PROTECTIVE INSPECTION I 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 6,712. 00 7,346. 00 7, 571. 00 I 3. Operations 4,499. 00 5,033 .00 5,057 . 00 4. Maintenance 2,861. 00 3 ,368. 00 3 ,374. 00 ITotal 1 14,072. 00 15,747. 00 16,002. 00 2. SUPPLIES I1. Office 123. 00 150. 00 150. 00 7. Minor Apparatus 57. 00 70. 00 100. 00 ITotal 2 180. 00 220. 00 250. 00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT I3 . Instruments & Apparatus 9. 00 15. 00 25.00 4. Motor Vehicle 208. 00 240. 00 300. 00 ITotal 5 217. 00 255. 00 325. 00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES I2. Car Allowance 600. 00 600.00 600. 00 6. Travel Expense 53. 00 180. 00 300. 00 ITotal 6 653. 00 780. 00 900. 00 1 Total Operating 15, 122. 00 17,002.00 17,477. 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY I10. EQUIPMENT 3 . Instruments & Apparatus 1,267.00 IGRAND TOTAL 15, 122.00 17 ,002.00 18,744. 00 I I III ICITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS I 32. ACCOUNT NO. 301 HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS ISIDEWALKS, STREETS AND DRAINAGE I ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1. SALARIES AND WAGES I1. Supervision 10,677. 00 . 4. Maintenance 108,339. 00 118,400. 00 122,007.00 5. Contingency (Overtime ) 4, 112.00 2,500. 00 2, 500. 00 ITotal 1 112,451. 00 1209 9 900. 00 135 184. 00 I2. SUPPLIES 7. Minor Apparatus 372. 00 400. 00 400. 00 I 9. Chemicals (Weed Killer) 59000. 00 13 . Other 120.00 125.00 210. 00 • Total 2 492. 00 525. 00 5, 610.00 I 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES I 1. Building 80. 00 200. 00 500. 00 5. Sidewalks & Curbs 49881. 00 49885.00 5,000. 00 6. Storm Sewers 13. 00 900. 00 1,000. 00 I8. Streets 77,077. 00 35,000.00 30,000. 00 Total 4 82,051. 00 40,985. 00 36,500.00 I6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Hire of Ecuipment 30. 00 78. 00 5,700.00 I11. Street Lighting 37, 196. 00 42,458. 00 45, 500. 00 Total 6 37,226. 00 42, 536. 00 51,200. 00 ITotal Operating 232,220, 00 204,946. 00 .228,494. 00 ICAPITAL OUTLAY 8. LAND I1. Purchase Price 7,040, 00 i (Continued Next Page) I 1il IICITY OF BAYTOWH. TEXAS - I (Continuation of Account No. 301 - Highway And Roadways - 33. Sidewalks , Streets and Drainage) II ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 I9. BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES 5. Sidewalks & Curbs 5,000. 00 1 6. Storm Sewers 24,817. 00 21, 825. 00 5,000. 00 8. Streets 85,901. 00 215,000.00 244,000. 00 11 Total 9 110,718.00 236,825. 00 254,000. 00 10. EQUIPMENT II 4. Motor .Vehicles 2,062. 00 6,000. 00 5. Other Vehicles 5,800.00 1 Total 10 2,062.00 11,800.00 Total Capital Outlay 119, 820. 00 236, 825. 00 265, 800. 00 IGRAND TOTAL 352,040. 00 441,771. 00 494,294.00 1 1 1 II I I I I 1 I. i 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 34. ACCOUNT NO. 401 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL IMOSQUITO CONTROL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 11 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1. SALARIES AND WAGES I3. Operations 4,900.00 2. SUPPLIES 1 9. Chemicals 4, 100.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQ JIPMENT 2. Machinery 150. 00 GRAND TOTAL 9, 150.00 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS , 35. IACCOUNT NO. 402 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL IIWASTE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Operations 130,695. 00 135,057. 00 123 , 547.00 5. Contingency (Overtime ) 5,241.00 3 ,000.00 5,000. 00 I Total 1 135,936. 00 138,057.00 128,547.00 2. SUPPLIES II7. Minor Tools 296. 00 300. 00 300. 00 9. Chemicals 2,487. 00 3,500.00 1, 150.00 11 13 . Other Operating Spl . 122. 00 125.00 210. 00 • Total 2 • 2,905. 00 3 ,925. 00 1,660.00 II4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 9. San. Landfill Grounds 44. 00 55. 00 100. 00 IITotal Operating 138,885.00 142,037 . 00 130,307. 00 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 11 2. Machinery & Imple. 3,837. 00 4. Motor Vehicles 15,958. 00 26,950.00 IITotal Capital Outlay 19,795.00 26,950.00 GRAND TOTAL 158,680. 00 168,987.00 130,307.00 I I I I I ICITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 36. I ACCOUNT NO . 501 CONSERVATION OF HEALTH 1 HEALTH DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1. SALARIES AND WAGES I1. Supervisory 6, 636. 00 6,972.00 6,996.00 3. Technical 19,450. 00 21,375. 00 12,540. 00 IITotal 1 26,086.00 28,347.00 19, 536. 00 2. SUPPLIES I1. Office 129. 00 180. 00 250. 00 4. Wearing Apparel 144. 00 150. 00 50. 00 I 5. Pound Food 216.00 250. 00 7. Minor Tools 49. 00 100. 00 • 9. Chemicals, Med.&Surg. 123. 00 140. 00 ITotal 2 661.00 820.00 300.00 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES I1. Buildings 59. 00 175. 00 1 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3. Instruments & Appar. 40 . 00 100. 00 I4. Motor Vehicle 567. 00 50.00 Total 5 607.00 150.00 I6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance & I Equpt. Hire 2,369. 00 2,400. 00 2,500. 00 6. Travel Expense 390. 00 400.00 400. 00 ' Total 6 2,759. 00 2,800.00 2,900.00 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contributions - . I Health Lea gue 8,000. 00 8,618.00 8,900. 00 ITotal Operating 38, 172. 00 40,910. 00 31,636. 00 II I (Continued Next Page) 1 - i, 37. (Continuation of Account No. 501 - Conservation of Health - Health Dept. ) ACTUAL ESTIMATED PR OPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 11 CAPITAL OUTLAY ' 10. EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles 200. 00 1, 625. 00 GRAND TOTAL 38,372. 00 42, 535. 00 31,636. 00 I 1 1 I 1 I CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 38. 1 ACCOUNT NO. 601 • RECREATION 1 PARKS AND RECREATION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1 1. Supervisory 1,600.00 1,775.00 2, 125. 00 2. Clerical 2,400. 00 2,640. 00 2,640.00 3. Operations 3,000. 00 2,640.00 3 ,960. 00 1 4. Maintenance 7,000. 00 8,446. 00 12,348.00 • Total 1 .14,000. 00 15,501.00 21,073.00 1 2. SUPPLIES I 1. Office 22.00 20.00 50.00 6. Motor Vehicle 47.00 70.00 100. 00 ' 7. Minor Apparatus 168. 00 160.00 200. 00 1 9. Chemicals 428.00 500. 00 900. 00 • 13, Other Operating Supplies 53 . 00 160.00 300. 00 Total 2 718. 00 910.00 1,550. 00 I4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES II. Building 1,357. 00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2. Boat Landing 12. 00 100. 00 3. Filtration System 1,500.00 II10. Other (Lighting ) 27. 00 120.00 100.00 Total 4 1,396. 00 1,220. 00 2,600.00 1 - 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Implements 287. 00 490.00 1,450.00 II 15. Other (Bath Facilities ) 300. 00 Total 5 287. 00 490.00 1,750.00 1 7. SUNDRY CHARGES Il. Contributions to Rec. 6, 101. 00 6, 100. 00 6, 100.00 6. Rents 82.00 Total 7 6, 101. 00 6, 182.00 6, 100. 00 1::1\ Total Operating 22,502. 00 24,303 .00 33 ,073.00 (Continued Next Page) 11 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS _ 39. (Continuation of Account No. 601 - Recreation - Parks & Rec. ) ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 CAPITAL OUTLAY 8. LAND 1. Purchase Price 13 ,500. 00 2. Improvements 7,000.00 9. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 1 3. Filtration System 700. 00 5. Sidewalks • 448. 00 10. Other 1,296. 00 ' Total 9 1, 744. 00 700. 00 ITotal Capital Outlay 1,744. 00 13, 500. 00 7,700. 00 GRAND TOTAL 24,246.00 37,803. 00 40,773.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 40. 1 ACCOUNT NO. 701 MISCELLANEOUS IGENERAL OVERHEAD ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 11961-621. SALARIES AND WAGES 1962-63 1963-64 1 1. Supervisory 9,944. 00 10,590.00 14,998. 00 3 ,880.00 3 . Operations 17 ,064.00 I Total 1 24,942.00 10, 590.00 20,944. 00 2. SUPPLIES ' 1 1. Office 150. 00 128. 00 300. 00 6. Motor Vehicle Fuel 23 , 108.00 23,760.00 24,000.00 7. Minor Tools 774. 00 400. 00 1,200. 00 II13. Other Operating Spls. 67. 00 75.00 100.00 ' Total 2 24,099. 00 24,363. 00 25,600. 00 1 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 198.00 200.00 200.00 II 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1 2. Machinery & Imple. 24,780. 00 26,500. 00 25,000.00 3. Instruments & Appar. 100. 00 100.00 100.00 11 Total 5 24,880. 00 26,600. 00 25, 100.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1 7. Rent (Parking Lot) 240. 00 240.00 240. 00 Total Operating 74,359. 00 61,993.00 72,084. 00 ICAPITAL OUTLAY 1 9. BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES 1. Building (Heating & I Air Con. Eqpt. ) 1,325. 00 1,000. 00 10. EQUIPMENT 11 3 . Instruments & Apparatus 2,500. 00 Total Capital Outlay 1,325. 00 3 ,500.00 1 GRAND TOTAL 74,359. 00 63 ,318.00 75,584.00 I I ' CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS __ 41. ACCOUNT NO. 702 MISCELLANEOUS ' INSURANCE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3 . Automotive Insurance 7,808. 00 7 ,936.00 9,000. 00 Buildings & Contents 1,745. 00 1, 620. 00 2, 675. 00 Group Life & Hosp. 13 ,025.00 13 ,000. 00 13,000.00 111 Fireman' s Benefit 409. 00 439. 00 720. 00 Burglary & Swim. 566. 00 508. 00 700.00 Total 6 23 , 553. 00 23 ,503 . 00 26,095.00 7. SUNDRY CHARGES II2. Bonds 273.00 290.00 350. 00 • 8. Medical Care • 286. 00 147. 00 300.00 IITotal 7 559. 00 437 ,00 650.00 GRAND TOTAL 24, 112. 00 23 ,940. 00 26,745. 00 i II II 1 I 11 I 1 ° ' CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 42. ' ACCOUNT NO. 703 MISCELLANEOUS 1 GARAGE ACTUAL - ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1. SALARIES AND WAGES ' 1. Supervisory 3 ,800. 00 Transferred 3. Operations 16, 632. 00 to Account ' Total 1 20,432. 00 No. 701 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 180.00 7. Minor Tools 400.00 13 . Misc. Other 25. 00 • Total 2 605.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Impl. 500. 00 Total Operating 21, 537.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9. BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES . ' 1. Building Heating 465. 00 GRAND TOTAL 22,002. 00 11 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 11 1 I I ANNUAL BUDGET PART III 1 W A T E R WORK S & SANITARY SEWER FUND 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 ICITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS _ 43. IWATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF INCOME, EXPENSE & SURPLUS ADJUSTMENTS IFISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1964 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED IIOPERATING REVENUES: 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 I Sale of Water 400, 719. 00 460,000. 00 480,300. 00 Servicing Installations 30, 180. 00 25,000. 00 23, 500. 00 Miscellaneous 360.00 38,650. 00 2,000. 00 Sewer Service 113 ,816.00 128,000. 00 132,000.00 ITotal Revenue •545,075. 00 651,650.00 637,800. 00 IPrior Year Surplus 35,324.00 111, 140. 00 104,598. 00 Total Available 580,399. 00 762,790. 00 742,398. 00 I LESS: I Operating Expenses 336,000. 00 411,651. 00 426,595.00 Capital Outlay 32,235. 00 135,339. 00 194,249. 00 Debt Service 115,805. 00 111,202. 00 106,554. 00 Contingency Fund 15,000. 00 ITotal Expenditures 484,040. 00 658, 192.00 742,398.00 II TOTAL UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS 96,359. 00 104,598. 00 -0- I II I I • I I II ICITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 44. WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION IFISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1964 ACCOUNT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED NUMBER DIVISION 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1001 Supply 52,811. 00 82, 118. 00 76,936. 00 11 1002 Transmission & Distribution 123 , 151.00 212,755. 00 286,521.00 1003 Customer Acctg. & Collecting 72, 807. 00 82,056.00 91,416. 00 1004 General Overhead 20,399. 00 24,750. 00 24,855. 00 1005 Transfer to Other Funds 115,805. 00 111,202. 00 106,554. 00 1005-A Contingency Fund 15,000. 00 1006 Sewers & Sewage Disposal 99,067. 00 1459241.00 1419116. 00 Total Expenditures 484,040. 00 6589192. 00 742,398.00 I II I I I I I I I I/ CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 45 I I WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION IFISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1964 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED II1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 OPERATING EXPENSES: II1. Salaries and Wages 203 ,872. 00 246, 603.00 256,925. 00 2. Supplies 24,023. 00 35,955. 00 42,620. 00 3. Maintenance, Land 25. 00 50. 00 l 4. Maintenance, Structures 7,251.00 7,620. 00 8, 100. 00 5. Maintenance, Equipment • 32,612. 00 28, 585. 00 26,050. 00 6. Mis cellaneous Services .54,565. 00 77, 881. 00 74,365. 00 I - 7. Sundry Charges 13 ,677.00 14,982. 00 18,485.00 Total Operating 336,000. 00 411,651. 00 426,595. 00 ICAPITAL OUTLAY I9. BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES 3. Filtration Plants 1, 121. 00 6. Sanitary Sewers I ( F.W.Agency) 2, 101. 00 4,200. 00 4,200.00 7. Standpipes & Reservoirs 12,000. 00 IITotal 9 3 ,222.00 16,200. 00 4,200.00 II10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Imple. 6, 125. 00 12,639. 00 1, 115.00 I 3. Instruments & Appar. 650. 00 4,500. 00 4. Motor Vehicles 8,960. 00 5,400. 00 9. Water Mains 3,016. 00 88,500. 00 154,834. 00 10. Meters and Settings 10,912. 00 13 , 550.00 21,700. 00 II14. Fire Hydrants _ 3 ,800.00 2, 500.00 Total 10 29,013. 00 119, 139. 00 190,039. 00 ITotal Capital Outlay 32,235.00 135,339.00 194,249.00 ITRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS Waterworks Interest & Sink. 115,805. 00 111,202. 00 106, 554. 00 Contingency Fund 15.000.00 IITotal Transfers 115,805. 00 111,202.00 121, 554. 00 II GRAND TOTAL 484,040. 00 658, 192. 00 742,398.00 11 ._ IICITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 44 . IACCOUNT NO. 1001 WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT 11 SUPPLY ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 II 1. Supervision 6,545. 00 7, 153 .00 7,653 .00 3 . Operation 99862. 00 119300. 00 11,008. 00 Total 1 16,407. 00 18,453. 00 18, 661.00 II2. SUPPLIES . 11 2. Fuel 98. 00 150. 00 250. 00 7. Minor Tools 84.00 8:5.00 100. 00 13. Other Operating Supplies 20. 00 25.00 1 Total 2 182. 00 255. 00 375. 00 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES II 1. Building 133 . 00 700.00 500. 00 7. Water Wells & Resv. 1,883. 00 1,700.00 2,000. 00 ITotal 4 2,016. 00 2,400. 00 2,500. 00 II5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Implements 1, 782. 00 1,850.00 2,000.00 1 3. Instruments & Appar. . 650. 00 500.00 Total 5 1,782. 00 2,500. 00 2, 500.00 II6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 11. Lights and Power 32,424. 00 46, 580. 00 52,000. 00 1 Total Operating 52,811. 00 70, 188. 00 76,036. 00 ICAPITAL OUTLAY 9. BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES I7 . Standpipes & Reservoirs 12,000. 00 10. EQUIPMENT I3. Instruments & Apparatus 900. 00 Total Capital Outlay 12,000. 00 900. 00 IGRAND TOTAL 52,811. 00 82, 188. 00 76,936.00 Ii I CITY OF SAYTOWN. TEXAS 47. I ACCOUNT NO. 1002 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 I 1. Supervision 11,822. 00 14,055. 00 12, 664. 00 3 . Maintenance 60,538. 00 67, 100.00 67,063. 00 5. Contingency 2,394. 00 1,600. 00 2.500.00 1 Total 1 74,754. 00 82,755. 00 82,227. 00 2. SUPPLIES I7 . Minor Tools 1, 120. 00 1,200. 00 1,200. 00 - ! 9. Chemicals 3 ,243 . 00 4,400. 00 6,000. 00 I13 . Other Oper. Suppl. 93. 00 125. 00 210.00 • Total 2 4,456. 00 5,726. 00 7,410.00 I5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3 . Instruments & Appar. 100. 00 60. 00 100. 00 I 9. Water Mains 8,385. 00 4,200. 00 5,500.00 10. Meters & Settings 11,999. 00 11,450. 00 7,500. 00 14. Fire Hydrants 386. 00 1,400.00 1,000.00 IITotal 5 _ 20,870. 00 17, 110. 00 14, 100. 00 I 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES . . 2. Hire of E9uipment 350. 00 I 6. Travel Expense 171. 00 300. 00 300.00 7. Rent-Easements 12. 00 15. 00 50. 00 Total 6 183.00 665. 00 350. 00 IITotal Operating 100,263.00 106,255. 00 104,087. 00 ICAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT I 3. Instruments & Apparatus 650. 00 4. Motor Vehicles 8,960. 00 3 ,400. 00 9. Water Mains 3,016. 00 88,500. 00 154,834. 00 10. Meters & Settings 10,912. 00 13,550. 00 21,700. 00 14. Fire Hydrants 3 ,800. 00 2,500. 00 ITotal Capital Outlay 22,888. 00 106, 500. 00 182,434..00 GRAND TOTAL 123 , 151. 00 212, 755. 00 286,521. 00 I II I CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 11 48. IACCOUNT NO. 1003 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT ICUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 I 1. Supervisory 7, 501. 00 7,288. 00 6, 650. 00 2. Clerical 32,875. 00 37, 170. 00 48,622.00 3. Accounting . 5,376. 00 8, 812. 00 6,244. 00 5. Contingency 315. 00 550. 00 400. 00 ITotal 1 46,067. 00 539 820. 00 619 916. 00 il 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office & Postage 4,869. 00 7,250. 00 7, 500. 00 I4. Wearing Apparel 150. 00 200. 00 Total 2 4,869. 00 7,400. 00 7 ,700. 00 I4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 120. 00 100. 00 I5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT I1. Office Machines 311. 00 475.00 600. 00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES I2. Car Allowance 600. 00 600. 00 13 . Sub-Station Fees 1, 158. 00 1,320. 00 1, 500. 00 ITotal 6 1, 758. 00 1,920.00 1, 500.00 7. SUNDRY CHARGES I5. Pensions 2,000. 00 3,012. 00 3,720.00 5-1. Social Security 4,400. 00 5, 195. 00 7,550.. 00 I • 5-2.. Life & Hosp. Ins. 2, 190. 00 3,275. 00 3 ,215. 00 10. Reserve for Sick Leave 5,087. 00 3 ,500. 00 4,000. 00 ITotal 7 13 ,677. 00 14,982. 00 18,485. 00 Total Operating 66, 682. 00 78,717. 00 90,301.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY II10. EQUIPMENT 1 I 2. Machinery & Implements 6, 125. 00 3 ,339.00 1, 115.00 I GRAND TOTAL 72,807. 00 82,056. 00 91,416. 00 . '1 I I _ IICITY OF SAYTOWN, TEXAS 49. ACCOUNT NO. 1004 II WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT IIGENERAL OVERHEAD ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED II1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1. SALARIES AND" WAGES il 1. Supervisory 2,300. 00 29560. 00 29520. 00 2. Clerical 3 ,297. 00 39680.00 3 , 664. 00 3. Operations 7,511.00 9,360.00 9,621.00 IITotal 1 .13 , 108. 00 15,600. 00 15, 805. 00 I2. SUPPLIES 6. Motor Vehicle Fuel 1,570.00 4,650. 00 4,500. 00 II13. Other Operating Suppl. 47. 00 50. 00 50.00 . Total 2 1,617. 00 4,700. 00 4,550.00 II5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicle 64t,--:' 5,674. 00 4,450.00 4, 500. 00 IIGRAND TOTAL 20,399. 00 24,750. 00 24,855.00 I I I II II I II CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS . 50. ACCOUNT NO.' 1005 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS ACTUAL ESTIMATED+ PROPOSED 1 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 Transfer to Waterworks Int. & Sinking Fund 115,805. 00 111,202. 00 106, 554. 00 Contingency Fund 15,000. 00 Total Transfers 115,805. 00 111,202. 00 121, 554. 00 I II 1 1 1 1 1 I . 1 1 1 !� ICITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 51. IACCOUNT NO . 1006 WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT ISEWER AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1. SALARIES AND WAGES I3. Operations 43 ,414. 00 64,805. 00 67, 121. 00 4. Maintenance 10, 122. 00 11, 170. 00 11, 195. 00 ITotal 1 53,536. 00 75,975. 00 78,316. 00 -_ 2. SUPPLIES I2. Fuel 1,900. 00 2,250.00 7. Minor Tools 101. 00 150. 00 150. 00 I - 9.. Chemicals 12,776. 00 15,800. 00 20,000.00 13. Other Operating Spls. 22. 00 25.00 185.00 ITotal 2 12,899. 00 17,875.00 22, 585. 00 3. MAINTENANCE OF LAND I1. Land 25. 00 50.00 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES I1. Buildings 193. 00 500. 00 500. 00 3. Disposal Plants 2,283. 00 I4. Sanitary Sewers 2,759. 00 4,600.00 5,000. 00 Total 4 5,235. 00 5, 100. 00 5,500.00 I5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Implements 3 ,802 DO 3 ,750. 00 4,000. 00 I3. Instruments & Appar. 173. 00 300.00 350. 00 Total 5 3 ,975. 00 4,050. 00 4,350. 00 I6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES I 7 . Rents 7. 00 16. 00 20, 193. 0015.00 11. Light & Power 28,700. 00 20,500. 00 ITotal 6 20,200. 00 28,716.00 20,515. 00 Total Operating 95,845. 00 131,741. 00 131,316. 00 I (Continued Next Page) 1 1,1 ICITY OF SAYTOWN. TEXAS 52. 11 (Continuation of Account No. 1006 - Water & Sewer Dept. - Sewers and Sewage Disposal ) ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 CAPITAL OUTLAY II9. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 3. Filtration Plants 1, 121. 00 6. Sanitary Sewers ( F.W. Agency) 2, 101. 00 4,200. 00 4,200. 00 Total 9 3,222.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 10. EQUIPMENT 11 2. Machinery & Implements 9,300.00 3. Instruments & Appar. 3,600.00 II 4. Motor Vehicles 2,000. 00 ' Total 10 9,300. 00 5,600. 00 Total Capital Outlay 3,222.00 13 ,500. 00 9,800.00 GRAND TOTAL 99,067 .00 145,241. 00 141, 116.00 1 1 1 I I I 1 • ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANNUAL BUDGET 1 P A:R T IV I DEBT SERVICE SECTION I 1 1 1 I 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS Page 53 ' DEBT SERVICE • ALL BONDS 1 1963-64 Actual Estimated Proposed j REVENUE: 61-62 62-63 63-64 General Property Tax 214,009.00 212,595.00 286,000.00 Transfer From Other Funds 115,805.00 111,202.00 106,554.00 Revenue From Premiums & Int. 8,906.00 7,513.00 5,597.00 Transfer of Wtr. Dist. Funds 105.711.00 TOTAL REVENUE 338,720.00 437,021.00 398,151.00 PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS 150,902.00 189,126.00 238,305.00 1 TOTAL AVAILABLE 489,622.00 626, 147.00 636,456.00 LESS EXPENDITURES: 7. Sundry Charges 2-1 Serial Bond Maturities 162,000.00 189,500.00 201,500.00 ' 2-2 Interest Payments 138, 146.00 197,579.00 214,465.00 2-3 Exchange 350.00 763.00 762.00 1 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 300,496.00 387,842.00 416,727.00 Surplus @ September 30 189, 126.00 238,305.00 219,729.00 1 I 1 I 1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Page 54 DEBT SERVICE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (Including Tax Supported Waterworks Bonds) 1 REVENUE.. Actual Estimated Proposed 61-62 62-63 63-64 ' General Property Tax 214,009.00 2129595.00 286,000.00 Premiums and Interest 6,402.00 3,200.00 19000.00 Transfer of Wtr. Dist. Funds 101,000.00 rTOTAL REVENUE 220,411.00 316,795.00 287,000.00 PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS 10,216.00 25,474.00 54,059.00 11 TOTAL AVAILABLE 230,627.00 3429269.00 341,059.00 ' LESS EXPENDITURES: ' 7. Sundry Charges 2-1 Serial Bond Mat. ' 114,000.00 136,000,00 146,000.00 2-2 Interest Payments 91,050.00 151,700.00 170,013.00 2-3 Exchange Costs 103.00 510.00 502.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 205,153.00 288,210.00 316,515.00 Surplus @ September 30 25,474.00 54,059.00 24.544.00 1 1 I 1 ICITY OF BAYT0WN, TEXAS IPage 55 DEBT SERVICE IWATERWORKS AND SEWER REVENUE BONDS Actual Estimated Proposed 61-62 62-63 63-64 IREVENUE: Transfer From Water Fund 115,805.00 111,202.00 106,554.00 I Revenue From Premiums & Int. 2,504.00 4,313 .00 4,597.00 Transfer Of Wtr. Dist. Funds 4,711.00 1 TOTAL REVENUE PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS 118,309.00 120,226.00 111, 151.00 140,686.00 163,652. 00 184,246.00 111 TOTAL AVAILABLE 258,995.00 283,878.00 295,397.00 LESS EXPENDITURES: I7. Sundry Charges I 2-1 Serial Bond Maturities 48,000.00 53 ,500.00 55, 500.00 2-2 Interest Payments 47,096.00 45,879.00 44,452.00 2-3 Exchange Costs 247. 00 253 .00 260.00 ITOTAL EXPENDITURES 95,343 .00 99,632.00 100,212.00 Surplus @ September 30 163 , 652. 00 184,246.00 195, 185.00 I Analysis of Surplus Funds To IIMeet Requirements of Bond Ordinance: Monthly Deposits For Debt Retire. 39,585.00 39,611.00 40,075.00 I Bond Reserve-Cash Account 19,200.00 32, 125.00 35,362.00 Bond Reserve-U. S. Treasury Notes 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 Bond Contingency Fund 32, 500.00 39,576. 00 46,936.00 Surplus, Unappropriated 2,367.00 2,934.00 2,812.00 1 TOTAL SURPLUS g SEPTEMBER 30 163 ,652. 00 184,246. 00 195, 185.00 I I I I I CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS - I ' 56. STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS II October 1, 1963 Interest Date of . Term 1 Description Rate Issue . Years WATERWORKS & SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS I Baytown W.W.&S. S. - Revenue Refunding - 312% 5/15/57 10 II Series 1957 3 3/4% 4% 4%% TOTAL I Baytown W.W.&S. S. Revenue Bonds 3141% 2/15/58 22 Series 1958 3%2% II 3 5/8% H.C. F,W.S.D.-#8 Water & Sewer Imp. 41/2 o 4/1/42 28 II Revenue Bonds, Series 1942 3%2% TOTAL REVENUE BONDS II WATERWORKS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS I City of Pelly I Waterworks Refunding "B" 5% 4/10/35 38 City of Goose Creek Waterworks Bonds 5:6% 10/10/27 40 City of Baytown 1. Waterworks and Sewer System 2W) 3/1/52 12 Refunding, Series 1952 2 3/4% 16 TOTAL 1 2. Waterworks and Sewer System 3%2% 5/15/57 15 Refunding, Series 1957 3 3/4% ill 4% 1 4%% H.C. F,W.S. D. #8 1. Waterworks and Sewer System Improvement, Series 1949 3 3/4% 12/1/49 35 General Obligation Bond Continued I I I 00'17086TT 00'0006TT 00'0006TTC 00'00065717 E86T I 00'06Z6L 00'0006ET 00'0006T8T 00'000'0E7 00'000'LE 00 '0006LE 00'0006L7T 00'0006LZT 00'06T'L 00'0006ET 00'0006LT 00'000'717 -0- 00 '000'177 OL6T I 00'0t79 00'0006g 00'000'9T 00'000'T8 00'000'T? 00'000617 896T 00'0179 00'00060 00'000'g 00'000'09 17961 00'E67.6T 00'00065 00 '000697 00 '000'cTT L96T I 00'000'T 00 '00067 OO'000607 00 '000' E9 EL6T I II 00 '7,517617t7 OO'OO56gg O0'00g6 EZ76T OO'0006 bi?Q'T 00'671 'T 00'00g6E 00'00g687 00'000`08 00'0006E 00'000'87 00'000'87 00'67T6T 00'00g 00'005 00'00067c OL6T I 00'T0t765E 00'000'0006T 00 '0006000'T 00'0006T617 00'0006T6t7 086T 00'000 6177V 00 '000 6177t7 17L6T 00'T0t76QE 00'0006g8 00'000`Q8 896T • 00'7766L 00'000'7g 00'0006g6T 00'0006179t7II 00'00066T 00'00069TT 00'00069TT 00'0006T7 00'000'98 00'7766L 00'0006CE 00'000°8g 00'000697TII -0- 00'00069ET L96T I 179-E9 enQ 179-E9 anQ 6uTpuea.sa.n0 enssl a4eQ a.seaaq.uT TedTDuTad :unowv . TeuT6Ta0 A .zanqeW I • I •L5 - SVX31 'NMOIAVS JO AJ.3 II CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS -- I 58. I STATE MENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS October 1, 1963 Interest Date Description of Term General Obligation Bonds Continued Rate Issue Years WATERWORKS GENERAL OBLIG. BONDS.Contd. I H.D. F.W. S.D. 4#8 Contd. 2. Waterworks and Sewer System I Improvement, Series 1952 3W, 6/1/52 34 3 . Waterworks and Sewer System I Improvement, Series 195u' 3 3/4% 9/1/55 30 4. Waterworks and Sewer System I Improvement, Series 1961 4.05% 3/1/61 34 Total 4 4. 15% IIH.•C.W.C.&I .D. #58 1. Waterworks and San. Swr.&Drain. Improvt. Bonds, Series 1956 4 3/4% 12/1/56 34 I 2. Waterworks and S n. Swr.&Drain. Impvt. Bonds, Series 1959 5% 8/1/59 39 I 3. Waterworks and San. Swr. & Drain. Improvt. Bonds, Series 1961 5% 4/1/61 37 TOTAL WATERWORKS GEN. OBL. BONDS City of Pelly Refunding, Series "B" 4%0 4/10/35 38 City Hall Refunding 5% 7/1/35 36 Street Improvement Refunding 3 3/4% 12/1/45 25 City of Goose Creek Sewer Improvement 5W, 10/10/27 40 Street Improvement 2% 9/1/45 22 2%% 2 % General Obligation Bond Continued i II ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 59. I . ' Maturity Original Amount Principal Interest a y O g p Date Issue Outstanding Due 63-64 Due 63-64 I 1985 125,000. 00 125,000.00 -0- 4,325.00 II 1985 175,000.00 120,000.00 4,000.00 4,375.00 I1994 3509 000. 00 3509 000.00 -0- 189 408.00 102,000.00 102,000.00 I452,000.00 452,000.00 -0- 18,408.00 II1989 475,000.00 465,000.00 5,000.00 21,969.00 II1997 250,000.00 250,000. 00 -0- 12,500.00 I1997 300,000. 00 300,000.00 -0- 15,000.00 2, 691,000.00 2,286,000. 00 45,000.00 98,604.00 I 1973 36,500. 00 13 , 500.00 1,000.00 675.00 II1971 33 ,000.00 10,500. 00 1,000.00 525.00 II 1970 75,000.00 44,000.00 6,000.00 1,650.00 I1967 45,000.00 10,000.00 2,000. 00 495.00 1967 55,000.00 I 70,000. 00 146,000.00 97,000.00 23 ,000.00 2, 137.00 271,000.00 97,000.00 23 ,000.00 2, 137.00 I l • CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 1/ 60. r STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS October 1, 1963 Interest Date of Term Description Rate Issue Years General Oblication Bonds Continued I City of Baytown Park Improvement, Series 1948 21/2% 2/1/48 22 1 2 3/4% 3%/ Street & Drainage Improvement 5% Series 1958 3% 2/1/58 16 314% Street & Drainage Improvement, 41/2% 5/1/59 18 ' Series 1959 4% 21% Library Bonds 3%% 3/1/61 17 3 3/8 TOTAL GENERAL OBLIGATION (TAX SUPPORTED) BONDS GRAND TOTAL - ALL BONDS !I !I 4 I CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 61. II Maturity Original Amount Principal Interest Date Issue Outstanding Due 63-64 Due 63-64 1 1970 130,000.00 51,000.00 7,000. 00 19 645.00 I 1963 128,000.00 I 112,000.00 760,000.00 112, 000.00 7609000.00 36,000.00 27,520.00 1,000:000.00 872,000.00 36,000.00 27,520.00 I1970 266,000. 00 200,000.00 25,000.00 24 700. 00 1976 330,000.00 330,000.00 9 II 1977 100,000. 00 100.000.00 696,000.00 630,000. 00 25,000.00 24,700.00 I 1976 1977 200,000.00 150.000. 00 200,000.00 150.000. 00 12,063 .00 350,000.00 350,000.00 129 063.00 5.327.500. 00 4,364,000. 00 146.000.00 170,014.00 II6,871,500. 00 5,587,500. 00 201,500.00 214,466.00 I I I 1 II CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS -- 11 62. SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS - ALL PURPOSE GENERAL IMPROVEMENT 11 • Outstanding . Fiscal Beginning Principal Interest Year _ of Year _ Requirements :,eguirementsII 1962-63 1963-64 2,078,000.00 101,000.00 71,410.00 I 1964-65 1,977,000.00 103,000. 00 67,939.00 1965-66 1,874,000.00 , 111,000.00 64,382. 00 1966-67 1,763,000.00 114,000.00 60,476.00 1967-68 1, 649,000.00 . 93 ,000.00 56,686. 00 II 1968-69 1,556,000.00 88,000.00 53,262.00 1969-70 1,468,000.00 130,000.00 49,237.00 1970-71 1,338,000.00 165,000.00 43 938.00 1971-72 1,173 ,000.00 9 170, 500.00 38, 147. 00 1972-73 1,002, 500.00 177,500.00 32 203.00 1973-74 825,000.00 185,000.00 26,000.00 , 974-75 640,000.00 190,000.00 20,412.00 1975-76 450,000.00 200,000.00 13 ,312. 00 1976-77 250,000.00 250,000.00 5,031.00 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-9a 2,078,000.00 602,435.00 1 _ CITY OP BAYTOWN. TEXAS I 63. i ;i W.W. Tax I + Total Supported Total Tax IIRequirements Requirements Requirements I172,410.00 143 ,604.00 315 401.00 170,939.00 145,333 .00 316,272.00 !! I 175,382.00 144,382.00 147,704.00 319,764.00 174,476.00 322, 180.00 149,686.00 172,467.00 322, 153 .00 141,262.00 174,297.00 315,559.00 I 179,237.00 138,758.00 317,995.00II 208,938.00 118,389.00 327,327.00 il 208,647.00 121,783.00 330,430.00 I 209,703.00 116, 133.00 325,836.00 211,000.00 112, 558.00 323 ,558.00 II 210,412.00 117,945.00 328,357.00 I I 213 ,312.00 111,291.00 324,603 .00 255,031.00 115,593.00 370,624.00 114,739.00 114,739.00 118,754.00 118,754. 00 II 129,600.00 129,600.00 132,747.00 132,747 .00 135,613.00 135,613 .00 I 134,305.00 134,305.00 132,940. 00 132,940. 00 135,552.00 135, 552.00 I 132,765.00 132,765.00 129,835.00 129,835.00 127,846.00 127, 846.00 126,755.00 126,755. 00 I 129,563 .00 129,563 .00 122, 144.00 122, 144.00 120,727.00 120,727.00 I 118,209.00 118,209.00 116,590.00 116,590.00 58, 125.00 58, 125. 00 I 55,625.00 6 53 , 25.00 53 , 25.00 25,625.00 55, 25.00 25, 625.00II 1 2,680,435.00 4,231,421.00 6, 911,856.00 III I i - 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 Page 64 . DEBT SERVICE II SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS WATERWORKS AND SEWER REVENUE BONDS Outstanding IIFiscal Beginning Principal Interest Total Year of Year Requirments Requirements Requirements • I 1963-64 1,223 ,500.00 55,500.00 44,453 . 00 99,953 .00 1964-65 1, 168,000. 00 57, 500.00 42,267.00 99,767.00 1965-66 1, 110,500. 00 59,500. 00 39, 865.00 99,365.00 II 1966-67 1,051,000.00 62,000.00 37,474.00 99,474.00 1967-68 989,000.00 64,500.00 35, 132.00 99,632.00 1968-69 924,500.00 66,500.00 32,997.00 99,497.00 II1969-70 858,000. 00 72,000. 00 30, 652.00 102,652.00 1970-71 786,000.00 69,000.00 28, 124.00 97, 124.00 1971-72 717,000.00 72,000.00 25,709.00 97,709.00 1972-73 645,000. 00 75,000. 00 23 , 188.00 98, 188.00 1 1973-74 570,000.00 79,000.00 20,564. 00 99,564.00 1974-75 491,000.00 82,000. 00 17,799.00 99,799.00 1975-76 409,000.00 86,000.00 14,826.00 100, 826.00 il 1976-77 323 ,000.00 90,000.00 11,709.00 8,446.00 101,709.00 1977-78 233,000.00 94,000.00 102,446.00 1978-79 139,000. 00 98,000.00 5,039.00 103,039.00 1979-80 41,000. 00 41,000.00 1,486.00 42,486.00 II1,223 , 500.00 419,730.00 1,643 ,230.00 I HI I I I 1 1 11 „ I CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS I IPage 65 DEBT SERVICE 1 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS WATERWORKS TAX SUPPORTED BONDS I Outstanding Fiscal Beginning Principal Interest Total Year Of Year Requirements Requirements Requirements I 1963-64 2,286,000.00 45,000. 00 989604.00 143 ,604.00 1964-65 292419000. 00 489000.00 979333.00 145,333.00 1965-66 2, 193,000.00 49,000.00 95,382.00 144,382.00 1 1966-67 2, 144,000.00 55,000.00 92,704.00 147 ,704.00 1967-68 2,089,000. 00 82,000. 00 90,467.00 172,467.00 1968-69 2,007,000.00 87,000.00 87,297.00 174,297. 00 I 1969-70 1,920,000.00 55,000.00 83 ,758.00 138,758.00 1970-71 1,865,000.00 37,000.00 81,389.00 118,389.00 1971-72 1, 828,000. 00 42,000.00 79,783.00 121,783 .00 1972-73 1,786,000.00 38,000.00 78, 133.00 116, 133 .00 I 1973-74 1,748,000.00 36, 000. 00 . 76,558.00 112,558.00 1974-75 197129000.00 43000. 00 749945.00 117,945.00 1975-76 1,669,000.00 38,000.00 73 ,291.00 111,291.00 I 1976-77 1,631,000.00 44,000.00 71, 593 .00 115,593.00 1977-78 1, 587,000.00 45,000.00 699739.00 114,739.00 1978-79 1,542,000. 00 51,000.00 67,754.00 118,754.00 I 1979-80 1,491,000.00 64,000.00 65, 600.00 129,600.00 1980-81 1,427,000. 00 70,000. 00 62,747. 00 132,747 .00 1981-82 1,3 57,000.00 76,000.00 59,613.00 135,613 .00 1982-83 1,281,000. 00 78,000.00 56,305.00 134,305.00 II 1983-84 1,203 ,000.00 80,000.00 52,940,00 132,940.00 1984-85 1, 123 ,000.00 86,000.00 499552.00 135,552.00 1985-86 1,037,000.00 87,000.00 45,765.00 132,765.00 I 1986-87 950,000. 00 8629000.00 88,000.00 41, 835.00 129,835.00 1987-88 909000. 00 37, 846. 00 127,846.00 1988-89 772,000.00 93 ,000. 00 33 ,755.00 126,755.00 1989-90 679,000.00 100.000.00 29,563 ,00 129,563 .00 I 1990-91 579,000. 00 : 97,000.00 25, 144. 00 122, 144.00 1991-92 482,000.00 100,000.00 20,727.00 120,727.00 1992-93 382,000.00 102,000.00 16,209.00 118,209.00 I 1993-94 2809000.00 1059000.00 11, 590: 00 116,590.00 1994-95 1759000.00 50,000.00 8, 125. 00 58,125.00 1995-96 125,000.00 50,000. 00 5, 625. 00 55,625.00 I 1996-97 75,000. 00 25,000.00 50,000.00 3, 125. 00 539125.00 1997-9825,000.00 625.00 25,625. 00 2,286,000. 00 1,945,421.00 4,231,421.00 I I ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS -^ I 1 1 ANNUAL BUDGET I PART V I APPROPRIATION ORDINANCES i 1 i + 1 I I l 1 1 1 I CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS --- 66. I ORDINANCE NO. 703 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1963 , AND ENDING 1 SEPTEMBER 30, 1964, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARTER AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN; AND PROVID- ING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. IWHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Baytown has submitted to the City Council a budget estimate of the revenues of said City 1 and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 1963 , and ending the 30th day of September, 1964, and which said estimate has been compiled from de- tailed information obtained from the several departments , divisions ' and offices of the City, containing all the information as required by the Charter of the City of Baytown; and 1 WHEREAS, the City Council has received said City Manager' s estimate and held a public hearing thereon so provided by Section 44 of the Charter; and IWHEREAS, after a full and final consideration of the public hearing, it is the opinion of the Council that the budget as filed Ishould be approved and adopted, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: 1 Section 1: That the budget estimate of the revenues of the City of Baytown and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 1963 , and ending September I 30, 1964, as submitted to the City Council by the City Manager of said City be, and the same is , in all things adopted and approved as the budget estimate of all the current expenses as well as the fixed I charges against said City for the fiscal year beginning the 1st day of October, 1963 , and ending the 30th day of September, 1964. Section 2: That the sum of One Million Seven Hundred and Eighteen II Thousand No Hundred Eighty-Three and No/100 ( $1, 718,083. 00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the payment of Operat- ing Expenses and Capital Outlay of the City Government as hereinafter II itemized, to-wit: General Government $ 406,976. 00 I Public Safety 502, 618. 00 Highways 494,294. 00 Sanitation & Waste Removal 139,457. 00 I Conservation of Health 31, 636. 00 Recreation 40,773 .00 Miscellaneous 102,329.00 ITotal $1,718,083 .00 Iil 1 • _ I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 67. ISection 3: That the sum of Seven. :Hundred and Forty-Two Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-Eight and No/100 ( $742,398.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the Water Works for the operating expenses and ' capital outlay of the municipally owned Water Works as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: 11 Supply $ 76,936.00 Transmission & Distribution 263,521.00 Customers ' Accounting & Collecting 91,416. 00 1 Stores 24, 855. 00 Contingency Fund 15,000.00 Sewers & Sewage Disposal 141, 116.00 Water Works Interest & Sinking Fund 106, 554.00 1 • Total $742,398.00 1 Section 4: That the sum of Three Hundred and Sixteen Thousand Five Hundred Fifteen and :No/100 ( $316, 515. 00) Dollars is hereby ap- propriated out of the General Interest and Sinking Fund for the pur- 1 pose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming the Serial Bonds , as they mature, on the General Debt Service Bonds as hereinafter item- ized, to-wit: I Serial Bond Maturities $146,000.00 Interest Payments 170,013 .00 I Exchange 502.00 ITotal $316, 515. 00 I Section 5: That the sum of One Hundred and Ten Thousand Eight Hundred Nine and No/100 ($110, 809.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the Water Works Interest and Sinking Funds for the purpose of I paying the accruing interest. and redeeming the Serial Bonds, as they mature , on the Water Works Debt Service Bonds as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: II Serial Bond Maturities $ 55,500. 00 Interest Payments 44,452.00 Exchange 260.00 1 Bond Reserve Fund 3,237.00 Contingency Fund 7,360.00 1 Total $110, 809.00 Section 6: This ordinance shall be and remain in full force and II effect from and after its passage and approval of the City Council , and it shall be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in the 1 i I 11 — I/ CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 68. 1 official newspaper of the City of Baytown. READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by a majority of the City Council at the regular meeting held at City Hall in the City of Baytown, Texas, on this the 12th day of September, 1963. i I C. L. Liggett, M. D. , Mayor ATTEST: 11 Edna Oliver, City Clerk 1 APPROVED: George Chandler, City Attorney I 1 1 1 I ' CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS f 69. ORDINANCE NO. 704 1 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE RATE AND TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING • SEPTEMBER 30, 1964, UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF BAYTOWN , TEXAS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER PROVISIONS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY; AND REPEALING ALL ORDIN- ANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That there shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected for the year ending September 30, 1964, an ad Valorem tax of One & 86/100 ($1. 86) Dollars on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars worth of property located within the present city limits of the City of Baytown, made taxable by law, which said taxes , when collected, shall be apportioned among funds and departments of City Government of the City of Baytown and for the purposes hereinafter set forth as follows, to-wit: For the General Fund: $ 1.515 For the purpose of paying the accruing ' interest and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the bonded indebted- ness of the City of Baytown. .345 $ 1. 860 1 Section 2: The ad valorem tax rate of One and Eighty-Six One Hun- dred ( $1, 86) Dollars, as set forth in Section 1, is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected on only Fifty (50%) Percent of each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars worth of property located within Baytown, as ' valued by the Equalization Board for the City of Baytown and made tax- able by law. 1 Section 3: The City Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Baytown is hereby directed to assess, extend and enter upon the Tax Rolls of the City of Baytown, Texas , for the Current Year, the amounts and rates herein levied, and to keep a correct account of same; and when so collected, the same to be deposited in the depository of the. City of Baytown, to be distributed in accordance with this ordinance. 11 1 • CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS - 70. Section 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are expressly repealed. 11 READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of -tie City of Baytown, Texas, at a regular meeting held at City Hall on September 12, 1963. 1 C. L. Liggett, M.D. , Mayor ATTEST: • • Edna Oliver, City Clerk 1 • APPROVED: I George Chandler, City Attorney 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 ICITY OF OAYTOWN, TEXAS _. 71. ICLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT II EXPENSES: These comprise all items of expenditure necessarily incurred for current administration, operation and maintenance -- and for materials and equipment in' the nature of renewals or replacements which do not add to 1 the capital assets of the City. 1 1. Salaries and Wages 2. Supplies 3 . Material (or contract) for maintenance of land 1 4. Material (or contract) for maintenance of buildings, improve- ments and structures 5. Material (or contract) for maintenance of equipment 6. Miscellaneous Services. II 7. Sundry Charges II CAPITAL OUTLAY: Comprises expenditures of every character which in- crease the capital assets of the City. 1 8. Lands 9. Buildings and Structures II10. Equipment EXPENSESI 1. SALARIES AND WAGES: 1 1-1 Supervisory: To include legislative, executive and admin- istrative 1 1-2 Clerk Hire: Clerical services or service of that nature 1-3 Labor Operation: To include professional and technical ser- vice 1-4 Labor Maintenance: Services performed in repairing and main- 1 taining a standard of: 3. Lands II 4. Buildings, Improvements and Structures 5. Equipment II 1-5 Extra Help 2. SUPPLIES: II 2-1 Office supplies: To include all supplies necessary for use in the operation of office, such as: I I ii CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS y. r 72. I Ice 11 Postage Printing: To include printing of budget, circular letters, reports and specifications Publications: To include blue prints, catalogues, charts, magazines , maps , newspapers , etc. Stationery: To include pencils, rubber stamps , ink pads, paper, paste, pens , binders, blank books, clips, desk pads, ink, envelopes, erasers , filing cab- inets supplies , labels, manuscript supplies, ' tracing cloth, etc. 2-2 Fuel Supplies: To include gas , heating, etc. 2-3 Food Supplies: To include all articles of food for human beings._ 2-4 Wearing apparel, dry good and notions: To include such art- icles as aprons, badges , belts , blankets, boots, canvas cloth, cotton goods , curtains, dress finding, hats , linens, oil cloth, pillow cases, shoes, sheets , slickers, thread, towels, uniforms, etc. ' 2-5 Pound Food 2-6 Motor vehicle supplies: To include gasoline, grease, lub- ricating oil and small accessories. -7 Minor apparatus, instruments, tools , and utensils, which are liable to loss , theft and rapid depreciation. Minor apparatus: To include that used in cleaning, engin- eering, hospital , laboratory and medical, such ' as alcohol lamps , balances , blow pipes , burners, filters , lanterns, measures, tubind, etc. Minor instruments: To include calipers , compasses, draft- ing instruments, gauges, lenses, measuring chains , pincers, sterilizers , thermometers, etc. Minor tools: To include augers , axes , bits, braces , crow- bars, engineer stakes, fire hose, handcuffs, 1 jacks, punches , reamers , shears, wrenches, and articles of like nature. 2-8 Laundry, cleaning and toilet: To include cleaning prepara- tions, deodorants, disinfectants, floor oils, scouring powders , soap, wax, etc. 2-9 Chemical, medical and surgical: To include alcohol, alum, antitoxins, bandages, chlorine, gauze, lime, medicines , vaccine, etc. 2-10 Mechanical supplies: To include fuel, oil , lubricating oil, ' grease , packing waste, etc. 2-11 Educational and recreational supplies: To include all art- icles of transient use, as baseballs, lime for marking tennis courts , rent on moving picture ' films, tennis balls , etc. 2-12 Botanical and agricultural supplies: To include bulbs, disinfectants, fertilizers, seeds , trees, young plants., etc. , used for parks and public 1 ,, ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 73. ' Igrounds. •2-13 Other supplies: This is to include supplies that have not Ibeen allocated. 3, 4, 5. IMATERIALS: Materials are commodities of a permanent nature in a raw, un- 1 finished or finished state, entering into the construction, re- newal , replacement or repair of any land, building, structure, or equipment. II II 3. Material (or contract) for maintenance of land. All expen- ditures ,(material or contract) covering land maintenance, such as regrading, drains , re- 1 pairing etc. 4. Material (or contract) for maintenance of buildings, struc- tures, and improvements. All expenditures I (material or contract) covering repairs and replacements of: 11 4-1 Buildings • 4-2 Bridges 4-3 Filtration plants 4-4 Sanitary sewers 14-5 Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters , and culverts 4-6 Storm sewers 4-7 Standpipes and reservoirs II 4-8 Streets , roadways , and highways 4-9 Incinerator and dumping grounds 4-10 Other II5. Maintenance of equipment: All expenditures (Material or contract) covering repairs and replacement of: IS-I Furniture, fixtures and furnishings 5-2 Machinery, tools , and implements (major) 5-3 Instruments and apparatus (major) . Includes fire apparatus. II 5-4 Motor Vehicles: Includes tire and tubes 5-5 Other Vehicles 5-6 Street Signs I 5-7 Livestock 5-8 Books (Includes purchase of new books for library) 5-9 Water works mains 5-10 Meters and settings II 5-11 Signal systems . 5-12 Heating systems 5-13 Service connections I 5-14 Fire hydrants 5-15 Other 1 I C2TY OF HAYTOWN, TEXAS 74 6.. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: Miscellaneous services are activities performed by other than municipal departments , under expressed or implied agreement in- volving personal services plus the use of equipment or the furn- ishing of commodities. 11 6-1 Communications: To include messenger service, telegraph and telephone. 1 6-2 Hire of Eiuipment: To include compensation for use of equipment via: hire of vehicles, with or without drivers , also allowance to employees for use of private cars. 1 6-3 Insurance: To include premiums on all kinds of insurance on property and equipment, also liability in- surance and surety bonds. 6-4 Special services: To include compensation for personal services such as special investigations and surveys , inspecting materials , audits, special I legal services , etc. 6-5 Advertising, legal and otherwise. 6-6 Traveling expenses: To include expense of public officers and employees incurred in regular performance Mi of their duties for transportation by public carriers , etc. 6-7 Rents I 6-8 Music 6-9 Support of persons (prisoners ) 6-10 Transportation (other than employees) 6-11 Light and Power 6-12 Freight, express and drayage (unallocated) 7. SUNDRY CHARGES: Sundry charges include those expenses legally or morally obli- gatory upon the City as a public corporation. 7-1 Contributions, gratuities and reward$: To include charitable institutions, hospitals and other organizations; compensation to prisoners , prizes , entertain- ment, floral offerings, etc. 7-2 Debt service: To include the payment of principal and I interest of funded and unfunded debt. 7-3 Refunds 7-4 Judgments and damages 7-5 Pensions 7-6 Taxes 7-7 Court costs, jury and witness fees 7-8 Other 7-9 Employee Annual Service Awards 7-10 Reserve for sick pay I r- ' CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 75a 1 CAP I T A L OUTLAY 8. LANDS: I8-1 Purchase price: To include all expenditures for land , as abstracts , assessments, cost of appraising, II recording of deeds, surveys , etc. 8-2 Betterments: To include all expenditures (including pay- 1 rolls ) covering original cost of draining, engineering, and inspection, first sodding, IIgrading, planting and terracing. 9. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: IIAll expenditures, including payrolls for new or additions to: I 9-1 Buildings 9-2 Bridges 9-3 Filtration plants 9-4 Sanitary sewers II 9-5 Sidewalks , steps, curbs , gutters , and culverts 9-6 Storm sewers 9-7 Standpipes and reservoirs 1 9-8 Streets , roadways and highways 9-9 Incinerator 9-10 Other II10. EQUIPMENT II All expenditures to cover original cost of equipment (not re- placements ) which increases the value of the fixed assets of the City. I 10-1 Furniture, fixtures and furnishings 10-2 Machinery, tools and implements (major) 10-3 Instruments and apparatus (major ) ; this includes all fire Iapparatus 10-4 Motor Vehicles 10-5 Other Vehicles I 10-6 Street Signs 10-7 Livestock 10-8 Books 10-9 Water works mains I10-10 Meters and 'settings 10-11 Signal systems 10-12 Heating systems U 10-13 Service connections 10-14 Fire hydrants 10-15 Other I Iii