_FY 66-67 COB Adopted Budget • • r{gMV y1s e i' L9 9961 JPGk IPOS.Id :iDocinu ivnNNV r., "L�.� _ .y 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 1 ANNUAL BUDGET Iof the CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS It for the ' Fiscal Year October 1, 1966 - September 30, 1967 ' Compiled by Fritz Lanham, City Manager and Adopted by the MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL SEABORN CRAVEY, MAYOR PATRICK BALL A. M. BRASWELL CLEM M. MASSEY ALBERT FANESTIEL DON M. HULLUM R. T. DONNELLY • 1 I 1 r �- ,.f- I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I I TABLE OF CONTENT S I FART 1. SUMMARIES RAGE NO. I . Introduction I City Manager's Message II I Payroll Schedules - III General Budget Summary - Revenues I General Budget Summary Expenditures 2 General Budget Summary - All Funds 3 I Individual Funds 4 Analysis of Property Valuations 5 Tax Levies and Collections for All Funds 6 - 7 FART II. GENERAL FUND REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES DETAIL I General Fund Revenue Detail 8 - 9 I General Fund Expenditures by Function and Object 10 General Fund Expenditures by Character and Object 11 U GENERAL GOVy3 NMF;NT: City Council 12 City Manager 13 I Corporation Court 14 Elections 15 Finance 16 ILaw 18 City Hall 1 Engineering 19 I City Library 20 �- 21 City Clem 22 Civil Defense 23 I PUBLIC SAFETY: Service Division 2 - 25 I Police Department 26 - 27 Fire Department 28 - 29 Protective Inspection 30 I (Continued) I 1 J ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I ITALL OF CONTENTS m (Continued) HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS: U Sidewalks, Streets and Drainage 31 - 32 SANI TAT I ON AND WASTE RF1MOVAL: IMosquito Control 33 Waste Collection and Disposal 34 ICONSERVATION OF HEALTH: Health Department 35 IRECREATION: I Community Center 36 Parks and Recreation 37 - 33 1 MISCELLANEOUS: IGarage 39 Insurance 40 I PART I;I. WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER FUND IStatement of Income, Expense and Surplus Adjustments 41 Summary of !Expenditu res by Division 42 I Summary of ;Expenditures by Character and Object F4 Water Supply 43 Transmission and Distribution 45 « 46 I Customer Accounting and Collection �+� General Overhead ' i Sewer and Sewage Disposal 49 1 Transfers to Other Funds 50 PART IV. DEBT SERVICE I RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS: IAll Bonds 51 General Obligation Bonds 52 Waterworks and Sewer Revenue Bonds 53 I I (Continued) • _I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 ABLE OF CONTENTS - (Continued) ?DESCRIPTIVE BONDS: ' Statement of Bonded Indebtedness 54 - 59 SCHEDULE OF .BOND REQUIREMENTS: General Obligation Bonds 60 - 61 Waterworks and Sewer Revenue Bonds 62 ' Waterworks Tax Supported Bonds 63 PART V. MISCELLANEOUS ' Ordinance Adopting the Budget 64 - 66 Ordinance Fixing Tax Levy 67 - 68 Classification of Expenditures by Character and Object 69 - 73 • 1 1 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 ANNUAL BUDGET i PART I 1 SUMMARIES 1 I I I I I 1 1 I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I 1 INTR © DUCTION The 1966-67 Budget of the City of Baytown will consist of the following budget accounts, each operating under and with its own funds as appropriated by the City Council ' and from revenues derived from sources pertaining to that particular method of operation: ' (1) The General Fund operating with revenues from tax sources and from other miscellaneous sources of revenue. (2) The Water and Sewer Fund operating from sale of water, servicing customer installations, and sewer service charges, (3) General Obligation Bond Fund operating with revenue from tax sources and interest from invested surplus funds. (4) Waterworks and Sewer System Bond Fund operating with tfunds transferred from Water and Sewer fund and interest from invested surplus funds. 1 • 1 I ' I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 ' Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Baytown Baytown, Texas ' Gentlemen: I am pleased to submit to you a proposed program of ' service to the citizens of Baytown for the fiscal year begin,- ning October 1, 1966, and ending September 30, 1967. The pro- gram is designated as a budget - an outline of work expressed in financial terms. This document is required by State Law and the City Charter. This budget includes an estimate of the anticipated revenues and necessary expenditures for the ' various operating departments of the City, as well as debt requirements for both General Obligation and Revenue Bonds. FINANCIAL The 1966 property valuations will total $136 652 535 an increase of $2,666,670 over the previous year. Anticipating ' 97% collections and $499,991 to be applied to the General Ob- ligation Interest and Sinking Fund, a balance of $1,406,705 will be applied to the General Fund. The proposed expenditures ' require a rate of $1.41 per $100 assessed valuation the same as the preceding year. This budget reflects an anticipated increase in Water and Sewer revenues of $7,300. The Budget does not reflect a substantial increase in sewer revenues al- though service will be provided during this fiscal year to areas that have not been served. Since the completion of these facilities is scheduled for August, 1967, very little revenue ' during this fiscal year will be collected from the additional customers. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Expenditures for Captial Outlay, in both the General Fund and the Water and Sewer Utility Fund shows a significant ' increase. Expenditures for Street Improvements has been in- creased from $100,000 .to $167,639 which is still below the. 1964- 1965 level. ' Funds for purchase of equipment for the General Fund Departments has been increased by $95,000 over the preceding year. The major increase for the purchase of equipment is for furnishings for the City Hall and Community Center, a Fire Apparatus and Traffic Signals. PERSONNEL , With the adoption of this budget the City of Baytown will have two hundred thirty nine full-time employees. This budget reflects an increase of six employees. Three additions CITY OF DAYTOWN. TEXAS 1 -2- ' are for the Community Center and one employee is added to each of the following departments: Inspection, Library and Corpora- tion Court. ' The City of Baytown continues to operate with a min- imum of personnel in providing services to our citizens. Ac- cording to the 1965 'Municipal Yearbook the full-time equiva- lent total municipal employment in the United States averaged 83 employees for each 10,000 municipal inhabitants. Baytown, with a population of approximately forty two thousand averages 57 employees per ten thousand population. MALIK ' The intention of this budget, as well as previous budgets, is to estimate revenues conservatively, appropriate expenditures intelligently and closely control inancial op- erations throughout the year. - This budget generally follows the pattern of previous ' budgets with the exception that there are significant increases in expenditures for Capital Outlay and a reduction in Debt Ser- viceE Requirements. However, funds have been provided for the sale of additional bonds during this fiscal year. The differ- ence between the 1 65-66 budget and the 1966-67 budget for Capital Outlay is 6332,558. The reduction in Debt Service Re- quirements is $150,638. On behalf of the Administrative Personnel I wish to f o press appreciation to the City Council for your time and ef- fort in establishing policy and providing leadership to the City Government. I would also like to express my thanks to the staff for their work in preparing this budget and to the City Council ' for reviewing and evaluating the proposed program. It is hoped that the 1966-67 Budget is in keeping with the desires of the citizenry with respect to the operation of • ' their City Government and that this Budget document will provide the necessary administrative machinery to assure another success- ful year for the City of Baytown. Respectfully submitted, Fritz am a Citylaim ager • :--;\ L''' s':' 1 ,� SALARIES AND WAGES IBY CLASSIFICATION AND MAXIMUM PAY SCALE I GENERAL FUND • I ACCOUNT NUMBER PROPOSEDMAXIMUM 1966-67 NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO, BUDGET 1 I COUNCIL 101-1-2 Clerk-Steno Part- time 1 175.00 _ -507APO ITOTAL ACCOUNT 101 507.00 I CITY MANAGER 102-1-1 City Manager 1 159000.00 Longevity Z0.09 iI102-1-2 Secretary1 1-St. �+6�+.00 ,5 .00 Longevity 25+.00 5,$22.00 I102-1-5 Contingency 200.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 102 219992.00 CORPORATION COURT I103-1-1 Judge 1 -0 586.00 79032.00 • Longevity 197.00 - ®00 I 103-1-2 Clerk Typist II 1 392.04 970 .00 Clerk Typist I s 2 o_— 370.00 7,824.00 Longevity ?96 00 I 103-1-5 Contingency . 129824.00 ITOTAL ACCOUNT 103 20_40 3,00 FINANCE 105-1-1 Director of Finance 1 '" '° -- 925.00 ✓ 119100.00 ITax Assessor-Collector 1 n-=4-S° 750.00 99000.00 Longevity c A- (` ? 29.00 I 10 1-2 Ye. L �Lf y.l. , �;C 5<'� ,;�, -cLt, F= ,: _ 1' 7• A --fir -A-V-s .entGl €4 i .11_ �-- 392.00 -,704-,Q0 . " - - !_: --C1erk-Typist I 1 ._.,a-' 346.00 / 152.0 • III Longevity 717.00 14,9 7,00 II (continued) 1 1 ISALARIES AND WAGES - (Continued) PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM 1966-67 IINUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET FINANCE II 105-1-3 Sr. Acct. Clerk 1 --d -- 447.00 5,364.00 Acct. Clerk II 1 __ a -- 392.00 4,704.00 Acct. Clerk I 1 _ o — 377.00 4,524.00 1 Recpt. - Clerk 1 _ � — 346.00 4,152.00 Purchasing Agent 1 __ a 550.00 6,600.00 Longevity 4 2 1 105-1-5 Contingency 1 0 00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 105 62497.0 L ICITY HALL 107-1-4 Custodian 1 356.00 4,272.00 i Longevity 244 4 1 107-1-5 Contingency 300.01 ITOTAL ACCOUNT 107 , 4987.6,Q0 ENGINEERING 1 108-1-1 City Engineer 1 --a -- 900.00 10,800.00 Longevity 68 Q o 1 108-1-3 Asst. Engineer 1 ---, 671.00 90 2.00 Asst. Engineer 1 --o .-- 609.00 7,308.00 Junior Engineer 1 ._ , - 554.00 6,648.00 I Longevity 2 7.00 22.2 5„00 108-1-5 Contingency 00.00 1 TOTAL ACCOUNT 108 234333.00 LIBRARY I 109-1-1 Librarian 1 t l'a 730.00 8,760.00 Ref. Librarian 1 --d -- 599.00 7,188.00 Children's Lib. 1 4-672-- 510.00 6,120.00 Longevity 114 00 RIInE 109-1-2 Clerk (Part Time) 1 a'e- 361.00 9332.00 Clerk-Steno 1 —c '-- 410.00 4,920.00 I Clerk-Circulation 1 0 408.00 4,896.U0 Clerk-Typist 1 .�Z-Y 377.00 49524.00 I (continued) -' \ I I S _AND4LAGES - (Continued) PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM 1966-67 INUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO, BUDGET LIBRARY I 109-1-2 Clerk-Typist 1 319.00 3,828.00 Trainee 1 80.00 960.00 Clerk-Part Time 1 Hourly rate 1.80 1,82.00 I Longevity ......+LOIL 2 109-1-4 Custodian 1 -- 332.00 1:796.1* I Longevity ' 42.00 4,026.00 109-1-5 Pages-Part Time IHourly rate 1.25 _.1. TOTAL ACCOUNT 109 LpaP6.4P,P ICITY CLERK 110-1-1 City Clerk 1 -- o — 560.00 6,720.00 I Longevity 4861 �20 .Q0 110-1-2 Clerk-Typist 1 -- b -- 390.00 1+,6806.00 Longevity 4 I G 110-1-5. Contingency e3i`Qa00 ITOTAL ACCOUNT 110 12 000.00 CIVIL DEFENSE 111-1-2 Sect. - Part Time 1 1�5^1r9^.00 ILess U. S. Govt. Contrb. 175.00 00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 111 260sQG. IPOLICE SERVICE 200-1-2 Clerk-Typist 1 365.Q0 4,380.00 l'illi Clerk-Typist 2 346.00 8,304.00 Longevity I 12, �2.QQ , (continued) I l I I ISALARIES AND WAGES - (Continued) PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM 1966-67 INUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO, BUDGET POLICE SERVICE 200-1-3 Humane Officer 1 0 — 458.00 5,496.00 Officer1 S 428 0059136.00 �I i Humane o . Humane Officer 1 6- 00 403.00 836.0o I School Patrolwomen 9 Months 3 -. 6 - 135.00 3,645.00 Longevity 2 0 �00 I 200-1-4 St. & Sign Painter 1 — 49O.00 0.00 Asst. Sign Painter 1 420.00 5,040.00 50% Electrician I (See account 2.03-1-4) 1 3,978.QQ Longevity 172.QQ 59270.00I _ 200-1-5 Contingency ?QQOO TOTAL ACCOUNT 200 479719.00 I POLICE _d — 6 .00 1 "6.00 201-1-1 Chief 1 7 3 9y 5 Asst. Chief 1 —d -- 634.00 7,608.00 I Lieutenant 2 � .-- 567.00 13,608.00 Longevity 949.00� 31, 2 .Q0 I 201-1-3 Electronic Tech. 1 -- 0 635.00 7,620.00 Sgt. - I.D. Officer 1 0 ____ 541.00 6,492.00 Sargeants 6 --o — 541.00 3 .952,00 Patrolmen I 23 . —0 -- 515.00* 135,960.00 I Patrolmen Prob. & II 10 --0 — 94.00* 65,208.00 Meter Maid 1 --v 385.00 4,620.00 Longevity 619. 0., I201-1-5 Contingency 94.Q 11 TOTAL ACCOUNT 201 299ii 2 OO FIRE ,� - 688®00 $ 2 202--1-1 Chief 1 , 56.00 IAsst. Chief l -f-a� 617.00 1,404.0o Marshall 1 + S' 592.00 7,104.00 Captain 2 ,_o , 567.00 13,608.00 Longevity 8 Q� l ,27Q,00 II *Includes amount for promotions within the budget year for some of these officers. ( continued) I I ISALARIES AND WAGES - (Continued) PROPOSED I ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM 1966-67 NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET FIRE I 202--1-3 Firemen 19 II 17 —4 -- zz1 .00* 105g060.00 Firemen Prob, II 6 _ o-- 49 `00* 35, 48.00 Longevity 0 ' _ 3,209Q00 202-1-5 Contingency 750 TOTAL ACCOUNT 202 1824.129.00 INSPECTION 203-1-1 — Chief Inspector 1 4---- 692,'00 8,304.00 I Longevity 20 0 0 900 203-1-3 Asst., Inspector 1 + 503.00 903 .00 I Longevity - 2 20, 203-1-4 Elect. Inspector 1 _ o -- 663.00 7,9 6.00 I Longevity 160.00 Less 50% to 201-1-4 _Q4 0 8 Q J 4 ,0�0 Helper /y�.cn) 575.00 l6,,90 00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 203 259710„0 ISTREET 301-1-1 Superintendent 1 —.d-- 938.00 11,256.00 I Utility Foreman See Acct. .601 Longevity 6 il 0 301-1-4 Dragline Operator 1 618.00 7g 1 a Const. Foreman 1 626.00- 79512.00 Const. Foreman 1 675.00' 89100.00 I Equip. Operator II 4 586.00 28,128.00 Equip. Operator I 510.00 24,480.00 I *Includes amount for promotions within the budget year for some of these officers. (continued) 1 11 _II ' 1 / I SALARIES AND WAGES - (Continued) ACCOUNT NUMBER PMAXIMUMD 1966-67 INUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET STRPRT ' �F 301-1- Const. Leadman 1 510.00 6,120.00 Equip. Operator I 5 447.00 26,820.00 Const. Helper 1 447.00 5,364.00 Concrete Finisher 1 463.00 5,556.00 IIConst. Helper 2 420.00 10,080.00 Const. Helper 2 393.00 9,432.00 Longevity 4,622.00 I 143,610.00 301-1-5 Contingency 2,000.00� 11 TOTAL ACCOUNT 301 1 486.0Q_ MOSQUITO CONTROL - 401-1-3 Part Time 4 4,300.00 1 TOTAL ACCOUNT 401 4.300a00 IIWASTE COLLECTION t -1-1 Foreman 1 629.00 7,548.00 Longevity 522.00 ' 8,07 .QO 402-1-3 Dozer Operator 1 586.00 7,032.00 Truck Drivers 13 420.00 6 ,520.00 i Laborers 20 393.00 9 ,320.00 Longevity 5,71.00 61.00 mr 402-1-5 Contingency �76,500.00 I TOTAL ACCOUNT 402 L87,233.00 I HEALTH 501-1-1 Sr. Sanitarian 1 620.00 7,440.00 Longevity 456.00 I 89 .00 , 501-1-3 Asst. Sanitarian 1 567.00 6,804.00 Public Health Nurse 1 511.00 6,132.00 I Longevity 552.00 Part time Employee 1 400.00 2a 0.00 15,$ 8.00 ITOTAL ACCOUNT 501 21,784.00 (continued) II 1 1 IISALARIES AND WAGES - (Continued) PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM 1966-67 IINUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET COMMUNITY CENTER I 600 Director of Recrea- tion (6 mos.) 1 ' 630.00 3,780.00 Recreation Center Supervisor (4 mos. ) 1 450.00 1,890.00 5,580.00 Custodian (4 mos.) 1 325.00 1,300.00 Extra Help Part II Time 1 600.00 1,900.00 11 TOTAL ACCOUNT 600 7,480.00 PARKS 0-1-1 Parks & Utility Foreman 1 671.00 8,052.00 ii Pool Mgr. (4 mos,) 1 475.00 1,900.00 ' I Longevity 0 601-1-2 Cashiers (4 mos. ) 4 190.00 0 601-1-3 Lifeguards (4 mos.) 6 190.00 4, 0.00 , I 601-1-4 Maintenance Leadman 1 430.00 5,040.00 Maintenance 2 393.00 9,432.00 Longevity 126.00 14,798.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 601 12,781.00 IGARAGE 701-1-1 Foreman 1 590.00 7,080.008 .00 Longevity 7092.00 111 701-1-3 Mechanics 3 486.00 17,496.00 Serviceman 1 420.00 5,040.00 II Mechanic 1 506.00 6,072.00 91.00 Longevity g9,599.00 701-1-5 Contingency 200.00 111 TOTAL ACCOUNT 701 37w191.00 1 1 I ' SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND MAXIMUM PAY SCALE I WATER AND SEWER FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER PMAXIMUMD 1966-67 ' NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET WATER SUPPLY i 1001-1-1 Superintendent 1 725.00 8,700.00 Longevity 526.00 ,22,�6.00 I 1001-1-3 Pump Service Leadman 1 577.00 6,924.00 Pump Serviceman 1 524.00 6,288.00 Longevity 7142,00 I11,9.26.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 1001 2'1,152000 I TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION 1002-1-1 Utility Serv. Foreman 1 626.00 7,512.00 Longevity 4496.00 I 13,008.00 1002-1-3 Utility Serv. Leadman 1 586.00 7,032.00 Equip. Operator II 3 586.00 21,096.00 I Welder 1 510.00 6,120.00 Utility Servicemen 2 510.00 12,240.00 Meter Repair Service- man 1 478.00 5,736.00 I Serviceman 1 445.00 5,340.00 Servicemen 7 428.00 35,952.00 Meter Repairman 1 447.00 5,364.00 ILongevity 6 1002-1-5 Contingency 2 0 ITOTAL ACCOUNT 1002 ,112,008.00 ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING I 1003-1-2 Clerk Typist 1 398.00 4,776.00 Cashier-Clerk 2 370.00 8,880.00 Billing Mach. Opera- ' tors 3 370.00 13,320.00 Longevity ,161,,,00 28,139.00 1 (continued) I I SALARIES AND WAGES - (Comertinued) ' PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM 1966-67 INUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO.. BUDGET ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING I 1003-1-3 Utility Serv. Lead. 1 536.00 6,432.00 Meter Reader 1 478.00 5,736.00 Meter Reader 1 408.00 ,896.00 Meter Reader 1 393.00 4,716.00 ILongevity 551.00 2 , 3U1.QO 1003-1-5 Contingency 200.00 I TOTAL ACCOUNT 1003 50,670,00 I GENERAL OVERHEAD 100+-1-2 Clerk-Dispatcher 1 390.00 4,680.00 Longevity 7 .00 r I ' TOTAL ACCOUNT 1004 4.758"00 ISEWAGE DISPOSAL 1005-1-3 Utility Serv. Lead. 1 536.00 6,432.00 Plant Operators 8 458.00 1+3,968.00 . I Laborers 5 393.00 23,580.00 Longevity 3,144.00 77,124.00 ITOTAL ACCOUNT 1005 77,124.0CL I I I I CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 1 GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - REVENUES SC FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1966-67 BUDGET 1 REVENUES PROPOSAL 1. GENERAL FUND Prior Year Surplus 207,541.00 1 From Tax Sources 1,406,705.00 From Non-Tax Sources 517,309.00 Transfer From Other Funds 0 2, WATER AND SEWER FUND Prior Year Surplus 201,78 .00 I Water & Sewer Service (Less Debt Service) 660 228.00 Miscellaneous Other 7,500.00 869,517.00 . h GENERAL OBLIGATION NTEREST AND SINKING FUND From Tax Sources 497,637.00 Premiums & Interest 2,354.00 Surplus 505,559.00 4,, WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM DEBT SERVICE FUND From Premiums & Interest 7,948.00 I From Water Operating Revenue 51,272.00 Surplus 32j.,6?2.00 30,842.00 TOTAL ALL REVENUE 1,185,95 .00 TOTAL ALL SURPLUS AND SPECIFIED RESERVES 716,520.00 I GRAND TOTAL - ALL RESOURCES 922 47100 1 1 1 1 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 2. I GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY EXPENDITURES 1 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1966-67 ' BUDGET EXPENDITURES PROPOSAL 1. GENERAL FUND Current Expenses 1,705,929.00 Capital Outlay 407,626.00 Emergency Fund 20,000.00 ' Contingency Fund 2,166, 55,00 2. WATER AND SEWER FUND Current Expenses 451,856.00 Capital Outlay 357,661.00 ' Contingency Fund Transfer to Other Funds 25,000.00 9, 17.00 ' 3. GENERAL OBLIGATION INTEREST AND SINKING FUND Requirements 505,559.00 505,559.00 4. WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM DEBT SERVICE FUND Requirements 157,270.00 Surplus & Reserve Funds • 223,572.00 380, 42.00 ' TOTAL ALL EXPENDITURES 3.624.901-Q0 TOTAL ALL SURPLUS AND SPECIFIED RESERVES 101,572.00 GRAND TOTAL - ALL EXPENDITURES, SURPLUS AND RESERVES 1,922,471.00 t 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS II I GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - ALL FUNDS II FISCAL YEAR 1966-•67 ALL PERCENT OF REVENUE SOURCES _FUNDS TOTAL Tax Revenue' ,1 906 696.00 60.52% Other General Fund Revenue '517,309.00 16.41% Water & Sewer Revenue 686,500.00 21.79% I Other W. & S. Fund Revenue 40,448.00 __�— TOTAL ALL REVENUE 3,150.95`3.00 1o0.0O% Surplus @ 10/1/66 736,520.00 Interfund TransfersI TOTAL AVAILABLE 3.488741+73.00 EXPENDITURES Salaries 1,490,856.00 40.69% Supplies 120,089.00 3.28% I Maintenance of Land 85.00 Maintenance, Roads, Lines & Structures 65,250.00 1.78% Maintenance Equipment 88,9 .00 2.43.E Special Services 267,8.9.00 7.31% Sundry Charges 124 :2 80 9'• TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE 2 . , 0 Of 'f. ..• DEBT SERVICE 662,829.00 18.09% CAPITAL OUTLAY ' Land Acquisition 27,250.00 .74% ' Roads, Lines & Structures 529,317.00 14.45% Equipment 209,2Q0.0071A TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 76 ,767.00 20.19 ' Contingencies & Emergency 78,000.00 213 TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR EXPENDITURES 1,663,901.00 IOQ.OQ% SURPLUS BOND RESERVES 22572.00 * Includes $268,541.00 transfer to Capital Improvement Fund, I Sewer System • ** Does not include Interfund Transfers I 1 L ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I I I I G. 0 INT. & WATER & W.W. & S.S. FUNDN SINKING FUND SEWER FUND _ _TNT. & SINK. I 1,406,705.00 499,991.00 517,309.00 99,99 I 686,500.00 12,500.00 71 '4 .00 1,924,014.00 499,991.00 719,000.00 7,9 %.00 207,541.00 5,568.00 201,789.00 321,622.00 I �5,400.00 ($6,272.OQ) 51,272.00 2,166,555.00 505,559.00 814,517.0Q 180,842.00 I 1,215,824.00 275,0 2.00 81,304.00 38,785.00 85.00 I 48,750.00 16,500.00 50,560.00 38,384.00 190,224.00 77,675.00 I 119 182.00 �,,705s929.00 5,00Q•00 451,1766.00 I 505,559.00 157,279.00 I 27,250.00 180,276.00 *349,041.00 0 0. 0 , 166.555.00 505.,559.00 **834,5 .7.00 157,270.00 I 2. 223,572.00 I • I II . 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I 5` I ANALYSIS OF PROPERTY VALUATIONS I Fiscal Estimated Assessed Basis Of eripd True Value Value A,sse lent . __..,u I 1948-49 35,000,000 17,500,00 50% I 1949-50 38,748,274 19,374,137 50% 1950-51 55,966,052 27,983,026 50% , I1951-52 60, -50,496 -• 30,225,248 50% 1952-53 63,462,194 , 31,731,097 '' 50% I 1953-54 65,429,674 5 32,714,837 50% I 1954-55 66,636,528 3 33,318,264 50% 1955-56 81,321,794 40,660,897 50% I 1956-57 85,964,318 42:982,159 50% 1957-58 89,124,968 44,562,484 50% . 1 1958-59 93,838,910 46,919,455 50% 1 1959-60 95,776,700 47,888,350 50% 1960-61 100,539,574 50,269,787 50% 1 1961-62 139,973,E _ 69,986,520 50% 1962-63 145,920,000 72,960,000 " 50% I 1963-64 172,460,000 86,230,000 50% 1 1964-65 179,000,000 89,500,000 50% 1965-66* 267,977,730 133,988,865 50% 1966-67** 273,305,070 . / 136,652,,5,35 = ' ', f `' 50% I *Tax revaluation program completed and placed on roll for 1965 taxes **Approximate-Equalization Boards review not completed I . I ,! • CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I 6. I 1 TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS Collection of Percentage of Collected Current Year's Levy Collected Prior Year's Fiscal Total Taxes During During Fiscal Taxes During 4 I rioc Tax .LeY F at Period • Period Fis�a� Period 1948-49 301,000 276,900 92.0 9,050 . I 1949-50 306,000 285,510 93.3 9,260 1950-51 333,202 306,377 91.9 8,095 I 1951-52 519,834 483,037 93.2 13,795 1952-53 545,737 516,41)3 94.6 23,979 1953-54 562,658 512,448 94.7 19,470 I 1951F-55 573,037 548,567 95.7 29,604 1955-56 712,646 683,405 95.8 21,640 I 1956-57 738,306 702,133 95.1 17,015 1957-58 7b4,944 731,565 95.6 20,429 I 1958-59 807,015 770,762 95.5 17,991 1 1959-60 823,679 785,143 95.3 28,655 1960-61 865,488 814,850 94.1 '41092 1961-62 1,203,768 1,171,800 97.3 ,r` � 36,600 ) • - 1962-63 1,401,100 1,359,092 97.0 -- 21,345 I 963-64 , ] 602 162 , .9 `1 563,314 97.5 27,740 1964-65 1,671,052 1,623,236 97.1 29,131 196566* -1,889,243 1,835,000 97.1 25,500 - , 1966-67** 1,926,800 1,868,996 97.0 27,500 *Estimated income and collections based on June 30 Actual **Estimated income and collections, 1966-67 budget 1 I l , I CITY OF SAYTOWN, TEXAS I 7. ITAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS 1 Ratio of Ratio Ratio of Accurnu- Delinquent Of Total Accumulated lated Delinq. I Collections Total fax L v C e tion Collections Delinquent To Current T L Ta e Y I L v 1 3.0 285,950 95.0 92,700 30.8 3.0 294,770 96.3 100,140 32.7 I 2.4 314,472 94.3 96,409 28.9 2.7 496,832 95.6 99,853 19.2 I4.3 540,422 99.0 103,446 • 18.9 3.5 551,918 98.1 96,449 17.1 I 5.1 578,171 100.8. 107,694 18.7 I 3.0 705,045 98.9 115,109 16.1 2.4 719,148 97.4 134,307 18.2 I 2.7 751,994 - 98.3 146077 19.1 2.2 788,753 97.7 /163,791. 20.3 I 3.5 813,798 98.8 160;43 19.5 I • 4.8 856,942 98.9 164,410 14.1 3.0 1,208,400 100.3 169,620 14.1 I1.5 1,380,437 98.5 -74,517:------- 12.5 1.7 1,591,054 99.3 c169,041 10.6 I 1.7 1,652,367 98.8 \;' 186,876 / 11.2 1.4 1,860,500- 98.4 K21519 11.4 1 - 1.4 1,896,496 98.4 2_45 12.7 I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 Hi 1 ANNUAL BUDGET i PART II i GENERAL FUND i 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 8, IGENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1967 I ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 PROPERTY TAXES I 800 Current Year 5.g,99 n4 321,304.49 1,245,000.00 1,378,550.00 . 801 Prior Years . f 23,712.86 19,000.00 20,309.00 802 Penalty & Interest 8,353.94 6,500.00 6,646.00 I 803 Tax Certificates 1±34>00 600.0Q . l.,20Q.00 1,353,805.29 1,271,100.00 1,i+06,705.00 FRANCHISE TAXES 826 Houston Nat. Gas. 22,832.4$ 21,256.36 21,894.00 826 Houston L. & P. Co. 117,919.77 123,466.37 127,170.00 826 General Tel. Co. 22,55 .5 22,5 0.00 2i,19 .00 I 163,3055.76 167,242.73 172,2 9.00 LICENSES AND PERMITS I 817 ' Oil Drill. Permits 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 818 Beverage Licenses 2,712.10 2,000.00 2,000.00 819-20 Other Licenses & Permits 2,530.12 2,300.00 2,300.00 I 825 Taxicab Permits 637.50 412.50 0 9,379.72 8,212. 0 7,7 0.00 I FINES AND FORFEITS 806 Corporation Court 72,721.02 85,000.00 75.000.OQ„__ I SERVICE CHARGES 10 Building Permits 2,892.45 7,400.00 8,000.00 814 Electrical Permits 6,639.20 9,500.00 • 10,000.00 1 811-13 Plumb. & Moving I Permits 3,654.50 5,000.00 5,000.00 815-32 Health Permits & Pound Fees - 2,979.43 2,500.00 2,500.00 I ' 830 Waste Collection 11 ,445,76 1 6,900.00 165,000.00 13 ,611.34 180,400.00 190,500.00 SWIMMING POOL I831 Ticket Sales 6,447.10 7,000.00 7,000.00 839 Concession Stand Rental 3 0.00 300.00 3Q0.00 I 6,747.10 7,300.00 7,300.00 PARKING METERS I $07 28,949.71 29,000.00 294000.00 LIBRARY FEES AND FINES 847 3,240.44 4,000.00 4,000.00 . ' (Continued) 1 I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ). I IGENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL-((Continued) ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 IOTHER INCOME 845-46 Interest & Dis- count Earned 19,349.64 20,500.00 21,000.00 I 835-40 41-42- 43-45- Miscellaneous I 48 Income 19s 14.26 10,500.QO 19, 00.00 3 63..90 31,.000,00 31, 00.00 TOTAL INCOME 1 ,12,624.28 1,783,255.21 11,924.01 00 I PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS 209,364.95 233,225.08 204541.00 I TRANSFERS FROM WATER FUND 31,155.00 15,000.00 TOTAL SURPLUS AND TRANSFERS 209,364.95 264,3 0.08 242,541.00 ITOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 2,021,989.23 2,047,635.11 2,166,555.00 I LESS OPERATING EXPENSES 1,333,402.55 1,635,011.00 1,705,929.00 I CAPITAL OUTLAY 4 ,.36I.60 05,083.00 407,b26.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,788,764.15 1,: ,09 ,00 2,113,555'.00 I CONTINGENCY AND EMERGENCY 53,000.00 TOTAL RESERVE AND EXPENDITURES 1,788,764.15 1.81.2_,094.09 2,166,555.00 ITOTAL UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS 233,225.0$ 207,.541.31 I I I ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 100 I IGENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES IBY FUNCTION AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT & DIV. ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I NUMBER 1964-65 1965-66 1966.67 GENERAL GOVERNMENT I 101 City Council City Manager 68,861.25 83,747.00 168,002.00 102 20,234.92 22,284.00 23,942.00 103 Corporation Court 18,964.15 24,853.00 28,682.00 104 Elections 4,964.00 1,872.00 3,473.00 I 105 106 Finance Law 60,617.30 18,764.61 77,866.00 20,570.00 72,077.00 107 City Hall 34,959.37 20,832.00 35,086.00 U 108 Engr. & P.W. Direct. 30,016.10 36,258.00 38,4$1.00 109 Library 73,757.87 4,478.00 86,763.00 110 City Clerk 11,579.42 13,427.00 13,480.00 111 Civil Defense 347,737. 0 5,819.00 I , 391,9 7m00 475,79 .00 PUBLIC SAFETY I 200 Service Division 54,435.90 78,273.00 130,805.00 201 Police Department 268,632.52 333,322.00 349,533.00 202 Fire Department 184,798.16 209,739.00 247,924.00 I 203 Protective Inspt. 038 .8g2 224 761.0O 26,79 .4 52 ,256.40 644,095.00 755,055.00 HIGHWAYS & ROADWAYS I 301 Sidewalks, St. & Drainage 5610551.1.4 378,303.00 442,185.00. I SANITATION & WASTE REMOVAL 401 Mosquito Control 9,206.68 9,300.00 • 8,100.00 I 402 Waste Col. & Disp. 175,23 09 21 ,094.00 204,863.00 184, +55.77 228,394+.00 208,963.00 CONSERV. OF HEALTH I 501 Health Dept. 14,489,,82 17,458.00 41,117.00 RECREATION I 600 Community Center 25,230.00 601 Parks & Recreation 31,963.29 36,909tO0 720731.00 97,9 1.00 IMISCELLANEOUS 701 Garage 73,644.56 92,013.00 102,131.00 702 Insurance 27 �6.73 30 96 ,Q0 4 2 .00 I 1010601.29 122,978.00 145,458.00 GRAND TOTAL 1,788,764.15 1,840,094.00 2,166,555.00 I - I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS --- - 11. I IGENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES IBY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 OPERATION 1. Salaries & Wages 983,288.69 1,198,572.00 1,215,824.00 I 2. Supplies 71,983.11 79,565.00 81,304.00 3. Maintenance of Land 28.53 75.00 85.00 4. Maintenance of Structures 45,570.79 47,093.00 48,750.00 5. Maintenance of Equipment 45,667.14 50,590.00 50,560.00 I 6. Miscellaneous Services 110,787.13 158,006.00 190,224.00 7. Sundry Charges 75,710. 5 101,110.00 119,182.00 I TOTAL OPERATING , 1,.333,035.90 1,615,011.00 1,705,929.00 CONTINGENCY FUND 33,000.00 IEMERGENCY FUND 20,000.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY I 8. Land 27,250.00 9. Structures 382,712.51 100,000.00 180,276.00 10. Equipment 105,081.00 200,10Q400 ITOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 455,728.25 205,081.00 1+07,626.00 GRAND TOTAL 1,788+264.15 1,840,094.00 2,166,555.00 I I I I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 12. I IACCOUNT NO. 101 • GENERAL GOVERNMENT ICITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 1. SALARIES AND WAGES • X964-65 1965-66 1966-67 2. Clerical 455.75 752.00 507.00 I2. SUPPLIES. 1. Office 356.17 _ 400.OQ II 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3. Legal Expenses 17,200.00 4. Special Services 9,061.07 6,400.00 5,000.00 6. Travel Expense 4,236.95 5,000.00 ,000.00 ' 13. Association Dues - T.M.L. 600.00 895.00 895.00 13A. Association Dues - I Other $ 0 00 13,898.02 12,295.00 27,945.00 I 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contributions & Gratuities 467.19 450.00 450.00 I 4. Judgements & Damages 304.02 100.00 750.00 5. Employee's Retirement 7,500.00 19,000.00 18,000.00 6. Social Security 34,000.00 38,400.00 55,000.00 8. Miscellaneous-Vet- I eran Service 1,554.36 1,600.00 1,600.00 9. Employee Service Awards 707.21 750.00 750.00 10. Reserve for Sick Pay 7,$68..51 10,000.00 0. I 52,E-01.31 70,100.00 2:?(500 0,00 UTOTAL OPERATING 67t.2, $3,247.00 115,002.00 CONTINGENCY FUND 33,000.00 EMERGENCY FUND 20,000.00 ITOTAL RESERVE FUNDS 51,000.00 I CAPITAL OUTLAY 8. LAND 1. Purchase Price (Opt.) 1,750.00 ITOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,750.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 101 68,861.25 81,747.00 ,168,0Q2.00 1 I - --_ CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS • 13, 1 ' ACCOUNT NO, 102 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1 CITY MANAGER ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I -�65 1965-66 �966-67 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1964 1. Executive 13,022.00 14,246.00 15,070.00 2. Clerical 4,178.42 5,788.00 5,822.00 I 5. Contingency 2 200.00 200.00 17, 00. 2 20,234.00 21,092.00 I 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 287.05 300.00 300`00 I 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 7. Radio Equipment 30.00 3Q.,4Q__ 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES ' 1 1. Communications 360.00 360.00 2. Equipment Hire 850.00 900.00 900.00 6. Travel & Reimburs- I able Expense 298.45 400.00 400.40 13. Association Dues 54. 60.00 60.00 1,202.455 1,720.00 1,720.00 I7. SUNDRY CHARGES 9. Civil Service Director 1,120.00 I TOTAL OPERATING 20 act,,92 221284.00 1 -2,A.00 I CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 3. Instruments & Appa- ratus 225.00 800.00 .� ' TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 225.00 800.00 ITOTAL ACCOUNT 102 20ajt-2 92 22,289+.00 23,942.00 Ir 1 1 I I CITY OF SAYTOWN, TEXAS I A: ::: . II COUNT N . 103 IGENERAL GOVERNMENT ICORPORATION COURT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Administrative 6,581.00 7,205.00 7,229.00 2. Clerical 8,733.00 9,400.00 12,824.00 I 5. Contingency 269.00 1,QOO 00 15,583.00 17,605.00 20,053.00 I 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 14,392.00 1,448.00 1,664.00 I 3. MAINTENANCE 1. Land 28.51 25.90 50.00 4. MAINTENANCE I 1. Building 109.09 100.00 100.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT Ii. Furniture & Fixtures 12. Heating & Cooling 92.13 100.00 100.00 System 50.00 5Q.00 50.00 142.13 150.00 150.00 I 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 200.00 200.00 A 4. Janitorial Services 780.00 780.00 6. Travel & Reimburs- able Expense 75,00 00 . 980.00 1,055.00 ' 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Jury Fees 60.00 60.00 60.00 I 8. Warrant Officer 1,6Q0.00 Q4.00 4,000.00 1,660.00 3, 60.00 4,14400.00 I TOTAL OPERATING 18,905.66 24,168.00 . 27,212t00 CAPITAL OUTLAY I 10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 1,470.00 2. Machinery, Tools & Implements 58.49 68$5 00 10.49 685.0o 1,470.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 58.49 685.00 1,470.00 I TOTAL ACCOUNT 103 18,964.15 24,853.00 28,6 82.00 I I -' --- CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 15. 1 ACCOUNT NO. 104 IGENERAL GOVERNMENT I ELECTIONS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 1964-65 1465-66 .966-67 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 550.00 63Z.00 665.00 I6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 4. Special Service, Election Officers 2,729.00 710.00 1,728.00 I 5. Advertising 200.00 232.00 1$0.00 7. Rents, Voting Machines ,4$ .00 291.00 09.00 ,41 .00 1,2� .00 3, 0$$.00 I 4 64-.00 1 $72.00 3 TOTAL OPERATING , 473.00� : s I TOTAL ACCOUNT 104 4,964.00 1,872.00 1,471.00 I I I I • I mil,�' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS �, ) 16. Ade ` , -= } / /////l:i /�i 77 Z =-' --ACCOUNT NO. 105 /' ,i 7GENERAt GOVERNMENT ' ji` , FINANCE J J ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1964-65 1465-66 1466-67 1. Supervisory 13,138.00 28,667.00 20,429.00 I 2. Clerical 12,723.50 14,837.00 14, 37.00 3. Accounting 8,215.29 24,220.00 25,831.00 3A. Appraisal 12,162.00 . 5. Contingency 6091.00 50Q,00 �, 00.00 46,838.79 .6$,224.00 62,6::::1.73 i 2.\ SUPPLIES �j , I1. Office & Postage 5,746.17 3,000.00 1,000.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT �,-�,, Ga ,---- I 3. Office Equipment 4. Motor Vehicles 966.18 500.00 1, 00.050 00 �0 50.00 � -- 966.18 550.00 1,050,.00 I 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES - _ 2. Car Allowance 525.00 4. Semi-Annual Audit & I Equalization Board 2,750.00 2,750.,00 2,750,00 5. Advertising 835.39 1,000.00 1,000.00 6. Travel & Reimburs- - S!.v-v _---- able Expense . 369.50 250.00 450.00. I 7. Rents 1,400.00 ,,, �-.4v� 13. Association Dues 70.Q0 �50.00 5,879.89 4,070.00 4,280.00 I7. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Court Costs .Q0.Q0 ITOTAL OPERATING 59,411.21 75,844.00 7].,127.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY U 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Office Machinery 1,186.07 255.00 750.00 4. Motor Vehicles 1,767.00 - III ].1, .07 2,022.00 750.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1.A186.O7 2,022,00 75Q.L„00 ITOTAL ACCOUNT 105 - 60*617.30 77,86640 72,077.00 I I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS �7 1j¢ I IACCOUNT NO. 106 GENERAL GOVERNMENT I LAW ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 I. 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 16,324.00 2. Clerical 5,173.00 2,169.00 3. Professional Salary 1 ,590.00 5. Contingency 1Qp0.00 4.00 16, :63.0o 18,497.00 I2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 104.96 100.00 I5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Office Equipment 50.00 -- II 4. Motor Vehicle _ 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 200.00 I 2. Equipment Hire 855.00 405.00 6. Travel Expense 575.00 260.00 13. Association Dues •166. 50 00 . I 1,796.65 9 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Court Costs 100.00 I TOTAL OPERATING 18,764.61 2Q,Q62t00 • ,�. I CAPITAL OUTLAY ' 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Office Equipment 1 8. Books (Law Library) 508.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 503..00 ITOTAL ACCOUNT 106 18,764.61 20,570.00 1I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS - _- 18 d I IACCOUNT NO. 107 . GENERAL GOVERNMENT ICITY HALL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1964-65 ,965-66 1966-67 4. Labor (Maintenance) 3,868.00 4,492.00 4,516.00 I 5. Contingency 211, 0 3Q0.00 4+,4,079. 0 792.00 , 1 .00 2. SUPPLIES I 1. Office & Postage 5,000.00 6,000.00 2. Fuel 1,900.73 7. Minor Tools 10.26 , 35.00 35.00 3gnito al,Supplies 573.87 700.00 7_00�00_ ( 1. ETcat .00 2,`4�4.86 5,735.00 6,885.00 I 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES -1. Building 471.95 200.00 500.00 I 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Office Equipment 277.35 600.00 800.00 12. Heating & Cooling Sys. 141.77 00.QO 1�2000 19.12 1, 0.00 2,000.00 I 6 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 11,991.64 6,000.00 6,000.00 I 2. Hire of Equipment 720.00 960.00 7. Rent (Parking Lots) 350.00 350.00 350.00 11. Light & Power 14,960.00 1,425.00 1,425.00 I 12. Fuel (Gas) 135.00 200.00 13. Association Dues - (Credit Bureau) 75,00 . 600.00 7,10Z..64 ,705.00 9,511„00 I TOTAL OPERATING 34fi1 959.17 2 2 21 716.00 I CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 1. City Hall Furniture . 10,000.00 I ' 2. Stencil Duplicator 1a,;350.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,350.00 1 TOTAL ACCOUNT 107 14,959.17 20,812.00 15,086.00 • ICITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS a I ACCOUNT NO. 108 GENERAL GOVERNMENT IENGINEERING • ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 1. Supervisory .10,844.00 10,868.00 I 3. Technical 27,582.41 21,500.00 22,265.00 5. Contingency �.�56 2Q9.00 200.00 �79 93.97 32,544.00 33,333.00 U 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 649.39 1,000.00 800.00 7. Minor Apparatus 190..54. 200.00 20Q.O0 I :39.64 1,200.00 1,000.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT Furniture & Fixtures 5$.20 150.00 150.00 as & AIi. 3 Instrument ratus pp - 126.45 150.00 150.00 4. Motor Vehicle 250.00 00.00 250.00 I 7. Radio Equipment O.00 00.00 434.65 1,200.00 950.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS I 1. Communications 700.00 700.00 4. Special Services 301.50 6. Travel Expense 202.34 250.00 20.00 I 13. Association Dues . Q _, 47.00 $.00 3 997.00 99 .00 TOTAL OPERATING 29,512.10 15,941.00 16,281.00 ICAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Implements 504.00 I 3. Instruments & Appa- ratus 317.00 4. Motor Vehicles 2,200.90 I 504.00 . 317.00 2,200,00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 504.00 117.00 2,20Q,00 I TOTAL ACCOUNT 108 30,016.10 16,25800 18,481.00 I P • I. I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ^^ 204, I I ACCOUNT NO. 1 9 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ICITY LIBRARY ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 1. SALARIES AND WAGES L964-65 1965-66 1466-67 1. Supervisory 19,206.99 21,510.00 22,182.00 I 2. Clerical 15,539.44 19,892.00 25,673.00 4. Maintenance 3,442.50 4,002.00 ,026.00 5. Extra Help (Pages) 4,0$Q.00 4,425.O0 4,42 .00 42,266.93 49,829.00 5`6,306.00 ' 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office & Postage 3,293.39 2,510.00 1,500.00 I 2. Fuel 189.01 7. Minor Apparatus 100.00 100.00 8. Custodial 449.98 350.00 350.00 I 12. Botanical 34.94 35.00 15.00 13. Catalog Cards 250.00 4,217.32 2,995.00 1,965.00 I 3. MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1. Land 50.00 21 ,00 • I f. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 500.00 500.00 I S. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Office Equipment 200.00 250.00 250.00 8. Books (Bindings) 1,999.79 2,000.00 1,000.00 12. Heating & Cooling Sys. 631.30 450.QO 50.00 I21831.09 2,700.00 1,500.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES I 1. Communications 572.28 830.00 754.00 2. Equipment Hire & Car Allowance 396.50 400.00 400.00 4. Special Service 200.00 425.00 I 6. Travel Expense 393.28 500.00 500.00 7. Rents 25.00 1,300.00 2,400.00 11. Light & Power 4,000.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 I 12. Fuel (Gas) 250.00 150.00 200.00 13. Association Dues 200.00 .00 58.00 14. Periodicals & I Newspapers 14498 (35 ,620.00 1,62Q.00 7,335.91 ,040.O0 9,857.00 TOTAL OPERATING 56,65 .25 64,114,00 7141163.Q0 U (Continued) I ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS n I 1 IACCOUNT NO, 109 - (Continued) ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED L96 -6� _965-66 .966-67 vAPITAL OUTLAY I `10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 107.00 2. Machinery & Tools 149.16 8. Books 14,957.19 20,000.00 15,000.00 14. Film Strips 1,498.27 215.00 1,000.00 15. Music 50 .Q0 42,OO 4Q0`QO 171,2.04.62 20,164.00 16,4004.00 ' TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 17,.104k62 20,364.00 16,400.00 ' TOTAL ACCOUNT 109 71,757.8_7 84.478.00 86,763.Q0 i 1 1 ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS //,�ss'�� 0^2, I IACCO T NO. 11.0 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ICITY CLERK ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I1. SALARIES AND WAGES L961+-65 1965-66 1966-67 1. Supervisory 6,564.00 7,182.00 7,206.00 I 2. Clerical 4,039.00 4,7 0.00 4,754.00 5. Contingency .00 10,603.00 12,2 2.00 12,300.00 U 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office _ 221.74 300.00 600.00 I 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance 300.00 300.00 300.00 5. Advertising 352.58 6. Travel Expense 100.00 100.00 I13. Association Dues 25.0Q 10.00 677.58 2 .QO 430.00 I 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Court Costs 77.10 50.00 150.00 I TOTAL OPERATING 1i4 79.42 11,027.00 ,24 Q.OO CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT I2. Machinery & Implements 400.Q0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 400,00 I TOTAL ACCOUNT 110 11,579.42 11,427.00 _BQ.RQQ I 1 I I ICITY Or BAYTOWN, TEXAS 23, I I ACCOUNT NO. 111 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ICIVIL DEFENSE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 1964-65 1965-66 L966®67 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 2. Clerical 538.85 700.00 760.00 I2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 90.74 200.00 200.00 9. Medical & Surgical 48.93 500.00 500.00 I 13. Other Operating Supplies 11+1.32 50.00 .00.Q0 282.99 750.00 00.00 I5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 50.00 25.00 I 3. Instruments & Apparatus 130.00 4. Motor Vehicles 100.00 150.00 7. Radio Equipment _ 90.00 125.00 I370.00 300.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES I 1. Communications 93.70 150.00 150.00 2. Car Allowance 300.00 300.00 300.00 6. Travel Expense 405.44 500.00 500.00 799.12+ 950.00 950.00 TOTAL OPERATING 1,620.98 2,770.00 2 10.00 I CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 3. Instruments -6( I Apparatus 4. Motor Vehicles 2,761.25 35 22 2,500.00 50C1.00 3,000.00 1. .11. .�+7 0 3,000,,00 3,QQO.00 ITOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,116.47 3,, 3,000.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 111 4,737,45 5577Q.0Q_, 5,810.00 1 I U CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 24. U ACCOUNT NO, 200 PUBLIC SAFETY I SERVICE DIVISION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I ,l964-65 1965-66 1966-67 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 2. Clerical 11,166.28 12,362.00 12,832.00 ' 3. Operations 15,969.36 19,273.00 19,408.00 4. Maintenance 8,805.50 14,824.00 ' 15,270.00 5. Contingency 176.12 200,00 200.00 36,317.26 46,659.00 47,710.00 I2. SUPPLIES . Office 19.95 25.Q0 25.00 Ii. 3 Food (Dog Pound) 311002 250.00 400.00 Wearing Apparel 251.23 300.00 300.00 7. Minor Instruments I (Radio) 149084 9. Medical & Surgical (Dog Pound) 150.00 150.00 200.00 13. Miscellaneous Operating I (Sign Material) 6 337.32 -a eQQ.._ ,.__ 1;695 -- 7,337e32 ,22 .00 , 2 .00 I 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCI"UEES 1. Buildings (Dog Pound) 149,05 15-Q.00 ._ . .a-SQ....QQ I 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3. Instruments & Appa- ratus (Park. Meters) 74.17 325.00 325.00 4. Motor Vehicles 300.00 400.00 400G00 I6. Street Markers 2,040.00 2,000.00 7. Radio QQ60.00 60.00 4 11. Signal Systems 2, 02.3 5,2�3� 2 0 �.00 S 2 .00 I 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERECES Communications Ii. (Teletype) 1,849.18 1,500.00 19900.00 4. Janitorial Service 2,760.00 2,760.00 6. Travel Expense 49.24 100.00 100.00 I 7. Rent (Parking Lot) 300.00 300.00 300.00 11. Lights & Power (Traffic) 4,500.00 5,000.00 I 13. Association Dues 6F,3.90 ,25.Q0 7 .QO 2,,266.42 94235, O1_ TOTAL OPERATING 41,872.40 69 g 55?�.Q4 21 r 705.00 I (Continued) I ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 250 /..CCOUNT NO 200 - atiL7 Q-41 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 196 65 19 5-66 1966-67 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 3. Instruments & Appa- 1 rates (Radio) 635.09 4. Motor Vehicles 1,967.96 2,200.00 5. Other Vehicles (Street Painter) 3,719.00 ' 11. Signal Systems 1,211.25 5,000.00 51,900.00 15. Other Equipment (Radio Shop Bldg. ) 1,749.20 5,0Q0.00 5,563.50 8,719.00 59,1QQ.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,561.50 8,7 .9‘0O 52,100.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 200 54,E-15.90 78e273.00 1 1 1 1 1 ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 26. I IACCOUNT_NO. 201 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 464-65 1965-66 ,966-67 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1 1. Supervisory 22,067.00 29,600.00 31,321.00 I 2. Clerical 3. Operations 210,874.04 261,000.00 265,031.00 5. Contingency , 0.00 21900.00 1,0Q0400 234,441.04 292,600.00 297,3552.00 I2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 2,180.50 2,500.00 3,000.00 I 4. Uniforms & Cloth- ing Allowance 3,671.06 4,400.00 4,500.00 7. Minor Instruments 1,095.32 I 8. Janitorial & Laundry 575.00 650.00 650.00 10. Mechanical (Identifi- cation Officer) 433.32 555.00 900.00 13. Other Operating ISupplies 140,00 7,955.20 8,2o5.00 9,7 0.00 I 4; MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building . 948.64 1,900.00 14,900,00 i I 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 250.00 450.00 450.00 4. Motor Vehicles 7,910.67 6,000.00 6,000.00 7. Radio Equipment 1,100.09 1,1 0.00 1 8,160.67 7',5'50.00 7,550.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES_ I 1. Communications (Telephone) 1,850.00 2,276.00 4. Police School 498.00 800.00 1,400.00 I 4A. Civil Service Director $45.00 600.00 600.00 4B. Wrecker Service 700.00 700.00 6. Travel & Reimbur- sable Expense 426.44 750.00 750.00 I 6A. Court Time & Travel 3,280.00 7. Rent - Storage Space 472.00 9. Support of Prisoners 1,907.00 2,000.00 1,850.00 I 11. Lights & Power 2,100.00 2,000.00 12. Fuel (Gas) 261. 59 78.00 1549.00 3,940.03 9,350.00 13',0066.00 I (Continued) I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS - I IACCOUNT NO. 201 - (Continued) ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 1964-65 1965-66 .966-69 1. Contribution to Auxiliary 1,190.65 1,40Q.00 1,400.00 TOTAL OPERATING 256,546.21 121,005.00 110,958.00 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 1,497.50 493.00 1,225.00 1 2. Machinery 3. Instruments & Apparatus 2,175.00 4. Motor Vehicles 10,208.79 11,824.00 15,175.00 I 12. Air Conditioning 8Q.00 12�0 6.29 12,117.00 lv,_8.5_9_5,.0Q IIITOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,086.29 12,117.00 18,575.00 4 TOTAL ACCOUNT 201 268,632.52 111,122,00 3 1, 1._91_._,., I A I I I . I A I I ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 28[� . I I ACCOUNT NO. 204 PUBLIC SAFETY IFIRE DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1g64-65 1965-66 1966-67 1. Supervisory 27,889.00 35,500.00 38,170.00 ' 3. Operations 131,645.39 144, 6.00 143,209.00 5. Contingency 509(�.00 5QQ.00 250c00 160,034.39 180,696.00 182,129.00 I2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 44.20 55.00 55.00 4. Wearing Apparel 750.00 950.00 950.00 I 7. Minor Apparatus 3,6 7.61 4,000.00 4,000.00 8. Janitorial 346.79 400.00 500.00 11. Educational 70.00 70.00 I 13. Camera 120.90 100 00 �+,908. 0 5,575.00 5, 7 .00 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES I1. Building 1,029.86 1,089.00 2,10.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT Ii. Furniture & Fixtures 50.00 50.00 2. Machinery & Implements 200.00 200.00 3. Instruments & Appara- • ' tus 1,932.97 1,250.00 1,250.00 4. Motor Vehicles 1,178.71 1,250.00 1,250.00 7. Radio Equipment 1,700.00 1,800.00 11. Signal Systems 2 2 I3,314.46 4-,450.00 4,550.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES I 1. Communications 2,250.00 2,300.00 4. Civil Serv. Dir. (50%) 600.00 600.00 6. Travel & Reimburs- I able Expense 0 11. Electrical Power 421.33 500.00 2,400.00 0.00 2,500.00 12. Fuel - (Gas) 700.00 800.00 13. Other (Association I Dues) 21,0125 00 25.00 �s42.3 6,47�;00 6,625.00 I I (Continued) I CITY OF SAYTOWN, TEXAS 290 I IACCOUNT NO. 202 - (Continued) ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1964-65 19*-66 1966-67 I 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contributions to VFD 9,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 1A. Contributions to I VFD Pension Fund 2,000.00 3,000.00 1B. Contributions to VFD School 875.00 875.00 I 3. Volunteer School 8?5.00 Medical Care 20 00 35.00 44195.00 10,321:515: 11,419.00 I TOTAL OPERATING 180,124.65 208,651.00 212,389.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY I 10. EQUIPMENT 3. Instruments & Appa— ratus (Monitors) 1,247.47 1,088.00 000.00 4. Motor Vehicles1,653.07 3, I 5. Fire Apparatus (Fire Truck) 30,000.00 11. Signal ,Systems I (Sirens) 943.95 1,700.00 12. Heating & Cooling Systems 829.02 835.00 4,6671.51 1,088.00 15,5'35.00 I 4,671,51 88.00 35 535.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY1,0 � I TOTAL ACCOUNT 202 184,798.16 209,719,00 247,924.00 I I I I I I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS _ -- - - -- 30 I ACCOUNT NO. 203 I PUBLIC SAFETY IPROTECTIVE INSPECTION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 196�t-65 ;.96-66 1966-67 I A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 7,859.00 8,483.00 8,507.00 3. Operations 5,297.00 5,921.00 6,245.00 I 4. Maintenance 4A. Maintenance - 3,629.50 4,012.00 4,058.00 . (Plumbing Inspector) 6,900.00 I 16,785.50 18,416.00 ' 25,710.00 2. SUPPLIES Ii. Office 175.00 225.00 305.00 7. Minor Apparatus 63. 37 3,00..0Q PO.00 238.37 325.00 I 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3. Instruments & Apparatus 5.80 25.00 25.00 I 4. Motor Vehicles 7. Radio Equipment 332.95 200.00 200.00 1 0 00 12 .AO. 338.75 3L.5'..00 345.00 I 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6. Travel Expense 300.00 300.00 13. Association Dues 27.20 30.00 33.00 I 27.20 330.00 333.00 TOTAL OPERATING 17,189.82 19,416.Q0 26.793.OG ICAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles 3,245.00 ITOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,245.00 II TOTAL ACCOUNT 203 17,389.82 22,60.00 26,793.00 I ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 31 I IACCOUNT NO, 301 HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS ISIDEWALKS, STREETS AND DRAINAGE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 1964-65 1965-.66 966-67� 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 11,150.61 20,316.00 11,856.00 I 4. Maintenance 121,392.16 140,000.00 143,630.00 5. Contingency ,540.23 2 2,44Q.00 134,063.00 1 2,31 .00 15?,kF86.00 I2. SUPPLIES 7. Minor Apparatus 400.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 9. Chemicals (Weed I Killer) 13. Other Operating 4,717.27 5,000.00 5,000.00 Supplies 210.00 210.00 210.00 I 5'027.27 6,210.00 6,210.00 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 238.28 100.00 250.00 I 5. Sidewalks & Curbs 4,991.00 6, Storm Sewers 1,000.00 8. Streets 15,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00 I �+1,229.28 1+1,100.00 41,250.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT I 7. Instruments & Apparatus (Radio) 60.00 100.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES I 2. Hire of Equipment 199.08 4,200.00 500.00 11. Street Lighting0,630,47 484000.00 57,600.00 0,6'29.55 52,200.00 58,100.00 ITOTAL OPERATING 231,469.10 261,886.00 261,146.00 I CAPITAL OUTLAY 9. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 5. Sidewalks & Curbs 5,000.00 6. Storm Sewers 7,136.00 I 8. Streets 300,0.1 �6 3.00 100,000.00 7,639.00 312,1 9.00 100,000.00 16671639.00 I (Continued) 1 I 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ?(1 a 1 ' ACCOUNT NO, 301 - (Continued) ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1964-65 1965-66 a.966-67 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Implements. 3,500.00 11,400.00 1 4. Motor Vehicles 9,600.00 12,917.00 5. Other Vehicles 8,671.32 15. Other 1,661t72 1 19,933.04 16,417.00 11,400.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 332.082.04 116,417.00 129,,2 3 ..00 1 TOTAL ACCOUNT 301 563,551,14 378,.303.00 4442,1 5.00 1 1 1 i 1 1 U 1 1 1 1 i ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 7 µ 1 ACCOUNT NO, 401 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL ' MOSQUITO CONTROL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 196�+-65 .965-66 L966-6y 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Operations 4,811.00 4,900.00 4,100.00 2. SUPPLIES 9. Chemicals 4,100.00 4,100.00 _3 500.90 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery 295.68 100.00 300.00 TOTAL OPERATING 9, 06.68 9,300.00 8,100.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 401 rm..Msw 68 9,39Q.00 8.,109,.00 a 1 1 1 1 1 ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 340 I ACCOUNT NO. 402 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL IWASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 1964--65 ,965-66 1966-67 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 7,494.00 8,070.00 ' 3. Operating 142,846.32 172,054.00 172,663.00 5. Contingency 64Q9Q.00 6, 044.00 6,500.00 148,846.32 185,5548.00 187,233.00 I2. SUPPLIES 7. Minor Tools 125.17 300.00 300.00 9. Chemicals 1,439.40 1,500.00 1,500.00 13. Other Operating Supplies 21Q,OQ 210.00 210.00 1,?74.557 2,010.00 2,010.00 I4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 9. Landfill Grounds 42.40 100.00 100.00 ITOTAL OPERATING 150,663,29 ;87,658.00 ;89 041.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY I 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Implements 536.00 I 4. Motor Vehicles 5. Other Vehicles 24,575.80 5,162.00 2573 .00 11,520.00 24,575,80 1,1;41 .00 11,520.00 ITOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 24,575.80 3,11436.00 11,520.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 402 ,175,219.09 219,094.00 200,861.00 I I I I I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 35. I IACCOUNT NO. 501 CONSERVATION OF HEALTH IHEALTH DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 1964®65 Q6-66 966-67 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 7,248.00 7,872.00 7,896.00 I 3. Technical 120.92.00 13 440.00 21 l5 $$$$$,00 19;440.00 ,312.00 23,784.00 2. SUPPLIES I1. Office 197.78 300.00 300.00 4. Wearing Apparel 43.77 50.09 5Q.00 241.55 350.00 350.00 I6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance 4,097.25 1,920.00 2,220.00 I 4. Special Services (Health Officer) 900.00 900.00 900.00 6. Travel Expense 452.25 600.00 600.00 I10. Weed Cutting 3,000.00 3,500.00 13. Association Dues 76.00 1e1,OQ 101.00 5,525.50 6,�21.00 7,321.00 I 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Health League Contributions 9,13l..00 9,225.00 99682.00 I TOTAL OPERATING _14038.05 37,458.00 , 419137,00 CAPITAL OUTLAY I 10. EQUIPMENT • 3. Instruments & Apparatus .� ITOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 151.77. . TOTAL ACCOUNT 501 344489.82 17,458.00 419137.00 I I I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS -- 36. ACCOUNT NO. 600 RECREATION COMMUNITY CENTER ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1964-65 X965�-66 �966-67 ' 1. Supervisory 5,580.00 4. Maintenance 1,300.00 5. Extra Help 6QQ0.00 7,480.00 2. SUPPLIES ' 1. Office & Postage 500.00 7. Minor Tools 100.00 8. Janitorial 500.00 ' 1,100.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES ' 1. Communication 150.00 11. Electrical Service is5go.00 1,650.00 ' TOTAL OPERATING 10,230.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY ' 10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 15_,Q00.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,000.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 600 25,210.00 1 1 IICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS II 37• I ACCOUNT NO. 601 IRECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED ' 1964-65 ,t965-66 2966-67 1. SALARIES AND WAGES I1. Supervisory 1,488.00 1,900.00 10,383.00 2. Clerical 2,429.50 3,040.00 3,040.00 3. Operations 3,800.01 4,560.00 4,560.00 I 4. Maintenance 12,11$.4 14,726.00 14,798.0O 19,835.9624,226.00 32,781.00 1 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 2.42 50.00 50.00 6. Motor Vehicles 245.96 250.00 250.00 7. Minor Apparatus 200.00 200.00 200.00 9. Chemicals , I 13. Other Operat- 746.80 900.00 900.00 ing Supplies 29 .��Q 400,00 100.00 I1,494.48 1,600.00 1,700.00 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 997.25 1,000.00 1,000.00 I 3. Filtration System 490.16 750.00 400.00 8. Streets & Alleys 500.00 10. Other ( Light II Maintenance) 1,679.47 �192.Q6 0.00 2 .00 79. 7 1, 50.00 2,1550.00 ' ' 5. . MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Imp. 878.09 1,000.00 1,000.00 4. Motor Vehicles 136.46 150.00 150.00 15. Other (Bathing Facilities) ' 1OQ• 340.00 1,314.55 1,150.00 1,450.00 I 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 11. Electrical Service 1,600.00 2,000.00 12. Fuel (Gas) 16$$.00 200.00 1,76o.00 2,200.00 I .SUNDRY CHARGES 7. 1. Contribution to I Recreation 3,800.00 4,550.00 4,550.00 TOTAL OPERATING 28,124.46 15,144.00 444811.00 1 (Continued) 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ' 38. ACCOUNT NO. 601 - (Continued) ' ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED CAPITAL OUTLAY 964--b5 1965-66 ;966-67 t 8. LAND 1. Improvement 1,998. 34 27,250.00 Ii. 10. EQUIPMENT Furniture & Fixtures 525.00 2. Machinery & Imp. 195.47 125.00 125.00 4. Motor Vehicles 1,645.02 1,640.00 ' 14. Fire Hose 1,840.49 1,765.00 6570.00 ' TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,838.$3 1,765.Q0 27,900.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 601 11,961.29 16,909.00 72,731,,00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS - - ----- - -I 39. 1 ACCOUNT NO. 701 IMISCELLANEOUS GARAGE IACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1964-65 X965-66 1966-67 I 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 4,279.71 6,660.00 7,392.00 3. Operations 19,360.00 29,810.00 29,599.00 5. Contingency 200.00 I23,639.71 36,470.00 37,191.00 2. SUPPLIES ' 3001. Office 49.89 1 .00 300.00 6. Motor Vehicle Fuel 22,641.02 • 24,000.00 24, 00.00. 7. Minor Tools 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 I 13. Other Operating Supplies 88.64 100.00 100.00 2�+,379.55 25,900.00 25,900.00 I 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES • 1. Building 109.59 113.00 100.00 I 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Imp. 24,999.70 25,000.00 37,000.00 3. Instruments & Appa- ratus 130.06 I 25,129.76 25,000.00 37,000®00 . MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES I 7. Rent (Parking Lot) 240.00 240.00 240.00 11. Light & Power 1,100.00 1,150.00 12. Fuel (Gas) ' 3 9 4OO.OQ,�, II . 24.0.00 1p710.00 14790,00 TOTAL OPERATING 739498.61 699211.00 L.01,981.00 I CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Imp. 500.00 150.00 I 3. Instruments & Appa- ratus 4. Motor Vehicles/Radio 2,300.00 I 15. Other 145.95 145.95 2,80 .00 150.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 145�95 2,800.00 150.00 ITOTAL ACCOUNT 701 73,644�56 92 9013.00 ,102 131.00 I ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS _ I 4o. I ACCOUNT NO. 702 IMISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1964--65 1965.-66 1966-67 I 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3. Automotive Insurance 26,908.53 9,900.00 11,385.00 1 Building & Contents 723.00 1,500.00 Group Life & IHospitalization 16,373.00 26,467.00 Firemen's Benefits 2,075.00 2,075.00 Burglary & Swimming 723.00 725.00 IMercantile Robbery Bonds 171.00 175.00 26,908.53 29,965.00 42,327.00 I7. SUNDRY CHARGES 2. Bonds 300.00 8. Medical Care 748.20 1,000`00 _ Is,Q0,�.00 I 1,0 8.20 1,000.00 1,000.00 TOTAL OPERATING 27,956.71 ...224.96�e 00 43,127,90 I TOTAL ACCOUNT 702 27,9.56.73 30,9.65.00 43,327.00 I GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1,788,764.15 j.,840,094.00 2,166,555,00 1 • • I • I . • I ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 1 ANNUAL BUDGET PART III WATERWORKS & SANITARY SEWER FUND 1 i 1 I I 1 ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 41 . o I WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT I STATEMENT OF INCOME, EXPENSE AND SURPLUS ADJUSTMENTS MENTS�` IFISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1967 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I OPERATING REVENUES: 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 Sale of Water 512,903.56 535,000.00 540,000.00 Servicing Installations 18,725.50 23,500.00 25,000.00 I. Sewer Service 138,160.76 145,300.00 146,500.00 Miscellaneous 12,3?2.02 7,500.00 7,500.00 TOTAL REVENUE 682,161.84 711,300.00 719,000.00 I PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS 113,331.43 227,777.00 201,7.89.00 IITOTAL AVAILABLE 795'493.27 939,077.00 920,789.00 LESS: Operating Expenses 420,955.10 442,406.00 421,856.00 ICapital Outlay 45,860.$7 115,036.00 387,661.00 Debt Service 148,691.00 51,272.00 Contingency Fund 25,000.00 Transfer900t00 TOTALtEXPENDIT ESo Other 5 7,715.97 31,1i ,OQ 15,090.00 6?,715,97 737,2 .0Q 920,789.00 ITOTAL UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS 227,777.30 201,789.00 I I I I I I I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 tWATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 10, 1967 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED ' DIVISION 1964-65 1965-66 1,966-67 1001 Supply 93,799.17 87,175.00 95,886.00 ' 1002 Transmission & Distribution 139,731.09 246,285.00 492,029.00 1003 Customer Account- ing & Collecting 91,034.67 82,037.00 76,470.00 1004 General Overhead 22,242.88 12,544.00 12,308.00 1005 Sewer & Sewage Disposal 120,008.16 129,401.00 132,824.00 ' 1006 Transfer to Other Funds .00,900.00 179,846,00 111,272.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 567,715.97 7 ,288,00 920,7139.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 43. I 1 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION I FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1967 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 OPERATING EXPENSES 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 1. Salaries 248,686.59 260,611.00 245,512.00 2. Supplies 32,287.67 35,970.00 38,785.00 1 4. Maintenance - (Structures) 21,410.52 10,247.00 16,500.00 5. Maintenance - 1 (Equipment) 28,329.63 39,983.00 38,384.00 6. Misc. Services 73,222.26 76,895.00 7?,675.00 7. Sundry Charges 17,018 43 �1$,70Q.00 5,QQQ.00 1 420,955.10 442,406.00 421,665566.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY I 8. Betterments 2. Payroll 7,140.00 30,000.00 9. Buildings & Structures I 3. Filtration Plants 6. Sanitary Sewers 1,864.97 29,456.00 281,061.00 1 10. Equipment 2. Machinery & Imp. 3,232.35 7,020.00 300.00 3. Instr. & Apparatus 695.447 905.00 8, oo.00 4. Motor Vehicles 6,515.00 I 9. Water Mains 19,571.10 45,000.00 45,000.00 10. Meters & Settings 18,855.33 18,000.00 18,000.00 14. Fire Apparatus - (Hydrants) 1,641.65 ,9�0.09 , 00.00 I 43,995.90 79,440.00 74,o00.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY • 45,860.87 ;.15,036.00 387,661.00 I TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS Transfers Ill. 1. Water Works Int. & Sinking Fund 100,900.00 148,691.00 51,272.00 3. Contingency Fund 25,000.00 ' 4. General Fund 31,1 .00 35�000.00 TOTAL TRANSFERS 100,900.00 179,646.00 111,272.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 567,715.97 737,288.00 920,789.00 1 I ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I IACCOUNT NO, 1001 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT 1 SUPPLY I ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1964-65 1965-66 L966-67 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 7,929.00 8,554.00 9,226.00 I 3. Operations 11, 26200 12,796.00 l y� 600 19, 55.00 21,350.00 23,1 2.00 I 2. SUPPLIES 2. Fuel 72.95 7. Minor Tools 57.71 200.00 200.00 9. Chemicals 4,477.88 7,150.00 7,500.00 I 13. Other Operating Supplies 25.09 25.00 5 00 4,633.54 7,375.00 7,725f.00 I4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 229.58 500.00 500.00 I 7. Water Wells & Reservoirs ii:7R:n ,47.0O- 500,,00 1,7 74 .00 �,00o,00 U 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Imp. 4,340.80 4,000.00 5,500.00 3. Instruments & Appa- . I ratus 397.09 500.00 600.00 7. Radio Equipment 3�.00 4.00 4,737..89 4,`'33.00 6,134.00 I6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6. Travel Expense 150.00 150.00 150.00 11. Lights & Power 47,896.68 48,000.00 '48,000,00 I 12. Fuel (Gas) 300,00 325.00 13. Association Dues 2 00 '-5.00 50.00 �,071 V _ 48,495.00 48,525.00 ITOTAL OPERATING 93,049.17 81,500.0Q 93,536.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY I10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Imp. 750.00 1,675.00 300.00 3. Instruments & I Apparatus 2,050.00 4. Motor Vehicles 2,000. 0 750.00 1,675.00 2,150.00 ITOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 750.00 1,675.00 2,350.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 1001 91,799.17 87,175,00 95,886.00 1 ICITY OF SAYTOWN, TEXAS 11 I IACCOUNT NO, 1002 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT ' TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 1. Supery sort' 12,681.50 7,984.00 8,008.00 I 3. Maintenance 61,839.26 2,500, 00 100,000.00 101,500.00 5. Contingency b 5Q .00 2 50 .00 . 77,020.76 114,484.00 112,008.00 Less: Capital Labor 7,191 .00 0,00QQ..00 77,020.76 107,3 .00 52,008.00 2. SUPPLIES I 7. Minor Tools 1,494.57 2,250.00 2,250.00 9. Chemicals 499.78 500.00 500.00 13. Other Operating Spls. 24.00 210.00 .210.00 I 2,20 .35 2,960.00 2,960.00 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 4. Sanitary Sewers 4,592.24 6,5Q0.00 6,500.00 I5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3. Instr. & Apparatus 200.00 150.00 150.00 I 9. Water Mains ,49q.17 10,000.00 10,000.00 10. Meters & Settings ,093.11 9,000.00 7,500.00 14. Fire Hydrants 99.25 1,000.00 Q 0 10,750.53 20,150.00 �, 0.00 I 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Equipment Rental 500.00 I 6. Travel & Reimburs- able Expense 31.64 300.00 300.00 7. Rents (Easements) 20.7 r0.00 50.00 52.34 350.00 850.00 TOTAL OPERATING 94,620.22 1i7,304.00 110 96$J0 ICAPITAL OUTLAY 8. BETTEREMENTS-NEW INSTALLATIONS 2. Payroll 7,140.00 30,000.00 9. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 6. Sanitary Sewers 1,864.97 29,456.00 283,061,00 I (Continued) I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 460 I IACCOUNT NO. 1002 - (Continued) ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED • 10. EQUIPMENT 964-65 .965-66 1966-67 2. Machinery & Implements 2,482.35 5,345.00 I 3. Instruments & Apparatus 695,47 2,500.00 - 4. Motor Vehicles 3,040.00 I 9. Water Mains 19,571.10 45,000.00 18,000.00 45,000.00 10. Meters & settings 18,8 5.33 18,000.00 14. Fire Hydrants 10641 65 L,Q 0,00 2 500.00_,,,_ 43,245.90 72,185.00 8;000.00 ITOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 45,110.87 108,981.00 381,o61goo ITOTAL ACCOUNT 1002 139,711.09 246,285.0o 492,929.90 I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I I ACCOUNT NO. 1003 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT I CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I1. SALARIES AND WAGES 196+-65 1965-66 1966-62 1. Utility Office I Manager 7,976.00 7,800.00 2. Clerical �5,186.66 50,337.00 28,139.00 3. Field Operations 8,483.27 22,331.00 5. Contingency 9$.22 2Q0.00 ...� I 61,744.15 50,537.00 5 , 70.00 2. SUPPLIES I 1. Office & Postage 9,629.75 10,500.00 10,500.00 4. Wearing Apparel .�, ,. .15 200.00 _2Q m 00___ 9,t3O2.90 10,700.00 10,700.00 I4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 70.95 I 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT, 2. Office Machines 1,000.00 1s100.OQ 142.00,00 _ I 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 13. Sub-Station Fees 14.398.24 . 1,000.00 1,200.00 7. SUNDRY CHARGES I 5. Pensions 3,672.00 4,000.00 5-1. Social Security 7,500.00 7,500.00 • 5-2. Life & Hospital- ' ization Insurance 3,200.00 3,200.00 10. Reserve for Sick Leave 2,646.E+3 4,000.00 5,900.00 ' 17,05 .43 182700.00 5,000.00 TOTAL OPERATING 940'14.67 . 82,0'37.00 76,470.00 I CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Imp. .. .. .... .. ........_.. ITOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY I TOTAL ACCOUNT 1003 91,.034.67 82,037.00 76,470.00 I ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ---- '- 48. I IACCOUNT NO, 1004 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT IGENERAL OVERHEAD ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED I 1964-65. 1965-66 ,1966-67 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 3,611.19 I 2. Clerical 4,023.92 4,494.00 4,758.00 3. Operations 2 1 , . 1 4,494.00 4,758.00 U 2. ADELUEa 6. Motor Vehicle Fuel 3,040.99 3,500.00 3,000.00 13. Other Oper. Supplies 5Q.00 50.00 50.00 I3,090.99 3,5 0.00 3,050.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles 4,496.28 +,500.OQ 4,500.QO I TOTAL OPERATING 22,,242,E 88 _ 12 a 544.Q0 12 308.00 I • TOTAL ACCOUNT 1004 22,242.88 12,544.00 12: 108.00 I I I I I I I ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 4.9 W NO. 1005 IACCOUNT WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT 1 SEWER AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED • I 1. SALARIES AND WAGES ;-964-65 L.965-66 .966-67 3. Operations 66,304.04 76,886.00 77,124.00 I 4. Maintenance 8,857.03 5. Contingency 650,00 . 75,811.07 76,886.00 77,124.00 I 2. SUPPLIES 2. Fuel 1,435.85 7. Minor Tools 89.01 200.00 200.00 I 9. Chemicals 13. Other Operating 10,885.38 11,000.00 14,000.00 Supplies 345 ,65 185.00 1.50.00 • 12,555.899 11,3:5.00 14,350.00 t4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 596.27 2,000.00 2,000.00 I 4. Sanitary Sewers 596.27 2,000.00 2,000.00 I 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Mach. & Implements 6,999.36 9,000.00 7,500.00 3. Instruments & Appar. 31++.57 700,00 _ 500.00 7,34444.93 9,700.00 8,000.00 I6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 11. Lights & Power 23,700.00 26,000.00 26,000.00 I 12. Fuel (Gas) (70,45 .00 1A1 .QQ 23 700.00 27,050.00 271100.00 ITOTAL OPERATING 1.20,008.16 127,02,l.00 128,574.QO CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT I 3. Instruments & Appar. 905.00 4. Motor Vehicles 1 4 5,00 49250.00 2,160.00 ITOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,380.00 4,250.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 1005 1209008.16 129401.00 132,,824.Q„0 I ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 50 111 ACCOUNT NO. .006 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT ' TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED ' 19665 ;.966-67 11. CONTINGENCIES AND TRANSFERS 1965-66 1. Transfer to Waterworks ' Int. & Sinking Fund • 100,900.00 1+8,b91.00 51,272.00 2. Transfer to Capital Imp. Fund 3. Contingency Fund 25,000.00 ' 4. Transfers to General Fund 11,155.00 15,000.00 TOTAL TRANSFERS 100,900.00 179,846.00 ,111,272J7Q TOTAL ACCOUNT 1006 100,900,00. 179,846.00 )-11,272.00 ' GRAND TOTAL WATER AND SEWER 6 5 W1.5.97 737,288.00 92Q.,,,7.8 9.pO _ 1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I 1 ANNUAL BUDGET ? ART IV DEBT SERVICE 1 1 1 1 i I 1 II - -- CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 51, IDEBT SERVICE ALL BONDS I • 1966-1967 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1 REVENUE 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 General Property Tax 309,258.56 599,500.00 499,991.00 I Transfer from Other Funds 100,900.00 148,691.00 51,272.00 Interest from Premiums & Investments ,565. 35 45,499.00 7,_i48.0O 1 TOTAL REVENUE 415,721.91 793,690.00 559,21 ..00 Required Surplus Reserve 146,956.00 196,000.00 221,459.00 ISurplus, Unappropriated 86,362.89 96,.732,00 105,711.00 TOTAL AVAILABLE 649,042.80 1,086,422.00 8 6,401.00 ILESS: EXPENDITURES Bond Maturities 208,500.00 520,500.00 271,000.00 Interest Maturities 206,956.75 237,429.00 334,592.00 U Exchange a 598.59 950.00 1,350.00 Prepayment Items 353.00 13,809.00 Estimated Cost of Pro- Iposed Sale 42,078.00 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS _ 416,055. 34 759,232.00 662,829 00 ISURPLUS AT 9-30-66 232,987.46 * 327,190.00 223, 572.00 I I I I I ICITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS I IDEBT SERVICE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS I (INCLUDING TAX SUPPORTED WATERWORKS BONDS) _ ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED III REVENUE 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 Property Tax - (Current Year)II Property Tax - 301,931.57 586,500.00 490,446.00 (Prior Year) 5,418.20 10,000.00 7,191.00 Penalty & Interest 1,908.79 3,000.00 2,354.00 I Interest Earned - (Investments) 149447,00 TOTAL REVENUE 3O9 0 258.56 6 3.947.00 499 0 99�..0o ISURPLUS 4 6 4o 0 6 00 68 00 PRIOR YEAR �7, 3 � 35. 5m5 I TOTAL AVAILABLE 346 66+ 632A0.0 5051559_.00 I LESS° Serial Bon Maturities 151,000.00 461,000.00 209,000.00 Interest Payments 164,690.00 197,564.00 258,943.00 I Agent Fees 319.86 500.00 1,000.00 October 1968 Maturities 1 9 38,aQQ Actual Requirement 1169010. 16 659,064.00 • 4820L 1.00 Estimated Cost of Int- I erest on 761,000 St. Bond Sale 33m078.00 ITOTAL REQUIREMENTS 5050559.00 1 SURPLUS AT 9-30-66 3o,684.6o 5 568 00 I I I • I LI I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS J� . DEBT SERVICE I - I WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER REVENUE BONDS I ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1964-65 1965 66 966-67 . REVENUE I Transfer from Water Fund 100,900.00 148,691.00 51,272.00 Premium & Interest Earned , 6,..��3 _ 0948,00 I TOTAL REVENUE 1021. 1 1,0�2,Q 59,220,90 Required Surplus I Reserves 146,956.00 196,000.00 221,459.00 Unappropriated Surplus 48, •26.1• _. 66,047,00 100, 61.90 19 , :2. 9 26,24047,00 3214 2? OQ_ ITOTAL AVAILABLE 302 9147,84 421 z2Q�00 380 n$42,..¢0 I LESS: EXPENDITURES Bond Maturities7,500,00 59,500.00 62,000.00 Coupon Maturities 2,266o25 39,865.00 75,649.00 Agents Fees 278.73 450.00 350.00 I Prepayment Items a (Due ' Oct. Following) 353.00 271.00 Proposed Sale of I 425,000 _ 19,000.00 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 100,044e98 a00,168,00 157,270,00 ISURPLUS AT 9-30-66 202,302.86 321,622,00 22 ;, 72 00 I ANALYSIS OF SURPLUS Bond Reserve m (accumula- tive to next annual re- ' quirement) 99,365.00 130,172,00 130,172.00 Bond Contingency minimum) 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 Bond Fund - (Monthly de- I posit until next annual requirement is assured) 20,000 t.OQ 41$287�Q0 41e400,00 A TOTAL REQUIRED SURPLUS 1690365.00 221, 22459.00 .572.0Q__ UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS 329917.86 100,163.00 1 u CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I -+1-r I STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS October 1, 1966 I Interest Date of Term I Description Rate Issup Years WATERWORKS & SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS I Baytown Waterworks & Sewer System Rev. 3i% 5/15/57 10 Refunding Bonds, Series 1957 %3/4% I 44% I Baytown Waterworks & Sewer System 3 -% 2/15/58 22 Revenue Bonds, Series 1958 3- % I 3 5/8% Baytown Waterworks & Sewer System 4.90% 2/15/66 20 I Revenue Bonds, Series 1966 4.00% H.C.F.W.S.D.#8 Water & Sewer Impvt. % 4/1/42 28 I Revenue Bonds, Series 1942 & 1944 3 % TOTAL REVENUE BONDS 1966-67 I WATERWORKS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS I City of Pelly Waterworks Refunding 5% 4/10/35 38 "B" Bonds, Series 1935 I City of Goose Creek Waterworks Bonds, 5 % 10/10/27 40 Series 1927 City of Baytown I 1. Waterworks & Sewer System Refund. 2 % 3/1/52 12 Series 1952 2 3/4% 16 U 2. Waterworks & Sewer System Refund. 3 - 5/15/57 13 Series 1957 - 4%3/4 ' % I I ICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I IMaturity Original Amount Principal Interest Date Issue Outstanding, Due 66-67 Due 66-67 I 1967 136,000.00 I 126,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 86,000.00 116,000.00 26,000.00 26,000.00 14367.50 4,000.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 1,367.50 1968 85,000.00 85,000.00 25,000.00 1974 424,000.00 424,000.00 I1980 491,000.00 491,000100 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 25",000.00 iblisoi 1980 60,000.00 60,000.00 1986 69Q,000.00 690,009.00 750,000.00 750,000.00 38,ii .00 I1970 52,000.00 10,000.00 3,000.00 000.Oo ,000.0O 705.02 0,poo.oo 1 ,000.00 - 4,004.00 745.02 I2.294.009,00 1..801,000.00 62.0 00.00 75,648,77 I 1973 63,090.00 14,Q00.00 2,000.00 700,00 I ; 1967 11 ,22(1w0• 9,Q00.00 6,000.00 3.30.99 I 1964 60,000.00 I 1968 4,000.00 ] ,040,40 ---iiH 11,000.00 g000.00 233.7 1970 24,000.00 42,000.00 127,000.00 115,000.00 37,000.00 25,,.22Q,1.001 66 I 230,000.00 140alg ,000.00 1,,0'�000.00 59667.50 U I c.`w CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I I STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS - Continued October 1, 1966 I Interest Date of Term I Desc i tion �.. � Rate Issue Years GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS-CONTINUED I WATERWORKS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS-CONTI. H.C.F.W.S.D. #8 I 1. Waterworks & Sewer System Impvt. 32 3/4% 12/1/49 34 Series 1949 4 I 2. Waterworks & Sewer System Impvt. 3i% 3/1/52 33 Series 1952 I 3. Waterworks & Sewer System Impvt. 3 3/4% 7/14/55 30 Series 1955 I -. Waterworks & Sewer System Impvt. 4.05% 6/12/61 33 Series 1961 4.15% 1 H.C.W.C.& I.D. #58 I. Waterworks & Sanitary Sewer & 4 3/4% 12/1/56 33 I Drainage Impvt. Bonds, Series 1956 Z.a Waterworks & Sanitary Sewer & 5% 8/1/59 38 I Drainage Impvt. Bonds, Series 1959 3. Waterworks & Sanitary Sewer & 5% - 4/1/61 36 Drainage Impvt. Bonds, Series 1961 I TOTAL WATERWORKS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (Excluding 1966 All Purpose Bonds) I City of Pelly 1. Refunding Bonds, Series "B" 5-k% 4/10/35 38 I 2. City Hall Refunding Bonds 5% 7/1/35 36 3. Street Impr. Refunding Bonds 3 3/4% 12/1/45 25 I i I I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I 1 IMaturity Original Amount Principal Interest Date Issue Outstanding Due 66-67 Dug 66-67 I I1983 35,000.00 80,000.00 I 10,400.0Q _ 2�00,00 12,000.04 L0,500.00 25,000.00 2 ,000,00 12,000.00 10,500.00 1985 12 '00.00 125,000.00 4,125.00 1985 1759000t. 19744EOQ 00 . 5,090.00 3,902..50 1 1994 350,000.00 350,000.00 a?,Q40.04 102,000.00 .+: +• I +52,aoo.ao 452,000.00 1: 1 • : .00 1989 I+,2 ,0 4.0 L15o,000.00 A,000.00 21,137.10 I 1997 2500000.00 250,000.0Q 12,500.00 1997 a00,000.00 _ - 000.00 15,000.0o I 2,691,000.00 2,1449000.00 55,000.00 92,704.25 1 1973 _ 36 00.40 1Q,5Q0.00 1,500.00 525.00 I 1971 :119000.00 70500.00 1,500.00 375,00 I 1970 75,000.00 26,000.00 6,10,0,00 975.00 I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 I STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS - Continued October 1, 1966 I Interest Date of Term I ,D„ , iDtion Rate Issue Years GENERAL OBL)GATION BONDS-CONTINUED I City of Goose Creek 1. Sewer Improvement Bonds 5i% 10/10/27 40 I 2. Street Improvement Bonds 2%g 9/1/45 22 City of Baytown I 1. Park Impvt. Bonds, Series 1948 2.90% 2/1/48 22 2. Street & Drainage Improvement, 5% 2/1/58 16 I Series 1958 33A% 3. Street & Drainage Improvement, 5/1/59 18 ' Series 1959 W 20 I 4. Library Bonds, Series 1961 30 3/1/61 16 I 3 3/8% 5. General Obligation, Series 1966 5% 2/15/66 20 I (All Purpose) 3.80% 90% 3•9 5 9 I TOTAL GENERAL OBLIGATION (TAX SUPPORTED) BONDS @ September 30, 1966 I GRAND TOTAL - ALL BONDS I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I II • I Maturity Original Amount Principal Interest Date Issue Outstanding Due 66-67 Due 66-67 I 1967 45,000.00 4,,000.00 2,000.00 ,00 1967 55,000.00 I 70,000.00 146,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.0012.51/ 271,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 312.50 I 30 000.00 7 1970 130,000.00000.00 927.50? � I 1963 128,000.00 1966 112,000.00 1974 760,000,00 760,Q00.00 _ - 4Q,Q,,,M 24 r Q 3-‘7 I1,000,000.00 760,000.00 41,000.00 244,033.?5 1970 266,000.00 120,000.00 30,000.00 U 1976 330,000.00 IOQ,000.04 330,000.00 1977 100,000.00 21. oo.OC? 696,000.00 550,000.00 30,000.00 21,100.00 I 1976 200,000.00 200,000.00 1977 1 0,000.00 15Q,000.00 ._1240.2A591 350,000.00 350,000.00 12,062.50 1973 340,000.00 340,000.00 40,000.00 1981 600,000.00 600,000.00 198 450,000.00 450,000.00 19863 0,000.40 3 0,000.00 105,762.50 1,7 ,000.00 1,7 ,000.00 40,000.00 105,762.50 I 71.067,500.00 5,6474000.00 209,000.00 258.941.00 9,161,500.00 7?1+8.000.00 271,000.00 t 591.77 I I 1 I I2UIMoTtos aTnpac os ag8,adas Uo T regaa It 0 0 g6-L66T I L6-966T 96-566T 56-+{66T 1 -116- 66T 86-z66T z6-t66T I t6-066T 06-6g6T 68-886T 88-L96T 8-9861 oo'o66`8 00°0oo400z oo'Ooo`oOz 98-596T OS°z9 6ot oo'0oo`o5T oo°000`oS 58-+t86T Oo°05L69T oOe000 cr OSt 0000'oo5 tp-S26T ' oO.009'zz 00'000'OST Q0:000'O59 SS-zg6:: 00 oS-i 8z 00 000 o5T o0 oOo 008 z8-Tg6T oo°.cGz`SF oO'Ooo`ooI oo'000`oo6 18-og61 1 oo°SGo`LF o0°0oo`00T 00'000`000`T o8-6G6T oo'5L24ot OO.Ooo'OOT 00e000'o0T'T 6L-VAT 00 SL9 00 000 00T 00 OOO ooz T 8L-4G6I O0,LSS'zS oOr000'008 000000'OOS'T GG-9G6T I OS*L£G`z9 00°000`0,z 00®00060SL T 9L-SL6T oS LfG TG oO Ooo o+cz oo oo0 o66`T 5G-+01: 1 Oo'zzz`6L 00'ooO'S8z oo'OOO`Szgz 414-SL6T SL,8z9'L8 oosoo�'Lz oo°0o5' 5 'z EL-VAT Os zLo 96 00 oOS ozz o0 oOO U9 z zL-tL6T 5L'898`+1oT oo'OOO`STz oo9Ooo`8gg£z t -OL6T I OS°z9T`zTT . 00.00040 T oob000`890`8 oG-696T 0S'L89`91T oo'000`gET o0'oOO`9oz`g 69-8961 Sz'TT9`-fiz1 oo'oOo`StT Oo°OOO`6+/8`8 89-G96T ISL'88z`99T 00'OOO6 T 00'0006E054E L9-996T smaK3HInOall sImmiallinnu Via& 3O EvNA I IsamPII '1VdIONI8d DNINNIOal 'IVQST� ONIQNVISMO 1 SN 11oxdillI 'M'INSD IaSOdaind fly - 9101og Noiivormo Plump smawannOu ,ffo Timms I ISVX31 'NMOiAVO dO Ai.IO °O I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 61. I I I I *W. W. TAX TOTAL SUPPORTED TOTAL TAX REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS utapaEi ENTSS I 320,238.75 147,704.25 467,943.00 267,611.25 172,466.75 440,078.00 I 256,687.50 174,296.75 430,984.25 292,162.50 138,258,00 430,420,50 319,363.75 118,389.25 437,753.00 I 316,572.50 121,783.00 438,355.50 315,128.75 116,a83.00 431,211.75 311,222.00 112,558.00 4269780.00 311,737.50 117,945.50 429,683.00 I 312,?37.5052,557.00 1159593.00 111,290.50 424,028,00 3 468,150.00 144,675.00 11 ,739.25 259,414,25 I 2.1}-a,875.ao 118,754.25 259,629,25 137,075.00 1299600.5o 266,675.50 133,275.00 132,746.75 266,021.75 178,450.00 1355,613.00 314,063,00 I172,600,00 134,305.50 306,905.50 166,750.00 132,939.50 299,689.5o , Ao,862.50 135,545.75 296,408.25 I 203,950.00 132,765.00 336,715.00 129,835.50 127,846.00 129,835.50127,846.00 I 126,755.25 126,755.25 1299563,25 129,563.25 122,144.00 122,144.00 120,727.25 120,727.25 I 118,209.25 118,209.25 116,590.00 116,590.00 58,125.00 58,125.00 I 55,625.00 55,625.00 53,125.00 53,125.00 25,625.00 25,,625.00 I 42,817,5 ..50 39797,548.00 8,615¢079.50 I CITY OF SAYTOWN, TEXAS 62,: • IDEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS I WATERWORKS AND SEWER REVENUE BONDS IOUTSTANDING FISCAL BEGINNING PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL YEAR. OF YEAR REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS I 1966-67 1,801,000.00 62,000.00 75,649.00 137,649.00 1967-68 1,739,000.00 64,500.00 659672.00 130,172.00 I 1968-69 1,674,000.00 66,500.00 63,537.00 130,037.00 1969-70 1,608,004.00 72,000.00 61,192.00 133,192.00 1970-71 1,536,000.00 69,000.00 58,664.00 127,664.00 I 1971-72 1,467,000.00 72,000.00 56,249.00 12 ,249,00 1972-73 1,3g5,0ao.00 75,000.00 53,728.00 128,728.00 1973-74 1,320,000.00 79,000.00 51,104.00 130,104.00 1974-75 1,241,000.00 82,000.00 48,339.00 130,339.00 I 1975-76 1,159,000.00 86,000.00 45,366.00 131,366.00 1976-77 1,073,000.00 90,000.00 42,249.00 132,249.00 1977-78 983,000.00 94,000.00 38,986.00 132,986.00 I 197 8-79 889,000.00 98,000.00 35,579.00 133,579.00 1979-8 0 791,000.00 101,000.00 32,026.00 133,026.00 1980-81 690,000.00 105,000.00 27,600.00 132,600.00 1981-82 585,000.00 110,000,00 23,400.00 133,400©O0 I 1982-83 75,000.00 115,000.00 19,000,00 134,000.00 1983-84 360,000.00 115,000.00 14,400.00 129,400.00 , 84-85 245,000.00 120,000.00 9,800.00 129,800.00 I1985-86 125,000.00 125,000.00. 5,000.00 110,000500 14801,00000 82/ ,540.0 2a62 , 4Va0Q. I I I I I I CITY OF SAYTOWN, TEXAS - -- -- •� Q n I DEBT SERVICE ISCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS IWATERWORKS TAX SUPPORTED BONDS Il OUTSTANDING FISCAL BEGINNING PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL YEAR. OF YEAR , REQUIREMENTS_ REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS II1966-67 2,144,000.00 55,000.00 92,7°4.25 147,704.25 1967-68 2,089,000.00 82,000.00 9°,466.75 172,466.75 I 1968-69 2,007,000000 87,000r00 87,296.75 174,296=75 1969-7o 1,92o,0oor0o 55,aao.ao 83,258.ao 138,258.00 197a-71 1,865,000.00 37,000.00 81,389.25 118,389.25 1971-72 1,828,000.00 42,000.00 79,783.00 121,783.00 I 1972-73 1,786,000.00 38,00aroa 78,a83.a0 .00 116,08 1973-74 1,748,000.00 36,aoor0o 76,5 8roo 112,558.00 1974-75 1,712,a0o.00 43,000.00 74,945.50 117,945.50 1975-76 1,669,000.00 38,000r00 73,290.50 111,290.50 1976-77 1,631,000.00 449ooaooa 71,593.00 115,593.00 1977-78 1,587,000.00 45,000.00 69,739.25 114,739.25 1978-79 1,542,000.00 51,000.00 67,754.25 118,754025 1979-80 1, 91,000.oa 64,oaoroo 65,60a.50 129,600r50 1980-81 1,427,000.Oo 7o,aoa.ao 62,746.75 132,746.75 1981-82 1,357,000.00 76,000.00 59,613.0o 13 ,613r0o 1982-83 1,281,000.00 78,000.00 56,305r5o 13 ,305050 �; 3-84 1,203,000.00 80,000.00 52,939r50 132,939.5o 1984-85 1,123,000.00 86,000.00 49,545.75 135,545.75 I 1985-86 - 1,037,000.00 87,000r00 45,765r00 132,765e00 1986-87 95o,000roo 88,oao.ao 41,835.50 129,835.50 1987-88, 862,000,00 90,000.00 37,846.00 127,846.00 1988-89 772,000.00 93,000.00 33,755.25 126,755.25 I1989-90 679,000o00 100,000.00 29,563.25 129,563.25 1990-91 579,oaoroo 97,aaaraa 25,144roO 122,144.00 1991-92 482,000.00 100,000.00 20,727.25 120,727.25 . I 1R92-93 382,000roo 102,000rao 16,209.25 118,209.25 1993-94 28o,aoorao lo5,00a.00 11,5gor0a 116,59o.oa 1994--95 175,000.00 50,000.00 8,125.00 58,125.00 I 1995-96 125,000r00 50,000.00 5,625000 55,625r00 1996-97 75,000roo 5a,00ar0o 3,125roo 53,125.00 1997-98 25,000.00 25,000.00 625.00 25,625.00 I2 14� 4.ooc r oo 1,653,-548.a0 3,797,548.00 I I I ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANNUAL BUDGET ' PART V ' APPROPRIATION ORDINANCES i 1 1 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS --//--- ORDINANCE NO. 810 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1 1966 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER OF,THE6CITYNOF ACCORDANCE BAYTOWN; WITHD PROVIDINGCHARTER OR AND THEORDINANCES PUBLICA- • TION OF THIS ORDINANCE. ' WHEREAS the City Manager of the City of Baytown has submitted to the City Council a budget estimate of the revenues of said City and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 1966, and ending September 30, I 1967, and which said estimate has been compiled from detailed in- 11 formation obtained from the several departments, divisions, and offices of the City, containing all the information as required by ' the Charter of the City of Baytown; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received said City Managergs estimate and held a public hearing thereon so provided by section forty-four (4-) of the Charter; and WHEREAS, after a full and final consideration of the public hearing it is the opinion of the Council that the budget as filed should be approved and adopted, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: Section 1: That the budget estimate of the revenues of the City of Baytown and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof ' for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 1966, and end- ing September 30, 1967, as submitted to the City Council by the City Manager of said City be, and the same is in all things, ad- opted and approved as the budget estimate of all the current ex- penses as well as the fixed charges against said City for the • fiscal year beginning the first day of October, 1966, and ending September 30, 1967. SectI 2: That the sum of Two Million One Hundred Sixty- Six Thousand Five Hundred Fifty-Five and no/100 ($2,166,555.00) ' Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the payment of Operating Expenses and Capital Outlay of the City Government as hereinafter itemized, to- wit: 1 i II CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 6). . I General Government 422,796.00 I Public Safety 755,055.00 Highways445,852.00 Sanitation and Waste Removal 208,963.00 I Conservation of Health 41,137.00 Recreation 97,961.00 Garage 102,131.00 I Miscellaneous 39,660.00 Contingency and Emergency 53,000.00 Total $2,166,555.00 ISection 3: That the sum of Nine Hundred Twenty Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-Nine and no/100 ($920,789.00) Dollars is I hereby appropriated out of the Water Works for the operating ex- penses and capital outlay of the municipally owned Water Works as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: ISupply $ 95,886.00 Transmission and Distribution 492,029.00 Customer's Accounting and Collecting 76,470.00 I Sewers and Sewage Disposal 132,82 .00 Garage and Miscellaneous 12,308.00 Transfers to Other Funds 86,272.00 IContingency Fund 25,000,00 Total $ 920,789.00 ISection 4: That the sum of Five Hundred Five Thousand Five Hundred Fifty-Nine and no/100 ($505,559.00) Dollars is hereby appro- I priated out of the General Interest and Sinking Fund for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming the Serial Bonds, as they mature, on the General Debt Service Bonds as hereinafter itemized, to-wit; I Serial Bond Maturities $ 209,000.00 Interest Payments 295,559.00 IExchange 3 ,000.00 Total $ 505,559.00 ISection 5: That the sum of One Hundred Fifty-Seven Thousand, Two Hundred Seventy and no/100 ($157 270.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the Water Works Interest and Sinking Funds for I the purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming the Serial Bonds, as they mature, in the Water Works Debt Service Bonds as hereinafter itemized, to-wit: I I I ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 66. 1 Serial Bond Maturities $ 62,000.00 ' Interest Payments 94,920.00 Exchange ' Total $ 157*270000 Section 6: This ordinance shall be and remain in full force ' and effect from and after its passage and approval of the City Council, and it shall be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown. READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by a majority of the City Council at the regular meeting held at City Hall in the City of Baytown, September 22, 1966. Seaborn Cravey, Mayor ATTEST: 1 Edna Oliver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ' George Chandler, City Attorney 1 1 1 ' 1 • ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS / ' ORDINANCE Tal as AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE RATE AND TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER ' 30 1967, UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER PROVISIONS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY; ' AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. • BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: ' Section1.: There shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected for the year ending September 30, 1967, an ad valorem tax of One and +1/1O0 ($1, -1) Dollars on each One Hun- dred and no/100 ($1O0a00) Dollars worth of property located within the present City limits of the City of Baytown, made taxable by law, which said taxes, when collected, shall be apportioned among funds ' and departments of City Government of the City of Baytown and for the purposes hereinafter set forth as follows: For the General Fund $1.04 ' For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and to provide a sinking fund for the pay- ment of the bonded indebtedness of the City of Baytown $0.37 ' Section 2: The ad valorem tax rate of One and 41/100 ($1.41) Dollars, as set forth in Section 11 is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected on only Fifty (50%) percent of each One ' Hundred and no/l00 (0100.00) dollars worth of property located within Baytown, as valued by the Equalization Board for the City of Baytown and made taxable by law. ' Section 3: The City Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Baytown is hereby directed to assess, extend and enter upon the ' Tax Rolls of the City of Baytown, Texas, for the current year, the amounts and rates herein levied, and to keep a current account of same, and when so collected, the same to be deposited in the deposity of the City of Baytown, to be distributed in accordance with this ordinance. Section IF: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are expressly repealed. t 1 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 68E. . READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by the affirmative vote of a ' majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, at a regular meeting held at City Hall on September 22, 1966. 1 ' ATTEST: Seaborn Cravey, Mayor Edna Oliver, City Clerk ' APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1 George Chandler, City Attorney 1 ' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 ANNUAL BUDGET CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 6qe 1 ' CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT EXPENSES: These comprise all items of expenditure necessarily incurred ' for current administration, operation and maintenance-and for materials and equipment in the nature of renewals or re- placements which do not add to the capital assets of the City. 1. Salaries and Wages 2. Supplies 3. Material (or contract) for maintenance of land ' 4. Material (or contract) for maintenance of buildings, improvements and structures 5. Material (or contract) for maintenance of equipment ' 6. Miscellaneous Services 7. Sundry Charges ' CAPITAL OUTLAY: Comprises expenditures of every character which increase the capital assets of the City. ' 8. Lands 9. Buildings and Structures ' 10. Equipment ' EXPENSES 1. SALARIES AND WAGES : ' 1-1 Supervisory: To include legislative, executive and administrative 1-2 Clerk Hire: Clerical services or service of that ' nature 1-3 Labor Operation: To include professional and technical service 1-4 Labor Maintenance: Services performed in repairing ' and maintaining a standard of: 3. Lands 1F Buildings, Impvt. and Structures ' 5. Equipment 1--5 Extra Help or Overtime ' 2. SUPPLIES: 2-1 Office Supplies: To include all supplies necessary for use in the operation of office, such as: r I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS r^ II I Postage Printing: To include printing of budget, circular letters, reports and specifications Publications : To include blue prints, catalogues, I charts, magazines, maps newspapers, etc. Stationery: To include pencils, rubber stamps, ink pads, paper, paste, pens, binders, blank books, clips desk pads, ink, envelopes, erasers, filing cabinet supplies, labels, manuscript supplies, tracing cloth, etc. 2-3 Food Supplies: To include all articles of food for Ihuman beings 2-4 Wearing Apparel, dry goods and notions: To include such articles as aprons, badges, belts, I blankets, boots, canvas cloth, cotton goods, curtains, dress findings, hats, linens, oil cloth, pillow cases, shoes , sheets, slickers, I 2-5 Pound Food thread9 towels, uniforms, etc. 2-6 Motor vehicle supplies : To include gasoline, grease, I lubricating oil and small accessories 2-7 Minor apparatus, instruments, tools and utensils, which are liable to loss, theft and rapid depreciation Minor apparatus: To include that used in cleaning I engineering, hospital, laboratory and medical Minor instruments : To include calipers, compasses, drafting instruments, gauges, lenses, measur- I ing chains, pincers, sterilizers, thermometers, etc. Minor tools: To include augers, axes, bits, braces, crowbars, engineer stakes, fire hose, hand- ' cuffs, jacks, punches, reamers, shears, wrenches, and articles of like nature. 2-8 Laundry, cleaning and toilet: To include cleaning I preparations, deodorants, disinfectants, floor oils, scouring powders, soap, wax, etc. 2-9 Chemical, medical and surgical: To include alcohol, I alum, antitoxins, bandages, chlorine, gauze, lime, medicines, vaccine, etc. 2-10 Mechanical supplies: To include fuel, oil, lub- ricating oil, grease, packing waste, etc. I 2-il Educational and recreational supplies: To include all articles of transient use, as base- balls, lime for marking tennis courts, rent Ion 2-12 moving picture films, tennis balls, etc. Botanical and agricultural supplies : To include bulbs, disinfectants, fertilizers, seeds, trees, I young plants, etc. , used for parks and public grounds 2-13 Other supplies : This is to include supplies that have not been allocated I I r I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1.r I I 3-4-5 MATERIALS: Materials are commodities of a permanent nature in a raw, un- finished or finished state, entering into the construction, I renewal, replacement or repair of any land, building, structure, or equipment. I 3. Material (or contract) for maintenance of land. All expenditures (material or contract) covering land maintenance, such as regrading, drains, repairing, etc. I 4. Material (or contract) for maintenance of buildings, structures, and improvements. All expenditures (material or contract) covering repairs and replace- ments of: I 4--1 Buildings 4-2 Bridges 4-3 Filtration. plants I 4-4 4-5 Sanitary sewers Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters and culverts • 4-6 Storm sewers I - • 4-7 Standpipes and reservoirs 4-8 Sheets, roadways, and highways 4-9 Incinerator and dumping grounds 4-10 Other I 5. Maintenance of equipment: All expenditures (material or contract) covering repairs and replacement of: 5-1 Furniture, fixtures and furnishings 5-2 Machinery tools, and implements (major) I 5-3 Instruments and apparatus (major) . Includes fire apparatus 5-4 Motor vehicles : Includes tire and tubes I 5-5 Other vehicles 5-6 Other signs 5-7 Radio equipment I 5-8 Books (includes purchase of new books for library) 5-9 Water works mains ' 5-10 Meters and settings I 5-11 Signal systems 5-12 Heating systems 5-13 Service connections I 5-14 Fire hydrants 5-15 Other Ir 1 r IICITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS II 72. II I 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: Miscellaneous services are activities performed by other than municipal departments, under expressed or implied agreement Iinvolving personal services plus the use of equipment or the furnishing of commodities. 6-1 Communications: To include messenger service, I 6-2 telegraph and telephone Hire of equipment: To include compensation for use of equipment via: hire of vehicles, with II or without drivers, also allowance to employees for use of private cars. 6-3 Insurance: To include premiums on all kinds of in- surance on property and equipment, also ' liability insurance and surety bonds 6- Special services: To include compensation for per- sonal services such as special investigations I and surveys, inspecting materials, audits, special legal services, etc. 6-5 Advertising, legal and otherwise , I 6-6 Travel and reimbursable expenses : To include expense of public officers and employees incurred in regular performance of their duties for transportation by public carriers, etc. I 6-7 6-8 Rents Music 6-9 Support of persons (prisoners) I 6-10 6-11 Vacant lot clearing Light and power 6-12 Natural Gas 6-13 Association dues I7. SUNDRY CHARGES: Sundry charges include those expenses legally or morally I obligatory upon the City as a public corporation. 7-1 Contributions, gratuities and rewards: To include I charitable institutions, hospitals and other organizations; compensation to prisoners, prizes, entertainment, floral offerings, etc. I 7-2 Debt Service: To include the payment of principal and interest of funded and unfunded debt 7- Refunds I 7- nudger ents and damages 7-5 Pensions 7-6 Taxes I 7-7 7-8 Court costs, jury and witness fees Medical and hospital expenses, job injuries 7-9 Employee annual Service Awards 7-10 Reserve for sick pay CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 CAP I T . L OUTLAY 8. LANDS: Purchase price: To include all expenditures for land as abstracts, assessments, cost of appraising, recording of deeds, surveys etc. 8-2 Betterments : To include all expenditures (including ' payrolls) covering original cost of drain- ing, engineering, and inspection, first sodding, grading, planting and terracing 9. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: All expenditures, including payrolls for new or additions to: 9-1 Buildings t 9-2 Bridges 9-3 Filtration plants 9-4 Sanitary sewers ' 9-5 Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters and culverts 9-6 . Storm sewers 9-7 Standpipes and reservoirs ' 9- Streets, roadways and highways 9-9 Incinerators 9-10 Other 10. EQUIPMENT: All expenditures to cover original cost of equipment (not re- placements) which increase the value of the fixed assets of the City. ' 10-1 Furniture, fixtures and furnishings 10-2 Machinery tools and implements (major) 10-3 Instruments and apparatus (major) ; this includes all ' fire apparatus 10-4 Motor vehicles 10-5 Other vehicles ' 10-6 Street signs 10-7 Radio equipment . 10-$ Books 10-9 Water mains, streets and bridges 10-10 Meters and settings 10-11 Signal systems 10-12 Heating systems ' 10-13 Service connections 10-14 Fire hydrants 10-15 Other j II