1996 10 16 BAWA Minutes•
October 16, 1996
The Board, of Directors of -the Baytown Area Water Authority, Harris County,
Texas, met in regular. session on Wednesday, October 16, 1996, at 7425 Thompson.
Road, in the BAWA Conference Room with the following attendance:
Robert L. Gillette, President
Peter R. Buenz, Secretary
Knox Beavers, Board Member.
Roy L. Fuller, Board Member
Dan Mundinger, Vice -President
Consider Approval of Minutes for the Regular Meeting Held on August 21, 1996
Board Member Buenz moved for approval of the minutes for the regular meeting
held on August 21, 1996. Board Member Beavers seconded the motion. The vote-,
Ayes: Board Members Buenz, Beavers, Fuller and Gillette
Nays: None
Plant Manager's Report
Introduction. of New Superintendent - Tony Brown, formerly Chief Laboratory
Technician, recently appointed Superintendent of BAWA, was introduced.
Tank Baffling - This project is underway. Today the yard piping will be
uncovered to make necessary measurements. The work will require several outages,
but those will be effected at night. The expected completion date for this project is
February 4.
Minutes of the BAWA Meeting - October 16, 1996
Dredging - The forebay cleaning was completed on August 21 and sounding -was
performed on August 24. There were 16,000 cubic yards removed at $3.17 per cubic
yard for a total cost of $50,720 for this part of the project. The next stage is to clean out
the Central Lagoon.
Texas Department of Health - The Texas Department of Health has granted
BAWA $30,400 to change out its fluoride system. BAWA was one -of the first surface
water treatment plants to convert to the State mandated system ten yearsago, and with
the change in specifications by the State, is once again one of. the first facilities to
1995196 Fiscal Year_- BAWA had. budget of.$4.8 million for the 1995/96 fiscal
year. During the year the plant suffered from problems with manganese which resulted
in a major- maintenance problem. Even with this problem, BAWA finished the fiscal year
in the black by $100,000. Mr. Thomas commended the BAWA staff for an excellent job.
Utilities Department of the City of Baytown City Council approved in the
1996/97 fiscal year budget a Utilities Department with Fred Pack as Director. It is
• common throughout the State for cities the size of Baytown to' have a. -Utilities..
Department. Fred has over twenty years experience in. the business.
Houston Chronicle - Water Treatment Plant Stories - The Houston Chronicle has
been running a series on water treatment plants. Therefore, BAWA expected to be
inundated with calls from BAWA customers but very few inquiries were received.
There being no further business to be transacted, the meeting was adjourned.
Peter-R. Buenz, E#retary