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_FY 72-73 COB Adopted Budget
ANNUAL BUDGET I 1972-1973 BAYTOWN TEXAS CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS ANNUAL BUDGET of the CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS FISCAL YEAR October 1, 1972 - September 30, 1973 MAYOR: C. GLEN WALKER MAYOR PRO TEM: ALLEN CANNON COUNCILMEN: CHARLES POOL CHARLEY WALKER JODY LANDER TOM GENTRY JIM MCWILLIAMS CITY MANAGER: FRITZ LANHAM CITY CLERK: EDNA OLIVER CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS Budget Message i Description of the Classification of Expenditures by Character and Object iii STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ALL FUNDS Consolidated Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - All Funds 1 GENERAL FUND Analysis of Tax Structure 3 Analysis of Property Valuations - Tax Levies and Collections By Years 4 General Fund Revenue Detail 5 Summary of Expenditures Detail by Function and Department 7 Summary of Expenditures Detail by Character and Object 9 Expenditures by Accounts: General Government -101 l 10 4-102 City ManageK 11 -103 Finance ✓ 12 _104 Tax i- 14 -105 Purchasing ' 16 -106 Law ✓ 17 107 City Clerk ✓ 18 -108 Planning. -Le' 19 -109 Library — 21 -110 Civil Defense 23 =111 Municipal Court', 25 -112 Garage. ✓ 27 -113 Traffic Control ✓ 29 Public Safety -2O 1 Police 30 -202 Fire.✓ 32 -203 Inspecti onst/ 34 Public Works —301 Streets & Drai nageV 36 -302 Engineering ✓ 38 -303 Refuse Collection & Disposal ✓ 40 Public Health a 401 Health ✓ 41 4021RW4Wmerrtrol 42 Parks & Recreation -501 Parks & Recreationl- 43 -- 502 Parkway & Median Maintenance 45 Miscellaneous --601 Elections 46 -602 I-rrsuran ce 47 603 City-- 'i 48 CITY or BAYTOWN, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS - CONTINUED WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER FUND Summary of Revenue & Expenditures Detail by Function and Department 50 Summary of Expenditures Detail by Character and Object 51 Expenditures by Accounts: —1001 General Overhead 52 -1002 Water Production 54 -1003 Water Distribution 56 -1004 Sewage Collection58 1005 Sewage Treatment +� 60 - 1006 Infiltration Abatement+/ 62 SALARY SCHEDULE ALL FUNDS General Fund 63 Waterworks & Sanitary Sewer Fund 71 DEBT SERVICE Summary of Revenues & Expenditures - General Obligation Bonds 73 Summary of Revenues & Expenditures - Waterworks and Sanitary Sewer Revenue Bonds 74 Statement of Bonded Indebtedness General Obligation Bonds 75 Statement of Bonded Indebtedness - Revenue Bonds 78 Annual Requirements - All Bonds 79 Annual Requirements - General Obligation Bonds 80 Annual Requirements - Revenue Bonds 81 Baytown Capital Improvement Program 1970 82 ORDINANCES Appropriation Ordinance 83 Tax Levy Ordinance 86 BAYTOWN POST OFFICE BOX 424 • TELEPHONE 422-8281 • AREA CODE 713 • BAYTOWN, TEXAS 77520 September 14, 1972 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Baytown Baytown, Texas Gentlemen: We take pleasure in submitting to you the proposed program of services for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1972, and ending September 30, 1973. This document has been prepared and adopted in accordance with State Statutes and the Charter of the City of Baytown. Included in this budget is an estimate of anticipated revenues and expenditures for the various departments of the City, as well as debt requirements for general obligation and revenue bonds. The property valuation for 1972 totals $437,552,890. We anticipate a collection rate of 96%. Proposed expenditures require a tax rate of $1.35 per $100 assessed evaluation which is a .04 decrease compared to the rate for fiscal years 1970-71 and 1971-72. This reduction was made possible by an increase in gross property valuation and the anticipated revenue increase created by raising our refuse collection rate from $1.75 to $2.50 The budgeted expenditures for fiscal year 1972-73 totals $7,618,755. A breakdown of expenditures by funds is as follows: General Fund Water & Sanitary Sewer Fund General Fund Debt Service Waterworks & Sanitary Sewer Fund Debt Service $5,048,972 $1,110,551 $1 ,206,034 $ 253,198 In keeping with the guidelines of the wage -price controls, City employees will receive a 5.5% increase in wages with a limited number receiving an additional merit increase. Of significant interest is the increase in the Street Capital Outlay Account from $250,000 in 1971-72 to $500,000 in this year's budget. In summary, it is the intent of this budget to provide a guideline on which we base our services. Revenues are anticipated in a conservative i Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Baytown, Texas manner and expenditures are based on intelligent and closely scrutinized operating practices. Each member of our staff is well aware of his re- sponsibilities to the individual taxpayer and to the citizens as a whole. On behalf of the staff, I wish to express our sincere appreciation to the City Council for your time and diligence in establishing one of the most important policies which you as a Council can establish. With the continued leadership of the elected officials and the continued dedica- tion to service of City personnel, we will continue to improve and keep Baytown a desirable place to live. Respectfully submitted, /' Fritz Lham City M nager ii i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL.FUND: Revenue Transfer from Water & Sewer Fund Prior year's surplus Net Expenditure $4,724,846.0o 22,000.00 152,992.00 $4,899,838.00 $4,899,838.00 WATER & SEWER FUND: Revenue $1,215,500.00 Prior year's surplus 97,934.00 $1,313,434.00 Less - Transfer to General Fund 22,000.00 Transfer to Debt Service 131,208.00 $1,160,226.00 Net Expenditures $1,160,226.00 DEBT SERVICE - REVENUE BONDS: Revenue $ 100,000.00 Transfer from Water & Serwer Fund 131,208.00 Prior year's surplus 20 984.00 $ 252,192.00 Net Expenditures $252,192.00 DEBT SERVICE - G. 0. BONDS: Revenue $1,020,409.00 Prior year's surplus 162,819.00 $1,183,228.00 9-10-73 Net Expenditures TOTAL BUDGETED FOR EXPENDITURES $1,183,228.00 $7,495,484.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS DESCRIPTION OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES These comprise all items of expenditure necessarily incurred for current administra- tion, operation and maintenance - and for materials and equipment in the nature of renewals or replacements which do not add to the capital assets of the City. OPERATING 1- Personal Services 2- Supplies 3- Maintenance of Land 4- Maintenance of Structures and Systems 5- Maintenance of Equipment 6- Miscellaneous Services 7- Sundry Charges Comprises expenditures of every character which increase the capital assets of the City. CAPITAL OUTLAY 8- Land 9- Structures and Systems 10- Equipment 11- Construction These are items for transfers to other accounts or funds and will be recorded as expenditures in these accounts or funds when they are used. OTHER 12- Contingencies 13- Transfers EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES DETAIL OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 2- Clerical 3- Labor Operations 4- Extra Help or Overtime 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Legislative, executive and administrative. Clerical services or service of that nature. Professional and technical services; and services performed in repairing and maintain- ing lands, buildings, improvements, structures and equipment. City's contribution --full premium for employee. City's contribution for Texas Municipal Retire- ment System. City's contribution. iii CITY OF SAYTOWN, TEXAS 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 2- Printing 3- Clothing Allowance 4- Wearing Apparel, Dry Goods and Notions 5- Pound Food 6- Motor Vehicle Supplies 7- Minor Tools and Apparatus 8- Janitorial, Laundry and Cleaning 9- Chemical, Medical and Surgical 10- Identification Supplies 11- Educational & Recreational Supplies 12- Botanical and Agricultural Supplies 13- Other Supplies All supplies necessary for use in the operation of office. Printing of budget, circular letters, reports and specifications; publications; blue prints, catalogues, charts, magazines, maps, news- papers, etc. Cash payments made in lieu of furnishing uniforms --as "plainclothes" policemen. Such articles as badges, belts, boots, hats, shoes, slickers, uniforms, etc. Dog, cat or other animal foods. Gasoline, grease, lubricating oil and small accessories. Tools and utensils which are liable to loss, theft and rapid depreciation; compasses, gauges, measuring chains, augers, bits, engineering stakes, wrenches, etc. Cleaning preparations, deodorants, disinfectants, floor oils, scouring powders, soap wax, etc. Alcohol alum, antitoxins, bandages, chlorine, gauze, lime, medicines, vaccine, etc. All articles of transient use, as baseballs, lime for marking tennis courts, rent on moving picture films, tennis balls, etc. Bulbs, disinfectants, fertilizers, seeds, trees, young plants, etc., used for parks and public grounds. Items not described herein above. 3- MAINTENANCE OF LAND Labor and materials (or contract) for maintenance of a permanent nature of land. All expenditures (labor and materials or contract) covering land maintenance, such as regrading,drains, repairing, etc. 1- Land 4- MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS Labor and materials (or contract) for maintenance of a permanent nature of build- ings, structures, systems, and improvements. All expenditures (labor and materials or contract) covering repairs and replacements of: iv CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 1- Buildings 3- Treatment Plants 4- Sanitary Sewer System 7- Standpipes and Reservoirs 8- Streets, Sidewalks, Curbs and Storm Sewers 9- Water System 10- Other 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT All expenditures (labor and materials or contract) covering ment parts for: 1- Furniture, Fixtures and Furnishings 2- Machinery, Tools, and Implements (Major) 3- Parking Meters 4- Motor Vehicles 5- Other Vehicles 6- Street Signs 7- Radio Equipment 8- Books 11- Traffic Signal Systems 12- Air Conditioning 13- Service Connections 15- Other repairs and replace- 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Miscellaneous services are activities performed by other than municipal depart- ments, under an expressed or implied agreement involving personal services plus the use of equipment or the furnishing of commodities. 1- Communications 2- Hire of Equipment 3- Insurance -Other 4- Special Services 5- Advertising 6- Travel and Reimbursable Expenses Messenger service, telephone and telegraph. Compensation for use of equipment via: hire of vehicles, with or without drivers, also allowance to employees for use of personal automobiles. Premiums on all kinds of insurance on property and equipment, also liability insurance and surety bonds. Compensation for personal services such as special investigations and surveys, inspecting materials, audits, special legal services, computer services, etc. Legal, employment, other. Expense of public officials and employees incurred in regular performance of their duties for transportation by public carriers, etc. 7- Rents 8- Educational and Training 9- Support of Prisoners 10- Vacant lot Clearing and Weed Mowing v CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 11- Electrical Service 12- Natural Gas Service 13- Association Dues 14- Other 7- SUNDRY CHARGES Sundry Charges include those expenses City as a public corportation. 1- Contributions, Gratuities and Rewards 2- Debt Service 3- Refunds 4- Judgements and Damages 5- Pensions 6- Taxes 7- Court Costs 8- Medical and Hospital Expenses 9- Employee Annual Service Awards 10- Reserve for Sick Pay 11- Contribution toward function 12- Warrant Officer legally or morally obligatory upon the To charitable institutions, hospitals and other organizations; compensation to prisoners; floral offerings, etc.; volunteer firemen's retirement fund. Payment of principal and interest of funded and unfunded debt. Jury and witness fees; lien filing fees. Job incurred injuries, employment physical examinations. of the Citizens' Traffic Safety Council vi CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS CAPITAL OUTLAY 8- LANDS 1- Purchase Price 2- Improvements To include all expenditures for land such as abstracts, assessments, cost of appraising, recording of deeds, surveys, etc. To include all expenditures (including payrolls) covering original costs for draining, engineer- ing, inspection, first sodding, grading, plant- ing and terracing. 9- STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS All expenditures, including payrolls for new construction, alterations or additions to: 1- Buildings 2- Bridges 3- Treatment Plants 4- Sanitary Sewers 7- Standpipes and Reservoirs 8- Streets, Sidewalks, Curbs and Storm Sewers 9- Sanitation 10- Other Refuse disposal. 10-EQUIPMENT All expenditures to cover original cost of equipment (including replacements) which increase the value of the fixed assets of the City. 1- Furniture, Fixtures and Furnishings 2- Machinery, Tools and Implements (Major) 3- Equipment, Instruments and Apparatus 4- Motor Vehicles 5- Other Vehicles 6- Street Signs 7- Radio Equipment 8- Books 9- Water Distribution System 11- Traffic Signal Systems 12- Air Conditioning 13- Other 11-CONSTRUCTION All expenditures for personal services for City forces to construct capital improvements which increase the value of fixed assets of the City. 1- Labor Operations (City Forces) 2- Insurance -Hospital & Life 3- Retirement 4- Social Security vii CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS I OTHER 12-CONTINGENCIES 1- Unforseen Expenses 2- Salary Adjustments 3- Retirement Benefits 4- Insurance Adjustments 13-TRANSFERS 1- Transfer Description I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS DESCRIPTION GENERAL FUND REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes Sales & Use Taxes From Non -Tax Sources TOTAL REVENUES PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS AVAILABLE REVENUES EXPENDITURES Operating Capital Outlay Contingency TOTAL EXPENDITURES WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER FUND REVENUES Water and Sewer1(Less Transfer to Debt Service) Miscellaneous Other TOTAL REVENUES PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS AVAILABLE REVENUES EXPENDITURES Operating Capital Outlay Contingency TOTAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND DEBT SERVICE REVENUES From Tax Sources Interest on Investments TOTAL REVENUES PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS AVAILABLE REVENUES EXPENDITURES Bond Payments Interest Payments Fiscal Agent Fees TOTAL EXPENDITURES PRCPOSED 19;2-73 $ 2,037,489 1,000,000 1,377,794 17— 4• ,415,283 633,689 17— 5• ,048,972 $ 4,062,318 907,796 78,858 17— 5• ,048,972 $ 998,010 76,150 17— 1• ,074,160 36,391 1,• 110,551 $ 891,939 185,612 33,000 37— 1,• 110,551 $ 849,854 274,274 17— 1,124,128 81,906 1,206,034 $ 480,500 721,482 4,052 $ 1,206,034 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS - CONTINUED PROPOSED DESCRIPTION 1972-73 WATERWORKS & SANITARY SEWER FUND DEBT SERVICE REVENUES Transfer from Water & Sewer Fund Interest on Investments TOTAL REVENUES PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS AVAILABLE REVENUES $ 81,990' 100,000 $ 181,990 435,000 $ 616,990 EXPENDITURES Bond Payments $ 125,000 Interest Payments 127,448 Fiscal Agent Fees 750 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 253,198 RESERVE REQUIREMENTS 363,792 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND RESERVE $ 616,990 DISTRIBUTION OF CONSOLIDATED REVENUES & EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS: General Fund Waterworks and Sanitary Sewer Fund General Fund Debt Service Waterworks and Sanitary Sewer Fund Debt Service $ 5,048,972 1,110,551 1,206 ,034 253,198 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 7,618,755 2 ' GENERAL FUND 1 PERSONAL SERVICES I 1-1 Supervisory $ 539,378.00 1-2 Clerical 260,553.00 1-3 Technical & Labor Operations 1,867,186.00 I 1-4 Extra Help -Overtime 96,721.00 1-4A Cadets 38,285.00 1-5 Insurance -Hospital & Life 54,751.00 II 1-6 Retirement 164,749.00 1-7 Social Security 144,042.00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $3,165,665.00 II 2. SUPPLIES I 2-1 Office Supplies & Postage 24,998.00 2-2 Printing 11,470.00 2-3 Clothing Allowance 2,880.00 I 2-4 Wearing Apparel 14,532.00 2-5 Pound Food 360.00 2-6 Motor Vehicle Supplies 45,696.00 I 2-7 Minor Tools & Apparatus 11,800.00 2-8 Janitorial Supplies 8,200.00 2-9 Chemical, Medical & Surgical 9,360.00 2-10 Identification Supplies 2,000.00 II 2-11 Educational 11,106.00 2-12 Botanical & Agricultural 1,280.00 2-13 Other Supplies 3,450.00 IITOTAL SUPPLIES $ 147,132.00 II3. MAINTENANCE OF LAND 3-1 Land $ 3,034.00 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES I 4-1 Buildings $ 14,050.00 4-1A Swimming Pools (Filter System) 600.00 4-8 Streets, Sidewalks, Curbs & Storm Sewers 50,200.00 I 4-10 Other 250.00 TOTAL $ 65,100.00 GENERAL FUND (Continued) page 2 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 5-1 Furniture, Fixtures & Furnishings $ 1,960.00 5-2 Maintenance of Equipment 76,827.00 5-3 Parking Meters None 5-4 Motor Vehicles 42,950.00 5-5 Other Vehicles 650.00 5-6 Street Signs & Paint 8,900.00 5-7 Radio Equipment 7,765.00 5-8 Books 2,550.00 5-11 Traffic Signal Systems 4,000.00 5-12 Air Conditioning & Heating Systems 6,975.00 5-15 Other 2,300.00 TOTAL $ 154,877.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6-1 Communications (Telephone) $ 30,012.00 6-1A Communications (Teletype) 3,000.00 6-2 Hire of Equipment 55,610.00 6-3 Other Insurance 56,505.00 6-4 Special Services 76,097.00 6-4A Tax Billing 24,100.00 6-4B Wrecker Service 3,700.00 6-4C Legal Officer (Cadet Training) None 6-5 Advertising 4,325.00 6-6 Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 24,750.00 6-6A Court Time & Travel 12,000.00 6-7 Rents (Texas Emp. Comm.) 9,293.00 6-8 Educational & Training 6,450.00 6-9 Support of Prisoners 3,00C.00 6-10 Vacant Lot Cleaning 3,000.00 6-10A Air Pollution 2,500.00 6-11 Electrical Services 95,850.00 6-12 Natural Gas Service 4,445.00 6-13 Association Dues 5,668.00 6-14 Periodicals & Newspapers 2,920.00 TOTAL $ 423,225.00 GENERAL FUND (Continued) page 3 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 7-1 Contributions, Gratuities & Rewards $ 23,250.00 7-1A Ambulance Service 39,600.00 7-1A Gratuities & Rewards (V.F.D Pension Fund) 5,000.00 7-1B Gratuities & Rewards (V.F.D School) 875.00 7-3 Refunds 500.00 7-4 Judgments & Damages 500.00 Legal Fees -Tax Collection 2,000.00 7-7 Court Costs (Jury & Witness Fees) 850.00 7-8 Veterans & Service Center 2,830.00 Medical & Hospital Exp. (On -Job -Injury) 2,500.00 7-9 Annual Service Awards (Employees) 1,500.00 7-10 Reserve for Sick Pay 20,000.00 7-11 Citizens Traffic Council 200.00 7-12 Warrant Officer 3,000.00 TOTAL $ 102,605.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANALYSIS OF TAX STRUCTURE ESTIMATE OF TAX REVENUE AND DISTRIBUTION AD VALOREM TAX PROJECTION CURRENT YEAR Gross Property Valuation (Current Market Value) $437,552,890 Assessed Property Valuation for 1971 $218,776,445 (50% of Current Market Value) Tax Rate Per $100 of Assessed Valuation $1.35 Gross Revenue from Ad Valorem Taxes $ 2,953,482 Estimated Per Cent Collection 96% Total Estimated Current Year Tax Revenue $ 2,835,343 Distribution of Current Year Tax Revenue: % of Total Rate Per $100 Total Rev. General Fund 70.45 $ .9511 $1,997,489 Debt Service Fund 29.55 .3989 837,854 100.00 $1.3500 $2,835,343 PRIOR YEAR Estimated Revenue from Ad Valorem Taxes Penalty & Interest Total Estimated Prior Year Tax Revenue Distribution of Prior Year Tax Revenue: Ad Valorem Taxes: General Fund Debt Service Fund Penalty & Interest: General Fund Debt Service Fund Average % 76.00 24.00 100.00 76.00 24.00 100.00 $ 40,000 $ 10,000 $ 50,000 Total Rev. $ 30,400 9,600 $ 40,000 $ 7,600 2,400 $ 10,000 3 11111 MN NM— MN MI MN N 1-- r— N M— N. ANALYSIS of PROPERTY VALUATIONS - TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS BY YEARS Tax Rate Per $100 Gross Actual Current Accumulated Fiscal Current Assessment Assessed Assessed Tax Tax Collection Delinquent Year Market Value Percentage Valuation Valuation Revenue Collection Percentage Taxes 1959-60 $ 95,776,700 50 $ 47,888,350 $ 1.72 $ 824,535 $ 787,022 95.5 $164,411 1960-61 100,539,574 50 50,269,787 1.72 865,488 816,620 94.4 169,620 1961-62 139,973,040 50 69,986,520 1.72 1,213,245 1,181,328 97.4 155,631 1962-63 145,920,000 50 72,960,000 1.86 1,357,175 1,322,120 97.4 173,140 1963-64 172,275,486 50 86,137,743 1.86 1,603,876 1,565,468 97.6 169,041 1964-65 179,684,090 50 89,842,045 1.86 1,672,108 1,624,281 97.1 186,876 1965-66 267,512,182 50 133,988,091 1.41 1,885,961 1,836,961 97.4 206,121 1966-67 274,228,372 50 137,414,186 1.41 1,938,083 1,886,545 97.3 208,912 1967-68 287,847,330 50 143,923,665 1.49 2,144,468 2,045,161 95.4 281,466 1968-69 309,270,200 50 154,635,100 1.49 2,304,063 2,229,564 96.5 282,660 1969-70 330,054,600 50 165,027,300 1.49 2,455,105 2,385,128 97.1 259,978 1970-71 358,607,320 50 179,303,660 1.39 2,487,957 2,413,318 97.0 290,000 1971-72 403,446,670* 50 201,723,335* 1.39 2,803,954* 2,691,796* 96.0 350,238* 1972-73 437,552,890* 50 218,776,445* 1.35 2,953,482* 2,835,343* 96.0 286,130* * Estimated CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS TAXES 800 Current Ad Valorem 801 Delinquent 802 Penalty & Interest 803 Service Charge 804 Tax Certificates 805 Sales & Use Tax FRANCHISE TAXES 806 Houston Natural Gas 806 Houston Light & Power 806 General Telephone Co. MUNICIPAL COURT 809 Fines & Forfeits 810 Parking Fines PARKING METERS 812 GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL SERVICE CHARGES 815 Subdivision Filing Fees 816 Birth & Death Certificates 817 Pound Fees 818 Weed Cutting 819 Solid Waste Collection 820 Landfill & Dump Rental LICENSES & PERMITS 825 Building Permits 826 Plumbing Permits 828 Moving Permits 829 Electrical Permits 830 Health Permits 831 Oil Drilling 832 Mobil Homes 833 Alcoholic Beverages 834 Taxicab 835 Other Licenses & Permits ACTUAL 1970-71 $ 1,725,387.72 53,657.21 18,621.23 2,874.00 2,948.00 790,217.98 2,593,706.14 31,175.71 186,349.88 41,081.30 258,606.89 114,369.34 5,162.55 119,531.89 ESTIMATED 1971-72 $ 2,080,400.00 37,000.00 12,300.00 2,200.00 2,600.00 950,000.00 3,084,500.00 29,845.00 215,086.00 43,638.00 288,569.00 105,000.00 2,200.00 107,200.00 338.79 1,000.00 204.77 2,000.00 1,832.50 2,200.00 3,176.00 3,250.00 1,759.50 1,750.00 262,535.36 265,000.00 15,064.25 21,600.00 284,572.38 295,800.00 16,854.35 20,000.00 8,949.35 9,000.00 505.00 700.00 13,845.62 16,600.00 1,063.70 1,100.00 750.00 250.00 9,866.50 10,000.00 3,350.78 4,500.00 825.00 750.00 3,739.85 3,750.00 59,750.15 66,650.00 PROPOSED 1972-73 $ 1,997,489.00 30,400.00 7,600.00 2,000.00 2,600.00 1,000,000.00 3,040,089.00 30,000.00 225,000.00 45,000.00 300,000.00 110,000.00 2,200.00 112,200.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,200.00 3,250.00 1,750.00 379,080.00 20,000.00 408,280.00 20,000.00 9,500.00 500.00 15,000.00 1,000.00 250.00 10,000.00 4,000.00 750.00 3,500.00 64,500.00 5 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL - CONTINUED ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS 840 Industrial Districts $ 364,523.81 $ 335,221.00 $ 325,000.00 AMBULANCE SERVICE 841 Industrial Contributions FEDERAL GRANT 842 (Note See Below) SWIMMING POOLS 845 Ticket Sales LIBRARY 848 Fees & Fines PUBLIC BUILDING 850,847 Community Center Rentals 851 Participation Fees 2,468.50 10,100.00 2,500.00 31,015.00 37,500.00 58,464.00 6,193.92 9,100.00 14,000.00 7,013.10 6,800.00 7,000.00 5,701.03 19,846.16 25,547.19 6,000.00 17,000.00 5,000.00 19,000.00 23,000.00 24,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS 852 Sale of Scrap 15.00 205.)0 100.00 853 Sale of Other City Property 184.47 876.00 150.00 854, 855 Interest & Discount Earned 46,197.39 50,000.00 50,000.00 857 Impounded Vehicles 1,724.34 5,000.00 3,000.00 858 Other Rental Income -0- 30.00 -0- 859 Other Income 6,343.67 9,500.00 5,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE FUND BALANCE TOTAL AVAILABLE NOTE: Police Cadet Program Legal Aid Harris County Organized Crime Unit Emergency Employment Act 54,464.87 65,611.00 58,250.00 $ 3,807,732.63 $ 4,331,051.00 $ 4,415,283.00 426,220.94 436,000.00 633,689.00 $ 4,233,953.57 $ 4,767,051.00 $ 5,048,972.00 $ 27,323.00 2,641.00 13,500.00 15,000.00 $ 58,464.00 6 CITY Or BAYTOWN. TEXAS GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAIL SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION AND DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION GENERAL GOVERNMENT 101 City Council 102 City Manager 103 Finance 104 Tax 105 Purchasing 106 Law 107 City Clerk 108 Planning 109 Library 110 Civil Defense 111 Municipal Court 112 Garage 113 Traffic Control PUBLIC SAFETY 201 Police 202 Fire 203 Inspection PUBLIC WORKS 301 Street & Drainage 302 Engineering 303 Refuse Collection & Disposal PUBLIC HEALTH 401 Health 402 Mosquito Control PARKS & RECREATION 501 Parks & Recreation 502 Parkway & Medium Maintenance ACTUAL 1970-71 $ 170,379.35 43,722.88 64,419.87 75,763.23 19,659.15 34,603.31 18,519.38 26,650.10 136,045.43 6,358.83 36,135.76 178,714.47 -0- ESTIMATED 4P9Fgga 1971-72 1972-73 104,500.00 $ 47,866.00 50,828.00 99,869.00 20,728.00 34,121.00 19,120.00 18,179.00 162,546.00 8,494.00 40,599.00 189,943.00 -0- 810,971.76 796,793.00 897,947.49 987,649.00 505,175.75 644,289.00 69,943.98 81,195.00 1,473,067.22 1,713,133.00 785,199.83 769,313.00 46,469.37 61,724.00 346,573.86 396,925.00 1,178,243.06 1,227,962.00 49,497.04 4,833,72 60,631.00 6,620.00 54,330.76 67,251.00 222,372.26 256,145.00 -0- -0- 222,372.26 256,145.00 188,958.00 54,491.00 67,329.00' 102,792.00 23,788.00 51,325.00 23,460.00 35,745.00 178,930.00 9,905.00 56,120.00 205,091.00 37,993.00 1,035,927.00 1,138,642.00 740,326.00 110,204.00 1,989,172.00 980,322.00 69,912.00 447,923.00 1,498,157.00 72,442.00 5,165.00 77,607.00 306,692.00 26,728.00 333,420.00 7 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXA• GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAIL - CONTINUED MISCELLANEOUS 601 Elections 602 Insurance 603 City Hall ACTUAL ESTIMATED 1970-71 1971-72 $ 5,705.27 $ 8,457.55 53,525.00 67,687.82 3,242.00 9,692.00 60,404.00 73,338.00 PROPOSED 1972-73 $ 6,750.00 37,500.00 70,439.00 114,689.00 GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 3,806,672.88 $ 4,134,622.00 $ 5,048,972.00 8 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAIL SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION OPERATING 1- Personal Services 2- Supplies 3- Maintenance of Land 4- Maintenance of Structures 5- Maintenance of Equipment 6- Miscellaneous Services 7- Sundry Charges TOTAL OPERATING CONTINGENCIES TRANSFERS CAPITAL OUTLAY 8- Land 9- Buildings, Structures & Systems 10- Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL ACTUAL 1970-71 $ 2,399,724.05 127,983.74 980.09 54,310.78 129,726.15 301,034.45 118,016.66 $ 3,131,775.92 -0- 76 ,403.35 14,118.00 407,754.30 176,621.31 598,493.61 $ 3,806,672.88 ESTIMATED 1971-72 $ 2,735,497.00 138,884.00 985.00 44,183.00 143,119.00 364,245.00 100,744.00 PROPOSED 1972-73 $ 3,165,665.00 147,812.00 3,034.00 65,100.00 154,877.00 423,225.00 102,605.00 $ 3,527,657.00 $ 4,062,318.00 - 0- - 0- 32,000.00 253,400.00 321,565.00 606,965.00 $ 4,134,622.00 78,858.00 27,000.00 77,800.00 511,700.00 318,296.00 907,796.00 $ 5,048,972.00 9 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT NO. 101 - CITY COUNCIL OPERATING 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 4- Special Services 6- Travel & reimbursable Expenses 7- Rents (Texas Employment Co:mission) 13- Association Dues Sub -Total 7- SUNDRY CHARGES 1- Contributions, Gratuities & Rewards 1A-Ambulance Service 4- Judgements & Damages 8- Veterans Service Center 9- Annual Service Awards - (Employee's) 10- Reserve for Sick Pay 11- Citizen's Traffic Safety Council ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 $ 9,611.27 $ 20,250.00 7,833.96 8,500.00 759.00 770.00 2,176.00 2,630.00 20,380.23 32,150.00 7,162.72 40,400.00 723.66 2,507.00 2,291.18 20,511.21 7,500.00 39,600.00 200.00 3,550.00 1,500.00 20,000.00 $ 20,200.00 8,500.00 770.00 3,500.00 32,970.00 7,500.00 39 ,600.00 500.00 2,830.00 1,500.00 20,000.00 200.00 Sub -Total 73,595.77 72,350.00 72,130.00 TOTAL OPERATING $ 93,976.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9- BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, & SYSTEMS 1- Musuem -0- $ 104,500.00 $ 105,100.00 -0- 5,000.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ -0- $ -0- $ 5,000.00 12-CONTINGENCIES -0- -0- 78,858.00 13-TRANSFERS 76,403.35 -0- -0- TOTAL ACCOUNT 101 $170,379.35 $ 104,500.00 $ 188,958.00 10 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT NO. 102 - CITY MANAGER OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 2- Clerical 3- Personal Service, Technical 4- Extra Help or Overtime 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage Sub -Total 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements Sub -Total 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE 1- Communications 2- Hire of Equipment 4- Special Services 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 13- Association Dues Sub -Total TOTAL OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-EQUIPMENT 1- Furniture, Fixtures & Furnishings TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 102 ACTUAL ESTIMATED 1970-71 1971-72 $ 27,853.60 $ 6,012.11 - 0- 1,761.73 523.00 540.00 1,115.00 37,805.44 841.54 841.54 - 0- - 0- 343.14 2,975.00 - 0- 1,545.15 212.61 5,075.90 27,637.00 5,454.00 586.00 500.00 413.00 1,003.00 1,374.00 36,967.00 800.00 800.00 - 0- - 0- 385.00 3,130.00 4,100.00 350.00 49.00 8,014.00 PROPOSED 1972-73 $ 36,458.00 6,257.00 - 0- 900.00 525.00 2,640.00 1,531.00 48,311.00 600.00 600.00 200.00 200.00 600.00 3,000.00 - 0- 1,250.00 280.00 5,130.00 $ 43,722.88 $ 45,781.00 $ 54,241.00 - 0- 2,085.00 250.00 $ -0- $ 2,085.00 $ 250.00 $ 43,722.88 $ 47,866.00 $ 54,491.00 11 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT NO. 103 - FINANCE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 OPERATION 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory $ 14,131.00 $ 14,885.00 $ 25,881.00 2- Clerical 20,195.00 7,094.00 20,089.00 3- Technical -0- 15,072.00 -0- 4- Extra Help or Overtime 899.86 1,500.00 500.00 5- Insurance Hospital & Life 713.00 713.00 1,007.00 6- Retirement 720.00 1,348.00 2,980.00 7- Social Security 1,283.00 1,564.00 2,400.00 Sub -Total 37,941.86 42,176.00 52,857.00 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 2- Printing 11- Educational Sub -Total 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements Sub -Total 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 4- Special Services (Audit) 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 13- Association Dues Sub -Total 7- SUNDRY CHARGES 4- Legal Fees -Tax Collection TOTAL OPERATING 289.76 400.00 400.00 474.49 1,500.00 1,500.00 5.51 5.00 50.00 769.76 1,905.00 1,950.00 645.45 708.00 1,142.00 645.45 708.00 5,000.00 150.00 75.00 5,225.00 15,516.54 5,375.00 150.00 55.00 1,142.00 7,000.00 260.00 70.00 5,580.00 7,330.00 459.00 2,000.00 Sub -Total 15,516.54 459.00 2,000.00 $ 60,098.61 $ 50,828.00 $ 65,279.00 12 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 103 - CONTINUED CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 103 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 $ 4,321.26 $ 4,321.26 $ 64,419.87 - 0- - 0- $50,828.00 $ 2,050.00 $ 2,050.00 $ 67,329.00 13 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT NO. 104 - TAX ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory $ 28,831.00 $ 12,220.00 $ 13,402.00 2- Clerical 18,405.00 12,061.00 16,099.00 3- Technical -0- 26,518.00 28,465.00 4- Extra Help or Overtime 2,088.85 1,500.00 1,000.00 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 1,116.00 1,166.00 1,173.00 6- Retirement 900.00 2,000.00 3,695.00 7- Social Security 2,093.00 2,380.00 3,033.00 Sub -Total 53,433.85 57,845.00 66,867.00 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 3,677.69 4,000.00 4,000.00 2- Printing 601.30 650.00 650.00 6- Motor Vehicles Supplies 195.97 500.00 500.00 7- Minor Tools & Apparatus 88.75 100.00 200.00 13- Other Supplies 249.90 500.00 500.00 Sub -Total 4,813.61 5,750.00 5,850.00 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1- Furniture, Fixtures & Furnishings 50.00 -0- 500.00 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 308.00 204.00 400.00 4- Motor Vehicles 239.46 250.00 250.00 8- Books 227.89 425.00 500.00 12- Air Conditioning -0- -0- 75.00 Sub -Total 825.35 879.00 1,725.00 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2- Hire of Equipment 3,122.75 3,900.00 4,950.00 3- Other Insurance 99.00 100.00 100.00 4- Equalization Board 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 4A-Tax Billing 9,999.23 20,100.00 19,600.00 5- Advertising 15.30 50.00 50.00 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 1,126.59 1,350.00 1,600.00 8- Educational & Training 127.50 260.00 300.00 13- Association Dues 40.00 100.00 200.00 Sub -Total 15,580.37 26,910.00 27,850.00 14 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS _ ACCOUNT NO. 104 - CONTINUED 7- SUNDRY CHARGES 3- Refunds Sub -Total ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 $ 1,110.05 $ 500.00 1,110.05 500.00 TOTAL OPERATING $ 75,763.23 $ 500.00 500.00 $91,884.00 $102,792.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements -0- 2,985.00 -0- 3- Equipment, Instruments & Apparatus -0- 5,000.00 -0- Sub-Total -0- 7,985.00 -0- TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ -0- $ 7,985.00 $ -0- TOTAL ACCOUNT 104 $ 75,763.23 $99,869.00 $102,792.00 15 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS GENERAL FUND - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT NO. 105 - PURCHASING ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory $ 9,232.00 $ 9,584.00 $ 10,720.00 2- Clerical 5,928.00 6,481.00 6,912.00 4- Extra Help or Overtime -0- -0- 600.00 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 354.00 339.00 339.00 6- Retirement 304.00 667.00 1,067.00 7- Social Security 660.00 746.00 925.00 Sub -Total 16,478.00 17,817.00 20,563.00 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 2- Printing 13- Other Supplies 333.84 237.20 46.54 200.00 150.00 50.00 200.00 250.00 50.00 Sub -Total 617.58 400.00 500.00 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 98.57 62.00 200.00 Sub -Total 98.57 62.00 200.00 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2- Hire of Equipment 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 8- Educational & Training 13- Association Dues Sub -Total TOTAL OPERATING TOTAL ACCOUNT 105 1,800.00 500.00 100.00 65.00 2,465.00 1,800.00 600.00 25.00 24.00 1,800.00 600.00 100.00 25.00 2,449.00 2,525.00 $ 19,659.15 $ 20,728.00 $ 23,788.00 $ 19,659.15 $ 20,728.00 $ 23,788.00 16 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT NO. 106 - LAW OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 2- Clerical 4- Extra Help or Overtime 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 1, Office Supplies & Postage 2- Printing Sub -Total 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 13,003.33 $ 15,886.00 $ 29,632.00 5,462.00 5,325.00 6,057.00 -0- -0- 300.00 312.00 312.00 451.00 300.00 720.00 2,212.00 665.00 745.00 1,563.00 19,742.33 22,988.00 40,215.00 593.92 600.00 1,500.00 40.80 500.00 500.00 634.72 1,100.00 2,000.00 102.00 25.00 170.00 Sub -Total 102.00 25.00 170.00 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2- Hire of Equipment 4,135.00 4,435.00 5,400.00 4- Special Services 7,863.75 2,240.00 -0- 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 23.50 300.00 300.00 13- Association Dues 15.00 133.00 340.00 Sub -Total 12,037.25 7,108.00 6,040.00 TOTAL OPERATING $ 32,516.30 $ 31,221.00 $ 48,425.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10- EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 8- Books (Law Library) Sub -Total 325.00 1,762.01 2,087.01 400.00 2,500.00 400.00 2,500.00 2,900.00 2,900.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 2,087.01 $ 2,900.00 $ 2,900.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 106 $ 34,603.31 $ 34,121.00 $ 51,325.00 17 CITY OP BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT NO. 107 - CITY CLERK OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 2- Clerical 4- Extra Help or Overtime 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage Sub -Total 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements Sub -Total 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2- Hire of Equipment 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 13- Association Dues Sub -Total 7- SUNDRY CHARGES 7- Court Costs Sub -Total TOTAL OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ACTUAL ESTIMATED 1970-71 1971-72 9,664.50 $ 4,665.74 190.00 367.00 267.00 597.00 15,751.24 680.94 680.94 -0- -0- 617.07 177.63 85.00 879.70 807.50 807.50 $ 18,119.38 400.00 10,795.00 4,241.00 140.00 399.00 576.00 628.00 16,779.00 800.00 800.00 - 0- - 0- 600.00 140.00 55.00 795.00 500.00 500.00 18,874.00 246.00 PROPOSED 1972-73 $ 11,508.00 5,193.00 750.00 549.00 1,006.00 840.00 19,846.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 104.00 104.00 600.00 190.00 70.00 860.00 700.00 700.00 22,710.00 750.00 $ 400.00 $ 246.00 $ 750.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 107 $ 18,519.38 $ 19,120.00 $ 23,460.00 18 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT NO. 108 - PLANNING OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 2- Clerical 3- Labor Operation 4- Extra Help or Overtime 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 2- Printing 7- Minor Tools & Apparatus Sub -Total 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1- Furniture, Fixtures & Furnishings 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 7- Radio Equipment Sub -Total 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2- Hire of Equipment 4- Special Services 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 13- Association Dues 14- Other Sub -Total ACTUAL ESTIMATED 1970-71 1971-72 PROPOSED 1972-73 $ 13,166.00 $ 1,936.00 $ 14,616.00 5,141.00 2,504.00 2,262.00 -0- 8,591.00 9,072.00 2,000.00 -0- 600.00 341.00 266.00 465.00 275.00 650.00 1,633.00 701.00 720.00 1,260.00 21,724.00 14,667.00 29,908.00 339.64 190.09 -0- 529.73 - 0- 151.29 40.00 191.29 300.00 300.00 - 0- 600.00 - 0- 75.00 - 0- 75.00 1,800.00 1,064.00 - 0- -0- 369.70 900.00 31.00 37.00 -0- -0- TOTAL OPERATING $ 2,200.70 2.001.00 24,645.72 $ 17,343.00 300.00 300.00 200.00 800.00 60.00 269.00 - 0- 329.00 3,000.00 - 0- 1,150.00 138.00 120.00 4.408.00 35,445.00 19 CITY 01, BAYTOWN. TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 108 - CONTINUED CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-EQUIPMENT 1- Furniture, Fixtures & Furnishings 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 8- Books Sub -Total TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 108 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 $ 535.00 $ -0- $ 200.00 1,469.38 836.00 -0- -0- 2,004.38 -0- 100.00 836.00 300.00 $ 2,004.38 $ 836.00 $ 300.00 $ 26,650.10 $18,179.00 $ 35,745.00 20 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT NO. 109 - LIBRARY OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 2- Clerical 3- Labor Operations 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 2- Printing 6- Motor Vehicle 7- Minor Tools & Apparatus 8- Janitorial Supplies (Laundry & Cleaning) 11- Educational & Recreational 12- Botanical & Agricultural Sub -Total 3- MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1- Land Sub -Total 4- MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1- Buildings Sub -Total 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements (Office Equip.) 4- Motor Vehicle 8- Books (Bindings) 12- Air Conditioning Sub -Total ACTUAL 1970-71 $ 33,480.55 47,895.89 5,586.36 2,128.00 1,542.00 3,834.00 94,466.80 1,629.09 392.55 -0- 99.88 569.00 200.00 28.95 2,919.47 134.57 134.57 699.31 699.31 300.00 -0- 1,299.43 261.78 1,861.21 ESTIMATED 1971-72 $ 48,648.00 57,386.00 6,113.00 2,189.00 3,500.00 5,500.00 123,336.00 1,800.00 425.00 100.00 100.00 600.00 200.00 30.00 3,255.00 135.00 135.00 700.00 700.00 400.00 500.00 1,400.00 700.00 3,000.00 PROPOSED 1972-73 $ 51,661.00 63,157.00 6,653.00 2,190.00 6,000.00 6,380.00 136,041.00 1,900.00 450.00 200.00 100.00 600.00 471.00 30.00 3,751.00 135.00 135.00 700.00 700.00 450.00 500.00 2,000.00 600.00 3,550.00 21 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND MAXIMUM PAY SCALE GENERAL FUND PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. 1972-73 CITY MANAGER 102-1-1 City Manager 1 $ $ 25,000.00 Administrative Asst. 1 950.00 11,400.00 Longevity 58.00 TOTAL 2 36,458.00 102-1-2 Admin. Secretary 1 512.00 6,144.00 Longevity 113.00 TOTAL 6, 257.Od FINANCE 103-1-1 Director of Finance 1 1,286.00 15,432.00 Chief Accountant 1 818.00 9,816.00 Longevity 633.00 TOTAL 2 25,881.00 103-1-2 Account Clerk 1 527.00 6,324.00 Sr. Account Clerk 1 568.00 6,816.00 Sr. Account Clerk 1 505/536 6,246.00 Clerk Typist I 25% 355/376 1,128.00 Longevity 575.00 TOTAL 3.25 21,089.00 TAX 104-1-1 Assessor -Collector 1 1,097.00 13,164.00 Longevity 238.00 TOTAL 13,402.00 104-1-2 Assessment Clerk 1 536.00 6,432.00 Clerk Typist II 1 490.00 5,880.00 Clerk Typist I 1 354/375 3,255.00 Longevity 532.00 TOTAL 3 16,099.00 104-1-3 Asst. Asses. -Coll. 1 897.00 10,764.00 Deputy Appraiser 1 738.00 8,856.00 Personal Property Appr. 1 633.00 1,899.00 Deputy Appraiser 1 554.00 6,648.00 Longevity 298.00 TOTAL 4 28,465.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - continued GENERAL_ FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASING 105-1-1 105-1-2 LAW 106-1-1 106-1-2 CITY CLERK 107-1-1 107-1-2 PLANNING 108-1-1 108-1-2 108-1-3 LIBRARY 109-1-1 PROPOSED NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. 1972-73 Purchasing Agent 1 $ 880.00 $ 10,560.00 Longevity 160.00 TOTAL 10,720.00 Procurement Clerk 1 537.00 6,444.00 Longevity 468.00 TOTAL 6,912.00 City Attorney Asst. City Attorney Longevity TOTAL Legal Secretary Longevity TOTAL City Clerk Longevity TOTAL Clerk Typist I Longevity TOTAL Director Longevity TOTAL Clerk Typist I Longevity TOTAL Planning Asst. Longevity TOTAL 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 50% 1 City Librarian 1 Asst. City Librarian 1 Librarian Librarian Librarian Librarian Longevity 2 1 .50 .50 1,411.00 1,055.00 498.00 909.00 430.00 1,218.00 355/376 754.00 1,022.00 758.00 656.00 584.00 3.37 hr. 3.37 hr. 16,932.00 12,660.00 40.00 29,632.00 5,976.00 81.00 6,057.00 10,908.00 600.00 11,508.00 5,160.00 33.00 5,193.00 14,616.00 -0- 14,616.00 2,256.00 6.00 2,262.00 9,048.00 24.00 9,072.00 12,264.00 9,096.00 15,744.00 7,008.00 3,505.00 3,505.00 539.00 TOTAL 6 51,661.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXA SALARIES AND WAGES - continued GENERAL FUND PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. 1972-73 LIBRARY CONT. 109-1-2 Jr. Librarian 1 573.00 6,876.00 Jr. Librarian 1 567.00 6,804.00 Jr. Librarian 2 506.00 12,144.00 Jr. Librarian 1 450.00 5,400.00 Jr. Librarian 1 425.00 5,100.00 Jr. Librarian .50 1040 hr. 2.59 hr. 2,694.00 Jr. Librarian .50 1040 hr. 2.47 hr. 2,569.00 Page 1 285.00 3,420.00 Page 5 2080 hr. 1.60/1.69 hr.17,000.00 Longevity 1,150.00 TOTAL 13 63,157.00 109-1-3 Custodian 1 479.00 5,748.00 Custodian .20 1.50 hr. 782.00 Longevity 123.00 TOTAL 1.20 6,653.00 CIVIL DEFENSE 110-1-2 Secretary .50 208.00 2,496.00 Longevity 20.00 TOTAL 2,516.00 Less: Federal C.D. Matching Fund 1,258.00 1,258.00 MUNICIPAL COURT 111-6-4 Municipal Court Judge 1 739.00 8,868.00 111-1-2 Court Clerk 1 553.00 6,636.00 Court Clerk 3 422.00 15,192.00 Longevity 467.00 TOTAL 4 22,295.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL 113-1-3 Traffic Cont.Painter 1 733.00 8,796.00 Traffic Cont.Painter 1 589.00 7,068.00 Traffic Cont.Painter 1 524.00 6,288.00 Longevity 226.00 TOTAL 3 22,378.00 GARAGE 112-1-1 Foreman 1 849.00 10,188.00 Longevity 480.00 TOTAL 10,668.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - continued GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS GARAGE CONT. 112-1-3 Mechanic Mechanic Serviceman POLICE 201-1-1 201-1-2 Welder Longevity TOTAL Chief Asst. Chief Lieutenants Identification Tech. Records Supervisor Legal Aide Longevity TOTAL Dispatcher Dispatcher Dispatcher Dispatcher Clerk Typist Clerk Typist Clerk Typist Clerk Typist Secretary Longevity TOTAL 201-1-3 Sargeants Patrolmen Policeman Electronics Tech. Mechanic Humane Humane Humane Humane 1 3 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 4 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 10 13 1 14 26 @ 4 @ 4 3 3 40 1 1 .50 6.5 PROPOSED MAXIMUM PROPOSED SALARY MO. 1972-73 730.00 689.00 593.00 525.00 467/495 711.00 1,298.00 1,010.00 929.00 868.00 491.00 1,230.00 8,760.00 24,804.00 7,116.00 6,300.00 5,772.00 8,532.00 1,585.00 62,869.00 15,576.00 12,120.00 44,592.00 10,416.00 , 5,892.00 14,760.00 4,146.00 107,502.00 528.00 6,336.00 498.00(+25 ma)6,276.00 444.00(+25 mo)5,628.00 444.00(+50 ma)5,928.00 375.00 9,000.00 397.00 4,764.00 421.00 5,052.00 446.00 5,352.00 543.00 6,516.00 799.00 55,651.00 868.00 135,408.00 832.00 9,984.00 809.00 252,408.00 797/809 38,544.00 719/779 35,952.00 677/719 25,128.00 634/677 23,598.00 494.00 5,928.00 895.00 10,740.00 730.00 8,760.00 579.00 6,948.00 600.00 7,200.00 659.00 7,908.00 232.00 2,784.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - continued GENERAL FUND PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. 1972-73 POLICE CONT. School Patrol Longevity TOTAL 8 1.60(9 Mos.) 11,520.00 14,911.00 597,721.00 1-4A Cadets 12 38,285.00 FIRE 202-1-1 Chief 1 1,155.00 13,860.00 Asst. Chief 2 1,010.00 24,240.00 Captain 5 929.00 55,740.00 Marshall 1 955.00 11,460.00 Longevity 4,971.00 TOTAL 9 110,271.00 202-1-2 202-1-3 Senior Clerk Typist 1 490.00 5,880.00 Dispatcher 4 470.00 22,560.00 Longevity 429.00 TOTAL 5 28,869.00 Lieutenants 12 868.00 124,992.00 Fire Equipment Oper. 18 835.00 180,360.00 Fire Fighter 4 719.00 34,512.00 Fire Fighter 5 677.00 40,620.00 Longevity 8,670.00 TOTAL 39 389,154.00 INSPECTIONS 203-1-1 Chief Inspector 1 1,056.00 12,672.00 Longevity 347.00 TOTAL 13,019.00 203-1-2 Clerk Typist II 1 490.00 5,880.00 Longevity 126.00 TOTAL 6,006.00 203-1-3 Electrical Inspector 1 971.00 11,652.00 Plumbing Inspector 1 876.00 10,512.00 Housing Inspector 1 826.00 9,912.00 Electrician 1 739.00 8,868.00 Longevity 501.00 TOTAL 4 41,445.00 STREETS AND DRAINAGE 301-1-1 Superintendent 1 1,129.00 13,548.00 Maint. Foreman 1 820.00 9,840.00 Const. Foreman 1 741.00 8,892.00 Longevity 1,293.00 TOTAL 3 33,573.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - continued GENERAL FUND PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. 1972-73 STREETS & DRAINAGE CONT. 301-1-3 Equipment Operator II 2 824.00 19,776.00 Equipment Operator II 3 781.00 28,116.00 Equipment Operator II 1 706.00 8,472.00 Equipment Operator I 3 681.00 24,516.00 Equipment Operator I 2 596.00 14,304.00 Equipment Operator I 2 587.00 14,088.00 Equipment Operator I 3 522.00 18,792.00 Equipment Operator I 1 492.00 5,904.00 Equipment Operator I 1 492.00 5,904.00 Welder 1 738.00 8,856.00 Construction Helper 4 518.00 24,864.00 Maintenance Helper 2 461/489 10,752.00 Maintenance Helper 2 435/461 10,706.00 Concrete Finisher 1 644.00 7,728.00 Longevity 4,062.00 TOTAL 28 206,840.00 ENGINEERING 302-1-1 Director of Public Wrk. 1 1,243.00 14,916.00 Longevity 212.00 TOTAL 15,128.00 302-1-1 Clerk Typist I Longevity TOTAL .25 1,128.00 3.00 1 ,131 .00 302-1-3 Inspector 1 844/896 10,492.00 Engineering Trainee 1 895.00 10,740.00 Engineering Tech. 1 623.00 7,476.00 Draftsman 1 726.00 8,712.00 Draftsman .50 256.00 3,072.00 Longevity 131.00 TOTAL 4.5 40,623.00 REFUSE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL 303-1-1 Foreman 1 824.00 9,888.00 Longevity 600.00 TOTAL 10,488.00 303-1-3 Equipment Operator II 1 781.00 9,372.00 Equipment Operator II 1 750.00 9,000.00 Landfield Attendant 1 565.00 6,780.00 Truck Driver 17 565.00 115,260.00 Laborers 2 504.00 12,096.00 Laborers 13 537.00 83,772.00 Laborers 9 504.00 54,432.00 Longevity 6,072.00 TOTAL 44 296,784.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - continued GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER HEALTH 401-1-1 401-1-3 PARKS AND 501-1-1 501-1-2 501-1-3 PARKWAY 502-1-3 NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS Chief Sanitarian Longevity TOTAL Sanitarian Sanitarian Sanitarian Public Health Nurse Longevity TOTAL RECREATION Director Supt. of Recreation Supt. of Parks Longevity TOTAL Sr. Clerk Typist Clerk Typist I TOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 2 Foreman 1 Maintenance 1 Park Maintenance 1 Park Maintenance 2 Park Maintenance 1 Park Maintenance 1 Park Maintenance 2 Park Maintenance 1 Groundsman 1 Community Center Sup. 1 Custodian 1 Groundsman I 4 Longevity TOTAL 17 & MEDIAN MAINTENANCE Maintenance Helpers 4 CITY HALL 603-1-2 603-1-3 Receptionist Clerk Typist I Longevity TOTAL Custodian Longevity TOTAL 1 1 PROPOSED MAXIMUM SALARY MO. 871.00 793.00 791.00 686.00 699.00 1,086.00 765/810 878.00 436/462 375/397 596.00 554.00 535.00 516.00 487.00 418.00 433.00 409.00 354:00 554.00 479.00 412/436 461/489 377.00 375.00 PROPOSED 1972-73 10,452.00 600.00 11,052.00 9,516.00 9,492.00 8,232.00 8,388.00 951.00 36,579.00 13,032.00 9,533.00 10,536.00 698.00 33,799.00 5,519.00 4,738.00 10,257.00 7,152.00 6,648.00 6,420.00 12,384.00 5,844.00 4,410.00 10,392.00 4,908.00 4,248.00 6,648.00 5,748.00 20,332.00 801.00 95,935.00 23,494.00 4,524.00 4,500.00 36.00 2 9,060.00 1 521.00 6,252.00 484.00 6,736.00 CITY OF BAYTOW`I. TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND MAXIMUM PAY SCALE WATER AND SEWER FUND PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. 1972-73 GENERAL OVERHEAD 1001-1-1 Utility Office 1 $ 644.00 $ 7,728.00 Longevity 328.00 TOTAL 8,056.00 1001-1-2 Cashier 4 486.00 23,328.00 Dispatcher Clerk 1 560.00 5,908.00 Clerk Typist 1 421.00 5,052.00 Longevity 939.00 TOTAL 6 35,227.00 WATER PRODUCTION 1002-1 Superintendent 1 1,063.00 12,756.00 Longevity 600.00 TOTAL 13,356.00 1002-3 Utility Service Foreman 1 Pump Serviceman 1 Pump Serviceman 1 Longevity TOTAL 3 820.00 748.00 686.00 9,840.00 8,976.00 8,232.00 1,123.00 28,171.00 WATER DISTRIBUTION 1003-1-1 Utility Service Foreman 2 820.00 19,680.00 Meter Shop Foreman 1 694.00 8,328.00 Meter Reader Leadman 1 702.00 8,424.00 Longevity 1,567.00 TOTAL 4 37,999.00 1003-1-3 Equip. Operator II 1 729.00 8,748.00 Equip. Operator II 1 619.00 7,428.00 Equip. Operator II 1 490.00 5,880.00 Meter Repairman 1 638.00 7,656.00 Meter Repairman 1 518.00 6,216.00 Meter Repairmanl?PQr 3 638.00 22,968.00 Utility Serviceman 1 702.00 8,424.00 Utility Serviceman 3 543.00 19,548.00 Utility Serviceman 1 605.00 7,260.00 Utility Serviceman 5 484.00 29,040.00 Meter Reader 1 456/484 5,799.00 Utility Serviceman 2 456/484 11,597.00 Longevity 2,294.00 TOTAL 21 142,858.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - continued WATER AND SEWER FUND PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. 1972-73 SEWAGE COLLECTION 1004-1-1 Utility Service Leadman 1 766.00 9,192.00 Longevity 600.00 TOTAL 9,792.00 1004-1-3 Equip. Operator II 1 729.00 8,748.00 Utility Serviceman 1 678.00 8,136.00 Utility Serviceman 1 575.00 6,900.00 Utility Serviceman 5 512.00 30,720.00 Longevity 602.00 TOTAL 8 55,106.00 SEWAGE DISPOSAL 1005-1-3 Laboratory Operator 1 725.00 8,700.00 Treatment Plant Oper. 9 671.00 72,468.00 Treatment Plant Oper. 1 713.00 8,556.00 ' Treatment Plant Train. 4 572.00 27,456.00 Longevity 1,695.00 TOTAL 15 118,875.00 INFILTRATION ABATEMENT 1006-1-1 Utility Service Foreman 1 897.00 10,764.00 Longevity 44.00 TOTAL 10,808.00 1006-1-3 Utility Service Leadman 1 621.00 7,452.00 Maintenance Helper 1 518.00 6,216.00 Maintenance Helper 1 2.64 hr. 5,491.00 Longevity 74.00 TOTAL 3 19,233.00 CITY OF BAYTOW"N. TEXAS CAPITAL OUTLAY SUMMARY - ALL FUNDS GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY AMOUNT TOTAL 101 City Council 9-1 Museum 1 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 102 City Manager 10-2 Calculator 1 250 250 103 Finance 10-2 Typewriter 1 550 10-2 Calculator 2 1,500 2,050 106 Legal (Law) 10-2 Calculator 1 400 10-8 Law Books 2,500 107 City Clerk 10-2 Calculator 108 Planning 10-1 Drafting Table & Chair 10-8 Books 1 750 1 200 100 2,900 750 109 Library 10-1 Shelf List 1 224 10-1 Registration Files 1 224 10-1 Filing Cabinet 1 179 10-1 Carpet for Office 1 320 10-2 Book Truck 1 230 10-2 16MM Projector 1 625 10-2 Vacuum Cleaner 1 200 10-2 Calculator 1 300 10-8 Books 16,000 10-14 Film, Framed Prints, Sculpture 2,000 10-15 Music (Recordings, tapes) 400 110 Civil Defense 9-1 Small Shelters 200 10-2 Emergency Generator 1 500 10-7 Amateur Band Walkie Talkies 4 800 10-7 Hospital Net Communications 3,417 300 20,702 4,917 CITY OF BAV'(OWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - continued ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY AMOUNT TOTAL 111 Municipal Court 10-1 Office & Court Room Furn. 12,000 10-2 Adding Machine 100 10-8 Law Books 100 12,200 112 Garage 10-2 Hydraulic Jack 1 800 800 113 Traffic Control 10-2 Paint Shaker 400 400 201 Police 10-1 Typewriters 4 2,720 10-1 Office Furniture 6,650 10-2 Radar 2 2,000 10-2 Jail Supplies 1,500 10-4 Patrol Cars 13 34,500 10-4 Pick-up Trucks 1 2,500 10-7 Communication Grant 38,000 10-8 CCTV 8,477 96,347 202 Fire 10-1 Typewriter 1 500 10-1 Adding Machine 1 335 10-3 Fire Hose 7,000 10-3 Equipment, Instruments, Appartus 4,692 10-4 4-door Sedan 1 3,800 10-4 1250 GPM Pumper 31,000 10-7 Mobile Radios w/pump Panel remote 2 2,400 10-7 Dual Frequency Portable Radios 4 4,070 10-7 Single Frequency Portable Radios 2 1,300 10-8 Books 650 10-12 Air Conditioner 1 500 203 Inspection 10-1 24 Unit Plan Holder 1 300 10-4 Pick-up Trucks 2 6,000 10-4 Side -pack Tool Boxes 2 sets 550 10-7 Single Frequency Portable Radio 1 1,010 10-11 Traffic Signal Systems 20,000 56,247 27,860 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS GENERAL FUND - continued ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 301 Streets & Drainage 8-1 Right Aways 9-8 Streets, Sidewalks ACCOUNT QUANTITY AMOUNT TOTAL $ 75,000 500,000 575,000 303 Refuse Collection & Disposal 10-4 Dozer 1 56,000 10-4 Garbage Packer Trucks 2 24,000 80,000 501 Parks & Recreation 8-2 Improvements at Roseland 1,600 8-2 Improvements at Existing Parks 1,200 9-1 Fountain 1 4,000 10-1 Tables -Community Bldg. 12 360 10-1 Chairs -Roseland Pay. 48 Tables -Roseland Pay. 6 - 600 10-2 Heavy duty mowers 4 900 10-2 Heavy duty edgers 3 525 10-2 Chain Saws 2 500 10-2 Welding Machine 1 250 10-3 Resuscitator 1 320 10-3 Dictation Unit 1 410 Transcribing Unit 1 410 10-4 Pick-up Truck 1 2,500 10-4 Cub -size Mower & Trailor 1 3,200 10-7 Radios 2 1,600 603 City Hall 10-1 Petition for A/C Office 2,500 10-2 Mimeograph Machine 1,500 10-2 Improve Speaker System 300 10-7 Radio Equipment 7,002 18,375 11,302 TOTAL GENERAL FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY $915,400 WATERWORKS & SANITARY SEWER FUND 1001 General Overhead 10-2 Adding Machines 2 1,000 1,000 1002 Water Production 10-2 Lawn Mower Motors 3 240 10-4 Small Tractor 1 2,100 10-4 Utility Pick-up Bed 1 800 3,140 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATERWORKS & SANITARY SEWER - continued ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY AMOUNT TOTAL 1003 Water Distribution 10-2 Water Pumps 2 1,500 10-2 Meter Test Board 1 1,500 10-2 Small Tools 500 10-4 Flat Bed Truck (1 Ton) 1 3,700 10-4 Utility Bed for Truck 1 1,000 10-9 Water Distribution System 70,000 1004 Sewage Collection 9-4 Sanitary Sewers 10-2 Sewer Cleaning Equipment 78,200 89,772 1,500 1005 Sewage Treatment 10-2 500 GPM Pump-Craigmont 1 1,000 10-2 500 GPM Pump -Lakewood 2 2,000 10-2 700 CFM Blower -Lakewood 1 1,000 10-2 Chlorine Tank -Lakewood 1 5,000 10-4 1/2 Ton Pick-up Truck 1 3,000 91 ,272 12,000 TOTAL WATERWORKS & SANITARY SEWER FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY $185,612 GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY - ALL FUNDS $1,101,012 Charter of Accounts Baytown Sanitary Sewer Improvements Sanitary Sewer Grant 10 - 1 Contract #1 - West Main Sewage Treatment Plant: 601 Construction 602 Engineering 603 Legal 604 Administrative 605 Right -of -Way 650 Miscellaneous 10 - 2 Contract No. 4 Interceptor Sewer Middle Goose Creek 601 Construction 602 Engineering 603 Legal 604 Administrative 605 R 0 W 650 Miscellaneous 10 - 3 Contract No. 3 - Interceptors Sewers South District: 601 Construction 602 Engineering 604 Administrative 605 R 0 W 650 Miscellaneous 10 - 4 Contract No. 2 - Sanitary Sewers Lift Stations: 601 Construction 602 Engineering 603 Legal 604 Administrative 605 R 0 W 650 Miscellaneous 10 - 5 Contract No. 5 - Interceptor Sewers Upper Goose Creek 601 Construction 602 Engineering 603 Legal 604 Administrative 605 R 0 W 650 Miscellaneous 10 - 6 Contract No. 6 - Sanitary Sewers Bay Villa, Baytown Jr. H. S. & Others (No. Fed. Participation) 601 Construction CO2 Engineering 603 Legal 604 Administrative 605 R 0 W 650 Miscellaneous 10 - 7 Sewage Treatment Plant, East District: 601 Construction 602 Engineering 603 Legal 604 Administrative 605 R 0 W 650 Miscellaneous 10 - 8 through 10 - 49 Reservable 10 - 50 General Expense - For Future distribution: 602. Engineering 604 Administrative 605 R 0 W 650 Miscellaneous LABOR AND CRAFT BASE A B C D E Const. & Maint. Supt. 749 794 842 893 946 1,003 Water Production Supt. 759 804 852 903 957 1,014 Utility Service Foreman 596 632 670 710 752 798 Refuse Foreman 593 629 667 707 749 794 Street Maint. Foreman 581 616 653 692 733 778 Street Const. Foreman 553 586 620 657 696 . 739 Equipment Shop Foreman 601 637 675 715 759 804 Equipment Operator II 490 519 • 551 583 619 655 Equipment Mechanic X40 578 613 650 689 730 Utility Service Leaderman 164 492 521 553 586 621 Pump Serviceman 450 478 506 537 570 603 Equipment Operator I 438 464 492 522 553 587 Meter Repairman 461 488 518 549 581 616 Welder 552 584 619 656 695 737 Concrete Finisher 459 486 516 547 579 614 Traffic Construction Painter 524 555 589 623 660 701 Utility Serviceman 456 484 512 543 575 610 Sanitation Leaderman 544 577 612 649 688 729 Maintenance Leaderman 479 507 538 571 605 640 Construction Helper 435 461 488 518 549 581 Treatment Plant Operator & Labor operator 575 610 647 686 725 768 Refuse Truck Driver 417 442 468 497 526 558 Equipment Serviceman 415 440 467 495 525. 556 Parks Maint. fireman 409 433 459 487 516 546 Laborer 377 399 423 448 476 504 Custodian 379 402 426 452 479 507 Landfill Att. 435 461 488 518 549 581 Meter Shop Foreman 539 572 607 642 682 723 Parks Foreman 562 596 632 670 710 • 752 Groundsman I 412 436 462 490 519 551 Grounsman II 440 466 495 524 556 590 yKl/ /i7,7-73 PUBLIC SArh1'Y BASE A B C D E Chief 1,154 1,223 1,298 1,376 1,458 1,546 Assistant Chief 852 903 957 1,013 1,075 1,139 Police Lt., Fire Capt. 779 825 876 929 984 1,044 Fire Marshal 755 801 849 900 955 1,011 Police Sgt., Fire Lt. 687 729 771 832 868 919 Ident. Technician 586 620 657 696 739 783 Fire Equipment Operator 660 703 745 805 821 835 Patrolman, Fire Fighter 634 677 719 779 797 801 Elect. Technician 709 751 797 844 895 948 Humane Supterintendent 571 605 640 678 720 763 Policewoman 494 523 555 589 624 660 Humane Officer 439 465 493 522 554 588 ENGINEERING - TECHNICAL BASE A B C D E Director of Public Works 1,243 1,318 1,397 1,480 1,569 1,979 Chief Inspector 789 837 887 940 996 1,056 Engineer in Training 630 668 708 750 795 843 Engineer Technician 623 659 699 742 786 833 Draftsman 511 541 574 609 646 685 Elec. Inspector 626 664 704 746 790 838 Plumbing Inspector 621 658 697 740 784 831 Chief Sanitarian 871 923 979 1,038 1,100 1.160 Public Health Nurse 548 580 615 652 691 732 Sanitarian 590 626 664 704 746 791 Housing Inspector 697 740 784 831 881 934 PROFESSIONAL - ADMiINISTRATIVE - CLERICAL. BASE A B C D E Director of Finance 1,145 1,213 1,286 1,363 1,445 1,532 City Attorney 1,330 1,411 1,495 1,585 1,680 1,781 Director of Parks & Rec. 1,086 1,151 1,220 1,292 1,370 1,453 Director of Planning 1,217 1,290 1,367 1,449 1,535 1,627 Purchasing Agent 830 880 933 989 1,048 1,111 Administrative Assistant 752 798 845 896 950 1,006 City Librarian 908 963 1,022 1,082 1,148 1,216 Tax Assessor -Collector 1,157 1,227 1,301 1,379 1,461 1,549 Asst. City Librarian 714 758 803 851 902 956 Deputy Appraiser 656 695 738 782 828 878 Municipal Judge 830 880 933 989 1,048 1,111 City Clerk 909 963 1,021 1,082 1,148 1,216 Parks Superintendent 695 737 782 828 878 931 Recreation Superintendent 749 794 842 893 946 1,003 Librarian 584 618 656 694 735 780 Utility Office Manager 722 765 811 860 912 966 Community Center Supt. 590 626 664 704 746 790 Court Clerk 464 492 521 553 586 620 Administrative Secretary 512 542 575 610 647 686 Secretary 369 391 415 440 466 495 Legal Secretary 443 469 498 528 559 593 Jr. Librarian 425 450 477 506 536 567 Sr. Account Clerk 505 536 568 601 637 675 Meter Reader 430 456 484 512 542 575 Procurement Clerk 590 626 664 704 746 790 Sr. Clerk Typist 436 462 490 519 551 583 Clerk Stenographer 405 430 455 482 511 541 Clerk Typist II 389 413 437 463 490 520 Dispatcher Clerk 444; 470 498 528 560 593 Account Clerk 417 442 468 497 527 558 Assessment Clerk 424 449 477 505 536 568 Clerk Typist I 355 375 397 421 446 473 Receptionist Clerk 377 399 423 448 476 504 Billing Maching Operator 415 440 466 495 524 556 Cashier 376 398 422 447 474 502 Lib, ary Page 285 302 320 339 359 380 CITY OP BAYTOWN. TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 109 - CONTINUED 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1- Communications (Telephone) 2- Hire of Equipment (Car Allowance & Change Mach.) 3- Insurance 4- Special Services 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 7- Rents (Equipment) 8- Educational & Training 11- Electrical Services 12- Natural Gas Service 13- Association Dues 14- Periodicals & Newspapers Sub -Total TOTAL OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-EQUIPMENT 1- Furniture, Fixtures & Furnishings 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 8- Books 14- Film Strips 15- Other (Music) Sub -Total TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 $ 864.20 $ 1,700.00 $ 1,260.00 700.00 -0- 299.77 600.00 5,160.00 200.00 3,344.82 194.71 114.00 2,255.49 13,732.99 $113,814.35 -0- 432.00 19,406.65 1,992.13 400.30 22,231.08 $ 22,231.08 TOTAL ACCOUNT 109 $136,045.43 700.00 700.00 275.00 275.00 150.00 125.00 600.00 600.00 5,676.00 5,563.00 200.00 200.00 3,350.00 3,200.00 165.00 220.00 85.00 108.00 1,613.00 1,800.00 14,514.00 14,051.00 $ 144,940.00 $ 158,228.00 390.00 316.00 14,500.00 2,000.00 400.00 17,606.00 $ 17,606.00 947.00 1,355.00 16,000.00 2,000.00 400.00 20,702.00 20,702.00 $ 162,546.00 $ 178,930.00 22 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT NO. 110 - CIVIL DEFENSE OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 2- Clerical 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 2- Printing 9- Chemical, Medical & Surgical 13- Other Supplies ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 $ 979.78 $ 2,338.00 $ 1,258.00 52.78 122.00 67.00 1,032.56 2,460.00 1,325.00 21.96 179.75 39.18 200.00 Sub -Total 440.89 4- MAINTENANCE & STRUCTURES 1- Buildings 237.12 Sub -Total 237.12 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1- Furniture, Fixtures & Furnishings 4- Motor Vehicle 7- Radio Equipment Sub -Total 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1- Communications 2- Hire of Equipment (Car Allowance) 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 13- Association Dues Sub -Total 71.07 51.26 1,402.67 1,525.00 251.50 587.20 465.51 80.00 1,384.21 100.00 175.00 285.00 200.00 150.00 175.00 500.00 200.00 760.00 1,025.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 50.00 300.00 1,400.00 50.00 300.00 1,400.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 250.00 -0- 600.00 600.00 500.00 600.00 87.00 90.00 1,437.00 1,290.00 TOTAL OPERATING $ 4,619.78 $ 6,607.00 $ 5,590.00 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ACCOUNT NO. 110 - CONTINUED CAPITAL OUTLAY 9- BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES & SYSTEMS 1- Buildings Sub -Total 10-EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 7- Radio Equipment Sub -Total TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 995.60 743.45 1,739.05 $ -0- $ 200.00 -0- 200.00 1,000.00 887.00 500.00 3,615.00 1,887.00 4,115.00 $ 1,739.05 $ 1,887.00 $ 4,315.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 110 $ 6,358.83 $ 8,494.00 $ 9,905.00 24 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT NO. 111 - MUNICIPAL COURT OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 2- Clerical 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 2- Printing ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 $ 8,050.00 $ 8,400.00 $ -0- 18,263.00 20,992.00 22,295.00 616.00 639.00 639.00 494.00 963.00 1,398.00 928.00 1,530.00 1,170.00 28,351.00 477.88 902.89 32,524.00 500.00 1,750.00 25,502.00 750.00 1,850.00 Sub -Total 1,380.77 2,250.00 2,600.00 4- MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1- Buildings 21.95 77.00 100.00 Sub -Total 21.95 77.00 100.00 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1- Furniture, Fixtures & Furnishings 170.05 -0- 50.00 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements -0- 200.00 300.00 7- Radio Equipment -0- 50.00 50.00 12- Air Conditioning 18.24 50.00 200.00 Sub -Total 188.29 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1- Communications (Telephone) 4- Special Services (Judge) 4A-Special Services (Janitorial) 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 13- Association Dues Sub -Total 299.25 - 0- 780.00 - 0- 7.00 1,086.25 300.00 600.00 375.00 -0- 780.00 150.00 10.00 475.00 8,868.00 2,400.00 150.00 75.00 1,315.00 11,968.00 25 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 111 - CONTINUED ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 7- SUNDRY CHARGES 7- Court Costs (Jury & Witness Fees) $ 30.00 $ 24.00 $ 150.00 12- Warrant Officer 4,504.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Sub -Total 4,534.00 3,024.00 3,150.00 TOTAL OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-EQUIPMENT 1- Furniture, Fixtures & Furnishings 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 8- Books $ 35,562.26 $ 39,490.00 $ 43,920.00 25.00 87.00 486.00 62.50 Sub -Total 573.50 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 111 567.00 455.00 12,000.00 100.00 100.00 1,109.00 12,200.00 $ -0- $ -0- $ 12,200.00 $ 36,135.76 $ 40,599.00 $ 56,120.00 26 CITY or BAYTOWN. TEXAS GENERAL FUND - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT NO. 112 - GARAGE OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 3- Labor Operations 4- Extra Help or Overtime 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 6- Motor Vehicle (Fuel) 7- Minor Tools & Apparatus 8- Laundry, Cleaning & Janitorial 9- Chemical, Medical & Surgical 13- Other Supplies Sub -Total ACTUAL. ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 9,851.50 $ 10,228.00 51,596.57 51,400.00 3,695.33 3,000.00 1,495.00 1,417.00 1,071.00 2,800.00 2,634.00 3,042.00 70,343.40 71,887.00 138.77 180.00 39,471.43 42,246.00 2,044.23 1,800.00 469.43 500.00 907.84 750.00 78.03 100.00 43,109.73 45,576.00 4- MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1- Building 71.20 Sub-Ttoal 71.20 $ 10,668.00 62,869.00 2,500.00 1,661.00 4,389.00 3,988.00 86 ,075.00 180.00 42,246.00 1,800.00 500.00 750.00 100.00 45,576.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools, & Implements 59 ,990.08 70 ,000.00 70 ,000.00 7- Radio Equipment 69.39 70.00 30.00 12- Air Conditioning -0- -0- 150.00 Sub -Total 60,059.47 70,070.00 70,180.00 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3- Insurance -Other 7- Rent (Parking Lot) 11- Electrical Service 12- Natural Gas Service Sub -Total 100.00 360.00 1,373.30 622.57 2,455.87 100.00 100.00 360.00 360.00 1,150.00 1,150.00 750.00 750.00 2,360.00 2,360.00 TOTAL OPERATING $ 176,039.67 $ 189,943.00 $ 204,291.00 27 N. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 112 - CONTINUED ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements $ 466.15 -0- $ 800.00 4- Motor Vehicles 2,208.65 -0- -0- Sub-Total 2,674.80 -0- 800.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 2,674.80 $ 189,943.00 $ 800.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 112 $ 178,714.47 $ 189,943.00 $ 205,091.00 28 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT NO. 113 - TRAFFIC CONTROL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71* 1971-72 * 1972-73 OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 3- Labor Operations -0- -0— $ 22,378.00 4- Extra Help or Overtime -0- -0- 1,500.00 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life -0- -0- 508.00 6- Retirement -0- -0- 1,346.00 7- Social Security -0- -0- 1,181.00 Sub -Total -0- -0- 26,913.00 2- SUPPLIES 4- Wearing Apparel -0- -0- 250.00 7- Minor Tools -0- -0- 500.00 9- Chemicals -0- -0- 500.00 Sub -Total -0- -0- 1,250.00 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 5- Other Vehicles -0- -0- 250.00 6- Street Signs & Materials -0- -0- 8,900.00 7- Radio Equipment -0- -0- 30.00 Sub -Total -0- -0- 9,180.00 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3- Insurance, Other -0- -0- TOTAL OPERATING Sub-Total -0- -0- CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 250.00 250.00 $ -0- $ -0- $ 37,593.00 -0- Sub-Total -0- - 0- - 0- 400.00 400.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ -0- $ -0- $ 400.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 113 $ -0- $ -0- $ 37,993.00 * Formerly a part of Account No. 301 29 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - PUBLIC SAFETY ACCOUNT NO. 201 - POLICE DEPARTMENT OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 2- Clerical 3- Labor Operations 4- Extra Help or Overtime 4A-Cadets 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 2- Printing 3- Clothing Allowance 4- Wearing Apparel 5- Pound Food 7- Minor Tools & Apparatus 8- Janitorial, Laundry & Cleaning 9- Chemical, Medical & Surgical 10- Identification - Supplies 13- Other Supplies Sub -Total 4- MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1- Buildings Sub -Total - MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 4- Motor Vehicles 7- Radio Equipment 12- Air Conditioning Sub -Total ACTUAL 1970-71 $ 92,237,50 45,895.28 512,163.32 39,468.18 -0- 12,967.00 11,365.00 27,078.00 741,174.28 2,861.54 2,618.71 3,080.00 8,610.40 246.20 1,108.54 1,419.04 288.80 1,535.72 588.53 22,357.48 2,629.00 2,629.00 1,372.66 21,899.17 1,194.23 -0- 24,466.06 ESTIMATED 1971-72 PROPOSED 1972-73 98,757.00 $ 107,502.00 47,000.00 55,651.00 549,000.00 597,721.00 38,750.00 11,132.00 -0- 38,285.00 15,000.00 18,318.00 25,000.00 48,600.00 32,926.00 42,486.00 806,433.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 3,200.00 8,000.00 360.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 360.00 2,000.00 500.00 22,420.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 25,000.00 1,920.00 -0- 27,920.00 919,695.00 3,200.00 2,500.00 2,880.00 8,000.00 360.00 1,000.00 1,600.00 360.00 2,000.00 500.00 22,400.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 850.00 25,000.00 2,300.00 1,300.00 29,450.00 30 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 201 - CONTINUED ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1- Communications (Telephone) $ 5,831.08 $ 7,600.00 $ 7,500.00 1A-Communications (Teletype) 2,438.21 2,200.00 3,000.00 2- Hire of Equipment (Xerox) 4,168.10 6,000.00 4,000.00 3- Insurance -Other 3,359.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 4- Special Services (Janitorial) 6,232.00 2,160.00 5,400.00 4A-Special Services (Civil Service Director-50%) 600.00 600.00 600.00 4B-Wrecker Service 1,924.00 5,300.00 3,700.00 4C-Legal Officer; Cadet Training -0- 8,000.00 -0- 5- Advertising 99.70 150.00 150.00 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 3,704.46 3,600.00 3,600.00 6A-Court Time & Travel 12,974.18 12,000.00 12,000.00 8- Educational & Training 5,920.00 9,000.00 5,000.00 9- Support of Prisoners 2,771.29 3,000.00 3,000.00 11- Electrical Service 13,035.33 15,000.00 12,000.00 12- Natural Gas Service 152.85 190.00 150.00 Sub -Total 63,210.20 82,300.00 67,600.00 7- SUNDRY CHARGES 1- Contribution (Auxiliary) 2,773.24 1,650.00 Sub -Total 2,773.24 1,650.00 1,650.00 1,650.00 TOTAL OPERATING $ 856,610.26 $ 944,223.00 $1,042,295.00 10-EQUIPMENT 1- Furniture, Fixtures & Furnishings 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 4- Motor Vehicles 7- Radio Equipment 8- Library Sub -Total TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 201 1,327.13 -0- 9,370.00 -0- 7,026.00 3,500.00 33,235.40 34,000.00 37,000.00 4,325.70 2,400.00 38,000.00 2,449.00 -0- 8,477.00 41,337.23 43,426.00 96,347.00 $ 41,337.23 $ 43,426.00 $ 96,347.00 $ 897,947.49 $ 987,649.00 $1,138,642.00 31 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - PUBLIC SAFETY ACCOUNT N0. 202 - FIRE DEPARTMENT OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 2- Clerical 3- Labor Operations 4- Extra Help or Overtime 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 2- Printing 4- Wearing Apparel 6- Motor Vehicle (Fuel) 7- Minor Tools & Apparatus 8- Janitorial, Laundry & Cleaning 9- Chemical, Medical & Surgical 11- Educational 13- Other (Camera) Sub -Total 4- MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1- Buildings ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 90,080.00 $ 102,662.00 $ 110,271.00 5,448.00 21,765.00 28,869.00 310,446.39 357,000.00 389,154.00 1,063.42 3,100.00 4,500.00 7,245.00 7,160.00 8,881.00 7,000.00 16,425.00 32,695.00 16,896.00 20,000.00 26,930.00 438,178.81 528,112.00 601,300.00 255.18 600.00 142.53 300.00 2,200.00 4,283.00 405.00 -0- 9,052.29 4,500.00 1,798.87 2,000.00 12.88 150.00 1,392.91 3,500.00 200.00 200.00 15,459.96 15,533.00 3,329.40 2,650.00 Sub -Total 3,329.40 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1- Furniture, Fixtures & Furnishings 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 4- Motor Vehicles 7- Radio Equipment 12- Air Conditioning Sub -Total 650.00 800.00 6,232.00 1,800.00 5,000.00 2,600.00 350.00 3,500.00 400.00 21,332.00 3,800.00 2,650.00 3,800.00 287.00 252.00 500.00 123.77 263.00 250.00 11,707.78 13,000.00 15,000.00 1,999.12 2,500.00 3,400.00 -0- -0- 1,500.00 14,117.67 16,015.00 20,650.00 32 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 202 - CONTINUED 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1- Communications (Telephone) 2- Hire of Equipment 3- Insurance -Other 4- Special Services (Civil Service Director - 50%) 6- Travel & Reimbursable ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 $ 4,086.69 $ 4,300.00 $ 4,800.00 -0- 1,800.00 1,800.00 3,528.00 5,300.00 6,990.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 Expenses 2,003.52 2,000.00 2,900.00 8- Educational & Training -0- -0- 850.00 11- Electrical Service 3,124.49 3,500.00 3,500.00 12- Natural Gas Service 1,019.72 1,100.00 1,900.00 13- Association Dues 35.00 183.00 282.00 Sub -Total 14,397.42 7- SUNDRY CHARGES 1- Gratuities & Rewards (V.F.D.) 1A-Gratuities & Rewards (V.F.D. Pension Fund) 1B-Gratuities & Rewards (V.F.D. School) Sub -Total 7,500.00 4,000.00 350.00 11,850.00 18,783.00 23,622.00 7,500.00 5,000.00 875.00 7,500.00 5,000.00 875.00 13,375.00 13,375.00 TOTAL OPERATING $ 497,333.26 $ 594,468.00 $ 684,079.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-EQUIPMENT 1- Furniture, Fixtures & Furnishings 180.00 50.00 835.00 3- Equipment, Instruments & Apparatus -0- 6,375.00 11,692.00 4- Motor Vehicle 3,537.49 26,400.00 34,800.00 7- Radio Equipment 3,900.00 15,646.00 7,770.00 8- Books -0- -0- 650.00 12- Air Conditioning 225.00 1,350.00 500.00 Sub -Total 7,842.49 49,821.00 56,247.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 202 $ 7,842.49 $ 49,821.00 $ 56,247.00 $ 505,175.75 $ 644,289.00 $ 740,326.00 33 CITY OP BAYTOWN. TEXAS GENERAL FUND - PUBLIC SAFETY ACCOUNT NO. 203 - INSPECTIONS OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 2- Clerical 3- Labor Operations 4- Extra Help or Overtime 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 2- Printing 7- Minor Tools & Apparatus Sub -Total ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 $ 11,699.00 $ 12,262.00 $ 13,019.00 5,574.00 5,793.00 6,006.00 29,330.00 36,972.00 41,445.00 2,719.65 3,350.00 3,519.00 770.00 980.00 1,040.00 746.00 1,646.00 3,721.00 1,878.00 2,329.00 3,054.00 52,716.65 721.96 699.99 65.94 1,487.89 63,322.00 71,804.00 500.00 900.00 100.00 500.00 900.00 150.00 1,500.00 1,550.00 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 45.02 23.00 50.00 4- Motor Vehicles 1,028.12 600.00 600.00 7- Radio Equipment 174.11 175.00 175.00 11- Traffic Signal Systems 2,787.26 4,000.00 4,000.00 12- Air Conditioning -0- -0- 75.00 Sub -Total 4,034.51 4,798.00 4,900.00 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2- Hire of Equipment 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,500.00 3- Insurance -Other 391.00 440.00 440.00 4- Electrical Board 102.00 84.00 150.00 4A-Demolition of Structures 70.83 1,500.00 1,500.00 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 219.20 450.00 450.00 13- Association Dues 47.25 38.00 50.00 Sub -Total 2,030.28 3,712.00 4,090.00 TOTAL OPERATING $ 60,269.33 $ 73,332.00 $ 82,344.00 34 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 203 - CONTINUED CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-EQUIPMENT 1- Furniture, Fixtures, & Furnishings 4- Motor Vehicles 7- Radio Equipment 11- Traffic Signal Systems Sub -Total TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 203 ACTUAL 1970-71 - 0- - 0- - 0- 9,674.65 9,674.65 $ 9,674.65 ESTIMATED 1971-72 $ 447.00 2,416.00 -0- 5,000.00 7,863.00 $ 7,863.00 PROPOSED 1972-73 $ 300.00 6,550.00 1,010.00 20,000.00 27,860.00 $ 27,860.00 $ 69,943.98 $ 81,195.00 $110,204.00 35 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS GENERAL FUND - PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NO. 301 - STREETS AND DRAINAGE OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 3- Labor Operations 4- Extra Help or Overtime 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 4- Wearing Apparel 7- Minor Tools & Apparatus 8- Janitorial, Laundry & Cleaning 9- Chemicals, Medical & Surgical 13- Other Supplies Sub -Total 4- MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1- Buildings 8- Streets, Sidewalks, Curbs & Storm Sewers Sub -Total 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 5- Other Vehicles 6- Street Signs 7- Radio Equipment Sub -Total - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2- Hire of Equipment 3- Insurance -Other 11- Electrical Service 12- Air Conditioning Sub -Total ACTUAL 1970-71 $ 31,652.50 169,489.12 6,594.56 4,925.00 4,905.00 8,864.00 226,430.18 178.68 3,187.42 245.18 2,392.13 613.48 6,616.89 32.20 41,961.17 41,993.37 2,974.04 8,900.00 120.00 11,994.04 1,500.00 3,250.00 54,891.05 -0- 59,641.05 TOTAL OPERATING $ 346,675.53 ESTIMATED 1971-72 $ 32,936.00 210,000.00 7,000.00 5,000.00 10,696.00 11,550.00 277,182.00 250.00 1,700.00 400.00 3,500.00 550.00 6,400.00 105.00 30,000.00 30,105.00 500.00 8,000.00 120.00 8,620.00 5,000.00 3,250.00 51,000.00 -0- 59,250.00 $ 381,557.00 PROPOSED 1972-73 $ 33,573.00 206,840.00 4,000.00 5,773.00 15,574.00 12,847.00 278,607.00 -0- 1,200.00 200.00 1,500.00 500.00 3,400.00 250.00 49,500.00 49,750.00 250.00 -0- 90.00 340.00 11,000.00 3,000.00 59,000.00 225.00 73,225.00 $ 405,322.00 36 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 301 - CONTINUED CAPITAL OUTLAY 8- LAND 1- Land Sub -Total ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 $ -0- $ 30,000.00 $ 75,000.00 -0- 30,000.00 75,000.00 9- BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES & SYSTEMS 8- Streets, Sidewalks, Curbs, & Storm Sewers 403,113.54 250,000.00 500,000.00 Sub -Total 403,113.54 250,000.00 500,000.00 10-EQUIPMENT 4- Motor Vehicles 19,916.76 102,215.00 -0- 5- Other Vehicles 15,494.00 4,655.00 -0- 7- Radio Equipment -0- 886.00 -0- Sub-Total 35,410.76 107,756.00 -0- TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $438,524.30 TOTAL ACCOUNT 301 $785,199.83 $ 387,756.00 $ 769,313.00 575,000.00 $ 980,322.00 37 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NO. 302 - ENGINEERING ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory $ 13,724.00 $ 14,852.00 $ 15,128.00 2- Clerical -0- 1,402.00 1,131.00 3- Labor Operation (Technical) 22,584.69 32,000.00 40,623.00 4- Extra Help or Overtime 313.18 250.00 1,000.00 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 604.00 653.00 991.00 6- Retirement 462.00 1,010.00 3,559.00 7- Social Security 1,486.00 1,700.00 2,810.00 Sub -Total 39,173.87 51,867.00 65,242.00 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 7- Minor Tools & Apparatus 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 4- Motor Vehicles 7- Radio Equipment 12- Air Conditioning Sub -Total 485.92 252.71 738.63 600.00 700.00 10.00 100.00 610.00 800.00 262.82 150.00 150.00 4.95 150.00 250.00 169.66 170.00 170.00 -0- -0- 75.00 6- MISCELLANEOUS 1- Communications (Telephone) 2- Hire of Equipment (Car Allowance) 3- Insurance -Other 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 13- Association Dues 437.43 610.44 1,500.00 300.00 450.00 62.00 470.00 645.00 700.00 1,800.00 300.00 450.00 72.00 600.00 1,800.00 300.00 450.00 75.00 Sub -Total 2,922.44 3,322.00 3,225.00 TOTAL OPERATING $ 43,272.37 $ 56,269.00 $ 69,912.00 38 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 302 - CONTINUED ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-EQUIPMENT 1- Furniture, Fixtures & Furnishings $ -0- $ 150.00 $ -0- 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 2,347.00 -0- -0- 4- Motor Vehicles -0- 5,305.00 -0- 7- Radio Equipment 850.00 -0- -0- Sub-Total 3,197.00 5,455.00 -0- TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 302 $ 3,197.00 $ 5,455.00 $ -0- $ 46,469.37 $ 61,724.00 $ 69,912.00 39 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NO. 303 - REFUSE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 3- Labor Operations 4- Extra Help or Overtime 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 7- Minor Tools & Apparatus 9- Chemical, Medical & Surgical 13- Other Supplies Sub -Total 3- MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1- Land Sub -Total 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 7- Radio Equipment Sub -Total 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3- Insurance -Other Sub -Total TOTAL OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-EQUIPMENT 4- Motor Vehicles 5- Other Vehicles 7- Radio Sub -Total TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 303 ACTUAL 1970-71 $ 10,506.00 258,264.09 15,282.02 7,095.00 7,107.00 13,464.00 311,718.11 313.81 1,043.50 488.50 1,845.31 346.00 346.00 27.74 27.74 1,877.00 1,877.00 $ 315,814.16 22,677.20 8,082.50 -0- 30,759.70 $ 30,759.70 ESTIMATED 1971-72 $ 10,315.00 278,000.00 12,000.00 7,000.00 13,000.00 14,000.00 334,315.00 300.00 1,500.00 500.00 2,300.00 100.00 100.00 30.00 30.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 PROPOSED 1972-73 $ 10,488.00 296,784.00 12,000.00 7,183.00 19,233.00 16,755.00 362,443.00 300.00 1,500.00 400.00 2,200.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 30.00 30.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 $ 338,995.00 $ 367,923.00 52,702.00 4,378.00 850.00 57,930.00 80,000.00 - 0- - 0- 80,000.00 57,930.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 346,573.86 $ 396,925.00 $ 447,923.00 40 CITY OF RAYTOWN. TEXAS GENERAL FUND - PUBLIC HEALTH ACCOUNT N0. 401 - HEALTH DEPARTMENT OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 3- Labor Operation (Technical) 4- Extra Help or Overtime 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 2- Printing 4- Wearing Apparel Sub -Total 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 $ 9,852.00 $ 10,402.00 $ 11,052.00 26,003.00 32,154.00 36,579.00 633.00 856.00 1,000.00 721.00 780.00 841.00 612.00 1,643.00 2,982.00 1,553.00 1,983.00 2,538.00 39,374.00 885.56 63,80 50.00 999.36 -0- Sub-Total -0- 47,818.00 948.00 70.00 50.00 54,992.00 948.00 70.00 50.00 1,068.00 1,748.00 -0- -0 - 42.00 42.00 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2- Hire of Equipment (Car Allowance) 5,040.00 5,840.00 6,360.00 4- Special Services (Health Officer) 900.00 900.00 2,400.00 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 790.83 900.00 1,150.00 10- Vacant Lot Clearing 1,510.00 2,200.00 3,000.00 10A-Air Pollution -0- -0- 2,500.00 13- Association Dues 136.50 177.00 250.00 Sub -Total 8,377.33 10,017.00 15,660.00 TOTAL OPERATING $ 48,750.69 $ 58,903.00 $ 72,442.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-EQUIPMENT 1- Office Equipment 746.35 1,728.00 -0- Sub-Total 746.35 1,728.00 -0- TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 746.35 $ 1,728.00 $ -0- TOTAL ACCOUNT 401 $ 49,497.04 $ 60,631.00 $ 72,442.00 41 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - PUBLIC HEALTH ACCOUNT NO. 402 - MOSQUITO CONTROL OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 3- Labor Operations 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 9- Chemical, Medical & Surgical ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 $ 2,255.90 $ 2,300.00 75.00 120.00 2,330.90 2,420.00 2,317.61 Sub -Total 2,317.61 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements TOTAL OPERATING TOTAL ACCOUNT 402 185.21 $ 2,438.00 127.00 2,565.00 4,000.00 2,400.00 4,000.00 2,400.00 200.00 200.00 Sub -Total 185.21 200.00 200.00 $ 4,833.72 $ 6,620.00 $ 5,165.00 4,833.72 $ 6,620.00 $ 5,165.00 42 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS GENERAL FUND - PARKS AND RECREATION ACCOUNT NO. 501 - PARKS AND RECREATION OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 2- Clerical 3- Labor Operations 4- Extra Help or Overtime 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 2- Printing 6- Motor Vehicle Supplies 7- Minor Tools & Appartus 8- Laundry, Cleaning & Janitorial 9- Chemicals, Medical & Surgical 11- Educational & Recreational 12- Botanical & Agricultural 13- Other Supplies Sub -Total 3- MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1- Land Sub -Total 4- MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1- Buildings 1A-Swimming Pools (Filt. System) 8- Streets, Sidewalks, Curbs, & Storm Sewers 10- Other Sub -Total 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1- Furniture, Fixtures, & Furnishings 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 4- Motor Vehicle Supplies 5- Other Vehicles 7- Radio Equipment 8- Books 12- Air Conditioning 15- Other Sub -Total ACTUAL 1970-71 $ 29,951.50 4,918.00 56,921.94 39,404.29 2,616.00 1,841.00 6,017.00 141,669.73 1,034.82 165.89 489.45 644.84 494.13 1,116.35 5,360.69 766.69 1,570.32 11,643.18 499.52 499.52 3,034.25 366.00 495.86 235.85 4,131.96 462.40 1,716.87 750.00 145.85 29.54 34.95 1,885.92 2,305.56 7,331.09 ESTIMATED 1971-72 $ 32,059.00 9,423.00 71,635.00 39,230.00 3,315.00 5,662.00 7,494.00 168,818.00 1,270.00 437.00 650.00 750.00 650.00 1,000.00 6,585.00 950.00 800.00 13,092.00 750.00 750.00 4,212.00 500.00 450.00 239.00 5,401.00 603.00 1,000.00 750.00 -0- 30.00 50.00 1,500.00 2,300.00 PROPOSED 1972-73 $ 33,799.00 10,257.00 95,935.00 50,920.00 1,137.00 7,619.00 10,160.00 209,827.00 1,270.00 525.00 950.00 1,200.00 700.00 1,500.00 7,085.00 1,250.00 800.00 15,280.00 1,899.00 1,899.00 4,800.00 600.00 700.00 250.00 6,350.00 800.00 1,650.00 1,050.00 150.00 90.00 50.00 1,500.00 2,300.00 6,333.00 7,590.00 43 CITY OP BAYTOWN. TEXA• ACCOUNT NO. 501 - CONTINUED 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1- Communications (Telephone) 2- Hire of Equipment 3- Insurance -Other 4- Special Services (Janitorial) 5- Advertising 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 7- Rents 11- Electrical Service 12- Natural Gas Service 13- Association Dues 14- Beautification Program Sub -Total 7- SUNDRY CHARGES 1- Contributions, Gratuities, & Rewards Sub -Total TOTAL OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY 8- LAND 2- Park Improvements Sub -Total 9- BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, & SYSTEMS 1- Buildings Sub -Total 10-EQUIPMENT 1- Furniture, Fixtures, & Furnishings 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 3- Equipment 4- Motor Vehicles 7- Radio Equipment Sub -Total TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ACTUAL 1970-71 1,104.94 2,843.30 300.00 9,126.50 49.47 799.29 630.77 9,054.97 718.73 69.00 - 0- 24,696.97 5,869.00 5,869.00 ESTIMATED 1971-72 1,150.00 3,000.00 300.00 20,244.00 50.00 1,267.00 807.00 9,500.00 650.00 65.00 -0- 37,033.00 6,386.00 6,386.00 PROPOSED 1972-73 1,427.00 3,000.00 300.00 20,604.00 125.00 1,000.00 900.00 11,500.00 800.00 115.00 1,000.00 40,771 .00 6,600.00 6,600.00 $ 195,841.45 $ 237,813.00 $ 288,317.00 14,118.00 14,118.00 790.76 790.76 3,077.12 1,950.00 - 0- 6,594.93 - 0- 11,622.05 $ 26,530.81 TOTAL ACCOUNT 501 $ 222,372.26 2,000.00 2,000.00 3,400.00 3,400.00 1,389.00 2,767.00 626.00 7,421.00 729.00 12,932.00 2,800.00 2,800.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 960.00 2,175.00 1,140.00 5,700.00 1,600.00 11,575.00 $ 18,332.00 $ 18,375.00 $ 256,145.00 $ 306,692.00 44 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS GENERAL FUND - PARKS & RECREATION ACCOUNT NO. 502 - PARKWAY & MEDIAN MAINTENANCE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 * 1971-72 * 1972-73 OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 3- Labor Operations $ -0- $ -0- $ 23,494.00 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life -0- -0- 600.00 6- Retirement -0- -0- 1,412.00 7- Social Security -0- -0- 1,222.00 Sub -Total -0- -0- 26,728.00 TOTAL OPERATING $ -0- $ -0- $ 26,728.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 502 $ -0- $ -0- $ 26,728.00 45 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS OPERATING 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 2- Printing GENERAL FUND - MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT NO. 601 - ELECTIONS Sub -Total 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2- Hire of Equipment - (Voting Machines) 4- Special Services - (Election Officers) 5- Advertising 7- Rents Sub -Total TOTAL OPERATING TOTAL ACCOUNT 601 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 $ 246.24 $ 219.00 $ 550.00 282.60 -0- -0- 528.84 219.00 550.00 1,000.00 600.00 1,300.00 3,894.50 1,348.00 3,200.00 181.93 150.00 -0- -0- 925.00 1,700.00 5,176.43 3,023.00 6,200.00 $ 5,705.27 $ 3,242.00 $ 6,750.00 $ 5,705.27 $ 3,242.00 $ 6,750.00 46 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT NO. 602 - INSURANCE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3- Insurance -Other $ 6,496.99 $ 7,192.00 $ 35,000.00 Sub -Total 6,496.99 7,192.00 35,000.00 7- SUNDRY CHARGES 8- Medical & Hospital Exp. (On Job Injuries) Sub -Total 1,960.56 1,960.56 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 TOTAL OPERATING $ 8,457.55 $ 9,692.00 $ 37,500.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 602 $ 8,457.55 $ 9,692.00 $ 37,500.00 47 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND - MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT NO. 603 - CITY HALL OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 2- Clerical 3- Labor Operations 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 2- Printing 7- Minor Tools & Apparatus 8- Janitorial, Laundry & Cleaning Sub -Total 4- MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1- Buildings Sub -Total ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 $ 2,497.04 $ 7,350.00 $ 9,060.00 6,352.00 6,586.00 6,736.00 172.00 363.00 480.00 162.00 740.00 988.00 704.00 725.00 775.00 9,887.04 15,764.00 18,039.00 4,981.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 1,209.81 1,000.00 1,000.00 42.20 46.00 50.00 1,016.74 1,500.00 2,000.00 7,249.85 8,546.00 9,050.00 1,197.47 1,500.00 2,600.00 1,197.47 1,500.00 2,600.00 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 390.49 12- Air Conditioning 1,245.28 Sub -Total 1,635.77 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1- Communications (Telephone) 9,999.91 2- Hire of Equipment (Xerox) 5,930.14 4- Special Services (Janitorial) 6,347.50 5- Advertising 1,981.04 11- Electrical Services 5,173.47 12- Natural Gas Service 272.81 Sub -Total 29,704.87 TOTAL OPERATING $ 364.00 1,500.00 1,864.00 13,000.00 5,800.00 6,120.00 2,000.00 5,500.00 310.00 400.00 1,500.00 1,900.00 13,350.00 4,800.00 6,500.00 4,000.00 5,500.00 400.00 32,730.00 34,550.00 49,675.00 $ 60,404.00 $ 66,139.00 48 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 603 - CONTINUED ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9- BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES & SYSTEMS 1- Buildings $ 3,850.00 $ -0- $ 2,500.00 Sub -Total 3,850.00 -0- 2,500.00 10-EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements -0- -0- 1,800.00 Sub -Total -0- -0- 1,800.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 3,850.00 $ -0- $ 4,300.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 603 $ 53,525.00 $ 60,404.00 $ 70,439.00 49 1. PERSONAL I.-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 2. SUPPLIES 2-1 2-2 2-4 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-13 WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER FUND SERVICES Supervisory Clerical Labor Operations Extra Help & Overtime Insurance -Hospital & Life Retirement Social Security TOTAL Office Supplies & Postage Printing Wearing Apparel Motor Vehicles Minor Tools & Apparatus Janitorial Chemical, Medical & Surgical Other Supplies TOTAL 3. MAINTENANCE OF LAND 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 4-1 Buildings 4-4 Sanitary Sewers 4-7 Standpipes & Reservoirs TOTAL 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 5-2 Machinery, Tools & Implements 5-4 Motor Vehicles 5-7 Radio Equipment 5-9 Water Mains, Meters & Fire Hydrants TOTAL $ 80,011.00 35,227.00 364,243.00 17,950.00 10,323.00 30,401.00 25,611.00 $ 563,766.00 $ 11,000.00 600.00 275.00 6,246.00 2,600.00 400.00 29 ,900.00 1,845.00 52,866.00 None $ 2,500.00 53,150.00 13,000.00 68,650.00 $ 28,512.90 15,500.00 375.00 20,000.00 $ 64,387.00 r tWATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER FUND (Continued) page 2 I 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6-2 Hire of Equipment $ 1,425.00 6-3 Insurance -Other 2,140.00 I 6-4 Special Services (Computer Service) 20,500.00 6-6 Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 200.00 6-7 Rent (Easements) 25.00 I 6-8 Educational & Training 430.00 6-11 Electrical Service 107,000.00 6-12 Natural Gas Service 825.00 I 6-13 Association Dues 125.00 6-14 Other (Sub -Station Fees) 2,100.00 II TOTAL $ 134,770.00 I 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 7-10 Reserve for Terminal Sick Leave $ 7,500.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 CITY OP BAYTOWN. TEXAS WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DETAIL SUMMARY OF REVENUE & EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION AND DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION OPERATING REVENUES 900 Sale of Water 901 Servicing Installations 903 Sewer Service 904 Penalty for Late Payments 905 Effluent Fees 954 Interest & Discount Earned 959 Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEAR TOTAL AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT 1001 General Overhead 1002 Water Production 1003 Water Distribution 1004 Sewage Collection 1005 Sewage Treatment 1006 Infiltration Abatement TOTAL EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE SEPTEMBER 30 ACTUAL 1970-71 743,021.34 41,890.41 248,827.72 12,791.32 49,264.25 7,520.10 4,006.68 $ 1,107,321.82 195,437.73 $ 1,302,759.55 ESTIMATED 1971-72 $ 775,000.00 42,000.00 260 ,000.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 1,552.00 1,373.00 $ 1,135,925.00 90,000.00 PROPOSED 1972-73 $ 785,000.00 44,000.00 265,000.00 25,000.00 30 ,000.00 6,150.00 1,000.00 $ 1,156,150.00 36,391.00 $ 1,225,925.00 $ 1,192,541.00 393,522.30 $ 130,369.36 268,859.48 171,966.04 224,805.96 30,899.93 $ 1,220,423.07 $ 82,336.48 340,715.00 $ 131,057.00 273,797.00 184,080.00 228,201.00 31,684.00 $ 1,189,534.00 $ 36,391.00 230,438.00 158,268.00 314,274.00 229 ,279.00 220,528.00 39,754.00 $ 1,192,541.00 $ -0- 50 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER FUND EXPENDITURE DETAIL SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION OPERATING 1- Personal Services 2- Supplies 4- Maintenance of Structures 5- Maintenance of Equipment 6- Miscellaneous Services 7- Sundry Charges TOTAL OPERATING CONTINGENCIES TRANSFERS CAPITAL OUTLAY 9- Buildings, Structures & Systems 10- Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ACTUAL 1970-71 $ 432,846.58 44,962.12 5,920.28 58,387.76 127,485.51 13,570.16 $ 683,172.41 -0- 288,569.00 223,773.14 24,908.52 ESTIMATED 1971-72 506 ,940.00 48,721.00 44,080.00 42,330.00 127,533.00 1,500.00 PROPOSED 1972-73 $ 563,766.00 52,866.00 68,650.00 64,387.00 134,770.00 7,500.00 771,104.00 $ 891,939.00 -0 - 238,844.00 87,034.00 92,552.00 33,000.00 81,990.00 89,772.00 95,840.00 $ 248,681.66 $ 179,586.00 $ 185,612.00 GRAND TOTAL $1,220,423.07 $1,189,534.00 $1,192,541.00 51 CITY OP BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER FUND ACCOUNT NO. 1001 - GENERAL OVERHEAD OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 2- Clerical 4- Extra Help & Overtime 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 $ 6,700.00 $ 7,274.00 $ 8,056.00 31,696.92 34,050.00 35,227.00 4,154.16 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,169.00 1,133.00 1,160.00 1,096.00 1,875.00 2,775.00 1,847.00 2,138.00 2,318.00 46,657.08 47,470.00 50,536.00 2- SUPPLIES 1- Office Supplies & Postage 8,689.04 10,650.00 11,000.00 2- Printing 869.25 600.00 600.00 6- Motor Vehicle 3,438.43 6,000.00 6,000.00 8- Janitorial -0- 200.00 200.00 Sub -Total 12,996.72 17,450.00 17,800.00 4- MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1- Buildings -0- 808.00 500.00 Sub -Total -0- 808.00 500.00 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 4- Motor Vehicles Sub -Total - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2- Hire of Equipment 4- Special Services (Computer Service) 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 14- Other (Sub Station Fees) Sub -Total 411.28 11,499.50 360.00 12,000.00 412.00 15,000.00 11,910.78 12,360.00 15,412.00 -0- 170.00 -0- 18,450.00 20,000.00 20,500.00 95.92 -0- 100.00 1,272.64 1,600.00 2,100.00 19,818.56 21,770.00 22,700.00 52 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1001 - CONTINUED ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 7- SUNDRY CHARGES 10- Reserve for Terminal Sick Leave $ 13,570.16 $ 1,500.00 $ 7,500.00 Sub -Total 13,570.16 1,500.00 7,500.00 TOTAL OPERATING $ 104,953.30 $ 101,358.00 $ 114,448.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements -0- 513.00 1,000.00 Sub -Total -0- 513.00 1,000.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ -0- $ 513.00 $ 1,000.00 OTHER 12-CONTINGENCIES 1- Unforseen Expenses -0- -0- Sub-Total -0- -0- OTHER 13-TRANSFERS 1- Debt Service, Waterworks and Sanitary Sewer Sub -Total TOTAL OTHER TOTAL ACCOUNT 1001 288,569.00 288,569.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 238,844.00 81,990.00 238,844.00 81,990.00 $ 288,569.00 $ 238,844.00 $ 114,990.00 $ 393,522.30 $ 340,715.00 $ 230,438.00 53 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER FUND ACCOUNT NO. 1002 - WATER PRODUCTION OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 3- Labor Operations 4- Extra Help or Overtime 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 7- Minor Tools & Apparatus 9- Chemical, Medical & Surgical 13- Other Supplies Sub -Total 4- MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1- Buildings 7- Standpipes & Reservoirs Sub -Total 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 7- Radio Equipment Sub -Total 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3- Insurance -Other 4- Special Services 8- Educational & Training 11- Electrical Service 12- Natural Gas Service 13- Association Dues Sub -Total TOTAL OPERATING ACTUAL 1970-71 $ 12,000.00 24,764.50 -0- 696.00 612.00 1,481.00 39,553.50 159.86 12,507.37 125.00 12,792.23 448.35 ESTIMATED 1971-72 PROPOSED 1972-73 $ 12,605.00 $ 13,356.00 27,454.00 28,171.00 -0- -0- 600.00 668.00 1,355.00 2,600.00 1,350.00 2,098.00 43,364.00 46,893.00 200.00 200.00 12,000.00 16,500.00 125.00 125.00 12,325.00 16,825.00 500.00 500.00 -0- 10,498.00 13,000.00 448.35 12,592.08 28.96 12,621.04 300.00 5,200.00 128.19 57,744.50 363.46 20.00 63,756.15 10,998.00 13,500.00 6,500.00 30.00 6,530.00 300.00 -0- 100.00 .55,000.00 325.00 25.00 55,750.00 20,000.00 60.00 20,060.00 300.00 -0- 175.00 55,000.00 325.00 50.00 57,850.00 $ 129,171.27 $ 128,967.00 $ 155,128.00 54 CITY OP BAYTOWN. TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1002 - CONTINUED ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements $ 1,198.09 $ 2,090.00 $ 240.00 4- Motor Vehicles -0- -0- 2,900.00 Sub -Total 1,198.09 2,090.00 3,140.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 1002 $ 1,198.09 $ 2,090.00 $ 3,140.00 $ 130,369.36 $ 131,057.00 $158,268.00 55 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER FUND ACCOUNT NO. 1003 - WATER DISTRIBUTION OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 3- Labor Operations 4- Extra Help or Overtime 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 4- Wearing Apparel 7- Minor Tools & Apparatus 9- Chemicals 13- Other 4- MAINTENANCE 1- Building Sub -Total Sub -Total 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 7- Radio Equipment 9- Water Mains, Meters & Fire Hydrants Sub -Total 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2- Hire of Equipment 3- Insurance -Other 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 7- Rent (Easements) 8- Educational & Training 13- Association Dues Sub -Total ACTUAL 1970-71 $ 36,915.50 108,082.99 14,265.61 3,605.00 3,511.00 7,782.00 174,162.10 72.68 1,077.30 811.60 245.47 2,207.05 857.24 857.24 96.20 119.88 22,497.79 22,713.87 50.00 1,080.00 17.78 19.00 30.00 20.00 1,216.78 TOTAL OPERATING $ 201,157.04 ESTIMATED 1971-72 $ 37,270.00 115,664.00 9,700.00 3,000.00 6,000.00 7,667.00 179,301.00 150.00 2,000.00 600.00 250.00 3,000.00 - 0- - 0- 50.00 120.00 15,000.00 15,170.00 - 0- 1,020.00 50.00 69.00 30.00 25.00 1,194.00 PROPOSED 1972-73 37,999.00 142,858.00 6,500.00 3,986.00 11,724.00 9,432.00 212,499.00 275.00 1,000.00 500.00 250.00 2,025.00 - 0- - 0- 50.00 255.00 20,000.00 20,305.00 100.00 1,020.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 1,245.00 198,665.00 $ 236,074.00 1 56 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1003 - CONTINUED ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements $ 288.11 $ 1,200.00 $ 3,500.00 4- Motor Vehicles -0- -0- 4,700.00 5- Other Vehicles 3,003.96 -0- -0- 7- Radio Equipment -0- 3,932.00 -0- 9- Water Distribution System 64,410.37 70,000.00 70.000.00 Sub -Total 67,702,44 75,132.00 78,200.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 67,702.44 $ 75,132.00 $ 78,200.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 1003 $268,859.48 $ 273,797.00 $ 314,274.00 57 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER FUND ACCOUNT NO. 1004 - SEWAGE COLLECTION OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 3- Labor Operations 4- Extra Help or Overtime 5- Insurance 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 7- Minor Tools & Apparatus 9- Chemicals 13- Other 4- MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 4- Sanitary Sewers Sub -Total 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 7- Radio Equipment Sub -Total 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2- Hire of Equipment 3- Insurance -Other 6- Travel & Reimbursable Expenses 8- Educational & Training Sub -Total TOTAL OPERATING ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 $ 9,000.00 $ 9,600.00 $ 9,792.00 53,487.93 53,955.00 55,106.00 9,030.00 13,000.00 10,000.00 1,545.00 1,400.00 1,389.00 1,505.00 3,000.00 4,687.00 3,178.00 3,121.00 3,918.00 77,745.93 84,076.00 84,892.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 650.00 1,000.00 900.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 1,900.00 2,250.00 2,150.00 3,086.56 30,000.00 50,000.00 3,086.56 30,000.00 50,000.00 100.00 90.00 190.00 45.00 720.00 50.00 30.00 845.00 50.00 50.00 90.00 30.00 140.00 80.00 -0- 125.00 680.00 680.00 50.00 50.00 30.00 30.00 760.00 885.00 $ 83,767.49 $ 117,226.00 $ 138,007.00 58 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1004 - CONTINUED CAPITAL OUTLAY 9- BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES & SYSTEMS 4- Sanitary Sewers Sub -Total 10-EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 4- Motor Vehicles Sub -Total ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 $ 82,119.25 $ 55,296.00 $ 89,772.00 82,119.25 55,296.00 89,772.00 -0- -0- 1,500.00 6,079.30 11,558.00 -0- 6,079.30 11,558.00 1,500.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 88,198.55 $ 66,854.00 $ 91,272.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 1004 $ 171,966.04 $ 184,080.00 $ 229,279.00 59 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER FUND ACCOUNT NO. 1005 - SEWAGE TREATMENT OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 3- Labor Operations 4- Extra Help or Overtime 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 7- Minor Tools & Apparatus 8- Janitorial Supplies 9- Chemical, Medical & Surgical 13- Other Supplies Sub -Total 4- MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1- Buildings Sub -Total 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 7- Radio Equipment Sub -Total 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3- Insurance -Other 8- Educational & Training 11- Electrical Service 12- Natural Gas Service 13- Association Dues Sub -Total ACTUAL 1970-71 $ 104,596.23 316.60 2,442.00 2,280.00 5,148.00 114,782.83 339.49 -0- 13,690.98 225.00 14,255.47 1,528.13 1,528.13 10,431.80 23.35 10,455.15 140.00 200.00 40,004.08 488.34 50.00 40,882.42 TOTAL OPERATING $ 181,904.00 ESTIMATED 1971-72 111,000.00 400.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 5,816.00 124,216.00 500.00 -0- 12,000.00 225.00 12,725.00 1,374.00 1,374.00 8,000.00 30.00 8,030.00 140.00 50.00 46,000.00 625.00 44.00 46,859.00 $ PROPOSED 1972-73 $ 118,875.00 450.00 2,377.00 7,400.00 6,181.00 135,283.00 400.00 200.00 12,000.00 225.00 12,825.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 8,000.00 30.00 8,030.00 140.00 200.00 50,000.00 500.00 50.00 50,890.00 193,204.00 $ 208,528.00 60 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1005 - CONTINUED ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9- BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES .& SYSTEMS 3- Sanitary Sewers $ 38,267.54 $ 31,738.00 $ -0- Sub-Total 38,267.54 31,738.00 -0- 10-EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 4,634.42 2,530.00 9,000.00 4- Motor Vehicles -0- -0- 3,000.00 7- Radio Equipment -0- 729.00 -0- Sub-Total 4,634.42 3,259.00 12,000.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 42,901.96 $ 34,997.00 $ 12,000.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 1005 $ 224,805.96 $ 228,201.00 $220,528.00 61 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER FUND ACCOUNT NO. 1006 - INFILTRATION ABATEMENT OPERATING 1- PERSONAL SERVICES 1- Supervisory 3- Labor Operations 5- Insurance -Hospital & Life 6- Retirement 7- Social Security Sub -Total 2- SUPPLIES 6- Motor Vehicle (Fuel) 13- Other Supplies ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 8,231.93 $ 10,603.00 $ 10,808.00 9,457.64 15,650.00 19,233.00 - 0- 590.00 743.00 - 0- 670.00 1,215.00 -0- 1,000.00 1,664.00 17,689.57 28,513.00 110.65 246.00 700.00 725.00 Sub -Total 810.65 4- MAINTENANCE SANITARY SEWERS 4- Sanitary Sewers Sub -Total 5- MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 4- Motor Vehicles Sub -Total 6- MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2- Hire of Equipment Sub -Total 33,663.00 246.00 995.00 971.00 1,241.00 - 0- 900.00 3,150.00 - 0- 900.00 3,150.00 496.92 496.92 966.60 966.60 100.00 500.00 100.00 500.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 TOTAL OPERATING $ 19,963.74 $ 31,684.00 $ 39,754.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9- BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES & SYSTEMS 4- Sanitary Sewers 1,231.55 -0- -0- Sub-Total 1,231.55 -0- -0- 10-EQUIPMENT 2- Machinery, Tools & Implements 1,364.64 -0- -0- 4- Motor Vehicle 8,340.00 -0- -0- Sub-Total 9,704.64 -0- -0- TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 10,936.19 $ -0- $ -0- TOTAL ACCOUNT 1006 $ 30,899.93 $ 31,684.00 $ 39,754.00 62 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND MAXIMUM PAY SCALE GENERAL FUND PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. 1972-73 "CITY MANAGER 102-1-1 City Manager 1 $ $ 25,000.00 Administrative Asst. 1 950.00 11,400.00 Longevity 58.00 TOTAL 2 36,458.00 102-1-2 Admin. Secretary l 512.00 6,144.00 Longevity O 113.00 TOTAL 6, 257.00 JFINANCE 103-1-1 Director of Finance 1 1,286.00 15,432.00 Chief Accountant 1 818.00 9,816.00 Longevity 633.00 TOTAL 2 25,881.00 103-1-2 Account Clerk 1 527.00 6,324.00 Sr. Account Clerk 1 568.00 6,816.00 Sr. Account Clerk 1 505/536 5,246.00 Clerk Typist I .25 355/376 1,128.00 Longevity 1, 575.00 TOTAL 3.25 �� 20,089.00 TAX '104-1-1 104-1-2 104-1-3 Assessor -Collector Longevity TOTAL 1,097.00 13,164.00 238.00 13,402.00 Assessment Clerk 1 536.00 6,432.00 Clerk Typist II 1 490.00 5,880.00 Clerk Typist I 1 355/376 3,255.00 Longevity 532.00 TOTAL 3 16,099.00 I Asst. Asses. -Coll. 1 897.00 10,764.00 Deputy Appraiser 1 738.00 8,856.00 Personal Property Appr. 1 633.00 1,899.00 Deputy Appraiser 1 554.00 6,648.00 Longevity 298.00 TOTAL 47 28,465.00 63 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - CONTINUED GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER JPURCHASING 105-1-1 105-1-2 LAW 106-1-1 106-1-2 CITY CLERK 107-1-1 107-1-2 j PLANNING 108-1-1 108-1-2 108-1-3 `/ LIBRARY 109-1-1 PROPOSED NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. 1972-73 Purchasing Agent Longevity TOTAL Procurement Clerk Longevity TOTAL City Attorney Asst. City Attorney Longevity TOTAL Legal Secretary Longevity TOTAL City Clerk Longevity TOTAL Clerk Steno Longevity TOTAL Director Longevity TOTAL Clerk Typist I Longevity TOTAL Planning Asst. Longevity TOTAL City Librarian Asst. City Librarian Librarian Librarian Librarian Librarian Longevity TOTAL 1 1 1 .50 1 1 2 1 .50 .50 6 $ 880.00 $ 10,560.00 160.00 10,720.00 537.00 6,444.00 468.00 6,912.00 1,411.00 16,932.00 1,055.00 12,660.00 40.00 29,632.00 498.00 5,976.00 81.00 909.00 430.00 1,218.00 355/376 754.00 1,022.00 758.00 656.00 584.00 3.37 hr. 3.37 hr. 6,057.00 10,908.00 600.00 11,508.00 5,160.00 33.00 5,193.00 14,616.00 -0- 14,616.00 2,256.00 6.00 2,262.00 9,048.00 24.00 9,072.00 12,264.00 9,096.00 15,744.00 7,008.00 3,505.00 3,505.00 539.00 51,661.00 1 64 CITY OP BAYTOWN. TEXAS J SALARIES AND WAGES - CONTINUED GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER CLASSIFICATION LIBRARY CONT 109-1-2 109-1-3 Admin. Secretary Jr. Librarian Jr. Librarian Jr. Librarian Jr. Librarian Jr. Librarian Jr. Librarian Page Page Longevity TOTAL Custodian Custodian Longevity TOTAL CIVIL DEFENSE 110-1-2 Secretary Longevity TOTAL Less: Federal C.D. Matching Fund NUMBER POSITIONS PROPOSED MAXIMUM PROPOSED SALARY MO. 1972-73 1 573.00 6,876.00 1 567.00 6,804.00 2 506.00 12,144.00 1 450.00 5,400.00 1 425.00 5,100.00 .50 1040 h r . 2.59 h r . 2,694.00 .50 1040 hr. 2.47 hr. 2,569.00 1 285.00 3,420.00 5 2080 hr. 1.60/1.69 hr.17,000.00 1,150.00 13 1 .20 MUNICIPAL COURT 111-1-2 Court Clerk Court Clerk Longevity TOTAL 111-6-4 J GARAGE 112-1-1 112-1-3 1 3 4 Municipal Court Judge 1 Foreman Longevity TOTAL Mechanic Mechanic Serviceman Serviceman Serviceman Welder Longevity TOTAL 479.00 1.50 hr. 208.00 553.00 422.00 63,157.00 5,748.00 782.00 123.00 6,653.00 2,496.00 20.00 2,516.00 1,258.00 1,258.00 6,636.00 15 ,192.00 467.00 22,295.00 739.00 8,868.00 1 849.00 1 3 1 1 1 1 8 730.00 689.00- 593.00 525.00 467/495 711.00 10,188.00 480.00 10,668.00 8,760.00 24,804.00 7,116.00 6,300.00 5,772.00 8,532.00 1,585.00 62,869.00 65 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - CONTINUED GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS /TRAFFIC CONTROL 113-1-3 Traffic Cont. Painter Traffic Cont. Painter Traffic Cont. Painter Longevity TOTAL POLICE 201-1-1 201-1-2 201-1-3 Dispatcher Dispatcher Dispatcher Dispatcher Clerk Typist Clerk Typist Clerk Typist Clerk Typist Secretary Longevity TOTAL Sergeants Sergeant TOTAL Patrolmen Patrolmen Patrolmen Patrolmen Patrolmen TOTAL Policeman Electronics Mechanic Humane Humane Humane Humane TOTAL 1 1 1 3 Chief 1 Asst. Chief 1 Lieutenants 4 Identification Tech 1 Records Supervisor 1_. Legal Aide 1 Longevity TOTAL 9 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 10 13 1 14 26 4 4 3 3 40 1 Tech. -1 1 1 1 1 .50 6.5 PROPOSED MAXIMUM PROPOSED SALARY MO. 1972-73 733.00 589.00 524.00 1,298.00 1,010.00 929.00 868.00 491.00 1,230.00 8,796.00 7,068.00 6,288.00 226.00 22,378.00 15,576.00 12,120.00 44,592.00 10 ,416.00 5,892.00 14,760.00 4,146.00 107,502.00 528.00 6,336.00 498.00(+25 mo)6,276.00 444.00(+25 ma)5,628.00 444.00(+50 ma)5,928.00 375.00 9,000.00 397.00 4,764.00 421.00 5,052.00 446.00 5,352.00 543.00 6,516.00 799.00 55,651.00 868.00 135,408.00 832.00 9,984.00 145,392.00 809.00 252,408.00 797/809 38,544.00 719/779 35,952.00 677/719 25,128.00 634/677 23,598.00 375,630.00 494.00 5,928.00 895.00 10,740.00 730.00 8,760.00 579.00 6,948.00 600.00 7,200.00 659.00 7,908.00 232.00 2,784.00 50,268.00 66 CITY OP BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - CONTINUED GENERAL FUND PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. 1972-73 POLICE CONT. 201-1-3 School Patrol 8 1.60(9 Mos.) 11,520.00 Longevity 14,911.00 TOTAL 597,721.00 201-1-4A Cadets 1?-! 38,285.00 FIRE 202-1-1 Chief 1 1,155.00 13,860.00 Asst. Chief 2 1,010.00 i 24,240.00 Captain 5 929.00 55,740.00 Marshal 1 955.00 11,460.00 Longevity 4,971.00 TOTAL 9 110,271.00 202-1-2 Senior Clerk Typist 1 490.00 5,880.00 Dispatcher 4 470.00 22,560.00 Longevity 429.00 TOTAL 5 28,869.00 202-1-3 Lieutenants 12 868.00 124,992.00 Fire Equipment Oper. 18 835.00 180,360.00 Fire Fighter 4 719.00 34,512.00 Fire Fighter 5 677.00 40,620.00 Longevity 1 8,670.00 TOTAL 39 / % 389,154.00 J INSPECTIONS 203-1-1 Chief Inspector 1 1,056.00 12,672.00 Longevity 347.00 TOTAL 13,019.00 203-1-2 Clerk Typist II 1 490.00 5,880.00 Longevity 126.00 TOTAL 6,006.00 203-1-3 Electrical Inspector 1 Plumbing Inspector 1 Housing Inspector 1 Electrician 1 Longevity TOTAL 4 STREETS AND DRAINAGE 301-1-1 Superintendent Maint. Foreman Const. Foreman Longevity TOTAL 971.00 876.00 826.00 739.00 1 1,129.00 1 820.00 1 741.00 11,652.00 10,512.00 9,912.00 8,868.00 501.00 41,445.00 13,548.00 9,840.00 8,892.00 1,293.00 3 33,573.00 67 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - CONTINUED GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER STREETS 301-1-3 NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS & DRAINAGE CONT. Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Welder Construction Helper Maintenance Helper Maintenance Helper Concrete Finisher Longevity TOTAL IENGINEERING 302-1-1 302-1-1 302-1-3 Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Director of Public Wrk. 1 Longevity TOTAL Clerk Typist I Longevity TOTAL Inspector Engineering Engineering Draftsman Draftsman Longevity TOTAL .25 1 Trainee 1 Tech. 1 1 .50 REFUSE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL 303-1-1 Foreman Longevity TOTAL 303-1-3 Equipment Operator Equipment Operator Landfill Attendant Truck Driver Laborers Laborers Laborers Longevity TOTAL 4.5 1 II 1 II 1 1 17 2 13 9 44 PROPOSED MAXIMUM SALARY MO. 824.00 781.00 706.00 681.00 596.00 587.00 522.00 492.00 738.00 518.00 461/489 435/461 644.00 1,243.00 844/896 895.00 623.00 726.00 256.00 824.00 781.00 750.00 565.00 565.00 504.00 537.00 504.00 PROPOSED 1972-73 19,776.00 28,116.00 8,472.00 24,516.00 14,304.00 14,088.00 18,792.00 11,808.00 8,856.00 24,864.00 10,706.00 10,752.00 7,728.00 4,062.00 206,840.00 14,916.00 212.00 15,128.00 1,128.00 3.00 1,131.00 10,492.00 10,740.00 7,476.00 8,712.00 3,072.00 131.00 40,623.00 9,888.00 600.00 10,488.00 9,372.00 9,000.00 6,780.00 115,260.00 12,096.00 83,772.00 54,432.00 6,072.00 296,784.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 68 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - CONTINUED GENERAL FUND PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. 1972-73 \/HEALTH 401-1-1 Chief Sanitarian 1 871.00 10,452.00 Longevity 600.00 TOTAL 11,052.00 401-1-3 Sanitarian 1 793.00 9,516.00 Sanitarian 1 791.00 9,492.00 Sanitarian 1 686.00 8,232.00 Public Health Nurse 1 699.00 8,388.00 Longevity 951.00 TOTAL 4 b 36,579.00 MOSQUITO CONTROL 402-1-3 Driver Operator 2 ZTh 2.08 Hr. 2,438.00 TOTAL - 2,438.00 JPARKS AND RECREATION 501-1-1 Director 1 1,086.00 13,032.00 Supt. of Recreation 1 765/810 9,533.00 Supt. of Parks 1 878.00 10,536.00 .Longevity 698.00 TOTAL 3 33,799.00 501-1-2 Sr. Clerk Typist 1 436/462 5,519.00 Clerk Typist I 1 375/397 4,738.00 TOTAL 2 10,257.00 501-1-3 Foreman 1 596.00 7,152.00 Maintenance tt, 554.00 6,648.00 Park Maintenance 1 535.00 6,420.00 Park Maintenance 2 516.00 12,384.00 Park Maintenance 1 487.00 5,844.00 Park Maintenance 1 418.00 4,410.00 Park Maintenance 2 433.00 10,392.00 Park Maintenance 1 409.00 4,908.00 Groundsman 1 409.00 4,248.00 Community Center Sup. 1 554.00 6,648.00 Custodian 1 479.00 5,748.00 Groundsman I 4 412/436 20,332.00 Longevity 801.00 TOTAL 17 ,i7 95,935.00 PARKWAY &.MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 502-1-3 Maintenance Leadman 1 Maintenance Helpers 3 TOTAL 4 464.00 5,568.00 409/432 17,926.00 23,494.00 69 CITY Or BAYTOWN. TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - CONTINUED GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS CITY HALL 603-1-2 Receptionist Clerk Typist I Longevity TOTAL 2 603-1-3 1 1 Custodian Longevity TOTAL PROPOSED MAXIMUM PROPOSED SALARY MO. 1972-73 377.00 375.00 521.00 4,524.00 4,500.00 36.00 9,060.00 6,252.00 484.00 6,736.00 70 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND MAXIMUM PAY SCALE WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER FUND PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. 1972-73 GENERAL OVERHEAD 1001-1-1 Utility Office 1 $ 644.00 $ 7,728.00 Longevity 328.00 TOTAL 8,056.00 1001-1-2 Cashier 4 486.00 23,328.00 Dispatcher Clerk 1 560.00 5,908.00 Clerk Typist 1 421.00 5,052.00 Longevity 939.00 TOTAL 6 35,227.00 WATER PRODUCTION 1002-1 Superintendent Longevity TOTAL 1 1002-3 Utility Service Foreman 1 Pump Serviceman 1 Pump Serviceman 1 Longevity TOTAL 3 1,063.00 820.00 748.00 686.00 12,756.00 600.00 13,356.00 9,840.00 8,976.00 8,232.00 1,123.00 28,171.00 WATER DISTRIBUTION 1003-1-1 Utility Service Foreman 2 820.00 19,680.00 Meter Shop Foreman 1 694.00 8,328.00 Meter Reader Leadman 1 702.00 8,424.00 Longevity 1,567.00 TOTAL 4 37,999.00 1003-1-3 Equip. Operator II Equip. Operator II Equip. Operator II Meter Repairman Meter Repairman Meter Readers Meter Reader Utility Serviceman Utility Serviceman Utility Serviceman Utility Serviceman Utility Serviceman Longevity TOTAL 1 1 1 1 3 21 729.00 8,748.00 619.00 7,428.00 490.00 5,880.00 638.00 7,656.00 518.00 6,216.00 638.00 22,968.00 456/484 5,799.00 543.00 19,548.00 605.00 7,260.00 484.00 29,040.00 702.00 8,424.00 456/484 11,597.00 2,294.00 142,858.00 71 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - CONTINUED WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER FUND PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. 1972-73 SEWAGE COLLECTION 1004-1-1 Utility Service Leadman 1 Longevity TOTAL 1004-1-3 Equip. Operator II 1 Utility Serviceman 1 Utility Serviceman 1 Utility Serviceman 5 Longevity TOTAL 8 766.00 729.00 678.00 575.00 512.00 9,192.00 600.00 9,792.00 8,748.00 8,136.00 6,900.00 30,720.00 602.00 55,106.00 SEWAGE DISPOSAL 1005-1-3 Laboratory Operator 1 725.00 8,700.00 Treatment Plant Oper. 9 671.00 72,468.00 Treatment Plant Oper. 1 713.00 8,556.00 Treatment Plant Train. 4 572.00 27,456.00 Longevity 1,695.00 TOTAL 15 118,875.00 INFILTRATION ABATEMENT 1006-1-1 Utility Service Foreman 1 Longevity TOTAL 1006-1-3 897.00 10,764.00 44.00 10,808.00 Utility Service Leadman 1 621.00 7,452.00 Maintenance Helper 1 518.00 6,216.00 Maintenance Helper 1 '- 2.64 hr. 5,491.00 Longevity � 74.00 TOTAL 3 `'` / 19,233.00 1 72 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS DEBT SERVICE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES REVENUE 800 Property Tax (Current Year) 801 Prior Years Property Tax 802 Penalty & Interest 804 Interest on Investments TOTAL REVENUE FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEAR TOTAL AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES 7-2 Bond Payments 7-2A-Coupon Payments 7-2B-Fiscal Agent Fees TOTAL EXPENDITURES ACTUAL 1970-71 $ 701,286.42 16,427.46 5,608.51 56,393.79 $ 779,716.18 34,984.37 $ 814,700.55 362 ,000.00 265,746.00 1,061.83 $ 628,807.83 ESTIMATED 1971-72 $ 600,120.00 12,100.00 3,100.00 371,000.00 $ 986,320.00 185,893.00 PROPOSED 1972-73 $ 837,854.00 9,600.00 2,400.00 274,274.00 $1,124,128.00 81,906.00 $1,172,213.00 $1,206,034.00 427,500.00 660,307.00 2,500.00 480,500.00 721,482.00 4,052.00 $1,090,307.00 $1,206,034.00 FUND BALANCE SEPTEMBER 30 $ 185,892.72 $ 81,906.00 $ -0- 73 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS DEBT SERVICE WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER REVENUE BONDS SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 REVENUES 843 Transfer from Water Fund $ 288,569.00 $ 238,844.00 $ 81,990.00 844 Interest Earned 16,851.89 98,792.00 100,000.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 305,420.89 $ 337,636.00 S 181,990.00 FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEAR TOTAL AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES 7-2 Bond Payments 7-2A Interest Payments 7-2B Fiscal Agent Fees 220,709.69 357,302.00 435,000.00 $ 526,130.58 $ 694,938.00 $ 616,990.00 94 ,000.00 74,413.75 413.85 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 168,827.60 FUND BALANCE YEAR END ANALYSIS OF SURPLUS & RESERVES REQUIRED BALANCE Semi -Annual Maturities Ensuing Years Maturities Contingency Reserve 357,302.98 71,136.50 259,188.33 21,825.00 122,000.00 137,188.00 750.00 $ 259 ,938.00 435,000.00 71,137.00 251,774.00 50,000.00 125,000.00 127,448.00 750.00 $ 253,198.00 $ 363,792.00 63,722.00 250,070.00 50,000.00 TOTAL REQUIRED RESERVE $ 352,249.83 $ 372,911.00 $ 363,792.00 UNAPPROPRIATED 5,153.15 62,089.00 -0- FUND BALANCE SEPTEMBER 30 $ 357,302.98 $ 435,000.00 $ -0- 74 NEI NM STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AT BEGINNING OF FISCAL YEAR 1972-73 DESCRIPTION WATERWORKS & SANITARY SEWER City of Pelly Waterworks Refunding "B" Bonds, Series 1935 City of Baytown Waterworks & Sanitary Sewer System Impvt. Refunding Waterworks & Sewer System Impvt. Series 1952 Waterworks & Sewer System Impvt. Series 1955 Waterworks & Sewer System Impvt. Series 1961 Waterworks & Sewer System Impvt. Series 1961A INTEREST RATE (%) DATE OF TERM MATURITY ORIGINAL ISSUE YEARS DATE ISSUE AMOUNT PRINCIPAL INTEREST OUTSTANDING DUE 72-73 DUE 72-73 5.00 4-10-35 38 1973 $ 63,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 100.00 4.00 8-01-66 25 1994 3.25 3-01-52 33 1974 3.50 7-14-55 30 1968 3.75 1985 4.05 3-12-61 33 1990 4.15 7-01-61 33 1990 784,000.00 780,000.00 125,000.00 46,000.00 129,000.00 175,000.00 10,000.00 77,000.00 77.000.00 126,000.00 125,000.00 102,000.00 102,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 -0- 30,900.00 243.75 2,868.75 2,868.75 5,103.00 -0- 4,233.00 rn BONDED INDEBTEDNESS - CONTINUED DESCRIPTION WATERWORKS & SANITARY SEWER H.C.W.C.&I.D. #58 Waterworks & Sanitary Sewer & Drainage Imp., Series 1956 4.75 12-01-56 33 1989 $ 475,000.00 $ 385,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $17,931.25 INTEREST DATE OF TERM MATURITY ORIGINAL AMOUNT PRINCIPAL INTEREST RATE (%) ISSUE YEARS DATE ISSUE OUTSTANDING DUE 72-73 DUE 72-73 Waterworks & Sanitary Sewer & Drainage Imp., Series 1961 5.00 4-01-61 36 1997 300,000.00 300,000.00 15,000.00 TOTAL WATERWORKS & SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM BONDS $2,575,000.00 $1,782,000.00 $ 38,000.00 $76,379.75 GENERAL PURPOSE BONDS City of Pelly Refunding Bonds, Series "B" 5.00 4-10-35 38 1973 36,500.00 1,50 0.00 1,500.00 75.00 City of Baytown Street & Drainage Impvt. Series 1958 Street & Drainage Impvt. Series 1959 5.00 2-01-58 16 1963 128,000.00 3.00 1966 112,000.00 3.25 1974 760,000.00 291,000.00 141,000.00 7,166.25 $1,000,000.00 4.50 5-01-59 18 1970 266,000.00 4.00 1976 330,000.00 260,000.00 35,000.00 12,900.00 2.50 1977 100,000.00 100,000.00 696,000.00 360,000.00 35,000.00 12,900.00 Library Bonds, Series 1961 3.50 3.38 3-01-61 16 1976 200,000.00 200,000.00 1977 150,000.00 150,000.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 12,062.50 N MN E MI IIIIII N M I M M NMI N M UN 11111 11E1 11111 EN EN EN EN NMI MIN MINI MN INN MN MIN NEI NM MIMI INN v BONDED INDEBTEDNESS - CONTINUED INTEREST DESCRIPTION RATE (%) GENERAL PURPOSE BONDS (CONTINUED) General Obligation All Purpose, Series 1966 General Obligation All Purpose, Series 1967 General Obligation All Purpose, Series 1968 General Obligation Bonds Series 1971 General Obligation Series 1972 TOTAL GENERAL PURPOSE BONDS 5.00 3.80 3.90 3.95 4.75 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.20 4.30 4.35 5.000 4.625 4.750 4.900 5.000 4.000 5.75 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.50 DATE OF TERM MATURITY ORIGINAL ISSUE YEARS DATE ISSUE 2-15-66 20 5-17-67 20 8-01-68 20 1973 $ 1981 1984 1986 1971 1975 1980 1989 1982 1984 1986 1988 4-15-71 21 1981 1987 1988 1989 1991 1992 4-15-72 1976 1986 1988 1991 1992 340,000.00 $ 600,000.00 450,000.00 350,000.00 AMOUNT OUTSTANDING 50,000.00 600,000.00 450,000.00 350,000.00 1,740,000.00 1,450,000.00 151,000.00 160,000.00 230,000.00 350,000.00 120,000.00 230,000.00 350,000.00 891,000.00 700,000.00 533,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 533,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 1,133,000.00 1,133,000.00 1,750,000.00 1,900,000.00 500,000.00 550,000.00 1,200,000.00 600,000.00 6,500,000.00 200,000.00 725,000.00 375,000.00 950,000.00 350,000.00 2,600,000.00 $14,946,500.00 1,625,000.00 1,900,000.00 500,000.00 550,000.00 1,200,000.00 600,000.00 6,375,000.00 200,000.00 725,000.00 375,000.00 950,000.00 350,000.00 2,600,000.00 $13,260,500.00 GRAND TOTAL ALL GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS $17,521,500.00 $15,042,500.00 PRINCIPAL DUE 72-73 INTEREST DUE 72-73 $ 50,000.00 $ 55,425.00 50,000.00 55,425.00 40,000.00 26,125.00 40,000.00 26,125.00 125,000.00 48,352.50 48,352.50 300,700.00 125,000.00 300,700.00 50,000.00 182,295.83 50,000.00 182.295.83 $442,500.00 $645,102.08 $480,500.00 $721,481.83 V CO STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS REVENUE BONDS AT BEGINNING OF FISCAL YEAR 1972-73 DESCRIPTION WATERWORKS & SANITARY SEWER Baytown Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 1958 Baytown Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 1966 Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 1967 Revenue Bonds, Series 1971 INTEREST DATE OF TERM MATURITY ORIGINAL AMOUNT PRINCIPAL INTEREST RATE (%) ISSUE YEARS DATE ISSUE OUTSTANDING DUE 72-73 DUE 72-73 3.25 2-15-58 22 1968 $ 85,000.00 $ $ $ 3.50 1974 424,000.00 154,000.00 75,000.00 23,188.75 3.62 1980 491,000.00 491,000.00 1,000,000.00 645,000.00 4.90 4.00 2-15-66 20 1980 1986 3.90 11-15-67 20 1981 4.00 1984 4.05 1986 4.625 4.750 4.800 4.900 5.000 5.100 GRAND TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS REVENUE BONDS 4-15-71 20 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1991 60,000.00 690,000.00 60,000.00 690,000.00 30,540.00 750,000.00 750,000.00 300,000.00 225,000.00 25,000.00 13,800.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 425,000.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 25,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 175,000.00 400,000.00 325,000.00 25,000.00 59,918.76 25,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 175,000.00 400,000.00 1,250,000.00 1,225,000.00 $ 3,425,000.00 $ 2,970,000.00 $125,000.00 $127,447.51 E 11111 NM NM MN UN I NE 11111 111111 11111 1111 N NM NM INN MI CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS OUTSTANDING FISCAL BEGINNING OF YEAR YEAR DEBT SERVICE ANNUAL REQUIREMENTS - ALL BONDS 1972-73 $18,012,500.00 1973-74 17,407,000.00 1974-75 16,793,000.00 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-86 1996-97 16,164,000.00 15,523,000.00 14,823,000.00 14,051,000.00 13,302,000.00 12,508,000.00 11,705,000.00 10,843,000.00 9,974,000.00 9,054,000.00 8,098,000.00 7,091,000.00 6,058,000.00 4,998,000.00 3,885,000.00 2,655,000.00 1,385,000.00 315,000.00 195,000.00 75,000.00 50,000.00 25,000.00 PRINCIPAL REQUIREMENTS $ 605,500.00 614,000.00 629,000.00 641,000.00 700,000.00 772,000.00 749,000.00 794,000.00 803,000.00 862,000.00 869,000.00 920,000.00 956,000.00 1,007,000.00 1,033,000.00 1,060,000.00 1,113,000.00 1,230,000.00 1,270,000.00 1,070,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 INTEREST TOTAL REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS $ 848,929.34 $ 1,454,429.34 777,717.25 1,391,717.25 753,183.51 1,382,183.51 726,761.00 1,367,761.00 699,063.01 1,399,063.01 666,961.00 1,438,961.00 634,220.51 1,383,220.51 599,931.83 1,393,931.83 564,829.76 1,367,829.76 528,392.25 1,390,392.25 491,061.01 1,360,061.01 452,348.50 1,372,348.50 411,736.01 1,367,736.01 366,480.75 1,373,480.75 322,926.00 1,355,926.00 273,449.00 1,333,449.00 220,783.25 1,333,783.25 162,716.25 1,392,716.25 99,650.00 1,369,650.00 38,375.00 1,108,375.00 11,750.00 131,750.00 6,750.00 126,750.00 3,750.00 28,750.00 2,500.00 27,500.00 1,250.00 26,250.00 $18,012,500.00 $9,665,515.23 $27,678,015.23 79 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS DEBT SERVICE ANNUAL REQUIREMENTS - GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OUTSTANDING FISCAL BEGINNING OF YEAR YEAR 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 $15,042,500.00 14,562,000.00 14,077,000.00 13,580,000.00 13,075,000.00 12,515,000.00 11,887,000.00 11,286,000.00 10,643,000.00 9,995,000.00 9,293,000.00 8,589,000.00 7,834,000.00 7,048,000.00 6,216,000.00 5,333,000.00 4,423,000.00 3,485,000.00 2,455,000.00 1,385,000.00 315,000.00 195,000.00 75,000.00 50,000.00 25,000.00 PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS $ 480,500.00 485,000.00 497,000.00 505,000.00 560,000.00 628,000.00 601,000.00 643,000.00 648,000.00 702,000.00 704,000.00 755,000.00 786,000.00 832,000.00 883,000.00 910,000.00 938,000.00 1,030,000.00 1,070,000.00 1,070,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 $ 721,481.83 $ 1,201,981.83 655,026.00 1,140,026.00 635,388.50 1,132,388.50 614,069.75 1,119,069.75 591,620.50 1,151,620.50 564,912.25 1,192,912.25 537,710.50 1,138,710.50 509,105.58 1,152,105.58 480,561.00 1,128,561.00 450,454.75 1,152,454.75 419,679.75 1,123,679.75 387,723.50 1,142,723.50 353,867.25 1,139,867.25 315,580.75 1,147,580.75 279,226.00 1,162,226.00 236,949.00 1,146,949.00 191,633.25 1,129,633.25 142,316.25 1,172,316.25 89,450.00 1,159,450.00 38,375.00 1,108,375.00 11,750.00 131,750.00 6,750.00 126,750.00 3,750.00 28,750.00 2,500.00 27,500.00 1,250.00 26,250.00 $15,042,500.00 $8,241,131.41 $23,283,631.41 80 CITY Of BAYTOWN. TEXAS DEBT SERVICE ANNUAL REQUIREMENTS - REVENUE BONDS OUTSTANDING FISCAL BEGINNING OF PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL YEAR YEAR REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS 1972-73 $2,970,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 127,447.51 $ 252,447.51 1973-74 2,845,000.00 129,000.00 122,691.25 251,691.25 1974-75 2,716,000.00 132,000.00 117,795.01 249,795.01 1975-76 2,584,000.00 136,000.00 112,691.25 248,691.25 1976-77 2,448,000.00 140,000.00 107,442.51 247,442.51 1977-78 2,308,000.00 144,000.00 102,048.75 246,048.75 1978-79 2,164,000.00 148,000.00 96,510.01 244,510.01 1979-80 2,016,000.00 151,000.00 90,826.25 241,826.25 1980-81 1,865,000.00 155,000.00 84,268.76 239,268.76 1981-82 1,710,000.00 160,000.00 77,937.50 237,937.50 1982-83 1,550,000.00 165,000.00 71,381.26 236,381.26 1983-84 1,385,000.00 165,000.00 64,625.00 229,625.00 1984-85 1,220,000.00 170,000.00 57,868.76 227,868.76 1985-86 1,050,000.00 175,000.00 50,900.00 225,900.00 1986-87 875,000.00 150,000.00 43,700.00 193,700.00 1987-88 725,000.00 150,000.00 36,500.00 186,500.00 1988-89 575,000.00 175,000.00 29,150.00 204,150.00 1989-90 400,000.00 200,000.00 20,400.00 220,400.00 1990-91 200,000.00 200,000.00 10,200.00 210,200.00 $ 2,970,000.00 $1,424,383.82 $ 4,394,383.82 81 co N BAYTOWN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1970 BONDS AUTHORIZED MARCH 17, 1970 SOLD SOLD AUTHORIZED APRIL 1971 APRIL 1972 OUTSTANDING Revenue Bonds: Sanitary Sewer System Revenue $ 2,500,000.00 $1,250,000.00 $1,250,000.00 General Obligations: Sanitary Sewer System Waterworks System Street Improvement Fire Station Public Works Police Adm. Bldg. Park Bonds Total G.O. Bonds Total All Issues 1,405,000.00 2,010,000.00 3,715,000.00 50,000.00 200,000.00 500,000.00 920,000.00 1,705,000.00 2,010,000.00 1,435,000.00 50,000.00 200,000.00 500,000.00 600,000.00 $2,280,000.00 320,000.00 $ 9,100,000.00 $6,500,000.00 $2,600,000.00 $11,600,000.00 $7,750,000.00 $2,600,000.00 $1,250,000.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 1269 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1972, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1973, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARTER AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Baytown has submitted to the City Council a budget estimate of the revenues of said City and the expenses of con- ducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 1972, and ending September 30, 1973, and which said estimate has been compiled from detailed information obtained from the several departments, divisions, and offices of the City containing all information as required by the Charter of the City of Baytown; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received said City Manager's estimate and held a public hearing thereon so provided by Section Forty -Four (44) of the Charter; and WHEREAS, after a full and final consideration of the public hearing it is the opinion of the Council that the budget as filed should be approved and adopted, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: Section 1: That the budget estimate of the revenues of the City of Baytown and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 1972, and ending September 30, 1973, as submitted to the City Council by the City Manager of said City be, and the same is in all things, adopted and approved as the budget estimate of all the current expenses as well as the fixed charges against said City for the fiscal year beginning the 1st day of October, 1972, and ending September 30, 1973. Section 2: That the sum of FIVE MILLION FORTY-EIGHT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SEVENTY-TWO AND NO/100 ($5,048,972.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the payment of Operating Expenses and Capital Outlay of the City Government as hereinafter itemized, to -wit: General Government Public Safety Public Works Public Health Parks & Recreation Miscellaneous $1 ,028,925.00 1,989,172.00 1,498,157.00 77,607.00 333,420.00 121,691.00 TOTAL $5,048,972.00 83 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Section 3: That the sum of ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED NINETY-TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FORTY-ONE AND NO/100 ($1,192,541.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the Waterworks and Sanitary Sewer Fund for the Operating Expenses and Capital Outlay of the municipality owned Waterworks and Sanitary Sewage System as hereinafter itemized, to -wit: General Overhead Water Production Water Distribution Sewage Collection Sewage Treatment Infiltration Abatement $ 230,438.00 158,268.00 314,274.00 229 ,279.00 220,528.00 39,754.00 TOTAL $1,192,541.00 Section 4: That the sum of ONE MILLION TWO HUNDRED SIX THOUSAND THIRTY-FOUR AND NO/100 ($1,206,034.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund Debt Service for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming the Serial Bonds as they mature on the General Fund Debt Service Bonds as hereinafter itemized, to -wit: Bond Payment Interest Payments Fiscal Agent Fees $ 480,500.00 721,482.00 4,052.00 TOTAL $1,206,034.00 Section 5: That the sum of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY-THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY-EIGHT AND NO/100 ($253,198.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the Waterworks and Sanitary Sewer Fund Debt Service for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming the Serial Bonds as they mature on the Waterworks and Sanitary Sewer Fund Debt Service Bonds as hereinafter itemized, to -wit: Bond Payment Interest Payments Fiscal Agent Fees $ 125,000.00 127,448.00 750.00 TOTAL $ 253,198.00 Section 6: The City Manager is hereby authorized to transfer any un- encumbered appropriation balance or portion thereof between general classifi- cations of expenditures within an office, department or agency, in accordance with Section Sixty-eight (68) of the City Charter. Section 7: This ordinance shall be and remain in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval of the City Council and it shall be published once each week for two (2) consecutive weeks in the official news- paper of the City of Baytown. 84 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS READ, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown at its regular meeting held at the City Hall in the City of Baytown on the 5th day of September, 1972. (72-1-2 7 C. GLEN WALKER, Mayor ATTEST: EDNA OLIVER, City Clerk APPROVED: NEEL RICHARDSO , Ci y Attorney (?, 85 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 1270 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE RATE AND TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1973, UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER PROVISIONS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY; AND RE- PEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: Section 1: There shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected for the year ending September 30, 1973, an ad valorem tax of ONE AND 35/100 ($1.35) DOLLARS for each ONE HUNDRED AND NO/100 ($100.00) DOLLARS of assessed value of property located within the City Limits of the City of Baytown on January 1, 1972, made taxable by law, which said taxes, when collected, shall be apportioned among funds and departments of City Government of the City of Baytown and for the purpose hereinafter set forth as follows: General Fund Operations $ .9511 Debt Service for payment of bonded indebtedness .3989 TOTAL $ 1.35 Section 2: The ad valorem tax rate of ONE AND 35/100 ($1.35) DOLLARS as set forth in Section 1, is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected on only Fifty (50%) percent of each ONE HUNDRED AND NO/100 ($100.00) DOLLARS worth of property located within the City Limits of the City of Baytown on January 1, 1972, as valued by the Equalization Board of the City of Baytown and made tax- able by law. Section 3: The Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Baytown is here- by directed to assess, extend and enter upon the Tax Rolls of the City of Baytown, Texas, for the current year the amounts and rates herein levied, and to keep a current account of the same. All collection of such taxes, as well as collection of taxes owed from prior years, to include penalty and interest thereon, shall be deposited in the official depository of the City of Baytown to be distributed between the General Fund and the Debt Service on a basis de- termined by the percentage that each of the dollar figures in Section 1 above bear to the above stated tax rate. Section 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are expressly repealed. 86 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS READ, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown at the regular meeting held at the City Hall in the City of Baytown on the 5th day of September, 1972. t. GLEN WALKER, Mayor ATTEST: EDNA OLIVER, City Clerk APPROVED: NEEL RICHI'DS:� , City Attorney 87