_FY 68-69 COB Adopted BudgetANNUAL G E T 1968-1969 ed.(/' 0( BAYTOWN TEXAS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANNUAL BUDGET of the CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS for the Fiscal Year October 1, 1968 - September 30, 1969 Compiled by Fritz Lanham, City Manager and Adopted by the MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL SEABORN CRAVEY, MAYOR TED KLOESEL GLEN WALKER DON M. HULLUM A. M. BRASWELL ALBERT FANESTIEL LAMAR KELLEY CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I. SUMMARIES PAGE NO. Introduction City Manager's Message Payroll Schedules General Budget Summary - Revenues & Expenditures General Budget Summary - All Funds Analysis of Property Valuations Tax Levies and Collections for all Funds PART II. GENERAL FUND REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES DETAIL 1 2 - 3 4 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 19 20 - 21 General Fund Revenue Detail 1 - 3 General Fund Expenditures by Function and Object 4 - 5 General Fund Expenditures by Character and Object 6 GENERAL GOVERNMENT: City Council City Manager Corporation Court Elections City Clerk Law City Hall Engineering City Library Civil Defense Finance -Accounting & Purchasing Finance -Tax Division Planning PUBLIC SAFETY: Service Division Police Department Fire Department Protective Inspection HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 - 14 15 16 - 17 18 19 20 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 26 - 27 28 Sidewalks, Streets and Drainage 29 - 30 (Continued) CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS - (Continued) SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL: Mosquito Control 31 Waste Collection and Disposal 32 CONSERVATION OF HEALTH: Health Department RECREATION: 33 Community Center 34 - 35 Parks 36 - 37 Swimming Pools 38 - 39 MISCELLANEOUS: Garage Insurance PART III. WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER FUND 40 42 Statement of Income, Expense and Surplus Adjustments 1 Summary of Expenditures by Division 2 Summary of Expenditures by Character and Object 3 Water Supply 4 Transmission and Distribution 5 - 6 Supplement Transmission & Distribution -Capital Outlay 7 Customer Accounting and Collection 8 General Overhead 9 Sewer and Sewage Disposal 10 Transfers to Other Funds 11 PART IV. DEBT SERVICE RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS: All Bonds 1 General Obligation Bonds 2 Waterworks and Sewer Revenue Bonds 3 (Continued) CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS - (Continued) DESCRIPTIVE BONDS: Statement of Bonded Indebtedness SCHEDULE OF BOND REQUIREMENTS: 4 - 9 General Obligation Bonds 10 - 11 Waterworks and Sewer Revenue Bonds 12 Waterworks Tax Supported Bonds 13 PART V. MISCELLANEOUS Ordinance Adopting The Budget 1 - 3 Ordinance Fixing Tax Levy 4 - 5 PART VI. CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES Classification of Expenditures by Character and Object 1 - 5 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANNUAL BUDGET PART I SUMMARIES CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part I-1 INTRODUCTION The 1968-69 Budget of the City of Baytown will consist of the following budget accounts, each operating under and with its own funds as appropriated by the City Council and from revenues derived from sources pertaining to that particular method of operation: (1) The General Fund operating with revenues from tax sources, industrial contracts and from other mis- cellaneous sources of revenue. (2) The Water and Sewer Fund operating from sale of water, servicing customer installations, and sewer service charges. (3) General Obligation Bond Fund operating with revenue from tax sources and interest from invested surplus funds. (4) Waterworks and Sewer System Bond Fund operating with funds transferred from Water and Sewer fund and in- terest from invested surplus funds. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Honorable Mayor and City Councilmen City of Baytown Baytown, Texas Gentlemen: Part I-2 We are pleased to submit to you a proposed program of service for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1968, and ending September 30, 1969. The program is designated as a budget - an outline of work expressed in financial terms. This document is re- quired by State law and City charter and includes an estimate of the anticipated revenues and necessary expenditures for the various operating departments of the City, as well as debt requirements for both general obligation and revenue bonds. General Fund: The 1968 property valuations will total $153,562,675.00, an increase of $9,939,665.00 over the previous year. Anticipating 97% collections and $519,972.00 to be applied to the General Obligation Interest and Sinking Funds, a balance of $1,750,895.00 will be applied to the General Fund. The proposed budget contemplates a tax rate of $1.49 per one hundred dollars as- sessed valuation, the same as the present rate. However, in order to finance the proposed expenditures, it is recommended that the charge for garbage and trash collection be increased from $1.25 per month to $1.75 per month. This increase will yield an estimated $68,800.00. This budget reflects revenue from General Fund -Non -Tax sources of $1,053,125.00, an increase of $193,966.00. The proposed increase in the garbage charge is included in this figure. Water and Sewer Fund: Total expenditures and transfers in the proposed water and sewer budget are $946,789.00, an increase of $129,560.00 over the 1967-68 budget. The proposed expenditures will require revenue in excess of that anticipated from the sale of water and the charge for sewer service, based on current rates. Therefore, it is recommended that the sewer charge be increased from $1.00 to $1.25 per month for residential customers and that the sewer charge for commercial customers be increased by approximately 25%. It is anticipated that this increase would yield $42,000.00 of additional revenue. We further recommend that water rates be changed by elimin- ating the 25, 20 and 18 cent brackets. This change would yield an estimated $38,000.00. The total budget expenditures for the 1968-69 fiscal year amount to $4,655,590.00. The General Fund expenditures will be $3,029,308.00; Water and Sewer Fund expenditures will be $946,789.00; General Obligation Interest and Sinking Fund requirements $532,305.00; Waterworks Interest and Sinking Fund requirements will be $147,188.00. These figures represent a $433,235.00 increase over the approved 1967-68 budget. The increases are the result of growth that has taken place in the community, demands for expanded and improved municipal services, and the necessity for beginning a program of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 I1 I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part I-3 systematic replacement of deteriorated water lines. Some of the factors responsible for these increases are as follows: (1) Es- tablishment of a special department to begin a program of replace- ment of deteriorated water lines. (2) Additional personnel in several departments with the major increases in the Fire, Police, Sanitation and Water Departments. (3) Conversion of utility bill- ing to data processing. (4) Increased debt service requirements. (5) Increased expenditures in the Parks and Recreation Departments. (6) Salary increases for employees. As you are well aware, the figures contained in this docu- ment, represent many hours of study and preparation on the part of the staff members and long hours of review by each of you. The staff members are to be commended for their continuing efforts to provide maximum service at a minimum cost. The entire staff and all em- ployees of the City express our appreciation to the Council for its guidance and decisions and for the time you have spent in evaluating the program contained in this budget. Respectfully submitted, Fritz Lanham City Manager CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part I-4 SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND MAXIMUM PAY SCALE GENERAL FUND SAt.kRy CL-ASS ACCOUNT NUMBER CLASSIFICATION COUNCIL 101-1-2 Clerk -Steno Part- time Longevity Less: Portion to 110 MOPO FAD I�f NUMBER MEW MffM/ 1968-69 POSITIONS SALARY 9d. BUDGET 1 182.00 2,184.00 12.00 2,196.00 1,647.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 101 549.00 CITY MANAGER 102-1-1 City Manager 1 17,000.00 Administrative Asst. 1 600.00 7,200.00 Longevity 138.00 24,338.00 102-1-2 Secretary 1 512.00 6,144.00 Longevity 302.00 6,446.00 102-1-5 Contingency 200.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 102 30,984.00 CORPORATION COURT 103-1-1 Judge 1 646.00 7,752.00 103-1-2 Clerk Typist II 1 433.00 5,196.00 Clerk Typist I 2 360.00 8,640.00 Longevity 249.00 14,085.00 103-1-5 Contingency 1,706.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 103 23,543.00 CITY CLERK 105-1-1 City Clerk 1 670.00 8,040.00 Longevity 534.00 8,574.00 105-1-2 Clerk Typist II 1 430.00 5,160.00* Clerk Typist I 1 350.00 4,200.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - (CONTINUED) ACCOUNT NUMBER CLASSIFICATION CITY CLERK CONT: 105-1-2 Longevity Less: Reimbursement from Credit Union 50% Part I-5 PROPOSED NUMBER MAXIMUM 1968-69 POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET 112.00 9,472.00 2,580.00 6,892.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 105 15,466.00 LAW 106-1-1 City Attorney 1 975.00 11,700.00 Longevity 16.00 11,716.00 106-1-2 Secretary 1 359.00 4,308.00 Longevity 14.00 4,322.00 106-1-5 Contingency 200.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 106 16,238.00 CITY HALL 107-1-4 Custodian 1 434.00 5,208.00 Longevity 388.00 5,596.00 107-1-5 Contingency 346.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 107 5,942.00 ENGINEERING 108-1-1 City Engineer & Director of Pub. Wks. 1 1,010.00 12,120.00 Longevity 116.00 12,236.00 108-1-2 Clerk Typist 1 345.00 4,140.00 108-1-3 Asst. Civil Engineer 1 780.00 9,360.00 Asst. Civil Engineer 1 750.00 9,000.00 Draftsman 1 546.00 6,552.00 Longevity 16.00 24,928.00 108-1-5 Contingency 1,000.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 108 42,304.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - (CONTINUED) Part I-6 PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM 1968-69 NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET LIBRARY 109-1-1 Director 1 825.00 9,900.00 Ref. Librarian 1 579.00 6,948.00 Children's Lib. 1 520.00 6,240.00 Asst. Ref. Librarian 1 520.00 6,240.00 Longevity 133.00 29,461.00 109-1-2 Secretary 1 452.00 5,424.00 Jr. Librarian 1 450.00 5,400.00 Clerk Typist II 1 416.00 4,992.00 Clerk Typist II 1 400.00 4,800.00 Clerk Typist I 1 360.00 4,320.00 Jr. Librarian -Pt. Time 1 2.50 hr. 2,080.00 Clerk Typist 1 2.00 hr. 2,080.00 Clerk Typist 1 1.35 hr. 632.00 Page 1 85.00 1,020.00 Longevity 518.00 31,266.00 109-1-4 Custodian 1 337.00 4,044.00 Custodian -Pt. Time 1 1.25 hr. 432.00 Longevity 27.00 109-1-5 Pages -Part Time 4,503.00 1.25 hr. 4,875.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 109 70,105.00 CIVIL DEFENSE 110-1-2 Secretary (z time) 1 182.00 2,184.00 Longevity 12.00 2,196.00 Less: Portion to 101 549.00 Portion refunded Federal C.D. 824.00 823.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 110 823.00 FINANCE -ACCOUNTING & PURCHASING 111-1-1 Director of Finance 1 1,030.00 12,360.00 Purchasing Agent 1 650.00 7,800.00 Longevity 347.00 20,507.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - (CONTINUED) Part I-7 PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM 1968-69 NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET FINANCE -ACCOUNTING & PURCHASING CONT: 111-1-2 Sr. Acct. Clerk 1 493.00 5,916.00 Budget Control Oper. 1 434.00 5,208.00 Account Clerk 1 416.00 4,992.00 Secretary 1 439.00 5,268.00 Longevity 912.00 22,296.00 111-1-5 Contingency 560.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 111 43,363.00 FINANCE -TAX DIVISION 112-1-1 Assessor -Collector 1 827.00 9,924.00 Deputy Assessor - Collector 1 600.00 7,200.00 Longevity 142.00 17,266.00 112-1-2 112-1-5 Senior Clerk 1 493.00 5,916.00 Assessment Clerk 1 434.00 5,208.00 Clerk Typist I 1 408.00 4,896.00 Longevity 861.00 16,881.00 Contingency 960.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 112 35,107.00 PLANNING 115-1-1 Director 1 975.00 11,700.00 Longevity 18.00 11,718.00 115-1-2 Secretary 1 359.00 4,308.00 Longevity 17.00 4,325.00 115-1-5 Contingency 1,000.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 115 17,043.00 POLICE -SERVICE DIVISION 200-1-2 Clerk Typist 2 382.00 9,168.00 Clerk Typist 1 402.00 4,824.00 Clerk Typist 1 359.00 4,308.00 Clerk Typist 1 345.00 4,140.00 Longevity 316.00 22,756.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - (CONTINUED) Part I-8 PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM 1968-69 NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET POLICE -SERVICE DIVISION CONT: 200-1-3 Humane Officer 1 504.00 6,048.00 Humane Officer 1 472.00 5,664.00 Humane Officer 1 449.00 5,388.00 Longevity 408.00 17,508.00 200-1-4 200-1-5 School Patrol 3 148.00 9 mo. 3,996.00 Street & Sign Painter 1 541.00 6,492.00 Asst. Sign Painter 1 463.00 5,556.00 50% Electrician 4,568.00 Longevity 388.00 21,000.00 Contingency 1,000.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 200 62,264.00 POLICE 201-1-1 Chief 1 860.00 10,320.00 Asst. Chief 1 744.00 8,928.00 Lieutenant 2 681.00 16,344.00 Lieutenant 2 650.00/660.00 15,840.00 Longevity 1,668.00 53,100.00 201-1-3 Electronic Tech. 1 700.00 8,400.00 Sgt. - I.D. Officer 1 640.00 7,680.00 Meter Maid 1 424.00 5,088.00 Sargeants 13 608.00/640.00 97,340.00 Patrolmen 34 546.00/598.00 235,000.00 Patrolmen 6 525.00/546.00 38,556.00 Saraeant-New 1 608.00 7,296.00 Patrolmen -New 3 525.00/546.00 19,278.00 Longevity 6,024.00 424,662.00 201-1-5 Contingency 5,000.00 FIRE 202-1-1 TOTAL ACCOUNT 201 482,762.00 Chief Asst. Chief Marshall Captains Longevity 1 825.00 1 744.00 1 718.00 4 650.00/6R1.00 9,900.00 8,928.00 8,616.00 31,924.00 2,362.00 61,730.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - (CONTINUED) Part I-9 PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM 1968-69 NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET FIRE CONT: 202-1-3 Inspector 1 645.00 7,301.00 Drivers 23 567.00/598.00 162,146.00 Drivers -New 6 525.00/567.00 39,312.00 Firefighters 3 525.00/536.00 19,048.00 Prob. Firefighters 4 525.00/536.00 25,460.00 Longevity 2,986.00 256,253.00 202-1-5 Contingency 2,000.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 202 319,983.00 INSPECTION 203-1-1 Chief Inspector 1 825.00 Longevity 203-1-2 Clerk Typist 1 408.00 Longevity 203-1-3 Elect. Inspector 1 744.00 Longevity 203-1-5 9,900.00 251.00 10,151.00 4,896.00 30.00 4,926.00 8,928.00 208.00 9,136.00 Less: 50% to 200-1-4 4,568.00 Plumbing Inspector 1 Longevity 686.00 4,568.00 8,232.00 30.00 12,830.00 Contingency 600.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 203 28,507.00 STREET 301-1-1 Superintendent 1 1,034.00 12,408.00 Const. Foreman 1 744.00 8,928.00 Const. Foreman 1 691.00 8,292.00 Const. Foreman 1 563.00 6,756.00 Longevity 1,503.00 37,887.00 301-1-4 Equip. Operator II 1 681.00 8,172.00 Equip. Operator II 4 646.00 31,008.00 Equip. Operator I 4 563.00 27,024.00 Equip. Operator I 6 493.00 35,496.00 Concrete Finisher 1 511.00 6,132.00 Const. Helpers 6 434.00 31,248.00 Longevity 3,998.00 143,078.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - (CONTINUED) Part I-10 PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM 1968-69 NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET STREET CONT: 301-1-5 Contingency 2,000.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 301 182,965.00 MOSQUITO CONTROL 401-1-3 Driver -Operators 2 2.08 hr. 2,392.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 401 2,392.00 WASTE COLLECTION 402-1-1 Foreman 1 694.00 8,328.00 Longevity 570.00 8,898.00 402-1-4 Dozer Operator 1 646.00 7,752.00 Dozer Operator 1 621.00 7,452.00 Truck Drivers 14 463.00 77,784.00 Laborers 21 416.00/434.00 109,288.00 Laborers 2 382.00/416.00 9,576.00 Longevity 7,565.00 219,417.00 402-1-5 Contingency 7,000.00 HEALTH 501-1-1 501-1-3 TOTAL ACCOUNT 402 235,315.00 Chief Sanitarian 1 710.00 8,520.00 Longevity 504.00 9,024.00 Sanitarian 1 645.00 7,740.00 Health Nurse 1 564.00 6,768.00 Inspector 1 625.00 7,500.00 Longevity 648.00 22,656.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 501 31,680.00 COMMUNITY CENTER 600-1-1 Director 1 825.00 Center Director 1 600.00 Longevity 600-1-2 Secretary 1 386.00 Longevity 9,900.00 7,200.00 34.00 17,134.00 4,632.00 40.00 4,672.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - (CONTINUED) Part I-11 PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM 1968-69 NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET COMMUNITY CENTER CONT: 600-1-3 Attendent-Teen Center -Pt. Time 2 Attendent-Comm. Center -Pt. Time 1 Recreation Leaders 600-1-4 PARKS 601-1-1 601-1-3 601-1-4 175.00 175.00 2.00 hr. Maintenance Foreman 1 434.00 Longevity 4,200.00 2,100.00 7,500.00 13,800.00 5,208.00 26.00 5,234.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 600 40,840.00 Superintendent Longevity 1 750.00 9,000.00 479.00 9,479.00 Park Leaders-3 mo. 2 200.00 1,200.00 Activity Leaders- 21 months 2 100.00 500.00 1,700.00 Maint. Leadman 2 463.00 11,112.00 Maintenance 1 416.00/434.00 5,208.00 Maintenance 1 382.00/416.00 4,992.00 Longevity 406.00 21,718.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 601 32,897.00 SWIMMING POOLS 602-1-1 Pool Mgr. (4 Mos.) 1 475.00 602-1-2 Cashiers (4 Mos.) 3 200.00 602-1-3 Life Guards (4 Mos.) 6 200.00 Instructors (3 Mos.) 3 150.00 602-1-4 Custodian (4 Mos.) 1 220.00 1,900.00 2,400.00 4,800.00 1,350.00 6,150.00 880.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 602 11,330.00 GARAGE 701-1-1 Foreman 1 700.00 8,400.00 Longevity 360.00 8,760.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'll CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - (CONTINUED) Part I-12 PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER MAXIMUM 1968-69 NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET GARAGE CONT: 701-1-3 Mechanic 1 557.00 6,684.00 Mechanics 3 536.00 19,296.00 Mechanics 2 463.00 11,112.00 Longevity 1,255.00 701-1-5 Contingency, 38,347.00 1,000.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 701 48,107.00 GENERAL OVERHEAD 702-1-1 Reserve for Salary Supplement 8,650.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 702 8,650.00 GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1,789,159.00 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NUMBER SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND MAXIMUM PAY SCALE WATER AND SEWER FUND CLASSIFICATION WATER SUPPLY 1001-1-1 Superintendent Longevity 1001-1-3 Foreman Serviceman Longevity TOTAL ACCOUNT 1001 NUMBER. POSITIONS WATER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION 1002-1-1 Foreman Longevity 1002-1-3 1002-1-5 CUSTOMER 1003-1-1 1003-1-2 1 1 1 1 Utility Serv. Leadman 1 Equip. Operator II 3 Welder 1 Meter Shop Foreman 1 Meter Repairman 1 Utility Serviceman 1 Utility Serviceman 1 Utility Serviceman 4 Utility Serviceman 4 Utility Serviceman 2 Longevity Contingency TOTAL ACCOUNT 1002 ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING Utility Office Mgr. 1 Longevity Clerk -Cashier Billing Clerks Recpt. - Clerk Longevity 3 2 1 PROPOSED MAXIMUM SALARY MO. 820.00 691.00 577.00 691.00 646.00 646.00 588.00 563.00 515.00 563.00- 515.00 493.00 472.00 434.00 700.00 408.00 408.00 408.00 Part I-13 1968-69 BUDGET 9,840.00 574.00 10,414.00 8,292.00 6,924.00 810.00 16,026.00 26,440.00 8,292.00 544.00 8,836.00 7,752.00 23,256.00 7,056.00 6,756.00 6,180.00 6,756.00 6,180.00 23,664.00 22,656.00 10,416.00 2,547.00 123,219.00 7,500.00 139,555.00 8,400.00 31.00 8,431.00 14,688.00 9,792.00 4,896.00 1,202.00 30,578.00* CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES - (CONTINUED) ACCOUNT NUMBER CLASSIFICATION Part I-14 PROPOSED NUMBER MAXIMUM 1968-69 POSITIONS SALARY MO. BUDGET CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING CONT: 1003-1-3 `Utility Serv. Leadman 1 591.00 7,092.00 4-Utility Serviceman 1 563.00 v 6,756.00 Meter Readers 3 468.00/527.00 18,264.00 Longevity 1,269.00 33,381.00 1003-1-5 Contingency 560.00 72,950.00 *Less: Available for Transfer 4,896.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 1003 68,054.00 GENERAL OVERHEAD 1004-1-2 Clerk -Dispatcher 1 452.00 5,424.00 Longevity 126.00 5,550.00 1004-1-5 Reserve for Salary Supplement 1,100.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 1004 6,650.00 SEWAGE DISPOSAL 1005-1-3 Plant Operators 9 546.00 58,968.00 Laboratory Operator 1 600.00 7,200.00 Laborers 4 434.00 20,832.00 Operator Trainee 1 434.00 5,208.00 Longevity 1,690.00 93,898.00 1005-1-5 Contingency TOTAL ACCOUNT 1005 GRAND TOTAL WATER FUND 412.00 94,310.00 335,009.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1968-69 Part I-15 BUDGET PROPOSAL REVENUES From Tax Sources From Non -Tax Sources Transfer From Other Funds Prior Year Surplus 1,751,895.00 1,053,125.00 35,000.00 189,288.00 3,029,308.00 EXPENDITURES Operating 2,493,666.00 Capital Outlay 471,142.00 Contingency Fund 64,500.00 3,029,308.00 WATER AND SEWER FUND REVENUES Water & Sewer Service (Less Debt Service) Prior Year Surplus Miscellaneous Other 720,172.00 49,056.00 4,733.00 773,961.00 EXPENDITURES Operating 514,639.00 Capital Outlay 227,820.00 Contingency Fund 31,502.00 773,961.00 GENERAL OBLIGATION INTEREST AND SINKING FUND REVENUES From Tax Sources Premiums & Interest Prior Year Surplus EXPENDITURES Bond Maturities Coupon Maturities Agent Fees October 1969 Maturities (Continued) 519,750.00 222.00 20,315.00 540,287.00 269,000.00 262,305.00 1,000.00 7,982.00 540,287.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY (Continued) WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM DEBT SERVICE FUND REVENUES From Water & Sewer Revenue From Premiums & Interest Prior Year Surplus EXPENDITURES Bond Maturities Coupon Maturities Agent Fees Surplus & Reserve Fund Requirements Part I-16 BUDGET PROPOSAL 172,828.00 5,000.00 185,473.00 363,301.00 66,500.00 80,263.00 425.00 147,188.00 216,113.00 363,301.00 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS (Including Required Reserve) 4,706,857.00 Part I-17 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - ALL FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1968-69 REVENUE SOURCES ALL PERCENT OF FUNDS TOTAL Tax Revenue Other General Fund Revenue Water & Sewer Revenue Other W.& S.Fund Revenue Transfer from other Funds TOTAL ALL REVENUE PREPAID ITEMS SURPLUS @ 10/1/68 2,271,645.00 1,053,125.00 850,000.00 87,955.00 172,828.00 4,435,553.00 8,385.00 435,747.00 TOTAL AVAILABLE 4,879,685.00 EXPENDITURES Salaries (Excluding Capital) Supplies Maintenance of Land Maintenance, Streets, Lines & Structures Maintenance of Equipment Special Services Sundry Charges TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE DEBT SERVICE CAPITAL OUTLAY Labor & Land Capital Improvements Roads, Lines & Structures Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY CONTINGENCY AND EMERGENCY TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR EXPENDITURES SURPLUS BOND RESERVES 2,080,518.00 139,379.00 850.00 78,500.00 106,808.00 401,180.00 201,070.00 3,008,305.00 51.21% 23.75% 19.16% 1.98% 3.90% 100.00% 44.68% 2.99% 0.02% 1.69% 2.29% 8.62% 4.32% 64.61% 679,493.00 14.60% 134,420.00 298,570.00 265,972.00 2.89% 6.41% 5.71% 698,962.00 15.01% 96,002.00 2.06% 172,828.00 3.72% 4,655,590.00 224,095.00 100.00% CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part I-18 GENERAL FUND G. 0. INT. & SINKING FUND WATER & SEWER FUND W.W. & S.S. INT. & SINK. 1,751,895.00 1,053,125.00 519,750.00 35,000.00 222.00 2,840,020.00 189,288.00 519,972.00 8,200.00 12,115.00 3,029,308.00 540,287.00 1,780,509.00 104,294.00 850.00 58,000.00 63,773.00 292,670.00 193,570.00 2,493,666.00 850,000.00 47,733.00 897,733.00 49,056.00 5,000.00 172,828.00 177,828.00 185.00 185,288.00 946,789.00 363,301.00 300,009.00 35,085.00 20,500.00 43,035.00 108,510.00 7,500.00 514,639.00 532,305.00 147,188.00 58,000.00 76,420.00 253,470.00 45,100.00 159,672.00 106,300.00 471,142.00 227,820.00 64,500.00 31,502.00 3,029,308.00 532,305.00 172,828.00 946,789.00 147,1P8.00 7,982.00 216,113.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 Part I-19 ANALYSIS OF PROPERTY VALUATIONS FISCAL PERIOD ESTIMATED TRUE VALUE ASSESSED BASIS OF VALUE ASSESSMENT 1948-49 35,000,000 17,500.00 1949-50 38,748,274 19,374,137 1950-51 55,966,052 27,983,026 1951-52 60,450,496 30,225,248 1952-53 63,462,194 31,731,097 1953-54 65,429,674 32,714,837 1954-55 66,636,528 33,318,264 1955-56 81,321,794 40,660,897 1956-57 85,964,318 42,982,159 1957-58 89,124,968 44,562,484 1958-59 93,838,910 46,919,455 1959-60 95,776,700 47,888,350 1960-61 100,539,574 50,269,787 1961-62 139,973,040 69,986,520 1962-63 145,920,000 72,960,000 1963-64 172,275,486 86,137,743 1964-65 179,684,090 89,842,045 1965-66 267,512,182 133,988,091 1966-67 274,228,372 137,414,186 1967-68 287,847,330 143,923,665 1968-69* 306,600,000 153,300,000 * Subject to adjustments at final billing 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part I-20 TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS Collection of Current Year's Fiscal Total Taxes During Period Tax Levy Fiscal Period 1948-49 301,000 276,900 1949-50 306,000 285,510 1950-51 333,202 306,377 1951-52 519,834 483,037 1952-53 545,737 516,443 1953-54 562,658 532,448 1954-55 573,037 548,567 1955-56 712,646 683,405 1956-57 738,306 702,133 1957-?58 764,944 731,565 1958-59 807,015 770,762 1959-60 823,679 785,143 1960-61 865,488 814,850 1961-62 1,203,768 1,171,800 1962-63 1,394,097 1,359,097 1963-64 1,602,162 1,563,314 1964-65 1,671,062 1,623,236 1965-66 1,885,961 1,836,961 1966-67 1,937,540 1,885,787 1967-68 2,188,807 2,100,000 1968-69* 2,284,170 2,215,645 Percentage of Collected Levy Collected Prior Year's During Fiscal Taxes During Period Fiscal Period * Estimated income and collections, 1968-69 92.0 93.3 91.9 93.2 94.6 94.7 95.7 95.8 95.1 95.6 95.5 95.3 94.1 97.3 97.5 97.7 97.1 97.4 97.3 95.9 97.0 9,050 9,260 8,095 13,795 23,979 19,470 29,604 21,640 17,015 20,429 17,991 28,655 42,092 36,600 21,345 27,740 29,131 28,741 46,679 25,000 45,000 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part I-21 TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS Total Collections Ratio Ratio Of Accumu- Current And Of Total Accumulated lated Delinq. Delinquent Collections Delinquent To Current Taxes Tax Levy Taxes Year's Tax Levy 285,950 294,770 314,472 496,832 540,422 551,918 578,171 705,045 719,148 751,994 788,753 813,798 856,942 1,208,400 1,380,437 1,591,054 1,652,367 1,862,461 1,932,466 2,125,000 2,260,645 95.0 96.3 94.3 95.6 99.0 98.1 100.8 98.9 97.4 98.3 97.7 98.8 98.9 100.3 99.0 99.3 98.8 98.7 99.7 97.1 99.0 92,700 100,140 96,409 99,853 103,446 96,449 107,694 115,109 134,307 146,377 163,791 160,643 164,410 169,620 174,517 169,041 186,876 206,121 208,912 282,000 305,525 30.8 32.7 28.9 19.2 18.9 17.1 18.7 16.1 18.2 19.1 20.3 19.5 14.1 14.1 12.5 10.6 11.1 10.9 10.8 12.8 13.3 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANNUAL BUDGET PART II GENERAL FUND 1 I I 1 t I l 1 l l 1 l I 1 I CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1969 PROPERTY TAXES 800 Current Year 801 Prior Years 802 Penalty & Interest 803 Tax Certificates FRANCHISE TAXES 826 Houston Nat. Gas 826 Houston L. & P. Co. 826 General Tel. Co. INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTS 827 Industrial Contracts CORPORATION COURT 806-1-2 Fines & Forfeits 807 Parking Meters SERVICE CHARGES 810 Building Permits 811-813 Plbg. & Moving Permits 814 Electrical Permits 815 Health Permits 832 Pound Fees LICENSES & PERMITS 817 Oil Drilling 818 Beverage Licenses 825 Taxicab Permits 819 Mobile Homes 820 Other Permits & Licenses WASTE COLLECTION 830 Collection 829 Landfill Use 835 Salvage Permit (Continued) ACTUAL 1966-67 1,391,711.42 34,449.10 9,970.93 840.00 1,436,971.45 23,448.01 126,327.63 24,679.78 174,455.42 103,061.64 24,709.47 127,771.11 6,413.94 5,867.15 9,496.50 934.25 2,178.27 24,890.11 2,250.00 2,733.75 525.00 1,763.75 1,373.88 8,646.38 168,197.12 168,197.12 ESTIMATED 1967-68 1,657,000.00 20,000.00 8,528.00 1,000.00 1,686,528.00 .Part II-1 PROPOSED 1968-69 1,708,484.00 34,700.00 7,711.00 1,000.00 1,751,895.00 23,174.00 25,000.00 138,329.00 145,000.00 26,906.00 29,000.00 188,409.00 199,000.00 303,325.00 336,000.00 127,000.00 130,000.00 21,000.00 20,000.00 148,000.00 150,000.00 9,000.00 10,000.00 6,500.00 7,000.00 12,000.00 14,000.00 1,050.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 30,550.00 34,000.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 525.00 525.00 5,000.00 7,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 12,525.00 12,025.00 171,000.00 240,800.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 240.00 175,240.00 244,800.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL - (CONTINUED) SWIMMING POOLS 831 Ticket Sales 839 Concession Stand Rental AMBULANCE SERVICE 834 Ambulance Service LIBRARY 847 Fees & Fines COMMUNITY CENTER 837 Revenue PROPERTY SALE 842-843 City Owned Property INTEREST & DISCOUNT 844-846 Interest & Discount Earned MISCELLANEOUS 839-841 845-848 All Other TOTAL INCOME PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS TRANSFER FROM WATER FUND LESS TOTAL SURPLUS AND TRANSFERS TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES CONTINGENCY AND TRANSFERS (Continued) ACTUAL 1966-67 4,870.70 4,870.70 1,141.50 4,954.55 30.86 31,025.30 6,797.49 1,989,751.99 254,813.60 35,000.00 289,813.60 2,279,565.59 1,756,963.54 322,044.29 2,079,007.83 20,000.00 ESTIMATED 1967-68 7,000.00 300.00 7,300.00 17,000.00 5,000.00 5,500.00 11,000.00 31,000.00 12,500.00 Part II-2 PROPOSED 1968-69 7,000.00 300.00 7,300.00 18,000.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 31,000.00 10,000.00 2,633,877.00 2,805,020.00 202,554.00 35,000.00 237,554.00 2,871,431.00 2,126,359.00 460,784.00 189,288.00 35,000.00 224,288.00 3,029,308.00 2,493,666.00 471,142.00 2,587,143.00 2,964,808.00 95,000.00 64,500.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS i Part II-3 GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL - (CONTINUED) ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 TOTAL RESERVE AND EXPENDITURES 2,099,007.83 2,682,143.00 3,029,308.00 TOTAL UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS 180,557.76 189,288.00 1 1 1 i� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT & DIV. NUMBER GENERAL GOVERNMENT 101 City Council 102 City Manager 103 Corporation Court 104 Elections 105 City Clerk 106 Law 107 City Hall 108 Engineering 109 Library 110 Civil Defense 111 Finance -Accounting & Purchasing 112 Finance -Tax 115 Planning PUBLIC SAFETY 200 Service Division 201 Police Department 202 Fire Department 203 Protective Inspt. HIGHWAYS & ROADWAYS 301 Sidewalks, Streets & Drainage SANITATION & WASTE REMOVAL 401 Mosquito Control 402 Waste Collection CONSERV. OF HEALTH 501 Health Department RECREATION 600 Community Center 601 Parks 602 Swimming Pools (Continued) ACTUAL 1966-67 176,509.53 23,667.94 27,446.24 1,497.47 12,787.62 35,239.70 34,138.21 87,719.26 5,774.10 70,384.09 475,164.16 89,071.85 366,855.19 245,851.49 24,605.95 726,384.48 427,858.25 6,636.59 199,246.71 205,883.30 39,675.46 21,386.78 46,855.08 68,241.86 ESTIMATED 1967-68 270,453.00 29,456.00 28,802.00 2,433.00 16,282.00 24,931.00 42,564.00 40,317.00 99,817.00 7,605.00 47,023.00 35,784.00 13,058.00 658,525.00 115,849.00 470,865.00 254,645.00 30,399.00 871,758.00 528,112.00 6,690.00 238,545.00 245,235.00 42,724.00 57,729.00 91,050.00 14,100.00 162,879.00 Part II-4 PROPOSED 1968-69 260,699.00 33,554.00 35,158.00 5,949.00 17,581.00 19,068.00 41,447.00 48,402.00 110,678.00 5,353.00 50,923.00 50,599.00 19,388.00 698,799.00 133,019.00 560,862.00 367,008.00 39,227.00 1,100,116.00 555,615.00 4,792.00 247,115.00 251,907.00 39,730.00 73,427.00 106,942.00 21,805.00 202,174.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part II-5 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES - (CONTINUED) ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT & DIV. ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED NUMBER 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 GENERAL OVERHEAD 701 Garage 112,755.36 119,910.00 112,317.00 702 Miscellaneous 43,044.96 53,000.00 68,650.00 155,800.32 172,910.00 180,967.00 GRAND TOTAL 2,099,007.83 2,682,143.00 3,029,308.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part II-6 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION OPERATION 1. Salaries & Wages 2. Supplies 3. Maintenance of Land 4. Maintenance of Structures 5. Maintenance of Equipment 6. Miscellaneous Services 7. Sundry Charges TOTAL OPERATING CONTINGENCY FUND TRANSFER FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY 8 Land 9 Structures _0. Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ACTUAL 1966-67 1,213,967.85 82,083.44 343.74 46,875.71 68,213.58 191,033.94 154,445.28 1,756,963.54 20,000.00 3,651.42 167,639.00 150,753.87 322,044.29 ESTIMATED 1967-68 1,488,303.00 84,979.00 309.00 48,874.00 76,595.00 240,054.00 187,245.00 PROPOSED 1968-69 1,780,509.00 104,294.00 850.00 58,000.00 63,773.00 292,670.00 193,570.00 2,126,359.00 2,493,666.00 95,000.00 45,000.00 229,658.00 186,126.00 44,500.00 20,000.00 58,000.00 253,470.00 159,672.00 460,784.00 471,142.00 GRAND TOTAL 2,099,007.83 2,682,143.00 3,029,308.00 CITY Or BAYTOWN. TEXAS Part II-7 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 2. Clerical 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 4. Special Services 4A. Legal Expenses 6. Travel Expense 7. Rents, (Texas Employ- ment Commission) 13. Association Dues ACCOUNT NO. 101 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 507.00 5,000.00 17,199.96 4,769.69 432.00 1,533.18 28,934.83 529.00 549.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 432.00 1,542.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 468.00 1,957.00 16,974.00 22,425.00 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contributions & Gratuities 449.25 450.00 450.00 1A. Ambulance 40,800.00 43,750.00 42,000.00 4. Judgements & Damages 468.45 750.00 750.00 5. Employee's Retirement 18,000.00 35,000.00 36,000.00 6. Social Security 55,000.00 65,000.00 76,000.00 8. Veterans Service Center 1,600.00 2,000.00 2,025.00 9. Employee Service Awards 750.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 10. Reserve for Sick Pay 10,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 127,067.70 157,950.00 173,225.00 TOTAL OPERATING 156,509.53 175,453.00 196,199.00 TRANSFER 95,000.00 CONTINGENCY 44,500.00� EMERGENCY 20,000.00 20,000.00! TOTAL ACCOUNT 101 176,509.53 270,453.00 260,699.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Executive 2. Clerical 3. Administrative 5. Contingency 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office Part II-8 ACCOUNT NO. 102 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY MANAGER ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 15,070.00 5,822.00 200.00 21,092.00 294.50 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 7. Radio Equipment 27.98 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 2. Equipment Hire 6. Travel & Reimburs- able Expense 13. Association Dues 360.00 900.00 285.46 60.00 1,605.46 TOTAL OPERATING 23,019.94 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 3. Instruments & Appa- ratus 648.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 648.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 102 23,667.94 15,994.00 6,182.00 5,000.00 200.00 27,376.00 24,338.00 6,446.00 200.00 30,984.00 300.00 490.00 30.00 30.00 390.00 900.00 400.00 60.00 1,750.00 390.00 1,080.00 500.00 80.00 2,050.00 29,456.00 33,554.00 29,456.00 33,554.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Administrative 2. Clerical 5. Contingency 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 3. MAINTENANCE 1. Land 4. MAINTENANCE 1. Building ACCOUNT NO. 103 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION COURT 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 12. Heating & Cooling System 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1 Communications 4 Janitorial Services 4A. Warrant Officer 6. Travel & Reimburs- able Expense Part II-9 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 7,229.00 12,824.00 20,053.00 1,649.37 7,673.00 15,000.00 7,752.00 14,085.00 1,706.00 22,673.00 23,543.00 1,664.00 1,700.00 10.63 50.00 .81 100.00 100.00 53.08 50.00 103.08 190.35 780.00 3,165.00 4,135.35 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Jury Fees 24.00 TOTAL OPERATING 25,976.24 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9. STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 100.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 150.00 150.00 240.00 780.00 3,000.00 75.00 250.00 780.00 3,500.00 4,095.00 4,530.00 120.00 120.00 28,802.00 30,193.00 4,000.00 10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 1,470.00 965.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 101 1,470.00 4,965.00 27,446.24 28,802.00 35,158.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Hire of Equipment 4. Special Services, Election Officers 5. Advertising Part II-10 ACCOUNT NO. 104 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 247.87 710.00 865.00 450.00 665.00 778.98 20.62 1,249.60 TOTAL OPERATING 1,497.47 TOTAL ACCOUNT 104 1,497.47 933.00 125.00 1,400.00 3,334.00 350.00 1,723.00 5,084.00 2,433.00 5,949.00 2,433.00 5,949.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 2. Clerical 5. Contingency 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance 6. Travel Expense 13. Association Dues Part II-11 ACCOUNT NO. 105 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY CLERK ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 7,206.00 4,754.00 6.00 11,966.00 441.82 300.00 30.00 330.00 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Court Costs 49.80 TOTAL OPERATING 12,787.62 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Implements TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 105 12,787.62 7,770.00 5,054.00 1,800.00 14,624.00 8,574.00 6,892.00 15,466.00 600.00 700.00 300.00 100.00 70.00 470.00 360.00 100.00 80.00 540.00 100.00 200.00 15,794.00 16,906.00 488.00 675.00 488.00 675.00 16,282.00 17,581.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 2. Clerical 5. Contingency 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office Part II-12 ACCOUNT NO. 106 GENERAL GOVERNMENT LAW ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 15,340.00 4,140.00 19,480.00 11,716.00 4,322.00 200.00 16,238.00 300.00 400.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Office Equipment 75.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2 Hire of Equipment 6 Travel Expense 13. Association Dues TOTAL OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 2. Machinery 8. Books (Law Library) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 106 572.00 150.00 1,080.00 225.00 150.00 722.00 1,455.00 20,502.00 18,168.00 161.00 805.00 3,463.00 900.00 4,429.00 900.00 4,429.00 900.00 24,931.00 19,068.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part II-13 ACCOUNT NO. 107 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 4. Labor (Maintenance) 5. Contingency 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 4. Wearing Apparel 7. Minor Tools 8. Janitoral Supplies 11. Educational CITY HALL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 4,516.00 300.00 4,792.00 17.00 4,816.00 4,809.00 5,992.40 6,500.00 694.53 107.50 6,794.43 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 397.79 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Office Equipment 12. Heating & Cooling Sys. 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 2. Hire of Equipment 4. Janitoral Service 5. Advertising 7. Rent (Parking Lots) 11. Light & Power 12. Fuel (Gas) 13. Association Dues (Credit Bureau) 533.93 818.25 400.00 800.00 5,596.00 346.00 5,942.00 6,500.00 20.00 65.00 400.00 7,700.00 6,985.00 1,300.00 400.00 900.00 700.00 1,352.18 1,600.00 5,855.71 814.59 1,500.00 350.00 1,425.00 147.65 527.60 10,620.55 TOTAL OPERATING 23,980.95 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 10. Streets, Sidewalks & Driveways (CONTINUED) 7,500.00 1,100.00 5,350.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 605.00 600.00 20,155.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 2,200.00 8,000.00 3,000.00 6,400.00 1,000.00 5,500.00 400.00 600.00 24,900.00 35,564.00 40,427.00 250.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 107 - (CONTINUED) Part II-14 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 10,000.00 7,000.00 2. Machinery, Tools & Implements 1,258.75 15. Garbage Depository & Shelving 11,258.75 7,000.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,258.75 TOTAL ACCOUNT 107 35,239.70 770.00 770.00 7,000.00 1,020.00 42,564.00 41,447.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 2. Clerk 3. Technical 5. Contingency 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 7. Minor Apparatus Part II-15 ACCOUNT NO. 108 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 2. Machinery, Tools & Implements 4. Motor Vehicles 7. Radio Equipment 6. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Communications 6. Travel Expense 13. Association Dues ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 10,868.00 19,374.63 200.00 30,442.63 493.18 57.04 550.22 143.50 91.54 121.53 397.47 754.04 570.32 250.00 45.00 865.32 TOTAL OPERATING 32,612.21 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 2. Machinery & Implements 4. Motor Vehicles 1,526.00 1,526.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,526.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 108 34,138.21 11,612.00 24,757.00 1,000.00 12,236.00 4,140.00 24,928.00 1,000.00 37,369.00 42,304.00 800.00 200.00 1,000.00 300.00 250.00 200.00 750.00 720.00 300.00 43.00 1,063.00 800.00 200.00 1,000.00 300.00 250.00 200.00 750.00 720.00 300.00 43.00 1,063.00 40,182.00 45,117.00 135.00 940.00 495.00 1,850.00 135.00 3,285.00 135.00 3,285.00 40,317.00 48,402.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 2. Clerical 4. Maintenance 5. Extra Help (Pages) • SUPPLIES 1. Office 7. Minor Apparatus 8. Custodial 11. Educational 12. Botanical MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1. Land Part II-16 ACCOUNT NO. 109 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY LIBRARY ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 22,182.00 27,224.30 4,026.00 4,281.25 57,713.55 1,480.29 91.84 350.00 6.44 1,928.57 234.86 ▪ MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 967.62 • MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Office Equipment 8. Books (Bindings) 12. Heating & Cooling Sys. 249.80 332.38 239.33 821.51 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 754.00 2. Equipment Hire & Car Allowance 400.00 4. Special Service 623.72 6. Travel Expense 500.00 7. Rents 2,400.00 8. Educational & Training 11. Lights & Power 3,105.50 12. Fuel (Gas) 193.73 13. Association Dues 58.00 14. Periodicals & Newspapers 1,620.00 9,654.95 TOTAL OPERATING 71,321.06 (CONTINUED) 23,586.00 32,261.00 4,346.00 5,850.00 66,043.00 1,500.00 100.00 400.00 75.00 20.00 2,095.00 29,461.00 31,266.00 4,503.00 4,875.00 70,105.00 1,600.00 100.00 400.00 50.00 20.00 2,170.00 209.00 200.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 300.00 300.00 400.00 600.00 250.00 1,000.00 950.00 1,900.00 854.00 900.00 400.00 460.00 1,000.00 300.00 600.00 600.00 2,880.00 2,880.00 150.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 150.00 200.00 68.00 68.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 10,452.00 10,058.00 80,749.00 85,433.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 109 - (CONTINUED) CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 8. Books 14. Film Strips 15. Music Part II-17 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 15,000.00 998.20 400.00 16,398.20 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,398.20 TOTAL ACCOUNT 109 87,719.26 2,168.00 15,000.00 1,500.00 400.00 1,845.00 21,000.00 2,000.00 400.00 19,068.00 25,245.00 19,068.00 25,245.00 99,817.00 110,678.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part II-18 ACCOUNT NO. 110 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CIVIL DEFENSE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 2. Clerical 758.57 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 6. Motor Fuel -Diesel 9. Medical & Surgical 13. Other Operating Supplies 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 2. Office Equipment 4. Motor Vehicles 7. Radio Equipment 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communciations 2. Car Allowance 6. Travel Expense 200.00 500.00 100.00 800.00 25.00 150.00 123.28 298.28 117.25 300.00 500.00 917.25 TOTAL OPERATING 2,774.10 1,543.00 823.00 150.00 275.00 500.00 800.00 200.00 250.00 250.00 1,725.00 700.00 25.00 150.00 280.00 455.00 225.00 300.00 500.00 1,025.00 50.00 300.00 870.00 1,220.00 250.00 360.00 500.00 1,110.00 4,748.00 3,853.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery, Tools & Implements 3,000.00 2,857.00 700.00 7. Radio Equipment 800.00 3,000.00 2,857.00 1,500.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,000.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 110 5,774.10 2,857.00 1,500.00 7,605.00 5,353.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 1 ACCOUNT NO. 111 GENERAL GOVERMNENT FINANCE -ACCOUNTING & PURCHASING 1. SALARIES & WAGES 1. Supervisory 2. Clerical 3. Operations 5. Contingency 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Implements 4. Motor Vehicle 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 4. Special Services (Audit) 5. Advertising 6. Travel & Reimburs- able Expense 8. Educational & Training 13. Association Dues 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 7. Court Cost TOTAL OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery, Tools & Implements TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 111 ACTUAL 1966-67 20,429.00 14,937.00 25,831.00 171.77 61,368.77 2,821.16 1,000.00 21.32 1,021.32 2,750.00 1,000.00 449.63 78.00 4,277.63 145.21 69,634.09 750.00 750.00 70,384.09* ESTIMATED 1967-68 19,199.00 20,751.00 225.00 40,175.00 1,000.00 497.00 497.00 4,000.00 950.00 150.00 206.00 45.00 5,351.00 47,023.00 47,023.00 *Account 111 and 112 formerly were in one Account, No. 105. Actual figures for 1966-67 are all shown here. Part II-19 PROPOSED 1968-69 20,507.00 22,296.00 560.00 43,363.00 1,500.00 800.00 800.00 4,000.00 900.00 250.00 50.00 60.00 5,260.00 50,923.00 50,923.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1, SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 2. Clerical 5. Contingency 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office & Postage 7. Minor Apparatus 13. Other ACCOUNT NO. 112 GENERAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE -TAX DIVISION 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Implements 4. Motor Vehicle 8. Books 6. MISCELLANEOUS 2. Hire of Equipment 4. Equalization Board 4A. Tax Billing 4B. Oil Apprasial 4C. Utility Consultant 4D. Cartographer 5. Advertising 6. Travel & Reimburs- able Expense 8. Educational & Training 13. Association Dues 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 3. Refunds 7. Court Cost TOTAL OPERATING TOTAL ACCOUNT 112 Part II-20 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 * 9,658.00 16,173.00 400.00 26,231.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 603.00 100.00 17,266.00 16,881.00 960.00 35,107.00 1,829.00 100.00 250.00 2,179.00 268.00 100.00 185.00 703.00 553.00 900.00 3,300.00 1,248.00 50.00 350.00 180.00 22.00 6,050.00 300.00 360.00 1,050.00 3,300.00 1,600.00 1,800.00 3,600.00 50.00 375.00 60.00 65.00 12,260.00 500.00 300.00 500.00 35,784.00 50,599.00 35,784.00 50,599.00 * See Account No. 111 for actual 1966-67 amounts. No attempt was made to divide these expenditures. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 2. Clerical 5. Extra Help 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office Part II-21 ACCOUNT NO. 115 GENERAL GOVERNMENT PLANNING ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 7,792.00 2,875.00 11,718.00 4,325.00 1,000.00 10,667.00 17,043.00 500.00 500.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 8. Books 40.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Equipment Hire 4. Special Services 6. Travel Expense 13. Association Dues TOTAL OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 2. Office Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 115 638.00 150.00 13.00 1,080.00 200.00 250.00 80.00 801.00 1,610.00 11,968.00 19,193.00 1,090.00 1,090.00 155.00 40.00 195.00 1,090.00 195.00 13,058.00 19,388.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 2. Clerical 3. Operations 4. Maintenance 5. Contingency 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 4. Wearing Apparel 5. Food (Dog Pound) 9. Medical & Surgical (Dog Pound) 13. Miscellaneous Part II-22 ACCOUNT NO. 200 PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICE DIVISION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 12,832.00 19,408.00 15,270.00 200.00 47,710.00 22.18 277.75 392.17 131.50 7,500.00 8,323.60 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings (Dog Pound) 150.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Instruments & Appa- ratus (Park. Meters) 271.99 4. Motor Vehicles 399.77 6. Street Markers & Sign Material 1,967.59 7. Radio 60.00 11. Signal Systems 2,258.65 4,958.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1 Communications 1,900.00 4 Janitorial Service 2,760.00 6 Travel Expense 12.90 7 Rent (Parking Lot) 300.00 11. Lights & Power (Traffic) 4,577.76 13. Association Dues 60.00 9,610.66 TOTAL OPERATING 70,752.26 (Continued) 17,512.00 20,649.00 16,302.00 500.00 22,756.00 17,508.00 21,000.00 1,000.00 54,963.00 62,264.00 25.00 300.00 425.00 50.00 50.00 850.00 25.00 350.00 475.00 200.00 100.00 1,150.00 86.00 300.00 125.00 325.00 400.00 400.00 8,950.00 8,900.00 90.00 90.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 12,065.00 12,715.00 1,600.00 2,100.00 2,760.00 2,940.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 300.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 75.00 75.00 10,835.00 11,515.00 78,799.00 87,944.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 200 - (CONTINUED) CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 2. Machinery, Tools & Implements 4. Motor Vehicles 7. Radio Equipment 11. Signal Systems 12. Heating System Part II-23 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 2,200.00 16,119.59 550.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 3,500.00 30,000.00 18,319.59 37,050.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 18,319.59 TOTAL ACCOUNT 200 89,071.85 2,975.00 2,400.00 2,000.00 30,000.00 7,700.00 45,075.00 37,050.00 45,075.00 115,849.00 133,019.00 CITY Or BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 3. Operations 5. Contingency ACCOUNT NO. 201 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 3. Clothing Allowance 4. Uniforms 8. Janitorial Supplies 10. Mechanical (Identifi- cation Supplies) 13. Other Supplies 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery, Tools & Equipment 4. Motor Vehicles 7. Radio Equipment ACTUAL 1966-67 31,321.00 274,031.00 1,000.00 306,352.00 3,499.36 980.00 3,299.48 640.27 900.00 699.47 10,018.58 1,898.10 450.00 9,024.85 1,100.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 2. Hire of Equipment 4A. Civil Service Director 4B. Wrecker Service 5. Advertising 6. Travel & Reimbur- sable Expense 6A. Court Time & Travel 8. Educational & Training 9. Support of Prisoners 11. Lights & Power 12. Fuel (Gas) (Continued) 10,574.85 2,276.00 400.00 600.00 613.12 500.00 748.13 2,303.40 1,328.99 2,850.00 2,458.06 94.96 14,172.66 Part II-24 ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1967-68 1968-69 49,585.00 350,000.00 3,000.00 53,100.00 424,662.00 5,000.00 402,585.00 482,762.00 3,500.00 1,680.00 5,920.00 650.00 1,355.00 700.00 4,250.00 2,080.00 5,920.00 700.00 1,885.00 5,360.00 13,805.00 20,195.00 1,900.00 1,500.00 450.00 450.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 10,700.00 10,700.00 4,325.00 4,300.00 3,000.00 600.00 600.00 700.00 600.00 250.00 250.00 900.00 900.00 2,000.00 2,200.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,850.00 2,000.00 2,800.00 2,800.00 100.00 150.00 15,325.00 18,600.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 201 - (CONTINUED) Part II-25 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contribution to Auxiliary 1,396.17 TOTAL OPERATING 344,412.36 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9. BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES 1. Building 10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 2. Machinery, Tools & Equipment 4. Motor Vehicles 1,225.00 2,174.94 19,042.89 22,442.83 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 22,442.83 TOTAL ACCOUNT 201 366,855.19 1,850.00 2,000.00 446,165.00 535,757.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 1,200.00 1,905.00 19,500.00 18,200.00 20,700.00 20,105.00 24,700.00 25,105.00 470,865.00 560,862.00 CITY OP BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 3. Operations 5. Contingency 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 4. Wearing Apparel 7. Minor Apparatus 8. Janitorial Supplies 9. Chemical, Medical & Surgical 11. Educational 13. Camera ACCOUNT NO. 202 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings Part II-26 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 38,013.48 143,057.62 750.00 181,821.10 15.06 931.23 2,505.05 498.28 46.40 99.99 53,000.00 167,000.00 1,000.00 61,730.00 256,253.00 2,000.00 221,000.00 319,983.00 55.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 850.00 20.00 100.00 100.00 4,096.01 5,125.00 1,910.16 500.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 35.45 2. Machinery & Implements 1,243.93 4. Motor Vehicles 1,180.57 5. Other Vehicles 7. Radio Equipment 1,800.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 4. Civil Serv. Dir. (50%) 6. Travel & Reimburs- able Expense 11. Lights & Power 12. Fuel - (Gas) 13. Association Dues (Continued) 4,259.95 2,298.48 600.00 492.47 2,342.37 800.00 25.00 6,558.32 100.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 50.00 200.00 2,900.00 9,250.00 1,000.00 500.00 , 500.00 200.00 200.00 1,250.00 2,750.00 800.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,750.00 5,450.00 2,700.00 600.00 1,350.00 2,400.00 1,150.00 5.00 2,700.00 600.00 1,350.00 2,400.00 1,150.00 25.00 8,205.00 8,225.00 CITY Or BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 202 - (CONTINUED) 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contributions to VFD 1A. Contributions to VFD Pension Fund 1B. Contributions to VFD School 8. Medical Care Part II-27 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 7,500.00 3,000.00 875.00 25.00 11,400.00 TOTAL OPERATING 210,045.54 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9. BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 4. Motor Vehicles 5. Fire Truck 7. Radio Equipment 11. Signal Sys. (Sirens) 12. Heating & Cooling 3,000.00 30,405.25 1,651.94 748.76 35,805.95 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 35,805.95 TOTAL ACCOUNT 202 7,500.00 3,000.00 875.00 7,500.00 3,000.00 875.00 11,375.00 11,375.00 250,955.00 355,283.00 700.00 2,155.00 835.00 4,000.00 500.00 2,400.00 3,990.00 835.00 3,690.00 7,725.00 3,690.00 11,725.00 245,851.49 254,645.00 367,008.00 CITY OP BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 2. Clerical 3. Operations 4. Maintenance 5. Extra Help 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 7. Minor Apparatus Part II-28 ACCOUNT NO. 203 PUBLIC SAFETY PROTECTIVE INSPECTION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 8,507.00 11,374.69 4,058.00 23,939.69 258.66 66.71 325.37 9,287.00 4,704.00 11,702.00 600.00 26,293.00 305.00 100.00 405.00 10,151.00 4,926.00 12,830.00 600.00 28,507.00 450.00 150.00 600.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery, Tools & Implements 10.53 25.00 50.00 4. Motor Vehicles 122.80 300.00 400.00 7. Radio Equipment 120.00 120.00 120.00 253.33 445.00 570.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 4. Electrical Board 6 Travel & Reimburs- able Expense 13. Association Dues 69.06 18.50 87.56 TOTAL OPERATING 24,605.95 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Apparatus 4. Motor Vehicles 7. Radio Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 203 24,605.95 300.00 33.00 333.00 100.00 400.00 50.00 550.00 27,476.00 30,227.00 2,248.00 675.00 2,923.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 2,923.00 9,000.00 30,399.00 39,227.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 301 HIGHWAYS AND ROADWAYS SIDEWALKS, STREETS AND DRAINAGE 1, SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 4. Maintenance 5. Contingency 2. SUPPLIES 7. Minor Tools & Apparatus 8. Laundry, Cleaning & Janitorial 9. Chemicals, Medical & Surgical 13. Other Supplies 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 8. Streets 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 7. Radio Equipment 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Hire of Equipment 11. Lights & Power -Street TOTAL OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY 9. BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES 8. Streets 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery, Tools & Implements 4. Motor Vehicles (Continued) ACTUAL 1966-67 11,856.00 143,630.00 2,000.00 157,486.00 999.92 4,607.79 210.00 5,817.71 250.00 39,111.20 39,361.20 100.00 462.00 45,615.64 46,077.64 248,842.55 167,639.00 11,376.70 ESTIMATED 1967-68 12,528.00 151,000.00 2,000.00 165,528.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 210.00 4,210.00 239.00 41,000.00 41,239.00 100.00 500.00 53,000.00 53,500.00 264,577.00 225,658.00 10,977.00 Part II-29 PROPOSED 1968-69 37,887.00 143,078.00 2,000.00 182,965.00 1,500.00 250.00 2,500.00 210.00 4,460.00 250.00 50,000.00 50,250.00 100.00 500.00 60,000.00 60,500.00 298,275.00 235,720.00 8,300.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 301 - (CONTINUED) CAPITAL OUTLAY CONT: 10. EQUIPP"ENT 5. Other Vehicles 7. Radio Equipment ACTUAL ESTIMATED 1966-67 1967-68 11,376.70 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 179,015.70 TOTAL ACCOUNT 301 427,858.25 25,500.00 1,400.00 37,877.00 Part II-30 PROPOSED 1968-69 12,620.00 700.00 21,620.00 263,535.00 257,340.00 528,112.00 555,615.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 401 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL MOSQUITO CONTROL Part II-31 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Operations 4,300.00 2. SUPPLIES 9. Chemicals 2,093.69 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery, Tools & Implements 242.90 TOTAL OPERATING 6,636.59 CAPTIAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery 2,300.00 2,392.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 300.00 200.00 4,800.00 4,792.00 1,890.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,890.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 401 6,636.59 6,690.00 4,792.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 402 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 3. Operating 5. Contingency 2. SUPPLIES 7. Minor Tools & Apparatus 9. Chemicals 13. Other Operating Supplies 3. MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1. Landfill Grounds TOTAL OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles 5. Other Vehicles TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ACTUAL 1966-67 8,070.00 170,655.33 6,500.00 185,225.33 255.23 1,500.00 210.00 1,965.23 98.25 187,288.81 11,957.90 11,957.90 11,957.90 TOTAL ACCOUNT 402 199,246.71 ESTIMATED 1967-68 8,550.00 187,853.00 6,500.00 202,903.00 300.00 1,500.00 200.00 2,000.00 100.00 205,003.00 33,542.00 33,542.00 33,542.00 Part II-32 PROPOSED 1968-69 8,898.00 219,417.00 7,000.00 235,315.00 300.00 1,500.00 200.00 2,000.00 100.00 237,415.00 5,300.00 4,400.00 9,700.00 9,700.00 238,545.00 247,115.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 3. Technical 2. SUPPLIES 1. Office 4. Wearing Apparel Part II-33 ACCOUNT NO. 501 CONSERVATION OF HEALTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Car Allowance 4. Health Officer 6. Travel & Reimburs- able Expense 10. Weed Cutting 13. Association Dues 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Health League Contribution ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 7,896.00 15,448.00 23,344.00 299.01 49.92 348.93 2,220.00 900.00 526.23 2,564.30 90.00 6,300.53 8,520.00 16,944.00 25,464.00 350.00 40.00 390.00 2,220.00 900.00 600.00 3,000.00 150.00 6,870.00 9,682.00 10,000.00 TOTAL OPERATING 39,675.46 TOTAL ACCOUNT 501 39,675.46 9,024.00 22,656.00 31,680.00 350.00 50.00 400.00 3,000.00 900.00 600.00 3,000.00 150.00 7,650.00 42,724.00 39,730.00 42,724.00 39,730.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 2. Clerical 3. Operations 4. Maintenance 5. Extra Help • SUPPLIES 1. Office 7. Minor Tools & Apparatus 8. Janitorial Supplies 11. Educational & Recreational 12. Botanical & Agricultural ACCOUNT NO. 600 RECREATION COMMUNITY CENTER • MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings • MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 2. Machinery & Implements 12. Heating & Cooling Systems MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communication 2. Hire of Equipment 4. Janitorial Service 5. Advertising 6. Travel & Reimbursable Expense 7. Rents 11. Lighting & Power 12. Fuel (Gas) 13. Association Dues ACTUAL 1966-67 4,196.01 1,175.00 144.02 5,515.03 464.38 379.91 844.29 27.46 27.46 TOTAL OPERATING 6,386.78 Part II-34 ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1967-68 1968-69 13,000.00 4,452.00 8,200.00 5,004.00 17,134.00 4,672.00 13,800.00 5,234.00 30,656.00 40,840.00 750.00 300.00 50.00 1,100.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 790.00 900.00 8,700.00 700.00 500.00 6,000.00 700.00 18,290.00 750.00 500.00 500.00 50.00 500.00 2,300.00 500.00 300.00 200.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 780.00 1,080.00 9,500.00 50.00 550.00 400.00 8,500.00 600.00 60.00 21,520.00 52,046.00 66,660.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 600 - (CONTINUED) Part II-35 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 15,000.00 5,683.00 5,205.00 2. Machinery, Tools & Implements 1,562.00 15,000.00 5,683.00 6,767.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,000.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 600 21,386.78 5,683.00 6,767.00 57,729.00 73,427.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS Part II-36 ACCOUNT NO. 601 RECREATION PARKS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 SALARIES AND WAGES 1 Supervisory 8,453.00 3. Operations 4. Maintenance 14,798.00 23,251.00 8,987.00 21,422.00 9,479.00 1,700.00 21,718.00 30,409.00 32,897.00 SUPPLIES 6. Motor Vehicles 240.62 250.00 7. Minor Tools & Apparatus 200.00 200.00 8. Laundry, Cleaning & Janitorial 9. Chemical, Medical & Surgical 396.26 350.00 11. Educational & Recreational 12. Botanical & Agricultural 13. Other Operating Supplies 200.00 200.00 1,036.88 300.00 200.00 100.00 350.00 200.00 500.00 100.00 1,000.00 1,750.00 MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1. Land 500.00 . MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1 Buildings 8. Streets & Alleys 10. Other (Lights) MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Imp. 4. Motor Vehicles MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6. Travel Expense 11. Lights & Power 12. Fuel (Gas) (Continued) 500.00 248.06 748.06 500.00 150.00 650.00 593.35 189.88 783.23 500.00 250.00 750.00 500.00 300.00 800.00 1,000.00 220.00 700.00 500.00 250.00 1,450.00 500.00 350.00 850.00 150.00 600.00 200.00 1,220.00 950.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 601 - (CONTINUED) SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contributions to Recreation (Little League) -(Teen Age League) -(School) Part II-37 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 3,750.00 TOTAL OPERATING 30,219.17 CAPITAL OUTLAY 8. LAND 1. Park Improvement 10. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture & Fixtures 2. Machinery & Imp. 3,651.42 525.00 125.00 650.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,301.42 TOTAL ACCOUNT 601 34,520.59 4,550.00 5,150.00 38,729.00 43,547.00 45,000.00 58,000.00 3,742.00 3,579.00 5,395.00 7,321.00 5,395.00 52,321.00 63,395.00 91,050.00 106,942.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 602 RECREATION SWPIMING POOLS SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 2. Clerical 3. Operations 4. Maintenance SUPPLIES 1. Office 7. Minor Tools & Apparatus 9. Chemicals, Medical & Surgical 13. Other Operating Supplies MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 3. Filteration System MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Implements 15. Other (Bathing Facilities) MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communications 11. Lights & Power Part II-38 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1,900.00 2,309.88 4,405.30 1,900.00 3,040.00 4,560.00 8,615.18 9,500.00 47.90 50.00 396.27 100.00 544.17 991.65 383.51 1,375.16 500.00 299.98 799.98 1,250.00 100.00 1,400.00 1,000.00 400.00 1,900.00 2,400.00 6,150.00 880.00 11,330.00 50.00 150.00 1,200.00 100.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 500.00 300.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 TOTAL OPERATING 12,334.49 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9. BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 500.00 300.00 800.00 125.00 1,400.00 1,000.00 1,525.00 14,100.00 16,555.00 4,500.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 1 ACCOUNT NO. 602 - (CONTINUED) CAPITAL OUTLAY CONT: 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery, Tools & Implements Part II-39 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 750.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,250.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 602 12,334.49 14,100.00 21,805.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS • SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 3. Operations 5. Contingency SUPPLIES 1. Office 6. Motor Vehicle Fuel 7. Minor Tools 8. Janitorial Supplies 13. Other Operating Supplies Part II-40 ACCOUNT NO. 701 MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 7,392.00 29,599.00 700.00 37,691.00 290.12 29,411.19 1,364.62 75.11 31,141.04 MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 66.81 MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Imp. 7. Radio Equipment MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 7. Rent (Parking Lot) 11. Lights & Power 12. Fuel (Gas) 41,996.18 41,996.18 240.00 1,101.17 369.21 1,710.38 TOTAL OPERATING 112,605.41 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Imp. TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,256.00 36,427.00 500.00 45,183.00 300.00 30,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 8,760.00 38,347.00 1,000.00 48,107.00 300.00 30,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 32,400.00 32,400.00 99.00 100.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 240.00 1,130.00 475.00 1,845.00 30,000.00 70.00 30,070.00 240.00 1,000.00 400.00 1,640.00 119,527.00 112,317.00 149.95 383.00 149.95 383.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 701 112,755.36 119,910.00 112,317.00 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part II-41 ACCOUNT NO. 702 MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1. SALARY SUPPLEMENT 5. Reserve for Salary Supplement 8,650.00 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3. Automobile Insurance 12,000.00 Buildings & Contents 4,132.00 Group Life & Hospitalization 37,000.00 Firemen's Benefits 2,000.00 Burglary & Swimming 1,232.00 Mercantile Robbery 187.00 Bonds 321.00 Accounts Receivable Policy 119.00 Valuable Papers 132.00 Contingency (For Ins. under study by Committee) 1,867.00 42,114.56 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 8. Medical Care 930.40 TOTAL OPERATING 43,044.96 TOTAL ACCOUNT 702 43,044.96 GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND 52,000.00 59,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 53,000.00 68,650.00 53,000.00 68,650.00 2,099,007.83 2,682,143.00 3,029,308.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANNUAL BUDGET PART III WATERWORKS & SANITARY SEWER FUND CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part III-1 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF INCOME, EXPENSE AND SURPLUS ADJUSTMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1969 OPERATING REVENUES: Sale of Water Servicing Installations Sewer Service Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 566,334.18 31,550.91 152,745.94 11,559.19 762,190.22 197,295.06 TOTAL AVAILABLE 959,485.28 LESS: Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Contingency Fund Transfer to Other Funds TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS 410,632.75 107,640.40 356,577.07 874,850.22 580,000.00 638,000.00 40,000.00 43,000.00 160,000.00 212,000.00 4,565.00 4,733.00 784,565.00 897,733.00 84,635.00 49,056.00 869,200.00 946,789.00 506,001.00 514,639.00 105,582.00 227,820.00 31,502.00 208,561.00 172,828.00 820,144.00 946,789.00 84,635.06 49,056.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1969 DIVISION 1001 Supply 1002 Transmission & Distribution 1002A Transmission & Distribution Supplement -Capital Outlay 1003 Customer Account- ing & Collecting 1004 General Overhead 1005 Sewers & Sewage Disposal 1006 Transfer to Other Funds ACTUAL 1966-67 89,705.88 107,106.29 75,067.25 12,233.78 126,519.55 464,217.47 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 874,850.22 ESTIMATED 1967-68 PART III-2 PROPOSED 1968-69 111,478.00 104,975.00 270,011.00 264,990.00 91,920.00 79,792.00 96,714.00 13,922.00 24,250.00 136,380.00 159,610.00 208,561.00 204,330.00 820,144.00 946,789.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS PART III-3 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1969 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 OPERATING EXPENSES 1. Salaries 2. Supplies 4. Maintenance - (Structures) 5. Maintenance - (Equipment) 6. Misc. Services 7. Sundry Charges TOTAL OPERATING 244,358.11 32,478.76 14,046.19 39,194.13 75,555.56 5,000.00 410,632.75 274,757.00 300,009.00 33,735.00 35,085.00 56,197.00 20,500.00 48,382.00 43,035.00 87,930.00 108,510.00 5,000.00 7,500.00 506,001.00 514,639.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 8. Betterments 2. Payroll 30,000.00 30,000.00 76,420.00 9. Buildings & Structures 4. Sanitary Sewers 12,630.29 10. Equipment 2. Machinery & Imp. 7,926.47 4. Motor Vehicles 5. Other Vehicles 7. Radio Equipment 9. Water Mains, Meters & Hydrants 57,083.64 10. Other (Fence) 65,010.11 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 107,640.40 TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 11. Transfers 1. Water Works Int. & Sinking Fund 51,272.00 2. Capital Imp. Fund 270,305.07 3. Contingency Fund 4. General Fund 35,000.00 TOTAL TRANSFERS 356,577.07 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 874,850.22 11,772.00 45,100.00 13,425.00 7,900.00 2,844.00 18,000.00 7,490.00 8,500.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 37,630.00 70,000.00 1,021.00 500.00 63,810.00 106,300.00 105,582.00 227,820.00 173,561.00 172,828.00 31,502.00 35,000.00 208,561.00 204,330.00 820,144.00 946,789.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 3. Operations 2. SUPPLIES 7. Minor Tools 9. Chemicals 13. Other Operating Supplies PART III-4 ACCOUNT NO. 1001 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT SUPPLY ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 9,226.00 13,926.00 23,152.00 64.37 5,164.23 25.00 5,253.60 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 269.82 7. Water Wells & Reservoirs 7,350.00 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Imp. 7. Radio Equipment 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6. Travel Expense 11. Lights & Power 12. Fuel (Gas) 13. Association Dues 7,619.82 5,334.37 33.75 5,368.12 50.00 48,000.00 223.34 39.00 48,312.34 TOTAL OPERATING 89,705.88 CAPITAL OU LAY 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Imp. 15. Other (Fence) 2,089.68 2,089.68 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,089.68 TOTAL ACCOUNT 1001 91,795.56 9,790.00 15,390.00 10,414.00 16,026.00 25,180.00 26,440.00 200.00 5,000.00 25.00 200.00 5,000.00 25.00 5,225.00 5,225.00 500.00 500.00 16,040.00 10,500.00 16,540.00 11,000.00 8,000.00 35.00 6,000.00 35.00 8,035.00 6,035.00 150.00 54,000.00 325.00 45.00 250.00 55,000.00 325.00 50.00 54,520.00 55,625.00 109,500.00 104,325.00 957.00 1,021.00 650.00 1,978.00 650.00 1,978.00 650.00 111,478.00 104,975.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Part III-5 ACCOUNT NO. 1002 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervisory 4. Maintenance 5. Contingency 2. SUPPLIES 7. Minor Tools 8. Janitorial Supplies 9. Chemicals 13. Other Operating Supplies 8,008.00 71,500.00 2,500.00 82,008.00 2,241.74 458.07 208.87 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Building 4. Sanitary Sewers 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Tools & Implements 7. Radio Equipment 9. Water Mains, Meters & Settings, Fire Hydrants 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Equipment Rental 6. Travel Expense 7. Rents (Easements) 13. Association Dues 2,908.68 8,488.00 8,836.00 90,945.00 88,219.00 2,600.00 7,500.00 102,033.00 104,555.00 2,000.00 750.00 210.00 2,000.00 250.00 750.00 210.00 2,960.00 3,210.00 5,260.07 38,157.00 5,260.07 38,157.00 8,000.00 1,500.00 6,500.00 38.57 150.00 16,562.23 16,600.80 301.74 15.00 12.00 328.74 TOTAL OPERATING 107,106.29 CAPITAL OUTLAY 8. LABOR -CAPITAL 2. Payroll 30,000.00 9. BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES 4. Sanitary Sewers 12,630.29 (Continued) 150.00 100.00 26,097.00 22,000.00 26,247.00 22,250.00 500.00 100.00 50.00 600.00 100.00 50.00 25.00 650.00 775.00 170,047.00 138,790.00 30,000.00 35,000.00 11,772.00 45,100.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part III-6 ACCOUNT NO. 1002 - (Continued) ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery & Imp. 4. Motor Vehicles 5. Other Vehicles 7. Radio Equipment 9. Water Mains, Meters & Fire Hydrants 1,697.56 57,083.64 58,781.20 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 101,411.49 TOTAL ACCOUNT 1002 208,517.78 11,672.00 10,400.00 7,490.00 1,400.00 700.00 37,630.00 35,000.00 58,192.00 46,100.00 99,964.00 126,200.00 270,011.00 264,990.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part III-7 ACCOUNT NO. 1002A WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT SUPPLEMENT TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION - CAPITAL OUTLAY ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 CAPITAL OUTLAY 8. LANDS 2. Labor, Capital 9. BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES 4. Sanitary Sewers 41,420.00 10. EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles 5,800.00 5. Other Vehicles 8,500.00 7. Radio Equipment 700.00 9. Water Dist. System 35,000.00 15. Other (Tools) 500.00 50,500.00 TOTAL CAPITAL 91,920.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 1002A 91,920.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part III-8 ACCOUNT NO. 1003 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 ▪ SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Utility Office Mgr. 2. Clerical 3. Field Operations 5. Contingency ▪ SUPPLIES 1. Office & Postage 4. Wearing Apparel 7. Tools & Utensils 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Office Machines 4. Motor Vehicles 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 4. Special Services 6. Travel Expense 13. Sub -Station Fees 6,668.87 7,747.00 28,139.00 29,974.00 22,331.00 23,521.00 195.62 200.00 57,334.49 61,442.00 10,495.81 10,500.00 167.50 100.00 10,663.31 10,600.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 8,431.00 25,682.00 33,381.00 560.00 68,054.00 10,000.00 100.00 100.00 10,200.00 550.00 200.00 1,100.00 750.00 969.45 1,650.00 969.45 1,650.00 15,910.00 14,000.00 150.00 1,760.00 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 10. Reserve for Sick Leave 5,000.00 5,000.00 79,792.00 94,914.00 TOTAL OPERATING 75,067.25 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicle TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 1003 75,067.25 1,800.00 79,792.00 96,714.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1. SALARIES & WAGES 2. Clerical 5. Contingency Part III-9 ACCOUNT NO. 1004 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT 2. SUPPLIES 6. Motor Vehicle Fuel 13. Other Oper. Supplies GENERAL OVERHEAD ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 4,758.00 5,322.00 4,758.00 5,322.00 2,956.31 19.47 2,975.78 5. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles 4,500.00 3,500.00 100.00 3,600.00 5,000.00 5,550.00 1,100.00 6,650.00 4,000.00 100.00 4,100.00 6,000.00 7. SUNDRY CHARGES 10. Reserve for Sick Pay 7,500.00 TOTAL OPERATING 12,233.78 13,922.00 24,250.00 TOTAL ACCOUNT 1004 12,233.78 13,922.00 24,250.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part III-10 ACCOUNT NO. 1005 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT SEWER AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Operations 5, Contingency 2. SUPPLIES 7. Minor Tools 9. Chemicals 13. Other Operating Supplies 77,105.62 77,105.62 119.25 10,408.14 150.00 10,677.39 4. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 1,166.30 5 MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2. Mach. & Implements 11,625.21 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 11. Lights & Power 12. Fuel (Gas) 25,077.94 867.09 25,945.03 TOTAL OPERATING 126,519.55 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery 4. Motor Vehicles 4,139.23 4,139.23 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,139.23 TOTAL ACCOUNT 1005 130,658.78 80,368.00 412.00 93,898.00 412.00 80,780.00 94,310.00 200.00 11,000.00 150.00 200.00 12,000.00 150.00 11,350.00 12,350.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 30,000.00 35,000.00 1,110.00 1,200.00 31,110.00 36,200.00 132,740.00 152,360.00 796.00 2,844.00 7,250.00 3,640.00 7,250.00 3,640.00 7,250.00 136,380.00 159,610.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT NO. 1006 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS Part III-11 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 11. CONTINGENCIES AND TRANSFERS 1. Transfer to Water- works Int. & Sink- ing Fund 51,272.00 173,561.00 172,828.00 2. Improvement Fund 270,305.07 3. Contingency Fund 31,502.00 4. Transfer to General Fund 35,000.00 35,000.00 TOTAL CONTINGENCIES & TRANSFERS 356,577.07 TOTAL ACCOUNT 1006 356,577.07 GRAND TOTAL WATER AND SEWER 874,850.22 208,561.00 204,330.00 208,561.00 204,330.00 820,144.00 946,789.00 CITY or BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANNUAL BUDGET PART IV DEBT SERVICE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS REVENUE General Property Tax Transfer from Water Fund Interest Earned DEBT SERVICE ALL BONDS 1968-1969 Part IV-1 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 515,619.00 51,272.00 9,115.00 TOTAL REVENUE 576,006.00 SURPLUS Required Reserve Surplus, Unappropriated Prepaid Items 199,804.00 108,589.00 17,001.00 325,394.00 TOTAL AVAILABLE 901,400.00 LESS: EXPENDITURES Bond Maturities Coupon Maturities Agents Fees Interest on Proposed Bond Sale 271,000.00 341,867.00 1,181.00 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 614,048.00 SURPLUS AT 9-30-68 287,352.00 445,442.00 173,561.00 7,775.00 519,750.00 172,828.00 5,222.00 626,778.00 697,800.00 146,762.00 76,576.00 14,014.00 237,352.00 181,348.00 16,055.00 8,385.00 205,788.00 864,130.00 903,588.00 320,500.00 336,442.00 1,400.00 335,500.00 317,568.00 1,425.00 25,000.00 658,342.00 679,493.00 205,788.00 224,095.00 CITY or BAYTOWN, TEXAS DEBT SERVICE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (INCLUDING TAX SUPPORTED WATERWORKS BONDS) REVENUE Property Tax - (Current Year) Property Tax - (Prior Year) Penalty & Interest Interest on Invest- ments TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL SURPLUS TOTAL AVAILABLE LESS: EXPENDITURES Serial Bond Maturities Interest Payments Agent Fees Estimated Cost of Int- erest on additional Bonds ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 494,076.39 12,229.91 3,539.81 5,773.05 515,619.16 46,011.89 561,631.05 209,000.00 266,217.88 770.41 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 475,988.29 SURPLUS AT 9-30-68 85,642.76 435,000.00 507,161.00 8,462.00 10,300.00 1,980.00 2,289.00 275.00 222.00 445,717.00 519,972.00 85,643.00 20,315.00 531,360.00 540,287.00 256,000.00 254,045.00 1,000.00 269,000.00 237,305.00 1,000.00 25,000.00 511,045.00 532,305.00 20,315.00 7,982.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS DEBT SERVICE WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER REVENUE BONDS REVENUE Transfer from Water Fund Premium & Interest Earned TOTAL REVENUE Required Surplus Reserves Unappropriated Surplus Prepaid Items TOTAL SURPLUS Part IV-3 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 51,272.00 9,114.00 60,386.00 199,804.00 79,578.00 279,382.00 TOTAL AVAILABLE 339,768.00 LESS: EXPENDITURES Bond Maturities Coupon Maturities Agents Fees TOTAL REQUIREMENTS SURPLUS AT 9-30-68 ANALYSIS OF SURPLUS Bond Reserve - (accumula- tive to next annual re- quirement) Bond Contingency Bond Fund - (Monthly de- posit until next annual requirement is assured) TOTAL REQUIRED RESERVE Prepaid Items Unappropriated 62,000.00 75,648.00 411.00 138,059.00 201,709.00 114,512.00 50,000.00 32,250.00 173,561.00 7,500.00 172,828.00 5,000.00 181,061.00 177,828.00 146,762.00 4,670.00 277.00 181,348.00 3,940.00 185.00 151,709.00 185,473.00 332,770.00 363,301.00 64,500.00 82,397.00 400.00 66,500.00 80,263.00 425.00 147,297.00 147,188.00 185,473.00 216,113.00 146,762.00 168,700.00 6,000.00 34,586.00 41,299.00 196,762.00 181,348.00 277.00 4,670.00 4,947.00 TOTAL SURPLUS & RESERVES 201,709.00 185.00 3,940.00 4,125.00 215,999.00 114.00 114.00 185,473.00 216,113.00 Part IV-4 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS October 1, 1968 Description WATERWORKS & SEWER REVENUE BONDS Baytown Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 1958 Interest Date of Term Rate Issue Years 3 1/4% 2/15/58 22 3 1/2% 3 5/8% Baytown Waterworks & Sewer System 4.90% 2/15/66 20 Revenue Bonds, Series 1966 4.00% H.C.F.W.S.D.#8 Water & Sewer Impvt. Revenue Bonds, Series 1942 & 1944 Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 1967 4 1/4% 4/1/42 28 3 1/2% 3.90% 11/15/67 20 4.00% 4.05% TOTAL REVENUE BONDS 1968-69 WATERWORKS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS City of Pelly Waterworks Refunding 5% "B" Bonds, Series 1935 4/10/35 38 City of Baytown 1. Waterworks & Sewer System Refund 3 1/2% 5/1/57 13 Series 1957 3 3/4% 4% 4 1/4% H.C.F.W.S.D. #8 1. Waterworks & Sewer System Impvt. 2 3/4% 12/1/49 34 Series 1949 3 1/2% 3 3/4% 2. Waterworks & Sewer System Impvt. 3 1/4% 3/1/52 33 Series 1952 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Maturity Original Date Issue Amount Outstanding 1968 85,000.00 1974 424,000.00 424,000.00 1980 491,000.00 491,000.00 1,000,000.00 915,000.00 1980 60,000.00 60,000.00 1986 690,000.00 690,000.00 750,000.00 750,000.00 1970 52,000.00 2,500.00 28,000.00 7,000.00 80,000.00 9,500.00 1981 300,000.00 300,000.00 1984 75,000.00 75,000.00 1986 50,000.00 50,000.00 425,000.00 425,000.00 2,255,000.00 2,099,500.00 1973 63,000.00 10,000.00 1970 1983 1974 24,000.00 42,000.00 127,000.00 37,000.00 230,000.00 35,000.00 80,000.00 310,000.00 425,000.00 69,000.00 12,000.00 81,000.00 56,000.00 56,000.00 125,000.00 20,000.00 Principal Interest Due 6 7- 6 8 Due 6 8 -6 9 63,000.00 32,638.75 63,000.00 32,638.75 3,500.00 30,540.00 30,540.00 358.76 3,500.00 358.76 16,725.00 16,725.00 66,500.00 80,262.51 2,000.00 500.00 56,000.00 3,270.00 56,000.00 3,270.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 1,856.25 1,856.25 650.00 CITY OP BAYTOWN, TEXAS r'art IV-6 STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS - Continued October 1, 1968 .Description Interest Date of Term Rate Issue Years GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS -CONTINUED WATERWORKS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS-CONT. 3. Waterworks & Sewer System Impvt. 3 1/2% 7/14/55 30 Series 1955 3 3/4% 4. Waterworks & Sewer System Impvt. 4.05% 3/12/61 33 Series 1961 5. Waterworks & Sewer System Impvt. 4.15% 7/1/61 33 Series 1961A H.C.W.C. & I.D. #58 1. Waterworks & Sanitary Sewer & 4 3/4% 12/1/56 33 Drainage Impvt. Bonds, Series 1956 2. Waterworks & Sanitary Sewer & 5% 4/1/61 36 Drainage Impvt. Bonds, Series 1961 City of Baytown 1. Waterworks & Sanitary Sewer Impvt. 4% 8/1/66 25 Refunding Series 1966 TOTAL WATERWORKS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS City of Pelly 1. ^efunding Bonds, Series "B" 5% 4/10/35 38 2. City Hall Refunding Bonds 5% 7/1/35 36 3. Street Impr. Refunding Bonds 3 3/4% 12/1/45 25 City of Baytown 1. Park Impvt. Bonds, Series 1948 3 1/2% 2/1/48 22 2. Street & Drainage Improvement, 5% 2/1/58 16 Series 1958 3% 3 1/4% 1 CITY OP BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Part IV-7 Maturity Original Amount Principal Interest Date Issue Outstanding Due 68-69 Due 68-69 1968 1985 1990 46,000.00 129,000.00 175,000.00 126,000.00 98,000.00 98,000.00 6,000.00 3,562.50 6,000.00 3,562.50 126,000.00 5,103.00 1990 102,000.00 102,000.00 4,233.00 1989 475,000.00 430,000.00 10,000.00 20,187.50 1997 300,000.00 300,000.00 15,000.00 1994 784,000.00 784,000.00 3,001,000.00 2,007,000.00 1973 36,500.00 7,500.00 1971 33,000.00 4,500.00 1970 75,000.00 14,000.00 1970 130,000.00 16,000.00 1963 1966 1974 128,000.00 112,000.00 760,000.00 1,000,000.00 674,000.00 674,000.00 4,000.00 31,280.00 91,000.00 85,642.25 1,500.00 375.00 1,500.00 225.00 7,000.00 525.00 8,000.00 420.00 40,000.00 21,255.00 40,000.00 21,255.00 1 CITY OR RAYTOWN. TEXAS Part IV-8 STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS - Continued October 1, 1968 Description GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS -CONTINUED 3. Street & Drainage Improvement, Series 1959 4. Library Bonds, Series 1961 5. General Obligation, Series 1966 (All Purpose) . General Obligation, Series 1967 Interest Date of Term Rate Issue Years 4 1/2% 5/1/59 18 4% 2 1/2% 3 1/2% 3/1/61 16 3 3/8% 5% 2/15/66 20 3.80% 3.90% 3.95% 4.75% 5/17/67 20 3.50% 3.75% 4.00% TOTAL GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS EXCLUDING WATERWORKS TAX SUPPORTED TOTAL GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS INCLUDING WATERWORKS TAX SUPPORTED GRAND TOTAL - ALL BONDS @ September 30, 1968 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS Part IV-9 Maturity Original Amount Principal Interest Date Issue Outstanding Due 68-69 Due 68-69 1970 266,000.00 60,000.00 1976 330,000.00 330,000.00 1977 100,000.00 100,000.00 696,000.00 490,000.00 1976 200,000.00 200,000.00 1977 150,000.00 150,000.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 1973 340,000.00 250,000.00 1981 600,000.00 600,000.00 1984 450,000.00 450,000.00 1986 350,000.00 350,000.00 1,740,000.00 1,650,000.00 1971 151,000.00 120,000.00 1975 160,000.00 160,000.00 1980 230,000.00 230,000.00 1987 350,000.00 350,000.00 891,000.00 860,000.00 4,066,000.00 6,073,000.00 8,172,500.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 18,400.00 18,400.00 12,062.50 12,062.50 65,425.00 65,425.00 32,975.00 32,975.00 178,000.00 151,662.50 269,000.00 237,304.75 335,500.00 317,567.26 CITY or BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part IV-10 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS - ALL PURPOSE GENERAL IMPROVEMENT OUTSTANDING FISCAL BEGINNING PRINCIPAL INTEREST YEAR OF YEAR REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS 1968-69 4,066,000.00 1969-70 3,888,000.00 1970-71 3,668,000.00 1971-72 3,413,000.00 1972-73 3,152,500.00 1973-74 2,885,000.00 1974-75 2,610,000.00 1975-76 2,330,000.00 1976-77 2,040,000.00 1977-78 1,700,000.00 1978-79 1,550,000.00 1979-80 1,400,000.00 1980-81 1,250,000.00 1981-82 1,100,000.00 1982-83 900,000.00 1983-84 700,000.00 1984-85 500,000.00 1985-86 300,000.00 1986-87 50,000.00 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 178,000.00 220,000.00 255,000.00 260,500.00 267,500.00 275,000.00 280,000.00 290,000.00 340,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 250,000.00 50,000.00 151,662.50 143,237.50 133,538.75 123,597.50 113,753.75 103,950.00 95,062.50 84,612.50 72,932.00 63,362.50 57,687.00 52,012.50 46,275.00 39,450.00 31,600.00 23,750.00 15,862.50 6,950.00 1,000.00 4,066,000.00 1,360,297.00 *Detail on seperate schedule following CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part IV-11 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 329,662.50 363,237.50 388,538.75 384,097.50 381,253.75 378,950.00 375,062.50 374,612.50 412,932.00 213,362.50 207,687.50 202,012.50 196,275.00 239,450.00 231,600.00 223,750.00 215,862.50 256,950.00 51,000.00 *W. W. TAX SUPPORTED REQUIREMENTS 176,642.25 137,023.50 116,654.75 120,048.50 114,379.75 109,786.00 115,161.00 111,417.25 114,586.00 112,636.00 116,573.00 131,261.00 133,211.00 133,961.00 132,573.50 130,136.00 132,667.25 124,968.25 122,288.50 120,549.00 119,708.25 157,066.25 141,750.00 136,750.00 131,750.00 126,750.00 28,750.00 27,500.00 26,250.00 TOTAL TAX REQUIREMENTS 506,304.75 500,261.00 505,193.50 504,146.00 495,633.50 488,736.00 490,223.50 486.029.75 527,518.00 325,998.50 324,260.50 333,273.50 329,486.00 373,411.00 364,173.50 353,886.00 348,529.75 381,918.25 173,288.50 120,549.00 119,708.25 157,066.25 141,750.00 136,750.00 131,750.00 126,750.00 28,750.00 27,500.00 26,250.00 5,426,297.00 3,402,798.00 8,829,095.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part IV-12 DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS WATERWORKS AND SEWER REVENUE BONDS OUTSTANDING FISCAL BEGINNING PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL YEAR OF YEAR REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS 1968-69 2,099,500.00 66,500.00 80,262.51 146,762.51 1969-70 2,033,000.00 97,000.00 77,916.25 174,916.25 1970-71 1,936,000.00 94,000.00 74,413.75 168,413.75 1971-72 1,842,000.00 97,000.00 71,023.75 168,023.75 1972-73 1,745,000.00 100,000.00 67,528.75 167,528.75 1973-74 1,645,000.00 104,000.00 63,928.75 167,928.75 1974-75 1,541,000.00 107,000.00 60,188.75 167,188.75 1975-76 1,434,000.00 111,000.00 56,241.25 167,241.25 1976-77 1,323,000.00 115,000.00 52,148.75 167,148.75 1977-78 1,208,000.00 119,000.00 47,911.25 166,911.25 1978-79 1,089,000.00 123,000.00 43,528.75 166,528.75 1979-80 966,000.00 126,000.00 39,001.25 165,001.25 1980-81 840,000.00 130,000.00 33,600.00 163,600.00 1981-82 710,000.00 135,000.00 28,425.00 163,425.00 1982-83 575,000.00 140,000.00 23,025.00 163,025.00 1983-84 435,000.00 140,000.00 17,425.00 157,425.00 1984-85 295,000.00 145,000.00 11,825.00 156,825.00 1985-86 150,000.00 150,000.00 6,012.50 156,012.50 2,099,500.00 854,406.26 2,953,906.26 1 CITY OR BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part IV-13 DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS WATERWORKS TAX SUPPORTED BONDS OUTSTANDING FISCAL BEGINNING PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL YEAR OF YEAR REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS 1968-69 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 2,007,000.00 1,916,000.00 1,861,000.00 1,824,000.00 1,782,000.00 1,744,000.00 1,709,000.00 1,667,000.00 1,627,000.00 1,582,000.00 1,537,000.00 1,486,000.00 1,418,000.00 1,345,000.00 1,268,000.00 1,189,000.00 1,109,000.00 1,023,000.00 941,000.00 858,000.00 773,000.00 685,000.00 555,000.00 435,000.00 315,000.00 195,000.00 75,000.00 50,000.00 25,000.00 91,000.00 55,000.00 37,000.00 42,000.00 38,000.00 35,000.00 42,000.00 40,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 51,000.00 68,000.00 73,000.00 77,000.00 79,000.00 80,000.00 86,000.00 82,000.00 83,000.00 85,000.00 88,000.00 130,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 85,642.25 82,023.50 79,654.75 78,048.50 76,379.75 74,786.00 73,161.00 71,417.25 69,586.00 67,636.00 65,573.00 63,261.00 60,211.00 56,961.00 53,573.50 50,136.00 46,667.25 42,968.25 39,288.50 35,549.00 31,708.25 27,066.25 21,750.00 16,750.00 11,750.00 6,750.00 3,750.00 2,500.00 1,250.00 176,642.25 137,023.50 116,654.75 120,048.50 114,379.75 109,786.00 115,161.00 111,417.25 114,586.00 112,636.00 116,573.00 131,261.00 133,211.00 133,961.00 132,573.50 130,136.00 132,667.25 124,968.25 122,288.50 120,549.00 119,708.25 157,066.25 141,750.00 136,750.00 131,750.00 126,750.00 28,750.00 27,500.00 26,250.00 2,007,000.00 1,395,798.00 3,402,798.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANNUAL BUDGET PART V APPROPRIATION ORDINANCES CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 934 Part V-1 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1968, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1969, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARTER AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICA- TION OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Baytown has submitted to the City Council a budget estimate of the revenues of said City and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 1968, and ending September 30, 1969, and which said estimate has been compiled from detailed in- formation obtained from the several departments, divisions, and offices of the City containing all information as required by the Charter of the City of Baytown; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received said City Manager's es- timate and held a public hearing thereon so provided by Section Forty - Four (44) of the Charter; and WHEREAS, after a full and final consideration of the public hearing it is the opinion of the Council that the budget as filed should be approved and adopted, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: Section 1: That the budget estimate of the revenues of the City of Baytown and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 1968, and ending September 30, 1969, as submitted to the City Council by the City Manager of said City be, and the same is in all things, adopted and approved as the budget estimate of all the current expenses as well as the fixed charges against said City for the fiscal year beginning the 1st day of October, 1968, and ending September 30, 1969. Section 2: That the sum of THREE MILLION TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED EIGHT AND 00/100 ($3,029,308.00) DOLLARS is hereby ap- propriated out of the General Fund for the payment of Operating Ex- penses and Captial Outlay of the City Government as hereinafter item- ized, to -wit: CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part V-2 General Government $ 634,299.00 Public Safety 1,100,116.00 Highways 555,615.00 Sanitation and Waste Removal 251,907.00 Conservation of Health 39,730.00 Recreation 202,174.00 Garage 112,317.00 Miscellaneous 68,650.00 Contingency and Emergency 64,500.00 TOTAL $3,029,308.00 Section 3: That the sum of NINE HUNDRED FORTY-SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY-NINE AND 00/100 ($946,789.00) DOLLARS is hereby appropriated out of the Water Works Fund for the operating expenses and capital outlay of the municipality owned waterworks as herein- after itemized, to -wit: Supply Transmission & Distribution Customer's Accounting & Collecting Sewers & Sewage Disposal Garage & Miscellaneous Transfers to Other Funds Contingency Fund $ 104,975.00 356,910.00 96,714.00 159,610.00 24,250.00 172,828.00 31,502.00 TOTAL $ 946,789.00 Section 4: That the sum of FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FIVE AND 00/100 ($532,305.00) DOLLARS is hereby ap- propriated out of the General Interest and Sinking Fund for the pur- pose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming the Serial Bonds as they mature on the General Debt Service Bonds as hereinafter item- ized, to -wit: Serial Bond Maturities $ 269,000.00 Interest Payments 262,305.00 Exchange 1,000.00 TOTAL $ 532,305.00 Section 5: That the sum of ONE HUNDRED FORTY-SEVEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-EIGHT AND 00/100 ($147,188.00) DOLLARS is hereby appropriated out of the Water Works Interest and Sinking Fund for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming the Serial Bonds as they mature in the Water Works Debt Service Bonds as hereinafter itemized, to -wit: Serial Bond Maturities $ 66,500.00 Interest Payments 80,263.00 Exchange 425.00 TOTAL $ 147,188.00 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part V-3 Section 6: This ordinance shall be and remain in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval of the City Council and it shall be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown. READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by a majority of the City Council at a special meeting held at the City Hall in the City of Baytown, on the 19th day of September, 1968. Seaborn Cravey, Mayor ATTEST: Edna Oliver, City Clerk APPROVED: William R. Laughlin, City Attorney CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part v-4 ORDINANCE NO. 935 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE RATE AND TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1969, UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER PROVISIONS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: Section 1: There shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected for the year ending September 30, 1969, an ad valorem tax of ONE AND 49/100 ($1.49) DOLLARS on each ONE HUNDRED AND 00/100 ($100.00) DOLLARS worth of property located within the present City limits of the City of Baytown, made taxable by law, which said taxes, when collected, shall be apportioned among funds and departments of City Government of the City of Baytown and for the purposes hereinafter set forth as follows: For the General Fund $1.15 For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and to pro- vide a sinking fund for the payment of the bonded indebted- ness of the City of Baytown $ .34 Section 2: The ad valorem tax rate of ONE AND 49/100 ($1.49) DOLLARS as set forth in Section 1, is hereby levied and shall be as- sessed and collected on only Fifty (50%) percent of each ONE HUNDRED AND 00/100 ($100.00) DOLLARS worth of property located within Baytown as valued by the Equalization Board for the City of Baytown and made taxable by law. Section 3: The Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Baytown is hereby directed to assess, extend and enter upon the Tax Rolls of the City of Baytown, Texas, for the current year the amounts and rates herein levied, and to keep a current account of the same. All col- lection of such taxes, as well as collection of taxes owed from prior years, to include penalty and interest thereon, shall be deposited in the official depository of the City of Baytown to be distributed be- tween the General Fund and the Interest and Sinking Fund on a basis determined by the percentage that each of the dollar figures in Sec- tion 1 above bear to the above stated tax rate. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part V-5 Section 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are expressly repealed. READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown at a special meeting held at City Hall on the 19th day of September, 1968. Seaborn Cravey, Mayor ATTEST: Edna Oliver, City Clerk APPROVED: William R. Laughlin, City Attorney CITY Or SAYTOWN, TEXAS ANNUAL BUDGET CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part VVI-1 CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT EXPENSES: These comprise all items of expenditure necessarily incurred for current administration, operation and maintenance - and for materials and equipment in the nature of renewals or re- placements which do not add to the capital assets of the City. 1. Salaries__and Wages 2. Supplies 3. Material (or contract) for maintenance of land 4. Material (or contract) for maintenance of buildings, improvements and structures 5. Material (or contract) for maintenance of equipment 6. Miscellaneous Services 7. Sundry Charges CAPITAL OUTLAY: Comprises expenditures of every character which increase the capital assets of the City. 8. Lands 9. Buildings and Sturctures 10. Equipment EXPENSES FcraSc) JA f7EZI _\) lces - 1. SALARIES AND WAGES: 1-1 Supervisory: To include legislative, executive and administrative 1-2 Clerk Hire: Clerical services or service of that nature 1-3 Labor Operations To include professional and thechnical service 1-4 Labor Maintenance: Services performed in repairing and maintaining a standard of: 3. Lands 4. Buildings, Impvt. and Structures 5. Equipment 1-5 Extra Help or Overtime 2. SUPPLIES: 2-1 Office Supplies: To include all supplies necessary for use in the operation of office, such as: Postage: Printing: To include printing of budget, circular letters, reports and specifications CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 1 Part VI-2 Publications: To include blue prints, catalogues, charts, magazines, maps, newspapers, etc. Stationery: To include pencils, rubber stamps, ink pads, paper, paste, pens, binders, blank books, clips, desk pads, ink, envelopes, erasers, filing cabinet supplies, labels, manuscript supplies, tracing cloth, etc. 2-3 Clothing Allowance: Include cash payments made in lieu of furnishing uniforms -as Police Plain Clothes men -Meter Readers and Repairmen -Park employees 2-4 Wearing Apparel, dry goods and notions: To include such articles as badges, belts, boots, hats, shoes, slickers, uniforms, etc. 2-5 Pound Food 2-6 Motor vehicle supplies: To include gasoline, grease, lub- ricating oil and small accessories 2-7 Minor tools and apparatus: Include tools and utensils which are liable to loss, theft and rapid de- preciation. To iclude compasses, guages, measuring chains, augers, bits, engineer- ing stakes, wrenches etc. 2-8 Laundry, cleaning and janitorial: To include cleaning pre- parations, deodorants, disinfectants, floor oils, scouring powders, soap, wax, etc 2-9 Chemical, medical and surgical: To include alcohol, alum, antitoxins, bandages, chlorine, gauze, lime, medicines, vaccine, etc. 2-11 Educational and recreational supplies: To include all articles of transiet use, as baseballs, lime for marking tennis courts, rent on moving picture films, tennis balls, etc. 2-12 Botanical and agricultural supplies: To include bulbs, dis- infectants, fertilizers, seeds, trees, young plants, etc., used for parks and public grounds 2-13 Other supplies: This is to include supplies that have not been allocated 3-4-5 MATERIALS: Materials are commodities of a permanent nature in a raw, un- finished or finished state, entering into the construction, re- newal, replacement or repair of any land, building, structure, or equipment. 3. Material (or contract) for maintenance of land. All ex- penditures (material or contract) covering land maintenance, such as regrading, drains, repairing, etc. 4. Material (or contract) for maintenance of buildings, structures, and improvements. All expenditures (material or contract) covering repairs and replacements of: CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part VI-3 4-1 Buildings 4-3 Filtration plants 4-4 Sanitary sewers 4-5 Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters and culverts 4-7 Standpipes and reservoirs 4-8 Streets, roadways, storm sewers 4-9 Dumping grounds 4-10 Other 5. Maintenance of Equipment: All expenditures (material or contract) covering repairs and replacement of: 5-1 Furniture, fixtures and furnishings 5-2 Machinery, tools, and implements (major) 5-4 Motor vehicles: Includes tire and tubes 5-5 Other vehicles 5-6 5-7 5-8 of new books Street signs Radio equipment Books (include purchase for library) 5-9 Waterworks mains and fire hydrants, meters and settings 5-11 Signal systems 5-12 Heating systems 5-13 Service connections 5-15 Other 6. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: Miscellaneous services are activities performed by other than municipal departments, under expressed or implied agreement in- volving personal services plus the use of equipment or the fur- nishing of commodities. 6-1 Communications: 6-2 Hire of equipment: 6-3 Insurance: 6-4 Special services: To include messenger service, telephone and telegraph To include compensation for use of equip- ment via: hire of vehicles, with or with- out drivers, also allowance to employees for use of private cars. To include premiums on all kinds of in- surance on property and equipment, also liability insurance and surety bonds To include compensation for personal services such as special investigations and surveys, inspecting materials, audits, special legal services, etc. 6-5 Advertising, legal and otherwise 6-6 Travel and reimbursable expenses: To include expense of public officers and employees incurred in regular performance of their duties for trans- portation by public carriers, etc. 6-7 Rents 1 1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Part VI-4 6-8 Educational and training 6-9 Support of persons (prisoners) 6-10 Vacant lot clearing 6-11 Light and power 6-12 Natural Gas 6-13 Association dues 7. SUNDRY CHARGES: Sundry charges include those expenses legally or morally ob- ligatory upon the City as a public corporation. 7-1 Contributions, gratuities and rewards: To include charitable institutions, hospitals and other organizations; compensation to prisoners, prizes, entertainment, floral offerings, etc. 7-2 Debt service: To include the payment of principal and interest of funded and unfunded debt 7-3 Refunds 7-4 Judgements and damages 7-5 Pensions 7-6 Taxes 7-7 Court costs, jury and witness fees 7-8 Medical and hospital expenses, job injuries 7-9 Employee annual Service Awards 7-10 Reserve for sick pay 7— t ` G0rwrsel�2F` &-)›O EtUR-< <i