_FY 93-94 COB Adopted BudgetCITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANNUAL PROGRAM OF SERVICES 1993-94 PREPARED BY DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF BAYTOWN ANNUAL PROGRAM OF SERVICES 1993-94 AS APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ON SEPTEMBER 23, 1993 BOBBY ROUNTREE, CITY MANAGER NORMAN DYKES, ASST. CITY MANAGER MONTE MERCER, FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF BAYTOWN LIST OF ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYOR PETE C. ALFARO MAYOR PRO- TEM DISTRICT 6 COUNCILMEMBER DISTRICT 1 COUNCILMEMBER DISTRICT 2 COUNCILMEMBER DISTRICT 3 COUNCILMEMBER DISTRICT 4 COUNCILMEMBER DISTRICT 5 STEPHEN DONCARLOS EVA BENAVIDES ROLLAND J. PRUETT MANUEL ESCONTRIAS E. FRANK HINDS, JR. DAVID BYFORD 111 EMPLOYEE MISSION STATEMENT CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS PRIDE IN PUBLIC SERVICE IS THE CORNERSTONE OF OUR COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE We pledge to be responsive to the decisions of our elected officials and to the needs of our citizens. This will grow through open and effective communication among the council, the citizens, and the employees. We commit ourselves to serving the best interests of the people of our community through courteous and efficient service. We dedicate ourselves to the highest ideals of honor and integrity in our relationships with the public. We strive to maintain a progressive, enthusiastic, and creative approach to our work. This is our professional responsibility. We affirm the dignity and worth of every service rendered by city employees. EFFICIENT SERVICE TODAY - ENTHUSIASM FOR TOMORROW i iv MANAGER'S MESSAGE •<Sr, • r Air• • �1 • '•• 0 i i(p • 6 4 • • • • r 'rl • + 1 ti • sfi • 1:141:1 • • • • cell A . • • OwN • • CITY OF BAYTOWN atigalM 2401 MARKET P.O. BOX 424 BAYTOWN, TX 77522-0424 (713) 422-6261 FAX (713) 420-6586 October 1, 1993 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Baytown Baytown, Texas The budgets for fiscal year 1993-94 are presented within this document in compliance with State Law and the City Charter. The budget document is a plan of work expressed in financial terms. The budget document includes an estimate of revenues and expenditures for operating departments, along with principal and interest requirements for General Obligation and Revenue Bonds and for Certificates of Obligation. Budget preparation efforts were directed at maintaining existing city services while reducing operational costs where possible. The 1993 net property valuation (fair market value less exemptions) certified by Harris County Appraisal District is $1,640,417,950 with an estimate of $72,996,045 value not certified. The 1993 total net certified and noncertified property valuation is S1,713,413,995, which is a $10,365,755 decrease over the 1992 total taxable property valuation of $1,723,779,750. The 1993 tax rate of $.73703 and the associated allocation of $.44482 and $.29221 for General Obligation Interest and Sinking Fund remains unchanged from the 1992 tax rate. This tax rate provides sufficient funds for maintenance and operation and debt service requirements. The expenditures for the fiscal year 1993-94 total $45,266,731. This is a decrease of $119,890 or .26% under the prior year. A summary of the budget is as follows: General Fund Solid Waste Fund Water and Sewer Fund General Obligation Interest and Sinking Fund Garage Fund $23,432,765 2,416,174 13,288,191 5,023,204 1,106,397 $45,266,731 vii Manager's Message (continued) The several items of significance in the 1993-94 budget are as follows: 1. With respect to employee compensation, there were no increases. 2. The monthly rate for sewer service was increased by eleven ($.1 1) cents per thousand gallons of water used over the two thousand gallons included in the base rate. The minimum bill also increased $1.00 and the sewer cap was be raised from 10,000 gallons to 12,000 gallons. This is to provide for debt service payments on revenue bonds that will close in November, 1993 and increased operating costs. 3. The monthly rate for water service was increased by seventeen ($.17) cents per thousand gallons of water used over the two thousand gallons included in the base rate. The minimum bill also increased $1.00. This is to provide for debt service payments on revenue bonds that will close in November, 1993 and increased operating costs. 4. The monthly garbage fee was increased by sixteen ($.16) cents to cover the cost of purchasing a new garbage truck. 5. The 1992-93 General Fund budget projected a reduction in fund balance of $750,000 for non -recurring capital expenditures. Due to favorable operating results, the General Fund anticipates a reduction in fund balance of $458,148. The 1993-94 General Fund budget will utilize $143,550 of those funds for non -recurring capital expenditures. 6. Funding for health benefits was a major issue in the budget. After much deliberation, it was decided that the employee and retiree contribution for health benefits would be $20 per month respectively, and the city would increase its contribution $52 per month. 7. Two part-time positions were added within Municipal Court due to increased case load. 8. The Special Activities Coordinator position in the Parks and Recreation Department was eliminated and the salary reprogrammed to help fund the Youth Commission Coordinator position. As a result, some special activities provided by the Parks and Recreation Department will be continued at a reduced level and some will be discontinued. viii I IManager's Message (continued) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9. Two positions in Solid Waste were deleted due to privatization of 1700 accounts to a private carrier. 10. Delinquent tax collections will be contracted for fiscal year 1993-94 to allow the city attorney's office to address other priority needs due to increased court case load, assigned projects and increased requests for legal advice within the police/court systems. This budget for fiscal year 1993-94 is a product of several months of intensive work involving all departments and the administrative staff. The staff and I are very appreciative of the time the City Council spend in the development of the 1993-94 program of service. We pledge our continued efforts to provide our citizens with the best possible service while seeking ways to provide municipal services more effectively and economically. Sincerely, Bobby Rountree City Manager cr— I ix CITY OF BAYTOWN TECHNICAL ADJUSTMENTS FOR ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 GENERAL FUND NET FISCAL DETAIL INCREASE ADJUSTMENT (DECREASE) ADJUSTMENT FOR REVENUE: Sales Tax HL&P GTE Building Permits Mech&A/C Electrical Court Cost Subdivision Filing Municipal Court Current Year Property Taxes Prior Year Property Taxes Penalty & Interest on Property Taxes Industrial District Taxes NET REVENUE ADJUSTMENT $ (65,500) 112,016 6,050 7,500 1,200 2,000 1,000 500 22,500 (62,715) 19,935 14,000 (202,217) ADJUSTMENT FOR EXPENDITURES: Contingency $ (50,000) Streets & Drainage Capital Drainage (25,000) Street, Sidewalks, & Curb (10,000) Traffic Control Motor Vehicles (2,000) Street Signs (3,000) Signal Systems (3,000) Barricades (2,000) Property & Liability Insurance (123,731) Workers Compensation 75,000 Salary Study (25,000) Library Literacy (14,500) Dispatch Recorder (20,000) Capital Items (1) (137,521) Health Insurance 197,021 NET EXPENDITURES ADJUSTMENT TOTAL NET GENERAL FUND ADJUSTMENT (1) Charged to Capital Replacement Fund 143,731 (143,731) x CITY OF BAYTOWN TECHNICAL ADJUSTMENTS FOR ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 NET FISCAL DETAIL INCREASE ADJUSTMENT (DECREASE) GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND ADJUSTMENT FOR REVENUE: Property Taxes NET REVENUE ADJUSTMENT WATER & SEWER FUND $ (41,204) ADJUSTMENT FOR EXPENDITURES: Property & Liability Insurance $ (29,163) Health Insurance 29,163 NET EXPENDITURES ADJUSTMENT SOLID WASTE FUND ADJUSTMENT FOR EXPENDITURES: Property & Liability Insurance $ (6,801) Health Insurance 6,801 NET EXPENDITURES ADJUSTMENT (41,204) 0 0 xi City of Baytown Organizational Chart Baytown, Texas AprII 1992 1 Data Processing Human Resources Police Citizens of Baytown Mayor -Council I City Manager Assistant City Manager 1 Engineering Planning Public Works 1 I Municipal Court Judge City Attorney Parks & Recreation I Inspection Emergency Services, Health & EMS I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANNUAL PROGRAM OF SERVICES ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Elected Officials Mission Statement iv Manager's Message vii Technical Adjustments x Organizational Chart xii MAJOR BUDGET ISSUES REPORT Budget Overview Items Impacting Proposed Budget General Fund Water and Sewer Fund Solid Waste Fund Garage Fund Revenue and Proposed Funding Summary Health Benefits Programs, Positions and Capital Not Funded General Fund Water and Sewer Fund Solid Waste Fund BUDGET SUMMARIES 9 19 25 33 39 49 59 61 71 74 1993-94 Budget Summary Comparison to Last Year 77 Projected Fund Balances Adopted Budget 1993-94 78 Comparative of All Budgeted Funds Expenditures By Classification 79 All Budgeted Funds Expenditures By Classification Adopted Budget 1993-94 81 Assessed Valuation, Estimated Ad Valorem — Collections and Ad Valorem Tax Rate Distribution 83 Proprietary Funds Summary of Expenditures 85 GENERAL FUND General Fund Revenue Detail 89 General Fund Expenditures By Classification 93 General Fund Summary of Expenditures By Function and Department Classification 95 General Fund Summaries and Departmental Budgets General Overhead 97 City Manager 100 Finance 102 Tax 106 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANNUAL PROGRAM OF SERVICES ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 TABLE OF CONTENTS Purchasing Legal City Clerk Municipal Court Planning Sterling Municipal Library Data Processing Human Resources Police Animal Control Fire and Rescue Services Public Safety Communications Emergency Medical Services Streets and Drainage Traffic Control Engineering Inspection Municipal Service Center Environmental Health Mosquito Control Parks and Recreation GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND General Debt Service Fund — Revenue and Expenditures Summary Assessed Valuation, Estimated Ad Valorem — Collections and Ad Valorem Tax Rate Distribution Assessed Valuations, Tax Levy and Collections — Last Ten Fiscal Years General Long Term Debt Schedule of 1993-94 Payments General Long Term Debt Principal and Interest Requirements As of October 1, 1993 Statement of Bonded Indebtedness General Obligation Bonds at Beginning of Fiscal Year 1993-94 WATER AND SEWER FUND Page t 108 112 114 119 122 126 130 134 138 ,142 144 149 153 157 161 164 166 170 174 176 178 ' 183 ' 185 187 188 189 190 ' Water and Sewer Fund Summary of Revenue and Expenditures Summary 195 Water and Sewer Fund Expenditures By Classification 196 Water and Sewer Fund Summary of Operating Results 197 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANNUAL PROGRAM OF SERVICES ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Water and Sewer Summaries and Departmental Budgets General Overhead Water and Sewer 199 Water Production 200 Water Distribution 203 Wastewater Collection 207 Wastewater Treatment 211 Pollution Control 214 Utility Construction 216 Utility Billing 221 Water Treatment Plant 225 Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds 226 SOLID WASTE FUND Solid Waste Revenue and Expenditure Summary 229 Solid Waste Expenditures By Classification 230 Solid Waste Fund Summary of Operating Results 231 Solid Waste — Program Summary 232 Solid Waste — Department Budget 234 GARAGE FUND Garage Revenue and Expenditure Summary 237 Garage Expenditures By Classification 238 Garage Fund Summary of Operating Results 239 Garage — Program Summary 241 Garage — Departmental Budget 242 ORDINANCES Appropriation Ordinance 245 Tax Levy Ordinance — General Fund 247 Garbage Collection Rate 249 Water and Sewer Rate Charge 251 SALARY SCHEDULES Full —Time Salaries and Wages by Classification and Grade — General Fund 253 Full —Time Salaries and Wages by Classification and Grade — Proprietary Funds 263 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS ANNUAL PROGRAM OF SERVICES ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 TABLE OF CONTENTS Full —Time Salaries and Wages by Classification and Grade — Grants Salary Structure and Grade Lk STATISTICAL INFORMATION Page 268 269 General Govemmental Expenditures By Function — Last Ten Fiscal Years 272 General Governmental Revenues By Source — Last Ten Fiscal Years 274 Property Tax Levies and Collections — Last Ten Fiscal Years 276 Property Tax Rates — Direct and Overlapping Govemments — Last Ten Fiscal Years 278 Ratio of Net General Bonded Debt to Assessed Value and Net Bonded Debt Per Capita Last Ten Fiscal Years 280 Computation of Legal Debt Margin — September 30, 1992 282 Ratio of Annual Debt Service Expenditures For General Bonded Debt to Total General Govemmental Expenditures — Last Ten Fiscal Years 283 Computation of Direct and Overlapping Debt — September 30, 1992 285 Revenue Bond Coverage: Water and Sewer Bonds — Last Ten Fiscal Years 286 Property Value and Construction — Last Ten Fiscal Years 288 Principal Taxpayers For The Year Ended September 30, 1992 289 Miscellaneous Statistical Information For The Year Ended September 30, 1992 290 'BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY Revenue and Expenditure Summary 291 Expenditures By Classification 292 Summary of Operating Results 293 Baytown Area Water Authority — Program Summary 294 Baytown Area Water Authority — Departmental Budget 296 Debt Service Fund Fiscal Year 1993-94 298 Baytown Area Water Authority Revenue Bonds 299 Schedule of Major Capital Outlay 300 Schedule of Supplemental Requests 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Capital Projects Council Recap — September 1993 303 CITY OF BAYTOWN 2401 MARKET P.O. BOX 424 BAYTOWN, TX 77522-424 (7 131 422-8281 FAX (713) 420-6586 July 26, 1993 Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Baytown Baytown, Texas 77522 Ms. Benavides and Gentlemen: We are submittlna for your consideration a or000sea program cf service for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1993 and ending September 30, 1994. Developing the annual budget is always a difficult process, because there are so many factcrs to consider. The key factors are community needs, employee needs, the effect of a tax increase and the overall effect on the community if necessary services are not provided. With this in mind, it is in our best interest to practice responsible fiscal management, while at the same time providing funds for necessary services. GENERAL The budget document is a plan of work expressed in financial terms. It is required by State law and the City Charter. The document includes an estimate of anticipated revenues and expenditures for operating departments, along with the principal and interest requirements for General Obligation Bonds, Revenue Bonds, and Certificates of Obligation. Section 20 of the City Charter provides, "The budget message submitted by the City Manager to the City Council shall be explanatory of the budget, shall contain an outline of the proposed financial policies of the city for the budget year, and shall describe in connection therewith the important features of the budget plan. It shall set forth the reason for salient changes from the previous year in expenditure and revenue items, and shall explain any major changes in the financial policy." The proposed budget reflects the economic conditions in Baytown. 1 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY The proposed 1993-94 budget can be categorized as a "status quo" budget. No new programs or full time personnel are proposed. The Youth Commission Coordinator position was added by eliminating a position in the Parks and Recreation Department. In fact, three positions have been eliminated, capital purchases are at a minimum level, and there are no employee salary increases. For the past four years, Council has been presented with two levels of the proposed budget. These levels have been termed "current" and "increased." The current level was "status quo" and the increased level provided for additional services. However, this year economic conditions dictate that only one budget level be submitted for your consideration. The City Council must deal with difficult issues such as static assessed property valuations, minimum growth in sales tax revenues, increased debt service demands, and employee/retiree health benefits, while looking at continual demands for city services. These factors caused this year's proposed budget to be the most challenging to prepare since I have been City Manager. Every available resource has been examined in order to continue to provide basic services. Despite taking these steps, most areas experienced reductions in order to be able to provide services with as little interruption as possible. The proposed budget is based on expenditures of $45,410,462, an increase of $23,841, or .05% from the authorized level for 1992-93. The proposed 1993-94 budget will not require an increase of the current tax rate of .737 cents per $100.00 evaluation, but will require increases in the Solid Waste and Water and Sewer fees. Each of these are discussed in more detail within this document. GENERAL FUND $23,576,496 The General Fund is supported by sales taxes, property taxes, industrial taxes, fees and charges, etc. It funds the general operation departments such as Fire, Police, EMS, Parks and Recreation, Library, etc. It funds all departments other than those who have their own fund. GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND $ 5,023,204 The General Debt Service Fund is used for the payment of genera! long-term debt of principal and interest on bonds sold. ;t is funded from a portion of the property taxes. 2 WATER & SEWER FUND $13,288,191 The Water and Sewer Fund is supported by Water and Sewer fees. It funds the Water and Sewer Departments, as well as the Water and Sewer Debt Service Funds. SOLID WASTE FUND $ 2,416,174 The Solid Waste Fund is supported by sanitation fees and funds the Sanitation Department including the contract with BFI. GARAGE FUND $1,106,397 The Garage Fund is funded through funds budgeted in each department. Its primary purpose is vehicle maintenance. TOTAL $ 45,410,462 REVENUE SUMMARY The following is a summary of anticipated major revenue sources: A. Property Tax - Information received from the Harris County Appraisal District indicates that overall our appraisals will remain similar to the 92- 93 level of $1, 727, 949, 700. B. Industrial Tax - Industrial taxes are projected at $4,689,170 which is a .6% increase over 92-93 estimated receipts. C. Sales Tax - Sales taxes are projected at $5,287,600 which is a 3% increase over 92-93. D. Solid Waste Fees - A $ .16 increase in the solid waste fee ($11.82 per month) is required to continue to provide the current level of service. Total projected fee revenue is $2,180,000. 3 E. Water and Sewer Fees - An increase in water and sewer rates will be required in order to fund the debt service for the revenue bonds, fund the BAWA pass through, and continue the current level of service. Although several options have been addressed, we are recommending that water and sewer rates be increased $ .17 ($2.08 per thousand) and $ .11 ($1.79 per thousand), increase the minimum bill $1.00 ($7.50 for the first 2,000 gallons) for both water and sewer, and raise the cap on sewer from 10,000 to 12,000 gallons. Total projected fee revenue is $1 1, 580, 422. EMPLOYEE SALARY/HEALTH BENEFITS Over the past four years, employees have received a 3% across the board pay increase in October and have been eligible for a 29'0 merit increase in April. We have also had three good years with our health benefits and employees have not had to increase their contribution. This year, we are not going to be able to continue this trend. There is not an increase in employee salaries in the proposed budget and their health benefits cost will increase. Although necessitated by the economy, this strategy cannot continue in the long term without doing irreparable harm to the City organization. A quality group of city employees has been assembled and the salary structure must remain competitive in order to retain them. In summary, this is not a budget that I am particularly pleased with because it does not provide for employee pay increases, while at the same time requiring the employees to pay more for health and medical benefits. Capital equipment purchases have also been significantly reduced. This proposal has been reviewed line item by line item with reductions made in each department. This budget, does however, allow for basic services to be provided to the citizens of Baytown. The staff and I will be prepared to review these recommendations with the City Council during the work sessions. If you have questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, Bobby Rountree City Manager 1 4 d 0 i-- z (j H 0 UD am a E0 w 0 cn 0 E o- 1-1 cc a 111111 - - .. .. - - NM OM .. .. - .. .. .. 11111 111111 - .. all NIS 11111 MI NE MIN =I 1 (spe.,.W....N.. a 4 6 11. , dett ... • • •�� r, �N • GENERAL MI MI NIIII INN EN MI NM INN MN NEI MN INN NIII INN 11111 11111 INN EN INN N IIIIII MI 011111 NMI EMI ITEMS IMPACTING THE PROPOSED BUDGET THE PURPOSE OF THIS SECTION IS TO GIVE COUNCIL A GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE FOUR MAJOR FUNDS AND DESCRIBE SOME OF THE CHANGES WITHIN THEM. INCLUDED ARE CAPITAL EXPENDITURE ITEMS, AS WELL AS NEW PROGRAMS. MANY OF THESE ARE NOT LARGE DOLLAR ITEMS, BUT ARE ITEMS THAT MAY BE OF INTEREST TO THE COUNCIL. A. GENERAL FUND The General Fund accounts for all activities except for the proprietary type funds that have specific programs. Police. Fire, Parks, Library, etc. are funded under the General Fund. 1. Visual Appearance Parks and Recreation Department - Eight hours of overtime per month has been included to be used primarily for spraying, state owned medians and the Loop 201 right of way. Although this is not a lot of money, it will help in reducing the unsightly weeds growing in concrete medians as well as creating an 8 - 10' strip of bermuda grass along Spur 330. $ 1,200 A 12' Gang Interstater Mower Unit has been included to mow rights of way. This piece of equipment will mow twice the width at one time, thus reducing time spent on mowing. The attachment will be installed on an existing tractor. $ 15,537 A seasonal equipment operator to be hired during the growing season to help the newly developed Goose Creek Stream area, the Central Little League site, the Marina/Bayland Park site. etc. $ 7,275 Planning Department - Currently, a majority of the care of premises and remodeling of dilapidated structures are handled by one person in the Community Development Division of the Planning Department. This position is allowed to work only in the CDBG target areas. Although only a small amount, additional funding in the General Fund will allow the position to work the other areas. $ 5,000 Inspection Department - The "junk car" ordinance requires site inspections to be made and up to four certified letters mailed on each vehicle. Postage, stationary supplies, and printing have increased accordingly. $ 4,896 Demolition of Structures - Additional funding for board ups and demolition of structures outside the Community Development Block Grant target areas. $ 5.000 9 Public Works - Mr. Thomas has persuaded the State Highway Department to assist with cleanup of Spur 201 once per month, if needed. The State will provide the proper safety equipment while city trucks pickup the debris. The cost is negligible. 2. Municipal Court: Clerks - Two part time positions within the Municipal Court are being requested by City Clerk, Eileen Hall. The increased Municipal Court case load is driving this request. Part time positions will allow for flexible use of hours. $ 15,475 Software Enhancements - In an effort to more effectively use the Municipal Court employees, we are recommending several software enhancements. These enhancements will provide the court with up to date information on the officers off time allowing court dates to be reset to optimize officer time, automatically enter duplicate dates in all files to alleviate time spent entering this information a second, or third time for the same violation. $ 6,545 3. Parks & Recreation - The Special Activities Coordinator position in the Parks and Recreation Department has been eliminated. This was done in an effort to fund the Youth Commission Coordinator position without increasing the budget. The elimination of this position will have an impact on the Parks and Recreation service level. Services will be prioritized and some will be discontinued. 4. An Assistant Fire Chief has been assigned to Emergency Management. (This is discussed in positions not funded.) 5. Contract Delinquent Tax Collection - City Attorney, Ignacio Ramirez, requested an additional full-time attorney for his staff. Currently there are two assistant city attorneys. One attorney is responsible for delinquent tax collection and support for the city attorney in all other city related legal matters. The other assistant is assigned as the Police Department legal advisor and Municipal Court Prosecutor. He is officed in the Police Department. Due to the increased court case load, assigned projects, increased request for legal advice within the police/court systems, and other related demands upon the time of the legal advisor, it has become increasingly difficult for one attorney to fully and adequately serve all the needs that should be filled. Rather than hire an additional assistant attorney, I am recommending that we contract the City's delinquent tax collection. This would "free up" approximately 50% of one of the existing assistant's time thus allowing Mr. Ramirez the flexibility of assigning higher priority projects to the existing position. We have received four proposals for delinquent tax collection and will discuss these with you during the budget work sessions. 10 Justification includes: The additional case load has resulted in the need to add court sessions and has also resulted in long court days with heavy dockets. For the last several months we have had to add Tuesday afternoons to the court week to account for added criminal cases along with adding the 2nd and 4th Wednesday mornings for civil dockets related to public nuisance cases. It has not been uncommon to have dockets of over 200 cases set for a single day and we have started dockets at 1:00 in the afternoon and not ended until 9:00 in the evening. Currently there is a three month setting delay to obtain a jury trial and that time is increasing a our docket increases. With the added case load at the court and assignments at the police department, it is often impossible to review the complaints set for an upcoming court date. This has resulted in defective complaints, incomplete complaints, failure to subpoena required witnesses, and other problems. A municipal prosecutor needs sufficient time to review the complaints and prepare for trails, a condition that is currently almost impossible. There is a major need to update the court charging codes and complaint forms to bring them into conformity with city codes and state statutes. Additionally, there is a need to review the City code to insure that it comports with state statutes in matters related to the municipal court. There are numerous projects that need to be dealt with by the police legal adviser including rewriting the city civil service rules, rewriting the animal control ordinance, developing a manual and forms for search warrants, and monitoring (and updating if necessary) the junk car/public nuisance ordinance project. The police department currently has no department manual. In addition the department lacks any organized system of discipline administration. Both these deficiencies could lead to serious legal problems for the department and the city. The department has a "draft" of a department manual containing certain sections but it needs to be reviewed for legal issues and application to this city. Additionally, many sections need to be prepared which were not addressed in the draft manual. That project alone could take a number of weeks of time of a legal adviser working full time. The legal adviser has, in the past, participated in basic training academies and other training programs sponsored by or through the Baytown Police Department. With the added court case load and other assignments, it has been necessary to curtail any involvement in training. The legal adviser needs to be involved in training an also needs to be a strong voice for increased training within the police department. A regular program of training for the officers in regard to legal issues needs to be established. This program would be a combination of written training bulletins, short (10 to 20 minute) video tapes that could be played at roll call, and longer/in depth training programs. 11 We have received the following proposals for delinquent tax collection: 1. Reid Strickland & Gillette 2. Sewell & Riggs 3. John Garza, PC 4. Calame, Linebarger, Graham & Pena 6. Evaluation of Current Pay Structure - An independent consultant would be hired to evaluate the current pay structure and the city's compensation management practices. The objectives of this assignment would be the identification of opportunities to improve pay equity and to develop recommendations to correct problems. In addition, the assignment would include the development of recommended policies and administrative practices to avoid recurrence of similar problems in the future. A similar evaluation was developed in the mid-1980's, but due to the economy, most employees were not placed in their respective ranges at the market value. The plan was established and implemented with anticipation of improving salaries when the "economic times were better''. $ 25,000 7 Medical and Health Benefits - This area is discussed in detail in a separate section. Additional funds have been budgeted to help offset the increased costs of the employee health and benefit program. $328,463 8. Zoning - Funds have been budgeted in the Planning Department in anticipation of additional advertisement and printing costs that relate to the zoning efforts. $ 5,000 9. Magnasync 400 Channel Voice Communication System - The current Police Department recorder is a 15 + years old, reel to reel recorder for 20 lines. The combining of Fire, Police and EMS requires a larger (25 line) more reliable recorder with an uninterrupted power source. This system records all incoming and outgoing calls in Dispatch. The total cost is $82,800. We are recommending a lease purchase of $20,030 annually for five years. $ 20,030 10. Fire Uniforms - An ongoing replacement program of all fire uniforms to bring us in compliance with NFPA flammability standards. $ 15,000 12 CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF MAJOR CAPITAL OUTLAY PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 :v}}lii:J>r }iiii}4. . \ nv;i:�:S�i:j ;:::;:!i �' i:i�iii:4:$i ti(?•ii::?i�;:`•::::$:y;:;:;:yy;:;:;:,>.;:;:� :;i:?;i:;:y;i:;i:::�?i}i:� �'':i>.}'.?•:4:•. ''�%!��:•i'ist�i::;:;i:;{:i;:'.:;:;:•,L:••:?•'.�i':::i::::}ii�:;:i:ti�i::::: n• �v:C..w.wwuv.Sivu:!.::.:�: w.....v.. nlM•w•. m. kv. e..H•%�eesu..v..vuis..�n.....n.�.......�.�.✓.�..3.�l�.........3.r........... �.1i(s::� ;.�.[...�...n.mn�• tom• ^.d. DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND 101 10202 DATA PROCESSING 10202 DATA PROCESSING 10202 DATA PROCESSING 10202 DATA PROCESSING 1030 FINANCE 1060 LEGAL 1080 PLANNING 1080 PLANNING 11100 MUNICIPAL COURT 11100 MUNICIPAL COURT 11100 MUNICIPAL COURT 11100 MUNICIPAL COURT 1091 1091 2000 LIBRARY UBRARY POUCE 2000 POLICE 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2025 2025 POUCE POLICE POLICE POUCE POUCE FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE PUBLIC SAFETY COMM PUBLIC SAFETY COMM 2025 PUBLIC SAFETY COMM I 2025 PUBLIC SAFETY COMM 40003 ENV HEALTH ACCOUNT NUMBER } DESCRIPTION BASE LEVEL INCREASED LEVEL 84041 IBM LEASE PAYMENTS (3 OF 5 YR) 84042 IBM RISC SYSTEM UPGRADE — CITY LP FOR 2 YRS 84042 WORDPERFECT — POUCE 84042 NOTEBOOK COMPUTER (1) 84041 INVOICE DEFACER 84042 (2) PERSONAL COMPUTERS 84041 COMPUTER 84061 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 84041 CHAIR 84041 FAX MACHINE 84041 (2) MONITORS 84041 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 84046 BOOKS 84061 AUDIO VISUAL MATERIALS 84042 TAPE RECORDER, (1) VIDEO CAMERA, & (1) CELLULAR TELEPHONE 84042 MODEM & PHONE ONES, PAGERS, & CAMERAS 84043 (12 VEHICLE) VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND (5 YEAR) 84043 (4) NEW VEHICLES 84045 (2) UPS SYSTEMS (BACKUP POWER SUPPLY) 84061 (1) CAMERA 84061 (5) GLOCK MODEL 20 10mm SEMIAUTO HANDGUNS W/ NIGHT SIGHTS 84042 VIDEO CAMERA 84045 5—DIGITAL VHF SCAN —HEAD RADIOS 84042 5—SCBAs 84042 10—SCBA CYUNDERS 84042 HYDRAULIC RESCUE TOOL 84042 LAWN MOWERS & WEEDEATERS 84045 YEARLY PAYMENT ON RADIO SYSTEM (YEAR 2 OF 5) 84041 (1) RECORDER — LEASE FOR 5 YEARS, (1) RECORDER, (4) UPS, & (2) CHAIRS 84041 CHAIR, DESK, COMPUTER, PRINTER, BOOKCASES, & MAINT. CONTRACT 84041 CHAIR, WORK STATION, COMPUTER, & MAINT. CONTRACT 84042 LAWN MOWER & WEEDEATERS 89,978 15,750 1,750 2,500 4,400 2,000 1,000 56,000 4,200 30,800 42,000 1,000 2,500 1,800 4,000 8,500 3,400 15,000 1,500 40,255 1,900 2,500 150 900 800 6,545 2,400 3,925 6,000 22,380 1,700 2,450 13 CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF MAJOR CAPITAL OUTLAY PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 DEPARTMENT 40003 ENV HEALTH 40005 EMERG MED SVS 40005 EMERG MED SVS 40005 EMERG MED SVS 30100 STREETS & DRAIN 30100 STREETS & DRAIN 30100 STREETS & DRAIN 30100 STREETS & DRAIN 30203 TRAFFIC CONTROL 30280 ENGINEERING 5010 PARKS &REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION 84041 (2) OFFICE CHAIRS 84042 (6) BEDS FOR STATION 84042 DISHWASHER & PLUMBING FOR STATION 84045 (3) PULSE OXIMETERS 84043 MOBILE STREET SWEEPER — LEASE PURCHASE (YEAR 1 OF 4) 84043 2 1/2 TON FLAT BED — LEASE PURCHASE (YEAR 1 OF 4) 83026 CAPITAL PROJECTS 84052 PAYMENT — 460 BADGER 84042 STRIPING MACHINE — LEASE PURCHASE (YEAR 1 OF 4) 84053 NEW METAL LOCATOR 84041 (90) CHAIRS & (50) TABLES 82011 REMODEL & UPDATE SPORTS COMPLEX BATHHOUSE 82011 HANDICAP ACCESS. RSTRMS & REPLACE SIDING 82011 REROOF ROSELAND PAVALION 84042 (2) MOWERS 84042 (2) HONDA SELF—PROPELLED COMMERCIAL PUSH MOWERS 84042 (2) MOTT MODEL #74 COURSE FLAIL MOWER 84061 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 84042 (2) MOWER (18ft. wide) MOWING UNIT (REPLACEMENT OF SLOPE MOWER) BASE LEVEL 600 1,200 500 7,000 32,230 13,161 25,000 31,100 7,520 750 12,160 2,500 2,000 2,500 1,200 1,600 6,400 5,000 15,537 TOTAL FOR GENERAL FUND — BASE LEVEL $498,191 TOTAL FOR GENERAL FUND — INCREASED LEVEL INCREASED I LEVEL $49,750 14 DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF SUPPLEMENTAL REQUESTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT GENERAL FUND 101 1010 GENERAL OVERHEAD 1030 FINANCE 1080 PLANNING 1080 PLANNING 11100 MUNICIPAL COURT 11100 MUNICIPAL COURT 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POUCE 2000 POUCE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POUCE 2000 POUCE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2025 PUBLIC SAFETY COMM 2025 PUBLIC SAFETY COMM 2025 PUBLIC SAFETY COMM 30290 INSPECTION 30290 INSPECTION 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC COMPENSATION AUDIT INVOICE DEFACER CODE ENFORCEMENT ACT1VITIES ZONING ORDINANCE AD & PRINTING PART TIME CLERK, FAX MACHINE, CHAIR, & MONITOR COMPUTER SOFTWARE CLOTHING FOR OFFICERS, VIDEO CAMERA, CELLULAR TELEPHONE AND OTHER MISC. EQUIPMENT (DETECTIVES) FINGER PRINT SUPPLIES & ASSORTED NARCOTICS TEST KITS MODEM, PAGERS, SURETY BONDS (NOTARY) & CAMERAS FOR PATROL DIVISION (2)K-9 DRUG OVERDOSE KITS & K-9 TRAVEL SCHOOL EXPENSES ELECTRICAL MODIFICATION TO PD RADIO REPEATER ROOM UPDATE POUCE GARAGE DRIVEABLITY & EMISSION INFORMATION COINLESS PAY PHONE IN GENERAL POPULATION CELLS (2)UPS SYSTEMS UPDATE TRAINING DIVISION RESOURCE & VIDEO LIBRARY UNIFORMS TO MEET FLAMABILITY STANDARDS PHYSICAL FITNESS & DEVELOPMENT MAGNASYNC 400, UPS & CHAIRS FURNISH OF COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR'S OFFICE ADDITIONAL TELEPHONE WORKSTATION ABATEMENT & REMOVAL OF JUNK VEHICLES BOARD UP AND DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS SEASONAL EQUIPMENT OPERATOR MOWING & SPRAYING STATE THOROUGHFARES $25,000 2,500 5,000 5,000 15,475 6,545 6.604 1,428 5,010 2,050 3,000 300 1,381 6,000 712 15,000 2,000 22,380 2,075 2,725 8,496 5,000 7,275 1,200 $152,156 15 M I - I 1 - - I N 1111- N I MN I N i EN = NI CC w LU (i) a 06 Z CC Li. w 1- - Mil MI NMI IIIIIII NMI =I Mill. M 11111111 B. WATER & SEWER FUND Water and sewer revenue fluctuate from year to year based on the amount of water sold. In the mid and late 1980's we were able to operate the fund without increases because rainfall amounts were low; therefore, water sales were up. The past few years have been extremely wet; therefore, the revenues have decreased. BAWA has not required a rate increase since 1988 for the same reason. However, this year BAWA will require an $ .11 increase. Renegotiation of the "take or pay" clause in BAWA's water contract with the City of Houston saved the citizens $339,450 last year. As of January, 1993 we began paying for 13 mgd instead of 10 mgd. We continue to develop new customers (Exxon, Miles, USX) who purchase water and/or sewer which helps on the revenue side. These large users help keep the rates for citizens lower. The current fees for water and sewer service are not adequate to cover the cost of the service, pay for the bonds and the bond reserve requirements. We began to address the deficit last year by implementing a $ .06 increase respectively over a three year period. The Revenue Bond Ordinance requires the water and sewer funds to set aside in a Reserve Fund an amount equal to the average bond payment for each bond issue over a minimum period of 60 months. The ordinance also requires that the rates shall be sufficient to produce net earnings of the system at least equal to 125 % of bond payments. We have researched several alternatives for funding the water and sewer needs and have attempted to keep the increase to a minimum. These alternatives are addressed in Section II. 19 DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF MAJOR CAPITAL OUTLAY PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION WTR & SEWER FUND 501 11080 UTILITY BILLING 11080 UTILITY BIWNG 30301 WATER DISTRIBUTION 30301 WATER DISTRIBUTION 30301 WATER DISTRIBUTION 30301 WATER DISTRIBUTION 30401 WASTEWATER COLL 30401 WASTEWATER COLL 30401 WSTWTR COLLECTION 30401 WSTWTR COLLECTION 30501 WSTWTR TREATMENT 30501 WSTWTR TREATMENT 30506 POLLUTION CONTROL 30600 UTILITY CONST 86011 LEASE/PURCHASE PITNEY BOWES (YR 2 OF 4) 82011 BUILDING REROOF & STEEL SECURITY DOORS 84042 (2) UTIUTY TRAILERS 84052 LEASE PURCHASES: BACKHOE, TRAILER 84053 PUMPS 84043 TANDEM UTILITY TRAILER 84042 SMOKE TESTING/CONFINED SPACE BLOWER 84052 LEASE PURCHASES - TV UNIT, EXCAVATOR, VACCUM/JET RODDER 84052 UTIUTY TRAILERS 84052 BACKHOE 84042 SCALES FOR 1-TON CYLINDERS OF CHLORINE 84041 14400 BAUD MODEM 84042 AUTOMATIC SAMPLER FOR 24 HOUR COMPOSITE SAMPUNG OF INDUSTRIAL USERS 84042 PAYMENT ON EQUIPMENT UTILITY TRUCK (PAYMENT 2 OF 4) DUMP TRUCK (PAYMENT 2 OF 4) BACKHOE (PAYMENT 2 OF 3) TOTAL FOR WATER & SEWER FUND - BASE LEVEL TOTAL FOR WATER & SEWER FUND - INCREASED LEVEL BASE INCREASED LEVEL LEVEL 14,608 3,700 16,000 19,000 4,500 2.100 19,000 16,000 35,000 40,300 S170,208 8,000 2,000 380 3,100 $13,480 20 CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF SUPPLEMENTAL REQUESTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 WATER & SEWER FUND 501 30301 WATER DISTRIBUTION 30506 POLLUTION CONTROL 30501 WASTEWATER TREATMENT 30501 WASTEWA I EH TREATMENT 30600 UTILITY CONST DESCRIPTION 1994 TANDEM UTILITY TRAILER AUTOMATIC SAMPLER SCALES FOR ONE TON CYLINDERS OF CHLORINE 14400 BAUD COMPUTER MODEM GRADE CHANGE (CREW CHIEF) 8,000 3,100 2,000 380 2,300 S 15,780 21 • • AP, • 114cf• • • • • criA • • w ♦ ♦ • ♦• • 20( • M W 1-- cn Q 0 z 0 LL J 0 Cn N - N N - .. M N NM I = M ■. ■. .. N M = - Aro, • OWN • • • • II 41F. Air r • •. • lij pa 4 .� • • -� • ill • • • V. criok • • r C. SOLID WASTE FUND There are 16,978 residential units being serviced for garbage collection twice per week. A contractor is presently collecting 6.168 units (36% of the total), and city crews are collecting the remainder. The contractor is presently serving the Chambers County area. Whispering Pines, Kings Bend, Chaparral Village, Quail Hollow, Lantern Park, Fair Park. Craigmont. Country Club, West Baytown and Glen Arbor. Included is additional contract collection. 1. We proposed to increase the contractor's participation from 6,168 to 7.868 units. The contractor would then be collecting over 46% of the accounts. The new areas being considered for contractor collections are Middletown and Eva Maude. Two employees will be eliminated through attrition. The largest favorable impact to this budget is the elimination of the need to purchase a new garbage truck at a cost $115,000. 2. As council is aware, Hazelwood Landfill has been sold to a large landfill company. Sanifill. Federal mandates (Subtitle D of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) with regard to landfills will be implemented October 9, 1993. We are confident that our landfill fees will increase, but do not know how much at this time. We will discuss this issue with you as more information is available. 3. Baytown Recycling Works - The Baytown Recycling Works is requesting funding for the third year. The first year they were funded in the amount of $8,000 and last year in the amount of 516.000, plus a solid waste employee worked four hours per week ($4,400) for a total of S20.400. They have requested that a cash amount equalling the solid waste employee be granted in lieu of the employee. Their total cash request is $24.000. Attached is a letter from Baytown Recycling and a memo from Mr. Herb Thomas. Public Works Director. We are recommending $18.000 be allocated to Baytown Recycling. 4. Household Hazardous Waste Day - The purpose of Household Hazardous Waste Day is to provide an opportunity for Baytown citizens to clean out their storage buildings and garages of household waste. Examples of the type of waste include paint products. solvents. degreasers, old petroleum products. gardening products, etc. Fire Battalion Chief. Ed Russell. has applied for a grant through the Texas Water Commission totaling S60.346 to help fund this program. We will not know until the first week of October if we will receive the grant. 5. Composter - A Composter for Solid Waste to eliminate picking up leaves. grass clippings. and vegetable matter. Assumptions: 100 households participate - each household diverts 1 cu. yd. / week for 39 weeks. totaling 3,000 cu. yds. of material to be diverted from the landfill. This would result in a savings of S18.800 per year to the City of Baytown. This pilot program could be administered through a target area homeowner's association and the Baytown Recycling Works. We are recommending S3.000 be allocated to initially fund this program. 25 CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF MAJOR CAPITAL OUTLAY PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 • ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT NUMBER SANITATION FUND 505 32010 SOUD WASTE 32010 SOUD WASTE 32010 SOUD WASTE 32010 SOLID WASTE DESCRIPTION BASE LEVEL 0:5tramtmr......vt”, 84042 TRUCK SCALE 17,000 I 84043 LEASE PAYMENT FOR BRUSH TRUCK (PAYMENT 2 OF 3) 19,053 84052 ANNUAL PAYMENT FOR 5 YEAR LEASE OF CHIPPER (PAYMENT 4 OF 6) 41,000 84043 SIDE LOADER GARBAGE TRUCK (PAYMENT 1 OF 4) 21,575 TOTAL FOR SANITATION FUND - BASE LEVEL $81,628 $17,000 2 6 DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF SUPPLEMENTAL REQUESTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT .,�wa�`..vau.'• fit.. ia� `�"v:, :w.�,utaaw� `Tnr�4:•:fK:1 :ln�'%�;i`?;:}�� 2^ t.'s ::�::):'t'oC SANITATION FUND 505 32010 SCUD WASTE 32010 SOLID WASTE PURCHASE COMPOSTER ADJUST BFI CONTRACT FOR ANNEXATIONS AND PRIVATIZATION 3,000 42,639 $45,639 27 MEMORANDUM June 15, 1993 TO: Bobby Rountree, City Manager FROM: H. G. Thomas, Jr., Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Funding for Baytown Recycling Works Attached is a letter from the Baytown Recycling Works requesting $24,000 to fund their routine operating costs for the period of July, 1993 through June, 1994. Verbally they have stated that our grant of a Solid Waste employee assigned to the center four hours per week can be best used as an outright cash grant to fund operating expenses. The City of Baytown's previous support to the center follows: 1991-1992 Assist in Start-up 1992-1993 Fund Operating Expenses $16,000 Solid Waste Employee, Four hours per week 4,400 S 8,000 $20,400 It is my recommendation that we continue to support the Baytown Recycling Works based on their projected collection rates and our own effort to recycle newsprint. BAYTOWN RECYCLING WORKS Collection Rate, 1992-1993 525 tons per year Assume 10% growth, 1993-1994 578 tons per year Savings to Baytown: Landfill Fees $8,670 Other Operating Costs 980 TOTAL SAVINGS $9,650 CITY OF BAYTOWN NEWSPRINT RECYCLING Forecast, 1993-1994 Savings: 504 tons per year Landfill Fees Other Operating Costs TOTAL SAVINGS $7,560 830 $8,390 The combined savings of $18,000 is the recommended amount of financial support for fiscal 1993-1994. This represents a 13% increase over last years cash contribution of $16,000. 28 HGT/pm BAYTOWN RECYCLING WORKS PROPOSAL TO CITY OF BAYTOWN FOR FUNDING The BAYTOWN RECYCLING WORKS is seeking funding for its third year of operation. The table below summanzes now we anticipate spending the funds. Demand on the center continues to grow at a rapid rate with collections for the first quarter of 1993 being 19 percent greater than the previous quarter. This demand has ceen accommodated through efficiency increases. mostly dealing with material handling. Additionally we have expanded the hours of operation of the recycling center to allow processing of recyciables wniie the recycling center is not open for drop off. At this time the collection rate is about 525 tons per year (tpy). Although we are still seeing significant growth (we will be collecting at rates well above 525 tpy as the year progresses) the major impediment to even faster growth is related to the following: • Knowledge of our existence and services. and, • Convenience of use as perceived by our customers. The major imceaiment to overcoming the two above mentioned factors is funding. We need to better promote the EAYTOWN RECYCLING WORKS ana to estaolish new programs. n order to nemo assure our success we propose that the City provide financial support to the recycling center in the amount of S24,000 for the upcoming year. This amount is the equivalent of one year of routine operating costs at our current level of effort. We propose the City fund this level of support so that we can cetter concentrate our efforts on expansion of existing services and addition of new services. Also. as the City exoanas its recycling program. this allows us to continue operating as an intenm solution until the City's program is better established. The BAYTOWN RECYCLING WORKS wouid then use other sources of funds to drive new or expanded programs ana any capital improvements necessary to accommodate demands on the center or increase efficiency ana reduce routine operating costs. PROPOSED BUDGET JULY 1993 THROUGH JUNE 1994 Routine operating costs S24.000 Expana services. develop new services Increase hours, Computer/Punter. Vehicle. Advertisement/promotional activities 523.000 Plan costs $47 000 The caiance of the funds needed to keen operating will have to be obtained from pnvate sources. remina the Oty that success of the center is aiignea with Baytown s goals, that is: • Reduced volume of landfill destinea matenais. and. • Reduce° costs. Further. net effect on the City wail be far less than the gram amount because of savings from reaucea anafill ticcing fees and other related costs (maintenance. oecreciation. saianes etc.). ;n fact. at our .:urrent rate of collection. real savings to the C;ty approximate Waif of the proposed grant amount. 29 NMI E =I INII I =II MINI MEI MIN MN Ell Mill =I I NMI M M MN MO wir _ MIN MINI _.._______ MIN Mil INN INN NMI MIN _ • 4.4f• iv * • • • • • • • cgoet • • • The Garage Fund is supported through charges to user departments. Adjustments have been made to bring the Garage to a breakeven point (budgeting basis) but the funding deficit for prior years will need to be addressed in future budgets. CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF MAJOR CAPITAL OUTLAY PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION BASE INCREASED LEVEL LEVEL }�i%ti4:Si:iv.\i�tit2Cr:i::if>AJff4S0�Li....; i �V00i .ON.t <A 4:ti14w4i. fNTERNAL SVC FUND 551 33011 EQUIPMENT SERVICES 84043 TRUCK 33011 EQUIPMENT SERVICES 84045 MOBILE RADIO 33011 EQUIPMENT SERVICES 84053 TIRE MOUNTING MACHINE 33011 EQUIPMENT SERVICES 84053 MECHANIZED HANDLING OF HEAVY EQUIP 33011 EQUIPMENT SERVICES BRAKE DRUMS 17,000 700 4,500 TOTAL FOR GARAGE FUND - BASE LEVEL $22,200 2,700 TOTAL FOR GARAGE FUND - INCREASED LEVEL 2 700 33 11111 EMI NMI OM EN =1 INN 11111 MEI NEI IMO 111111 1111 111111 all OM MI MI CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF SUPPLEMENTAL REQUESTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION .06 • ....;.5 .... w.. ,?,. ---- ✓4 ScR::::2 AMOUNT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND 550 33011 EQUIPMENT SERVICES PURCHASE OF BRAKEDRUM HANDLERS 2,700 $2,700 35 9..wAr • 1 1 1 1 1 1 B. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PROPOSED REVENUE 1 AND FUNDING 1 1 1 1 MIN IIIIII E � REVENUE AND PROPOSED FUNDING THE PURPOSE OF THIS SECTION IS TO PROVIDE COUNCIL WITH BASIC REVENUE INFORMATION AND THE STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION FOR FUNDING THE 1993-94 BUDGET. A. GENERAL FUND REVENUES 1. Property Tax - The most significant revenue source to the General Fund is the Ad Valorem Tax. Pursuant to conversations with the Harris County Appraisal District, the estimate is expected to remain virtually unchanged from last year. The total assessed valuation of property is $1,727,949,700 for fiscal year 1993- 94. The certified rolls are required to be presented to the taxing entities by July 25th, but historically the earliest the City has received the certified roll has been in late August. Any reductions to the expected certified roll will negatively impact the budget. Total collections based on the expected certified roll and a 97% collection rate, at the current rate of $.73703 per $100 valuation, will generate $12,353,443. (Includes $4,898,140 of taxes for debt service.) Industrial Tax - Industrial taxes are a significant revenue source to the city. Entities located in the industrial district are taxed at 40% of their value with 20% being property taxes and 20% being industrial taxes. This revenue source is projected at $4,689,170 which is 20% of total revenues. Property taxes and industrial taxes combined total $12,144,473 or 51.8% of total General Fund revenues. 3. Sales Tax - One of the other major revenue sources to the General Fund is sales tax receipts. The budget estimates a 3 % growth in sales tax over the current year anticipated collections. This will bring in $5,287,600 which comprises 22.6% of total revenues. Sales Tax receipts for the current year currently are 4 % below collections for 1992. This decrease is due substantially to one time receipts collected on industrial complex expansions. Even with budgeting $58,787 less in 1993 than 1992 collections, we are projecting a shortfall of $151,930. The 1993 revenue reflects a more normal year, and considering the past 6 (six) years the City has averaged approximately 4.5% growth. We feel that a 3% growth factor is reasonable. The staff will monitor the revenue source for any potential fluctuations. 39 B. WATER & SEWER REVENUES 1. Water Volume - The 1993 Water Fund budget was based on sales of 9.86 mgd (million gallons per day). Due to the heavy rains in the current year, the City is anticipating 9.12 mgd which represents an 8% decrease in volume. 2. BAWA Rate Increase - BAWA (Baytown Area Water Authority) sells water to the City of Baytown. The City of Baytown comprises approximately 90% of BAWA's annual water sales. BAWA has a scheduled increase of 11 cents to its water rates effective October 1, 1993. The only increase in BAWA's rates occurred in October, 1988. The increase was $ .10 at that time. 3. Debt Service - In 1991, the City approved a $25,600,000 Water and Sewer Bond Program. The City has sold $7,205.000 and $4,410,000 for 1991 and 1992 respectively, for a total of $11,615.000. Of the $13,985,000 in bonds remaining to be sold, the City anticipates selling $5,480,000. The bonds totalling $500,000 for water and $4,980,000 for sewer will require 3 cents and 30 cents respectively to the water and sewer rate for 1994. This per thousand gallon increase is offset by the recommended Alternative #3. 4. Funding Deficit - The funding deficit originally from the 1991-92 budget was to be funded over a three year period. Rates are being increased by approximately $230,000 for year two of three, resulting in a $230,000 shortfall for 1993-94 which is anticipated to be funded in the 1994-95 budget. The increase to water and sewer rates is 6 cents water and 7 cents sewer. The above factors have combined to necessitate an increase to rates for 1993-94 in order to continue current operations and fund the bond sale for 1993-94. Current rates for water and sewer are $1.91 and $1.68 per thousand gallons. A minimum fee of $6.50 is charged for the first 2,000 gallons for both water and sewer. The alternatives are as follows: 1. Increase water and sewer rates by 27 cents and 37 cents respectively; 2. Increase water and sewer rates by 17 cents and 25 cents respectively, and increase the minimum bill $1.00 for both water and sewer; 3. Increase water and sewer rates by 17 cents and 11 cents respectively, increase the minimum bill $1.00 for both water and sewer, and raise cap on sewer from 10,000 gallons to 12,000 gallons. Increasing the minimum rate and the sewer cap will help stabilize the revenue needed to pay the debt service; an area that the bond rating firms will be looking at closely this year. Recommendation: Staff recommendation is to utilize Alternative No. 3. 40 C. SOLID WASTE REVENUES The current level of service for Solid Waste will require a 16 cents per month increase to $11.82 and $9.07 for Senior Citizens (with tax is $12.68 and $9.73 respectively) due to the increased volume of solid waste taken to the landfill and the need to purchase a new garbage truck. We currently have nine trucks and their average age is eight years. D. PROPOSED FUNDING SUMMARY Funding Requirements Including Bonds 1. Tax Rate Increase - $ .0 2. Water Increase - $ .17 per 1,000 gallons - $1.91 to $2.08 3. Sewer Increase - $ .11 per 1,000 gallons - $1.68 to $1.79 4. Increase minimum sewer cap from 10,000 to 12,000 gallons 5. Water & Sewer minimum bill increase - $1.00 $6.50 to $7.50 first 2,000 gallons water and sewer respectively 6. Solid Waste - $ .16 per month - $11.66 to $11.82 $ 8.90 to $ 9.07 (Sr. Citizens) A homeowner with an average of 7,000 gallons water and sewer usage can expect an increase in cost of approximately $3.40 per month. 41 E. BAYTOWN HOUSING AUTHORITY BOND REFUNDING OPTIONS - $1,177,099 (Funds available less A - $1,033,499) 1. Items Approved by Council and Completed: • Police Vehicle $ 13,000 • ADA Building Modifications 50,000 $ 63,000 • Replacement of Gray Sports Complex 5,600 68,600 Light Poles • Zoning Consultant (James Duncan) 75,000 143,600 2. We Recommend Proceeding With: • Vehicle Replacement Fund • Repaint Water Tower on Baker Road • Brownwood Property Purchase 750,000 125,000 875,000 100,000 975,000 Total Funds Utilized $1,118,600 3. Items Considered By Council, but not funded: • Repaint Water Tower on Baker Rd. 125,000 • Relevel Benchmark System 34,000 159,000 • Recodify Code of Ordinances 20,000 179,000 • Brownwood Property Purchase 100,000 279,000 • Vehicle Replacement Fund 750,000 1,029,000 • Library Books Increase for One Year 50,000 1,079,000 • Gang Task Force Coordinator 51,000 1,130,000 (Youth Commission Coordinator) F. 1992-93 PROPOSED BONDS SALE • General Obligation Bonds $3,500,000 • Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds $5,480,000 ***MEMORANDUM*** TO: Bobby Rountree, City Manager FROM: Monte Mercer, Director of Finance DATE: May 25, 1993 SUBJECT: VEHICLE REPLACEMENT Funding for capital purchases for most entities presents funding problems. Generally, when a capital outlay is made, the replacement of that asset will not be necessary again for many years. While certainiy there are recurring levels of capital outlay required each year, there are periods where additional funds are needed to keep assets replaced on a timely basis. The purpose of the Vehicle Replacement Fund is to provide a means of funding the expenditures for "spike" years and even out the cash flow needs. From a revenue funding perspective, even cash flow needs are much easier to plan for and generally create less problems. The Vehicle Replacement Fund (VRF) works basically as a pool of funds where instead of paying dollars out to another entity we purchase the assets ourselves and repay the VRF funds over the expected life of the asset. In our case, this would generally be used for large purchases such as sanitation trucks or for additional replacement of police cars (due to timing of replacement). The benefits to the taxpayer/rate payer is that their rates will be Tess volatile under this type of funding scenario. The City has a unique opportunity to take advantage of the Housing Finance Corporation refundings to establish the VRF. The establishment of this perpetuating fund gives current and future councils the flexibility to meet the uneven expenditure needs for capital outlay for their government. Timely replacement allows the entity to more effectively control repairs and maintenance costs. Less downtime should convert to more time for individuals to perform their various job functions, thus enhancing productivity. 43 City of Baytown Vehicle Replacement Fund Proposed Budget 1993-94 Funding for startup of Vehicle Replacement Fund Less proposed purchases for 1993-94 750,000 I Police vehicles (12) 151,200 Street sweeper 120,000 Striping machine 28,000 Side loader for sanitation 115,000 Refinance chipper 20,000 Total purchases Balance available before lease payments Add proposed lease payments for 1993-94 434,200 315,800 Police vehicles (12) 33,600 Street sweeper 32,230 Striping machine 7,520 Side loader for sanitation 21,575 Refinance chipper 0 Total payments 94,925 Add projected interest earnings 23,215 Projected funds at September 30, 1994 $ 433.940 44 1 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND This is an example of how the Vehicle Replacement Fund works. It provides a level ($400,000) of funding on a year to year basis for capital equipment. As lease payments are budgeted each year the balance of the fund remains fairly constant. This allows for more equipment to be replaced annually with less strain on the budget. City of Baytown Vehicle Replacement Fund Projected Funds Rollover by Year Lease Interest Purchases Payments Income Balance Funding for startup of Vehicle Replacement Fund 750,000 1993-94 activity (434,200) 94,925 23,215 433,940 1 1994-95 activity (400,000) 202,358 21,073 257,371 1995-96 activity (400.000) 349,792 20,349 227,512 1996-97 activity (400,000) 417,225 21,077 265,8141 1997-98 activity (400,000) 463,333 22,796 351,942 1998-99 activity (400,000) 429,733 23,915 405,591 1999-00 activity (400,000) 429,733 25,031 460,355'. 2000-01 activity (400,000) 322,300 24,021 406,677 ' Note: Assumes 4% interest rate and 4 year lease 45 • • - - • ime s Av • • e • Imo 111111 E— i r— MI 11111 MN 111111 N 111111 M— —— M 1111 IIIMI NMI INN 11111 NMI M W• .•••-Ar... i -. • 4. ir ■ . r• i • 1.p. • • • I • 4 ii, • • • • �� r • `� t • • • 414 • _ . • • • • A. • • HEALTH CARE BENEFITS THE PURPOSE OF THIS SECTION IS TO DISCUSS THE HEALTH CARE PLAN CHANGES AND COST FOR THE CITY, EMPLOYEE, RETIREES AND FUTURE RETIREES It is no secret that America faces a health care crises. State and federal lawmakers are flooded with demands to fix the health care system. There is no quick fix or easy solutions. The City of Baytown has always offered the traditional health care benefits to its employees and retirees. In some of my discussions with local hospital administrations, I was told that traditional plans like the city's are "paying for everyone else". In other words, most companies are going to managed care programs of some type, and those who do not, are supplementing those who do. A study indicates that companies in Houston with traditional health care insurance pay 28% higher premiums than the national average. Although only an example, this is indicative of the health care cost in our area. Currently, the city contributes $2,115,408 annually for employee/dependent and retireeispouse coverage. The employees and retirees contribute $327,957. This totals $2,443,365. If the proposed plan changes are implemented, our projected medical claims for 93-94 are $3,057,021. The reasons for the increase include escalating medical costs, increased number of claims by users, a large number of catastrophic claims (high risk pregnancies, kidney transplant, heart and lung conditions, and several long term cancer cases, etc.) In an effort to resolve this issue, several members of the staff and I have done extensive research and review of our program and other types of programs. We have met with and discussed options with: 1. First Health - The Health Care Affordable Network who is the PPO Network for the Goose Creek School District; 2. Cost Care Network - Exxon's PPO Network; 3. Memorial Healthnet - San Jacinto Methodist Hospital PPO Network; 4. BayCoast Medical Center and San Jacinto Methodist - We have met with both administrators and staff, listened to their proposals, and discussed their role in the City's program. 49 J.E. Stone, our benefit consultant, has received proposals from the following providers and third party administrators: Third Party Administrators First Health Boon -Chapman Emperion PALICO Provident PPO Networks Healthcare Affordable Cost Care Emperion Managed Health Care CAPP Care After thorough review of our benefit needs, services provided and cost consideration, we are recommending the services of Cost Care (Exxon's current PPO Network). The most cost efficient way to utilize Cost Care is to pair their service with claims administration/payment by Philadelphia American Life Insurance Company (PALICO). The Cost Care Network includes San Jacinto Methodist, BayCoast Hospital, as well as 27 additional hospitals in the Houston area. Most importantly, Cost Care includes six (6) of the top ten hospitals utilized by City employees. The employee/retiree may continue to use his/her family physician. The network is utilized at the point of referral to a specialist or hospitalization. Therefore, the employees are not in most cases, required to change physicians in the event their family physician is not in the network. The Cost Care Network currently provides the following: 1. The employee/retiree may continue to use his/her family physician; 2. The employee/retiree may choose either of Baytown's San Jacinto Methodist or BayCoast Hospitals; Other Major Houston area hospitals include: Texas Children's Hospital Diagnostic Center Hospital St. Joseph Hospital St. Luke's Hospital M.D. Anderson University of Texas Medical -Galveston Sunbelt Regional Medical Center Humana Hospital - Clear Lake Women's Hospital of Texas Bayshore Medical Center Memorial NW, SE, SW & NE 3. There are over 800 Specialty Physicians participating in the Cost Care Network. 50 Any specialist used by the employee/retiree not currently in the network will have an opportunity to become a member of the network through a recommendation process, provided the doctor agrees to contract discounts. CURRENT EMPLOYEE RATES The current employee will be responsible for a portion of the premium. The chart below indicates the employee and City contribution. EMPLOYEE ONLY EMP, 1-2 DEP EMP, 34 DEP EMP, 5+ DEP EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE EMPLOYER EMPLOYER PRESENT PROJECit) PRESENT PROJECTED COST COST COST COST $ 0.00 S 42.00 5160.00 $192.00 582.50 S124.50 $362.72 $394.72 $86.64 5128.64 $362.72 $394.72 590.76 $132.76 $362.72 $394.72 The pre-tax payment of premiums offsets the stated cost from the real cost. The true cost to employees because of the preferred tax treatment is reduced. Example: $42 premium = approximately $33 real cost in the 20% tax bracket PLAN CHANGES Implementation of Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) network. PPO referral is initiated with specialists referral and hospital admission. Primary care (family) physicians services are not affected. • Benefits are paid at 80% of reasonable and customary charges for "in network" services Benefits are paid at 60% for "out of network" services • Per hospital admission deductible for "out of network" provider - $300 51 • A Mail Service Prescription Drug Program will be implemented on a cost -neutral basis. The Mail Service Program will allow for employees to order up to a 90- day supply of maintenance medication with a minimal co -payment. Maintenance medications are drugs taken on a regular or long-term basis. A few examples of maintenance medications are those for high blood pressure, arthritis, heart conditions, and diabetes. The Mail Service Prescription Drug Program represents a positive step toward effective health care cost management while providing a quality prescription program for employees and their dependents without having any impact on the plan. Eligibility and payment services will be provided by PALICO and will require no involvement from the City of Baytown. • The City funding for dental coverage will be eliminated. Two separate plans will be offered: 1) If an employee chose to remain on the City's present dental plan the full premium would be paid by the employee. Cost are as follows: EMPLOYEE ONLY EMP, 1-2 DEP EMP, 3-4 DEP EMP, 5+ DEP EMPLOYEE PRESENT COST $ 0.00 $15.66 $16.44 $17.24 EMPLOYEE EMPLOYER PROJECTED PRESENT COST COST $ 10.22 $25.88 $26.66 $27.46 $10.22 $10.22 $10.22 $10.22 EMPLOYER PROJECTED COST $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 2) Denticare plan is a PPO network same type as the health plan. Denticare offers approximately the same coverages at a discounted rate of 25 % less than Usual and Customary charges. Employees must seek service from dentist participating in the Network. At present time their are only two Baytown dentists in the network. Cost for the Denticare plan is listed below: EMPLOYEE ONLY EMP, 1-2 DEP EMP, 3.4 DEP EMP, 5+ DEP $ 8.50 $ 16.50 $ 23.50 $ 28.50 52 RETIREE BENEFITS Currently there are 85 City of Baytown retirees under the existing health benefits plan. Forty-eight of these are under age 65 and not yet eligible for Medicare coverage. This group represents a sizable financial liability to the plan. The liability is twofold; 1) Claims Costs and 2) Future Liability. 1) CLAIMS COST Of the $2,861,784 of claims paid during the previous 12 months (medical claims only), the average monthly claim cost per retiree under 65 amounts to $1,045 while the average monthly claim cost per active employee amounts to $356. Of the $1,447,035 claims paid during the first 6 months of the 1992/93 policy year (medical claims only), claims totaling $410,283 were paid on behalf of retirees under 65. The retirees under 65 represent 7% of the total covered under the plan and over 28% of the claim dollars for this 6 month period. 2) FUTURE LIABILITY Continuing to provide retiree medical benefits carries a future liability. The real cost for claims over the remainder of each retiree's life time is $564,722 which in today's dollars would require the City to invest $207,257 per retiree in an annuity to pay for future medical costs. These figures are derived actuarially assuming a retiree age of 58 and life expectancy of 84 years. Similar calculations would have to be made for each current retiree and each future retiree if the City continues to pay for the retiree medical coverage. The City has utilized a pay as you go philosophy in paying retiree health benefits. This philosophy recognizes expenses when they are paid, rather than at the time the liability is incurred. In order to properly fund the retiree health benefit cost, monies would need to be budgeted each year the employee works, similar to a pension fund. 53 In December 1990 the FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) adopted accrual basis mandates for measurement of the obligation and accrual of cost during the working life of the employee. The GASB (Governmental Accounting Standards Board) has deferred adoption of mandates similar to FASB 106 until other reporting issues have been fully addressed. GASB is expected to adopt these similar guidelines in the near future. Regardless of the time frame for adoption of these accounting deadlines, the important issue is having the resources necessary to pay our bills. EXISTING RETIREES: • RATES FOR EXISTING RETIREES (and existing employees who retire prior to 10-1-94) UNDER 65 RET 1-2 DEP OVER 65 RET 1-2 DEP RETIREE RETIREE EMPLOYER EMPLOYER PRESENT PROJECTED PRESENT PROJECTED COST COST COST COST $ 0.00 $82.50 $ 0.00 $82.50 $100.00 $182.50 $100.00 $182.50 S 160.00 S362.72 $160.00 $362.72 $509.28 $1018.56 -0- -0- • Spouse of existing retiree will continue to be eligible for City of Baytown health benefits (premium paid by retiree) until spouse is eligible for medicare. At the time the spouse is eligible for medicare, the City will discontinue participation. Retiree must remain on the City's coverage to maintain spouse's coverage until spouse reaches age 65 and is medicare eligible. • If the spouse of a retiree becomes widowed, the spouse continues at same premium payment of a retiree only rate. • Active employees with dependent coverage will be allowed to continue this coverage upon retirement. No dependents will be added after the active employee retires. In the case of two employees that are married to each other and they both retire, one may be added as a dependent. If an active employee chooses to leave City employment before being vested and their spouse is a retiree of the City they will be eligible to be covered under the retiree's health plan as a dependent. 54 • Reduce co -payment for existing and future retirees and spouses as follows: IN NETWORK OUT OF NETWORK 1993/94 80/20 1993/94 60/40 1994/95 75/25 1994/95 55/45 1995/96 70/30 1995/96 50/50 FUTURE RETIREES, hired prior to 10/1/93 (Current Employees) • RATES FOR FUTURE RETIREES, hired prior to 10/1/93 Current employees retiring after 10-1-94 below the age of 65 with minimum of 10 years of City of Baytown service will remain eligible for the City's health benefits coverage by paying the total of the employee and City's contribution. (Retiree true premium $609 vs active $234 and with retiree true dependent cost $1,218 vs active $519). They will be allowed to remain on the plan if they so elect for payment of the full active employee rate. RETIREE ONLY RETIREE + DEP RETIREE RETIREE EMPLOYER EMPLOYER TOTAL PRESENT PROJECTED PRESENT PROJECTED RETIREE COST COST COST COST COST $ 0.00 $ 42.00 $160.00 $192.00 $234.00 $82.50 $124.50 $362.72 $394.72 S519.22 • Reduce co -payment for existing and future retirees and spouses the same as existing retirees. • If the spouse of a retiree becomes widowed, the spouse continues at same premium payment of a retiree only rate. • Active employees with dependent coverage will be allowed to continue this coverage upon retirement. No dependents will be added after the active employee retires. In the case of two employees that are married to each other and they both retire, one may be added as a dependent. If an active employee chooses to leave City employment before being vested and their spouse is a retiree of the City they will be eligible to be covered under the retiree's health plan as a dependent. 55 1 • Future retiree that reaches age 65 prior to the covered spouse, must remain on the City's plan and pay premiums in order to continue coverage for the spouse until the spouse reaches age 65. If the retiree that reaches age 65 opts off the City's plan and doesn't continue to pay the premium, the spouse will be dropped from coverage. FUTURE RETIREES, hired after 10/1/93 Upon retirement employees hired after 10/1/93 will be eligible to continue medical coverage under the City's plan in accordance with State Law which allows the City to charge the actual cost. MEDICAL DISABILITY RETIREES: (Usually young in age with dependent families) • Under the age of 65 will retain same benefits as active employees until age 65 is attained. 1 56 D. PROGRAMS,POSITIONS AND CAPITAL NOT FUNDED 1 = M = = I i - - - M - - N = N 111111 • Vie • ca:p • • • • Ay.** • ICS° Wel‘r ',JOE • PROGRAMS, POSITIONS AND CAPITAL NOT FUNDED THE PURPOSE OF THIS SECTION IS TO GIVE COUNCIL AN INDICATION OF THE NUMBER OF PROGRAMS. CAPITAL ITEMS, PERSONNEL. ETC. THAT WERE REQUESTED BUT NOT FUNDED IN THE 1993-94 BUDGET. 1. Rental Property Inspection Program - A cost estimate for the implementation of a rental property inspection program includes the addition of 1.5 inspectors, 1 clerical person, along with their associated equipment and training totaling $110,000. The program would include pre -occupancy permitting and inspections of all detached single family residential rental properties in the City of Baytown. A computerized system of identifying and monitoring all rental units and software would be required. The cost of this system is not included in the initial estimate of cost. ?. Zoning Ordinance Election Costs - The zoning ordinance information will not be prepared in time for the May '94 election. August '94 is the next available date for an election. This is not a good time to hold an election because turnout will be low due to end of summer outings and vacations. Assuming the council appointed a committee to publicize the new ordinance. it would be difficult to meet with clubs and organizations and get the necessary publicity out by August. The State Election Code does not permit November elections in even -numbered years: therefore, January of 1995 would be the next available date. If the election is held at this time. a publicity committee would have six months, or so, to provide information about the proposed ordinance. The estimated cost for holding the election is S16,500. 3. Assistant Health, Emergency Management. and EMS Positions - Mr. Howard Brister, Director of Health and Emergency Services. requested an assistant to help with his assigned duties. In the past several years Mr. Brister has been placed in charge of EMS and Emergency Management (when Mr. Fletcher Hickerson retired), in addition to his duties as Director of Health. It has been increasingly difficult for him to effectively perform his duties. Rather than add an additional position, Assistant Fire Chief Bernard Olive has been assigned as Assistant Emergency Management Coordinator and will assume a portion of Mr. Brister's duties in this area. 59 4. Personnel Cuts DEPT. POSITION NO. OF EMPLOYEES AMOUNT Legal Services Tax Planning Planning Municipal Court Police Fire Fire Public Works Engineering Emergency Medical Parks Meter Reading Public Works Emergency Mgt. City Attorney Legal Secretary Urban Manager Assistant Planner Deputy Court Clerk Community Serv.Officers Fire Trainer Firefighters Crew Workers Office Manager Sery Training/Quality Coord. Equipment Operator Meter Reader Position Construction Crew Emergency Mgt. Asst. TOTAL 1 $ 51,372 1 27,046 1 36,250 1 37,736 1 23,372 9 143,190 1 57,320 3 103,195 2 56,300 1 23,820 1 46,009 1 24,310 1 20,909 4 142,230 1 33.083 29 $826,142 60 f CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF OPERATING CUTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 • FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND 101 ACCOUNT NUMBER 101 1010 GENERAL OVERHEAD 101 1010 GENERAL OVERHEAD 101 10201 CITY MANAGER t 01 10201 CITY MANAGER 101 10202 DATA PROCESSING 101 10202 DATA PROCESSING 101 10202 DATA PROCESSING 101 10202 DATA PROCESSING 101 10202 DATA PROCESSING 101 10202 DATA PROCESSING 101 10202 DATA PROCESSING 101 10202 DATA PROCESSING 101 10202 DATA PROCESSING 101 1030 FINANCE 101 1030 FINANCE 101 1030 FINANCE 101 1030 FINANCE 101 1030 FINANCE 101 10401 TAX 101 10401 TAX 101 10501 PURCHASING 101 10501 PURCHASING 101 1060 LEGAL 101 1 060 LEGAL 101 1060 LEGAL 101 1060 LEGAL 101 1060 LEGAL 101 1080 PLANNING 101 1080 PLANNING 101 1080 PLANNING 101 1080 PLANNING 101 1080 PLANNING 101 1080 PLANNING 101 1080 PLANNING 101 1080 PLANNING 101 1080 PLANNING 101 11170 CITY CLERK 101 11170 CITY CLERK 01 11100 MUNICIPAL COURT 101 11100 MUNICIPAL COURT DESCRIPTION ';".? gym. •Orr c c� g ?cam .v BASE LEVEL 74041 TRAVEL & REIMB 15,000 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 900 74041 TRAVEL 700 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 250 72001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,000 73042 MAINT CAPITAL EXPENSE 6,096 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 2,450 73042 IBM MODEMS 138 73042 WP LICENSES 1,750 73042 UTILITY 1,350 73042 MAINT CAPITAL EXP 875 73091 PANASONIC PRINTER 270 73091 EPSON PRINTER 405 74022 AUDITS 9,000 74041 TRAVEL 600 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 625 74041 TRAVEL 2,345 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 1,500 74041 TRAVEL 400 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 185 74041 TRAVEL 400 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 250 74021 OUTSIDE LEGAL OPINIONS 15,000 74041 TRAVEL 750 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 300 74041 TRAVEL 50 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 50 74041 TRAVEL 3,100 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 1,050 74041 TRANSP TO ECON DEV FINANCING PROF COURSES 3 & 4 2,500 74042 ECON DEV FINANCING PROF COURSES 3 & 4 1,500 72004 PRINTING 500 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES 300 74041 KAB CONVENTION — WASHINGTON, D.C. 1,000 74042 KAB CONVENTION — WASHINGTON, D.C. 150 72004 GOOSE CREEK PROMOTIONAL BROCHURE 1,500 74041 TRAVEL 390 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 140 74041 TRAVEL 180 74041 TRAVEL 300 FUND DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF OPERATING CUTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION 101 11100 MUNICIPAL COURT 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 101 1141 HUMAN RESOURCES 72041 EDUCATIONAL 101 1141 HUMAN RESOURCES 75062 MEDICAL - PROMOTIONS 101 1141 HUMAN RESOURCES 74041 TRAVEL 101 1141 HUMAN RESOURCES 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 101 1091 UBRARY 71023 FICA 101 1091 UBRARY 71028 WORKER'S COMP 101 1091 UBRARY 74087 PERIODICAL SUBSC 101 1091 UBRARY 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 101 2000 POUCE 74051 RENTAL FEE FOR "IDENTI-KIT' 101 2000 POUCE 74082 CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS 101 2000 POUCE 71003 PART TIME 101 2000 POUCE 74041 TRAVEL COSTS FOR LANSING, MICHIGAN 101 2000 POUCE 74001 NATURAL GAS 101 2020 FIRE 72041 MISC. LOCAL SEMINARS 101 2020 FIRE 74042 MISC. LOCAL SEMINARS 101 2020 FIRE 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES 101 2020 FIRE 74041 TRAVEL 101 2020 FIRE 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 101 2020 FIRE 72021 MINOR TOOLS 101 2020 FIRE 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 101 2020 FIRE 74041 TRAVEL 101 2020 FIRE 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 101 2020 FIRE 72021 COMPUTER PROGRAMS 101 2020 FIRE 72026 CLEANING SUPPLIES 101 2020 FIRE 73011 DOOR OPENERS 101 2020 FIRE 73027 REPLACEMENT OF 3 TON HEATING/COOLING UNIT 101 2020 FIRE 73042 MACH & EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 101 2020 FIRE 73043 MAINTENANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLES 101 2020 FIRE 74005 NATURAL GAS 101 2020 FIRE 74041 TRAVEL 101 2020 FIRE 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 101 2025 PUBUC SAFETY COMM 72001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 101 2025 PUBUC SAFETY COMM 73011 TELEPHONE UNE FOR COFFEE BAR 101 2025 PUBUC SAFETY COMM 74001 TELEPHONE FOR COFFEE BAR 101 2025 PUBUC SAFETY COMM 74011 MISC. RENTAL EQUIPMENT 101 2025 PUBUC SAFETY COMM 74041 TRAVEL 101 2025 PUBUC SAFETY COMM 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 101 30100 STREETS & DRAINAGE 73043 MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 101 30100 STREETS & DRAINAGE 74041 TRAVEL 101 30100 STREETS & DRAINAGE 73043 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 62 101 30100 STREE I b & DRAINAGE 74041 TRAVEL BASE LEVEL 100 5,530 1,000 1,590 1,211 1,245 119 980 660 260 2,000 1,000 1,220 1,300 500 500 200 1,510 1,200 200 200 750 200 500 200 2,750 2,500 1,000 2,500 500 1,100 2,100 232 200 80 250 727 475 28,000 80 18,500 60 1 i CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF OPERATING CUTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 FUND DEPARTMENT 101 30201 MUNICIPAL SVC CTR 101 30201 MUNICIPAL SVC CTR 101 30201 MUNICIPAL SVC CTR 101 30203 TRAFFIC CONTROL 101 30203 TRAFFIC CONTROL 101 30203 TRAFFIC CONTROL 101 30203 TRAFFIC CONTROL 101 30280 ENGINEERING 101 30280 ENGINEERING 101 30280 ENGINEERING 101 30280 ENGINEERING 101 30290 INSPECTION 101 30290 INSPECTION 101 30290 I N SP ECTI ON 101 30290 I N SP ECTI ON 101 40002 MOSQUITO CONTROL 101 40003 ENV HEALTH 101 40003 ENV HEALTH 101 40003 ENV HEALTH 101 40003 ENV HEALTH 101 40005 EMERG MEDICAL SVS 101 40005 EMERG MEDICAL SVS 101 40005 EMERG MEDICAL SVS 101 40005 EMERG MEDICAL SVS 101 40005 EMERG MEDICAL SVS 101 40005 EMERG MEDICAL SVS 101 40005 EMERG MEDICAL SVS 101 5010 PARKS &REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION BASE LEVEL ?'r` ;�;:. •;; <..<., a ,�, ,:..�a„�`� Vic•:: • 74002 ELECTRIC SERVICE 74005 NATURAL GAS 74041 TRAVEL 73044 HARDWARE & SUPPUES FOR STREET SIGNS 73048 SIGNAL SYSTEMS 74045 REPLACEMENT OF MOBILE RADIO 74041 TRAVEL 74042 MATTHEW — CAD MICROSTATION COURSE 74071 MARLA — SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS 74041 TRAVEL 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 71009 OVERTIME 71011 EXTRA HELP — CONTRACT 74041 TRAVEL 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 74041 TRAVEL 72002 POSTAGE FOR EMS, NARC, & CPU 73042 REPAIR OF MOWING EQUIP 75062 BLOOD DRIVE PROMOTIONS 74041 TRAVEL 72001 MISC. OFFIC SUPPUES 72004 MISC. PRINTING 72007 MISC, UNIFORM SUPPUES 72016 DIESAL FUEL 74002 ELECTRIC SERVICE 74041 TRAVEL 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 71001 SUPERVISORY — RECREATION SUPERVISOR 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 71022 RETIREMENT 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 71028 WORKER'S COMP 71041 CAR ALLOWANCE 74041 TRAVEL 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 72026 CLEANING & JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 72004 PRINTING 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 72061 MISC — PRAB LUNCH 12 @ $50 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 74041 NRPA MID —YEAR FORUM 1,000 300 360 1,000 5,000 700 160 1,000 100 330 580 1,596 1,600 667 334 125 500 500 1,000 525 250 200 300 444 310 1,300 590 27,466 4,475 3,538 2.299 1,165 2,580 750 575 780 3,899 300 600 350 980 63 CITY OFBAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF OPERATING CUTS PROPOSE[) BUDGET 1983-84 FUND DEPARTMENT 101 5010PARKS &REC 101 5010PARKS &REC 101 5V10PARKS &REC 101 501VPARKS &REC 101 so10PARKS &REC 101 so10PARKS &REC 101 so10PARKS & REC 101 ao10PARKS &REC 101 so10PARKS &REC 101 5o10PARKS &REC 101 su10PARKS &REC ACCOUNT NUMBER ~ " BASE .,,". ... ��o`�n/r//um LEVEL 74042 NRPAMID—YEAR FORUM 72004 PRINTING 74042 EDUCATION& TRAINING 71001 SUPERVISORY 71009 OVERTIME (SPECIAL EVENTS) 72021 HEALTH &DEN|TAL 73001 LAND 73061 ELECTRICAL REPAIR 7404; CAK4|LLEBDROVV|4K—TXASSOC. DFNURSERYMEN LOVVELLHOVVELL—TXTURFGRAS8ASSOC. 74042 EDUCATION &TRAINING 74042 EDUCATION &TRAINING e00 90 4s $2o5.`1u 64 CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF SUPPLEMENTAL REQUESTS CUTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 DEPARTMENT FQi���•O p na�Vw.+ GENERAL FUND 101 ACCOUNT NUMBER ti i.� ♦ t. 1030 FINANCE 10501 PURCHASING 10501 PURCHASING 1060 LEGAL 1060 LEGAL 1060 LEGAL 1080 PLANNING 1080 PLANNING 1080 PLANNING 1080 PLANNING 11100 MUNICIPAL COURT 11100 MUNICIPAL COURT 11100 MUNICIPAL COURT 11100 MUNICIPAL COURT 11100 MUNICIPAL COURT 11100 MUNICIPAL COURT 11100 MUNICIPAL COURT 1141 HUMAN RESOURCES 1141 HUMAN RESOURCES 1141 HUMAN RESOURCES 1141 HUMAN RESOURCES 1091 LIBRARY 1091 LIBRARY 1091 LIBRARY 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLJCE 2000 POLJCE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLJCE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLJCE DESCRIPTION 84041 ENCODER FOR UTILITY BILLS 84041 486 COMPUTER 84041 FILE CABINET (1) ADDITIONAL ATTORNEY & SUPPUES (1) ADDITIONAL SECRETARY, COURT COST, & SUPPUES ADDITIONAL PT SECRETARY & SUPPLIES (1) URBAN MANAGER PERSONNEL 74021 DEV & DIST ZONING ORDINANCE INFO (1) ADD'L ASSISTANT PLANNER & SUPPORT COSTS INTERN FOR 12 WEEKS - PROGRAM CUT #1 74042 2 WEEKS SEMINAR FOR NON -ATTORNEY JUDGES (1) FULLTIME DEPUTY COURT CLERK & MISC. SUPPLIES IMAGING MACHINE 84041 DESK & MONITOR 84041 COMPUTER SOFTWARE MINOLTA MICROFILM CARRIER 73046 RECODIFY CODE OF ORDINANCES RECRUITING EXPENSES 74021 ADA ACCOMODATIONS 72001 BINDER FOR EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK INITIAL MEDICAL EXAM & FITNESS AWARD 74051 RENTAL OF LARGE PRINT BOOKS 74051 ONLINE TO ACCESS TO MAGAZINE ARTICLES 72061 AUTOMA 1 UJ ACCESS CATALOG 84042 8MM PLAYER RECORDER 84042 STINGER 72007 UNIFORM EQUIP FOR HONOR GUARD 72021 BODY BUNKER FOR SWAT TEAM 73046 TWO HIGH SCHOOL ANNUALS 84051 AIR CONDITIONING FOR POLICE RADIO ROOM 84045 TRANSMISSION LINE CONTIANMENT TRAY 73011 REPAINTING OF THE JAIL 84041 TV FOR PRISONER ENTERTAINMENT (2) 84042 WET/DRY VACCUM CLEANER FOR GARAGE 82011 CARPETING FOR RECORDS DIVISION (3) NEW VEHICLES, (3) UGHT BARS, & (3) CAGES 84042 DUTY 10-TON AIR JACK 84045 (2) MOBILE RADIOS 71001 TCLOSE MASTER CERTIFICATION INCREASED LEVEL 2,500 1,895 850 57,832 59,157 19,787 35,550 22,500 44,211 4,360 1,000 10,748 31,000 2,650 1,955 11,195 18,000 4,191 7,700 2,460 6,400 3,124 418 3,471 500 700 200 325 70 4,000 3,100 99,000 750 500 2,000 51,000 2,800 4,400 2,031 65 66 CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF SUPPLEMENTAL REQUESTS CUTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 DEPARTMENT 2000 POLICE 2000 POUCE 2000 POUCE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POUCE 2000 POUCE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POUCE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2025 PUBLIC SAFETY COMM 2025 PUBLIC SAFETY COMM 2025 PUBUC SAFETY COMM 2025 PUBLIC SAFETY COMM 2025 PUBLIC SAFETY COMM 30100 STREETS & DRAINAGE 30100 STREETS & DRAINAGE ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION mmr (9) COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICERS 486 COMPUTER 200meg HARD DRIVE 72041 EDUCATIONAL SUPPUES 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 75087 CITIZEN VOLUNTEER DINNER 84041 PURCHASE UNIT WITH SUPPLIES 84041 COMPUTER UPGRAGE EQUIP 84042 8,000 GALLON FUEL TANK 84042 REFRIGERATOR FOR COFFEE BAR 72021 (5) CAT TRAP CAGES COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TELEPHONE SERVICE INCREASED SUPERVISED TRAINING CHLORINATOR —CHLORINE SANITATION UNIT 72021 (5) CAT TRAP CAGES 84042 FREt-/}-R TO HUMANE DEPARTMENT (1) ADDITIONAL STAFF PERSON FOR TRAINING 84041 COMPUTERS & PRINTERS 84061 PUBUC EDUCATION DISPLAY PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM 84041 COMPUTERS & PRINTERS (3) ADDITIONAL FIREFIGHTERS ON LADDER ONE INSTALL TELMA ON ONE ENGINE RETROFIT 4—DOOR CAB ON ENGINE 4 PURCHASE (5) SEMIAUTOMATIC DEFIBRILLATORS CALL—BACK SYSTEM FOR OFF —DUTY FIREFIGHTERS LEASE PURCHASE VEHICLE PARAMEDIC INCENTIVES PAY AFTER THE ARE' PROGRAM — DEV., PRINTING & SUPPLIES TRAVEL & DEVELOPMENT FOR PHYSICAL PROGRAM CRITICAL TASK ANALYSIS 84042 TELMA BRAKE 74041 TRAVEL 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 73041 MAINT. COST FOR DIRECTOR'S OFFICE BASIC APCO CERTIFICATION FOR TWO APCO INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION FOR TWO 72041 18 MANUALS FOR APCO CERTIFICATION 84041 CHAIR, DESK, & BOOKCASE FOR DIRECTOR'S OFFICE (2) EMPLOYEES TO REPLACE SIDEWALKS & CURBS STREET PLAINER INCREASED LEVEL 143,190 2,250 3,330 3,885 400 1,480 585 27,000 750 300 9,503 1,260 497 735 300 465 59,420 6,700 3,000 3,095 7,500 113,695 11,000 20,000 40,000 14,384 45,731 26,751 3,740 2,798 1,859 11,000 500 500 200 3,632 3,982 900 950 78,100 11,000 CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF SUPPLEMENTAL REQUESTS CUTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 DEPARTMENT 30100 STREETS & DRAINAGE 30201 MUNICIPAL SVC CTR 30203 TRAFFIC CONTROL 30280 ENGINEERING 30280 ENGINEERING 30290 INSPECTION 30290 INSPECTION 30290 INSPECTION 30290 INSPECTION 40005 EMERG MEDICAL SVS 40005 EMERG MEDICAL SVS 40005 EMERG MEDICAL SVS 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION MOBILE CONCRETE MIXER COMPUTER SOFTWARE & MODEM MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (1) OFFICE MANAGER OF ENGINEERING & INSP 84041 REPLACEMENT AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH FOR CITY EXTRA HELP FOR ENFORCEMENT DEVELOPING ENFORCEMENT URBAN REHAB STANDARDS DEVELOPING ENFORCEMENT URBAN REHAB STANDARDS 71011 EXTRA HELP —CONTRACT (ENFORCE ABATEMENT & REMOVAL OF )JUNK VEHICLES FULLTIME CLERK (1) TRAINING/QUALITY COORDINATOR EMS COORDINATOR VEHICLE 74071 TEXAS FESTIVALS ASSOCIATION 74071 INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS ASSOCIATION 74041 WESTERN REVENUE SOURCES MANAGEMENT SCHOOL 82011 CLARKE CARPET EXTRACTOR 84041 MICROCOMPUTER 486sx 84041 FACILITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM — SINGLE USER 84041 HEWLETT PACKARD LASER PRINTER 74041 PERSONAL CAR MILEAGE REIMBURSE—CTR SUPERVISOR 74041 PERSONAL CAR MILEAGE REIMBURSE —BUILD ATTENDANT 82011 REPAIR MEETING ROOM CEILING 82011 CARPET & VINYL FLOORING FOR COMMUNITY CTR HALLWAYS 84042 LEXINGTON STACKABLE PODIUM 82011 PULL DOWN SCREEN — AUDITORIUM 72041 OVERHEAD PROJECTOR FOR GRAY RECREATION CENTER PERSONAL SERVICES— W/C, PT, & SS 82011 BUILD ROOF OVER BATHHOUSE, REPLACE SIDING, REPAIR PARTITIONS IN RESTROOMS, & REMODEL UPSTAIRS OFFICE UPGRADE PARTTIME RECEPTIONIST 74001 FAX MACHINE 71041 ADDITIONAL MULTI —LINE PHONE IN RECEPTION AREA 71041 CELLULAR PHONE ALLOWANCE FOR DIRECTOR 71041 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT FOR SENIOR SECRETARY (1) FULLTIME EQUIP OPERATOR 84042 NEW RESTROOMS AT ROSELAND PARK 82011 PICNIC SHELTER, LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS AT JENKINS PARK 82011 PICNIC SHELTER AT ROSELAND PARK PLAYGROUND 83039 LIGHT POLES FOR WAYNE GRAY SPORTS COMPLEX BALLFIELDS 83025 IMPROVEMENTS TO ROSELAND PAVILION INCREASED LEVEL 45,000 4,550 21,512 23,820 6,000 800 15,000 25,955 800 14,928 56,226 17,500 100 250 1,200 1,735 1,895 2,490 1,388 900 900 4,290 6,977 1,241 2,800 325 1,487 2,500 16,046 1,200 300 900 170 24,310 500 5,000 3,500 10,000 2,000 67 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC 5010 PARKS & REC CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF SUPPLEMENTAL REQUESTS CUTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION 82011 TEJAS PARK PICNIC SHELTER 84042 SELF-CONTAINED TRAILOR-MOUNTED PRESSURE WATER 84042 OUT -FRONT MOWER 82011 MATERIALS ONLY FOR HANDICAP ACCESS. PUBLIC RESTROOMS 83039 LIGHT POLES FOR WAYNE GRAY SPORTS COMPLEX BALLFIELDS 84061 EAST LEAGUE FENCE 74021 HEARING IMPAIRED SERVICES FOR DEAF EMPLOYEE 74042 WESTERN REVENUE SOURCES MANAGEMENT SCHOOL COMMUNITY IMAGE PROGRAM -MOWING 84042 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 73043 MOWER MAINTENANCE 84042 (2) MOWERS 2,000 7,000 7,500 7,000 10,000 2,300 1,200 1,200 12,167 7,663 2,000 5,000 15,537 $1,597,759 68 CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF MAJOR CAPITAL OUTLAY CUTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 FUND DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NUMBER GENERAL FUND 101 101 101 101 ' 101 101 101 ' 101 101 101 ' 101 101 101 ' 101 101 101 ' 101 101 101 ' 101 101 101 101 101 101 ' 101 101 101 ' 101 101 101 ' 101 101 101 I 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 10202 DATA PROCESSING 10202 DATA PROCESSING 10202 DATA PROCESSING 10202 DATA PROCESSING 10202 DATA PROCESSING 10202 DATA PROCESSING 10202 DATA PROCESSING 1030 FINANCE 1030 FINANCE 1030 FINANCE 1030 FINANCE 1030 FINANCE 1060 LEGAL 1060 LEGAL 1080 PLANNING 1091 LIBRARY 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2000 POLICE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 2020 FIRE 30100 STREETS & DRAINAGE 30100 STREETS & DRAINAGE 30100 STREETS & DRAINAGE 30100 STREETS & DRAINAGE 30100 STREETS & DRAINAGE 30100 STREETS & DRAINAGE 30100 STREETS & DRAINAGE 30203 TRAFFIC CONTROL 30203 TRAFFIC CONTROL 30280 ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION `u'..u:,v:.•:;iS.��.a'.S,`.`�a�,^ia,,..,.soi9�° � �:a4:;.','::N�E:L�. ,....., ,,.� 84042 IBM RISC SYSTEM UPGRADE 84042 UNIPLD( SOFTWARE 84042 WYSE TERMINALS 84042 WORDPERFECT 84042 NOTEBOOK COMP (3) 84042 FOURGEN RPT WRITER 84042 IBM RISC UPGRADE 84041 INVESTMENT SOFTWARE 84041 DESK CHAIRS W/ARMS 84041 BOOKCASES(2) 84041 COMPUTER 486 50 mhz 84041 LASER PRINTER HP4 84042 COMPUTER TERMINALS (2) 84042 COMPUTER TERMINALS(2) 84061 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 84046 BOOKS 84042 ENGINE ANALZER 84042 WASHING MACHINE 84042 CLOTHES DRYER 84043 (4) NEW VEHICLES 84041 HP LASER PRINTER 82011 REMODELING 84043 FORD TRUCK 84043 LEASING OF 3/4 TON TRUCK 84045 (5) VHF RADIOS EQUIP 84043 INTERNAL LEASE FOR INVESTIGATOR'S CAR 84045 VHF MOBILE RADIOS (3) 84042 REPLACEMENT OF TWO PORTABLE MONITORS 84061 PURCHASE OF 5" HOSE & FITTING FOR TRUCK 84042 LAWN EQUIPMENT 83025 STREET, SIDEWALKS & CURBS 84042 660 GRADALL & BACKHOE TRAILER 84043 1/2 TON PICKUP & 8 YD DUMP TRUCK 84045 (2) MOBILE RADIOS 83026 CAPITAL PROJECT SET FORTH BY COUNCIL 84043 1/2 TON PICKUP & 8 YD DUMP TRUCK 84043 2 1/2 TON FLAT BED PAYMENT 84042 REPLACEMENT GENERATOR 84043 REPLACEMENT OF PICKUP 84043 1/2 TON EXT. CAB PICKUP 20,000 12,870 6,400 1,755 7,500 7,000 15,250 3,000 470 860 1,895 1,388 4,400 4,400 9,000 4,480 15,000 595 495 42,000 1,388 5,000 16,450 3,695 10,000 4,031 6,000 4,000 12,000 2,000 30,000 197,500 52,500 1,400 25,000 52,700 35,839 800 18,000 16,450 69 CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF MAJOR CAPITAL OUTLAY CUTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 ••�::V\ iir �.:y ��y\\?':u\.::: ;.v...�v.u\;�}.. \;;:`\ \ �V• ... `:.:.?':�x. ��+...Ko;::.aK.�\�c;.'. .. ?..'.,..:.:: ,:.:�',.: vo. .:o ,'"k C,vyv,�1.,•:sj�:�`CLc..v FUND DEPARTMENT 101 30290 INSPECTION 101 30290 INSPECTION 101 40003 ENV HEALTH 101 40005 EMERG MEDICAL SVS 101 40005 EMERG MEDICAL SVS 101 40005 EMERG MEDICAL SVS 101 40005 EMERG MEDICAL SVS 101 5010 PARKS &REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC 101 5010 PARKS & REC ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION 84041 NEW DESK FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 84043 1/2 TON PICKUP 84042 RIDING LAWN MOWER 82011 CARPET FOR EMS STATION 84041 HP LASERJET PRINTER 84045 UHF/DHF RADIOS (3) 84041 LOCAL AREA NETWORK 84041 TABLES & CHAIRS 84041 TABLES 84061 MISCELLANOUS 84011 MISCELLANOUS 84041 OFFICE & EQUIP 84042 MACH & EQUIP 84043 MOTOR VEHICLES 84045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP 84052 HEAVY EQUIP 84061 MISCELLANOUS 84042 MACH & EQUIP 84052 HEAVY EQUIPMENT BASE LEVEL 750 15,250 8,100 2,000 1,388 10,000 500 3,265 340 3,900 3,500 900 1,800 15,000 2,400 15,000 5,000 3,200 35,000 $780,804 1 70 CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF OPERATING CUTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 • FUND DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NUMBER : J<ft WATER & SEWER FUND 501 501 30401 WASTEWATER COLL 501 30600 UTIUTY CONST 501 30600 UTILITY CONST DESCRIPTION 72007 WEARING APPAREL 73047 METERS & SETTINGS 73043 TUNE UPS, TIRES, BATTERIES, OIL CHANGES,& MAJOR REPAIRS BASE LEVEL 300 13,700 13.800 $27,800 71 CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF MAJOR CAPITAL OUTLAY CUTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 �`�,``,�� i `\�\:� iy -. gT:: � ``.:.. ' y" �v♦ ,4t ��nn\��� > ,a„�2'•7 C_ H'r.... \\ c;.�:>„'. i'•�,ry 4. ..; ...: ;. FUND DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NUMBER .ikWitlANATANINKMMtiNia WATER & SEWER FUND 501 501 11080 UTIUTY BIWNG 501 30301 WATER DISTRIBUTION 501 30301 WATER DISTRIBUTION 501 30301 WATER DISTRIBUTION 501 30301 WATER DISTRIBUTION 501 30301 WATER DISTRIBUTION 501 30401 WASTEWATER COLLECT 501 30401 WASTEWATER COLLECT 501 30401 WASTEWATER COLLECT 501 30401 WASTEWATER COLLECT 501 30401 WASTEWATER COLLECT 501 30501 WASTEWATER TREATMI 501 30501 WASTEWATER TREATMI 501 30600 UTIUTY CONST 501 30600 UTILITY CONST 501 30600 UTIUTY CONST 501 30600 UTIUTY CONST 501 30600 UTIUTY CONST 501 30600 UTILITY CONST 501 30600 UTIUTY CONST 501 30600 UTIUTY CONST 501 30600 UTIUTY CONST 501 30701 WATER PRODUCTION 501 30701 WATER PRODUCTION 501 30701 WATER PRODUCTION • DESCRIPTION 84043 4-DOOR UTIUTY TYPE VEHICLE W/ A/C 84043 1/2 TON PICKUP 84043 8 YD DUMP TRUCK 84043 2 1/2 TON UTIUTY TRUCK 84045 (2) MOBILE RADIOS 84052 BACKHOE 84041 COMPUTER 84042 MAGNETIC UNDERGROUND CABLE LOCATOR 84042 GENERATOR 84043 2 1/2 TON UTIUTY TRUCK 84045 RADIOS 84043 1/2 TON PICKUP 84045 (4) RADIOS 83029 PVC PIPES & FITTINGS 83029 MATERIAL NEEDED FOR SEWER TAPS 83035 METER BOXES 83035 METER 83035 TUBING 83035 BRASS 84043 (2) 1/2 TON PICKUPS 84042 BACKHOE 84043 1/2 TON PICKUP 83024 WALLACE & TIERNAN CHLORINE SCALES 84043 1/2 TON FORD RANGER TRUCK W/ EXT-CAB 84045 MOBILE RADIO BASE LEVEL 17,000 15,600 38,000 38,000 1,400 35,000 1,500 2,600 2,500 38,000 1,400 17,600 2,800 3,000 2,000 1,000 5,000 2,000 5,000 31,200 36,000 13,500 2,200 16,000 900 72 CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF SUPPLEMENTAL REQUESTS CUTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NUMBER WATER & SEWER FUND 501 11080 UTILITY BIWNG 11080 UTILITY BIWNG 30600 UTILITY CONST 30600 UTILITY CONST 30600 UTILITY CONST 30600 UTILITY CONST 30600 UTILITY CONST 30600 UTILITY CONST 30600 UTILITY CONST DESCRIPTION NEW TYPE OF WATER BIWS (1) ADDITIONAL METER READER POSITION (4 person crew) PERSONAL SERVICES 84043 UTIUTY TRUCK 84042 BACKHOE/LOADER 84042 BACKHOE/TRAILER 84042 AIR COMPRESSOR 84042 BORING MACHINE 84042 4' BORING TOOL INCREASED LEVEL 39,098 20,909 142,230 35,500 35,000 9,000 12,000 17,000 9,000 $319,737 73 CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF MAJOR CAPITAL OUTLAY CUTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 FUND DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION BASE LEVEL L SANITATION FUND 505 505 32010 SOLID WASTE 84043 MOTOR VEHICLES 93,425 $93,425 74 CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF SUPPLEMENTAL REQUESTS CUTS PROPOSED BUDGET 1993-94 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION INCREASED LEVEL 'iv::�?ry+::-. vv :: .. r.:. .:: ..;V.. �.:i. :._� ..{{,.. v. �..v v.-.:.;t•; _•nY; �:.�...: �.''-: n. ... .•. t. w: s�.. .... -•v... ..,'a . �: hC�aC �'. i \a�. ti Y:.. �:C :Ai i! \a .... : a::'.: i5�.`Y'c:::. �,ji >,t `Y �' r� rlw+. 'Pmo � � �.. .�� .�?t.'..Yo..r{.,A,.;:i?:i�:�::a:f:<2•:......... .;r,:�: :..;a... - .. -. �: .... .......,.. .,...... .....:. :.....:........: .. .'..'rose ��..'\ � .. .. .:: �e9.�' •` "'ir;oSyp ) ..n. .....<.• :.i;:Y::t•p•.�:•.:.;• � sz,Sc:q SANITATION FUND 505 32010 SOUD WASTE 74051 LANDFILL PARTS FOR BRUSH 32010 SOUD WASTE 74051 LANDFILL PARTS FOR GARBAGE 6,000 18,750 $24,750 75 MN NMI I 1111111 Mil NMI M M MIMI MN MINI WM INN 11011 Mil Ilia = IIIIII NM �• oW1 r CITY OF BAYTOWN 1993-94 BUDGET SUMMARY COMPARISON TO LAST YEAR APPROVED BUDGET 1992-93 ADOPTED BUDGET 1993 - 94 AMOUNT OF INCREASE (DECREASE) PERCENT OF INCREASE (DECREASE) GENERAL FUND WATER FUND SOLID WASTE FUND GARAGE FUND DEBT SERVICE N 0 TOTAL $26 $ 24,106,358 $ 12, 473, 808 2,406,488 1,002,836 5,397,131 23,432,765 $ 13, 288,191 2,416,174 1,106, 397 5,023,204 $ 45,386,621 $ 45,266,731 $ (673, 593) 814,383 9,686 103,561 (373, 927) (119, 890) $24 $22 $20 $18 $16 $14 $12 $10 $2 $0 WATAWAVAVATAWAVAVATAWAWAVATAVAI AVAVAVAVAVAVAVIVAVIVAVAVAWAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA GENERAL FUND SOLID WASTE FUND DEBT SERVICE WATER FUND GARAGE FUND ® 1992-93 ® 1993-94 (2.87) % 6.13 % 0.40 % 9.36 % (7.44) % (0.26) % 77 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROJECTED FUND BALANCES ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 FUND ESTIMATED ESTIMATED BALANCE REVENUES EXPENSES 9/30/92 1992 —93 1992-93 ESTIMATED FUND BUDGETED BUDGETED BALANCE REVENUES EXPENSES 9/30/93 1993-94 1993 —94 PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 9/30/94 General Fund Debt Sys Fund Wtr & Sewer (1) Solid Waste (1) Garage Fund (1) TOTAL $4,459,879 $23,421,607 467,315 5,075,621 12,582,821 11,440,007 (95,671) 2,314,100 (201,654) 1,076,970 $23,879,755 4,978,130 11,807,371 2,434,931 1,058,409 $4,001,731 564,806 12,215,457 (216,502) (183,093) $23,289,215 5,046,936 13,051,598 2,417,900 1,106,397 $23,432,765 5,023,204 13,139,985 2,441,812 1,085,215 $3,858,181 588,538 12,127,070 (240,414) (161,911) $17,212,690 $43,328,305 $44,158,596 $16,382,399 $44,912,046 $45,122,981 $16,171,464 (1) Expenses equal expenditures plus depreciation minus capital outlay and bond principal retirements. 78 CITY OF BAYTOWN ALL BUDGETED FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY CLASSIFICATION Personal Services Supplies Maintenance Services Sundry Capital Outlay Administrative Transfers Debt Service Total Expenditures C 0 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 ACTUAL 1991-92 BUDGET 1992-93 ESTIMATED 1992-93 ADOPTED 1993 — 94 $20, 918, 356 5,106, 385 1,676,182 4,390,537 263,159 614,537 2,014,020 5,758,362 $22,080,145 5,705,319 2,171, 985 4,853,770 271,705 1,675,892 2,125, 950 6,501,855 $21,952,733 5,470,485 1,889,655 4,866,404 210,816 1,612,210 2,125, 950 6,082,854 $22, 658, 377 6,191,432 2,075,217 4,744,413 244,950 672,179 2,129, 976 6,550,187 $40, 741, 538 $45, 386, 621 $44, 211,107 $45, 266, 731 ACTUAL 1992 BUDGET 1993 ESTIMATED 1993 ADOPTED 1994 79 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATIONS Supplies 4.1% Maintenance 5.0% Services 12.0% Capital Outlay 1.6% Personal Services 77.3% ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 I 80 CITY OF BAYTOWN ALL BUDGETED FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY CLASSIFICATION ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 WATER & SOLID CATEGORY GENERAL SEWER GOIS WASTE GARAGE TOTAL Personal Services $17,729,044 $3,730,023 Supplies 948,970 4,543,472 Maintenance 1,139,475 641,242 Services 2,760,954 957,783 Sundry 179,950 65,000 Capital Outlay 364,963 183,688 Administrative Transfers 309,409 1,640,000 Debt Service 1,526,983 $5,023,204 $780,500 $418,810 $22,658,377 118,120 580,870 6,191,432 284,300 10,200 2,075,217 955,059 70,617 4,744,413 244,950 98,628 24,900 672,179 179,567 1,000 2,129,976 6,550,187 Total Expenditures $23,432,765 $13,288,191 $5,023,204 $2,416,174 $1,106,397 $45,266,731 24 22 20 18 16 c 14 ° 12 10 8 6 4 0 GENERAL WTR & SEWER GOIS SOLID WASTE GARAGE 81 CITY OF BAYTO W N TAX RATES FOR OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE AND INTEREST/SINKING $0.80 $0.70 $0.60 $0.50 $0.40 $0.30 $0.20 $0.10 $0.00 Per $100 valuation :`4\ ••; •`}" Rat`• :`.r'.?< %., { s. �h� �. �\ \,C•?,•, v:}.4,`�•Y}?tC: Y i ? fix;:; i„'�s tiff: `sk`.. \\+`hZ*`:.; ?; ?: ' .., ?, ; ` Y. i 1}1, h.\ ,4k' .t,{t,.♦\ Ott„• ? ` \ ,., .... : \�R.v'♦ �ti •. ``?. `? ,♦ -..?♦-:. -:. �' �4::2 _ : \\i:? \ .,\, \ ?`>:?:; {\tt,?i?;: \..;°'??:,�� '' ?i`h♦,,, \l\.1 •. ..... \4�-YYYs;:^v ,, 4 ?,h\�`�. �\;j�;YnYYYYYY;:�Y?i: ?�LY�\\.Yy ' • }. ,• 4.\????: ;`Y-+-.........:•Y:•\Y: O??•{\�,^�v: \.x•.,..y \+. � � •?:J `ti {Q. i. �•:.:v \vi: Y:.,.ryY�. .....:............. ♦ '?' v r?�: i\Q??•:; •{ . :v.i\...,L?i;{k.. ...........,......... \\ •ri?:4?^: v: \.i�u.. 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'89 '90 '91 DO&M DI&S '92 '93 ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 '94 1 82 CITY OF BAYTOWN ASSESSED VALUATION, ESTIMATED AD VALOREM COLLECTIONS & AD VALOREM TAX RATE DISTRIBUTION Assessed Valuation for 1992 $ 1,723,779,750 (1) Gain (Loss) in Value (10,365,755) Estimated Assessed Valuation for 1993 1,713,413,995 (2) Tax Rate Per $100 Valuation 0.73703 Revenue From 1993 Tax Roll 12,628,375 Estimated Collections 97.0% TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 12,249,524 ADOPTED DISTRIBUTION TAX RATE PER $100 AMOUNT PERCENT 1992 — 93 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 Operations and Maintenance 0.44482 0.44482 $7,392,588 60.35% Interest and Sinking 0.29221 0.29221 4,856,936 39.65% 0.73703 0.73703 $12,249,524 100.00% (1) Per Revised tax roll at 6/11/93 (2) Per HCAD (Harris County Appraisal District) Certified Roll 83 MI NMI MINI UN INN Ell 111111 NMI IIIIIII MIN MI MI =I 111111 11111 NEI 111111 NMI EN CITY OF BAYTOWN PROPRIETARY FUNDS SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATIONS ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION WATER SOLID TOTAL SEWER WASTE GARAGE PROPRIETARY FUND FUND FUND FUNDS OPERATING U 70112 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 70114 HEALTH INSURANCE 70115 RETIREMENT 70116 SOCIAL SECURITY 70117 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 70118 ALLOWANCES 70119 OVERTIME 70120 DIRECT SUPPLIES 70121 VEHICULAR -FUEL & LUBE 70122 VEHICULAR -REPAIR PARTS 70128 GARBAGE BAGS 70131 CONTRACT REPAIRS -OUTSIDE TOTAL DIRECT OPERATING EXPENSES $ - $ - $ 148,460 $ 148,460 - - 12,256 12,256 - - 19,765 19,765 - - 11,739 11,739 - - 9,663 9,663 - - 3,780 3,780 - - 5,000 5,000 - - 10,000 10,000 - - 180,000 180,000 - - 380,000 380,000 - 70,100 - 70,100 - - 60,000 60,000 - 70,100 840,663 910,763 71001 SUPERVISORY 247,212 33,420 47,410 328,042 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 2,266,364 474,322 88,630 2,829,316 71009 OVERTIME 105,504 20,000 5,000 130,504 71011 EXTRA HELP - CONTRACT - 6,000 - 6,000 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 374,634 98,570 19,944 493,148 71022 RETIREMENT 333,807 67,977 18,165 419,949 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 198,826 40,375 11,061 250,262 71028 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 196,896 39,836 11,817 248,549 71041 ALLOWANCES 6,780 - 6,120 12,900 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 3,730,023 780,500 208,147 4,718,670 72001 OFFICE 14,800 - 1,500 16,300 72002 POSTAGE 42,858 - - 42,858 72007 WEARING APPAREL 8,790 800 4,270 13,860 72016 MOTOR VEHICLES 89,500 43,500 2,500 135,500 72021 MINOR TOOLS 13,278 450 1,500 15,228 72026 CLEANING& JANITORIAL 2,000 150 1,000 3,150 72031 CHEMICAL 132,215 120 - 132,335 72032 MEDICAL 525 - 100 625 72041 EDUCATIONAL 475 - - 475 72052 TREATED WATER 4,238,531 - - 4,238,531 85 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROPRIETARY FUNDS SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATIONS ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION WATER SOLID TOTAL SEWER WASTE GARAGE PROPRIETARY FUND FUND FUND FUNDS 72061 MISCELLANEOUS 500 3,000 - 3,500 TOTAL SUPPLIES 4,543,472 48,020 10,870 4,602,362 73001 LAND 7,000 - - 7,000 73011 BUILDINGS 7,500 500 2,500 10,500 73022 SANITARY SEWERS 28,000 - - 28,000 73023 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYS 35,200 - - 35,200 73024 STANDPIPES & RESERVOIRS 15,000 - - 15,000 73025 STREET, SIDEWALK & CURB 39,500 500 - 40,000 73027 HEATING & COOUNG SYSTEM - - 100 100 73031 WASTE RECYLER - 27,000 - 27,000 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 6,842 - - 6,842 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 237,300 700 3,500 241,500 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 216,500 255,000 3,500 475,000 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP 2,900 600 600 4,100 73047 Mt 1 ERS & SE I I INGS 45,500 - - 45,500 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 641,242 284,300 10,200 935,742 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 8,100 - - 8,100 74002 ELECTRIC SERVICE 615,800 - - 615,800 74005 NATURAL GAS 700 - - 700 74011 HIRE OF EQUIPMENT 8,300 200 - 8,500 74012 INSURANCE 64,091 15,999 7,717 87,807 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES 70,290 696,160 - 766,450 74022 AUDITS 27,500 - - 27,500 74027 COLLECTION AGENCY 4,000 - - 4,000 74036 ADVERTISING - 3,000 - 3,000 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 7,660 500 400 8,560 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 13,195 900 2,500 16,595 74051 RENTS 134,852 235,250 - 370,102 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES 1,295 300 - 1,595 74087 MISCELLANEOUS 2,000 - - 2,000 74091 SERVICES REIMBURSED - 2,750 - 2,750 TOTAL SERVICES 957,783 955,059 10,617 1,923,459 75088 BAD DEBT -CUTOFF ACCOUNTS 65,000 - - 65,000 TOTAL SUNDRY CHARGES 65,000 65,000 86 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROPRIETARY FUNDS SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATIONS ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION WATER SOLID TOTAL SEWER WASTE GARAGE PROPRIETARY FUND FUND FUND FUNDS TOTAL OPERATING FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY & TRANSFERS 82011 BUILDINGS TOTAL BUILDINGS 9,937,520 2,137,979 1,080,497 13,155,996 3,700 - - 3,700 3,700 - - 3,700 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 380 - - 380 84042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 23,200 17,000 - 40,200 84043 MOTOR VEHICLES 8,000 - 17,000 25,000 84045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIPMENT - - 700 700 84052 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 51,000 - - 51,000 84053 MAJOR TOOLS 4,500 - 7,200 11,700 TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 87,080 17,000 24,900 128,980 86011 CAPITAL LEASES 92,908 81,628 - 174,536 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 92,908 81,628 - 174,536 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 183,688 98,628 24,900 307,216 91101 GENERAL FUND 1,585,000 166,967 - 1,751,967 91502 WATER & SEWER DEBT SRVCE 1,526,983 - - 1,526,983 91503 SICK LEAVE WATER &SEWER 55,000 - - 55,000 91506 SICK LEAVE SOUD WASTE - 12,600 - 12,600 91551 SICK LEAVE GARAGE - - 1,000 1,000 TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 3,166,983 179,567 1,000 3,347,550 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 13,288,191 $ 2,416,174 $ 1,106,397 $ 16,810,762 87 • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • •Atlw • v el) h . • • • s 1: ri • • • • •st R 10111 N 11011 M O — — 1101 E MO M all N E M N CITY OF BAYTOWN GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED i NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PROPERTY TAXES 41101 CURRENT 41102 PRIOR YEAR 41103 PENALTY & INTEREST 41105 ATTORNEY FEES 41106 TAX CERTIFICATES SALES & USE TAXES 41201 SALES 41202 MIXED DRINK 41203 BINGO FRANCHISE TAX I 41301 H.L. & P. 41302 ENTEX 41303 GENERAL -TELEPHONE 41304 TCI CABLE 41305 STAR CABLEVISION 41311 BANK INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT TOTAL TAXES LICENSES & PERMITS $ 7,150,867 $ 7,479,592 $ 7,437,009 $ 7,392,588 140,681 140,500 142,000 159,935 82,266 102,000 68,000 82,000 26,395 32,000 18,000 20,000 1,154 750 1,200 1,000 7,401,363 7,754,842 7,666,209 7,655,523 5,344,417 5,285,630 5,133,700 5,222,100 36,766 36,312 38,500 38,500 19,088 27,540 6,000 6,000 5,400,271 5,349,482 5,178,200 5,266,600 2,564,248 1,952,336 2,294,257 2,074,530 201,713 208,553 204,323 208,409 268,364 199,072 185,452 200,050 78,921 105,000 105,600 111,500 - - 5,000 4,200 3,113,246 2,464,961 4,281,126 4,617,464 2,794,632 2,598,689 4,659,170 4,486,953 20,196,006 20,186,749 20,298,211 20,007,765 42001 BUILDING 57,873 45,000 43,100 47,500 42002 PLUMBING 18,835 17,000 17,900 19,000 42003 MECH & AIR COND 7,246 7,500 6,600 7,500 42004 HOUSEMOVING 1,400 250 900 600 42005 MULTI -FAMILY DWELLING 8,378 8,000 8,100 8,100 42006 ELECTRICAL 41,140 35,000 22,000 27,000 42007 DEMOUTION - 500 250 500 42008 MOBILE HOMES 730 300 700 700 42009 SIGN OPERATING 48,984 10,000 8,000 50,000 42021 HEALTH 28,172 38,500 28,700 29,000 42031 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE 15,878 16,300 15,800 16,300 42032 TAXI CAB 675 250 700 700 42091 MISCELLANEOUS 3,248 3,000 3,300 3,100 232,559 181,600 156,050 210,000 89 CITY OF BAYTOWN GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 INTERGOVERNMENTAL I 43301 HARRIS COUNTY CHARGES FOR SERVICES 44111 COURT COST 44112 RECOVERY OF DAMAGES 44113 SUBDIVISION FILLING 44114 VITAL STATISTICS 44115 ANIMALCONTROLFEES 44116 WEED MOWING 44118 EDUCATION & TRAINING 44121 AMBULANCE 44131 DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURES 44132 INTEREST ON DEMOLITION 44191 MISCELLANEOUS CULTURAL & RECREATIONAL 9,185 9,500 9,185 9,200 9,185 9,500 9,185 9,200 62,337 70,000 49,000 51,000 24,613 5,000 15,000 5,000 2,032 1,500 1,500 2,000 41,178 40,000 39,300 40,000 15,474 16,200 17,500 18,000 26,780 26,000 26,500 26,500 4,155 750 3,000 3,000 110,978 135,000 123,900 130,000 1,104 1,800 5,300 5,000 121 - 1,450 - 7,427 1,000 6,000 6,000 296,199 297,250 288,450 286,500 44201 FACILITIES RENTAL 31,784 30,000 32,300 32,500 44202 PARTICIPATION FEES 23,682 28,000 16,800 21,000 4203 SWIMMING POOLS 14,921 19,000 16,320 16,400 44204 VENDING MACHINES 936 65 950 950 44205 CONCESSION RENTALS 18,483 18,000 20,000 20,000 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES & FORFEITS 45001 MUNICIPAL COURT 45002 LIBRARY 45003 CHILD SAFETY MISCELLANEOUS 89,806 95,065 86,370 90,850 386,005 392,315 374,820 377,350 320,739 350,000 450,000 40,825 40,000 41,500 4,810 - - 535,000 41,500 366,374 390,000 491,500 576,500 49001 SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 34,297 32,500 32,500 32,500 49003 INTEREST ON INVESTMENT 239,734 300,000 275,000 287,500 49006 SALE OF SCRAP 957 600 600 600 49007 SALE - IMPOUNDED VEHICLES 4,852 4,000 4,000 4,000 49009 RENTAL OF LAND 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 49010 PHONE COMMISSIONS 172 - 200 200 49012 SERVICE CHARGE (CONTRA) (35,616) - - - 90 CITY OF BAYTOWN GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 49080 REFUNDS 49091 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUES TRANSFERS 61330 MISCELLANEOUS 61501 FROM WATER FUND 61505 FROM SOLID WASTE FUND TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 4,547 4,550 - - 55,152 42,003 30,000 30,000 305,695 385,253 343,900 356,400 21,495,824 21,545,417 21,673,666 21,537,215 74,062 63,000 - - 1,520,167 1,580,974 1,580,974 1,585,000 152,853 166,967 166,967 167,000 1,747,082 1,810,941 1,747,941 1,752,000 TOTAL REVENUES & TRANSFERS $ 23,242,906 $ 23,356,358 $ 23,421,607 $ 23,289,215 91 I OTHER THAN TAXES 14.1% CITY OF BAYTO W N GENERAL FUND REVENUES TAXES 85.9% SALES 8 USE 26.3% PROPERTY 38.3% FRANCHISE 13.0% ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 22.4% I 92 CITY OF BAYTOWN GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY CLASSIFICATION Personal Services Supplies Maintenance Services Sundry Capital Outlay Administrative Transfers Total Expenditures N C 0 2 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 $16,143,719 755,584 749,627 2,633,849 217,105 525,445 272,000 $17,135,070 939,896 1,225,866 3,012,026 182,406 1,301,685 309,409 $17,205,905 886,262 1,044,465 3,001,666 160,816 1,271,232 309,409 $17,729,044 948,970 1,139,475 2,760,954 179,950 364,963 309,409 $21, 297, 329 $24,106,358 $23,879,755 $23,432,765 ACTUAL 1992 BUDGET 1993 ESTIMATED 1993 ADOPTED 1994 93 CITY OF BAYTO W N PUBLIC SAFETY AS % OF TOTAL GENERAL FUND BUDGET 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 94 '89 '90 '91 '92 '93 ®Police DFire DOther Public Safety ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 '94 CITY OF BAYTOWN GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION AND DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 GENERAL GOVERNMENT il GENERAL OVERHEAD CITY MANAGER FINANCE TAX PURCHASING LEGAL CITY CLERK PLANNING MUNICIPAL COURT DATA PROCESSING HUMAN RESOURCES $ 1,678,346 $ 259,608 572,115 248,843 125,945 324,820 155,981 697,906 220,718 298,568 271,620 4,854,470 PUBLIC SAFETY POUCE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS* FIRE INSPECTION ANIMAL CONTROL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS STREETS & DRAINAGE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER HEALTH ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH MOSQUITO CONTROL Lk PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURE LIBRARY PARKS & RECREATION TOTAL 6,108,399 0 4,016,675 352,779 137,473 682,735 11,298,061 1,293,274 260,001 277,055 336,855 2,167,185 249,011 21,931 270,942 1,813,278 $ 234,585 524,406 228,490 162,443 328,028 161,584 904,346 239,081 525,581 376,928 5,498,750 6,642,367 608,679 4,143,012 371,033 166,255 638,897 12,570,243 1,804,193 407,367 265,399 348,722 2,825,681 267,369 25,844 293,213 1,068,093 1,155,915 1,638,578 1,762,556 2,706,671 2,918,471 $ 21,297,329 $ 24,106,358 $ 1,954,428 $ 1,767,132 215,463 234,632 506,932 502,463 217,651 236,250 162,033 165,858 304,502 332,340 141,331 164,595 884,241 903,288 238,308 261,810 493,279 342,968 363,201 384,438 5,481,369 5,295,774 6,735,314 607,015 4,123,041 369,579 164,613 652,032 12,651,594 1,568,160 358,948 254,076 355,235 2,536,419 269,619 22,909 292,528 1,155,104 1,762,741 2,917,845 23,879,755 $ *Prior to 1992-1993 budget year accounted for within EMS, Fire, and Police Departments. 6,568,921 736,861 4,026,461 381,716 149,062 582,728 12,445,749 1,575,617 341,461 260,251 357,830 2,535,159 272,608 25,489 298,097 1,147,823 1,710,163 2,857,986 23,432,765 95 • 4 • • • • • • Ple ■ • • • • its4 . • • • WI• • r r • �' + t •• e so Av IMP M MI r — all M — N N MN M M M N 111101 — — M CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY GENERAL OVERHEAD 1010 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Retired Employee Benefits are included in this budget. The General Administration division accounts for expenses that are not directly related to any department in the General Fund. City Hall is the initial contact Citizens have with the City either in person or by telephone. City Hall receptionist is included in this budget. Thus, this division serves as liaison between the Citizens and City departments. City Hall utilities, rental, equipment, etc. are included. Budget Control is assigned to the City Manager's office. City Hall Annex provides for upkeep and maintenance of 220 W. Defee. Budget Control is assigned to the Director of Emergency Management. MAJOR GOALS 1. To represent the community in a fair and equitable manner. 2. To provide City staff with adequate resources to accomplish their duties and responsibilities. 3. To provide an atmosphere conducive to economic growth. 4. To maintain an attractive community. 5. To maintain sound fiscal practices and policies. 6. To convey a concerned and understanding attitude through effective communications with citizens. By promoting a positive community image, we encourage positive citizen attitude toward city policies and procedures. MAJOR OBJECTIVES To responsibly address continual demand for City services and maintain service levels. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1993 1993 1994 BUDGET EST. BUDGET Number of Council Meetings 24 24 24 Number of Council Agenda Items 500 528 550 Number of Proclamations 300 300 300 97 I CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL OVERHEAD 1010 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME $ 14,124 $ 15,965 $ 16,273 $ 18,009 71003 ALL OTHER - PART TIME 3,568 7,000 6,250 7,000 71009 OVERTIME 1,670 4,400 3,000 4,000 71011 EXTRA HELP - CONTRACT 2,521 900 1,650 1,500 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 235,250 204,353 252,184 505,880 71022 RETIREMENT 2,172 2,134 2,243 2,835 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 1,369 1,846 1,795 2,220 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 652 571 577 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 261,326 237,169 283,972 541,444 72001 OFFICE 72002 POSTAGE 72004 PRINTING 72016 MOTOR VEHICLES 72026 CLEANING & JANITORIAL TOTAL SUPPLIES 73011 BUILDINGS 73027 HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT TOTAL MAINTENANCE 10,777 13,500 11,500 740 200 200 1,092 1,100 1,600 50 50 3,855 4,100 4,100 11,500 200 50 4,500 16,464 18,950 14,740 9,400 1,582 49 26,500 24,000 6,400 17,450 16,250 26,500 19,000 3,200 256 25,771 56,900 48,956 26,500 19,000 3,050 I 48,550 I 1 I I I I I I 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 56,317 42,000 42,000 40,000 74002 ELECTRIC SERVICE 69,183 65,970 74,120 75,400 74003 STREET LIGHTING 7,509 12,017 30,000 20,000 74005 NATURAL GAS 12,639 13,200 14,150 13,700 74012 INSURANCE 351,640 511,953 533,493 258,769 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES 10,433 60,000 60,000 60,000 74026 JANITORIAL SERVICES 15,490 18,200 17,200 16,250 74029 SERVICE AWARDS 24,006 18,000 18,000 18,000 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 9,189 24,625 24,625 10,100 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 148 4,700 4,700 3,800 74051 RENTS 260,680 266,350 260,150 263,160 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES 14,772 10,500 10,571 15,100 TOTAL SERVICES 832,006 1,047,515 1,089,009 794,279 I I I I I I I 98 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL OVERHEAD 1010 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 75001 CONTRIBUTION 75021 REFUNDS 75086 INTEREST EXPENSE -LATE PMT TOTAL SUNDRY CHARGES - 16,000 16,000 79,020 - 15,000 4,843 475 605 16,000 15,000 83,863 16,475 31,605 31,000 77001 TEXAS STATE GUARD - 1,200 1,200 1,200 77002 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 25,000 26,200 26,200 26,200 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 1,244,430 1,403,209 1,497,192 1,457,723 82011 BUILDINGS - 50,000 50,000 - TOTAL BUILDINGS - 50,000 50,000 - 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 4,142 660 6,136 TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 4,142 660 6,136 - 99001 MANAGERS CONTINGENCIES 177,774 50,000 91,691 - TOTAL CONTINGENCIES TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 91291 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 91450 SICK LEAVE GENERAL 91501 WATER & SEWER TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 177,774 50,000 181,916 100,660 42,000 69,864 210,000 210,000 - 29,545 91,691 - 147,827 - 69,864 210,000 29,545 69,864 210,000 29,545 252,000 309,409 309,409 309,409 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 1,678,346 $ 1,813,278 $ 1,954,428 $ 1,767,132 99 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY CITY MANAGER 10201 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The City Manager is the chief executive and administrative officer of the City and is responsible for general administration of the City's affairs and serves as liaison between the policymaking and administrative branches of the City government. The City Manager provides City Council with the information needed to conduct the affairs of the City and coordinates the implementation of their decisions. This division oversees the operations of all city departments, and reviews and updates management policies and regulations. MAJOR GOALS 1. Ensure the delivery of City services in an effective and efficient manner through responsible administration. 2. Ensure the response to citizen complaints and requests for action in a timely manner. 3. Assist in the development of neighborhood organizations and coordinate and implement neighborhood improvement projects and activities. 4. Conduct City Council meetings in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter and Ordinances. 5. Continue to provide quality information the citizens receive from local government by working with educational, business and neighborhood groups to communicate city events, public hearings and city staff initiatives. 6. Coordinate Council activities, negotiate contracts, and supervise the staff in such a way as to provide efficient and effective municipal services to the City of Bitten. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. To provide the Council with timely and sufficient information. 2. To maintain up-to-date policies and regulations. 3. To encourage an innovative approach to problems. 4. To supervise and coordinate the staff and review all departmental operations. 5. To maintain a long-range outlook and provide the Council with recommendations for the future. 6. To act as the City's ambassador in developing and maintaining relations with outside agencies. 100 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY CITY MANAGER 10201 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 71002 71009 71011 71021 71022 71023 71028 71041 SUPERVISORY ALL OTHER - FULL TIME OVERTIME EXTRA HELP - CONTRACT HEALTH INSURANCE RETIREMENT SOCIAL SECURITY WORKERS' COMPENSATION ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $ 163,812 $ 141,104 $ 141,506 $ 142,987 24,062 25,301 25,323 25,656 - 200 200 200 - 200 200 200 12,634 10,749 11,014 12,181 25,946 21,077 6,374 21,748 13,142 13,555 11,449 13,468 1,207 699 697 442 9,645 10,200 7,200 7,200 250,448 223,085 203,963 224,082 72001 OFFICE 1,355 2,000 2,000 2,000 72002 POSTAGE 566 500 500 500 72041 EDUCATIONAL - 250 250 250 TOTAL SUPPUES 1,921 2,750 2,750 2,750 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 549 500 500 500 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 549 500 500 500 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 840 1,000 1,000 1,000 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 3,255 3,500 3,500 2,800 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 336 1,250 1,250 1,000 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES 2,259 2,500 2,500 2,500 TOTAL SERVICES 6,690 8,250 8,250 7,300 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 259,608 234,585 215,463 234,632 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 259,608 $ 234,585 $ 215,463 $ 234,632 101 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY FINANCE 1030 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Finance Department is composed of the Divisions of Administration and Accounting. Finance has the responsibility of effectively administering the City's financial operations and fulfilling the duty to be publicly accountable in a democratic society. This includes establishing and improving accounting and financial reporting standards. All divisions providing Financial operation support are within the auspices of the Finance Department including Accounting, Purchasing, Utility Billing, Tax, Budgeting and Cash Management. Other responsibilities are: to assist City departments in delivering services to the community through effective financial management; to aid the City Manager and Council in the formulation and implementation of financial goals and objectives; and to develop and implement effective Internal Control systems for the City of Baytown. The Administration Division is the administrative arm of City financial operations. The Director of Finance is the chief fiscal officer of the City, with direct management responsibility over finance, accounting, tax, purchasing, cash and debt management, utility billing, meter reading, and budgeting. This division manages the annual audit, prepares the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), advises management on all aspects of financial operations, coordinates, compiles, and prepares the budget, and is responsible for long-range financial planning and debt management for the City. The Accounting Division collects, processes, records, summarizes and reports the results of all financial transactions that occur within City operations. Major responsibilities include general ledger maintenance, accounts payable, payroll, debt service management, fixed assets, budget maintenance, and capital projects. In addition, Accounting assists in the annual audit, and the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). MAJOR GOALS 1. Develop and retain a responsible and professional financial management team. 2. To assist City departments in delivering services to the community through effective financial management. 3. To aid the City Manager and Council in the formulation and implementation of the financial goals and objectives of the City of Baytown. 4. To provide support and analysis to the City Council, City Manager and various departments in order to deliver quality services to the community according to the directions of the City Council and within the resources available. 5. Foster a "customer -oriented" philosophy toward other internal departments of the City. 6. Manage the City's assets by the principle of maximizing available revenue, minimizing costs and protecting investment principal. 7. Provide quality budget development and analysis services to ensure financial accountability and responsible usage of City funds. 8. Produce financial information which is reliable and usable in managing the City's assets and planning for future financial growth. 9. Provide financial information to users in the form, frequency and timeliness needed for management decisions. 10. To process financial transactions in a timely and accurate manner. 11. To ensure the accurate processing and distribution of payroll checks and related reports. 12. To promote a better understanding of accounting policies and procedures among our internal and external customers. 102 FINANCE 1030 MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Provide training to staff 2. Administer a divisional strategic planning process. 3. Refine Budget preparation process. 4. Obtain Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting 5. Enhance earnings on the investment of City funds through active portfolio management. 6. Have budget documents printed within 60 days of adoption. 7. Obtain the G.F.O.A. Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. 8. Review Internal Controls in Tax and Utility Divisions. 9. Revise Investment Policy in accordance with Finance Committee objectives. 10. Develop, implement, and maintain a Fixed Assets Inventory System to help enhance accountability of assets. 11. Achieve efficiencies in accounting and reporting activities through greater use of information technology. 12. Process monthly reports by the 6th working day of the month. 13. Prepare an accurate, up-to-date Accounting and Procedures Manual. 14. Prepare and distribute a quarterly Budget Analysis Report. 15. Provide accurate financial information on a timely basis. 16. Cross -train staff. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1993 1994 EST. BUDGET Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 1 1 Departmental Management Information Report 0 1 Budget Instruction Manual 1 1 Budget Document Produced 1 1 Payroll Checks Processed 15,000 16,000 Personnel Data Changes Processed 10,000 10,500 Accounts Payable Checks Processed 13,203 15,000 Budget Adjustments Audited/Processed 1,000 1,000 General Accounting Transactions 15,000 15,000 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1993 1994 EST. BUDGET % of Departmental Strategic Planning Objectives completed within target date 85 95 CAFR complete by January 31 1 1 Budget Published by November 15 0 1 % Invoices processed/5 working days 85 95 % Budget Adjustments processed/5 working days 85 100 % Cash receipts processed/5 working days 75 100 % Monthly closings/6 working days 95 100 103 WAr <Sy° . • • • •• Ay. • • • • OA • • • • isiok • • • a .410( •• ,n • 1„,,peetk • • I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FINANCE 1030 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 ADOPTED 1993-94 71001 71002 71003 71009 71011 71021 71022 71023 71028 71041 72001 72002 72004 72041 72061 SUPERVISORY ALL OTHER - FULL TIME ALL OTHER - PART TIME OVERTIME EXTRA HELP - CONTRACT HEALTH INSURANCE RETIREMENT SOCIAL SECURITY WORKERS' COMPENSATION ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES OFFICE POSTAGE PRINTING EDUCATIONAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL SUPPLIES 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT TOTAL MAINTENANCE 74021 74022 74041 74042 74071 74087 SPECIAL SERVICES AUDITS TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES EDUCATION & TRAINING ASSOCIATION DUES MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL SERVICES 75086 INTEREST EXPENSE -LATE PMT 75087 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL SUNDRY CHARGES TOTAL OPERATING FUND 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 92,676 157,268 1,248 28,347 37,008 20,825 1,722 8,771 347,865 9,469 3,097 174 17 $ 129,239 171,790 8,032 5,000 60 29,439 39,705 25,176 1,360 14,280 424,081 7,630 3,155 70 40 $ 129,170 $ 132,753 163,471 171,747 12,432 - 4,000 5,000 60 - 34,990 38,592 38,550 39,865 23,586 24,381 906 810 9,180 11,580 416,345 424,728 6,000 7,500 4,455 4,375 - 2,000 70 - 40 - 12,757 10,895 308 850 90 10,565 850 90 13,875 4,300 308 32,970 165,194 2,364 2,061 1,612 2,696 206,896 716 112 940 69,750 3,515 7,705 1,695 2,900 85,565 940 59,800 4,210 8,235 1,000 2,900 76,145 12 4,300 46,000 3,455 5,540 2,065 57,060 828 568,655 521,481 3,460 2,925 12 504,007 2,925 499,963 2,500 3,460 3,460 2,925 2,925 2,925 2,925 2,500 2,500 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 572.115 $ 524.406 $ 506.932 $ 502,463 I 105 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY TAX 10401 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Tax Department prepares the property tax roll and the tax levy, prepares current and delinquent tax statements, and collects City property taxes. The department provides telephone, mail and counter service to the public and other departments with tax record information, makes tax roll supplements and corrections, issues tax certificates and assists the legal department with preparation of documents for law suits, interventions and other court appearances. MAJOR GOALS 1. Provide tax information to users quickly and accurately. 2. Maintain, protect and make tax records available to the public and other departments. 3. Process supplemental and correction tax rolls in a timely and accurate manner. 4. Promote staff's knowledge of the Texas Property Tax Code and revisions to serve others responsibly. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Mail tax statements by mid - October. 2. Tax officer to attend three State tax classes to increase knowledge of the Property Tax Code and continue attainment of designation as certified assessor/collector. 3. Tax clerk to attend two State tax classes to begin attainment of designation as certified collector. 4. Develop and implement a plan for an organized and efficient tax office. 5. Automate sending of tax statements on tape to mortgage companies and receiving payments on tape. 6. Randomly review properties on appraisal rolls for appropriateness. 7. Compare Sales Tax establishments to tax rolls. 8. Implement upgrade to tax bills for zip + 4 to save postage cost. 9. Review with HCAD breakdowns/categories needed for Industrial District reporting. 10. Review internal controls. (1) Develop cash coding sheets for audit trail. (2) Reconcile cash reports to system reports. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1992-93 1993-94 1. Real Estate Accounts 18,376 18,500 2. Business Accounts 2,379 2,500 3, Mobile Homes 940 950 4 Counter Assistance 8,250 8,300 5. Phone Assistance 6,500 6,500 6. HCAD Account Supplements/Corrections 2,638 2,650 7. Tax Account Searches 11,525 11,000 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1. Current Tax Collections 97.0% 97.0% 106 2. Delinquent Tax Collections 2.1% 2.1 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY TAX 10401 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTEC NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 SUPERVISORY $ - $ - $ 4,160 $ 16,641 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 57,512 59,743 56,832 38,056 71003 ALL OTHER - PART TIME - - - 3,500 71009 OVERTIME - 2,500 750 1,500 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 5,787 6,156 5,371 9,702 71022 RETIREMENT 7,910 7,885 7,375 7,238 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 4,442 4,769 4,313 4,567 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 372 262 235 326 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 76,023 81,315 79,035 81,530 72001 OFFICE 801 4,400 4,400 4,100 72002 POSTAGE 7,023 9,450 6,000 7,815 72021 MINOR TOOLS - 200 100 200 TOTAL SUPPLIES 7,824 14,050 10,500 12,115 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 349 600 600 600 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 349 600 600 600 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES 144,954 110,000 107,408 120,000 74023 INDUSTRIAL APPRAISAL 17,559 18,500 18,500 18,500 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 166 1,950 408 1,600 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 923 975 135 740 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES 145 200 165 265 TOTAL SERVICES 163,747 131,625 126,616 141,105 75081 CITIZENS COMMITTEE 900 900 900 900 TOTAL SUNDRY CHARGES 900 900 900 900 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 248,843 228,490 217,651 236,250 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 248,843 $ 228,490 $ 217,651 $ 236,250 107 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY PURCHASING 10501 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Purchasing Division is responsible for the procurement of goods and services for all City Departments. Purchasing prepares specifications for formal bids and annual contracts, obtains competitive bids, evaluates and makes recommendations on bids to the City Manager. Other responsibilities include purchasing, receiving, and inspecting the goods and services for all City Hall departments and other departments when requested. An Inventory store is maintained which includes ordering, receiving, inspecting and stocking all items. Purchasing is responsible for procurement of fleet and heavy equipment. A fleet inventory of equipment purchased and sold is maintained. The Purchasing Department administers the annual City auction, disposing of surplus property. MAJOR GOALS 1. Purchase quality goods and services for resources to user departments in an timely and cost effective manner. 2. Develop the Purchasing staff to be trained on the Purchasing data processing system and other programs available. 3. Communication with user departments for needs of goods and services. 4. Increase Supplier response for competitive bids. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Utilize commodity codes on Purchasing data processing system to accomplish the following: a. Obtain information for total dollars spent on a commodity for the fiscal year. b. Track sequential purchases for City Departments. c. Knowledge of Supplier response for all bids and contracts. 2. Review purchases for City Departments. a. Comply with the City Charter and state law in procurement activity. b. Educate the user departments on annual contracts. c. Monitor purchase requisitions for purchases bought off contract. 3. Update Purchasing Manual effective for all Departments by October 1, 1993. 4. Maintain the store inventory on the Purchasing data processing system. a. Enter all inventory on system and maintain records. b. Send reports to Finance and User Departments on a timely basis. 5. Utilize technology to the fullest, i.e., prepare bid tabulations on Lotus 1-2-3. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL SPENT BASELINE 1. Purchase orders processed 1,775 1,250 1,500 2. Purchase requisitions processed 8,000 12,000 14,000 3. RFP's and RFQ's 8 5 8 4. Annual contracts 64 72 77 5. Formal bids 120 200 200 6. Bid tabulations to City Council 115 195 195 7. Bid tabulations to Suppliers 720 1,200 1,200 8. Pre -bid conferences 10 12 15 108 PURCHASING 10501 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1. Average annual cost to tabulate Formal bids for City Council $ 100.00 x # formal bids = 2. Average annual cost to process purchase orders $3.55 x # of purchase orders = 3. Average cost to prepare and mail Formal bids, RFP's, RFQ's, and Annual Contracts $300.00 x # of bids = 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL SPENT BASELINE 12,000 6,301 36,000 20,000 20,000 4,437 5,325 60,000 60,000 109 M OWN <Se P • • • • • * . 0 •0 41 A,154• • I iiek • • • • ;CI • • • • celiA • • • �� • CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PURCHASING 10501 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 SUPERVISORY 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 71009 OVERTIME 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 71022 RETIREMENT 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 71041 ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $ 37,132 $ 39,498 $ 38,911 $ 39,848 41,153 63,427 63,110 63,722 414 1,500 1,500 1,500 13,333 17,376 17,895 19,835 10,824 13,263 13,323 13,340 6,367 8,364 7,980 8,281 526 399 425 271 4,680 4,680 4,680 4,680 114,429 148,507 147,825 151,477 72001 OFFICE 6,205 7,700 7,500 8,500 72002 POSTAGE 2,224 1,928 2,500 2,213 TOTAL SUPPLIES 8,429 9,628 10,000 10,713 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 468 650 650 550 73046 BOOKS 126 100 - 100 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 594 750 650 650 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 379 1,495 1,495 1,695 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 245 755 755 905 74051 RENTS 48 72 72 72 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES 422 336 336 346 TOTAL SERVICES 1,094 2,658 2,658 3,018 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 124,546 161,543 161,133 165,858 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 1,399 900 900 - TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 1,399 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 900 900 - 1,399 900 900 - TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 125,945 $ 162,443 $ 162,033 $ 165,858 111 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY LEGAL 1060 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Legal department provides quality legal services for the City of Baytown, including legal counsel, legal document negotiation, drafting and review, and legal representation in all litigation involving the City of Baytown. This department reviews state and federal statutes applicable to the City, keeps abreast of developments in civil and criminal law and regulations that might affect City operations, prepares all liens which various departments request for filing. It provides legal advice for the City Council, all department heads, the Baytown Area Water Authority and other City Boards and Commissions. This department conducts all prosecutions in the municipal court for violations of City ordinances and State laws classified as Class C misdemeanors, including traffic offenses, penal code violations, abatement of public nuisances, and assists municipal court clerks in complying with procedural requirements of criminal laws. It also reviews open record requests. This office assists the police department in following proper procedures required by the courts in all phases of the criminal justice system including teaching police academy classes. In addition, the department collects delinquent taxes and other accounts for the City and provides code interpretation and legal counsel for code enforcement activities. This department frames and reviews new code sections and assists in developing new code sections. It acts as a liaison with outside counsel and reviews their work. The Legal Department responds to a wide range of inquiries from individual and corporate citizens and civic associations. The Legal Department staff prepares all ordinances and resolutions for City Council meetings. The Legal Department strives to deliver the best possible legal services to the City of Baytown. MAJOR GOALS 1. Legal Counsel: Provide the best possible legal advice to City Council, the City Manager, department heads, staff, Baytown Area Water Authority and other City Boards and Commissions within the time available for response. 2. Legal Documents: Provide the best possible legal instruments for City projects within the time available for document drafting and review. 3. Legal Representation: Provide the most zealous, effective legal representation and code enforcement possible in cases where the City is a party, while meeting all court -imposed deadlines. 4. Keep current on all state, federal, civil and criminal regulations applicable to the City. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Legal Counsel: A. Ensure that all written opinions cite case or statutory authority. B. Ensure that all requests for written opinions are honored. C. Ensure that all opinions are placed in the City Attorney Opinion books. 2. Legal Documents: A. Track all requested legal documents with an automated project control system. B. Place all reusable legal documents into automated system forms. 3. Legal Representation: A. Ensure that court -imposed deadlines are met. B. Ensure that City witnesses are timely advised of trial settings. 4. Special Objectives: A. Bring the department into the computer age with online and CD Rom research. B. Develop a manual for in-house training of tax collection. 112 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY LEGAL 1060 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 SUPERVISORY 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 71009 OVERTIME 71011 EXTRA HELP - CONTRACT 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 71022 RETIREMENT 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 71041 ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $ 129,830 $ 139,698 $ 130,868 $ 134,039 35,503 35,092 37,729 41,629 625 1,200 1,920 1,800 3,359 3,000 5,500 5,500 14,282 14,218 14,289 19,404 25,801 22,207 20,750 22,626 14,662 14,256 12,392 13,976 1,201 727 664 456 7,970 8,760 8,760 8,760 233,233 239,158 232,872 248,190 72001 OFFICE 1,416 1,900 1,900 2,000 72002 POSTAGE 5,402 4,800 4,800 4,800 72091 SUPPUES REIMBURSED (2,240) - - - TOTAL SUPPUES 4,578 6,700 6,700 6,800 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 181 970 945 1,150 73046 BOOKS 16,148 11,600 11,600 13,100 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 16,329 12,570 12,545 14,250 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 547 800 800 1,000 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES - 150 150 - 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 2,022 4,000 4,000 3,200 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 1,683 1,750 1,750 1,400 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES 2,331 2,100 2,100 2,100 TOTAL SERVICES 6,583 8,800 8,800 7,700 75051 COURT COST TOTAL SUNDRY CHARGES TOTAL OPERATING FUND 60,474 60,800 43,035 51,000 60,474 60,800 43,035 51,000 321,197 328,028 303,952 327,940 84042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 3,623 - 550 4,400 TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 3,623 - 550 4,400 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,623 - 550 4,400 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 324,820 $ 328,028 $ 304,502 $ 332,340 113 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY CITY CLERK 11170 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Maintain records of Council, administer elections, support citizens and departments in search for information, issue various permits, serve as records manager in accordance with State law. MAJOR GOALS 1. Develop records retention schedule/inventory. 2. Plan and schedule May, 1994 Election of Mayor and 3 council members. 3. Prepare for submission. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Have retention schedule adopted by council and on file with State by 12/94. 2. Have schedule for election completed by January, 1994 and be prepared to notify Judges and order supplies by March, 1994. 3. Have documentation prepared to make submission by January, 1994. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. No. of agendas of City Council regular meetings, work sessions and special meetings 56 50 50 2. No. of original ordinances and resolutions indexed 300 320 330 3. No. of contracts and Change Orders filed 69 55 60 4. No. of bid openings attended 192 200 210 5. No. of researchings processed 150 156 160 6. No. of Boards and Commissions Roster updated 37 46 53 7. Permits issued 328 339 344 8. License/Title City Vehicles 44 59 74 114 I CITY CLERK 11170 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Research requests processed within same day - 90% 95% 95% within same week 95% 97% 97% 2. Minutes processed before next council meeting (Special Meeting) 92% 98% 98% BAWA 100% 100% 100% 3. Minutes/Ordinances indexed by next council meeting 80% 88% 93% 4. Notify Alcoholic Beverage Establishments of late payment within one month of failure to pay 85% 89% 91 % 115 M = - M N I OM = MN i = - = N MO = NM IIIM OWN leir a P • • 6 • • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY CITY CLERK 11170 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE ACTUAL BUDGET 1991-92 1992-93 ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1992-93 1993-94 71001 71002 71003 71009 71011 71021 71022 71023 71028 71041 SUPERVISORY ALL OTHER - FULL TIME ALL OTHER - PART TIME OVERTIME EXTRA HELP - CONTRACT HEALTH INSURANCE RETIREMENT SOCIAL SECURITY WORKERS' COMPENSATION ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 72001 OFFICE 72002 POSTAGE TOTAL SUPPLIES 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 73046 BOOKS TOTAL MAINTENANCE 74011 74021 74036 74041 74042 74051 74071 HIRE OF EQUIPMENT SPECIAL SERVICES ADVERTISING TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES EDUCATION & TRAINING RENTS ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL SERVICES 75051 COURT COST TOTAL SUNDRY CHARGES TOTAL OPERATING FUND TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 45,314 $ 47,487 $ 22,307 23,518 - 400 14 - 107 1,250 6,495 6,396 9,303 9,035 5,369 5,749 433 300 3,725 3,600 47,602 $ 48,108 23,463 23,854 350 462 3,049 1,250 6,537 7,222 9,281 9,329 5,667 5,816 298 205 3,600 3,600 93,067 14,779 735 15,514 2,146 4,481 6,627 2,638 21,290 12,388 568 548 1,683 325 97,735 11,842 1,100 12,942 2,380 3,835 6,215 4,472 18,720 13,000 1,275 600 5,000 325 99,847 99,846 5,604 1,000 6,604 2,400 3,500 5,900 2,439 7,915 13,011 1,270 625 1,820 400 12,484 1,050 13,534 1,200 3,800 5,000 10,284 13,880 13,511 1,580 560 4,500 400 39,440 1,333 43,392 1,300 27,480 44,715 1,500 1,500 1,333 155,981 1,300 161,584 1,500 1,500 141,331 164,595 $ 155,981 $ 161,584 $ 141,331 $ 164,595 I 117 um my En No um mu am gm am EN um am EN mu ion EN � CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY MUNICIPAL COURT 11100 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Manage the Municipal Court operations in both the judicial and administrative phases by processing all the legal documents in a timely and efficient manner and to provide the maximum service to the public. Keep abreast of all changes in the laws and maintain good relations with other City departments. MAJOR GOALS 1. Maintain a qualified staff to be customer informative and productive. 2. Maintain a productive relationship with other City departments. 3. Continue to serve the public in an efficient manner. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Increase the number of personnel required to accomplish the goals set forth. 2. Afford court personnel the opportunity to attend seminars specifically designed to educate and assist them in legal matters with which they are confronted in the performance of their daily duties. 3. Continue the cross training program. 4. Develop a more informative staff meeting program with the addition of video tapes. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1990-91 1991-92 1992-Apr.93 Tickets processed 9,095 8,297 6,398 Warrants issued 1,913 2,038 2,003 Warrants served 510 1,153 Revenue collected $380,349 $388,655 $351,736 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES Enter a traffic ticket into computer 6 min. Generate a complete complaint 15 min. Average customer phone call 5 min. Number of attachments to a complaint 11 min. Number of jurors summoned per month 420 Number of witnesses summoned per month 315 Number of Vital Statistics requested each month 236 Number of court reports prepared monthly 15 Number of daily reports prepared 7 PROGRAMS ADDED Vital Statistics Public Nuisance Hearings Extended Court Hours Juvenile Hearings 119 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY MUNICIPAL COURT 11100 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 SUPERVISORY 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 71003 ALL OTHER - PART TIME 71009 OVERTIME 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 71022 RETIREMENT 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 71041 ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 72001 OFFICE 72002 POSTAGE 72004 PRINTING TOTAL SUPPLIES 73011 BUILDINGS 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT TOTAL MAINTENANCE 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 74011 HIRE OF EQUIPMENT 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES 74024 MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 74051 RENTS 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL SERVICES $ 27,197 $ 28,850 $ 28,933 $ 29,263 80,691 85,705 88,965 92,449 4,047 9,900 4,900 18,000 818 1,000 1,000 1,000 19,152 21,231 19,291 21,235 14,952 14,623 15,435 15,805 10,685 11,540 11,495 13,201 897 623 624 1,096 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 160,539 175,572 2,983 2,264 1,253 4,000 3,500 1,600 172,743 194,149 4,000 4,000 3,568 3,500 1,371 1,000 6,500 9,100 8,939 8,500 714 700 700 1,000 524 600 600 500 5,897 - 1,100 1,100 7,135 1,300 2,400 2,600 511 1,200 1,089 1,400 2,686 3,500 2,835 3,500 3,456 5,500 5,500 5,500 29,726 27,000 28,996 28,996 1,495 1,875 1,909 1,920 685 638 638 550 2,061 4,200 4,200 4,000 165 250 250 300 40,785 44,163 45,417 46,166 75051 COURT COST 770 2,400 2,335 2,000 TOTAL SUNDRY CHARGES 770 2,400 2,335 2,000 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 215,729 232,535 231,834 253,415 120 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY MUNICIPAL COURT 11100 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 82011 BUILDINGS - 4,896 4,824 TOTAL BUILDINGS - 4,896 4,824 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 4,989 1,650 1,650 8,395 TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 4,989 1,650 1,650 8,395 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,989 6,546 6,474 8,395 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 220,718 $ 239,081 $ 238,308 $ 261,810 121 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY PLANNING 1080 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Manages the city's long-range economic and comprehensive planning and development functions. Specific functions of the department include providing staff support to various citizen commissions; developing the Goose Creek Greenbelt; managing the traffic control changes; coordinating city plans and projects with regional, state, and federal agencies; maintaining databases; grantsmanship; and operating the City's CDBG and Enterprise Zone programs. MAJOR GOALS 1. Increase the effectiveness of citizen advisory commissions. 2. Improve the traffic safety for Baytown area motorists. 3. Extend efforts to undertake and implement the ongoing community planning efforts. 4. Further efforts to improve the community's quality of life. 5. Help the Goose Creek Stream Committee towards successfully completing its objectives. 6. Support efforts by the Clean City Commission, Health Department, and other City and community agencies to eliminate illegal dumping and litter. 7. Expand/coordinate community resources for addressing issues and needs identified in the Comprehensive Youth Plan. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Initiate development and implementation of the Youth Commission programs. 2. Develop and implement a board training program. 3. Complete development of a proposed zoning ordinance with extensive citizen involvement. 4. Assist Community Development Division in completing updated Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS). 5. Increase grantsmanship efforts relative to implementation of Comprehensive Plan Action Strategy. 6. Expand efforts to implement the Enterprise Zone program and the Enterprise Zone planning recommendations. 7. Complete Goose Creek Greenbelt Phase One and hold Grand Opening and initiate work on Phase II. 8. Develop and implement 1994 Summer Youth Program. 9. Identify and obtain grant funds to implement new/expanded youth services and programs. 10. Obtain increased citizen and volunteer involvement in implementing Youth Commission activities. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1. Task Force/Commission Meetings: 2. Staff Hours Devoted to: a. Advisory Commission Meetings: b. Grant Applications/Projects: 3. Small Business RLF Program a. Number of Applications b. Number of Inquiries 1993 1994 ESTIMATED BASE LEVEL 100 200 750 1,250 2,040 5,020 15 30 200 500 122 PLANNING 1080 1993 1994 ESTIMATED BASE LEVEL 4. Grantsmanship a. Number of Applications 5 14 b. Contracts Administered 3 5 c. Staff Hours 250 500 d. Administration Hours 100 200 5. Zoning Ordinance Effort: a. Number of Meetings 6 30 b. Staff Hours 250 2,000 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1993 1994 ESTIMATED BASE LEVEL 1. Number of Traffic Control Changes Requested: 18 30 2. Number of Citizens Attending Mtgs.: 200 2,500 3. Pct. of Enterprise Zone marketing program implemented. 0 100 4. Number of alternative grant programs a. Identified 3 15 b. Applications submitted 2 14 5. Pct. of Goose Creek Greenbelt project completed (land acquired/ developed or preserved - total project) 10 30 123 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PLANNING 1080 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 SUPERVISORY 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 71003 ALL OTHER - PART TIME 71009 OVERTIME 71011 EXTRA HELP - CONTRACT 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 71022 RETIREMENT 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 71041 ALLOWANCES 71091 PERSONAL SRVCS REIMBURSED TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $ 38,386 $ 59,489 540 308 13,880 9,928 13,379 8,386 934 11,132 (1,370) I I I I 46,371 $ 47,107 $ 48,200 114,460 115,547 143,443 3,840 - 3,840 I 206 372 249 - 19,098 17,721 25,108 I 20,345 21,227 24,550 13,936 13,528 16,605 684 844 744 16,729 18,303 21,240 154,993 235,463 234,732 284,102 I 72001 OFFICE 2,164 72002 POSTAGE 2,753 72004 PRINTING 40 72021 MINOR TOOLS 23 72026 CLEANING & JANITORIAL 283 72041 EDUCATIONAL 153 72061 MISCELLANEOUS 894 7,175 6,685 8,000 3,400 3,300 10,950 I 4,780 3,942 8,000 600 600 650 500 170 200 I 2,100 2,000 1,500 2,900 2,900 2,900 TOTAL SUPPLIES 6,311 73011 BUILDINGS 73027 HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP 73091 MAINTENANCE REIMBURSED TOTAL MAINTENANCE 21,455 19,597 32,200 I 217 750 750 750 52 1,000 1,000 1,000 I 50 1,000 1,000 1,750 729 - - - (11,735) - - - I (10,687) 2,750 2,750 3,500 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 1,688 74002 ELECTRIC SERVICE 5,598 74003 STREET LIGHTING 512,042 74005 NATURAL GAS 717 74011 HIRE OF EQUIPMENT 150 74015 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE (3,182) 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES 3,564 74026 JANITORIAL SERVICES 1,911 74036 ADVERTISING 255 74041 TRAVEL& REIMBURSABLES 1,271 3,560 2,000 2,500 I 9,520 6,801 6,801 529,670 519,000 530,000 600 750 750 I 1,000 1,000 1,000 11,300 7,250 16,000 I 3,600 2,601 3,000 600 1,500 1,000 15,552 13,331 9,400 I 124 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PLANNING 1080 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES 74087 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL SERVICES 75086 INTEREST EXPENSE -LATE PMT TOTAL SUNDRY CHARGES TOTAL OPERATING FUND 82011 BUILDINGS TOTAL BUILDINGS 1,406 333 5,836 1,940 50,000 6,505 2,057 50,000 7,105 2,930 525,753 633,178 612,795 580,486 15 15 676,385 892,846 869,874 900,288 1,521 1,521 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP - 11,500 14,367 2,000 84061 MISCELLANEOUS - - - 1,000 TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT - 11,500 14,367 3,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,521 11,500 14,367 3,000 91551 SICK LEAVE GARAGE 20,000 TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 20,000 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 697,906 $ 904,346 $ 884,241 $ 903,288 125 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY STERLING MUNICIPAL LIBRARY 1091 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The mission of this department is to provide a program of public library service which makes available to the citizens resources for: Life-long learning Open access to information A rich and satisfying leisure life MAJOR GOALS 1 . Improve the popular materials library. 2. Use a skilled staff and adequate reference resources, to provide timely, accurate, and useful information for community residents. 3. Employ services for children and for parents and children together to encourage young people to develop an interest in reading and learning. 4. Support an independent learning center for all ages and accomplishments. This will permit the pursuit of a sustained program of learning which begins with the illiterate and continues through advanced academic levels. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Assure the availability of currently popular fiction and non-fiction by temporarily leasing a minimum of 100 titles per month in response to the interests of the public. This will include titles in large print format. 2. Through the recommendations found in book and audio-visual reviews in professional journals, maintain a library collection of high caliber to meet the needs and interests of Baytown's reading public. (8,000 titles/year) 3. Take advantage of opportunities for staff development. This will include Houston Area Library System seminars, Texas Library Association conferences and seminars, Texas State Library seminars, the annual conference of the American Library Association, and the Ohio bookmobile conference. 4. Maintain an up-to-date as well as a retrospective collection of pamphlets, clippings, periodicals, and reference books which will (when used by a skilled professional staff) provide the information needed by citizens in a democratic society in today's world. (34,000 questions/year) 5. Develop a collection of the finest in children's literature and the very best in young people's audio-visual materials. (1,000 titles/addition year) 6. Bring before Baytown's boys and girls programs and events which pique their interest in books and learning. (300 programs/year) 7. Carry out an exciting and attractive summer reading program. (to attract 1,200 members) 8. Continue to develop a balanced collection of books, periodicals, pamphlets, and audiovisual material which will undergird life-long learning for any individual of any age. Link this collection to pre-schools, children of school age, illiterate adults, and academically advanced adults through a well educated professional staff as well as a highly skilled clerical staff. 9. Reach out to the economically, educationally, and culturally deprived citizens of our community with mobile library service which is brought to their senior center, nursing home, or neighborhood. 126 STERLING MUNICIPAL LIBRARY 1091 10. Open up the world of reading and learning to the functionally illiterate through an innovative, well structured, and disciplined literacy program. (serve 90-100 adults/year) 11. Maintain a library physical plant which is adequate in space, well lighted, and clean. 12. Keep the public well informed on the resources which are available to them through the public library, its collection, staff, and programs. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE Circulation Books 711,894 710,690 710,000 Audiovisual, periodicals, etc. 69,588 72,300 75,000 Equipment 5,474 5,010 4,900 Patrons served 226,121 242,000 250,000 Reference questions 27,050 37,000 38,000 Registered borrowers 62,643 67,500 71,000 Total items in database since 12/79 183,142 188,000 193,000 Books added 7,920 9,000 9,000 Books withdrawn 4,994 4,000 4,100 Extension circulation 149,403 130,000 135,000 Literacy instructional hours 6,390.75 7,000 7,000 Promotional items created and printed 231,473 260,500 239,000 Staff development: seminars, conferences, meetings 32 35 44 Circulation transactions/minute (check-out, check -in, shelve) 13.16 13.17 13.21 Overdue transactions/week (generate card and letters and search shelves) 4 notices in 1992, 3 in 1993 forward 605.35 484.32 492.17 Reference questions asked/day 90.77 100.67 127.52 Patrons registered/year 4,967 5,500 6,000 Technical service transactions/year 205,894 218,968 218,968 Book examination for reference and readers' service 71,280 72,000 72,000 Serial titles ordered/year 292 292 292 Serials processed/month 674 674 674 Automation hours logged/month 85.30 111 120 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES Circulation transaction/worker hour 86.5 86.6 86.8 Reference and readers advisory transactions/worker year 6,365 8,706 8,941 Public information pieces produced/ worker year 185,178 208,400 191,200 Technical service transactions/worker hour 14.7 15.6 15.6 127 I CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY STERLING MUNICIPAL LIBRARY 1091 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE ACTUAL BUDGET 1991-92 1992-93 ESTIMATED 1992-93 ADOPTED 1993 - 94 71001 71002 71003 71021 71022 71023 71028 71041 72001 72002 72016 72021 72026 72032 72041 72046 72061 SUPERVISORY ALL OTHER - FULL TIME ALL OTHER - PART TIME HEALTH INSURANCE RETIREMENT SOCIAL SECURITY WORKERS' COMPENSATION ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES OFFICE POSTAGE MOTOR VEHICLES MINOR TOOLS CLEANING & JANITORIAL MEDICAL EDUCATIONAL BOTANICAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL SUPPLIES 73001 LAND 73011 BUILDINGS 73027 HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP 73046 BOOKS TOTAL MAINTENANCE 74001 74002 74005 74021 74029 74041 COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRIC SERVICE NATURAL GAS SPECIAL SERVICES SERVICE AWARDS TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES $ 117,474 $ 372,733 151,276 53,370 67,423 48,966 6,841 4,080 126,629 $ 403,946 159,735 52,143 67,117 53,702 4,858 5,580 124,045 404,555 146,302 58,590 68,760 53,735 4,813 5,580 $ 126,968 419,717 155,722 71,357 70,413 54,151 2,962 5,580 822,163 4,151 7,000 1,675 3,661 1,999 50 3,537 75 24,526 873,710 4,200 7,500 1,500 3,000 2,000 50 3,400 50 38,380 866,380 4,100 7,000 1,800 2,900 1,990 50 3,900 48 36,948 906,870 4,200 7,500 1,800 3,000 2,000 50 3,900 50 27,341 46,674 395 12,795 3,563 7,444 2,027 4,828 69 18,419 60,080 200 8,000 8,000 5,900 2,500 3,000 100 17,000 58,736 100 7,500 7,000 4,000 1,800 2,000 100 17,000 49,841 100 5,000 7,000 5,000 2,000 3,000 100 17,000 49,540 8,268 40,613 3,498 3,196 539 44,700 6,000 42,940 3,000 3,000 50 941 39,500 5,600 40,638 3,190 4,090 48 940 39,200 5,800 42,000 3,200 4,090 50 1,220 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 128 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY STERLING MUNICIPAL LIBRARY 1091 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 2,420 3,200 3,200 2,640 74051 RENTS 19,911 20,500 20,500 20,918 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES 735 794 794 794 74087 MISCELLANEOUS 11,217 11,000 10,988 11,000 TOTAL SERVICES 90,397 91,425 89,988 91,712 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 1,008,774 1,069,915 1,054,604 1,087,623 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 2,398 24,200 23,853 - 84042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT - 1,600 1,947 - 84046 BOOKS 54,665 56,000 56,000 56,000 84061 MISCELLANEOUS 2,256 4,200 4,200 4,200 TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 59,319 86,000 86,000 60,200 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 59,319 86,000 86,000 60,200 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 1,068,093 $ 1,155,915 $ 1,140,604 $ 1,147,823 129 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY DATA PROCESSING 10202 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Data Processing Department is responsible for providing software and hardware support to various departments of the City. The Data Processing Department performs requirement analysis and provides other departments with computer related solutions. The department is functioning as an advisor in problem determination, analysis, design and implementation of automated administrative computer application. The Data Processing Department also conducts training to end users and handles numerous trouble shooting calls within the organization. MAJOR GOALS 1. Maintain a positive working relation with all City departments and close working relation with end users 2. Provide hardware and software expertise to all departments of the City and help them in acquiring latest state of the art equipment. 3. Evaluate and scrutinize all new computer related purchases. 4. Installation, verification, and configuration of all new computers with customization as needed. 5. Maintenance of all existing software and development of procedures for data integrity and backup. 6. Manage system security in multi-user environment and closely monitor user's activities. 7. Provide complete office automated solution for the City. 8. Provide paperless and wireless environment for the City. 9. Provide various cost effective solutions for software and hardware within our existing resources. 10. Develop standards, procedures and policies for productive operation of the Department. 1 1 . Train all employees of the Data Processing Department in all phases of operation, i.e. trouble shooting, support, hardware, software, LAN, end users training and duties of system administrator. 12. Establish user group within the organization. 13. Establish help desk for end users computer support. 14. Establish local area network environment for the entire City and link all departments on LAN. 15. Provide imaging solution to the City for all departments. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Install, implement and train end users on using report writer software. 2. Develop procedure and standards manual for the department. 3. Develop plans and procedure for establishing help desk concept. 4. Train all Data Processing Staff in programming and system administrative duties. 130 DATA PROCESSING 10202 WORKLOAD MEASURES In 1992, Data Processing Department handled approximately 15 to 20 service calls per day. Most of the calls were related to trouble shooting of terminals, printers, application software usage and personal computers training. As the City is acquiring new equipment and software for different departments through Data Processing, the workload of the department in the area of hardware and software support has increased accordingly. Data Processing Department is spending 70 percent of their time in this area. It is expected that the same trend will continue through the rest of 1993. In the year of 1994, the number of service calls will be at least 30-40 calls per day. Training classes will be conducted on regular basis and that will help in reducing the calls for application support. 131 Pi: • • • - - - -_ , • CI T k Afil. • • • . +. • • • Alliii• . • ■ •• • • • • • • • • T . • • • • • S. • • , • ♦"ArlA • • 0 a • • • 064$0> • - I- 1 111 I- 11111 N 11-- ■111 - 1 MB r- 11 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY DATA PROCESSING 10202 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 SUPERVISORY 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 71011 EXTRA HELP - CONTRACT 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 71022 RETIREMENT 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 71041 ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $ 43,538 $ 45,888 $ 45,955 $ 46,532 54,617 81,417 65,737 89,394 10,205 10,000 10,000 10,000 8,543 14,279 14,638 19,835 13,500 16,021 16,327 17,507 7,822 9,688 10,040 11,179 628 522 455 355 6,600 10,200 7,425 10,200 145,453 188,015 170,577 205,002 72001 OFFICE 16,887 17,000 16,000 15,000 72002 POSTAGE 1 - 400 500 72021 MINOR TOOLS - 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTAL SUPPLIES 16,888 18,000 17,400 16,500 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 9,770 61,382 51,400 56,259 73061 MISCELLANEOUS 3,320 2,500 2,500 - 73091 MAINTENANCE REIMBURSED - 14,069 9,738 17,692 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 13,090 77,951 63,638 73,951 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 3,589 6,200 7,000 9,359 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 7,676 17,275 16,452 17,940 74051 RENTS 67 72 144 216 TOTAL SERVICES 11,332 23,547 23,596 27,515 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 186,763 307,513 275,211 322,968 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 111,805 89,818 89,818 - 84042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT - 128,250 128,250 4,250 TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 111,805 218,068 218,068 4,250 86011 CAPITAL LEASE PURCHASES - - - 15,750 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS - - - 15,750 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 111,805 218,068 218,068 20,000 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 298,568 $ 525,581 $ 493,279 $ 342,968 133 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY HUMAN RESOURCES 1141 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Department of Human Resources is a full service personnel department supporting a comprehensive range of personnel needs, many of which are driven by evolving state and federal legislative statues. The department performs various basic Human Resources functions by taking the following actions: developing and interpreting policy; acting as internal consultants to all departments on personnel related issues; maintaining employment practices consistent with applicable legislation; resolving employee concerns, grievances, and appeals; administering and resolving worker's compensation and unemployment issues, claims, and hearings; providing training and development of employees to enhance skills; maintaining equitable and competitive compensation practices; and managing of an insurance program involving worker's compensation, employee benefits, liabilities, and property coverage. MAJOR GOALS 1. Provide advice and guidance to the City Manager, Directors, and Supervisors regarding the implementation of fair policies and procedures that benefit all of the employees of the City. 2. Provide fair, effective, and timely recruitment, advertising, screening, and referral of qualified applicants for job vacancies. 3. Administer performance based compensation system to ensure internal and external equity; develop and maintain job descriptions and physical specific descriptions for all positions. 4. Manage an insurance program of Workers Compensation, Employee Benefits, Liability Coverages and property coverages. 5. Develop and maintain an Affirmative Action Plan in order to assist the City in providing Equal Employment Opportunity for all qualified individuals and to comply with mandate from EDA to continue receiving Federal Grant money. 6. Provide management and employees with programs that recognize contributions to the organization and ensure positive employee relations. 7. Develop and provide management and employees with programs and activities to build and enhance knowledge, skills, and abilities. 8. Provide staff and advisory support to the Civil Service commission to ensure compliance with state law in all aspects of the employment relationship with Police Officers and Fire Fighters. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Provide timely referral of a diversified, qualified applicant pool to department hiring officials for interview and hiring consideration to open positions, in support of the commitments to the Affirmative Action and ADA programs. 2. Conduct statistical analysis on the current position descriptions and compensation program to ensure equity and reduce the total number of different but related position titles. 3. Provide management and employees with training opportunities to increase skills and abilities for improved job performance and career advancement to include training on the following topics: Supervisory Roles, Cultural Diversity, Equal Employment Opportunity, ADA, Sexual Harassment. 4. Revise current insurance programs to further our commitment to a proactive Risk Management program and a financially sound insurance and benefits program. 134 HUMAN RESOURCES 1141 WORKLOAD MEASURES 10/92-03/93 1993 1993-94 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED 1. Total Recruitment Sources Identified 38 50 60 2. Positions Posted 60 100 110 3. Applications/Resumes Processed 1,948 4,000 4,500 4. Interviews Prepared 14 25 20 5. Payroll Status Changes Processed 360 600 725 6. Jobs Evaluated thru committee 5 14 25 7. Training Hours Completed 65 110 200 8. Supervisory Consultations 72 140 200 9. Employee Consultations 55 70 125 10. Civil Service Applicants Processed 350 700 500 11. Civil Service Applicants Tested 259 300 200 12. Worker's Comp cases processed 36 70 65 13. Liability Claims processed 49 85 80 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 10/92-03/93 1993 1993-94 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED 1. Total Pos. Filled/Hires/Prom/Trans 89 110 130 2. Typing/related tests conducted 25 40 50 3. Drug Screens/Physicals monitored 121 180 240 4. % filled with Min/Fem Full/Part Time 36%/42% 30%/38% 40%/40% 5. # of Employees attending orientation 40 60 50 6. Turnover rate 3.8% 7.8% 7.8% 7. Safety/Attendance/Cert. Awarded 84 84 200 8. EAP referrals 6 12 15 9. Job Descriptions Developed/Revised 61 20 80 10. ADA Workability Descriptions 52 64 10 11. Number of individuals rec'd training 218 100 400 12. Responded to benefits inquiries 22 34 60 13. Defensive Driving Attendance 40 60 100 135 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY HUMAN RESOURCES 1141 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 71002 71003 71009 71011 71021 71022 71023 71028 71041 SUPERVISORY ALL OTHER - FULL TIME ALL OTHER - PART TIME OVERTI M E EXTRA HELP - CONTRACT HEALTH INSURANCE RETIREMENT SOCIAL SECURITY WORKERS' COMPENSATION ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $ 99,619 $ 146,917 $ 146,917 22,837 23,685 23,685 4,160 4,160 380 2,005 2,002 9,560 5,000 5,000 8,438 15,978 15,978 16,779 22,000 22,000 10,392 13,751 13,751 828 725 757 7,232 11,309 11,309 176,065 245,530 245,559 $ 160,131 , 24,417 4,160 ' 5,000 14,445 23,770 15,737 519 12,000 260,179 72001 OFFICE 5,211 6,000 6,000 6,000 72002 POSTAGE 1,985 3,000 2,835 3,000 72041 EDUCATIONAL 24,472 20,760 16,231 20,760 72061 MISCELLANEOUS 18 976 976 590 TOTAL SUPPLIES 31,686 30,736 26,042 30,350 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP - 6 8 - I 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 595 70 601 1,000 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 595 78 609 1,000 I 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES 74036 ADVERTISING 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 74051 RENTS 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL SERVICES 75061 MEDICAL - PREEMPLOYMENT 75062 MEDICAL - PROMOTIONS 75063 MEDICAL - WORKERS' COMP 75064 MEDICAL - MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL SUNDRY CHARGES TOTAL OPERATING FUND 22 47 47 17,097 19,613 19,613 22,500 9,288 15,000 15,000 15,000 1,798 7,350 7,326 6,365 3,628 5,530 5,530 4,844 52 230 230 264 992 2,445 2,445 1,936 32,877 50,215 10,000 5,500 2,000 7,000 10,000 2,500 2,000 27,569 50,191 50,909 9,000 1,000 2,000 20,500 10,000 2,000 2,000 28,000 24,500 42,069 265,723 368,628 32,500 42,000 354,901 384,438 136 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY HUMAN RESOURCES 1141 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTEDI NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 5,897 8,300 8,300 TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 5,897 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,300 5,897 8,300 8,300 8,300 - TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 271,620 $ 376,928 $ 363,201 $ 384,438 137 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY POLICE 2000 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Police Department is composed of five Bureaus: Operations, Support Services, Administrative Services, Community Services and the Harris County Organized Crime/Narcotics Task Force. The Police function in Baytown is carried out by 1 1 1 sworn personnel, 30 non -sworn personnel and 8 part- time Community Service Officers. Employees are housed at three (3) locations: the main police station, the Ron McLemore Substation and the Crime Prevention Center. The Operations Bureau is tasked with providing a safe environment for the citizens of Baytown through the Patrol and the Detective Divisions. The Support Services Bureau (which include the Records Division, Jail, Property Room, Garage, Radio Shop and Building Maintenance) houses the support functions for the Police Department. The Administrative Services Bureau through Planning and Research, Public Relations, Training and Internal Affairs is responsible for organizing and directing the activities of the Police Department and ensuring that the citizens of Baytown receive effective law enforcement. The Community Services Bureau is responsible for any information requested by the Public from the Police Department through crime prevention techniques, education /safety programs and anti -drug programs. The Community Services Bureau is also responsible for the activities of the Animal Control Officers to ensure the safety and health of the general public through animal control. MAJOR GOALS 1. To initiate effective enforcement by actively identifying, reducing and eliminating those criminal behaviors which challenge the safety of our community. 2. To enhance public relations by improving the delivery of Police Services to the Public. 3. To reduce crime through community involvement, solicitation of information and ideas from the public and involvement of the police in the Community. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Show a significant decrease in the violent crime offenses and have an overall crime reduction of 10°/a. 2. Reduce gang related crime through active enforcement of city ordinances and state laws. 3. Eliminate the backlog of reports, reduce the incidents of maintenance returns on vehicles to zero, organize the Property Room to more effectively use the limited space and improve facility conditions of the Baytown Jail. 4. Have the Police Academy become self-sustaining. Complete and publish the Department's Policy Manual to be distributed to employees, develop and organize a reserve officers program for the Department. 5. Computerize the Bicycle Registration Program, expand the B.A.A.T. program, increase the presence of Officers at the schools and improve the quality and quantity of calls to Crime Stoppers with increased publicity. 6. Computerize all Animal Control records, increase the number of animal adoptions and develop a Citizen's Volunteer Program at the Animal Control Facility. 138 POLICE 2000 WORKLOAD MEASURES OPERATIONS It is estimated that Operations will work over 51,000 complaints, including over 400 violent crimes and issue over 14,000 citations. SUPPORT SERVICES During the first six months, Records processed an average of 135 calls per day, Garage and Radio Shops repaired an average of five vehicles and four radios per day and the Jail housed an average of 12 prisoners per day. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES There will be an estimated 18,000 + Training hours conducted, an estimated 50 Internal Affairs complaints handled, an estimated 1,374 Purchase Requests written and an estimated 500 persons contacted pertaining to News Media and Public Relations. COMMUNITY SERVICES It is estimated that CSB Officers will complete over 300 assignments, contact over 43,000 persons, take 150 Crime Stoppers tips, register 1,000 vehicles in the B.A.A.T. Anti -Vehicle Theft Registration Program, and present DARE curriculum to 1,300 Fifth Graders and will conduct Assembly lessons to over 5,000 students. 139 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY POLICE 2000 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 SUPERVISORY $ 460,167 $ 504,687 $ 527,699 $ 537,166 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 3,228,662 3,343,021 3,377,489 3,409,466 71003 ALL OTHER - PART TIME 11,302 29,974 31,500 56,920 71009 OVERTIME 256,011 209,800 309,044 206,993 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 419,638 448,229 416,094 498,659 71022 RETIREMENT 553,062 513,589 531,756 534,988 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 302,259 315,342 312,609 323,964 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 336,047 234,410 230,695 147,761 71041 ALLOWANCES 5,380 25,838 26,438 25,980 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 5,572,528 5,624,890 5,763,325 5,741,897 72001 OFFICE 72002 POSTAGE 72004 PRINTING 72005 ANIMAL FEED 72006 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 72007 WEARING APPAREL 72016 MOTOR VEHICLES 72021 MINOR TOOLS 72026 CLEANING & JANITORIAL 72032 MEDICAL 72036 IDENTIFICATION 72041 EDUCATIONAL 72061 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL SUPPLIES 73011 BUILDINGS 73025 STREET, SIDEWALK & CURB 73027 HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP 73046 BOOKS 73091 MAINTENANCE REIMBURSED TOTAL MAINTENANCE 18,469 19,379 22,000 20,342 4,467 7,090 8,140 7,000 8,375 10,500 9,000 9,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 14,618 19,800 21,800 18,800 41,829 37,798 35,289 35,955 116,983 143,500 98,000 118,000 2,976 6,571 6,570 2,414 5,895 6,450 6,200 5,250 94 4,150 3,650 750 16,396 17,914 20,212 21,092 1,911 31,262 31,261 31,696 12,051 10,749 10,920 12,293 244,064 316,163 274,042 284,092 15,490 17,735 16,765 18,500 - 600 600 1,700 23,157 16,000 18,664 13,500 19,480 18,903 18,903 2,886 9,487 9,521 8,250 6,063 129 107,150 107,150 101,150 83 24,000 26,069 31,214 2,723 2,241 2,496 2,460 - - - 3,146 70,549 196,150 198,897 180,619 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 49,180 48,428 53,050 27,658 74002 ELECTRIC SERVICE 45,764 59,310 58,510 67,000 140 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY POLICE 2000 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 74005 74011 I 74021 74026 74031 I 74036 74041 74042 I 74047 74051 74071 I 74082 74087 I 75061 75064 I 75086 82011 84041 I 84042 84043 84045 I 84053 84061 I 86011 NATURAL GAS HIRE OF EQUIPMENT SPECIAL SERVICES JANITORIAL SERVICES WRECKER SERVICE ADVERTISING TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES EDUCATION & TRAINING SUPPORT OF PRISONERS RENTS ASSOCIATION DUES CONFIDENTIAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL SERVICES 1,498 1,650 1,500 1,600 3,516 5,480 5,069 5,904 43,743 61,550 62,124 82,197 11,046 22,000 18,000 25,400 8,895 6,600 6,986 6,000 895 2,050 1,920 1,500 11,611 13,420 13,440 15,014 13,999 16,775 16,775 15,890 19 20,000 21,812 20,000 16,541 25,006 20,143 20,624 1,892 1,725 2,045 1,337 2,000 14,000 14,000 12,000 - - - 700 210,599 297,994 295,374 302,824 MEDICAL - PREEMPLOYMENT 195 2,600 1,300 1,365 MEDICAL - MISCELLANEOUS 8,746 14,700 9,200 14,700 INTEREST EXPENSE -LATE PMT - - - 2,800 TOTAL SUNDRY CHARGES 8,941 17,300 10,500 18,865 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 6,106,681 6,452,497 6,542,138 6,528,296 BUILDINGS - 8,585 8,100 - TOTAL BUILDINGS - 8,585 8,100 - OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP - 23,610 27,500 - MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT - 15,500 15,400 6,325 MOTOR VEHICLES - 109,500 109,500 - RADIO & TESTING EQUIPMENT - 20,000 20,000 - MAJOR TOOLS - 5,900 5,900 - MISCELLANEOUS 1,718 6,775 6,775 3,500 TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 1,718 181,285 185,075 9,825 CAPITAL LEASE PURCHASES - - - 30,800 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS - - - 30,800 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,718 189,870 193,175 40,625 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 6,108,399 $ 6,642,367 $ 6,735,313 $ 6,568,921 141 • CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY ANIMAL CONTROL 20085 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION It is the responsibility of the Animal Control Division to enforce the Baytown Animal Control Ordinance and Texas state laws as they pertain to animals. This enforcement ranges from "animals running at large" to incidents where individuals have been bitten by animals. The unit responds to after-hours calls of injured animals, bite cases, and other related emergencies involving animals. The Animal Control Division is responsible for the transportation of deceased animals to the city dump several times per month. This unit operates and maintains the Animal Control Facility and is responsible for the care and feeding of all animals at the facility. MAJOR GOALS 1. Obtain computers and software for the efficient management of records in this unit. 2. Start construction of the new Animal Control Shelter. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Computerization of all Animal Control records. 2. Increase the number of animals adoptions through innovative programs and interaction with the citizens. 3. Development of a Citizen's Volunteer Program for assistance at the Animal Control Facility. WORKLOAD MEASURES During the year of 1992, this unit responded to a total of 4,555 calls. The unit handled 3,853 dogs and cats, 105 other wild animals, 201 bite incidents, 302 animal adoptions, euthanization of 2,469 animals and the release of 533 animals to Galveston. An average of 4,571 animals were handled over the last 11 years. We expect an increase in the number of animals to be handled in 1994. 142 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ANIMAL CONTROL 20085 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 71009 OVERTIME 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 71022 RETIREMENT 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $ 79,480 $ 84,321 $ 84,565 $ 85,209 4,989 4,400 4,952 4,400 14,615 15,120 15,463 17,139 11,618 11,245 11,371 10,975 6,212 6,800 6,536 6,518 3,581 2,454 2,401 1,464 120,495 124,340 125, 268 125,706 72001 OFFICE 95 350 300 350 72002 POSTAGE - 50 50 75 72005 ANIMAL FEED 1,456 1,200 1,200 2,510 72007 WEARING APPAREL 808 1,800 1,000 1,420 72016 MOTOR VEHICLES - 5,000 4,000 4,000 72021 MINOR TOOLS 534 700 1,168 797 72026 CLEANING & JANITORIAL 961 1,010 1,010 548 72031 CHEMICAL 1,969 1,350 2,642 3,091 72032 MEDICAL 574 800 400 800 72061 MISCELLANEOUS 706 50 400 - TOTAL SUPPLIES 7,103 12,310 12,170 13,591 73011 BUILDINGS 2,007 1,500 1,500 1,650 73027 HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM 196 200 200 300 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP - 75 75 75 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 1,530 3,500 3,500 3,500 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP 23 200 400 900 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 3,756 5,475 5,675 6,425 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 440 900 750 400 74005 NATURAL GAS 1,269 1,800 1,800 2,000 74011 HIRE OF EQUIPMENT - 280 280 210 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 355 300 300 300 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 60 350 350 350 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES - - - 80 TOTAL SERVICES 2,124 3,630 3,480 3,340 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 133,478 145,755 146,613 149,062 84043 MOTOR VEHICLES - 16,500 14,000 - 84061 MISCELLANEOUS 3,995 4,000 4,000 TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 3,995 20,500 18,000 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,995 20,500 18,000 - TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 137.473 $ 166,255 $ 164.613 $ 149.062 143 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES 2020 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The mission of Baytown Fire and Rescue Services is to provide a range of high quality programs and services designed to protect the lives, property and environment of the citizens, business community and visitors within the City of Baytown from adverse effects due to fires, sudden medical emergencies, natural or man-made disasters, and other dangerous conditions. MAJOR GOALS 1. Provide fire suppression and rescue services to residents and visitors within our designated response area. Provide separate Engine Company and Ladder Company functions to improve efficiency and effectiveness in delivery of such critical tasks as primary search for victims, ventilation of the structure and salvage of citizens property. 2. Improve emergency medical services to citizens and visitors in Baytown through Medical First Responder and increased medical training and faster response. 3. To provide capabilities for immediate mitigation of hazardous materials incidents as well as complex rescue situations such as hi -angle, heavy equipment or trench collapse. 4. Reduce the occurrence and/or severity of commercial fires through inspection, code enforcement and training. 5. Improve fire fighter safety through research and innovation as related to equipment replacement, improved training and new programs/procedures. 6. Improve public awareness of Fire and Rescue functions and services through increased public education and awareness training. 7. Attempt, through all of the above programs, to prevent any fire deaths and to reduce the property losses by fire. 8. Improve the public appearance of all Fire and Rescue equipment and facilities. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Fire/Rescue Responses 1,316 1,300 1,400 2. Medical Responses 396 700 850 3. Smoke Detectors Installed 152 250 300 4. Engine Company Inspections 394 200 750 5. Fire Fighter Injuries 5 3 3 6. Civilian Injuries 31 10 10 7. Fire Loss (Million $) 3.0 2.0 1 .9 8. Inspections by Occupancy Assembly (church,aud.,gym) 2 48 48 Business (Dr.,Dentist,etc.) 415 48 50 Educational 14 50 50 Factory -Industrial 0 10 10 Hazardous (oil field) 0 12 15 Institutional (hosp.,jail,etc.) 42 45 49 Mercantile (sells goods) 1 250 250 Residential (apt.,etc.) 9 50 60 Storage 2 10 10 144 FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES 2020 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 9. Tests, Plans Review & Drills Sprinkler Test 11 24 25 Underground Storage Tank 15 16 20 Hydrant Flow Test 20 30 25 Plans Review 23 50 50 Fire Drill 18 22 22 10. Lectures/Programs Given 48 60 70 Attendance 5,905 6,000 6,500 145 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES 2020 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 SUPERVISORY $ 294,586 $ 330,496 $ 360,878 $ 376,769 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 2,365,236 2,397,943 2,350,483 2,307,855 71003 ALL OTHER - PART TIME 8,027 9,720 - - 71009 OVERTIME 71,213 65,750 80,750 75,990 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 269,748 275,144 263,597 296,440 71022 RETIREMENT 398,124 353,735 359,846 355,445 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 214,845 215,510 213,784 211,893 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 144,056 92,019 94,032 56,484 71041 ALLOWANCES 5,520 10,055 11,655 12,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 3,771,355 3,750,372 3,735,025 3,692,876 72001 OFFICE 4,710 4,400 4,900 5,000 72002 POSTAGE 327 500 825 825 72006 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE - 960 960 2,520 72007 WEARING APPAREL 18,609 22,600 22,600 41,000 72016 MOTOR VEHICLES 15,886 17,450 17,065 20,000 72021 MINOR TOOLS 6,438 11,550 10,900 11,650 72026 CLEANING & JANITORIAL 8,923 10,000 10,000 10,000 72031 CHEMICAL - 300 250 500 72032 MEDICAL 304 1,300 1,300 2,250 72036 IDENTIFICATION 2,896 3,350 3,350 3,350 72041 EDUCATIONAL 8,634 11,675 11,675 10,800 TOTAL SUPPLIES 66,727 84,085 83,825 107,895 73001 LAND 826 1,350 1,350 750 73011 BUILDINGS 17,604 16,160 16,000 18,500 73027 HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM 4,739 7,840 5,500 3,000 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 1,291 2,600 2,800 2,750 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 8,404 8,500 8,500 11,500 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 39,032 50,650 50,650 47,200 73045 RADIO& TESTING EQUIP 8,744 8,520 8,520 10,000 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 80,640 95,620 93,320 93,700 146 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES 2020 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 5,663 7,200 6,600 7,900 74002 ELECTRIC SERVICE 31,504 30,540 30,180 31,000 74005 NATURAL GAS 6,843 6,800 4,636 5,500 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES - 2,000 2,000 4,100 74026 JANITORIAL SERVICES 4,840 6,000 4,635 5,500 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 6,670 12,000 12,600 14,340 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 4,460 22,650 24,750 17,100 74051 RENTS 2,921 4,080 3,660 4,590 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES 505 1,620 1,610 1,900 74087 MISCELLANEOUS 50 100 100 100 74091 SERVICES REIMBURSED (1,756) (600) - - TOTAL SERVICES 61,700 92,390 90,771 92,030 75001 CONTRIBUTION 9,751 11,500 11,500 5,760 TOTAL SUNDRY CHARGES 9,751 11,500 11,500 5,760 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 3,990,173 4,033,967 4,014,441 3,992,261 83031 FENCE - 600 600 - 83039 MISCELLANEOUS - 1,500 1,500 - TOTAL IMPRVMNTS OTHER THAN BUILD - 2,100 2,100 - 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 1,600 15,000 15,000 - 84042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 10,285 77,545 77,400 30,200 84045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIPMENT 1,838 4,400 4,300 4,000 84061 MISCELLANEOUS 12,779 10,000 9,800 - TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 26,502 106,945 106,500 34,200 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 26,502 109,045 108,600 34,200 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 4,016,675 $ 4,143,012 $ 4,123,041 $ 4,026,461 147 E IIIIII IMO I 9 • . WN <Se .. • • • 0 - • • Airipase • liZ • • g:1 • • • cgoet • • • • CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS 2025 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Communications Center which began operation in January, 1993, is responsible for the dispatching of all Police, Fire, and EMS calls for the City of Baytown. In addition, the Center is responsible for after-hours dispatch of Public Works calls. The Center acts as the link between the units on the street and other law enforcement agencies, fire departments, and medical personnel. The center provides teletype services for the three public safety departments within the City. MAJOR GOALS 1. Form a cohesive group which is knowledgeable of all aspects of Public Safety Dispatch and can reliably function during all emergencies. 2. Provide a central group for coordination of all emergency services. 3. Maintain a positive working relation with all departments and a close working relation with Emergency Services. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Consolidate the styles of dispatching from three to one. 2. Phase out the old concepts of "Police", "Fire", and "EMS" dispatch. 3. Certify all Telecommunicators with TCLEOSE. 4. Certify all Telecommunicators with APCO. 5. Train all Telecommunicators in Emergency Medical Dispatching. WORKLOAD MEASURES In 1992, Police Dispatchers handled approximately 115 calls per day. During the first six months of fiscal year 1993/94, police telecommunicators dispatched an average of 135 calls per day. Fire telecommunicators averaged 19 (fire, medical and public works) calls per day. It is expected that the same trend will continue through the rest of 1993. 1994 can be expected to bring a continuing rise in the numbers of calls dispatched. 149 CITY of envrowN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS 2025 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTE I NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-941 71001 SUPERVISORY $ - $ - $ 8,895 $ 35,580 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME - 386,476 378,818 389,514 I 71009 OVERTIME - - 34,566 29,673 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE - 47,914 61,094 72,655 71022 RETIREMENT - 53,140 51,084 58,574 I 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY - 29,566 30,341 35,065 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION - 1,873 2,217 2,198 71041 ALLOWANCES - - - 3,600 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES - 518,969 567,015 626,859 72001 OFFICE - - - 2,000 I 72002 POSTAGE - - - 300 72007 WEARING APPAREL - - - 8,600 72026 CLEANING & JANITORIAL - - - 100 I 72032 MEDICAL - - - 50 72036 IDENTIFICATION - - - 100 72041 EDUCATIONAL - - - 500 I 72061 MISCELLANEOUS - - - 5,130 TOTAL SUPPLIES - - - 16,780 73011 BUILDINGS 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT TOTAL MAINTENANCE 1,700 I 2,855 6,588 11,143 74001 COMMUNICATIONS - - - 30,671 74011 HIRE OF EQUIPMENT - - - 250 I 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES - - - 4,058 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING - - - 250 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES - - - 65 TOTAL SERVICES - - - 35,294 I TOTAL OPERATING FUND - 518,969 567,015 690,076 82011 BUILDINGS - 26,180 - - II TOTAL BUILDINGS - 26,180 - - 150 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS 2025 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 84045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIPMENT TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 86011 CAPITAL LEASE PURCHASES TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 63,530 40,000 6,530 - 63,530 40,000 6,530 - - - 40,255 - - - 40,255 - 89,710 40,000 46,785 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ - $ 608,679 $ 607,015 $ 736,861 151 ••. OWN leicP •• ` • `a AV • . • • 4114IV• • • • cart s • • crivik • • • • .44t • CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 40005 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Emergency Medical Service Division is responsible for responding to calls for assistance in the event of injury or medical emergencies. This response includes on scene stabilization and transport to the proper medical facility. Care given to patients ranges from basic first aid to advanced life support measures. MAJOR GOALS Our goals are to provide prompt professional emergency care to the level required at the incident scene. To stabilize any patient to the degree necessary and provide safe rapid transport to the appropriate medical facility. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. To respond to and arrive at the scene of a call for medical assistance in less than 9 minutes 80% of the time. 2. To provide treatment and stabilization at the scene in 15 minutes or less for trauma patients, and 30 minutes or less for medical patients. 3. To provide a receiving facility a complete assessment of patient condition and care given at the scene. 4. To provide continued monitoring of patient condition and additional treatment as needed during transport. PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED Number of calls answered 3,418 3,608 3,824 Percentage of calls <9 minutes 78.8 % 80.6 % 80.0 % EMS Staffing Level 12 13 13 EMS Personnel per 1000 pop .19 .20 .20 153 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 40005 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 SUPERVISORY 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 71003 ALL OTHER - PART TIME 71009 OVERTIME 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 71022 RETIREMENT 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 71041 ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 72001 OFFICE 72002 POSTAGE 72004 PRINTING 72007 WEARING APPAREL 72016 MOTOR VEHICLES 72021 MINOR TOOLS 72026 CLEANING & JANITORIAL 72032 MEDICAL 72061 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL SUPPLIES $ 35,354 $ 317,789 22,845 20,920 47,270 50,678 29,887 33,740 3,600 37,152 $ 308,525 10,400 3,000 49,392 44,122 27,793 21,316 3,600 37,017 $ 38,586 321,853 306,955 19,223 14,000 11,569 6,563 46,824 53,251 33,532 45,351 29,657 28,007 22,354 13,680 300 - 562,083 505,300 522,329 506,393 2,847 2,250 2,400 2,250 1,837 1,900 1,508 1,900 1,500 1,300 1,300 2,803 3,300 2,575 3,000 5,803 5,127 5,176 5,500 80 250 150 250 1,825 2,000 2,100 2,000 19,518 18,000 22,000 23,000 1,181 1,000 950 - 35,894 35,327 38,159 39,200 73011 BUILDINGS 1,563 1,000 1,500 1,500 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 443 500 530 500 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 1,913 1,000 800 1,000 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP 2,327 1,800 1,900 2,000 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 6,246 4,300 4,730 5,000 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 74002 ELECTRIC SERVICE 74005 NATURAL GAS 74013 AMBULANCE SERVICE 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL SERVICES TOTAL OPERATING FUND 4,437 4,560 4,998 5,000 3,840 4,410 3,900 4,100 443 450 450 450 2,466 4,000 2,800 4,000 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 1,626 2,550 1,700 1,225 2,074 2,550 2,400 1,960 - 400 300 400 21,186 25,220 625,409 570,147 22,848 23,435 588,066 574,028 154 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 40005 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 84042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 84043 MOTOR VEHICLES 84045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIPMENT TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACCOUNT 1,120 8,616 45,000 2,590 1,500 12,500 50,000 4,750 1,426 - 10,986 1,700 46,159 - 5,395 7,000 57,326 57,326 68,750 68,750 63,966 8,700 63,966 8,700 $ 682,735 $ 638,897 $ 652.032 $ 582,728 155 =I MI MI Mill MINI Eli MIN Mill M • s ilv • • • • 1:::Cli • • • Irtiesisk. . • OWN CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY STREETS AND DRAINAGE 30100 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Street Program consists of the following crews: The patching crews who perform asphalt pothole patching, cutouts in the asphalt, and driveway tie-ins. The maintainer crew maintains City property that is used for application of discarded fill material. The sweeper cleans about 6,200 miles of street each year. The maintenance crew performs concrete street cutouts, set drainage pipes for driveways, and transport chips to Jenkins Park. The Drainage Program consists of the following crews: The capital drainage crew performs work that is determined by the Engineering Department and City Council. The drainage maintenance crew performs ditch maintenance on ditches that were originally on grade but have filled up with silt over a period of time and will no longer drain properly. The two person concrete crew repair driveways, repair sidewalks, and build storm drain boxes. They also perform the concrete work for all the Public Works Divisions as well as other City Departments. MAJOR GOALS 1. To respond to complaints on potholes in a more timely manner and to perform more asphalt cutouts. 2. Increase the miles the street sweeper covers during the year. 3. To complete all capital drainage projects assigned to us within the fiscal year. 4. To increase the production of the drainage maintenance crews. 5. To increase the productivity of the concrete crew. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Purchase a more efficient street sweeper machine. 2. To insure that operators are performing daily maintenance on their assigned equipment to reduce down time and increase productivity. 3. To update equipment for the concrete crew. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Number of street cutouts 35 30 45 2. Miles of street sweeping 5,400 5,000 6,200 3. Drainage Maintenance footage - 48,000 50,000 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Increase tonnage of asphalt on streets 1 ,700 1 ,700 2,100 2. Reduce sweeper down time (days) 25 40 32 3. Reduce drainage maintenance down time 30% 23% 157 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY STREETS & DRAINAGE 30100 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 71002 71009 71021 71022 71023 71028 72007 72016 72021 72031 73025 73026 73043 73045 74011 74041 74042 74071 SUPERVISORY ALL OTHER - FULL 11ME OVERTIME HEALTH INSURANCE RETIREMENT SOCIAL SECURITY WORKERS' COMPENSATION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES WEARING APPAREL MOTOR VEHICLES MINOR TOOLS CHEMICAL TOTAL SUPPLIES STREET, SIDEWALK & CURB STORM DRAINS MOTOR VEHICLES RADIO & TESTING EQUIP TOTAL MAINTENANCE HIRE OF EQUIPMENT TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES EDUCATION & TRAINING ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL SERVICES TOTAL OPERATING FUND 83025 STREET, SIDEWALK & CURB 83026 STORM DRAINS TOTAL IMPRVMNTS OTHER THAN BUILD $ 43,351 $ 526,418 10,066 78,802 80,212 43,487 137,574 44,408 $ 627,560 13,800 92,462 86,618 52,501 106,563 45,152 $ 46,250 577,933 637,700 11,831 13,800 88,399 101,973 83,339 89,870 47,440 53,380 80,090 65,817 919,910 1,023,912 2,783 37,753 2,983 334 4,381 34,900 6,600 800 934,184 1,008,790 2,015 4,376 45,400 46,000 6,581 6,600 454 800 43,853 63,998 24,627 192,052 106 46,681 129,600 40,000 296,500 700 54,450 100,000 40,000 202,509 729 57,776 119,600 40,000 250,000 700 280,783 2,021 309 143 190 466,800 20,800 700 700 200 343,238 20,740 550 550 200 410,300 20,800 560 700 200 2,663 1,247,209 22,400 22,040 22,260 1,559,793 1,353,912 1,499,126 30,000 42,846 50,000 50,000 42,846 80,000 50,000 158 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY STREETS & DRAINAGE 30100 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE ACTUAL BUDGET 1991-92 1992-93 ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1992-93 1993-94 84042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 84045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIPMENT 84052 HEAVY EQUIPMENT TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 86011 CAPITAL LEASE PURCHASES TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,219 132,000 1,300 31,100 132,000 1,148 31,100 3,219 164,400 164,248 76,491 46,065 244,400 214,248 76,491 76,491 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 1,293,274 $ 1,804,193 $ 1,568,160 $ 1,575,617 159 OM 11111 NMI NE Mil NMI MIN Ell NE INN =I =I 11111 Ell INI1 NS 11111 =I NMI CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 30203 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Traffic Control Operations Division installs, maintains, and repairs traffic control devices in accordance with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for a safe and efficient traffic flow in the City of Baytown. These devices include traffic signals, flashing beacons, safety lighting, signs, construction barricades, and pavement markings. MAJOR GOALS Improve the safety and efficiency of the street system by the timely maintenance and installation of traffic control devices. MAJOR OBJECTIVES Repair traffic control regulatory signs (stop, yield, one-way, etc.) within 1/2 hour of notification. Respond to operational traffic signal complaints within one working day. Paint all roadway pavement markings annually. Paint all school crosswalks annually prior to school starting. Set up barricades and construction warning signs for Public Works crews within 1/2 hour of request and maintain throughout the life of the project. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1993 1994 ACTUAL BASE LINE 1. Miles of longitudinal street markings 91 miles 95 miles 2. Number of stop lines/turn arrows 256/179 260/190 3. Number of school crosswalks 54 54 4. Sign service calls 856 950 5. Traffic signal service calls 1,038 1,200 6. Barricade set-up calls 520 600 7. Barricade maintenance calls 2,076 2,100 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1993 1994 ACTUAL BASE LINE 1. Street markings repainted 90% 86% 2. Stop lines/turn arrows painted 50% 48% 3. School crosswalks painted before September 100% 100% 4. Signal calls made within 1/2 hour 85% 74% 5. Regulatory sign calls within 1/2 hour 90% 78% 6. Sign calls within 8 hours 80% 70% 7. Sign maintenance 12 month cycle 70% 70% 8. Barricade calls within 1/2 hour 80% 70% 161 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 30203 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71002 71009 71021 71022 71023 71028 72001 72002 72007 72016 72021 72056 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME OVERTIME HEALTH INSURANCE RETIREMENT SOCIAL SECURITY WORKERS' COMPENSATION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES OFFICE POSTAGE WEARING APPAREL MOTOR VEHICLES MINOR TOOLS STREET MARKINGS TOTAL SUPPLIES 73011 BUILDINGS 73027 HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 73044 STREET SIGNS 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP 73048 SIGNAL SYSTEMS 73049 BARRICADES TOTAL MAINTENANCE 74001 74002 74041 74042 74071 COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRIC SERVICE TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES EDUCATION & TRAINING ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL SERVICES TOTAL OPERATING FUND $ 87,581 $ 5,945 14,537 8,126 100,669 $ 10,700 10,215 14,138 8,550 9,790 94,585 4,603 12,436 12,692 7,400 8,515 $ 101,500 7,000 14,017 13,980 8,300 5,789 116,189 195 3 205 5,676 245 15,195 154,062 300 20 935 6,825 600 22,000 140,231 150,586 157 100 20 20 545 935 5,289 5,000 566 600 21,990 21,200 21,519 3,895 1,295 19,568 6,921 10,028 3,055 30,680 3,000 1,300 18,125 18,000 1,800 48,000 7,000 28,567 1,913 200 13,959 12,623 1,176 18,439 4,537 27,855 1,000 200 800 14,000 14,000 2,000 40,000 5,000 44,762 945 75,880 144 385 177 97,225 1,200 76,350 1,500 500 200 52,847 955 76,035 710 495 158 77,000 1,000 76,000 640 700 160 77,531 79,750 260,001 361,717 78,353 78,500 299,998 333,941 162 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 30203 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 ADOPTED 1993 - 94 84042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 84043 MOTOR VEHICLES 84045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIPMENT TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 86011 CAPITAL LEASE PURCHASES TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 45,000 650 800 47,500 650 - 45,650 48,950 7,520 - 45,650 48,950 7,520 7,520 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 260,001 $ 407,367 $ 348,948 $ 341,461 163 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY ENGINEERING 30280 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Provide design, surveying and construction management services for city -funded construction projects. Ensure compliance of new construction within city limits and within the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction with City codes. Assist other city departments with their design, surveying, and consulting needs, assist the public in obtaining utility services and/or information. MAJOR GOALS 1. Improve the quality of new utility, drainage, and street projects. 2. Ensure use of high quality materials in a safe and efficient manner at optimum cost for all city construction projects. 3. Develop positive and productive working relationships with contractors, consultants, government agencies, and using departments. 4. Assess and implement programs to address the City's short and long term needs in reference to streets, drainage, and utilities. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Consult with engineering firms and contractors to assist in improving and updating the City's construction specifications. 2. Educate inspectors on documenting construction such that information in the inspection reports is sufficient should any legal disputes arise. 3. Educate engineers and inspectors on current government regulations, vendors, contractors, materials, and equipment in reference to current construction projects. 4. Develop and maintain (with the assistance of the Public Works Department) a current database of streets and sewer lines to be repaired. 5. Develop and maintain (with the assistance of the Public Works Department) a computer -generated map of the City's drainage, water, and sanitary systems. WORKLOAD MEASURES The workload of this department is largely dependent on the amount of bond funds available for construction projects and therefore varies each year. 164 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ENGINEERING 30280 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 71002 71009 71021 71022 71023 71028 71041 72001 72002 72016 72021 72061 72091 SUPERVISORY ALL OTHER - FULL TIME OVERTIME HEALTH INSURANCE RETIREMENT SOCIAL SECURITY WORKERS' COMPENSATION ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES OFFICE POSTAGE MOTOR VEHICLES MINOR TOOLS MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES REIMBURSED TOTAL SUPPLIES 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP 73046 BOOKS TOTAL MAINTENANCE 74041 74042 74071 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES EDUCATION & TRAINING ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL SERVICES TOTAL OPERATING FUND 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 84053 MAJOR TOOLS TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 75,275 $ 79,151 $ 105,388 86,116 2,517 - 23,060 21,498 27,530 20,906 15,693 13,419 2,877 1,129 9,780 9,780 72,073 $ 84,746 20,842 20,513 12,522 1,152 9,137 76,683 94,025 1,052 27,399 22,122 13,756 1,014 8,060 262,120 556 266 2,334 1,388 1,118 (876) 231,999 2,000 350 2,700 1,000 250 220,985 1,700 350 1,900 1,000 1,050 (309) 244,112 2,500 349 1,900 1,250 250 4,786 481 4,912 1,086 68 6,300 500 500 3,000 300 100 5,691 500 500 3,000 600 170 6,249 500 500 3,000 300 6,547 982 2,033 587 4,400 1,650 1,500 1,050 4,770 1,650 1,500 980 4,300 1,320 2,320 1,200 3,602 277,055 4,200 246,899 18,500 4,130 235,576 18,500 4,840 259,501 750 18,500 18,500 18,500 18,500 750 750 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 277,055 $ 265,399 $ 254,076 $ 260,251 165 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY INSPECT/ON 30290 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Manage the City's inspection functions including plan reviews, issuance of building permits, electrical, plumbing and mechanical inspections. Also enforce Urban Rehabilitation Standards: Chapter 33 of the Code of Ordinances, including care of premises, junk car ordinance, lodging and boardinghouse requirements, substandard building requirements, multifamily dwellings, mobile home parks sign ordinance, and flood plain management. MAJOR GOALS 1. Maintain a highly qualified staff to enforce all applicable codes to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the City of Baytown, Texas. 2. Increase staff participation in educational seminars to update all professional certifications. 3. Increase productivity by cross -training inspectors. 4. Develop and maintain a positive and helpful attitude with all citizens and contractors in their contact with inspections. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Develop improved guidelines and checklists to inform and assist citizens and contractors in permitting and inspection process. 2. Conduct contractors and sub -contractors informational meetings twice a year. 3. Obtain a 95 percent compliance rate on junk vehicles and care of premises violations. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Building Permits Issued Residential 465 547 629 Commercial 172 230 265 Signs 95 75 109 Fences 62 92 106 2. Plans Reviewed 700 870 1310 3. Inspections Made Building 1388 1596 1835 Electrical 1800 2070 2380 Plumbing/HVAC 2686 3089 3552 4. Junk Car Complaints Processed Incident Reports 467 710 Letters Processed 731 1100 5. Care of Premises Complaint Reports 132 200 Letters Mailed 119 180 Inspections Made 132 200 6. Urban Rehab Board Meetings 12 12 12 7. Weekly Inspections Staff Meetings 50 50 50 166 8. Bi-weekly City Council Staff & Agenda Meetings 50 50 INSPECTION 30290 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1. Compliance rate of care of premises violations written. 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE NA 75% 90% 2. Compliance rate of junk car 70% 85% 90% violations written. 3. Residential plans reviewed within 3 working days. 4. Commercial plans reviewed within 10 working days. 90% 90% 95% 98% 90% 95% 5. Called in inspections completed 98% 98% 98% within 4 hours of assignment. 6. Emergency gas inspections 98% completed within one hour. 99% 99% 167 • AY • ICV7 • crl • • • • Volk • • • w • • f • • • • • • a4(.. ..\if.a, CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY INSPECTION 30290 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 SUPERVISORY 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL 11ME 71009 OVERTIME 71011 EXTRA HELP - CONTRACT 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 71022 RETIREMENT 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 71041 ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $ 45,986 $ 48,178 $ 43,008 $ 42,468 189,571 200,117 200,013 201,879 - - 63 1,596 53 318 317 - 28,828 30,204 27,274 31,800 32,399 31,409 34,803 31,678 18,344 19,708 19,613 19,503 11,001 7,477 8,046 4,563 9,000 8,682 8,235 12,600 335,182 346,093 72001 OFFICE 2,956 72002 POSTAGE 1,480 72004 PRINTING - 72016 MOTOR VEHICLES 3,139 TOTAL SUPPLIES 7,575 4,200 1,800 3,250 9,250 341,372 346,087 5,000 5,000 3,600 3,600 700 1,500 3,250 3,750 12,550 13,850 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP - 340 340 - 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 5,649 4,500 4,377 4,500 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP 3 120 238 450 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 5,652 4,960 4,955 4,950 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 2,910 3,500 3,150 3,333 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 570 700 1,050 1,666 74043 REGISTRATION 890 1,200 1,172 1,500 74051 RENTS - 330 330 330 74061 DEMOUTION OF STRUCTURES - 5,000 5,000 10,000 TOTAL SERVICES 4,370 10,730 10,702 16,829 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 352,779 371,033 369,579 381,716 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 352,779 $ 371,033 $ 369,579 $ 381,716 169 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER 30201 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Director and Assistant Director provide overall supervision of the Public Works Department. The Office Manager maintains purchasing transactions, payroll data, and garbage bag money. In addition, he supervises MSC functions. Along with his managerial duties, the Office Manager provides some administrative support in research activities for Public Works. The two secretaries, on a monthly basis, record gasoline transactions, answer telephone calls, dispatch radio messages, and assist citizens or employees at the counter. Also, the secretaries type and assist with all employee performance notices and payroll changes, and maintain filing for the department. Furthermore, the secretaries input into the computer all wastewater treatment data having to do with the EPA and TWC. The warehouse buyer maintains inventory for all Public Works Divisions except the Garage. The custodian delivers rolls of garbage bags to seven locations and maintains the interior and exterior of the Public Works Building. MAJOR GOALS 1. Maintain excellent service to the citizens when they come to Public Works or call on the telephone. 2. Continue servicing other Public Works Divisions in ordering and receiving goods. 3. Sustain a high level of dispatching radio calls, recording fuel transactions, and typing payroll and personnel related paperwork, MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Cross -train employees in payroll and computer operations. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Fuel Transactions 6,720 6,720 6,720 2. Telephone Calls 36,000 36,360 36,360 3. Dispatch Radio 7,680 7,760 7,760 4. Assist Citizens or Employees 6,900 6,900 6,900 5. Process PR's and PO's 1,925 2,600 2,600 6. EPA and TWC Reports 360 360 170 MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER 30201 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Average cost of processing each PR or P0. $9.34 $7.29 $7.29 2. Average cost of figuring payroll per employee. $2.29 $2.27 $2.27 3. Average number of man-hours spent calculating and preparing EPA & TWC reports each month. 64 64 4. Average number of man-hours spend delivering garbage bags each week. 16 16 16 5. Average length of time between ordering and receiving of goods. 1 week 1 week 1 week 171 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER 30201 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 SUPERVISORY $ 74,025 $ 85,705 $ 83,753 $ 89,924 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 116,952 113,159 116,677 113,856 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 20,900 20,360 23,136 25,634 71022 RETIREMENT 26,267 25,156 26,176 26,200 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 14,917 15,908 15,652 16,232 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 10,038 6,815 6,965 4,404 71041 ALLOWANCES 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 271,859 275,863 281,119 285,010 72001 OFFICE 72002 POSTAGE 72007 WEARING APPAREL 72021 MINOR TOOLS 72026 CLEANING & JANITORIAL 72031 CHEMICAL 72032 MEDICAL 72041 EDUCATIONAL TOTAL SUPPLIES 73011 BUILDINGS 73027 HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP TOTAL MAINTENANCE 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 74002 ELECTRIC SERVICE 74005 NATURAL GAS 74011 HIRE OF EQUIPMENT 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 74051 RENTS 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES 74087 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL SERVICES 4,216 4,700 7,499 5,700 796 1,000 1,044 1,044 14 94 70 - 181 100 100 100 2,537 2,700 1,279 1,600 - 50 50 50 124 150 300 300 173 100 540 270 8,041 8,894 10,882 9,064 7,675 6,100 5,310 5,310 4,603 3,500 3,500 3,500 552 500 500 500 173 100 100 200 113 1,700 738 1,500 13,116 11,900 10,148 11,010 10,480 11,100 9,524 9,852 22,600 24,240 27,047 27,000 2,551 4,300 3,397 4,000 200 200 200 1,026 1,500 1,793 1,440 705 1,125 1,368 2,000 5,824 6,000 6,004 6,004 428 450 450 500 225 1,725 1,725 1,725 43,839 50,640 51,508 52,721 172 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER 30201 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 75087 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL SUNDRY CHARGES TOTAL OPERATING FUND 25 29 25 25 336,855 347,322 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP - 1,400 TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 29 353,686 357,830 1,549 - 25 - 1,400 1,549 - - 1,400 1,549 - TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 336,855 $ 348,722 $ 355,235 $ 357,830 173 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 40003 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program is responsible for all public and environmental health concerns within the city and the impact on the population. Functions include the permitting and inspection of all food establishments on a scheduled, routine basis. There are approximately 315 permits currently on active file. We inspect and approve plans for all new or remodeled establishments and provide consultations with owners and contractors regarding these establishments. Public and semi-public swimming pools are inspected twice yearly or as needed to insure proper operation regarding sanitizing procedures, proper ph balance, water clarity and equipment functioning standards. Outside pools are inspected while open during summer months, and enclosed pools are inspected throughout the year. There are currently 91 pools at 59 locations on active file. Permits ($30.00 per pool annually) for each pool are renewable yearly. The city's smoking ordinance is administered to insure all establishments have signs properly posted indicating their policy. The department attempts to investigate all public health complaints to determine the nature of the problem and what actions are needed for correction. Complaints of an environmentally hazardous nature such as chemical spills, oil spills, and airborne contaminants are investigated and also referred to proper agencies for investigation. Educational classes are conducted for pool maintenance personnel and food handlers. This department approves plans, issues permits, inspects, and approves private sewage facilities (septic tanks) within the city. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1991 1992 1993 Food Place Inspections 990 911 370 Swimming Pool Inspections 172 203 74 Complaints Investigations 484 510 275 Mowing Surveys 109 1 50 43 Vacant Property Letters Mailed 1,887 2,147 945 Lots Cut By Owner 1,057 1,276 381 Lots Cuts By City 1,192 1,465 329 Homes Cut By Owner 323 311 177 Homes Cut By City 256 233 61 Mowing Liens Filed 104 87 54 Mowing Liens Released 49 60 29 174 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 40003 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 71002 71003 71009 71021 71022 71023 71028 71041 SUPERVISORY ALL OTHER - FULL TIME ALL OTHER - PART TIME OVERTIME HEALTH INSURANCE RETIREMENT SOCIAL SECURITY WORKERS' COMPENSATION ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $ 24,255 $ 26,275 $ 110,446 116,045 2,035 4,000 9,828 13,000 14,118 14,958 19,699 19,834 12,024 13,372 3,218 1,795 13,800 14,400 209,423 223,679 26,275 $ 25,764 118,045 117,487 4,000 4,000 13,000 13,000 14,958 11,534 19,834 20,124 13,372 13,361 1,795 2,388 14,400 14,400 225,679 222,058 72001 OFFICE 2,709 3,565 3,565 2,500 72002 POSTAGE 859 3,000 3,000 2,500 72004 PRINTING 2,029 1,250 1,500 1,500 72041 EDUCATIONAL 40 400 400 400 TOTAL SUPPLIES 5,637 8,215 8,465 6,900 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 341 500 500 500 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 1,031 3,000 3,000 2,500 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 1,372 3,500 3,500 3,000 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 980 1,650 1,650 1,650 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES 6,300 6,300 6,300 15,000 74041 TRAVEL& REIMBURSABLES 1,769 2,625 2,625 2,100 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 169 900 900 300 74043 REGISTRATION - - - 600 74056 VACANT LOT CLEARING 22,873 17,500 17,500 17,500 74057 WATER POLLUTION 90 500 500 500 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES 398 500 500 500 TOTAL SERVICES 32,579 29,975 29,975 38,150 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 249,011 265,369 267,619 270,108 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP - 2,000 2,000 600 84042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT - - - 1,900 TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT - 2,000 2,000 2,500 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY - 2,000 2,000 2,500 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 249.011 $ 267.369 $ 269.619 $ 272.608 175 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY MOSQUITO CONTROL 40002 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Mosquito Control Division attempts to reduce the threat of disease transmission to humans and animals, and reduce nuisances caused by biting mosquitos. This is done by applying mosquito adulticides (chemicals) within the city, in a mist form. The city has been divided into six zones, each night one zone is treated. Therefore it takes six nights to treat the entire city, assuming cooperative weather conditions exist. The Division also responds to complaints regarding mosquito breeding sites and takes action to treat and eliminate them. MAJOR GOALS 1. Maintain a dependable, trained staff to operate and maintain the equipment. 2. Continuously train staff, so they perform their job in a knowledgeable, accurate manner. 3. Educate the public as to how they can help themselves by eliminating breeding sites in their neighborhoods. 4. Promptly respond to citizen complaints. 5. Incorporate more efforts to eliminate mosquito breeding sites. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Continued adulticiding to control migrating mosquitos. 2. Develop more public education opportunities on mosquito control (specifically elimination of breeding sites through property maintenance). 3. Be better prepared to respond to and eliminate breeding sites. PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES Productivity can only be measured by usage of chemicals. 1. Organophosphates (gallons applied) 2. Pyrethroids (gallons applied) 1992 1993 1994 (Actual) (Estimated) Pesticides 275 330 330 15 15 15 176 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY MOSQUITO CONTROL 40002 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 71003 ALL OTHER - PART TIME 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 71022 RETIREMENT 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2,073 $ 424 274 285 186 447 - $ - $ - 5,000 6,090 7,000 - 379 451 383 383 535 453 453 395 3,689 5,836 7,305 8,381 72007 WEARING APPAREL 150 200 185 400 72016 MOTOR VEHICLES 309 750 750 900 72031 CHEMICAL 14,518 14,100 11,000 11,000 TOTAL SUPPLIES 14,977 15,050 11,935 12,300 73011 BUILDINGS 1,680 1,600 1,585 1,600 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 942 2,633 1,909 2,633 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 2,622 4,233 3,494 4,233 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 593 625 100 500 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES 50 100 75 75 TOTAL SERVICES 643 725 175 575 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 21,931 25,844 22,909 25,489 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 21,931 $ 25,844 $ 22,909 $ 25,489 177 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY PARKS AND RECREATION 5010 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for direction, supervision, operation and maintenance of 38 parks, comprising more than 400 developed acres, recreation programs and related facilities, plus mowing of most of the city's medians/parkways, roadsides, ditches and alleys and the grounds of several facilities utilized by other departments and operations of the city. The department also operates a greenhouse/tree nursery at the Park Street Service Center. Planning and construction of many improvements is done by supervisory staff and operations personnel. Planning of major Capital Improvement Program projects is done through consultants or with the assistance of the Engineering Department. While most major construction is performed by contractors, some site improvements, utilities and drainage facilities are constructed by the Public Works Department. In addition to daily and seasonal maintenance operations, the Parks and Recreation Department sponsors and co-sponsors, with considerable volunteer support, many youth and adult programs plus special events such as the July 4th Celebration, the Special Olympics Track Meet, Senior Olympics, youth and adult fishing tournaments, softball tournaments, art shows, the Christmas Parade and decorating contests and other holiday events. The department works closely with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board in linking citizens to the planning of both facilities and programs. Key staff have Human Services responsibilities under the city's Emergency Management Plan. The Cultural Arts Council, Goose Creek Stream Committee and Clean City Commission are others whom the staff both consult and assist. This year's budget includes 30 full-time employees, one less than in '92-'93, plus approximately 100 part-time employees most of whom are employed on a seasonal basis. This includes JTPA/Mayor's Summer Youth Job Program students, concession stand workers and swimming pool staff. At least two of the major goals set by the Baytown's Comprehensive Plan lie within the scope of this department. Those are beautification and expanded recreational opportunities. Efforts directed towards CIP projects, plus a shift of emphasis towards youth -oriented programming as staff members work hand -in -hand with the new Baytown Area Youth Commission, will necessitate a shift of some of the staff's attention away from adult programming. MAJOR GOALS 1. Demonstrate sensitivity to citizens needs in planning programs and facilities. 2. Expand recreation opportunities, especially for youth. 3. Improve the community's image and appearance by providing quality recreation programs and safe, well -maintained parks and open spaces. 4. Heighten community awareness of parks and recreation services. 5. Improve maintenance standards. 6. Complete 1991-95 Capital Improvement Program projects in a timely manner. 178 PARKS AND RECREATION 5010 MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Solicit citizen involvement in planning of program and facilities. 2. Participate with the Baytown Area Youth Commission and planning and implementation of new programs for youth. 3. Reduce mowing rotation times: Current Objective Parks 19 days 14 days Medians 2.5 weeks 2 weeks Roadsides 6 weeks 5 weeks Slope Mowing 6-7 weeks 4-5 weeks 4. Provide increased information to media and make regular presentations to community groups. 5. Continue tree/shrub nursery operations and plant at least 60 sizeable trees in the parks and provide 500 saplings for Arbor Day giveaway. 6. Inspect playgrounds, clean park facilities and remove litter twice weekly. PARTICIPATION LEVELS 1992 1993 1994 Actual Estimate Projection Community Center Utilization (days) 245 260 260 Gray Center Utilization (days) 288 290 290 Roseland Pavilion Rentals 128 130 130 Jenkins Pavilion Rentals 151 1 55 155 Summer Softball Teams 79 67 70 Fall Softball Teams 67 63 65 Swimming Pools Attendance 13,820 16,320 16,500 179 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PARKS & RECREATION 5010 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 SUPERVISORY $ 124,107 $ 157,526 $ 157,523 $ 181,110 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 551,897 545,663 535,975 498,570 71003 ALL OTHER - PART TIME 152,406 157,825 165,502 168,262 71009 OVERTIME 7,690 9,809 9,803 11,540 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 104,452 104,913 102,382 105,640 71022 RETIREMENT 94,753 90,240 90,758 89,097 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 63,115 67,545 66,661 66,339 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 56,100 35,779 36,334 21,957 71041 ALLOWANCES 8,760 8,760 8,760 6,180 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,163,280 1,178,060 1,173,698 1,148,695 72001 OFFICE 4,755 6,402 6,823 6,394 72002 POSTAGE 2,253 2,010 1,928 2,204 72004 PRINTING 5,061 6,735 6,851 2,940 I 72007 WEARING APPAREL 3,020 5,324 4,845 5,083 72016 MOTOR VEHICLES 21,509 20,903 22,103 22,205 72021 MINOR TOOLS 5,645 7,405 7,325 7,265 I 72026 CLEANING & JANITORIAL 7,239 11,280 11,205 10,250 72031 CHEMICAL 21,628 28,191 26,773 35,640 72032 MEDICAL 1,053 1,740 1,420 1,740 I 72041 EDUCATIONAL 19,748 23,305 23,273 23,733 72046 BOTANICAL 4,540 4,816 4,218 4,568 72061 MISCELLANEOUS 26,078 33,823 33,845 17,967 72091 SUPPLIES REIMBURSED (2,662) - (368) - TOTAL SUPPLIES 119,867 151,934 150,241 139,989 1 1 73001 LAND 2,599 3,400 3,388 3,300 73011 BUILDINGS 31,776 31,700 34,515 31,500 73021 FILTRATION PLANTS 2,749 9,500 9,500 8,995 73025 STREET, SIDEWALK & CURB 2,578 5,993 5,783 5,129 73027 HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM 10,319 5,725 9,411 7,375 73041 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 671 1,050 1,180 1,080 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 4,991 6,515 6,065 7,315 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 53,173 48,350 47,754 54,750 73044 STREET SIGNS 562 1,000 628 1,000 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP 141 250 237 500 73046 BOOKS 1 100 100 100 1 1 1 1 1 180 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PARKS & RECREATION 5010 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 73049 BARRICADES 73061 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL MAINTENANCE 382 1,000 692 1,000 13,444 10,650 10,650 11,650 123,386 125,233 129,903 133,694 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 7,964 11,950 11,841 11,926 74002 ELECTRIC SERVICE 113,911 106,870 110,672 112,806 74005 NATURAL GAS 19,200 17,040 19,164 19,172 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES 52,356 65,450 64,375 69,295 74036 ADVERTISING 6,124 6,040 5,814 6,009 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 4,691 5,690 5,891 4,703 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 2,684 4,075 3,500 3,060 74051 RENTS 6,790 9,167 8,351 9,485 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES 1,299 1,305 1,230 1,270 74087 MISCELLANEOUS 396 462 528 462 TOTAL SERVICES 215,415 228,049 231,366 238,188 75001 CONTRIBUTION 700 650 650 650 75086 INTEREST EXPENSE -LATE PMT 22 - - - 75087 MISCELLANEOUS - 25 50 50 TOTAL SUNDRY CHARGES 722 675 700 700 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 1,622,670 1,683,951 1,685,908 1,661,266 82011 BUILDINGS - 14,332 14,332 7,000 TOTAL BUILDINGS - 14,332 14,332 7,000 83039 MISCELLANEOUS - 15,830 15,580 - TOTAL IMPRVMNTS OTHER THAN BUILD - 15,830 15,580 - 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP - 2,483 2,452 12,160 84042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 10,010 12,350 12,277 24,737 84052 HEAVY EQUIPMENT - 17,000 16,955 - 84061 MISCELLANEOUS 5,898 16,610 15,237 5,000 TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 15,908 48,443 46,921 41,897 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,908 78,605 76,833 48,897 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 1,638,578 $ 1,762,556 $ 1,762,741 $ 1,710,163 181 • • • se* olATAr Ar • • • .tiN • • • VO • 01 •• •• „ Icsigh • • • • CITY OF BAYTOWN GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES SUMMARY ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 Beginning Balance $818,500 $467,315 $467,315 $564,806 Add: Current Ad Valorem Taxes 4,433,821 4,914,098 4,886,121 4,856,936 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 89,711 90,000 89,500 90,000 Penalty and Interest 50,409 50,000 50,000 50,000 Interest on Investments 49,977 69,000 50,000 50,000 Transfer from Bond Funds 98,589 203,031 0 0 Total Revenues 4,722,507 5,326,129 5,075,621 5,046,936 FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR DEBT SERVICE 5,541,007 5,793,444 5,542,936 5,611,742 Deduct: Principal Payments 2,830,000 2,715,000 2,495,000 2,045,000 Interest on Bonds 2,233,809 2,674,631 2,473,230 2,968,204 Paying Agent Fees 9,883 7,500 9,900 10,000 Total Deductions 5,073,692 5,397,131 4,978,130 5,023,204 ENDING BALANCE $467,315 $396,313 $564,806 $588,538 183 ME EMI ININ MN NMI MN MI NMI Ell 1E11 IIIIN NMI II= NM MI MEI IIMII MIN M 4'. OW....N._• • * CITY OF BAYTOWN ASSESSED VALUATION, ESTIMATED AD VALOREM COLLECTIONS & AD VALOREM TAX RATE DISTRIBUTION Assessed Valuation for 1992 $ 1,723,779,750 (1) Gain (Loss) in Value (10,365,755) Estimated Assessed Valuation for 1993 1,713,413,995 (2) Tax Rate Per $100 Valuation 0.73703 Revenue From 1993 Tax Roll 12,628,375 Estimated Collections 97.0% TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 12,249,524 ADOPTED DISTRIBUTION TAX RATE PER $100 AMOUNT PERCENT 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 Operations and Maintenance 0.44482 0.44482 $7,392,588 60.35% Interest and Sinking 0.29221 0.29221 4,856,936 39.65% 0.73703 0.73703 $12,249,524 100.00% (1) Per Revised tax roll at 6/1 1 /93 (2) Per HCAD (Harris County Appraisal District) Certified Roll 185 CITY OF BAYTOWN TAXABLE PROPERTY VALUATIONS 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Billions of Dollars e • ,t. f..,.. ,i,.. -. .. 2. ...2.s.' .4. :.. 83 '84 '85 '86 '87 '88 '89 LAST TEN YEARS '90 '91 '92 1 186 CITY OF BAYTOWN ASSESSED VALUATIONS, TAX LEVY AND COLLECTIONS (Last Ten Fiscal Years) FISCAL TAXABLE YEAR VALUE RATE PERCENT PER $100 TAX CURRENT YEAR COLLECTED VALUATION LEVIED COLLECTIONS CURRENT YEAR 1983 $1,634,395,920 1984 $1,607,862,190 1985 $1,781,291,650 1986 $1,774,181,150 1987 $1,789,530,730 1988 $1,685,625,757 1989 $1,673,252,530 1990 $1,627,981,529 1991 $1,694,627,305 1992 $1,723,779,750 * *Per Revised tax roll at 6/11/93. $0.620 $10,133,255 $0.590 $9,486,387 $0.590 $10,509,621 $0.605 $10,733,796 $0.665 $11,900,379 $0.665 $11,209,411 $0.665 $11,127,129 $0.665 $10,826,077 $0.685 $11,608,197 $0.737 $12,704,774 $9,091,540 $9,727,502 $10,190,129 $9,901,368 $10,367,611 $11,906,196 $10,763,272 $10,516,451 $11,010,079 $11,573,394 89.7% 102.5% 97.0% 92.2% 87.1% 106.2% 96.7% 97.1% 94.8% 91.1% 187 CITY OF BAYTOWN GENERAL LONG TERM DEBT SCHEDULE OF 1993-94 PAYMENTS AMOUNT AMOUNT OUTSTANDING PRINCIPAL & INTEREST REQUIRED 1993-94 OF ISSUE OCT. 1, 1993 PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL PROJECTED OUTSTANDING SEPT. 30. 1994 1985 General Obligation Ref 1992 GO & Refunding 1986 General Obligation Bonds 1992 Series AMT Bonds 1988 General Obligation Bonds 1990 Contractual Obligation Bonds 1991 General Obligation Bonds 3,315,000 24,730,000 6,350,000 4,190,000 1,140,000 4,800,000 2,650,000 3,315,000 1,695,000 24,730,000 0 2,800,000 175,000 4,190,000 0 950,000 50,000 4,600,000 100,000 2,600,000 25,000 192,058 1,518,529 196,000 294,229 68,800 318,150 170,438 1,887,058 1,518,529 371,000 294,229 118,800 418,150 195,438 1,620,000 24,730,000 2,625,000 4,190,000 900,000 4,500,000 2,575,000 $43,185,000 $2,045,000 $2,758,204 $4,803,204 $41 ,140,000 * *Note — does not include $210,000 in debt service for 1993 GO Bonds to be issued. 188 CITY OF BAYTOWN GENERAL LONG TERM DEBT PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST REQUIREMENTS As of October 1, 1993 YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 $ 2,045,000 $ 1,865,000 1,500,000 1,460,000 1,560,000 1,670,000 1,780,000 1,915,000 2,035,000 2,180, 000 2,320,000 2,470,000 2,630,000 2,810,000 2,995,000 3,190, 000 3,405,000 3,630,000 1,725,000 2,758,204 $ 2,617,781 2,503,309 2,403,457 2,299,999 2,190, 358 2,071,467 1,945,564 1,815,751 1,678,356 1,536,411 1,387,392 1,226,418 1,052,548 865,918 667,068 454,944 228,581 55,891 4,803,204 4,482,781 4,003,309 3,863,457 3,859,999 3,860,358 3,851,467 3,860,564 3,850,751 3,858,356 3,856,411 3,857,392 3,856,418 3,862,548 3,860,918 3,857,068 3,859,944 3,858,581 1,780,891 $ 43,185,000 $ 29,759,417 $ 72,944,417 189 CITY OF BAYTOWN STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AT BEGINNING OF FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 GENERAL INTEREST MATURITY ORIGINAL AMOUNT PRINCIPAL INTEREST OBLIGATION RATE (%) DATE ISSUE OUTSTANDING DUE 93-94 DUE 93-94 * GENERAL PURPOSE BONDS SERIES 1985 REFUNDING Date of Issue - December 1. 1985 Term - 14 Years 7.50 1994 $ 1,695,000 $ 1,695,000 $ 1,695,000 $ 192,058 7.70 1995 635,000 635,000 7.90 1996 245,000 245,000 8.00 1997 175,000 175,000 8.10 1998 245,000 245,000 8.25 1999 320,000 320,000 3,315,000 3,315,000 SERIES 1986 Date of Issue - June 6, 1986 Term - 14 Years 1987 8.50 1988 $ 650,000 8.50 1989 650,000 8.50 1990 700,000 8.25 1991 700,000 6.75 1992 700,000 7.00 1993 150,000 7.10 1994 175,000 $ 175,000 $ 175,000 $ 196,000 7.25 1995 525,000 525,000 7.40 1996 525,000 525,000 7.50 1997 525,000 525,000 7.50 1998 525,000 525,000 6.50 1999 525,000 525,000 6,350,000 2,800,000 * Represents bonds remaining after Series 1992 Refunding. 190 CITY OF BAYTOWN STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AT BEGINNING OF FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 GENERAL INTEREST MATURITY ORIGINAL AMOUNT PRINCIPAL INTEREST OBLIGATION RATE (%) DATE ISSUE OUTSTANDING DUE 93-94 DUE 93-94 SERIES 1988 Date of Issue - June 6, 1988 Term - 15 Years 1989 8.90 1990 $ 40,000 8.90 1991 50,000 8.90 1992 50,000 8.90 1993 50,000 8.80 1994 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 68,800 8.60 1995 100,000 100,000 6.90 1996 100,000 100,000 7.00 1997 100,000 100,000 7.10 1998 100,000 100,000 7.30 1999 100,000 100,000 7.50 2003 400,000 400,000 1,140,000 950,000 SERIES 1991 Date of Issue - February 1 1991 Term - 15 Years 7.90 1992 $ 25,000 7.90 1993 25,000 7.90 1994 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 170,438 7.90 1995 25,000 25,000 7.90 1996 25,000 25,000 7.90 1997 25,000 25,000 7.90 1998 25,000 25,000 7.90 1999 25,000 25,000 7.90 2000 25,000 25,000 7.90 2001 25,000 25,000 7.90 2002 25,000 25,000 7.90 2003 25,000 25,000 6.40 2004 700,000 700,000 6.45 2005 750,000 750,000 6.50 2006 900,000 900,000 2,650,000 2,600,000 191 CITY OF BAYTOWN STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AT BEGINNING OF FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 GENERAL INTEREST MATURITY ORIGINAL AMOUNT PRINCIPAL INTEREST OBLIGATION RATE (%) DATE ISSUE OUTSTANDING DUE 93-94 DUE 93-94 SERIES 1992 Date of Issue — November 15, 1992 Term — 20 Years 1993 $ — 1994 — 4.200 1995 365,000 $ 365,000 4.500 1996 380,000 380,000 4.900 1997 400,000 400,000 5.100 1998 420,000 420,000 5.125 1999 440,000 440,000 5.375 2000 485,000 485,000 5.625 2001 605,000 605,000 5.750 2002 710,000 710,000 5.800 2003 840,000 840,000 6.000 2004 1,390,000 1,390,000 6.125 2005 1,475,000 1,475,000 6.200 2006 1,470,000 1,470,000 6.400 2007 2,530,000 2,530,000 6.400 2008 2,695,000 2,695,000 6.400 2009 2,870,000 2,870,000 6.400 2010 3,060,000 3,060,000 6.400 2011 3,265,000 3,265,000 6.400 2012 1,330,000 1,330,000 24,730,000 24,730,000 SERIES 1990 Date of Issue — July 15, 1990 Term — 13 Years 6.50 1992 $ 100,000 6.50 1993 100,000 6.50 1994 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 6.50 1995 100,000 100,000 6.50 1996 100,000 100,000 6.60 1997 100,000 100,000 6.60 1998 100,000 100,000 6.70 1999 100,000 100,000 7.75 2000 1,000,000 1,000,000 6.75 2001 1,000,000 1,000,000 6.80 2002 1,000,000 1,000,000 6.90 2003 1,000,000 1,000,000 4,800,000 4,600,000 $ 1,518,529 100,000 $ 318,150 192 CITY OF BAYTOWN STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AT BEGINNING OF FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 GENERAL INTEREST MATURITY ORIGINAL AMOUNT PRINCIPAL INTEREST OBLIGATION RATE (%) DATE ISSUE OUTSTANDING DUE 93-94 DUE 93-94 AMT BONDS SERIES 1992 Date of Issue - November 15, 1992 1993 $ - Term - 20 Years 1994 - $ - $ 294,229 7.875 1995 115,000 115,000 7.875 1996 125,000 125,000 7.875 1997 135,000 135,000 7.875 1998 145,000 145,000 7.875 1999 160,000 160,000 7.875 2000 170,000 170,000 7.875 2001 185,000 185,000 7.875 2002 200,000 200,000 6.300 2003 215,000 215,000 6.500 2004 230,000 230,000 6.600 2005 245,000 245,000 6.700 2006 260,000 260,000 6.700 2007 280,000 280,000 6.700 2008 300,000 300,000 6.700 2009 320,000 320,000 6.750 2010 345,000 345,000 6.750 2011 365,000 365,000 6.750 2012 395,000 395,000 4,190,000 4,190,000 GRAND TOTAL ALL GENERAL OBLIGATION $ 43,185,000 $ 2,045,000 $ 2,758,204 (1) (1) Total does not include estimate of $210,000 for interest on 1993 General Obligation Bonds. 193 At. • • • • • gill i • 4 •• cIT •••••.. JP°. • . • Imo . 0 ... Y4 • • tgl• • 0.4:10 • • • s Ay M M 1M111 111111 MINI NM 111111 11111 CITY OF BAYTOWN WATER AND SEWER FUND REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY OPERATING REVENUES 46001 SALE OF WATER $ 46002 SEWER SERVICE 46003 PENALTY FOR LATE PAYMENT 46005 CITY FIRE HYDRANT RENTAL 46006 CITY WATER & SEWER SERVICE 46007 POLLUTION CONTROL FEES 47102 TURN -ON FEES 47103 WATER TAP FEES 47104 SEWER TAP FEES 47105 CONNECTION FEES 49003 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 43302 CONTRACT PAYMENT (B.A.W.A.) 49091 MISCELLANEOUS 61101 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 61320 TRANSFER FROM CAPITAL PROJECT OPERATING EXPENDITURES ■ GENERAL OVERHEAD WATER PRODUCTION WATER DISTRIBUTION WASTEWATER COLLECTION WAS I EWATER TREATMENT POLLUTION CONTROL UTILITY CONSTRUCTION UTILITY BILLING WATER TREATMENT PLANT OTHER EXPENDITURES ACTUAL APPROVED ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 4,985,669 4,380,708 283,479 165,000 75,000 0 71,857 39,629 52,950 0 270,682 442,918 0 0 0 $ 5,595,139 4,980,992 285,000 165,000 75,000 80,000 14,000 15,000 18000 0 180,000 508,920 6,500 29,546 59,091 $ 5,321 ,265 4,694,640 279,000 165,000 75,000 5,000 71,960 38,370 32,775 14,950 180,000 473,410 0 29,546 59,091 $ 6,227,477 5,352,945 285,000 165,000 75,000 20,000 72,000 38,500 33,000 0 180,000 514,039 0 29,546 59,091 10,767,892 12,012,188 3,645,317 65,446 633,375 551,464 2,313,941 0 582,613 437,158 461,813 8,691 ,127 CAPITAL OUTLAY 22,555 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 1,520,167 TRANSFER TO INTEREST & SINKING 684,670 TRANSFER TO SICK LEAVE 55,000 CONTINGENCY 0 TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXCESS (DEFICIT) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES 4,050,281 75,609 652,892 596,339 2,273,626 47,714 677,865 475,014 497,686 9,347,026 270,404 1,580,974 1,104,724 55,000 115,680 11,440,007 13,051,598 3,782,994 83,974 660,997 571,470 2,284,276 47,801 597,561 403,708 473,410 8,906,191 238,886 1,580,974 1,104,724 55,000 0 4,399,122 75,552 702,726 637,507 2,419,835 54,977 681,414 448,756 517,631 9,937,520 183,688 1,585 ,000 1,526,983 55,000 0 2,282,392 10,973,519 $ (205,627) $ 3,126,782 12,473,808 (461 ,620) $ 2,979,584 11,885,775 (445,768) $ 3,350,671 13,288,191 (236 593) 195 CITY OF BAYTOWN WATER AND SEWER FUND EXPENDITURES BY CLASSIFICATION Personal Services Supplies Maintenance Services Sundry Capital Outlay Administrative Transfers Debt Service Total Expenditures 7) C 0 10 9 8 7 6 5 3 2 ACTUAL 1992 ACTUAL BUDGET 1991-92 1992-93 ESTIMATED 1992-93 ADOPTED 1993-94 $3,449,119 3,738,745 505,875 951,400 45,986 22,555 1,575,167 684,670 $3,644,937 4,204,291 628,119 919,859 65,500 270,404 1,635,974 1,104, 724 $3,476,420 3,878,458 523,011 978,302 50,000 238,886 1,635,974 1,104, 724 $3,730,023 4,543,472 641,242 957,783 65,000 183,688 1,640,000 1,526,983 $10,973,517 $12,473,808 $11,885,775 $13,288,191 z BUDGET 1993 ESTIMATED 1993 ADOPTED 1994 196 CITY OF BAYTOWN WATER AND SEWER FUND BUDGET YEAR 1993-94 SUMMARY OF OPERATING RESULTS OPERATING REVENUES Water sales Sewer service Service charges and other TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 $ 4,985,669 $ 5,595,139 $ 5,321,265 $ 6,227,477 4,380,708 4,980,992 4,694,640 5,352,945 687,915 658,500 682,055 688,500 10,054, 292 11, 234,631 10,697,960 12, 268,922 OPERATING EXPENSES Water purchases 3,464,137 3,851 ,526 3,563,541 4,238,531 Personal services 3,449,119 3,644,937 3,476,420 3,730,023 Supplies 274,608 352,765 314,917 304,941 Maintenance 505,876 628,119 523,011 641,242 Services 951,400 919,859 978,302 957,783 Miscellaneous 45,986 65,500 50,000 65,000 Depreciation 345,482 345,482 345,482 345,482 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 9,036,609 9,808,188 9,251,673 10,283,002 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) 1,017,683 1,426,443 1,446,287 1,985,920 TOTAL NON -OPERATING EXPENSES Interest revenue 270,682 180,000 180,000 180,000 Interest expense and other (514,670) (919,724) (919,724) (1,216,983) TOTAL NON -OPERATING EXPENSES (243,988) (739,724) (739,724) (1,036,983) NET INCOME BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS 773,695 686,719 706,563 948,937 Operating transfers in (out) (1,132,249) (1,038,417) (1,073,927) (1,037,324) Net income (loss) $ (358,554) $ (351,698) $ (367,364) $ (88,387) RECONCILIATION OF NET INCOME (LOSS) TO REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES: Net income (loss) $ (358,554)5 (351,698) $ (367,364) $ (88,387) Principal debt retirement (170,000) (185,000) (185,000) (310,000) Capital outlay (22,555) (270,404) (238,886) (183,688) Depreciation 345,482 345,482 345,482 345,482 Revenues over (under) expenditures $ (205,627) $ (461,620) $ (445,768) $ (236,593) 197 CITY OF BAYTO W N WATER & SEWER FUND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Water Sales 50% Sewer Sales 43% Water Purchases 36% Other Revenue 6% Interest Income 1% Capital Outlay 2% Debt Service 13% -Services 8% Maintenance 6% Miscellaneous 3% Personal Services 32% ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 198 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL OVERHEAD WATER & SEWER 1111 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71051 MERIT & ACROSS THE BOARD TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 72052 TREATED WATER TOTAL SUPPLIES 74012 INSURANCE 74022 AUDITS 74027 COLLECTION AGENCY TOTAL SERVICES 75088 BAD DEBT -CUTOFF ACCOUNTS TOTAL SUNDRY CHARGES TOTAL OPERATING FUND 91101 GENERAL FUND 91502 WATER & SEWER DEBT SERVICE 91503 SICK LEAVE WATER & SEWER TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS $ - $ 115,680 $ - $ 3,464,138 3,464,138 61,487 70,640 3,243 115,680 3,851,526 3,851,526 94,755 35,000 4,000 3,563,541 3,563,541 139,453 30,000 4,238,531 4,238,531 64,091 27,500 4,000 135,370 133,755 169,453 95,591 45,810 65,000 50,000 65,000 45,810 65,000 50,000 65,000 3,645,318 4,165,961 1,520,167 684,669 55,000 1,580,974 1,104,724 55,000 3,782,994 4,399,122 1,580,974 1,104,724 55,000 1,585,000 1,526,983 55,000 2,259,836 2,740,698 2,740,698 3,166,983 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 5,905,154 $ 6,906,659 $ 6,523,692 $ 7,566,105 199 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY WATER PRODUCT/ON 30701 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Operate and maintain eight water wells in stand-by, for Baytown emergency water supply, and eight elevated storage tanks. Following and complying with the Texas Water Commission Rules and Regulations For Public Water Supplies Adopted 1992, National Primary drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR), Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), and the Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR). Collect bacteriological samples from the distribution system. MAJOR GOALS 1. Maintain facilities in excess of the minimum regulatory standards. 2. Maintain facilities in a state of constant readiness. 3. Develop and maintain a staff of highly trained water professionals to better serve our customers and comply with new regulations. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Decrease number of unplugged abandoned wells. 2. Decrease the number of items noted during TWC inspections. 3. Improve the aesthetics of facilities. 4. Meet the lead\copper rule for the second year of monitoring. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Customers served. 70,000 70,000 70,000 2. Number of customers connections. 18,790 18,790 18,790 3. Bacteriological samples collected. 864 864 864 4. Customer water quality calls. 34 18 18 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Days without interruption of service. 366 365 365 2. Bacteriological samples meeting standards. 863 840 850 200 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY WATER PRODUCTION 30701 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 71009 OVERTIME 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 71022 RETIREMENT 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $ 17,505 $ 17,798 $ 381 500 3,747 4,353 2,490 2,315 1,329 1,400 2,313 1,143 27,765 27,509 18,336 $ 20,008 500 500 4,314 4,853 2,429 2,641 1,382 1,569 1,164 1,280 28,124 30,852 72016 MOTOR VEHICLES 1,936 2,000 2,000 2,000 72021 MINOR TOOLS 195 800 800 800 72031 CHEMICAL 78 500 500 500 72061 MISCELLANEOUS 689 500 700 500 TOTAL SUPPLIES 2,898 3,800 4,000 3,800 73001 LAND 2,496 3,100 6,700 7,000 73011 BUILDINGS 62 1,500 1,500 1,500 73024 STANDPIPES & RESERVOIRS 2,997 25,000 25,000 15,000 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 1,548 1,800 1,800 1,800 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 3,626 2,000 3,300 2,000 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP - 100 100 100 73047 METERS & SETTINGS - 500 500 500 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 10,729 34,000 38,900 27,900 74002 ELECTRIC SERVICE 21,784 7,300 10,000 10,000 74011 HIRE OF EQUIPMENT 3 100 100 100 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES 2,052 2,600 2,600 2,600 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 215 300 250 300 TOTAL SERVICES 24,054 10,300 12,950 13,000 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 65,446 75,609 83,974 75,552 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 65,446 $ 75,609 $ 83,974 $ 75,552 201 0 WN • ••. • A•• y • • • • 111V. • • gA • • • • cliolk e • • 4410C • • • s • • CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY WATER DISTRIBUTION 30301 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Maintain approximately 380 miles of distribution systems with adequate pressure. Respond to customer complaints in a reasonable time frame, reduce recall complaints using improved material. MAJOR GOALS 1. Maintain Quality Service 2. Meet State Regulations and Guidelines 3. Assist Water Bond Rehabilitation; Locating valves, cutting off supply systems when necessary for tie-in connections. 4. Update Maps MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Certification of Personnel with Class "C" License 2. Eliminate Call Backs by using Higher Quality Repair Clamps 3. Provide Courteous and Quality Work WORKLOAD MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Fire Hydrants / day 3.8 4.5 5.3 2. Main Line Repairs / day 8 9.7 10.3 3. Meter Leak Repairs / day 6.9 8.1 9.7 4. Cut Off Replaces / day 5.1 7.6 9.3 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1. Average Time to Complete Back fill 2. Return Calls on Water Leaks 3. Average Time to Complete Main Break Repairs 1992 ACTUAL 2 hrs. 2.2 wks. 2.7 hrs. 1993 EST. 1.5 hrs. 1.1 wk. 2 hrs. 1994 BASE LINE 1 hr. .6 vek. 1.5 hrs. 203 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY WATER DISTRIBUTION 30301 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTEDI NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 SUPERVISORY $ 42,633 $ 51,084 $ 54,137 $ 55,310 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 268,771 267,970 267,900 298,260 71009 OVERTIME 23,155 28,000 28,100 28,000 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 54,825 52,572 50,870 53,516 71022 RETIREMENT 46,025 43,903 46,120 47,930 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 24,780 26,605 26,720 28,550 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 47,456 34,197 30,000 31,150 71041 ALLOWANCES - 720 750 750 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 507,645 505,051 504,597 543,466 72007 WEARING APPAREL 72016 MOTOR VEHICLES 72021 MINOR TOOLS 72031 CHEMICAL 72032 MEDICAL TOTAL SUPPLIES 73023 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYS 73025 STREET, SIDEWALK & CURB 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP TOTAL MAINTENANCE 74011 HIRE OF EQUIPMENT 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL SERVICES TOTAL OPERATING FUND 719 2,011 1,500 2,000 16,425 19,110 17,500 19,000 2,334 3,000 2,500 3,000 142 500 300 500 32 100 100 100 19,652 24,721 21,900 24,600 33,128 32,500 32,500 35,200 12,990 20,970 18,000 21,000 57,824 66,250 77,300 71,000 196 500 100 500 104,138 120,220 127,900 127,700 500 1,000 200 1,000 4,000 600 117 600 600 3,360 923 900 1,600 1,600 400 400 200 400 1,940 2,900 633,375 652,892 6,600 6,960 660,997 702,726 204 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY WATER DISTRIBUTION 30301 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 84042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 84043 MOTOR VEHICLES 84045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIPMENT 84052 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 84053 MAJOR TOOLS TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT - 1,400 - 19,012 3,882 4,500 3,882 24,912 1,400 19,000 4,500 24,900 16,000 8,000 4,500 28,500 86011 CAPITAL LEASE PURCHASES - - - 19,000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS - - - 19,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,882 24,912 24,900 47,500 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 637,257 $ 677,804 $ 685,897 $ 750,226 205 MIN IIIN A NMI MN NMI EMI MI SIM M CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY WASTEWATER COLLECTION 30401 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Maintain approximately 380 miles of collection system to residents with minimal uninterrupted service. Utilize the TV inspection unit in conjunction with smoke testing to identify and eliminate infiltration. MAJOR GOALS 1. Maintain service to residents. 2. Preventative maintenance program using chemicals to reduce stoppages. 3. Reduce infiltration due to cross connections. 4. Televise storm and sanitary sewers to identify necessary repairs with accurate cost for material. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Certify personnel with Class "II" Collection License. 2. Televise 1 .5 miles of collection system. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Manholes Rehabilitated 4 6 8 2. Main Lines Replaced 200 300 400 3. Service Lines Repaired 7 10 4. Sewer Stops 18.5 23 19.3 5. Manholes/Mains Vactored 10 15 24 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Miles of Lines Televised 0 1 1 .5 2. Cost of Chemical Treatment $2,000 $3,000 $4,500 3. Miles of Lines Smoke Test 80 115 130 207 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY WASTEWATER COLLECTION 30401 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE ACTUAL 1991-92 BUDGET 1992-93 ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1992-93 1993-94 71001 71002 71009 71021 71022 71023 71028 71041 72001 72007 72016 72021 72031 73022 73025 73043 73045 74011 74021 74042 74071 SUPERVISORY ALL OTHER - FULL TIME OVERTIME HEALTH INSURANCE RETIREMENT SOCIAL SECURITY WORKERS' COMPENSATION ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES OFFICE WEARING APPAREL MOTOR VEHICLES MINOR TOOLS CHEMICAL TOTAL SUPPLIES SANITARY SEWERS STREET, SIDEWALK & CURB MOTOR VEHICLES RADIO & TESTING EQUIP TOTAL MAINTENANCE HIRE OF EQUIPMENT SPECIAL SERVICES EDUCATION & TRAINING ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL SERVICES $ - $ 259,781 15,765 49,207 38,307 20,450 58,537 8,861 $ 287,935 19,500 57,192 40,011 24,252 44,710 720 8,900 281,400 19,500 47,100 40,450 24,300 44,600 720 $ 9,390 319,790 20,000 50,447 43,750 26,040 47,000 750 442,047 790 16,766 914 876 483,181 2,058 21,000 1,500 3,000 466,970 517,167 2,000 1,400 1,800 18,400 21,000 1,900 2,000 3,400 4,500 19,346 22,112 1,708 65,586 34 27,558 28,000 5,000 50,000 500 25,100 31,300 28,000 28,000 4,600 5,000 40,900 50,000 200 500 89,440 396 10 225 631 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 551,464 83,500 1,000 800 300 2,100 596,339 73,700 1,300 2,600 1,600 200 5,700 571,470 83,500 1,500 470 3,120 450 5,540 637,507 208 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY WASTEWATER COLLECTION 30401 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 84042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 84043 MOTOR VEHICLES 84045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIPMENT 84052 HEAVY EQUIPMENT TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 86011 CAPITAL LEASE PURCHASES TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,500 16,200 1,400 59,955 3,500 13,000 2,600 60,000 2,100 51,000 - 81,055 79,100 53,100 - 19,000 - - 19,000 - 81,055 79,100 72,100 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 551,464 $ 677,394 $ 650,570 $ 709,607 209 ME M OWN lecy P ♦•. ♦• •'41 • f • AY • • • • V•• • cart • • • • • r • • • • • • ▪ Ai pe 4 • • • CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY WA STEWA TER TREATMENT 30501 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Operate and maintain fifty Lift Stations to transport and properly treat wastewater at five treatment plants. Comply with Texas Water Commission, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Texas Department of Health, and Harris County Pollution Control rules and regulations. Operate the treatment plants in an efficient and productive manner to produce a high quality of effluent. MAJOR GOALS 1. Maintain facilities in excess of the minimum regulatory standards. 2. Maintain facilities in a state of constant readiness. 3. Develop and maintain a staff of qualified personnel to ensure compliance with current and new regulations. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Reduce the number of deficiencies noted during TWC inspections. 2. Improve the aesthetics of facilities. 3. Develop a program to comply with impending rule changes by the TWC concerning process control. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Dry tons of sludge 104 tons/ 140 tons/ 150 tons/ month month month 2. Volume of Wastewater Treated 260 mg/ 300 mg/ 330 mg/ month month month 3. Bod Reduction in Pounds 146 k/ 214 k/ 225 k/ month month month 4. TSS Reduction in Pounds 170 k/ 158 k/ 160 k/ month month month PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Percent of Bod Reduction 97.5 % 97 % 97 % 2. Percent of TSS Reduction 94 % 94.5 % 95 % 3. Percent of Solids in Sludge & Cake 18 % 18 % 19 % 211 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY WASTEWATER TREATMENT 30501 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 SUPERVISORY $ 70,273 $ 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 723,333 71009 OVERTIME 43,333 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 109,912 71022 RETIREMENT 117,556 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 63,914 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 43,461 71041 ALLOWANCES 2,400 57,044 $ 705,856 32,000 105,145 100,555 60,810 25,847 1,800 58,016 $ 60,160 731,370 733,420 22,940 23,000 105,582 111,445 104,628 105,180 62,143 62,580 58,996 60,720 1,440 1,440 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,174,182 1,089,057 1 ,145,1 15 1,157,945 72001 OFFICE 696 1,000 878 1,000 72007 WEARING APPAREL 2,580 2,500 2,500 2,500 72016 MOTOR VEHICLES 14,957 17,550 17,696 18,700 72021 MINOR TOOLS 1,312 1,900 1,470 1,700 72026 CLEANING & JANITORIAL 1,242 1,600 1,440 1,600 72031 CHEMICAL 133,496 152,200 151,400 125,420 TOTAL SUPPLIES 154,283 176,750 175,384 150,920 73011 BUILDINGS 73021 FILTRATION PLANTS 73025 STREET, SIDEWALK & CURB 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP TOTAL MAINTENANCE 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 74002 ELECTRIC SERVICE 74005 NATURAL GAS 74011 HIRE OF EQUIPMENT 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 74051 RENTS 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL SERVICES 4,971 191 12,433 133,820 49,048 8,500 5,290 6,000 14,500 11,380 13,500 185,113 136,780 235,500 47,000 41,005 38,000 700 703 700 200,463 255,813 195,158 293,700 6,916 7,916 7,830 7,800 620,985 581,820 600,000 605,000 253 300 300 300 (65) 4,300 2,360 4,300 30,920 31,195 26,405 60,620 115 1,900 1,902 2,300 1,565 1,900 2,062 2,850 123,892 122,500 127,660 134,000 260 175 100 100 784,841 752,006 768,619 817,270 212 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY WASTEWATER TREATMENT 30501 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 75086 INTEREST EXPENSE -LATE PMT TOTAL SUNDRY CHARGES TOTAL OPERATING FUND 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 84042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 84043 MOTOR VEHICLES 84045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIPMENT TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 172 172 2,313,941 2,273,626 2,284,276 2,419,835 1,549 1,550 380 7,500 7,500 2,000 34,900 25,150 - - 650 - 43,949 43,949 34,850 34,850 2,380 2,380 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 2,313,941 $ 2,317,575 $ 2,319,126 $ 2,422,215 213 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY POLLUTION CONTROL 306005 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Meet EPA and TWC mandates concerning pollutants entering our collection and treatment system from commercial and industrial users, enforcing our Code of Ordinances, Chapter 34. Develop a back flow Prevention Device Certification Program to be implemented as part of the industrial user monitoring program. MAJOR GOALS 1. Develop a program that protects the POTWs from pass through or interference. 2. Establish a back flow inspections program. 3. Locate and/or eliminate the Cyanide problem at Central POTW. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Approach and permit industrial users targeted in zone 1, 2, 3, and 4. 2. Complete the Industrial User Survey city-wide. 3. Perform annual inspections on all permitted industrial users. 4. Implement a back flow prevention inspection program as part of the industrial user monitoring program. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASELINE 1. Permits issued - 38 60 2. Samples pulled/Analyses performed 20 80 3. Industrial Users Surveys completed 120 300 4. Industrial Users approached for permitting 32 45 5. Liquid Waste Manifest submitted 450 600 6. Self Monitoring Reports submitted 20 30 7. Violation letters sent out or calls made 50 80 8. Inspections performed 47 70 9. Follow up on Complaints 15 25 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1. Inspections 2. Pull samples 3. Application Process 4. Reviewing SMR and doing follow ups 214 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASELINE 1 hour 1 hour 3 hours 3 hours 5 hours 5 hours .5 hours .5 hours CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY POLLUTION CONTROL 305006 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 SUPERVISORY 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 71022 RETIREMENT 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 72001 OFFICE 72007 WEARING APPAREL 72016 MOTOR VEHICLES 72021 MINOR TOOLS 72026 CLEANING & JANITORIAL 72041 EDUCATIONAL TOTAL SUPPLIES $ 28,098 $ 30,984 $ 33,845 4,353 1,702 2,215 3,631 4,028 4,359 2,196 2,387 2,589 930 1,192 2,599 - 39,208 40,293 45,607 300 292 300 200 100 - 1,200 754 1,200 200 50 200 200 - - 300 139 300 2,400 1,335 2,000 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES - 581 1,965 500 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP - 100 127 100 TOTAL MAINTENANCE - 681 2,092 600 74001 COMMUNICATIONS - 200 - - 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES - 4,500 3,305 6,000 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES - 400 428 400 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING - 300 278 300 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES - 25 70 70 TOTAL SERVICES - 5,425 4,081 6,770 TOTAL OPERATING FUND - 47,714 47,801 54,977 84042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT - - - 3,100 84043 MOTOR VEHICLES - 16,200 11,000 - 84045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIPMENT - 650 650 - TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT - 16,850 11,650 3,100 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY - 16,850 11,650 3,100 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ - $ 64,564 $ 59,451 $ 58,077 215 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY UTILITY CONSTRUCTION 30600 PROGRAM SUMMARY It is the responsibility of one construction crew to maintain large utility transmission lines that require large equipment and special skills. They also remodel offices and remove large structures. The second construction crew is exclusively committed to the bond water rehabilitation program. They replace water lines from 4" to 12" in the program. The tapping crew responsibilities are to make new water and sewer taps on new homes. They also replace sewer taps that have failed. The tapping crew will, on occasion, have to lay sewer pipe to extend a line to add an additional tap on a new service. When needed, they assist the Utility Field Service Crew. The Utility Field Service responsibilities are new service connections, old service disconnections, delinquent disconnects and reconnects, customer verifications, and meter change outs. MAJOR GOALS Increase the amount of water lines to be replaced under the bond program. All tapping and construction employees to receive their water and sewer certificates. The tapping crew will maintain a maximum two week schedule or better on installation of water and sewer taps. The Utility Field Service crew will devise a plan to defer some of the reoccurring delinquent accounts which will include a deadline for reconnecting delinquent services. In addition, the Utility Field Service crew needs to complete 20% of the large meter replacements. MAJOR OBJECTIVES Provide more safety training as well as mandated regulatory training. To research the latest technology to improve productivity in the tapping crew. The Utility Field Service crew will identify and change out old large meters that are not designed to be tested as well as implement an annual testing program for large meters. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Feet of Water Lines 19,000 22,000 2. Water Taps 500 500 3. Feet of Sewer Lines 2,500 2,500 4. Number of water and sewer taps 359 348 393 5. Delinquent Accounts 1,800 1,740 1,566 6. Meter Replacement 400 324 300 216 UTILITY CONSTRUCT/ON 30600 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Average cost to lay water lines per foot $ 12.00 $ 10.00 $ 9.58 2. Average cost of water taps $ 225.00 $ 190.00 $ 190.00 3. Water Taps $ 265.00 $ 275.00 $ 285.00 4. Sewer Taps $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 5. Delinquent Accounts $ 24.00 $ 25.00 $ 34.00 6. Meter Replacements $ 45.00 $ 47.00 $ 50.00 7. Large Meter Change outs $ 311.00 $ 335.00 $ 345.00 217 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY UTILITY CONSTRUCTION 30600 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 71009 OVERTIME 71011 EXTRA HELP - CONTRACT 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 71022 RETIREMENT 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 72007 WEARING APPAREL 72016 MOTOR VEHICLES 72021 MINOR TOOLS 72026 CLEANING & JANITORIAL 72031 CHEMICAL 72032 MEDICAL 72041 EDUCATIONAL TOTAL SUPPLIES 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP 73047 Mt I ERS & St! I INGS TOTAL MAINTENANCE $ 320,278 $ 358,869 $ 346,611 $ 376,010 4,360 10,000 10,000 10,000 560 - 49,424 53,700 47,255 58,754 46,655 47,300 42,847 49,140 25,167 28,219 25,246 29,190 34,525 21,677 20,461 24,670 480,409 519,765 492,980 547,764 946 1,700 1,083 1,700 13,166 24,000 20,812 24,000 1,275 4,500 3,464 4,500 400 200 400 125 500 250 500 126 300 200 300 175 15,638 31,400 26,009 31,575 48,538 63,800 30,000 50,000 258 900 900 900 36,793 58,700 42,000 45,000 85,589 123,400 72,900 95,900 74011 HIRE OF EQUIPMENT 173 1,400 1,212 1,400 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 263 900 900 900 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 462 900 3,460 3,775 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES 80 100 100 100 TOTAL SERVICES 978 3,300 5,672 6,175 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 582,614 677,865 597,561 681,414 83029 SEWER CONNECTIONS 83035 METER & CONNECTIONS TOTAL IMPRVMNTS OTHER THAN BUILD 4,464 12,197 4,000 5,000 13,000 13,000 16,661 17,000 18,000 218 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY UTILITY CONSTRUCTION 30600 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 84042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 84043 MOTOR VEHICLES TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 11,430 11,430 46,100 32,000 - 57,530 43,430 - 86011 CAPITAL LEASE PURCHASES - - - 40,300 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS - - - 40,300 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,661 74,530 61,430 40,300 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 599,275 $ 752,395 $ 658,991 $ 721,714 219 Ell IIIIII Mill NMI NMI 11111 NMI Mill MN MIMI MI Ell 11•11 INN 11011 1111 10111 INN NM CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY UTILITY BILLING 11080 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Responsible for reading each meter and billing two cycles for water, sewer, and garbage on a timely basis. Activities include assuring faulty, covered or inaccessible meters are reported for attention, answering telephone calls, processing payments, and establishing new accounts. This department also ensures customers are billed properly for services received, generate monthly bills, collect and disburse utility security deposits and past due accounts. We place a strong emphasis on positive public relations. MAJOR GOALS 1. To obtain accurate meter readings. 2. To stay on schedule with meter readings 3. To accurately bill all utility customers in a timely manner. 4. To professionally and tactfully enforce rules and regulations of the City ordinance. 5. To provide professional customer service. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. To maintain meter reading accuracy of 99.97%. 2. To complete reading of each route in a timely manner. 3. To maintain a high degree of accuracy in billing. 4. To provide employee training in customer service. 5. To balance each cash drawer with 99% accuracy. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1992 1993 ACTUAL ESTIMATE 1. Meter reads 207,737 214,760 2. Meters incorrectly read 369 330 3. Security deposits processed 2,408 2,258 4. Water taps processed 167 144 5. Sewer taps processed 214 175 6. Works orders issued 13,163 13,392 7. Security deposits refunded 2,265 2,300 8. Delinquent accounts cut off 1,579 2,130 9. Vacants with consumption 1 50 194 10. Accounts placed for collection 659 662 11. Return checks cut off 360 300 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES Meter reading accuracy 99.8 % 99.8 % The very nature of our job in the utility billing office does not lend itself to measuring productivity depends upon the workload demands from customers. 221 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY UTILITY BILLING 11080 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 71002 71009 71011 71021 71022 71023 71028 71041 72001 72002 72007 72016 72021 72026 72031 72032 72061 73041 73043 73045 73047 74001 74002 74005 74041 74042 74051 74071 74087 74091 SUPERVISORY ALL OTHER - FULL TIME OVERTIME EXTRA HELP - CONTRACT HEALTH INSURANCE RETIREMENT SOCIAL SECURITY WORKERS' COMPENSATION ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES OFFICE POSTAGE WEARING APPAREL MOTOR VEHICLES MINOR TOOLS CLEANING & JANITORIAL CHEMICAL MEDICAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL SUPPLIES OFFICE FURN & EQUIP MOTOR VEHICLES RADIO & TESTING EQUIP METERS & SETTINGS TOTAL MAINTENANCE COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRIC SERVICE NATURAL GAS TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES EDUCATION & TRAINING RENTS ASSOCIATION DUES MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES REIMBURSED TOTAL SERVICES $ 30,835 $ 204,494 3,560 6,754 45,328 32,858 17,894 10,838 2,700 39,379 $ 213,500 5,719 45,804 32,713 20,058 7,027 3,600 30,022 $ 30,807 199,145 218,970 6,277 10,004 560 - 36,890 47,261 28,410 32,944 16,440 19,567 7,187 7,638 2,400 355,263 11,449 43,447 1,036 5,335 915 145 260 28 178 367,800 20,822 59,772 932 4,752 834 900 195 324,931 10,500 45,000 721 3,532 833 433 170 369,591 11,500 42,858 790 3,600 1,078 795 125 62,793 7,393 7,778 96 250 88,207 6,842 5,600 540 61,189 6,842 5,055 466 60,746 6,842 5,000 100 15,517 279 651 319 823 554 90 799 70 12,982 300 700 400 600 1,650 175 1,700 12,363 300 700 400 500 800 852 175 1,500 11,942 300 800 400 700 1,250 852 175 2,000 3,583 5,525 5,227 6,477 222 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY UTILITY BILLING 11080 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 75051 COURT COST 75086 INTEREST EXPENSE -LATE PMT TOTAL SUNDRY CHARGES 500 4 4 500 - - TOTAL OPERATING FUND 437,159 475,014 403,709 448,756 82011 BUILDINGS - - - 3,700 TOTAL BUILDINGS - - - 3,700 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 2,011 - 1,500 84043 MOTOR VEHICLES - 13,000 13,000 84045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIPMENT - 1,500 1,500 TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 2,011 14,500 16,000 - 86011 CAPITAL LEASE PURCHASES - 14,608 10,956 14,608 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS - 14,608 10,956 14,608 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,011 29,108 26,956 18,308 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 439,170 $ 504,122 $ 430,665 $ 467,064 223 • Atli: • • • Plio. i • *.' •.o • • • yel), • • • I tod • T • a • i • • Av S. R r R I S il R • • • • s CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY WATER TREATMENT 30801 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71001 SUPERVISORY $ 39,965 $ 53,659 $ 52,937 $ 57,700 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 263,077 286,045 274,782 299,906 71009 OVERTIME 17,746 14,000 14,000 14,000 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 42,932 49,793 41,937 46,142 71022 RETIREMENT 44,278 44,744 43,504 47,863 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 23,981 27,168 25,280 28,741 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 29,113 20,837 19,530 21,839 71041 ALLOWANCES 721 1,440 1,440 1,440 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 461,813 497,686 473,410 517,631 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 461,813 497,686 473,410 517,631 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 461,813 $ 497,686 $ 473,410 $ 517,631 225 CITY OF BAYTOWN WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE INTEREST MATURITY ORIGINAL AMOUNT PRINCIPAL INTEREST RATE (%) DATE ISSUE OUTSTANDING DUE 93-94 DUE 93-94 Revenue Bonds Series 1991 Date of Issue, September 1, 1991 Term - 20 Years $ 170,000 7.50 1993 185,000 7.50 1994 195,000 $ 195,000 $ 195,000 $ 453,933 7.50 1995 210,000 210,000 7.50 1996 225,000 225,000 7.50 1997 245,000 245,000 7.50 1998 260,000 260,000 7.50 1999 280,000 280,000 7.50 2000 300,000 300,000 7.50 2001 320,000 320,000 6.15 2002 345,000 345,000 6.10 2003 370,000 370,000 6.20 2004 395,000 395,000 6.30 2005 425,000 425,000 6.40 2006 455,000 455,000 6.50 2007 490,000 490,000 6.55 2008 525,000 525,000 6.60 2009 560,000 560,000 6.50 2010 605,000 605,000 6.50 2011 645,000 645,000 $ 7,205,000 $ 6,850,000 $ 195,000 $ 453,933 226 CITY OF BAYTOWN WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE INTEREST MATURITY ORIGINAL AMOUNT PRINCIPAL INTEREST RATE (%) DATE ISSUE OUTSTANDING DUE 93-94 DUE 93-94 Revenue Bonds Series 1992 Date of Issue, November 1, 1992 Term - 20 Years 7.30 1994 $ 115,000 $ 115,000 $ 115,000 $ 283,050 7.30 1995 120,000 120,000 7.30 1996 130,000 130,000 7.30 1997 140,000 140,000 7.30 1998 150,000 150,000 7.30 1999 160,000 160,000 7.30 2000 175,000 175,000 7.30 2001 190,000 190,000 7.30 2002 200,000 200,000 6.10 2003 215,000 215,000 5.80 2004 225,000 225,000 5.90 2005 240,000 240,000 6.00 2006 250,000 250,000 6.10 2007 265,000 265,000 6.20 2008 280,000 280,000 6.25 2009 300,000 300,000 6.25 2010 315,000 315,000 6.30 2011 340,000 340,000 6.30 2012 600,000 600,000 Total Revenue Bonds $ 4,410,000 $ 4,410,000 $ 115,000 $ 283,050 $ 11,615,000 $ 11,260,000 $ 310,000 $ 736,983 (1) (1) Total does not include estimated $480,000 for 1993 revenue bonds to be issued. 227 I ! I IIIMI M M M N N - M MI MI NM E M I - = OWN .•. AY • • ' Ar a* V•• • • (:(1 • • • • • csilige4 • • • • • a* •• Ips ...ii detk CITY OF BAYTOWN SOLID WASTE FUND REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY OPERATING REVENUE SOUD WASTE COLLECTION FRANCHISE GARBAGE BAGS MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 $ 2,025,179 $ 2,195,577 $ 2,113,600 $ 2,209,800 0 108,120 105,000 107,100 100,929 110,000 94,500 100,000 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 o SOUD WASTE OTHER EXPENDITURES o CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND TRANSFER TO SICK LEAVE FUND 2,126,108 2,414,697 2,314,100 2,417,900 2,207,692 2,146,168 60,060 152,853 13,000 80,753 166,967 12,600 2,131,098 2,137,979 79,813 166,967 12,600 98,628 166,967 12,600 2,433,605 2,406,488 2,390,478 2,416,174 REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES $ (307,497)$ 8,209 $ (76,378)$ 1,726 229 CITY OF BAYTOWN SOLID WASTE FUND EXPENDITURES BY CLASSIFICATION Personal Services Supplies Maintenance Services Capital Outlay Administrative Transfers Total Expenditures N C 0 E 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 ACTUAL 1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 $904,898 $869,088 $873,488 118,829 120,262 127,960 385,751 295,600 312,070 798,216 861,218 817,580 60,060 80,753 79,813 165,853 179,567 179,567 $780,500 118,120 284,300 955,059 98,628 179,567 $2,433,607 $2,406,488 $2,390,478 $2,416,174 z BUDGET 1993 ESTIMATED 1993 ADOPTED 1994 230 CITY OF BAYTOWN SOLID WASTE FUND SUMMARY OF OPERATING RESULTS OPERATING REVENUE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FRANCHISE GARBAGE BAGS MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 $ 2,025,179 $ 2,195,577 $ 2,113,600 $ 2,209,800 0 108,120 105,000 107,100 100,929 110,000 94,500 100,000 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 OPERATING EXPENSES SOLID WASTE DEPRECIATION OTHER EXPENDITURES TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND TRANSFER TO SICK LEAVE FUND NET INCOME 2,126,108 2,414,697 2,207,692 124,266 2,146,168 124,266 2,314,100 2,417,900 2,131,098 124,266 2,137,979 124,266 152,853 166,967 166,967 166,967 13,000 12,600 12,600 12,600 2,497,811 2,450,001 2,434,931 2,441,812 $ (371,703)$ (35,304)$ (120,831)$ (23,912) RECONCILIATION OF NET INCOME (LOSS) TO REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES Net income (371,703) (35,304) (120,831) (23,912) Capital outlay (60,060) (80,753) (79,813) (98,628) Depreciation 124,266 124,266 124,266 124,266 Revenues over (under) expenditures (307,497) 8,209 (76,378) 1,726 231 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY SOLID WASTE 32010 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Household garbage is collected twice per week by the Compacted Garbage Section. The City of Baytown collects 63% of the total units and BFI is contracted to collect the remaining 37%. Brush and White goods are collected curbside on a four -week schedule. Brush is recycled and white goods with chloroflurocarbons are evacuated and certified empty before being taken to the landfill. Newspaper and magazine recycling is accomplished with roll -off boxes supplied by Champion Recycling Corporation. Additional recycling is funded for the Baytown Recycling Works and includes the usage of one person, four hours, each week. MAJOR GOALS 1. Total compliance with 40 CFR Part 82. 2. Reduction of yard waste taken to the landfill through a composting program and a collection program. 3. Reduce the number of vehicular and personal injury accidents. 4. Become more competitive with contracted services. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Provide driver training for new drivers. 2. Auditing fuel consumption, landfill fees, minor tools purchased, vehicle maintenance, and wearing apparel usage. 3. Provide maintenance training for all Solid Waste employees. 4. A closer monitoring of the equipment for preventative maintenance. 5. Improve compaction efficiency by auditing truck weights and the purchase of a high compaction garbage truck. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Number of households collected 12,497 10,797 11,000 2. Cu. Yds. of compacted disposed 65,438 48,000 48,000 3. Cu. Yds. of loose disposed 16,165 12,500 12,500 4. Cu. Yds. of brush recycled 41,848 40,000 40,000 5. Number of Doortags issued 90 212 200 6. Number of customer complaints 300 380 325 232 SOLID WASTE 32010 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Average cost to collect compacted garbage per unit $9.23 $8.17 $ 2. Average cost to collect brush per unit $2.80 $4.82 $4.81 3. Non -attainment of collection schedules 10 2 2 233 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY SOLID WASTE 32010 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 70128 GARBAGE BAGS $ 68,238 $ TOTAL DIRECT OPERATING EXPENSES 68,238 71001 SUPERVISORY 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 71009 OVERTIME 71011 EXTRA HELP - CONTRACT 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 71022 RETIREMENT 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 71051 MERIT & ACROSS THE BOARD TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 72007 WEARING APPAREL 72016 MOTOR VEHICLES 72021 MINOR TOOLS 72026 CLEANING & JANITORIAL 72031 CHEMICAL 72061 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL SUPPLIES 73011 BUILDINGS 73025 STREET, SIDEWALK & CURB 73031 WASTE RECYCLER 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP TOTAL MAINTENANCE 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 74011 HIRE OF EQUIPMENT 74012 INSURANCE 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES 74036 ADVERTISING 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES I I I I I 38,053 45,000 61,500 33,420 I 509,713 503,697 501,090 474,322 8,640 20,000 19,540 20,000 I 17,789 9,200 3,170 6,000 94,209 97,008 87,558 98,570 79,278 71,119 78,360 67,977 I 42,553 43,009 45,190 40,375 114,662 73,085 77,080 39,836 - 6,970 - - I 904,897 869,088 873,488 780,500 72,392 $ 72,392 76,040 $ 76,040 70,100 70,100 343 1,675 970 800 I 49,882 45,000 50,550 43,500 365 400 240 450 100 50 150 I - 115 110 120 - 3,000 50,590 47,290 51,920 48,020 I 1,636 500 200 500 2,262 500 200 500 I 27,000 700 381,853 294,000 311,070 255,000 1 600 600 600 385,751 295,600 312,070 284,300 580 - - I 175 480 480 200 57,205 78,000 77,740 15,999 I 335,505 495,000 456,940 696,160 119 3,000 2,910 3,000 9 275 570 500 I I 234 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY SOLID WASTE 32010 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 20 218 890 900 74051 RENTS 404,919 284,000 277,850 235,250 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES 264 245 200 300 74091 SERVICES REIMBURSED - - - 2,750 TOTAL SERVICES 798,216 861,798 817,580 955,059 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 2,207,692 2,146,168 2,131 ,098 2,137,979 84042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT - - - 17,000 84043 MOTOR VEHICLES - 19,053 19,053 - 84045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIPMENT - 700 700 - 84052 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 60,060 61,000 60,060 - TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 60,060 80,753 79,813 17,000 86011 CAPITAL LEASE PURCHASES - - - 81,628 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS - - - 81,628 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 91101 GENERAL FUND 91506 SICK LEAVE SOLID WASTE TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 60,060 80,753 79,813 98,628 152,853 166,967 166,967 166,967 13,000 12,600 12,600 12,600 165,853 179,567 179,567 179,567 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 2,433,605 $ 2,406,488 $ 2,390,478 $ 2,416,174 235 Ar •• . a a• 41 V.: 6 • Al▪ t' • I OW▪ . ▪ • ▪ • IP • iprol • • • • • . clothe •44Cy •• . . •* CITY OF BAYTOWN GARAGE FUND REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 OPERATING REVENUE DEPARTMENTAL BILLINGS $ 1,029,128 $ 1,020,354 $ 1,076,970 $ 1,106,397 OPERATING EXPENSES MUNICIPAL GARAGE OTHER EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY CONTINGENCY TRANSFER TO SICK LEAVE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 955,848 954,987 1,053,691 1,080,497 6,477 23,050 70 23,799 1,000 1,000 22,279 24,900 1,000 1,000 963,395 1,002,836 1,076,970 1,106,397 REV. OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES $ 65,733 $ 17,518 $ 0 $ 0 237 CITY OF BAYTOWN GARAGE FUND EXPENDITURES BY CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 Personal Services $420,620 $431,050 $396,920 $418,810 Supplies 493,227 440,870 577,805 580,870 Maintenance 34,929 22,400 10,109 10,200 Services 7,072 60,667 68,856 70,617 Sundry 68 23,799 — — Capital Outlay 6,477 23,050 22,279 24,900 Administrative Transfers 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total Expenditures $963,393 $1,002,836 $1,076,969 $1,106,397 1.2 1.1 - 1- 0.9 -7 0.8 c 0.7 0 = 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 ACTUAL 1992 v BUDGET 1993 ESTIMATED 1993 ADOPTED 1994 238 CITY OF BAYTOWN GARAGE FUND SUMMARY OF OPERATING RESULTS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 OPERATING REVENUE k 46020 DEPARTMENTAL BILLINGS $ 1,029,128 $ 1,020,354 $ 1,076,970 $ 1,106,397 L OPERATING EXPENSES GARAGE OPERATIONS DEPRECIATION OTHER EXPENSES 955,848 954,987 1,053,691 3,718 3,718 3,718 1,080,497 3,718 CONTINGENCY 70 23,799 TRANSFER TO SICK LEAVE 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 960,636 983,504 1,058,409 1,085,215 NET INCOME $ 68,492 $ 36,850 $ 18,561 $ 21,182 RECONCILIATION OF NET INCOME TO REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES: Net income Capital outlay Depreciation $ 68,492 $ 36,850 $ 18,561 $ 21,182 (6,477) (23,050) (22,279) (24,900) 3,718 3,718 3,718 3,718 Revenues over (under) expenditures $ 65,733 $ 17,518 $ 0 $ 239 CIT a• • 41 ••••• i• . l'IP- .•. 0 ' a • • 1104 • gi• • . • T • • • ed • • • • folk •• • •• Alva * `i R� R . & • N..m... 0 — — — — — — — — — — — — — U. U. U. — U. — CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY GARAGE 33011 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The garage maintains, services, and repairs a fleet of equipment operated by Public Works, Engineering, Inspections, Health, Library, Utility Billing, and BAWA, as well as assisting the Police, Fire, and Park Departments with their repairs. MAJOR GOALS Improve the safety and efficiency of equipment operations by maintenance, service, and repair of equipment in a timely manner and at an equitable cost. MAJOR OBJECTIVES Increase average number of repairs made with flat rate time. Reduce turn -around time for repairs to equipment. Reduce returns caused by incomplete maintenance and repair. Maintain repair, maintenance, and service costs to the user department/division within expected and available funding. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1993 1994 ACTUAL BASE LINE 1. Repair tickets turned in to the shop 2,700 3,000 2. Work orders issued 3,036 3,500 3. Preventative Maintenance Service N/A 250 4. Tire service jobs 732 800 5. Road calls made N/A 50 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1993 1994 ACTUAL BASE LINE 1. Preventative Maintenance Services 70 % 95 % 2. Work Orders Completed 100 % 100 % 3. Jobs done in "Flat Rate" time N/A 80 % 4. Non -tire related road calls N/A N/A 5. Overtime call outs for repairs N/A N/A 241 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GARAGE 33011 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 70112 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME $ 179,304 $ 153,468 $ 137,369 $ 148,460 70114 HEALTH INSURANCE 22,396 18,444 15,334 12,256 70115 RETIREMENT 26,858 20,679 18,164 19,765 70116 SOCIAL SECURITY 15,136 12,915 10,784 11,739 70117 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 20,208 10,896 9,855 9,663 70118 ALLOWANCES 5,787 5,367 5,083 3,780 70119 OVERTIME 5,334 10,000 7,233 5,000 70120 SUPPLIES - 20,000 14,389 10,000 70121 VEHICULAR -FUEL& LUBE 175,167 140,000 180,181 180,000 70122 VEHICULAR -REPAIR PARTS 307,666 270,000 373,893 380,000 70131 CONTRACT REPAIRS -OUTSIDE - 50,000 60,034 60,000 TOTAL DIRECT OPERATING EXPENSES 757,856 711,769 832,319 840,663 71001 SUPERVISORY 71002 ALL OTHER - FULL TIME 71009 OVERTIME 71021 HEALTH INSURANCE 71022 RETIREMENT 71023 SOCIAL SECURITY 71028 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 71041 ALLOWANCES 71051 MERIT & ACROSS THE BOARD TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 72001 OFFICE 72007 WEARING APPAREL 72016 MOTOR VEHICLES 72021 MINOR TOOLS 72026 CLEANING & JANITORIAL 72032 MEDICAL TOTAL SUPPLIES 73011 BUILDINGS 73027 HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP TOTAL MAINTENANCE 41,059 53,870 2,819 11,856 14,219 8,013 10,698 3,063 44,700 90,379 3,000 15,579 17,467 10,910 9,203 4,533 3,510 47,033 86,488 3,471 14,527 17,209 10,217 9,337 4,816 47,410 88,630 5,000 19,944 18,165 11,061 11,817 6,120 145,597 199,281 193,098 208,147 1,463 1,300 1,570 1,500 4,041 4,270 2,983 4,270 3,388 3,000 2,398 2,500 1,145 1,400 1,364 1,500 266 800 927 1,000 92 100 100 100 10,395 10,870 9,342 10,870 4,850 3,000 3,167 2,500 100 100 100 5,400 3,500 3,498 3,500 24,650 15,000 2,744 3,500 28 800 600 600 34,928 22,400 10,109 10,200 242 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GARAGE 33011 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 ADOPTED 1993-94 74012 74041 74042 74071 INSURANCE TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES EDUCATION & TRAINING ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL SERVICES TOTAL OPERATING FUND 84043 MOTOR VEHICLES 84045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIPMENT 84053 MAJOR TOOLS TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 99001 MANAGERS CONTINGENCIES TOTAL CONTINGENCIES TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 91551 SICK LEAVE GARAGE TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 5,149 191 1,622 110 7,717 450 2,500 7,717 376 729 7,717 400 2,500 7,072 955,848 6,477 6,477 70 70 6,547 1,000 10,667 954,987 15,400 650 7,000 23,050 23,799 23,799 46,849 1,000 8,822 1,053,690 14,700 580 7,000 22,280 22,280 1,000 10,617 1,080,497 17,000 700 7,200 24,900 24,900 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 963,395 $ 1,002,836 $ 1,076,970 $ 1,106,397 243 MN MN all N M M N MN 11111 — N M E MN r—— N 1 0•WO N. • • leSe P Af • . e . • VG • 14 S. . • VIA • • . • oloi P. debt Published In: THE BAYTOWN SUN Friday, October 1, 1993 Friday, October 8, 1993 ORDINANCE NO. 6774 930923-1 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1993, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1994, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARTER AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ****************************************************************** WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Baytown has submitted to the City Council a budget estimate of the revenues of said City and the expense of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 1993, and ending September 30, 1994, and which said estimate has been compiled from detailed information obtained from the several departments, divisions, and offices of the City containing all information as required by the Charter of the City of Baytown; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received said City Manager's estimate and held a public hearing thereon as provided by Section 44 of the Charter; and WHEREAS, after full and final consideration of the public hearing and after certain revisions to the proposed budget, it is the opinion of the Council that the budget as revised should be approved and adopted; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the budget estimate of the revenues of the City of Baytown and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 1993, and ending September 30, 1994, as finally submitted to the City Council by the City Manager of said City (a copy of which is on file in the City Clerk's office) be, and the same is in all things, adopted and approved as the budget estimate of all the current expenses as well as the fixed charges against said City for the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of October, 1993, and ending September 30, 1994. Section 2: That the sum of TWENTY-THREE MILLION FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($23,432,765.00) is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the payment of Operating Expenses and Capital Outlay of the City Government. Section 3: That the sum of TWO MILLION FOUR HUNDRED SIXTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-FOUR AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($2,416,174.00) is hereby appropriated out of the Solid Waste Fund for the Operating Expenses and Capital Outlay of the municipally owned Solid Waste Collection System. Section 4: That the sum of THIRTEEN MILLION TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY-EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY-ONE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($13,288,191.00) is hereby appropriated out of the Waterworks and Sanitary Sewage System for operating costs and for the purpose of 245 930923-la paying the accruing interest and redeeming the Serial Bonds as they mature on the Waterworks and Sanitary Sewer Fund Debt Service Bonds. Section 5: That the sum of ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED SIX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED NINETY-SEVEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($1,106,397.00) is hereby appropriated out of the Municipal Garage Fund for the Operating Expenses and Capital Outlay for Municipal Garage Service System. Section 6: That the sum of FIVE MILLION TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FOUR AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($5,023,204.00) is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund Debt Service for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming the Serial Bonds as they mature on the General Fund Debt Service Bonds. Section 7: That the City Manager is hereby authorized to transfer any unencumbered appropriation balance or portion thereof between general classifications of expenditures within an office, department or agency, in accordance with Section 68 of the Charter. Section 8: The City Manager shall have the authority to increase a department's line item budget by the amount equal to outstanding purchase orders as of September 30, 1993, to be appropriated out of the Fund Balance. Section 9: This ordinance shall be and remain in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval of the City Council, and it shall be published once each week for two (2) consecutive weeks in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown, this the 23rd day of September, 1993 ATTEST: LY`DA ,i'GORE, Deput City Clerk CIO RAMIREZ SRL , ity Attor ney leg al/ c ounc iU 9 - 23 -93 adop(B UDG ET /a PETS C. AL ARO, Mayor 246 2 930923-2 ORDINANCE NO. 6775 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, FIXING THE RATE AND TAX LEVY FOR GENERAL FUND MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION AND DEBT SERVICE FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1994, UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF BAYTOWN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER PROVISIONS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ****************************************************************** BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: There shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected for the year ending September 30, 1994, an ad valorem tax of $ .44482 for each ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) of assessed value of property located within the city limits of the City of Baytown on January 1, 1993, made taxable by law, which said taxes, when collected, shall be apportioned among funds and departments of City Government of the City of Baytown for the purpose of General Fund Maintenance and Operation. Section 2: The ad valorem tax rate of $ .44482 as set forth in Section 1, is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected on one hundred percent (100%) of each ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) worth of property located within the city limits of the City of Baytown on January 1, 1993, as valued by the Harris County Appraisal District and made taxable by law. Section 3: There shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected for the year ending September 30, 1994, an ad valorem tax of $ .29221 for each ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) of assessed value of property located within the city limits of the City of Baytown on January 1, 1993, made taxable by law, which said taxes, when collected, shall be apportioned among funds and departments of City Government of the City of Baytown for the purpose of Debt Service. Section 4: The ad valorem tax rate of $ .29221 as set forth in Section 1, is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected on one hundred percent (100%) of each ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) worth of property located within the city limits of the City of Baytown on January 1, 1993, as valued by the Harris County Appraisal District and made taxable by law. Section 5: The Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Baytown is hereby directed to assess, extend and enter upon the Tax Rolls of the City of Baytown, Texas, for the current year the amounts and rates herein levied, and to keep a current account of same. All collection of such taxes, as well as collection of taxes owed for prior years, to include penalty and interest thereof, 247 930923-2a shall be deposited in the official depository of the City of Baytown to be distributed between the General Fund and the Debt Service on a basis determined by the percentage that each bear to the total tax rate. Section 6: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 7: If any provisions, section, exception, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 8: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown, this the 23rd day of September, 1993 ATTEST: 44 PETE C. nARI-(;)",--Mayor LYNDA K y GORE, Deputy •j ty Clerk (Th ACID RAMIREZ, kg sU camc il/ 9-23 -93 setT AX levy City Attorney 248 930923-3 ORDINANCE NO. 6776 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE IV, "FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION," SECTION 14-16, "CHARGE FOR COLLECTION," OF CHAPTER 14, "GARBAGE, TRASH AND BRUSH," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO PROVIDE FOR AN INCREASE IN RATES; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ******************************************************************* BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That Article IV, "Financial Administration," Section 14-16, "Charge for Collection," of Chapter 14, "Garbage, Trash and Brush," of the Code of Ordinances, City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: ARTICLE IV. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION Sec. 14-16. Charge for collection. 1.) Each occupied residential unit within the city limits shall be charged the sum of Eleven Dollars and Eighty-two cents ($11.82), plus applicable sales tax, per month for city refuse collection services. This charge is based on the availability of city removal and disposal services, and shall be collected regardless of whether or not the occupant of a residential unit places any refuse out for collection. 2.) When the owner of an unoccupied residential unit certifies in writing to the utility collections office that the unit is unoccupied, the monthly charge from that time forward shall not be assessed for as long the unit remains unoccupied. 3.) When the head of the household of a residential unit certifies in writing to the utility collections office that he/she is over sixty-five (65) years of age and that he/she will place no more than one (1) thirty -gallon can or one (1) thirty -gallon plastic bag of refuse at his/her residential unit for collection on each regularly scheduled collection day, the monthly charge will be the sum of Nine Dollars and Six cents ($9.06) plus applicable sales tax. 4.) In the case of multifamily dwelling unit projects containing eight occupied dwelling units or less, the monthly charge for collection of refuse shall be the sum of Eleven Dollars and Eighty-two cents ($11.82), plus applicable sales tax, times the number of occupied units in the project. 249 930923-3a 5.) Multifamily units which exceed eight (8) occupied dwelling units will be considered a commercial multifamily unit and no city collection will be provided. Section 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 4: If any provisions, section, exception, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 5: The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective beginning with the first billing for the month of October, 1993. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown, this the 23rd day of September, 1993 47 PETE C. Mayor ATTEST: LYNDA KGORE, Deputyi ity Clerk 470t ,04 - GNACIO RAMIREZ, S ., City Attorney kg allcouncW9-23-93ammdGA RBAGEcodc 2 250 930923-4 ORDINANCE NO. 6777 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AMENDING SECTION 31-56(a)(1) OF CHAPTER 31, "UTILITIES" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO INCREASE WATER RATES; AMENDING SECTION 31-65(A) OF CHAPTER 31, "UTILITIES" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO INCREASE SEWER RATES; AND AMENDING SECTION 31-65(B)(1) OF CHAPTER 31, "UTILITIES" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ******************************************************************* BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That Section 31-56(a)(1) of Chapter 31, "Utilities" of the Code of Ordinances, City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 31-56. Water rates. (a) Basic rate schedule. (1) Rate table: Gallons of Water Amount or Rate Used per Month: to be Charged: First 2,000, minimum monthly rate $7.50 All over 2,000, per 1,000 gallons $2.08 Section 2: That Section 31-65(A) of the Code of Ordinances, City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 31-65. Sewer service charge. (A) Rate schedule: (1) Minimum monthly rate $7.50 (2) Standards rate (per 1,000 gallons in excess of minimum monthly) $1.79 Section 3: That Section 31-65(B)(1) of the Code of Ordinances, City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 31-65. Sewer service charge. (B) Residential dwelling units: (1) Individually metered for water consumption: Each residential dwelling unit individually metered and billed for the consumption of water shall be charged for and owe each month a sewer service 251 930923-4a charged for and owe each month a sewer service charge based upon the consumption of water attributed to it as determined by the provisions of this Code relating to water charges, applied to the following usage and the rate schedule for sewer service: Gallons of Water Sewer Service Rate Used Per Month to be Charged First 2,000 gallons Minimum monthly rate Next 10,000 gallons per 1,000 gallons Standard rate Thereafter No charge Section 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 5: If any provisions, section, exception, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 6: The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective beginning with the first billing for the month of October, 1993. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown, this the 23rd day of September, 1993. ATTEST: c PETE C. ALF O, Mayor ILGORE, DepJ4y City Clerk ACIO RAMIREZ, Sit., City Attorney 252 CITY OF BAYTOWN ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 SUMMARY OF POSITIONS BY DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND NUMBER OF FULL-TIME DEPARTMENT POSITIONS FUNDED CITY MANAGER FINANCE TAX PURCHASING LEGAL CITY CLERK PLANNING TRAFFIC LIBRARY MUNICIPAL COURT DATA PROCESSING HUMAN RESOURCES POLICE FIRE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS ANIMAL CONTROL INSPECTION EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES STREETS & DRAINAGE ENGINEERING MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PARKS & RECREATION CITY HALL 3.00 10.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 2.00 6.50 5.00 22.00 6.00 4.00 5.00 138.00 75.00 19.00 4.00 7.50 14.00 27.00 6.25 7.00 5.00 30.00 1.00 TOTAL 409.25 253 CITY OF BAYTOWN FULL-TIME SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND GRADE GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER OF NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS GRADE CITY MANAGER 10201-71-1 10201-71-2 FINANCE I 1030-71-1 1030-71-2 TAX 10401-71-1 10401-71-2 PURCHASING o 10501-71-1 10501-71-2 City Manager Assistant City Manager TOTAL City Manager Secretary 1 50 1 50 2 1 19 TOTAL 1 Director of Finance Controller Senior Accountant Accountant Budget Analyst/Grant Coordinator TOTAL 1 48 1 46 1 44 1 40 1 44 5 Finance Secretary 1 18 Accounting Technician II 1 18 Finance Clerk 2 15 Payroll Processor 1 18 TOTAL 5 Investment/Tax Officer 1 44 1 Tax Clerk 2 15 Purchasing Agent Buyer TOTAL 2 1 45 1 41 TOTAL 2 Purchasing Clerk Purchasing Technician (1) TOTAL 2 254 CITY OF BAYTOWN FULL-TIME SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND GRADE GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER OF NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS GRADE LEGAL 1060-71-1 1060-71-2 CITY CLERK 11170-71-1 11170-71-2 PLANNING 1080-71-1 1080-71-2 TRAFFIC 30203-71-2 City Attorney Assistant City Attorney Legal Advisor TOTAL Senior Legal Secretary Legal Secretary City Clerk Deputy City Clerk 1 49 1 46 1 46 3 1 19 1 16 TOTAL 2 TOTAL TOTAL 1 46 1 1 18 1 Director of Planning & Community Development 1 47 Senior Planner 1 43 Assistant Planner (2) 1.5 41 Special Projects Coordinator 1 42 Youth Commission Coordinator (3) 1 43 TOTAL 5.5 Planning Secretary 1 17 TOTAL 1 Traffic Control Crew Chief 1 21 Traffic Signal Technician 1 20 Senior Traffic Control Worker 1 18 Traffic Control Worker 2 15 TOTAL 5 255 CITY OF BAYTOWN FULL-TIME SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND GRADE GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER OF NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS GRADE LIBRARY 1091 -71 -1 1091-71-2 L MUNICIPAL COURT 11100-71-1 11100-71-2 DATA PROCESSING 256 10202-71-1 10202-71-2 HUMAN RESOURCES 1141-71-1 1141-71-2 City Librarian Assistant City Librarian Coordinating Librarian Librarian TOTAL 1 47 2 45 3 43 1 41 7 Senior Library Technician 4 18 Library Secretary 1 19 Library Technician 8 17 Custodian 1 14 Library Page 1 14 TOTAL 15 Court Administrator 1 43 TOTAL 1 Senior Court Clerk 1 19 Deputy Court Clerk 4 17 TOTAL 5 Data Processing Director 1 47 1 Systems Analyst 2 42 Programmer Analyst 1 41 TOTAL 3 Director of Human Resources & Civil Service 1 47 Risk Manager 1 45 EEO/Employee Relations Officer 1 44 Human Resource Assistant 1 45 TOTAL 4 Human Resource Secretary 1 19 TOTAL 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN FULL-TIME SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND GRADE GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER OF NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS GRADE POLICE 2000-71 —1 2000-71-2 FIRE 2020-71-1 Chief of Police 1 48 Assistant Police Chief 2 46 Police Captain 3 46 TOTAL 6 Police Lieutenant 5 25 Police Sergeant 12 24 Electronic Technician 1 23 Mechanic 2 20 Patrol Officer 88 22 Jailer 5 18 Radio Technician Helper 1 19 Records & Computer Supervisor 1 21 Property Room Custodian 1 19 Support Services Coordinator 1 20 Senior Police Secretary 2 19 Traffic Clerk 1 16 Microfilm Clerk 1 14 Secretary Police Enforcement 1 18 Identification Clerk 1 14 Detective Secretary 1 18 Senior Records Clerk 1 19 General Clerk 4 14 Mechanic Supervisor 1 21 Receptionist 1 15 Statistical Data Clerk 1 17 TOTAL 132 Fire Chief 1 48 Assistant Fire Chief 2 46 TOTAL 3 257 CITY OF BAYTOWN FULL-TIME SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND GRADE GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER OF NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS GRADE FIRE, CONT. 2020-71-2 INSPECTION 2031-71-1 2031-71-2 ANIMAL CONTROL 20085-71-2 Battalion Chief Lieutenant Fire Equipment Operator Firefighter Mechanic Fire Secretary Senior Clerk/Secretary TOTAL Chief Building Official TOTAL Code Enforcement Officer II (4) Code Enforcement Officer I Senior Inspection Clerk TOTAL Animal Control Supervisor Animal Control Officer TOTAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 40005-71-1 40005-71-2 Emergency Medical Service Coordinator TOTAL EMS Supervisor Senior Paramedic Paramedic Emergency Medical Technician TOTAL 5 25 18 24 15 23 30 22 2 20 1 21 1 15 72 1 46 1 4.5 22 1 21 1 19 6.5 1 20 3 18 4 1 45 1 3 23 3 22 6 21 1 20 13 258 CITY OF BAYTOWN FULL-TIME SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND GRADE GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER OF NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS GRADE STREETS & DRAINAGE 11 30100-71-1 30100-71-2 L ENGINEERING 3021-71-1 3021-71-2 MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER 30201-71-1 30201-71-2 Streets/Dr./Util. Const. Super. TOTAL Drainage Foreman Street Maintenance Foreman Heavy Equipment Operator II Heavy Equipment I Equipment Operator Concrete Worker Concrete Finisher Grade Chief TOTAL 1 45 1 1 23 1 23 5 21 4 20 10 18 1 15 1 20 3 20 26 Director of Engineering & Inspection 1 47 Assistant City Engineer 1 44 TOTAL 2 Code Enforcement Officer I (5) 0.25 21 Survey Party Chief 1 21 Draftsperson 1 18 Engineering Aide 1 16 Engineering Secretary 1 19 TOTAL 4.25 Director of Public Works/BAWA 1 48 Assistant Director of Public Works 1 46 TOTAL 2 Public Works Office Supervisor 1 21 Public Works Secretary 2 18 Warehouse Buyer 1 19 Custodian 1 14 TOTAL 5 259 CITY OF BAYTOWN FULL-TIME SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND GRADE GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER OF NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS GRADE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 40003-71-1 40003-71-2 PARKS & RECREATION 5010-71-1 5010-71-2 CITY HALL 101001-71-2 Director of Health & Emergency Services TOTAL Environmental Health Spec. Health Dept. Secretary TOTAL 1 47 1 3 42 1 19 4 Director of Parks & Recreation 1 47 Superintendent of Parks 1 45 Superintendent of Recreation 1 45 Recreation Supervisor (3) 0 42 Community Center Supervisor 2 40 TOTAL 5 Park Foreman 2 23 Equipment Operator 6 18 Parks Crew Leader 5 19 Heavy Equipment Operator I 2 20 Parks Caretaker 7 15 P&R Secretary 1 17 Senior P&R Secretary 1 19 Building Attendant 1 15 TOTAL 25 Human Resources Representative/Receptionist PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS 2025-71-1 1 17 TOTAL 1 Telecommunications Coordinator 1 44 TOTAL 1 Telecommunications Supervisor 4 21 Telecommunicator 14 19 TOTAL 18 260 CITY OF BAYTOWN FULL-TIME SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND GRADE GENERAL FUND ENDNOTES (1) Employee was reclassed to Purchasing from Finance. (2) One of the Assistant Planner positions is funded .5 by General Fund and .5 by Grants. (3) Position deleted from Parks and Recreation and funding used for Youth Commission Coordinator in Planning Department. (4) One of the Code Enforcement II positions is funded .5 by General Fund and .5 by Grants. (5) Position funded by General Fund .25 and Bond Funds .75. 261 ils • • ttl ` • • • • C I T iffian • • • • • • * .• S . • •• • ' • a• 0 a •. • yI4 • T V • • a • aa 0 Av ••••♦•• ISI,) NM 0 IMII N 1111. M M M MIN MN I M = = IIIIN N MN N NM I = CITY OF BAYTOWN ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 SUMMARY OF POSITIONS BY DEPARTMENT PROPRIETARY FUNDS NUMBER OF FULL-TIME DEPARTMENT POSITIONS FUNDED WATER PRODUCTION 1 WATER DISTRIBUTION 14 WASTEWATER COLLECTION 14 WASTEWATER TREATMENT 30 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION 17 UTILITY BILLING 13 WATER TREATMENT PLANT 14 SUBTOTAL 103 SOLID WASTE 25 SUBTOTAL 25 GARAGE 11 SUBTOTAL 11 TOTAL 139 263 CITY OF BAYTOWN FULL-TIME SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND GRADE PROPRIETARY FUNDS ACCOUNT NUMBER OF NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS GRADE WATER PRODUCTION 30701-71-2 WATER DISTRIBUTION 30301-71-1 30301-71-2 WASTEWATER COLLECTION 30401-71-2 WASTEWATER TREATMENT 30501-71-1 30501-71-2 Pump Service Worker I TOTAL Supt. of Wtr. Distrib. & Wstwtr. Collection 1 15 1 1 45 TOTAL 1 Water Distribution Foreman Water Distribution Crew Chief Heavy Equipment Operator I Utility Maintenance Worker TOTAL Wastewater Collection Foreman Wastewater Collection Crew Chief Heavy Equipment Operator I Utility Maintenance Worker TOTAL Superintendent of Wastewater Treatment Assistant Director of Public Works Wastewater Coordinator TOTAL Plant Maintenance Worker Wastewater Treatment Foreman Wastewater Treatment Crew Chief Chief Laboratory Technician Laboratory Technician Wastewater Operator II Lift Station Crew Chief Wastewater Secretary TOTAL 1 23 1 22 4 20 7 17 13 1 23 1 22 3 20 9 17 14 1 45 1 46 1 44 3 2 18 1 23 3 22 1 22 1 18 17 19 1 22 1 16 27 264 CITY OF BAYTOWN FULL-TIME SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND GRADE PROPRIETARY FUNDS ACCOUNT NUMBER OF NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS GRADE UTILITY CONSTRUCTION 30600-71 —2 UTILITY BILLING 11080-71-1 11080-71-2 WATER TREATMENT PLANT Utility Construction Foreman 1 23 Utility Construction Crew Chief (1) 1 22 Heavy Equipment Operator I 2 20 Utility Construction Worker 7 17 Utility Tapping Worker 2 17 Meter Service Crew Chief 1 19 Meter Service Worker 3 16 TOTAL 17 Utility Billing System Supervisor 1 43 TOTAL 1 Senior Water Billing Clerk 1 18 Administrative Assistant 1 22 General Utility Office Clerk 1 15 Water Billing Clerk 3 15 Senior Meter Reader 1 16 Meter Reader 4 15 Meter Reader Crew Chief 1 18 TOTAL 12 30801-71 —1 Superintendent 1 45 TOTAL 1 265 CITY OF BAYTOWN FULL-TIME SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND GRADE PROPRIETARY FUNDS ACCOUNT NUMBER OF NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS GRADE WATER TREATMENT PLANT, CONT. 30801-71-2 SOLID WASTE 32010-71-1 32010-71-2 GARAGE 33011-71-1 33011-71-2 33011-70-2 Water Treatment Secretary Chief Laboratory Technician Laboratory Technician Water Plant Operator II Water Plant Operator I (2) Laborer Maintenance Technician TOTAL 1 19 1 22 1 19 3 19 5 18 1 14 1 20 13 Superintendent of Solid Waste 1 45 TOTAL 1 Solid Waste Foreman 2 23 Heavy Equipment Operator II 2 21 Heavy Equipment Operator I 4 20 Equipment Operator (3) 7 18 Laborer (3) 9 15 TOTAL 24 Superintendent of Equipment Services 1 45 TOTAL 1 Parts Manager 1 20 Warehouse Helper 1 14 Maintenance Helper 1 16 TOTAL 3 Chief Mechanic 1 23 Senior Mechanic 1 21 Mechanic 5 20 TOTAL 7 266 CITY OF BAYTOWN FULL-TIME SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND GRADE PROPRIETARY FUND ENDNOTES (1) Heavy Equipment Operator II position was deleted and Utility Construction Crew Chief position was created. (2) If riot certified, hired in as a Water Plant Trainee at Grade 17. (3) One position being deleted for each classification in 1994 due to privatization. 267 CITY OF BAYTOWN SALARIES AND WAGES BY CLASSIFICATION AND GRADE POSITIONS FUNDED BY GRANTS ACCOUNT NUMBER OF NUMBER CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS GRADE PLANNING I 2512-71-1 27133/27134-71-2 27132-71-2 27131-71-2 HEALTH I 2681-71-2 ORGANIZED CRIME 2211-71-1 2411-71-1 2111-71 —2 2211-71-2 Assistant Planner (1) Community Development Coordinator 0.5 41 1 43 1.5 Code Enforcement Officer I — Urban Rehab. (1) 0.5 21 Housing Rehab. Specialist 1 21 Community Development Clerk 1 16 2.5 Code Enforcement Officer — Solid Waste (2) 1 20 1 Finance Officer 1 40 Administrative Director 1 45 2 Organized Crime Telecommunicator 1 19 Intelligence Analyst 1 20 Organized Crime Secretary 1 19 Research Technician 1 18 Organized Crime Record Clerk 1 16 Organized Crime Receptionist 1 15 6 (1) Position is funded 1/2 by General Fund & 1/2 by Grants. (2) Position was added in 1992-93 Budget process. 268 CITY OF BAYTOWN SALARY STRUCTURE AND GRADE FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 Lk EXEMPT GRADE POINTS MIN MID MAX 40 0-274 1809 2216 2623 41 275-308 1902 2349 2795 42 309-374 2024 2519 3014 43 375-451 2178 2733 3287 44 452-541 2372 2999 3627 45 542-643 2588 3298 4008 46 644-718 2829 3633 4437 47 719-767 3099 4010 4922 48 768-827 3400 4434 5468 49 828-904 3738 4912 6085 50 905-1000 4118 5451 6785 NONEXEMPT AND CIVIL SERVICE GRADE POINTS MIN MID MAX 14 1-227 1170 1375 1579 15 228-261 1240 1465 1688 16 262 - 301 1316 1561 1808 17 302-347 1398 1668 1937 18 348-399 1487 1784 2079 19 400-457 1585 1910 2235 20 458-524 1703 2063 2422 21 525-601 1833 2230 2628 22 602-687 1974 2413 2853 23 688-785 2127 2613 3101 24 786-896 2294 2833 3372 25 897-1022 2477 3073 3671 269 illIl M w M■ Me = I M M w ME N— M w MI N M MOI STATISTICAL SECTION (Unaudited) The Statistical Section presents multi -year data for expenditures, revenues, property tax levies and collections, property tax rates and valuations for overlapping governments, ratios of bonded debt, legal debt margin, overlapping debt, ratio of debt service to general expenditures, revenue bond coverage, property value/construction, principal taxpayers, and miscellaneous statistics. 271 I I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (1) (UNAUDITED) FISCAL GENERAL PUBUC PUBUC PUBUC YEAR GOVERNMENT SAFETY(2) WORKS HEALTH 1983 $5,338,248 $7,185,436 $1,701,731 $175,480 1984 4,557,690 7,376,110 2,030,259 184,767 1985 4,883,858 8,070,089 1,862,248 204,224 1986 5,517,518 8,392,655 1,837,722 222,672 1987 4,812,184 8,952,833 1,936,781 224,933 1988 4,976,348 9,025,366 1,879,448 269,501 1989 5,159,795 9,145,848 1,658,713 698,627 1990 5,637,470 10,817,953 1,700,626 268,432 1991 6,238,981 13,353,096 1,879,409 285,735 1992 6,331,776 15,534,596 1,938,235 267,869 (1) Includes General, Special Revenue and Debt Service funds only. Prior to 1992 Special Revenue funds were accounted for as expendable trust funds. (2) Includes Harris County Narcotics Task Force from 1991 forward. 272 TABLE 1 CULTURE AND CAPITAL DEBT RECREATION OUTLAY SERVICE TOTAL $1,236,725 $1,924,765 $3,149,663 $20,712,048 1,245,505 2,613,063 3,301,762 21,309,156 1,334,968 2,898,498 3,545,178 22,799,063 1,365,841 1,967,792 1,746,507 21,050,707 1,443,600 1,495,634 4,084,020 22,949,985 1,498,294 1,008,233 4,460,314 23,117,504 1,511,236 1,203,524 4,658,011 24,035,754 1,579,507 595,066 4,664,003 25,263,057 1,625,336 1,137,048 4,923,389 29,442,994 1,718,650 679,433 5,073,693 31,544,252 273 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL REVENUES BY SOURCE LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (1) (UNAUDITED) FINES LICENSES FORFEITURES FISCAL AND AND YEAR TAXES PERMITS PENALTIES INTEREST(2) 1983 $17,181,402 $195,316 $521,554 0 1984 18,430,745 315,572 483,049 0 1985 18,995,799 225,639 429,687 0 1986 19,326,144 160,873 339,162 0 1987 19,499,232 148,972 294,511 0 1988 20,163,286 184,763 305,837 0 1989 21,579,436 131,118 388,771 0 1990 22,077,717 165,562 266,288 $432,991 1991 22,672,754 149,501 688,449 408,155 1992 24,690,927 232,819 1,548,367 347,505 (1) Includes General, Special Revenue and Debt Service funds only. (2) Prior to 1990 Interest income was included in Miscellaneous Revenue. 274 TABLE 2 CHARGES INTER - FOR GOVERNMENTAL CURRENT MISC. REVENUES SERVICES REVENUE TOTAL $2,224,371 $160,259 $785,149 $21,068,051 2,527,257 163,912 800,094 22,720,629 1,743,572 157,344 816,594 22,368,635 2,072,177 161,297 425,409 22,485,062 1,245,105 229,596 294,518 21,711,934 1,138,076 264,916 499,018 22,555,896 822,506 283,154 523,909 23,728,894 1,282,478 340,023 301,583 24,866,642 3,518,314 326,682 327,365 28,091,220 3,274,433 386,161 168,090 30,648,302 275 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS PROPERTY TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) PERCENT OF TOTAL CURRENT LEVY PRIOR YEAR FISCAL ADJUSTED YEAR'S TAXES COLLECTED TAXES YEAR TAX LEVY COLLECTED DURING YEAR COLLECTED 1983 $9,316,057 $9,091,540 97.59% $190,979 1984 9,968,746 9,727,502 97.58% 189,406 1985 10,509,621 10,190,129 96.96% 235,416 1986 10,467,669 9,901,368 94.59% 326,591 1987 10,826,661 10,367,611 95.76% 274,997 1988 11,209,411 11,096,196 98.99% 304,896 1989 11,127,129 10,763,272 96.73% 834,535 1990 10,826,077 10,516,451 97.14% 530,478 1991 11,269,272 11,010,079 97.70% 318,920 1992 11,875,019 11,573,394 97.46% 217,313 276 TABLE 3 RATIO OF ACCUMULATED RATIO OF DEUNQUENT TOTAL TOTAL ACCUMULATED TAXES TO COLLECTIONS COLLECTION DEUNQUENT CURRENT DURING YEAR TO TAX LEVY TAXES LEVY $9,282,519 99.64% $678,176 7.28% 9,916,909 99.48% 926,739 9.30% 10,425,544 99.20% 1,099,044 10.46% 10,227,959 97.71% 1,266,051 12.09% 10,642,608 98.30% 1,316,662 12.16% 11,401,092 101.71% 1,407,611 12.56% 11,597,807 104.23% 1,332,881 11.98% 11,046,929 102.04% 1,159,221 10.71% 11,328,999 100.53% 1,100,959 9.77% 11,790,706 99.29% 1,261,496 10.62% 277 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS PROPERTY TAX RATES - DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING GOVERNMENTS TAX RATES (Per $100 Assessed Valuation) LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) HARRIS HARRIS COUNTY COUNTY SCHOOL FISCAL CITY OF HARRIS HOSPITAL EOUAUZAT1ON YEAR BAYTOWN(3) COUNTY(1) DISTRICT(1) DISTRICT(1) 1982 - 83 0.57000 0.67390 0.20170 0.00420 1983-84 0.62000 0.47790 0.12200 0.00300 1984-85 0.59000 0.47790 0.13290 0.00300 1985 - 86 0.59000 0.55870 0.13530 0.00310 1986 - 87 0.60500 0.29310 0.13730 0.00310 1987-88 0.66500 0.29450 0.14620 0.00360 1988 - 89 0.66500 0.29450 0.14620 0.00360 1989-90 0.66500 0.31480 0.16620 0.00380 1990-91 0.66500 0.32190 0.19610 0.00400 1991 -92 0.68500 0.32909 0.19621 0.00395 Sources: (1) Harris County (2) Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District (3) City records (4) Lee College District 278 PORT OF HOUSTON AUTHORITY(1) 0.01250 0.00800 0.00770 0.00800 0.00710 0.01910 0.01090 0.01330 0.01530 0.01496 HARRIS COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT(1) 0.07860 0.05000 0.05560 0.06370 0.03720 0.03760 0.03760 0.06180 0.05280 0.05590 GOOSE CREEK CONSOLIDATED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT(2) 0.86000 0.89000 0.83500 0.89500 0.95500 0.98000 1.07000 1.16500 1.25200 1.35300 LEE COLLEGE DISTRICT(4) 0.07440 0.07440 0.06306 0.12500 0.13750 0.13750 0.14860 0.15827 0.17168 0.17960 TABLE 4 TOTAL 2.47530 2.24530 2.16516 2.37880 2.17530 2.28350 2.37640 2.54817 2.67878 2.81771 279 I CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS RATIO OF NET GENERAL BONDED DEBT TO ASSESSED VALUE AND NET BONDED DEBT PER CAPITA LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) LESS FISCAL ASSESSED BONDED SINKING YEAR POPULATION(1) VALUE(3) DEBT FUND 1983 59,637 $1,634,395,920 $25,839,000 $47,645 1984 58,538 1,607,862,190 24,184,000 625,417 1985 59,231 1,781,291,650 28,928,000 951,814 1986 59,460 1,774,181,150 33,475,000 1,331,683 1987 60,166 1,789,530,730 32,345,000 632,667 1988 60,472 1,685,625,757 31,700,000 197,362 1989 61,686 1,673,252,530 29,385,000 364,630 1990 63,850 (2) 1,627,981,529 31,675,000 826,703 1991 64,505 1,694,627,305 29,065,000 818,500 1992 65,159 1,733,579,380 28,885,000 467,315 (1) Council of Governments population estimate. (2) Census 1990 (3) Assessed valuation per Harris County Appraisal District equals estimated actual value. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 280 TABLE 5 RATIO OF NET BONDED NET DEBT TO BONDED ASSESSED DEBT PER DEBT VALUE CAPITA $25,791,355 1.58% 432 23,558,583 1.47% 402 27,976,186 1.57% 472 32,143,317 1.81% 541 31,712,333 1.77% 527 31,502,638 1.87% 521 29,020,370 1.73% 470 30,848,297 1.89% 483 28,246,500 1.67% 438 28,417,685 1.64% 436 281 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS TABLE 6 COMPUTATION OF LEGAL DEBT MARGIN SEPTEMBER 30,1992 (UNAUDITED) Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution, provides for an overall limitation for Home Rule Cities of $2.50 per $100 assessed valuation. The Attorney General of Texas follows a policy, with respect to Home Rule Cities which have such a $2.50 limitation, of approving ad valorem tax bonds only to the extent that all of such city's ad valorem tax debt can be serviced by a tax rate of $1.50 at 90% collection. Amendments to the City Charter effectively imposed a taxation limit of $0.60 per $100 of `assessed valuation," for all purposes except for tax bond debt service. The City Charter also prohibits the City from increasing taxes on any property until all property subject to ad valorem taxation has a revised or updated value, and prohibits the City from increasing ad valorem taxes on property by more than 10% over the amount levied thereon by the City in the preceding year, except for increases in value due to subsequent improvements. TAX RATE LIMIT CURRENT TAX RATE AVAILABLE TAX RATE OPERATING DEBT TOTAL TAX RATE RATE RATE $0.60 $1.500 $2.100 0.423 0.262 0.685 0.177 1.238 1.415 282 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS TABLE 7 RATIO OF ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL BONDED DEBT TO TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES (1) LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) RATIO OF INTEREST DEBT SERVICE AND TOTAL TOTAL TO TOTAL FISCAL FISCAL DEBT GENERAL GENERAL YEAR PRINCIPAL CHARGES SERVICE EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES 1983 $1,379,000 $1,770,663 $3,149,663 $20,712,048 15.21% 1984 1,655,000 1,646,762 3,301,762 21,309,156 15.49% 1985 1,756,000 1,789,178 3,545,178 22,799,063 15.55% 1986 (2) 420,000 1,326,507 1,746,507 21,050,707 8.30% 1987 1,530,000 2,554,020 4,084,020 22,949,985 17.80% 1988 2,070,000 2,390,314 4,460,314 23,117,504 19.29% 1989 2,315,000 2,343,011 4,658,011 24,035,754 19.38% 1990 2,510,000 2,154,003 4,664,003 25,263,057 18.46% 1991 2,610,000 2,313,389 4,923,389 29,442,994 16.72% 1992 2,830,000 2,243,693 5,073,693 31,544,252 16.08% (1) Includes General, Special Revenue and Debt Service Funds only. (2) Includes effect of 1985 General Obligation Refunding. 283 E O EN I E— M ME s=— E E— E E MI 1 E • <icOW. ••. N. • re 41 • • 44110(6 Ar r detk •• • l • lip • • • • �, ,� • • i .- • • cx:i • `` {w • • ceiriA • • . CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS TABLE 8 COMPUTATION OF DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING DEBT SEPTEMBER 30,1992 (UNAUDITED) PERCENT AMOUNT APPUCABLE APPUCABLE NET DEBT TO CITY OF TO CITY OF JURISDICTION OUTSTANDING BAYTOWN BAYTOWN City of Baytown, Texas $28,417,685 100.00% $28,417,685 Port of Houston Authority 97,902,645 1.27% 1,243,364 Hams County 951,713,027 1.27% 12,086,755 Hams County Flood Control District 272,032,812 1.27% 3,454,817 Chambers County 85,000 12.45% 10,583 Goose Creek CISD 11,827,876 43.49% 5,143,943 Lee College 5,045,000 43.49% 2,194,071 Total Direct and Overlapping Debt $52.551,218 Per capita direct and overlapping debt $806.51 285 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS REVENUE BOND COVERAGE: WATER AND SEWER BONDS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) NET REVENUE DIRECT AVAILABLE FISCAL OPERATING OPERATING FOR DEBT YEAR REVENUES EXPENSES (1) SERVICE 1983 $6,776,408 $6,377,992 $398,416 1984 7,195,312 6,341,970 853,342 1985 7,354,124 6,436,022 918,102 1986 7,174,510 6,600,778 573,732 1987 7,881,462 6,503,708 1,377,754 1988 8,078,101 6,643,266 1,434,835 1989 8,239,841 7,433,398 806,443 1990 8,916,712 8,160,466 756,246 1991 9,280,530 7,964,624 1,315,906 1992 10,054,291 8,258,984 1,795,307 (1) Direct operating expenses are total operating expenses excluding depreciation expense. 286 TABLE 9 INTEREST AND FISCAL PRINCIPAL CHARGES TOTAL COVERAGE $230,000 $123,757 $353,757 1.13 245,000 114,157 359,157 2.38 255,000 103,786 358,786 2.56 265,000 92,518 357,518 1.60 280,000 80,665 360,665 3.82 295,000 66,778 361,778 3.97 310,000 51,888 361,888 2.23 325,000 19,221 344,221 2.20 345,000 1,115 346,115 3.80 170,000 444,469 614,469 2.92 287 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS PROPERTY VALUE AND CONSTRUCTION LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) PROPERTY FISCAL VALUE YEAR (IN THOUSANDS) 1983 $1,634,396 1984 1,607,862 1985 1,781,292 1986 1,774,181 1987 1,789,531 1988 1,685,626 1989 1,673,253 1990 1,627,982 1991 1,694,627 1992 1,733,579 TABLE 10 NEW CONSTRUCTION (1) PROPERTY BUILDING VALUE PERMITS (IN THOUSANDS) (2) 957 781 663 548 644 683 621 630 659 (1) Source — City of Baytown Building and Code Enforcement Department (2) This information was not available. (2) $46,841 28,843 18,170 31,331 18,139 11,589 19,961 34,507 28,546 288 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS TABLE 11 PRINCIPAL TAXPAYERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 (UNAUDITED) TAXPAYER Exxon (All Divisions) Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Miles, Inc. O'Conner Realty Invest. Houston Lighting & Power U S X Corporation General Telephone Co. Gulf Coast Hospital San Jacinto Methodist Amoco Production Co. Total Top Ten Taxpayers Assessed Valuation TYPE OF BUSINESS Petrochemical Complex Chemical Plant Chemical Plant San Jacinto Mall Electric Utility Industrial Park Telephone Utility Hospital Hospital Chemical Plant PERCENTAGE 1991 OF TOTAL ASSESSED ASSESSED VALUATION VALUATION $451,720,590 26.06% 89,013,870 5.13% 59,806,420 3.45% 45,386,100 2.62% 35,854,570 2.07% 22,242,730 1.28% 21,120,460 1.22% 14,193,600 0.82% 11,622,560 0.67% 10,162,060 0.59% $761,122,960 43.90% 289 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS* TABLE 12 MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 Date of Incorporation January 24, 1948 Date of Charter January 24, 1948 Area Incorporated (square miles) 32 sq. miles Form of Government Council — Manager Education Number of Public Schools 20 Number of Teachers 1,100 Number of Students Registered 17,913 Miles of Street 260 miles Miles of Sewers Storm 110 miles Sanitary 275 miles Recreation Parks — Number of Acres 809 Number of Municipal Pools 4 Lighted Ball Diamonds 17 Lighted Tennis Courts 14 Community Centers 4 Municipal Water System Number of Water Customers Daily Average Consumption System Capacity (Million Gallons per Day) Miles of Water Mains Municipal Sewer System 17,348 13,000 13 MGD 275 miles Number of Sewer Connections 17,103 System Capacity (Gallons per day) 13 MGD Number of Street Lights 3,135 City Employees — September 30, 1992 548 *Within City Limits 290 BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY OPERATING REVENUES Sale of Treated Water: City of Baytown Municipal utility districts Other Operating Revenue TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENDITURES Raw water purchases Contract personnel costs Other operating expenditures TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 $ 3,464,139 $ 3,851,526 $ 3,563,541 $ 4,238,531 454,029 456,987 460,053 509,399 809 3,918,977 4,308,513 4,023,594 4,747,930 1,210,806 1,515,500 1,463,567 1,554,670 461,812 512,810 473,410 514,039 946,228 1,136,985 1,070,865 1,211,425 2,618,846 3,165,295 3,007,842 3,280,134 OPERATING REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 1,300,131 1,143,218 1,015,752 1,467,796 NON —OPERATING ITEMS Interest income 10,178 15,000 15,000 15,000 Debt service (1,349,313) (1,387,863) (1,387,863) (1,422,363) Capital outlay (34,752) (4,669) (3,058) (32,800) Other non —operating revenue 15,000 15,000 TOTAL NON —OPERATING EXPENDITURES (1,358,887) (1,377,532) (1,360,921) (1,440,163) REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES $ (58,756) $ (234,314) $ (345,169) $ 27,633 291 BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY EXPENDITURES BY CLASSIFICATION ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 Contract Personal Services Supplies Maintenance Services Contingencies Capital Outlay Debt Service Total Expenditures N C 0 2 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 $461,812 1,694,112 99,209 398,466 34,752 1,349,313 $512,810 $473,410 $514,039 2,095,300 1,975,767 2,047,940 129,431 130,200 189,600 427,585 428,465 428,465 169,534 — 100,090 4,669 3,058 32,800 1,387,863 1,387,863 1,422,363 $4, 037, 664 $4,727,192 $4, 398, 763 $4, 735, 297 ACTUAL 1992 BUDGET 199 3F STIMATED 199 A3DOPTED 1994 292 BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY SUMMARY OF OPERATING RESULTS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 OPERATING REVENUES Sale of Treated Water: City of Baytown $ 3,464,139 $ Municipal utility districts 454,029 Other Operating Revenue 809 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES Raw water purchases Contract personnel costs Other operating expenses Depreciation TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 3,851,526 $ 456,987 3,563,541 $ 460,053 4,238,531 509,399 3,918,977 4,308,513 4,023,594 4,747,930 1,210,806 1,515,500 1,463,567 1,554,670 461,812 512,810 473,410 514,039 946,228 1,136,985 1,070,865 1,211,425 399,192 399,192 399,192 399,192 3,018,038 3,564,487 3,407,034 3,679,326 OPERATING REVENUES OVER EXPENSES 900,939 744,026 616,560 1,068,604 NON -OPERATING ITEMS Interest income 10,178 15,000 15,000 15,000 Interest expense (674,313) (637,863) (637,863) (597,363) Other non -operating revenue 15,000 15,000 TOTAL NON -OPERATING EXPENSES (649,135) (622,863) (607,863) (582,363) NET INCOME (LOSS) $ 251,804 $ 121,163 $ 8,697 $ 486,241 RECONCILIATION OF NET INCOME (LOSS) TO REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES: Net income (loss) $ 251,804 $ 121,163 $ 8,697 $ 486,241 Principal debt retirement (675,000) (750,000) (750,000) (825,000) Capital outlay (34,752) (4,669) (3,058) (32,800) Depreciation 399,192 399,192 399,192 399,192 Revenues over (under) expenditures $ (58,756) $ (234,314) $ (345,169) $ 27,633 293 CITY OF BAYTOWN PROGRAM SUMMARY BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY 5101 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Operate and maintain a 13.5 MGD design capacity surface water treatment facility, with a projected flow of 1 1 .0 MGD in FY93/94, and a certified bacteriological laboratory. Following and complying with the Texas Water Commission Rules and Regulations For Public Water Supplies Adopted 1992, National Primary drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR), Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA►, Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR), and the Criteria for Certified Bacteriological Laboratories. Providing BAWA's customers with a high quality, safe drinking water, and a consistent source of fire protection. MAJOR DIVISION GOALS 1. Maintain a water of the quality necessary to be classified as "Meeting Optimum Corrosion Control" by the Water Commission. 2. Operate the bacteriological laboratory in a manner that exceeds the requirements as set forth by the Texas Department of Health. 3. Develop and maintain a staff of highly trained water professionals to better serve our customers and comply with new regulations. MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1. Produce 11.0 MGD. 2. Maintain a finished water turbidity consistently less than .1 NTU. 3. Provide QA\QC, and mathematical training for personnel. 4. Meet the lead\copper rule for the second year of monitoring. 5. Increase public relations by working with the educational systems in the area to provide more tours of the facility. WORKLOAD MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Customers served. 8 8 8 2. Number of customers connections. 26,718 26,718 3. Bacteriological samples received. 1000 1275 1275 4. Customer water quality calls. 34 18 18 5. Average MGD of water produced. 9.89 11.0 11.0 6. Work orders processed. N/A 300 250 7. PR's and PO's processed. 660 710 660 294 BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY 5101 PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES 1992 1993 1994 ACTUAL EST. BASE LINE 1. Days without interruption of service. 366 365 365 2. Days finished water NTU <0.1. 348 349 349 3. Bacteriological samples analyzed. 1000 1275 1275 4. Customer water quality calls investigated. 34 18 18 5. Days above 11.0 MGD. 33 285 285 6. Work orders completed. N/A 275 275 7. PR's and PO's completed. 650 700 650 295 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY 5101 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED, NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 71031 CONTRACT PERSONNEL-BAWA $ 461,812 $ 512,810 $ 473,410 $ 514,039 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 461,812 512,810 473,410 514,039 72001 OFFICE 2,701 2,300 2,300 2,300 72002 POSTAGE 286 300 400 400 72007 WEARING APPAREL 3,440 3,500 4,000 4,500 72016 MOTOR VEHICLES 4,206 4,400 4,500 4,800 72021 MINOR TOOLS 2,516 2,300 2,300 2,300 72026 CLEANING & JANITORIAL 1,141 2,000 2,000 2,000 72031 CHEMICAL 449,239 544,500 470,000 442,870 72041 EDUCATIONAL 619 500 700 700 72051 UNTREATED WATER 1,210,806 1,515,500 1,463,567 1,554,670 72061 MISCELLANEOUS 19,158 20,000 26,000 33,400 TOTAL SUPPLIES 1,694,112 2,095,300 1,975,767 2,047,940 73011 BUILDINGS 3,672 3,500 3,000 3,000 73022 SANITARY SEWERS - 1,200 1,200 1,200 73024 STANDPIPES & RESERVOIRS - - - 60,000 73025 STREET, SIDEWALK & CURB 1,762 500 500 500 73027 HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM 6,894 2,500 2,500 2,500 73042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 55,954 97,331 100,000 80,500 73043 MOTOR VEHICLES 8,071 4,400 3,000 1,900 73045 RADIO & TESTING EQUIP 277 1,000 1,000 1,000 73061 MISCELLANEOUS 22,579 19,000 19,000 39,000 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 99,209 129,431 130,200 189,600 74001 COMMUNICATIONS 74002 ELECTRIC SERVICE 74011 HIRE OF EQUIPMENT 74012 INSURANCE 74021 SPECIAL SERVICES 74022 AUDITS 74036 ADVERTISING 74041 TRAVEL & REIMBURSABLES 74042 EDUCATION & TRAINING 74051 RENTS 74071 ASSOCIATION DUES 74087 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL SERVICES 6,832 11,000 9,500 11,000 318,978 317,320 319,200 342,000 3,103 4,000 4,000 4,000 28,473 39,665 39,665 39,665 21,071 30,400 30,400 6,000 10,200 10,200 10,200 10,200 164 500 500 500 1,867 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,809 6,500 6,500 6,500 3,414 3,300 3,800 3,900 555 600 600 600 100 100 100 398,466 427,585 428,465 428,465 1 296 CITY OF BAYTOWN BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY 5101 jACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED NUMBER ACCOUNT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 TOTAL OPERATING FUND 2,653,599 3,165,126 3,007,842 3,180,044 82011 BUILDINGS - - - 15,000 TOTAL BUILDINGS - - - 15,000 84041 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP - 2,669 2,669 5,000 84042 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 34,752 - - 12,800 84043 MOTOR VEHICLES - 2,000 389 - TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 34,752 4,669 3,058 17,800 99001 MANAGERS CONTINGENCIES - 169,534 - 100,090 TOTAL CONTINGENCIES - 169,534 - 100,090 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 34,752 174,203 3,058 132,890 91511 BAWA DEBT SERVICE 1,349,313 1,387,863 1,387,863 1,422,363 TOTAL TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 1,349,313 1,387,863 1,387,863 1,422,363 TOTAL ACCOUNT $ 4,037,664 $ 4,727,192 $ 4,398,763 $ 4,735,297 297 CITY OF BAYTOWN BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY DEBT SERVICE FUND FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 FUND BALANCE 9/30/92 $ 592,880 ESTIMATED REVENUES 1992-93 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1992-93 1,390,863 (1,387,863) ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE 9/30/93 595,880 ADOPTED REVENUES 1993-94 ADOPTED EXPENDITURES 1993-94 1,423,963 (1,422,363) ADOPTED FUND BALANCE 9/30/94 $ 597,480 298 CITY OF BAYTOWN BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS REVENUE BONDS AT BEGINNING OF FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 REVENUE INTEREST MATURITY ORIGINAL AMOUNT PRINCIPAL INTEREST 1 BONDS RATE (%) DATE ISSUE OUTSTANDING DUE 93-94 DUE 93-94 SERIES 1978 Date of Issue, September 1, 1978 Term — 22 Years 6.10 1981 $ 125,000 6.30 1982-88 1,450,000 5.40 1989 400,000 5.30 1990-91 950,000 5.40 1992-93 1,425,000 5.50 1994 825,000 $ 825,000 $ 825,000 $ 436,588 5.60 1995 900,000 900,000 5.75 1996 975,000 975,000 5.80 1997 1,050,000 1,050,000 5.90 1998 1,150,000 1,150,000 6.00 1999-2000 2,600,000 2,600,000 SERIES 1979 Date of Issue, September 1, 1979 Term — 23 Years 6.375 TOTAL REVENUE BONDS 11,850,000 7,500,000 2001 —02 2,500,000 825,000 436,588 2,500,000 159,375 $ 14,350,000 $ 10,000,000 $ 825,000 $ 595,963 299 CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF MAJOR CAPITAL OUTLAY ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION BASE INCREASED' LEVEL LEVEL BAWA FUND 510 5101 BAWA 5101 BAWA 5101 BAWA 5101 BAWA 5101 BAWA 5101 BAWA 84041 GTE PHONE SYSTEM 82011 WAREHOUSE & EQUIP STORAGE BUILDING 84042 HACH 1720C TURBIDMETERS 84042 SPILL CONTAINMENT SYSTEM FOR 55 GALLON DRUMS 84042 (3) 1.5 HP DUAL BRAKE MOTOR FOR CLARIFIER DRIVE 84042 4 INCH DECANT TRASH PUMP FOR DECANT STATION 5,000 TOTAL FOR BAWA FUND - BASE LEVEL $5,000 15,000 5,400 1,200 1,200 5,000 TOTAL FOR BAWA FUND - INCREASED LEVEL $27,800 300 CITY OF BAYTOWN SCHEDULE OF SUPPLEMENTAL REQUESTS ADOPTED BUDGET 1993-94 DEPARTMENT BAWA FUND 510 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 5101 BAWA REPAIRS, SUPPLIES, & EQUIPMENT FOR WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES 110,000 $110,000 301 OM IMO MI IIIIII MO Ell =I EMI NE mmi um me E um no um um um am 0 We ••s itic e 4 e . 4 • Af CITY OF BAYTOWN CAPITAL PROJECTS COUNCIL RECAP SEPTEMBER 1993 ESTIMATED TOTAL PROJECT TOTAL SPENT EXPECTED TOTAL PROJECT AVAILABLE UNDER IOVERI REF. AUTHORIZED ISSUED TO DATE -0 SPEND COST FUNDS (U BUDGET I21 1991 BOND AUTHORIZATION: SANITARY SEWER MISCELLANEOUS SEWER REHAB 4,840.000 1.980.850 1.941.232 175,000 2,116.232 2.125.514 9.282 HIGHWAY 146 SEWER 836.000 836.000 562,919 1.009.706 1.572.625 1.611,661 39.036 WEST DISTRICT PLANT IMPRVE 5.580.000 5.580.000 755.722 5.619.975 6.375.697 6,398.597 22.900 EAST DISTRICT PLANT IMPRVE 4.301.000 302.000 134,043 110,000 244.043 300,000 55,957 CENTRAL DISTRICT 2.560,000 INTERSTATE 10 SEWER PROJECT 706,750 ROLLINGBROOK SEWER INSTALLATION 188.750 OVERSIZING 137.500 TOTAL SANITARY SEWER 19,150.000 8.698.850 3.393,916 6.914,681 10,308,597 10,435.772 127,175 WATER SYSTEM MISCELLANEOUS WATER IMPR 5.140.740 1.830,890 452,100 747,372 1,199.472 1,672.202 472.730 HIGHWAY 146 WATER IMPROVE 1,019,150 1.019,150 1,161,667 1,161,667 1,160.701 19661 SPUR 55 BOOSTER PUMPS 66,110 66,110 85,313 85,313 85,313 - INTERSTATE 10 WATER PROJECT 86,500 OVERSIZING 137.500 TOTAL WATER SYSTEM 6.450.000 2,916,150 1.699.080 747.372 2.446,452 2,918.216 471.764 TOTAL 1991 REVENUE BOND AUTHORIZATION 25,600.000 11.615.000 5.092.996 7 662.053 12.755.049 13.353.988 598.939 PUBLIC BUILDINGS STERLING MUNICIPAL LIBRARY 1,870,700 1,870.700 88.947 866,331 955,278 970.700 15,422 ANIMAL CONTROL 285.000 285,000 285,000 285,000 285,000 POLICE 580.000 580,000 65,195 514,805 580,000 580,000 FIRE 1,350,700 25.000 507.531 412.537 920.068 925,000 4,932 PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING 3,000.000 250.000 237,338 237.338 250,000 12.662 CITY HALL 1.113.600 - - TOTAL PUBLIC BUILDINGS 8,200,000 3.010,700 899.011 2.078,673 2.977,684 3.010.700 33.016 MARINA 4,700.000 4,700.000 289.611 3.274,189 3.563.800 4.694.609 1,130,809 GOOSE CREEK STREAM PROJECT 725.000 490.000 250,619 715,447 966,066 1,017,569 51,503 PARKS 1.075.000 450.000 144,300 245,564 389,864 450.000 60.136 STREETS MASSEY TOMPKINS 8.700.000 4.500.300 1.688.877 1.550.000 3.238.877 4,490.790 1.251.913 GARTH ROAD BRIDGE 330,000 330,000 54.832 54,832 330.000 275.168 MISCELLANEOUS STREET IMPRV 1,715,000 1.717.000 765.921 1.100,000 1,865.921 1,993.329 127.408 SIDEWALKS 660,000 662.000 335.580 324.995 660.575 660.575 SIGNALIZATION 480,000 480.000 82.966 370.000 452.966 480.000 27,034 STERLING/DEFEE 265.000 265.000 265,000 265.000 265.000 WEST MAIN RAISING/RESURFACING 550.000 550.000 245 549,755 550.000 550.000 TOTAL STREETS 12.700,000 8,504.300 2.928.421 4.159,750 7,088.171 8.769.694 1.681,523 TOTAL 1991 G.O. BOND AUTHORIZATION 27,400.000 17.155.000 4 511.962 '0.473.623 14,985.585 17.942.572 2.956.987 TOTAL 1991 BOND AUTHORIZATION 53.000.000 28.770.000 9.604.95E 18.135.676 27,740,634 31.296.560 3.555.926 1981 BOND AUTHORIZATION: 50UTHWEST/146 WATER LOOP 200.000 200.000 190,043 120,000 310,043 310.000 1431 ROLLINGBROOK WATER LINE 240.000 240.000 120.000 120.000 130,000 10.000 BAYLAND PARK 140.000 140.000 1.500 138.500 140.000 140.000 TOTAL 1981 BOND AUTHORIZATION 580.000 580.000 191.543 378.500 570.043 580.000 9.957 GRAND TOTAL 53,580.000 22,350 000 9 798,501 19 814_176 39.310 677 31 876,560 3565.883 111 MAY INCLUDE RECLASSIFICATIONS. GRANTS. AND CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL. (21 FUNDING TO BE UTILIZED ON PROJECTS NOT PRESENTLY IDENTIFIED. 303 NMI =I I EMI M E MN NMI IIIIN MINI NMI = MN NMI 0...WN ••�•� ••• • • ■ 1