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PRurrT I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. PART I. SUMMARIES Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . I The City. -Manager's Message . . . . . . o . . II General Budget Summary — Revenues . . . 1 General Budget Summary — Expenditures . 2 Analysis of Property Valuations . . . . 3 Tax Levies and Collections for All Funds a . o . . o General Fund Resources . . . . . . . 6 General Fund.Expenditures by Function and.Activity . 8 General Fund_ Expenditures by Character and.Object. . 10 PART.II. DETAILED EXPENDITURES.OF.GENERAL FUND Generaa Government: city Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . e 11 1iity. Manager. . . . . . . . . . . o . . o . . . . . . . e 'e 14 Gorparation.Court . . . . . . . . e . . . . . e . . e e . 16 Elections . . e o . . . . . o . d' . . . . . . . . . . o . 18 Finance e.... e.. o o e e o . e o. o. o o. e e o 19 Law e o... o... o o e o e e a o o e o 0 0 0. e o. 21 City Hall . . ,, . . . . . . . e e . e . . . . . . . . 0 23 Public -Safety: Police Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . 25 Fire Department o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Protective Inspection . . . . . . o . . . . . . e . . . . 31 Highways: Roadways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Street Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Sanitation and Waste Removal. Sewers and Sewage Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 36 Waste Collection and. Disposal o e . o . . . . . . . o . e . 39 Conservation of Health . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Recreation: Municipal,_Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Playgrounds and Playfields. o . . . . . . o . . . . . . 44 Miscellaneous: Garage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Insurance . . . . e . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 PART III. WATER WORKS SECTION Income and Expense Statement . . . a . . . . . . . o . . . . 0 Expenditures o... o. e e o 0 0 0...•. e. e e. o 0 o e Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission and Distribution. a . o . . . . . . o . . . . . . . Customers" Accounting and Collecting e o o e e•... e Stares ..... s e e e o 0 0. 0 e o e e o e e e. a o. o o Debt Service . e e e • a . e o o e • . . e • . a . • . . o . e s r r; r• s Summary of Expenditures by Character and Object. . o a . . a o . Public Safetyo a . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . e e. o . . • yin • Srwiary of Expenditures by Character and Object. . e . . a e a . 5.1imming Pool. 0 e . 0 0 a 0 0 . 0 . . 0 . . . . . 0 . . . a a . EPT VT, DEBT SERVICE SECTION Resources and Requirements - AllBonds 0 . o . . . e o . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Obligation Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 . . Water Works Revenue Bonds . 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 Description of Bonds: General Obligation Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . 0 Water Works Bonds . . . . . . . . . a 0 . . . . . . . . . Maturity Schedules: General Obligation Bonds. . . . a . . . 0 • 0 . . 0 . a a 0 Water Works Tax —Supported Bonds . . . . . Water Works Revenue Bonds e e e a a. o. • e o 0 0. a 0 e PART VII. MI29MIANEODS Appropriation Ordinance. e o .. e e • o e. e o o. e o o e .0 0 Ordinance Fixing Tax Rate. . . . . . . . . . . e . . . e . e a . Classification of Accounts . o o.. 9. Page No. 48 49 50 53 55 58 60 61 62 64 65 70 71 72 73 74 75 78 79 OF, BAYTOWN. TEXAS ANNUAL BUDGET P, &R T SUM M A R IJEJ I N T R O D U C T I O N The 1951-52 Budget of the City of Raytown will consist of the following budget accounts each operating under and with its own funds as appropriated by the City Council and from revenues derived from sources pertaining to that particular method of op- eration: 1) The General Fund operating with revenues from tax sources and from other miscellaneous sources of revenue.. 2) The Water Fund operating from sale of water. 3) The Traffic Improvement Fund operating from revenues supplied.by parking meters. 4) Bard Funds operating from taxation and from water revenues. j j I< I CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS IIo THE CITY MANAGERDS BUDGET MESSAGE To the Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Baytown Baytown' Texas Gentlemen: Pursuant to Article 680-13Y Title 20, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, and Section 41 of the City Charter, there is submitted herewith a budget estimate of the revenues and expenditures of the various funds of the City for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1951, and ending September 30, 1952. This message is almost the same as the one the year previous, it tells the same story, The Citv of -Bavtowh has completed its fourth year of operation and is embarking on the fifth year as a knew City. Mach in the way of development has happened to this new City. The entire City hat how been connected together with two eight -inch water mains, Many miles of street° Have been topped with asphalt toppings new storm Ahd sewer cities h&ve been installed; street markers have been installed, additional equipment has been purchased for more efficient operation of the City. Again, I am glad to report that the financial status of the City is excellent. The City Maneger, working together with the Council and the Department Heads, put in a good many hours into study of this budget, and the budget as pre- sented is the most workable budget that can be produced under the present circum- aranceso The amount of money as used in this budget was determined by establishing the same tax rate of $1.72 per hundred and then molding the budget governed by the anticipated revenues from sources other than taxes° The increased amount of the budget was dependent upon the increased valuation of $4,086,334.00 additional improvements. It will be noted that there has been very little capital improvements, with the exception of additional equipment, added to this budget. .It is con- templated by the City Manager and by the. Council that there will be a program of additional improvements created within this year and the next by a special bond issue covering the need for additional disposal plant, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, additional water pumping facilities, water storage and water mains, along with additional improvements of streets. This program now is being planned by consulting engineers and will be presented to the public this year for approval. It will also be noted that there is included in capital improvement under City Council the amount of $120,000 and other funds were pooled in a capital im- provement fund itr vehicles. This amount is to be earmarked by the Council for permanent improvements. This money is realized from the annexation of additional territory lying adjacent to the City limits of the City of Baytown and was not specifically earmarked for any particular purpose but will be appropriated as the necessity arises and by the authorization of the Council. An increase has been made in the allowance for the maintenance of streets and sewers also curbs and gutters. Appropriation for additional equipment has been provided to increase the trash and garbage service. .Additional policemen and equipment has been added. .Reasonable wage adjustments have been allowed and in some departments there is to be new equipment to replace worn out equipment. The City Manager used the same method of compiling this budget as was used last year. This was by having the Department Heads submit their estimates to the City Manager, and he consulting with the Council. The Council interviewed the City Manager and the Department Heads as to the needs of their department, and with the study made by the City Manager, it determined the amount needed for the operation of the department. This budget was compiled with two ideas in mind: 1. To keep the same tax rate as last year. 2. To give the tax payer the maximum service that could be rendered to him for every dollar of tax money spent. 9 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 OF 6ATTOW N. TEXAS IVI This administration will try to give the citizens of Baytown the full dollar value for the full tax dollar spent. The financial situation of the City is excellent. There is no outstanding indebtedness against the City other than bond issues. The City is now on a current pay as you go basis and balances from last year were increased over the previous year. There has been an improvement made in the Finance Department which will enable the City to keep a better record of its accounts. I want to thank the Mayor and Covncil9 the Department Heads and the Citizens of Baytown for their splendid cooperation of the past year$ and with the cooperation of all we can develop the City of Baytown into "A better place in which to live." Respectfully submitted' C. DARWIN MIDDLETON City Manager CDWjad 1 GENEFUL BUDGET STPZTR! - REVENUES For the Fiscal •raar 19,-'1-52 R E V E n U E S 1. General Fund Cash on Hand Due from Swimming Pool Fund From Tax Sources From Non -Tar. Sources 2. Wat r- Fund Cash on Hand From Sale of :Pater Miscellaneous Other 3. Traffic Improvement Fund Cash on Hand Anticipated Revenue q, Sr.Tin¢ning Pool Fund Anticipated Revenue Deficit 5k ;en:ral Oblir:,2tion Debt Service Fund Cash Due from other Fund From Tax Sources 6. stater Works Debt Service Fund Cash on Hand From Water Operating Fund Budget Proposals S6 30 792 498 734 173 5oO Total 703 026 44 710 275 000 10 000 Total $ 329 710 22 512 35 000 Total 57 512 S 500 Total $ a 500 67 916 Total 67 916 48 679 Total 48 679 211 GENERAL BUDGET S5YARY— EXPENDITURES For the Fiscal Year 1951m52 EXPENDITURES Budget Proposals 1< Genca°al Fund C n. rent, Expenses 9 463 698 iapital Outlay 156 885 1, bt Lar: urine 66 345 dnappropriated Reserves 16 098 Totai 9 703 026 Cur- .!at Expenses 111 482 Capital Outlay 28 750 D bt Service 48 679 ntrihution to General Fund 40 000 ylappropriated Reserves 100 799 Total 32 7710 3. kz fty, TMprevement Fund Current Expenses 9 7 535 Capital Outlay 2 500 Unappropriated Reserves 47 477 Total 57 512 4. swimmir- Pool Fund Cu--rent Expenses 9 8 685 Capital Outlay 200 Anticipated Deficit 385 Tonal 9 8 500 5. General 0b:Liaticn Debt Service Fund Requirements 9 67 916 Unappropriated Surplus Total 67 916 6.. der 'works Debt Service Fiend Requirements 48 679 nappropriated Surplus Total 9 48 679 3 SIS OF PROPERTY VALUATIONS FISCAL ASSESSED - ESTIMATED BASIS OF PERIOD Y T TRUE V UE ASSES_St 1910 -41 39984,000 1) 1290739000 33% 4) 1941-42 49805,100 1) 1495609000 33% 4) 1942-43 499840700 1). 15 1059.0OG 33% 4) 1943-44 591049700 1) 15g470g000 33% 4) 1944-45 590839100 1) 15g4OOg000 33% 4) 1945-46 5,4779600 1) 1695999000 33% 4) 1946-47 6,31390W 1) 19g130gOOO 33% 4) 1947-48 99964g000 2) 3091949000 33% 4) 1948-49 17,500,000 3) 35P000A00 50% 1949-50 1% 374a137 38r748g274 5.0% 195d-51 272983g026 55,,966,,052 50% 1951-52 30a225V248 rz 60g450g496 50% V..27t° 1) Combined as#based valuations for Goose Creek and Pelly. 2) Combined assessed v6igations for Goose Creek, Pelly and Baytown. 3) Complete reappraisal of property made in 19/.8. 4) The 33% basis shown here is a guess. Actually there was no basis. Property owners made their own renditions. Apparently neither Goose Creek nor Pelly ever had an appraisal of property for assessment purposes. 0 RT';ed Ott Negio BsoOO Fum6gARfj 30 saiggo PaggPTToguaa oqg 3o uoTgeaedo 3o aseS TTna gslTj agg sgoaT3BJ BY-L76T POTaod Teost3 agl *# sgghom ZT uegg aaom saoeagma 0O-XOJesagg 'POTaad Lfi-976T aqs `OE aegmagdes pue og pa2aego sam satgio pauTgmoo egg 3o po;aed TeOGTJ agg uoTggPTTosuoo a9lJV `0E aunp Papua JOBS TaOSTJ Xaea0 esooO agg Pug 'T£ g0JVK Pepue aBOS T1308TJ STTed aqg UOTgOPTTosuoo og JOTJd 9 TMg1918 pauTgmoo ( ) fGOTgSTIV49 STTad Z) fSOTgsTgggs HaaaO e900D (T) osegOg 9% T 9416 68L 50 60L my ZS¢TS6T 560 8 6`T6 LL£ 90E zOZ E£E T5m056T 09Z 6 16 0T5 58z 000 9o£ 09-6761, 050 6 0°z6 006 9LZ 000 To£ 64I-M1 000 5 8"Z6 000 ZLT 9zE 581 87-L761: T66 6 SILO 5L5 6L 769 06 L7-oe-6 04 L41-T '1 moa3 900 z 7°Z8 075 7T 6Z9 LT Z) T55 T&68 5£0 59 590 EL T) 0 0161 4709 7T 0 ° 68 z 89 999 9L T8Z 8 L08L ELz ZT 995 5T Z) Z£ 9 9`16 T96 55 OTT T9 T) 917=576T 57L T 9°68 66L £9 OT TL 889 6 7`LL z85 TT 8Z6 tT 4) L50 7 6'z6 LTZ z5 6£z 95 T) 0-"6T zT 7T 8058 2:91 T9 Sz£ IL Z041 7 8du L5z TT 7s7 5T Z) TZL 6 5$68 5o6 0, T78 55 T) 77 C76-1- T69 ZT 91z8 085 L5 M 69 T89 5 9189 OL8 6 9L£ 71 z) OTO L z'98 OTL L7 L07 55 T) 7TZ76T Ez9 OT L06L o0L £5 06£ L9 M E L, °'i9 9" 0 6 z96 Ez Z) To L L°£8 9 " 8Z41 E5 T) Z7—T761 L90 7T 8"5L T9Z Z7 ZLL 55 E) 6£b L 55 057 L 797 T z) 8z£ 9 z8 118 7£ 8oe z7 T) T7-0761 pots sa t po; a poTaed tut mQ saxey T80sTJ 2uTaIG Teosiff 2utJnQ Ses7 POT -Tod syaeaA Joiad pegOaTTOo SneZ sexey 81ae9A guasano Xey T9401L TaosTJ Jo UOTpeTToo jo asnuaosed 3o uoTg0aTT00 SQN[1rI ,m Hod mi loanoo Qmy-offmy-Ml I SVX31 NMOl Vg AO A l ul 5 TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALL FUNDS Ratio of Delinquent Ratio of Total Ratio of Accumulated Collections to Total Collections to Accumulated Delinquent Taxes to Current Tax Collections Current Tax Delinquent Current Year's Lsvy Levy Taxes Tax bevy 14.9 41 139 97.2 26 080 61.6 57.5 15 189 112.8 54 o98 442.0 25.2 56 328 101.0 80 178 143.7 14.2 52 135 97.9 26 989 50.6 22.5 12 188 87.2 56 075 401.0 15.8 64 323 95.5 83 064 123.4 12.6 54 720 98.8 27 538 49.7 39.6 15 551 108.2 55 383 385.0 18.2 70.271 100.8 82 921 118.9 17.5 59 626 107.0 22 625 40.5 23.4 15 659 101.2 55 632 359.o 19.8 75 285 , 105.6 78 257 109.8 7.3 56 274 100.2 22 487 40.0 64.8 21 270 142.2 49 669 332.0 19.4 77 544 109.0 72 156 lol.5 10.4 62 284 102.0 21 258 34.7 53.3 20 554 132.0 44 773 288.0 19.0 82 838 108.0 66 031 86.2 4.9 68 586 94.0 23 499 32.2 11.3 16 548 93.7 45 938 260.0 4 432 110 89 566 98.8 69 437 76.5 2.7 317 000 95.5 77 700 41.9 3.0 285 c5o 95.0 92 700 30.8 3.0 294 770 96.3 100 140 32.7 2.4 310 621 93.2 96 409 28.9 2.8 495 297 102.8 34 012 7.1 I A GENERAL FUND_ ,FCi j ALL SOURCES ACTUAL ACTUAL a W I950=51 r-MaE'RAL PROPFMY TAXESs Curstnt.Year Is Levy Prior Year's Levies panal.ties and Interest Total Property Taxes OTHER LOCAL TAXES Szeet.Rental Charges: Tu_=iel Transit. Company f.auston Natural Gas Corporation Hmaton Lighting and Power Company Southwestern Associated Telephone Co. Taxicabs Total Other Local Taxes L:r.1;;rT AND PERMITS: Bus"_ness Licenses: Alcoholic Beverage Licenses Other Business Licenses Subtotal Nonbusiness Licenses: Animal Licenses: Total Licenses and Permits FINES. AND FORFEITS: Corporation Court Fines VICE CHARGE FOR CURRENT SERVICES Protective_ Inspection Fees Ruilding Permits Electrical Permits Plumbing Permits Health Permits Waste Collection Fees Total Service Charges g 306 377 8 679 2 489 S 455 789 13 588 3 797 317 545 9 473 174 513 6 545 10 024 3 643 1 927 22 652 906 6 370 10 841 4 517 1 204 23 838 ITER01 l 8 484 734 12 000 2 000 6 498 734 800 6 300 10 800 4 500 1 g00 24 200 2 315 2 486 2 400 4 390 39 130 2 500 6 705 41 616 4 900 512 273 300 7 217 41 889 5 200 8 19 728 21 584 20 000 3 052 2 259 2 000 1 173 1 4.37 1 200 2 942 3 149 3 000 972 905 900 60 000 66 000 74 000 4 68 139 $ 73 750 $ 81 100 7 GENERY,L r'OM RESOURCES FROM ALL SOURCES C URRE N T REVENUES continued) ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 UNCIASSIFIED MISCELLANEOUS $ 3 041 1 042 $ 3 000 CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS FROM OTHER GOVERNMENQ OWNED FUNDS Transfer of Water Utility Profits Grand Total of Revenues BMAICR AT OCTOM 1 TOTAL RESOURCES 48 133 35 000 40 000 486 455 670 277 672 234 922 2 375 30 792 487 377 672 652 703 026 A OF BA"OWN, F GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY CIASSIFICATION ACCOUNL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED NUMBER DEPARTMENT AND DIVISION 1949-50 195om51 1951-52 GENERAL GOVERNMENT- 101 City Council 4 717 54 562 155 725 102 City Manager 10 157 11 760 32 800 103 Corporation Court 3 113 4 800 5 045 104 Elections 389 375 550 105 Finance 17 127 20 279 25 555 106 Law - 5 575 6 907 7 525 107 City Hall 3 186 3 775 4 655 Total 44 26'; 102 458 231 855 PUBLIC SAFETY: 201 Police 66 614 74 841 78 68o 202 Fire 33 025 54 602 37 810 203 Protective Inspection 6 121 7 352 8 375 Total 105 760 136 795 124 865 HIGHWAYS: 301 Roadways 135 941 143 233 113 701 302 Street Lighting 5 071 5 022 5 430 Total 1141 012 148 255 119 531 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL- 401 Sewers and Sewage Disposal 29 854 41 204 33 451 402 Waste Collection and Disposal 60 834 50 361 63 861 Total 90 688 91 565 97 312 CONSERVATION OF HEALTH 501 Health Department 10 315 8 359 io 451, RECREATION: 601 Municipal Parks 463 1 930 4 900 602 Playgrounds and Playfields 2 000 2 036 2 000 Total 2 463 3 966 6 900 E GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY CLASSIFICATION Continued) ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED NUMBER DEPARTMENT AND DIVISION 19494D . 1950-51 1951-52 WCELLUMUS s 701 Garage $ 22 550 20 000 21 825 702 Insurance 7 521 8 133 8 245 Total $ 30 071 28 133 30 070 Grand Total $ 424 573 519 531 620 583 10 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTERAND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION. ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1 1- 2 aXPMTSES F> Salaries and Wages B. Supplies Maintenance of Land D. Maintenance of Structures E. Maintenance of Equipment F. Miscellaneous Services G. Sundry Charges Emergency Fund CAPITAL OUTLAY Y. Structures Z. Equipment Total Expenses Grand Total 233 133 234 466 293 088 29 300 31 711 29 835 3 18 350 54 209 58 841 57 050 22 806 20 381 17 550 26 037 26 216 26 225 12 893 12 730 35 100 9 378 381 384 363 463 698 3 6 218 39 974 424 573 67 689 67 479 519 531 128 700 28 185 620 583 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS A N N U A L BUDGET GENERAL FUND F ..mown. ACCOUNT NO. 101 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUL ED 1949-5o 1956-51 11995152 2 995 3 407 3 900 A. Salaries and Wages 118 251 75 B, Supplies D. Maintenance of Structure 989 F. Miscellaneous Services 312 600 450 G, ChargesSundryg 1 292 1 774 700 Total Expenses 4 717 7 021 5 125 X. Fire Station Site 10 500 y, Buildings and Structures 37 041 120 000 750 Z. Furniture and Fixtures 25 35o Z. Vehicles 4 500 Emergency Fund Grand Total 4 717 54 562 155 725 SAIARIES AND WAGES RATE PER PROPOSED MONTH 1951-52 Am2 CLERICAL City Cleric $ 325 00 $ 3 900 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1, Mayor and Council 2, Clerical Total B. SUPPLIES B-1 Office Supplies D: U-IRrSUNCE OF STRUCTURE 1. Building Maintenance F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3. Insurance and Bonds 5a. Advertising 73a. Association Dues 13b. Other Total 12 ACCOUNT NO. 101 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1951 52 16.3 2 995 3 244 3 900 2 995 $ 3 407 3 900 118 $ 251 $ 75 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contributions and Gratuities 4. Judgments and Damages 7. Court Costs Total CAPITAL OUTIAY 1 Fire Station Site Y. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 2-1. Furniture and Fixtures 2-4. Motor Vehicles 989 $ - 13 $ - $ - 19 340 100 272 260 350 8 312 $ 600 $ 450 774 $ 1 665 $ 700 Soo - - 18 109 1 292 $ 1 774 $ 700 10 500 $ - 37 041 $180 000 750 25 350 13 ACCOUNT NO, 101 GENERAL GOVERN MT CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL 1g49-50 ACTUAL PROPOSED 1950-51 1951-52 CAPITAL OUTI41 (continued) MGENCY FUND - - 4 500 Total 96 4 717 8 47 541 9150 boo Grand Total t 4 717 8 54 562 9155 725 d I i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 1 i 14 ACCOUNT NO. 102 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY MANAGER T SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 A. Salaries and Wages $ 9 443 9 662 10 100 B. Supplies 42 453 250 E. Maintenance of Equipment 249 118 100 F. Miscellaneous Services 392 286 300 S1kgti,, Chargos 1 210 22 000 Total Expenses $ 10 126 11 729 32 750 Z. Equipment 31 31 50 Grand Total $ 10 157 11 760 32 800 SALARIES AND WAGES RATE PER PROPOSED MONTH 1951-52 A-1 EXECUTIVE City Manager A-2 CMRICAL Secretary Total Salaries and Wages 667 $ 8 000 175 2 100 10 100 15 ACCOUNT N0, 102 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY MANAGER ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1 1- 2 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Executive 7 500 7 575 8 000 2. Clerical 1 943 2 087 2 100 Total 9 443 9 662 10 100 B. 428 150 6. Motor Vehicle 25 100 42 453 250 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicle 249 118 100 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3. Insurance and Bonds 81 6. Traveling Expenses 286 255 250 13. Association Dues 25 31 50 Total 286 300 G. 8. Civilian Defense 1 210 1 500 Overtime Allowance - Unallocated 3 000 Pension Plan Allowance 17 500 Total 1 210 22 000 Z. EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 31 31 50 Grand Total 10 157 11 760 32 800 16 ACCOUNT 140. 103 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION COURT SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-5d 1950-51 1 1- 2 A. Salaries and Wages 9 2 742 3 892 4 320 B. Supplies 202 348 300 F. Miscellaneous Service 116 91 100 G. Sundry Charges 3 6 25 Total 3 o63 8 4 337 4 745 Z. Equipment 50 463 300 Grand Total 3 113 4 800 5 045 SALARIES AND WAGES RATE PER MONTH A-1 ADMINISTRATIVE Judge 175 00 CJ_ar?; 185 00 PROPOSED 1951-52 2 100 2 220 360 00 $ 4 320 I ACCOUNT N0, 103 GENERAL GOVERNMENT COR.PMATION COURT ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1 L-2L A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Administrative B. SUPPLIES 1. Office F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Cc:!,;iun is cations 6. Traveling Expenses Total G. SUNDRY CRARGES 7. Jury Fees Total Expenses 2 742 $ 3 892 $ 4 320 202 $ 348 $ 300 86 $ 30 116 $ 91 $ 100 91 $ 100 3 6 25 3 063 4 337 9v 4 745 EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 50 463 300 Grand Tot-] 3 113 4 800 5 045 17 ACCOUNT NO. 104 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 A. Salaries and Wages 270 244 300 B. Supplies 110 131 150 F. Miscellaneous Services 9 100 Grand Tota.. 389 375 550 DETAIL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950--51 1951-52 A. SAIARIES AND WAGES 2. Election Officials 270 244 300 B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 93 131 125 7. Minor Instruments 17 a 5 Total 110 131 150 F. XISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 54 Advertising 9 100 Grand Total 389 375 550 19 ACCOUNT No. 105 GENERAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-5o 1950-51 1951-52 A. Salaries and Wages 10 898 12 237 20 070 H. Supplies 3 1440 3 742 3 000 E, Maintenance of Equipment 113 385 400 F. Miscellaneous Services 2 723 2 930 1 750 0, vi r&7 Charges 100 Total Expenses 16 574 19 294 25 320 2. Equipment 553 985 235 Grand Total 17 127 20 279 25 555 SALARIES AND WAGES A-1 SUPERVISION Director of Finance 50% City Controller 50% A•-2 CiaLYCAL Deputy Tax Assessor —Collector A-5 EXTRA 11ELP Total Salaries and Wages RATE PER PROPOSED MONTH 1951-52 225 2 700 200 21400 890 10 680 275 3 300 990 20 070 20 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 2. Clerical 5. Extra Help T otal B. SUPPLIES 1# Office B. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 10 Furniture and Fixtures 3. Equipment Total F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3. Insurance and Bonds 4a. Annual Audit 46. Equalization Board 5. Advertising 6. Traveling Expenses 13. Other Total ACCOUNT No. l05 GENERAL GOVERNMENT F I N A N C E ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 2 400 $ 2 475 $ 5 100 7 471 8 533 13 980 1 027 1 229 990 10 898 $ 12 237 $ 20 070 3 440 3 3 742 $ 3 000 113 $ 385 400 113 $ 385 $ 400 265 $ - $ 1 040 2 268 1 000 641 450 450 119 116 200 57 50 58 40 50 2 123 $ 2 930 $ 1 750 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 7'. { - rt Costs 100 Total Expenses 16 574 19 294 25 320 Z. EQUIPMENT 1.. Furniture and Fixtures 553 995 235 Grand Total 8 V 127 20 279 25 555 21 ACCOUNT NO. 106 GENERAL GOVERNMENT LAW SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 A. Salaries and Wages $ 5 144 6 355 6 450 f30 262 325 B. Supplies F. Miscellaneous Services 72 290 750 Total Expenses 5 296 6 907 7 525 k.. Fpys`sTimant 2714 m Grand Total $ 5 575 6 907 7 525 SAIARIES AND WAGES A-3 PROFESSIONAL City Attorney A-2 CLERICAL Stenographer ( 2 Time ) Total Salaries and Wages RATE PER PROPOSED MONTH 1951-52 450 00 $ 5 400 150 00 1 000 6 400 22 ACCOUNT ITO. 106 GENERAL GOVERNIMC L A W ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 2. Clerical 910 1 050 3. Professional 5 144 5 445 5 400 Total 5 144 6 355 6 450 B. SUPPT.IES 1, Office 100 100 13. Other 80 162 225 Total 80 262 325 F. MISCELLANBOUS SERVICES 2. Hire of Equipment 150 600 4. Special Services 72 6. Traveling Expense 95 100 13. Association Dues 45 50 Total 72 290 750 Total Expenses 5 296 6 907 7 525 S. NUI)MM 27> Grand Total 5 575 6 907 7 525 OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS A. Salaries and Wages B. Supplies C. Maintenance of Land D. Maintenance of Structures E. Maintenance of Equipment F. Miscellaneous Services Z. Equipment Total Expenses Grand Total ACCOUNT N0, 107 GENERALME6T GOVERNTCITY SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL 3, 949-50 1950-51 ffi 1 532 ffi 1 620 568 424 2 87 425 56 126 943 1 085 23 PROPOSED 11951- 52 ffi 2 475 605 350 125 1 100 ffi 3 186 3 682 ffi 4 655 ffi - ffi 93 ffi 3 186 ffi 3 775 9 4 655 24 ACCOUNT NO. 107 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY HALL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-5G 1950-51 1951-52 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 3. Operation 1 532 $ 1 620 $ 2 400 5. Extra Help -- - 75 Total $ 1 532 $ 1 620 $ 2 475 B. SUPPLIES 2; Fuel 78 105 150 7n Minor Tools 18 8 30 8. Janitorial 458 294 400 13. Other 14 17 25 Total 568 424 605 C. MAINTENANCE OF LAND 1. Land 2 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 87 425 350 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 56 126 125 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1: Communications 617 773 750 11. Light and Power 326 312 350 Total 943 1 085 1 100 Total Expenses 3 186 3 682 4 655 Z. EQUIPMENT 12. Heating Systems 93 r e Grand Total 3 186 3 775 4 655 0 ACCOUNT NO. 201 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-5o 1950-51 1951-52 A. Salaries and Wages 53 346 54 688 68 880 B. Supplies 4 797 4 686 5 350 D. Maintenance of Structures 877 85 200 E. Maintenance of Equipment 3 538 2 824 2 150 Fr rocnllaneous Services 2 393 1 760 2 100 Total Expenses 64 956 64 043 78 680 Z. Equipment 1 658 10 798 Grand Total 66 614 74 841 78 680 SAIARIES AND WAGES RATE PER PROPOSED MONTH 1951-52 A-1 SUPERVISION Chief of Police 400 00 4 800 A-3 TECIMICAL 2. Chief Radio Dispatch:,— 325 00 3 900 R ,sadip Dispatcher 240 00 5 760 1 Identification Officer 260 00 3 120 Total Technical 17 580 k-3 OPERATION Assistant Chief 325 00 3 900 Sqkrgeant of Police 285 00 3 420 33 Patrolmen 260 00 40 560 Jailer and Humane Officer 260 00 3 120 Relief Help 300 Total Operation $ 51 300 Total Salaries and Wages $ 68 880 s J r A. SAIARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 3-0. Operation 3-T. Technical 5. Extra Help Total B. SUPPLIES i 11 ^ 2: Fuel 4. Uniforms 5: Forage 6. Motor Vehicle 7. Minor Instruments 8. Janitorial ACCOUNT NO. 201 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT ACTUAL 1949-50 4 200 39 247 9 899 53 346 474 218 539 198 3 090, 278 ACTUAL 1950-51 4 35o 39 582 10 756 54 688 S 307 M 1 014 93 2 942 116 26 PP.OPOSED 1951-52 4 800 51 COO 12 780 300 350 250 1 200 200 3 000 150 200 Total 4 797 4 686 5 350 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 877 85 200 E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 37 150 4. Motor Vehicles 2 927 2 588 2 000 11,. 84-gnal Systems 1 199 Total 3 538 2 824 2 150 SERVICES 1. munComications 203 316 300 6. Traveling Expenses 67 25 100 9. Prisoner Subsistence 1 588 848 1 200 11. Light and Power 434 571 500 13. Other 106 Total Total Expenses S . 2 398 64 956 1 760 64 043 2 100 78 680 r 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS iI ACGO`TS"T NO„a„r2n? pCI,ICE RMQW iT ACTUAL ACTUAL FROPOM J0 1— 1. Ftmniture and Fixtures 658 s 178 4. Motor Vehicles 000 1 678 110 vh.gnal Systems 8 942 r+....a.. Total 3 6$ 10 M Grand Total 66 614 74 ail 78 680 28 ACCOUNT No. 202 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-5o L950-51 1951-52 A. Salaries and Wages 20 311 22 760 26 660 B. Supplies 3 656 7 385 3 100 D. Maintenance of Structures 402 175 350 E. Maintenance of Equiprieni, 2 551 2 058 1 875 r p6z: ellaneous Services 1 152 1 133 1 325 G. Sundry Charges 4 569 4 500 4 500 Total Expenses 32 55o 38 011 37 810 Z. Equipment 475 16 591 m Grand Total 33 025 54 602 37 810 SALARIES AND WAGES RATE PER PROPOSED MONTH 1951-52 A-1 SUPERVISION Chief $ 375 $ 4 500 A-3 OPERATION Fire Marshal $ 290 $ 3 480 5 P..,ivers 250 15 000 1 Driver 240 2 880 Extra Help 800 Total $ 22 160 Total All Salaries and Wages $ 26 660 2,9 A, SAIARIES AND WAGS 1Supervision 3' Operation 5o Extra Help Total B 4 Si3PPLTES I o Office 2,, FLel ik pparel 6A Motor Vehicle 8' Janitorial 7. Minor Apparatus 13. Other Total D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES to Buildings E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT to Furniture and Fixtures 3 4 Fire Apparatus 4o Motor Vehicle 1. 1. Signal Systems Total 1p Communications 6A Traveling Expenses 110 -- Light and Power 13a Other Total ACCOUNT NO* 202 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1941 50-51 1951-52 3 900 $ 4 398 2i 36o 15 %1175603770802 800 20 311 . $ 22 760 $ 26 660 63 $ 34 $ 50 1.1, 3 160 200 Oo 160 99502600 600 4 9M 2 723 6 392 2 000 w o 3 565 $ 7 385 $ 3 100 402 175 350 12 25 876 520 750 1 125 1 302 850 550 224 250 2 551 # 2 058 $ 1 875 609 674 750 293 237 300 2113 211 50 7 11. 25 1 152 $ 1 133 $ 1 325 G. SUNDRY CHARGES la Contribution to Volunteer Dept. $ 4 569 8 4 500 Total Expenses $ 32 550 $ 38 011 4 500 37 810 30 ACCOUNT NO. 202 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMIIVT continued) ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1 0 1950-51 11951--52 Z. EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles t 16 554 11. Signal Systems 360 3.5. Other 37 a Total 360 16 591 Y. STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 115 Grand Total 33 025 54 602 37 810 ITT VC 13ATTUWN. TKAA`S ACCOUNT NO. 203 PUBLIC SAFETY PltOTTe,,4COTIVE INSPECTION sas..:. a.........w u.a UMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949--50 1950-51 1951-5,2 A. Salaries and Wages 6 ow 6 986 7 800 B- Supplies 54 162 275 E a Maintenance of Equipr:ez:: 67 81 100 F. 1.: %.«,:ellaneous Services 123 200 Total :y. roses 6 12,;_ 7 352 8 375 Z Q Equipment SA.IARIES AND WAGES RATE PER PROPOSED MONTH 1951-52 A-3 TECHNICAL Inspector 350 4 200 Assistant Inspector 300 3 600 Tota. : i:. .:;; and Wagesges 7 800 GITT OF HATTOWN, TEXAS ACCOUNT W o 203 PUBLIC SAFETY PROTECTIVE INSPECTION ACTUAL 1949-50 1 A, SALARIES .AND WES 20 Clerical 3. Technical Total B ,. SUPPLIES Office 6. Motor Vehicle Total E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPME11Tr 4. Motor Vehicle F o MGSCELIANEOUS SERVICES to Communications 6Q Traveling Expenses Total Total *penes 2 400 3 600 6 000 26 26 54 67 ACTUAL 1950-51 ram 6 986 6 986 134 28 162 81 120 3 123 6 121 $ 7 352 32 PROPOSED 1951-52 s. 7 800 7 800 175 100 275 100 100 100 200 8 375 WTT wr UATTVWIV. TKAA%t 33 ACCOM NO. 301 HIGHWAYS ROADWAYS SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 119_ 0 1 0--1 121-2 A. Salaries and Wages 52 633 46 646 53 701 B. Supplies 9 206 7 436 8 500 D. Maintenance of Stroetures 49 234 52 222 50 400 Mi 3cellani:ous Services 1 3-i`35 1 572 1 100 Total p11.2 468 Op107 876 113 701. Y . Structure 4 797 Z . L _,.ti,smcnt, 23 473 30 560 Total 23 473 35 357 Grand Total $135 94a 143 233 113 701 SALARIES AND 11 IA ES A-1 SUPERVISION Direetorr of Public Iforszs (3/10) A.-3 TEMICAL Engineer A,4 MUIMNANCE Foreman 6 Fquipment Operators 7 Truck Drivers and Utility, 1;. Laborers Total Grand Total MITE PER PROPOSED MONTH 1 1— 2 r 172 50 $ 2 070 150 00 $ 1 800 335 00 4 020- 314 31 18 859 211 91 17 800 190 65 9 152 49 831 53 701 34 ACCOUNT No. 301 HIGHWAYS ROADWAYS ACTUAL 1949-5o A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 3. Technical 4. Maintenance Total B. SUPPLIES 1. Office 6. Motor Vc;,icles 7„ a^•n-or 'T0015 73. Other Total D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 2, Buildings 5e Sidewalks, curbs and gutters 8. Street Total F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 2. Hire of Equipment 4. Special Services Total Y. STRUCTURES 16 Streets Z. EQUIPMENT 2. Machinery 4. Motor Vehicle Total Grand Total 1 980 3 256 47 397 52 633 8 924 282 9 206 138 735 48 361 49 234 575 820 1 395 18 401 5 072 23 473 135 941 ACTUAL 1950-51 2 085 2 216 42 345 46 646 7 o56 287 93 7 436 344 1 138 50 740 52 222 721 851 1 572 4 797 2 750 27 810 3o 56o 143 233 PROPOSED 1951-52 2 070 1 800 49 831 53 701 8 000 400 100 8 500 400 5 000 45 000 50 400 1 000 100 1 100 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 35 ACCOUNT NO. 02 HHe eA. Ys , BEET LIGHTING ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED F. M, I _ , LMVICFS 11. Light and Power A 5 071 1 5 022 9 5 430 DET,A.ILED SCHEDULE OF STREET LIGHTS By Contract, with Houston Lighting Rr Power Co.) N 0, cox"' J"a and _T f Rate Per lamp Total Cost Per Year Per Year 118 250 CP Regular Series Overhead 9 30.00 3 540 118 250 CP Regular Series Overhead Free 52 250 OP Ornamental Under - Ground Series A 30.00 1 560 Extra Street Lights 0 Total 5 430 GITY ON ISAYTOWN. TEXAS 36 ACCC_JNT No. lea S10ITATION .ITD WASTE IRM S AND SI .AGE DM POSAL UMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 121 ' -- 0 1250 5l 152.. A. Salaries and Wages 16 228 16 716 17 071 B. Supplies 325 811 1 lO5 C. Maintenance of Land 50 D. 3-k!.ntenance of Structur-t:3 2 394. 4 711 5 200 3.at: Yi:an< r,~' Equipment l .11 1 374 SOO F. Miscellaneous Services 3 081 2 277 3 025 Total 23 038 25 889 27 251 Y. Structures 6 218 15 315 6 200 z. Euipnient 598 Grand Total 29 854 0 41 264 33 451 SALARIES AND IMAGES Awl SUPERVISOR Directo - of Public Wor] -; (2/10) A-.3 1 Plant Operator 3 Plant operators A../, MAINTENANCE 2 Service IIen Total Total Salaries and Wages RATE PER PROPOSED MONTH 1951-2 115 00 1 380 220 00 2 640 210 00 7 56o 10 200 228 00 5 4.91 17 072. 37 ACCOUNT No. 401 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL SEWERS AND SEpfAGE DISPOSAL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-5o 1950-51 1951-52 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 1 320 1 390 1 380 3. Operation 9 383 9 660 10 200 4. Maintenance 5 525 5 666 5 491 Total V= 16 716 17 071 B. SUPPLIES 2 Fuel 18 16 30 Motor Vehicle 193 744 700 B-7 Minor Tools 114 30 100 B-9 Chemicals 250 B-13 Other 21 25 Total 325 811 1 lo5 C. MAINTENANCE OF IAND C-1 Land 50 D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES D-1 Buildings 6 28 200 D-3 Disposal Plants 52 1 132 1 000 D-4 Sanitary Sewers 2 237 2 621 3 000 D-6 Storm Sewers 99 930 1 000 Total 2 394 4 711 5 200 u0. T! !' iNANCE cT EQUIPMENT E-2 Maintenance of Machinery 903 1 335 500 E-3 Instruments and Apparatus 107 39 300 Total 1 010 1 374 800 F. MISCELIANEOUS SERVICES F-7 Rents 8 6 25 F-11 Light and Power 3 073 2 271 3 000 Total 3 081 2 277 3 025 Total Expenses' 23 038 25 889 27 251 38 ACCOUNT N0. 401 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL continued) ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949 50 1 0- 1 1951-52 Ye STRUCTIIRES Y-3 Filters Y-4 Sanitary Sewers Y-6 Storm Sewers Total Z. Eg.UIF 1. Furniture and Fixtures Grand Total 1 200 1 519 3 499 6 218 29 854 3 700 15 315 2 500 15 315 6 200 4P 41 204 S 33 451 39 I ACCOUNT No. 402 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-5o 1950-51 1251-52 A. Salaries and Wages 41 892 39 974 58 261 B. Supplies 5 026 4 519 5 350 D, Maintenance of Structures 1 154 80 250 F, Miscellaneous Services 48 Total E:.!)t nses 48 120 44 573 u 63 861 Z. Equipment 12 714 5 788 Grand Total 60 834 50 361 63 861 SALARIES AND WAGES RATE PER PROPOSED MONTH 1951-52 A-3 OPERATION Assistant Foreman 235 00 2 820 4 Truck Drivers ($1.15/hr.) 219 25 10 525 3 Truck Drivers ($1.10/hr.) 206 40 7 430 i rtaticimian ($1.05/hr.) 200 25 2 403 14 Laborers ($1.05/hr.) 200 25 33 633 Extra Help 1 45o Total Salaries and Wages 58 261 4o ACCOUNT No. 402 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 1949-5o 1950-51 A. SALARIES AND WAGES A-3 Operation A-5 Extra Help s, SUPPLIES B-6 Motor Vehicle B-7 Xinor Tools B-9 Chemicals B-13 Other D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES D-9 Dumping Grounds F. MISCEIJANEOUS SERVICES F-13 Other Total Expenses Z. EQUIPMENT Z-2 Machinery Z-4 Motor Vehicle Total Grand Total PROPOSED 1951-52 41 892 39 974 56 811 1 45o 41 892 $ 39 974 58 261 2 697 4 790 221 236 1 500 101 5 026 $ 4 519 1 154 $ 80 48 $ 48 120 44 573 3 639 $ 5 788 12 714 $ 5 788 60 834 $ 50 361 3 000 250 2 000 100 5 350 250 63 861 63 861 41 A. Salaries and Wages B. Supplies F. Miscellaneous Services G. :Sundry Charges AW3 TECHNICAL A-3 PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNT No. 501 CONSERVATION OF HEAISH Grand To,)' HFALTH DEPARTMENT SUMMARY ACTUAL 1949-50 3 900 252 1 163 5 nnrt ACTUAL 1950-51 4 230 242 1 387 2 50o 10 315 $ 8 359 SALARIES AND WAGES Total Salaries and Wages RATE PER MONTH 300 00 75 00 PROPOSED 1951-52 4 500 250 700 5 000 10 450 PROPOSED 1951-52 3 600 goo 4 5oo A, Snr.aRIES AND WAGES A-3 Technical A-3 Professional Total as ti -,, I , ACCOUNT N0. 501 CONSERVATION. OF HEALTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1 0— 1 1 1— 2 3 000 3 3 330 3 600 goo goo goo 3 goo 4 230 4 500 42 11 252 242 250 F. SERVICES F-2 Car Allowance 9 600 600 600 F-4 Special Services 501 717 F-6 Traveling Expenses 62 70 100 Total 1 163 9 1 387 6 700 C. SUNDRY CHARGES l Contributions 5 000 2 500 5 000 10 -15 8 359 6 10 450 43 ACCOUNT NO. 601 RECREATION MUNICIPAL PARKS SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL 1949-50 1 0- 1 A. Salaries and Wages 39 314 B. Supplies 227 92 C. Maintenance of Land 3 16 D. Maintenance of Structures 51 78 Total Expenses 320 500 Eguipnent 143 1430 Grand Total C 463 8 1 930 DETAIL A. SALARIES AND WAGES A-4 Maintenance 18 39 314 A-5 Extra Help Total Salaries B. SUPPLIES B-7 Tools B-12 Botanical and Agricultural B-13 Other Total C. MATD'TENANCE OF LAND Land J.. MA I NANCE OF STRUCTURES P-l0 Maintenance of Building Z. EQUaLYNT Z-2 Implements Z-15 Equipment Total Expense Total Grand Total 39 $ 314 PROPOSED 1 1- 2 2 600 300 300 200 3 400 1 500 6 4 900 1 800 800 2 600 72 3 100 55 89 300 227 92 300 3 16 300 51 200 78 320 4p 500 3 400 143 1 430 1 500 143 1 430 1 500 9 463 9 1 930 4 900 44 ACCOUNT N0. 602 R E C R E A T I O N PLAYGROUNDS AND PLAYFIELDS ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1 1- 2 G, SUNDRY CHARGES 1. Contributions to Recreation Program 2 000 2 000 $ 2 000 Y. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ither (Playground Lights) - $ 36 $ - Grand Total $ 2 000 $ 2 036 $ 2 000 r 10 A A. Salaries and Wages B. Supplies 0. :fintenance of Structures E. Maintenance of Equipment Xallaneous Services Y. Structures 1.. Building Z. Equipment 2. Machinery Total Exp 45 e ACCOUNT N0, 701 MISCELLANEOUS G A R A G E SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1 1- 2 5 760 4 735 6 000 1 288 767 900 10 76 100 15 222 13 415 12 000 270 267 325 nse $ 22 550 19 260 $ 19 325 2 500 Grand Total $ 22 500 $ 20 000 SALARIES AND WAS A-2 CLLRRICAL Mc;;ecper (2/3 Time) A-3 0PERATION Mechanic (2/3 Time) Mechanic Helper (2/3 Time) Total Salaries and Wages 21 825 RATE PER PROPOSED MONTH 1951-52 8 250 00 $ 2 000 260 00 240 00 2 000 1 920 Grand Total $ 22 500 $ 20 000 SALARIES AND WAS A-2 CLLRRICAL Mc;;ecper (2/3 Time) A-3 0PERATION Mechanic (2/3 Time) Mechanic Helper (2/3 Time) Total Salaries and Wages 21 825 RATE PER PROPOSED MONTH 1951-52 8 250 00 $ 2 000 260 00 240 00 2 000 1 920 GITT Or ISATTOWN. TEXAS 6 A. SAL TRIES AND 14AGES A-2 Clerical A-3 Operation Total AC._ COUNT M . 701 MISC-LL??EOUS i1RA:iE ji1 J / 3 ' - 0 AC' -J.; i.L PROPOSED 951- 2 1 600 1 855 2 000 4 160 2 SSO 4 000 5 760 4 735 .p 6 000 B . SUPPLIES B -1 Office 53' 92 50 1254 75 B..2. T-Ned 4* 632 450 500 B..rj Minor Tools 78 175 200 B-13 Other Total D. t4AIN_ ANCE OF STRUCTURE D-1 Building E. MAlN Q' JVCE OF EQUIPMENT E-2 Machin:-ry F . ;•II5':;ELLANFOUS SMVICES F-1 Communications F-11 Light and Power F-13 Other Y . i:) Y-1 Building Z . E T I I1T Z-2 Mash + nery Total Total 1;1:penses 1 288 $ 767 $ 900 to 1) 76 Z 100 15222 $ 13 415 $ 12 000 112 $ 112 125 146 155 200 12 -- 70 267 325 22 55 !". 19 26o 19 325 2 500 740 Grand Total 22 550 20 000 21 $25 47 ACCOUNT NO. 702 MISCELLANEOUS I N S U R A N C E SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3. Insurance S 7 492 7 393 7 470 G. SUNDRY CHARGES 2,. Bond 322 325 8. Medical. Care 29 418 450 Total T•^ 29 740 775 Grand Total 7 521 8 133 8 245 DETAILED SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3a. Automotive Equipment 4 451 3 979 4 000 3b. Buildings and Contents 1 601 1 601 1 500 3c, Troup Life and Hospitalization 1 140 1 252 1 400 3d. Firements Benefit 300; 399 400 r;, II arglar3r 162 170 Total 7 492 7 393 7 470 G, SUI?ORY CHARGES G--2 Bonds $ - 322 325 G-8 Medical Care 29 418 450 Total $ 29 740 775 Grand Total $ 7 521 8 133 8 245 CITY OF BAYTOWN. TE%A5 AL;LUAL B UD GE T P A R T I I I W A T E R W 0 R B S S E 0 T I 01 WATER DEPARTMENT INCOME AND EXPENSE STATEMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1951-52 ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-5o 1950-51 1951-52 OPERATING REVENUES: SALES OF WATER: Metered Sales to General Customers $ 251 085 $ 280 562 $ 275 000 OTHER WATER REVENUES: Servicing Customers' Installation 14 101 16 451 10 000 Total Operating Revenues $ 265 186 $ 297 OT3 $ 285 000 LLi ; r OPERATING REVENUE DEDUCTIONS: Operating Expenses 163 048 179 502 142 723 Audit Adjustment --Britton Craven Waterworks Payments i 692 DEDUCT: NONOPERATING EXPENSES - Interest Expense on Bonds 49 500 46 493 48 679 Net Income 52 638 69 326 93 598 APPROPRIATIONS OF NET INCOME Contri.buttion to General Fund 48 133 35 000 40 000 Total Appropriat:;...., 260 681 262 687 231 402 TRANSFER TO UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS 4 505 34 326 53 598 49 WATER DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY DIVISIONS ACCOUNT NUMBER DIVISION ACTUAL 1949-5o ACTUAL 1950-51 PROPOSED 1951-52 1001 Supply 24 005 21 042 28 925 1002 Transmission and Distribution 109 839 121 058 75 688 1003 Customers' Accounting -Collecting 19 381 24 o69 28 460 1004 Stores 9 823 13 333 9 65o 1005 Debt Service 49 500 46 493 48 679 Total 212 548 225 995 191 402 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER. AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION EXPENSES: 194Y-7U 1y7u->.L 1y71-7 A. Salaries and Wages 68 096 81 176 78 618 B. Supplies 6 4o5 6 357 6 225 p. Maintenance of Structures 4 345 1 104 3 200 E. Maintenance of Equipment 13 453 11 613 14 680 F. Miscellaneous Services 10 917 12 744 11 250 G. Sundry Charges 49 500 46 493 48 679 Total Expenses 152 716 159 487 162 652 CAPITAL OUTLAX: Y, Structure 7 Soo Z. Equipment 59 832 68 200 21 250 Total 212 548 227 687 191 402 TRJkNSFER TO GENERAL FUND 48 133 35 000 40 000 Total Water Department 260 681 262 687 231 402 50 ACCOUNT NO. 1001 WATER DEPARTMENT SUPPLY SUMMARY. ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 A. Salaries and Wages 8 453 6 584 7 425 B. Supplies 200 132 250 D. Maintenance of Structures 67 410 2 700 E. Maintenance of Equipment 3 364 1 319 2 500 19i3nellansous Services 10 679 12 597 11 050 Total Expenses 22 763 21 042 23 925 Y. Structures 5 000 Z. Equipment 1 242 Grand Total 24 005 21 042 28 925 SALARIES AND WAGES RATE PER PROPOSED Mormx 1951-52 A-1 SUPERVISION Superintendent (1/4 Time) $ 575 00 $ 1 725 A-3 OPERATION Pumper $ 250 00 $ 3 000 Pumper Helper 225 00 2 700 Total Salaries and Wages $ 7 425 A. SALARIES AND WE A-1 Supervision A-3 Operation Total A. SUPPLIES E-•6 Motor Vehicle D-7 Minor Tools A-13 Other Total D. I4AINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES D-1 Buildings D-7 Supply Total E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT E-2 Machinery 1-9 Water Mains Total F, MISCELLANEOUS SERVICRS F-7 Rents F-11 Light and Power Total Total Expenses 51 ACCOUNT N0, 1001 WATER DEPARTMENT SUPPLY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1 0- 1 1951-52 1 650 9 1 600 ffi 1 725 6 803 4 984 5 700 A 8 453 9 6 584 9 7 425 122 6 - 100 72 48 100 84 50 z 200 $ 132 C 250 67 68 8 2 700 342 - a 67 A 410 9 2 700 S 2 556 1 1 294 A 2 000 808 25 500 ffi 3 364 1 319 9 2 500 7 A 37 950 10 672 12 560 11 000 9 10 679 A 12 597 9 11 050 9 22 763 A 21 042 $ 23 925 ACCOUNT N0. 1001 WATER DEPART14EUT SUPPLY continued) ACTUAL ACTUAL 1949-50 1 0- 1 Y. SPRUCTURES Y-1. Reservoir Cover 7-i,. Motor Vehicle Grand Total 4 J 52 PROPOSED 1 1- 2 5 000 1 2-42 24 005 $ 21 01+2 28 925 ACCOUNT NO. 1002 WATER DEPARTMENT TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY ACTUAL 1949-5C 1 A. Salaries and Wages t 40 094 5 A. Supplies 1 Soo Ds Maintenance of Structures 3 808 E. Maintenance of Equipment 5 732 F_ Mlseellaneeus Services 10 ACTUAL 950-51 47 575 1 837 314. 8 368 53 Total Expenses 9 51 544 A 58 147 2. Equipment t 58 295 A 62 911 Grand Total 9109 839 9121 058 SCAT ARIES AND WAGES 4 ;4&)Q F i4 ;,i Foreman Fitter Shop Foreman Reprirman Pipe —Fitter 31.30/hr) r Service Men (91.20/hr) 1 acrvi,%e Men ($1.10/hr) Trouble Shooter Total A-4 Total Salaries and Wages RATE PER MONTH G 575 00 335 00 250 00 195 00 247 80 228 80 209 75 238 33 53 PROPOSED 1951-52 8 42 763 2 225 10 100 100 9 55 188 96 20 500 sN 75 688 PROPOSED 1951.-52 A 1 725 4 020 3 000 2 340 297 10 982 14 862 2 860 8 41 037 8 42 763 jo ACCOUNT NO. 1002 WATER DEPARTMENT TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION ACTUAL ACTUAL 1949 50 1250 A61 A. SALARTFS AND WAGES A-1 Supervision A-4 Maintenance Total 1'. 5TIPPLIES B-6 Motor Vehicle B-7 Minor Tools Chemical 1-13 Other Total D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES D-1 Buildings D-7 Standpipe Total E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT E-9 Water Mains E-10 Meters and Settings F-13 Service Connections E-14 Fire Hydrants Total F. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES F-6 .Traveling Expenses Total Expenses Z. Mqjln TT Z-2 Mac:: :::_ry Z-4 Motor Vehicle Z-9 Water Mains Z-10 Meters and Settings Z-14 Fire Hydrants Total Grand Total 1 650 1 600 38 4" 45 975 96 40 094 A 47 575 058 980 798 822 35 96 1 900 9 1 837 9G 21- 3 787 314 dil 3 808 314 9 2 811 96 5 025 2 437 2 848 L0 149 4 346 9 5 >/32 u 8 368 a 10 8 53 51 544 9E 58 147 9 200 A 398 6 041 1 765 30 636 33 426 20 406 25 968 962 1 354 54 PROPOSED Z951-52 1 725 41 038 96 42 763 1 000 1 200 25 9 2 225 96 5 000 4 000 500 600 9 10 100 8 100 t 55 188 96 500 15 000 5 000 ffi 58 295 t 62 911 S 20 500 109 839 Z121 058 t 75 688 55 ACCOUNT NO, 1003 WATER DEPARTMENT CUSTOMERS1 ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1 - 0 0- 1 1951-52 A. Salaries and Wages 9 16 572 ffi 21 561 8 25 430 R. Supplies 1 912 1 887 1 500 E. Ycintenance of Equipment 249 281 500 F Viscellaneous Services 293 215 280 G< Sundry Charges 60 Total Expenses 8 19 086 9e 23 944 8 27 710 Z. Equipment 8, 295 8 125 750 Grand Total ffi 19 381 ffi 24 069 28 460 SALARIES AND WAGES RATE PFR PROPOSED MONTH 1 1- 2 A-1 SUPERVISION Officer.Manager (1/2 Time) S 225 00 ffi 2 700 City Controller (1/2 Time) 200 00 2 400 Total 9 5 100 A-2 ( LF.,__ AL Clerk Cashier 8 175 00 9 2 100 Mork Cashier 160 00 1 920 Total Q 020 A-3 pp--MAL k Bookkeeping Machine Operator Sr. S 200 00 8 2 400 Raokkeeping Machine Operator Jr. 165 00 1 980 Total 4 380 A-3A YLETEIt READERS Meter Reader 2 225 00 t 2 700 Meter Reader 210 00 2 520 Total 8 5 220 ITY Y tlPTT WIi. TC.[P7 56 ACCOUNT NO. 1003 WATER DEPARTMENP CUSTOMERSACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING SUMMARY continued ) RATE PER PROPOSED MONTH 1951-52 A- 3A Pension Plan $ 6 050 Extra Help 660 Total $ 6 710 25 430 ACCOUNT NO. 1003 WATER DEPARTMENT CUSTOMERS'. ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING ACTUAL ACTUAL 1949-50 1950-51 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1. Supervision 2: Clerical 3. Operation 3A. Meter Readers 5.> Extra He i.p Peasion Plan Total 2 4GG $ 4 575 9 597 11 879 4 298 5 007 277 100 16 572 $ 21 561 57 PROPOSED 1951-52 5 100 4 020 4 380 5 220 660 6 o5o 25 430 1 884 1 886 1 500 B-7. -. inr f ools 28 1 Total 1 912 1 887 1 500 IF, MAI,'JPENA -3f OF EQUIPMENT 14-!. O''i'ioe Machines 249 281 5o0 F< ?USCELLANEOUS SERVICES F-1. Communications F-2. Hire of Equipment F-3. Insurance and Bonds t --1' . Other 246 $ 178 $ 200 25 - - 22 37 5o Total 293 215 280 r ;= Gii"RGn,S u a Retunns 60 Total Expenses 19 086 23 944 27 710 2. EQU:P1014T J, Furniture and Fixtures 295 125 750 Grand Total 19 381 24 069 28 460 m ACCOUNT No. 10o4 WATER DEPARTMENT S T O R E S SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-5e 1950-51 1951-52 A. Salaries and Wages 2 977 5 456 3 000 B. Supplies 2 393 2 501 2 250 Do Maintenance of Structures 221 99 e B. Maintenance of Equipment 4 064 1 711 1 800 T., Miscellaneous Services 158 94 100 Total Expenses 9 823 9 861 7 15o Y. Structures e 2 500 Z. Equipment e 3 472 Grand Total 9 823 13 333 9 65o SAIARIES AND WAGES RATE PER PROPOSED MONTH 1951-52 A-2 CLERICAL Clerk (1/3 Time) 250 00 1 000 Am3 OPERATION 1/3 Time) 260 00 1 040 Mechanic Helper (1/3 Tune) 240 00 960 Total 2 000 Total Salaries and Wages 3 000 A. SAr,ARIES AND WAGES 2. Clerical 3. Operation Total B. ,SUPPLIES B-1., Office B--2. Fuel B--6. Motor Vehicle B-7,; Minor Tools B-13, Other ACCOUNT No. loo4 WATER DEPARTMENT S T O R E S ACTUAL ACTUAL 1949-50 1950-51 800 $ 2 925 2 177 2 531, 2 977 $ 5 456 Total D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings E. MAINTENANCE CF EQUIPMENT 4. Motor Vehicles F. IE13C.EZJANEOUS SERVICES 1. Communication i i:iht, and Power Total Total Expenses 64 $ 13 44 1 687 $ 2 152 588 296 10 Ito 2 393 $ 2 501 221 4 o64 51 117 168 9 823 HF 1 711 e 94 94 9 861 59 PROPOSED 1951-52 1 000 2 000 3 000 2 200 50 2 250 Y. STRUCTURES I- ThIiIA41 Z. EQUIPMENT G• SUNDRY CHARGES 2. Debt Service CCOUNT NO. 100 WATER DEPARTMENT DEBT SERVICE ACTUAL 1949m50 9 49 500 ACTUAL 1 0- 1 8 46 473 9 48 679 4 J i ANNUAL BUDGET P A R T I V TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT FUND 61 TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACMR AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 EXPENSES A. Salaries and Wages 3 664 3 180 3 1420 B. Supplies 695 723 1 G85 Y, maintenance of Structures L. Vain'tenance of Equipment 703 1 036 l 55G 7 ; c.scellaneous Services 631 1 009 1 148G Total Expenses 5 693 5 91.48 7 535 CAPITAL OUPIAY: Z. Equipment 28 175 24 206 2 500 Grand Total 33 868 30 M 10 035 62 ACCOUNT NO. 2000 TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT PUBLIC SAFETY S U M M A R Y ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 19Q-50 1 0— 1 1951-52 A. Salaries and Wages 9E 3 664 3 180 96 3 420 B. Supplies 695 723 1 085 D. Maintenance of Structures Z, ix`ztenance of Equipment 703 1 036 1 550 F. Miscellaneous Services 631 1 009 1 275 Pkr,nsion Plan 205 Total Expenses 5 693 9 5 948 9 7 535 Z. Equipment n 28 175 S 24 206 90 2 500 Grand Total 154 10 035 SALARIES AND WAGES RATE PER PROPOSED MONTH 1951-52 A-1 SUPERVISION Meter Man 8 260 00 9 3 120 A-5 SMLBELP 300 Total Salaries and Wages 3 420 M ACCOUNT N0. 2000 TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT PUBLIC SAFETY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 A. SALARIES AND WAGES 1; Supervision 5. Extra Help Total B. SU.r'i?LIES 1, Office 4. Nearing Apparel raj.,: Total E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 3,, Instruments and Apparatus a, Motor Vehicle 11. Signal Systems Total F. HiscELIANEOUS SERVICES 11. Light and Power Pension Plan Total Total Expenses Z. 3. Instruments and Apparatus 4: Motor Vehicle li. Signal System Total Grand Total 2 760 ffi 3 160 $ 3 120 9o4 20 300 3 664 ffi 3 180 3 420 33 $ e $ 250 85 6 10 100 656 713 65o 695 $ 723 0 1 085 616 176 150 556 1 350 703 $ 1 036 $ 1 550 631 $ 1 009 1 275 631 $ 1 009 1 480 5 693 $ 5 948 $ 7 535 18 728 $ 16 888 2 500 465 7 318 - 28 175 24. 2 500 33 868 30 154 10 035 J A N N U A L B U D G E T P A R T V SWIMMING POOL FUND SWEVMNG POOL FUND rT1R4aRY OF EXPENDITURES BY CHARACTER AND OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL ACTUAL 1949-50 1950-51 FGi'r vSES A. Salaries and Wages B. Supplies i•< Maintenance of Land D. Maintenance of Structures n¢prance of Equipment 141soellaneous Services G. Other Miscellaneous Total Expenses 9 6 938 t 6 389 1 119 768 11 15 133 187 511 192 1 038 1 227 9 9 750 96 8 778 64 PROPOSED 1 1--` A 6 210 1 125 150 75 1 075 50 I W= AL OUTLAY Z. Equipment ¢ 516:= S 200 Grand Total 9 750 9 9 339 u 8 885 r 65 ACCOUNT No. 3000 R E C R E A T I O N SWIMMING POOL SUMMARY ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 A. Salaries and Wages 6 938 6 389 6 210 B. Supplies 1 119 768 1 125 C. L'aintenance of Land 11 15 D. Maintenance of Structures 133 187 i5o idaintenance of Equipment 511 192 75 F. Miscellaneous Services 1 038 1 227 1 075 G. Other Miscellaneous 50 Total Expenses 9 750 8 778 8 685 Z. Equipment 561 200 Grand Total 9 750 9 339 8 885 SALARIES AND WAGES RATE PER PROPOSED MONTH 1951-52 A-1 1ZZRVISION Manager (5 months) 300 00 1 500 A._,11 4 tATTON_ months) 130 00 2 080 Matron (4 months) 120 00 480 Cashiers and Checkers i 150 A-4 MAINTENANCE 200 00 6 1 000 Total Salaries and Wages 6 6 210 66 A. SALARIES'AND WkGES 1. Supervision 3. Operation 4. 'Maintenance 5. Extra Help Total Bs SUPPLIES 1. Office 4. Suits and Towels 7. Tools and Utensils 8. Isund:y and Janitorial 9. Chemicals 13. Other Total C. MAINTENANCE OF IAND 1, Land D. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 1. Buildings 4. Filtration Plants Total E. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 1. Furniture and Fixtures 2; Machinery 3. Instruments Total F. 1USCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1, Communications 11. Light and Power Total G. SUNDRY CHARGES ACCOUNT No. 3000 RECREATION SWIMMING POOL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-5i 1951-52 1 50o 1 Soo 1 500 4 812 3 851 3 710 1 038 1 000 626 6 938 6 389 6 210 6o 79 100 34 125 123 107 116 118 200 666 403 700 120 61 1 119 768 1 125 11 15 1.33 111 75 76 75 IJ 187 8. Other Miscellaneous Total Expenses Z. EQUIPMENT 3, Equipment Grand Total 27 41 484 151 75 511 192 75 57 48 75 981 1 179 1 000 1 038 1 227 1 075 50 9 750 8 778 8 685 561 200 T-9 7 50 T9 339 8 8 N N U A L B U D G E T PART, U I D E B T. S E jj V I C E S E G T I 0 N. 67 D E B T S E R V I C E A L L B O N D S ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1U0---1 1951-52 REVFIME. General Property Taxes Current Year's Levy 67 692 $6 63 810 $6 67 916 Prior Yearts Levy - 3 477 - Total Taxes 8 67 692 9E 67 287 S 67 916 TRANSFER FRC14 OTHER GOVERNMENT OWNED FUNDS- 49 500 46 493 48 679 Total Revenue 8117 192 8113 780 9116 595 ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949m50 1 0- 1 1 1., REQU TS: G. Sund-y Charges 2-A Series Bond Maturities 57 OOO 8 63 000 8 67 000 2-B Interest Payments 56 117 51 673 49 445 2-C Exchange 150 188 150 Total Requirembhts 8113 26 8114 861 8116 595 OR BAY OWN. TERM DEBT SERV I i;F GENERAL OBLIGAT 'EON BONDS Including Tax —Supported Water Works Bonds) ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED j 49-50 i950-51 12JI&Q ESOIIR_CE*: Opening Cash on October 1 — A Due from General Fund e Due from Street Improvement Fund tl — Total o A_DDt GonM PROPERTY TAXES: Current Year's Levy 9 67 692 A 63 810 9 67 916 Prior Year's Levy 3 477 Total Taxes 9 67 692 9 67 287 9 67 916 Total Resources t 67 692 1 67 287 1 67 916 DEDUCTA REQUIRDENTS• G. SUNDRY CHARGES 2—A Serial Bond Maturities A 31 000 9 37 000 9 38 000 2—R Interest Payment 32 692 31 281 29 841 2-0 Exchange 75 107 75 Total Requirements A 63 767 A 68 388 67 916 cc D E B T S E R V I C E WATER WORKS REVENUE B O N D S ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 Opening Cash on October 1 ADD: TRANSFER FROM OTHER GOVERNMT OWNED, FUNDS: Transfer from Water Operating Fund A 49 500 9 46 493 Z 48 679 Total Resources 49 500 A 46 493 9 48 679 DEDUCT REQUIREMENTS: G. SUNDRY CHARGES: 2-A Serial Rond Maturities 26 000 9 26 000 8 29 000 2-B Interest Payments 23 425 20 392 19 604 2-C Exchange 75 81 75 Total 8 49 500 A 46 473 t 48 679 70 S T A T E M E N T O F R 0 N D E D I N D E B T E D N E S S G E N E R A L O R L I G A T I O N R O N D S 00 OBER L. 1951 Interest Date of Term Maturity Original Amount Description Rate Issue Years Date Issue Oatstandina City of Pelly: Refunding - nRn Series 412% 4-10-35 38 4-10-73 9 36 500 25 500 5% City Hall Refunding 5% 7-1-35 36 7-1-71 33 000 22 500 Street Improvement Refunding 6% 11-10-38 21 3-1-10-59 14 000 9 500 poet 7i:provement 3-3/49; 12-1-45 25 4-1-70 75 000 75 000 City of Goose Creek: Sewer Improvements 5?ai 10-10-27 40 10-10-67 45 000 23 COO Street Improvement 2% 9-1-45 22 3-1-67 55 000 52 500 2" 70 000 67 500 2-j% 146 000 141 000 Refunding -Series 1945 394 9-1-45 19 3-1-63 50 000 50 000 Street Improvement 6% 1-2-24. 30 2-10-54 100 000 16 000 City of Raytown: Park Improvement - 2-% 2-1-48 22 8-1-70 130 000 117 000 Series 1948 2-3/4% CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS 71 MENT O1 BOi: DE:D. T14iJEBTD=1BSSW k T E R W 0 R K S B 0 N D S OCT03P7 1, 1951 Interest Date of. Term Maturity Original Amount Description Rate Issue Years Date Issue Oatstandi City of Pelly Waterworks Refunding 5% 4-10-35 38 4-10-73 $ 63 000 $ 44 000 Waterworks and Sewer n 12-1-45 24 3.2 1-69 35 000 30 000 System Revenue 9 115 000 115 000 i; aterz;orks and S^wor y ; e:n ILE:vanu_ - Sec - Installment 3 q 12-1-45 25 12-1-70 85 000 70 000 City of Goose Creek Waterworks Bonds 52% 10-10-•27 z;0 10-10-67 115 000 77 000 Waterworks & Sewer Bonds 32% 3--1--41 30 3-1-71 85 000 85 000 Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bones 2-21% 8-1-45 19 8-1-64 73 000 35 000 Series 1 2--3/4% 77 000 73 000 Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds 2-2)% 8-1-45 19 8-1-64 45 000 23 000 Series 2 2-3A% 55 000 52 000 Water— Dietric'c No. 70 Se-• ies l •.,5 t 3-1-4i 30 1-45 34 000 18 000 3% 113 000 111 000 Series 1945-A 2% 9-1--45 30 9-1-75 20 000 13 000 2- 3/4% 40 000 39 000 Series 1?46 24% 12-1-46 29 12-1-75 30 000 23 000 3 24 000 23 000 2% 36 000 35 000 Water District No. 2 Improvement 4z% 2-1-41 19 10-1-60 45 000 29 000 Water District No. 10: Water System 4--% 4-10-43 13 ;-10-56 12 000 5 000 L19 56L -4 5_'.5 T J99 I 00e C 66 8T 589 61 09£ Oz 80L 9 v 80L 91' 000 L*I 89z L*1 0517 517 z9 L 7 OU, 917 6L8 5'7 007 5`7 On zLL 7*i 759 T9*1 e*i 9££ fi7 9Lz! LI 547 V sq.u;Dulq.' n5a')' TBq.o 1 zL LIT 95T 5 r.ir se w 51, 05T 00C C66 599 T 09£ z CO ROL 17 000 9 89z L 057 3 lz9 6 OLL OT 6L8 IT 005 zT 088 T zLI, 4759 5T T9*J Gee LT 9Lz 3T ftT oT 4 UP5351-7m a R jxaxa,.ul 005 665 5 S7vux +, 005 T 005 I U-ZL61 005 T 000 C zL-TL/,)T 000 e 000 9 U-0 6 T 000 R-C 000 YZ OL-696I 000 81 000 z47 69--896T 000 8T 000 09 99-06I 000 7 000 C,OT 1.9-996T 000 z*' r. 000 51VT 99`596T 000 T 7 00019?1 59-1961 000 0"J" 000 9zz 96T 000 000 9z 9•Z96T 000 8e 000 00C z9"T96T 000 9c 000 9££ T9-096T 000 1£ 005 TLC 091-656T 005 z£ 005 CO 65--956T 00(D IC 005 yee , 85-L561 OC J 0c 005 9Y L;-%ST 000 0z n-05 917 s 45 L 00- 1 Lz 009 Oz5 55-75`aT 000 l,z 005 1475 415-C 6—: 000 9z 005 CL5 G-oz56I 000 9z 4 005 665 z5—T56T nuama.ztnF5 nd zaaA jo x aa Tsdtott zd 2utuut9aa Tg st 9u . pul4sq-no r' nra-Mi.5r• S,l,i .-radIiloga :7O H'If 9 OF BAYTOWN. 7) D E B T SERVICE SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS WATERWORKS TAX -SUPPORTED BONDS Outstanding Fiscal Beginning Principal Interest Total Year of Year Requirements Requirements RequiremF 1951-52 240 000 12 000 10 743 22 743 1952-53 228 000 12 000 10 201 22 201 ` 1953-54 216 000 14 000 9 613 23 613 1954-55 2b2 000 14 000 8 972 22 972 1955-56 188 000 14 000 8 333 22 333 1956-57 174. 000, 13 000 7 693 20 693 1957-58 161 Coo 13 000 7 098 20 098 1958-59 148 000 14 000 6 475 20 475 , 1959-60 134 000 14 000 5 825 19 825 1960-61 120 000 15 000 5 153 20 153 1961-62 105 000 11 000 4 54.8 15 548 1962-63 94 000 11 000 4 033 15 033 1963-64 83 000 11 000 3 518 14 518 . 1964,65 72 000 12 000 2 975 14 975 1965-66 60 000 12 000 2 405 14 405 1966-67 48 000 13 000 1 818 14 818 1967-68 35 000 10 000 1 295 11 295 1968-69 25 000 7 000 938 7 938 1969-70 18 000 7 000 663 7 663 1970-71 11 000 7 000 388 7 388 1971-72 4 000 2 000 200 2 200 1972-73 2 000 2 000 100 2 100 TOTALS $ 240 000 $ 102 987 $ 342 987 880 5 05Y 5T 5L8 '71 6z 51 L 'IT 9£ 8z 8oz 8z 8£o 6z 058 8z 5+19 6z 6T7 6z L5T 6z zo£ 5y zo7 54 z05 97 785 97 6419 L'I fi[L 8'i 6TL L47 z99 M/ 9% L41 69£ 8Y 65T 8'7 T£6 8'7 6LV ?I # sauama.rFnbeg Ta401 iL L££ 5zz 88 0517 Su 6z T L T 9£ z soz 8£o 7 058 41 5'79 5 6V 9 L5T L zo£ 8 z0'7 6 z05 01 7195 TT 6+/9 zT 71L T 6TL fi[ z99 5T 975 9T 69£ LT 651 8T T£6 8T 6L9 6T s4uem9.zTnbag 45aaa4u1 000 5 000 5T 000 7T 000 IT 000 T 000 9z 000 5z 000 sz 000 7z 000 47z 000 z 000 zz 000 L£ 000 9£ 000 9£ 000 5£ 000 5£ 000 5£ 000 000 z£ 000 T£ 000 T£ 000 o£ 000 o£ 000 6z s4uamean nbeg TBdT n'F.Td 101 000 5 o0o oz 000 17£ 0000 000 19 000 L8 000 zTT 000 L£T 000 T9T 000 58T 000 soz 000 o£z 000 L9z 000 o£ 000 6££ 000 IL£ 000` 60'7 000 7*1'7 000 LO 000 605 000 0415 000 TL5 000 T09 000 T£9 000 099 reey 3o PutdU.D%g Uww 4sm 1 f ' IC IN c I ICI IC .f V f lICI' 8 0 1 A H a S 1 9 a a 9L-5L6T 5L-7L6T 7L-£L6T L-zL6T zL-TL6T U-OL§T. oL-696T 69`896? 89-L96T L9-9961 99-5961 59-796T 79-£96T 9-z96T z9-T961 19-096T 09-656T 65-%6T 85-L56T L5--956T 95-596T 55-'756T 15-£561 5-z561 z5-T56T Mal Tsos ja OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS BUDGET 1PART VI MI80ELLANNOUS. 75 APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR, BEGINNING OCTOBER 19 19519 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 19529 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARTER AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWNs AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Baytown has submitted to the City Council a budget estimate of the revenues of said city and the expenses of con- ducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 1, 1951, and ending the 30th day of September 19529 and which said estimate has been compiled from detailed information obtained from the several departments, divisions and offices of the City, containing all of the information as required by the Charter of the City of Baytown, and WHEREAS, the City Council has received said city managergs estimate and held a public hearing thereon as provided by Section 44 of the Charter; and WHEREAS;, FURTHER, after a full and final consideration of the public hear- 3.t is `Lhe opinion of the council that the budget as filed should be approved and adopted.; NOW, THEREFCRE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RAYTOWN: SECTION 1: That the budget estimate of the revenues of the City of Baytown and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning October 11 1951, and ending September 309 1952s as submitted to the City Council by the City Manager of said city, be, and the same is, in all things adopted and approved as the budget estimate of all of the current expenses od' well as the fixed charges against said city for the fiscal year beginning the lst day of October, 1951, and ending the 30th day of Septemberp 1952 SECTION 2: That the sum of $620,583 is hereby appropriated out of the general fund for the payment of operating expenses and capital outlay of the city government as hereinafter itemised, to -wits General Government 9 231 855 Public Safety 1 124 865 Highways 119 131 Saiyitation and Waste Removal 97 312 Conservation of Health 10 450 Recreation 6 900 Miscellaneous 30 070 Total 9 620 583 SECTION 3: That the sum of 2 2 is hereby appropriated out of the water works fund for the operating expenses and capital outlay of the municipally owned water works as hereinafter itemized, to -wits OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS Supply 1 28 925 Transmission and Distribution '75 688 Dastaaere} Accounting and Collecting 28 460 Stores 9 650 Total S 142 723 SECTION 4, That the sum of j67.916 is hereby appropriated out of the general debt service fund for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming the serial bands as they mature, on the general debt service bonds as hereinafter itemized,, to -wit - Serial 'Bond Maturities 9 38 000 Interest Payments 29 841 Exchange 75 Total 2 67 916 SECTION 5- That the sum of ffiAg679 is hereby appropriated out of the mks debt service fund for the purpose of paying the accruing interest redeeming the serial bonds as they mature., on the water works debt service ponds as hereinafter itemized9 to -wits Serial Bond Maturities 9 29000 Interest Payments 19 604 Exchange 75 Total 8 48 679 MOTION 6: That the sum of 281885 is hereby appropriated out of the swimming pool fund for the operating expenses and capital outlay of the municipally owned swimming pool as hereinafter itemized,, to -wit - Salaries and Wages S 6 210 Supplies 1 125 Mainten4pee of Lane Maintenance of Structures 150 Wintenance of Equipment 75 Miscellaneous Services 1 075 blmdry Charges 50 Capital Outlay 2w Total 8 885 SECTION 7s That the sum of $1OX15 is hereby appropriated out of the traffic improvement ftmd for the operating expenses and capital outlay for traffic control and improvement as hereinafter itemized, to=Nita Salaries and Wages $ 3 420 Supplies 1 085 Maintenance of Equipment 1 550 Capital Outlay 2 500 Miscellaneous Service 1 480 Total $ 10 035 77 SECTION 8: This ordinance shall be and remain in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the City Council, and it shall be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in the City of Raytown. READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by at least a majority of the City Council at a regular meeting held at the City Fall in the City of Raytown on the 12th day of September, A. D. , 1951. 1r J. L. 1lard J. A. Ward, Mayor ATTEST: is/ Edna Oliver Edna Oliver, City Clerk 78 ORDINANCE NO. IZ4 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE TAX RATE AND TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF RAYTOWN, TEXAS, FOR TEE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SUMMER 301 1952, UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CHARTER PROVISIONS AND THE ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY, AND REPEA&- ING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS. OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, BE IT CRDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: SECTION 1: That there shall be and is hereby levied and shall be assessed dnd collected for the year 1952, an ad valorem ofOne Dollar and Seventys two Cents (S;&72) Bn ®ach One Hundred Dollars worth of property located within the present city limits of the City of Baytown, made taxable by law. which said taxes when collected shall be appor'doned among the a"unds and departments of city government of the City of Baytown and for the Vurposes hereinafter set forth as follows, to -wit: For the General Fund $ 1.49 For the purpose of paying the accruing interest and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the bonded indebtedness of the City of Baytown $ .;3 SECTION 2: The City Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Baytown is hereby directed to assess, extend and enter upon the tax rcl}s of the City of Baytown, Texas, for the current taxable year', the amounts and rates herein levied, and to keep a correct account of same', and when so collected., the same to be deposited in the depository of the City of Baytown, to be distri- buted in accordance .with t4is ordinance. SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are expressly repealed. READ, ADOPTED and APPROVED by the aff5 mative vote of a majority of the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas,, at a regular meeting held at the City Hall on the day of September,, A.. D.p 1951. JsJ Jul. Ward J. A. Ward, Mayor ATTEST: sl Fnzja_ i Edna Oliver, City Clerk 79 CLASSIFICATION OF EXPE IDIT1T aBY CHAR4t:TFR AND OBJECT FBI ": These comprisa all items of expenditure, necessarily incurred for current administration, operation and maintenance -- and for mate- rials and equipment in the nature of renewals or replacements which do not add to the capital assets of the city. A. Salaries and Wages B. Supplies C. Material (or contract) for maintenance of land D. Material (or contract) for maintenance of buildings9 improvements and structures E. Material (or contract) for maintenance of equipment F. Miscellaneous services G. Sundry Charges CU AL Y: Comprises expenditures of every character which increase the capital assets of the city. X. Lands Y. Buildings and structures Z. Equipment FNXPEN SE S A. F,ALL%E= ANP WAGES: A-1 Supervisory: To include Iegislati've, executive and administrative A-2 Clprk hire: Clerical services or service of that nature A-3 Labor operation: To include professional and technical service A-4 Labor maintenance: Services performed in repairing and maintaining p#andard of: 1 C. Lands D. Buildings improvements and structures E. Equipment A-5 Extra help 13, E-1 Office supplies:. To include all supplies necessary for use in the operation of the office, such as Ice Postage Printing: To include printing of budget, circular letters, reports and specifications Publications: To include blue prints, catalogues, charts, magazines, maps, newspapers, etc. RE Stationery: To include binders. blank bc,k., c:_ipev desk pads, ink, envelopes. erasers, filing cabinet supplies, labels manuscript covers, pads, paper, paste, pencils, pan, rubber stamps, typewriter supplies, tracing cloth, etc. B-2 Fuel supplies: To include coal, gas, oil, woad., etc. B-3 Food supplies: To include all articles of food for human beings. B-4 Wearing apparel, dry good and notions. To include such articles as aprons, badges, belts, blankets, boots, canvas cloth, cotton goods, curtains, dress findings, hats, linens, oil cloth, pillow cases, shoes, sheets, slickers, thread, towels, uniforms, etc. B-5 Forage, barn and shoeing: Barn: To include brushes, curry combs, disinfectants, sand, sawdust, shavings, sponges, straws etc. Forage: To include all articles of food for animals Shoeing: To include all cost of material and labor for shoeing animals B-6 Motor vehicle supplies: To include gasol%ne, grease, lubricating oil and small accessories. B-7 Minor apparatus, instruments, tools and utensils, which are liable to loss, theft and rapid depreciation: Minor apparatus: To include that used in cleaning, engineering, hospital, laboratory and medical, such as alcohol lamps, balances, blow pipes, burners, filters, lanterns, measures, tubing, etc. Minor instruments: To include calipers, compasses drafting instruments, gauges, lenses, measuring chains, pincers, sterilizers, thermometers. etc. Minor tools: To include sugars, axes, bits, braces, crowbars, engineers stakes, fire hose, handcuffs., jacks, punches, reamers, shears, wrenches, and articles of similar nature. Minor utensils: To include barrels, baskets, brooms, brushes, cans, chamois skins, cups, cuspidors, dishes, electrical globes, glass- ware, enamelware, knives, lamps, mate ,and articles of like nature. B-8 Laundry, cleaning and toilet. To include cleansing preparations, deodorants, disinfectants, floor oils, scouring powders, soap, wax, etc. R-9 Chemical, medical and surgical: To include alcohol, alum, antitoxins, bandages, chlorine, gauze, limes, medicines, prescriptions rubber sup- plies, soda ash, suture materials, vaccine, etc. R-10 Mechanical supplies: To include fuel oil, lubricating oil grease, packing, waste, etc. R-11 Fducational and recreational supplies: To include all articles of transiet use, as baseballs, lime for marking tennis courts, rent on moving picture films, tennis balls, etc. A-12 Botanical and agricultural supplies: To include bulbs disinfectants, fertilizers, seeds, trees, young giants, etc., used for parks and public grounds. R-13 Other supplies: This is to include supplies that have not been allocated. C-D-E MATERIALS: Materials are commodities of a ,7-=.*mansnt nature in a raw, unfinished, or finished state; entering into 4:N, :.nstxruction, renewal, replacement or repair of any land, building, structure, or aKaipment. E C, ?-dterial (or contract) for maintenance of land: All expenditures (mate- rial or contract) covering land maintenance;, such as regrading, drains. repairing, etc. D. Material (or contract) for maintenaiic,:: of buildings structures, and im- provements: All expenditures (material or contract covering repairs and replacements of: D-1 Buildings D-2 Bridges D-3 Filtration plants D-4 Sanitary sewers D-5 Sidewalks, steps, curbs, gut;Leis and culverts D-6 Storm sewers D-7 Standpipes and reservoirs D-8 Streets, roadways,, and hightfays D-9 Incinerator and dumping grounds D-10 Other E. Maintenance of equipment: All expenditures (material or contract) covering repairs and replacements of: E-1 Furniture, fixtures and furnishings E-2 Machinery, tools and implements (major) F-3 Instruments and apparatus (major.): includes fire apparatus. F-4 Motor vehicles: Includes -tires and tubes E-5 Other vehicles F-6 Harness F-7 Livestock E-8 Books (Includes purchase of new books for library) E-9 Waterworks mains E-10 Meters and settings F-11 Signal systems E-12 Heating systems E-13 Service connections E-14 Fire hydrants E-15 Other Lacellaiieous services are activities performed by other than municipal de- partments, under expressed or implied agreement involving personal services plus the use of equipment or the furnishing of commodities. F-1 Communication: To include messenger service, telegraph and tele- phone F-2 Hire of equipments. To include compensation for use of equipment viz: hire of teams, with or without vehicles, with or without drivers, also allowance to employees for use of private cars. F-3 Insurance: To include premiums on all kinds of insurance on prop- erty and equipment, also liability insurance and surety bonds. F-4 Special services: To include compensation for personal services such as special investigations and surveys, inspecting materials, audits, special legal services, etc. I F-5 Advertising, legal and otherwise r-6 Traveling expenses, To include expense of public officers and employees incurred in regular performance of their duties for transportation by public carriers, etc. F-7 Rents F-8 Music F-9 Support of persons (prisoners) F-10 Transportation (other than employees) F-11 Light and power F-12 Freight, express and drayage (unallocated) F-13 Other G. SUNDRY CHARGES: Sundry charges include those axpenattz-- _--R 1y os morally obligatory upon the eity as a public corporation. X. iANDS; m G-1 Contributions, gratuities and rrWaras- To include donations to charitable institutions, h;-,spitala and other organizations; com- pensation to prisoners, prizes, elli,artainmentr floral offeringsp etc. G-2 Debt service; To include the payment of principal and interest of funded and unfunded debt G-3 Refunds G-k Judgments and damages G-5 Pensions G-6 Taxes G-7 Court costs, jury and vitness fees C-8 Other X-1 Purchase prices To include all expenditures for land as abstracts, assessments, cost of apprai-aing, recording of deeds, surveys, etR, X-2 Betterments; To include all expenditures (including payrolls), covering original cost of draining, engineering and inspectionp first sodding, grading, planting end terracing. 5UIQIN2S AND STRUCTURES; All expenditures, including payrolls for new or additions to; Y-1 Buildings Y-2 Bridges Y-3 Filtration plants Y-/. Sanitary sewers V-5 Sidewalks. steps, curbs, gutters and culverts Y-6 Sto;r sewers g'' Stand apes and reservoirs Streets, roadways and highways Y-9 Incinerator Y-10 Other m Z. EQUI14aT 911 expenditures to cover original cost of equipment (not replacements) which increases the value of the fixed assets of the city. Z-1 Furnituret fixtures and furnishings 7 2 Machineryt tools and implements (major) Z-3 Instruments and apparatus (major); this includes all fire apparatus Z-4 Motor vehicles Z-5 Other vehicles Z-6 Harness Z-7 Livestock Z-8 Rooks (does not include purchase of books for library) Z-9 Waterworks mains Z-10 Meters and settings Z-11 Signal systems Z-12 Heating systems Z-13 Service connections Z-14 Fire hydrants Z-15 Other